-/• Distribution fJr rninf mitm&t. MM, TtEDBANK Today m. Urn to JN. teertMtof tmorw, Mgk to 1 Independent Daily f 17,075 4H. See (ides *od weather Pg. I. (^ imwr THMUGH ruPAY-tn wi t J BY CARRIER Issued Dally. Monday through Friday, entered »l Second Clan Matter PAGE ONE VOL. 83, NO. 90 it tin Post Olllc» at Red Bank, N. J.. under th« Act ol March 3, 1S79. RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, I960 7c PER COFY 35c PER WEEK Judge Dismisses /• Candidates Hit Hard Middletown Suit As Campaign Goes FREEHOLD — A complaint against Middletown Township of- ficials charging failure to pro- Chief Clayton duce township records was dis- missed Friday by Superior Court Asks 'Yes' Vote Judge Gene R. Mariano. RED BANK - Police Chief Into The Final Day Judge Mariano dismissed the George H. Clayton today urged suit when attorneys for both sides local residents to vote "yes" told the court the reason for com- on the question in tomorrow's plaint no longer existed. election concerning police pay. Kennedy: Nixon Four township residents had In a statement, Chief Clay- filed suit, claiming the township Senator ton quoted J. Edgar Hoover, clerk had denied them access to head of the Federal Bureau of Goes On minutes of the Township Com- Investigation. In addressing It Will mittee and Board of Health. the National Police Chiefs As- Gaining, David C. Furman, Red Bank, sociation, Mr. Hoover said it Jet Blitz representing the plaintiffs, said is necessary to pay policemen Be Close the records had been made avail- at the local level adequate sal- ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - able the day after his clients had aries if the nation is to expect WITH KENNEDY IN NEW Vice President Richard M. Nixon ENGLAND (AP) — Sen. John F. AP Says filed suit. good law enforcement. swept into the Midwest from Alas- Suit had been filed by Francis Kennedy roared into the final ka today for a marathon final Wode, Democratic candidate for day of hit. presidential campaign By GEOFFREY GOULD day of campaigning in his quest today, redoubling his attacks on for the presidency. Township Committee; Frederick WASHINGTON (AP) — An As- Whittles, Democratic candidate Kiernan Says Vice" President Richard M. Nixon, . By midnight tonight he will and insistinc that "this is a close s°cia.ted Press survey shows that for assessor, and Allen J. Stans have sped 7.000 miles in 32 hours election." Sen Joint F. Kennedy h?s pained by chartered jet airliner in a bury and MiSs Gertrude Neidlin considerably in his electoral vote ger. The defendents were Howard He Will File As the zero hour neared, his barnstorming blitz, circling from lieutenants radiated optimism utlook since a similar check Los Angeles to Alaska, the con- W. Roberts, township clerk, and liree weeks ago. ARADE LOVERS—Marching J about the outcome of tomorrow's tinental heartland and return. Mrs. Elizabeth Hubbs, assistant Libel Suit However, many of the states clerk. election. During a whirlwind day of ac- LONG BRANCH-A libel suit long with units from Fort ere found to be in the doubtful Middletown Township Attorney There was an atmosphere in his tivity yesterday, Nixon: was promised yesterday by May- Monmouth yesterday were camp of "it's all over but the r tossup category, including sev- Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., said or Paul Kiernan against editors ral of the bigger ones. Vice Proposed that President Eis- many children who stepped tabulating." the records in question had not and publishers of the "Last Min- resident Richard M. Nixon enhower join with former Pres- been available when requested ut in cadence with soldiers, Tremendous crowds and near- idents Truman and Hoover aft- ute Election News," which was delirious receptions for Ken- :ould overtake Kennedy if he because the clerk's office had vins a significant number ol er he leaves office in January mailed to city residents last ailors, Marines and veter- nedy — even in sonic Republi- for a "torch of freedom" jour- been working on them. week in an appeal to overthrow hose doubtful states while kcep- He said public records would ans in annual Veterans Da/ can strongholds — heightened ney to the Red satellite coun- :he existing city commission the impression that the Demo- ng his own bloc intact. tries of Eastern Europe; always be open depending on the orm of government. parade in Middletown. The And it is possible that the latest "reasonableness" of the request, cratic presidential candidate Accused his Democratic rival, The mayor said the paper de vent, sponsored by the LP survey, conducted last week, and assured the plaintiffs this was ahead as the race came en. John F. Kennedy, of insult- famed him and Commissioners loes not fully reflect any influ- included public records back to owr.ship's Veterans of For- into the stretch drive. ing Alaskans in particular and Raymond M. Brown, George D ence President Eisenhower's late- 1667." Late reports to his head- Americans generally; Wool ley and Rocco N. Bonforte. eign Wars and American Le- quarters from around the coun- nning speechmaking may have He said it associated them with gion posti, drew an estimat- ry, along with some polls, ap- lad in Nixon's favor. Pledged he would meet the Communist threat "any place in activities which, if they had oc- d 4,000 persons, who braved peared to confirm this. The Undecided Vote Investigate curred, would have been illegal the world," and said America's ntermiftent sleet and hail. Kennedy was taking no chanc- The survey was based on judg- defenses would be kept strong re- "Regardless of the outcome o es. nents or AP political observers n-photo at right are Joseph gardless of cost, but dollars for Death Of fie referendum," he said, "this "This is a close election," he in all parts of the country, news- defense would not be wasted. ype of campaigning has no place Azzolina, grand marshal, left, told his audiences. "It may be paper analyses, party leaders Nixon called for the goodwill in Long Branch and will not go and Vincent Boyle, command- decided by one or two per cent and certain poll findings. It was our abroad by the three ex-Pres- Mrs. Cox unchallenged." of the vntes in the major states." believed that in a number of er of the VFW post. Sixty idents during a coast-to-coast tel- DAYTON, Ohio (AP) - Mrs. The paper was mailed from His aides are watching closely tates the silent, undecided vote evision address broadcast from Margaretta Cox, a former first r Long Branch post office un units participated in the 'or last minute • reports from was big enough to tip the result Los Angeles after his departure lady of Ohio and a friend of sev- der a permit issued to the Won- march—the third annual af- California, Texas, Illinois, Ohio, one way or the other. or Alaska. Before his takeoff he mouth County Eagle of Long Michigan and New Jersey. The survey provided this referred to the 30-minute tape-re- eral of the nation's Presidents air sponsored jointly by the perished yesterday in a fire at Branch, on the aDplication o Kennedy planned these breakdown: corded talk as "the most import- her suburban Oakwood home. A Milton Garr, 298 Poole Ave. service organizations. moves in the final hours of the —Kennedy ahead in 15 states ant half hour of the campaign." The four-page edition carried with 197 electoral votes—72 Nixon described Eisenhower, coroner hinted • that something Charles C. Kinney, inspec- campaign: was amiss and asked the state a line "prepared and oaid fo 1. He prepared to go on tele- short of the 269 needed to win. Truman and Hoover as "our fire marshal to investigate. by the Citizens Committee fo tor general of the national vision tonight to reply to There are a total of 537 electoral most distinguished Americans," The 70-year-old widow of form- Lower Taxes" and identified VFW, wat guest speaker at Niton after the vice president's votes. and said they could carry the 'Bill Friedland" as "Treasure nation's message of peace and er Gov. James M. Cox, news ceremonies hefd at the con- four-hour question-and-answer (See AP POLL, Pg. 3) paper publisher and unsuccessfu and Editor." marathan today, Picre Salinger, friendship behind the Iron Cur- Democratic candidate for Presi The names of Commissionei clusion of the parade-. his press secretary, said the tain. dent in 1920, was found uncon- Edgar Dinkelspiel, who is ad- channel was not yet certain, 2,500 Attend In return, officials of these cap- scious In her bathroom. She was vertising director of the Eagle, nor the specific time. He said tive countries would be invited to dead on arrival at Miami Valley and Thomas D. Van Note, Jr., Sidelights Kennedy would make the ap- visit and travel freely in the Hospital. editor and publisher of the Ea pearance some time between United States next year. Two Mayors Try 6 and 8 p.m. CYO Rally She apparently had made he I were not mentioned in th The idea • had scarcely been way to the bathroom after being "Last Minute Election News.' On Kennedy's 2. A telephone drive for sup- ASBURY PARK - More 2,500 broached before Truman said he awakened by the flames, which Mr. Kiernan said he was "sat- port, reaching toward three mil high school age Catholic boys and would' have • no part of it. The burned her cheek and earlobe isfied that there is no Bill Fried- N.L Visits lion persons, was under way.
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