INDOOR ROCK CLIMBINGTrue North invites YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS to join us for an indoor adventure that combines fun, education and great physical activity! Our 12,000 square foot bright and spacious facility is located in the heart of Downsview Park Sports Centre.

We offer (climbing on low walls without ropes), top-rope climbing (where a climber is attached to a rope tied at the top of the wall and belayed by a partner), and slacklining (a bouncy 2” wide tightrope-like web that kids can walk across) - all of which provides an amazing learning experience beyond the walls of the classroom!


“Goal setting, teamwork, and cooperation, along with improving communication skills, are all benefits of climbing.” - Paul Ackley, Phys Ed Teacher

“Many students who aren’t athletic in other areas are successful on the rock wall.” - Corey Scuitto, Teacher, Middle School TWO WAYS YOUR STUDENTS CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A TRIP TO TNC: “Because it’s an easy thing to teach and they can have immediate 1. Children 12 and under can have fun top-rope success, it often builds their self-esteem.” climbing, bouldering and slacklining under - Kathy Goodlett, Phys Ed Co-ordinator close supervision of our staff (staff:student ratio of 1:5). The staff members ensure the students are properly tied in, and operate the “Climbing offers so many different opportunities for the belay device as they climb. develpment of the student, most of which could never be taught via the conventional classroom-textbook method of learning.” 2. Children 13 and over do all of the above, but also have the opportunity to learn how to - Bill Wegehaupt, Teacher, Elementary School belay safely. After this training (which takes about an hour), they are qualified to climb independently in pairs.

WE BELIEVE IT’S SUCH A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUR STUDENTS TO LEARN... TO JOIN US FOR A WE WANT TO INVITE YOU AS A TEACHER • CALL TODAY TO BOOK IT FREE INTRO LESSON! $25 /child TNC IS AVAILABLE TO SCHOOLS - ANY DAY! SESSION [email protected] .com FOR 3HR CONTACT US AT: www.truenorthclimbing 416 398 ROCK (7625) FLIP THE PAGE to see all the ways you can connect CLIMBING to YOUR CURRICULUM... PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH: THE RELATIONSHIP OF CLIMBING - Aerobic and anaerobic activity - Increased Cardiovascular fitness - Enhanced , coordination and flexibility - Increased muscle strength and endurance - Improved motor planning TO EDUCATION - Enhanced body awareness COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH: - Problem solving, including the identification of multiple solutions for challenges - Decision-making and judgement-making opportunities - Increased focus and concentration - Visualization and mental imaging - Following directions and safety rules - Goal setting exercises

SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH: - Positive risk taking - Increased self-knowledge, self-confidence and self-reliance - Enhanced patience, perseverance, courage, will power, trust and self-control - Meeting challenges - Stress management - Awareness of others - Leadership skill building opportunities during team-building activities

OPPORTUNITIES FOR CROSS-CURRICULAR PROGRAMMING IN AREAS SUCH AS: - Communication (listening, speaking and writing) through team challenges and journal writing - Mathematics (unique climbing activities require participants to solve math problems) - Science (simple machines and so much more)

Ultimately, climbing wall activities provide a setting for REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES in MEETING CHALLENGES, TRAVELING BEYOND ONE’S “COMFORT ZONE” and DEVELOPING CHARACTER. It also emphasizes COOPERATION VERSUS COMPETITION and encourages a climate where “EVERYBODY WINS!”

[email protected] 416 398 ROCK (7625) WWW.TRUENORTHCLIMBING.COM