General Index

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General Index Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 307 ) GENERAL INDEX. • Angell, Joseph (goldsmith), mark of, 300. Abell, John, 100, 101,102, 105. 1 Annott, Ann, 230. Abellsland, Cobham, 130. Aosta Cathedral, Titles of the months Absolon, Geoffrey, 135. in, 258. Acrise, 57. Apsley, John, Rector of Ripple. 242, Adam, John, M.P. for Eomney, 45, 243. 47, 'IS. -19; Nicholas, Knight of Archer, Richard, of Dover, 304. the Shire for Kent. 45 ; Stephen, Architectural Periods. Table of, by 47. Henry Taylor, F.S.A.. 7. Adams, Thomas, 222. Armagh, Dr. George Cromer, Arch- Adcock, Mrs. Elizabeth, 201. bishop of, 74. Aiscoughe, Elizabeth, Inventory of Armestrong, Barnabas, 96. household goods of, 230. 231, 236 ; Will of, 236. Arnold, George M., on Ancient Akers, George, 133. Timber - framed House at Alan, John, Chaplain of Chantry in Shorne next Gravesend, lix, 193. Cobham Church, 78 ; Master of Arnold, A. A., on Cobham Col- Cobham College, 76. Aldeburgh, M.P. for, 60. lege, 64; on Cobham and its Aldebury, Michael, 168. Manors, 110; Church, lix. Aldensland, Cobham, 130. Arundel, M.P. for, 46 ; Thomas How- Alderwasley, Derbyshire, 202. ard. Earl of, 266, 268. Aldeye, Henry, 276. Ashburnham, Karl, 60, 137 ; G-eorge. Aldhens Manor, 130. M.P. for Romney, 60. Aldy, Thomas, 214. Askew, Thomas, 230. Alexander, Robert, 105. Askyns, 103, 104, 105. Alfriston, Old Clergy House at, 194, Astle, Thomas, Letters of Edward 195. Hasted to, 136—166. Algestow (High Halstow). 68. Astyn, Balph. 176 ; Stephen, 176. Allchin, Mr. J. H., Note on Pre- Athol, Countess of, Note on the historic Pottery in the Maid- so-called tomb of, in Canter- stone District, lxxvi—lxxviii. bury Cathedral, by W. H. St. All Saints, Canterbury, Inventory of John Hope, 209. Church Plate of, 273. Atkins, John, 87. Allen, Charles, 30; Edmund, 222 ; Atkinson, Richard, M.P. for Romney, Eliz., Donor of Church Plate, 276. 59. Alleyn, Sir Christopher, M.P. for Attemelle, Laurence, 169. Eomney, 52. Attewelle, John, 168. Amherst, Charles Selby, 32 ; Eliza- Attwode, Guy, 170; John, M.P. for beth, 32. Romney, 45. Amis, Thomas, 250. Atwater, Mary, 288. Anoell, Richardo, 96. Austen, Sir Robert, M.P. for Romney, Andrewe, John, 134 j Eobert, 135. -. 57, 58 ; Rev. Penjamin, Donor of Andrewes, John, 100, 101, 121. books to the Library, lv. Andrews, William (goldsmith), mark Avery, Messrs., 201, 202, 204 ; Thomas, of, 273. 201. x2 308 GENERAL INDEX. Ayloffe, Sir Joseph, and Edward Has- Beesthorpe Hall, William Miles of, ted, 136,139, 140, 143,144,145,146, 61. 147, 148, 150. Belcher, Samuel, of Bethersden, 202. Aysteres, Lady, 173. Belknap, Robert, 207. Ayton, John Fordyce of, 59. Bell, John, Jane, Matthew, and Fanny, Donors of Church Plate, 297, 298. Bell, Ancient, from Boxley, lxxiv, B lxxv. Belty, G. F., Memorials of the Order Back, Mr. Usher, 202 ; Mrs., 202. of the Garter, 211. Baguley Hall, Cheshire, 12. Belvoir, John, 278. Baker, Mr. T. H., 72, 111, 112; John, Benenden, 243. Master of Cobham College, 76; Bengebery, Manor of, 93. Richard, M.P. for Romney, 51; Bengeley (Bengebury), 68. Roger, 168 ; Sladen John, 241, 244. Bennett, Mr. F. J., on Gravestones at Baker's Cross, Mr. William Sharpe of, West Mailing, 302 ; Arthur, 246 ; 204. Ellen, 243, 246, 247; Lucy, 243, Balduck, Matthew, 250. 246, 247 ; Margaret, 246. Baldwin, W. W. T., 208. Benson, Dr., Archbishop of Canter- Bamlond, James, M.P. for Romney, bury, 245. 49. Bensted, Mr. Hubert, elected Mem- Bangor, John Cleveland, Bishop of, ber of Council, xlvi. 48. Bere, James, Clerk, 116. Barbrooke, Robert, 135. Berkeley, Sir Charles, M.P. for Rom- Barham, 160; Church, gift of plate ney, 55 ; Sir Charles, Viscount Fitz- to, 273 ; Nicolas, 104,105,106 ; Ser- Hardinge, M.P. for Heytesbury, 55. geant, 104, 129 ; William, Sergeant- Bermondsey, Abbot of, 121 ; Monas- at-law, 101. tery of St. Saviour's, 198, 199, 200 ; Barker, Edward, Rector of Westbere, Prior and Convent of, 64, 73, 77, 222 ; John. Master of Cobham Col- 132 : Charter of Prior and Convent lege, 116. of, 99 ; Grant to Cobham Oollege, Barkly, Sir Charles, M.P. for Heytes- 98. bury, 58. Bernard, Henry Norris, Rector of Rip- Barnard, Frederick, 152. ple, 245. Barrett, Ellen, 244; Paul, M.P. for Berwick, M.P. for, 59. Romney, Recorder of Canterbury, Besbech, James, 176. 55. Besbiohe, Jane, 231. Barrow, James, 51. Bethersden, 170 ; Account of its Bassett, Albert, 223 ; George, Rector Church and Monumental Inscrip- of Swalecliffe, 223 ; John, 214. tions, 204; Notes on, by the Rev. Bateman, Ann, Peter (goldsmiths), A. J. Pearman, 201—208; Bectory mark of. 293 ; William, 290. and Manor of. 203 ; Vicars of, 205 ; Bathurst, Launcelot, Alderman, 56 ; Whitfield Family in, 57. Sir Benjamin, M.P. for Romney, 56. Battle Street, Cobham, 68. Bett, William, 128. Bawle, Robert, M.P. for Romney, 52 ; Bettenham, Robert, 174 ; Thomas. Vincent, 52. 172. Bawman's Hill, 106. Betteshanger, 241, 243. Bayly, John, 70 ; Master of Cobham Betts, Thomas, 114, 127, 128. College, 76 ; Richard (goldsmith), Betynham, Thomas, 173. mark of, 282. Beverly, Provost of, 238. Beale, Thomas, 215. Bibliotheca, Topographica Britannica, Beardmore, Rev. H. L., List of Account of Cobham College in, 73. Biddenden, 203 ; Sepulchral, Urns the Rectors of Ripple by, 237— from, lxx. 254. Bifrons, Taylor, Family of, 274. Beatrichsdenne (Bethersden), 207. Beauvoir, Rev. Osmund, 155. Bilsington Priory, by C, H. Wood- Becker, Edward, 80. s. ruff, F.S.A., xlviii—li; Foundation Becket, Thomas, 199. of, xlix ; Seal of, xlix; Suppressed, Bedford, 244. xlix; Buildings, 1. Beer Alston, M.P. for. 56, 60. Birling, 67, 69, 94, 97, 106. GENEEAL INDEX. 309 Bishop, Sir Thomas, Knt., Mayor of Bridgett, Father, his defence of St. Maidstone, 156. William of Perth, 97 note. Bishop Gilbert, 199. Brimpton, Berks, 245. Bisse, .Edward, M.P. for Heyfcesbury, • Brinton, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester, 58 ; Stephen, M.P. for Romney, 58. ! 64. Blean, Ohurch Plate of, 292, 293. : Brise, Richard, 254. Bletchingly, M.P. for, 56. Brissenden, Bridge, 201 ; Daniel, 201 ; Bochier, William, Master of Cobham Laurence, 203. College, 75, 78, 135. Brodd, John, 172. Bocton, see Boughton. Brokhull, John, 94. Bocton Aluph, Manor of, 212. Brome, 134. Bodill, Richard, 227. Bromham-cum-Oakley, 244. Boggerste. see Boghurst. Brooke Family, Arms of, 88 : Crest of, Boghurst, 104 ; John, 106. 81; Sir George, Lord Cobham, 80, Bohehame Marsh, 93. 111; signature of, 72 ; grant to, 98; Bonam, Edward, 96. F. C, of Ufford, restores brasses in Bonham. Dorothy, 30; Edward, 96 Cobham Church, 74 ; Mary, 236 ; note. Mr., Recorder of Rochester, 192; Books, Notices of, 301—305. Sir Henry, Lord Cobham, 114; Sir Booth, Arthur W., 124 ; Thomas, 206. : WiUiam, Lord Cobham, 78, 80,120 ; Borey (? Bowey), Christopher, 130. Thomas, 121. Botreaux, Maurice, Rector of Ripple, Brookland, 52 ; Church, xlvii, xlviii, 238. 53; Leaden font at, by Rev. Bottesham, Bishop William de, 116. G. M. Livett, 255; Marsh, 206 ; Boughton Aluph, Anglo-Saxon Dis- Dodd Family in, 45. coveries at, lxv; Monchelsea, 167— Broomstone, Anthony, Rector of Rip- 175 passim. ple, 240. Boughton-under-Blean, 228. Brouncher (Brunkard), Henry, M.P. Boulogne, Siege of, 126. for Romney, 55 ; Lord, 55. Bourchier, see Bochier. Brounyngby, Robert, 168. Bourman, John, 170. Brown, Olara A., Donor of Church Bouverie, Elizabeth, 60. Plate, 292 ; Stephen, 221. Bowes (Bowles) Lane, 107. Browne, Christopher, 214 ; John, 32 ; Bowlder, Robert, 216. Richard, M.P. for Romney, 54; Bowles, Captain Robert, 242. Curate of Cobham, 78; Thomas, 106. Bowreman, Stephen, 171. Browning, Edward, 249 ; Robert, of Bowsfleld, Bartholomew, 117. Gravesend, 95. Boxley, 167; Ancient Bell from, lxxiv, Brudenell, Robert, 174. lxxv ; Hales Place in, 57. Brydde, Henry, 134. Brailsford, Edward, Rector of Ford- Brynton, Thomas, Bishop of Roches- wich, Donor of Church Plate, 295. ter, 73, 116. Bralesford, H.. Rector of All Saints, Brytten, Sir John, Chaplain to Lord Canterbury, Donor of Churoh Plate, Cobham, 78. 273. Buckingham, Bishop John, Donor of Bramstone, see Broomstone. Church Plate to Canterbury Cathe- Brandonhill, 128. dral, 263 ; Marquis of, 137. Brasses in Cobham Church, Mr. Wal- Building Materials, Mr. Henry Tay- ler on, restored by Mr. F. C. Brooke, lor's remarks on, 22, 23. 74. Bull, Ann, Donor of Church Plate, Braybrooke, Joan, 71; Sir Reginald, : 293 ; Richard, 203 ; Thomas, Donor 71. •• of Church Plate, 293. Breade, Thomas, 217. ; B u n t i n g, John and Richard, Members Brett, James, 229 ; Family, Mayors j for Romney, 51 ; Stephen, Mayor of Romney, 54 ; Thomas, 53, 54. j of Romney, 51. Brette, Sir Tliomas, 54, Burbage, Thomas, 175. Brewer, John, M.P, for Romney, 56, Burdon, Thomas, 171. '57. I Burghley, Lord, 79. Brewers Gate, 132. j Burnham Deepdale, Font at, 257. 258. Brice, William, 130. Burroughs, Elizabeth, 31. Bridd, John, Rector of Ripple, 238. Burton, Christopher, Rector of Rip- Bridge, Dinah, 32; William, 214. ple, 239. 310 GENERAL INDEX. Burvill, William, 249. Chamber, Edward, 114 ; William, 114, Burwell, John, 96. 128. Bute, Lord, 58. Chance, William, 48. Button, John, 247. Chapels, Domestic, Orientation of, 5 Byng, George, M.P. for Dover and note. Rochester, 53; letter of, 85, 86 ; Charborough Park, R. E. D. Gros- William, M.P. for Romney, 53. venor of, 60. Burrows, Prof. M., 303. Charing, Archiepiscopal Palace of, 157 ; Pett in, 54. Charles, William, of Gillingham, C 94. Chart, Great. 202, 204; Church of, Cade, Jack, rebellion of, 122. Memorial of William Sharpe in, Caddel, Family of, 104. 204. Caffin, George Crawford, Rector of Charters, of Dover, by Rev. S. P. H. Ripple, 245. Statham, 303; Cinque Ports, 37, Calais, 159, 304. 43, 305. Caldreford, Richard de, Rector of Chartham, Downs, Tumuli on, 144; Eipple, 237. Walter, 77.
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