Approved Schemes Under BADP During 2018-19

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Approved Schemes Under BADP During 2018-19 -1- GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH F!NANCE, PLANNING & INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT (PLANNTNG & TNVESTMENT DtVtStON) A.P. CIVIL SECRETARIAT: ITANAGAR No. PDiBADP-03/2018-19(Part) Dated ltanagar, the22"d August'2018 To The Deputy Commissioner, TawangMest Kameng/East Kameng/Kurung Kumey/Kra Daadi/ Uppper SubansiriMest Siang/Siang/Upper Siang/Lower Diabang Valley /D i ba ng Val ley/Anjaw/Changlangff i rap/Longding. Arunachal Pradesh. Sub: - Gonveying Approvalfor implementation of schemes under BADP during 2018-19. Sir/Madam, I am directed to convey the Governments Approval for implementation of BADP schemes for an amount of Rs. 77,62,60,000/- (Rupees Seventyr Seven Crore Sixty Two Lakh Sixty thousand) only, includes State share to be released under first and second installment of SCA under BADP fund for the year 2018-19 through PFMS platform depending upon status of utilisation of the BADP fund release in previous years. 2. The list of projects is enclosed herewith at Annexure-1. The district wise preference of projects will be finalized by the district level by considering top priority for Security Related Schemes and intimate to Planning Department. 3. The implementation of the approved schemes for 2018-19 is to be initiated on the basis of this approval letter after observing necessary formalities as per the provision of GFR. 4. Sanction order of projects sanctioned at district level will be sent to Planning Department for obtaining necessary release of fund through PFMS from Finance Department. Estimates/Detailed Project Report(DPR) of the projects beyond sanctioning power of Deputy Commissioners will be sent to Planning Department for Finance concurrence. 5. As per the latest instruction of Finance Department, obtaining finance concurrences, budgetary support and release of fund is to be processed in a single file to Finance Department. Hence, you are requested to submit the DPR/Estimates for all the projects, beyond the sanctioning power of concerned Deputy Commissioners are to be processed at a time on the basis of availability of fund depending upon block wise status of UCs. The district wise allocation of fund is given below:- Amount Rs. ln Lakh sl. Name of the District Fund Allocation No. during 2018-19 1 Tawang 985.79 2 West Kameng 400.98 3 East Kameng 475.98 4 Kurung Kumey 664.64 5 Kra Daadi 158.66 6 Uppper Subansiri 548.48 7 West Siang 387.32 8 Sianq 158.66 I Upper Siang 621.65 10 Lower Dibanq Valley 158.66 11 Dibang Valley 732.98 12 Anjaw 769.64 13 Chanqlang 865.00 14 Tirap 392.28 15 Longding 441.88 Total 7762.60 6. No fund against any scheme can be drawn at any other level except release by the Planning Department through PFMS platform. Violation (if any) may invite serious actions against the officer/official concerned. The detail of block wise fund allocation is given at Annexure-ll. 7. The expenditure sanction is to be obtained under Major Head "4070"-Capital outlay on other Administrative Services - Sub Major Head - 00 - Minor Head - 800 - Others Expenditure- Sub Head (04) -19-Schemes under BADP- Detailed Head -00 - Object Head - 53 - Major Works - Capital Sector-Demand No.-50. Contd....2/P -2- 8. The fund will be released through Public Finance Management System (PFMS) Modules to district level and the same procedure will be followed in the manner of DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) up to the Grass rooVBeneficiaryA/endors level. 9. The fund should be utilized within the current financial year. Hence, it must be ensured that the schemes should be physically completed immediately and utilization certificate should be submifted against the total fund released at the earliest, 10. While executing the schemes following points should be taken into account:- All the schemes should be implemented with Geo Tagging system for assessing the same from remote location. lt Scheme-wise estimates for each approved scheme should be prepared for obtaining administrative / technical and expenditure sanction from the competent authority before execution of the schemes. No change of the approved schemes is allowed. The concemed Deputy Commissioner shall accord administrative approval and expenditure sanction within their financial power i.e. Rs.10.00 lakhs in each case. tv Splittinq of estimates of schemes for accordinq administrative / expenditure sanction is not Dermissible and mav invite serious actions if found. The estimate for classroom or school building should include the provision of bench, desk, table, chair, provision of fire place etc- should also be included in the estimate for high altitude and cold areas of the state. Further, regular monitoring of the schemes by the District Level Committee as mentioned in the guidelines and decided in the 33d SLSC meeting must be canied out and report of the same must be submitted to Planning Department from time to time. The District Level Committee is solely responsible for proper implementation of schemes at the district level, v Utilization Certificates and Expenditure Statement must be submitted to Planninq Department immediately to avoid any deduction of fund by MHA for in subsequent vears. viii. No revised estimates/sanction will be entertained and no expenditure outside the scope of the approved scheme is permissible. ix. Asset Register and Album containing photographs in the three phases as indicated in the guidelines (before, during & after implementation / completion) for all schemes sanctioned under BADP should be taken up properly and maintained for record and future uploading in the software. The date, longitude & latitude should clearly be shown in the photographs. x. Necessarv instruction issued in this reoard bv the FD, Planninq Depatment and GOI from time to time should also be strictlv followed. 8 This issue with the approval of the Cabinet Sub Committee of the State. Yours faithfully, Encl: As stated above. (Himanshu Gupta), IAS Special Secretary (Planning & lnvestment Memo No. PD/BADP-03/2018-19(ParI) Dated ltanagar, the 22"'August'2018 Copy to :- 1. The PPS to HCM, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, ltanagar. 2. The PS to the HDCM, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, ltanagar. 3. The US to Chief Secretary, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, ltanagar. 4. The PS to the Development Commissioner (Finance, Planning & lnvestment), Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, ltanagar. 5. The Divisional Commissioner (WesternlEastern Zone), Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. 6. The Deputy Secretary (Budget), Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, ltanagar. 7. District Planning Officers, Tawang / Bomdila / Seppa / Daporijo / Koloriang / Kra Daadi / Aalo / Yingkiong / Siang / Anini / Roing / Anjaw / Changlang / Longding and Khonsa, Arunachal Pradesh. 8. The Treasury / Sub Treasury Officers, Tawang / Bomdila / Seppa / Daporijo / Koloriang / Kra Daadi / Aalo / Yingkiong / Siang / Anini / Roing / Anjaw / Changlang / Longding and Khonsa Arunachal Pradesh. 9. The DDO, Planning Department, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, ltanagar. 10. All concerned files. @-g<u--- (Himanshu Gupta), IAS Special Secretary (Planning & lnvestment Annexure-I BORDER AREA DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (BADP) ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2018-19 NAME OF THE STATE ARUNACHAL PRADESH MEETING OF THE SLSC HELD ON :: 23rd Febraury 2018. (Rs. In Lakh) Sl. Name of the Sector and Schemes / Location Approved Remarks No. Project District Block Village outlay of the scheme for current year 12 34567 TAWANG DISTRICT 1 Improvement of Luguthang Helipad(40 Tawang Jang-Thingu Luguthang 9.00 Sqm) 2 Construction of Drainage System at Tawang Jang-Thingu Rho 9.00 Tekeling Rho village(200 M) 3 Construction of New Indoor Building at Tawang Jang-Thingu Jang 11.00 CHC Jang.Ph-II(50 Sqm) 4 Construction of Cultural Centre at Tawang Jang-Thingu Shyaro 15.90 Flaleng,Shyaro(40 Sqm) 5 Construction of Community Centre at Tawang Jang-Thingu Khamba 9.95 Khamba(35 Sqm) 6 Training on House wiring and Tawang Jang-Thingu Jang 9.36 Plumbing(to be out sourced from ITI) 7 Construction of Additional class room Tawang Jang-Thingu Lum 9.50 and Toilet at Lum School (I unit)(30 Sqm) 8 Construction of Toilet Blocks for Girls Tawang Jang-Thingu Dungse 9.95 and Boys at ME School Dungse(30 Sqm) 9 Development of Model village at Thingbu village a) Construction of CC foot step within Tawang Jang-Thingu Thingbu 15.00 Thingbu Village(360M) b) Construction of Type-II quarter for Tawang Jang-Thingu Thingbu 20.00 Staff of Health Sub-centre, Thingbu( 40Sqm) c) Construction of Type-II quarter(Double Tawang Jang-Thingu Thingbu 40.00 Unit) for Teachers of Govt. Residential School, Thingbu( 80 sqm) Total = 158.66 Security related proposal 10 RE. CONSTUCTION OF WOODEN TAWANG JANG JERALA 3.50 BRIDGE FOR MOVEMENT OF TROOPS/MULES AT JERALA (GEO REF. 92*13'52'' E 27*40'39'' N) 11 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE OF SOLAR TAWANG JANG LUNGER & 10.33 POWER PLANTS INSTALLED UNDER MAGO BADP STATE (SRE) SH. REPLACEMENT OF 15 NO. BATTERIES. PAINTING ON ANGLE IRON STANDS. 90 MTR WEATHER PROOF WIRE, 03 NOS CHARGER CONTROLLERS, 50 NOS, BATTERY, CONNECTORS, CHANGE OVER SWITCHES (01 NO 63 AMP & 01 NO 100 AMP), 800 LTR BATTERY ACID ETC. (AT LUNGER - 92*12’33’’ E 27*48’48’’N AT MAGO - 92* 12'50'' E 27* 41'22'' N) Total = 13.83 Block Total = 172.49 1 C/o CC Pathway from Wongsheng to Tawang Mukto Bongkhar Kharung 9.98 Kharung Meith(450 mtrs) 2 C/o CC Pathway within Govt ME School, Tawang Mukto Bongkhar Khet 9.93 Khet(447 mtrs) 3 Porter Track from Kisheng-dung to Tawang Mukto Bongkhar Mirba 5.00 Broxer-Tse( 8 kms) 4 C/o CC Drain within Govt ME School, Tawang Mukto Bongkhar Khet 9.97 Khet(390 mtrs) 5 C/o CC Drain within Changteng, Tawang Mukto Bongkhar
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    P�R�E�F�A�C�E� 1.� This�Report�has�been�prepared�for�submission�to�the� Governor under Article 151 of the Constitution.� 2.� Chapters�I�and�II�of�this�Report�respectively�contain�Audit� observations�on�matters�arising�from�examination�of� Finance�Accounts�and�Appropriation�Accounts�of�the�State� Government for the year ended 31 March 2010.� 3.� Chapter�III�on�‘Financial�Reporting’�provides�an�overview� and�status�of�the�State�Government’s�compliance�with� various�financial�rules,�procedures�and�directives�during� the current year.� 4.� Audit�observations�on�matter�arising�from�performance� audit�and�audit�of�transactions�in�various�departments� including�the�Public�Works�department,�audit�of�stores�and� stock,�audit�of�autonomous�bodies,�Statutory�Corporations,� Boards�and�Government�Companies�and�audit�of�revenue� receipts for the year ended 31 March 2010 are included in a� separate Report.� 5.� The�audit�has�been�conducted�in�conformity�with�the� Auditing�Standards�issued�by�the�Comptroller�and�Auditor� General of India. CHAPTER I Finances of the State Government Pr o f i l e of th e St a t e Area-wise, AR U N A C H A L PR A D E S H , which became a full-fledged state on February 20, 1987, is the largest state in the north-eastern region. Till 1972, it was known as the North- East Frontier Agency (NEFA). It gained the Union Territory status on January 20, 1972 and was renamed as Arunachal Pradesh. The State, being one of the Special Category State, is dependent on central assistance for plan investment because of poor resource base.
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