
Evolutionary analyses of non-genealogical bonds produced by introgressive descent

Eric Baptestea,1, Philippe Lopeza, Frédéric Bouchardb, Fernando Baqueroc, James O. McInerneyd, and Richard M. Buriane aUnité Mixte de Recherche 7138 Systématique, , , Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France; bDépartement de Philosophie, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada H3C 3J7; cDepartment of Microbiology, Ramón y Cajal University Hospital (IRYCIS, CIBERESP), 28034 Madrid, Spain; dMolecular Evolution and Bioinformatics Unit, Department of Biology, National University of Ireland Maynooth, County Kildare, Ireland; and eDepartment of Philosophy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061

Edited by W. Ford Doolittle, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, and approved September 24, 2012 (received for review April 20, 2012)

All evolutionary biologists are familiar with evolutionary units that evolve by vertical descent in a tree-like fashion in single lineages. However, many other kinds of processes contribute to evolutionary diversity. In vertical descent, the genetic material of a particular evolutionary unit is propagated by replication inside its own . In what we call introgressive descent, the genetic material of a particular evolutionary unit propagates into different host structures and is replicated within these host structures. Thus, introgressive descent generates a variety of evolutionary units and leaves recognizable patterns in resemblance networks. We characterize six kinds of evolutionary units, of which five involve mosaic lineages generated by introgressive descent. To facilitate detection of these units in resemblance networks, we introduce terminology based on two notions, P3s (subgraphs of three nodes: A, B, and C) and mosaic P3s, and suggest an apparatus for systematic detection of introgressive descent. Mosaic P3s correspond to a distinct type of evolutionary bond that is orthogonal to the bonds of kinship and genealogy usually examined by evolutionary biologists. We argue that recognition of these evolutionary bonds stimulates radical rethinking of key questions in (e.g., the relations among evolutionary players in very early phases of evolutionary history, the origin and emergence of novelties, and the production of new lineages). This line of research will expand the study of biological complexity beyond the usual genealogical bonds, revealing additional sources of . It provides an important step to a more realistic pluralist treatment of evolutionary complexity.

biodiversity structure | evolutionary transitions | lateral gene transfer | network of | symbiosis

volutionary biologists often study of organization in ways that may conflict were made to explain micro- and major the origins of biodiversity through across levels. evolutionary transitions. For instance, it E the identification of the units For instance, some considered that was proposed that evolution of higher-level at which evolution operates. In kin selection among related insects was interactors results from the functional agreement with the work by Lewontin (1), sufficient to account for the seemingly integration and suppression of competition it is commonly assumed that such units higher level of organization in collectives of between related lower-level interactors, present a few necessary conditions for eusocial insects (2, 3, 11–13). For others, like in scenarios for the “fraternal” tran- evolution by , namely (i) the colony existed as a selectable whole, sition from unicellularity to multicellular- phenotypic variation among members of irreducible to the simple addition of ity (23), or from the “egalitarian” an evolutionary unit, (ii) a link between individual insects’ fates (14–17). This assortments of unrelated entities interact- phenotype, survival, and reproduction multilevel perspective seems notably jus- ing in ways that lead to new entities (23), (i.e., differential fitness), and (iii) herita- tified if some replicators (genes) are like in the symbiogenetic account of the bility of fitness differences (individuals favored by their phenotype expressed in in the work by Margulis (24). resemble their relatives more than un- individual insects, whereas other genes are Although evolutionary scenarios often related individuals). This view, however, favored because selection acts on their focused on transitions affecting members raises at least two difficult questions. extended phenotype expressed in the col- within a single lineage, there is increasing What can be selected? What evolves lective distributed behavior in groups evidence that processes using genetic ma- by selection? of insects. terial from multiple sources also had major This dual concern has prompted a dis- Although evolutionary biologists can effects on the evolution of a diversity of tinction (2, 3) between units of selection agree that interactions of entities at dif- interactors. Recombination, lateral gene and units of evolution, distinguishing be- ferent levels of organization influence transfer (also called horizontal gene tween vehicles (or interactors) (4) on which genes that are replicated across transfer) (SI Text, section 1), and symbiosis which selection can act (usually individuals generations, they need to explain how contribute to the structure of the bi- or populations) and replicators (usually a hierarchy of levels of organization had ological world in ways that differ from individual genes or small complexes of itself evolved. This question was tackled vertical descent alone (25). Novelty- genes), the ultimate beneficiaries of evo- in the research program on evolutionary lution (2, 3). Replicators are consensually transitions (18–21). As many works have – seen as central to evolutionary expla- noted (18, 20 22), complex interactors Author contributions: E.B., F. Bouchard, F. Baquero, and nations (5). However, the consensus is corresponding to a special type of organi- R.M.B. designed research; P.L. performed research; J.O.M. more fluid regarding the definition of zation did not appear ex nihilo; they contributed new reagents/analytic tools; E.B. and P.L. ana- lyzed data; and E.B., P.L., F. Bouchard, F. Baquero, J.O.M., interactors. Debates about levels of selec- have evolved from simpler organizational and R.M.B. wrote the paper. tion and the multilevel selection theory levels, and evolution itself has shaped The authors declare no conflict of interest. (5–10) have led to investigations of how each of these organizational levels This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. whether interactors can be found at is maintained. 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: distinct levels of organization (cells, or- Accordingly, studies of evolutionary [email protected]. ganisms, groups of organisms, and even units must address the order, constraints, This article contains supporting information online at for some, ) when survival of genes and processes through which units from www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1206541109/-/ is affected by competition on various levels different levels emerged. Distinct cases DCSupplemental.

18266–18272 | PNAS | November 6, 2012 | vol. 109 | no. 45 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1206541109 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 PERSPECTIVE

generating genetic combinations have humans) would be better described by common ancestor produced by vertical produced a variety of evolutionary out- a model that accounts for these dual origins descent. We introduce network-based no- comes at different hierarchical levels (26). and the process of sexual reproduction tions to facilitate recognition of these Examples include domain sharing between between two partners at each generation. patterns in gene and genome networks and gene families (27), transfer of adaptive The same logic holds true, we believe, the patterns of additional classes of evo- genes in prokaryotic genomes (28–32), not only for sexual organisms but also, lutionary units. Finally, we discuss how pangenomes (33), and sharing of trans- all cellular organisms and evolutionary identifying these additional evolutionary posases (34), integron gene cassettes entities (i.e., phages, plasmids, lichens, patterns, orthogonal to the patterns pro- (29), plasmids (35), and phages (28, 31) eusocial insect communities, etc.) resulting duced by relationships, could within genetic exchange communities from assortment of genetic material from stimulate radical rethinking of key ques- (36); bacterial consortia, such as Chlor- more than one source. tions in evolutionary biology. ochromatium aggregatum, with partners We are not the first to suggest that undergoing synchronized separate cellular a different formalization of evolutionary divisions (37); and endosymbiotic gene processes is useful to investigate the Mergers and Clubs as Relevant Evolutionary transfer (38, 39). diversity of evolutionary units. For in- Units. Members of monophyletic groups, In cases of symbiosis, mutualistic, com- stance, the work by Godfrey-Smith (18) evolving by clonal division and allowing for mensal, and even parasitic relationships, recently used a multidimensional space continuing mutational diversification in gene exchange is not a necessary condition as a heuristic device to handle entities members of clonal complexes, character- for the formation of higher-order entities that evolve under processes with a non- istically share genes that trace back to that are composed of separate units Darwinian character (SI Text, section 2). a single locus in a single individual (in fact, with their own genomes. The contributing In particular, it models evolutionary the same locus in a single genome of a last entities can profit from the combined transitions that proceed through the common ancestor). We call such genes resources made possible by interactions aggregations of different reproducers (e.g., coalescent orthologs to distinguish them between the products encoded by the genes individual cells) with independent evolu- from shared genes originating from dif- of the partners and can also yield an tionary activities that are increasingly ferent processes. Indeed, many genetic entity that is subject to selection in its own constrained as their collective (e.g., a co- similarities between biological objects are right. For instance, biofilms; colonial lonial organism) engages in a form of not caused by vertical descent, where the organisms [Volvox (40), sponges, Portu- reproduction in its own right, gains au- genetic material of a particular entity is guese Man-O’-War, and the aggregates tonomy (e.g., through central control), and propagated by replication inside its own and slugs of Dictyostelium discoideum acquires differential fitness. Importantly, lineage. For instance, adaptive lateral (41)]; multicellular eukaryotes, insect this formalization highlights that biological genetic transfer between genomes of en- hosts, and the Wolbachia that determine complexity and evolutionary transitions tities from different lineages that share their sex or other traits (42, 43); lichens do not occur solely in paradigmatically the same environment or lifestyle (29, 32, (44, 45), herds and packs of social animals, Darwinian populations that are charac- 46) indicates additional (non-vertical) communally organized (quasisocial and terized by (i) a relatively high fidelity of mechanisms for the integration of genetic eusocial) social insects; and commensal heredity, (ii) dependence of their re- material into one host. Hence, another and symbiotic gut microbes of insects and productive differences on intrinsic char- type of descent is fundamental to the re- vertebrates together with their hosts are acters, and (iii) similar organisms, to construction of an accurate evolutionary all excellent candidates to count as higher- a large extent, having similar fitness. Fol- picture of the evolutionary units. order entities (or collective reproducers) lowing this lead, the study of interactors What we call introgressive descent (18). The genome of such collective re- evolving by non-paradigmatically Darwin- occurs precisely when the genetic material producers should be counted as including ian processes could benefit from a net- of a particular evolutionary unit first all of the genetic material of their com- work-based formalization that explicitly propagates into different host structure(s) ponents (18, 42, 46). models the provenance of their genes and then is propagated within or by Although such (compound) multi- (replicators) (36, 47–49). the resulting unit(s). Examples include genomic and mosaic beings are widely We elaborate below on the evolutionary a transposon inserted into a series of dif- recognized, disagreements about the transition research program to propose ferent plasmids, a plasmid in different establishment of their boundaries and that interactors are much more varied than bacterial clones, a clone in different pervasiveness of the processes involved in is often assumed, and we suggest how microbiomes, the mitochondrial genes their making affect thinking about evolu- to apply network tools to genomic datasets present in a eukaryotic cell (regardless tionary units. If these processes are fre- to detect genetically mosaic interactors. of whether those genes have been trans- quent, it becomes necessary to track We argue for the importance of selectable ferred into the nuclear genome), and entities in non-tree patterns, because their entities comprised of replicators or com- the commensal combination of an alga component parts depend on genetic ma- ponents from more than one ancestral and a fungus in a lichen that is propagated terial originating by introgressive descent source as the result of either evolutionary by vegetative reproduction or diaspores from more than one lineage. Consider, transitions or combinations of elements (44, 45, 50). The typical biological out- for example, the of that might be on the way to such a transi- comes of these interlineage and interlevel humans. Whereas the metaphor of a hu- tion. Some evolutionary structures pro- assortments, namely the mosaic objects, man genealogical tree is often used to back duced by such an assortment between and the multilineage coalitions of genetic up the tree metaphor in evolution, it is distantly related lineages and even unre- partners involved in these processes can only when focusing exclusively on the pa- lated lineages (e.g., viruses and cells or be stabilized and selected, becoming ternal or maternal line of descent that cooperating individuals from different important evolutionary players in their a portion of (in fact, of phyla in a symbiotic relationship) can own right (46). Therefore, introgressive any sexual species) can be put on a di- be detected through remarkable patterns descent generates non-genealogical bonds chotomously branching tree. To do justice in genetic and genomic resemblance between biological objects, producing to the evolutionary processes at play in networks (36, 47–49) that differ from a reticulate evolutionary framework. sexual species, the genealogy of all the transitive relationships of homology To account for the origins and features organisms with two parents (not just between objects evolving from a last of these objects, we propose that, in

Bapteste et al. PNAS | November 6, 2012 | vol. 109 | no. 45 | 18267 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 addition to single lineages resulting from are (obligate) mergers for their compo- history, which are still largely focused the splitting processes of vertical descent, nents that cannot reproduce indepen- on single lineages with evolution that can evolutionists should formally recognize dently (62). Consequently, empirical be modeled by a tree. We must, therefore, a range of mosaic evolutionary units evidence regarding reproduction, mainte- think about methodological innovations produced by introgressive descent. This nance mechanisms, integration, and to deal with these additional interactors, range has two extremes. First, there are fitness of each proposed merger (or club) which can include the use of directed mergers. Mergers arise when two or more is required for a detailed evaluation of or undirected cyclical graphs known as components, not hitherto coexisting within why particular genetic assortments (or networks and the use of a simple graph- the same unit, are brought together, coalitions) based on the sharing of genetic based terminology. and these components are subsequently material count (or not) as bona fide replicated or propagated within or by a new evolutionary units or are on a path to an Tracking Non-genealogical Bonds in Evolutionary single corporate body (9). Often, compo- evolutionary transition (SI Text, section 2 Networks. Networks, consisting of nodes con- nent parts of mergers do not trace back to and Fig. S1). nected by edges, are a natural way to a single locus (or set of loci) in a single last In fact, when embracing the common capture specific patterns resulting from the common ancestor. Mergers exist at multi- definition of lineages (where groups distribution of genetic material from more ple levels of biological organization [mo- of closely related entities belong to the than one source (36, 47–49). These graphs lecular (27, 51), genomic (25, 52–54), and same lineage by contrast to different line- can represent genetic diversity at dif- organismal (39, 55, 56)] and do not all ages, which refer to groups of more ferent levels of biological organization. subtend the same genetic consequences. distantly related entities) and the common For instance, gene networks represent Fused genes conferring drug resistance definition of levels of biological organiza- sequences by nodes, and these nodes are (35), new viral genomes (49), lineages tion (with cells and mobile genetic connected by edges when they manifest sig- created from symbioses (39, 56), and elements belonging to different levels), we nificant similarity (63). Genome networks Russian dolls of mobile genetic elements propose to distinguish no fewer than five represent genomes as nodes, and these (52, 53) are among the best known exam- main classes of candidate evolutionary nodes are connected by edges when they ples of mergers. The offspring of sexual units. These units are (i) intralineage share common features (e.g., the same reproduction are also obligate mergers, mergers, (ii) interlineage mergers, (iii) sequenceorthesamegenefamily)(47–49). because their parts come from distinct— interlevel mergers, (iv) multilineage clubs, In genome networks, monophyletic although closely related—sources (two and (v) multilevel clubs, depending on groups will generally produce cliques parents instead of one last common an- whether the genetic material shared by (Figs. 1 and 2A and Table 1) (i.e., sub- cestor). Many mergers bring together ele- introgressive descent comes from a single graphs in which all nodes are directly ments that were capable of independent lineage and level of biological organization connected to one another), because all replication before and can replicate only or more (SI Text, sections 1 and 2). entities under study share some coalescent as part of a larger whole after their union Examination of the importance of such orthologs. However, when the similarity (19); in such cases, they present typical units should broaden (and may challenge) of characters decreases under a given signs of evolutionary transitions. traditional descriptions of evolutionary threshold through evolution, a different Second, there are multilineage clubs. Members of these clubs form coalitions of entities that replicate in separate events and exploit some common genetic material that does not trace back to a single locus in a single last common ancestor of all of the members (26, 29, 31, 32, 57, 58). Multispecies biofilms (59), environmental coalitions of cells and mobile genetic elements like those elements of marine cyanophages and cyanobacteria (28), and genetic exchange communities in gut microbiomes (31, 60, 61) provide examples of such multilineage clubs. These assort- ments may result in evolutionary tran- sitions if the club exhibits some form of reproduction in their own right. Some independently reproducing com- ponents of a larger whole will also fall between these two extreme poles that are produced by introgressive descent. Thus, the mycobionts and photobionts of most lichens may reproduce independently (although in such cases, the offspring of the mycobiont must find and incorporate Fig. 1. Selection of gene network components displaying their largest maximal clique. Genes (nodes; in an appropriate photobiont to be lichenized gray) aligning >80% of their sequences with their match in a BLAST analysis (showing >50% identifi- −20 again), but they may also reproduce by cation and a BLAST score < 1e ) are directly connected. Sequences belonging to the largest maximal fi vegetative reproduction or diaspores; clique, de ning the largest set easily amenable for a single phylogenetic analysis, are highlighted in bright colors. The largest maximal clique only covers a portion of each component, meaning that nu- therefore, they may be treated as faculta- merous similarity relationships and evolutionary relationships cannot be investigated using a single tree. tive mergers (44, 45, 50). In contrast, A corresponds to the Holin BlyA family (only plasmids; 87 nodes in the clique). B contains AC3 and the mycobionts of some populations of replication enhancer proteins (only viruses; 140 nodes in the clique). C corresponds to transposases OrfB lichens seem to have lost the power of family (mostly plasmids and a few prokaryotes; 50 nodes in the clique). D corresponds to oligopeptide independent reproduction; such lichens ABC transporter ATP-binding proteins (mostly prokaryotes and some plasmids; 38 nodes in the clique).

18268 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1206541109 Bapteste et al. Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 AB C D available from the National Center for Biotechnology Information as of May B of 2011. These sequences are available in A C ABC ABC ABC the download section at www.evol-net.fr. We built gene networks (www.evol-net.fr) 24,019,180 occurences 5,518,575 occurences 3,708,888 occurences 406,285 occurences by connecting two sequences if they shared a BLAST hit displaying more than E F G a given percentage identity (e.g., 50%, ABC 70%, 90%, and 99%) and considered A BCA edges corresponding to a BLAST hit cov- ABCD ering more than 80% of both sequences ABC Bacterium Archeon Eukaryote as sequence-homologous. In this case, we observed 6,477 Pn patterns in our gene 6477 occurences network, with distantly connected genes H I from the same homologous family in eu- karyotes: one acquired from an arch- B Eukaryotes B B aebacterial ancestor, and the other acquired from a bacterial endosymbiont A C 77 351 A C A C 589 (mitochondria or chloroplast). Many Archaea Bacteria 2339 of these Pn were tracking the same ancient 6,092,041 occurences 18,825,481 occurences event of endosymbiotic transfer. Although M-P3s can be characterized in Fig. 2. Patterns with evolutionary significance in resemblance networks. Each symbol indicates an entity (node) from a distinct level of biological organization. Similarly colored edges indicate vertically in- terms of graph theory, their detection herited shared characters. Occurrences in our test dataset at >50% identification are quantified when can be complex. For instance, M-P3 pat- available. (A) Clique (here, a triangle) capturing a homology relationship between A, B, and C. (B)P3 terns can be masked by additional bona occurring when a homologous character evolved beyond recognition between A and C. (C)M-P3in- fide homology bonds between the entities directly connecting two entities through a third one by different (pink and green) shared characters. (D) caused by other characters (Fig. 2H). Multilevel M-P3 indicating multilevel evolutionary units. (E) Polarized M-P3 showing B as a merger or as Other M-P3s can be missed when two a fissioning unit. (F)Pn (here, four). (G)Pn with the distantly related parts from a merger entity A. (H) characters assumed to be coalescent Hardly detectable M-P3s. (Left) Ancient core characters mask a recent combination of characters in B. orthologs are not. This situation can occur (Center) Real numbers of shared gene families between domains of life. (Right) Aggregation of three M- for gene families with significant amounts P3s looking like a clique. (I) Multilevel cliques. of in and out paralogy (67) or in the extreme case of nearly identical re- pattern is produced: some edges disap- different levels of biological organization; placement of genetic material by se- pear, and cliques are replaced by in- e.g., cellular , phages, and quence-homologous copies. Finally, transitive chains, with adjacent objects of plasmids) (Fig. 2D). Moreover, when cliques with unrelated entities (Fig. 2I) the chain presenting similarity up to polarized, M-P3s can be used to detect also deserve particular consideration, be- a certain threshold (Fig. 2B). In agreement mergers (Fig. 2E) when the binder cause they are not united by vertical de- with the terminology of graph theory, we receives genetic contributions from two scent. Their topology suggests the sharing call such a subgraph of three nodes (A, B, sources (ex pluribus unum), or M-P3s of genetic material in multilevel clubs. and C) a P3 (64), where A is linked to B, B can be used to detect that a fissioning Formally naming these P3s (and cliques) is linked to C, and A is not linked to C. entity has contributed materially distinct is a first step for implementing their This concept can be easily extended to the objects (ex unibus plurum) (66). In both systematic detection to better track evo- case where A, B, and C are not nodes but mergers and contributions to separate lutionary transitions and evolutionary instead, cliques; in graph theory, B is entities, the involved entities may belong units using both genealogical and non-ge- called a minimal clique separator (65). to the same level or to different levels of nealogical bonds. Typically, in our real By contrast, we call mosaic-P3 (M-P3) a biological organization. dataset, no single tree can analyze all P3, in which two entities, A and C, are We define Pn, when n entities can be of the connected sequences in the gene indirectly connected through a third entity, arranged, as a chain of n-2 P3s (Fig. 2F). network, because no single clique with B, by one or more characters that are Importantly, a Pn can also detect mosaic more than four sequences entirely covers not coalescent orthologs (Fig. 2C). Such units, when entities at its extremities a connected component uniting sequences an M-P3 unites at least two distantly are distinct parts of the same entity (Fig. with significant similarities (Fig. 1 and related and/or unrelated lineages through 2G) (e.g., when the terminal nodes in Table 1). Only a fraction of the sequences a third entity acting as an intermediate a gene network are two genes present in in a gene network included in such cli- binder. By definition, this structure is be- the same organism but acquired from ques (counted using maximal clique enu- yond the reach of a single-tree analysis; distinct sources). merator) (68) are amenable to classic A and C cannot be compared directly, Such simple patterns of the connections phylogenetic analysis; 11.5–36.3% of the because they lack homology for the traits can facilitate the study of introgressive sequences are present in P3, meaning that under study. The relationship between A descent in networks. As a quick proof of their relationships of homology are also and C is not an intrinsic property of concept, we assembled and BLASTed too distant to be accounted for by a single these two objects, and it is distinct from all-against-all, a dataset of 336,402 cellular tree. In addition, a fair proportion of se- homology. Consequently, such M-P3s protein sequences, from the complete quences (from 3.8% to 28.9%) belongs to offer non-genealogical bonds to detect genomes of 54 Archaebacteria, 70 Eubac- M-P3 and multilevel P3 (up to 11.4%) multilineage clubs (when all nodes of the teria, and 7 Eukaryotes sampled all over subgraphs, further hinting at phenomena M-P3 represent entities from different the web of life (the taxa are listed in of introgressive descent (Table 1). Like- lineages but at the same level of biological SI Text, section 3) and 228,042 mobile wise, although numerous sequences be- organization) or multilevel clubs (when genetic element protein sequences, com- long to triangles connected by homology some of its nodes represent entities from prising all viral and plasmid sequences edges, suggesting that their similarity

Bapteste et al. PNAS | November 6, 2012 | vol. 109 | no. 45 | 18269 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 Table 1. Counts of maximal cliques, P3, and M-P3 in a real test dataset of over 330,000 sequences Percent nodes Percent nodes in Percent nodes Identity Average number in cliques H triangles in Syn triangles Percent nodes in Percent nodes in threshold (%) Nodes of cliques by CC (in MLvl cliques) (in MLvl H triangles) (in MLvl Syn triangles) P3 (in MLvl P3) M-P3 (in MLvl M-P3)

50 295,606 35.1 46.8 (10.1) 66.3 (40.4) 27.4 (18.3) 36.3 (11.4) 28.9 (8.5) 70 178,558 60.8 35.8 (2.7) 59.4 (44.8) 17.9 (14.9) 16.7 (2) 15.2 (1.1) 90 104,851 0.2 36.9 (0.8) 57.6 (52.4) 14.1 (12.3) 12.1 (0.3) 10.9 (0.4) 99 44,592 0.2 31.8 (0.7) 55.3 (50.9) 4.7 (4.2) 11.5 (0.1) 3.8 (0.1) †‡ Examples NA NA Fig. 1 * §

Maximal cliques of four nodes and more that were amenable to phylogenetic studies were referred to as cliques. Triangles, based on homology edges only (called H triangles) or sharing of distinct genetic material (called Syn triangles), and P3s were enumerated using in-house scripts, which are available from Philippe Lopez on request. P3s for which at least one of two edges was not homologous were labeled M-P3s. Triangles, P3s, and cliques harboring both cellular and mobile genetic elements sequences were labeled multilevel (MLvl). The percentage of sequences involved in each pattern was estimated. It does notsum to 100%, because a given sequence can simultaneously be part of distinct patterns, in which they are involved through different sets of neighbors. A few real examples corresponding to these patterns are provided for the network at 50% identification threshold (genInfo identifier numbers are indicated). CC, connected component. *Sharing of cyanophycin synthetase by A (Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142_172037152), B (Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102_186685868), and C (Gloeobacter violaceus PCC 7421_37523895). Sharing of fosfomycin resistance protein by A (a plasmid of Staphylococcus aureus_170780437), B (a of Bacillus cereus Q1_222095687), and C (a virus, Bacillus phage Cherry_77020211). †The bifunctional protein HldE, glycerol-3-phosphate cytidylyltransferase, and ADP-heptose synthase of Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii DSM 11347_206890027, Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. nucleatum ATCC 25586_19704265, and Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus HD100_42524647 follow this pattern. Late competence protein, S-layer protein, and β-lactamase domain protein of a virus, Geobacillus phage GBSV1_115334647, a chromosome of Bacillus cereus Q1_222096303, and a plasmid of Geobacillus sp. WCH70_239828744, respectively, follow this pattern. ‡ Sharing of ammonium transporter Amt by A (Methanobrevibacter ruminantium M1_288560581), B (T. yellowstonii DSM 11347_206890102), and C (Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai str. 56601_294828399). Sharing of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase-like protein by A (a virus, Synechococcus phage syn9_162290189), B (a plasmid of Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413_75812812), and C (a chromosome of Chloroflexus aurantiacus J-10-fl_163846093). §B(Bacteroides fragilis YCH46_53714858) shares parts of its bifunctional methionine sulfoxide reductase A/B with the methionine sulfoxide reductase of A (Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824_15893384) and other parts with the methionine sulfoxide reductase B of C (Bordetella pertussis Tohama I_33594433). B (the chromosome of Rickettsia rickettsii str. Iowa_165933859) shares parts of its lysozyme with A (the lysozyme of a virus, Bacteriophage APSE-2_212499717) and other parts with the lysozyme of C (a plasmid of Azospirillum sp. B510_2_288961413).

results from vertical descent, in a vast tions of preexisting, often unrelated bi- sufficient autonomy, as lineages, to majority, these triangles contain sequences ological entities increases diversity at every diverge from each other). After this from genomes from distinct levels of or- level of biological organization) (70, 71). threshold was crossed, the bonds of ho- ganization, indicating important amounts A compelling example can be found in the mology became more striking than the of genetic sharing between unrelated recent expansion of a bacterial gene structures produced by M-P3s, but entities. Moreover, depending on the blaCTX-M-15, which inactivates most mod- homology is not the only guideline to ex- threshold retained to construct the gene ern cephalosporin antibiotics in Escher- plain this early transition in the history of network, an additional 4.7–27.4% of tri- ichia coli. The ancestral gene of this life. Considerations of vertical descent angles present in the network would rather detoxifying enzyme was a housekeeping alone suggest that the more recent com- be explained by the introgressive sharing gene in an organism ecologically accessible mon ancestor of life would be more an- of unrelated (or extremely divergent) by E. coli and its plasmids, captured by cient than the Earth (76, 77), which seems fragments of DNA between the three an insertion sequence, and then moved impossible. Introgressive descent can, connected elements. Thus, the detection into plasmids that were captured by therefore, also contribute to under- and recognition of such non-genealogical particular cosmopolitan E. coli clones, in- standing of early evolution. Interlevel bonds possibly yield deep consequences cluding the widespread high-risk clone mergers and multilevel clubs were likely for evolutionary knowledge. ST131-O25:H4-B2, which contributed to key elements in the pre-Darwinian its worldwide spread. The blaCTX-M-15 world (78). Investigations of ancient evo- Evolutionary Thinking Beyond Genealogical gene was then captured by new plasmids, lution should benefit from research to Bonds. The systematic analysis of M-P3 which were captured in their turn by define the pool of shared genes of early patterns in networks suggests that one other E. coli clones. Because some of these multilineage and multilevel clubs rather should assign comparable ontological im- clones are particularly suited to be in- than hinge on the definition of the single portance to evolutionary transitions in tegrated in the intestinal microbiome of minimal cellular genome inferred from both single lineages and phylogenetically different types of animals, the blaCTX-M-15 genealogical bonds between extant cellu- mosaic units to broaden the analysis of four gene expanded multidimensionally, finally lar beings. Unless introgressive descent types of evolutionary questions. reaching even the hemolytic–uremic is acknowledged, there will be Lost Com- First, the origin of evolutionary novelties E. coli O104 responsible for food poison- mon Ancestors: the contemporary mosaic is generally considered through the impact ing in Germany in 2011 (72–74). Consid- evolutionary units of the hypothetical of (selective/selected) and re- eration of M-P3s, the true binding of last common ancestor. combination in nucleotide sequences unlike to unlike at the origin of original Third, the origin of lineages is often within a genome (69) or random drift in evolutionary units, explicitly includes considered as a problem of branching populations. Although a number of mu- such evolutionary quantum leaps in stud- order on a tree. However, genetic assort- tations in key regulatory nodes might ies of evolutionary novelties. ments crossing lineages and levels also produce quite complex phenotypes, this Second, introgressive and vertical de- yield lineages of major evolutionary play- focus must be expanded to solve the scent can enrich models pertaining to ers. The entry of eukaryotes on the scene, problem of how big novelties are acquired the Darwinian threshold (75) (i.e., the whether as the product of some sort of (e.g., how assembly of original combina- time at which cellular lineages acquired fusion (56) or successive endosymbioses

18270 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1206541109 Bapteste et al. Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 (24, 79), provides an obvious example. multilineage units is possibly no less fun- tree like processes. In particular, Any selective pressure favoring the stabi- damental than the origin of multicellular- the analysis of the evolution of mergers lization of a merger (e.g., when the ity. Both phenomena require explaining and clubs requires us to uncover other merged entity acquires better resistance to how distantly related entities (e.g., cells or bonds, reaching beyond strict kinship and parasites or pathogens) can produce the mobile elements) reach their current level beyond one biological level. Because in- non-tree like evolution of ecologically of integration and the mechanisms de- trogressive descent structures biodiversity successful novel lineages. For example, ployed for passing on traits that belong to in ways that vertical descent does not, a selective sweep might occur in the de- the complex rather than particular in- it seems essential to study the patterns scendants of an individual bacterium that dividuals or lineages. Similar questions can harbored a Clustered Regularly Inter- be raised for multilevel organizations. caused by intersections and genetic ex- spaced Short Palindromic Repeats Thus, comparative analyses of multiple changes between lineages (and not just (CRISPR) that acquired new spacers multilineage/multilevel clubs could iden- within lineages). By starting with patterns conferring greater resistance to phages in tify convergent mechanisms, features, as simple as M-P3s, it should be possible a given ecological niche (80, 81). Thus, genomic properties, ecological affinities, to improve our understanding of past, considerations of M-P3 patterns could or functional capacities of the members of present, and future biological evolution explain the origin of what we recognize as such clubs. Analyses of M-P3s can set up significantly and encourage the inclusion lineages (e.g., some microbial lineages an analytical framework to define the of additional evolutionary units in our corresponding to ecotype) (82, 83) without possible rules (85, 86) (the grammar of description of biological evolution. This a tree. Likewise, members of sexual spe- associations between the different enti- line of research can expand the study of cies can be studied as the result of the ties), even in the absence of geneal- biological complexity beyond the usual stabilization of the obligate mergers ogical continuity. produced during sex (84). Hence, non- genealogical bonds, revealing additional genealogical bonds could replace the Conclusions sources of biodiversity, and promote ad- series of dichotomies often used to model Richard Owen proposed that instances ditional developments of the analytical some intermediate stages of lineage of the same organ under every variety of apparatus required for network analysis to evolution in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. form and function should be considered handle even more complex patterns gen- Fourth, evolutionary explanations homologs. Darwin proposed a genealogi- erated by introgressive descent. We com- generally rely on the comparison of var- cal cause for that homology. He, thus, mend it to our readers. iations of vertically inherited features. established a hidden bond particularly However, the systematic detection of suited to diagnose and explain evolution of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The work of F. Bouchard is mergers and clubs, defined by non- single lineages. Ever since that time, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities genealogical bonds, can increase the biologists have preferentially investigated Research Council of Canada. The research of number of evolutionarily relevant com- evolutionary changes through relation- F. Baquero is sponsored by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union (PAR-241476 parisons. This enlarged comparative scope ships of homology and tree-like genea- and EvoTAR-282004) and the Carlos III Institute accommodates more complex questions logical patterns. However, increasingly Research Fund (FIS-PI10-02588). J.O.M. is funded regarding “egalitarian” evolutionary many evolutionary units and transitions by the Science Foundation Ireland Research Fron- transitions. The origin of (compound) seemed to depend on and arise from non- tiers Programme (09/RFP/EOB2510).

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