Drug Addiction
Beoond Clan Postage Paid Vol. LXXV. No. 52. .' /' 3^Sections,,22.Pages J V. : ' CRAJNTORI), NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1669 Orurford, New Jersey 07018 15/CENTS . township Committee^Tliesday.night' introduced and passed nn first readiiig dn ordinance establishing a new incen- tive^ salary policy for members of. the .,."' police and fire departments and setting salaries ffcr most niemhersnf t.hft twn • I. departments lor 1969 arid 1970. Public the Increases will amount to $75,0Q0 The Board of. Education^ and the. Cran- •clerks, "of 12.26 percent for huiidihg service -tiiis-yearTfor the 71 member^oJLtheiwo ford Education- Association have reached and maintenance personnel,, of .9.fl8. percent' departments, Public Safety Commis- agreement fdr the 1969-70 school year on for school nurses, and of 8;77 percent for sioner Wynn Kent explained. These salary improvements and other benefits, it , administrators and supervisors., 7 : include $48,000 for the 44 members of was announced. ioday by Carter -E. Parjer, The total cost of the salary increments and the police department and $27,000 for school board" president, and Irwih L. Billet, improvements are: Teachers, $308,186; secre- the 27 members of the fire department. FORMAL PRESENTATION OF COMMUNITY" SURREY — Works Commissioner William H. Meyer and Public Affairs association president. tarial/clericaP, $20,971; building services/ Starting salaries, for members of the Scene as Dr. Frank W. Krause, 'survey project chairman, Commissioner Malcolm S. Pringle.'Standing in-back,ieft Mr.. Porter said the proposed agreement maintenance, $32,850; nurses, $4,000, and police and lire departments will jiimp to right arej Township'Clerk John F.
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