V&f 1 The ColvilleExaminer, Saturday, August 29, 1914 Is hereby ordered that that part Of COMMISSIONERS' PKOCKKUIMIS and expense account, $45.90. were made: It 37, Sport—at Arden Lumber Company, lumber, D JtmM Miller, erroneous assessment, tlon 1, township 37, range on the Days the ule of the Columbia river and of July 27, 1914, R. and B. No. 2, $6.48. |6.54. Polo—Six bridge i;i\vunl Taylor, double assessment, sections 2, 3 and 4, township 37, ranKe Board met In special session. Winslow Lumber Company, :•,:. is transferred to the Marcus pro- All members present plank, It. and 8., $22.08. 11.40, Fair Winslow Lumber Company, bridge A. Kiniliiill,southeast quarter of tlie duct. Interstate The bids on the Colville-Moyers Falls quarter, the matter of the Mounter chaiiKl' Spokane permanent highway opened at 2:3U spikes, D. R. and 1!. No. 2, $4.40. southeast 17-24-39, contract In Williams Lumber Company, lumber cancelled, 111.27. In the Daisy mine road, the change be- o'clock p. m. and were as follows: property on completed: that portion of the edd Miner; county the U.K. and B. No. 2, $4.88. Church lots 16 and 17 of Ing B. D. to furnish plat original Colville, block 5, I id from the point where tho c hang* rock, $9,297.37; bidder to furnish the Kendrick Mercantile Company, pow- C $23.97. der, caps In the matter of the petition of leaves the old road to the point where rock, f9.497.57. and fuse. $46.60. al, or !• P. Mitchell & Company; county to Colville Implement Company, repairs William Uathi.urn et for a county It Intersects the old road is A. 1). road, engineer ordered to survey ami vacated, furnish the rock, $10,SUU; bidder to fur- for grader, 11. and 8., No. ii. ft.7A petition of the rock, $11,000. A. Anthony, lumbar, D. li. an.! report la the matter of the nish B Tie following claims, were allowed the Burnt Valley grange for a county Jarvis & Smith; county to furnish No. 2, $7.20. survey and the rock, JUp.TSu; bidder to furnish the A. C. (Celling, deputy sheriff and ex- and warrant! ordered drawn for same: road, engineer ordered to account, Company, supplies ri port. rock, (10,500. pense $15. Statesman-Index Campbell, foreman, D. It. LaPlant; bidder furnish the O. Phillip*, powder, caps and fuse. (01 superintendent and treasurer, 18.20. W. G. road Silk & to R, Charles Dannison, tax refunded, $6.79. and B. No. 2, $26.25. rock, $11,11110. D. and B. No. 2. $4.01. justice Thoke, work, J). and N. L. Wilson Company; county to Hoard adjourned to Tuesday, August i' 11. Bradley, of the peace, \V. P. road It. fur- 8, 1914. state versus Mahoney and Andrew, $6. B. No. 2. $8.75. furnish the rock, $11,750; bidder to William Mason, witness, state I. P. Chandler, road work U. It. and nish the rock, $11,675. versus Tuesday, August 9, 1914. Andrew, Jii.GO. IS. No. 2, $3.75. The bid of E. D. Miner being lowest C. O'Mahoney, witness, \V. Knowles. road work, D 11. anil and considered best is hereby awarded Board met pursuant to adjournment Mrs. P. stati- All members present < p'Mahoney, $2.20. B. No. 2, $6.25. contract. versus Llllle Hice. witness, Clark Campbell, road D. It. We hereby recommend that H. C. The bond covering contract of E. I> Mrs. state world on Colvllle-Meyers Falls versus O'Mahoniy, $2.20. and B. No. 2, $10. Root & Company be given supplemen- Miner the Clara Shaver, state W. Toliver. road work, D. i!. a; tary contract, making fill and culvert permanent highway is hereby ap- Mrs. witness, proved (j'.Mahoney, $2.20. li. No. 2, $3.75. at Squaw creek on state road number versus Laird, witness, state John Earle, road work. 13. K. ai \u25a0! 1, as per plans drawn by the county Bonrd adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Au- I.ouis versus gust 11, O'Mahoney, $2.20. : No. 2, $5. engineer. 1914. Bradley, justice of the peace, Joe Coleman, road work, D. It. Personal property tax of $10.96 of F. H. and 13. 1914. state versus QlasffOW, $2.50. B. No. 2, $15. M. E. McCauley hereby cancelled, ac- 1:30 p. m. August s road work, D. R. am. L. A. Toliver. road work, !>. ft. and count no exemption allowed. mot pursuant to adjournment. I. Seagrave, Boardmembers B. No. 1, $IS. B. NO, 2, $2.50. The official bond of John E. Throop All present Ed DeQrlef, road work, D. R. and is. D. House, road work, D R. an I as of the peace approved. In the matter of the hearing on the BoardJustice adjourned to Tuesday, July engineer's report of the Hull change in NO, 1, $7.50. B. No. 2, $1.25. .Meat Market, supplies foi \u25a0Charles Thompson, i oad work, D. 1914. the Deep creek road oama on regularly Colville 18. at the appointed time. After hearing jail, $19.70. It. and B. No. 2. $1.25. Tuesday, July 28, 1914. the evidence the matter was taken un- 1., C lieamcr, work for engineer, G. A. Bockflnser, road work, D. R. and B. No. 2, Board spent day inspecting the der advisement. $18.25. $2.25. 2, of citizens adjourned Friday, August Industrial Insurance Company, pre- William Peck, D. R. and B. No. deservedly popular with thousands Sprlngdale-Hunters permanent high- Hoard to insurance, O which became so way. 11, 1914. mium on $217.94. $2.50. for six days straight:at M C. Btolp, county commissioner and Dan WeLster, road work, D. R. and o the £..«? Ktn,,ir,> after being witnewed August 1914. mileage, $15.80. 11. No. 2/ $2.50. again bo given to the public July 1914. Tuesday, 11, Inc., Judge robe, Colburn, s gpokane Interstate Fair, will Wednesday, 29, met pursuant to adjournment. Barmam superior R. road work, D. R. and Jr will Board met pursuant to adjournment. Board $sn. B. No. 2, 75 cents. yW, annual northwest tournament be held Commissioners Ferguson and Gra- ah members present Bbapard Company, quotations, road and POI his when the second ing Prank Tom Carroll, work, D. R. Sept. 12 to 2a There will ham The follow are hereby appointed 2, grinds during the annual exhibition. present. as inspectors and judges for the fol- B. No. $5. on the Fair for northwest cham- In the matter of the Washington Wa- Pacific Telephone and Telegraph All.art l.oiselle. road foreman, D. R. days and six teams at least will battle the change in th<; lowing praclncti for ti.e primary elec- commission, game, 2, be ter Power Company's tion September 8, Company, game and B. No. $24. ?x Sato! trophy cup. Lapray bridge road, the prosecuting at- on 1914:Inspector; \u25a08.66, Harry Stephens, road work, D. R. DlonshiD and tho Thaddeus B. Lane torney is ordered to institute Addy—Henry Pemeroy. W. engineer, 2, but strong team; Boise hereby E. iieinoehl, judge; Umil Thoni, judge. Ed Hanna, work for $18.25. and B. No. $7.50. with the CorbettSi Spokane, with a new condemnation proceedings against Km- Graham, inspector; Rlohard Drug Company, supplies for Fred Draper, road work, D. R. and PortiaH teams from Vancouver, Cochrane. Newton, right of way Arden—Thomas 2, nnd represented by at least three ma J. for S. W. Ogle, Judge; Joe Walter, Judge. Indigent, $1.25. B. No. $15. Caimill' acrosß the north half of the southeast W. S. J'rindle Funeral Parlors, haul- Adarm Loiselle, road work, D, R. M.'n,«l or Plncher Creek-the.se will make up the per- township Basin—A. Giesler, inspector; W. F. county North 'ok Vowlov quarter of section 18, HB, Noah, judge; VV. Gardner, judge. Ing Indigent to farm, $3. and B. No. 2, $7.50. matches, Polo experts from all over the coun- range 40 E. W. M. M. C, Stolp, county commissioner an- B. B. Wright, road foreman, P. K. fonnel of the championship allowed and war- Boundary—Charles S. Koning, in- 2, grounds one of the best fields for the The following bills \u25a0pector; Herman Helper, judge; J. F. mileage, $31). and B. No. $11. to hive pronounced the Spokane Fair rants ordered drawn for same: I, S. Harbison, livery to engineer, James Potter, road work, D. 11. and be any place in the country- Frank Ferguson, county commission- Edwards, judge. $3 no. B. flo. 2, $5. «*ompltahmenl of fast polo matches to found mileage, Bruce Creek—C. It- Day, inspector; Stables, excepted. er and $56.10. G. (Jerking, Clayton Livery livery to su- H. L. Bleed,er, road foreman, O. R. oust, and the California fields P. H. Graham, county commissioner Robert Gourley, judge; J. B. No. 2, Meadowbrook. In the judge. and $12. 106,371 people saw the polo matches last year, and every one had and mileage, $57.40. Humphrey, inspect- i.'iV'no'uN,' livery to sheriff, $5.50. E. Hubbard, road work, D. R. and Exactly August Hluecreek—l. It. With Spokane and Boise as con- Board adjourned to Monday, or; G. Dannison, judge; George '"Nell Thomas, work for engineer, $1 B. No. 2, $11.25. only words of praise lor tho exciting events. S, 1914. Charles C. 11. Kiduell, road supplies, D. R Charles Suffer, road work, D. R. and cup, Em- FERGUSON, Kormar, judge. 2, 2, for year and Portland defending the the Inland FRANK —C.
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