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Vol. 596 Wednesday, No. 1 26 January 2005 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES DA´ IL E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Wednesday, 26 January 2005. Ceisteanna—Questions Minister for Defence Priority Questions …………………………… 1 Other Questions …………………………… 13 Adjournment Debate Matters …………………………… 26 Leaders’ Questions ……………………………… 27 Ceisteanna—Questions (resumed) Taoiseach ………………………………… 38 Death of Former Member: Expressions of Sympathy ………………… 52 Requests to move Adjournment of Da´il under Standing Order 31 ……………… 58 Order of Business ……………………………… 61 Message from President …………………………… 67 Ministerial Rota for Parliamentary Questions: Motion ………………… 67 Tsunami Disaster: Statements …………………………… 67 Private Members’ Business Accident and Emergency Services: Motion …………………… 87 Message from Seanad ……………………………… 114 Adjournment Debate Media Lab Europe …………………………… 114 Job Losses ………………………………… 118 Community Workers’ Co-operative ……………………… 120 Missing Persons Unit …………………………… 123 Questions: Written Answers …………………………… 129 1 2 DA´ IL E´ IREANN DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL OFFICIAL REPORT Imleabhar 596 Volume 596 De´ Ce´adaoin, 26 Eana´ir 2005. Wednesday, 26 January 2005. ———— Chuaigh an Ceann Comhairle i gceannas ar 2.30 p.m. ———— Paidir. Prayer. ———— Ceisteanna — Questions. arrangements; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1763/05] Minister for Defence (Mr. O’Dea): Before I take the first question, I wish to clarify that on 93. Mr. Sherlock asked the Minister for the last day Defence questions were taken in the Defence if he wants Irish soldiers to join the Da´il, I referred to a certain incident involving European Union’s proposed rapid reaction battle damage to property in Limerick and stated that groups; if he is still committed to the policy of not the chief suspect was a member of the Green joining any military force not mandated by the Party. I have checked that matter and find there United Nations; if he intends taking proposals to is no connection between that person and the the Cabinet on this issue; and if he will make a Green Party. I apologise for any embarrassment statement on the matter. [1765/05] caused. Mr. O’Dea: I propose to take Questions Nos. 89, 91 and 93 together. Priority Questions. I refer Deputies to my reply to the House on this subject on 17 November 2004. The position ———— remains as I outlined at that time. The back- ground to the rapid response elements concept, Overseas Missions. commonly referred to as battle groups, is that at 89. Mr. Timmins asked the Minister for the European Council in Helsinki in 1999, Defence the situation with respect to Irish troops member states set themselves a headline goal that participating in the EU battle groups; and if he “by the year 2003, cooperating together and vol- will make a statement on the matter. [1766/05] untarily, they will be able to deploy rapidly and then sustain forces capable of the full range of 91. Mr. Gormley asked the Minister for Petersberg Tasks as set out in the Amsterdam Defence if he plans to abandon the triple lock, Treaty”. In short, they are humanitarian, rescue, amend the Defence Acts or seek amendment of peacekeeping and crisis management operations, the Constitution to facilitate Ireland’s partici- including peacemaking. This included, inter alia, pation in the EU battle groups or other military a capability to provide “rapid response elements 3 Priority 26 January 2005. Questions 4 [Mr. O’Dea.] but also for other EU member states. I again available and deployable at very high readiness”. stress that the question of Ireland’s participation The ambition of the EU to be able to respond in rapid response elements will remain subject to rapidly to emerging crises has and continues to the usual requirements of a Government be a key objective of the development of the decision, Da´il approval and UN authorisation and European security and defence policy. I have no plans to change this. The EU has learned from historical experience in the Balkans and Africa and wants to be able Mr. Timmins: On behalf of myself and our to react more quickly when crises develop. This party leader, Deputy Kenny, I thank the Minister was effectively illustrated last year by the EU’s for facilitating us to visit Irish troops in KFOR first autonomous military operation, which was over the Christmas period. I am a little confused conducted in the Democratic Republic of Congo. by the Minister’s answer. My understanding fol- The operation, undertaken at the request of the lowing the last time Defence questions were United Nations Secretary General and which answered was that the Cabinet had given per- deployed in rapid circumstances, was successful mission in principle for an examination of the in contributing to the stabilisation of the security concept of joining the battle groups. The Minister environment and the improvement of humani- has now stated that he would recommend to tarian conditions in the Democratic Republic of Cabinet the level of any assistance which Ireland Congo. Deputies will recall that during his visit to might give. Will he confirm to the House that Dublin in October 2004, the UN Secretary Gen- Ireland has not decided in principle to join these eral, Kofi Annan, stressed the importance of battle groups? Fine Gael believes that Ireland battle groups and requested Ireland’s support should join them. for them. He referred to the military capabilities commit- As I indicated in my reply to the House on 17 ment conference held on 22 November in Brus- November, at the Cabinet meeting of 16 Nov- sels where approximately 13 different formations ember, the Government agreed that I should were drawn up by 20 countries. Cyprus is hardly advise my EU counterparts of Ireland’s prepared- a wet week as a member of the EU and it is a ness to enter into consultations with partners with small nation, yet it has given a commitment to a a view to potential participation in rapid response niche involvement. Is this not a cause of embar- elements. A military capabilities commitment rassment for the Minister for Defence at meetings conference was held on 22 November 2004 at of the Council of Ministers or for the Taoiseach which member states committed up to 13 battle when he attends the Heads of State meetings? group formations which will be available to Ireland is a member of a club whose benefits it deploy to crisis situations within a five to ten day has enjoyed for almost 30 years, yet it is not period from 2005 onwards. The five to ten day willing to give something in return. period begins from the date of a decision by the This relates to the evolution of peacekeeping. European Council to launch an operation. The Brahimi report outlined how the UN no However, it is to be expected that a crisis would longer has the wherewithal to carry out these normally have a longer gestation period during operations and that they would need to be con- which the UN Security Council would have suf- tracted out to regional organisations. Where ficient opportunity to decide on a UN mandate. better to go than to the EU and who better to To fully assess the implications associated with participate than the Irish? Is it the Minister’s view such participation, I have established an inter- that Ireland should participate in these battle departmental group which includes representa- groups? If so, what legislative change will be tives of my Department, the Defence Forces, the necessary? Is the Government committed to Taoiseach’s Department, the Department of For- bringing forward this required change in the legis- eign Affairs and the Attorney General’s office. lation to allow training on foreign soil or to per- This group met in December and has established mit other armies to come here? In 2001, the Mini- three subgroups to address the policy, legislative ster’s predecessor stated that if a change in the and operational issues arising. The work of these legislation were required, it would be done. Is this subgroups will span some months because the still the Government’s view? Fine Gael firmly rapid response elements concept is still evolving believes that Ireland should participate. and a complete picture of all other member On a final point, much confusion was caused states’ proposed involvement is not yet available. over Christmas by the Taoiseach’s office and the Following completion of the necessary analysis I Minister’s office as to whether a UN mandate was intend returning to Government with proposals required. Does the Minister agree that while the regarding the level of any proposed participation triple lock may be an emotive issue, we in this by Ireland. country treat the UN in the same way as a dys- The House must bear in mind the Defence functional family uses a comfort blanket and the Forces are in Liberia in a UN operation, in time has come to make decisions for ourselves on Kosovo in a NATO-led operation and in Bosnia a, case by case basis? in a EU-led operation, and that rapid response elements are but one aspect of EU capabilities to Mr. O’Dea: As I informed the House pre- assist in crisis management. The rapid response viously and as I repeated today, the Cabinet concept raises many issues, not alone for Ireland decided on 16 November that at the meeting in 5 Priority 26 January 2005. Questions 6 Brussels, I should advise my EU counterparts of With regard to the implications of the new EU Ireland’s preparedness to enter into consultations constitution, Article 40.2 is clear. It states: with our EU partners with a view to potential The common security and defence policy participation in rapid response elements.