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Unio Crassus (Philipsson, 1788) in North-East Germany and Its Monitoring in Terms of the EC Habitats Directive

Unio Crassus (Philipsson, 1788) in North-East Germany and Its Monitoring in Terms of the EC Habitats Directive

> 25 (2) 2007 165

165 – 174 © Museum für Tierkunde Dresden, ISSN 1864-5127, 22.10.2007

The situation of the freshwater crassus (Philipsson, 1788) in north-east and its monitoring in terms of the EC Habitats Directive


1 Baltic Sea Research Institute, D-18119 , Seestrasse 15, Germany [email protected] 2 D-19288 Ludwigslust, Schweriner Allee 16, Germany [email protected]

Received on July 23, 2007, accepted on September 17, 2007. Published online at www.mollusca-journal.de

> Abstract Since the beginning of the mussel monitoring programme in 1993 Unio crassus has been observed in 52 watercourses of -Vorpommern (north-east Germany). Although this number seems to be high, it has to be stressed that in more than half of the waterways this species became extinct and only empty shells indicated former populations. Eighteen brooks or rivers currently harbour U. crassus. The population size varied between hundred and six hundred thousand per river. The populated river length in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern was in most cases less than 10 km. Only three rivers (Nebel, Sude and ) had populated lengths longer than this. Altogether, the length of running waters populated by U. crassus in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern was 134 km. About 1.5 million specimens of U. crassus inhabit these waters. Due to the consideration of U. crassus within the EC Habitats Directive, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern initialised a yearly monitoring scheme starting in 2003. The authors were authorised to perform the monitoring according to previous methods used at the national level. The population dynamics, abundance development and density were shown from different U. crassus locations. One of the main factors conjuncted with the decline of U. crassus was the increased nitrate-nitrogen content caused by eutrophication. Juveniles were recorded only in watercourses with NO3-N values around or below 2 mg/l. Furthermore, other causes are stressed. In terms of the EC Habitats Directive a monitoring scheme is needed in Europe so that fast action can be taken to increase protection status to an adequate level.

> Kurzfassung Die Situation der Bachmuschel Unio crassus (Philipsson, 1788) in Nordost-Deutschland und ihr Monitoring im Hinblick auf die europäische FFH-Richtlinie. – Seit Beginn des Großmuschel-Monitorings im Jahre 1993 wurde Unio crassus in 52 Fließgewässern von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Nordost-Deutschland) nachgewiesen. Obwohl diese Anzahl ziemlich hoch zu sein scheint, muss betont werden, dass in mehr als der Hälfte der Gewässer die Art inzwischen ausgestorben ist und nur noch Leerschalen ein ehemaliges Vorkommen indizieren. In 18 Bächen und Flüsse kommt U. crassus aktuell noch vor. Die Populationsgrößen variierten zwischen 100 und 600.000 Individuen pro Gewässer. In den meisten Fällen betrug die besiedelte Gewässerlänge weniger als 10 km. Nur in 3 Flüssen (Nebel, Sude und Warnow) wurden längere Abschnitte von der Bachmuschel bewohnt. Insgesamt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 134 km Gewässerlänge von über 1,5 Millionen Individuen von U. crassus besiedelt. Durch die Berücksichtigung der Bachmuschel in der EU FFH-Richtlinie motiviert, initiierte Mecklenburg-Vorpommern seit 2003 ein jährliches Monitoring. Die Autoren wurden beauftragt, dieses Monitoring in Anwendung national abgestimmter Methoden durchzuführen. In der vorliegenden Studie werden die Populationsdynamik, die Abundanzentwicklung und die Besiedlungsdichte von verschiedenen Standorten aufgezeigt. Als ein vermuteter Hauptfaktor für den Rückgang von U. crassus wird der Nitrat-Stickstoffgehalt, verursacht durch Eutrophierung, hervorgehoben. So wurden Juvenilstadien nur in Gewässern mit NO3-N-Werten < 2 mg/l beobachtet. Andere den Rückgang verursachende Faktoren werden ebenfalls aufgelistet und diskutiert. In Hinblick auf die FFH-Richtline wird ein international abgestimmtes Monitoring-Schema gebraucht, um diese in Europa vom Austerben bedrohte Art schnellstmöglich in adäquate Schutz- und Managementprogramme zu involvieren.

> Key words Unio crassus, , population size, freshwater, Germany, EC Habitats Directive. 166 ZETTLER & JUEG: Unio crassus in north-east Germany

Introduction Material and methods

The “brook mussel” (in German: Bachmuschel) Unio The study area is Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a fed- crassus, listed as an endangered species in Germany eral state in the north east of Germany (Fig. 1). With as well as in most other European countries, is pri- more than 28,000 km of running waters and 720 km² marily confi ned to Europe and western Asia, from the lakes and ponds within a land area of 23,000 km² Iberian Peninsula in the west to the Ponto-Caspian re- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern encloses a large propor- gion in the east (NAGEL 1988). The distribution area tion of Germany’s freshwater habitats. Since the be- reaches northwards to Skandinavia and southwards to ginning of the 1990s the authors have measured the the Mediterranean watershed. Historically this species occurrence of unionid across all running wa- was widespread in tributaries of almost all rivers in ters in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Due to its rapid de- Germany. The decline of U. crassus observed already cline over the whole study area Unio crassus was of by ISRAEL (1913) and JAECKEL (1952) has become more particular interest. Each watercourse was surveyed by rapid in recent years (ENGEL 1990; HOCHWALD 1997; diving or hand sampling, depending on water depth. LECHNER 1999). In most other European countries In addition, a hand held screen was used for scraping and decreasing population densities have gravel and sieving sandy substrates and a bathiscope been observed as well. This dramatic change led to was used for watching the mussel sipho openings at consideration of this species within the EC Habitats the sediment surface (Fig. 2). Due to the considera- Directive (e.g. COLLING & SCHRÖDER 2003). Most cur- tion of U. crassus within the EC Habitats Directive rent explanations for the decline of this mussel focus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern started a yearly monitor- on man-made degradation of habitats and water qual- ing programme in 2003. The authors were authorised ity. Factors affecting U. crassus populations include to perform the monitoring using methodology previ- agricultural, industrial as like as domestic pollution ously carried out at the national level. The fi rst author and run-off (ENGEL & WÄCHTLER 1992; HOCHWALD was closely involved in the compilation of a catalogue 2001; ZETTLER et al. 1995). Dredging and weed cutting for the assessment of the U. crassus population. For also have an impact on mussel populations (ALDRIDGE further informations see KOBIALKA & COLLING (2006). 2000; ENGEL & WÄCHTLER 1990). However, changes Each watercourse in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in water and habitat quality do not only affect mus- depending on its length was divided into sections. sels directly, but also indirectly e.g. by infl uencing the Each section was sampled at least once during the density and the composition of the ichthyofauna. Be- last 10 years, usually several times. Rivers where U. fore U. crassus is able to grow as a mussel in the sedi- crassus occurred 1 were included in the monitoring ment the larvae (glochidia) must undergo a period of programme. Every year (since 2003) at 10 to 13 sta- metamorphosis as ectoparasite on specifi c host fi shes. tions abundance, population dynamics and reproduc- A specialists workshop on the Island of Vilm in 1999 tive success of U. crassus was studied. The monitoring estimated the entire German population size of Unio programme has a 6-year cycle, i.e. after 5 years the crassus to be approximately 1 million individuals. We programme starts again. Only one water body (River conclude that about 90 % of the German population Löcknitz with 3 stations) took readings each year. Al- has been lost during the last few decades. Over 90 % together 23 watercourses with 55 stations were includ- of the remaining individuals are thought to occur in ed. At each station two different areas were selected the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. each containing one “brook meter” (BM) – 1 meter Previous studies have documented the state of running length – which was checked completely for unionids in stagnant and running waters (see WEBER living mussels using the methods described above. All 2005 for citations). In terms of Unio crassus in Meck- living U. crassus were counted, measured and their lenburg-Vorpommern, we have a good picture of dis- age (and shell length) was determined. For catching tribution (ZETTLER 1999a; ZETTLER & JUEG 2001), mor- the juveniles it is necessary to sieve the sediment (q. v. phology and growth (ZETTLER 1997, 2000). However, RICHARDSON & YOKLEY 1996). To calculate the popu- very little information exists on population dynamics, lation size, the mean density (from the two different density and stock of this highly endangered species BMs at each station) was multiplied by the running across its whole distribution range. This study had length of each section. The whole population size of three major objectives: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern was calculated from the · to show the recent distribution and the population sum of all sections along each watercourse. size of U. crassus in north-east Germany; · to describe the population dynamics and abundance of U. crassus in selected rivers; to understand the causes for successful reproduction and the decline of this species. 1 Only living populations were considered. Mollusca 25 (2) 2007 167

Fig. 1. Distribution of the freshwater mussel Unio crassus in north-east Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). Black dots mark locations with current occurrence, circles indicate extinct populations and crosses refer to subfossil records. The map bases on quarter raster of an ordnance map (1:25,000).

Fig. 2. The equipment for the monitoring of unionid mussels in running waters. On the left hand side a bucket for storage the mus- sels, a hand held screen for scraping gravel and sieving sandy substrates and a bathiscope for watching the mussel sipho openings at the sediment surface (see right).

This monitoring scheme was used e. g. in the study BIALKA & COLLING (2006) are representative for each of HARTENAUER (2006). Two differing methods were (small or large) water body whereas the abundance per stressed and should be discussed at this place. First she square will never work. The investigators have to pay changed the transect length from one brook meter to an attention on the selection of representative subareas. adequate length. Of course, the transect length should Secondly HARTENAUER (2006) argued against the shell adapted to the investigated water system. However, length measurement and reduced the individual mea- for the calculation of population size (individuals of surements to the age. The shell length determination is the whole water body) the averaged density (individu- the simplest way to receive an information of the popu- als per brook meter) will needed. In our experience lation structure. Of course the shell length parameters the limits of the density per brook meter given in KO- per age could vary enormously (ZETTLER 1997, 2000). 168 ZETTLER & JUEG: Unio crassus in north-east Germany

Tab. 1. Population inventory of the freshwater mussel Unio crassus in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Monitoring watercourses are indicated by an asterisk.

watercourses specimens juveniles last inspection remarks Aalbach (Barkow) 0 1996 extinct since decades Aalbach (Malliner Wasser) 0 1998 extinct since decades Barthe* 0 2007 extinct recently Beke 0 1997 extinct since decades Besendorfer Graben* 16,000 yes 2003 Bresenitz* 93,250 yes 2006 Brüeler Bach 0 1996 extinct since decades Datze 0 1996 extinct since decades 0 2005 extinct since decades Elde 0 2006 extinct since decades Gehlsbach* 0 2007 extinct recently Godendorfer Mühlbach 0 1996 extinct since decades Göwe* 51,000 2004 Großer Hellbach* 2,000 2004 Hohensprenzer Mühlbach 0 1996 extinct since decades Kleiner Hellbach* 1,500 2004 Kösterbeck* 0 2006 extinct recently Krüseliner Bach 0 1996 extinct since decades Landgraben 0 2000 extinct since decades Lewitzkanal 0 1996 extinct since decades Libnower Mühlbach 0 1996 extinct since decades Linde 0 1996 extinct since decades Löcknitz* 148,300 yes 2006 Löcknitz-Mühlbach* 34,400 yes 2003 Lößnitz 0 1996 extinct since decades Ludwigsluster Kanal* 6,200 2004 LV 97 (Bandenitzer Bach)* 1,400 2003 Meynbach* 5,000 2003 Mildenitz* 0 2007 extinct recently Moosterbach* 500 2007 near extinction Motel* 1,000 2002 Motel (Wittenburger Bach) 0 1996 extinct since decades Mühlenbach (Kirch Rosin) 0 1996 extinct since decades Nebel* 618,835 yes 2006 Ostpeene* 100 2007 near extinction Peene (Alt Sürkow) 0 1996 extinct since decades Radebach 0 1996 extinct since decades Radegast* 86,000 yes 2004 Randow 0 2001 extinct since decades Recknitz 0 2003 extinct since decades Rögnitz 0 1996 extinct since decades Schaale 0 1993 extinct since decades 0 1996 extinct since decades Sude* 132,000 2003 Teppnitzbach* 54,600 yes 2005 Thymenfl ieß* 0 2007 extinct recently Tollense 0 2004 extinct since decades Trebel 0 1996 extinct since decades Uecker 0 1996 extinct since decades Waidbach 0 1996 extinct since decades Warbel 0 1996 extinct since decades Warnow* 287,425 yes 2005 total 1,539,510 8 Mollusca 25 (2) 2007 169

The shell length data could have an eminent impor- 50 50 tance in comparison of the same water body between 40 the different monitoring years. Especially for the older 40 specimens the age is often hardly to estimate and vary 30 30 between the operator signifi cantly. But for the assess- 20 20 ment of the population structure only the presence/ab- 10 10 Abundance (ind./BM)Abundance sence or percentage of the youngest individuals are to 0 0 be indicated (KOBIALKA & COLLING 2006). riverPopulated (km) length Sude Nebel Göwe The main abiotic parameters (current, water depth LV 97 Warnow Löcknitz Hellbach Bresenitz Radegast Kl. Hellbach Kl. Besend. Gr. Besend.

and width, sediment structure, vegetation, shadow) Ludwigsl. K. Löcknitz-MB were recorded locally. Chemical values (nitrate nitro- Teppnitzbach gen, phosphate, temperature etc.) were supplied by the Fig. 3. The abundance (individuals per brook meter) of Unio crassus in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the populated river Federal Ministry of Environment. lengths in km. Only since 2003 monitored watercourses are in- cluded. 8 rivers are not considered, but previous results showed that the length not reached 10 km altogether.


Since the beginning of the mussel monitoring pro- During the fi rst 5 years 40 % or more individuals of the gramme in 1993 U. crassus has been observed in 52 population belonged to juvenile cohorts. After 2002 a watercourses 1 in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Tab. 1, maximum of only 10 % of individuals was recorded Fig. 1). Although this number seems to be high, it has as juveniles. to be stressed that in more than half of the sites this In most of the waterbodies U. crassus was not species became extinct and only empty shells indi- found at all sites. Colonisation occurred particularly cated former populations. Eighteen brooks or rivers in the middle of the running water systems. The abun- currently harbour U. crassus. The population size var- dance varied greatly (Fig. 6). The current environmen- ied between hundred and six hundred thousand. The tal conditions of the upper and lower courses of the populated river length in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern rivers inhibit the occurrence of U. crassus. Formerly is in most cases less than 10 km (Fig. 3). In only three the conditions are likely to have been more suitable, as rivers (Nebel, Sude and Warnow) the populated length is indicated by the presence of old shells. was greater than this. The total populated running One of the main factors conjuncted with the decline length of waters in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern was of U. crassus is the increased nitrate nitrogen content 134 km. About 1.5 million individuals of U. crassus caused by eutrophication (Fig. 7). Juveniles were only inhabit these waters (Tab. 1). recorded in watercourses with NO3-N values around Recruitment of juveniles (10–30 mm or 1 to 3 or below 2 mg/l. Unfortunately these conditions do years old) was recorded in only eight watercourses. not exist in all waterbodies. The largest and most bal- With about 150,000 individuals the River Löcknitz 2 anced population cohorts were harboured by waters is one of the best populated water bodies within Ger- with very low NO3-N contents. Most of the U. crassus many (Tab. 1 and Fig. 4). A unique long-term study populations in locations with NO3-N concentrations from 1995 to 2006 allowed us to see the development clearly above 2 mg/l were extinct or are near extinc- and the population dynamics of U. crassus in this se- tion. The River Sude seems not to fi t this trend but lected site. Plots of length-frequencies showed bal- although the population size is very high (see Fig. 5 anced population dynamics only for the fi rst 5 years. and 6) no juveniles were observed. Age-class distribu- Since 2001 a unimodal distribution was visible, with tion of live mussels collected at four sites showed an a notable absence of small individuals. Whereas the excess of older mussels. The average life expectancy abundance remained relatively stable and varied be- of U. crassus in the River Sude was 16 years and in tween 100 and 180 ind./BM the percentage of juve- 2003 the mean age 10 years. niles decreased continuously after 2000 (Fig. 4 and 5).


1 Here both the living and extinct populations were con- Considering literature from other federal states of Ger- sidered. 2 Here only the part of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern was con- many (e. g. BOCK et al. 2004; COLLING & SCHRÖDER sidered. U. crassus occurs in the adjacent Branden burg as 2003; ENGEL 1990; HOCHWALD 1997; KOBIALKA & well, but only in low numbers (ZETTLER 1999b). MISERE 2005; LANG 2000; LECHNER 1999; PETRICK 170 ZETTLER & JUEG: Unio crassus in north-east Germany

50 % 50 % 55 15.04.1995 07.07.2002 40 n=109 at 1 BM 40 n=197 at 2 BM

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0

50 50 15.06.1996 54 21.06.2003 40 n=117 at 1 BM 40 n=262 at 2 BM

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0

50 54 50 18.07.1998 54 24.07.2004 n=229 at 2 BM 40 40 n=297 at 2 BM

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0

50 50 15.06.1999 19.08.2005 n=172 at 1 BM 40 40 n=228 at 2 BM

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0 50 50 23.06.2000 22.07.2006 n=199 at 2 BM 40 40 n=244 at 2 BM

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0 1-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 50 61 21.07.2001 40 n=184 at 2 BM




0 1-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90

Fig. 4. Population dynamics of Unio crassus in the brook Löcknitz near Ziegendorf from 1995 to 2006. The x-axis shows the shell length in mm (clustered into 9 equal sized groups). The percentage of each shell length group is indicated by grey columns. (BM=brook meter). For the correlation between shell length and age of this location see the paper of ZETTLER (1997). Mollusca 25 (2) 2007 171

180 100 Löcknitz/Ziegendorf 160

140 80 120 60 100

80 40 60 Abundance (ind./BM) Abundance 40 20 Percentage of juveniles (%) 20 no data 0 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fig. 5. Development of Unio crassus in the brook Löcknitz near Ziegendorf from 1995 to 2006. The abundance (line) is denoted by individual per brook meter (ind./BM). The percentage of juveniles (shell size smaller 30 mm, 1 to 3 years old) is indicated by grey columns.

400.000 Warnow reproductive success only in some years. The longev- Nebel ity of a unionid species will also affect changes in pop- Sude 300.000 ulation numbers. Size-frequency distribution suggests that recruitment is irregular between years (ALDRIDGE 1999; WEBER 2005). Although freshwater mussel pop- 200.000 ulations are commonly dominated by older cohorts,

Specimens sampling techniques often contribute to that age (size) 100.000 bias (BRUENDERMAN & NEVES 1993; RICHARDSON & YOKLEY 1996). Assuming that our sampling effort re- fl ects the correct population demographics the results 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 suggest that even in the largest U. crassus population Running length in % in Germany some years occur without any juveniles being observed. Not only the extent of recruitment but Fig. 6. Population stock of Unio crassus in selected rivers of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in 2006 in relation to the running also the place within a watercourse can vary between length of the river. The considered lengths were 135 km for the years. This is probably due to the residence time of River Warnow, 67 km for the River Nebel and 79 km for the glochidia on host fi sh during infection. The high vari- River Sude. ability of juvenile occurrence can be explained by differences in the timing and position of dropping of juveniles to the sediment. Otherwise, suitable environ- mental factors (see below) are needed to maintain the 1997; SCHADL 1992; ZETTLER 1999b; ZETTLER & JUEG largest and healthiest population. How long a popu- 2001) and the knowledge from the workshop on Vilm lation could compensate this missing recruitment de- in 1999 (see above) it is likely that more than 90 % of pends on the water specifi c age range. The maximum the whole German population of Unio crassus exists ages of U. crassus in waters of Mecklenburg-Vorpom- in the waters of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It is clear mern ranged from 15 to 25 years (ZETTLER 1997). The from Table 1 that U. crassus has declined signifi cant- maximum size and age of unionids will greatly affect ly in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the last decades. the reproductive potential of the (ALDRIDGE More than half of all locations contained extinct popu- 1999). lations. However, with about 1.5 million individuals Evidence for local caused by industrial the remaining population size is likely to be the largest pollution in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is anecdotal. in Germany. Four rivers are each identifi ed by more It is said, probably correctly, that both silting and de- than 100,000 and four by more than 50,000 individu- oxygenation are harmful to the mussels and some riv- als. Eighteen watercourses are currently inhabited by ers that were suitable for U. crassus in the past are un- U. crassus. doubtedly now unsuitable with a much altered fauna The population dynamics for U. crassus from dif- (e.g. River Elbe, Elde, Peene, Trebel). However, in the ferent locations are highly distinctive. As shown here, River Elbe the run-off of polluted water from upper the length-frequency plots also differ within one local- industrial regions is likely to have caused extinctions. ity between years. The growth of juveniles mirrors the In southern Germany there is some evidence that pol- 172 ZETTLER & JUEG: Unio crassus in north-east Germany

11 13 18 17 20 10


6 -N (mg/l) 3 4 NO


0 Sude Göwe Beke1 Beke2 Nebel1 Nebel2 Löcknitz Mildenitz Warnow1 Warnow2 Warnow3 Bresenitz Radegast Stepenitz Meynbach Gehlsbach Kösterbeck Kl. Hellbach Kl. Gr. Hellbach Ludwigsluster K.

Fig. 7. Typical nitrate nitrogen concentrations in rivers currently or formerly populated by Unio crassus in Mecklenburg-Vor- pommern exemplary shown for 1993 (dark grey=population with juveniles, grey=populations without juveniles, white=extinct populations). The mean values are shown as columns, whereas the minimum and maximum deviations are indicated by lines (monthly measurements). The dotted line marks the threshold of 2 mg/l of nitrate-N. It has to be stressed that the stations of mussel sampling and nitrate measurements were not identical everytime.

lution has had a serious effect. It is thought that phos- Pollution may act indirectly. If pollutants make phate from sewage has encouraged algal growth to the a river unsuitable for host fi shes of the mussel then level that it fi lls the substrate interstices and smoth- larvae cannot metamorphose into juveniles and the ers the small mussels e.g. juveniles of the freshwater mussel will eventually disappear (YOUNG & WILLIAMS mussel (BAUER 1988). Otherwise, eutrophication 1983). As U. crassus is more selective in the choice caused by agricultural drainage seems to be one of the of its host fi sh than other German unionids (BEDNAC- major causes of the decline of U. crassus in Germany ZUK 1986; HOCHWALD 1997; MAASS 1987) it is likely (ENGEL 1990; HOCHWALD 1997; KÖHLER 2006; ZETTLER that, at least in some localities, environmental changes et al. 1995; ZETTLER 1996). Mortality of juveniles is affecting host fi sh ecology may be more destructive directly or indirectly related to the nitrate nitrogen than direct effects of pollution on U. crassus (ENGEL concentration which is well below 2 mg/l in unpol- & WÄCHTLER 1989). In some cases, periodic dredging luted rivers throughout the whole year and between of the river bed or weed cutting have removed mussel years (Fig. 8a). In these rivers successful growth of habitats (ALDRIDGE 2000; ENGEL & WÄCHTLER 1990; juveniles could be observed. Moderately polluted riv- personal observation). The impact may be direct (re- ers have nitrogen values between 2 and 10 mg/l (Fig. moval or damage of mussels) or indirect (loss of suita- 8b). In these water bodies no or only very limited re- ble substrates and fi sh habitats). Construction of dams cruitment was recorded. In more heavily polluted riv- and canals hinder the migration of potential host fi sh ers with nitrogen values up to 20 mg/l the populations and impact water fl ow and sedimentation, thus altering of U. crassus became extinct already or nearly extinct. the substrate. Recently, the overuse of waterways by Whereas the adults could produce glochidia in a com- canoeing and rubber boats of tourists at low water lev- parable way to unpolluted populations no juveniles els may impact the freshwater mussels dramatically. grew into adults. Current toxicity data of nitrates does Personal observations suggest this leads also to dam- not indicate any mechanism by which these observa- age and burial of mussels and drastic increases in tur- tions can be explained as a consequence of direct toxic bidity (which causes stress followed by closing of the effects of nitrate on U. crassus (KÖHLER 2006). valves). The increased rebuilding of roads (including Mollusca 25 (2) 2007 173

5 ing conservation measures are proposed: (1) Long- A) Nebel/Ahrenshagen term storage of data on the type (autochthonous) and 4 quantity of host fi sh populations, (2) introduction of 3 fi sh artifi cially infected with glochidia, (3) accumula- tion of adult mussels to increase their population den- -N (mg/l)

3 2 sity and thus the probability of fertilisation occurring NO 1 and (4) the identifi cation, reduction and elimination of man-made nitrate sources, respectively of the with 0 NO3-N conjuncted factors causing the harms to Unio

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 crassus. 14 In terms of the EC Habitats Directive a careful 12 Sude/Radelübbe B) monitoring programme will be needed in Europe so

10 that rapid action can be taken to increase protection to

8 an adequate level. The present results suggest we need to register not only the presence of U. crassus, but

-N (mg/l) 6 3 also the age (size) structure of its population and their NO 4 abundance in monitoring programmes. Age structure 2 and quantitative assessments allow predictions of fu- 0 ture stability and development and therefore are sensi- tive indicators for the situation of this species not only 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 in German waters. 20 C) Kösterbeck/Kessin 15

10 Acknowledgements -N (mg/l) 3 NO 5 Sincere thanks are given to Dr. David Aldridge and Holly Barclay (both Cambridge) for proof reading and comments. 0 This project was supported by the Ministry for the Envi- ronment of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Fig. 8. Mean annual nitrate nitrogen concentrations (with max- imum and minimum) in rivers populated by Unio crassus at low (A), medium (B) and high (C) NO –N. In the last river 3 References (Kösterbeck) U. crassus was extinct during recent years. The dotted line indicates the threshold of N03-N of 2 mg/l for an unhindered reproduction success. ALDRIDGE, D. C. (1999): The morphology, growth and re- production of unionidae () in a Fenland water- way. – Journal of Molluscan Studies 65: 47–60. ALDRIDGE, D. C. (2000): The impact of dredging and weed bridges) has also apparently affected U. crassus popu- cutting on a population of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: lations in recent years. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Unionidae). – Biological Conservation 95: 247–257. BAUER, G. (1988): Threats to the the interaction of pollution of rivers, water construc- Mar garitifera margaritifera L. in central Europe. – Bio- tions (e. g. bridge building), river maintenance and lo gical Conservation 45: 239–253. loss of host fi shes (in quality and quantity) has caused BEDNARCZUK, J. (1986): Untersuchungen zum Wirtsfi sch- the extinction of U. crassus in some locations and lead spektrum und Entwicklung der Bachmuschel Unio cras- to a decrease in the total population. For the EC Habi- sus. Dissertation Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover. tats Directive to successfully be implemented, fi rst a 40 S. clear scientifi c explanation is needed for the narrow BOCK, K.-H., BÖSSNECK, U., BRETTFELD, R., MÜLLER, R., range of nitrate concentrations above which impaired MÜL LER, U. & ZIMMERMANN, W. (2004): Fische in Thü- reproduction and juvenile growth of U. crassus can ringen. Die Verbreitung der Fische, Neunaugen, Krebse be observed. Second, additional nitrate discharge into und Muscheln. In: Thüringer Ministerium für Land- wirtschaft, Naturschutz und Umwelt (Hrsg.), Weimar- waters (and their drainage) containing U. crassus has druck, Weimar. 148 S. to be avoided. And third, all technical interventions BRUENDERMAN, S. A. & NEVES, R.J. (1993): Life history of should be accompanied by scientifi c expertise to pro- the endangered fi ne-rayed pigtoe cuneolus tect the last German populations of the “brook mussel” (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Clinch River, Virginia. – Unio crassus. Irrespective of these points the follow- American Malacological Bulletin 10: 83–91. 174 ZETTLER & JUEG: Unio crassus in north-east Germany

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