The concept of information in Library Science, Sociology and Cognitive Science Jaime Ríos-Ortega * Paper submitted: Abstract January 30, 2013. Accepted: The term information has become and essential con- October 3, 2013. cept in the field of library science and associated dis- ciplines. The proper meaning of this term necessar- ily depends on epistemological context. Moreover, its intra-theoretical and polysemic potential has led the term to be used in multiples senses, ranging from the contexts of cognitive psychology to library science; however, the analysis offered herein underscores the need to define the term more precisely for use in li- brary science and associated fields, so that its meaning is neither degraded nor over-simplified when building useful explicative models. This paper also shows that the meaning of this term has tended to stabilize as re- * Institute of Library and Information Sciences of the UNAM.
[email protected] INVESTIGACIÓN BIBLIOTECOLÓGICA, Vol. 28, No. 62, January/April, 2014, México, ISSN: 0187-358X. pp. 143-179 135 quired by theoretical models in which it is employed, 135-169 while as an isolated theoretical term it retains some de- pp. pp. gree of ambiguity. X, Keywords: Information; Library Science Theory; 0187-358 Information and Society. ISSN: ISSN: , México, México, , Resumen 2014 El concepto de información: dimensiones bibliote- cológica, sociológica y cognoscitiva , January/April, January/April, , 62 Jaime Ríos Ortega , No. 28 El término información se convirtió en un concepto Vol. , esencial para la bibliotecología y otras disciplinas af- ines. El significado adecuado de este vocablo depende necesariamente del contexto epistémico en que se uti- liza.