BARON's DRUG STORE Yard Dash Li'l' H to 1 I -> T'.U -Nld Hir

BARON's DRUG STORE Yard Dash Li'l' H to 1 I -> T'.U -Nld Hir

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'\ :">-V^"^>^ >O-' ' " -•'"•"• ;' -' VM. •-, .:' .-: \~t..--: •-.••••' ••••,."• : :-v, .-"••••..•, •':'' .'-—r: . ;. '-.:/•'-,..;,; i '• ''] ' ,' ' ' " ''•.'.., ' '-• - V ' •" '\ 'v" -•••-< : r' '''"-' •'••. .-"'''..•'• -?- ''' '''' ""•'•••'-•: -;' •'.•'•: .: '• —•'"• "<'• •• " •• ' "' ''- • • • •'• '"•'•' ' ' •./' / . -'••• /" • TV; .••r-'l~\. - /••• • - nd :i; CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, .AUGUST .0, 195( ,2Ll-'..' Pa«e She •'/. ..'-.. T«E CRANFORD ^CITIZEN AND )' -,iid-- the Union Couh.t^' Police Pistol in.''abundance at tjae• fieltT as__tfie71 aspin'6, John PufiflsiTBuTcn Hanna, r 2t2, and Harry C. Brbwni'263.' ^h.,. I : ••' ' I , '- boys arid girls ' competed,' in- a Richard Smith.,- Michael' Cavalla, League Monday :by defeating Ne^v "for score. '••-., i • . Providence, 1,117 to. 1,066,• at Jhe Mst Week of Activities pitching plale contest./. Particir Pat and Agnes Jones, Joanne Lal- •/•''Drive'; •,i.; pants were Edward Shetkterman, l'ace. Ji'm.;Walsh. Noinahegan range. ; I , r . k-- On Municipal Ph$f ields Elaine Sofman,. Betsy Ratajcz^k, •Linda Jones captured the ferand Supplies to Local Invalids Individual scores for Cranford .'•' he Betty MacEvoy, Kdward Todd. prize (for blowing a bubble biggbr marksmen were: Lt. Peter- F..Mil- . 'as The First1 Aid Squad'has taken over from, the-Visiting Nurs© AIR. - COipiTIONED Carefully .'Attendance on the, seven Cran- BeUy'JMaeEvoy,,- Edward T-oddjj than her head. .'. Ver, 269; Off. Frederick A. Roberts. T1-/ John Todd,. Pat.McAndrew, Weni'y'j Lincoln School. Association a supply of crutches, wheelchairs and. hospital beds ford municipal playgrounds has In arts.and crafts Japanese; lan- '2b4; Off. Joseph J., Kovacs, 281, • ' i reached another new high in sum-Lrniriyio| , Rose Laurie SchlofT,. Jof- ' In the handcrafV yeoartmt>nt terns, necklaces, ropes made which may, be obtained on loan by residents, it was' announced at a ,*/ \vere made by/Thomas and OfT.:Robert J. Ryan, 270. nier registration a^ 1.818. ToXnls frey iGanec, Richard Callen', Mar-; gummed paper strips were con- meeting Monday night in the GIRWIOOD - GRANFORD : Kiwer, Phyllis Serina, Karen /Officer's Edward J. Klubenspies, •at the playgrounds are: .Walnut iiyn/Cnllen. ••' • ' -. j structed by Maureen and Joanne illac ambulance. ••jf-.; Cooke, Karen Small, Claire Fink. squad headquarters.: Entered 'ut iwcond duns mall - matter •» 9rl-|nn'l. 307; \fe-} 1 Lallace,\ Carol" and Robert Luet- •It wds decided that a Vol,XXIII...No.,30. •net . 'JWWM- -Jlhnrn_i'i1>iH hp nh rhnrpp to ro"- .. CRA-NF^RD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST/16, 1956 The I'oat Otfice at Craniord. N. 3. 3 Sections, 20 mortal, 24fi: Aonnis field; TP so;/re the Bravest peivspn were h^jr-a—anrt-^J*>e_l-amala"^if=TOT ! f tha nits—wi 11—be^ »(•••• Sopic?i>Jl)(>c Cnstiildo and Art Mil- Roosevelt, 3)0. Sunny Acres, 2l\ ciypaiiied up by Ronnie Biirstein, vage, Robert Newfeld, Alan Dinc- dents., fo'r the service, a squad Leslie I". Bragdon for the aid she - AIE ler. CONDITIONED. Lincoln; 3.71. ' J" '• :•' • Came. Su?an Rodstein, ski, Elsie, Agnes! and Kathy Reilly, spokesman stated. has given the squad WESTFIELD 2-1288 Cranford Nonagenarian - Aj the High School playground Pat,' Linda, Suzanne/ Barbara", '. Walnut Fiold' ' yn Nielsen, Doug'las Nielsen, f.inserpaintinfi was dqne by Beth • Capt. George Syscskey reported Harold S. Comp'ton, and o\h&S 'Catherine' Poirier, Sandra IU.1-, Marilyn, and Richard.Jones. s Job to Supplement ' Busy- at making parachutes on Eln'iipe.r, Kate ElnYiqerv^Max'iric that.the squad made 36 bails: dur- ficers. Roderick Snuth Is Pap'er' sculpture was.'done by .the Watnut playiield weri', Sharon pern. Ann F-pstein, John- Kroner ing July, involving 147 man-hours' William.,,P. Smith, v;,n. Gilder. Betty-Ann! MeGuire, Kathy Walsh, Alice Farb.j "Linda vice-presi- Franke.nbcrfier,, Jpbn Massa. Let while covered flowerpots were Michele MeGuire, Sue Maxllcltl, ind G09 miles of travel.! The long- Jent, presided in theabsence, of made by Ruse'Laurie SchlofT. Bot- Wittaker, Agnes Reflly; ._ ~.'~— est trip of. the month was'on July PLainfield 6-5477 Natural Activities' Mayor • lie C-xiine; Karen Brownlets Saivly 'Miixficld, Rosemary Sizer ^\\*cekiy, tournaments drew a Walter M. Cooper. frey Ganei"; Rose Laurie Schlo t.v MacEvoy. Sharon 'F.rankenbers-' 17' to, Idlewild .International Air- Of -. (FolUnviliu isf-flu" eoniplclc text o.t 'the,statement -made by ion •At Sunny Acres playlielcl, mod- crowd\and several jupior and cr. .IciYrey • Fallinas. Liiicia Cicli- port, IJ. I... to .transport Peter f Jila.unr^Fre.ri P.. AndersK'i nt Tues'dau iiiyhfs liicrtiiif; o/ tlic Totiui- To Lead Study of Eeerea LindaySherman, Corilyn. Polloj'k, orn painting wa's .taken, op-'by'Jo! Jlowir New Providence Close jt>r56o intervie\vs with ical '.shoppers wei'e cpmpleted- 6n lese, Ca'hy Sinclair,. Janet S;n- senior - winners who were Pat Stoi'ner, Sr., .back to Cranford af- % ._W/Sniilh of Charles • FrankenbergiT, - Pecuy-.'- Ann Kit't-7.el antl linger " painting Puglisi, pick-up sticks; foul shoot- •Monday by 10 representatives o, slrip Coiimiiltce coueririp the recreation-«nd li'i'ii-ttyt . situation in - - -.'• _' . ter 24. years in' Rumani.' Mr. In Police Pistol Match U.nity. Planning Associates of loaf; associated U ith Boy Ttnftery. .C.ithey Rafu-ry, Io'-inj;' by N'.in Goodhart.. •/ ing, Richard Smith and Tom Azar; Piinceton. - Scout and/Cub Scou.t activities in. .Aklcsbei'i;.. Craip- \lai".in, John Winner in', the wet'kly athletic checkers,. Robert Ljugthold and Steiner is suffering from arthritis. •j Cranford Police Department T Memorial. Field rmation obtained during the building Permit Approved Crnnfoi^Faiid Union County, was; •Kroner. Waltt-r Dit.'el. ElanWSof- tmimaiTient.- wen- Patricia Buch-; Dick Salway; tetherball, Richard A crew Cranford will paN began second half competition in "In the opii'.ion of many thoughtful people, we have .to. establis .ip'poinled cliairmiih of a tomtnit- /Paper construction -work pre- vs will now. be analysed m;m. Cathy Sofman. Ppnha/Mar-' cr, girls'. tetherball;i Jack Fedorku.. Smith and Ken Borup; Judy Valla, lieip'fite in the second annual me-, sense of values as'-' to. what is- called •rocreationV Life ij.- M too to look into the .whole, prob- doniinatci at. the Memorial play- formO-lated in a report that till,. Betty MnrEwy, Betsy iRau.j- hoys' checkers, arid boys' tether- jacks; John Peterson, marbles. morial trophy contest of the Sec- Today — f'rijj-- Sat. 2 Big Hits nor e>tu\vill be. an- amusejiieni partj with H .succession of roller ' Apartments \v\vi of recreiitional f;icilities iii field with .iack-in-tlie-boxes. 3-D High School will ' be submitted to,Township 4ind czak and Ronnie-Bu-rstein. biili. ... '', • .-',. ind District of the New Jersey coaster rirfe~!Kniid extraneous excitement. 'Kecrealicin' has come ;tn i:e, Township- Committee -Tuesday night approved- a ..bui.ldmK' permit.- pf an ford 'by Mayor Fred . P. An- rabhiN, •-. puppets' and corsases' First 'Aid Council.September 9 at 14AVE YOUR In Cinema.Scope an Committee at the September 25 thV / ••• • ., li: a p.eanu! hunt first prize v.i.s" recarded as tru^-^ppcial problem of public bodies and. the special. most popular with the 'younger , l/(?n.In Service Roosevelt -Park, .Edison, • - \ „ Clifton Webb" - Gloria Grahame meeting. •.'.'•. province Ql youth w • : fov a-fivi'-st'iiry apHrlnu-at' .tiliilijinK-'at 18''Springfield avenue -butweeiv/clersen at. Tuesday hjuht's-mceting- . Wall placiues m.vie'irum paper, t.-.-k"e!i b.\ Piitr-icia Buclicr. seto|ifl. also . Track Project of the Township Committee.. Stf\ . ' " '; - J Pvt'. William G. Klagan; son of The team" vt*ill include Frank 'Cooperation' of ..shoppers with (falling into another .Vl't has been my personal npjn-. ^'''ly Memorial and the Springfield Avenue' Apartments. plates-- were, 'riesVncM iiv-• Annette Shiiron Frankenber-ger: third. : Cornell "THE MAN WHO 11 I In' a.'i-H'V-P-'r-ed slaic-riu-nt,. which A !n;tker.voui -o.wn-doll contest, Mr. and "Mrs. William M: Magan Hcick, Edward Rouvet, George the interviewinc team was,' ori to, regard as tlie 'teen ages? ! ion far some time that the iicliv- '' The porinit wns issued, to. Louis - • '-.•,' _•.'.' Slfchor," Linda Spinner. Diane Sfli- '•Maria- Uirenz; fourth..- Barbara^ RUGS Wilde the whole, excellent,- said a rep- | ajipears elsewhere on this pngi;, hor; Shnrnn Friinkenbei'Rer.. K.ii-, Wfisbcrser. Flyi'iis • SH-UCOJ'S were "was held with winners Sharon of 5 Grove street, has arrived in Shei'ba and First Lt. Albert Bend- NEVER WAS^' Is Underway "All of life is a searc'h for rec^SUjos planned for girls should.'-be .^n'd Vincent Leyarulu of lrvinglon| p

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