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School Libraries in Canada The Journal of the Canadian School Library Association - 2002 - Volume 21, Number 3 Editor Lillian Carefoot Principal, Waterloo Elementary School School District #68 (Nanaimo/Ladysmith) 3519 Hallberg Rd., Ladysmith, BC V9G 1K1 The Journal of the Canadian School Library Association (250) 245-7612 Fax: (250) 245-4411 Email: [email protected] Assistant Editor John Caldwell Acting Director of Learning Resources TABLE OF CONTENTS School District #79 (Cowichan Valley) 2557 Beverly St., Duncan, BC V9L 2X3 - 2002 - (250) 748-0321 x243 Fax: (250) 748-3497 Email: [email protected] Volume 21, Number 3 Managing Editor Donald Hamilton SOURCES 1020 Pentrelew Place, Victoria, BC V8V 4J6 (250) 383-5448 Fax: (250) 995-1461 Email: [email protected] A Compilation of Useful Information CSLA President Karin Paul for Teachers & Teacher-Librarians Teacher-Librarian, St. Andrew’s High School 880 McKenzie Ave., Victoria, BC V8X 3G5 Email: [email protected] Canadian Edition Advertising Rand Spencer Brand Advertising 1-888-316-8305 Email: [email protected] · CSLA President’s Message ........................................ 2 Prepress Production Pia Graphics, Nanaimo, BC (250) 729-0206 · Join the Associations............................................... 2 Email: [email protected] Printing Performance Printing, Smiths Falls, ON · ATLC Executive ..................................................... 3 Subscriptions SLIC Subscriptions · CSLA Executive...................................................... 3 Canadian Library Association 328 Frank Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 0X8 (613) 232-9625 Fax: (613) 563-9895 · Provincial & Territorial Associations............................ 3 Orders: [email protected] Website: Please contact the Canadian Library Association · Award Winning Books............................................. 4 for the lastest rates on subscriptions and single issue purchases. · Canadian Children’s & Young Adult Website School Libraries in Canada (ISSN 0227-3780) is published four times Authors & Illustrators ............................................. 6 annually by the Canadian Library Association. Publications Mail Registration No. 5859. · National Film Board Top Educational Best Sellers .......20 School Libraries in Canada is the journal of the Canadian School Library Association. It provides information about association activities and news of recent developments in the field of school librarianship. Authors’ opinions should be regarded as their own · Canadian Numbers: Websites for Teachers & Students ..21 unless CSLA endorsement is noted. Editorial content, unless otherwise noted, is the responsibility of the editor of School Libraries in Canada and is not to be construed as official CSLA/CLA policy. Acceptance of an advertisement does not imply endorsement · Canadian Information Sources on the WWW .............22 of the product by CSLA/CLA. Copyright© The Canadian Library Association. Signed articles may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the CLA. In using other materials, please acknowledge the Canadian School Library Association · and School Libraries in Canada. Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome. Submit articles Canadian Poetry for Children..................................46 to the any one of the editors. Send review copies of professional books for teacher/ librarians, library media coordinators and school library educators to the editors. In- dexed in Canadian Periodical Index, Canadian Education Index, Library Literature, · Professional Resources ...........................................47 Canadian Magazine Index, Contents Pages in Education, Library & Information Sci- ence Abstracts and Children’s Literature Abstracts. Also available in microfiche from Micromedia Ltd. · CSLA/CLA Poster Series .........................................48 Index to Advertisers Best Seller Direct ..................... Pg. 47 Inventing Our Future! Carr McLean ............................ Pg. 29 Canadian School Library Companion Corp. .... Inside front cover Don Smith Agency ................... Pg.19 Association will hold its EduReference ........................... Pg. 21 annual conference as part of the History Television .................... Pg. 21 CLA Conference National Book Services ............ Pg. 17 OCLC ................... Outside back cover Halifax, Nova Scotia Playwrights Canada ................. Pg. 35 June 19-22, 2002 S&B Books .............................. Pg. 40 StatsCanada ............................ Pg. 17 Surpass Software ....................... Pg. 5 Teacher Librarian ..... Inside back cover School Libraries in Canada 2002. Vol. 21, No.3. Sources. 1 by Karin Paul Go for Gold! Position Statement on Effective School elementary/secondary schools in prov- The title of this issue of School Librar- Library Programs. This small brochure is ince, training requirements for the posi- ies in Canada says it all; Sources. Whether in high demand; give one to every parent tion of TL, whether the budget is discre- you want lists of national and interna- in your school! Two other brochures, Re- tionary or designated, support staff avail- tional award winning fiction and non-fic- source Based Teaching and Learning and ability, Board and District support, etc. If tion, bibliographies of French language Technology and the School Library are cur- you have not received a copy of your sur- materials, titles of valuable professional rently under development. And, if you are vey please contact your Provincial School resources, recommendations for worthy presently taking school library education Library Association. audio visual materials or directories of courses, or just want to catch up on great During March and April, provincial professional contact names, the Canadian articles that you missed the first time, school library organizations will compile School Library Association’s School Li- the collection of articles in The Best of SLIC the data into a Provincial Report. These braries in Canada is the premiere source is a must have. Also in the area of infor- provincial reports will then be amalga- for quality school library information. mation distribution, CSLA plans to cre- mated into one National Report Card, In addition to producing an excep- ate an electronic clearinghouse of perti- which will appear on the CSLA website tional professional journal, the Canadian nent school library documents. The and will also be shared with Roch Carrier School Library Association has been project will be administered by a joint and the National Library of Canada com- working hard to support and raise the committee of CSLA and ATLC (Associa- mittee on Library Core Statistics. Roch profile of school libraries in Canada. For tion for Teacher-Librarianship in Canada) Carrier, our National Librarian, is one of example, CSLA has recently produced a that will obtain relevant materials, Canada’s strongest school library sup- create bibliographies, and publicize the porters; but, he cannot help us if we don’t holdings of the collection to their provide him with the facts. Please help members and encourage its use. Watch us to help him. Which brings me to my for an announcement. CSLA’s two big- final thought. Join gest projects are the National Document The Canadian School Library Associa- on School Library Standards and the tion is a non-profit, volunteer organiza- National Report on School Libraries. In tion. That means our executive and our partnership with ATLC, CSLA is in the provincial partners volunteer their time us! final stages of preparing a first draft of a and expertise to create brochures such National Document on School Library as Effective School Library Programs, jour- Think Standards, which will provide standards nals such as School Libraries in Canada, Big! for school library staffing, facilities and electronic clearinghouses, and National Join a national or international collections. Entitled Achieving Informa- Documents on Standards and Library Sta- tion Literacy Through Strong School Library tistics. These projects are realizable be- library association! Programs, this document contains a pow- cause of the funds generated from mem- Canadian School erful vision statement written by Roch bership fees. If you value projects such Carrier, a set of standards for media and as those outlined above, please consider Library Association information literacy, role descriptions of supporting your national school library the various players in school libraries, organization, CSLA, by becoming a full Association of statements from parents and students, member ($175) or, for those with tight and several other tools for teacher-librar- budget, consider an associate member- Teacher-Librarians ians and decision-makers to use when ship ($60.00). in Canada developing school library programs. They say that great things are not al- Our second large initiative is the ways done by one very strong person, membersh.htm National Report Card on School Libraries but rather by many people working to- in Canada. In June 2002 we hope to have wards the same goal. Let’s work together International compiled, with the expert help of pro- TEAM CANADA, and make our school Association of vincial associations, our first National libraries Olympic gold winners! Our kids School Librarians Report Card. This report card will provide are Canada’s future and they deserve benchmark and comparative