AP European History Chapter 17: 1850-1879 Section 1: 1850-1859 Political History By Dallin F. Hardy Political Theory

 Frederic Bastiat

 French political theorist 

 1850

 Frederic Bastiat

 Principles of

 Limited government

 Freedom

 Minarchism

 A minimal state limited to protecting natural rights  Natural Rights

 “Life, liberty, and do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.”

 Frederic Bastiat

 The Law  Liberty

 “…The freedom of every person to make full use of his faculties, so long as he does not harm other persons while doing so…”

 Frederic Bastiat

 The Law  Non-Aggression Principle  Individuals are free from the initiation of force  Legal Plunder

 “When a portion of wealth is transferred from the person who owns it—without his consent and without compensation, and whether by force or by fraud to anyone who does not own it, then I say that property is violated; that an act of plunder is committed.”

 Frederic Bastiat

 The Law

 Herbert Spencer

 English political philosopher and scientist  Social Statics

 1851

 Herbert Spencer  On Liberty

 1859


 Coup d'état of 1852

 December 2, 1852

 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

 Napoleon III

 1852-1870

 Emperor of France 

 1852-1870 Ottoman Empire

 “Sick man of Europe”

 1853

 Ottoman Empire

 Term coined by

 John Russell Crimean War

 Crimean War

 1853-1856

 Britain & France Declare War on Russia

 March 28, 1854

 Siege of Sevastopol

 October 17, 1854-1855  Battle of Balaclava

 October 25, 1854

 Charge of the Light Brigade Russia

 Alexander II

 1855-1881

 Emperor of Russia  Expansion of Russia

 1855 Crimean War

 Treaty of Paris

 1856


 Camillo Cavour

 1852-1861

 Prime Minister of Piedmont-Sardinia

 Camillo Benso

 Count of Cavour

 Plombières Agreement

 1858

 Between

 France

 Piedmont-Sardinia

 Second Italian War for Independence

 1859

 Austro-Italian War  Battle of Magenta

 June 4, 1859 

 June 24, 1859  Armistice Villafranca

 1859  Uniting with Piedmont

 1859 Britain

 Broad Street Cholera Outbreak

 1854

 London

British Empire

 Second Opium War

 1856-1860

 China  Indian Rebellion of 1857

 1857  Crown Rule in India

 1858-1947

 British Raj Africa

 South African Republic

 1852-1902