Professional Boatbuilder Magazine
SUBJECT INDEX ISSUES 1 – 159 Abma, Albert, author: “A Study in Slender,” A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 147:18, O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Abramson, Tim: on displaying hull A&S Building Systems, Inc.: pre-engineered identification numbers, 61:5 metal buildings, 17:34, 26:18 abrasive discs. See abrasives, diamond; Abaris Training: advanced-composite grinders/polishers, discs for; sandpaper workshops, 47:57, 52:67, 69:125; abrasive pads: Micro-Mesh, 12:60 ultrasonic inspection/survey techniques, abrasives, diamond: Mister Blister, 12:60; 35:42; vocational training program, 20:26 Tech-Lok diamond discs, 25:59 Abbass, D.K. (Kathy): on surveyor Paul Abrasive Technology Inc.: Tech-Lok Coble and development of his Marine diamond discs, 25:59 Survey Seminars, 93:4 ABS. See American Bureau of Shipping Abbey, Howard: profile of, 104:100; Wyn-Mill (ABS) racer/Jim Wynne/Walt Walters, 132:36 ABS Construct: parts generation software, Abbott, Daniela T.H., author: “Olin 8:35 Stephens’s Last Project,” 119:20 ABS plastic: ABS/acrylic coextrusions, ABBRA. See American Boat Builders and 10:34, 11:20; ABS/Rovel coextrusions, Repairers Association 34:59; performance, 10:34. See also Abeking & Rasmussen: Concordia yawl, Royalex 50:32; Michael Peters Yacht Design 44m ABYC. See American Boat and Yacht motoryacht, 66:52; waterjet-powered fast Council (ABYC); ABYC safety standards motoryacht/Michael Peters Yacht Design, ABYC safety standards: battery chargers, 126:38; Vamarie, steel ketch, 68:11 61:128; bilge pumps, 44:26, 57:48; boat Abely Wheeler, aluminum constructed
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