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/" • TV; .••r-'l~\. - /••• • - nd :i; CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, .AUGUST .0, 195( ,2Ll-'..' Pa«e She •'/. ..'-.. T«E CRANFORD ^CITIZEN AND )' -,iid-- the Union Couh.t^' Police Pistol in.''abundance at tjae• fieltT as__tfie71 aspin'6, John PufiflsiTBuTcn Hanna, r 2t2, and Harry C. Brbwni'263.' ^h.,. I : ••' ' I , '- boys arid girls ' competed,' in- a Richard Smith.,- Michael' Cavalla, League Monday :by defeating Ne^v "for score. '••-., i • . Providence, 1,117 to. 1,066,• at Jhe Mst Week of Activities pitching plale contest./. Particir Pat and Agnes Jones, Joanne Lal- •/•''Drive'; •,i.; pants were Edward Shetkterman, l'ace. Ji'm.;Walsh. Noinahegan range. ; I , r . k-- On Municipal Ph$f ields Elaine Sofman,. Betsy Ratajcz^k, •Linda Jones captured the ferand Supplies to Local Invalids Individual scores for Cranford .'•' he Betty MacEvoy, Kdward Todd. . prize (for blowing a bubble biggbr marksmen were: Lt. Peter- F..Mil- . 'as The First1 Aid Squad'has taken over from, the-Visiting Nurs© AIR. - COipiTIONED Carefully .'Attendance on the, seven Cran- BeUy'JMaeEvoy,,- Edward T-oddjj than her head. .'. Ver, 269; Off. Frederick A. Roberts. T1-/ John Todd,. Pat.McAndrew, Weni'y'j Lincoln School. Association a supply of crutches, wheelchairs and. hospital beds ford municipal playgrounds has In arts.and crafts Japanese; lan- '2b4; Off. Joseph J., Kovacs, 281, • ' i reached another new high in sum-Lrniriyio| , Rose Laurie SchlofT,. Jof- ' In the handcrafV yeoartmt>nt terns, necklaces, ropes made fr.pm which may, be obtained on loan by residents, it was' announced at a ,*/ \vere made by/Thomas and OfT.:Robert J. Ryan, 270. nier registration a^ 1.818. ToXnls frey iGanec, Richard Callen', Mar-; gummed paper strips were con- meeting Monday night in the GIRWIOOD - GRANFORD : Kiwer, Phyllis Serina, Karen /Officer's Edward J. Klubenspies, •at the playgrounds are: .Walnut iiyn/Cnllen. ••' • ' -. j structed by Maureen and Joanne illac ambulance. ••jf-.; Cooke, Karen Small, Claire Fink. squad headquarters.: Entered 'ut iwcond duns mall - matter •» 9rl-|nn'l. 307; \fe-} 1 Lallace,\ Carol" and Robert Luet- •It wds decided that a Vol,XXIII...No.,30. •net . 'JWWM- -Jlhnrn_i'i1>iH hp nh rhnrpp to ro"- .. CRA-NF^RD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST/16, 1956 The I'oat Otfice at Craniord. N. 3. . . 3 Sections, 20 mortal, 24fi: Aonnis field; TP so;/re the Bravest peivspn were h^jr-a—anrt-^J*>e_l-amala"^if=TOT ! f tha nits—wi 11—be^

»(•••• Sopic?i>Jl)(>c Cnstiildo and Art Mil- Roosevelt, 3)0. Sunny Acres, 2l\ ciypaiiied up by Ronnie Biirstein, vage, Robert Newfeld, Alan Dinc- dents., fo'r the service, a squad Leslie I". Bragdon for the aid she - AIE ler. CONDITIONED. Lincoln; 3.71. . ' J" '• :•' • Came. Su?an Rodstein, ski, Elsie, Agnes! and Kathy Reilly, spokesman stated. . has given the squad WESTFIELD 2-1288 Cranford Nonagenarian - Aj the High School playground Pat,' Linda, Suzanne/ Barbara", '. Walnut Fiold' ' yn Nielsen, Doug'las Nielsen, f.inserpaintinfi was dqne by Beth • Capt. George Syscskey reported Harold S. Comp'ton, and o\h&S 'Catherine' Poirier, Sandra IU.1-, Marilyn, and Richard.Jones. s Job to Supplement ' Busy- at making parachutes on Eln'iipe.r, Kate ElnYiqerv^Max'iric that.the squad made 36 bails: dur- ficers. Roderick Snuth Is Pap'er' sculpture was.'done by .the Watnut playiield weri', Sharon pern. Ann F-pstein, John- Kroner ing July, involving 147 man-hours' William.,,P. Smith, v;,n. Gilder. Betty-Ann! MeGuire, Kathy Walsh, Alice Farb.j "Linda vice-presi- Franke.nbcrfier,, Jpbn Massa. Let while covered flowerpots were Michele MeGuire, Sue Maxllcltl, ind G09 miles of travel.! The long- Jent, presided in theabsence, of made by Ruse'Laurie SchlofT. Bot- Wittaker, Agnes Reflly; ._ ~.'~— est trip of. the month was'on July PLainfield 6-5477 Natural Activities' Mayor • lie C-xiine; Karen Brownlets Saivly 'Miixficld, Rosemary Sizer ^\\*cekiy, tournaments drew a Walter M. Cooper. frey Ganei"; Rose Laurie Schlo t.v MacEvoy. Sharon 'F.rankenbers-' 17' to, Idlewild .International Air- Of -. (FolUnviliu isf-flu" eoniplclc text o.t 'the,statement -made by ion •At Sunny Acres playlielcl, mod- crowd\and several jupior and cr. .IciYrey • Fallinas. Liiicia Cicli- port, IJ. I... to .transport Peter f Jila.unr^Fre.ri P.. AndersK'i nt Tues'dau iiiyhfs liicrtiiif; o/ tlic Totiui- To Lead Study of Eeerea LindaySherman, Corilyn. Polloj'k, orn painting wa's .taken, op-'by'Jo! Jlowir New Providence Close jt>r56o intervie\vs with ical '.shoppers wei'e cpmpleted- 6n lese, Ca'hy Sinclair,. Janet S;n- senior - winners who were Pat Stoi'ner, Sr., .back to Cranford af- % ._W/Sniilh of Charles • FrankenbergiT, - Pecuy-.'- Ann Kit't-7.el antl linger " painting Puglisi, pick-up sticks; foul shoot- •Monday by 10 representatives o, slrip Coiimiiltce coueririp the recreation-«nd li'i'ii-ttyt . situation in - cla.tr. - -.'• _' . . ter 24. years in' Rumani.' Mr. In Police Pistol Match U.nity. Planning Associates of loaf; associated U ith Boy Ttnftery. .C.ithey Rafu-ry, Io'-inj;' by N'.in Goodhart.. •/ ing, Richard Smith and Tom Azar; Piinceton. - Scout and/Cub Scou.t activities in. .Aklcsbei'i;.. Craip- \lai".in, John Winner in', the wet'kly athletic checkers,. Robert Ljugthold and Steiner is suffering from arthritis. •j Cranford Police Department T Memorial. Field rmation obtained during the building Permit Approved Crnnfoi^Faiid Union County, was; •Kroner. Waltt-r Dit.'el. ElanWSof- tmimaiTient.- wen- Patricia Buch-; Dick Salway; tetherball, Richard A crew fr.om Cranford will paN began second half competition in "In the opii'.ion of many thoughtful people, we have .to. establis .ip'poinled cliairmiih of a tomtnit- /Paper construction -work pre- vs will now. be analysed m;m. Cathy Sofman. Ppnha/Mar-' cr, girls'. tetherball;i Jack Fedorku.. Smith and Ken Borup; Judy Valla, lieip'fite in the second annual me-, sense of values as'-' to. what is- called •rocreationV Life ij.- M too to look into the .whole, prob- doniinatci at. the Memorial play- formO-lated in a report that till,. Betty MnrEwy, Betsy iRau.j- hoys' checkers, arid boys' tether- jacks; John Peterson, marbles. morial trophy contest of the Sec- Today — f'rijj-- Sat. 2 Big Hits nor e>tu\vill be. an- amusejiieni partj with H .succession of roller ' Apartments \v\vi of recreiitional f;icilities iii field with .iack-in-tlie-boxes. 3-D High School will ' be submitted to,Township 4ind czak and Ronnie-Bu-rstein. biili. ... '', • .-',. ind District of the New Jersey coaster rirfe~!Kniid extraneous excitement. 'Kecrealicin' has come ;tn i:e, Township- Committee -Tuesday night approved- a ..bui.ldmK' permit.- pf an ford 'by Mayor Fred . P. An- rabhiN, •-. puppets' and corsases' First 'Aid Council.September 9 at 14AVE YOUR In Cinema.Scope an Committee at the September 25 thV / ••• • ., li: a p.eanu! hunt first prize v.i.s" recarded as tru^-^ppcial problem of public bodies and. the special. most popular with the 'younger , l/(?n.In Service Roosevelt -Park, .Edison, • - \ „ Clifton Webb" - Gloria Grahame meeting. •.'.'•. province Ql youth w • : fov a-fivi'-st'iiry apHrlnu-at' .tiliilijinK-'at 18''Springfield avenue -butweeiv/clersen at. Tuesday hjuht's-mceting- . Wall placiues m.vie'irum paper, t.-.-k"e!i b.\ Piitr-icia Buclicr. seto|ifl. also . . Track Project of the Township Committee.. Stf\ . ' " '; - J Pvt'. William G. Klagan; son of The team" vt*ill include Frank 'Cooperation' of ..shoppers with (falling into another .Vl't has been my personal npjn-. ^'''ly Memorial and the Springfield Avenue' Apartments. plates-- were, 'riesVncM iiv-• Annette Shiiron Frankenber-ger: third. : Cornell "THE MAN WHO 11 I In' a.'i-H'V-P-'r-ed slaic-riu-nt,. which A !n;tker.voui -o.wn-doll contest, Mr. and "Mrs. William M: Magan Hcick, Edward Rouvet, George the interviewinc team was,' ori to, regard as tlie 'teen ages? ! ion far some time that the iicliv- '' The porinit wns issued, to. Louis - • '-.•,' _•.'.' Slfchor," Linda Spinner. Diane Sfli- '•Maria- Uirenz; fourth..- Barbara^ RUGS Wilde the whole, excellent,- said a rep- | ajipears elsewhere on this pngi;, hor; Shnrnn Friinkenbei'Rer.. K.ii-, Wfisbcrser. Flyi'iis • SH-UCOJ'S were "was held with winners Sharon of 5 Grove street, has arrived in Shei'ba and First Lt. Albert Bend- NEVER WAS^' Is Underway "All of life is a searc'h for rec^SUjos planned for girls should.'-be .^n'd Vincent Leyarulu of lrvinglon| p | the niiiyor said'he believijd it .is en Bi\,~;:.'.'*... l- ..--'\v. /H-ai"ort:r.fe;- Winter, .-flail . Lehman, Joanne Fort Dix and been assigned to" D lin. Cranford finished secorijriast' roation in the sense that- we re-i exprifided. .Earlier- this- vear -.1 .^^ rmf{m\^\hn' m^t-.js psjim.-itcil I ! Company, Second Regiment, 'of CLEANED mite fun- ning Associates. A .quick review —7-j-tw»eesi«fl-i y-t-o-<^»tftbli«h-a' new. sense Brno'ks and Charlone Turpin. year. ' - i •—~ . . ninfi Track behind Cranford High quire ah escape from idleness. | mentiwie^*nerlt tt(o a good many people, t.;, ;. ~ Judging" t'he' contest was -Mrsthe. - Army. Training Center, In- of. ideas received from shoppers of values as to what.is.ca-lled.'Tcc- Masdflry • The sauad is viewing new-am- Jean Simmons - Guy Madison School -began Monda'y and exca- Work "itself is-one of the greatest j including uv • Carpentry 'H-irsh. Other participants were fantry, for 'eight . weeks' basic .showed that several constructive' recreational activities most people] we- should en a tennis ' '-f bric'k construction nnd Will con- \, j.ivntion." He said he. and MrJ ' Painting • bulances with the idea ofrpplac- vating work .was completed by t • .Thieves broke " a • Plumbing.- Free Estimates Tommy Flynw, Kathy Brown, John training. Before entering the Army "HILDA CRANE", suggestions had been received, the .wjll ever know. We ought not.j program ..for-. .cirls^Sfipnsorecl and ! tai'u 37 apBitments. Twenty of the' .! Smith will appoint .the committee • Heating Hoofing • jng its 1941 Henriey PackardNThe known for. quality cleaning Wednesday, according to Town- box of iithl'elic /•quipiiKMi.t at 1 G.ustflvson, EJin Mae, Ginger and he attt'nded Cranfo'rd'High School. ambulance, although still in sffv-. representative added. Most of the hero in Cranfbrd, nor anywhere modeled after the which will make an "ifnbiased, ob- ship Engineer Patrick j. Grail, MRS.-;fcATHERJNE PATERSONl apartments will contain five rooms! Sunny * Aci'es yfield sonictime Jare. Bush, Bonny Kelly, Lena arid He was-formerly employed by-'R, ice; has about outworn its' useful- since 1936 questionnaires that had been dis- else; talk jn terms of- recreation i program for boys. I had"! 1 ] jective" study.of-the whole situa-•" A. Nelson ,& Company,' -Roselle SUN. -r WON. — TUEsi who prepared plans' and laid out will 'have .'tour- rooms, one •durliiu the Xveckcnd, Police Moxanne Coope.r^. Laurie Debbie, ness, -squad- members'stated. The the track; . tributed to local merchants earlier for a particular age -groiip.. We | this conclusion after many mol j t-ion and report b;lck to the Town- Park. . • ... ' 1010 ELliabeth Allan Ladd - Barry Fitzgerald last week were collected Tuesday ought, also to fecognize, howoycr,'of young girls had spoken, to be three rooms nnd three will Chief Lpster/vV. -Puwell report- ship Coinniittpo. He asked for the! JOSEPH LEVY 'Joanne and- Joyce Brooks, Char- unit also has a 1954 Miller Cad- • If the weather remains good, ed Monday^ and now will receive careful study that a program of planned'Ji'liv- The/response'to my suggestion, j he tooni and a half, for a total cooperation find -assistance of all lotte and ' Judy Hawks, Marian,- WESTFlEI,D ' AYE., KOSCLLE f ARK "TWO YEARS Mr. Grail stated,.the track should - GENERAL- CONTRACTOR ~ Jane and Judy Hudson, Russell DELIGHTFULLY along with the results of-'shopper Woman, 94, ity, and I think'this phrase i|iore even among, those,' vyho approved i of round ax the scene of the rob- citizens so that the committee's TO-. . be ready'for u^c- before Labor s.;- There will be a 1 1 False Ahii'iir.Received BEFORE THJ'MASt" interviews. .Those merchants- who ar^tly describes what we are ta'JIi-' of it, was a;deafening silence. We|.^ bery wash lnrgc, crayon message port can-be as complete and con !- 103 Adams Ave. -—-> CRanford 6U61 Clark . Urt-fjo-ry ai'id •Kiii'tiH, Mul- A fillKe illiil'iVi was turned in a ATR COR JOav =._ ^_ .1. .'--'_ e 1 the building ENTERTAINMENT Comlortable, Push-Back Seal*' Hl'i' No.'i — JOEL Mt'RAli nut cnnrpTCfCcrLrnT First of Vive:. inn •about. • •, i•s more importan• rtant for I had' nranged for, the-.constructio'n | ' which/read, "We want ;i Youth prehen'siv.e as pussilile. . " drow and Betty Jean Weaver..- • '1:08 yesterday morning, police re- The excavation is 12 inches in -T-. V—- ^—^ _1 ^__ -^fr •ft* Wide Screen naires' were requested to. do so as those whose normal activities are of 'additional tcjjnis conns, n they i.Craiitui'd."—— Mayor Ancii-rsi-u ducUn cd .Winners in. a bubble gum con-ported. The alarm came in from 4 NIGHTS A WEEK /... "THE VIRGINIAN depth. The first course, .or lower 1 1 quickly as possible and mail them not a sufficient outlet foi; liieirl were necessary." he' location.' was; The apnvtment will' l"ru.' robbery canu at tho nuiin- "was issuing tliv statement prema- test were Jutly Hawks, Ron Kelsy fire box .37; Sgt. George Ward ih- 3 Special Matinees layer., wil'J consist of six inches of Generations energies nor use of their time. | selected nnd .it THUHS. thru SAT,—AUG. 9-11 good, one, i wi.ivsolf scl.vlce 0,cvi,,()1... (t when representatives of. the- ; •• "' •"•"'•'•• :•'... ;" to Community Planning Associ- turely because of an- incident at and Alan Hawks.. . . . • . vesJigated.' ' . 'For Young Folks \ l'-j-inch'bliicstone, Mr. Grail ex- " MABILYN MONROE ates' Princeton offices. It's not many times in a life- Thu ill, the inlirm, the aged, thebut I have? long siri^e. concluded Ifecna.aers were p'repftnniMn.pi'e- the Sunn* Acre* playground last Adams Avenue Field Catering — Weddings ' plained. Delivery pf this-material time that one can boast of. a groat young; these perhapijt require more thato'°u cannot' imposWnny ac- Also approved were applications Betty Grablo Lauren Bacall | will start today, when ,sp#eading Iri the past Community Planning slM4 ToKV-nshlp t-'ommitioc with week-end in \Vhich'playlield equip- • ..•Pliiyg-ronhders. at. the • A^dams- ••••../•'•''•'••' "..'•' •' .Associates of Princeton, have de- -groat.grandchild as Mrs. Catherine help in useful .activity. These are tivities progam' tipon' peo^e and! for two swimming pools under on' the recreation WED.- — .f HUflS. — PR1 of it will begin. that there is no sense in spending j terms of the recently enacted loc/1 ment .was stolen arid a note was Avenue field enjoyed group .singr Banquets and Dinners of Any" Type "HQW Td MARRY veloped a "master plan"'for Rah- Paterson of' 3 v Blake street ha the areas to which .a planned activ- question" left demanding ii youth center in Ing accompanied by ArnolchGood- AUG. 15—;. 16— 17 . ,, About 550 toils of bluestone will been doing since the nrst.of the ities program ought to be first di- the tqwn's money on facilitieXjn ,ai .din.ince Rnvernhl(, pooi .constr/c- A MILLIONAIRE" be required for the job, the towri-: way and Clark, the representative the hope p.cople will use them. Xi . " ". , ' / Three SpftlnTHv^bnts, two. soft- Cranford. hart on his portable organ. COCKTAIL LOUNGE, stated>. §uch a -plan covers-all the month. rected without overlooking the In a bubble glim contest,, jun- DazzUnf romnntlo comedy In Clncmu- "TARZAN'S ship engineer estimated. Paterson, who will bo 94needs' of all the. rest. . . „. , ' ,., ' '•' . Ttibn -William Hamiltoir of/30a balls, h roses hoes n-ftfl pegs, one "This was a poor way to dram- Scope ,and T^clmliolor , A four-inch', middle course of details of. a community's growth basketball, two hnmbyjl.s and. atize or. call attention to this mat- iors Robert Luethold won a prize LE PREE S and RESTAURANT HIDDEN JUNGLE" v next Janluary 11, has been receiv- "The problem for the teemigc : I should like to sponsor a con- ! ^C • : - • / ^ . VICTOR MA.TURE •—residentialj industrial and com- two hardball bats for' the first bubble and' Linda 147 WEST-FIELD AVE- --CH 5*3773 ^'—-UpSELLE-PAHKL — plus — ' cinders, none larger..than 5/16th ing congratulations along.with the members of this gen'eral group'is tral gathering place to substitute,! BTboniinclale avenue .'Was Ranted ter," the mayor declared.' -He add- OIL BURNERS T- -••; "CHIEF W —of an: inch, Will be added ncxU merciah~9ver;:a-'period .of 25 years 1 from the Sunny Acres' ed that the -police are carrying on Jones blew the', biggest bubble: hew' arrival's- parentsr-Mr;—and for thq town 'square of lamented a permit for a 20.b^ 40 foot pool : I 1 ~ THE_ CREATURE . Arrangements are being made for he. explained. d7 -- I hv—l«ek- gnrrrpiete iuyestigiition—imd-w- Others in the chewing eo'nUist in,- CRAZY HORSE" Mrs. Gordon. Hay, JrJ, of Elizabeth regard to be a foolish restriction raemoi-y^bu-r—the—demrinrt i3iUMl^&t-eBnw6tO;.gcuiJitou.cUow.' ^i im:itori ' In C'inemaScone and Color. delivery of this material construetjnK (*()st. ' w;i>/ listed e'luded Paul D.ocher, Dan Doud, "NASSAU: ^{ v on the birth of J.arries Scott Hay inon their cnance lo work during i exismadet . before the' expenditure is wili aae to nppre- CONVERT NOW! ADM., 35c and 50c Monday, Mr. Grall said. Planning' Associates have .studied SI.500, Also approved'was a per,- Thomas, -tiputtli-,' a supervisor Suzanne, Marilyn and Barbara 1 the Elizabeth General Hespital on summer.months. I am sure many "I seriously doubt that wo can hend. secute * ,15-Day Cru.lt* Saturday Matinee - Aug. 11 The; top course will consist of conditions" include mit'to. It; L. AtoTa/lc, 114 A*U;n • CLEAN - • QUI6T i i August 1\ people will berate me Jfor saying undertake -a Youth "tenter,- such. (Continued on Page 8) were respons Jones, Kathy . and Mary Jane • 5«pl. 26—5 porti 1" 2 inches-, of cinders and" loam. Monroe Township, Hillside, Eaton-. s tl tn install a/pUjstic' swim- , Talk' about a large family and so, but having begun my working as has been suggested. Although ! .°'<. The mayor' wide- • ECONOMICAL . Reilly. Alice Farb, Dolores and Sw> yeW TrovJ Afl«i« . $100 Op, no lax "FIREMAN SAVE There will be no concrete curbihg minmlngr pool ; with/estini;itecl cost Marjorie Ellam, Pat King, Ti:>. A PAW All THEIR OWN WED. — THURS. — FRI. EVES ville, Branch, -Bloomfield.and Mrs. Paterson can tell you about career at an extremely ydiing age that is hot a. final, conclusion- I' ' spread disctiKsion jt ONE MOVING PART MY CHILD" AND ALL .DAY SATURDAY on either side of the track so itLincoln Park, he concluded.. myself I am not' disposed to re-should like to point out to youfixed at S-100. of recreation iti Criinforct- INCRES NASSAU LINE ("How lo Marry a. Millionaire" tihown. live . generations "including seven 7 7 od,^CamiUe..Miip:i:_. _! L will .interfere as little as possible gard a strdng boy 14_or 15 years Permits for /one-family dwell- m NO DOWN PAYMENT SAVINGS - OY, N.w V«)l(;4— r— f— : HUMPHREY-BOGART- 1 of her own children, 19 grandchil- that one of the things which I ad- cent weeks and the public^ In the senior group-Skip Mii- l I Hvith-other-usc-ofrthe-athletie-avea- old—a s^needing—^protection—from j-voca-ted— somp—y.ca rs_ago_w.a s._ik! J n.^._^£^°....' vec\ as follows: NameMetzner HOMK UN«, Paiungar KI p O I £ LA N 0 t safe, di'en, '45 great grandcliilclren arid 1 p;;.i.vate comiiients tin the • INSTALL NOW gram. blew the 'first-.'bubble and Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Aug. 12-to 14 I ; -.- ROD ST&GER behind the school, Mr. Grail stated.- .•working , although L.r.ecogniz'e thc-J GUARANTEED fnin A?nr blew the biggest bub- HealtlrQfficer the latest addition—a grand total municipal building which would " "" made a statement by tile THE HARDER If it is discovered later' that JTneed- to- protect him from .those! include facilities forr'-just such-!-lM-nt?.;f.20,006 each; Ahbnh-Holdina •-PAY-LATER- —-— —(~brIer-Pnrticrpanbi-were—Pe-ter— 1 :o,l-STKIOKIl~| of 7?. .descendants. lee necessary. • '• IN WRITING •! L-horses^*- THEY FALL»_ j^2^ -w-h t)-wou 1 d-&xp 1 o it—hi i-n, :— -ae-t-i-v-iticM ay, .-"supgoslod'i Company/» ftiitgers i'oacl;-$17J)0(;; Best ^ -The stntemeiit washiude Cbllow- playground • hours of. fun HARDER iiddecTat any -°-"-H—-we—unde-rs.tand- -that—what-l - I^my--recoi-LiJ£ej.uvlii^[i!.ty_jCim^^ Demonstrates in Aberdeen, Scotland,, in-1863, .PUBLIC NOTICE COOLI AIH CONDITIONED for children.at low cost • THEY FALL" "— - No/ 2 — track may be widened at any time we mistakenly call a 'recreation' lection servos me correctly, the!Princeton road, S17,'uO0'"eachrFrank Frank OrDonnell of~21 l*Elm"sir'del PAYMENTS AS LOW AS SAINT -V-UiAHI^H "l.AND COMPANY came to the Uni.ted States in- 1904. BFthe WeelT Jane Itl'SSn.L Itlrhuril KCiAN also. .- . ."...' program is really planned volun- proposition was rejected by the j Miirlumus, 711 Gallows Hill road, asking -for a full-time recreation Box Office Open Dally & TSunday 5\com(ortable scats for JANE RU&SELL She has returned to her native ^ IO-ATM t nrpM The inside radius of the track . ,.-..tary. activity',,. then-..-..' w~e~ mus t also , electorate at a ratio of almost "6-1.1 S12.000; F. W.'Riley, 11 Seneca Peter Met/ner was voted best director to he)p supervise the ' Tlitr nbovt* coinptuiy has bi.'on nu'Vypd cnts 'W M |»| 'M REVOLT-OF- Vaccine Belief camper "of the week for the sixth into St. CharU's 4'«uul^ Compnny 1 • *"' iCiiiiiinncd on page 8) MacMillen, Bob Stevens,.. Mike is' inevitable Hint some omissions HOWARD DUFF L1TA BARON Fells Guard characterized its early days. ' Huff, Fr.ud Weaver, William Kruse, • will . be discovered, Mrs. Harris "THE BROKEN STAR" Charles A. Cip'ojorie, 27, of- Bel- Jim Downing nnd Alan Schlosscr. i said. The public is invited to use One of these areas is Rivqrside rnar, sustained. ccinTusions of tho 1 Individual winners were: Ping and amend .this lilt- nnyliirve dur- / SAT. ONE I)AV O\'1.V , drive. , near the Artificial'Late,. lower part of both logs- at 7:30 It Be a Fast^ Ball or a Curve? Potig, Tom Portiiflly; darts, Gary ing the hours.the Library is, open, . C'ln.einaHcupe Technicolor On Friday • morning, M'rs.y Jos- Tuesda/ night when he was Gissei", li-therba'll, Ed Maley; bad- but it. must, of course, remain in ^•^•rf ^^>v --^^rt ^A^M ^^^M -uu ^^^ ''i^k HM ^^ ' . •• ^^ ' H HH tmmm-f 4^ H struck.-by a .bit^-ind driver at minton, Jeff Quinn; foul shooting, , the Library..biiildi.nft'.. • — • \L AirrGonciLtibniEfd -For-Y-our—Comfort Vph Blaha of 600 Riverside drive : '..Ava_s_Hning.,dis'ncs_and-Clanced out SoutSuthh aenuavenuee , easeast,t . C|/O—'-S -- C.ene .Grail; hnrscsho^, Pi'te Guy; - - Mrs. Sarah F. Ra'ddm, Lib'rar- ' ~™HlTJ3 baseball (j^rowl'()raei'uracy, IIinv^ijin, has '[ilaced tli,e IIlo m. the case her kitchen window at the wooded Ian ^ [ r sit, -i-t-'was reported by %police-yes- ie-ArneserT;- baselinir throw'"Tor 'dis.- above lhe ri;ntal booli's,-»where Ihe "urea oC Hahway ftivcr' Park'which |..tcrday. ' . . ' • -.-. tnnce, Grn.e pohn; quoit toss,. Fred i()wn'!calendat-was l'oi'|iierly k(,;pt. ,• §a.pt^-G DQE^O' i,.- Ucsundalefrt.O.QILJ g tjp>«TT Btli:'feml'ft:-v:"When-"wc'-:slHirt^1d MMi^Cl-HiTfhi-fl"'"7 .'"'" "YELLOW SKY- "-- : f : A veteran' 'bird-watcher, "tcr tire -office' *n-P-- B-ft •• Eii w a rd- rhro(' -'nvn'iv~("Tny7nr7e,Tf;Ii(^'~s^rro ''"Ktrs".'"|tai rr-|" ~wc~~. BEACH BAGS M."Coo for toatmenr. Poliee ri- I'y 'b.-iriZ'aii.'Ho'n T'a'i-ira'iuT Ooiig" V'onipili-d'-a'' IT-ii'ViT YhnV I'm- inyhja- SIN. MON. Tl KS. J ni: n 1 FLASHLIGHT (.'inpinuMcopc. & Tci'lmicolor uf binoculars ^vvhen she saw what -povt they linve the ItarT"'brnn<-| jTimivr~snvn-KTInTITI lions to'T17r~"org;inuiiTIiin:11 niei'N Victuru M.iHii-u. Jiiift LelKh ber, of the vehicle involved, and an, CIII:-S rnurvtry, Peti' Mel/ner; shut, ing--, fl was such a task'..ij'Qh.Sr..-'. looked like "big cats" frolicking in T i hi- upper branches of a 100-foot alarm is out for leaving-the scene- • '" •(CoTmimW'on'Vn'iyfW """ ' '('Continued' nn'Pngo S). 1. "SAFARI" of an accident. 69c liill pin oak tree in the park. . '. An employee of the Reading Gt'iu' Ni'lsoii ' F-.illh Doniurqiui With the aid of the optics, she Railroad, Mr. Cipolone was di-. $5.00 $2.00 "THE ATOMIC MAN" immediately' recognized the ani- reefing trafnc at the crossing as a Celebrates 95th Birthday , 70c mals as raccoons. There was. no train approached. He told pu.lice LUCIEN LELONG tl«..ubt about it, • They had_ the that the motorist passed on the II' one man's .experience can attributes his lon« life and good' Wristly brown and gray hair anU right a lino of stopped cars and pixjve a rule, David C. Austin of health lo "moderation in every- D. GRAY lilack "masks" that characterize .l.'iiiiui. fni uierl.v uf .Craniord. has , thing." continued on after halting mom- COLOGNE NOXZEMA i hi' "coon." ^strogenic HORMONE entarily alter the accident. A large and' attentive crowd watches a "cu:-ed" sol'tball umiie between two.'playgrounds of the After a strenuous day'.- work as Balalaika or Indescret There were1 a rather, mother and Mr. .Cipolone stated th'iit he for PATRICIA GAIL FLANNERY Cranford Rccreiitinn'Commission la^t wuck at Cranford i-ligh School. Left to riyht: Umpire Rolan.l a .clerk at Kurt/ Market, 2-i North SAVE M'vernl young. For awhile they was struck by the vehicle when Union avenue, Mr. Aii>tiir relaxes Leiman. Cjttcher Roberta SchillitiHer and Butter John Sosncwski. • '-. New Phon* No. CH 6-9779 walked about on • a long dead to ^lon tho drivor. IJlpi'-fllll 01 lobacco and- a 1.95 1.00 MATINEES DAILY 1 P.M. lirunch in full view of the watcher, gln.ss of wine 'before gmnn to bed CONTINUOUS SAT. - RUN. - HOL. ON ANY SINGLE OR l.ut'er, they retired to a huge "nest" Rotary Club Votesjr; at U rj.m. ' ' $1,75 $1.00 $1.60 Now Thru Tucs. made of dried leaves in. the crotch When iisked if he eununiplated ~ef four branches. The nest was a Champs, Good Citizens KjWyla.Receives Ava ••• Stewart COMBINATION OF YARD GOODS Scholarship Award Myx. Corinne B. Benners retirement, Mr. Austin smiled and uood 80 feet from the ground. said that perhaps he. would re- ANTELL GARDNER GRANGER Mrs. Blaha's sister, Mrs. Harold Hamilton avenue is one of th IDUBARRY SKIN LENTHERIG — In — - To Miss Flannery to plan nn exhibit in the 1S-jAt Playground Fields Day ^^^ tire, but not before he reached Ihe , Bowles of 516 Riverside drive, and phile Garden Club Flower Show Thirteen a|hetie events at the annual Field Day hi-Id at Memorial 1011-year inai:k. "BHOWANI Miss Patricia Gail Flannery, A M-ntenei' of froi'n 5 to 10 years ON SALE "oilu-r neighbea-s and neighborhood 1 which will be held at the Casino Fielfl. Tiiesdi'.v] morniirg drew over 2.')0 participants fnnn the seven 1 1 Mr. Au.-tin will oliM-rve his FORMULA 9 JUNCTION" i luldrcri soon joiircd Mrs. BJaha daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. -J. in Stale Prison was passed in SUN TAN Sunday, September 9. birlhday at fanii'y uatherinus Sal-. • I FRESHNENER LIQUID l'ii-l->iilurc in a raccoon-watching party in Flannerv of 3(lti South Union ave- P.l.iClields, accordiiiy "ID MIS. C. F. SchillinyiT, playKi'ounel I'li'fjioiy Kurds la, 27, of Iii North 1 Mrs. Benners, an authority on I urday night in Union and Sunday Van . Vora '•In back yard. me has been aawardew d a $250 n ,.,, I'liHHi avenue Tuesday uu his mm Come In And Browse Around i b h Cl . in Millburn. Plans fur ;,n cipen 1 Vilt pli ,i in the ki.llmn i.f Ins JOHNSON . MILES Most of the time the coons lazed nurime scholarship by the Cr.nl j the_«.«• and culture of African V, At ll'.c yaliu lini'' CIIXI-.I C'ltiX'.'ii- • •nil Sni'lilra M.i :.s hick Ki'dni ku and .Sharon Funik- Junvh- i and helped de\ otecs .of this hubby a:. Inu ".showy." . _ "23PACISTO ih,,r hacks to the'viewers. But nounced at last Th sd > s wh" n'ca' •ll"1«'-'(1 bv tlu'"" •nberui'I1, Wiilnut. Cniiiily .lurl'^e Milton A. Feller AIR CONDITIONED to KI-OW more boaittilul Alricani- "ul supervisors to havo Mr. Austin, who has bei-u nn- BAKER STREET" i "in time to time they would ; -.on meeting ol the tlub in uu Anthony KlcCiiim. 17. whn ,-il-iii|Jii-.ed tin; penalty nn Kurds la Store Hours 8:!W a.m. to 10 p.m.-- We Issue Green Trading Stamps Church educational . Violets. At inching show she \ ^ ^ ^.J^, ,m(| nliun. pln.ved at Kurt/. .MarUii for the FOR YOUR rawl out on the dead limb for a Methodist temleil Lincoln fie|il roeeivrd ;, ..llir Hie defeiiilaiil pleaded m vnm building. This will mark the sec- will nnswor qu^ions, u.ve ndv.ee (m ,„,,,,„,„• ^IKlll past 18' -years, worked in other le. exercise. Then there would speiial (Usai'il !. grocery .stores for 15 years before '•e an engcr line of children nnd l<'i'lint"'i' mi the |il,i\'};riiiiUjl> f"l' that nnd before Kmnj; into the • 1 1 his cnnpei ,iUul)i u Ith Ille HlpCi- KHIn\ l.i"> nun vult |>lea had thers waiting for their turn to j club ,his year to a P '-^ '^ j "^^ne Mrs. Uenners served a. The.e awar.ls wee „„..„, to 'ROBINSON CRUSOE' nursi 1 eiidril a UiaJ bi'fni e '.Jiul^e Fi'l III' grocery biiMHi-ss had worked .10 peek. Vi.Mii > hliiff t. J" .—I'l'.l S— dinle of Cmnford ; one of the judges Tor the l.onu Is- .laiv.es. Lmnel and Kan-ii MnM.'ow •'nil a Cininty L'nurt jury on .lunc- years 111 New Y.m'k department This part of 'Cranford is still | A In -1 In- nlhletiv rvi'iil. Hie ,.'ii>- DAVID C. AISTIN 10 Technicolor Cartoons 1 20. it i-aine alter h|.s l!r>-yi\jir-i ilri stores, ini'ludmu ' t'.u -nld hir. - "iity interesting from a wild lite . High i;^l, *>»']«-AT*-v « —„.n.™,. « i >«',-'-:»-;« ^i z M :rr < •.vlfe, who had been colled' nil to s'nlesinan in the silk department 34 EASTMAN ST. N. J. yint-of view, Mrs. Blaha said. I to enter s was wull by I'harlo- ll.ii'iell wilb trMilv in til> behalf.' tro\ed V. hn\ it i-una-'lo tl'n "r."'- alMacy's. (OPF. CRANFORD TIIEATRE) Starts Wed.. Aug. 15 • UlillIU' I'.miil.--. : r if I lin'icrt ( i. • 11 Mi'sHSovvles recently spuuun ,< . :,...!!S''"iiinterested in nursinl's:;;g :| thc,e We.stllel- do...*., House,, ^uarcieH n andJ " « -+ - *-<• i..-.u.». «•»- JLl-ii—A.i.tin lias lu.i MiMS. Wil- --C 1 , . | . .,,, iMinl nl n-i- 'leh-i^r with a,n a.cc(iunl .if Imw be den nwnn FREE DELIVERY ALAN LADD • iccoun nosing around a garbage :,s'a profession for the past three ' HobbWe.stllely Showd laHouseM fal, l uarcieand na t anthde dkel.. 1 Sunnw y Acres; Buddy I.ittli - In.- St.ill. bnlhda.v liat.n, who is enhance! m the real TEL, CR 6-6100 Store Also ip Westfield •HI iii her home and two deer were veat-s «nd for two years served as I Sunny Acres' garden center the ' halo .iiul Kiilh\ ' Miiishi.ll, Winc- lL"-- ' on Page H) ". (CuutuiuU on Page S) ^ a^niVL-r^ry. . Mr. Auilui , (Coiitiiiueii on Page 8) strolling nonch'ulajitly down i oln; Jijhn WilheiuiBluii and Siuaii WE UKSKUVE THE RIGHt TO LIMIT QUANTITIES "SANTIAGO" 17 NORTH AVE., W. Open Friday Evenings CRANFORD 6-5505 " ' (Conflnucd on page 8) j past spring. (Continued on Pat/e 8) lib'tf:?''•••::•$'•>.%;'•*'?*;&'• ^^"* V^lnl'^'•'5'"4':''•'r: ''"•• K 'i:^;'^-/-*1^^^ ^''i^^^;^ l':;:\:\' -^t; •'..•''^•^}jjj^

V : v v r< ^'' "' fUtTwo'''' '' '••'' ''~ '• ''' • -' ''''•'"' ' - ''''''• ' '"' '•'•'''••" '•'' ^. " -^THE' CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, tHUBSpAY, AUGUST,/JJ8, 1^56 ' • .' -, ...' '••/-••- f- - '•"•-"".__ ' " ' "' ' V *' . '•'''••'•''--• ^•J^LJT^^'•' ^^ '•'••- '•' -'•'' ' ''." ..:''• ''. .'' j'.' '' •'/ '... /" '"'..' ' " "'•''::!.-'. '!•'"" _^'.' . "' ' .' ' - '. " " TOr/CRANFOK^ '• ..'1". . .^ •.''/' '•'•'• ' "' ^ ' ''''•''' '•'•'' '' '' T^-fog* ^ *_/ "vid;:-"

: ; . •./•^..v* M".l.oii^-.'' •/_..,. ., _ Trr.lR Growth ...... local- offi'eesj of jfiis or rch and EngiriecringjCoinpaiiy. street; iQeJ-ald'H. Reiri^iart, son of On Siirvey Training : .I.'ick Mi-K.-i'y, Dnn/lhy Miirlin,i (hiving. His licmise was revoked f Mr. • and Mrs.; M- W- Relnhart*!1 Lincoln Play Field : •a'cli^s (»ra'ij wrays for tho!:o. 'drttay grovJiwtPT''* tree 1* not continuous~ MentalJUnessrji'iirie? abo'u(-"rhental health', fa-, gineer iiv the cofnpaiiy's mechan- 120 KeiiilWortlv- -Bouleva/d, and Uiitcnum, ,IIKI.V SulliViin, Kcniii'Jh', C'iiwili' was •iiricUcd on' war- Mrs. Bruno C. Metzner of' 8{)7.'W«)st >>: 1'.' but »ccurs ooly'»t-certain tlnie* rf>» k- Miss Carol M. Wooll'ey, daughter SELL CONTIUCTOM ' l,'hori|. -Supnnc Vim Gilder, '1'om-. r^i.t yt'sti'i-day by pnicer.Mii-hael - Arczii'*• Cint of tho m".yi'st wrf'la •riiiti'o-s.. •" ••'••'• -.' *; ~< • ; • ,icaT dK;' ' ToRemain Opeiv Knd place, left Sunday for six yeur, ii during th* lumhier, or tb» ho, jl Mr^ and. Mrs. Clafente Cham- niy Benson, Tim liooticher,. Ilirh-j.'.I.-^'Odroir, ,Ir'.,'!iltcr hi; had ...faijea' • deslun nf-c|^l1rr 'jebs- In vtlv«l Mosit; rye said, were from in- .Lincoln' avenue ploycround will - Weeks of'practical, training at Cor- Fpribes^onis School Bids Again yTotti moist teuton. ; ! , ; ^Lists berlin of 9 Forest avenue.' Paul INSTALL fTfl 'K.jt.'l(hi-ii, Toimny KcMer, to appc-u- before'Magistrate.Stev- •v«r th« nylon.. . • L .. •ns • dividuals seeking psychiatric treat- continue^ ope.n for two more' nell Survey Camp, Alpine, N. Y, MOE SCHNEIDER '/!. The r.uaid of. Kdncal'ioii 'will tei-eive. Mils ,Vor /lieMTiji.u'l time at State Evening Divisions Will study for the defcre*. of bache- •U'obby. RoMiniin. I{.m -.Stiitt—\h -lrtHtlS-7-lHKllUC'tor- , cordinjjf'jo WUtiarii H. Bnunier of divisions announced .to- register.and vote. Ht—IIie—H-l^l?-[-p.lUv Wilson.'/ Susiiri ' ' O'C'oiuuir. i trr rrpos—plrvn—ttr—iw^ Jersey Association for Mental •Mrs..Srhillinger snM it. was de- 'School Held.. .Iniitil Tufkcr, h'oscni;irii> Sladdi,^ nt-,tlu- /rc«\ilar'. •'•.'WestflPld. president of -the New. day. • ' • . . .' . •;•'•' 1 j-noiinrr On Encampment Health. 2^0 West Front Street, cided to keep the area' open. Fnity-onu boys nnd girls lurnecj. i i Portable Radios I i. •James \V. Abbott, Jr., of 225 '55 Series Films Aili'i'ii "K ,,;.j,.(,,.',<,,;,„.,-, pasl.-puw^; [publication, produced by tho N.a- Goldenberg o'f'21' Dunham road Pierson', representative of a.New- 1 "ni'ver' li-jis nlonc, tlian ..when Uy ; • The^Ncw Jersey Association (or for local -youth.- ' •: - .-'. ••• •(-year-olds'sjhoxvedjthe. most, pro- In'na HelHiiKer. Itarbat'a VoKt'l,, . school (it .iSloiim.innd'-.ilc'avenue ,-ind 'Viohal'•'Association 'for Mental Mental -Heaft'h. i£ ." division of. the and Evelyn A. Montaji.of. 29 Wall ark brewing company,' at the Ki- aluyiTT1-4- seems • hnrdly to ; apply. Klent,' at a r rent inertm^roi fl.le There will be no oriianized arts Never a Hicss slncu thoy,.hii(l not as yetJoan.,' Kloc.um,. 'I.tn.'incla K^iliigi;, i. V l.Vroom slru'ctjire at Health, supplies information on' sfreet were listed for outstawdinjj wanis . Club': \ luncheon, .meeting thesr- days. Or, ;il loasl, pi'oplu l,adie;"'Aiixi iary of Ciipl. Nevy.cll Nutirvnnl Association' for Mental ' nnd crafts' progrnmTtit—trhe—tAVOr- ,'ii'tliiired. bad tennis hiibils which i '.. nenrb'.2,000.outpatient psychiatric academic* ii/chievement- at . tho Tuesday at Mnrkos* Restaurnnt. . .I 'Cist..' Health and is the only citizen vol- •'iieed'ed cbrrectioii. Stacy, N;iiii:y Kreig,' Kntliy I);in-' Kive llieuisi.M-ves litlli,' rl);inre. to W-In Newark 'e,veninR division. , Mr. Pierson was introduced by ))iaygrpunds, but Mrs. ScchilHn- tion to .the Brooks-ide Pl.-u-e S.-hlMil. \ M(,,,„„,,,., ,,„„„,; clinics • and other ' mental -health unteer organization' in;New Jer- lii flic teeriago, group 1,'! to 1ft iol, M.i.ry (Jr.-n-c firall, M-'iry Carol! .'find Jiiil if i( does.. • '. George-'Batzler of^.'2J Shetland Fred II.-Gray, Jr., and thanked by ger pointed ourtiiat a ful^sched- j.l'l;ans'call ,l(ir eompletMin nrtiine ^^ K(,n,(.,, ., di-let'.nt.' lo tin- services.. '. _ • • . sey . dedicated solely to the total .'c-jii-K, of-agt^-2f)- boys iind,'girls' Sivi'i'd, M;Vry Amu: Mcllaru, and f C)n.e vviiniiilr W.TS proudly (le- SHOUT HILLS STORE di'ivo was named to, the Dean's Harold S. Complon. "ule of sports.ami gAmcs will.be -for.the o|>enii.ii;.drschool in Sen- ',.„,,,:,„,,,„„-,,„',,- ,'|,,.m|u.(| ti.v*' .'.' Included are scores of state hnr- fight for mental health and against mine r'-'gularly toy lesf-ons which Hrui'c-'riLllv, " -,.'"•' '^ <:.iMIII li'i.'be open.ed'i 1-a n'oofl p-laei -In. y''n I'.. list nt the New Brunswick division, supervised. . ' scriliinij ii fi.'«eiHl.v ;iri|iiii'cd teinlier, 1! '. pitals ami institutions for the men- mental .illness.' , .--.. ' Delegations from ihe Clark and wi'i-e g ven (ill-day. TmrHtlsr.v find iar.y lor the pn.vjlix<- <r Hie 1 iiVit ,f lirsl plaei- Sunn-. ("In 1111- 1 'i)'- It Kill:' .al •• vited to attend • the. two piny- i Uiw .her. to heiir ixilititj.'il'. <-oii- . rthd trie epileptic; mental hospitals Collegians Cornet; Ciiests. The Qlark membors were ' With such a liirge. p,:-oup lo-.iu- Orivrrs l*"in< lijiiti. , h,ui; it., seems Hn» diiys o'f] 1 of John Philip Park wore Charles -Brookwcll, : iii.in.v of ..the pii'i-l.icip;i,ntK • would 1 M, \'i. -'TnliiTlVri o, tin. • 'board's ;ind' .Dew' slyle sejnor. \'|ie-pre.-,j- /"state and local menial- health ns- Dean's . List Ifor hi^h* .scholastic Thrtreiiw iiri: ;i thinj; of tin. p.'i.st. kiting Proressor 1 11 11 ii'iil n invited to attend Morton Lcbcr, Fred • W'esche and Memorial Field...... licnclit from '-more individiuil, in- n t'hai'Hc. ol dninki'ii .(.Iriving b'c- Imi'ldiiu! eoiniiiilt'ei-. hi-ad, P !' ' ''"!'i|t.nt and .laii.- ini>inliership..ch.-iiii- *tamMr.t!"'durihg the Ithaca-C6I- "^.A 'VXi'M\> • "f yuiuiui-r peopli; Olympic Park's memorial concert; Rdwiird Morritts. ' -, ' .' • In ••speaking of t.he suppprt- of, struction as well as ;m cxIcnd.i'UI'ore MaKislraiC' Charles ,1. Kievi-ns mil Ml'ti-i-'thi' nieelin'u that 1 hi' nr- iii.-ni, • :.i|i)iiiUIIV'"il Ilii-i-e Ai:.lll._bli^iri_ information was compiled letie. Ithaca, N. S\. .spring. tern> 1 iiniusc themselves Iiv . wiilkini! • At IUinol^lSc 1 r featiimR Sousa compositions', on .the' pljiiVKroutKls- In 'general;' .'.rriiss dT, lessons, shu stiili'd. -.in.'Mi:inici|iii''l C'.ourt. Tion was taken Ijerii'use of tlw ini-ir 1 jointly "by the National Assoeia-.J \vliich. ended in /.June. • He, was William, kermode" attended as ;i iirou.nd liisvn eiirr.vinr, mil. one-, ' Dr. .Deborah Cnj.innn .PiirlridKc ' inrfrilM- in. lbi( nuhiliei --nl -ineni- Ruest of William Baniett. . IVIrs. Sehjjlinger romiirked-! that The lessons included instruc- • Milrhrll- J. "Sinolewslu, • U0, of ol nppteciidjle eo|iipi-lit-ive bidilini; 1 liel'slll)) jiwal'llell to lie Illtlde by ; tion for Menial Health and the j 1 among the top 10 percent of the' j\ 11 m^ii-ti i juwinv 10 'lllv III 1L hill l\vu or more portirliles tiineit if Ii2 South Union nv-e|i.ue who is.ini Huni-wil (.'onsfnwtion' and be- Parf Time, Full Time 1 Russell Howard, president, wel- during tho fifth week. another tion' in forehand iihd 'bnckhmul Ford:;, wns. found guilty cif.thc 1 ihe state .ne.xl year. ' National .Institute of. Mental Health [ student. ; ranking highest in schol- jo I wo. • or uioi'i: di c-juckey 1 jirtilVssor-of edik-atinn at Queens s "March KlnK"Ts"'ah annual event record attendance of 1,8.78 "was siiokps, .scoring, and 1 cause the bids received wer.i••'•'<•rnli-s;,iir at the ' .' NO .N'ICIlt UUKNINCS • ' -. • Chil) Members Arrange age groiip wore Mary Ann Daniel, -doctor's ft•(',•' T-hi'i'r licunsi-s wc-rc I bnarrl received identical low bids I'li'ms were initiated; |oi a parts' • to pay Sousa was a frequent Riiest corf- er w;ts like? • . ' University of Illinois this ,siii-hn»er. ; |-, ,„()() .from tin' r':MiM.<>Yi-:i-; CAKKTI-.:'I;IA ' -. COOL1 AIR CONDITIONED .-llirlen-' Beth Krantz, l..viin Piiici;, revo'kerf'for two ycai-.s. ' • . () $n7l) Mahien^.m- • ,„/..„,,j|,,,,,.n:,,,' th(. stale niiinnos- • rM*H?amr>or,said, the directory. "du'etor a generation ago. • •Flowers for IJbrary. - At, Illinois, Dr.- l'nrtrid«el liiiujht j.t ,,,<•{i.>rt Conipuny; : Robert Davis,'son of Mr.: ami- Sliaron Sweeny, Kiloim'Mulciihy, Rrc/inn wns an-cslccl- at ' l:()li a. This would nil ;ip|)i'iir riilher 1 ., • ' I.--('.I Kill "I'AII.KIN'C.KAtMI.ilTIKS -1 snpplemont.s ihe personal inform-' Box OiNce Open •Dully * Sunday t i rU'. -cm., ii '. Flower arrangements which dec- lOiivid' 'Arnold; Bob ICIhurington, I wo xirmhiiiliKniduale. ' courseseoursi-s. ShShe .. inin- -I ,„;,,,,,„.,,;„-,: ;,,n;,,iVron'iv;i,^ ;n iZ^vlu\hl i^Mu.mi Mrs. George Davis of J30 Oak lane, •'10 A.M. to .in.lPlM. ' •-.- m. Auifust. 0 •it- Cciifcnnial arid •incon,';ec|i|enli'iil, if ;i highly sue- s im U lhl lutu vntion and referral services pro- orate the mantel of the Cranford .truetevctecll an soeinll |tn.lieItnilies unit, of 1hi-|'W1)1.'k „„ Ull\ ,w n „,.,„;„, - -..! - ' > '» '-" "' " Ten Years* Service lias been awarded a scholarship Iloborl. Irslingor, Graham Cleaves; •o'ln avenues liy OITieer Alfr(;(l j cfsuful' . pro'pagaiwld; niiixiur of The only IVn'oHiy Kiekn.er,. pl'esi- -„ ' AIR CONDIT-fONED BUILDING . • vided by many of the. 500 state and 'C'urriciil'um'Probli'ins nnd Trends'! Mrs, for his; sophomore year at Ohiti Public Library this 'week \Vero Carol Macintosh. Marilyn IK-rcrk other |jidfler."c. Vnn "t.'haiiibi'rlii'i ai:rt>ciatinn'» T yj<»"& Wi1Kiin<: n'f 1?-A IT |it V i',i(li,(l.''Ml;.. I'lolVl'Ire-r.ll-' .". " Employmont Offito now—: — • local—mental. health matte' by Mrs. Uenjamin urixner PLAYHOU5t ('JII-III .Anderson, Doi'olliy Turner,, Jll Speciiil L'lelus. til. IMenn. m.ar.v of 115 Alilen. st.reel, UlTi-ied to. do] across the country. He noted thali Wesleyan University, Delawart-, AUGU5T IS THE TIME TO TRADE test hy' OfTk-er Woburt' Hyali, lie p into mind: the most, vul- V,\\t\. was • in-.i-liarK'' of Ib'e' ;;* >ci ii 1 '• liam avenue has celibrated ten and MBrs. Francis Burke of- the 1 . Mlllburn, N. J. . . Would you believe it? You can^own a •.Kiiron -Pclorsqn, ...Dwijiht Kdilciilion'' block' ai|d a section of the'Illooniinydale n-vemie job. lor 1 Ohio, Ho was a member of "the WcokK, w*is iiroiiounee'l liulil 1.0'd-rivc.-••'• n'eriihle people in the wrfrUr.iire hour.' • . • ' •'.' • in new store, corner of -last year the -national, stfvte.'and years' service with the EJsso Ke- Green Thumb Garden. Club- The .. . Frank Carrln(trli|ii.'rl.v ill • • " •'• .. • —o— • . • . On* uresk only nrtirt Jl'»*'»>; Dr. John A. Olson. |)i'oii(\unced himlim- .,•• ',,,.,. ' u Juvenile "Court complaints .hav-e |-schools' and the addition In -HrooU- which opened Suiidiiy al „ I la.lla:.', i 9:30 A.M.*— 5iO(l P.M. ' ,. " . •• a big parf of your trip cotli. Aldflii' (l(;Hluiuilt's n sln..,M itifitiu^i known !ariflul|]|i tiiiiss; It, of,,' 1]( ments' for" Lyons Veterans Hos- • a budget-pleasing priee! Pontiac prices lieen Illed1 aKirlhsl. twij youths,. 14 side I'lace School. Tl.iu I "till 'i Taking the Country Miss Glen A:. Geddings of 8 3 suMMSkriMe ;s TRAD/NG riMti^Yow ;is lliiinn Street iind' now'known ;is lliircl- unlit In flrive. "• Or;ini;e nvi.Miue, MiilVerecl l;icer.'i- Ti-X. . ..',.' aTHE SjpA", r pital on Friday. Flowers were do- 'start below 43-small-car models t See iiiu .Str«.M!l; jiiui and l. i, for wiljlully violating bi- $21!,'l!lli hitjlien lhan the. ninouhl .APPLY JM^'KUSON. ONLY'" -• Makutorh drive and Miss Sally B, a nc,w conircly by E.dwnnl Chodorov pr«tenl car It, worth, wore lo ui now tion.s .iind ii.hriisioiis of ihi; nosi 1 1 U'llKHI'.AS siild llnlnri Stiri'l innu nated by club members. After a play by hlolnar p p : 1 cycle reyulalions, police reported: provided by the I'loml k.Mle. ( How almiit you' An Shepherd of 19 LaSal-lc avenue for yourself... now! ,. ... - '- than II ev»r will bo again. ' . 11,'ii'rtlnc Stri'i.'ti -frmn ilii- l.i'liii;li V;ill<".v ••Mid kne<-s ill' ?: 10 1,-ist nr«ht. whei 1 Iliillnuicl In llni- of- Imwl.s ol Hnvl|.-Mui- (I $22. >>- ' _ - --. —'—,- "I istei I'd'.' See you. nV . Hi' 1 have .erffoll.ed at'Mai:y.-Washington Gloria • TiirHan Violet he was struck hyn c;ir. ;il. Cliire Tho youths were picked ijp by' .Of- f'.-- ' J -'•! By Storm . . > ^ Mr. and'Mrs. Henry G. Baker PONTIAC RECENTLY BROKE 54 NASCAR ENDURANCE AND SPEED RECORDS AT.BONNEVILLE, UTAH v^iiy CompJiny IUIH ,iutt i'wi'n npctu'd iitul 1 1 ticers- Ma.tlhew W: Il.aney; iind .l• 'Hup ill' Qilhu-^^jji'cct , ifniiin-rl,;- incut of $225 . line for drunken |P parked 'cars. lil.a-i-n, unless'.you n-nisler and s/ote. North Hollywood Saturday. . ' ginia college-as n junior psychol- UN tASHRN MANAC[;,i(NT OUTDOOR THEATRE l''riiitiiiilrtl ''mill Thtf Ideal Summer Drink with Tarn Collins rxllMUIIlslli.-cl. . 1 '.. been accepted for admission to Houie 22— Union, N. J. HKCT1ON;a -- This- iiriliiiiiiicc sluill Inltt -Lehigh—Univor-sWy—this—tall—it—w«a- ifliincfiLiji'hjL_-Wce3?---i)y Dr., TODAY TIIRI.I_ SATUIlDAt • . ulu. Clueimmrope TrchnlcolAr Charles A. Scidic,. director of ady Chjilrnitin, 'rnwliHlilp Ciuninitlue. missions. The students! arc: Rob- ROBEUT TAYLOR—RICHAnD .tOPD Allr.st: • . ert E. Achilles ,of 216 Manor ave- Dnnn Wyntcr WEST FIELD J, WALTEH'cnFTKE. Townsliip Cli'i'k. • . HtulrmMIt , . almiere parkway, and Donald •,'Tlm forrunlnii oictnuincc \^as (irwill.v DANA ANDREWS — • -1DA-I.UPINO' -p;iH?;iVl>s]llMu<'J'Cl'HliIol'(ls r on AUKUst M. 1US». ' • •' ' '•" I and PLAYTEX has the perfect bra and girdle for it! Made from i(iO /c Grain' Nenlral Spirits "WHILE THE CITY SLEEPS" • •••• ,J. WAI,ran roi.-|.-i-:rc.; Bucknell University,-LCwlsburg, Tpwiislilp Clerk, iUMMEl Diili-il:- AiiKiint !•'. 1 Uni). 11-1(1 nan class :of more than 600 mien . Warncrcolor MOVIE and women: that includes three Alan LATtD ^- Bosanna PODESTA Cranford students. They are David "SANTIAGO" SEASON B. -Paul, son of Mr. .and Mrs. HITSL

the music o( John P(»ilip Sousa in 20 ' CR '6-.9600 -FRESH-K-I-LLED—F iYTOR:rHE-PAN HEAVY 39c STOP WASHING COTTONS AT HOME afternoon and evening programs SUN, - TUES.—AUG. 19 -.21 ' Blind play\«fflaht jtoet« detective Cranforfe Sunday -fl swimming'— rides — Iree circus . Alt CliuemaScope. and TSeHniC' ' •"•"• JAMES" STEWAHT.: Be Wise! Th* Place lor Pun- "THE MAN WHO Saturday Mating©—Aug. CRINOLIZE KNEW TOO MUCH" B&e fifrlmib exclusive SIZING PROCESS Drug Store Schedule OLYMPIC "FLYING SAUCERS" also " LIBBY'S plus curtoAns and rncc reels WILLIAMS .RESTORES ORIGINAL FEEL, DRAPE AND TEXTURE Ol ("Bhowanl Junction" shown after 5 ) TOMATO "APACHE AMBUSH" COTTONS, TAFFETAS AND FAILLES i< PEACHES 29c Sun thru Tues.—Aug. 19 to 21 or X>L SEEDLESS Lb. Basil Rathbone Lon Cheney — SAT AUG. 22-25 RETURNED ON A HANGER NOT FOLDED PINEAPPLE "THE BLACK SLEEP" JUICE I SONG OF THE SOUTH GRAPES 25c SEAGEK'S BRIAN DONLEVY yOUJT W« 2 Med. Cans s si: SHEETS 16! dkabilltyj Maw Phott* No. CH B-8771 "THE CkitfcPING -"LEATHER SAINT" 23c MAVINEEK DAIIiT 1 r.U. SHIRTS ^g y^jytjj—ifigiit-ta- CONTINUOUS BAT. • ICN. • HOL. UNKNOWN" Watch Papers. and Programs RFECTLY LAUNDERED np«ni«tioji brom th* V*4- 2 melodrarcintic films to thrill and PILLOW CAMS 7*. LIBBY'S For Starting -Times SINGLE SHIRT 25e LAUNDERED & FINISHED RFft. a« Mini Aclmiiil»b*tion; BIRDS EYE 4 Cam LAST TIMES TODAY chill you. FRUIT OPEN SUNDAY •Ma oblalalno m«'dJo»l 79c ORANGE; JUICE "SANTIAGO" COCKTAIL ~ *n<* — patUnt troataant or •MQ For Barbecue Sauce,^ STORE HOURS pllalbutlon; DOLANY . . - •fa ISM* FEATURES MAGIC tyl| Salad, Dessert 2 Mod. Cons 'THE LEATHER SAINT' Cool Air Conditioned 7:30 A.M. ~4a intwrano* « •m FRENCH FRIES . "FINGERS" . 45c FRIDAY THHU TUESDAY TO 6:00 P.M. foV extra tummy S Wesson _A BOB MOFK EVA MARIE SAINT —to aaiabllaliliia widow*! «* DULANY LIBERTY suppovt and „ STRAWBERRIES PLainfield 6-5477 ON DRY CLEANING & . control / Soil 59c BARON'S, "THAT CERTAIN IXPERT ASSISTANCi FEELING" A Gutter Snipo . . . Till Lovo SHIRT LAUNDERING Hii Him on the Chin! i . . 4T NO CHARGE TO YOU . — «lw — * SERVICE BELLS, HATHAWAY'S, VICTOR MATl'RE — JANET LEIGH f y nsro EJXTRA CPI^-I^CS- See the PH0N£ ANI) SCHER'S "SAFARI" "SOMEBODY UP THERE LIKES ME" AT REGULAR PRICES ONLY STARTS WED. AUG. 22 D.A.V. WltlTBE CLOSED Hurt Lanratlrr — Oln> LoljsbrlfWU 4 HOUR SERVICE WHEN BROUGHT IN DAILY BEFORE NOON OWNED 6 OPERATED BY — la — SATURDAYS BEFORE 10:30 A.M. •MM "TRAPEZE" fit HANDICHARGE BUERKUN-& SYSESKEYJNC. — •lul — Thin Patriotic Mcamiiic Sponsored by Robinson's CRftHFORO DRIVF-IN -4AA IIAOTEI MUF Jefl ClundUr — Laraiac Day . UNION AVE. ' St«r« Hows; 8 AM.»« 6 Ifs Always SAFER ^^ PLANT UNITY CHAPTER. NO. 59 NORTH UNION AVH. CRanford 6-0234 GARWOOD . To Buy Hour Drug Needs, in a Drug Store "TOY TIGER" STORE IUU nun in AWL. M. S. GREITV-EH, Service Oj/ice only WHERE PARKING IS NO PROBLEM .CRanford- 6-9338 '•' • • ', '. \T- -Jtf. Y.'this week. •'

'. ,.. '...'•'•• ."•'•' • ' —o-r- '' jhlln nnd-hor. ,, ' . rs. Albert ,Snroii,^-anaMr famili ahdy oMf ldo 'Eastn '^2Hg have returned from-a t| I tZ^Z vacation at Ln^HopaU

..•. • . •' ' ' •• . ' •••. • •'—°^" ••'• . • Mr,, and Mrs. Thomai dort H Butteh »onbrink, Jr., and child! SwillrnoVo W and Kathy, of Indc ,i£e will rnovo Mo spcnt lhl, wc(ikL new-residence lk'.X! . T .nnonhl.int will come' in thf on--; ^ uncis, in which she- will '•ff).ri trU-iso performers wiih]c' narnent cxpcriencf?. Mil's irj. owed good form but v/as ^ n a. nwrnbor orshots. mr) sod's Hilda Weiss . also! ^ > the ciunrt'.'V-fin;il-rotin

• '•'''• ft •' * ' .: " •, .'.'•'• •; ' '•' " - • '•/ •• •'. ' , '' •-.. '•:''• ••' '•, «. • ••," ' ' . ' ". ^''""-"v,' '', ' ' ,' •. 1, "'• 1

•.•/.' : *'".''.•..'•' ••• :','••'•'. :••'• ''.''.'•'• •' -"'•.'-' • •' ' • "__': •'•' '':'.. '"••','••.•". ', •'••'* .",.""' •;•:•/•• ,.'••-,' 'S(' ' ••• .••'•"'•'.•"! .'"' i- •".'..' ••• "/.' •''''.'•-. __—-, /•

•'-'..•• '•'.' '•„ '•/ • •. • •• SETTION Twn, •• CITIZEN AJJD _ II ' ., '• : ' /' -—— 1 ~—~ ^WWWWW>T A WV i-vin mlrt^x v T-uTrngTiAv ,ATTr:iT«;T 16. 1950 •-••' ' , ' ' ' ' -Eight •('•'• THE eeming -Hfer.of-Bny-woodi'dr-area: -numbers and with the typingjjf Parking mister collections for last Schin.dler for last month showed i- , '6th.ee. JjoWjyy'ype courses,' gain- ck completion of high school. At school. system's' facilities, TolSi f ^l^99^^ i Bbingjingthe: paint for ah afternoon'of fun. Top : Name p Officer — these, things, when observed, .the,, actual card's/ i ng—fy }de—attri/iptlon-incl uded—ap^-., the conclusion of the course, the "car Many groups"', in , town, have total for the yearto.$12,599.31. property loss estirtiated at $3,050, 5 j were ay/ardpcT state's. ct|tilvalency test will Iw V (Continued /rom POf/e I) ^Continued from Page I) , ^' studied, when ^understood, Griffin ' who; repreK,ented Spark- mM^Dwp^ tiques, ceramifs, flower, arrange cohtributcd. by a Wcstflcld auto Nine In$tiriMors Appointed ! shown great interest in" this file In response to aie/tter from the given to'obtain .state-credit for the' the s'ameevent, for girls with Emily reported the; last week in AugtKrh" e activities: _ - ling 'Water;.-. Ellen Jones,. White ing, gpH, leather* and metal craft, dealer. '-,'•.. • •• •••• the since it' was first mentioned, and Alcoholic Beverage Control Board course,-the director added. Valla and Brabafa Nieizel placing, Six cases of polip'.have been-re-, .- l"For'-.thos.e.: who- do .not relish Celeijrateis ' :•'; "• „ . ;', ' Shell: Kathie Coporthwaile,-. Po- Ciirricuium''ss ' phptogrbpju;,-. Miiiare dancing, arid ': Meanwhile the local adult school .vaa ' To Adxilt S^lwol Family second and third. .;.., ' • corded in Union Cpunty and 58 such gentle interests, there are or- their cooperation is ii.ow requested concerning,.kn altercation on' May On Municipal Playfields 'Cultural Lag'woodworking. The school's efforts • Another ..new fifcld the sc.hool '...:. (Continued jrom Pagc'i)i...y cahbnt'as;: Lorraine' Sosnowski, 1 lj; seaching.vainly for cultural-type Champion jacks player in a con- in ..the state. These low figures, ganized and" unorganized activity to- keep the information up to date. 13- between, two"jnricri in'/Duke's Sitting' Cow;./...... • Leaders in' the'adiilt' education Adiilt, school leaders feel they, may enter in the fall is drivorcdii- Kenneih W. Iversen. president-director, today announced the Champion jacks play estate and insurance business in in the so-called academic, fields courses which-attract the. interest •in t f'girl1 s oly was Lorraine both well under mid-August fig- ames'of-many kinds. When a mew club is formed or an Tavern, 524 Centennial avenue, :Clay modeling'held the interest field hiive felt fo'r a. long time the catlort for. adults. At the request ppqintment of nine instructors to the faculty *>f the-Cranfprd'AdUU ^oK '"* * *'* Cranford, and Gerald/ vic-e-pri^j. Irving Aklesberg,' Rose Laurie Other Indians in the party wore shauld contribute to.:the cultural •failed" to find much,, support, r/e j of Cranford- area' residents-.. As a: ures in 1955, may in. .part, be the- ./• "I think we need an Under- established brie elects new officer's, the committee• advised that.a care- of the boys and girls at the High need for more so-called acadpinjc of the State Safety Council, the j Ichool for the cowing fall semester. , y: • " .^'' ' t . dent of,the Commonwealth•T(-uMs..pts|nted out 're<• forts hay*' met with "resistance, vocation, however, have been suc- The council suKKestcd that!,the' planned in cooperation with the .school.Will open October 2 at 1 mari, Marilyn Callan, Irving--Ak Ww;- Christine-Stupak,-—Morning : 1 cessful. '/These- have included such /iixt.{•.. pl.yp -:tamw pplk, . swonri • Srhnnls npd still have, o good program of bed to death in-his home later the burn arid Mrs. Hazel Stic ni-th -Elmiger. Kate Elmiger, Mar- lesbcrg. Sharon Zalinski. Plan Star; Judy DuPew. Summer, Fall. cently by Kenneth :W. .Iversen, i pointed' out. Some adult school might bo able to |'• American Chemicai • Society, "Mr.' r K •^*>te-4»tvc-fptm'\vill, teach are: Rob-j' By BAKBARA.PUTSCHER '. j jiarl Eagle, second', and Bill Gall., school cafeteria." school' principals suppleifieht;thc 'activities'of people •Campbell, Pat Campbell, jSusie but they are the exception rpther and typing.. ' . . ; street (from Lenig'h-Valley Rail- In a bubble, gum 'contest, tired In •an art contest at the field, : . • Carpentry Matonrt •" will meet with their staffs to dls.- and groups, of people; ,. , Hjaxfleld, Sandy Maxfield, Tom because -"students" do not seem than th.o rule. • • • .-,.'' '.* The' !school will enter .a new crt E. Long and Edwin Ehlert, .Tr.'J Bpys, bulldozers and black,, dirt! (),iry. '' •;..' • road to the Boyle-Midway prop- jaws were suffered byi winners Judy DePe'w won first- prize. field at it's fall semester, which • Plumbing Paimting • of Wes't'field Travel, . Inc., -arm.-' seem to be a Ropd combination'any | • ^ popular game on. the play-' cus.scd ihe activities of the year. ."To .that end, and iri ,orde,r that erty. Lot 15,,block'367, located on .Galagher, Mark Burg. Under the ,too iriterestcd in such sjiibjects, 'In its ' seven-year, history,, the Free Estimates Pat Callan. and Ronald Wolff in • '•'• "—' •' •' ••'.'—T~ '•' '"' ,. Hoofing • 1 we may have!an unbiased objec- Mr., Ivcrsen continued, They flock •Cranford Adult School has catered opens' w- October 2 at Cranford > Heating •-.chair travel:'Mrs. J. .Dillard Col--,day and particularly, at the. Cr»n-\|.ron'nds this summer has Ikscn The''Friday-meeting, begunning Morse street', was sold to Sam direction of.. Chris Schillinger, a the intermediate division, and An- Elegant Materials at 9 a.m.,'will 'cover classroom 0 tive view of this whole subject, n/x ' T? ••» • '•' « • piouD of children made bean bags to. the hobby-type course or_class primarily to the hobby fan, said High' School, Mr;' ivevsen said. lins. intermediate, contract bridge; j ford .High - School •. playground .J^h'uf fle.bojircl -with first prizes go- Jambrow.-on his bid'of. $1,000. 1 riettc Slahor and Karen Brownlee Your Jewelry may.still be worn With the approval of the State De r-PnuWVFord,-a.<>r6iiiit-oxecutu'e_o£^ j jw> to Nelson Ditimar and JDud- ganization-and-pla'iiining-ihlpiiqpj^ I-h'a'v'e been authorized by'my, col- -—The-Cranfoi'd-Savingsfand-Lba'n- ,aQ.U.:j_^l__._ cf special value to the.m in their Mr. Iversen. For example, its all- r o\) t^astman St. ™ In it'he ^jujii_or!_seciLon..L_.. L.. :mr- ii -conversation!....plece_Jor_Lih*- ;: leagu.es, to 'sefect a cliainnan ^w time most popular' courses^'"haveB partment of Education, it will of- Merrill, Lynch. Pierce, . FOnn.cr and,j under construction; ' :. ! ley Chase.. aration for the opening.on Moh_- Associatioh "niiv'de application to At Memorial Field copper rc- ' Sunny Acres > ' costume, but they should •stresith* work-. Like many of' the "other JOSEPH LEVY- -^~- wijl,. with me, appoint the per- ' <<0PPT ^3rfijford Tfheafri^'" been social dancing ' and bri fer a /high-school .level course" [n Benne, invesfinji in securities •, • ]' j Visitors at the rough; dirt track i Bob Masoiv oufplayed his, com-day, .''.•'•",'. ' • • .' ' ' . - be considered- as a depository for - lief' plaques were hammered out -An Indian... contest at —Sunny ..colors shd.wnltoLthe. clothe*. Gracik athilj schools' throughout, the n_^_ : —^GENIRAL CONtRACTOR -^,: J r sonnel of a' committee to. give this by Conrcll Brooks, Charles King, iioni lie;' said', this. prob*lem'.~7v.isT^leiWcr'Tcoulcl"'.' be considered "in "pliviiif" gebinctry; "This 'cfasK—is "Also,' Miss- Hoitense ''Biidc'll,; the first day .included a steady J petitors in ; a checker- contest 'tap. •. For those for whom the Thurs- )> fill' designs, sheer and shimmering, inactive municipal funds. W. D. •" •' ; '• . •'. • " ' •"•" " ' Acres field 'captured the. intcres 'aimefd to 'a'ssist persons- needing : painting'a-nd -drawins: Mrs. Kuth'.'stri-nm 'of boys careening wildly H.to 11-year-olds while John With-,, day antf.Friday meeting prove ex- "subject careful study'.and to re- Scuithorp, the association's secre- . c'luick Harrell, and-Al.lon Hawks. are in keeping with Ihe'.elegant hia< been Rivcn.-inuch thoiicht by lead- J the academic field. These* courses 103 Adart<|j Ave. GRartford" 6-1261 ; port back; """• of th' Gissher;, 75- siohof'your views-5rfd, most es-, - 90 PROOF : Roosevelt :,Field yard dash, Gene pohn; 50 yard ing the contribution made by Tax :•.' ' Popular at' the- Roosevelt, field 'cornbinations, nie bids, hold-up j When .the circular path is On-!pl;i'-e;. was won by ,Pet«?i'Veiga-lla;, : pccially.ra'recfird of the'actiyitie's' Assessor Edward Markowich at IMPORTED plays, end plays and dummy, re- • jslied smoothly with ..cinders,, the I .second, . Stnnje.v.' Boiintu; third, dash, Spencer- Freund.: " : in which._vou may be epga"ged, FINE LONDON DRY was the making of bean bags and Swim meet-jiUBoat race, Rutgers; the recent cdurse_at the state uni- copper ; plaques. T-hosc who spent' • versals. ' '..••; :: ' j trackmen will take. pver...but\the j Dennis Rudolph. -" ' their extent and your neecis." • ' versity, for.municipal tax: assessors, • ' ' V purpose. pants were Dawn McGuire, Kathy ~,n' "\<'(v>*Rirld--;mrt—nisn— trach^s--at-nf-the--eS^stud'entsHn-nt-tendrinee^at-j-rell—Brqokfr-.TaiYies-Borges—Chnr- wene: Ed Maley, Pete Guy, Ge_ne_ a.-rriember of the Stu- " On recommendation ojL^ Marshall, Patty Van Bergen, Ka- thc -Westfield Adult School.- She Bowientown Military Institute's ; lcs Hnrircll, and Allan Hawks, and Dohn, Jim Downing; Rich Smith, dent Council for three years while Chief. Lester" Powell^—Patrolman •- rcn Baxter, -.-Mary-Ann - McSlayJ Bob Stevens, Dave Powell, Paul Alfred^ F. Bur.r was advanqesd to Karen Sopko, Polly Korner, •is-listed in Who's Who in Art-and' 31^1 .annual summer school sessionLwiiliam. Mul'drcfw : '.. : in high school and served as co- Ai'V'and' Artists of New Jersey, which began on Sunday, July .8, Pick-u|(3 sticks have taken many MacMillen, Jeff Quinri, Geite Grail, chairman of its standing cpinmii- fifth- year patrolman, .effective • Walnut Field::: . '.'.'. Stan Minch, Barry Friedman, Don Sept'eriiber 1,- because of added du-, tEMPORARY \ r • • • 1 •Mrs. Liitz. -a, resident. of, Ro-; and' will continue for six weeks hours of concentration at the; mun- tee. Other school activities inpfud-- ; In,,a pet show-,'at' Wqlnut, Field "T)Voi» selle, is an -associate teacher of .under the dij-eclion of Dr. Howard i-jcjpal pTayfieldg "and ChaiYXpioii! V Warren Parkin, Pat .RaeJ, ed-Fi'ench and Music Clubs, Gol- ties, and his line Work, in -the de- Annc'Kowalski's fish was judged — "'';"'—'-•> — --' "-'-- -"•"--• -'- ----'• •- --' , who I named'at the field day was San-Fred Weaver, Rich Maley, Dave den C.-and Spotlight staffs, Girls' tective bureau.- Albert Cummings the Cutest; Ronnie Burslein's dog, K,"J . 4ind-Wesle.y-Jpit i,c\ were aH vnnred PRICE REDUCTIONS . MeGinley'sy'sterti'^.f' is assisti»d.by sf&leonmasters from 1 dra Ross, " . • Choir'and Ensemble, pram com- L the. recular faculty. James is- a I Winners of the, atliletic.events Donnelly. mittec, and girls' sports: Miss to second year- firemen, effective SCHENLEY> half gallon -.:.... 9.98 est; Dick Jackson's bird; prettiest; Wo.Mi; (cnific lalilililiy> IHK y y Several,of the campers passc«utifnl |)art tops . .'. and even slielvrt; , . . Riverside drive early one morn- | balls swimmer tests. Gene Grail,.How- The committee concurred with youngest; Donald Jackson's .dog; ardVArnes"en-and-Jeft-Quihn__com-, .the Planning Board's, rccomrnenda- most talented. . - arc piirlyproofl Resits lutrii)-. stiiins ami seraiches! Evi-ry |nbl« ""I' • , , • ,„ pletc.d their intermediate swim- tion that Herbert place,' adjacerif —-Pat—Daily's—hamster^best—be-- lioaKtV-t^'>stK^oli(l-l>ras(^Kftlf4r-vr-lin^eaKLer^_^ f • • - ^ . A group of boys set traps in the ming tests.. Petx?; Metznef and. Gene Lists Local to the Adams'.' avenue playfleld, haved;- Karyn Brownlcc's turtle, -. ,ast-^ Thestorewiirbe closed Looters GralJ passed their swimmer test* not be vacated, Rgterrea to Town- quietost; Sharon Frankenbcrger's •ttvor for muskra.s every ye,ir. Op- Tram Page I) . (Continued Jttnn Paae.l) OVER 30 BRANDS ALWAYS IN STOCK .(Continued i^^Bxjtlr^JlfieWflSnSeveyal^viy.at^-listSr-that- •sVyipjAU-ppne^GT^r^y-Ar-sinski-was- -dog^noisiestj-Rosanne-Lirriongeilo's- -*jKormlj.'a.wny: walnut or loVelll y seaniifii t oakk!! ^Bt And the woods andh strear nv.-m raboun banks.d. : GUNTHER'S or r for the ' RccrCaTion" Committee, a '"comniutucaiibn from"PtalnKleTcP ^clog;-longest- tail; --Karyn-Schoon-- with migrating birds.of many spe- ways — Ed Maley,' Stan Minch, we determined to keep. the new Yhal's-KooB price?^ Not-iiio;.29:95..ynaiLcx;i)iiC.tLJLftiL.-C9.nj. ! reported, the theft. He said the Union Water Company advising ovcr's harnster, shortest ears; Craig cies every spring and fall..'Pheas- Gary Gisscr,: Pete Metzrier, Rich file up to date and make it avail- box had been looted between 4 they are petitioning for an increase Ross' worms,, oddest; Richard Ba- .citfiifr-pocktail, lamp. end. Mcp . ... oven the corner table .. . for i -ants—are—not—uncommon—in'--the . p.m. on Eridni' and Monday Jim Brida, Dave Powell able to the entire community as a 11 -in-r-a-tesr biit's.: rabbit, healthiest look'inci, mctc 19.95! (Also alKoos-Sca Girt;) area. ' .'• • • - !'' (CoiittTna'd.froiti Page 1) morning.. . ' . ' Jeff "Quinn, Pete~Giiy7"Paur Mac public-service; —-— —:——•—— 'Taxlcab driver's licenses were Eree tielkery: J udges-•were"~Sandra TROSS—-Mrsr "Mfs.nBlaha said her family' Us- ' ing the infant died. . ' Police are experrdinjrevcry--.ef*c; iMllen and, Howard. Arneseri, ' Mrs; Floyd Weeks and^Mrs. War- •rcn S. Pcjret, league members, as- ^approved for William "B'.'" Ford", "28 ' Jiic.ks.Qi)..-Mrs. Brownleev :'; • iially 'takes .its" .vacations in the ' Testifying in the; trial wero Po- fort to apprehend the persons re-, One \vay — Dave Mjndlin, Tom : 23t«*/5" Cochlait. J».»S sisted Mrs. Harris with the hours Beech street, and Warren • W. Was?hcloth slippers, were made form of camping trips to w&rcalli'd lice Chief Lester W.. Powell, De- sponsible for the larceny, Chief Donnelly, Mike' McHrnrg, Mike PARKING M, 6-1044 Huff, Barry Friedman, Gone.Grail, of phoning to verify names and Schindler, 227 North avenue,, west. by Pat Buelier, Karyn Brownlec* wild parts of. America. She ad- teciiyi" Sgt. Ralph J, Koury. Sgt. Pbwefl" said. Dctcctivq Sgl. Ralph Linda Cicoiese, Marilyii Callan, mitted she Sometimes wonders why AVard, OTf. Joseph. J. Ko- J. Koury ancTTpet. Frank Burr Dick Callan, Annette /. 'Slahor, Individual high scorers during ,',V. '.they bother to ch : '. ,. xid ' nrp inves' Diane Slahor, Ritn Metzgeri Shar- the Olympics were: titan Mine; on i-'ra'njconberger',' uaroara. im- Torri Donnelly, Dave Powell, Pete -zel, Guy, Rich Maley and Ed Mnley.- ,. Animal cages were designed by "Other- activities 'included,a hike Come In and Talk to Us About Your Freezer Orders to Hope, a trip to the' Animal Farrri and a hike to the WHite-House'. We Cut Prices to the Bone — No One Will Beat Us ! On Monday night, the campers LEAKN TO PLAY saw a movie entitled' "The Doolins from Oklahoma." • r Campers who attended camp MODERN METHODS let you are: Ricky Denzau, Don Dixon, play melodies from the start. Peter Guy, Bob Moore; Doug Rae, Beginner's accordion furnished TPat-Rae77\;!-Se^^ ——ModoBt^lcssoB—UML,—,—. aldson, Jim Downing, Bob Jqnseri, AVENUE^- -t-PhoneCRarifoFd 6-11T3I Bill Kruse, Bob. Kulow, Fred"Wea^ • OPEN FRIDAY TIUL 8 P.M. ver, James Wrjght, BilljDeChabert, John Elliott, Ron Farb, Warren Park.in, Bob Shire, Rich Smith, LOOK AT THE BEEF SALE AT FRANK'S Bo_b SJldvens, Dick Coventry, Tom Donnelly, Spencer Freund, Barry 1 .CHOICE SHORT CUTS Friedman, Mike Huff, Rich Maley! 24x20x23Vi" lamp, !».».> 30x30x21Vi Corner, 10.95 Mike McHarg, Gary -Gisser, Gene ARMOURS CHOICE CUTS 32t20x2l' Step, 19.9S Grail,, Paul MucMillen, Stan BIB ROAST REEF 43c REBUILDING & HET.UNING Huge 3b" round Cocknlil, 18.93 Minch, Dave Mindlin, Dave Pow- ell, Jeff Quinn,. Howie Arncsett, RUMP and X-RIB SIRLOIN OR PORTERHOUSE DOME ON PREMISES / Jim Bride, Gene Dohn, Ed Maley FACTORY MEHTODS USED -and Pete Metzrier. / qUARANTEED SERVICE / • 1 OVEN ROAST ILL NOW -At — / / D££P I O\>1! shank end Ib. CENTER. -EXTRA-LtAN- - - '- : 1o residents of Cranford is a 1 it— 9 "EAST MAN'STR'EET" ltASll^ilE -^^^^ >.» • crallv.tr,cmendous one, It embraces ._•_-,,. CRANFQR_D.|__ _ full the youth clubs, national arid 1 local; the private, public and SWIFT'S SELECT WILSON'S CERTIFIED SWIFT'S PREMIUM CR 6-7067 | church-sponsored activities; ath- LUAN SQ. FT. letic activities, school activities; OVEN-REDI the natural activities incident to LEGS OF LAMB CHOCK ROAST f mrr-locution•••==. fishing, picnicking, MAHOGANY PLYWOOD t hiking in a'.well-developed, park lb TURKEYS lb system; personal, activities such ;is 3niiirt'! Noti<«> tlu».-e This is only a summary listing, ,.very lean ...:.; dramatir Mulpturnl arms . . . tli«- ....Mi.ulous tailoring of car i "Anyone who does not use liis scan). If y oirrmr vn avt-rago-jize liv ing room, this i.«-tioiial »ill mind and his imagination, or who FOR BAKING, BREADING or BARBECUE TURKEY THIGHS FULL THICK is tcu> lazy to stir himself is going A REAL 4-STAR VALUE •make it look ,irtir^|»a(;iou* .. ... provide extra seating room at to be bored. No-activities proRiam the >-»mc time. And if, ni»lii«iitMl in ..loop mwn foam riil|liw to can help, that kind of person. A FRESH KILLED SWIFT'S SELECT UNINSURED ROCKWOOL INSULATION tree, a pond, a garden path, the «\\c\au luxury comfort that la-t> a lif.-lim.-. Ihr fabric."' \\c\c n UEAL CUTLETS REMOVE THIS dioorn a Hiiart. modern trxtiirr t-haf- .-.ppnally lovj-ly . . .'Cxecp. FRYING CHICKENS 29c tionallv |,,iig.Wl.-arine! Ser it at Koo. tomorrow! Ju-t 1<.. SEMI-THICK 'I SHADOW FKOM LEGS and BREASTS lb down givo. you im.n.Mliat.- d.-liw-n . . . and you can take 'full YOURHOxME! : 4:> ?f Be Our Guest' LOIN UEAL CHOPS vuiro to pay! (Also al '' ' "*"- " ' ROCKWOOL INSULATION V CHICKEN FOR FRYING 59c SPECIAL Docs your insurance fall LOOK! short of covering today's /•. • . • 1 Lb. i Di'tuonstr.ition nt Mrrlr higher value of your Kamtnis All-Di<\ M.iki? V\V and Mlra-C'o) Hrituty Trrjtntrnt. CALVES LIVER property? If so, you stand CHICKEN LIVERS 49c to lose important money in MERLE NORMAN'S case of lire. Sec us soon. COSMETIC STUDIO JERSEY DRESSED "• " ' SLICED BACON Builders General Supply Co. Ib. 106 East Broad St.. Westfield APPLIANCES Plume (in Mini- (!>••» npvio'intiiirnt 3 Ib. GROUND BEEF, extra lean 89c BUILDING MATERIALS ut.»tnrid v»;« SPARE RIBS WILSON'S ROLLED>UTTER, Gov. grade A Ib. 63c YEAKEL & SHARKEY Incorporated 6-050& 0 to Ii vwM'Utl.i>)., ^ARMS-FR&SH-WHIT-E-EGGS—dot^ '" 660. Lcnlenmal Avenue Opi-n Mniul.iy-<»">-nlii(! (ill 0 ^SWrFTS-SEtECT- Now Located*! <«rolitt. llrninn^tfallftni, Arranc^d WILSON'S CORN-FED BACON Ib. 45c KOOS BROS, ROUTE 27, RAUWA* . , .PARKWAY EXIT A35 • PUOIVE Ft 8-3T00 • BRAIVCD STORE: ROITE 71, SEA CJIRT • FREE PARKING "Your Service Center for Every Building fnr llnn'tr or i'tuti HOT or SWEET ITALIAN SAUSAGE Ib. 69c 113 Miln St. MAll. OUI1H1S \( t OMMODATK1) LEGS RUMPS UEAL 39c Tel. CR 6-2474

W"" : ; >i 7 X. •• - /:. .•». • --^..^ •' • .."•. i' •.•. •..••" •••••... • , / ••, r • •••• . . V.-V.':«-:-i ;••' /•/:•-.•.•>••..••••.•••. / / ; : '/..„„•„.';...•-..;-'•;•" /•: Ai^!U):'cttT!zfew.AitevCT^oOTctE( TOimsbA^/.AUGySTrreTwg ••''••. ••".': ~ ' ••••''. -' x'/ , '/' ••':" 7 AV/ '(•'".•'

•• •••••.">/••'•. ,.! ••' •, • , ;, •• -... /..:.;•••• '.>-• .../•• .••;>;!• • •••/•.- '•-•U\ •'•"' •••'••-->:•.;. ', • "' • 'V- .-.-.:-• . •'. : '- ' ',- <'.' -' / -V '. '-^~' . ' ' . • .', ' " ' .. '>.' / •'- • V:" ' •• •'/ i r 1 ^~ —i. ' ' .. . ~ .-.- :-.••. / • ~< , • • • / 0. Cenlcrof Hevohitionriry' figh't- 1 ft4-1. jcfiNt final (.'f>ri- \ .Umior t'li:urrnrT~r.i' Coi'i/m^rt-e and- : ~J_i. :•.-_•/ :-'. .;- •••-•'"••; V. '-,' •'.-...•• '/: ,' ntf cn.nTr^r riTirT .'^.^"''^^^ ™ims5AY-airsDSon6» . ' - - ...•< -./ •'••••• "".'-v , • • ,- ^ _^_ (••-;: /; Dwelling Sold 'wii'i. /w;i^ (Vm'lifl.-itc'f f., pl-(^:iflf:n.t . t!i - tlie,First ',hui • used Watts' hyninbooks 1or-t:t>iii;i'f^.s uiul (ilJici7/»l-lia v v l t LETTERS TO • : Jersey's heiwsst-ahd longest super- Wildwood,,,the • Parkway, brings ernmost 7ti' miles ...pbc/yp Lake- iftw.bor ,,f• Uu"' Crfnlfi.rd n.-piibliij , - ; '. " 7 ' In Retrcrrpect ' highway/,' leads to probably .Jis great 'moloi'is'tji close to such'.attractions wood).: ,' • , • ' ' _ '4. Edison State' Pal'ic.^Menlo. ( eiiii CIIIIJ uiiii .the Youni;" Itcpubli- ,' Ernest Ei.Uocei.te'iri of 22B Park- tenfrtfi *n '• a variety of attractions as can be Park. Parkway Exit ,131, Replica THE EDITOR Plans Assembly as historical sites, state' parks and ; 1'.'prover Cleveland. Home in .(•ans.,; will, leave -.'cai ly ' Saturday jV ;ny Villa:^ nn employe 'of ;tho • CRRONTCLI, established 1893; '.Tm PHANFORD CITIZZU, established 1898. From th* Fll»» of Th» Crcmterd dOun os blcrnatie of- 20 years'"'service in I Mrs. Russull Herman,/ ^04 West FiihdCampaign had been set at $18,000, the.samo / • Jersey, linking the northern m'ct- thaaters, antl boating ports. Even '" 2. Edison..Museum, .W.Orahfie.1 Built' 1802 on NaveslnkHighlandx. during .-tho'vlattcr's:' .unsuccessful ^ovfinnicnt work.' CrrKlr/- V. • U.•• I Dcfir f?ii:: ; the ^nnouncernents by Democratic Municipal Captain Kidd's old; . haunts • are Highest point on open Atlantic bid ;Un- COP nohunatirfiv. lor ilov- /,End avenue, . '.'-,;, bs tne 10S0 figure, it was. announced by John : .,-• ropolitan areas, with the southorri "Parkway Exit"-147. Original models C;in(.h(.t;lci. sc, USN,: escUutivo'oV N AT I ON A L ijD 11 T_p R U t •The diiuKlionirig. ofVeitlzens iij Plans wore outlined for. trje Chairman James. Lyhch that Edward j. P • seashore tesorts. The Parkway is crossed along, the way. '/"""'"• | Coast, Maine to Florida! 'Paily 9-5. ern'ir m thf lil.in primary. . •V. Nostrandv chairmiin .of the "finance, committee. of early inventions:— phonogr.'iph, ; fi<"'i'-^ 'he- iU-pnt, rtyidi- the pres- the Hho'ppinK center last Fi'idiiy as' fether of .24 Hamilton avenue "would''be a.'(f , Here's a partial Ust o;f the points 6, Chci'sequake -State Park. Hi' is ;i meinbi:r.of thy" Kijvanls .club's'first assembly, whichw.ill bo 8 miles from the George Washing- telephone, movie projector. Wed. r. ; — ——— »—• '— '. •?_.! /-\_j _li..^. The drive was to. be held, from October'C- to 22 date for the tax collector's office,'and the of • interest -made accessible'Mo Parkway Exit 120. Vast acreage Clufj - inul ,-.( i:inf(ii'd-Kenilwiil'th ' '' \' njt ton Bridge via N.J. Route 4. and Sun, 0; 30r 11:30; -1:30 -' 4:30. .mi t'xeolle'ni idea. I would.like to. 19 at Shorlock' I-tyli. They w.ill be pfasr .. of Many birds and plants. Member:- Quality Weeklies ol New i.iso your paper as a' modluin to linaTized at- the board's Septejnber Utlye.chairman. avenue 'and Chnrl.es Ehmilih'&vr W Fiske.terras Besides • seashore resorts, •-lilce''fulKuperh'lghway (which incideh- ' Churcii, Springfield. Parkway Exit, myself.. • meeting. . / • • ., .l^ForYner Mayor Roger C, Aldrich of 25-Central' 7. Shrewsbury Church, Shrews-.| for .the Republican donirnitteeme'n from the'third biiry. Parkway Esqt .109.-Founded are a'.foAv stiKKestions ' ns Committee' cotles'which detail avenue'' was designated by Township Comihitte»j district. The contest.between J/Tr.McMahon ; •Entered tit the Post Office,at Cr'&nford, .N. /.,• a!r SeJcond' Class. Matter. PqBUshed •Thursd&ys,at,- to how to improve the business; .' the function of each committee, of in. 1670. Historical relics, grave of as Cranford's.representative on th'c new'I?ahway" -Mr.' Ehmiling" was the only ..one. seen for •'•/ Cranford N. X, by .The Cranford Citizen and Chronicle,-Inc. jOtecia] newspaper for Cranford, section and-strearnlino it a bit: . the.chili were adopted.' ,.' William Leeds,', wealthy reformed READY MIXED • VTho fiJorth tivenu.c •approaelv-to Valley SewcriiKe •Authority which was shortly to ' local GOP primary; Heading-, the- ,?epublicnn n\embcV of. Capt. Kidjl's crew who

Prt'sent. nt tlie meeting-wore: '/ Garwppd and KenilWprth.. Subspription Rate, $.4.00 a Year.; Advertising 'Rates -on Request the -Ccntriil /Railroad Station "isn't be formed by. Cranford and the eight other .mem- candidates who had', already filed 'petitions/.wr.. _ left estate to church.' •'.-'•.• • '•Vhe'ilbnyp h(i'i)Vp.;it. 7 A\H:rd.eon Ciilnt lias boeji, pu.re.hawd by •—Arba Taylor, president;. Miss! Nan bers of Ihe' ltdhwny Valley Joint Trunk' Meeting. 8. Mohmouth Park^Race Track, .»FICB: 31-53 AJden Street. Crnnford. N. J.' ..TELEPHONE CRAWORD .6-6000, ' pretty, 'it's dreaiy—the wall Fay, .PelWard Marshall, Mr. and Fire Commissioner Dudley $, Gcoti and Finance Mr. and Mrs. Dn'ri;ild O. Di'eyer nf.Criinflird from Mr. ami .Mfs-.^. . Harcourt, Brace and Company announced ,the Fredericli C»."Syic.es; both',.sot'l Oceanport. Parkway Exit'• JOfn •'wire fen.co:should be painted i'.nd •••• Mrs.- G. Win fieldScott , Mrs.Jon-; Summer seiiso.n. • KdwnrdEivilini.;, who hnvc niuved to New O'rloiins, La. .Tlie prop- plan.ted. • •'••'',/•';. - .. * i HofTmnnn; •' Charles , Sldllman, publication of the '^Secret'of Stygian Hivqi;" a • he TTo'whship Committee,, and : erty was listod and sold l>.v,.-IU>leh Eagle fVf t'lie Shahei'n'Aguncy. l 9. Monrnouth Battleground and_j / • ' . •• ., ' '•,'.:•,•. "'•' ''. . ••..'/' "' . ' •-• . v^^ '• •' *' ' • , ' - . rnystory novel by Elbcrt H. Hoppenstedt of. 3t 1 '. • Wo have too few attractive mod- Roger. Worton,;Mrs. John Old,. Collector A. B, Caldweil, also seeking reelection. Old Tcnhcjht Chtn'Qh with Molly ern .'buildings, It's expensive to John" Oalhoiit and George Tum- Manor dyenue. Mr. Hoppenstedt, a'social studies Pittiher's Well Nearby. Parkway food -plants' :irc "raised (o ailriift - Cape May. P.irkway Exit O. modernize all, of tho older build-' ' pore.. - • • . •••'•• . • '.and English teacher at the Hurden-Looker•'School • Bobby Black, the youngest boy to win tho 1 -Let's All Help the Hay Fexer Sufferers Exit 100A. Well near road,' Free- wild1 game. • erly carrUige-hrtuseJ'antl.'Kliiblc, it ihu.$ but why not .ma'ko. the bost in Hillside•-•.-• . . ., use-...-.•..d his teachin•g contac-•,--,t. o..h' ' ^th _. e• • best, camper award medal since, the start of-1lit?-1 Delivered m Quantities, of ; hold;.to Englishtown. Church used • 23. Tiiekprioh '— The Hiiinmpj.)/ c "• rcKembles'stores ,ol'' 100 years ago Vesterdav'-was tlie official befiinhinc to a niimriiiim. The rest-is up to Individ-' ". of what we'have? .' '. ' .* eighth'grado level as a sounding boardi since he' practice three years "earlier, was awarded Hut' '.as. hoifpital^during .buttle. with- horse collars 1o lidii'liounds. ONE 6r MORE CUBIC • •-•>. •-•'* ...... '•- ••" '. • :. •_. ,;.i .:.._ :A _:.,;. .;' • .-. '••.... "*••. . Xl. .Wafldiii Gra«hiales Parkw;i.v 'Exit r>fl. J,-iri i responsibility to his neighbors and see to ••••••••Lt. Roger Waddillv son of MK 4-2, at Summit behind the three-hit pitching . The Locdl Defense Council's classification :nnm-, | 24;'Rfis's*"-Tli'v.oi. •S't;it o!Fni-e,st.' ..—soft yellow, etc. Add a enrnape and Mrs. Janios B.Waddill of 127, ing-. '. .',• .. ; ' '.-•• "" •••'. Appoint Cooper greater or lesser degree. . '.- ' 'it that ragweed is sprayed or removed ; lump .or lantcrni with window of Glenn-Owens, The Cranford hurler allowed mittoe had approved 56 applications for servica 11. Slorylarid. Villnge. Parkway •Pilrkway, Exi.t W. 97'JO ;u,;res. Old- > —Oaltliine, will be graduated t\$ a three .hits and struck ."out.-eight Summit, batters. with the emergency police corpSj according est 'State .forest, i'n .N.J..'Cabins, j Monday thru Friday — 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. '• '.Township.Engineer Pat rick J-. Grail jm- Oand, olhci' tall grasses. are cut Cranford boxen feir . plants. . •:' ••-.'•• jet pilot on-August 2!) at e'erembn- Exit 102. Fifty-acre wonderland of Republican Aide • .The upper1 stories of some.of the. Gasoline-.prices hit their; lowest level of tho. J. Edward Wolf, chairman of the police commii- | camp,' sites,, ba'lh.ing, . pji-nicking,' Saturday — 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon nounced last week that the Public Works, •ies.nt Webb' Air Base, Big'Springs, animated children's sloriesj - . . Wallcr.M. Cooper, of 511 Central ' wilibein for as-pleasant ahay fever sea- •Aov:o fronts have .been -sadly • ne- 1 ; tee...He- also reported' that Qri identification .12. Neptune Miisic Circus. Park- hikinn, (Isjung. . '" , • • 1 Texasjexas. His-j-us-iiiuiu fatherr willwm ••iiwvleaveu by uy. scuspn when,the mdjority- of service stntions. .. '.2!). Cireen' '.Dank Slate'. T.on.'kt, ayenuf li.iis '.hVen npiioihtpc'l •an b'epartin.eat .had almost finished its an-;son as possible...... ' glected. A few of-tho older bricit way Exit 100A: On. N.J. Slate 1 plane on August 2G to attend the dvppped the price of their regular motor'/fupl to . renu; ha* been suftieiontly. equipped to .h'ahdli« .Parkway Exit-52.'j'fl'13 riercs nloiig' ! aide to thi.' New'Jersey'di.-legiiljoiv •bitiltlinKS need- a coat of paint or Route 00. Musical comedies, oper- 1 nual weed control .prograni. The.project - Of course, hay fever arid asthma victims cerenronies and'will accompany: 19,9''cents per-gallon. While a. few stations had between'70 and flO perfiions an hour. . Storekeepers, we thinik, are entirely too modest. They serve you and Mullicii 'i-jivcr. I'ni'liljiK. lishing; IOMIIH.'. Hepublic.-in National. Con- nt least need tlie trim painted, to ,..-his. son'hom. o ,fo r a brfei...^f leavei „. dropped prices earlier to compete, with the pricii " .•••>••. ettas; last .weekend Juno-Labor viMit'i'oiv in San Fr.aneiseo, it wax involves- spraying of .ragweed and clear- can be counted on Jo do their part on 1 P TWENTY YfcARS AGO your family faithfully every day. Yet, how often do you remember himling, picnicking. . . • ' brighten'.things tip. - A, tlraduato of Davis and Elkins Day; Nlehtly at. 8:30, announced .rocchtl.v, .-lie ..will' bv 1 war on«pme of the nearby highways, most.prices ' 2(1. Mill Pl.ayhiniso, '" Pleasant, ing away high brush at intersections. ' • :their grounds. That/is only, natural. The Sifjns-don't, have- to' be, enorni- • C.o'lliege with- a degree in civil Work was stopped oh ihe ne\^ junior-Rchirir their importance in your life? The merchant is a businessman- He 13,'Fishing Flqet nt Brielle.and :in 'assistant .•surgcant-al-arms. ' .up to that time in Cranford had varied from 20:9 , Point Pleasant. 'Parkway. Exit 97.- Mills. •Par.k'Wiiy -Exit -10.. Ancient. THORN-WILMEHC CQRP. Departnient eniplpyes. through, years problem lies' with the non-afflicted-ma- • ous to' 1)V» noticed — attriictivo- ongineo'ring, the local young man high School,:.superstructure of which.was taking . rnill cnnveiitcd; April. 12 lhi:u..siim-j • Mr.. f.'iMUK-r, a . lawyer.with of- cents- to_23.p cents, a gallon,. '.... ' • . must carry A heavy investment. He must own his building or pay Bathing'and boardvvalk at Point 1 jority.;. •• ,. . - •', •'•'•'.-•• •• ,: . . •:'•' '•: ' siniillcv "'signs or. shingles would ' received 'hLs commission as a Soc- shape. .The, general contractor • placed on tin; iner. Tues. - Sat. P.M. ' .• • fice-\s nt 10!) Miln sireet.is the son, Linden, N:J: ':'• '• : ' . »4Uhter 64422 - of experience;.- know the township well • . •'.'. ••*'*' '•''TEN YEARS.AGO .-,'" '..-" ' • 1 Pleasant. • .. .'..;' ,. 1 ciitch the. eye'. • ' • . .ond 'lieutenant irit-ho'air-force'...He.' : job a worker designated by the International rent for it. There are clerks and salespeople to pay. And a constant; 27; Lucy''Evelyn,,'Heach', Ilayiin, j.of'VV;il.ti-f E.'t'oofJoV.-'.who ;iliendod • -nwrTnn rlnnht hv_thn timry IIIIQ oHitnri:il Ujyyo; is-nn riypnllpnf opportunity,'ior • Cni-nn • n'f . IVin rirlmvMiK- hf fhf. - Adiniral Emory Day Stanley, USN, retired, of ; 14, Deer Park-, Lakewbod. Park,- ITITTC Iwn nn'nclivn fliity for the rnn-lpi-; nnd' Ti.nhorers' Union',' as a "key^mnn." mg rlifptay nf fnnrt nf frhandisf of srtnifr kind. The Wfter- Pnrkirkwi.w y Exit fifll-a-jnasU'd xi-hoon-, •'•'-. ^_ sees_ prinLAVjll have .'covered all lots or the residents .of Cranfo'rd to do an un-" loolj tired—thoy need a ptiKj, year and has attended flight • 310 Casino avenue, was named grand' marshall yjg py wav Exit. 91 or 88. l-jfativo and :& s or formani enlitiejl to $l"an hour,: instead of th* foreign deer. Daily S-6. I'lllllilU." ir.H.HOIII.1. ul 111 |P—.IVIOIJJ. 1) ; —'•—rr-—'• ' . ' white wash or they could'be paint- training schools at 'Lackland' Air for the parade here on Columbus Day,' October A.M.-HI P.M. daily.- Oei. -. May interseetiojis in its jurisdiction. ' ... selfish act for the benefit ofHheir dis- Foce .Base, Houston, Tex. and ,87 VJ cents prevailing for laborers. Plumbers and chant must always make you think that "the customer is always 15. State QuaVi .'Farm. Holmans- ed a bright color, then a pleasJiiR 12, as part of the Welconici Home, celebration in weekends. o .•',..'.• . But,: hr case they may have missed tressed fellow-townsrnen/ advertisement would lend en- ' 'Mariana Air Force Base, Tuscoh, • others covered by. union agreements stay.ed off right." Which isn't always true. So remember the trials and tribula- ville; Park.Wv.y-Exit 01 or 88. 12B : honor of Cranford "men and women who. served acres. Prd'atices more than 10,000 "28., Winery, Kr^g.- Harbor . City. some, public area, residents who notice All the benefits of the" weed;cleanup chantment. For instance, the'side? Arix. .-•''-'. the job while the dispute was referred to tho Parkway , Exit 'l(j. Cuuled toui's 1 in World War II.. Admiral Stanley, who super-. tions of your grocer, clearier, department-sfore merchant, et cetera.. quail yi-arly. • •• ' . '.' wall of one'drug .s.tqre 1 know Hod Carriers and Laborers'Union for, a ruling, • through Rennult Winery. Mim. - the inadvertency should contact the de- project, however, will not accrue;to the .' Following his leave, Lt. W.nd- vised construction of the Bayonne .Naval Depot 1.0. 'TU.S.. 'Naval Air Station, i i : would.iiUrac.l attehHon If.n..couple, dill will.bo assigned to duty at WPA workers,' at the Nomahogan Pijrk L;n'p"artmen! and the. area will bo-;t akbiyrare"';"hay;'fcvei^\siiffercM\-\\TlVe appea'rah ce of and was-supply officer in command at the depot . H LakeKurst. Parkway Exit 88. Home of apotheciry jars or mortni's Ellirn»tbn"Air Force Base; Houston, Qxchya'tipjv unrpvePcd n se'cond" Tnastadon-tn';1r - : ::..' ?0._AlJ«!nUc_Ci)..y Riico Trael<. during thewar, retire.d from, the Nfivy in Decerri- ( a+rbasc of Macon,-Shenandoahj-etc.-' of, Mr, Grail announced. • , . yards, gardens and lots will improve, im- 'ivcre painted in this free'ndv'o'rHs- Tex. ' .. ' '.".•' •': near the spot other fragments had been fomvl Scene of Hindenburg disaster. Dis- Parkway Exit 37. Sumiriur season. ' The township is certainly doing all-iV ; -measurably tjiereby, and tlie exercise can iiig space. Also; there's ivy which ber, 1945, after 40 yeafrs' service.." ' .. ' . scvSral weeks earlier. Thei fragments -w;ere loan- 30. Somers • Mansiini,.. Somers. lovas to. climb; walls. ' . Michael Colaneri, 40, of 720 Lincoln avenue, plays, museum. Sat. r S.vin. J2:30 - (••Point. Parkway Exit 31),. Historical rediieethehayfevernuisancehe.ro do wonders for the .waistline,. • • ' •. a ed by the Union County Park Commission to the 4:30. . '.....' ' . "• ''...' . ••• -Thorp is n colorful small "uato.on Librarians'.Still; Needed oast was iruured while performing during a' sito. Open to public. • . : • - -N&w Jersey-Museum, which announced an at- 17. Ft. Monmouth (U.S.-Signal' 1 DRYCLEANE.RS • nn alley vvay on North avenue— 111 r( Agencies rodeo show in Warrerisburg, NTYTTIe'was re- 31.. Gateway I'layhousY , SOIVIIM'S tempt would be-made- to. reconstruct the head Corps), EatontovVn. Parkway-Exit Pt..Parkway. Exit'lit).' Surj-imej'-swi- SHIRT LAUWDERERS •' lnnks somrifh hotter than nii oncn ^n irni^nri • r\uU horted to be in serious condition in the Glort- 165." . ;. . .'•' Aid Squad Adds Another Valuable Se nlley. ; , • '-fif l|n nnlmni', -nuhinh wi|- ngtlmntfrl in Vinvp l i'funffli.'.s. •-•--•• rvice Commission . hqs announced ,that, 'Falls-, N. Y.-rjospital with a fractured nqck verte- State tramc i-arm, •32'. ElepiKint"- House;, Margate The merchants- 'should got. to- 25;000'years ago in this region. • ".' River/Parkway Exit '74-..'EJ»t. 1912 Librarians are still noccied to fill m.a, The iocai man was hurt'while turning 'a City. Piirkway Exit 3<>. 'OhK0iv;i-

TheGrnhford First Aid Squiid last .week And -the 'large -majority o£ families, no by State of N.J. for raising ring- !• •'- gether—use cojors- that harmonl'/.e^ positions paying $5,440. to $7,570 fliD over a barrelduring his performance in tho Within six hours after a woman had stolen $77 tory for- sea view.- April- N'»v-. necked pheasants, ..-• -• announced it Was taken over another "vdU •..'.matter how gpod'.lheir health may be in. not forfictting to include the awn- in cosh from a safe in the back room of the M;ix daily 0-f). • •. •'• • "'• •• Goldberg Men's'.Store, 1.8 North avenue, west, 19. Pine Barrens. Parkway Kxlt 33, Speed .• Boat .Races-, Mays uable serviceTor the benefit of the res- general, iiiust. at. some time face the To qualify, applicants must pass ' Britton made the firsts move in 07 or «3.-Along N.J. Rt. 72.' 75,000 the Recreation Committee Tennis foumarhe"rit. she was arrested,. confessed to the crime,.: re- La'hdiifg. 'Parkway Exit 3.7. . .'• -ide-nts-of-the township- • * * ... •/';.- ~ haye—more——a-wi-itton—tostAand-musyiavc^-had^ acres virgin scrub pine; Rareup- ' •' .34. Mead,- of River, Methodist- appropriate education and exper- by taking an openirig-round match from Furm'an j-land^veKetatiari-ahd-Bitbtcr-rancanJ As any family. Which has gone XKrOllgh : modern builcUngs."'.in Crnnford ccny charge and was placed On probation for one ClTuTclTrnT A supply of wheelchairs, crutches and ience. Full information.Is contained Durham, ,7-5, 0-1, on the' Recreation Courts,', deposits of minerals nnd oils. 1 the experience can readily testify, the .evontuonyruntiuhoh, pain^wiii yoar by Jud^e Majcolm Warnock, whp heard the Tombslbne|{ madi of 'native lion! -in-7-Annoiuieement—NOi--C-7~which -Springfield avenue. The tennis drawing "DEPENDABLE, FRIENDLY SERVICE SINCE; 192$" 20^ Forked' Rivor Slate ' Yacht iron.1 COME AND GET THEM! case in pojjcc coui't. The investigation was con--" Basin, Parkway Exit 74. Fishing the Visit- jDur-chase^ or jrental._of^al.hospital, bed,_ " ^^^ may be obtained at many post • 28,piayers.listed in^thj;JnitiaLbragke 35. Public Hunting 'and' Fishinii-j ing Nurse Association—is now ill charge "mitche; TI J "TJf fiees'ln'r'otig'h'ou f tlia "cotiri'try,:. or ' ductbd. by Pati^birnan Peter •Miller.: ;'~ v -' •and-sailing boats.-- - ~. -•-••------ay Exi-t ; "titches or wheelchair can- run into .a'". " TMoiYo n7^BarrowT"'•'""'" women players in the feminine tourney. 21. Barnegat Lighthouse. Park- from the U. S. Civil Service Com- 30. . '• ' of the Aid Squad.' There is no charge large aamounn t of money .The expenditure Mrs. H. Y.'Barrow " Charles J. Stevens of ip Willow street, who had. Seventeen members of the Cranford Lions Club CRianford 6-0900 way Exit 03. Built 1858. 17.2 It. tall; i ; J !: D. C. aw mc0 in 80. Belloplain Slnlo Forest. ^H^o~resirltrrts--vvho-wisli-to-boiT.ovv^anv-of-—coines-jonies-at-ai :t-ime-when-doetoi s-b'ilis-aiid- •"ncccptcd by .* ? ^ Newark, was- appointed.Cranfpt;cl's- .attended the annual outing.of the organization 2nd oldest lighthouse in America. ice -OFFIGE:- YARD: Parkway Exit \l.(v\<)2 .-u-r.fs-. Fish- -—ofteiT-loss-6f-.inco.me-ar-e-already-cuUing— 1(i2Molinwk DriVo the U. S. Civil Sci-vice Commis-" P°l recorder after resignation of Recorder Car- at the summer, home of I—22—Pu te-1 ic—H u lit i rig—G-rou n d«T ing, boating-,, picnicking, iiuntiirg. sion In -4 NORTH AVENUE, EAST LEXINGTON AVE. AT LVRR Mannhawkin, Parkway. Exit' 63. The First Aid Squad, With its spacious'- deeply into the family's cash reserves. ^i"rWT^r^ M —-Director-A—T—Baker, and Mrs,r-Baker-aUEoiu«r. • 3-7. Audubon' Bird Center.,. Cape- August 2; 1056 inotice. the. i-egiflar' meeting of Township Corarnittee. Pleasant. Swimming aria gomes were followed "ib00"acres 'bordering bay. where May Court House. .Parkway Exit _nem-l;p.adqiiaj:ter,s for ,jS.ta£age"'and:...its lU^ifottLis ihdee4 i.Q£t.iinxii£!^jia.v.e_:- : 13. Nature trails for., observation transportation facilities, is in a better po- such an excellent First Aid Squad with crnnfprci, N. ,T. • • '• ' — •-—: Mrn^o.llcj«^uesignati;oniJaUo-wM_hisL.amo.ifl Baker. .A short Is your name in the hook? Ken- m'enjt a-s third assistant prosecutor, of Union business meeting was concluded by President sition to carry out this program/than was -fine{acuities and a dedicated stattTo Jukvies A. Strorrpr •38. Fitting Fleet at. .Wild wood j The members- of the Crnnford ister :— then vote.. County. PRESENT OAR GROWiNG OLD ? theVNA. ••.'.- •','••• -ee44-Sf>-i-watv^-K>^lcwa.v Exit; . wer instantly any call.for its vital-serv- Lodge No. 2006, B.P.O, Elks wish' 4A Si. 4B: Ptirtof call for Atlantic | A service of. this .type is one -QI the ices. '.•.-. . ' .„••/• ... .-•'•.' to thank you for the' excellent fishing licet. ..••'•• • I many things in life which mean little to ""•.The add'itiori-of the invalid supply serv- coverage you have given us during '39.'Capt.. Kidd's Haunts, Cape the average, healthy person.' But when ice to the squad's facilities makes it' an the past season.'We would specials May I't. Parkway Exit O. Attracted Starting today, August 9th, thru September 1st , ly. lilte to express our appreciation, mainly by I'vesh :watcr supply "f illness.or injury because "of acjcident'^-.^6ven'more -valuable aid to the residents to you and your staff (or the co- Lily'Pond, a 10-;KTC ;;lu-et ol fresh., GursTiT becomes a,yery inipoiHaiit maltei\~' drthe towhship in time of "distress. . operation giyen' in-all "matters and water beautifully dotted wild we. are looking forward to con- creamy white water- lilies. . I tinuing the same excellent coop- 40. Capo May LighthouKc.-Park-j SWAN PAYS YOU for the coming year. ' , way Exit O. 170 ft. high, liuln I fo^an)f"ilc6mbination-6f two1-thai you bring in or have picked-up- •Sincerely, on your visible; 19 .miles. • ' • ' ' ..P.atric L. Williams : 41. Capo Mu'y Country. .Sloic,! Secretary • • : ~ cmfmmeing MEN'S - LADIES' _

You can enjoy the thrill of new car ownership > ,, • i ' and Rocket Engine action ixaw! "."""''•' Cranford's Oldest or- REDDY IWIUPTIOI "Sbti can know the satisfaction of driving a style leader , that rides and handles like the big'car it is right no-yir ! "Your DRESSES FOR OUR TRULY KILOWAti" PHARMACY Choice" You can congratulate yourself on. making a trade cf / while your present car's value is high ...especially right now!

/• •// DRUG STORE because J. WALTER SEAGEfi Jh^gjjdg^j^lieq. yoti go over to Olds f your electric •^^••f::rt^ servant Yes, We will Give You a New, Shirty THE SERVICE Quarter ... . Just for Bringing in 1 Batik Way Major Items!. * .Do It Today or Gall YOU WANT Our Routeman. Before, you buy your new car, see us for all the facts and* . ;.. is easy to find in the figures on a bank Auto loan. See how you can enjoy all the handy Yellow Pages of Regular Budget Prices in Effect! | advantages of a "cash bi/yer" ... and, at the same time save your telephone book. Just flick a switch"" at anv time of l'lu« Our ( 4»h S. ( jrr> ll.vcount money on your loan! Bank rates are definitely lower . . . SEE: and repayment of your auto loan can be arranged in con- night an,d Reddy Kilowatt Caterers venient monthly installments, suited to your income. Your Clean ing nnd Dyeing I - Exterminntinu is_"rcddy" to work. His car is your collateral . r. no co-signers needed. Come in and talk it over. Waterproofing Weaving unct Menflinff wages arc measured in pennies. • LnndHcnpe Contructors You Can Bank on a Bank Loan to Save You Money Insulution ('ontractora Contrary to the general trend, \ You can find someone to do anything.. . LOOK the cost for his services has • PHONE CR 60080 DRYCLEA\Ens for a taxi. Hard day at tho of- in tho been less and less over tlie years! fice? Go homo by taxi and savo . \ • SHIHT IM'SDERERS yoursolf the worry and trouble TRUST COMPANY YELLOW i;fe of struggling with traffic. You • YOU'Ri ALWAYS WELCOME AT YOUR OLDSMOB1LE QUALITY DIALER'S I < • FIR STORAGE enn't beat our service. / POUNDto IBM PAGES ' CRANFORD 6-3300 CRANFOHD OFFICE — 2 North Auntie. W. COMVBHTIOMH of your phone book 44 NORTH AVENUE, EAST WESTFIELD GARWOOD SCOTCH PLAINS PLAINF1ELD REILLY OLDSHOBILE, INC. PVBLIC^SEEVICB 100 Center St. 460 Park Ave. 170 K. Broad St 201 E. Front St -SAO-MQRTH AVE. EAST WEST FIELD 2-7651 —ASSETS OVER 45 MILLION f 'BFU. TELEPHONE COMPAQ HEHBKB rSDEttAX DEPOSIT INBUKANCK CORPOttATlON — BE CAREFUL . . . DRIVE SAFELY DEPOSITS INSURED UP TO I10.0O0. >' : : ; ^fei;'^'^''^Y^>' ^•&\.,vy;. *".'' "i <>^:'i*'-V. ;*•;?£,- .v:V/-V---'?'7/'^-v''^V-;^^^^^^ .)"; •'.'•', ••'••/^•.••••~!:. *:^ r^y^cV<*'"^'"''-;V^ , I • (-w • . • •' •• • Y••-.. ~"--- .- ' ... • ' •' . '•"••••• . ' ' ' •'•',' "'f:

•••'•• .•:••••. '.^\^/- • ;•,•.•'., :./••••••* , .••••.•; ••••> v ;,.:.•"• . ••/•.: ;•. ••••". 'l:;. ; '••.'•• .• '•-.. ^ •'.-•" ./.'. •-•>•::••••,' . . ,.—c~ "#•; -.•.•• .V%'-.-.';.:"':- •' •' . - ••:;'••. y^-^'.-^::< '-• '--iVA* ••:••;: ~;,

: / / i-.-; •.-•-•./•• •.; "•;•- ••• • • '.•.,; :••.:.•,.;•• •••*;•• •:'.t.': ~"-\ '.-:'•.• . '/. .:.^v- • ., -j •<•. .;:.>•• .•):••• • "'-- :'• •••' '^'i><-i •-;--" •••• •]••" -\,,^T'w\:^ • •••••>;•' •• • :•'. '•--;'•-it. . •1:;-r--.;;- ;•••••/, ••j^:.-.--::^-! /_'_> THE CRANFVbRD CITIZEN AND 3. THURSDAY, AUGUST; 16, 1956 V ,

as-/civilian's" Swijl' security taxciI United Sfytes .'Govor^nirient . will I 'it Is.triie that glass-and mirrored- ',-• cationai'rehabilitation agenciw to[Zhd dependeiip t mothers'of insin'ed 1 1 be considered:- for services /whloli 'deceased workers at ugt? fi2 will vvi1t•~be~^iedwcTpd-frorT^^he-basic41>ay-th«>-^urlplow^^^!i^ar^^ "- - - *--- are f«-ntiired-sorrtewhat .•"" icuss Provtsi0hs qf New r Womemakers- less than in the past. may help ^return . t,,o work. n'ot" be 'reduced.,! , .' •*- ' ... ' pay of tlit' serviceman and: the; tuxes, Dibi At the' annual, syrnmer furniture f , Disability insurance payments will Payments for'women who.areJ Forum buyers market in ChicaKo recently^ ' aim Legislatim be^withheld-if th'e applicant refuses already 62 and_ who qualify under cocktail, tnbles, bccasional; tables' , pjcte with [ flannclboard and sce- social security benefits for without good /cause to accept re- the amendments can' begin with "-' MARY W..ARMSTRONG udd end tables rof all shapes and' . • • • • • •. -" for paynient of ..disability benefits nic background. •._ ed -workers at -age"50,i'ben-. beginning at age • S6-to workers habilitation .services* by the state the- November benefit cheeks, due -.'U^ion Cbunly.Home Agent • sizes with highly polished tops agency. ; Lutherans '.."The Christian's Birth and 'or children 18 or overwhoi who are totally disabled for sub- early in December' 1956. Applica- Rutgers U. Extension Service nnd frequently with leather .in- , ^itchesoirta Resume Echo Church Thought^ % the Week Growth," • pictui;in^ Jesus in" His disabled before they reached stantial gainful work« of any kind. "~To meet-the costs of tliqseberie- tion must be made for'fliese-ben- • -. • - - , ••!.... '" '. I sort tops for. easy cleaning were • fits an inci'easo in the .sopial .se4 efits; however, there will -be no -"Is it trim .high temperatures (''shown. No glass ;or-mirrored table. ministry as Savlpur, Word of God,Presfcyteriair "d-rh'onth'i.y bpiiellts for worn- Under, the :new law, they can got•c'urity-tax. wilj, go into effect Jan.- • >ii Light-.of-the World, Lamb of God, I age 02 ihstciid of G5 were monthly.disability .'payments be- loss of- benefits to ' women first- loughen protein in cheese . and/ tops were in evidence. •-., hv the Rev!. Carroll M. Baitcs, Assliitant, u'ary 1, 1957. The' amount of theeligible in November1956 who ap- 1 Alliance J *h attention of the Jun- i to. thenation's old-age and ''July.-1957.,. However, no make it 'indigestibR'? ; Mrs: F*. H. ; "Trlnity-Chtirch increase, is '.y of one percent each before Decembeb r195 19577. 1 Resuming tl,c pulpit. ^tihoAHia Chiirch->.ft> ^ a wpht ; In know. : . . . THF TIIREE LITTLE MONKKVS__ 1UIS.' X IIV,y "**-' Miutv.t, " .- IT-;-- •Guest preacher at. the 9:30 a.rh, |t ), when the 195G social- social security offices before Octo- ' larg!T~g"rou~p"~of~people—self- noriodID GeorRc-A. Aitchcshn. pastor, .will tifte as Jus lo^c ;'.Ro- book rlc • .to his credit uhdo'r- - social dependent's 'disabled children trists. They wi,H get social se- ! Ft. Dix;. After receiving a °B.S, 9:30 with classes for all ages'. he Mountains ' by Harker will .be .Filmstrips port raying the lives of Df Nprth.wood's message will be••*, security and on Uie amount to: that has'riot been toughened Rev. Stegner •Loi'/l's Supper ut the service. • Irink, or" whatsoeve'r ye do,, do all to the Glory of God", • . sung by. Mrs. Raymond Hear.!el. v ph W. Jones, bist-rict" :Man- over ,18"—— to receive'social se- curity credit and pay. social se- Uni- A... service for patients in the ;pible ela's.scs will' be held for the various Ynen they are; studying- 'On the ' Rcmoyal of Obstacles." lEllzabeth social security ot- his credit in the 10-year period and wrong cooking" methods is' morej vorsity, Morgantpwn, W. Vo'.j and Brooksrtle Nursing • florae "will be Some people seem to.have the idea that the way to be good is John Mazak will, sbrvc as organist. curity payments b'ased,on the o'arh- curity taxes on their earnings for every age srotip ()f, children and have' been shown,. A 'lamp irtHvio- Robert Gorman, tenor,'wiU be • Jjday reported that bthev-now the 3-year period before he. wasings of a retired .or.deceaso'd par- taxable years .that end after 1955. easily digtfsted.- ••...' • com|)leting, n ..year of graduate. conducted.'.nt 2 p.m. by the-'Al- io do nothirig—so.'that you don't do nnylhing Bad. These, people Sunday Church School, for thewith a missionary ni/otif artd song disabled. . Mr. Jones stated that 11 To Continue hviv classes will be (iffered. from lower grades through Junior De- the- soloist (finl Miss Mary Eiiza- " lons in.the legislation; bring) ent.- The "childron" eligible 'for Doctors of medicine are "now the study there, Lt. Williams entered liance Youth Fellowship.; • "; . are iikf! the- three little monfeys with which you arc -all'familiar, , : is proving M.o be an /absorbing the • defjiiijlipn of- disability-is the "Are glass topped coffee, tables | ,lhp' •'Arrny jn February, 1955.Be- which (uliilts may choose, Classer. partment' continues to , rnect at both Boniiell, minister of music at f the law ..additional' workers' benefits under .tlus provision may only self-employed- people 'who - The youth uroirps will nicet at and Wtrrrfi prolinbl'y many of.you have on your mantel-piece: . handwork' project. same as the one which.has been Roinomg'out t of. stylo?" Mrs. B. ^J. |'fo,.L. coming to 'F,t. Dix 'last April," w.ill begin at 9:3(1.a.m. .-..'• , 9:30 a.m.- •'- ' *•-. the church, 'will be tHe organist. . Jong them new groups of pro- be of any.ago at (he present time,, as a group "are not -coywed. by 6:30 p.nv. when 1lu- juniors will, Sermon Series One iri()nU'.\v has his hands over his- eyes, .another over his ( Vacation Bible School..will con- . The Rov. Herman.-A. Klahr, an nal pepplp,,mort' farm'owriers in the-law as oriq of the require- provided they are unmarried, that' social security. ' wants 1o know. he served with the G5th Regiment have -unothe.r in a series ol tlannol- 'The "Hew W.' Rkhilrd , At 1110,7. p.m. evening-•service .ears,-and., the third over his mouth; the idea-being that these Aniiouneement was made by tinue through Aligust. 24 each pevators, ahcl some American ments, for a disability freeze since they—bocami'-totaH-y- disabled be- Style in .furniture -will'always in Puerto Rico.- ' ' graph'statics'. The..Y'>uViB Adults sermon -topic will be, "Availing Miss E. Jane Seernan, director of executive"'of' the Board of National Several important changes wore jisMSl.iiiU pastor oT the Cnmforcl | rnonkys will- "see mo 'evil—hoar no- evil, ancf speak no pv'il." 6nly weekdajy morning, frorh 0 until 12 M issionsr Nevv York, supplied' the is who work abroad fdji 1954.'.The payments can be made fore they were age 18, and that be for- the middle and low income .'•will, have the-final, in a series of Prayer.". David .Thomas, .-'.'local Chrfstian education, .of a loader- only to a 'Worker who lias a dis-^ also made in the coverage' of family somewhat a- matter of items {, Ask your-.'neighborsyg, , askk yu your Methodist. Cluirch, ;.lgiiin • will j a monUoy would, try to be good in this way! For not.-only would, noon, under the direction of'Miss pulpit last Sunday. • • gn subsidiaries Of American they have -remained totally dis- farmers, farm' workers', and United three' .lectures on "Archeology preach tjie-sernioW-at the'.single minister, will discuss how one miiy. ship training -class for .••youth, and Elsio Aur.ingcr, director of Chris- rations. ~ '- .- ' ; ability which preyerits him from abled .ever since. The child -must Mr. Jack Kaufelt; right, executive treasurer of-Mayfair Mfir- on hnhd. Personal-preference also! friendsid ; "Are you, registeres d to and Christianity", by Donald Wil- uch a .person "seono'bvil, henr n.o evil, aria speak- n6 evil," but adults who."arc interested in t'ench- 1 Younc people of-the-ohurch^who- States citizens working for a for- 1 rightly affects new purchases, but, vqle'"' service-'at !):30 a.m. Sunday.The be assured, according to the scvip- tian education , She. is/assisted by amondrnenls- also include -engaging in any substantial' "gain- sliow ac.uml support by-tho insured , kct. *, cftngratulates Mr. and Mrs. Henry. J. Fernandez of Eliiaboth son. ' . ,: • • '•'- . ' • -'.'.. tures, of having', his- prayers ans- neither would'he fee any good, hear.any good,'or speak any good. g- in the Sunday Church School. rclu'rried Morulay after a'week' at ful activity;. The disability must eign . subsidiary of ah American topic he will take is Created in the a staff of 44 .volunteei^s. es. giving more . > equitable parent, unless lie had received or corporation. A further changes per- for ...winning tho Happy. Hpliday Contest sponsored by' his firm. ... ''The Foolish• Conclusions • of a Imiige of .God.- . ••' • . wered. .'. v;— •••. • . • • le would, only-succeed in being good for no1hing. '.. .. '••'" -?.:, The class 'will rrieel regularly .on Junior High Westminister Fellow- have lasted at leafil .6 months, and was. .•eligible; to rOcoive a social- •\yisc.Man"wiirbe Dr. "Aitcheson's Sunday mornings at f):30 begin- ship Camp i\< Island Heights were: ^cn't -to certain groups, sus- must bo expected to' continue in- rrjits; American rriinisters "serving H:::!:!i!::i::"::li!i::i!i:::!:i:;:H!:iRiilKi:iK:::i!U:-js • feoloist William Knox will sing AI 12:30 p.m/Si'mday the WABC - Which reminds me of the story of the girl whd didn't know :"p'aym,ent in certain cases security, benefit on his. parent's ac- as pastors ..of .churches in foreign theme at the 7; ,4jV evening service. ning . September 16, , Interested Danny Vroom,.Larry Davis, Brian definitely. . colin't before he wjls" 18. On Reserve Training ; "Spirit dl tind" by;Nt'idliiiKer. Mrs. ni'tw,oik radio program, "Herald ivhether to marry a-doctor and be, well for nothing or- marry a Westfieid Pastor shs- while- they. are outside countries to coverage by tho law •.•••'.••. - '•'-.,. .- i Mrs. Alex Boudier will present a 1 porsons should contact the-church Conley, Richard Coriley, Ralph Announce Holiday Doris E. Riilhweiler. church o'ri>an-,j of. Truth."-.'- will include a short minister and be-Rood. for nothing! -The. politician, the statesman, 1 To prevent duplication, i!he a- Two. Cranford rrien, Capi.-Ed- vocal solo and William .Mernmot, office. '- •" • '.' • -C-' lited Stales, and bringing the Under the old law the mother of if their 'congregations are com- sermon on a . 13'ible topic and .a Keil%r George Craft and-Leslie, • is!,- will play "Glory wind Honor"' the. public official; the butcher, the ' baker., or-tho: candle-stick Again at Osceola it rate on the Federal 6ld- rnount of any disability payment a child under J8 entitled to bene- posed, predominantly, of-American ward A. T. Donaldson of 208 Lo- a. piano softer '. j '. nrngrarii of outetanding congrega- According to Miss Seeman, the Lohuiiker. . • . -•.'••"".' will be reduced if tho beneficiary Contest Wittner by Alex GuiLmant,'"1/imVent" by m;il:erj_lho I'sibbi,; priest,-or minister, who-tries, to be good by do-, ." The Rev. •James Morris, assist- h'n'd. Survivors Insurance fits could also qualify for benefits' citizens. cust drive and SP-3 Do'hald^J.^i i The Co-Wockers, ladies' mis-, (Alexis. Miiltzell- anil "Finale" Liy tional' singing.. . . ' •' • , ,.-•'' growth of the Sunday "Church is receiving disability benefits Mr. and Mrs.", Henry J. Fci;nan-\ "hg hbthing-^only succeeds iri being good for" nothing! ' • School has created an urgent.need ant, pastor of- the ; Pres'bytc.rian Fund into'-line with the in- if she has the child in her care; Under the amendments, -,Mr.- '»Vilcox of 195 I,ocust drive,; are HALF WAY HOUSE sionary. society, will nieet in thfcir.irlee s Sergisson. '.. " •. ' " '" " Sunday School meets from Q to ; -from another .federal vagency or i\cf. off Eliznboth were selecteltdd .education building on, Monday On Monday-* through- Friday, for a larger teaching stall. She Church of Westdeld, will' ag^in i rale on' other ; long-terrn mothers of disabled children over Jones also noted,' paymonls ,lo rtjti'ong 33 Army 'reservists of the winners of Mayfair Markets' Hap- j-iJ'lie_^'^ung_Adu]i^Fj^lowship 20r2'4, Vacatinii.Biblo School will supply the. pulpit nl. the Osceola '9:45 a.m. '. '-.'-. . '". dents. '-.':..' • ' .''•-. • • ..• under a. state pr- federal workmen's 18 may now Ret benefits.-Payments certain alien benoficjaries will, be 3^Jlh Ordnance Batta.lion and Route 22 & Locust Ave,, Mountainside evening at a o'clock. -v-.--.- r landing God as divine Mind witj lias-requested those persons with Compensation law. py Holiday Contest, it was'an- will leave trmn the Church Sun- "be~TTeUT~fr(im 6:4. r"tcT"TfT45^ifrhT teaching experiencc-^vho are- able Presbyterian Church al~the Sun- ' Thn Key.. Morris took as his of the rnost- significant. to thOrdisabled children.'and their suspended if they are' outside the 332nd Ordnance Company of Mor- . Cars will leave the church at day afternoon' at'. 4:U0. p:m. .forRegistration for the s.chool . will Vacation School ic emphasized in. readings -from T^~App.licanls~for~ 1 nounced "last week. !•! to assist- in this*, work, to contact day worship service. Mis . topic topic last 'week "Friends ;of God7'. mothers^may start with the checks United States for more than six •ristcAyn—rund(jrgdinK—on-the-job j 5:45. p.m. on Tuesday for the oipp,.!- mcetini' at—UlC Mntuliiv, hut 'Science and. Health' with Key to fprtes said, was th6 provision eflts will be referred, to state vo- for . January . 1957,-. due early in "months." Benefits will bo resumed M/ .Ire Sm-ipUirus".yjy; Mary Baker 'her til the churclv office, '-—— -arttf-hn''-"Thn .Wiwnjn'n T.n^r'", Tho R'ev^ Albert G, DczsO, pastor, . Jerry MCAully Mission, where men •home of Dick McOaniel, of 815 or'adults may enter the .school at 'loses Tomorrow; is on vacation during the month ol February, v Applicants.'liiivii -Uhlll IT they I'lfltllU. • The iL-:.U.iution, Worl^^^^^gftS^T^^rd Wnr II- is cmnlo'-vcd for ^ of the'enurch will conduct a serv- Iddy,-•• including* the . following • Church service during the.sum General Electj-ic in mpnlh.V Instruction is part of the West »th,-sti.oci., Plainlielil. .. _ • any- time. - ' .'••'. I Closing exercises of tlie January. 1058 in which to make however, docs not apply .under, any ice; That same evening, at 7:45 the 25.8:21): "The human capacities .mer is hold from 10 to 10:45 a.m.•August. . " '-..'.. • ditioning division as ,a sheet metal unit's- annual two weeks' summer Under New Ownership foda>y' ill fi:30 p.m., the Inter- At the Vacation-Bible School ion Church School of Calvary their claims without losing, bene- of the following circiimstances: training Which ends . August 19. Committee-of Christion .Education mediate and Senior llich Fello.w- /Ulhefan- Church, will be held ire enlarged and- perfected irt' pro- Alliance Church a.-If the worker has ten years worker.. . '. ' . ' emphasis-will he-ou the—Bible-Ji ml fits; No applications can ,be ac- They have three children and ' •Cvi 11 convene in the church of lice. sliips will hokla"pienit; at Unanii 1 o'rnorp'w night in the ^church nt jorlion as humanity gains the cepted-before October I, 1956, Mr. of work under the law or has re- and Management The .Women's Missionary Prayer the ".Word of God." Apeeia,l cinss rue conception of man and God, WINDOW SHADES have- not been on vacation; for .10 Park! All members are requested, : 30," Mrs. Robert Robins, director, Vacation School HOV MAT FIND COMFORT, HArpINESB »dd the WAY TO UKALtB Jones added. sided* in the United States for 10 Band will meet at 10 a.m. oh Wed- for adults, will-study, such topics Included in the Bible readings years, Mr,- Fernandez said. For the to meel al the park and to bring as the. "Existence oi' God," "Jesus nriouncecl.- Members' of the con-' thronth Ilit«nln» to gome »f the following ' . Under other provisions • of theyears;.. • [. ". • • : "past year, he added,-'-they have Dr. H. Berman -hesdajU-Dr. Aitdjtiswn.will..conduct l will be the following advice p Lists Busy Week 'n~"p;icnic •siippcr; --- •-•••.• - :'iulMira'cli j;""ancl "The Inspiration ;i;6gution and. friends are. invited'. HOLLAND #-1.28 .amended law, . Working women, b. If the suspension would af- SERVING LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS the mid-week' Prayer . Meeting Each department of .the-school 'auiytp'-" the" Philippians (2:5): Vacation'Bible School of the Al- CHRISTIAN BCIENCK BADIO PBOOBAMB OF THlg VICtNITXi beqn saving one dollar a week , The 'Planning Coiumilteo (UL.lhe of the Bible," Classes will -be the wives of 'men :reeeiving old- fect treaty obligations, of" the toward a vacation thoy were con- Optometrist ~ 1: that evening at --8' o'clock. Church will'. nieel. in . the iiuili- vill take part in (he program. Let this mind lie in you, which liance Church- continues to in- age insurance payments, and theUnited States existing when the Cinder the direction of the Rev. vas also in Christ'Jesus." ~ BU. WNKW " (1180 ke) — Every 8«nd«y ./. »U» «. w. ^ ;Y0RK GL0TH 1 templating. •• . ''.'•' EVERY DAY EXCEPT TUESDAY Yillowing the program, guests will terest area- children with .Bible ; torium of the Educational Building Mack Langfottl, visiting Philadel- Btm. WIICA ' ( «no keV — Evtry Bawdny 1:16 »..«.. »i!-;-'?.. •widows of insured -workers can law takes effect. / • •'. ". • • Winning the contest, they said, on- Mondiiy al.7i'fO p.m. id hear a isit the display "of handwork in stories, liandcraft activities, music, start getting monthly benefits a(. , C If the alien beneficiary is a j-phia minister.- ' • " ..' ,;, • BU. Wpli ' 1110.ko). —. Evify Sunday !.....'. „„... "J:it *. m., was like ";ii dream come true." EyesExamined -Trirtity Services •representative from Ferrenz and inch-, department, _ln connection • Famou* Font recreation, workbooks, and misr age C2'. The dependent mother, of citizen or nqtional of a country .tnfnminUon may be obtained n Mr. and Mrs. Fernandez will fly. Uan—Krii.i.fih nf shif|v in the '~Sencrili~ gtonewaU""Jackgon i "iHoriesL aaJiisured ,\vorker_\vho.;.dl.QS.Jo.ay^ A?.hic.h,jias.:a_social insurance or-| Taylor discuss lumie".plans. and - transportation, arranged by to-Miftmi-orv-August 21-via Eastern. ICSANFOJRD THEATRE past two weeks,' "The Bible -in Matthew B. Rldgway were baptized . 'God's -Big World" is' being] Htft. WQXE (I860 ke) — *»'* B»tard»y B»eh Mo -Infl-nr/qpnnsp nr rhilfl pllpiblo for pension system^ of generar'applica"-" ; AirlhiesvA car will be placed at Regular summer schedule of. calling FAnwood 2-8707; the Home." * ' ' . • at the same font in St. John's Epis- made rehl to the Nursery .depart- 1 BUILDING iii Need Not Be Matched lor li-e» Uter«tare »nd reportg of beneflU received from IktM . PAINT SHOP .benefits. may also get benefits at py their disposin~utrrttrR-ilwM 7sevon-4- _Gall WEstfield 2-2171 . services will continue oh Sunday, 'On Thursday, August 23, at 8 copal church, Brooklyn,'N. Y. ment by .use of. a see-hear-touch- Blood- plnsmn docs riot have to be. :. ... • --, - ..- The. final issue of "CALVACS" " »rogr»nu will b* ^UUi ' ' 02. ' '.. Amoricon Citizens, othorwise el- day vacation at Key'"'Biscayne' fii the twelfth, Sunday arter Trinity, p he church school paper, will be smell activity book for each pupil, at the Trinity Episcopal Church-. typeyp d o,r matched xy'th. the blood of jl"». the midweek service vyillI bi\ . -Working women and wives who giblo, who return to the United Hotel. ' - •••'.•' CHANF6RD B-0200' cleyoted as usual to a discussion oX; distributed) al this time. --••,.', The- Beginners are . increasing )1 N. Union Ave; CRanford 6-2540 -apply before age;-.65 will • receive States'.lo, live. '••. . Mayfair officials fopdrtod that il At 8' a.m. there will' be Holy wounded' soldiers who reculve trans- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST their knowledge of •'Jesus with (u»lon«. sonic practical-aspect of Christian benefits.at reduced rates, on a This provision applies only to. 12,136.. entries had been received . Euchiirist n.nd at 9:30 a.m. Holy "CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS ""*"' tLD AVE. AT 1MLN 8*. Bible stories illustrated orv the living'. ' : sliding scale. Benefits for widows aliens who- become eligible for Jor the Happy Holiday Contest. -JBuchads.L.witb—byiiviVs and •:! -short CBANFOBD flannelboar'd. " '.: . E»»y to ,Prcp»r« RarvlcB»r'Suhd»y-Tl-ATMj^-rJ^ benefits. after-December 1950:— address, by the Rev. Frank V/ .11. Horrte Daneeroui The- fuel that mankind.can turn . Yesterday the Primary depart" Another change in tho law "por- Cay thy, /ector. for an eaay-tio-propiire dlih,- try Sunday School 11 AM.- ment enjoyed an unusual visitor, mits, -where there is good cause'^ -^-.—Removl«itf-6hewlniH5uin- topping « slice of toast "with * frank- Yott nitty not tWnk of your horn* Io the divine Mind, God, for' in- Service •. Topic of the sermon' address will M . a Jive lamb. The animal . holppcl an extension of the period • in rjon't panic when you find chew- —-ELIZABETJH WOO^BRIDGE furter and a gllce of cheddnr cheese, at n booby trap-but nccldcnt stat- :elligenee and ability will be •"LET US"CLEAN 'Y^U^URNACE BROS. — — KENItWOBTH -bt!, ''Be--Thou-OpenecU'^lr^Fxiliik, brouislit._au.t._iit EhrisUan.-Science Wednesday Eve«fne,'B:i» o'clock the children to. better understand which claims for the lump-sum ing gum' stuck to your clothes. You •nd i^U h .,|gtlo«-prov.e-..thn.t.JinmrJji.J.Ur'*: In ; V. H. Carth.v is organist for the icrvic.es this Sunday. ' .-'-'„.. .._»BApma' npmn The' 23fd 'Psalm," "wliich" is -their death paymont.may be.'made,-and can get it off easily by placing the month of August.. melted. •very nook and cranny of the-hous*. 1U North Cnlon Av»., Cr«nl«r* theme. Each pupil,, is making a oT'lho •period in":which "proof of -smudgod-artlclo -face-.down- pn^a. Keynoting the Lesson - Sermon Jen dally Mon. thru Frt.. 10:30 to 4 P.M. newspaper and pressing it with a flannelgraph of' Psalm 23, coin- DON! LET YOUR M0MY GO UP IN support must be filed in clainjis : mtitlocl "Mind" is .the. Golden B«t 1 t» 4 P.M. hot iron. . Text—fronf—the—K-jng-nT-iUTios—V-or-^-l evenln* 7:3d - • Founded for dependent husbands, •widowers; Dowisr INSTMI^S fcEES and parents benefits. Under the s,ion.:'pr''Uia'.13ible_ (Psalms 147:5): old law in each of tl>ese cases'the "Great is our 'Corel,- find of great application—or- the • prool—o£-sup—| power: his understanding is in- : v; GRIFFITHS JS HAMMOND ORGAIvl port must,have boon fl'lcid within OPEN 24 HOUHS A DAYI j finite." ; ' - Fitting ••' • '"' •' "..'••• tjvo- years aftpr'the death of tho The practical.. value._oT under insured worker.. If the claimant Headquarters in North Jersey , |-ca«—show-good—eause~-f In Your Living Room & Dining Roomf SHOES IS OUR SPECIALTY! 11 tn npp'y' nr'fnmisVi ihf pr<"»>f with- • Wilbur Coon Shoes for Women . in this period, he now has an ad- HOW ditional two years after tho end SU fork Ay.- Plolnli.ldi • Nunn Bush and Edgerton Shoes for Men of the original two-year period or CHRISTIAN • Pro-Tek-Tiv Shoes for Children two years after September 1956. i Under" other amendments sep- Phormaclut la SCIENCE arately enacted, members of .the uniformed services, of t,he United etttendeme*

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/•: l rRanford 64)898 Estimates Cheerfully

" v. '-•. r.> -': **•- 213 South Ave., East Givep on Any RENT A NEW HAMMOND ORGAN Moving Problem Pay as Little as itsiaurY

You can rent a Hammond Organ for JQS little as $20 per month at Griffiths, where all five Rental Money • models of the Hammond Organ are on display. Can Be Applied You can keep this Hammond Organ for as long Over 69 Years of Uninterrupted Dividends as six months. If you decide to purchase it all To Purchase Price mu the rentals you have paid may be applied to FREE LESSON IN YOUR the purchase price. The balance can be paid —HOME-OR OUR STl SAVINGS ACCOUNTS - MORTGAGE LOANS over a period of several yearsi j Choice of 12 Top Decorator Colors, Everyone who has seen and heard the Hammond All Savings Accounts Insured Up To $10,000 ONLY $Hl00 MONTHLY! Organ conftrrns .the fact that it is one of the sensations of the musical world. All Per Member Hammond Organ models nowJigye the amazing"touch-response" Percussion Control, Oihor Room Sizes Installod Wall-to-Wall making available a host of new sparkling tonal.effects. Over 40 Oz. Sushion Phone CHestnut CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE ' 1,1213 *" -'-?-.-' If you can't come in soon, use Ihe coupon. Total Down Monthly Cost Paymont- Payment Our representative will call. CHOOSE FROM ALL FIVE MODELS Other low-price cars can't possibly give you at your homo with a com- V/2% S119.40.. S12.00 ... plete selection of carpet 149.2SV 15.00... samples. He-can give estim- - FILL OUT - TEAR OFF AND MAIL ...... 179.10 19.00 ... ates and information on wall-to-wall installations ^nd these 7 big Plymouth extras! ...'... 159.20 16.00 A CHARMING ATTIC ROOM and room size rugs , , . al VI Pleose send me full details on your Hammond Organ Rental Plan. 199.00... .'... 20.00 ... no obligation. thq greatest breakaway nnd passing power inaH CAN BE YOURS FOR LESS MONEY THAN ....'. 238,80 .24.00 ... Name_ Do you own a '.'>,'?, '54 or \"i mo<>u select your driving ran>.'C-a9 models of uny low-prirc car. mi Loan Association YOU THINbL-XOME IN AND TALK IT Address- the Ltu -price .'!.'' 7/ICH here's it lmt you're missing— look how much more the all-new Plymouth offers: you'd riijg n doorbell, On left, out of children's 6 Greatest attention to safety: Plymouth gives Corner North and Union Avenues OVER. Telephone. reach. Positivci.mw-.hanionl linkape. you many mure.standard equipment safety fea- 1 Tomorrow's styling today: You ran easily sec 4 Choice of two superb engines: Pick rither tures—Snfety-Him wheels, electric windshield JMymouth is all new, while other low-price cars LUMBER & McMANUS BROS. Plymouth's sensational lly-Fire V-8 I up to 21)0 hp wipers SnfeGuard door latches, tjozens more. 1 ynnruifyt cjif" of the low-price INSURED, KTFFITH PIANO ^^lV904)0Ti4 ff.n pnrr. n[ yr»nr 'a tndny! LUMBER . MILLWORK • MASON MATERIALS KENILWORTH, N. J. .• CHESTNUT 1-1213 A smoother rick nnd more room to enjoy it! roc to 9 PrM^r— Y .KKl'HI SI NTATIVKS — ~~94 High StreeT TDpen Monday, Wednesday and"TriTJiy~t5~9-P7"Mr From the doy you buy J»... through. aN fho yea« you own 605 'BROAD STREET, NEWARK 2, NEW JERSEY it ... you'll spend less on a Plymouth. That's one reaton more CR Ojwn Mrdnrotluy pAininuH miljl <) — lMio.nr MArUd 3-5RH0 PLYMOUTH costs less o$» usad as iax'n thorn oil other ears combined* i; 'fa'^^h-S^yi^ ;,:<•/.. •••&

I , ' • :..l : • THE CRANFOIID' CITIZEN AND CHTIONICLE. THtE§DAX4fAUGUST, 16,. 1956 . ^ . . ' -I" '-• \-'"•••"•'/< i ":•,'•?•'•' • j ,• - ••':••' ' • • , ., -' **•"' Ii - ' / • ' , i • l — ,-!-t- Is true that glass.'.ond. mirrored,, and'dependent mothenrof insured s/civilians, Sorial/secwWtyv taxes'] United Gnvernmont .will- atibnal rehabilitation ageiA'cits ,tp v':'"s snlm> of the (table tops are ft-otured somewhat / /. considered-for servfees v/HTciT wflrkers. at pay o,f. ihe serviceman, and. the'.taxes. I less than ih fnTTTpSBir;; may h'eip thetri »°etuai, to wbrb. not be redttcedC ....- . ,.. I /••At the^ annual 'summer furniture ispbility insurance payments will 'V-Payments for women who ,,are buyicl-sirnarket in Chicago recently, Security ie withheld if the applicant refuses already 62 and who qtyalify under cocktail tnbl'es, occasional tables without good'cause to accept "re- the amendiirients' can begin .with Contest Winners MARY W. AHMSTHOMG ahd tend -tables' 6,f all shapes 'and' Cash social Security benefits for for ^a^ment of disability beheftts labilitaiion services by th^. state the November, benefit checks, due Unioh County Home Agent sizes with highly polished lops, plete with^fiannelboard and sce- disabled workers at. age 50,, ben- peglnnitig at • age SO to' workers igehcy.... ' . . '• : — r early in December 1950. Applica- Ruigers U. ftctonsion Service, and frequijntly' with leather In- nic background. • ,.••'"• efits for/Children. 18 or•,over who' who are totally- disabled for sub- sert top's for easy "cleaning Were : To'meet the costs, of these' bene-' tion' must.be made, tor'these''ben- \ '"The Christian's . .Birth and were disabled before they reached stantial, gairiful w6rk'of any kitid. "Is it .frup .high .temperatures,|'sViown. No glass of mirroted table Aitcheson to Reswme Lutherans ••/• its .an increase in fhe social se- efits^ however,, there will (-be Growth," picturing Jesus in His .:r,a.rton M. Bates. Assistant. ncrease is 1/4 of one percent each ply before December 1957.. wants! to.know. '• .:— . ' r : Men lit Service _ . TrfiTity, Church; . , 7^ . ". ' D '—people-self-^ jming the pulpit at 'the Alliance Church after^a''vacation-! iors. They are making white pipe -August 1, when; the. )956 social social security offices before Octo- gr^r J /8 of one percent for, .sc-lf-eiiri-1 omployod iri certain professions A. WiUiamSr^son oFMri |Dr. Goofgo.^ A..'Aitcheson,'pnsfor...\vili take 'as his lopie • Re- j • THF THRKE LITTLE M'ONKEYS - ber 1, i9S(3. ommeml, moderate' iemporatui-es : book, ends, with, an appropriate, Guest .preacher, at the 9:30 a.m. st'curity an^endtnents were K)ll'U' IllL'thDlis is nrortr versTty, Moi-gnntown~ , W.'"^Va., and. be for' patients in the Ret. Stegner Lord's Supper at the service. • . drink, or--whatsoever ye do, do all to the Glory of God"/' •' Filmstrips pprtraying the lives of. Dr Norlhwood's message will be J*es, both scekir^ dger, Elizabeth social security pf- curity payments based' on tho. earn- curity taxes, on their earnings fpr easily digested. . urble' classes-..will 'be 'held for sung by Mrs. Raymond Hcartcl. the various men they are' studying 'On the Homovai'tt^ Obstacles." the -3-year period before' he. -was completing •'ji-- year oL.graduate ie' tfursirif! Home-will- be Some "pe6pi<> recm to havo the idea that the way to be good is John Mazak will serve, as organist. • ^ Jitnmittee, and T^ fiet>,"today reported that other new ings of a retired or deceased par- taxable years that e,nd after ,1955. every age group'of children: and liave been shown, A lamp shade disabled.' Mr. Jones stated that en.t.'The. "children" eligible fpr stutly there; .iJt.Wiliiamsenlcrod , at-2 p.m. by the Al- to do nothing-^-'so-.thaf ,you don't do .anything,bad. These people Robert Gorman, tenor, will be ijrovisions in' the legislation bring , . . Doctors '.of mediqine are now the_ ".Are class, topped-,coffee. tab.I»>s the Army, in February, 1955. Be- To Continue ttyo flAssfs will be offered from Sunday Church School for the iy'ith a missionary motif and song • ; seeking rei-lcction.' lh benefits'under this-provision may fouth.'Fellowship'. ' " ," are' liko the three little monk'iys with which you arc,, all. familiar,, lower grade's through Junior De- ihe soloist and'Miss.Mary Eliza>- , under the law-additicnaj. workers P definition of disability Is. the -•only' self-employed people who'_ going-, but of sjyj'e?" .Mrs. B. .S. fnre 'c/ominc to.-'Ft.- Dix last: April, "• ^outh groups will meet at whuli adults may choose. Classes is proving ' to be -an '. absorbing beth Bonnell, .minister of.music at ':i boy to win the ' -among them new groups of pro-|^me,as the one.which .has been be. of any age at the" present time; as a group are not covered • by*j- wants to know. ' . ' ••'" and which probably, many of you .have on your;mantelpiece. partment continues, to meet at !" the .law.-as-one of -the require- he served with' the G'5th Regiment when the.'juniors will will beuin at 9:30 a.m. nand.vtfork project. . " tho church, will be the organist. .. . ce the start of the regional people, more farm'owners !" the lawasone of the require provided they are unir.arrie'3, that, S9cial security. ' 9 Style in furniture, will always Sermon OnO monkoy has His hands over-his eyes, another over'his 9:30 a.m. ' ' • ', • '. _ ments for a disability freeze since s 1 in;Puerto Rico. [other in a series of tjannel- At the 7 p.m.' evening service ' Vacation Bible ^School will con- • .^as .-awarded, that and operators, and some American. they b"eeame totally disabled be- Several- important' changes were bp .for iho middle and low income The •'«' Announcement' was made by tinue through vAugust • 24 each T-hc Htv. Herman A. Kl.ahr, an 1954'. The payments can be made fclaries. The Young Adults sermon .topic will be, "'Avuilina ears, and the third over, his nioutih; tho idea being that these 1 |' citizens'• who. work- abroad' for fore they" were age 18, and that also made in the coverage • of family somewhat a matter of items Ask your neighbors, ask lyour assistant piistor of the Cranford Miss E.', Jane Seeman, director of weekday morning from 9 until 12 executive' ofthe Board' of National A the Cranfdrd Boys "only to a worker who, has a dis- .they have remained totally ' dis- ire^thc.'.final in.a-series of monkys-will "see no -evil', Hear no evil, and speak no evil!" Only 1 forejgn subsidiaries • of American farmers, farm' workers", and United - Mr. Jock Kaufelt, right, executive"treasurer of Mayfnir Mar- on hand. Personal .preference also j friends: 'Aiv you' rcgistored to Method.st .Church, again will Prayer." DaVid" Thomas, local Christian education,. of a •'leader- Missions, New York, supplied the ' ::t • [lectures on " Archeology a monkey would, try to be good in this way! For not only wdlild noon, under the direction of; Miss l_tyorporati(fn&. •.,-.- . ' • .',:' . ability which -prevents him from abled "ever since. The child mlist States citizens working for a-for- rightly .-afJTocts" new .p'iirchasus,''but ; vote'."- prenclr tho sermon' at Hie .single j'niiiiisierv'will dismiss how orie'mny ship-training class lor youth and Elsie Auringer, director of Chris- pulpit last.Sunday. . ' ,' ,?• classification com. engaging in any substantial gain- show actual support bJ? the insured kets congratulates Mr. and" Mrs.'Henry j. Fernandez of Elizabeth ristianity" by Donald Wil- Suhil'iy. Th'ti.;!*c'.ilss^r01'1 at-dorcling to the se'rip- •such ii person "see no evil, hear no evil, and speak.no evil," but • adults who are interested jn teach- Young people of the churclvwho T The 'amendments "also include eign-subsidiary of an American for'winning the Happy Holiday Contest .'sponsored b^is-firm; serviceaservice'at 0:30 a.a.m.m - Suhy. ; tian education. She is assisted/by .•ica^ions for service ful activity, "the disability, mus parent, unless he had received or corporation. A further change per- neither wtiOldhe see any good,-hear any good, or speak, any good. ing in the Sunday Church School. returheil'Monday after a Week at |. changes' giving-, more equitable have lasted at least dmonths, and jvas eligible to receive a social • Foolish Conclusion's, of a topic he wifl fake ii'• Created in the ; t.uros./ of paving his prayers-ans- staff" of 44 volunteers. ••ojrps,. according to mits American ministers serving ot God! we red. He would only succeed in being good for nothing. • '' > • "The class-will meet regularly- on Junior High'Westminister Fellow-' treatment to certain groups,, sus- must be expected, to continue ih Security benefit on. his parent's ac- an" will be Dr. Aitcheson's d! . the police commit. pending payrnefft-in certain cases as pastors-of churches in foreign On. Reserve Training 'Soloist Williiinr.Knnx -will '.sing •,.-/M 12:30 p.m. Sunday the WABC Which reminds me of ;the story_ of .the girl who didn't know Sunday mornings at. 9:30 begin- ship Camp at Island Heights.were: .definitely. ' , . count "before he was 18. . . Announce Holiday tit Ihe 7V45 eve.nins'seryicc, 1 countries to coverage.by the law ill- "Spirit of God'- by NeidlinRer. Mrs. neiwn.ik radio .program,. "Herald' whether .to marry a doctor and be.well for nothing or marry a- ning September 16.-•Interested ..'•'jaentificat/on bu. u> aliens while they are, outside 'Two Cranford men, Cap,t. Ed- jlejt Boudieif will present, a Westfield Pastor Danny Vroom, jLanty Davis, Brian To prevent .duplication, the a Under the old law the mother of •If their - congregations are com- Doris K. R(ilh.xV(.'iler, church- organ- of-Truth," will-include a short persons shouid contact the church itvipped tn'handle the United States,.arid bringing the ward A. T. Donaldson of 208 Lo- Dlo and' William Memmot, minister and "be good for nothing! The politician, the' stntesmnn, Conlcy, Ricliard Cbnley, Ralph interest rnte on- the Federal Old- i disability-paymen a child tinder. 18 entitlcd'to bene- posed predominantly of American Contest Winner I ist,, will play "Ol'iry 'and Honor" siTiiKin on ii Bible topic 'and a office, •'.••'.,. - ••• • i, hou'r. - cust drive and SP-3' Donald J; solo. ••• '.' , the public official; the butcher, the jjaker, or the'• candle-stiek KeiT, George Craft and Leslie Age and . Survivors Insurance .will be"~reduced if thts beneficiarj fits could also quality for benefits citizens. i nroK-ra-in at- outc'tamling .congrega- According to Miss. Seeman, the Again at Gscepla, Mr. and Mrs. Henry" J. Fernan- ':•! by Alex .Guilmant/ "1,aim;Ml" by maker; the rabbi, priest,'or minister, who tries to be^good by do- Loh'gaker. . ''••••'.- is roceivingTJisa]yHt.y benefits Under,' the amendments, Mr. Wileox of 195 Locust drive, are HALF WAY HOUSE [Co-Workers, ladies' mis- ^ AGP Tr.ust Fund into lino With the in if she has the child in her. care; Alexis Malt/eir and ''Finale" b.v tional singing"! , ' : growth of- -the , Sunday Church . The Rev.' James Morris, assist- r dez of Elizabeth were selected •timong 33 Army reservists i)f the ing nothing—only succeed? in being good for-nothing! t'cresl' rate on other long-term from another federaT^agcjicy . c mothers of disabled children over Jones also noted, payments to winners of -Mayfair Markets'.Hap- . society, will meet' in' the Charles Serg-i'sscm.-'' . .. j On. Monday through Friday, School has created an urgent need ant pastor'of the Presbyterian' under a state pr federal 33Hlh Ordnance •• Battalion and Sunday .Scliool. meets from-9 to • ifivestments. / ••• ' ' . may now get benefits. Payments certain alien" beneficiaries will be py Holiday CoTitest, it '\vas an- Route 22 & Locust Aye., Mountainside bn building on Monday The" " Yolmfi Adult Fellowship 120-24, Vacation Bible School' will for a -larger teaching staff. She Ihurch oC Westfleld, will again was- compensation law. suspended if they are oytside the •'332nd Ordnance Company of Mor- \"One of the most. significant toilrt-disabled children and their ! nou'need last week. will'leave-iriiin me ciiurcn toiin-_ j jje- .-held from 9:45 to.. 11:45 a.m. standing (ioct as. cuvlne iviiiid will rittt supply—tliu [Julpit dt the Oaceola -top placed un Jjirt with th,p checks! United State*; for .moi'e than six ristbvvn undergoing •• on-the-job .jjj ["will leave the.church at be emphasized in. readings from teaching experifence'who are able Presbyterian Church flt the Sun- The Rev. Morris took as his changes.made,-Dy me aint'llUiiiuiits, veteran.. of day afternoon at. 4SiO p.m. for'] RegiKlraUniv for'the • school . will Vacation School % Internationrfl f 1 efits will.be refeVred to state"vo- for. • JanViary early -iHlinlnir .It Fort Dix, N.'ft;-"this' !|j 1 "Science and Health with Key to to-.assist'in this work' to contact day worship service. His topic topic last week ."Friends, of God." Mr. Jones said, was the provision nuluitd 'fur take place on Monday, but children : February; Applicants havT: if they return. The. restriction, month. Instruction is part ot tni; the Scriptures" ,by Mary Baker her at the church office. • • will.be: ''The.Winning Loser." ' The Rev/Albert G."Dezso, pastor, lj as.-a ."key mjn," General Electric in the air con- or adults mi\y enter tho school at Closes Tomarrow 1 January 1958 in which to maR? aweyer, does not apply under any unit's annual two weeks' summer ~NotbVnie\\ NewOwhevsMp \vill conduct a serv- Eddy, including • the- following Church service during " the sum- is on vacation during the .month of.: lour, instead;hf .the ditioning division as-a sheet metal C'bningiit ?:45the .an.V-_timth_: "• 1_. their claims' without, losing • bener lowing circumstances: training which ends August 19. , ; (258:2TT:"r"TirQ~human capacities AUgUSt. •'. •• : . "••'•.'. .esrs. Plumbers'and worker.' . '• . ' -•• A t the Vacation Bible ..School ion Church School of Calvary mer is'.Held from 10'to 10:45 a.m. fits. No applications can be ac- .a. If,fhe £er has ton years lteej>f Christian Education are enlarged.and perfected in pro- *• ^ments stayed oil They have three children and and Management pVene in the church office. mediate and Senior High •Fellow- emphasis will he on the Bible a'nd lUtheran Church, will bo held Cftiirch cepted before. October 1, 1956,Mr. of work undor the or has re- ships will hold a 'picnic at' Lhiami portion' as^ humanity- gains the have not been on vacation for 10 the "Word of God." A special class omorow night in the (church at • is referred lo tho WINDOW SHADES Jones' added. • . !~ sided in the. United States 10 ITomen's Missionary Prayer true conception of man and God." years, Mr. Fernandez said'. For tho Park. All members are requested :30, Mrs. Robert Robins, director-, Vacation School •k Ion for a rulinR. years; till meet at 10-a.m. Un Wed- for adults.will study suelv topics Included- in the Bible readings TOO MAX FIND COMFORT, HAPPINESS knd'tha WAY *O HEALTH !, Under other provisions oj. the- ear, he added, they have Dr. Hi Berman to meet -at the; park ami to bring announced. ^Members of thel con- • '• h. If the suspenKion' would af- : JDr. Aitcheson wi|l conduct as tW "Existence-of Cod," "Jesus .• Ihrooth lUtenlnK to nmt »t the lollowla» ' . niahegan Park Lake amended law, working women, one dollar a- week SERVING LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS ,;i, picnic supper.. gregaiicm and friends are invitedr- .vill be the following, advice of HOLLAND #4.28 fect treaty obligations Of the been Id-week . Etayer Meeting '.•jrfFMi'raeles" and "The InspiratioV 3aul to the Philippians (2:5); Lists Busy Week bnd"rnasta/lon tusk the wives of men receiving old- toward a thoy were, con- Optometrist » . The "Planning C'omnultee of the oT- 11IL- Bible;-' Classes will.be •Eaclv department- of the- school -Vacation Bible School of the Al- age insurance payments, and the United States- existing when • the EVERY DAY EXCEPT TUESDAY erring at' 8 o'clock. 1 1 'Let this mind be in you, which CHBisTlAM SCIENCE BADIO PROGBAMS OF' WBW VICINITTt its had been fouml templating. .: Church'will meet.. ,iiv the audi- (indei: the direction of the Rev. will take part in . the program. liance Church continues to • in- YORK CLOTH 1 widows of insured wor-kers .can law takes effect. was also' in Christ Jesus." BU. WNKW ' •••* P> «»• Mr. arid J/Trs.'Fernandez, will fly each department, in connection famous Font recreation, workbooks,' and mis- Bta. WOl2 '• iinnounced .ajl"-at» ari.insured worker who dies .leav- which has a social insurance or .oMiami..on..Aui!ust'21 via Eastern FOR- RESERVATIONS Taylor discuss future plans'.' _ .Information may be obtained, with the course of-study in the Generals "Stonewall" Jackson and sionary stories. BU. WQXB • (iu«0 ke) "— lit, Brd SuBdiiy E»eh Mto...I1:0« u. m. ponstruct_ tli.e head RICHARD HARTIG ing no spouse or .child eligible for pension system.of genera'l'.applica- Airlines. A c?»r .will be' placed at for Week and transportation arryngeel- by n' A tdr literature »?d ttpoti*. ef beaeflU r«e«l»»4 '»o«n .'ItoM • igible, who- return to the United fth Sunday after Trinity, p.m. the midweelc^sei'v.k'.o, wilL bu The final issue of "CALVACS" ment by., use of a see-hear-touch- Working women and wives who Hotel. . ••.-,- typed or matched w'.tli the blood of »rofr»nu will b« »tipr«el»tB«. r ; ' " '; irnan had stolen S7T CRanford 6-2540 ; Statqs to live. ' ': riiiity Episcopal Church. devoted" as fisual to a discussion of the church sch6ol paper, wi)l be smell activity "book for. each pupil. 101 N. Union Ave, apply' befpre' ago 65 will^receive Mayfair officials reported that wounded soldier* who receive trans- . This provisioh applies only to a.m. there .will be Holy some .practical aspect of Christian distributed, at this time. • " •" .'' The 'Beginners are increasing J'.^K room-of the M;i>;;. benefits, reducedd d rates, on 12,136 entries, had been •received fiitioni. ' '. ,: ' : IRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST sliding scalei Be'nefits for widows aliens who become eligible for 1 t and at 9:30. a.m. Holy living'. • . ; .''•.. their knowledge , of Jesus with Sforth ^avenue, west, for'the Happy Holiday- Contest; it'with. hymns and a Short CHJUSTIAN SCIENTISTS BF&INGFIELD AVE. AT MILN BW. Bible stories .illustrated on the .benefits after December 1956. _ClLllRCIJLSJEll.V-ICES± '••- '- '••.'.. -CUtANFOBD- "•• ' lanndboard . (...to the- crime,,re- Another change in the law 'per- by the Kev. Frank V. H~ 3 n: Sunday Kcraovlng Chewing Gum ..-.....:. Home -Dangerou* • The fact that nuinkiiiH^can turn • Yesterday the Primary depart-' en probation for. one ^rnlts, where. thej;e_ isr good caOSBT I rector.. ,.', . For »ti easy-tO;prcp.are dUh, try _' Sunday School 11 A.M. Don't panic whon^you find-chew? I of the sermon address will You may not think of your hotnn to the divine Mind, God>foriM< inent enjoyed an .unusual visitor, THE POWER VACUUM nock, who heurd'thc- an extension of the period in ' • McMANUS BROS. - ELIZABETH ^ WOODBRIDGE^ ifENILWOHTH • Testimonial Service - ing gum stuck to your olothes. You topping * slice 6f toast with * frank- •s a booby imp—but nccident stat- tclljgence ' and ability wui^bc a live ,lamb. The animal helped which claims for the lump-sum Thou Opened." Mrs. Frank furter and a slice of cheddnTr cheese • • Wednesday Bventntf, BUS o'clock LET US CLEAN YOUR FURNACE restigatioh was eon- 1 can got lt'joff caslly^by placing the J istics ^prave -that._ hjiznrds.Jurk Jn brought—out«-atr-Christian Science 1 rthe-chiidren to .better unclorstand death payment may be_rhqde,*and farthy -is- ofganrst-fQr the »nd - brdiling-untii th« cheese, ha* BEADING BOOM - • isrhudged "aVtTcle face down on - "August. •very nook and ct-anriy of the house. servicos this Sunday. 11V North Union Aye., C»nferl the 23rd' Psalm, .which is their of the period in which proof of melted. support must be. filed in claims newspaper and pressing it with 7 Kcynpting the Lesson - Sermon un dully Mon. thru Frl., 10:30 to 4 P.M. theme.' Each pupil is" making a .Cranford Lions Club hot iron. . entitled "Mind" is the Golden Rat I lot P.M. llannclgraph of Psalm 23, comr DONTLBT YOUR MONEY CO UP IN for dopenderit husbands, widowers, DOWN "ISSTALLSTEES Friday evening 7:30 - » ; of the organization Founded •Text—from—the—King—James—Ver- and parents benefits. .Under the "fPresMcritTiniKSKtr lr old law in each ofTViese cases tfie" sion of the BiblC .'(Psalms 147:: 5): I^lrs—Baker-at-Eoiii!- Great is'our Lord, and of great SMOKE! -application-or th'e.jirool of. sup- IS HAMMOND ORGAN power: his understanding' is- iri- jarnes were followwi port must have been filed within OPEN 24 HOi&HiS A DAYl finite." • ' . Fitting ••p'S/-:B,aker'. A short 188? two years after the death of the The practie^l • vnlu^ of u^dn juc'ted by President insured worker. If the claimant caJPifiow good, cause for "YtrlTure TOl 'or furnls.rrthe $Y60t WltK="" in this period, he now has :nn ad- 111 Pork AT«W Pkdnfold • 'Wilbur Coon Shoes for Women ditional two years after the end HOW "^" of the original two-year period or PL. 6-0008 # Nunn BuslTand Edgerton Shoes for Men - two years after September 1956 CHRISTIAN •••• Pro-Tek-Tiv Shoes for Children T :• Under other amendments sep- HtglBtewd Pharmacist In arately enacted,, members of the You Get uniformed services of the United attendance at «to(*. Day SCIENCE 1 States will be' covered by the so- 1 and Night 32 Sg. Yds. HEALS Shoe Hospital WE COMPLETELY VACUUM CLEAN ALL cial" security law beginning Jan- TYPES OF FURNACES,- CHIMNEYS. uary 1, 1957, ir\ the same manner • NORMAL AND ORTHOPEDIC SHOES.FOR THE ENTIRE FIREPLACES AND DljJCTS ... FAMILY — ALL nwTHOPKnir. WORK DOflK. ON PREMISES of LOOPED or -Open Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p;m.—Fri. to 9 p.m. 6-5200 7:45 P...M. Sunday 304 CENTENNIAL AVE. CRANFORD HEATING ROBBINS & ALLISON. INC. CARPET '•s-\ • • •: ' Est 1918 Completely ii > 1" LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Household Goods Exclusively Installed

over 40 or i! K Storage •Shipping Cushion DRlViNGfSSr '•"'••'. ~ Packing Call CRanford 6-08^8 Estimates Cheerfully 213 _Squth Aye., East Given on Any Moving ProBlerri A NEW HAMMOND ORGAN ~s»ir '.• v-~" •• ."• Cranford, N.J'. Pay as Little as 2O Month "•-- mm EXTRA % . lYou can rent a Hammond Organ for as little los $.20 .pet.month at Griffiths, where all five Rental Money [models of the Hammond Organ are on display. Over 69 Years of Uninterrupted Dividends — I [You can keep this Hammond Organ for as long Can Be Applied /• >, •- lossix months. ~K you decide to purchase it all To Purchase Price Jthe rentals you have paid may be applied to mu FREE LESSON IN YOUR I the purchase price. The balance can be paid SAVINGS ACCOUNTS - MORTGAGE LOANS Choice of 12 Top Decorator Colors lover a period of several years. HOME OR OUR STUDIO m ————7M-Savings Accounts InswedMp£o-$lQ 00.0 _ ONLY $10.00 MONTHLY! lEyeryone who has.seen and heard the Hammond t fs^ [Organ confirms the fact that it is one of the sensations of the musical world. All Per Member JHammond Organ models now have the amazing "touch-response" Percussion Control, Oihor Hoom Sizes Inslallod Wall-to-Wall Phone CHestnut Over 40 Ot. Cushion [l»iaking'available a host of new sparkling tonal effects. ' 1-1213 CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE Room Sq. Total Down Monthly If you can't come in soon, use fhe coupon. Size Yds. Cost Paymont Payment Our ropresontativft will call at your homo with a com- CHOOSE FROM ALL FIVE MODELS Other low-price cars can't possibly give you 9x12 .12... $119.40 ... $12.00,... $5.00 plete soloction of carpet .15... 149.25.. 15.00 ...., 5.00 samplos. Ho can give estim- 179.10... 18.00.. 5.50 ates and information on 9x18. \ .18.. wall-to-wall installations jtnd FILL OUT-TEAR OF-F AND MAIl/ A CHARMING ATTIC ROOM 12x12 ..16- 159.20. . - 16.00 5.00 and room size rugs ... at Please send me full details on your Hammond Organ Rental PUm. these 7 big Plymouth extras! 12x15 . 20...... 199.00.... 20.00v 6.50 no obligation. CAN BE YOURS FOR LESS MONEY THAN 12x16 .24., 238.80 ...,..'..... 24.00 ... , 7.50 Name. Do yon own a '.W, '54 or '."> mculel oj one of 3 Exclusive Push-Button Driving: With a mere the greatest hroaknwny and passing power in nil Cranford Savings and Loan Association YOU THINK. COME IN AND TALK IT v inmlels of u'ny low-prirccar. Address- thf low-price .). Thru here's u.luil you're missing— finpor touch, you select yiMir driving range — as Corner North and Union Avenues OVER. look hou; much more live all-new Plymouth oflcrs: you'd ring a doorbell. On left, out of children's 6 Greatest attontion to safety: I'lymoulh jzives Telephone. renrh. Positive, mwhanienl linkupc. you many more .standard e<|iii|im,.nt safcl\ fi\i-' LUMBER & BROS. 1 Tomorrow'* ttylirtg today; You ran easily sec Plymouth is all new, while other low-price cars A Choice of two superb engines: IVk cither tiirrs-Snfi'tv-Kim whfels. clivtrin windsljirM OFFICE HOURS JSetv Suburban Rug and Carpet Showroom • "The Music .Cvnter of Xetr Jersey" hnwn't changed much in the. last two years. riynioulh's sensational lly-Firr V-o I up In 200 hp wipers, SnfrUiarcl door lalehvs, (|,r/.fiKs more." SUPPLY CO. —240 hp in- the-Fury) or the PowerKlow 6. STANDARD 575 BOULEVARD, CORNER OF SOUTH 24th STREET 2 Biggest, Insitk tmd outside: IMywoiiuYs 7 For more extra-value foaturos: I'Kir >•'• 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday thru Friday 5 Top toke~off and passing power across tho INSURED UIMRER • MILLWORK MASON MATERIALS CKTFFTTH PIANO CO. iv/^t Wmcftftt. ronnii--fe-??*


'' -•••'• • ; • -. y.'' . " : •• ';•'• /' '•'; • /•''" ' •' ""' ' .•••'/• ... '. • ';•. ' ., ' •'•••''.•.•'•< •„•...' •'•'X ''• X•' . • ''•- •'.\ • 7"

.'••/.'•.-••{, - •I"'- -.' ',


: ';••:. :^ —••!•- ':. THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AtiD C JE, THTOSDAV, AUgUST;,- 16, 1,956 ' ••/. OT •&

suit of" reworking 'a car after an decided to'fioi'd a ifa'riy"for her on de'eki. speed;. Jim Walsh, obstfltje ".i'ccidjsnt. ' .••.''. '. • • Birthday .-Wednesday; \}er last da'y at O.ver- irace; Fred Ball, slow;.Junior priiei. , Gives 21 Rules "iiy Battery: check, battery ^to lfiok:k ' • ,. . ; ' , takers were Gary,Jacobs, speed; ' Susa]tSs illness has been diag- n Police Pistol Match 1 make sure it does not have dried 1 Cranf oVd. Police Department Jim Hill, obstacle race; Barbara nosed as*serious. She will under- Tamalavage,' ^slow;.'.. Participants For Used Car Purchasers or cracked plates or that excessive j;o a series af tests at Memorial, District Governor Advisor nade it two straight victbries in acid, de'posits Ijav'e destroyed bat- ;econd; half competition in Union were. John Ellam, Richard Sa- .Ah estimated 12 to 15 million, .4) Brakes: should, have a,, firm Sick With Cancer /Hospital, her mother, said this , Robert M. Crane, past president 6f the Cranford Rotary Club, has lomone,. John .Puglisi', and .Mike tery frame . ' ' ' ; " >,' •SusnilWilKqii, daughter .of Mr. ^pun.ty Police pistol League Mon- people every year buy a used-'car prt.vsu nd.bo well up. from the week.''It is said that .New York peon named a member'of the District Governor's'Advisory Committee, Davis, k'en' Stachow, Lloyd Le- •M;r, Ilutchins pointed out that a,nd Mrs.'. Paul 'K. Wilson,. Jr.,, of•doctors have" indicated there is lay ;by. outshooting Roselle Park, but very few of lhem'really/.know floor. .In--the-final analysis the.most mt- it was announced at lasf Thursday^ luncheon meeting. in Methodist ,092 to 1,026, a( the Nomahegan scbuek,. Bill Muller,- David Gar-! •319' Ke.tford .-avenue, celebrated hjope for her recovery. • r car sliould t'rnvcl 1 rity, Robert'Newficld. how to shpp properly for the car poriarit insurance is" to' know your her birthday'anniversary "four, days .When' asked about her party, Church educational building by ange ,. • •' \ ' ' .' ': •'•'• it This w.-is straight ahead without weave or dealer.'.Again; don't be fooled by onr.lv this year. • • . ' Susan said. "wcMmd'lQts• of- fun." president' Arthur K.- Burditl. crmer Rotary Club nurse scholar- -Individual marksmen scqred for pointed out'recently by t>. y. Hiu- s»\vsty. . ••' •—-*— - • —- was—four—years r^ Crane is one of seven past hip pinners, They were Mrs. Har- Cranford. »s follows: Lt. Pe.ter F.' chins, Dodfie used vehicle liiiina- 6) .Clutch gravel; in a standard. products with a-good quality old on Sunday. ^ ' .-__ |5residents-sel«cU)ci—tor—me—com-- iclc—A- . .jjer, whir'presented -21 rules to'transmission typo car,' clutch inessinliitw . . - • •. All the excitement was tem-Sponsors Migrants nvittec, inaugurated.this year, and Vlarjorie Reinharl and. Jean'Ful. Roberts, 279; Off. Joseph~37]Kov^ guide prospective* used car .shop- should engage in gear smoothly pered 'slightly for everyone but • Four Italians,. recently issued will aid the district governor in her, . • • . ..' '- ics, 27C, and Off. Robert J; Ryan, pet's. • . . | with clutch 'approximately -half- Siisair She was taken ill about the supervision 'of- clubs in Cran- 269." . Car^f ill Lawn 1 Correiiion visas in Trieste to take up resid- ' per • Mr. Hutchins pointed out thntpviiy out. If an-.nuloiruitic trims- two weeks ago and- required hos- ford, Kenilworth, Westfield, Fan- Officers Edward J. Kliibenspies, 1 ence iu the United Slates,' are bq- Pi-oniolioii 245 Harry C. Brown,'257, and John qiii. customers are often' 'at fault by | mission-,'• perforirijince-should., bo ft was.incorrectly reported by pithliz'ntion at Overlook Hospital, Insurance will brighten your outlook, after a fire br ac- wood-Scdtch Plains and.Plainfield. LOUELLA SWE6T CREAM The' Citizen, and Chronicle in last inK sponsored by Mrs. Yolanda a. Guest- speaker at "last -week's M. Tnirnbns, 221, shot for score. Chemical Use shopping"- ''pvlcr^__ratlutr • than'; ftnioptlv anil quiet,' Su'inrnit.' ', '__."• . • .-, '| August brings its problems of quality. He said, that nri.twD'.usi'-'i I'. vriCnuine'Startine: should start"e -T-W-hen-vt-^as-lparnwl-that-Susaji.:•€ .'checkoperiitkin,- even in Boulder. Mis*; Jacobsori' teachers Ipd J)EFFERSQN AVE. industry, increased use of hospitals and' Phillip Rcilly,-' mother and potassium" cyanute . preparations for a scnsntlotial l.reut! Dmnvm so. •trarie-ms 'for reta'il. sale p'refe.rjm^ summer. i at Scotch -Plains High ihiough' hospitalization plans, and baby;' Linda" Jones, lady;. Candy. that, can be b6ught under several l»y! : • • "• School:. • • ' Martin Bide- •— Street Floor to sell outright to wholfsah'j'si: '12) > KiiUKc: shpiiliV 126SOUTH AVE. EAST--CRANFORD-CR6-3OOO the greater need for nurses to care Cornelia,, Little. Red Riding Hood. trade names. - .those units not suila-ble fur resale.: indicate inire. than tlirco- EL. 2-2340 - •for the aged and chronically ill. Others who dressed up were The phcnyl mercury compounds ' Those '. rtniainm« '"•first , choice '1 quartr wlu-n driving an 1 Will you help choose our pr.esi- D»u>A. H. it < P. M. Dully--'' Moo. * Thmtt, * A. M. U • C ML The speaker said-, the great ad- Karen Katelus, cowgirl; Dotty aie poisonous, but.often work best cars 'naturally represent the best j sho ild arge only sliRhtly at cut? ^i;c you roKlsiered to'vote? vjilnccs in medicine in the past 15 Zinglcr, naughty Mouse; Kathy in controlling crabgrass,""cspeciall.v •valiie. Such dealers frequently of- to 20 years ..recftiirc more skillful McKeague,' cowgirl; .Helen Sipp, while plants ace less mature. Po- IMckoil fresh and rushed to your At'nn«» .I'"HII of_. fer customers a,.written warranty Oi\i-U\ivr: check to sec. if ' nursing "care and knowledge. She oriental princess-; Chri'stine WofC," tassium'~£yarTalp is non-poisonplis coinilrv swo<'ti«'ss, Sorve_uUh plenty of • which fissures .-the'customer of llii; cj^rhas i-opjacenionl typo filter. If said that the- Elizabeth•••Gonoral princess; Tiz Good, old-fashioned and is best suited for featment of foii il ! ; Si- rien1f»r*c ' cnnfirlencp in.the 'prodUC so, ilii.>- .can save ttie owner money. Hospital's.School of Nursing sends ANDREW W. HUGHES girl; Gary Jacob, Pinocchio; Don c'rabgrass in tlie Kentucky blue- e he •.'i.s'.offeriug. H ) ' fc • its student's to- Union Junior} Col- Smith, clown. • grass type ol lawn in late August. c 1 Me added that'too few custeyfu'-rs «i.m aiut ciinytntJ lege four days a' week for seven- Peggy and r Betty Shire, gypsy Don't attempt chemical control An .thorciuph. dcmoiisriaVjcin ; slop lights and. tail lights 'op- -aequli'e -hiiuoh. of thoiy ride wHen selectint? thelr/piirehase., era.tipn. scientific training. Appointed Comptroller ; 3 roctions explicitly, Peterson, urges. c This is the buyer's to;'' IS) Bust: very .extensive rust Miss Frejsc said she expects an Andrew W.'Hufihcs of. 1 Frank- lady.;. Mary Jane Reilly, L-Iawaiian pojnt out'(he nbvio items which, will reduce .--pride ol 'Ownership, enrpllmen't of 33 students in thelin" avenue, today''was appointed lady; Jane Carnella,-gypsy; Dolores Jfle suggests making a test treat- i ment on an obscure,- corner of the should be currccK'd before -clfliv- j and can cost you money.. first ydar nursing class next year comptroller • of Rheem Manufac- Ellam, cowgirl; Agnes Rcilly, arid um Nearby l(arms cry. IK).-Oil: pull oil stick, and check at Elizabeth General of which ap- turing Company, according to Barbara Jdrius,'lady. Candy and lawn to judge results before doing . Sweet To piiin'l ufi soinc Of the things stick lor 'clear oil, Presence of proximately. one sixth will drop President .Richard S. Rhcerh. Mr. balloons, were girn to all partici- the wJjole lawii, following printed C Ii cust.diiwr shouVI ci,insi(le'r, Mr.'i water b'ubbie.-i in'oil sample in- out before graduation. She thanked Hughqs had be.cn acting cpmptrol pants. dirpctions on;the label of the con- Sh^/p Cheese .», 63 Eating each Hut'chirxs sets forth, "ill rule.-i ' fiir ; dicates" probability of big : repair the Cranford Rotary Club, as wel' ler since March. • ^ . Junior and senior bicycle, races tainer.- ... .. 19 as .follows: bills in the near future. as other Rotary Clubs .in the are;, Mr. Hughes has bcen^ with the were hold wjth prizes for fastest Ways of' cutting down cnibgrass Kraft oijyajSny . Vine riponwl.-l'lill ot-flavor'.! Every We a i.po.«rtfwl.of plciisurni! Vf-Oil pressure should be in the 17) Shock absorbers: test, by for offering /scholarships and aid-company .since 1943 in engineer .speed which was .clocked with a arc to fertilize the lawn in- Sep- : \: ••• stop'watch; best time on obstacle lember and avoid close' cutting of id'-f;VnKe'""'oiV "tho iridicntoi" and 1 dn\'inK over lough • jhg. in the nurse recruitment pro- ing, sales and administration. He Cheese Slices K 39' was narnTRlr~EitstCTrr~Kcftrpri—Mt>n-- foaurse. and slowest time across the lawn, the agricultural agent hold steady under acceleration. \ road, flanking gram. 1 Escarole "A 1 ager in March, 1954,,and headed tree basketball court without stop- points ,out. But those.suggestions " 2) Tiro wear: i_necK uolll the lillMuuiin d shoi'K The speaker declared that one 1 -HMWWcr snladw : il uf cvOrjy 10 poruonu will plont —oporationn •—at,. Sparrow.! nr'i.' li^lpfi'il. only ' fnr ; nrVf yonr's outsido ami- inside out'e.r" «ising';i 18) r.nui'ne (•omparlmenl: lift hoo'd 1 Senior winners were Carl Mor yaiti care. Bleu Cheese ~IH7 """: •.:.;•' •—•.•"; ? ™-^ quire hospital care" during the Point, Mel., Linden and Burling "for cuts and-'undue .wear. Tread and check, for unusual amount of coming year and this, makes i ton, N. J. and Philadelphia. Befor ..pattern's-should bo-even across-tho/Jirt.'wrimc or caked oil residu'e, mandatory tor eve.rywiertn~be~in^ •becoming • acting~~comptroHer—h lire, inditatii'ik proper wheel al'inn-i" if) Tni.nk:. open trunk' for ap- Merested" in having the hospitals was'chief auditor for the company nienl. \ , . • | pea'i'a-nce and examine the spare .stalled'with qualified nurses. The new comptrollel'. is a^mem Ji) U.nholslery and• "general an'- '.ire /or cuts and breaks, She asserted practical nurse ber of the American Institute o PAINTING & DECORATING per ranee: interior should not be-l JO)- Body: ".rain gutter: over top .arc-becoming more Important.onch Management, the American Ord" OVEN ~ll n.d U 1-y-so i ledi^ojM ()|;i) ^Sc;yr,co v year,, and that the. time may comi nance Association and the Na ' 25 Years' ^Experience .' Ib. may bo ah iniuVation of the pre-'" dnw-u" the-^ide'of the car t'o make " ' "T • 1 % , \vben practical nurses 'will d> tional Association of Cost Ac READY vious uwner's- cyj'e. and pr'idi. > but sure body metiil is smcioth-!' A wavy much dt the wofk'"an3 "graduat "eooHtants;— -f- ESTIMATESlCHEJRFy LLY can also hide .bad rips iind'stains gutter or side panels ai'c the re- nurses will serve fri..supervisorj Born in Du'luth, Minn., Mr .Liipacities, Miss Freise-praised th Hughes attended the University ol The king of roasta! No finer beef at any price course in practical nursing of- Minnesota. I ferod each year at Thomas Edison LANCASTER BRAND "U.S. CHOICE" r^-Vocationa l=Sehoolf=El izabetlu -JiOU- Jiav.e__Jiv£iL • in Unio ^243-Walhut_AYe,- CRariford 6-0989 •The program was in charge of County since last November 6 i PITTSBURGH lir. Kenneth C. MncKtfjv and Dr and in ^Cranford sinte* this-past I • Fletcher "Gilpin introduced threi June 6*— register now—and-vote. I-- I TlmTTdnficiiii -tTcifl"lray thi>r->veckend4 -Fine • Stays While OVEN READY Brushes Easily • LEG LAMB Dries Overnight i , (3 in one combination —^ roast, chopK.. stewi Cleans Easily I The qtinlity of Pittsburgh Archi- tecturnl Iinnmc) ennnot he jtjatched for intcriof wpnidwork Bacon an3 trimnicHK^KuIVl^ccl UttccTirn{|*~'""" .Gloss pive tieautiful finish . .,." Hi-H^H-. won't yellow with time and Tustc O'S»'« Kecmomy I'uU. repealed' gallon Fish Sticks '."-Sic? 69 Salami Jumbo Shrimp ';[»> ALBAN-LEWIS k Franks Housewares.- Hardware Lobster Tails"' Ib. 89 Fillet - 12-oa. •••/ Gadgets - Gifts Pike Fresh - Water 65 Salami "-:—Free Delivery on $2.00 or More Boston 109 IN. U IN ION AV E CR" 6-0066 Mackerel Salami

-... .„.,«....,..,,. .-. \. FEAWkES "CHEERFUL EARFUL" Augutt It Saving Seatqn Virginia tec BLUEBERRY at your Ford Dealer's. . Rap; a deal while he clean . rvi his decks.for the '57 modcla,

..— - •••<• - -•- trade 20 minutestof your time Red Label ^ IMump, luscious blueberries . • • tender Blue Label flaky crust - Sfl 00 $fl*00 for a saving of hundreds ? c A k" (P • • °ranKn' 49 16-ox. ^#%.IV.E Chiffon _ Cans Cans Rich In the flavor of fresh 6 7 ! Stock up NOW at this low17-oi. I jer put off the fun of a Ford Test Drive insulation under the hood, under the roof, two. WeTl show you the deep-Mock Y-like Butterscotch"" Dircifrsli eels He Looks4 in donr and.body panels—the most insular engine design which enables Ford engines Cans I k»OW. it lUlta yQU WHITE fni- n airtfllo riny in any car'ai a»ywlfcrc near rurtl'! •rtvtakc it. under absolutely no obligation. And it may low price. Now—what you've been waiting [or.. Tender Danish with tcrnptinc butterscotch save you literally hundreds of dollars— 16-ot." Ever notice how a man looks \Vhen he la'kes lt starts, in fact, the instant he slips into touch ol his toe to the accelerator and the • Sonic (ifhcr tliitiRs that contribute to tliat How can yoit save huiidrcds of doBars by we'll get to that a little further on. Supreme Poppyseed Vienna Cans the wliccl o! his new Cadillac and heads lor the driver's seat and rests his hands on the car answers instantly to the command. Just smooth, silent, luxury-car ride, arc things taking a Ford lest Drive? Hy a lest Drive we mean more than a which Ford's leading competitor certainly Simply by proving to yourself that there his lavoVite highway? wheel. Those deep, soft cushions hold him a nudge of his foot on the hraking pedal 1 1 can't boast: I!all-|oirit suspcnsj^i with really i'.t a fine car in the low-price field, , BKEAD s 19" in perfect comfort . . . and he is literally oiucarouiulthc-lildck. "spin. . wide base control anus for better steering, Take a good look the next time yon have ami the car comes to a smooth, safe, We waul you ti> test the power that more stabilized wheel alignment . .'. shock You sec, the reason a Ford does not cost It's "Nal'1 SanilU'ich Month I" GOOD-N-CRISP SWEET a chance—and we think you'll see a /nippy surrounded hy . heauty, and luxury. silken stop. roikeicd I'ord to a jl)0-iiii!e stock car record absorbers that are nfouuicd to the frame hundreds of dollars more than it does, is Even he I ore he sets the car in motion., ;il Indianapolis . . . riic GO that won the rather than the body.. Ford's huge production and ihc huge 22-ot. "Now listen CHIEF, if you lived'in the. UNION COUN- man! Sound wonderful? Well; we sincerely Ki'.md prize at NASCAR's Uaytona Chain- volume which we Fnrd Dealers sell. "Sui'c." vou'll say as you drive along- the TY AREA ol NEW JERSEY, Wm..L. SCHROEDEH .There's.just no mistaking the pride and some of lile's care and-worry seem to go urge you to come in at your first con- iiiniiiliips. We want you to feel how this Hut chough of ibis talk. (Ionic in- And Jar 1 l-'iiitl MIII pays oil in yoi/r kind of driving: road, "reels pretty good—but alter all, this V" do the driving iind the talking. Bring SARA LEE FROSTED FOODS— •\vould n^ake it hot Jor YOU nl! winter. They are mod- satisfaction that show in his face . . . or out ol hui day. car is

..:.:•>.••••/•••>•.•• ;•:.-.•.••:/•

TWO , ,/ • ;.-.

Foo r ThreeW i-* •/ ews KENILWORTH -j- Life Scout r^-—^L-.-J, • Alex,Vannauket\ son.of:Mr. and Mrs. A. H.-Vapnaukcr of 53 South 18fh street,. has^ arrived at Phil- No Candy-Lovers mont Scout .Reservation, Cimma- Residents' Champions of Little League Play AmonA g ThesTh e TThieveh s Pet jon, N. M., for a thrfee.-week i;ound wrKMLWORTH ~. An unde- of horseback riding, hiking, cook- Ma'yfciir Brand Name Award Winrier always gives you, brand, names you Know and Trust. Here's diillki M cigarettes ._; were .stolen 'when, nature' study, trips artd testing' thieves broke into cigarette, .and- KENILWORTH — P,et marJcsmanship oh the rifle range, \ proudly. QFG Top Ouaiity Meats'. They're guaranteed to. please or your money back. vero held Friday, at both the •Mc- ' Scout -Vannauker, a member- of candy machines at the.. Rome- Cihley' and" Michigan avenue, fields Foundry ' -Company, ; Michigan post 82 sponsored ' by the Com-. pen of, the borough Recrea'tidn Conri"- mlinity Methodist /Church; is'one Permission avenue, early Tuesday, police. missibn, it was Antjounced .today. 1 FOR THE BEST IT'S HUNT'S ZESTY ALWAYS DEPENDABLE qui) repprt.\\ '..; • • / ' , ' . ' .of an ' eight-man group- from • the , GARWOOD — fiorouch Council KENILWORTH 4- The Board of. ,by Mrs,' Adolph Leikauskas, di- Anthracite. Council of Hazletqn, YOUft CH6ICE DF TOP QUALrfY-FAMOUS : hel( Education Monday night withheld Sgt. Thomas Npvillc and' Pa^ ector. •' ' ' •. • ,. Pol received and approved act

! /. •

• •;'•-/

•''• : • I •,-.:••••'- - /i 5NAND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. AUGUST. 16,4956 . -.' '/. ' ' ''Page frlyfe. \ •

Nations, is for mobilizing public Wnited opinion. • .....;-•• '; ^ If. this influence.through mobil- Henry Cabot Lodge/ J r.rtT5. Representative izing opinion can lead to practical results — can bi'ing to a halt- ag- to the United Nations, answers your questions . 1 gression i n;Korea.,and can produce An '.- (Follawing' is the second -h a series' of qi«>siioii and 'answer the. liberatibh of -15 American BUSINESS DIRECTORY columns concerning t)ic Uirited Natio.fis, submitted by Mrs. C. C Al- fliers —we.have grounds for hope •I FU\PID REFERENCE TO RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES burn, Crdnfard chairman for the celebration oj United Nations Week. that, in the long run, it».will also October 21 ;to 27. Answers were prepared-by Henry Cabot 'Lodge, Jr., help to forge a common sense of United States ambassador to the UN,) „• ' ,. right and wrong the world, over and thus to lay a solid foundation. k AUTO DEALERS * * DEUCATESSENS * LAWN MOWERS * REAL ESTATE ''' Question • for lasting.peace. "- •'.""• SAVINGS BuTTTThe IOS, J. GUKEB the" past decade. -COLONY-DEUCATESSEN- -LAWN--MOWERS. only recommend, how does it get Did the-help of other United KIAI^KBTATI • anything done against. war . and A dramatic proof of how iheNations members in Korea amount Vour Authorlie4' " Complete^ 14n«'o< SHARPENED; to SERVICED. injustice? •"; . ' Pnited Nations can mobilize world to. anything worthwhile? • , DKAtER - . INMDRAXO • ^»rr>cJR« R«J Estate For Sale \ Real Estate For Sale Help Wanted - Femde A COMfl-tTE BKSnCK FOE - CRaniord 'G-5442 , ' j - furnUhM Room: opinion against war and injustice Answer All Cooldii* at iBaJtlnc Dona on Premlw. , Oi All Kind* , . - . CLASSIFIED- B(ATES '• - ' ...... _ •:,::• . • •-. •'.•'• •' •' •'-•. • -•. - .•,--;• i •. , it-:;- CHAMI s^oxKEEfEf?- >*•*»- Answer came when our 15 fliers were . Yes. They contributed the.eq'uiv- ALL' BAVKM OF ALL AO» 17 'll' ForKent • >• 12 N. Union Av« CRanford B-01SB '^. CRanford 6-4906 111 Norlh Av.., W. - CBintord «-!B»« •Utt • The - United Nations has dem-fi'eed from imprisonment, in Redalent of two divisions. '.Two di- '-•l>4'>...:_ onstrated in the pftst 10 years that- China'. "This ha'ppenbd after the visions at World War II ngures IOHN W. IIEINS 4 SON it gets results mainly in two ways, United Nations General Assembly cost $G00 million a year, which LIQUOR STORES • ,. \^4 It/ ^ya'stae ' • ELECTRICAL • «8TAT» Slirst, it is,' in, the words of th^•passed a resolution'by'47. votes to doesn't look bad in- Comparison »'. ;A*»»'***-'I. By '-J*;** 5, demandine that they be freed / and ..-'•. United Nations Charter, "a'center with"the $10.1 million- a ye.ar Sali-a and Service CONTfiiACTORS tNSUKANCE for harmonizing 'the actions' of — thereby rnobilizing the opinions which our United. Nations mem- ' . Ports — Repair ••" , COAGl-l and FOUR of the wpi'ld so strongly that the #1 \ ^ ClUniord 6-0T7* nations".— a place in'which to bership- costs- us. Measured by the WEstUeld 2-1098 Chinese Reds "found it expedient far graver arithmetic, of human Ifuureti Savings — Home - Loan* .( W'. NORTH AVENUE AT STATION PLAZA j;i.lk..things over and to work out 5T6 North Av»., E. Wbsifield BooltTxrd »*. Center, KenU«rorik '.At* '.'fc^.fi• *< **• solutions, The- framers '.of thteo free our men. In this action the life, the other members'.contribu- THOMAS BENmATI • • CO 1 ; • ' CHuilcrd «-W0O ' • f i • i' i-i t-' -!* Ivf *" CRANFORb United Nations accomplished tions- meant 17,000 casualties, in- charter knew that such a center ELKCTHICAL YEAKEL and SHAREEY. is as necessary" in international something which no national.gov- cluding over- 3,000 dead. LAING MOTOR CAR CO. But Jersey n«»r Bread, KlUmbttb ,. BUubeth 8-SSOO WIHES AND LIOUORt Seal EitmU politics today as an airport in In-ernment cou}d/" probably have done The contributions of other Your Authprtted •' • CONTEACTOa • :€•• • • -. as 'well for itself. , - - ' •countries would have been bigger Morlk Wd ne»r Kim, Und»B. .. • tti • -• ' anted ternational travel. Cranford > WoBtUold - Plainfield . Second! the United Nations gets Another, experience which prov* and .would have Included troops CR. 6-2414 WILL BE ed the same ihin£ came after the INDUSTRIAL ,*}RINa '' BREEN'S. w Male or Female - results' tlirough its .huge-influence from "still other nations if- we; had CADILLAC VGB. CHOICZ H'OIOS. Hi — its power to ' mobilize public Communist agressiorv in Korea,, had then.the right policy ^n sup- BICYCLES UQUpR STORE -VlCCilTV ' opinion all over the world. This, The Security Council/recommond- plies for jjuch troops. We proposed • REFRIGERATORS * ed that membeVs of the United CRanford 8-1999 c»ii . CLOSED FOR VACATION influence,, in fact, isf. much morp- such a policy to-the United Na- ' . / • .. • Call CRnnford 6-0150 effeptive" than legal' ' "powers!" "Nations send military help to thetions in 1954, at President Eisen- SALES and SERVICE CRANfORi) CYCLE & tOY •nt.-t. which, are a dead letter; unless they Republic of Korea. It was only a hower's direction, and the General • CO., INC. «Bb North flth St. *; . K.allworlh 21 N. Union Ave. Cranford VAN'S CRANFORD ELECTRIC jj» yi^ mi*! YO KUJILD, rj-S'*^/ '^f «ii]« from recommendation., None of theAssembly accepted, it.. Under this Columbia — Mottwk — CoUon Authorised t>•>***• '. Real Ks'xrte . . are supported-by world opinion. Phone; PLainfield 6-2241 members were legally obligated lo policyv in any future collective ac- Roadmasler • ' •. , FR I G I t) A I H E . •1/ ii v. ,' 15 Aldtn Strt*1, 'ijid toot) t 110-131 E. 5(b Street. ' PUInSeld ETJDGE S SPEED BICYCLB8 Hoom and Hoard This reliance on influence, in- do a thing. Yet 15 countries be- tion, against aggression, a United '. SCHER'S Baled jb Bervlee Korti) Av«., E. CKurjtord •.•.'• CE «-77TT , • for Complete "Kepidrt - Ptrtt - AoeeuorlM V' . \ stead of on legal "powers" alone, sides ourselves, sent troops. That, IB NOE1H AVE W. CBBUford fl-HIP FLORISTS v- y-"." '••-• f'/Sjfttl'i. /.HI) SIDJK.O' FRIDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 17 Nations member nation which is ' Service Dept'J:' 134 E. 4th Street' • U . LIQUOR STORE CRmHford 8-0183 . " fcg. & " "' is the new fu.ndamental^.develbp-r shows what a force the United willing to- send troops but can- DEHMERS .'No Ch»r»« for Delivery . ' It ALOF.N ST. - CRANFOBD *rwlt _ —._ CR .Edit* S*snck ^.—, CB J-M08 not pay their way, can get the.sup- NORM? CHEVROLET. Inc. • fitljLDING * ^ CR Ll Old Cl? tVtii plies and- services it needs from FLOWER SHQP CaU CR 6-2942 I H*>ft - fLOWKWS FOU other member notions'. Thus if an- AnthorUed - CONTMIACTORS 104 W.ltiut An. Cmafiir'a ' cu«f."Mfri. •othor international' • EVEttY OCCASION SERVICE WEEKENDS —Mcuto- v, T. D: t jrri',-j'<» irl/ll'.il. should arise requiring the use o BUILDING STATIONS U Bjoy troops, all, nations could contribute CKanford 6-10S2 101 N. Uniou Ave. ' Cmuford LUMBER '•>*>• manpower more,;, nearly in ' pro- " ' *"'"*' '•"••*•/'*• -*"''.',} -. W«lc taJlcd dARPENTHY WALT & JIM'S .i, M-vv. , portion to their population.' LARGE JOBS OR SMALL PhA.CTICALLY ULT-V.' APPLY AT ineverytooml Question ..'•'• BtDtLDEBS' GENEBJU SUNOCO" SERVICE "i« ...... JJW ttVl TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 THORLEIF JOHNSEN REE E ME IE R'S Can .the United Nations prevon SUNOCO PRODUCTS . • GP.ASS IS 7/O'PJ.' 'SALES * StUVJCK CUiuford D-0S13 - < FLOWERS. Inc. JSUPPLY, CO. • JJKATJJJO. ~ Jl : fc another world war from, evei WEDDING A FUNERAL Lubrication npd Washing ri»'.'.>i'. irv/v l:C!"^L7 i^Iwi "'«££' ^«v • Wantedr-Female happening? . . " , _ Complete Pitrta Department — WOUK OUU SPECIALTY •' Lumber Tires - Butteries - Accessories i'liljir/fi J (>- Member ii Ijrfxs.iuyX Ti'.MiV... li.lfO bain.' tpacioui Jronl v/OWAN v,u,'if< 1^ jr-cry .-A.orK. v.a^hinj YEAR-ROUND Answer ' Building IVJaturlnln 109 South Ave., E. CR G-9701 Norlh *bd Central Aven. Weilfleld . A. 1AIONE FlorliU' Telomnh Delivery Ain't). Iiv\v-i fora C-32M. As President Eisenhower said, Mlllwork ' Masons' Mnterlnl* ; Apartment For Rent the United Nations is still the 2-0220 ' General Contracting 106 Walnut Av«. CR 64700 "Everylhlnr For The Home Owner" jifHAl.r UHlVKV/AYti,. KTUtrm PAHT-TIME STENOGRAPHER. leC * SHOE REPAIRING • - AI'/iKTMRNT :i )»'»> ('/'., 'all MJIIJIU fiij -dirt, dflv*rv/«yK »>yjjiiv«l*.d. .JOont AIR CONDITIONING world's best hope for peace. Its d.-rrc•-><>• ••" »7!i ^i i iW Kit '"!'• J'/t>pn 1-. Brat to. " PH!I S SENECA BOAD CRANFORD B7 Utr/iuy Av* , IJI " ' r . ft ... S- C .0- t t C C". record shows; if is on the'-righ Ecrceru - FloorlnB - PalnU 25' v * FOOD MARKETS * /.;i/w»- 7T7~~CTZ7 "c"'r"3 " fall - track. Like our cancer' hospitals, i REILLYOLbSMOBILE EXPERT SHOE i« U CRanfqrd iS-0554 Appliance! TEJJ5VIHJON Call — hay not-yet found' the cure — bu — Inoorporated — REPAIRING txrvl a/>d /»»V-»l t«rvK.-«! tuii lUo Oprn daily J-9, Kat. 9-5. Sun- 1-5 is advancing riioudlly in—tts Authorised CHAS. KURTZ MARKET CRanfor'd 6-0505 • ttlJHtX itfht KUirl' K*nd»l)< •••• '•- CR B-fWM O Ll) B O.UICK SERVICE ,-IH-kt struggle to remove the causes b Sales & Service Nuning Service Wimf.iKl Stewart •' • CU «-75.i4 Work Wanted -Male CUOICE MEATS A FOULTKX SSS Ceutennlnl Ave. Cruuford LOUIS i Henry Vtrrefitrault - CR e-'10SM) • ~'~ cHorGETisfii^s •..:•-; Work Wanted Ma -WEBtnoid-a-ipsi—-r--T-- CAMERAS ' • KKW1J.V/O)I7'J H TKEKH THIUMKD AJJri. HKMOVKU Hrilh,...:.... .••.'•••••• CIl C20«2 ,1AS0.*»", pla-sttrir.e. alterations. Jordan. HAS OPENINGS IN ITS NEW . QROCEIUES, — FROZEN SHOE REPAIRING Vtttil, •" ' V/ood («r Bui* 220 Soutn Avenwc Eajf-t,- CHan/orri 5«0 North Ave., East, WosJIioId 22 Aldon St. "CranlordT" CRAHFORD .AMD • SUBURBS 6-tol. • • ' . ' tf i — projector* J(/^ll4-i C»l!J Precaution .for Motorists Every thins. Photographic- CRanford 6-0392 . -. STANDAHD LUMBEB --—bEHGX- --ancJ-DETE-R-Il^G— JiflJUSEWOKK — .Wjj.Kir.g walls, j win rUotoBtutlnK li'lIYI, i,l • /I.V;it.7. Venetian bllnov.; aiM> SHORT HILLS STORE One should hot wear a- long, loos* ROTCHFORD JPONTIAC. PasBpott Photoi 24 Kortb Union Ave. Crmlord , & SUPPLY CO. H'/uf* Uloutiy 'ttnu Real Esita.te ,.jc Insurance" ofSK £>:'pc-riericc-d. WEtlfii-id necktie or any other loose garment TAILORS GET THAT SATISFIED' 1 LCMBBB UKHA]lUJi_I'i,UMJIlNU ANU' HKATINO.. CH.ir.luia tl-KiW) "" TH-K—H'->MK-OWMEJJ—LOOK. !....:.... a The whole family will enjoy when working about, ah automobile , Authoriied UILLWOHk yV^tv; lii-a afiij:l|bli| liBlgKld ((Ill-iJl liili J'Vil-. I!'-'" A'".K'/»l. >! :!'/ A '"' 3" North- -Avenue^ Hs*bt. Crartlord-- AND GLEANERS toil tni-/l-'r. nothlnt; Ilkir II- • . • nlGH~SCHOOlrSKNlOR tvishes -eitiplf/J RESTAURANT .more relaxed, hfe&fthfill, quiet engine, It is always advisable to Center Marked, ' ; try it ;III<1 I>I-C_— merit, any type. -Call .'CKanJiird b-Kifffi .. P O"N T'I AC - - -."' OPKN KVENlNGSi - - •top. the.engine before raising ttt« Prlma Meats and Poull^y « Kitchen J lund-ofJMngJ : : Vlmtn'I'v 'H'/'UI *-.™^ «' M.»ili«/» Bl.KCTJtlCA'1, KKltVICK --'.Uunlcl J. • ' K;JI«'H I eri0n/itl "II It> Food Wo Save' It" LINCOLN BUIJ//K, WwltaM -V/fctllM-M 'i Mil- i, A Jiurn- :;CE A HOME'-- Henry A. - Di'U-rintf ' ChiirlcrCh.irlira: We Wt«nl C - Ooollrui M>unu i, lii.-i'iiM.-fl Help Wanted - Male 5 DAY WEEK.:' ly important when one is about to FREE OELTPEHY" Clock* Unpaired ili! Aye , rkmbkierPrtw; cause with the engine running the Paint and Body • Hardware. Scratsiu •' ' • EXTEltT, WORKMANSHir L CAltl'KNIX/l - CCJNTHACTOII —' till- hiitii, HUH iniini, llri.-pliitf, 2-(.«r u«r- TWO- iind THKEK-HEDKOOM uplll Icv- * CHILDREN'S * htmilteilulii, CKunlxrd H-47U7 U Alutlols U''J lUrpullll pt-rlcncc nircessiry, E-Y Reproduction 100 N. Union Ave. Cranford tlolis U'i'J •'iiiul only illi.lWO. i-li*,, tturjixtr*. n^.-rciition roortts. Jennie Stryltc and Supply. 210 South'Ave., E.. "cleaning—clotb~ot—waste~:m*y—bi- Cleaning « FreanliiK • Alteration! W«utli«r TuVlor,'.broker, Clta'nford 0-0(173. tf . , NO SUNDAYS ; caught in the fan blades, belt, or GOOD WILL USED CAH3 ul -IMMUllli) Of I'll Ulll'ill till Crantord. '.' ' M CRunford 6-0508—2467 K. NOHMH- fel/j;» Itf/iiU !• unr. JienUtl§_ SEE A BUNGALOW••"-• CHAUyoHD'fi TOP IXlCATION. NORTH TAXI DRIVERS, 6tw>d reliable-iiR'n who pulley with the'result-that the hand On Ladle*' and Men'i OnrinenU -' l/iiKlvo xf/O'*"".• -...-. •;• -STEADY EMPLOYMENT PLUMBING • HEATIN© • REPAIRS 4SS NOBTD AVE., E. WESTFIELD FUEL OIL , nin-fMWxJi.-a .KIBE NOMAHKGAN PARK, nl/riort arc ttMkina H>' Steady work. • Apply is drawn into contact with thona IODY M A IJ>.A. I VV. M-ui/i Wlrl"t Hoiiiiv) Ui'juU. N J KrrrAix von Xi.t," nrr'An'toNH "" rnrv7' IJTII'R" "front, ip'lt ,leyBt:~"piytnit Ilu' Hint Hum. -I Ix'di'i'iii.ia iiml liiv on •"sSirfiVouah's Taxi.. lOSMitn Street, or moving partt or thrown against a 01 ITI|h Street pmnford lfnf!(fli"U, UKHWIAI. (JAItl'fcHTilV urid CAHINKT lic.it ,1'irui; lot ;iil(l liiiiiniv. room v^ith fireplace. dlr/lnK roum.kiu-h* 36 NORTH AVE., E. CRANFORD 6-1320 WE 2-3700 Complete tine of orHUtjt/utl'/Vi - /hftII«, 47(1 lioulli ^v«,', •J55ST (July *l 1,200. • * UPHOLSTERERS 'Hunluifl I! W'J'l-. ' ' • .1/ ktuiiv, Moiiiii-ih, \>im:\\tiu, ri-i.-rijul ACCOUNTANT — JUNIOR —:...: , Aulhoi'liod- —.--..- r ATTENDANTS l unti uttn.: MJCIIIH. k.u[ii:rily - done by Mtfi'eirMiT'fiiie-Ht-.^-tr.-iek aluminum v.m- 'ERMANE.NT p»Mti "> -tor .\.-nurie;man in UNION COUNTS' BUICK CO, Headquarleri For Carter*! ESSO HEAT — FUEt OIL MOVING and -KIW/UII) IJII(II';II, CHuiil'iKl II 04.111. ti-liOOM CJOLQNIAL •- ' r-dow.h ;inil door, '.vc-riell;in- hlmdh. luli iiiet.il' wArliiMii, iiianufaciurlnis firm. CHANFORD I.Kdl'JH In . llii' Jli'4itlirriinr;i Wl N'irl»i Av» IJiirtrn v/l.util, 'Milirfn, iii-v/ IU tiiii-ti, liinuCH, in .i w(ti't wi Ilu "- ' "' CitanloMl •11-0058. - - ' i.rcotmti-ne work. Ca.ll SUnset,'9-1121 (lll.Ti'lll. 802 North Ave., E. Crtnford |,III mi7. lllYI-l:, Illill 111- W b.i'l.Vlri'ti MlullllltMl. Al • i.Mr. H,iissj for interview upjiolntnient. (Male) _ .Upholstering Si Interior. Decorating lilillni'i' I'l IIMlUnlllli.l WlllllU I' "Mil 'f- . 'E :i-ljf(llo>nn. 2-story Oil- J>IJ»II yiti>»yt ill U u in •wil II'IWI.IN'J AI.l.K COAL mil) dovera - Furniture Hapaliw " I'.lrrli l'i -:, I !1i'lVlri:, i£4 Mui: Al'tliiir AVf. onliil, 10 .y.rain old, ' uoijrl I'o't.dltlom There's nothing quite like MONEY Ultiu M'J'II I n I'.IU Inn Drapca - Shades ('*'»»l .I'uii'l K' CHimluMl ll-Illllll. ' t :-n: AN y HOME M'rel-ned |KJH.h, liri'pi.u..-. I '.-, b;it 2 BUS BOYS Uiifil'lli-. nli.i-l.v IJIIKIV.I ;iprd, ri^Hlen' .. Mlirdv/m*. '140 Avi , (Jurv/ou wild ill 1 Uiu •iiifini .fur urin.-loiin IIVIIIU. 4 REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. . CRanford 6-0893 north»lili' ne.-ir llonsevelt School. Cflan- REEL-STRONG FtiEL CO. I- 0 li^'i TK.I.I'.VmiON .AND' .I'M ANTKNNAH hi'ilhiiiii.i'., IIIIIIIITII kllilirn, 'iliU . llonrn No Night Openings, . _ ; carefree vacations Authorised Dependable Friendly-Service Since .1B3» IfO Roatb Avt. B. . OnafaN •INh'l'Al.l.l'.IJ A/1IJ irKI'AIUICll. ' Wi. llnii uul. .ill htul, III-III I'UKh St-hnBl, IJn lord h-va\. .'.'.. ' ff ft'ill,. l^i in r" I' i» n-i-ii»«l. •"•'' ||iiui,ii|l<-i'|l •;.|lV«»iiii,ilili; • 'IUU-O. N- Uiln hiimi- accumulated bills • ' • - • B U I C K _ PMR* - Decortajng mill in ill 'IV Hi-In 'I IIIJI:» i.hi-i:lli-il I ROOFING - nl c -IIOIIH") v.ill hint yo'u •-- MOVIHK Bodlea LIBERAL BENEFITS Balei and Service Heating : coal - HEATING OILS - Co*. * - VENETIAN .,* l. H<.»l»'jl f ul int. Mil V. 4HKH T A < HANK I'uliiMlii/ ili.il IIM-iiiiitliitf 1.11,ml.,Ml li Illlll'l. . If .A body rrioMng Iri an orbit close Gutter* — Leaden — Siding medical and dental expenses GMC TRUCK SALES OU« . HENRY P. TOWNSEND S.-ill 'Wnliiill. Avi:., 'tv(. i:lluli|illfl ' 1 to W(r"SufTTfn^f«^TifOT'r~ftH~rn11rf BLINDS y.A'Jwn 'rnvn iwiwl IIIIU |t;l tf-trtlnn.tir* . - in lut :GO01> 'USED CARS CRanford 6-0900 Cull -n . per second) than one that Is farther bargain oppoi'fiuiifies______T _ CHanford 6-0900 PARKING-FACILITIES SIB N. Br«»d-St.~ -— EIl»bath_ MOVING A 8TOUAGB •,0<>(i»IM lAlihi'l |< Me ' IJIin. II I" II. MI:;IJJ/.KI. . I'liliilinu iiinl IIIIIHIIIIIIIU '"'•"" ""»••» I'C.it Huleiiriieri out. Thus, the greater centrifugal 'DependablerS'rlondly~Seoileo_HlneeLjlO?51 Cranford— home improvements : • : IIIU I'IHIIIII (.lliinfiiKl I) IMIfl. Ill Kll/u- 'blind In yi'iii L-IIIIIIH,. ni-11-i.-t your >rin- Uila IlrooUn :i CH fl-1500 force of the Inner body enables It - -EJLlwbeth- 4-3300 1 North Ave., E. Cranford vii'it liilfH' ,i.,l.,,l.//P'.lll II... i v, i./'ij llf-lll AVIrllUP, ClIllllOI ll tl '. 1'i.M-IAl. hi'C Mil- Hill l-l.ini.' wiilll.WU llll. unit CfioK *--" tiil20 MODERN •TPHOLSTERY-'SHOr- II.«,I, ,i*/;ii • AI.IP'I i." v-i'-1" r.iM i" Kin him n.'in' uUiili' in yiiui ilw-iir m to overcome the larger gravitaVJona) seasonal needs fl-ll40B Ul North Ave., W. WeitfJeld . >/ltl • I lU-T.I-ul '•• r.liliy WIM.IAM |K'ir.!||i:l. IIIII-III,i uiul V.l»- rhiuii.i-, \Mii'iulii. linn' it,nl III.II K tilli- Ki.U MlriBtll '..'...': « CH - pull of the Sun. •• ' • AIR-CONDITIONED BUILDING RANKIN FUEL CO. VenetUui Blinds ttil.ii I'ltliitlMi; ttlilllifl 11.1:1 liiniiip l'<> ulln i.'li.'l hpiihn. l.ill'^ h'u> vun.inl Si/1 Niunii cn 11-8467 Westfield Motor Sales Co. LOYELAND FUEL CO. b.iiuil HII|M I vlfluh yilp /-i.liinililii Avi" • any useful purpose Metered Service - Prompt Dellverlei **iutom Quality Brand* AVr , .Uliliili. Mlll'ilm.h ll-llll.ft. ' ,tl OoiII 'K,,/.,;,,,,, .. . _ WK 2-»>0l:lt /tmhorued Dlitrlbutor WEsliield 2-4464 lint:-, i imilmil Cull (.11.mi.ml il :IVIr- Allierl J. Dii'vlra CIl «-50fll - of - rUEL OIL II Good Advice Authoriied CHanford 6-0893 I'lilU'-t Ali'inl IIIII Ulililuny Arnold Vr«cl.und • CH 0-2000 .Ein|)loymcnt Office now in- new store, corner of OIL BKJENKR SERVICE ' •' U.-1 "Americans should walk mor«, Genuine — ISO Ftnuth AVB.. K Cctnfort H/Jli.l'. ,|i'iiy.i..O / l.ll' I...... I II MI.IINl'K A~ h'.lfJ; •li.lll'i lIV IIHl.1 lil'i- ait le»«." And thug regain the won- River Roaci and Morris Turnpike, Short Hills Call CHanford G-0834 ,.1II I... \ ( |l,.l,l.,Ml I) I 1D7 "iii.il Him.i li I'lilNllnii' imil Ilu • 11 ..iui»i t'i I'l 'ill Hill |i.i....'l ll.V,. W.ll. l hi II!I:HM. I/ 9:30 A, M. - 5:00_PpiI. / SALES SERVICE M. A. Williams liutfi- H ft< M '"••'I' Iji-'l". f-'Hmiliii'l lined (Uirn for Sale MAKVHI wilAl.liY WK 2-i:i7 SCHROEDER get with a Union County"trust PERSONAL LOAN. Low rates, tool SHERIFF'S SALE |i lijin 'i-'llnuM'Ml i) I'lim il Superior Court of New Jerney LEH1GH OIL CO., Inc. t NIr f jl Farts and Repairs Tho i / • ' l TESTWE FINANCE, xopi APPLY IN/PE'RSON -'(i'NLY / Chaneery Dlvlaloii PAINTING and DECORATING At -i itl«'|-H nh MI'.AIII'lA-Alh il ../ in'iil llllllMUtI I,dii l I IHIIINI'.'v. Wr |HI,I il. IIIII-K ..II - ' . Union County "Scrtisfactloi/i Qudranteed" 1 ,—.JC« 1928 • y '• JUST LOOK AT THESE MONEY-SAVING $$ and Used Cars Cranford Watch Hospital t,\ nli.' hi-V' 1'i.pi- tin-'i-. XDUII/I/ ^^^ • I I,•di'il.ii i Iinll»n v. l WW*.|»u.-il'.I i Anii-Hlii.!" II '' " MllMi-'-l / Ami. o '' " Inlereil 24 monthly Docket No. F amK KK l-l K.ih.Hi J aii'.K 'i i'i i Rulerx Wanted t Walnut Ave./ Crmford EXPERT OIL BURNER SERVICE AI noiviii .iM/nn • ' J. - ^ ^ . Nol* for 24 mot. You rtcelv* payment! WEstHold 2-1038 THE BHOOKLYK N S/yVlNQSy/ / BANK, A - Carpentry and Alteration* \\VO LlVi:: AND'.I'LAY Bnnklne CrportioCorporationn oV thethe- StatState of DlhmondB — Watchcn — jewelry rill-, WIIIIM it• ll *illllLfill llt'Mtl^'^ .,I..mi,.Iiiii .. &k'lr%yv,\« I'Ic I II,,. . Hi.'. M-.|ulii-il Wl'lullii'lil a .11127 * FtMNITtJRE .-..*. I ,|H ,ly.- II KN.IIIV Mi"' l!'l It lillrlirii mid lilni'lti' OVER we are underlings. • C|vll A«tlon Exooullon—For Sak o( In,111, TVJREPAiRJr 40.00 .' ' .Mortr»(;«tl rreml»e»- •••--. >||II'II- v. Mh m iv mil Inn I'l.IIS ii I.'ill illli- -r^.-.-^--.*<«: -- -«-: •—Shafcespeare=- intf ••rri.mi,--||mul-i>l*ull....ULVj|!U^ii.'l».ii Will 'T,200 131.20 1,068.80 ' By" Virtue ?of "the iiBbve-Tttjitod—wa-lt. al- I-ADV nl'IM HIIYIMI WAMIII'll III-» 60 execution to .me directed'T nhnll cxpnstf llvittity Salon Furrier plrlini- wnnlow, wuoilhurnlnK i'"...i-"'.' Tru»l ih«—repairing of w <.--*.-.-r-«-j| ,,l II iiMin.ilili' i.Hi ' I llimliHil II 111711. lUKl-lliini 1.--... I.. I V 1 1.6B0 1.496.3Z 70,00' for mile by public vend.ue, In the Court 1 ; 1 183.68 Furniture & Appliances If there 1» a connection b*. WK HIM I' VI il' NI'.W l l)ll'l I'll! I'll.lln Ilillllillell'll. l-l'- ; you* TV ••!. only tt> House, In the City of Elizabeth,' N. J.. on ll l> in v MI linn pi,,1,1, .IIIIU II .1 i.l. Kverythlnr For. The Home ' 'I IHlVllAI. f IM11 TANK. In il.il 'nliiln liillli'll, tllnii III.nil- lulu ill|irt, mill ulllll-n. •i N[C[ ;:JI7.I:D numonM'.j YEARS Any amount up lo $2,500 — Yh«ie or* «xawpl«i only. ShorUr rtpoy- WEDNESDAY, THE 2&th DAY OF PLUMBERS tween diet and polio. Whllt' tfaay MlllHlU IIVI' ( 'Hilt- III IIM.I ',11 ' thoroughly qualified ex- Furnlturo — Appliances !,.„, pli-li- v»IHi imh Illllili. -Illlrli. ( l".i>ii'd._»"il iilii/.il A Kmi'lnui', till '2 Illi-il li-itlih. oni- »llh nlall --lu'V. I-I AUGUST, A.D., 10*0, Mi mil > •,,,!,.i. I III Wnliiill- A mtnt parlod If deilrad. Juvenile Furnlturq cannot yst tell you what to eat tfl ' j.,,1,,1 | BIIIIIII. MI.^..",-.I.II AHI.-.I'IIIII VV.ihuil Avi', I iliinlulil II 111711. l-,l) I,,I ilnuhli' .illlh'hi'il Uliliilti'. I'Xirl. p«rt«. W» arc staHad UN CRANFORD at two o'clock In tho afternoon of anld { II.nil.nil II-.Mil ' Baby Carriages •void It, they are beginning t* ||i,,-, Iliiln nl lull < Iliiiiluiil II :HIII day. BRENNAN & TOTE lent III-I|(IIIIIIIIIIIIII'|, i-oin.-iili-nl I. by factory - app'*ov«d ABOVE CHARGES INCIUDE LIFE INSURANCE TO COVER ANV UNPAID Roofing r. Siding Linoleum — Runs — Lampi li h'uiil »"iil llliiiikn'lde uniil.- m liinil. All that tract or parcel of land, situate, • OLfta hope that diet may possibly pro* IHNINI.I in HIM TAMI.I!; r.n.l null. I mi. Call For & lying ond belnc In the township of Cran- n fumsa — BEATIHO tachaiciani. •xcluiively. CRanford 8-5000 vide a futui* weapon agalmt th4 liu|jiin>. IKIIHI'III i niiillllim. hllih.-i Tutoring • Tin: MU::;T IMPORTANT Gutters - Leaders ford, in the County of Union and in the * TINNtNO Ini.i ,.,l,li,.-i j-l.ll in . .Iti.U mui > Delivery Service State of New Jersey: I'U'I'IIMIN'I Illuh H.IIIHII lin.l Cnll< Kl< STOP in at any of-our FIVE handy offices, phone CHanford 6-1000, ELIza- 8 Eastman St. Cranford Ilinni. I'llmiluiil » 11 tlj j BEGINNING on the southwesterly aide hi.h|i'i'l>. I HI,,hi-, 'I' i'lmli II A. 'YnlfM I-Lit )i u: IN TIII: WOULD CRanford 6-0269 —1-.I--H-.- idi- M,, -a:iu Miii 104 NORTH bcth 5-6600,- or mail ihe coupon NOW. You'll bo glad you did. All Work of PoruhlnR Avenue- ot n point therein 111N I'.T'I I'. ttf.T ti i in ' I'll., nl.. i" « Wi t V\ iMi '•••. I.iVK-H-V YC^JIi T-ICJML: distant 215 feet northwesterly from the i,-hHliml.II K. Kin.il..i ll . II II n CRANFORD z_.UNION AVE. • ••••••••••••••••IIMI«X**>lll* Guaranteed Intersection of tho same with the north- 200 South Ave,, K. Cranford Vl'll>« Hi*I Ulllll 11.1... .II..II. >iun iHllil This II <• 111. i •. II I.-.-Hull n'l lniii.uiiinir In FUNERAL • llni. ilrlluhilul -I tii-ilruiini rnlinihil I-'IIHI westerly ' side of Colin Kelly Street, . l.f - l.-ii.nin.lili. I-111 II'- I'/ii'l <'l>"' UNION COUNTY TRUST COMPANY said structa were extended to a point of HAROLD F. BENNER imil ii nii-»'i - || n|iiil|.'hh \Sltll lit li.'-tV .l.-i-iil lllluilH. RADIO SEAGER'S 100 South Avenue, E., Cranford, N. J. Intersection from thence runnlnu. 111 DIRECTORS . uction Sal ».ill lii wnlL r.iuii linn III llvluu iiiinn mill Incqrporntcd South 40 deureeu Oil mtnuteu West 100 Chapman Bros. iiiiijni: ii :i in.i m>. .it luin hiuf i til. liKABTMAN BT. DRUG STORE Without obligation to me, pleaie send forms and information about JOHN J. DI FABIO feet lo a point thence I2I North 4:1 de- Pluiublni: A IleKtllif Contraotorg II . illlnil I'.illillllim. I'll, .'.t-nl *'in ' 'I arees 57 minutes West 50 feet to* a. point Automobile Painting I'l,i,,,!,. 1,1 N 1 ill Mil- I' DOOIJEY FUNERAL SERVICE ill Si lllhll Jobbing; — Oil Burnom your loan icrvicta. I am inlereited in a loan for 042 E. thence illi North. 40 denrees 03 minutes Kant 100 ftW to a- nntnt In the- .south- FUNgEAX DIBEOXOBS Air Conditioning Authorized DUCO Reflnishing n Ilinu ..M In A M (kindly state general purpose of loan). ni'TIIIIMIO HKAHTIMUJKL'.N CRanford 6-1105 weatt'rly side of -Pershmir Avenue thence 'CHanlord 6-1320 . iiMlllll.Hl 'J iblit Ti-lii I huiiuhl'iiiv i.|illt Irvi'l Name. ;....'....-.i, ' ... -• <4I ulqni! the same South 4.'l deurecu !i7 Ptuuuti CRulord t-03M ,,,..1.1. Mu-I I,,inii II T.'11-i- K.nil nl .1 IH'IIIII' 1 hull ,ll- minutes East Rfl feel to .the point and 36 North Ave., E. Cranford WORK hi-l II-IIUI Floor Service »,,,, ,| niril nl .inMllllU I Inv.-ll the place of BEGINNING. Dulux Enamel Refinishlng .1 iiiuxnt-iK ill Hi.- niiiililinillnm llvlnu ' PrwuiseH are further known as No. 20-111 Nerth AT*., W. . Cnaferi . |.AllUl': I'lHIMH A fi'f Ciry... ..-. Penihlnii Ave.. Crnnforcl. New Jersey. New Soap* I. MVIN/.ICr. — l-'hiiir -u-luplhtl unit ro- 'IIIIIMI tllnlnii i...nil with I In .'-iilh.-.ll nl ri-ll- Street Welding — Truck Lettering III.'II. li.'.l iii.il.i.«J.it ••". Then' Is due approximately $13.11)4 01) ., ,,rl,l..lllll' I II,.Ml.II.I II IllllnllhiU III III,I linn,-. II »|,l-. lllll.V nnl .mil l>l.l'in- «IIII|II», M> lui Hi- lu|i-h B«tergent» which will wish cloth - 1 i M «n •' • m • M • Hi « i • • • with Interest from Julv 2. VOftll antlcohts. ( ll.inluiil (I i;i-l;i. Ill I'.ll/ulititli Avriun . .-i, ullh I'li'i-llli-. illihwimlii'l mui I».. ll t- III Pick-Up & Delivery Service The ShurlfY rescrVL's the rlRht to ad- •• In cold water, remove italnj CHANFORD .6-1111 Ciiiiilnid ' U 1^ pi. ..mil r In , w in Kill II • HARDWARE * u nn IIIIU ,i l.-w f.l.-|iN In Itir M lirillnnniti. journ this Kiile. ._ _. . without extra blsnchlng. ond make 606 SOUTH AVENUE, E. Dons 1or Sate ..II -inll.ilili- tin l^ln III-II usr '1'hr lll'ht ART SUPPLIES AI.RX CAMPBELL. SherlfY. fabrlrj moth-proof and mildew-proof Melville J. Berlow. Ally. III IM'1'1 IN II II till' \ U 1 1 In i >I.I A l.-v.-l ,1,-n »IIH lii.'.il Ini Hi' i Ii .II In • ACCESSORIES ' 1 with our specially equipped auto. Eliminates EDJ & CCC CX-12U-C 141 are among, the soap Industry devel' K i. I. nuli.,ll'-n 1 .,11 YOUn CAR PICKED UP Jumble Store v In Th.i IIMI-i l'j:i Inl Ih. .niliiiiuillr • CANVA8 BOABDS CRANFORD PAINT 4 1 FCHIS: $37.17 8-23 •| i i'»l'II IH.'IIINI. Ai'i.i'N'i i(•.••••••innt I llu- ili.nhl.' iill.iih.'.t uiii.H.1'. MI-II- liion County Trust Company opwenti predicted aooa. VACATION LOANS HARDWARE STORE -. i I,, , llll, I .i, , ,.11,-, i :• I .ill I..,- II.HMI , |,.- I li.ii r l.i-.-n luiils- •EASELS AND DELIVERED all inconveniences to our customers. Call us ATLAS POWEB TOOLS I ll.lllllllll II Illill III I lll.lll.ll'l II llll"- h-ii.-il t,i I'hl, .tun imil wntlhl lilt.- In h,i\l.- 142 Broad Street (Open Thursday evenings 6:30 to 8) • BRUSHES Mexloo'g Population Mars'** lopnolch car MBrvlce lot MIII i.i-in'il m\ ilrlluhllnl hinni'. ' Glii8« - Garden Tools - House Furnishings Store For Kent r ^•jijiii.piJm iii.wf The people of Mexico ar« com- bu»y peoplel Whenevar youir Oil and Water Color Plumbing Buppllei - Wallpaper 1- IOH W AlN t- r A \ 1 . 1 . >Id II today for al! your service and body require- Westminster Ave. & Prince St. (Open Friday evenings 6:30 to 8) I'.v rnini!*i Call Choose your own loon posed of the descen i. cur n«*tU attention, wliether Floor Binding Machine* Eyes Examined Piano Tuning Mli I.IUI N.-\ 111.- I II l» JUll MolNTYRE'S .1.1. .\|.|'l> ,'. Itl^ PAINTING SETS aboriginal Indlnns arid Span'lardJ llii only 8 chuck-up or B repair W.\ IA)ll K IMAINO 'I'UNINO tllll "• ii,,. i i ," ir . en ii ran Westminster Drive-In (Open Fridays 8:30 A.M. to 8 P.M. — /• Wai l.u.l 1' "111 and repayment plan.*/ ments. 104 South Ave.. E. CR 6-1870 |oh. we rjludly call lor snd ii.uiluu liv li'i-il|(iil»ril I'»IM'|I« livul U Ull.mi U A.I-.IIII I II II ITJ/ who colonlxed the country. Aztec lou Plunu lu Criiiilnul to Monday through Thursday 8:30 A.M. to 6 P.M.) ALL STANDARD SIZE and Mayan stock are absorbed In dullvor. Jtut phona tin, Ovif I'l.iilO ln>, Tlllll'IH ,11 Ml H.-h.llM.M H., ^__ Strictest privacy <—• no- Lawn Mower Shop -li> NI-I I h A\i'iiiln, Uol, VVoulllnUI ;. i:. HuWI.ANL) IiKAl.T.OH them.* - C«tm» of PoUo Truck ing -Hauling nioclern Hnrvl-CHr will bit »I 71S Elizabeth Avenu«ti;Open Monday evenings 6:30 to 8) PICTURE FRAMES DR. G. HINDMAN X»l*bllihe« IBS* ub -j mm tl red tape. Enjoy your vacation Though many people still believe ; H1.1.1AIU.K MvlVKIIS your door In a J Iff y I .ll|i|'ll l-Al'llll ^Ilil SlIllUll.NH IN STOCK that th« cause of polio 1» a mystery BALES — SEBVICK 609 Westfield Avenue (Open Tuesday evenings 6:30 to 8) Sud-nl Sct'urily bffit'f'its are an rAJftTS — WELDING 1 to the fullest — repay when you return* Laing Motor Car Co. si, iiuik r"ii.n> II 'ma I.I I-. A SI MAN. ST I IIANI'OIILI H-;vOOO impnrUmt resource to most of thejelence now hai a very good Idei Iliisincss Opportunity 100 South Ave., E., Cronford (Open Friday evenings 6:30 to 8:30) Optometrist Authorised Arrange ONE STOP service by phoning more than 8 million people whu ef what brings o.« the malndy. It 1J M ml 4IN10N-COUraX Cadillac & Oldsmobile Crdnford Walk-Up Window (Open Fridays 7:30 A.M. to Mused by the attack of viruses I'h,in. C'II.III RICHARD HARTIG arc now rccc-iviiiR regular monthly Rco-^-Eclipse—Exccllo 4J 00 Lost which enter the body cells and In 107 N. UNION AVE. jr90HP-M-flmH»>m-4-tft-ff40-P-M — M^ny though PA1NJ 8HOP payments, "fhese bencllts are also Many Other Famous UakM 30 ttay (ire III.I'l'. I'AIIAKl I--T. li.niilr.l Ni SALES and SERVICE tlTC'fuuinlation tki jura nerves by consuminog gvital • BEMVKRY 8KBVICE BU1CK COMPANY M.I.- IIIMl I ,-lib,Hill- llllll- 7;30 A.M. to 1:3Q P.M. ond 4 to 6 P.M.) ehemleali. AnA dt there is very ,l,,s . uWin.I I'll.nll.n.l IL'J- ATLAS fcOANCO . 101 N. Union Ave. protection for the families of over iy lUVKIN II tinted 111. tW N IMON AVK CIIANKIltD I'll II-CIIIO 235 N. Elmer St. Westfield, NT •.ml iii'liMM>- lull A 330 N. BROAD ST. 119 Easl 'Fifth' Slrcct, Plaiuficld, -N. I MEMIE* rEOEIAt DEPOSIT INSUIANCE COIPOiATION CRanford 8-2S4« 70" million workers who aro In-mystery today about what kinds oJ J.illtxrl f. liOIX I.ICKNSli NO. •«« •Vruj »re responsible. •ELIZADEtH. N.I. //OIKS*' for Rent Open Ually 0 A.M. (o R I'M.—l'rl». to R I'.M.—L'Mril bull. sured lender the program. fk.vWI'1. VI NT TIU'i'KI IIM I'.N I MIIM'-I' II nl hniiiu I. :i Vniiiii; i:. tin' m;M lliiil Kii.iiiiii- 1'iiMiifiil. l|i to -M Moiillia .il in li.in .n . ,i I '.ill Tel. PL 62241 i .itl> -, |-,i, I. W Ml I" TKL. Ill 4-3300 i',s .ill iitlll'l lll'.lllh. All' .VUll . I- Ni-i, ,li-i«i-\ llii.'li » I li I'lu< hill* ill. iitni • i Jim l.\i Jill In l».'i n H i "' .Ml...... I .. inn. ["• : j > a ••^^(^V^ ^iL'''l*i^.^^i ;?:V'W't^ Jf-r i'/'v'j,V.."*''">'' ' '••.•'•' r v j.. ,„- '.. . '"• ".••,,°"".,'-i' l .".-", }••> }!*« ;.',?,-•' •'A,"•'; ;' . •, "./!' •-.' -:y • ••• v

: i /"-• •';•;/.'

••" -J. .7- •/•. I v' /•'- ./•a, —rr'/' •'• I : •-•..' CRAWFORD/CITIZEN• ANp CHRONICLE, THtTRSpAV, AUGUST, Page Six THTE .ui l*oliaTd"HrBoiaf,faTd--of-629:;-W41- -th n Company of Amer- Mrs. Samuel fcolwell.'Sr., and Mr.21. Caftt.-Thqmas Colwell is ac ritfro, Archie Darroch, and-Thomas|ance, 'not only ,]'n, umpiring, hut Jewel Case." at< Sunday's -dWine ; low avenue have been .vacationing ica; ,-./•• • '•. '.' ' ' ~~~ ^rllsrorgolicein; the interim7 Fi!jW> Beats \4__J.. Kflleher. . ..-'.. ; also fn Helping to -maintain the worship at 11 a.m. Sunday School brook, N. J., for.rner Garwood res- , (Continued jrom Pagc^Z) Clissw will be hel'd at 9:45. y at Lake Mempnremagog, New* .!'•• ;. VnipTr^n-chief; was Jack Crow- stadium'^and prepare, flW field ; port, |Vt., where they were guests Mr. and Mrs, Victor E. Leonard idents. ' ' ', , .'., . ;:- ; •nnd time of,this game will'be an- ley Serving, with'him were: Jim- prior W game time. - The ,last sesition pf Vacation and sons, Gcnc^and Dick, of Green- : Bible School will tifiee^' from 9 a.m. of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bouffard. nounced later.. — - my Casale, John Kane, Tommy '" wich, Conn., were guests -of "Mrs. Brive - -Elans for the lergue dinner were until 2 p.m. tomorrow. A • special During the week's stay, they Police Chief and Mrs. Fred Fal- I CasilleT~Jomi Ogonowski, Walter Speakfer visited .an6ther brother of Mr. Leonard's sister and brother-in- zpne and family, Michael, Jo Anne A Modern Front program will be presented,tomor*-. discussed at a-meeting of person- Ste/ansld.- John Schnitzef, Jack law, Mr. and Mrs, Hajph Mann nel in .Borough I^art last Thursday rbw evening at 7:45 during which •Bouffard, the Rev. Maurice Bouf- and Fred, Jr., of-443 Pine avenut Carefully— Hay, John Huzar, Paul Swinico, If or demonstrations will be given and /ard of Greenfield Park, Quebec, of 317 Myrtle avenue after an ex-are Vacationing in North Miami 'pight. . On the dinner "committee Lou Casale, Ralph; Browne,, ancl tended tour of. the-New.England. are: W. Joseph Chbborda1, Mrs. GAR WOOD — Lee Beits, a stu- displays shown of projects, car- Accompanying theni was Mr, Bou- pnd Sll Petersburg, Fla." They will Carmine- Ousmanoi dent at the 'Gordon School of ried out by the Bible School this ffard's sister, Mrs. Flora Martell States and Canada., Before con- return home,_ on' Tuesday, 'August Xi you own, you* Home,, afyi KENILWORTH -Worhevl Worth- '•• .•/-.•- .'•• Official—seurekooiier—waK—Mi Tlu-nlogv in Boston, Mass., Will .nf'Kast Qrance and.her family. cluding their trip, ihey •v.isitcd •are' seriously • considering weinj James Guerncro. Pat isauco Dorothy .S. Reirner,' assisted by and Fred SimonsHin. The dinner, at II am'this Sunday at Garwood i Entered »• »econd "clif«i mall matter"»» Mrsr-'K-oromi, Mrs. Frank Dutir 7 TmmsnAV. AUGUST 23. 1956 ' The Poit OITIce «t Cranford, N. J, , honoring' pl'nyers, officials i\\\<\ Presbyterian Church. Topic of his Mr. Ed Conlin of 443 Third avi FlfeLIC NOTl(CE - . " PROPOSE!) ORDINANCE NO. Klt-H 'such • as having P.ro-Cast' i-osky and Mrs. Herb Werthwein. Car wood Social't- PUBLIC NOTICE 111 • hereby clvcn that AN ,ORDINANCE for The Construction parents, is to lie held in the Cran- Mrs. Reimer also was selected by s6rmorT"will be, "The. Christinas GARWOOD — Mr. and Mrsriu. o is recuperating at,- his home' the Borough of Kenllworth on the 28th of'a Storm Sewer arid The Necessary Stone applied to the front or /• • wood on Saturday,.. September 8 thhe district. representative, Robert}Li't.". Mrs.' .Nonorio "Villcvieja. of following a",recent operation at day of Aupust. 1958, at 8:00 P. M. Catch Basins.on North 26th"Street, from' your enlire home, or cover- Alcxian Brothers Hospital,-Eliza- (E'.D.V.'. at.the Council Chambers, Bor- effcrson Avenue Running Northerly To per :| '8t 6tO0 p.m. • Ofrnhai m .of Union, to.net as- of-1 Mountainside will sing at the serv,- BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH ouch Hall, Boulevard, Kenllworth, N. J. The Northerly • Llrie of Property of The ing the whole house "with Hear School Best Camper •. ! qui Officer" who served during, the rnOPORKD OKDINANCE SJO. R«-l» beth. For the past three yearsi Mir. will sell all its right, title and Interest ih United Crane.it ShovcT Service Co., and final scorer for the district tourna-j ices, AN ORDINANCE To Amend Ordinance Conlin has bebn active as Manager the hereinafter .particularly- described Thence Along that Line to The Existing either a ceramic-type 'weath- Board May ihcL -league's -third--Seaso .Po- wiix\>\. n menl games, which-wcrc played at! A meeting.6f the Women's Mis- Nor 6-54 Entitled "An Ordinance Con- -of-the-ACOA-team.of,the.Garwpod property, as said property In not, needed Pond and'Provldlrie for An Appropriation' erboard or 'aluminum clap- /Our federal economy now has, cession or ..distress. Re pointed to , sent (o Asia-, Africa and certain Pol lice Capt. Thomaslj. Colwell, pres- BH1 Stadium oh July .28 and AUK- sjonary Society Will be; held on •l-nlnc Local Tiultlc." ' ' • _ for public use, The property Bhall be Therefor. * /'' - Bus ForSeastin BE IT ORDAINED . by the - Governinc solrf atpubllc auction to the.hlim'esl bid- board with baked-on enamel many built-in ' stabilising pow- the action taken .recently to aid' other parts of. the world has not ident; Vincent Reynolds; first vie(-- Little League. He is employed by BE IT ORDAJNED by^ the Governing I ust ¥ and 4: ' ' Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the church. lUidy of the' Borovuh of Kenllworth In der, upon the following tcrms_and condlr_ Body of- the- Borougruof- Kenllworth:'-.-. (in many colors) that never ers that it would be.next to im-the farmers as a case in/point".. | had the same.effect. He attributed: the president; W,' ,h»sepli'Choborda, Mr Kfllcher was plnvcr ap'c-nt llu-.County of Uiliuil uinl fitate-of New Section 1: That a,storm seweV with possible to Have a serious depresr' a. -A deposit of thirty percent of the sale he necessary cutch basins be constructed needs painting, or removing OfPetttiohers Among-federal- legislation and •! this to the fact ..that• people in 'the. ToErdmanri ansion . S:3 Fceond vice-president; Mrs. 'Mi- ; nnri Joseph-Bey'lon' served as man Bible School Closes 'sicjion 1: Thnl.Section G of Ordinance BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH price shall be paid at the time of, ;th.e on North 26th Street from Jefferson Ave- -A-delegation of residents from sion, Congi'essrnan Harrison .A. government-sponsored programs latter countries have never lived] "Richard Erdn^a~was~ niivned •• 1 chael Koronii.-secretary, and Her- No. tt-M entitled "An Ordinance Con- nue running Northerly to the Northerly your, out-dated porch, wood .a'ficr for the All Star team. "-'; rernlnu. Uoiral Traffic" adopted March 22, I-ROPOHKp ORDINANCE NO. RiT-13 .sale. • "tho Nomahegan Estates-ar6a were Williams, Jr.v of Westfield, told ] "which -are helping io stabilize the-] independent lives and ~ therefore The Board of Education' may , $230,000. The school.-trustees re- —The-boardshas called an infor- Br." bert Werthwein, treasurer;. Wrih Special, Program AN ORDINANCE Approprlatlnir the Sum b. The balance of the purchase price, in Ine of property of-the; United Crane & rail enclosures and steps, re- best camper-of the 'year at C.ran- " TAck Heylon i'iid .Ralph 'Butch' 1954, to be-amended an follows: . Shovel Service Co:, and thence along that present to offer a -petition, re- members of. the ftotary Clubs of economy, Congressman Williams ; were, not ready to take our money hold a special, school election with- [ccived bids initially -on July 3. mal meeting of heads of. school, COI of $2,000 as Part of The General Im- ch'sh. Khali be paid within, sixty days: place old -windows and doors Serving on the excc'u'trvp- com- Bianchi; former. Lijtle Loa(juers, GARWOOD — the Rev. Walter Section G: No motor vehicles .or any provement of Jackson Pond and Approp- after the sale, and the purchaser .i shall line- to the existing pondv questing bus service for their chil- "Roselle^Roseile Park and Crah- said, are the Social Security "A^t,' and help themselves. ford Boys' Camp on' Silver Lake, in the next six weeks to secure ap- These were rejected-because they , business and civic groups, me'm- lia other vehicle shall be parked fur nny 1 1 1J! mittee were: Capt. C'olwell, Mr. now mejn'bcr_s of the Babe Ruth C. Pngh. pastor of St. Paul's Evan- rlatlnK the Sum of-51,500 for The Con- pay a proportionate share of the taxes St£llflXL_2; All work Incidental to Jhti with a lovely'picture ;wind:: near Hope, it was 1 - •' ' •" *''--- -- " "->'-• ••-- *•--•-•--<- .__:-._j bo'rs of the Towhtiiip Committee time whatsoever *m the streets or. places struction of Storm Sewer on North 14th from the date of salp .for the balance construction, of said storm sewer shnll be dren at B6ard of Education, mect- ford last Thursday noon at a' joint tfpemploymeht Compensation Act/ '. There is no easy solution' to the ;as announced yes- proval of the voters of an addi- exceeded the funds appropriated bers of the Towhthip^ C-pmjB.it ,. Reynolds, Mr. Choborda,' Mrs. Kii^'League, hriv.e heeTrtommended b.v Relical and Reformed Church; will hereinafter set fQithi done In accordance with' the plans and ow and dressed-up doorway, and Planning Board, and former 6:.: . of the' current year and 'or any sub- jjlg on Tuesday night.' meeting in the Methodist Church federal road building program and latter problem,' he declared, but' - terda'y by.'-Roberlirt Mceiintockr-di^-flprraVboiid issiiq of approximate-:• anft.Vbecaus'e only two contractors roini, Mr. Werthwein,' James G'ueiv officials' for their faithful assist- delivei a sermon entitled, "God's (al On the West side of North 19th BE IT ORDAINEO' by Iho, Governing sequent year, liasod on the assessed specifications for said work "prepared by or whatever it-may be, then educational building,- federal housing programr subitiittcd bids. lay advisers to liie board orv'.schoo! ha- Street i from the Northerly side of the,Gody of the Boroueh of Kenllworth: valuations', and existing tax rates. the Borough Engineer of the Borough of Spokesman fo.r the petitioners such countries ne6d our technicians rector, ly $250,000 to cany out construe I3oulevnrd for »• distance of 250 ~fcut 1 mods for 8 o'clock tonight in gr;. ' Section I: Tho sum of S2.000 Is Hereby c. If purchaser 'falls, .nqglccts, or re-Kenllworth. -— it will' pay you to. get. in pointed out that theirehildren had -Declaring that many people.are - -Tojjching on the nation's mas- more than our money to} .bring'i The camp season ended-on Sun lion of .two new elementary schools Bicl« wore m-eived for a second northerly therefrom. appropriated for the 'general Improve- fuses to pay Ihe, balance due, together Section .1: All of said work shall "be wondering how long the present sive foreign aid program, the leg- day, while_£tfuT niembers returned ] and- a_ six-room a'ddition to the time last Thui'sdny ni(;ht by the"Cleveland' School to /.discuss the wi (bi On the west side of North 20th ment of Jnckson Pond which sum shnll with .charges • ond taxes, wltWn the done under tho supervision of tho Engi- touch with me/ to travel apprpximatcly ohe-and- them out of privation and econd- Street between the Boulevard and Wash- trend of rising economic prosper- present status of the board's school • th: be paid from the ciipltai: improvement pnld sixty days, the deposlit made shall neer of, the Borough of Kenllworth.-^- . As a Manufacturer's Reprc-- one-half'. miles to the Brookside islator. declared that, despite the I mie chaos; Their problem is' to on Monday and Tuesday. A total Board of Education, and while 1 ington Avenue.. • '.'•'.• fund fraln an appropriation heretofore be retained by the Borough of Kenll- Sectlon' 4': . .The' sum of $f),500.00 is Place School :along sidewalkless ity will continue, the congressman fact that we are. sending billions | improve their own condition, he;of .282 boy weeks were spent by This was indicated-during, the jhese bids were ' approximately construction-program. ' . . an Id On both sides of North 21st Street mnde In a budfect heretofore, adopted. worth unless the Governing Body, by hereby appropriated to meet the cost of senlative, .in: co-operatipn ! from the northerly side of the Boulevard Resolution, decides to tho cqntrary.' • , and unlighted. areas, of Kenilworth asserted that one of the best guar- [of hard-earned dollars overseas, added. , :' '• campers during the past season, it pasi wet'K' wiien low bids On the j $4.0,000 loss tliiHi-those received in Burton C. Belden, president of so BACK-TO-SCHIOOL. Section 2: The sum of. $1,500 is hereby making snld Improvement, which sum has with-reputable contractors, l" the board', will give information for a distance of 150 feet northerly there- iipproprlnted for the Installation of cross d. Purchaser shall pay the costs of publi- bce'ii provided for th,e purpose set forth boulevard^ aniK of the Oovernlne -Body of the sixty foot frontage. , • • meeting of the Governing Body of tho in On the easterly side of North 18tH lay within the confines of school Wednesday Morning .Cluf>! School BoarId ior fbulshooti.ng; Billy Plummer, Struct from the northerly side of Boule- Boronch of Kehjlworth on -the, Iflth diVy t. The Mayor nnd Gbuncll reserve the Boroilgh of Kenllworth on the 10th day, ent obligations if you. qualify. 7 vard for a distance of IS!5-1ect northerly of July, 1050. It was .Uicn rend for the right to accept or reject' any or all of July,-195(1'. It was then read for the property. •.'•••'. I senior -foul-shooting' and senior »»- :'';— ! ••.. .••' ••"v ^ .therefrorrT. , - i ' flnit ttmo. The said Ordinance will be Ibids. '.•'..• first "time. Tfie said Ordinance, will be I have no free gifts to offer I darts'/Ron Farb, junior darts; BjU final action on the awarding of \: •The Borough represents thnt title to further considered, for final" passage by On the question of bus service, i On the northiTly side Of Xenll- further considered for final paasatfe by tb induce you to do business Announces Yearfs Schedule Accepts Adiilt iy Forman, junior badminton; .'juvenile, center program .is bids and docksion on the -special h Boilluvnrd' Belwcon~CHoirdKe~Drlvjr the-Governing:lBody_!if_1th Mahler will speak on "World News held at the Mountainside Lodge, rr variety Irvour fabrics center On the Northerly side of the Boule- "clicated ttratTrk1ndT3rBarterrtcachei Tnrtav" at s\ program meeting Jersey-Statp Safety Council, it,| Anlm?l Farm injhe Pocohos vard between North lftth Street and. the-State_Fish_Hatcheries. • Hikes crippled children's wel- tui-n in'tfme forthis eyoning's con- North 22nd Street. and a teacher for an elementary October 24. should receive the full support by-tho-yard . Watermelon eaters at, Cranford's to White Horse, Hope and to Jenny fi*ri'nco with civie lyadcrs. On the Northerly side of the Boule- post are'heeded to complete school A-program by the Civil Defense and cooperation of the board. vard between . Coolldcc Drive and seven '•• municipal playgrounds Committee/ will be. presented after Jump *were made by campers'. J HOWARD McATEER for needy and worthy students Gwieral construction bids for, North lBth Street, but not between rosters for the new school year It remains, he added, to, work Team sports and swimming in- and participation in Boy and Girl tho. two ncw/elemcntary-..schools'.• the hours of 7:00 a.m. anil 5:00 p.Un- -befiinning-So.tember--lb counted bushels of seeds last' week the business meeting of November as prohibited by Section 6V«!..'• irl watermclon-eatnTg~c"ohtests"hcid" TT-On^Novcmber—1-4—a- program cost to. be shared, struction were also on the weeks' Scout, movements. and the Brookside • Place School BATES DISCIPUNEPr On the Southerly side of the Boule- This announcement was made program.-Movie for the week was Carrying'out of, these plans will additiorywere'reeeivod last Thurs- vard between South 10th Street and by Joseph Kohn, ch'airrrlan. of theduring the last week of playground, meeting will feature a film en- for the course and tb secure" tRc. PRINTS 1 the technicolor' - film entitled, Esso Public be under/direction of a social .and. day jffght from five firms. The .South.'22hd Street. teachers committee, in" connection activity. • titled, ' -"Switzerland ,"' shown by. consent of the owner of the dual- Prizes were awarded to trmse Mrs. Emilo Baldeschweijor. A "Texas Rangers." community welfare committee, to low' bids total- $1T752;496, Ion Avenue between North 20th Street, with the acceptance -of- the-resig-. control car now being operated _ Participants -in boxing matches which were,named the following, It $40,000 less than the reject- DAN RIVER GINGHAMS and North 2ilrd Street, but not be- nations of four teachers, the granC ~w! thropici tea" jKiltbel tween the hours of 7:00 A.M. and well as those who had the fewest the home of Mrs. J,, F. Burnash in. high—school—beWi.nd~tho-A«Sei l-the-eamp-wbrc: Billy Foremanj off iccrs-of-the local-lodge-: - Frapli- ee! .tolaj_of_ the_ bids received in 5:D0 P.M. for. that part of the North- ing of a leave of absence to • an- Miillin, William' Luedde'kcVrt'ay crly~Rtdc~pf Washington Avenue-whioh in. their' large slice of the juicy on November 28.. A representative driver education conducted by Randy Nelson, George Craft, Wal- July, according to H. R, MeCul-"""" other, and the engaging of, three ter Bernard, Robert Klempa, Bill Kirwan, Robert Massarelli^Patrio lough, "secretary. • . is between North 22nd Strep.l_and 1 'dessert. -. '.._.., ; ',':._ of the British Speaking Union Will Paul Selby, instructor. . • • To McAteer . North 2Urd Slroct, as prohibited by "rtpTaccmcnfteachersT • . •atscuss^'ThTrTBrttish'—Cpmmop- Ford, .Bob Liming,..Paul Hender- Williams and Nat PlatlX' Total • minimuiyr base bids ."Jin • ' STEVENS GINGHAMS ' Seotlort V (hi". .. Those teachers resigning word At Sunny Acres field-Karen Pet- Drr;Bcst—sa^d—he could -see no J. Howard No purkinu. either anftle or other- wealth.in the Modern WorldJ' , r son, Loe Michaels, Bob Fehr,-Gar- It was eX'piairied lltat-thifr cont- July for general construction, elec- erson took tpj) prize with a count reason.' T:6 anticipate problems on more Place has been named :by the Wise, is permitted.in any of the above won t you come, too > Mrs. IvTancy- Clark and Mrs. June 1 ry Conklin, Spencer Freund; Mar- mittee will have general charge .of trical work, plumbing,'heating and iOEf'scedsrwhile Joe'Lynch cap- A- Christmas greens Sbinbns'tra-' either of these coynts. Esso Research and Engineering locations .where otherwise prohibited B. Richardson of the elementary tion. will be given by Fred.Traut tin Donaldson, Bob Jensen, Gene all Elk aetivitipisVof a civic, social ventilating and iron and metal ^y-;-S5oc-tlon.Jl_.af_..Lbla-,_ordlnanco as staffs, Mrs. • Jeanne Saunders tured the title of fastest cater. ( Earlier,' Kenneth ,W. iversen, Company, Linden, to.head its pub- amended and no parklni! is permitted of RekenVeier Flowers, Inc., at the Dohn arid Jini Bride. , and-commu ^nature. work amounted to $1,792,496, ex-- Phares- of thfr kinaerga.rten...statt The 62 boys and girlg who-par- firesident-dircctor of the adult lic relations stalT in the New Jer- In any of the above locations for,a .conp.lusion of the regular business school, had- indicated that, subject Campers who attended camp this ExaHed^-4l'uler'' Mullin -/named eeeding the estimated construc- longer period of time than is per- and- Karl Budman, social studies ticipated' in the watermelon; conr sey-offiee.--Ho had-bocn-axcsuarclL: mitted by Section 8 of this "ordinance. test'were: Stan Bozinta, . Craig meeting on December 5. On -De-(6"approval by the board, the adult week were; Richard Tunison, John .committee chairmen for thp ensu- tion costs of $1,460,000 by $332,- Section 3: Thin Ordinance shall take teacher of the high school staff. cember 12 a philanthropic Christ- chemist in the .company's chemi- effect after final pnuhUgo nnd publication to help folks in this community own Sands, Susan Masino, Bette Ma- school would begin the- driver Giidden, Billy Foreman, Randy ing^ytmr as follows: Ray JTirwa'n,' Mr.u Budman has accepted an as-t mas tea will be held at Sherlock cals research division. proved by the voters includes leg- FABRIC aceordlnii to law. , , their own homes; "~ ; sino, Joy Wheeler, Sue Dankcl, course on October 2. The period Nelson, George Craft, Ed ..Winne, mi/estigating; William Lueddeke, . (Ctoitinufcd on Page 6) Hall with a program by the drama of instruction is scheduled to last Peter Tinnesz, Walter' Bernard, In his new position, Dr. McAteer ^visiting;- John Malko, house: Gu.sal arid architect fees, equipment NstUc Barbara Nietzejl Loretta • Putz, and grading. . ; ' Public Notice Is Hereby Given that the committee.*" 10 weeks, he added. Richard and Robert Klempa, Rene will be responsible for community Mortenson, auditing; Robert Mas- to help folks save for the good things in life, Linda Scheck, Jo Ann Shepard. Mr. McCiillough said, there are CENTER foregoing Ordinance'wan Introduced at a. The literature' committoe will Decision on~ instructor for theBertiaume, William Ford, Robert relations arid other public, rela- sareili, entertainment; Chester Mi- meeting of the Governing Be>d--ola-ysw~-would—111! re-J , Si-Wei- to The Curb Line and Making an ! i i i Steve Daken, Donna Lawrence, on February -.20..' Following the 1 Dr..McAteer currently is a nom- ApproprlnliouJor Said Purpose and Pro- " ''• "//"" ••.v::. ^^^^VM»» v'" ''> :'\/ to his/mother, Mrs. Louise Muel/ that time. • A number of examples of van- quired to dry things up before vHdinn for The Making-of nn Assessment Doris Cunningham, Dot Grinrod, business meeting of March' 6, a Tho driver education class in-: inee for the Township Committee woik couI'd be resumed, but he h ler, 60, on.,May 20, 1955, by the daJAsm. at the five' Recreation "Itrnl' Tiriii'r -m-Mr'"—I- " a> — h.... iny Don Watt, Chris,Mattis. ' program will be conducted, by the augurated in'. September at Cran- on the Republican ticket, He hassaid h(.' was sure the track would After Day/ provt>inent. » If -QT.TT?. REPORT ' \i ;,Iate.Police. Chief William A. Fis- Committee-sponsored playgrounds 1 A 1 ~ '-- -ihnwpri^ International Relations Committee ford High School has'brought the :. ,BJE_lI_QJ '|2 J!MS2..'y' : the Mayor and A: "ch'cr. , been active in Boy Scout activities. be ready for use by Labor • Day. Lowerinweri g of the R.uhwa'y River Council.(>f to? hlormTgri HfrrlK'enihvorth: n|juul' 'u.uaHlj't. • nu.pt •""hi^h -••nnnMnrtpH' I heir sufnm,or. Last ^ftar; he served as chairman' An excavation of 12 inches was • Air Conditioned^ 1 Dot— j. no Mew J crseyBcTF -to.-iicrmi.t.Jhe .innuiil cleaning of•. "..' -Sectloh" X''-ThoilniV;JHInChiSimjUiry •sew- Toiuiii:^ ,-^s.ij.cc ejji^Lj ritation—invard—fronv—the —New- ^season—Friday—were—'u-ncovoeed—as> ,ol Cranford's Amor man uancer'j 'IVIle'tl'willv Vr^hf Constructed along-Federal Avenue '-^ rr^mm'Q.i-^tHbTirRittcnt7.TSt^art-f'Mq«: fro n\.,i;he.4!xJ(iUnii..inaUi\o.le. .at,tbc. center in the records, Faddcri, BeUy Cameron,-.:_-JaannO:. film- ori guided missiles rPuWlc^"Wo'tKs.TO^' Spetet^Kfuif]^^ - - il'iu- of North' "i'fltr('~S?i'r«el'-Cb"-WlcirtBiln- ^ {V'it-rrj^vitSOtiYvpj ofJVJa.rch cause more than''25 percent of-its ."t)r.;McAlcer ahct'liis 'wife -•are'nneh'- ••Eiiie»tpno~ Ann^^ 98c 29c 5 LB. i --•-:•'•« I Avt-M^ue a distance of approximately 550 "eirffbic stucients"^w"eTe'~Kiveri be- -partrrient made the rounds father-. •lay- I ;rnnouncQcl > !...C.hj]b's_a.i)livTpL Ji'rt .cxfilbi-' J •pa-v^nJi; jif i\v'\n hnys. :\fu.-...hy., Township" ..Jed ....J)i:cdceess.or had returned the guns. harC'Judy lbcP'ewr Ciif'drY(iung, (Continued on Page 6) hihdt-the-wfie'el Instruction' ing ih furniture and equipment-otv TMTCtTTCci—Pntrick—Jt- GLYCERIME St't'llon 2. Thnt nil necessary enst in.m ., (1st 6° rnont'hs of 1956) After Sunday's tragedy in Hill-, Sue Dankel, Hartk Holland, Stan- I'onnct-tions whether for prosunt or for Monday, it was reported by Town- ^ ^ . i'started' when the rain Interrupted Mr. Grail "said Jfhe sluice'gates SUPPOSITORIES PURE PARA anticipated future use «hn'll be construct- side, the police there confiscated ley Bozinta, Doug Pricz, Bill Mil- I he wol'U: wili bfopened on September 4 and INSECT BOMB ed fixtni the .(iforennld sanltnry sewer to $2,018,777 — Total.'Savings increase for Period two pistols, two revolvers and five- ler. ship Engineer Patrick J. Grail. Ihc curb line. Summer Schedule A -bulldozer, a grader and a left open through September 7, by Si:ctlo.n il. The const ruction of said $4,698,000 —Funds Advanced to Home Buyers rifles in the Mueller home. ' Loraine Sosnowski won top Williamses, Trailer. Back Mr. Grail informed the police Regularly scheduled meeting of, lubiire'r were hired by the Uoard which time it is hoped the job sanitary sewer and all hoUsr connections On May 8, 1955, Lt. George L'. place in a bicycle race; Bob Breaks that of the nine tables and 18the Township Committee will not of Kducation- to do the inittfil S1.29 shall be in nei'prttaiu'e with the plan^ will' bo completed. Every effort 69< and spt'clllcallons prepared by . the Bor- Rusondale (now a captain) of the2nd; Dot Cameron, 3rd. benches made by members of his i be held next Tuesday night be-• uradinK'. The board decided "to act will be made to Unish up in time ough Engineer.. • •, Cranford Pt>lice Department re- Memorial Field After 9,000-Mile Journey , . . . , ' , ... . ' I cause of the vacation schedule as ilsown contractor when no one to have the stream Illled again Sccltoir 4i The- estin^ati'd cost tn he PLUS ceived a call from Mrs. Mueller, • Adding new prizes to an old con- department during the winter for I _„.,.„ (W on|y o|)o mCL,Un(, jn bid ,,„ Ul(. work ;il ., s|)L,dul mCL.t.. $2.00 paid for said sower and connections, from $ Compiling statistics on a'sum- With the trailer they headed for by the following week-end for the all Kourcrs, Is the sum nf $5,000.00 and who was then living at the Boule- test, watermelon eaters at Memor^ use at the playgrounds this sum- j Au(,usti There also will be no ing on July 17. convenience of canoeists, the en- theVe is.hereby appropriated for the con- Nearly 300,000 mer vacation can be fun especially SalfLake City, Utah, where visi- address, reporting that her ia-l field werq awarded prizes for was started' PIC ALL SWIM LUSTRE CREME struclinn of said sower the said sum of if you can cpurtt .bears instead of tors are welcomed with signs "for mer, four tables and seven or eight meeting of the Board. of Health Work on the track' gineer said. : • r on had become violent aiid locked $5,000.00, which sum has benn provfclod" DIVIDENDS PAID ON SAVINGS tallest, Pat Ingram; smallest, War- gas stations, the G, Holmes Wil- out-of-state cars.only." Sandra and benches were found broken up on Monday, the regularly 'sched-'tin' August 13. Estimated cost of The engineer explained that to MOSQLfTfO ACCESSORIES ftii* the purpose set forth ly this ordl- 1 himself in his room with an ar-ren Cooper; best hat, Reginald uled meeting night. • the project is $5,000. do the river "cleaning work effic- - —= FOR-6-MONW^ senal.of guns and ammunition. She liams family of 14 Makatorrt drive George report that swimming in when his men went out to collect Fins—Mgsks—Snorkels SHAMPOO made Irt a budget heretofore adopted -^tfr ^Continued on.page reports. The Cranford residents re- the Great Salt Lake, which is now iently it is necessary to lower the For Indoors or Outdoors • nnd dcMiuuntcd as Ihc cnpj.la! Improvc- • -• i• 1 lyi liml. hnnn mpntally JU -fpr them. rnonj fund. tumed Friday •from—a flvfvwfink, 27 percent salt, Js exactly like stream and use a bulldozer tp v about five weeks but refused to The engineer added that, ap- Section .V The period of usefulness of- plow up weeds and debi'is. He said 9000-mile trailer trip across the floating in an inner tube wit parently over the past week-end,- said sanitary scwrr and ronnwtions Is see a doctor. Gritique of Summer Paintingthe work is being delayed until hvrohy dotiynnnlt'd lo bo ten "10i >enrs Tailoring Course United States. the tube. Bingham, Utah, is a 20% OFF S1.59 ^ Lt. Rosendalo, Sgt. Archie Bird a slide had been pulled right out; after Labor. Pay in order to cause nnd the assessment shirll ho pnltl In such (Mid Patrolmen Joseph Kovacs, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, George, curious city since it is one street of its concrete mooring at the pomul'iif time, as the Borough. Council 16, and Sandra, 12, together with wide and three miles long as well the least inconvenience..to summer shall, by i|0Mihmt»n. determine at -tho Hubert -Nylen and Edward Klu- To Be Offered Adams avenue field and the On Creatitfh Art Unit Agenda 1 users of the river. $2.00 CHANTILLY LIQUID $2.00 tlnu lhat the assessment shnll be con- henspies, accompanied by Dr. John A new course—tailoring—will j their dog, Taffy, counted 100 | as the site of the world's .largest firmed or made ami such period of time be offered by the Cfanford Adult bears in their trek which covered; open cut copperTYrine. newly-installed monkey bars there I _F;il| .)|u, wjnt(.r plans r,,r t|u, , Art- classes'will bugjn on Sep. Mr.-Grail suggested that persons' shall not oxi'i'od ten 'lOi yrlln,. '" Join this Parade of Progress Now - Open Your Account Today! Olsen, went tp the Rouse, where ill LUCIEN LELONG CREAM DEODORANT also had been pulled up and twist- ! Cl..in|0rc| Creative Art Group were "tcmbur 18, it was announced at having work-to do on ,river-bank APRIL SHOWERS Sot'litm (i: Tho oust of snld se\yor and School at its fall semester, it was 18 states with "a 9,201.4 total mile- Alter a visit to Reno the group Mrs. Mueller finally persuaded her , annu'iinced last week at an-execu- • the meetinu. Tho.se who vyii-,1) to_.pl'iiperty Inake arrangements to do_ coiini'L'tlons shall ho assessed upon tho age record. traveled over Donner Pass, Calif., t lands bonolltod or increased In \alue b> son to come downstairs. announced today by Kenneth W. Mr. Grail gave the police the meeting at the home of 1 register arc requested t(i-iuijll Mrs. it during the announced four-day CHANTILLY ; During their journey the family j and rode a ski chair up-th'o moun- "• ' , , illll. UVUI" liiii-iuih ill nil roasou thoi otif, According to police records, Iversen, president-director. ... ~ ljvc SOAP Sei'tlnn 7: It Is exp'eolcd thnl the Biir- kept ice-makers across; the country -lain where the snow reaches a names of .four or five boys who he .c ,ub si(ll,nt( Mr_s. chai-, Paul, Dillard Collins, mcmbers-lup chair- period. BODY POWDER COLOGNE young Mueller hit two of the of- Mrs. Jean Campbell of 38 Pem- 1 Assi. Scents ouch of KoniUvoith shall contribute no KoniYwnrth will bo! busy, since they used over one-• 20 ft. depth in winter. said he suspected might be re- 7 West Holly street. • . man, for TurlhtT inloi'malmn. , purl nf tho cost nf said linprovi'ment. -licer.s nnd had to be subdued. He brook Kenilwortn, win DO , ^]f ^ Q{ .^ jn (hoii ^.^ ^^, San Francisco wns reiu,hod v b.v sponsible for the .damage at the Members ancl guests will meet On September 23 the dub will Boxof I ( Scvtion ..al. This Ordinnm--.! shull lakv was examined subsequently by Dr.theinstructor. She also will teach , c ls n c fi ld Po1 C Tree Plunliug Scheduled ofioi-t nl'ti'r Mnnl pas.-.«iio- and publication Turnpikes got you there sooner, I crossing the Oakland Buy Bridge * >"" »™ » <- ' ^ ^ Burger of NeW Providence, participate in I he . Trailsido Mu- BOTHS1.00 in ilu* nifuiniM1 provuiod I'.v law . .- Olsen and Dr. J. W. Fidlcr of the school's course in sewing. Mrs. 1 3—$1.00 $1.00 Mrs. Williams reports, since the where they visited Fisherman's Lester W. Powell reported that Charles Miller of Avcnd and Lavv- 'scum Art Show sponsored by the To Open U N Week flainficld, and on a petition for Campbell reports the course will looking like an oil painting!'"-> turned over the township cn- rUUl.lC NOTICF. is lu'ioliv LKon that i-nrnmittrncjaL-Slflnod by his moth- family reached the-Badlands- of Wharf looki rence Von Beidel ol Colonia, club Union County Park Cciiiunission. Mrs. Charles G. Albury, chuir- tho loiviiutiiU- tM'dliuuu'o ua.s Introduced include instruction in making South Dakota five clays after Icav-1 with thICe many fishingfishing boats tied fiinc-er's report and the boys' names instructors, al. the first meetinu ol Thi' annual fall outdoor show '•Vffl Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 10 p:m.-~- We Issue Green Trading Stamps ,il a niootini; ot I ho Gcivornlni! noily of , if, was taken to Marlboro that such articles as coats, suits, ber- to the detective bureau for action. tnan for Cranlord's observance of I lie llornuuh of Kcnllw oi'th ijn tho lOlli yami> day. ing Cranford. Spectacular exam-1 up along the wharfs. A trolley t!ie club on Septi'inbcr 13, 8 p.jn., ' will be hi'ld- mi Oetobvx 20. A United Nations Week'in October,'- am- of jui>. wan, Tho titio \wis tiu-n mudas, sports shirts and jackets. pies of erosion arc found there; cible car ride over the hill as well Supervised playground activities i ' . ;_ h(j Christinas meeting, scheduled' for lent and tin1 same «as pn>sod oi\ it.s llrst On July 23, 1955, Mis. Mueller today announced the -appointment Enrollment in the course, Mr. along a 28-mile winding road' :is a round-trip across the Golden arc continuing through next week iraillnu The said nrclinum-o will' be lur- called the local police and. said her A critic|iie of summer paintings' December 13, will include a paint- of a committee from ihc Cranford llici i'iin>idi-r«'il lur linal pa.-saui- h> tho 1 Iversen said, will be limited. Tho • nmor,g sharp ridges and curiously- Gate Bridgefjave them a post card at Memorial Field and the Lincoln 1 also will be conducted by Mr.. Bur- ing demonstration by an outstand- Chapter of the Nvw Jersey Branch Cl(>\ tu nuiu Hod> of tho Hnrounh ol Kon- son w;is acting up again, and oncourse will bean hour-ahd-a-half j.f ed spires ancl pinnacles. And view of the city and harbor. ilwtirth ,it tli'o UiiruiiKh Mull. Iloulovnrd. fDRAL orrn avenue field, ger nt that meeting. Mrs. Frances ing artist and an exhibition of I hat occasion he was taken to of the. American Association for Kenllu urlh. New Jerso\ al 8.00 n'clurk m KENILWORTH ELIZABETH in duration and will begin on Oc- nto one icaves South Dakota with-'; The falls at Yosemite National ,Sloat, newly appointed publicity children's paintings. the United Nations to take charge BARON'S DRUG STORE I hi' oM'iiini; I|UT\ iillini; nmoi on iho 2Rlh LINDEN Marlboro by the Cranford First 470 BOULEVARD tober 2 at Cranford High School. . .oul visiting'I feet of.film taken by the Williams Mrs. George Heusch,. Mrs. (lion i1.iv« i'l A(ii!ii«t. IDAH Al -uoh linio nnd 1160 EAST JERSEY ST 449 WOOD AVE. NORTH Aid Squiid. ' . oui visiting' Mt. Rushmore, Mrs. chairman, nportt'cl that summer Besided s MrsM .C Collins and Mrs.of n tree planting ceremony here CRanford 6-6200" Mrs. Campbell has taught sew-1 William said. Park were the subject of many Arth. Mrs. George Brady and Mis. ». CRANFORD THEATRE) m lit .mi linn' ,iiin plan' in wiiu'ii Elizabeth' 5-3300 Linden 3-5500 Chief Powell said this week thnt classes given by Mr. Burger exper- Sloal, Mrs.Paul named Mr. Burg- on October 21, the Sunday before ineotlni^ ma\ ho iuijoiuned. all per- ing for the past twd years at the I stop on the journey was a who filmed over JOOD ft. with William Gi-illiths •entertained :it er program chairman at the oxecu- SOIIN inliTr4e(t will he i:i\rn an op(ior- the L'Vni1TOT0~pnltro i.nl L imented with various techniques United Nations Day. Elizabeth Adult 'School in tsai four-day—staT—IT!—Yrlluwstimc ' movio unn>t'W.^-I.nn>:intt this hriftKi'' Tuesday, eveninu al thi' 11 <1 nl FREE DELIVERY tuiult to he heaitl coiuernlni; .suoli nrd- no nolillcation of Mueller's 1 TJt OiiK I" —"•"' '--'' '"' wh'lc Maiming livi' board nu'eliiig. Those present Chairman of this committee Is Hume*- High School, Elizabeth. She pro- , Park where bears ancl moose were the trek headed'for southern Cal- lease from the hospital and thnt home along the Itahway uric Wr.s. I'.ivt'ii StlOllhiUl, 'Mrvr Mrs. Mnisu Ulii'|j.ml.v president of' TEL. CR 6-6100 Store Also in Westfield U.\ Older n'f the CoM'inlni; Iiottv viously taught similar classes in .regular visitors at the trailer door, itnrnia and a swim in the Pacific lane, in honor of Mrs. .John Gar- scenes PHILIP .' M.-fiEVNA. FOUNDED 1887 they have no record of when he ber of 110 Oak lane, who will ' One class .period was spent at theJohn Ward, Miss Georgia Hosen- the local chapter, and co-chair- I tu v.rw REgEKVE ^WB RIGHT TO UMIT QUANTITIES Dorouch Clerk. returned to his home here after the Whitestone, Flushing ancl Forrest Traveling through'the Grand Te-; Ocean dalr, Mrs' ChHik'N. Strattuli and men are Mrs. William J. Isaac and ui\d Ji io i»;u Hills on Long Islund and in B.iook- tons they crossed the continent ' ~Farmers Market in Hollywood move shortly to Scotch Plains. : Metropolitan Museum ol Art in iirst committment. On his second J I New York. Mrs. Sluat Mrs. Puul M. Powers. . (Continued oil Pave. 2) lyn. divide at 7360 It. (Continued on I ayc :'J j Twelve tuests were incsclit, l