NSW Trains Annual Report

18 19 Volume 1 ii NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 as the source. given to NSW Trains acknowledgement is purposes only, provided for non‑commercial contained inthisreport distribute theinformation copy, reproduce and Users are welcome to property ofNSW Trains. illustrations) are the images, icons and photography, background all images(including Unless otherwisestated, ©2019 NSW Trains ISSN: 2204‑101X transport.nsw.gov.au Transport for NSW website be accessed onthe Annual Report can by NSW Trains. This was produced wholly This AnnualReport @TrainLinkWest @TrainLinkSouth @TrainLinkNorth Follow usonTwitter (24 hours, 7 days a week) or call transportnsw.info Ph: 1300038 500 8.30 amto 5.30pm Monday to Friday Haymarket NSW 2000 470 PittStreet NSW Trains 131 500

Letter to Ministers

The Hon Andrew Constance MP Minister for Transport and Roads

Parliament House Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000

The Hon Paul Toole MP Minister for Regional Transport and Roads

Parliament House Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000

Dear Ministers,

I am pleased to submit for presentation to Parliament the Annual Report for NSW Trains for the financial year ended 30 June 2019.

The Annual Report has been prepared in accordance with the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Act 1984 and the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Regulation 2015.

Yours sincerely

Pete Allaway Acting Chief Executive NSW Trains

Letter to Minister • iii iv NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19

Contents Report from theActing ChiefExecutive Overview 2 Our performance Spend smarter Diversity andinclusion Employees Special events Community engagement Our performance Build connections Our performance Create great customer experiences Our performance Be safe andsecure Our leadershipteam Our executive team Business priorities Our strategic objectives Our values Our partners Our purpose About NSW Trains About NSW Trains Transport andRoads Acts andsubordinate legislation administered by theMinister for 2018–19 FinancialYear for NSW Trains Cyber SecurityAnnual Attestation Statement for the Legal 52 People 49 2018–2019 FinancialYear for NSW Trains Internal Audit andRiskManagementAttestation Statement for the Finance andasset management Appendices 42 20 28 38 40 44 30 30 12 47 33 35 52 22 57 10 14 31 6 11 4 9 9 9 8 8 8 Contents • 1 2 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19

Overview Overview • 3 4 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 pilot coach services. a result we were ableto introduce seven new on hubandspoke style coach services andas needs. We engagedwithseveral communities us plananddeliver services best suited to their engagement programs duringtheyear to help with ourcommunities andundertook arange of We alsoworked to develop closerrelationships safer andeasierto operate. new technology that willmake thefleetmuch fleet willbring to their roles, asa result ofthe staff onproposed changesthenew intercity We engagedextensively withunionsandour and train itself. designs for theDubboMaintenance Facility awarded andwork hasstarted ondetailed contract for ournew Regional fleet was providing extra capacityfor customers. The had beenordered for thenew Intercity fleet, announced that anadditional42carriages customers. Duringtheyear, thegovernment safety, comfort andreliability ofservice to our will bringagreatly improved standard of continued duringtheyear. Bothnew fleets Planning for thearrival ofournew trains and communities. many improvements for regional customers this year we saw how thisnew focus drove strategic objectives for theorganisation and In thelast financial year we launchednew It’s beenanexciting year for NSW Trains. Acting ChiefExecutive Report from the model willprovide NSW Trains inthefuture. I lookforward to theopportunitiesthisnew Metropolitan DivisionofTransport for NSW. NSW Trains sitswithintheRegional andOuter as partof‘Evolving Transport’. From 1July2019, Transport for NSW andtheoperating agencies Work started onsomesignificantchanges to and intheirevery day. to supporttheircommunities both duringcrisis proud oftheNSW Trains team andtheirefforts took partinvarious fundraising events. I’mvery support for theircommunities andhosted or across thenetwork looked for ways to provide our employees whowork intheseareas. Staff on ourcommunities andthelarge numberof time now andthishashadasignificantimpact NSW hasbeeninaperiodofdrought for some supporting thelocaleconomies. bring large numbers ofpatrons into thetowns, for theseevents. These specialevent trains the Broken HeelFestival to runspecialtrains partnered withtheParkes ElvisFestival and regional growth andthisyear we again One ofourstrategic objectives isto stimulate For the last two years NSW Trains had an Acting Chief Executive who we shared with , Howard Collins OBE. As a result of the ‘Evolving Transport’ changes, from May this year I was pleased to assume this role for NSW Trains. Howard continues his role of Chief Executive of Sydney Trains in the Greater Sydney division of Transport for NSW.

I thank Howard for his stewardship of NSW Trains over the last two years and the insights and direction he provided.

I also thank our employees for the work they do every day to provide our customers with the high level of service they deserve.

Pete Allaway Acting Chief Executive NSW Trains

Overview • 5 6 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19

About NSW Trains About NSW Trains • 7 8 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 • • More than43millionpassenger journeys employer inthecommunities that we serve. located across NSW andisproud to bean NSW Trains hasmore than2,000 employees TfNSW Corporate Plan2016–21. NSW Government’s State Prioritiesandthe next four years. NSW Trains isguidedby the strategic direction ofourservices over the NSW Trains collaborates widelyto inform the Metropolitan DivisionwithinTransport for NSW, As amemberoftheRegional andOuter and coach services inregional NSW. day‑to‑day managementandoperation ofrail NSW TrainLink hasresponsibility for the Transport cluster trading asNSW TrainLink. and Outer Metropolitan Divisionofthe NSW Trains isanagency withintheRegional About NSW Trains Key facts 41.3 millionintercity train journeys 1.8 millionjourneys on regional trains andcoaches Rail andSydney Metropolitan networks using ARTC, JohnHolland,V/Line, Queensland 5892 kilometre network train andcoach services reached by NSW TrainLink 385 destinations customers on average travelled by regional 356 kilometres services statewide. coach operators to deliver timetabledcoach the delivery ofourtrain services aswell as15 John Holland,QueenslandRailandV/Line in Sydney Trains, Australian RailTrack Corporation, NSW Trains partnerswithTransport for NSW, Our partners throughout NSW. To connect peopleandcommunities Our purpose train and coach services weekly713 regional train services 3077 weekly intercity Our values Business priorities

Safety: NSW Trains has identified four key priority areas We prioritise safety for our people to focus on every day. These priority areas are: and our customers • Create great customer experiences Raise patronage through improved services Customer Focus: and better customer experiences. We place the customer at the centre of everything we do • Be safe and secure Instil confidence in the safety of our Collaboration: services among our customers, employees We value each other and create and community. better outcomes by working together • Spend smarter Integrity: Deliver value in every decision for the We take responsibility and community and the taxpayers of NSW. communicate openly • Build connections Increase trust and relevance in the Solutions: community and improve employee We deliver sustainable and engagement, productivity and capability. innovative solutions to NSW transport needs These have been captured in the ‘Our Priorities’ wheel as a visual representation of these focus areas. This Annual Report provides a summary of our performance in these four focus areas. Our strategic objectives

The NSW Trains strategic objectives provide direction and focus for the next five to 10 years. These are: • Increase customer and community value through better journeys, smoother, faster and more reliable services. • Stimulate regional growth by optimising the network and connecting more communities. • Partner to provide services by ensuring an integrated regional transport system to provide improved services for communities and customers, through seamless journeys. • Strengthen and integrate transport networks by working across the Transport cluster to ensure an integrated transport network. • Maintain a flexible, capable and future‑focused business and workforce by investing in our people and business capability.

About NSW Trains • 9 10 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 * Our executive team  human resources support. two provides agencies.Group Rail finance andbusiness services, safety and corporate functionsare efficientlysupported – avoiding duplication across the A group structure exists across NSW Trains andSydney Trains ensuringthe CHIEF EXECUTIVE Pete Allaway ACTING











About NSW Trains • 11 12 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19

Be safe and secure Be safe and secure • 13 14 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 previously includedintheLTIFR. an employee after atraumatic incident,was not 2011 time withinthe NSW Trains complies withthedefinitionoflost been includedintheLTIFR data to ensure that since January2018, CriticalIncidentLeave has reporting system, was enhanced. Inaddition, incidents reported since First Priority, oursafety identified asignificantupsurge inthenumberof Investigation into theincrease inLTIFR compared withtheprevious financial year. and psychological) doubledin2018‑19 when hours worked. NSW Trains’ total LTIFR (physical resulting intimelost from work, permillion LTIFR, ameasure ofthenumberinjuries The key indicator for employee safety isthe Employee safety incident leave inourlost timemeasure. to better reporting andtheinclusionofcritical Frequency Rate (LTIFR) to 68.81dueinpart 145 per cent increase inourLost Time Injury on workplace healthandsafety witha NSW Trains’ focus inthe coming year remains • • • • • and theenvironment. security ofourpeople, customers, communities the following improvements for thesafety and During thereporting periodNSW Trains made Our performance Clean Oceans to fightplastic waste. an education program inconjunction with plastic straws from catering services, and reduce waste, includingtheremoval ofall Several initiatives were introduced to Newcastle Lineon29March 2019. and Cockle Creek ontheCentral Coast and operated between Automatic Train Protection technology The first revenue service fitted with than thelast period. during theperiod,whichis18percent less 2044 trespass incidentswere reported Across theNSW Trains network less thanin2017–18 financial year. during thefinancial year, whichis15per cent There were 8225securityincidents reported less thaninthe2017–18 financial year. during thefinancial year, whichis22per cent There were 173 customer injuriesreported . CriticalIncidentLeave, whichistaken by Work HealthandSafety Act Physical injuries psychological incidents. identified to minimisethetraumatic effect of Priority enablesextra controls to be Capturing CriticalIncidentLeave inFirst Shared Services. compensation claimscaptured by Transport being reported to NSW Trains andtheworker better alignmentofinjurydata between what is Services inTransport for NSW to provide a NSW Trains worked withTransport Shared and managers. raising awareness amongst theircolleagues those affected by mentalhealthwhilst also involved incriticalincidentsand to support were delivered to supportemployees A seriesofcourses andwellbeing programs of harassment. exposure to workplace bullying orotherforms fatalities, nearmisses onthenetwork, exposed to traumatic events suchaswitnessing much supportaspossible to staff whoare The organisation isfocussed onproviding as will always beaconcern for NSW Trains. The psychological healthofstaff members anxiety orpost–traumatic stress disorder. and may includedisorders suchasdepression, cognitive, emotionalandbehavioural symptoms Psychological injuriesincludearange of Psychological injuries Newcastle Interchange. involving anonsite physiotherapist basedat introduced inthefirst quarter of2019–20 skeletal injuries.Apilotprogram willbe to address thehighnumberofmuscular reporting periodto develop aprogram Trains HealthService Team duringthe NSW Trains worked closelywiththeSydney slips, tripsandfalls with36claims. stress accounted for 59 claims,followed by of thoseresulted inlost timeinjuries.Muscular injuries duringthe2018–19 financial year and98 NSW Trains employees reported 214physical LTIFR –Total psychological LTIFR – Physical LTIFR –

28.04 12.53 15.51 2018 2017– 68.81 34.23 34.58 2019 2018– 145% 173% 123% Change Initiatives included: ‘Building resilience’ Health and wellbeing-related initiatives during workshops, ‘R U OK’ day, ‘Providing support the last financial year included: after trauma’ training, ‘Peer support volunteer’ • A new domestic and family violence program, ‘Critical incident support’ and procedure implemented across NSW Trains ‘Return to work buddy’. on 1 January 2019. There were 270 psychological injuries reported • Health coaching made available to by NSW Trains employees during the 2018–19 Category 1 and 2 safety critical workers financial year which is significantly higher than who are temporarily unfit. This includes the number reported in the previous year. One working with a health professional to hundred and ten of these injuries were caused develop achievable goals to improve by exposure to trauma. health, while building skills, motivation and confidence to manage health conditions. Sixty-eight employees took Critical Incident • Continuation of the Peer Support Volunteers Leave during the year with 82 per cent of (PSVs) Program with more than 52 PSVs all these injuries falling into two categories trained to provide support to those who have ‘Exposure to traumatic event’ and ‘Other mental been exposed to a traumatic incident, to help stress factors (Near Miss)’. minimise psychological injuries. There were also 68 workers’ compensation • Rail RUOK? Day – this year involved Quentin claims associated with 55 psychological lost the interactive question mark issuing time injuries, with the most significant number conversation challenges for staff to take on of claims being for ‘Exposure to traumatic with workmates, family and friends. event’ with 20 claims. However, the highest • A Building Resilience Workshop pilot impact in terms of days lost per claim was conducted in April 2019 to help minimise caused by ‘Work related harassment and/or psychological injuries. workplace bullying’ with 39 days lost per claim. • Providing support after trauma training Health and wellbeing in Wollongong and Newcastle for Level 5 managers to help staff with The Health and Wellbeing Program seeks to psychological injuries. influence the behaviour of NSW Trains staff • Health checks held at a range of locations both inside and outside the work environment and flu vaccinations made available for to improve the overall wellbeing of staff, both all staff. physically and mentally.

Keeping an eye on the network at Maitland Regional Customer Support Centre

Be safe and secure • 15 16 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 associated withtrespassing intherail corridor. trains, level crossing safety andthesafety risks to educate children aboutbeingsafe around ‘Schools Program’ withstaff visiting schools During theyear NSW Trains continued its high numberoflevel ofcrossing incidents. at four locations whichwere targeted for their at eachstation. There were alsostaffed kiosks aware ofthegap, bothhorizontal and vertical, time talkingto customers to remind themto be Staff across thewider Regional network spent and‘BeAwarethe Gap’ Around theTracks’. The two mainthemesfor theyear were ‘Mind safe around therailway stations andtracks. customers andlocalcommunities aboutbeing provided by RailSafety Week to engagewith NSW Trains employees usedtheopportunity Education Newcastle Interchange. at thebusy stations ofCentral, Gosford and with themajorityoftheseincidentsoccurring were associated with‘slips, tripsandfalls’, Sixty less thaninthe2017–18 financial year. during thefinancial year, whichis22per cent There were 173 customer injuriesreported Slips, tripsandfalls Customer safety secure environment for staff andcustomers. to reduce incidentsandprovide asafe and the NSW Police Force andemergency services NSW Trains hascontinued to work closelywith the highest numberofincidents. Melbourne overnight XPTservices experiencing by securityincidentswiththeBrisbaneand services thanintercity services were affected highest levels ofincidents.More regional train Interchange andWollongong recorded the Central, Gosford, Hamilton, Newcastle property offences andoffences against people. of minoranti-socialbehaviour, followed by The majorityofincidentswere theresult lowest recorded for NSW Trains. cent reduction from theprevious year andthe incidents for theyear was 8225whichisa15 per priority for NSW Trains. The total numberof Security for staff andcustomers remains a Anti‑social behaviour -one percent ofallcustomer injuries Community safety Interchange completing theATP training course. have beentrained withalldrivers at Newcastle May. Over 200Drivers andStandards Officers (Intercity) DepotandtheGosford Depotin at bothNewcastle Interchange andCentral ATP driver training started inmid‑February 29 March 2019. Central Coast andNewcastle Lineon Interchange andCockle Creek onthe technology operated between Newcastle The first revenue service fitted with ATP operate withinthepermitted speedlimit. and more reliable services by ensuringtrains ATP willprovide additionalsafety benefits Automatic Train Protection (ATP) technology. the electrified rail network by delivering new Transport for NSW isboosting safety across Automatic Train Protection • initiatives including: rail corridor, NSW Trains worked onarange of To minimisetheincident oftrespass withinthe NSW Trains network. incidence oftrespass incidentsacross the Bargo, Telarah andDapto hadthehighest four fatalities path of rail vehicle inrail corridor’ Another 14percent were related to of rail vehicle at station’ incidents were associated with reporting period.Fifty which is18percent less thantheprevious incidents were reported duringtheperiod, Across theNSW Trains network 2044trespass and onecriticalinjury. by train inrail resulting corridor’ inninefatalities There were 10incidentsofpeoplebeing‘struck represents NSW Trains’ most significantrisk. However, from ariskexposure perspective, it indirect riskinregard to NSW Trains operations. Trespass intherail corridor isclassified asan Trespass photography oftheSeaCliffBridge. in therail corridor at avantage pointfor and Sydney Trains to minimisetrespassing City Council, thePolice Transport Command Continued discussions withWollongong -three percent ofthese , includingfive fatalities. ‘Person inpath resulting in ‘Person in • Engagements with local schools across One incident caused a critical injury to one South Coast, Central Coast and West areas person and two other incidents resulted in a to educate children around the safety risks fatal injury. when trespassing into the rail corridor. Level crossings at Park Road – Woonona, • Participation in regional field days and Bellambi Lane – Bellambi and Bong Bong Road community engagement events to raise – Dapto recorded the highest level of violations. awareness of safety risks associated with trespassing. NSW Trains participated in a range of initiatives in 2018–19 to support safer level Level crossings crossings including:

While NSW Trains does not control or maintain • Attending local regional field days and level crossings, incidents at level crossings can community engagement events to raise have a significant impact on staff. NSW Trains awareness of safety at level crossings. works constructively through the Level Crossing • Adding two schools from the Central Coast Strategy Council, Level Crossing Working Group and three from the Blue Mountains to the and other level crossing safety forums to deliver ‘Schools Program’. safer level crossings in NSW. This includes • Working with the Australian Rail Track planning for the Level Crossing Improvement Corporation to trial track circuit actuators Program, and the cooperative approach to the (TCA) on the north‑west rail corridor to allocation of resources. provide better circuitry connectivity and NSW Trains continued to raise the importance improved safety at level crossings. of reporting incidents at level crossings with • Communicating feedback from NSW train crew as well as the need for local shift Trains drivers’ on near hits to both the managers to investigate these incidents and Level Crossing Working Group and the rail consider appropriate controls. This encourages infrastructure maintainers. and promotes a culture of reporting. • An increased focus on reporting incidents There were 223 level crossing incidents reported at level crossing hot spots along the South in 2018–19, which is less than the previous year Coast, in particular at Park Road – Woonona where 323 incidents were reported. and Bellambi Lane – Bellambi.

Delivering the level crossing safety message at AgQuip.

Be safe and secure • 17 18 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 with theprevious reporting period. ‘Overshoots’ Safety Breaches’ The recorded incidence of • • • • • • • SPADs during 2018–19, including: A numberofinitiatives were taken to address financial year. 2018–19, whichisthree more thantheprevious period. Forty to trend upwards duringthereporting Signals passed at danger(SPADs) continued Breaches of June 2019. completing thecourse by theend course, with62percent ofemployees Offering a fatigue management e‑learning train crew. Improving drugandalcohol testing of learnt to drivers. Communicating SPAD detailsandlessons the executive team. of SPADs andtheircontributing factors to local investigations, increasing thevisibility incorporated root causesidentifiedthrough of SPAD incidents inFirst Priorityand Improving thevisibilityandaccuracy reduce operational safety breaches. and procedures at Central to address and Educating staff andenforcing safety policies techniques across therail industry. a greater understanding ofSPAD mitigation Standards Board SPAD Symposium to gain Participating at theRailIndustry Safety and electrified network. to multi‑SPAD signalswithinthe and implementmitigation solutions SPAD Working Group to share learnings Working withtheSydney Trains and -two SPADs were reported in including ‘Overcarries’ ‘Other Operational ‘Fail to Stop remained inline ’, • • • period withthree clearlong‑term goals: strategy was introduced duringthereporting across theorganisation. The first environment the profile oftheenvironment andsustainability NSW. The maingoalduring2018–19 was to raise essential andsustainable modeoftransport for risks andopportunitiesinthedelivery ofan proactive managementofitsenvironmental NSW Trains iscommitted to long‑term, Environment andsustainability • • • • • period include: Major achievements over thereporting sustainability practices. and organisational environmental and supported inimproving theirpersonal Create aculture where staff are empowered and partnership. through communication, collaboration Trains’ actionsat localandnational level Maximise thepositive impact ofNSW environmental impact. environment by reducing NSW Trains’ direct Protect andenhance thenatural during thenext financial year. looking forward to buildingonthisprogram received positive customer feedback andis commencement NSW Trains hasonly step andbecame straw responsible. Since and customers NSW Trains took thenext within itsmenu.With supportfrom staff Governments Return andEarnProgram program, by promoting theNSW its customer plastic waste education At thesametime, NSW Trains commenced workforce hydration. designed to fightplastic waste andpromote to deliver anemployee education program NSW Trains partnered withCleanOceans NSW’s Energy Future Strategy. the development ofTransport for Cross cluster collaboration on reduction targets. Sydney Trains, to supportNSW waste management contract, partneringwith The delivery ofaninnovative waste Environmental Responder. Introduction oftheNSW Trains Be safe and secure • 19 20 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 Create great customer experiences Create great customer experiences • 21 22 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 previous year to 1.8million. patronage grew by 8.3percent over the journeys duringthereporting period,regional remained stable with43.1 millioncustomer While overall patronage (intercity plusregional) significantly improved its regional patronage. communities throughout NSW. Asaresult it on itskey purpose;to connect peopleand In 2018–19 NSW Trains continued to deliver Patronage • • this year included: creating abetter experience for ourcustomers of everything we do. The key achievements in At NSW Trains, thecustomer isat thecentre Our performance compared to thesameperiodlast year for Intercity services to 88percent A two pointincrease incustomer satisfaction remained unchanged. eight percent, whileoverall patronage An increase inregional patronage by • • • • trending upover time. travelling for work andbusiness hasalsobeen social purposes.The proportion ofcustomers work andbusiness, orshopping, recreation or a week, withmost customers travelling for of thesecustomers travel four ormore days has beentrending upover time. The majority and 39 years onIntercity andRegional services The proportion ofcustomers agedbetween 25 more than 20,000 new passenger journeys. provided more than4,300new coach tripsand new trialcoach routes. Asaresult, NSW Trains connect communities ofNSW by investing in NSW Trains took thenext step to better and turnaround cleanliness. Above target scores for station, onboard against atarget of92 percent. regional coach punctualityof93.9 percent Consistent above target performance for 78 per cent. services of 79 percent against atarget of Above target punctualityfor Regional to thepeakservice reliability score. line sideinfrastructure reliability contributed measuring 88.9percent. Rollingstock and short ofthe92 percent punctualitytarget, a 24-hour period,whilepeakservices fell Intercity services whenmeasured across On target punctualityof92 percent for Twenty-five to 34 year old full fare adults were Punctuality Intercity (peak) NSW Trains’ most valuable regional online demographic, generating the most revenue Intercity peak services are defined as those with those over 65 generating the lowest electric and diesel services within the OPAL revenue online. network including the , Central Coast & Newcastle Line, Hunter Line, and Southern Highlands Customer satisfaction – Line. AM peak services are those that arrive at Intercity services Central between 0600 and 1000 hours with PM Overall customer sentiment for the May peak services being those that depart Central satisfaction survey increased by 3 points to between 1500 and 1900 hours. 88 per cent over the previous six months and Overall peak performance in 2018–19 resulted was up by 5 points since 2012. Punctuality in 88.9 per cent of Intercity trains arriving on and customer service were rated lower by time against a target of 92 per cent. The PM customers compared to the preceding period peak performance was 91.9 per cent with the (2 and 1 points respectively). PM peak below target at 85.9 per cent. Peak Satisfaction with timeliness declined for the performance was impacted predominately by Newcastle and Central Coast (2 points) and network infrastructure and rolling stock issues. Blue Mountains (4 points) lines while these The overnight period provides an opportunity attributes remained stable or increased for the to ‘reset’ the system and typically enables rest of network. The section on punctuality for better punctuality in the morning peak. The Intercity services has more information. afternoon peak is more likely to be impacted by flow-on effects of delays on the rail network during the day.

NSW Trains continues to engage with industry partners to focus on improving peak performance.

On-time running

Figure 1: Overall peak services did not reach the target of 92 per cent.

AM PM Combined

All 91.9% 85.9% 88.9%

West Diesel 88.5% 73.7% 81.1%

West Electric 92.4% 80.7% 86.5%

North Electric 89.6% 87.3% 88.4%

South Coast Electric 95.9% 90.0% 93.3%

Southern Highlands Diesel NA 89.2% 89.2%

92% 87-91.99% 86.99%

Create great customer experiences • 23 24 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 week, indicating highvulnerability to changeswithinthenetwork. Figure 3:Intercity 24-hour punctualityvaries significantlyfrom week to Intercity 24-hour punctuality fluctuations contributed to thepunctualityresult. medical emergencies andvandalism also related incidentsincludinganti-socialbehaviour, Congestion across thenetwork andsecurity stock issues. attributed to network infrastructure androlling below target withthemaincausesofdelays and theCentral Coast andNewcastle lineswere However, train services ontheBlueMountains lines allexceeding thepunctualitytarget. Hunter, SouthCoast andSouthernHighlands the target of92 percent withservices onthe Overall Intercity 24-hour punctualityachieved Southern HighlandsLine. Line, Hunter Line, SouthCoast Lineand Blue MountainsLine, Central Coast &Newcastle period withintheOPAL network includingthe electric anddieselservices withineach24-hour Intercity 24-hour services are definedasall Punctuality Intercity (24-hour period) 90% 80% 94% 84% 96% 86% 98% 88% 9 82% 7 8% 2% 8/ 7 / 18 8/ C ombined punctuality 8/ 18 8/ 9 / 18 8/ 10 / 18 8/ 11/ 18 8/ - 12/ 18 8/ Southern HighlandsDiesel South Coast Electric South Coast Diesel North Electric Hunter Valley Diesel West Electric West Diesel All falling shortintheNorthandWest lines. reached the92 percent target despite Figure 2:24-hour Intercity punctualityoverall 1/ 19 8/ 2/ 19 8/3/ 19 8/ 4 / 19 8/5/ 19 94.0% 96.0% 92.0% 90.7% 92.4% 93.2% 87.9% 87.5% 8/ 6 / 19 Regional train punctuality Regional coach punctuality

NSW TrainLink Regional train services travel Regional coach services have provided reliable throughout NSW and into Victoria, Queensland customer service for the 2018–19 year. All and the ACT across five regional networks. regions have exceeded the target of 90 per Regional train service punctuality exceeded cent with an overall result of 94 per cent. the target of 78 per cent with a result of Figure 5: Regional coach services performed 79.1 per cent punctuality for the year. This consistently above target across all regions. is above the previous year’s punctuality performance of 78.3 per cent. All 93.9% Temporary speed restrictions impacted services North 92.7% to Moree, Brisbane and Melbourne during the year. Trains were required to travel at reduced North West 92.8% speeds due to extreme weather conditions and infrastructure issues. In addition, trespass South 93.1% and copper wire theft in the Victorian ARTC network also affected our ability to meet the West 95.7% punctuality target.

The reliability of the aging XPT fleet has affected punctuality and we are working closely Pre-boarding with the fleet maintainer to minimise the impact on customers. Ticketing

Regional train services to Canberra and the A change to the pricing framework was rolled North Coast returned good results with the out during the reporting period which included: Melbourne, Brisbane and services to the • standardising seasonal fares to peak North West being the key areas of focus for and standard improvement in the next financial year. • introduction of a discount for Adult Standard Figure 4: Regional services overall surpassed the target of 79 per cent fare customers who book more than five punctuality for the financial year. days in advance • introduction of promotional fares. Line OTS These initiatives target leisure travellers, All 79.1% encouraging them to book earlier and travel outside of peak periods. Armidale 76.5% Timetable Brisbane 73.0% Service adjustments to support Broken Hill 87.7% launch of Sydney Metro Northwest

Canberra 91.1% To prepare for the Sydney Metro Northwest infrastructure upgrades between Epping Casino 81.0% and Chatswood, some adjustments to NSW Trains’ services were introduced in September Dubbo 82.5% 2018. As part of these service adjustments, customers on the Central Coast benefited from Grafton 88.6% more express services to the city via Strathfield as Eastwood and Burwood were removed Griffith 94.6% from the stopping pattern. NSW Trains’ services operating via the North Shore line Melbourne 55.7% had additional stopping locations included in the timetable. Moree 81.9% Further adjustments were made to the timetable from 28 April 2019, to accommodate the opening of Sydney Metro Northwest in May 2019.

Create great customer experiences • 25 26 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 Program score (cleanliness) Customer Experience Management attention was required. and specifictrain services where additional for allareas were usedto identifystations by NSW Trains staff. Dailyperformance results cleanliness issues allowed speedyresolution reporting period.Real timealertson Program (CXMP) continued duringthe The Customer Experience Management six, whichisconsistent withlast year’s result. now consistently exceeding thetarget score of Trains pre -service and amajorityofstations are were deepcleaned during theyear. carriages and160intercity andregional stations to meettheirexpectations. Eighthundred significant work was completed during2018–19 important to NSW Trains’ customers and The cleanliness oftrains andstations is Cleanliness maintenance spending. energy efficiency andbetter prioritise at stations, grow patronage, improve station slips, tripsandfalls andothersafety incidents customer experience andsatisfaction, reduce The works are designedto improve the safety works. furniture installation, bird proofing andminor upgrades, deepcleaning,landscaping, station de-cluttering, painting,LEDlighting as station repairs, toilet facilities upgrades, Station Refresh Program includesworks such two regional stations were refreshed. The In the2018–19 financial year, 25intercity and Refresh Stations Pre service Turnaround Station 6.6 6.2 6 June 2019 Year end30 6 6 6 Target Throughout theyear 23regional stations and feel safe andsecure onstations at alltimes. area information andhelpcustomers andstaff stations withreal-time train, coach andlocal projects designedto provide customers at The SmartStations Program isaseriesofseven Smart Stations Program Information discount whenbookingtickets online. Customers continue to gaina10percent 41 per cent. ratio for onlinebookingsduringtheyear was at theendoffinancial year. The average 38 percent last reporting periodto 44percent Digital channelshare grew by sixpercent from Online Booking salad option. first time, includinga main meal,sandwichand The menualsooffered vegan options for the including two ofitsproduct lines in themenu. supplier basedinWellington andDubboby NSW Trains continued to supportanIndigenous introduction ofjuice from acompany inGriffith. increase inregional product items withthe The menudeveloped for March 2019 saw an products sourced from around NSW. product suppliers to offer a range of food NSW Trains continued to work withregional Catering Onboard wishing to use facilities onunattended stations. unlock doorsonstations to supportcustomers innovative technology to remotely lockand NSW Trains alsodeveloped andtested new Intercity customers. area wayfinding andpassenger information to stations to communicate safety messages, local touch screens were commissioned onsixpilot for thefirst timewhile state-oftheart digital received automated announcement technology Another 12stations ontheNSW Trains network receive announcements. assist customers withhearingimpairmentsto and anAudio Frequency InductionLoop to This includedinstallation ofnew speakers make announcements anywhere onthestation. new digitalpublicaddress systems sostaff can two intercity locations were upgraded with Post trip In the first 16 months of the trial coach services NSW Trains, in close collaboration with Customer feedback Transport for NSW, provided more than 4300 additional coach trips (more than 180,000 Customer feedback through the traditional seats). More than 20,000 customers have used channels (letter, phone and web) decreased the services, with up to 30 per cent utilisation over the year. per route.

NSW Trains received 11,246 items of feedback during the reporting period of which 1033 New fleets were compliments. Regional • Compliments decreased by four per cent, from 2.5 per 100,000 passengers in 2017–18 The NSW Government is replacing the ageing to 2.4 per 100,000 passengers in 2018–19. NSW Regional rail fleet of XPT, XPLORER • Complaints decreased by one per cent, from and Endeavour trains, as well as building a 16.7 per 100,000 passengers in 2017–18 to new maintenance facility at Dubbo which will 16.5 per 100,000 passengers in 2018–19. stimulate the regional economy and help create sustainable job opportunities and skills. The new trains will improve safety, comfort, accessibility New Services – trial coach services and reliability for customers who travel to or from Sydney and regional centres in NSW, as Following community engagement around well as Canberra, Melbourne and Brisbane. proposed trial coach services, mentioned elsewhere in this report, a staged introduction During the reporting period, the NSW of the services commenced. During the trials Government awarded the contract to deliver feedback on the services was sought from the Regional Rail Fleet Project to Momentum customers on board and from the wider Trains, with work on detailed designs for the community via a survey. Dubbo Maintenance Facility and the new fleet starting during the financial year. When determining the viability of a new coach service, NSW Trains considers a range of factors Intercity including patronage and the broader economic benefit to communities, as well as the social In February this year, the government benefit of connecting regional communities announced that an additional 42 carriages with education, medical and other facilities. had been ordered (bringing the total order to 554), which will see eight-car trains increased Eight new coach trials started during the year: to 10-car trains for peak hour services on the • Wagga Wagga to Albury South Coast Line, providing extra capacity for • Goulburn to Canberra customers in the future.

• Goulburn to Campbelltown (Sydney) The New Intercity Fleet will provide a better • Wagga Wagga to Canberra experience for customers who make over 41 million journeys a year on the electrified • Central West Intercity network. • Forster to Coffs Harbour NSW Trains consulted with relevant train user • Broken Hill to Adelaide representative organisations, such as the • Broken Hill to Mildura Accessible Transport Advisory Committee, on the proposed operating models for the train. In A further four trials – Tamworth to Dubbo, October 2018 the Minister for Transport, Andrew Tamworth to Port Macquarie, Goulburn to Constance MP, announced there would be a Canberra and Goulburn to Campbelltown – driver and guard on board the Intercity fleet were extended during the reporting period. when it enters service and the guard role would have an increased focus on customer service. Three trials – Tamworth to Newcastle, Young to Cootamundra and Wagga Wagga to Albury – were cancelled during the reporting period due to low patronage.

Create great customer experiences • 27 28 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19

Build connections Build connections • 29 30 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 to helpplananddeliver services. the community onprojects andgainfeedback aim oftheengagementactivitieswas to brief programs involving thewidercommunity. The organisations, aswell asspecificengagement discussions withkey stakeholder groups and Our community engagementincludedregular plan andoperate ourservices. making itacentral component oftheway we community duringthe2018–19 financial year, NSW Trains continued to engagewiththe Building relationships Community engagement • • diversity measures with: serves. Improvement was seenontwo key represented thecommunities NSW Trains continued focus onensuringtheworkforce changes intheyears ahead.There was also communication andengagementonthekey was onthoughtfulplanningandeffective to service delivery andthisyear thefocus An engagedworkforce isequallyasimportant at ourstations across thestate. numerous community heritageandotherevents Broken HeelFestival inBroken Hill,andhosted event trains for theParkes ElvisFestival andthe regional communities we provided special Singleton. To supporteconomic growth in and new rail services to Griffith, Bathurst and consultation for seven new trialcoach services This year we completed extensive community and advocacy for NSW Trains anditsservices. depends oncommunity understanding, support The successful delivery oftransport services Our performance to 2.24 percent. representation increasing onepercent Aboriginal andTorres Strait Islander two per cent to 35.85 percent; and women inleadershipincreasing by community survey onlineorinperson. via theseface-to-face sessions orviaa members could provide inputinto theprocess markets andexisting localevents. Community community centres, stalls at shoppingcentres, as community engagementsessions at local with localgroups andorganisations, aswell Engagement activitiesincludeddiscussions should operate. the service, andwhenhow theservices communities to understand thedemandfor NSW Trains ran engagementprograms inlocal After identifyinganumberofpotential trials, centres through transport links. connected to capitalcitiesbutalsoto regional and understanding theirdesire to notonlybe developing thetrialsislistening to communities Future Transport Strategy 2056 to develop trialcoach services inlinewiththe NSW Trains worked withTransport for NSW Coach trials proposed new coach trialsat theBathurst Show. NSW TrainLink staff engagingwiththe community about • • • • • • • coach services between: engaged withcommunities aboutproposed trial During the2018–19 financial year, NSW Trains Broken HillandMildura Broken HillandAdelaide Forster andCoffs Harbour Dubbo, Orange andParkes Wagga Wagga andCanberra Goulburn andCampbelltown (Sydney) Goulburn andCanberra . Akey partof New rail services Special events

During the reporting period the NSW NSW Trains’ services forge important Government announced three new rail services connections – helping make places thriving to provide additional transport options for communities and enabling easier access and regional communities. reach for commuters travelling for work or visitors wanting to explore and spend their NSW Trains engaged the community on the tourist dollars in local economies. design of these services which include: • an additional weekday service from Griffith to Sydney Parkes Elvis Festival • an additional day return service from NSW Trains’ Elvis Express and Lachlan Valley’s Bathurst to Sydney with stops at Rydal Blue Suede Express trains left Sydney on and Tarana Thursday 10 January 2019 for the annual Parkes Elvis Festival. • new return train services from Singleton to Newcastle. The Parkes Elvis Festival is held every year in the second week in January, coinciding with All of these services are due to start in the Elvis Presley’s birthday. 2019–20 financial year. The theme was ‘All Shook Up’ and celebrated the fabulous 1950s. Prior to the departure of the Elvis Express and the Blue Suede Express, staff and customers at Central Station and festival goers were treated to Elvis tribute artists performing on stage.

The Elvis Express and the Blue Suede Express travelled from Central Station to Parkes.

Build connections • 31 32 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 Maude Boat headingto theBroken HeelFestival onboard theSilver CityStiletto Broken HeelFestival. Queen of theDesert tracks oftheiconic busfrom thefilm journey from Sydney to Broken Hilltracing the Central Station, thetrain undertook the15-hour drag culture. After pre-departure celebrations at three carriagesfullofdrag queensandfans of welcomed thespecialservice train carrying Broken Hillinfar west New SouthWales iconic movie the annualBroken HeelFestival to celebrate the NSW Trains againpartnered withorganisers of Broken HeelFestival NSW TrainLink staff pictured withtribute artists at Central Station to send off theElvisExpress. Priscilla, Queenof theDesert , onitsway to thethree-day Priscilla, . in regional NSW. and make iteasierfor peopleto travel to events look for new ways to supportregional events but itreinforced NSW Trains’ commitment to contribute to thelocaleconomy andtourism the city. Notonlydid theSilver CityStiletto Queen of theDesert 22 years since themakingoffilm The festival started four years ago, celebrating , whichwas partlysetin Priscilla, Heritage events Employee sick leave – 0.87 average monthly days per A number of events were held around the employee NSW network to commemorate significant milestones, including station anniversaries. Employee OT (unscheduled) 6.95% – overtime hours as % normal Several stations marked 100 or 150-year hours anniversaries of their opening during the financial year with community events held Equal opportunity – % women 24.40% at the stations. The events were generally in workforce coordinated with local historical groups. Headcount – direct 2049 100 year anniversaries: employees • Macksville on 30 June 2019 New Intercity Fleet 150 year anniversaries: • Bundanoon and Marulan on 5 August 2018 A key element to the successful introduction of the New Intercity Fleet is effective staff • Muswellbrook on 18 May 2019 engagement and communication. Over the • Goulburn on 25 May 2019 reporting period NSW Trains’ approach has been to engage with staff frequently and proactively communicate key project updates and information important to staff.

Employees A major focus this year has been engaging with staff around NSW Trains’ proposed operating Engagement model. The New Intercity Fleet will operate with a driver and guard on all intercity services NSW Trains continued to undergo large scale where customers are on board. Consultation change with work to introduce the New around the roles and responsibilities has been a Intercity Fleet, new Regional Rail fleet and key topic. Throughout the year, NSW Trains held other changes across the network. To prepare multiple face-to-face staff briefings to share as leaders for these changes, the Frontline Leader much information as possible about proposed Engagement pilot commenced in May in the roles and responsibilities, train design and other North and Central Region, seeking to better aspects of the new fleet. understand challenges and concerns and find ways to better support leaders and their teams. NSW Trains also has a structured approach to engaging with health and safety representatives During the year NSW Trains employees took (HSRs). In August 2018, NSW Trains established part in the NSW Public Sector Employee Survey a dedicated HSR group to discuss the New which resulted in an improved engagement Intercity Fleet. This group meets regularly score. Participation was up over last year with to discuss health and safety topics, provide 68 per cent of employees completing the feedback to the New Intercity Fleet project survey. NSW Trains committed to providing team and work through issues. $1 worth of travel to Can Assist for every employee who took part in the survey. NSW Trains values the feedback from all stakeholders, especially staff and HSRs, and will Staff engagement continued with all staff continue to engage throughout the project rostered to attend an ‘In The Know’ session twice a year. Led by the local leader, these Consultation is ongoing with staff, health sessions provide an opportunity to discuss the and HSRs, the Rail, Tram and Bus Union, and key priorities for staff and the business, as well other key stakeholders about the proposed as upcoming changes such as the operating operating model. model for the New Intercity Fleet.

Build connections • 33 34 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 support from healthandwellbeing programs. the new technology andwork stations, plus sessions, working withITto make themost of building inductionandoperating floorprotocol engaged inwelcome activitiessuchas:the As apartofthismove team memberswere both theIntercity andRegional networks. response, aswell ascustomer information for and coach network, incidentmanagementand The NSCC coordinates theoperation ofthetrain on 29March 2019. art RailOperations Centre (ROC)inAlexandria Centre (NSCC) moved to thenew state-ofthe NSW Trains’ Network Services Coordination Rail Operations Centre with minimumimpact. benefits to ourcustomers and staff are achieved be maintainedduringtheproject to ensure that Sydney Metro andthedelivery contractor will NSW Trains’ interface andcoordination with requirements are captured andevaluated. NSW Trains hasacommitment to ensure all and staff hasbeenapriority over thelast year. consultation withunions,safety professionals the impactofconstruction work onstaff, To ensure business continuity andto reduce regional services. metro, lightrail, suburban,intercity and customers to seamlessly connect between station indecades–makingiteasierfor represents thebiggest improvement to the The Sydney Metro works at Central Station Sydney Metro Tooraweenah Drought Relief, whiletheteams for ‘HelpingFarmers intheCentral West’ Lithgow Station andtrain crew raised funds west ofthestate. distributed thegoodsto farmers inthenorth products andpetfood. The Salvation Army for non-perishablefood, toiletries, cleaning Campaign. The stations were drop offpoints Stations were partoftheRUAware We Care Gunnedah, Tamworth, ArmidaleandNarrabri provided assistance to thoseinneed. events around thestate, staff from NSW Trains Hosting ortakingpartinvarious fundraising through thecrisis. for ways to supporttheirlocalcommunities in drought-affected areas, the team looked number ofemployees livingandworking a regionally was inaperiodofsignificantdrought. As During thefinancial year, New South Wales Drought relief RU Aware We Care Campaign Items dropped off at Gunnedah Station aspart of the Bale Program. Runner charityday andRural Aid’s Buya raised money for theBurrumbuttock Hay at Wagga Wagga Station and Central Station -focused business, withalarge NSW Trains took part in NAIDOC week, which Diversity and inclusion was an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of NSW Trains is aligned to Transport for NSW’s our workforce and the contribution Aboriginal focus areas of increasing women in senior employees make to the success and culture of leadership roles and Aboriginal and Torres Strait the organisation. Six message sticks were sent Islander representation. to all parts of the network, painted to reflect the theme ‘Because of her we can!’. In this financial year, the representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees Memorial plaques and artwork were also increased from 1.87 per cent in July 2018 to installed at Central Station and Kempsey 2.24 per cent in July 2019. during the year in recognition of the Stolen Generations and to create awareness of past NSW Trains has actively partnered with forcible removal practices. Aboriginal employment agencies to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates applying for roles. During the year, it partnered with the Sydney Trains Aboriginal Employment Unit and the Transport for NSW Recruitment Team to hold Aboriginal Careers Open Days in both Southern and Northern NSW, targeting recruitment from Aboriginal communities.

Message sticks painted by Aboriginal artists to reflect the ‘Because of her we can!’ theme were carried on NSW TrainLink services to community celebrations across New South Wales

Build connections • 35 36 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 Celebrating International Women’s Day at Newcastle two per cent improvement over theprioryear. leadership roles, heldby women. This isa roles, and35.85 percent ofSeniorService of director level andoperational leadership gender parityintheworkplace, with50 per cent NSW Trains hasastrong focus onencouraging Women inleadership encourage genderbalance. an opportunityto share stories ofhow they workplace, aswell asproviding employees with celebrate andrecognise women inthe Events were heldaround thenetwork to more gender-balanced world. focusing onhow we canwork together to builda Women’s Day withathemeof#BalanceforBetter NSW Trains participated inInternational Build connections • 37 38 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19

Spend smarter Spend smarter • 39 40 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 Operational Expenditure • • • this report. performance isreported inVolume Two of operating deficit for 2018–19. Ourfullfinancial its cost recovery from fares andreduce its As aresult, NSW Trains continued to improve coach services. of NSW whilegrowing ourregional train and deliver value for thecommunity andtaxpayers NSW Trains continues to lookfor ways to Driving efficiency Our performance 53.5% 2.3 per cent to $80.4 millionin2018–19. of services. Intercity revenue increased by with theunwinding ofregional discounting decreased by 1.1 percent to $44.8million $125.2 millionin2018–19. Regional revenue Overall revenue increased by 1.0 percent to financial year was $18.89 Net operating cost/passenger journey for the financial year was $8.73 Net operating cost/revenue perkmfor the 1.1% 0.4% 2.2% 0.5% 2.5% 2.8% 0.9% 33.2% 2.9% • • • various capitalprojects: financial year was $5.0 millionwhichincluded NSW Trains’ total capitalinvestment duringthe Capital works announcements andinformation boards. Regional CCTV, mobilepublic System (FP) Safety andEnvironment Management Tell UsMobilityReporting Other Servicescostsfromrailentitie Travelling expenses Corporate andsharedservices Information technology Track accessfee Bussing expenses Materials O Labour ther contractors s Spend smarter • 41 42 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19

Appendices Appendices • 43 44 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 Consultants NSW Trains didnotgrant any fundsto non-government community organisations duringtheyear. Grants to non-government community organisations Overseas travel Finance andasset management Payment ofaccounts (GST included) Performance inpaying trade creditors’ accounts duringtheyear isreported below. Payment ofaccounts Jun- Mar- Dec- Sep- Small business suppliers Jun- Mar- Dec- Sep- Suppliers Quarter Total expenditure in2018–19 Total contracts ofless than$50,000 Total contracts of$50,000 ormore Contracts of$50,000 ormore Consultant Trains NSW Agency International travel (itemised): July2018 –June2019 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 Performance Strategy and Business Director Fred Dangar and position Officer Name (i.e. within due date) Current 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 $M 3.0 4.2 2.6 7.2

2019 March 18-22 Date Less than overdue 30 days 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 $M 0.9 0.5 1.0 1.4 Ireland Destination

days overdue 1 1 30 and60 Between Benchmarking Group meeting the International MainlineRail with regional rail operators and Attend counterpart meetings Purpose 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 $M

days overdue Project Program Improvement Regional Rail 60 and90 Between 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 $M

More than Costs ($) $444,189 $444,189 $444,189 overdue 90 days 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 $M 0

Accounts paid on time within each quarter

Measure Sept-18 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19


Number of accounts due 3091 3850 2684 3135 for payment

Number of accounts paid 3085 3849 2680 3126 on time

Actual % accounts paid 99.80% 100.00% 99.90% 99.70% on time

$ amount of accounts due $17.55M $41.14M $26.5M $28.51M for payment

$ amount of accounts $17.55M $41.14M $26.5M $28.51M paid on time

Actual % accounts paid 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% on time (based on $)

Small business suppliers

Number of accounts due 0 0 22 22 for payment

Number of accounts paid 0 0 22 22 on time

Actual % accounts paid 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% on time

$ amount of accounts due $0 $0 $0.1M $0.3M for payment

$ amount of accounts $0 $0 $0.1M $0.3M paid on time

Actual % accounts paid 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% on time (based on $)

Appendices • 45 46 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 Acting Chief Executive Peter Allaway Yours sincerely for the2018–2019 FinancialYear. and RiskManagementAttestation Statement, whichattests that thecore requirements were inplace In accordance withtherequirements ofTPP15-03, pleasefind attached NSW Trains Internal Audit Attestation Statement TPP15-03 Internal Audit andRiskManagementPolicy for theNSW PublicSector –NSW Trains Dear Director SYDNEY NSW 2000 Level 27, 52 MartinPlace NSW Treasury Financial Management,Governance &Analytics Director 26 September 2019 www.nswtrains.nsw.gov.au Telephone (02) 9219 1101 470 PittStreet, Sydney NSW 2000 PO Box K349, Haymarket NSW 1238 Chief Executive ABN 50325560455 NSW Trains Internal auditandriskmanagementpolicy attestation

Internal Audit and Risk Management Attestation Statement for the 2018– 2019 Financial Year for NSW Trains

I, Peter Allaway, am of the opinion that NSW Trains has internal audit and risk management processes in operation that are compliant with the eight (8) core requirements set out in the Internal Audit and Risk Management Policy for the NSW Public Sector, specifically:

Core requirements Compliant, non-compliant, or in transition

Risk management framework

1.1 The agency head is ultimately responsible and accountable for risk Compliant management in the agency

1.2 A risk management framework that is appropriate to the agency has Compliant been established and maintained and the framework is consistent with AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009

Internal audit function

2.1 An internal audit function has been established and maintained Compliant

2.2 The operation of the internal audit function is consistent with the Compliant International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing

2.3 The agency has an Internal Audit Charter that is consistent with the Compliant content of the ‘model charter’

Audit and Risk Committee

3.1 An independent Audit and Risk Committee with appropriate expertise Compliant has been established

3.2 The Audit and Risk Committee is an advisory committee providing Compliant assistance to the agency head on the agency’s governance processes, risk management and control frameworks, and its external accountability obligations

3.3 The Audit and Risk Committee has a Charter that is consistent with the Compliant content of the ‘model charter’


The chair and members of the Audit and Risk Committee are:

Position Name Start term date Finish term date

Independent Chair Peter Housden 4/11/18 3/11/21

Independent Chair Peter Mayers 4/11/13 4/11/18

Independent Member 1 David Antaw 4/11/13 30/06/20

Independent Member 2 Shirley Liew 4/11/13 30/06/20

Pete Allaway Acting Chief Executive NSW Trains NSW Trains 26 September 2019

Appendices • 47 48 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 Treasury Circular 09/07. NSW Trains isnotrequired to report onliabilitymanagementperformance inaccordance with Liability managementperformance NSW Trains holdsnilinvestments withTCorp. Investment managementperformance NSW Trains hadnilsubsidiariesduringthepast financial year. Disclosure of subsidiaries NSW Trains hadnilcontrolled entitiesduringthepast financial year. Disclosure of controlled entities NSW Trains holdsnolandassets andhasmadenolanddisposalsinthepast year. Land disposal • • • • • The content oftheregister isassured through several levels ofcoordinated activity: of operational events, riskassessments andinvestigation findings. continues to evolve andmature asnew hazards, causesandcontrols are addedandreviewed inlight The Safety RiskRegister isanintegral partoftheorganisation’s rail safety accreditation and the Audit andRiskCommittee. There was independentoversight oftheCorporate RiskRegister andriskmanagementactivitiesby with periodicreview by theA/Chief Executive NSW Trains andtheNSW Trains Leadership Team. Register. The custodian oftheregister duringthereporting periodwas theChiefOperating Officer Key business risks,theircauses,consequences andcontrols are captured intheCorporate Risk operating environment. NSW Trains understands theneedfor systematic, effective management ofriskinachallenging Risk management Risk managementandinsurance activities the form ofanannualauditby theOffice ofthe National RailSafety Regulator. independent oversight oftheregister andassociated Safety ManagementSystem processes in ongoing review ofcontrols to provide therequired assurance to control owners response to changes,e.g. new procedures, processes or technology descriptions ofcauses,consequences orcontrols, orwhere descriptionsmust beupdated in revisions where Safety, Environment, QualityandRiskprofessionals become aware ofgapsin previously unseenminor incidents updates inresponse to investigation findings following significantincidents or, on occasion, identify furtheractionsto minimisetherisksofar asisreasonably practicable formal periodicriskreviews to confirm thecauses, consequences and controls for eachrisk,and Response to matters raised by the Headcount as at 30 June 2018 Auditor-General Directorate Headcount No significant matters were raised by the Auditor-General in the Statutory Audit Report Business Management 2 for the year ended 30 June 2019. Business Strategy & 6 Performance

Communications 9

People Engineering, Safety 17 Environment Quality and Risk Human resources Network Services 114

Industrial relations legislation, awards North and Central Region 1147 and agreements People and Change 13 The NSW Trains Enterprise Agreement made in 2018 continues in force until May 2021. Service Design 22 South and West Region 663 In accordance with clause 7 of the Enterprise Agreement, extensive consultation occurred, Strategic Business Programs 3 particularly in relation to key projects: the New Intercity Fleet, commencement of Automatic Transformation 52 Train Protection on the NSW Trains network Executive Office 1 and the relocation of facilities at Central due to construction of the Sydney Metro. Grand Total 2049

Exceptional movements in wages, salaries or Senior executives – table allowances Senior executives accounted for 1.4 per cent of Employees received a pay increase of three per the total employee related expenditure (1.7 per cent effective 1 May 2019, as provided for by the cent in 2017–18). 2018 Enterprise Agreement.

Human resources policies and practices

In the past year, a number of human resources initiatives, policies and procedures were implemented to support NSW Trains’ management and employees, including: • leadership development programs • risk-based training needs analysis and technical competency based programs • customer relationship training • providing support after trauma workshops • Peer Support Volunteer training and group supervision sessions • talent and succession review for senior managers • Domestic and Family Violence Procedure.

Existing policies and practices were reviewed to ensure alignment with undertakings from the 2018 Enterprise Agreement.

There has been a consistent application of an industrial relations risk assessment and consultative approach for all reforms.

Appendices • 49 50 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 ** Transport for NSW Diversity and InclusionPlantarget (2014–2019) * Transport cluster assigned to alignwithwiderpublicservice targets setby thePremier Workforce diversity There were noagreements required. Agreements withMulticultural NSW NSW Trains –Seniorexecutive bands 1- Total Band 3 Band 3 Band 1 Pay scalegroup and require Disability Disability Islanders Torres Strait Aboriginal, senior positions Women in workforce Women inthe diversity group Workforce Band 1 Level Service Senior not English First language adjustment 2017–18 7 7 Female 2018–19 50% by 2025** Benchmark/ 4 4 2017–18 target 2.6%* 35%* 10 Female 11 1.5% N/A 1 19% Male 0 4

2018–19 10 9 1 21.3% 24.1% 2015 2.6% 1.5% 1.2% 2017–18 18 17 3 1 Male Total 9 1 2018–19 20.4% 2016 2.6% 24% 1.5% 1.2% 14 13 1 $438,308 2017–18 $247,368 25.3% Average TRP ($) 2017 Total 2.4% 29% 1.2% 1.7% 13 1 $494,193 $254,767 2018–19 0.33% 2.54% 33.8% 1.87% 25.1% 2018 2017–18 Average rem 1.7% expenditure employee- executives % ofTotal 254,767 494,193 to senior relating 24.40% 2018–19 related 35.85% 2.20% 2.24% 2.78% 0.10% 2019 1.4% Multicultural policies and services program

Under the Multicultural NSW Act 2000, Transport for NSW is required to deliver and report against current policies and services which address the NSW’s Multicultural Planning Framework. The Transport for NSW multicultural plan outlines how it will respond to the NSW Government’s multicultural objectives, and incorporate multicultural principles into Transport for NSW processes and systems. The plan was reviewed by the Transport cluster steering committee and plan implementation continued to be prioritised across Transport.

NSW Trains used the plan to ensure its operations reflect the multicultural nature of its staff and the community in which it operates. NSW Trains’ employees are reflective of the communities they serve, with more than one third from racial, ethnic or ethno-religious minority groups resident in New South Wales. NSW Trains has monitored and met scorecard targets regarding employees identifying as Aboriginal.

NSW Trains continued its partnership with the Sydney Trains Aboriginal Employment Unit during the reporting period. The unit builds pathways into frontline roles for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and aims to increase Indigenous representation in the workforce. This partnership provided positive results with the representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people increasing from 1.87 per cent in the last reporting year to 2.24 per cent this year.

Appendices • 51 52 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 26 August 2019 NSW Trains Acting Chief Executive Pete Allaway were found to beadequate orbeingaddressed through theprogram ofwork asappropriate. reporting against theMandatory Requirements oftheNSW Government Cyber SecurityPolicy, and A mixofreviews, auditsandcertifications oftheagency’s ISMS were undertaken, inaddition to There exists acurrent cyber incidentresponse planfor NSW Trains. cooperation withTransport for NSW. Governance isinplace to managethecyber-security maturity andinitiatives for NSW Trains in new andcurrent risks,andimplementappropriate controls. and hasanongoingprogram ofwork to identifyandassess the changing securitythreats, manage In linewiththeNSW Government Cyber SecurityPolicy, NSW Trains hasidentifieditscriticalassets consistent withMandatory Requirements setoutintheNSW Government Cyber SecurityPolicy. I, Pete Allaway, amoftheopinionthat NSW Trains isapproaching cyber securityinamanner 2018–19 Financial Year for NSW Trains Cyber SecurityAnnualAttestation Statement for the provision oftheAnnualReports (Statutory Bodies) Regulation 2010. NSW Trains neithersoughtnorreceived any reporting exemptions undertheAnnualReporting Exemptions Legal

Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act)

Under section 7 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), agencies must review their programs for the release of government information to identify the kinds of information that can be made publicly available. This review must be undertaken at least once annually.

Performance data and other information about NSW Trains is available on the Transport for NSW website.

Number of access applications received – Clause 7(b)

During the reporting period, our agency received a total of 11 access applications (including withdrawn applications, but not invalid applications).

Number of refused applications for Schedule 1 information – Clause 7(c)

During the reporting period no applications were refused by NSW Trains.

Statistical information about access applications – Clause 7(d) and Schedule 2

Table A: Number of applications by type of applicant and outcome*

Access Access Access Information Information Refuse to Application granted granted refused not held already confirm/ withdrawn in full in part in full available deny whether information is held

Media 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Members of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parliament

Private sector 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 business

Not for profit 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 organisations or community groups

Members of 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 the public (application by legal representative)

Members of 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 the public other

7 0 0 3 0 1 0

*More than one decision can be made in respect to a particular access application. If so, a recording must be made in relation to each such decision. This also applies to Table B.

Processing times may mean that not all applications are received and resolved within the same reporting period.

Appendices • 53 54 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 Table C:Invalid applications about theapplicant(thebeinganindividual). * Apersonalinformation application isanaccess application for personalinformation (asdefinedinclause4 of Schedule4tthe Act) Table B:Numberofapplications by typeofapplication andoutcome other and partly applications information personal partly that are applications Access applications) information personal (other than applications Access applications* information Personal Invalid applications that subsequently becamevalid applications Total numberofinvalid applications received Application contravenes restraint order (section 110oftheAct) Application isfor excluded information oftheagency (section 43oftheAct) Application doesnotcomply withformal requirements (section 41 oftheAct) Reason for invalidity granted Access Access in full 0 5 3 2 granted Access Access in part 0 0 1 1 refused Access Access in full 0 0 0 0 Information not held 0 4 2 2 Information available already 0 0 0 0 information Refuse to confirm/ whether is held deny 0 0 1 1 applications Number of Application withdrawn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table D: Conclusive presumption of overriding public interest against disclosure: matters listed in Schedule 1 of the Act

Number of times consideration used*

Overriding secrecy laws 0

Cabinet information 0

Executive Council information 0

Contempt 0

Legal professional privilege 0

Excluded information 0

Documents affecting law enforcement and public safety 0

Transport safety 0

Adoption 0

Care and protection of children 0

Ministerial Code of Conduct 0

Aboriginal and environmental heritage 0

*More than one public interest consideration may apply in relation to a particular access application and, if so, each such consideration is to be recorded (but only once per application). This also applies in relation to Table E.

Table E: Other public interest considerations against disclosure: matters listed in table to section 14 of the Act

Number of occasions when application not successful

Responsible and effective government 0

Law enforcement and security 0

Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice 0

Business interests of agencies and other persons 0

Environment, culture, economy and general matters 0

Secrecy provisions 0

Exempt documents under interstate Freedom of Information legislation 0

Table F: Timeliness

Number of applications

Decided within the statutory timeframe (20 days plus any extensions) 9

Decided after 35 days (by agreement with applicant) 1

Not decided within time (deemed refusal) 1

Total 11

Appendices • 55 56 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 Table G:Numberofapplications reviewed underPart 5oftheAct (by typeofreview andoutcome) • • • • include: NSW Trains’ actionsto meetitsstaff awareness responsibilities under section6E(1)(b) ofthePID Act NSW Trains received onePublicInterest Disclosure request. Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994(PIDAct) Table H:Applications for review underPart 5oftheAct (by typeofapplicant) decision hasbeenmade. the originaldecision-maker. The data inthiscaseindicates that arecommendation to vary orupholdtheoriginal *The Information Commissioner doesnot have theauthorityto vary decisions,butcanmake recommendations to Review by Information Commissioner* Internal review section 93 ofAct Internal review following recommendation under Total Review by NCAT application relates Applications by personsto whominformation thesubject ofaccess Applications by access applicants information communicated viabriefingpapersand staff communication. links contained ontheNSW Trains intranet Code ofConduct PID information contained inPolicy andProcedures Decision varied 0 0 0 0 0 Decision upheld 0 0 0 0 0 applications Number of Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Acts and subordinate legislation administered by the Minister for Transport and Roads

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads (01/05/2019 – 30/06/2019)

The Minister for Regional Transport and Roads has joint administration of all Acts listed for the Minister for Transport and Roads.

Transport Administration Act 1988 iii. by eliminating duplication of functions and resources NSW Trains is a NSW Government agency constituted under the Transport Administration iv. by outsourcing the delivery of Act 1988 (NSW). non-core services.

The Transport Administration Act 1988 states g. Environmental sustainability the common objectives and service delivery To promote the delivery of transport priorities of public transport agencies: services in an environmentally sustainable manner. 1. Public transport agencies are to exercise their functions in a manner that promotes the h. Social benefits following objectives, which are the common To contribute to the delivery of social objectives of public transport agencies: benefits for customers, including greater inclusiveness, accessibility and quality a. Customer focus of life. To put the customer first and design the transport system around the needs and i. Safety expectations of the customer. To provide safe transport services in accordance with a safety b. Economic development regulatory framework. To enable the transport system to support the economic development of the 2. Public transport agencies are to determine state (with a focus on freight transport their service delivery priorities having systems). regard to the Transport Secretary’s expectations for service delivery established c. Planning and investment by a Statement of Expectations issued To ensure that good planning informs annually to public transport agencies by the investment strategies. Transport Secretary.

d. Coherence and integration To promote coherence and integration across all transport modes and all stages of decision–making.

e. Performance and delivery To focus on performance and service delivery, based on a strong purchaser- provider model with clear accountabilities for outcomes.

f. Efficiency To achieve greater efficiency:

i. in the delivery of transport infrastructure projects

ii. through improved coordination of freight, maritime and ports operations, and their integration into the transport system

Appendices • 57 58 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 Guidelines 2.0, asperthePremier’s Circular 2012–08 NSW Government Website Management. The NSW Trains AnnualReport was produced in-houseandcomplies withWeb Content Accessibility Annual Report accessibility requirements Changes inActs andsubordinate legislation 2018–19 on 1July2020) Industrial ChemicalsAct 2019 Road Vehicles Standards Act 2018 Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 commence on21October 2019) Building andConstruction Industry Securityof Payment Amendment Act 2018 Government Sector Finance Act 2018 • • Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2013 andElectricity(ConsumerGas Safety) Act 2017 Rail Safety (Adoption ofNational Law) Regulation 2018 (NSW) (commenced on27 July2018) Crown Land ManagementAct 2016 New SouthWales (commenced on1October 2018) Heavy Vehicle (Adoption ofNational Law) Amendment(Penalties) Regulation 2018 (NSW) on 1October 2018) Heavy Vehicle (Adoption ofNational Law) AmendmentRegulation 2018 (NSW) (commenced (NSW) (assented to on27 June2018, notyet commenced) (Cth) (assented to on12March 2019, dueto commence (Cth) (part-commenced on11December 2018) (NSW) (commenced infullon1July2018) (NSW) (commenced on1July 2019) (NSW): (NSW) (commenced on1September 2018) (NSW) (to

Intercity Trains Network

1 2 3 4 5 6

Hunter Line Hunter Line Central Coast & Newcastle Line Tarro Broadmeadow Hilldale Hexham Hunter Paterson Telarah MetfordThornton Waratah Adamstown Wirragulla Beresfield Sandgate Wallarobba Mindaribba MaitlandHigh Street Warabrook Kotara A Dungog Martins Creek A East MaitlandVictoria Street Cardiff Hamilton Cockle Creek Newcastle Hunter Line Teralba Interchange Booragul Greta Fassifern Scone SingletonBranxton Aberdeen Lochinvar Awaba Lake Muswellbrook Dora Creek Macquarie Morisset Wyee Warnervale Wyong Tuggerah Ourimbah Lisarow B B Niagara Park Central Coast Narara Gosford Point Clare Tasman Sea Tascott Koolewong Woy Woy Wondabyne Hawkesbury River Hawkesbury River Cowan Berowra Mount Kuring-gai Mount Colah Asquith Hornsby C Gordon C Lindfield Chatswood Epping Artarmon St Leonards Blue Mountains Eastwood Wollstonecraft Waverton Blue Mountains Line North Sydney Milsons Point

MartinKings Place CrossEdgecliff Wynyard Bondi Junction Zig Zag Lithgow Bell Sydney South Coast Line Town Hall Bathurst Central Central Coast & Newcastle Line Redfern Blue Mountains Line Blackheath D Mount Victoria D Sydenham Medlow Bath Leura Lawson Linden Katoomba Blaxland Lapstone Penrith Bullaburra Warrimoo Glenbrook HazelbrookWoodford Emu Plains Blacktown Wolli Creek Westmead FaulconbridgeSpringwoodValley Heights Burwood Wentworth Falls Hurstville ParramattaStrathfield Penshurst See Sydney Trains Network map Mortdale for connecting City services Oatley Jannali Campbelltown Southern Highlands Line Sutherland Loftus Macarthur Engadine Heathcote Menangle Park Waterfall Menangle E Douglas Park Helensburgh E Picton Otford Tahmoor Stanwell Park Bargo Coalcliff Yerrinbool Scarborough Illawarra Wombarra Mittagong Coledale Bowral Austinmer Burradoo Thirroul Moss Vale Bulli Woonona Exeter Bellambi Bundanoon Corrimal Penrose Towradgi Wingello Fairy Meadow Tallong North Wollongong F Marulan Wollongong F Southern Highlands Goulburn Coniston LysaghtsCringilaPort KemblaPort North Kembla South Coast Line Southern Highlands Line Unanderra Kembla Grange Dapto Albion Park Lake Oak Flats Illawarra Shellharbour Junction Minnamurra Bombo Kiama Gerringong South Coast Berry Bomaderry South Coast Line G

1 2 3 4 5 6

Copyright © 2018 Transport for NSW 1803TMI-E-MWT-A4P

Appendices • 59 60 NSW Trains Annual Report 2018–19 Fore more nswdotinfo information orcall1350 visittransport NSW Trains 470 Pitt Street Haymarket NSW 2000 www.nswtrains.nsw.gov.au

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ISSN: 2204-101X