Llescenbante of Tlobn ~Liot
:lkmum 'Romen, JJonum 4'men GENEALOGY OP Tl! llescenbante of tlobn ~liot •• APOSTLE TO THE INDIANS" 1598-1905 A NEW EDITION, 1905 Prepared and Published by the Committee appointed at the meeting of his Descendants, at South Natick, Mass., July 3, 1901 WILIIIIUfA H. (ELIOT) E1111:llSON, CAai,-,nar, Eu.sWOllTH ELIOT, M.D. Gao1to& EDWIN ELIOT, Ja. c-,,,,;11,, ~o t~.e ffl.emora of WILLIAM HORACE ELIOT, JR., A.B., A.M., LL.B. BORN DEC, 30, 1824 DIED DEC. 8, 1852 WHOSE LABORS IN THE PREPARATION OF THE '' GENEALOGY OF THE ELIOT FAMILY" PUBLISHED AFTER HIS DEATH, IN 1852, BY SEVERAL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY, ARE THE FOUNDATION AND LARGELY 'l'HE SUPERSTRUCTURE OF THIS VOLUME 1905 FROM THE BAY PSALM BOOK The Fift Booke Psalm 107 "0 give yec thanks unto the Lord because that good is bee; because his loving kindness lasts to perpetuitee." PREFACE INCE the publication of the "Genel!,logy of the Eliot Fam S ily," compiled by William H. Eliot, Jr., before 1854, one or _more unsuccessful attempts have been made to issue another ec1ition. It was not, however, until the second gathering of the . descendants of John Eliot at Natick in July, 19cn, that a definite step was taken in the appointment of a committee, who have since pursued their labor of love for nearly four years. The result is in your hands to-day, and we respectfully commit it to your interest and to your leniency. Although great pains have been taken to secure all the Eliot lines, we regret to say that a few have either not been reached or have not responded.
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