V&f 1 The ColvilleExaminer, Saturday, August 29, 1914 Is hereby ordered that that part Of COMMISSIONERS' PKOCKKUIMIS and expense account, $45.90. were made: It 37, Sport—at Arden Lumber Company, lumber, D JtmM Miller, erroneous assessment, tlon 1, township 37, range on the Days the ule of the Columbia river and of July 27, 1914, R. and B. No. 2, $6.48. |6.54. Polo—Six bridge i;i\vunl Taylor, double assessment, sections 2, 3 and 4, township 37, ranKe Board met In special session. Winslow Lumber Company, :•,:. is transferred to the Marcus pro- All members present plank, It. and 8., $22.08. 11.40, Fair Winslow Lumber Company, bridge A. Kiniliiill,southeast quarter of tlie duct. Interstate The bids on the Colville-Moyers Falls quarter, the matter of the Mounter chaiiKl' Spokane permanent highway opened at 2:3U spikes, D. R. and 1!. No. 2, $4.40. southeast 17-24-39, contract In Williams Lumber Company, lumber cancelled, 111.27. In the Daisy mine road, the change be- o'clock p. m. and were as follows: property on completed: that portion of the edd Miner; county the U.K. and B. No. 2, $4.88. Church lots 16 and 17 of Ing B. D. to furnish plat original Colville, block 5, I id from the point where tho c hang* rock, $9,297.37; bidder to furnish the Kendrick Mercantile Company, pow- C $23.97. der, caps In the matter of the petition of leaves the old road to the point where rock, f9.497.57. and fuse. $46.60. al, or !• P. Mitchell & Company; county to Colville Implement Company, repairs William Uathi.urn et for a county It Intersects the old road is A. 1). road, engineer ordered to survey ami vacated, furnish the rock, $10,SUU; bidder to fur- for grader, 11. and 8., No. ii. ft.7A petition of the rock, $11,000. A. Anthony, lumbar, D. li. an.! report la the matter of the nish B Tie following claims, were allowed the Burnt Valley grange for a county Jarvis & Smith; county to furnish No. 2, $7.20. survey and the rock, JUp.TSu; bidder to furnish the A. C. (Celling, deputy sheriff and ex- and warrant! ordered drawn for same: road, engineer ordered to account, Company, supplies ri port. rock, (10,500. pense $15. Statesman-Index Campbell, foreman, D. It. LaPlant; bidder furnish the O. Phillip*, powder, caps and fuse. (01 superintendent and treasurer, 18.20. W. G. road Silk & to R, Charles Dannison, tax refunded, $6.79. and B. No. 2, $26.25. rock, $11,11110. D. and B. No. 2. $4.01. justice Thoke, work, J). and N. L. Wilson Company; county to Hoard adjourned to Tuesday, August i' 11. Bradley, of the peace, \V. P. road It. fur- 8, 1914. state versus Mahoney and Andrew, $6. B. No. 2. $8.75. furnish the rock, $11,750; bidder to William Mason, witness, state I. P. Chandler, road work U. It. and nish the rock, $11,675. versus Tuesday, August 9, 1914. Andrew, Jii.GO. IS. No. 2, $3.75. The bid of E. D. Miner being lowest C. O'Mahoney, witness, \V. Knowles. road work, D 11. anil and considered best is hereby awarded Board met pursuant to adjournment Mrs. P. stati- All members present < p'Mahoney, $2.20. B. No. 2, $6.25. contract. versus Llllle Hice. witness, Clark Campbell, road D. It. We hereby recommend that H. C. The bond covering contract of E. I> Mrs. state world on Colvllle-Meyers Falls versus O'Mahoniy, $2.20. and B. No. 2, $10. Root & Company be given supplemen- Miner the Clara Shaver, state W. Toliver. road work, D. i!. a; tary contract, making fill and culvert permanent highway is hereby ap- Mrs. witness, proved (j'.Mahoney, $2.20. li. No. 2, $3.75. at Squaw creek on state road number versus Laird, witness, state John Earle, road work. 13. K. ai \u25a0! 1, as per plans drawn by the county Bonrd adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Au- I.ouis versus gust 11, O'Mahoney, $2.20. : No. 2, $5. engineer. 1914. Bradley, justice of the peace, Joe Coleman, road work, D. It. Personal property tax of $10.96 of F. H. and 13. 1914. state versus QlasffOW, $2.50. B. No. 2, $15. M. E. McCauley hereby cancelled, ac- 1:30 p. m. August s road work, D. R. am. L. A. Toliver. road work, !>. ft. and count no exemption allowed. mot pursuant to adjournment. I. Seagrave, Boardmembers B. No. 1, $IS. B. NO, 2, $2.50. The official bond of John E. Throop All present Ed DeQrlef, road work, D. R. and is. D. House, road work, D R. an I as of the peace approved. In the matter of the hearing on the BoardJustice adjourned to Tuesday, July engineer's report of the Hull change in NO, 1, $7.50. B. No. 2, $1.25. .Meat Market, supplies foi \u25a0Charles Thompson, i oad work, D. 1914. the Deep creek road oama on regularly Colville 18. at the appointed time. After hearing jail, $19.70. It. and B. No. 2. $1.25. Tuesday, July 28, 1914. the evidence the matter was taken un- 1., C lieamcr, work for engineer, G. A. Bockflnser, road work, D. R. and B. No. 2, Board spent day inspecting the der advisement. $18.25. $2.25. 2, of citizens adjourned Friday, August Industrial Insurance Company, pre- William Peck, D. R. and B. No. deservedly popular with thousands Sprlngdale-Hunters permanent high- Hoard to insurance, O which became so way. 11, 1914. mium on $217.94. $2.50. for six days straight:at M C. Btolp, county commissioner and Dan WeLster, road work, D. R. and o the £..«? Ktn,,ir,> after being witnewed August 1914. mileage, $15.80. 11. No. 2/ $2.50. again bo given to the public July 1914. Tuesday, 11, Inc., Judge robe, Colburn, s gpokane Interstate Fair, will Wednesday, 29, met pursuant to adjournment. Barmam superior R. road work, D. R. and Jr will Board met pursuant to adjournment. Board $sn. B. No. 2, 75 cents. yW, annual northwest tournament be held Commissioners Ferguson and Gra- ah members present Bbapard Company, quotations, road and POI his when the second ing Prank Tom Carroll, work, D. R. Sept. 12 to 2a There will ham The follow are hereby appointed 2, grinds during the annual exhibition. present. as inspectors and judges for the fol- B. No. $5. on the Fair for northwest cham- In the matter of the Wa- Pacific Telephone and Telegraph All.art l.oiselle. road foreman, D. R. days and six teams at least will battle the change in th<; lowing praclncti for ti.e primary elec- commission, game, 2, be ter Power Company's tion September 8, Company, game and B. No. $24. ?x Sato! trophy cup. Lapray bridge road, the prosecuting at- on 1914:Inspector; \u25a08.66, Harry Stephens, road work, D. R. DlonshiD and tho Thaddeus B. Lane torney is ordered to institute Addy—Henry Pemeroy. W. engineer, 2, but strong team; Boise hereby E. iieinoehl, judge; Umil Thoni, judge. Ed Hanna, work for $18.25. and B. No. $7.50. with the CorbettSi Spokane, with a new condemnation proceedings against Km- Graham, inspector; Rlohard Drug Company, supplies for Fred Draper, road work, D. R. and PortiaH teams from Vancouver, Cochrane. Newton, right of way Arden—Thomas 2, nnd represented by at least three ma J. for S. W. Ogle, Judge; Joe Walter, Judge. Indigent, $1.25. B. No. $15. Caimill' acrosß the north half of the southeast W. S. J'rindle Funeral Parlors, haul- Adarm Loiselle, road work, D, R. M.'n,«l or Plncher Creek-the.se will make up the per- township Basin—A. Giesler, inspector; W. F. county North 'ok Vowlov quarter of section 18, HB, Noah, judge; VV. Gardner, judge. Ing Indigent to farm, $3. and B. No. 2, $7.50. matches, Polo experts from all over the coun- range 40 E. W. M. M. C, Stolp, county commissioner an- B. B. Wright, road foreman, P. K. fonnel of the championship allowed and war- Boundary—Charles S. Koning, in- 2, grounds one of the best fields for the The following bills \u25a0pector; Herman Helper, judge; J. F. mileage, $31). and B. No. $11. to hive pronounced the Spokane Fair rants ordered drawn for same: I, S. Harbison, livery to engineer, James Potter, road work, D. 11. and be any place in the country- Frank Ferguson, county commission- Edwards, judge. $3 no. B. flo. 2, $5. «*ompltahmenl of fast polo matches to found mileage, Bruce Creek—C. It- Day, inspector; Stables, excepted. er and $56.10. G. (Jerking, Clayton Livery livery to su- H. L. Bleed,er, road foreman, O. R. oust, and the fields P. H. Graham, county commissioner Robert Gourley, judge; J. B. No. 2, Meadowbrook. In the judge. and $12. 106,371 people saw the polo matches last year, and every one had and mileage, $57.40. Humphrey, inspect- i.'iV'no'uN,' livery to sheriff, $5.50. E. Hubbard, road work, D. R. and Exactly August Hluecreek—l. It. With Spokane and Boise as con- Board adjourned to Monday, or; G. Dannison, judge; George '"Nell Thomas, work for engineer, $1 B. No. 2, $11.25. only words of praise lor tho exciting events. S, 1914. Charles C. 11. Kiduell, road supplies, D. R Charles Suffer, road work, D. R. and cup, Em- FERGUSON, Kormar, judge. 2, 2, for year and Portland defending the the Inland FRANK —C. W. Connell, Inspector; and B. No. $2.15. B. No. $11.25. tenders the title this Chairman of Hossburu i). McGlUwroy, supplies, D. R. am! foreman, D. R. of Canadian will have Board. J. G. Hall, Judge; I). B, McMillan, judge. M C. W. Connell, road pire enthusiasts have much local Interest The teams a Attest: A. B. Sansburn, county aud- F, Kust, inspector; B. No. 2, $S. and No. 2. $60.50. western Barstow—Charles Company, B. preceding the Fair dates, and the best that Canada can itor. George Lane, Ward, Kendrlck Mercantile sup- James Mulligan, road work, D. R. tournament By F. L. deputy. W. judge; W. It. ]). il. and No. 2, $76.10. No. SpokHiie grounds. One and possibly two games Stonehouse, judge. plies, B. and B. 2, $27.50. offer will be brought to the Ayre—Boren inspector; Kendrick Mercantile Company, sup- George L. Connell, road woik, D. I!, days programs Hon Jenson, indigent, be played each afternoon, and on several attractive of 3, 1914 lirittell, judge; James Morrow, plies for $15. and B. No. 2, $27.50. will Monday, August C. C. 1. I trby, right of way In Deep creel; R. Burdick, road foreman, D. R. gymkhana events and novelty races will be put on between the different clubs. Board met in regular session pursuant Judge. road, It. and §\u0084 $100. No. 2, $38.50. to adjournment. Clayton—A. Carpenter, inspector; foreman, and B. George Melan- A L. Dunlap, road D. R. an.l 5. Glasgo, road work, D. R. and B. All members present. E. Itumpf, judge; E. A. ::, $24. examined and der, 11. No. No. 2, $25. The monthly pay roll judge. C. liunlap, road work, D. R. and B. T. Walker, road D R. and Orln, Washington. Assessor, B. L. Rogers, Bossburg, approved. Columbia —L. F. Ledgerwood, in- work, Lan, George judge; .1. No. 3, $15. B. No. 2, $50. STATI3 Washington. The following claims were allowed spector; W. Bryant, L, Hancock, road work, D. R. ami S L. Segrave, road work, D. R. anil RHPRBSDNTATIVH.Walter County first district and warrants ordered drawn for same. H. Robinson, Judge. Representative first district. Smith,commissioner Lynch, B. No. 3, $18. B. No. 2, $30. Smith, Chewelah, Washington. H. W. B. Harvey, Washington. L. Sachett, registerer of deaths and Colville number I—Al In- Maucher, work, D. R. ai D births, spector; L. E. Jesseph, Judge; F. Uuck- II road A. Kelley, road work, D. R. and B. Representative first district, J. F. County commissioner third district, $1.75. B. No. 3, $15. 2 $25 Jarvis, Washington. B. A. Cure, Clayton, Washington. Nellie Joos, registers of deaths ami aber, Judge. work, D. R. and B. No work, and Valley, births, $4.50. Colville number 2—Grover Graham, C Hoag, road 6. Phillips, road D. R. Representative first district, Oliver No. 3, $10. B. No. 2, $20. Leiser, Washington. L. L. Tower, registerer of deaths ami Inspector; Will C. Keller, Judge; Mr. D. R. and B Garvey, foreman, D. Kettle Falls. SOCIALIST PARTY Wheeler, Judge. II Couch, road work, George J. roaa COUNTY TICKET, births, $2. .Shaver, No. 3, $5. R. and B. No. 2, $22. Bossburg, UNITED STATES SENATOR. G. E. Martin, registerer of deaths ami Colville number 3—Mrs. Clara Hardware Company. 1). Clerk, L. C. Richardson, Barth, 3518 South M street Inspector; W. C. Stayt, Judge: li. W, Stannus-Keller C. A. Lucy, road work, It and Washington Adam H. blrthß, $3. supplies, I). It. and LS. No. 2, $39.50. Tacoma. Ethel 13. Foley, registerer of deutlis Brond, judge. B. No. 2, $5. Treasurer, R. E. Lee, Colville, Wash- CONGRESS, McClure, 6, B. Allen, road supplies, D. R. and D. Fit/.patrlck, road ivurj, D. R. BRI'IIKSEXTATIVB IN and births, $3.75. Corbett Creek —Theodore No. 2, 2, FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL J. W. Petterson, reglsterer of deaths inspector; S. L. Seagrave, judge; M. . B. $13.90. and R. No. $10. Sheriff, W. L. Woodard, Addy, Wash- judge. Qehrke & Sons, road supplies, D. R. Matt Johnson, road work, D. Tt. and DISTRICT and births, $3.75. Daggy, and B. No. 3, 2, .T. C. Harkness, 20t! Olympla avenue, G. E. Rumpf, registerer of deaths an] Bast Chewelah—George Walker, in- $1.40. B. No. $9.37. County attorney, John B. Slater, Col- B, Doran, Washington Brick, Lime and S. P H. Lind. road work, D. R. and B. Hillyard. births, $3. spector; F. judge; C. K. Company, road supplies, D. R. and B. 2, ville. Washington. REPRESENTATIVE. J. F. Morgan, registerer of deaths Searß, judge. No. $8.12. Auditor, A. B. Sansburn, Colville, STATE No. 3, 85 cents. Theodore Neoff, road work, D. R. Washington. Representative first district, C. H and births, $3. West Chewelah—lohn Thayer, in- P. Urown, road work, D. R. am 2, Pierce, Loon Lake, WasMnßton. A. E. Bidgood, registerer of deaths Bpector; Frank Chase, Judge; John Sav- .1. and B. No. $6.87. Engineer, R. B. Thomas, Colville B No. :j, $11. J. H. Sachs, road forMian, D. R. Washington. COUNTY TICKET. and births, $2. age, judge. .1. I. Brown, bridge work, R. and 8.. 2, Treasurer, Walter Myers, Colvllle, J. A. Rice, supplies for county of- Cronin—P. 11. Grace, inspector; It. L. and B. No. $85.75. Engineer, W. B. Stuart, Chewelah, Judge; MoTlgue, judge. S4B. James A. Morrow, road work, D. II Washington. Washington. fices, $7.20. Mitchell, U. W. George Tlieis, deputy warden George H. DeGrelf, Colvllle, Columbia Garage, auto hire to prose- Deep Creek —J. H. Hope, inspector; same and B. No. 2, $15. Superintendent of schools, C. P. All- Sheriff. August Anderson, and expense account, game, $52.55. 13. Bestrom, road work, D. 1 Colville, Washington. cuting attorney, 29.75. Harry Body, Judge; B. Sansburn, county auditor, con- H 2, bert, Washington. Wash- A. McDernihl, hauling for game com- judge. A. and B. No. $12.50. Assessor, A. E. Dodson, Colville, Assessor, Earl G. Neely, Orln, Couch, tingent cash account. $63.70. Fred Theobold, road work, D. R. ai ington. mission, $5. Deer Trail—Mike inspector; Company, Washington. Eastman, eighi. Blake, Stannus-Keller Hardware B. No. 2, $5. rlistrict, W. 1,. Commissioner first district, A. D. C. D. conducting A. G. Spaulillng, Judge; Lee supplies for courthouse, $8.10. Dahl, road foreman, D. 1; Commissioner first Fohes, Cedoniu, Washington. grade examination, $6.90. Thomas, expense Carl J. Robinson, Prultland. Washington. county Morgan, C. It. B. accouni. and B. No. 2. $55. district, Scott Ethel Cutsinger, nurse at Daisy—l. J. inspector; G. Skeleton, road work, D. R, Commissioner first farm, $31. Stockwell, judge; George W. Clemens, Tinning Com- G. W. Graham, Hunters, Washington. In witness whereof I have here- Underwood, county Colville Plumbing and and B. No. 2, $7.50. district, Wesley Hazel nurse at pany, supplies and repairs for court- Quern, road work, D. R. an.l Commissioner first farm, Doyle—Lillian Doyle, inspector; C. W. M. Marcus, Washington. unto set my hand and official $31. Judge. house, $0.45. No. 2, $11.25. Brittaln, Stevens County Power and Light C. Knutson, Judge; A. L. Plewa, .Sons, lumber for B. work, Commissioner third district, M. C. A. Wllbert, Inspector; D. S. lMehl & coun- Robert Vaughn, road D. R Chewelah, Washington seal this 15th day of August, Company, light for courthouse and Jail. Edendale —A. D. ty farm, $8.87. No. 2, $27.50. Stoln . $12.60. Henry Mason, judge; Charles Hall, " B;nmans Inc., supplies for county and B. work, Committeemnn Colville precinct No. D. 1914. engineer, judge. W J. Brown, road D. R. an<' Y. Wilson. T. W. Rea, livery for county farm, $15. B. No. 2, 2, F. Evans—T. It. French, inspector; J. Dupuis, supplies for superin- $27.50. Committeeman Colville precinct No. (Seal) A. B. SANSBURN, Printing Com- Currie, Judge; F. Ltucholtz, Judge. J. M. sheriff, Board adjourned to Saturday, Au- 2, S. Pioneer nindery and P. tendent, nrosecutor and $144.50. gust 22, 1914. S. Bec"-s. County Auditor of Stevens Coun- pany, supplies for superintendent, $!<>. Echo—George Copp, inspector; N. C. Colville Laundry company, laundry A. E. Dodson, expense account, $15.30. Shaver, judge; A. Weaver, judge. for courthouse and jail, $3.95. PARTY ty, Washington. H. E. Dahleen, M. D., medical care Forrest Center—l. E. Gray, inspector; Company, hauling for Saturday, August 22, 1914. REPUBLICAN Dawson, judge; li. Wolhfhast, City Transfer Board pursuant to adjournment. UNITED STATUS SENATOR. of Indigent, $10. W. C. game commission, game, $11.20. met Jones, Notches Mrs. O. B. McQulston, boarding Indi- judge. livery for game commis- All present. Wesley L. 106 South NOTICE BY COUNTY AUDITOR gent, Thought—J. W. Rickers, in- J. M. Dupuis, Additional bills allowed as follows: avenue, 'North Yakima. $12 First sion, game, $8. COJiOHESS, OF PRIMARY ELECTION FOR< Trunnels, care of county poor spector; John Doyle, judge; J. A Phillips, county treasurer, sup- Frank Ferguson, county commis- REPRESENTATIVE IN A. P. Bliss mileage, FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL farm, $235.50. .Mc.lunkln, Judge. $G.UO. sioner and $138.30. JUDICIAL OFFICES, Dotts, inspect- plies, Graham, county commissioner DISTRICT. Shaw & Borden Company, supplies Flat Creek —Desmond Bliss Phillips, county treasurer, P II Wilson, for county auditor, $27.48. or ; Ed Glasgow, Judge; W. E. High- and mileage, $110.20. A. J. 433 Waverly Place, eighth judge. stamps, $09. county commissioner. Gertrude E. Miller, conducting tower, Colville Examiner, county printing M. C. Stolp, State of Washington, County examinations, Lord, inspector; D. mileage. $94.40. Charles E. Myers, Davenport. grade $6. Frontier— George and supplies, $127.68. and George Place, of Stevens, ss. A. B. Ransburn, county auditor, A. Mouncer, Judge; Duke McGregor, Company, supplies for Board adjourned to August 31. 1911. Chandler, 714 Park commission, R. 14. Lee FRANK FERGUSON, Spokane. stamps for game game, $11. judge. jail, $^4.75. township, Spo- Notice is hereby given that a A. McColeman, supplies, game com- Spot—Cloyil Tlnncll, Inspect- Lee Company, supplies for Chairman of Board. A. C. Shaw, Moran Garden iidlnij- 11. K. Sansburn, county kane county. election mission, game, $8.10. or; W. A. Moklor, judge; F. P. county farm, $15.90. Attest: A. B. aud- primary to nominate can- W. J. expense account, ton, O'Hare, R. itor. O. C. Moore, Riverside and Monroe, Jackson, judge. Mrs. It. L. spikes, D. Spokane. didates for the office of $13.70. Hunters—M. M. Sammlns. inspector; 2, By P. L. Stonebouse, deputy. Suprem* account, Martin, ju.i and B. No. $3.50. Harry Rosenhaupt, 2017 Eighth H. M. Dorman. expense $7 G. L. Judge; Victor Melin. A H. Klein, road work, D. It. and street, Court Judges to be voted for at| W. L. Woodard, expense account, H;irvey Creek—diaries Turner, In- 3, Spokane. B. No. $12.50. NOTICE BY COUNTY AUDITOR W. A. Halteman, 1701 Mallon avenue, general $16.10. spector; Bid Jacobs, Judge; F. J. McDon- It. E. Lee Company, road supplies, D. the election to be held Colvllle Drug Company, supplies for 'l 8., 2, FOR Spokane. It. and No. $39.(i5. OF PRIMARY ELECTION Percy Wellington the Tuesday next succeeding game commission, game, —l. 11. Lt«h, inspector Jensen, work on right of way, P. Powell, 03355 on $12.70. kettlf^FaUs Savage, .S COUNTY (EX- Place, Spokane. Colville Drug Company, supplies for 10. B. Atuood, Judge; T. L. $13.70. STATE AND the first Monday in November, A. county treasurer, Company, roa George W. Shaefer, 744 12th street, $17.70. judge. Winslow Mercantile CEPT JUDICIAL) OFFICES. Spokane. Chewelah Auto company, auto to Onion Creek—.l. W. Brown, inspec- .supplies, No. 2, $1. D. 1914, will be held in Steven* ISrantover, D. It. and B. John A. Gellatly, 434 Orondo street, sheriff, $20. tor; W. W. Judge; I. T. Mrs. il. Sweeney, care for indigent, county, State of Washington, on Charles Copplnger. blacksmith work. Sundhelm, Judge. State of County Wenatchee. Park, $2.50. Washington, STATE SENATOR FOR THE SECOND D. It. and B. No. 1. $1.25. Marl.le—C. N. inspector; J. F. B P. Gilllnaham, road supplies, I September 8, the second Tuesday Judge. of Stevens, SENATORIAL DISTRICT COMPOSED Mlngo Mill Company, road supplies, Reed, Judge; R 1.. Speiller, It. and B. No. 3, $10. ss. I 1 1, W. Dunlap, Inspec- Garage, OP STEVENS AND I'EXD Oltlll of September, 1914, which pri D. R. and B. No $4.80. Loon Lake—l. Columbia auto hire to Notice is hereby given that a ((UNTIES. at H. Enfleld, right of way on Jones tor X H. Sleight, Judge; W. D. Sin- sheriff, $00. mary election the will B§ road, 8., Judge. Uainser, refund, >r can- Senator second district, Frank Fer- polls R. and $90. clair, It C. tax $5.68. primary election to nominate guson, Hunters. Washington. P. Cole, building bridge, R. and 8., Lake Creek —Frank Jennings, in- E P Travis, auto hire to sheriff, $." and remain open from 11 o'clock $22.50. H. KOOntI, Judge; S. A. Company, didates to be voted for at the STATE REPRESENTATIVES spector; W. Kul/.er Lumber lumber, D. Representative flr\st district, John in the morning until 8 o'clock in Winslow Lumber Company, bridge Oens, judge. 11. and B. No. 3, $39.63. to be held Olson, Valley, plank, R. and 8., $9.0(i. Laurler—W. G. Campbell, inspector; Spedden, hire to superin- general election Washington. Chandler, Simon, Judge. It. H. auto succeeding Representative first district, L. C. the evening of said day (unless Blue Lumber Company, lumner, D. li. J. P. Judge; K. tendent, $5. on the Tuesday next Bosshurg, Washington. and B. No. 3, $32. Mill Creek—lolin O'Neil, inspector. Grove, supplies for Indigent, Thomas, at the hour of there are Barney, Allen, Judge. Grove & Monday November, A. COUNTY TICKET. closing A. T. Hutchlns, lumber, D. R. and B. I. Judge: M. H. C. $13. the first in electors No. 3, $16. Marcus—P. W. O'Hrien, inspector; L. Samuel Afur, tax refund, 88 cents. in Stevens Clerk. Richard A. McKellar, Kettle in any polling place de- P. J. Eswelt, lumber, D. R. and B. S. Munger, Judge; C. W. Barringer, Funeral Parlors, burial D. 1914, will be held Falls, Washington. \V S. Prindle on Treasurer, Irving' D. Sill, Colville, siring to vote, and who are qual- No. 3, $7.60. e of Indigent, $25. county, State of Washington, Washington. S. M Gillette, repair work, D R. ami J"Afeyers Falls—S. T. Hlgginbotham, .1 H Casey & Son, supplies for coun- ified to participate therein, Harvey, Judge; M. It. September 8, the second Tuesday Sheriff, William Miller, Colville, an£ B. No. 3. $5. inspector; D. P. ty farm, $12.77. Washington. who have been do so J. Keller, road supplies, D. R. and B. Flint, Judge. Mis. J. Richart, supplies for jai! of September, 1914, at which pri- not able to No. 3, $2.75 Mlddlepnrt- -Amos Owlnnup, Inspec- $5.05. Sheriff, J. L. Cagle, Meyers Falls, since at the Washington Brick. Lime and S. P. tor; Ed Wright Judge; diaries Kauf- refund, $9. mary polls will be Wnshington. appearing polling .1 8. Bradley, tax election the County attorney, R. A. Thayer, Col- place, Company, supplies, D. it. and B. No. 3, man, Judge. F. A. Wilson, deputy sheriff, $3.85. ville, Washington. in which event said polls $5.05. Nortliport—O. K. Ogllvle, inspector; Sizemore, deputy sheriff, $1.50. and remain open from 11 o'clock Beard, L. A. County attorney, Howard W. Stull, shall be kept open reasonably long J. G. Tlnnell. road foreman, D. R. ami H. W. Sterrett, Judge; J. P. J. A. Rice, supplies, game commis- morning o'clock in Washington. 3, game, in the until 8 Colville. B. No. $13.50. JU sion, 40 cents Auditor, enough after the hour of closing Cloyd Tinnell. road work, D. R. and NMgger Creek—W. W. Harris, in- City Transfer Company, hauling cul- the evening of said day (unless Fred B. McKeehan, Marcus, Adol|>< Washington. to allow those so B. No. 3, $21.26. spector; Fred S. Phillips, Judge, verts, D. It. and B. No. 2, 75 cents. are Engineer, George present at thj£ Luttens, Fagan, at the hour of closing there R. Sawyer, Gray, W. W. Mokler, road work, D. R. nn.l Judge. Charlei cook for jail, $31. Washington. hour to vote). B. No. 3, $7.50. Narclsse —D. M. Phllpot, Inspector; J. A. supplies to clerk, $1.75. de- Said primary elec Judge; Guy Hice, electors in any polling place Superintendent of schools, Elizabeth A. P. Abbott, road work, D. R. ami Theodore Schuerman, Colville Bakery, supplies to Jail, Tlireeforks, tion shall be held at the regular B. No. 3. $10. Montgomery, Judge. siring to vote, and who are qual- Stannard, Washington. Tlnnell, Goodman, in- IMB. Superintendent of schools, W. P. polling places J. G. road work, D. R. im Old Dominion —Frank Shuw & Burden Company, supplies and Colville, Washington. in each precinct B. No. 3, spector; King, Judge; B. F. Hall, county assessor, ified to participate therein, Waglev. $10. .1. H. for $1.11. Assessor, Chauncey St. in said county. A. Carpenter, road foreman, D. I rftannua-Keller Hardware Company, who have not been able to do so Clalr, Colville, and B. No. 3, $10.40. ilrln—TTenry Dnpuls, Inspector; F. K. •uppliei lor game commission, game, Wash ins-ton. The names and addresses of all Nell, Judge. at polling Commissioner first district, R. C. Earnest Carpenter, road work, D. R judge; Charles Nelson. 35 cents. since appearing the Washington. and B. No. 3, $3.75. Riverside —W. D. Blair, inspector; J. B. Thomas, expense account. $4.«ii polls Ramier, Evans, persons for whom nomination Carpenter, R judge; L. McNeil /.alesky, interpreting place, in which event said Commissioner first district, H. E. William road work. D. Charles Carlson. J. Cliurlcs for In- Paulinler, Meyers Falls, Washington. papers have been filed, so far and B. No. 3, $6. ludge digent, $12. shall be open reasonably long m O'Brien, Inspector; N offutt, account, kept Commissioner first district, Henry the P. W. road foreman. 1' Heldel—O. O. Sheldon. T. M. expense $12.40, Hughes, Kettle Falls, Washington. same affect the electors of saicl and B. No. 1, $9. P. Freeman, Judge; Dan McMillan. Howard Walker, work for engineer, enough after the hour of closing P. W. Wilson, road work, D. R. ar Judge. $53.50. Commissioner third district, Alt C. county, are as follows: B. No. 1, Cut—J. T. Mears. Inspector; J. LaPlant, to man helping to allow those so present at that Cooney, Springdale, Washington. John K. Humphries, 420 Boren $5. Hock Silk & Commissioner third district, I* R. nue, ave- D. C. Reltz, road work, D. R. and B T. Denanlt. Judge: G. N. Pare Judge. county engineer, $17.25. hour to vote). Said primary elec- . No. 1. $2. Sprlngdale—.T. W. Gllllngham, In- Mrs. Scott FarnßWorth, boarding en- Nestos, Chewelah, Washington. O. R Holcomb, 021 Oak, Rltzville. H. E. Paullnier, bridge foreman, It spector; P. M. Cartler Van Dissell, gineer and party, $39.25. tion shall be held at the regular Preble Moxee precinct, North and 8., judge: W. T. Boyle. Judge. Ed Tri'inlilay,work for engineer, ' $33. $12. polling places in each precinct PROGRESSIVE PARTY Ya^tlHerman Fred Cook, bridge work, R. and 8., Stenger—Ed Morgan, Inspector; Chewelah hospital, nursing indigent UNITED STATES SENATOR. D. Crow, E303 Tenth ave- Judge; J, H. Spokane. $30. S. Cory. .laner.Judge. $18. in said county. J. A. Falconer, 2509 Oakes avenue, nue.Mack Mike Rlley, bridge work, R. and II Spring Valley—J. L. McCormlck. In- Addy Livery Company, livery to en- Everett. F. Gose, Pomeroy. Bennett, Judge; gineer, The party designation (except Stephen J. ttf spector- Charles J. S. $8. A. V. Fawcett, 620 South E., Tacoma. street, Chad wick, 1034 FranMfr Joe Ellis, bridge work, R. and McLean, Judge. Pacific Telephone and Telegra: Ole Hanson, 2609 N. Broadway, Se- Olympla. Squaw Creek—John Vnn Wormer. In- Company, phones and messages, for the offices of Supreme and Su- William H. 2001 G. street. $30. $57.< attle. Bellingham. Pemberton, L. V, Berthelson, bridge work, R spector; E. J. Ames, Judge; J. W. Craw- Stenger-Graham, writing pens for perior Court Judges) and the Lewis J. Kreger, 5421 South J, Ta- 8., ford, judge. county auditor, Sar G' 13° nOrth Se" $15. $1.76. all persons coma. atUe M'US> 69th# F. Zurhrugg, bridge work, R. and 8., Summit—C. H. Bennett. Inspector: J. In the matter of the hearing on the names and addresses of REPHESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, fIS. C. Johnson, Judge; Leonard Snowley, engineer's report on the Charles for whom nomination papers have FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL In witness whereof I here- I* Koerner, bridge work, R. and B. judge. Crumb road came on regularly at ap- DISTRICT have $16. South Fork—J. F. Rloth, Inspector; pointed time and no one appearing been filed, so far as the same af- Harvc C. Phlpps, 1408 Montgomery, unto set my hand and official Albert Look, bridge work, R. and B K. K. Latson. Judge; John Sachs, Judge. for or ;!\u25a0\u25a0 liust road matter was taken electors of said county, Spokane. seal this 15th $2.50. Valley—Charles Walt, Inspector: under advisement. fect the Thomas Corkery. E2429 Altamont day of August, A. F. C. Walston, bride work, R. and B Arthur Lemon, Judge; Peter Sellg, In the matter of certificate of al- are as follows: Boulevard, Spokane. D. 1914. $10. Judge. teration of boundaries of si' I .1 STATE SENATOR FOR TUB SECOND # H. Jh^Paullnler, road foreman, T>. 1" Walkers Prairie—Horace Bland. In- trlcts numbers 32 and 31. By having SENATORIAL DISTRICT COMPOSED (Seal) A. B. SANSBURN, «1"1 *\u25a0 »'7.87. S. M. Gillette, Judge; Harry the northeast quarter of the southeast DEMOCRATIC PARTY VWU spector: 11, OF STEVENS AND TEND iillKM.iI County Auditor MIIWB' ey, road work, D. R. and B McMillan, Judge. quarter of section township 111 UNITED STATES m:> AToll. COUNTIES. of Stevens Coun- No. yjlao. White Lnke^—George Sklles, Inspec- range 37, now in school district 32 to Oeorge F. Cotterill, 2501 Westvlew Senator second district, W. L. Sax ty, Washington. Joe Bills, road work, r>. R. and B. tor: B. F. Belknap, Judge; H. F. Shull, be udded to and become a part of dis- Drive, Seattle. Colvllle. Washington. No. 1, $5. trict 31, Is hereby approved. George Turner, 525 west Seventh STATE REPRESENTATIVE. CALL SCHOOL, D. P. Harvey, work, and "weilplnlt— McKay. Inspector: the of Owens change Representative FOR miI.DING FUND road D. R. W. A. In matter In avenue. Spokane. flrßt district, H. C WARRANTS. B. No. 1. $5. H. C. Morman, judge; William Wyn- the Old Dominion road, the change Is W. W. Black. 2940 Oakes avenue, Gates, Colvllle, Washington. All Q. C. Stockwell, bridge work, R. accepted and approved and that por- warrants drawn on the building and coop. Judge. Everett. Representative first district. G. W fund of the following- school districts, 8., $7.50. Williams Valley—Joseph James. In- tion of the old road between the points Hugh C. Todd, 113 Bellevlew avenue nckli, Colvllle. Washington. Lester bridge work, R. Judge; T. X where It leaves and Intersects ohl to and including warrant numbMi Stockwell. spector: Guy Edwards. the N . Seattle. COUNTY TICKET. Klven, hereby called for paymfln and 8., 17.50. Irish. Judge. road is vacated. James H. Dege, 702 North J., Tacoma. Clerk, Maude E. Dingle, Addy, Waah- and Interestare Bert Holmes, bridge• work, R. anil Pleasant Valley—J. B. Marrg. Inspec- In the matter of the petition of IN CONCJRESS, Inirton. ceases from this date. Whitmore al, for county road, REPRESENTATIVEii\<;ukssi<>\ \i, Dated at Colvllle, Washington. Au- 8., $15. tor: G. E. Wllks. Judge: L. D. Tlbhets. C. et a FIFTH < Treasurer, P. A. Savage, Colvllle (rust JJ, 1914. Lew Holford, bridge work, R. and judge. engineer Is ordered to survey and re- DISTRICT. Washington. Brown, port. Dill, Brown, District number: 8., $J.50. Cummins—J. T. Inspector: ' C. C. 320 8. Spokane. Sheriff, Robert Horton, Colvllle 39. warrant Nos. 69, 70, 80, 111, 111. O. 8. Ford, road supplies, D. R. an) report.