Space Groups and Lattice Complexes ; —
Mm 1W 18 072 if "^^^"^ Space Groups and Lattice Complexes ; — — Werner FISHER Mineralogisches Institut der Philipps-Universitat D-3550 Marburg/Lahn, German Federal Republic Hans BURZLAFF Lehrstuhl fiir Kristallographie der Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Niirnberg D-8520 Erlangen, German Federal Republic Erwin HELLNER Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Philipps-Universitat D-3550 Marburg/Lahn, German Federal Republic J. D. H. DONNAY Department de Geologic, Universite'de Montreal CP 6128 Montreal 101, Quebec, Canada Formerly, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland Prepared under the auspices of the Commission on International Tables, International Union of Crystallography, and the Office of Standard Reference Data, National Bureau of Standards. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Frederick B. Dent, Secreiory NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Richard W. Roberts, Dnecior Issued May 1973 Library of Congress Catalog Number: 73-600099 National Bureau of Standards Monograph 134 Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Monogr. 134, 184 pages (May 1973) CODEN: NBSMA6 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Order by SD Catalog No. C13,44:134). Price: $4.10, domestic postpaid; $3.75, GPO Bookstore Stock Number 0303-01143 Abstract The lattice complex is to the space group what the site set is to the point group - an assemblage of symmetry- related equivalent points. The symbolism introduced by Carl Hermann has been revised and extended. A total of 402 lattice complexes are derived from 67 Weissenberg com- plexes. The Tables list site sets and lattice complexes in standard and alternate representations. They answer the following questions: What are the co-ordinates of the points in a given lattice complex? In which space groups can a given lattice complex occur? What are the lattice complexes that can occur in a given space group? The higher the symmetry of the crystal structures is, the more useful the lattice- complex approach should be on the road to the ultimate goal of their classification.
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