Promoting KINDNESS in the Classroom Create a culture of kindness. Discussion Topics o Have students share a time when someone was kind to them. Similarly, have students discuss times when they experienced unkindness. o What are some synonyms for “kind?” (Nice, sweet, friendly, caring, giving, generous, considerate, polite, loving, fair, heartfelt, sincere, helpful, thoughtful, respectful, courteous, sympathetic, pleasant) o What is the opposite of kind? (Unkind, mean, rude, inconsiderate, selfish, insensitive, unfriendly, hateful, nasty, thoughtless, coldhearted) o How does it make you feel when someone is kind? How does it make you feel when someone is unkind? o Talk about facial expressions and what a person’s face might look like if they are experiencing kindness or unkindness. (Consider different emojis and what the facial expression shows.) Activities: o Create a kindness anchor chart with your students. o Have students cut out magazine pictures that show kindness. Make a poster or bulletin board. o Take photographs of students showing kindness. Post photos on your classroom door to recognize acts of kindness. o Have students look through picture books to find examples of kindness. Similarly, have students look through books and find examples of characters being unkind. Have students tell what the character could have done differently to be more kind. Scenarios… What could you do to BE KIND?

-A kid at the park falls off his bike and hits the ground hard… -Your friend forgets his snack… -Someone you know is sick… -Your brother trips while going up the steps… -A new students joins the class… -A neighbor just had a baby… -Your friend’s dog just passed away… -It’s pouring rain, and your sister left her brand new toy in the backyard… -A classmate dropped his/her lunch tray in the cafeteria… -Some friends come over to your house to play. Everyone wants to go outside and swing, but you only have two swings… -You get to school and see a teacher carrying a large load of things from her car to the door… -It’s a cold winter day. It’s time for recess, but a classmate realizes he/she forgot to bring a jacket… -You and a friend are riding the bus home from school. Your friend suddenly realizes he left his spelling words in his desk… -A classmate gets in trouble or has to sit in time out… 5 Ways to Be KiND by ______

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______Name: ______Date: ______BE KIND.

Synonyms for KIND:

Antonyms for KIND:

How does it make you feel when someone is UNKIND to you? How does it make you feel when someone is KIND to you? Name: ______Date: ______Write about a time when someone was kind to you. Then draw a picture on the back of your paper.











______Name: ______Date: ______

Write about a time when you could have been a little more kind to someone. What could you have done differently? How did you feel? How did the other person feel?














______Name: ______Date: ______

Directions: Look through books in your classroom, and find characters showing kindness. Choose a good example of someone being kind. Write about it, and draw a picture.


Book: ______Page # _____




______BE KIND. At school we have been learning about kindness and what it means to be kind. We’ve been reading books and discussing ways to show kindness in everyday life. Homework Assignment: Take a picture of someone being kind. Bring the photo to school or have a grown-up e-mail it to your teacher.

Due Date: ______

BE KIND. At school we have been learning about kindness and what it means to be kind. We’ve been reading books and discussing ways to show kindness in everyday life. Homework Assignment: Take a picture of someone being kind. Bring the photo to school or have a grown-up e-mail it to your teacher.

Due Date: ______What does being kind look like? Examples from school, at home, on the field, around town… -Wave at a neighbor. -Smile at someone, even if they are a stranger. -Encourage someone by giving them a high five or a fist bump. -Offer to help someone carry something heavy. -Take the dog for a walk or feed the cat before you are asked. -Ask someone to play with you on the playground. -Take turns. -Share your favorite toy. -Smile and say hello to someone in the elevator. -Surprise someone by drawing a picture or making them a card. -Donate or give to someone in need. -Hold the door. -Help someone find something they lost. -Let someone go before you. (Give up your turn.) -Help someone fix something that is broken. -Cheer someone on in a race. -Give someone a pat on the back. -Make others feel good and happy by giving genuine compliments. -Help a friend tie his shoes. -Clean up after yourself and someone else too. -Help someone before they ask you for help. -Give money to charity. -Help someone tie their shoe. -Help a classmate with a button or zipper. -Pick something up off the ground. -When someone is hurt, get them an ice pack or a band aid. -Say nice words. -Give flowers. -Be patient with others. -Be positive. Be cheerful. -Write a sweet note to a family member. -Give hugs. -Take out the trash. -Clear the table after dinner. -Offer to get someone a drink. -Say please and thank you! Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller Examples from the book: -Share an umbrella -Give someone a napkin -Help clean up someone’s mess or accident -Offer a sweater or jacket to someone in need -Give -Make cookies for a neighbor -Visit an elderly neighbor who lives alone -Donate clothes, shoes, books, toys to others -Help with chores -Put dirty dishes in the sink -Clean up after the class pet -Pay attention when someone is telling a story -Give compliments when you notice something special about someone -Ask the new girl to be your partner -Talk and listen to grown ups and family members -Throw away litter -Recycle -Use polite words like ‘thank you’ -Say ‘God Bless You’ when someone sneezes. -Use people’s names when speaking to them -Share your talents by teaching others -Be patient when you are waiting for someone. -Stick up for someone when others aren’t kind -Sit by someone who is feeling down -Paint a picture for someone -If someone drops something, pick it up for them -When someone is cold, let them borrow a jacket -Buy flowers for someone who is sick -Adopt or help care for an animal in need -Help someone with their books -Help someone who is lost -Honor and support the troops -Help someone get up when they fall -Bring something to someone that forgot it -Let someone have your seat on the bus or on the bench -Help a little kid who can’t reach something up high. -Hold or snuggle an animal that needs love -Make someone a sign to make them feel welcome. Anchor Chart Ideas Brainstorm Ideas for showing kindness Anchor Chart Ideas Synonyms & Antonyms for Kind Examples of being Unkind -Staring at someone -Pointing at someone to draw attention to them -Laughing at someone when they trip or fall -Talking about somebody behind their back -Ignoring some one that is being friendly -Leaving someone out of a game -Being grumpy and mean -Laughing at someone when they are embarrassed -Being disrespectful -Being hurtful -Being impatient -Making fun of someone -Being selfish and not sharing toys or taking turns -Te a si n g s o m e o ne -Not listening to someone when they are talking -Laughing at someone when something bad happens to them Check these books out…

Be Kind The Invisible Boy What Should Danny Do? by Pat Zietlow Miller by Trudy Ludwig by Ganit & Adir Levy

Stick & Stone Peanut Butter & Cupcake The Rabbit Listened by Beth Ferry by Terry Border by Cori Doerrfeld

Click on the picture of the book to check it out on Amazon. Amazon affiliate link included for your convenience. Check these books out…

Kindness is Cooler, The Jelly Donut The Giving Tree Mrs. Ruler Difference by Shel Silverstein by Margery Cuyler by Maria Dismondy

Have You Filled a The Big Umbrella Elmer Bucket Today? by Amy June Bates by David McKee by Carol McCloud

Click on the picture of the book to check it out on Amazon. Amazon affiliate link included for your convenience. [email protected]

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