Drug Addiction
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Beoond Clan Postage Paid Vol. LXXV. No. 52. .' /' 3^Sections,,22.Pages J V. : ' CRAJNTORI), NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1669 Orurford, New Jersey 07018 15/CENTS . township Committee^Tliesday.night' introduced and passed nn first readiiig dn ordinance establishing a new incen- tive^ salary policy for members of. the .,."' police and fire departments and setting salaries ffcr most niemhersnf t.hft twn • I. departments lor 1969 arid 1970. Public the Increases will amount to $75,0Q0 The Board of. Education^ and the. Cran- •clerks, "of 12.26 percent for huiidihg service -tiiis-yearTfor the 71 member^oJLtheiwo ford Education- Association have reached and maintenance personnel,, of .9.fl8. percent' departments, Public Safety Commis- agreement fdr the 1969-70 school year on for school nurses, and of 8;77 percent for sioner Wynn Kent explained. These salary improvements and other benefits, it , administrators and supervisors., 7 : include $48,000 for the 44 members of was announced. ioday by Carter -E. Parjer, The total cost of the salary increments and the police department and $27,000 for school board" president, and Irwih L. Billet, improvements are: Teachers, $308,186; secre- the 27 members of the fire department. FORMAL PRESENTATION OF COMMUNITY" SURREY — Works Commissioner William H. Meyer and Public Affairs association president. tarial/clericaP, $20,971; building services/ Starting salaries, for members of the Scene as Dr. Frank W. Krause, 'survey project chairman, Commissioner Malcolm S. Pringle.'Standing in-back,ieft Mr.. Porter said the proposed agreement maintenance, $32,850; nurses, $4,000, and police and lire departments will jiimp to right arej Township'Clerk John F. Laezza, Jr.; Dr. Victor admini&trative/sup'eryisory/ $24,478. ucted by the Cranford Jaycees to. Mayor Edward X, Gill... Jg_ contingent on- approval *ofjhe 1969-70 from $6,206 last year to $6,650 this year. "HSaBelij" 3 ayce^^resiagnTr^FraTtk O'Dofiiiclt: mid Fi ud Tgtfute licHbol Hfidiet byinTWt^rs^t^nl^eDTBary-*'=s&t=±he=aalajgfc^ = and "Township Committee. Seated at their .desks, left to* and maintenance, a new scale forihainteh- 3efca==teF=$^ of ffie suryey tommittee; Fred Moore, president 6f Danmor 11 schoo'V election. " r members of both departments reached right, are Public Safety Commissioner Irwiri I. Kent, '•.Systems,"Computer prdgrainmer for the project, and Noel men is' £royide.dT It calls' forja Balary The package agreed to. by the" board and range of $5";500 t'67$7,75C to ]be reached in maximum after four years, A fifth step Finance Commissioner Jack C.McVey, Mayor Gill, Public %inberrV and Harold Johnson^ survey committee members. the association wHlrCOst an estimated $390,485 „ 10 steps. The current range for these men has been added so that maximum will to implement, and these funds are provided is $4,700 to $6,500. " go from $7,660 last ;year to $6,027 this in the tentative' budget introduced by the year and to $9,9Q6 next year. v \ board. ' ; - ' • Under a, complicated point system The agreement provides for salary im- incentive, program, sxplainied fully in provements for: teachers," administrators andx th.e-ordinance printed elsewhere in to- , Drug Addiction supervisors,, nurses, secretaries• and clerics,v Ne^d Only $2^)00 day's issue, the maximum salary pos- and building service and maintenance/per- sible for a patrolman or fireman alter sonnel. / For United Fund five years service and by accumulating -T-he—major—improvement provides for in- ihe .required points through extra creasing the^minfmum salary for a. teacher A study, is $10,266 this year and-$lli368 with a bachelor's de'greefjom $6,400 to $7,000 Goal next yAar. It was explained, however, ten recommendations have been made by ing a uniform architectural code. sirable?' were As follows: 1,199 'yes', l;068 and for increasing the maximum salary from . g) Institute a formal program on .zoning 'no', arid 611'no opinion.' $10,700 to $11,300." y >•. • '• • "the Cranford United Fund, now at $?6,- that it ft virtually impossible for mem- the Cranforq jaycees after analyzing results 1 of the coihmunity-wide survey conducted ordinances (3-5 years) which will assure de- "the qestion of including a high seating The agreement tlso calls for increasing 000, i£ closer 4o-its go»l than ever before, bers of either department to accumulate last October and made .public this week. tailed review and revision to meet changing capacity gymnasium,in a new high school, if the annual increments for teachers holding and still growing." , " "the required points to*rea'ch the maxi- community conditions." . " ' one were built, received the following re- master's degrees plus 15 credits and mas- This announcement this week by Albert BJ. mum this year or" in 1970. The Jaycees recommend "that the Town- Geseler, campaign chairman, was; based on ittea -- „ •,^^*fa ,——...„-!._,^,,- Also recommended is "that the Board of sponse: 1,007 'yes.', 1,084 'no', and 785 *no tery degree plus 30 credits at the third step Salary for sergeants in tht e police de* ; "—opinion: year-end reports of corporate and employe partmenartt t willill- go ffrom a) Develop Immediate plans to construct a $300 to $400, and at the 15th step from ^'du'striardir second, membership, financed, community a) Reflect the expression of this survey "When.residents were: asked if they felt .vision under Norman Roden over its goal. l8,625-!58,82T::last yyear pTnpp. first, priority em changing the cur- the municipal government should become in: $300 to $400. Vincent F.^Sarnowski, acting ; aild to L vplved in senior citizen and fixed income superintendent, of schools, said these larger ' "T.pag than $?,.nftn jq npw rtpWtafl t.n put, thft ! b) Appoint a committee to determine the rent K.-8-l 2 grade pattern which has been tJriited Fund over the-top for .ttw first time so overwhelmingly repudiated. housing tiie responses were:. 1,022 'yes', i$$Z increments'are, designed aS "career inceh-; feasibility of establishing a community center in its histc*yr and we still .have delayed re- merit program as for patrolmen and 'no', and-672 'no opinion.' (Retired respon- tives" for v teachers in the local school sys- with" a^irogrant for.ajl age gfcoiips. .;'•,•.. b) ^Establish a positive and continuing pro- : ports due from other divisions which <&n do firemen. — , gfam" for communicating With the, community. dents favored this proposal .357 to 272 with tem... ' . •• -•• . ' • c ••.-..•,.• . Detectives .and detective sergeants is) iPubliqfee dcifinitive^detaliy regarding a 138 having, no opinion.) ; /,. it," Mr, Gessler said. '*Whatwe need right' prospective njembership-f Jnanced ice skating - ,C) Attempt to define the nature and^ex^ Mr. Sarnowski said the increases for teach- now is all the checks and pledge cards which will receive the same base salary as 1 "Reslti of this,survey indicate; the majbritj/;- ers will'range from $600 toi, $1,200, and the rink and hold public heaWnB|B aod/or solicit tent of drug abusevin th^'Bcho61 system, evaj- .patrolmen and sergeants plus an addi* r o£ respondents fiold the opinion that dkmrim? average increase is 1043 percent ^ncludlhg a -positive e'xpi^p M l»terest fFom poten- uate^e ade<^acy^f;th^ current dtug abuser K oa . ,"In art advertlsewe^ifc to; this IssiJe of the tional $$00Mhu|Uy^iha will be eligible s.° (IaBally this .'project should be educational' pVqgram. and institute inatlon in the areas of educatioh,.housing -"'• 2.77 percent for increments and ~~*—»*•'"" Citizen and Chronicle. Wire pttblttfly thatjfc- lor-the incentive merit raises. * salaryj ing over 1*500, Gvfyitard citfeenl|: mi6'"J&kijm- madeiridividual gifts of'a ^15 lpr shares b^ Salariies pf police liiiUtewaJi^ and fire 'multiple fair shares,*'- hp adfled.f "Tfie^re -are captains ig s|t at^10,400 for.196d, and some-names which should be-on this list and salary of tfie poliee captain at $11,100." are', not; through delay or oversight, and These officers fliso will rp.rfi.ive> a dinances 4he. following responses were ire- tire cost of hospifalization for employes and tHey'are alll wwee heed -to -gevity percentage schedule of two-pei> e) Discourage buildinigT-ad TfoHowimg- Jhe-diffet ments,; ceived;^The idea of additional apartments in" 50 percent of family coveuage. ^ ence. It will-take only a few new gifts or .cent pi salary alter live years and f) Examine the possibilities for establish- Cranford is opposed by a ra«6 of almost 3 to 1 / "The goal of our discussions with theTran- increased gifts to do'it." 'T - tHree'fercent after 10 years. Chiefs Of Mrpnorri rate Syndicated in the survey results (Yes 28%— liord Education Association was to strive iof "The telethon follow-up after initial calls the two departments will have a salary survev accordhie to '^° 72%^ Oi tho?e ^P01"^ 71% answered realistic . salary policies to -help Cranford in the residential..districts was very success- range ,of USfiOO tb $16,000"as de'ter oiuvcjr, ow.uiuiu ra 'yeS tO the (JUPStio n DO yOU believe^th. ^^e ZOn- mnintnimaintain itcs presennrocontt ctntnstatucs in *r»Vloir'<today's. nrnnnJicompeti-. ""^u f..l l thins ..«n%.yeqr,»" r«n«Carl TT™1«V"UmlandJ , residentia_«-U__iI_il chair-u^l-- ^.J«;^j ._n_.t_i m ._«_»__ «'_ .. th^ Jaycee report 6 T mined annually T>y Township, Commit- ing ordinances should be, reviewed find^re- tive market in "attracting high quality teach-' man, reported. "We have received about 80 tee and also will receive longevity sponses toukey punch ^computer cards as vised to meet changing community condKers, .administrators, nurses, secretaries and all percent returns to dale, from pledge cards benefits. • ^ - , j .