November 12, 2020 | Issue 27 ‘We’re Not Defined by Our Disabilities’ Lector Edifies at Mass Celebrating Gifts of People with Disabilities By Jen Reed participating in a The Catholic Witness hospital ministry to the Nino Pesce is not a dying, and sponsoring blind man. He is a man a combined nine who happens to be people in the RCIA blind. program, among other The 85-year-old ministries. former ophthalmologist Pesce says his consultant went blind positive attitude for at the age of 53, and serving and his zeal decided straightaway for life comes from that his blindness was God. not going to deter him. “I have it because “For most people God is in my life,” he in my situation, they said. “Both Betty and totally wipe out and I are firm believers don’t do anything in the Holy Spirit. It’s beyond that,” said His push that makes it Pesce. “My feeling is, I very easy for me.” am blind, but I can do Guided by his wife whatever I darn well to the lectern, Nino please.” RACHEL BRYSON, M.S., THE CATHOLIC WITNESS served as a lector for And he has. Pesce Nino Pesce, who has been blind since 1988, the Diocese’s annual has gone on to serves as lector for the Mass as his wife, Betty, Mass Celebrating become the country’s also a lector, looks on. the Gifts of People second blind realtor, a with Disabilities. motivational speaker, and a presenter on sight Celebrated by Bishop Ronald Gainer at St. safety at universities and businesses. James Church in Lititz on Nov. 6, the Mass was He and his wife, Betty, are members of St. also shared via livestream on the Diocese’s James Parish in Lititz, where they serve as YouTube page. lectors and Betty is also an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Preparing to Greet Jesus Prior to retiring to Lititz, the Pesces were also Hosted each year by the Diocesan Office of active in their former parish in the Archdiocese Ministry with People with Disabilities, the Mass of Philadelphia, serving the Spanish-speaking community, facilitating a Divine Mercy group, More MASS, page 2 November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 2 MASS, continued from 1 reminds us to be prepared for the coming of Jesus, he said. celebrates the gifts and abilities of men, women “The parable is about the coming of Jesus to and children, several of whom traditionally serve usher in the fullness of the Kingdom of God. To as greeters, ushers, lectors and altar servers. be able to greet Him when He comes – whether In his homily, Bishop Gainer connected it is at the end of our individual lives or at the end the Gospel Reading of the parable of the ten of human history – takes preparation. We need to bridesmaids who went to meet the bridegroom be prepared to welcome the Lord,” Bishop Gainer to the Mass celebrating the gifts of people with said. disabilities. The celebration of the Mass for people with He pointed out that, in Scripture, weddings are disabilities and our gratitude to God for their gifts metaphors for the Kingdom of God. The parable is one way of wisely preparing to meet Jesus of the ten bridesmaids – five of whom were when he comes, the bishop said. foolish and did not have sufficient oil to light their “Recognizing the dignity of all our brothers and lamps, and five who were wise with enough oil – sisters, recognizing that a disability almost always brings many special abilities, thanking God and lifting up those abilities and the love that God shows us through our brothers and sisters – all of this is part of our wise planning to meet the Lord,” he said. “The last Sundays of the Church year invite us to think about these things,” the bishop said. “It’s not easy to think about these things, but it would be foolish to think that any one of us is going to live forever. We’re called to be prudent, to be wise, to look at how we’re preparing for our own response when we hear, ‘The bridegroom is coming.’

Not Defined by Disabilities Attending the annual Mass for the first time since moving to Lititz, Pesce expressed his gratitude for the Diocese and the Office of Ministry with People with Disabilities. “The main factor is showing that we’re all human beings, we’re all one, whether we’re blind, Father James O’Blaney, CSSR, pastor of St. or in a wheelchair, or deaf,” said Pesce. “We’re James Parish in Lititz, processes to the altar people. We’re not defined by our disabilities. I’m for the celebration of Mass Celebrating the Gifts of People with Disabilities. More MASS, page 3 Publisher: 4800 Union Deposit Road The Most Rev. Ronald W. Gainer, Harrisburg, PA 17111-3710 DD, JCL, Bishop of Harrisburg Phone: 717-657-4804 Executive Director for Public Relations: Email: [email protected] Rachel Bryson, M.S. [email protected] Digital subscriptions provided complimentary to all parishioners registered to a parish in the Diocese of Managing Editor: Jennifer Reed The mission of The Catholic Witness is Harrisburg. The Catholic Witness (ISSN 0008-8447, [email protected] to be of personal and practical help as USPS 557 120) is published digitally weekly except we try to be loyal and true witnesses for Photojournalist: Chris Heisey Christmas/New Year by the Harrisburg Catholic Christ in our daily living, spiritual and [email protected] Publishing Association, 4800 Union Deposit Road, temporal, in private and in public. Harrisburg, PA 17111. November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 3 MASS Ginny Stack or mumbled. It must be continued from 2 serves as Sign related to as you proclaim it.” Language not a blind person; Betty said her interpreter for I’m a person who husband’s service as the Mass. happens to be blind.” lector has been an Pesce does not inspiration to parishioners. shy away from talking “I’ve been told many about his blindness, times by parishioners that or from exposing the they are edified when they treatment that people see Nino at the lectern. with disabilities have I’ve gotten so many received. comments about the great In his professions job that he does,” she as a consultant and said. “I think part of it is, as a motivational when he reads, he can look directly out at the speaker, he has addressed ophthalmologists at congregation as though he’s really proclaiming Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, and business the Word to them, like Paul or Isaiah. We sighted leaders at Boeing and Merck. He has also people, as lectors, need to look down. I strive to given presentations at United Zion Retirement look out at the congregation as much as I can, Community, where he and Betty live. He speaks but Nino constantly looks out as he proclaims the about diversity, blindness and proper etiquette Word.” when encountering a person with a disability. “Do I think it makes a difference that he is “No matter where I speak, whether giving blind and still proclaims the Word? Yes, I think talks at Wills or at the retirement community, it’s it does in many ways,” she said. “With our God- to teach others that we’re human beings, not a given gifts, we can do anything God wants us to piece of trash because we’re blind or have some do, despite our abilities. Nino is a person in our other disability,” Pesce parish who is just as said. welcomed as anybody These days, else.” Pesce has had to The Pesces look put off speaking forward to resuming engagements due to Nino’s schedule of the pandemic. But he speaking engagements continues to share after the pandemic. his message, albeit They’re also inspired to a bit more indirectly, get involved in ministry by proclaiming the to the dying, and in Readings on a monthly ecumenical efforts. basis at St. James. “My feeling is, the “I can emphasize more that we give, the what I feel is necessary more that comes to us to emphasize as lector,” from God,” Nino said. Pesce said. “When you “I am 85 years old and lector, that’s exactly Betty is 77, and we what you’re supposed both feel that we have to be doing, proclaiming to do something in our what God wants to lives to help others.” proclaim. It has to be Bishop Ronald Gainer offers a blessing to a young done in such a way girl during Holy Communion. that it’s not rushed November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 4 Diocese’s Statement on Vatican Details McCarrick’s Career McCarrick Report and Decades of Sexual Misconduct Most Reverend Ronald W. Gainer, By Hannah Brockhaus Bishop of Harrisburg, released the Catholic News Agency following statement Nov. 10 regarding The Vatican’s Secretariat of State published on Nov. the report of former cardinal Theodore 10 a report on Theodore McCarrick, saying that the McCarrick. had received inaccurate information about “Like many Catholics throughout the McCarrick from three New Jersey bishops before Diocese of Harrisburg, our state and our McCarrick’s 2001 appointment as of country, I welcome the release of this Washington. report regarding the actions of former The false information presented by those bishops cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Although might have been instrumental in assuring McCarrick’s I have not had the opportunity to fully appointment as Archbishop of Washington, the report review the more than 400 page report, as said. I am receiving it at the same time as you, Allegations about McCarrick had been sent by I pray this report will provide answers and Cardinal John O’Connor, then the archbishop of that healing may begin. New York, to apostolic nuncio Archbishop Gabriel “It is expected this report will bring to Montalvo in a letter on Oct. 28, 1999. That letter was light a great number of harms that may subsequently shared with John Paul II, the report be shocking and saddening. As we have states. personally experienced, healing can only In response to those allegations, at the request begin once all the harms done have been of John Paul II, separate but “substantively identical brought to light. This report is an important letters” were sent to Bishops Vincent Breen and step in the healing process for all those Edward Hughes of Metuchen, and Bishop John Smith who suffered at the hands of McCarrick of Trenton on May 12, 2000, asking for the truth about and for our Church as a whole. McCarrick. Bishop James McHugh of Rockville Centre “I express my profound sorrow to all of was contacted separately about the same question. McCarrick’s victims and to all survivors “Three of the four American bishops provided of abuse. I also encourage all those inaccurate and incomplete information to the Holy who have suffered abuse at the hands See regarding McCarrick’s sexual conduct with young of a priest, bishop, deacon, employee, adults,” the report concluded. volunteer or anyone in the Church to The bishops presenting false information were report that abuse to the civil authorities. Hughes, Smith, and McHugh. I join with Archbishop José H. Gomez, The letter of Bishop Hughes, who succeeded president of the USCCB, in saying that McCarrick in Metuchen, told the Holy See that: “I have this report underscores the need for a no factual information that would clearly indicate any conversion of our hearts, so that we may moral weakness on the part of Archbishop McCarrick.” follow Christ with integrity and humility.” Hughes’ letter dismissed the accounts of some The Diocese of Harrisburg urges priests who had reported to him being molested anyone who has experienced sexual or abused by McCarrick, even when, in one case, abuse by a member of the clergy, an a psychologist affirmed that the priest had been employee or volunteer to contact law McCarrick’s victim. Hughes noted moral lapses on enforcement. The Diocese also offers the part of the priests accusing McCarrick while support to survivors of sexual abuse in dismissing their claims against the archbishop. their pursuit of emotional and spiritual well- In fact, the bishop’s letter did not mention at all being. To report misconduct or learn more some incidents of sexual abuse or coercion that had about the healing resources available, been reported to him by Metuchen priests, according please visit More REPORT, page 5 November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 5 REPORT, continued from 4 of the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, contacted the apostolic nuncio, Archbishop to the report. to say that a priest had Smith, who had been an auxiliary bishop in told her McCarrick had acted inappropriately with Newark, told the nuncio that “I have never heard seminarians. Quentin offered to put the nuncio in anyone make a substantiated accusation of touch with the priest. immoral behavior against Archbishop McCarrick After talking to the priest, Cacciavillan nor have I any evidence of ‘serious moral contacted Washington Archbishop Cardinal weakness shown by Archbishop McCarrick.’” James Hickey, who defended McCarrick. The But according to the report, Smith himself had nuncio concluded that the allegations were in 1990 witnessed McCarrick groping the groin “possible slander” and that Quentin had reported of a young cleric during a dinner with several them because “she wanted to make herself officials from the Archdiocese of Newark. Smith’s appear important.” letter made no mention of that incident. The matter was not investigated further. McHugh, then auxiliary bishop of Newark, In 1997, Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, a was present at the same 1990 dinner and also psychologist, reported to the Vatican’s saw the groping, but he wrote in his letter that he Congregation for Bishops that a priest he had “never witnessed any improper behavior on the treated had been the victim of “sexual trauma” part of Archbishop McCarrick.” perpetrated by McCarrick. The misinformation presented by those That allegation was apparently not bishops was accepted as true by Montalvo, and investigated. part of what may have informed John Paul O’Connor raised concerns about McCarrick II’s decision to appoint McCarrick archbishop in 1999, which led to Montalvo’s questions of Washington in November 2000, the report to Hughes, Smith, and McHugh. Their letters explained. of endorsement for McCarrick seem to have The report portrays McCarrick as a cunning carried considerable weight in , the report personality, adept at establishing contacts with makes clear, especially after endorsement from influential political and religious leaders. Cardinals Hickey and Adam Maida, as well as It confirmed that he cultivated relations with support from Bishop George Murry of St. Thomas teenage boys and young men, referring to them in the Virgin Islands. as his “nephews” and asking them to call him The report says that on three occasions, “Uncle.” Some of the “nephews” would share prospective transfers of McCarrick to other U.S. a bed with McCarrick during trips and attend dioceses were stopped: to Chicago in 1997, to dinners at the bishop’s residence in Metuchen, New York in 1999 and 2000, and to Washington New Jersey, and later at his beach houses in July 2000. In November 2000, after the letters in New Jersey. Those “nephews” included from the New Jersey bishops, McCarrick’s seminarians who report being coerced and transfer to Washington was carried out. compelled to share a bed with McCarrick, along About three months before the appointment, with incidents of touching, harassment, and Pope John Paul II had received a letter from sexual contact by the former cardinal. McCarrick through his personal secretary, Bishop The report explained that the Holy See, along Stanislaw Dziwisz. with several U.S. bishops and the bishops’ In the August 2000 letter, McCarrick denied conference, had received anonymous complaints O’Connor’s accusations against him and declared against McCarrick in the early 1990s. Those were he had never had sexual relations with anyone, investigated by Cardinal O’Connor in connection while stating he would “do whatever the Holy with a possible papal visit to Newark, who judged Father asked of me.” that allegations McCarrick was inappropriate with The letter convinced John Paul II that adults would not present an issue if the pope McCarrick was telling the truth, the report states. were to visit Newark. In 1994, Mother Mary Quentin, RSM, superior More REPORT, page 6 November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 6 REPORT, continued from 5 According to the report, General in the Archdiocese of Viganò wrote to Cardinal Washington, he occasionally A footnote in the report also , prefect of the heard ‘old rumors’ about notes that people close to the Congregation for Bishops, McCarrick having shared a pope said he was inclined to in 2012, informing him of a bed with seminarians at a believe allegations of sexual lawsuit against McCarrick by a beach house when McCarrick misconduct against clerics were cleric identified in the report as was a bishop in New Jersey. false, based on his experience “Priest 3.” The report said that Cardinal Farrell noted that the in communist , “where Ouellet instructed Viganò, who rumors were not about sexual rumors and innuendo had been was then nuncio the U.S., to activity and ‘didn’t ever relate to used to damage the reputations investigate whether the claim minors.’” of Church leaders.” was credible but “did not take “Farrell only learned of the After that letter, McCarrick these steps.” civil settlements involving became Archbishop of The report also touched on McCarrick ‘through the priest Washington, and a cardinal. McCarrick’s fundraising and grapevine’ in 2007 or 2008, McCarrick was ordained a habit of giving cash gifts to after Farrell had already been priest in 1958 and auxiliary Church officials, which it said installed as the Bishop of bishop in the Archdiocese of took place “over at least four Dallas. Farrell stated that it was New York in 1977. He became decades.” ‘an absolute shock’ to learn in 1981 Bishop of Metuchen, It said: “Overall, the record in 2018 that there had been a New Jersey, then Archbishop appears to show that although credible allegation in New York of Newark in 1986, and then in McCarrick’s fundraising skills that McCarrick had abused a 2001 Archbishop of Washington, were weighed heavily, they minor.” D.C., where he retired in 2006. were not determinative with “With respect to McCarrick’s He became a cardinal in respect to major decisions conduct during the years he 2001, but resigned from the made relating to McCarrick, was Archbishop of Washington, after it including his appointment to Cardinal Farrell stated he emerged in June 2018 that he Washington in 2000. In addition, ‘never saw or heard, ever, of had been credibly accused of the examination did not reveal any sharing of a bed, of any sexually assaulting a minor. evidence that McCarrick’s involvement with anybody, or Allegations of serial sexual customary gift-giving and anything of that nature, whether abuse of minors, seminarians, donations impacted significant at the residence or elsewhere.’ and priests soon followed, decisions made by the Holy See Farrell said that he ‘never and McCarrick was laicized in regarding McCarrick during any suspected, or ever had reason February 2019. period.” to suspect, any inappropriate first announced A footnote in the report conduct by McCarrick in an internal Vatican investigation discussed McCarrick’s Washington.’” into the career of McCarrick in association with Cardinal Kevin In a July 2018 interview, October 2018. The results of Farrell, prefect of the Vatican Farrell said he was “shocked” that investigation were released Dicastery for the Laity, Family, by revelations of abuse against Nov. 10. and Life since 2016. Farrell McCarrick. In addition to tracing lived with McCarrick from 2002 “I was shocked, McCarrick’s career, the report to 2006, when Farrell was overwhelmed; I never heard any says that Archbishop Carlo auxiliary bishop, vicar general, of this before in the six years I Maria Viganò, who called for and moderator of the curia in was there with him,” he said. Pope Francis to resign over the Washington Archdiocese. Included in the report is his handling of McCarrick in The footnote said: “In an testimony from a woman from 2018, failed in 2012 to follow interview, Cardinal Farrell stated the New York area, identified instructions to investigate that, during his time as Vicar allegations against McCarrick. More REPORT, page 7 November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 7 REPORT, continued from 6 a conflict with [McCarrick] was when one of my in the report as “Mother 1,” who said she sent in sons was going to the first dance of his freshman the mid-1980s anonymous letters to members of year [in high school]. And Ted did not want him to the Church hierarchy about McCarrick’s behavior go to the dance, insisting that my son “owed him” with minors. and that he should go away on a weekend trip The report says no originals or copies of the with Ted. letters were located in the Vatican, the U.S. According to the report, the woman said nunciature, or the Archdiocese of New York, and McCarrick introduced her sons to alcohol on no references to the letters were found in any overnight trips. documentation. “Mother 1” stated that she felt McCarrick posed In interviews for the report, the woman told the a danger, but because of his position, and the Holy See, she met McCarrick in the early 1970s, ways McCarrick gave favors and made people and he became a frequent visitor to her family’s feel special, she was worried about retaliation for home. reporting him. “Mother 1” reported sensing McCarrick “had a In the mid-1980s, the woman wrote a letter strange interest in boys” and that she witnessed warning Church hierarchy about McCarrick’s him touching them in inappropriate ways, such as behavior with children, the report states. She sent on their inner thighs, or rubbing her son’s chest. handwritten identical copies of the letter to each In an interview, she said “the first time I had of the U.S. cardinals and to the papal nuncio.

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Diocese of Harrisburg Youth Protection Program November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 8 Matthew 25 Grant Helps Pro-Life Center Supply Families with Basic Necessities for Babies By Jen Reed a life-affirming The Catholic Cody Stout and ministry Witness Danielle Spangle supporting (This is the with their baby women, families second in at the Carlisle and children. a series of Area Family Life features on Center. Matthew 25 organizations Grant Recipient supported by The Carlisle the Diocese’s Area Family Life Matthew 25 Center is among Collection. 32 parish- The collection supported will take place ministries that in parishes received a the weekend grant earlier of Nov. 21. this year from Visit www. the Diocese’s hbgdiocese. CHRIS HEISEY, THE CATHOLIC WITNESS annual Matthew org/m25 to help 25 Collection. support these The collection, local ministries.) which will take place in parishes the weekend When finances get tight, Cody Stout and of Nov. 21, supports efforts that provide food, Danielle Spangle turn to the Carlisle Area Family clothing and shelter to people in our communities. Life Center for the material assistance they need Seventy-five percent of the money contributed for their baby. At the center, the young couple to the Matthew 25 Collection is distributed can receive diapers, wipes and formula free of through grants to parish-supported ministries. charge. Twenty-five percent of the collection is given “It’s not like we can’t buy these things on our back to the parishes for their support of people in own, but sometimes they’re hard to afford,” said need. Spangle. The grant awarded to the Carlisle Area Family It’s a harsh reality: “Buy food for the table, Life Center will support the center’s “Baskets or buy diapers, wipes and formula,” she said. for Babies” program, which provides expectant “Without this program, I don’t know where we mothers and families with a large basket filled would be.” with supplies such as clothing, blankets and The Carlisle Area Family Life Center is a crisis diaper bags filled with diapers and bottles. pregnancy and resource center that provides “The Baskets for Babies program began in material and emotional support to women and 1998 when the volunteers at the center realized families. The center’s free and confidential that many of the women and families coming services include pregnancy testing, limited here didn’t have the resources – financially or ultrasounds, counseling, community referrals and emotionally – to take care of their children. Many maternity and baby clothing and supplies. were receiving government assistance, but you The center has been a mainstay of support for can’t use that to buy clothing and diapers,” said the Carlisle community and surrounding areas Jackie Philips, the center’s director. for more than 30 years. Founded in 1979 as a Since 1998, the center has distributed more Birthright chapter at the behest of the late Father than 1,270 baskets. Last year, the center gave Andrew Fontanella, a former pastor of nearby St. Patrick Parish, the center continues to operate as More MATTHEW 25, page 9 November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 9 MATTHEW 25 you need it, along continued from 8 with clothing and other items,’” she out 91 baskets, said. a number that “We want to Philips projects show the families the center will that we are here surpass this year, for them,” she as more families remarked. struggle to make ends meet during Empowering the pandemic. Clients “Some of Joann the items for Centenera has the baskets been volunteering are donated by Jackie Philips, director, and Cindy Cervi, associate director, at the center for churches and the past 12 years. display some of the “Baskets for Babies” items, supported individuals, but She said she through grant from the Diocese’s Matthew 25 Collection. oftentimes we cried the first time have to make up she walked into the difference. That’s where the money from the the supply room and saw the stacks of diapers Matthew 25 grant comes in,” Philips said. “It costs and stocks of formula. about $100 to put one of these baskets together, The idea that families struggled to buy basic so the money from the grant really helps us make supplies for their babies brought her to tears. ends meet.” “It just hit me that these were things most She said the baskets are a tangible item people take for granted, and there are people that the center can offer a pregnant woman, out there who don’t have these basics readily especially one who is considering abortion. The available to them,” Centenera said. center stands ready to support both the woman She said it’s rewarding to serve with a program and her child. that directly helps people in her community. “We can show her a basket and say, ‘If you In addition to distributing maternity and infant give your child life and choose to parent them, we supplies, the Carlisle Area Family Life Center can give you all the basic supplies you’ll need for offers community referrals and resources, sharing your baby, and we’ll help you take care of him or with clients a three-page list of partners in the her, with diapers twice a month and formula when community. “To be able to put that information into the hands of the people who need it, for me, is an added reward of volunteering,” Centenera said. “We are empowering them. By giving them information, they can make the decisions for what they need in their lives.” “Empowerment” is an important word at the center. Staff and volunteers understand that it’s not always easy for their clients to ask for help. The welcoming entrance of “We do see a fair share of moms the Carlisle Area Family Life who are reluctant to ask, because they Center, located downtown on Hanover Street. More MATTHEW 25, page 10 November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 10 MATTHEW 25 in need of housing. continued from 9 “We are welcoming and non-judgmental don’t want to feel when they walk in these like they’re needy,” doors. We are here to Centenera said. “But serve them, to bless we always reassure them and to encourage them, ‘This is what them on their journey of we’re here for. Don’t parenting,” Cervi said. ever feel like you’re Stout and Spangle being a burden.’” said they have witnessed The center is the caring and non- non-denominational, judgmental welcome first- and assists anyone Clothing, blankets and other items are distributed hand. seeking pregnancy at the center, which also offers maternity items, “The staff here is resources. ultrasounds, referrals and counseling. amazing, and very “We try to reassure give you today, you can give to helpful,” Stout said. them and let them know we someone in need when your “I think they are some of can help,” said Cindy Cervi, child outgrows them.’” the most wonderful people,” associate director. “Sometimes “It is a great privilege and Spangle said of the staff and especially the men will say, ‘I a great honor to serve our volunteers. “They are kind should be taking care of my clients,” Cervi said. She and helpful. They never make family. I can’t believe we’re recounted instances of abortion- anyone feel uncomfortable for here for help.’ We tell them, minded women who changed needing help, or asking for ‘This is what we’re here for, their minds after seeing their help.” and maybe you can pass that ultrasound, of maternity wear (Learn more about help on. If you see someone provided for pregnant women the Carlisle Area Family else who needs help later, outgrowing their clothes, and of Life Center at https:// maybe some of the clothes we referrals given to young couples

Catholic Charities Adoption and Specialized Foster Care Program participated in a Trunk or Treat event at Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary School in Middletown. Caseworker Kim Burkholder shared candy and information about the program. To learn more about the program, and how you can make a difference in the life of a child, contact [email protected] or 717-564-7115. PHOTOS COURTESY OF ADOPTION AND FOSTER CARE November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 11 Diocesan Unbeatens Battle in District 3 Volleyball Championship By Chris Heisey clean looks and The Catholic hits consistently. Witness And when they did, For the second Trinity was there to year in a row, the dig and transition to Trinity Shamrocks offense to maintain won the District momentum. 3 Class AA Last year, Trinity volleyball disappointedly championships, lost in the state and this year semifinals on in convincing a snowy mid- fashion, besting November night. the previously It seems this unbeaten year’s team is on a Fighting Irish of Shamrocks’ captains hoist the District 3 trophy for the redeeming mission York Catholic second consecutive season. to avenge that in straight sets. loss. If they defend When you serve, and attack in tidy York Catholic’s hitter Hope pass, set, strike, fashion as they did Leavy-Gaskins nails a kill block and dig against a very good against Trinity. the ball well, you York Catholic team, are going to beat who bested Delone good volleyball Catholic in the teams. And Trinity district semifinal, it did all of those is difficult to fathom fundamentals in who will be up to tidy fashion at besting the ’Rocks home on Nov. this year if they 10 to sweep the stay on top of their Fighting Irish 25- game. 17, 25-13 and (Photos by 25-19. Chris Heisey, The Give York Catholic Witness.) Catholic credit for battling and never quitting. Given their roster was a few players short due to illness, they just could not match Trinity playing at the Trinity’s top of their game. The energetic Olivia Shamrocks smothered York Zimmerman, Catholic’s outstanding hitter Hope junior, easily Leavy-Gaskins, never letting the avoids an senior get into a striking rhythm that Irish block. can produce points in spurts. Trinity was able put up a stout blocking wall, led by senior six-footer Lauren Trumpy, that never let the Irish get November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 12 Lancaster Catholic Continues Winning Tradition in District 3 Tennis The 2020 Fall sports season will be remembered for the challenges of competing amidst an invisible contagion. Many sports teams lost their seasons to Covid and school lockdowns, but there were many who were able to compete and excel. Notably, Anna Millen of Lancaster Catholic, a four seed, knocked off the prohibitive tournament favorite Anna Lewis of East Pennsboro to reach the finals. Millen then bested the number two seed from Berks Catholic in a three set victory (6-4, 4-6, 7-5) to win the District 3 singles championship. To win 7-5 in final set, breaking serve to do so, speaks to the competitive tenacity it takes to be a champion. Millen is pictured with coaches Mark Smith and Victor Fissella in this photo, courtesy of Lancaster Catholic.

York Catholic Plays in Fifth Consecutive District 3 Football Final By Chris Heisey The Catholic Witness Irish Experience usually trumps youth Quarter- in high school sports. back Levan A youthful York Catholic football McFadden team fell to an experienced Camp explodes Hill, 21-7, in the District 3 Class AA through the final played at York Catholic on a perfect autumn night Nov. 6 under Camp Hill the lights. defense. The Fighting Irish fell behind early by a touchdown, but quarterback Levan McFadden connected with fellow sophomore Quinn Brennan on a 49-yard bomb to knot the score just before halftime. But, the third quarter Camp Hill’s Daniel Schuster is taken down belonged to the Lions, whose ball- control passing and running games by the York Catholic defense. only gave the Irish one series of downs the entire quarter. When Camp Hill’s quarterback Daniel Schuster connected on a 53-yard strike to go up two scores early in the fourth, it was the final dagger for the Irish. But there is no despair in York, as the Irish are sophomore and junior laden at their skill positions and up front as well. It is safe to concede that this big-game loss for the Fighting Irish will be experience ROBERT J. CHADDERDON/ worth gold next fall. ELBE PHOTOGRAPHY November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 13 Lancaster Deanery Students Celebrate Vocations via Virtual Presentations By Ann Weaver Special to The Witness The middle school students of six Lancaster County Catholic schools recently celebrated National Vocation Awareness Week. Sixth, seventh and eighth graders from Our Lady of the Angels in Columbia, Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Ephrata, St. Leo the Great in Rohrerstown, and Sacred Heart of Jesus, Resurrection and St. John Neumann in Lancaster participated in a Zoom presentation with Father Jonathan Sawicki, Diocesan Director of Vocations, Sister Marianne Therese Lallone, IHM, Vocation Director for the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Immaculata, Pa. Father Sawicki Zoomed with the boys in all six A student from St. John Neumann School schools to share his story. He explained that as a sophomore in high school, many people were asks Father Sawicki a question. asking him about his future plans. Someone told him that he had the “look of a priest,” and many different gifts and talents to help others see that was the beginning of many conversations God’s love for them through us. As each of us and reflections which ultimately led him to his grow we all feel a call, a deep longing in life, to a vocation. Father Sawicki explained that as you particular way of life that is our vocation. consider your vocation discernment, you should Sister shared her personal story and some take it to your heart and pray. He has been a further thoughts. God always brings us back to priest for 11 years. the little “nudges” of His plan. She told the girls to Father Sawicki invited Deacon Aaron Lynch pay attention to the people in their lives, give God to join the discussion. Deacon Lynch attended time and space through prayer to allow Him to public school, started focusing on his Catholic reveal his plan for you, and to build a relationship faith in seventh and eighth grades, and entered with Him. Sister Marianne concluded, “Be faithful the seminary after high school. He is in his final to who you are, be faithful to yourself, and to your year of seminary studies. Deacon Lynch shared friends.” that his studies are important, but it is most (Ann Weaver is the Development Director at rewarding to focus on becoming a good priest. Sacred Heart of Jesus School in Lancaster.) The presentation for the boys also included video segments from some of the other 23 seminarians, who are between the ages of 18-62, for the Diocese of Harrisburg. “Growing close to Christ is one of the best parts of being in the seminary,” one said. Another said he looks forward to celebrating Mass and also enjoys the idea of spiritual fatherhood, since priests become a part of so many families. The seminarians emphasized that they do have fun too: flag football, soccer games and the camaraderie of being together. The students enjoyed being able to ask questions at the end of the presentation. Sister Marianne Therese Lallone, in her presentation to the girls, emphasized that God wants all of us to know the fullness of his love, and that each of us are given Resurrection students listen to the virtual presentation. November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 14

The Catholic Witness is introducing readers Meet the to the Diocese’s 35 new permanent deacons, with photos, biographical information, and New Deacons their thoughts on serving the Church.

Deacon Henry Reese largest provider of humanitarian aid in both physical and spiritual needs throughout the Wife: Claudia Reese world. The formation program for the diaconate has certainly opened my eyes to the various Home Parish: Holy Trinity, Columbia needs in the local community especially, in the homelessness and those affected by substance Parish Assignment: Holy abuse in all forms. It is my prayer that my service Trinity, Columbia to our brothers and sisters in need (whatever the ministry may be) is filled with great joy and humility, to be like Jesus “who came to serve and What drew you to serve the Diocese as a not to be served” (Mt. 20:28) and is the example I deacon? aim to follow. Answering God’s call in service to the Church was not a consideration for me until the bulletin What is your profession? announcement was published in early 2015, I am an Area Supervisor for Enbridge (Texas and after a few parishioners asked me if I Eastern Natural Gas Transmission Corp.), was going to apply. Subsequently, with much Marietta, Pa., and have been employed there for discernment and prayer and the backing of my 33 years and counting. wife, Claudia, saying “Why don’t you, you already How has the formation program helped you missed one opportunity [meaning a vocation grow spiritually? to the priesthood] you don’t want to miss this I thought I knew how to pray – that was before one…. Do it!” In getting to know several deacons formation. However, I have learned there are throughout the Diocese, I have been inspired many forms of prayer, each with deep meaning, by their joy-filled commitment in spreading the each prayer taking us into the depths of God’s Gospel of Jesus Christ, who are unique members love for us. Prayer is when we are humble and of the married clergy with family and career faithful, discovering the movements that stir in responsibilities sharing together their journey of the heart and our ability to discern the question, faith, of which we are all called. “Lord what do you want me to do?” (CCC 2705- 2706) The Church has taught me how to pray to What aspect of the ministry are you most “seek and find” (Mt. 7:7) God’s will for me and my looking forward to? On a daily basis the is the family in everything I do.

Deacon Chad M. Reigel What drew you to serve the Diocese as a deacon? Wife: Angela Reigel I was, and still am, very active in our church. I enjoy serving in all aspects, including on the altar. Home Parish: St. Catherine of Siena in Quarryville I had a desire to do even more and responded to the “call” I was receiving to the Diaconate. Parish Assignment: St. Catherine of Siena in What aspect of the ministry are you most Quarryville looking forward to? While preaching is the most “glamorous” of our three-fold ministry of word, liturgy and charity, I More DEACONS, page 15 November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 15 DEACONS, continued from 14 courses in the program, my knowledge has increased significantly. I would have to say the am very much looking forward to assisting our friendships that have been made with my fellow parish members in charity, by meeting them deacon candidates have created the most where they’re at and responding to their needs. spiritual growth for me. This is the best group What is your profession? of men I’ve ever been associated with, and you I work in marketing at Bank of America. can’t help but be inspired by how they live their How has the formation program helped you lives. grow spiritually? Obviously, my prayer life has increased tremendously. Also, through the graduate-level

Deacon Jorge L. Reyes What aspect of the ministry are you most looking forward to? Wife: Nilda L. Reyes I am most looking forward to being a minister of charity because through such ministry, I will be Home Parish: Holy Spirit, Palmyra able to serve our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ. Parish Assignment: Holy Spirit, Palmyra What is your profession? I have been working for The Hershey Company for the last 42 years. I work for What drew you to serve the Diocese as a the Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Deacon? department. My function is to ensure that all God’s time is perfect! In 1989, I attended manufacturing sites comply with local and federal (while living in Puerto Rico) a Cursillo Retreat. I environmental and safety regulations. had a serious encounter with Jesus at the retreat. That retreat changed my life. It helped me to How has the formation program helped you realize my responsibilities as a baptized member grow spiritually? of Christ’s Church. As a consequence of that, I The formation program provided me with became more involved in the Church. great tools to grow in a deeper understanding For years, I felt that God was calling me to and appreciation of the following: the importance learn more about His Church and to serve Him of frequent reception of two sacraments (Holy by serving others. One of my former pastors Communion and Reconciliation); the necessity introduced me to the Liturgy of the Hours, and of personal ongoing spiritual formation; the also motivated me to read the lives of the saints. value of spiritual direction and annual retreats; The pastor implemented First Friday Adoration, the importance of meditation on the readings for and during the Adoration time I understood the daily Mass, recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours, beauty and richness of the Real Presence of personal prayer, visits to the Blessed Sacrament, Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. I made it a and devotions to Mary and the saints. habit to talk to Him, present Him my joys and my problems. In my prayers, I asked God to guide me on how to serve Him more and His Church in the Diocese of Harrisburg. Months later, during Mass, a deacon read a letter notifying that the Diocese was going to start a new permanent deacon class. At that moment, I felt my questions to God were answered. November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 16 The Catholic Book Blogger’s Review

A Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare: Strategies for Deliverance and Healing by Kathleen Beckman

By Pete Socks provides families with Special to The Witness a roadmap on how to Can you feel it? Does it weigh successfully defend and on you? Almost everywhere we fortify themselves against turn, whether it be the news or these attacks. From page social media, there is an evident one in chapter one to the unrest in our society today. I and last page of the book 309 many others have never felt or pages later, you will find seen such tension in our lifetimes helpful strategies on how to prior. But why? This palpable build your family’s defenses unrest is not Left or Right, it is against the demonic. She spiritual. We are living through a draws on her 12 years as covers Working with Mary, and period of spiritual warfare like no an active participant in an Devotions to Your Guardian other. exorcist’s team to provide Angel and St. Michael. Other Like I always say, there’s a guidance and help for this chapters of interest include The book for that. Kathleen Beckman very real threat to all families Language of Spiritual Combat has written a fantastic book on today. and Six Categories of Demonic the subject of spiritual warfare The book is comprised of Attacks, as well as Dressing entitled, “A Family Guide to ten chapters and contains Your Family in the Armor of God. Spiritual Warfare: Strategies for a myriad of strategies for Many will find the two appendicies Deliverance and Healing.” spiritual warfare. In the first in the book very helpful. The There are a number of books chapter, “The Battle for the first contains prayers for family on the topic of spiritual warfare, Soul,” you will learn about healing and deliverance. The many aimed directly at men or Fearless Faith, Vigilance, second covers some family women. This one is particularly and Discernment of Spirits. deliverance case histories. useful as it focuses on the family The second chapter Spiritual warfare is real, but unit. We know through the words looks at the art of spiritual we don’t have to be afraid of it. of the saints and that the combat and covers Catholic We must simply be prepared. battle over the family will be the Remedies, Fighting Like Kathleen Beckman has written great final battle. Between the a Knight, and Healing the a resource that will help many trivializing of the Sacrament of Heart. Other areas to help families face the enemy with Marriage to the continuance fortify readers for battle are strength and valor and come out of abortion, the devil is waging the protective measures of on top victorious. Just as our a war against the ideology of The Ten Commandments, loving God has promised. families like never before. The the Beatitudes, and Interview Highlights: enemy enjoys nothing more than Blessings. Pete: There is a line in Chapter to see the splintering of good and No one can consider Two where you point out that we faithful families, but what are we engaging in spiritual battle are on a great stage where all to do about it? How are we to arm without asking for some heaven and earth are watching. ourselves? heavenly help. Kathleen Kathleen Beckman’s book includes a chapter that More BOOK REVIEW, page 17 November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 17

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BOOK REVIEW, continued from 16 not want the family. We need families who will stand firm. Who will not succumb. Who will not I think that is a very important point to drive settle for anything other than Christ’s victory for home. This battle is global. It stretches across one another. Who will take great care to look at the spiritual realm and it’s not just us in our small one another and to extend that love, affection, corners of the world facing this, is it? affirmation, and prayers for healing and for Kathleen Beckman: No, and thank you for deliverance. that question. Those are the words of the Lord We all fall and we can all get caught up. In the that he gave to St. Faustina and he was giving book, I talk about how I struggled to forgive the a retreat to St. Faustina. Imagine that! Imagine murderer of my father-in-law and how important that the Lord was going to give you a three-day forgiveness is for healing the family. We all know private retreat and he said, “I want to teach you what it’s like to hold family grudges, and it’s about spiritual warfare.” Those words you just just not healthy. We want the family to be truly said were His words to St. Faustina. liberated from demonic attacks. It takes holy You think of how the Divine Mercy has spread daring to be very bold. No matter how difficult across the nations. What’s in the book is not only your trial may be, no matter how demonic it may [the] . Much of the stories and the be, faith moves mountains, and by exercising cases I share are from 13 different countries. your spiritual authority – baptismal, parental, and It is a global stage that we are on. I encourage spousal – and by standing firm on the Scriptures, families to have holy daring. I encourage them together with the huge spiritual arsenal that is the to be bold in proclaiming Christ’s victory for one Catholic Church, you have all the weapons for another. In the beginning of the book, I quote victory. St. Mother Teresa about finding our Calcutta in (See the full interview at: https://catholicstand. our own home, in our own family. Something com/a-family-guide-to-spiritual-warfare-off-the- profound is happening in the family. I quote shelf-196-with-kathleen-beckman/) the Holy Father when he says the Devil does November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 18 Promoting and Maintaining Safe Environments through Liturgical Music By Steve Sauer stand before the throne of God, trying to explain Special to The Witness why I neglected to do something positive for my Ahead of our All Souls Day Mass on Monday, victimized brothers and sisters. Nov. 2, I saw fit to play an instrumental prelude The statement from the Diocese closes with on the organ before 9:00 a.m. The hymn I chose the following words: “The Office for Divine was “We Will Rise Again.” Even without anybody Worship stands in solidarity with all victims singing the words, I figured the message of the of sexual violence and harassment and is song would still come across to at least some of committed to promoting and maintaining safe those gathered, including members of our Adult environments.” I trust it is accurate to say our Choir who have sung the hymn many times in parish community feels the same way. As soon the past. In my experience, it is hard to separate as the proper path forward became clear, I began that solemn melody from its promising message: the process of following the Diocese’s lead in “We will fly like the eagle. / We will rise again.” removing David Haas’ compositions from our It seemed appropriate to play this hymn before repertoire. we began the Commemoration of All the Faithful The first step I took was to take into account Departed. how many of his compositions appear in our The very next day, I learned in a statement Journeysongs hymnal (seven) and in our from the Diocese of Harrisburg’s Office for Divine Seasonal Missalette Worship Resource (at least Worship that the composer of that hymn, and six others). The second step was to assess of many others, is facing “recent allegations whether future published music selections of inappropriate conduct with women and the were affected by the decision; they were not. I investigation of these allegations.” Because of accomplished the next step before noon on Nov. this, the Diocese announced it would no longer 4, to locate all of his compositions on our church be using any liturgical music composed by bell system (there were four) and to remove David Haas and encouraged parishes and other those from the library. Next, I reviewed two Diocesan institutions to do the same. documents I created five years ago containing No doubt it would be a loss to avoid such selections I recommend for weddings and hymns as “Blest Are They,” “You Are Mine” funerals; none of his compositions made either and “We Have Been Told,” to name only a list. Finally, I began working to revamp some few. However, it is only a slight inconvenience. cantor training materials I developed in 2016 that Consider that perpetuating these songs may were based heavily on a book that David Haas trigger uncomfortable memories in anybody who signed for me in person on the sole occasion I may have been personally victimized with that met him in 2013. very music as the soundtrack. As I prayed over I pray for his alleged victims and, too, for him. the right course of action, the answer came to me (Steve Sauer is the Director of Music at St. in the form of Matthew 25:31-46. I do not want to Philip the Apostle Parish in Millersville.) Youth Protection Program To report suspected abuse of a minor, call the toll free Para reportar la sospecha del abuso de un menor, PA Child Abuse Hotline: llame al número de teléfono gratuíto Línea de Ayuda 1-800-932-0313 Abuso del Niño To report suspected abuse of a minor by a church 1-800-932-0313 official, employee or volunteer, also please call the Para reportar la sospecha del abuso de un menor a Diocese of Harrisburg Youth Protection Hotline: manos de un official, empleado o voluntario de la 1-800-626-1608 or email: iglesia, también llame al número de teléfono gratuíto [email protected] de ayuda diocesana: 1-800-626-1608 o envíe correo electrónico: [email protected] November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 19 of people Be Open to God’s Grace around us. By Sister Geralyn Schmidt, SCC fullness of time had come, God Remember Special to The Witness sent his Son as Redeemer and that Jesus Some time ago, I left the Savior. In his Son and through became Diocesan offices a bit later than him, he invites men to become, man in I normally would at the end of in the Holy Spirit, his adopted order the day. As a result, I traveled children and thus heirs of his for us to through downtown Harrisburg blessed life.” (par. 1). understand as all the state workers were What a grace! What a gift! how leaving their offices and trekking Graces are given to us every humans to their cars. There were cars single day. I often wonder how live. Living “Thoughts from a and people everywhere! There the graces that I have received in this Catholic Evangelist” were cars behind and in front of help to build the Kingdom of stance me, and on both sides of me, God here on earth. creates an awareness of and folks walking and weaving I came across a blog post the closeness of God! He between the stopped cars. It from Loyola Press1 that suggest is truly closer to us than our reminded me of a mad exodus pointers for all of us to be open very breath! One of the signs or New York City during rush to the grace God gifts to us. that God is working in you is hour! The items are from the blog, the gratitude for God’s love and a As I looked into the tired explanations are mine. desire to serve others. faces of these workers, I pondered out loud to God, “I Ask for what you need. Pass it on! The essence of wonder how many of these As true sons and daughters of true love needs to be shared. individuals know that they are the King of Kings and Lord of This is what evangelization is infinitely loved by You, my Lords, we should have a filial all about. Your happiness, your Beloved?” With that, I began to relationship with God. Sons peace, your joy – even in the tear up. and daughters ask their father midst of trials – is a witness to God’s love, His self-gifting, for daily sustenance, advice, how life should be lived: one Trinitarian love is freely given or just their perception. Jesus foot in heaven and the other to all of us! God hungers that told us to ask since it is part of firmly planted on earth. Share we respond to Him because the prayer of the Our Father. that with others! He knows that therein lies our Asking, though, does not mean Be one of the workers who, happiness. The Catechism that you will automatically get as you leave work, has a smile states this idea in this way: what you want. As any good on their face because you “God, infinitely perfect and parent knows, sometimes a know that you are His Beloved blessed in himself, in a plan of “No” is better than a “Yes.” because you are His child sheer goodness freely created and He loves YOU so, so very man to make him share in Ask with an open mind. much! his own blessed life. For this Even though we ask, we should reason, at every time and in remain open to be living in the 1https://www.loyolapress. every place, God draws close will of God. Living in that will com/catholic-resources/ to man. He calls man to seek means accepting a “No,” a “Not prayer/personal-prayer-life/ him, to know him, to love him yet” or even silence! experiencing-prayerful- with all his strength. He calls moments/four-ways-to-respond- together all men, scattered Watch for the ways God to-the-gift-of-grace/ and divided by sin, into the responds. Grace often arrives unity of his family, the Church. in surprising ways and often To accomplish this, when the through the words and actions November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 20 OBITUARIES The names of the following deceased persons have been submitted by their parishes. Please remember in your prayers the happy repose of these recently departed souls and the consolation of their loved ones.

Bloomsburg Harrisburg Lebanon New Freedom St. Columba: Cathedral Parish of St. Assumption BVM: St. John the Baptist: Rosemary S. Welliver Patrick: Thomas Zweier Rita Miles Frank Stilo William Whitman Alvin Kingsborough Buchanan Valley Leon Skillman St. Ignatius Loyola: St. Catherine Labouré: Florence Skillman Sunbury Claudia Williams Robert Martin St. Monica: Middletown Mary A. Borich Camp Hill Hershey Seven Sorrows BVM: Good Shepherd: St. Joan of Arc: Barbara Pristello York Anne Piccirilli Joanne Spaziani Strohm Immaculate Conception Millersville BVM: Carlisle Jonestown St. Philip the Apostle: Katiria Rivera St. Patrick: Our Lady of Fatima: Robert Williams Sam Colondrillo Wencel Kolar St. Joseph: Mount Carmel Mary Alice Vestal Conewago Lancaster Our Lady of Mount Elizabeth Maksimak Sacred Heart of Jesus: Sacred Heart of Jesus: Carmel: Michael Francis Johnson Alfred DeLeo Marguerite Brezinski St. Rose of Lima: Ronald Fischer Margaret Smith Ronald Verdier Joseph Francer Kathryn Cuff Joseph Kutsch Danville Anna Maria Salerno St. Joseph: New Cumberland Mary Haefner St. Theresa: Alfred Malkoski Michael J. Keane, Sr.

Deceased Clergy Please pray for the following clergy Join the who died in November during the Harrisburg Diocesan past 25 years: Council of Catholic Father Michael F. Barrett, 1996 Women in Msgr. Damian McGovern, 2000 Father Thaddeus Strzelec, 2005 A Virtual Pilgrimage from Father Paul Rindos, 2011 Harrisburg to Bethlehem Deacon Ross Beighley, 2012 Combining 5,836 miles of physical and spiritual Father Thomas Mannion, 2018 exercises for women, men, children and families, we will add our miles together to reach our goal of Deacon Manuel Velazquez, 2018 arriving in Bethlehem by Christmas. Register at November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 21 miles combines physical and DIOCESAN Education & spiritual exercise for women, Enrichment men, children and families of all NOTEBOOK Movie portrayal of the story ages and abilities. The goal is to of Ruth, Nov. 15 at 1 p.m. at add everyone’s miles of walking Spiritual Offerings the Allen Theater in Annville. and reach the goal of arriving Women of Grace special Biblically- inspired account of in Bethlehem by Christmas. celebration on the Feast of Our God’s redeeming love, produced Information and registration at Lady of Guadalupe, Dec. 12 and filmed at the renowned at Holy Name of Jesus Parish Sight & Sound Theatre. This Events & in Harrisburg. Recitation of the remarkable story of second Fundraisers Rosary at 8 a.m., Mass at 8:30 chances offers the hope that no Mary Gate of Heaven Par- a.m., Eucharistic Adoration from matter who you are or where 9-10 a.m., followed by Marian you’ve been, God has a plan for ish in Myerstown, take-out songs played on the Appalachian you. Ruth, an ordinary woman spaghetti dinner. Let us do Dulcimer by Cindy Barbee. who accomplished extraordinary the cooking, Saturday Nov. 14 For more information, contact things, will inspire your heart. from 11 a.m.- 7 p.m. or until Chris Arnold at 717-379-6041 or Movie is suitable for people of sold out. Cost is $8 per meal [email protected]. all ages. Event sponsored by the and includes spaghetti with Pro-Life Ministry of St. Paul meat sauce, garlic bread and Retreats & the Apostle Parish in Annville. salad. Baked goods available Pilgrimages Admission is free, but a free-will for purchase. Cash and debit/ “Entering the Advent donation will be accepted. credit cards accepted. Rhythms” –A Virtual Day Truth, Beauty, and Goodness: St. Columba Parish in Retreat, Dec. 5 from 10 a.m.- Evangelization Speaker Series, Bloomsburg, annual Winterfest 3 p.m. at the St. Cyril Spiritual “Blessed are the Broken- in a COVID-safe manner, Nov. Center in Danville. Please arrive Hearted,” presented via Zoom 21 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. No vendors at 9:45 a.m. The virtual retreat by Christina Bair, Nov. 30 from will be present this year; however, is presented by Sister Chris 7-8:30 p.m. Bair is an autism you can still enjoy the best of Koellhoffer, a Sister Servant support teacher from York, our traditional holiday offerings of the Immaculate Heart of and will speak on discovering including the Dollar Tree, a raffle Mary, who engages in Mobile how Christ’s perfect love auction, take-out baked goods, Spirituality Ministry, offering transforms and heals hearts. and packaged take-out foods from retreats, presentations and The speaker series is sponsored our kitchen. We will offer soups, enrichment programs on the road. by the Diocesan Office for chili, and haluski. Parking is free At a time when our culture urges Evangelization and Catechesis in three parish lots. Enter via the us to hurry up and join the pre- and is being presented monthly cafeteria double doors between Christmas shopping rush, Advent through June. Register at https:// the school and rectory. Masks and calls us in a different direction, social distancing are required. a new relationship with time: speaker_series by Nov. 27 at Admission is free. Waiting in expectation. Savoring noon. A Zoom link will be sent to Council of Catholic Women Stillness. Naming our deep desire registrants. Registration is free, of Sacred Heart of Jesus in for the Holy One for whom we but a free-will offering will be Cornwall, Christmas gift basket wait. The cost of the retreat taken for stipends for speakers. raffle, Nov. 16-21. Baskets will is $35, due by the registration be displayed Nov. 16-21 in the deadline of Nov. 27. Register The Harrisburg Diocesan Parish Center. Chances can be online at or call Council of Catholic Women purchased from the office for $1 570-275-0910. After you register, invites everyone on a virtual all week. Winners will be chosen you will be contacted via your pilgrimage walk from on Saturday the 21st. email for a link. Harrisburg to Bethlehem. More , page 22 The virtual pilgrimage of 5,836 NOTEBOOK November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 22 NOTEBOOK, continued from 21 oral and written communication and example to accept and live skills; demonstrated achievement these values and teaching. The St. Cecilia Parish’s Holy Name in cross-functional or matrix attendance officer is a part-time, Society in Lebanon, homemade structured organizational models; 10-month position. Duties include filling, sauerkraut and pepper PA Administrators’ Certificate attendance and discipline database cabbage sale, Nov. 21 in the East (or in process); and Catechetical management and main office Lehman Street social hall from 9 Certification (or in process) and support. Requirements: high school a.m.-noon and Nov. 22 after the a minimum 5 years of teaching diploma, strong interpersonal, 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses. experience. Full job description computer, and organizational Homemade filling is $4.50 for a available at skills, state and federal clearances. two-pound container, homemade employment . Send résumé and Substitute teachers are daily as sauerkraut is $4 per quart, or three letter of interest to Dan Breen, needed throughout the school year. for $10, and homemade pepper Diocese of Harrisburg, 4800 Union Requirements: bachelor degree, cabbage for $2 per pint or $4 per Deposit Road, Harrisburg, PA state and federal clearances. quart. 17111, or [email protected]. Preferred qualifications: education St. Pauline Foundation’s Schools in the Diocese of degree, certification, and teaching annual Christmas raffle, Nov. Harrisburg are currently looking experience in the classroom. 20 from noon-6 p.m. and Nov. 21 for educators, specifically Please send résumé, Diocese of from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Pauline long term substitutes that are ready Harrisburg Application (see www. Center in Kulpmont. Cost is $20 to join our team in the Harrisburg, a copy of state for 26 tickets; after initial purchase, area. Teachers in all grades and and federal clearances, and letter of additional sheets are $10. Need not all subject areas are needed. interest to Mrs. Sheila Gick, Office be present to win. Raffle features Certification is preferred but not Manager, York Catholic High more than 150 items, and Santa’s required. Catholic Schools in the School, 601 East Springettsbury workshop with items for children. Diocese of Harrisburg provide Avenue, York, PA 17403, or Food available for take-out only. safe, joyful school environments [email protected]. Event will follow recommendations that follow current scientific best of masks and social distancing. St. Joseph School in Hanover practices on schooling during a is seeking substitute teachers Contact JoAnn at 570-259-9299 pandemic. For more information or with questions. on an as-needed basis for the to find a school location near you, 2020-2021 school year. The Job Openings click on https://www.hbgdiocese. minimum academic requirement org/find-catholic-school/. Send for a substitute is a baccalaureate Catholic Harvest Food your résumé and letter of interest degree. The minimum age Pantry in York is seeking an to either the location near you or to requirement is 21 years. State Executive Director to lead the [email protected]. teaching certification is preferred, organization. Send an e-mail to You may also call the Harrisburg [email protected] if you but not required. If interested, Diocese Department of Catholic please send a cover letter, résumé, are interested in the position. A Schools for more information at comprehensive job profile will then transcripts, and pastor letter to 717-657-4804 ext. 222. St. Joseph , 5125 be forwarded to you for this full- York Catholic High School time position. Grandview Road, Hanover, PA is seeking an attendance officer 17331, or e-mail Mr. Terrance Delone Catholic High School and substitute teachers for the Golden, Principal, at tgolden@ in McSherrystown is seeking a 2020-2021 school year. Qualified principal. Minimum requirements: candidates should demonstrate an 5+ years’ experience as a high understanding of the importance St. Leo the Great School school principal or vice principal; their position plays in all aspects of in Rohrerstown is seeking a thorough understanding of Catholic a student’s developmental progress. full-time, middle school Social school philosophy both in practice Candidates must also be individuals Studies teacher to begin Dec. , and knowledge base; commitment rooted in faith, willing to support 1, 2020. Candidates must have a to modeling the values of Catholic Gospel values, and willing to history of academic excellence, educational leadership; outstanding inspire students through their word More NOTEBOOK, page 23 November 12, 2020 • The Catholic WITNESS- 23 NOTEBOOK, continued from 22 should complete and submit Harrisburg Catholic to the Diocese of Harrisburg a positive attitude, teamwork Elementary School is seeking teacher application at https://www. skills, and devotion to our a dedicated, inspirational and Catholic identity. Teachers will be enthusiastic full-time third employment-applications/ and for the remainder responsible for developing rigorous grade teacher contact Mrs. Christine McLean, of the 2020-2021 school year. lesson plans, design and develop Principal, at 717-392-2441, ext. 3, The position will begin following digital-age learning experiences or [email protected]. the Christmas break on Monday, and assessments daily, grade book January 4 and has the potential management and assessments. Holy Name of Jesus Parish to become permanent in the Familiarity with Chromebooks, in Harrisburg is seeking a 2021–2022 school year. The Google Education and its suite temporary Administrative the Parish Office position will entail instruction in of applications is desirable. Our Assistant in from the beginning of February religion, reading, social studies, teachers collaborate in team 2021 through the end of April math, ILA and science, with an meetings to ensure best practices 2021. Position is responsible ability to differentiate in all areas and student growth. Candidate for the daily operation of the and a desire to work with a diverse will need to submit current Parish Office, including clerical group of students. Interested background clearances and an work and minor administrative candidates should forward their active Pennsylvania certification details. Responsibilities include application, résumé, pastor’s letter for Social Studies Grades 4-8 or greeting visitors, answering of recommendation and copies of similar certification like Citizen phones and responding to emails, current clearances to Harrisburg education. Complete and submit preparing deposits, preparing Catholic Elementary School, 555 to the Diocese of Harrisburg a the weekly bulletin and updating South 25th Street, Harrisburg, PA, teacher application at https://www. the parish website. Overall 17104, Attn: Mr. David Rushinski, knowledge of general office or email materials to drushinski@ employment-applications/ and procedure, familiarity with office contact Mrs. Christine McLean, equipment and proficiency in Principal, at 717-394-1742, ext. 3, Sacred Heart Parish in Oxford, Microsoft Office programs is or [email protected]. Pa., (Chester County) is seeking required. For more information a Director of Parish Family Faith St. Leo the Great School in or to submit your résumé, Formation and Youth Ministry. Rohrerstown is seeking a part- please contact 717-652-4211 or Candidate must be a practicing time Music Teacher. Candidates holynameofjesusparishharrisburg@ Catholic, in good standing with must have a history of academic the Church, and committed to the excellence, positive attitude, authentic teaching of the Catholic teamwork skills and a devotion to St. Joseph School in faith. Responsibilities include our Catholic identity. Music classes Mechanicsburg is in need of for the 2020- development and supervision of are a standard in our PreK – 8th instructional aides 2021 school year. Candidates are the Parish Religious Education grade programs. We believe that expected to uphold the values of Program of Family Faith every child can enjoy and benefit the Catholic Church and St. Joseph Formation of children and adults; from creating, performing and/ School. Qualified candidates planning liturgies and sacramental or listening to music. Candidates must possess at minimum a high preparation; developing a vision must have the ability to teach the school diploma and some on- for ministry to youth; and training history of music, how to read and the-job training, preferably an and supervising volunteers to write music, understand beats and associate’s degree or bachelor’s support youth ministry. Send cover harmonies, as well as directing degree in education or a related letter and résumé to Rev. Joseph T. our annual school musical. field. Candidates must be at least Shenosky, Sacred Heart Church, Candidate will need to submit 21 years of age and will need to 203 Church Road, Oxford, PA current background clearances complete all Diocesan clearances. 19363, Fr.Shenosky@sacredheart. and an active Pennsylvania If interested, please contact Mrs. us or 610-932-5040. certification in music education Bamberger at rbamberger@ is desirable. Qualified candidates