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NO. 32 .(714) 131.a120 SERVINS AU Of COSTA EA TttUMDAY, DECBllEft 12. 1.. 25 CBn'I Council Okays Senior Housing; Maurer ReelecteQ Mayor 7-0

'tMIT,_. caused by the many restaurants that The Newport Beach City Council have existed on the location. reelected the mayor and approved a ..This will be for seniors who arc ac­ plan ullowing for construction of a con­ tive und in good health: it won't ~ a troversiul senior citizen's living facility conv;a l ~nt hospital." he said. 0 1t'll tit the council meeting Dec. 9. almoiit be like living in a residential The council voted S-to-2 to reject a hotel.·· planning commission recommendation " 11' 11 not keeping with the en­ and approved the redistricting plan viron menta l i ntegrity of the necessary to allow for the 77-unit rental neightborhood," said Wally Zipar. senior living facility to be built at 3901 " It will cause massive parking problems East Coast Highway. on Poppy

...... 0 l5 Crlilll 0100 - .\cash bot containing S"l • as reported stolen from Don·~ 6 located al 3928 Ea.st Co.u1 H1r.h•~) . 0120- \ case o f indecent e\­ Hickory Farms. powrc w.as rcponed an the 700 blocl of Orchtd. Celebrate And Save 081 =" - Vandals· reportedly caused S:?OO b) smashing a car EiEM WISE "'indo" an the .&()() block of Double Cheese Log Pr~pe...1 true especially 1f tney OQ50 - \ n attempted bear a Charles H Barr • Two great chedcbr tastes Jewelers label We have a hurglar' "'.l' rcponed in the "' I 00 blod.. 1.>f Birch w oe selection of gems in every bite. 10.W - \ car stereo and a fr o,.... l"e ,..,, OSI e YOflC to .•. hnd1..-J-.e "'1th d combined \ alue t r-. t; "" O re fam ili ar 1ll ~ -, "ere reported stolen O A r o spea1< •ng of II.Ila hlod . of(. hff Ome farr" I ar 1sn t •t nice to Smoky cr I ~:!O - \ tt l a~~ p .1 lt1l tahlchlp sr c.p .-t here 1ou see Try Qeen()ro) \ alucd .11 St~ "'as rcportcJ tam 1 ar taces and feel an 'tulcn from J residence in the atmosphere of continuity? ftovcrs. 100 hlvd 1lf Cirand Canal We pride ourselves on our l-'1 5 - \\ omen's J C"'c lr~ friendly well-trained staff \alucd a t SI0.000 • as reported Mery lien C--... Gem '191 I who have served you con­ ~tolcn from a residence an the It is gift giving season tinually through the years. 1000 blod . o f Dolphin Terrace. again and what better gift The only new faces a1e 1800 - An attempted tor friend or family than add1t1ons we found we burglary was reported in the JOO fine 1ewelry the lasting have needed to keep up bloct of 62nd Street. gift for a llfet1me and w ith our ever growing ac­ 2L~ - A car stef'CO and longer It's a token of your t1v1ty tn the store. tsn't it cquliza with 1 totaJ vaJue of affection or esteem that nice to have that f•tng of Beern Cheese SSOO •ere reported stolen from a 99 can be he1rloomed even trust in old friends... par­ '23. car in the 100 bloct of West beyond the span of one ticularly when it comes to Bay. lifetime A well chosen gift buying as lasting a gift as Htck.lf"J f annsC bm I.he 2JJO - A cue of battay was of fine Jewelry has the ele­ a prece of fine j ~ry . JOlUllrOll ~ 100 ... reported in the JOO block of ment of permanence that We start our Christmas liciou. rifi. t..het 1J suit Amethyst. exceeds any other ho urs on Thursday jmt •bout ~ ·· ~. •s '1 II The old saying " Nice December 12th: week WU In ,JUSl the pnc:e cir. things come 1n small nap you · ~ aha. A..tif,...wmt1e..t,... days 10 to 9; Saturdays 10 0210 - A case of indecent C\· packages." 1a certainly PA. well tab C9'e fll all tJ.e to 6 and Sundays 12 to 5 deuilL posure was reported in the 400 p.m . b&oc:t of Dahlia. -"E .,. 411. E 07SO - Hubcaps valued at C HARLES H. BARR o;4;::.-. - ~ ... . ~ S.200 were reported stolen from a z -m cu parked in the 1100 block of Fashion Island Westcll.lr Plaza West Balboa. .w./e.t,.4 0900 - A car stereo valued at NEWPORT BEACH Membef of Westd1ff Plaza S600 and a ladies purse and con· A~lcan Gem Society 9 79-1411 17th and lrvtne Ave tcnu nlued aa S-410 were Ac:cred611ed Gem Newport~ rq>Ol1ed stolcft from a car park· Uboreby (714) 842-3310 ed in the 4 SOO block of Mac:ArtJuu. The Irvine ComP.any haa made a 10-ycar. SI-million com­ ongoing commitment to a wide mitment to the Newport Harbor range of the visual arts in • Art Museum. company and Orange County... said Thoma museum officials announced H. Nielsen. president of T1'e Ir­ Dec. 9. The sift will be used to vine Company . ..we•re pleated underwrite major annual ex­ to be a part of the effort to bring hibitions at the museum throuah high quality art and cultural ex­ 1994. hibit ions like the Wayne The initial SI00,000 aift is un­ Thiebaud retrospective to the derwriting the Wayne Thiebaud museum and. hence~ to our retrospective. an exhibition of county." the works of one of America•sct ''The Irvine Company•s most hiahly regarded contem­ pledge to give the Newport Har­ porary realist painters. on view bor Art MuJeUm SI minion over nt the museum from Dec. 12 the next 10 years ii one of the through Feb. 16. 1986. most sipirtcant corporate sift• to a museum in the nation... add- ..Our gift to the Newport Har­ ed Ray H. Johnsoa. prelidcnt of bor Art Muaeum Nflecla u the mu1Cam's Board ofT,_.

Loofbourrow New Schools ~ead Sherry Loofbourrow of Corona def Mar wu unanimou­ Ct lluf mflll 1 ly elected president ot the Brittain said groups or in­ Newpon-Meaa Unified School dividuals may chosoe to have the District Board or Education at suntas distribute personal sifts the board•s annual instead of candy cana. She organizational meeting on Dec. cited. as un example. the city's 2. Kenneth Wayman was elected Cinderella Guild which is havin1 vice-president/cJert. suntu give lottery tickets to party Loofbourrow was elected to ttocrs. She said the untas are the board in 1981 and was dr~sed as uuthentically as polli­ rcdected last month. Waymen bte. noting that their COltumea was appointed to the board in ure trimmed with real n.MMt fur. Jan. 1979. following the resiana-" For additional informa&iott. or tion of Donald Smallwood. reservations; contact the Pulls. elected to a full term in Beaches und Recreation Depart­ November of that year and ment at 644-JISI. n:dcctcd in 1983. He lef'Ved as president of the board during 1979-80 and '980-81. Other newly elected or reap­ pointed members of the board arc Judith A. Franco. Roderick H. MacMillian and Forrect K. Werner. immediate put prai­ dent. ~price P1lc1 Alcll• 111.- looking for a SoOd deal on a floor safe ror that special Children's Wear someone this Chriltmu? How about a chrome champape bucket. or a three-tone hoist? Pre-Holiday Sale Thole arc among the items slated to be auctioned off at the Newport Beach Police Auction. scheduled for Dec. 14 at 9 a.m. at the police statJon. The police department•s laun­ dry list or unclaimed aoods also includes: f asbina rods, over 40 bicycla. bowlin1 bap. stereo cquipmen~ skatcboank. and an incubator. • AU of the property wu un­ claimed for at leut 90 days.~ cordin1 to Sp. lei Chapman. who is in c:harae of the uction . ..The public &&aually aeu very Se~a c:io aood prices... said Chapman. N E W P 0 R T 8 E A C ff'-: ~ ~ ' .. And we're CJtpectin1 a large er~ since we're so close to Christmu.•• directly In front of the giant Chrlatmea tree at AU items will be10ld on an u­ A TR/UM COURT, FASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH is basil. and S-)'IDCftt mutt be made in cuh or with a local check immediately after a bid ii accq)(ed. The Newport Belclr Police Department ii located at 870 Santa Barbara Drive...... _.•. .... ~~y


Corona dll Mir Scllaal ls A Model For Education, Rita Public education seems to be in the new1 a great deal these days. anti most of the reports aren•t positive. Stories of t~~hers who won't take or can't pus p~oficiency exams in the United States contrut putly with accounts of how revered educators are in other countries. In Newport Beach. Corona dcl Mar High School bas been abound with activities destined to put a local dent in the image. The school was recently designated as a model secondary school - meaning it is one of the top 20 sc:con­ da ry schools in the country. pubtic or private. Additionally, the activities of four Corona dcl Mar High School science teachcn arc bdping to further cha nge the image. Three of the teachcn, )im Rog~ Paul Serio and Mike Starkweather. recently rescued an autistic teenager who had been lost for more than three day-. Their ..quick scientific minds/' to uae Rogers' words, helped them remember a deacription of the boy they bad seen hours earlier on television. Their actiom may have saved the boy's life. The other science teacher, Ron Scbnitger, dcacna recognition for a slightly ditremrt talk. Sdta.itaer hu style was so refreshing and hi found himself- some might say positioned hi"'lelf- in end products so joyous. Th Time of my Life children arc real. and each has the center of controversy at the school ova rat.a. special personality. The wome Rats usuaJly aren't too controversial; not too many a rc beautiful. although in hi folks want them running around their homca. ICalDpaing later years. Lhc nllda he painted in their classrooms, or in the cue of the Corona dd Mar (and were in the show) were beefy and uhuberant, with High School swimming pool. floating 011 the top of the enough solid flesh to be water. linebackers f 01 the Rams. It wa Schnitgcr is using the whole rat experience u an lllllly-Sil Of llllal(s on11111s interesting lo note 1ha1 when educational tool - a visual aid guaranteed to get bis Renoir was young. his nudes students' attention. He's even taught his students how to In Winn Bast11 111•111 Of Jay were tempting and teduaive and shaped like today's beautiful stuff the uninvited critters. women should be. not heny. But Schnitger says he's always looking for ways to make The snow fell all through the Arts. The same show wiU appear day. and by the time we carved in only two other cities: London as he aged. so did Madame education relcvcnt and fun. It's that type of attitude that lhe lurkey. 1here were more than and Paris. Renoir. and his last painting of can shake up a classroom, often resulting in massive five inches on the roads. Then The Boston museum has done her showed her to be large and bumbous. Perhaps she saw to it doses of attention and inevitably, learning. came lhc sleet and ice. the driv· U beautiful job of ellhibiting and thal the models he painted were "You can't make education too dull,,. he said. ing was daring and treacherous, !ltaging the Renoir show. A no more seductive than she.. no and the environment was cold scri~ of daytime and evening Or too creative, we might add. slimmer or firmer. ~ind uncomfortable. Yet with all lectures brought together art ex­ this. we experienced one of 1he perts from throughout the U.S. So the aAemoon in the Boston most warming and emotional A film series was shown on museum was a joy forever, a fternoons of our life, surround· Thursdays and Fridays. C lasses because the memory or aJI those Baker Communications cd by 96 o riginal paintings by and workshops on Renoir and Renoirs in one place. reflecting Renoir. in a remarkable exhibi· impressionist painters were the body of a mu's total work. tion that became a city celebra· available to members and non­ will be with us always. And fr om 833 Pnlduclon .... lion in historic Boston. members. It was a magnificent the fashionable diversions of La Grenou i Jlere. a bolling AWNllJ WINN6 ~ 8lldl. CA t28S3 Renoir loved beauty and Paris community elltravaganza. (714) 131-t120 lllEIE8' :.ind sunlight and people, but And when you slowly walk restaurant in a part. to the f>'-.-ldNtlto: timeless abundance of his late ,._.__ca.-••"'9 P.O. 8clc 9318 most of all. female people. and lhrough. with no one rushing ,..._, a.ct\, CA 9295&-9.W of them. mostly nude female you. standing a few feet away nudes. Renoir's paintings crcalc 38 Stlll ' ...... Mrs'ds people. ··1 look at a nude:· he an earthy paradise. a world of Sha 1978 The Newpar1 ~ Coltl Mllu Niwa from a gianl Renoir canvas - said . ..There are myriads of tiny pleasure. rid Irvine Today •t ~ ~ the three large paintings of on Th&ndayl tints. I musl find the o nes that couples dancing, for example .. A painting. in my opinion," will make the Oesh on my canvas (I 882-U) - you could share the he said. ..should be something live and quiver." world of Renoir and his fellow that is pleasant, joyful and pretty ...... The remarkable Renoir ex· impressionists. You could im­ - yes, pretty! There are already hibit by the Museum o( Fine a,ine how Renoir and Monet enough unpleasant things in life ...... Arts in Boston will end Jan. S, to dissuade us from producing and Cezanne and Sisley and after three months of sell-out Manet and even Van Gogh and stilt others. How hard it is to ,, '7 . .., crowds. who paid a good fee (or Gaugin a nd Toulouse-Latrec ma ke people admit that a pain· the restrlctcd two-hour visit. The gathered together. sharina the ting can still be areat even demand was so great that the same agent. the same brothels, though it is joyful." tickets prescribed the time to be the same cafa and cabarets. For Renoir, the }OI~ d~ vivr~ admitted and the time to exit If They also painted each otbcr, was for rat. And the lollon ex· you were late. you were denied. and they ddighted '" tbe dis.. hibit reflected his pllilotophy ...... A two-decker shuttle bus moved coveries of the 1870's and and his gaaiua. and rm pad our constantly from Copley Sqvarc I880'1. the bold. rut strokes. the daughter and aon·in-1aw got in downtown Boston to the paleuc-ltnife dabbing. tickets for us. muta1m. the bus sidet dqantJy One of the Renoir paintinp ate.._ painted with one word : shows M o net in a garde n. ., ,...... RENOIR." For the lint time. another, the famous lifc:sizc 17k classical art replaced t1'e Celtics Swinlf, where instead of the Ml· Newpart Ena/on ...... as the city•s main topic or con· lUI) color Of object1, he CORQell­ venation. traled on secondary reflections Letters to the Editor The vast collection wu drawn and the dapplina effect or from 38 institutions and 19 sunlight rallina through the trees ... your chance private collections. and w11 in the same aarden. to be heard made possible by a grant from or a ll the areat artisu of that the IBM Corporation. and the period. Renoir is perb•PI the National Endowment for the most popular simply bocau.e bis 11.;. ,,•• Families Business Briefs 8.J. Stewart Advertisiq and National Corporate Finance, In his &ew position, Caudill ., Public Relations. Inc., of New­ Inc .• Newport Beach. who was will oversee the saJea and leasing ...... activities of Schneider's Orange port Beach. has•• moted media named chief financial offK:er. directo r Clr'll to the posi­ office. the company's largest, as tion of vice president of media Schneider Commercial Real well as coordinate the activities research. Estate, Inc., o ne of CaJifomia's of the branch's 30 sales represen­ Allard's responsibilities will leading commercial real estate tatives. include the research and plan­ brokerage firms, has named Real Estate Development There Are No Dumb Chicks ning of all media. aeneraJ super­ - I. Cllll. Vice President Corp. a builder/ developer of vision of the media department, and General Manager of the residential townhome and con­ a nd all phases of client budget company's Orange office. dominium communities in Flocking In This HOusehold planning. Caudill's appointment was an­ Orange County, recently moved nounced by Peter J. Laird. Presi­ it ~ headquarters to larger offices Everyone seems to rem~mber She had already begun to dent of Schneider Commercial in Tustin. Patrick Hayes, presi­ their first pet. Mine was a mutt blossom. Rea l Estate. dent. announced recently. named Jiggs who had a terrible Lauren had picked the name habit of chasing cars. We tried Amy fo r her pet. The truth was everything to get him to stop. that Amy could have been an Finally. one day, we traded Jiggs I Amos. How can you be sure with Ready for Winter? in fo r a more-reserved basset chic kens'! , hound. Lauren was cager to show the Ou r dnughter Lauren's neighhors Amy's talent. One kindergarten class watched some neighbo r had reservatio ns about baby c hicks hatch in their the intelligence of our hen. classroom last spring. At open Lauren told Amy to "stay" house, we viewed them fresh out while she walked away about ten of their shells; balls of soft, steps from the pet. Then she yellow nurr. commanded Amy to run and Oddly enough, a week or so jump into her lap. The trick had Clll'll Mn later, Lauren brought home a to be performed quickty, as Amy note from school saying we got impatient when it came to Newport Beach. businessman could have one of the chicks if showing her stuff. -- 7 • 1 has been elected ' we wanted. The vote of our fami­ The neighbor was impressed, I 1986 president of the Newport ly was almost unanimous to br­ could tell. There are no "dumb Harbor Area Chamber of ing a chick home. {We fiaun:d chicks" in our household, f Commerce. Richard Lmbn, ex­ Dad would soften once the chick as,.,ured her. ecutive director of the NHACC, was here). Naturally. we had to set up announced. Hamilton succ:eeds Another week went by until some rules regarding the pet. 198S president Ralph Rodbcim. the day had come to pick up the Lauren was the mother and Other offlCiaJs elected by the chick. I prepared a box for the accepted full responsibility. I small bundle of fluff I expected. was the grandmother and helped To o ur surprise, the chick could with the cleaning of the cage. barely get her big toe in the box. Amy was not allowed on the fur­ niture or carpet and had to n> City Sees CdM main in her cage in the garage at night. High As Top School We've had guppies, goldfish, an ant fa rm and pet snails; but Coro na del Mar High School no o ne has warmed our heartt. Gift Certificates was recently selected as one of like Amy. Even Daa admitted the to p 20 econdary schools in that it was pretty cute watching the nation through the Ex­ that hen ride a round on his emplary School Recognitio n daughters shoulder. -1/(j_~~ ~10!~ Program. In honor of the award. Naturally. any human being Nc"'port Beach Mayor Philip would hreak down at the tought Maurer proclaimed Dec. 4 as a of their pet one day being served day of recognition for the c r eamed over somebod y 's school. hiscuits. Cham her o; board of directors at The award was sponsored by There was no attachment its recent annual meeting include Ted Fuller. senior vice president G\Qll1Glr\ the U.S. Department of Educa­ here. We were fully prepared for tion. and Corona dcl Mar High the day we returned this city of J o hnson &. Higgins of 2902 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach I 640-8828 was selected from among 75 can­ check to the fa rm where she Cali fornia. a Costa Mesa-based didate schools in . belo nged. insurance firm. who will serve as vice pre

For am~ poetttve peope. We have a proven record of success/ I Training provided. ~ For appointment, 714/873-0289 c.11 Larry (714) 111-8788 2828 Newport Blvd., Newport BMch, CA 82M3 (ltC#We tom~ Produce on..._,,_..,,.., PUE 6--IECEmO 1!. lm THE NEWPORT ENSIGN/COSTA MESA NEWSIUMNE TODAY

Ntlwport Drops Playoff T.o La Quinta Aztecs ~ tllicMet Wlhtr heir him hreak that habit." 'Nc"pllrl H a r bor H ig h's Folc) hecame Orange Coun­ dkrm 11 f g1v1ng Coach Mik e t\ ·, all -lime career passing <;1dd1ng' .1 C l F Championship leader wit h 5.264 yards. sur­ :h ct going away present ended p:Ming Burl Call of Capistrano "' the S:11 h1r' 10,1 in 1he semi· Valle~ 1\ho had 4.956 in his hey­ 'in.II, to I a Quinta High of d.I\ i 1!mJcn (ir11\e. 42-29. in a game ·r l.I\ ed Dec: 6 at Balsa Grande l a Quinta Jumped out to a 7-0 kad 1n lhe first quarter after a l ~ 1 ~ h "ich1111I • <1 1dd111!!'· \\ ho announced his lrtd rl:i~ foo led everyday in the rct 1n:1m:n1 e.1rlier in the week. h111i...c . e'recially the Sailo r ".1, 1111rrl'"ed hy the one person dcfc11'c fhe A1tecs pulled off a "ho 1\ .1, d1n.: ctl)' responsible for d1111hlc-rcn:r,e-pass that ended r111111111.? 1he nighl for him. La \\llh 1\1de receiver Fred Crain 1)111111.1 ' H.trl Recklenwald. 1hr11\\ing lo a wide-open Todd ll arrin!!er for a 27-ya rd ·· I h.11 ~1'>. he , 11 1.. ~ ., "11 h 11 ... Giddings said. ·· 1k ', rc. tlh 4u1 1.: k and we had fhe S:1ilor" !NI close when '''' "·" l•• ,1op him tonight." h 1ln hit Mark Craig on a 20- ' .1rd r:•" over the middle and \II Kc 1.:~ 1en,,ald did was rush 1q1h the m1sc;ed e)(lJ'a point, the I 111 I '1 ' ~ inh on I I carries and '..:ore w:I'. 7-6. Craig also had a 11111 t11uchd11,,n, and lhen added h:1nncr nigh! as he caught 15 ilh third 111111.:hdown of the night ra"e' for 175 yards. "hl.'11 he p1ded off a pass and r. 1111hkd 42 \ard' for the sco re. In the -.ecund ha If. the Aztecs team down 10 the Aztec eight­ ncn la.;t drive and completed a .. Like I said before. you can'1 llt' rerf11m1.lrl\.'e \\:lS just a 111.1tk 11 1~- 15 after a Foley pass yard lien and threw a pass across one lasl drive and completed a co~1 1: h sflCCd. They (La Quinta) 1111 k heller th.in lhe record­ 11,,, ricked off and returned 64 the middle in what looked like a w ore. hut ii was all for not. as had it and we didn't. hrc.1 ~ 1111.! 111!!hl Satlor quarter­ qrtf, 111 lhe Sailor 10 yard line. 'coring strike to Craig. but in­ the l\1tec:.; h<1s locked up the vic- h.11.. ~ "ih.111c I olc' had. as Foley I krd l>ehh-; scored on a five­ ' lcad. Recktenwald stepped in 111ry :ind a1>,.ured themselves a " I thought last year was lhe r 1"cd l11r 1X I ~ .1rd\ and fou r ' .1rd run 111 pu t La Quinta up 28- fron t of the pass and proc~cd to I rip lo the finals to face another year fo r us. but I guess I was t1 111~hd1m n' I ''k} compleled 36 1" 11g-1ag his way through the Sea View League foe in wrong. But then that's the 111 ...,, l1ll11,d r·•"c'. \\.Ith three in- In .1 g.1mc that will probably Sailor" lo the other end of the Saddlchack High. who dumped hrc.a k' of the sport, you never 1\.'r1..l.'J'l11•11' I a ttahra 28- 7 in the other Ccn· 11n er hc forgotten by either field . When the dust had cleared, know who's going to end up on I h.11 ' the trnuhle "'tlh greal te.1m or the 1.000 spcclators that inc;te41d of a tic ballgame, La lr:il Conference semi-final. lop:· Giddings said. " This was. a q11.1r t c rh .1 d~' · 1hcy tend lo force \\ere 1n att en dance, Quinla had 35-22 lead. hy far. a real barn-burner .. 1hl· h.ill r h.1t'' \1hat Shane did a lrd '\c\1 - J'•lfl 11 ill 111,l' !1111r 'cn111r' 10 l.!r.1d11.t111111 t\111 1d "hrL·h were ,1.irtcr' ll1111c1 er '\cc1..\.' 1, 1:on­ l1dcn t .1h11u1 1hc lulurc of h1 c; Tr1Cf ~ ... - Ema If •apart .... 11111 '1 fir I Melt II lie , 411.1d .....,.. ,...... -sa.tr phoa by 6'Ml'I Georges " We \1 111 have Jncllhcr goo and ran away with the points to win the game 15-4. rally but it wasn't enough, as ream fo r the Sailors. game hy a <;co re of 15-4. In the third and fi nal game, Mira Costa hung on to win 15· Mira Costa's Lindsey Hahn. Mira Coc;ta opened the match Newport took a 4-0 lead in which proved to be the closest 10. I l\U /\rec. Megan McCallister, with a commandinJl 8-0 lead in ga me two behind the serving of a nd hardest fought, the "I feel in the next three years. and Melisa McNally were nam­ !?a me one behind the great play sorhomore Becky Sherwood and M ustan~s took a 3-0 lead. But it'll probably be New.,POrt-Mira ed to the All-State team, with of l\r<:e and McCalliscer. After a couple of Kreugcr kills. The the Sailors came roaring back Costa in the Finals," Neece said. McNally being named most an l\o;per wi nner and a Tracy Sailors could not hold on to their and went up 5-3. The lead chana­ "You probably saw more than va luable player of the tourna· Kreuger kill, the Mustangs quick start and after several ed hands several times until the the state finals tonight, you saw men I. enior setter Lara Asper ca pi1 ali1ed on several of the un- sideouts the Mustangs toughen· Mustangs finally pulled away the national fi nals too:· Newport Nautical Museum FindsTHE NEWPORTA Home BIS18M.QJSTA ~On ..._ Peninsula'RIMY t -· • 1 .,.., .... Mldcleftly aJmo.t three,_,. ..,. elected president or tJac Or-. A J011na womaa'a ..... ii Her puentJ. Marcia nd IOI County Women's Ocellia ~ crew. closer to rmlity today. The New­ Bents. and her tnany frieada Association. ~ widl'W i8 Titln .,. .... a I t • ftl port 8eec:h Nautical M..m h~ ~orked toward this .... 1986 will lie K11111J A 1 • -. has finally a ud ever llDCC. ... '"'* ... .., •• fouad ttom. vic:e-Praidnt; L,.. ~i••· iai1or i 111 1111« i8 J1I $ ,.,_, will soon atabtilh u ollice ud They hope to allo have the secretary; Cff~ 'WMMI. c:8ll F..,_ • 631-J"'- set up exhibits. 'Ille city of New­ Transpac Race recerda ud treaMrer. LiM ...... port them For,_,.• orc1• • ._ Bad hu ,;vea per­ memorabilia in the rnuteUm u chaiTman; DellbiC E.G. troflt1 been in Area 0, .. ~ llae mission to me the old lacll, well as the Collqiate Yachtina chairman: and Dollaa NOOll; U 11ited Staca Y aclM a-. Park and Recreation Depart­ Hall of Fame. ways and means chairman. U1tion1 ei1ht districts. Now ment buildina at 1714 W. The museum is a non-profit USYRU hu elected to haft ten Balboa Boulevard next to the organization and memberships The oraanizatio" plans a districts and divide Cllfiforaia What's To Eat? are available. A number of boats Girl Scout House. schcdul~ of six all-women ocean into two with Southcna Califor­ Check the Newport Ensign have been donated and are for races, each sponsored by a nia. from Santa Barbara to San The idea for the museum was sale and a fund raising auction different yacht club in the New­ Diego. now in Area J. Dining Section conceived by Bettina Bents, a was held last summer. port and Dana. Point areas. Each area is allowed to ICIMI a lovely young sailor who died Karen Faber was recently Women encouraacd are to par- representative to the national

12· 1 ,.. n· 1 40" 30'" I 60" , , I I' r_.,.,.. .. 'llwln ~'00 00 !50tl(I •)(loo ~""'" ('al Kine lllO (l(I PAIE 1-IECEmO 11 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN/COSTA MESA NEWSnfMNE TOOAY Team Basketball Is Emphasized Sunkist Heroes For Corona del Mar Women Sail Out Of Bay Folf The small boats groped their SLalay (VYC): 2. Bullet. Dick ~....,...., way around the Bay Dec. 7 in the Brown ( BC YC); J. Pintada. The Corona del Mar H igh Balboa Yacht C lub S unkist Dave Williams (VYC). Sch ool wo men's basketball Series Races Three and Four. By SOI.I NG: I. Vigilencc, Chris program has been lacking in per­ the end of the day, three of the Jones (VYC): 2. Fancyt. John Name. sonnel the last few years. intrepid sailors disqualified Gray (VYC): 3. No And except for Fran Wynn, themselves for missing marks Mark Vincent (SSYC). la\t year's most valuable player in the heavy fog . It was a real ex­ At the other end of the harbor 1n the league, averaging 24 ample of sportsmanship since the Lehman 12 Fleet was COIJl­ ro1nl!>. 11 rebounds and seven no ne of their competitors could ~ting in the Ken Davis Series at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. .hsisl\ per game. there wasn't have ~en them make their mis­ much el..,e. takes. With three first and two second Wynn has graduated. But for " We could hear them talking rlat:c fini 'ihcs Hugo Schmidt was the fir,t time -; 1nce he became to each other and laughing but the top -;ailor with Pat Scruggs fini,hin!l 'lccond and Buz Tup­ ( orona dcl \1ar'c; coach in 1983. couldn' 1 '>ce the boat'> until they Dave Heffern has enough peop le were ahuut 10 ft:et from 1he m:in. third. ·\II were fro m the ,,, fie ld holh .1 varicly team and a fini'h line." "aid race committee ho't duh. 111n11lr \ar,1t\ tc.1m memllcr Tina M c Kinley. " There arc 125.000 lfobie · · M ~ lir'l .} C.H I \\U.., a walk­ l>c,pih: 1he weather con ­ < "''' and I l11 lders and we arc ,,n c11,1ch .incl "e had e1gh1 girls. dition'. ' :! 'ailor\ found the wa)' 11ffer1n!! to retrofit them for free P ll I II f l he \.\hole \Choo I, CO me around the course twice The "1th ne" ina't tip'> as a saf,:ty 11ut li1r the te.1m." Heffern said. \\inner\ were: measure for the sailors," said I h1' ,e,"on I leffern has 15 Tl I ISTU:: Race 3 and 4 - I. Bonnie Jona-;, publisher of the \\ omen cvm1ng out for the team Boh Van't Riet (Balboa Yacht Hobie Hotline magazine and 1ndud1ng fou r returning starters Club). s_pokeswoman for Coast Catamaran. the builders o f from last year. LIDO 14 A: Race 3 and 4 - Hobie Cats and Holders, a small Senior Michell Willard, who I . M a rk Gaudio (Baha monohull boat. averaged 11 .2 rebounds a game Corinthian Yacht Club). S he added it will cost the com­ last year. will be back at the LIDO 14 B: Race 3 - I. Al pany about SIOO (or each mast center position. Pcwre:z (BYC). Race 4 - Doris and that they have set up a whole Heffern say with Willard in­ Kircst (BYC). ~cw department in the o rpniza­ side, rebounding will be one of LASER A cl 8 : Race 3 - .. K .C. is a great outside Heffern said he doesn't think t. llon to take care of this. the Sea Kings strengths this I. lewis Rowe (BYC); 2. Jim shooter.'' Heffern said. ..She's the team will either be able to The purpose o ( the mut season. Otis (Alamitos Bay Yacht too small for forward so we'll repeat its O.Cindcrella.. fllliah or change is to lessen the "Wi ll ard can be really Club). poualtiJity probably make her our point I 983, when they watt to the sailors bcina clec:bocue.I ,.... aggressive in taking down t.he ADULT SABOT: Race 3 - or guard." playoffs with only eight players the mast toucltes a power tine in rebounds," Heffern said... We on the team, or match last year I. Beverly Roberts (BYC). Race At the othCT guard position is a boatyard or on the street wben want to be able to go inside. She conference record or 12-2. 4 - I. Elaine Linhoff (BYC). junior Kathy Smirl. Hcf'f'ern said being towed or launched. This knows this and she's working SABOT A cl 8 : R1ee 3 - I. has not happened to any Hobie Smirl has come a long way as a Susie Minton (Newport Harbor hard to better herself." But Heffern said that the team Cut sailors but there have been On the o utside, K.C. Jones shooter and the team won't be will be competitive in it's league. Yacht Club): 2. Julie Norman ~vera l de-.tths on the cast coast will be the senior player that will hesitant to go to Smirl if she has (BCYC). Race4-1. Julie Nor­ The only problems may come in other small boat classes. an open shot. man: 2. Eric Prout (BYC). be able to open the inside for when and if the team gets into The situation is so serious that foul trouble because of the lack SA BOT C : Race 3 and 4 - I . Willard. said Heffern. Jones Another junior who will be the States Yachting Forrest Cutler (BCYC). l}n~tcd . averaged 14 points a game last "8,... p>illt ...... Al u.m. ii of playing experience. As.wc1at1on 1s urging all yacht year Natalie Dasmaciyan. SA BOT C2 aAd C3: I . Race 3 clubs to have their power lines "With the small number or - I. Chris Atencio (Balboa removed from boatyards and girls we' ll have on the team. if Island Yacht Club). Race 4 - I. ac~es." areas and is checking on some of them start fouling out Amy Bentley (Dana Point Yacht we' ll start running out of th1 -; hcfore dc'iignating clubs for C luh). event,. player"." HelTern said. The weuther wa!I much better The 1lobtc: : Cat pcuplc seem to The lack o f experience is more for the l!lrger hoats on Sunday \\hen they '\ tarted the race inside he ahead of all the other rrcvalent trn the Sea Kings than nia11ufaeturcr' though ;rnd it i' 11 "Would be with a nother team the h.irhor and Seiiled to a mark ofl ,hllfc and then finished back wo11 tlcrful for the 'ailorl- that that ha!> a Junior varsity squad. the~ .ire doing thi!> The next in the ha~ . Winner'> were: Becmi'c o f Corona del Mar not i:o.Mte 1lf the lluhie Hotline will havi ng a JUn 1or varsity team un­ 1'1 Ir-A I. Bravad o. Gary ( handler (South Shore Yac ht h:i lic all the information about til thi' )ear. the wo men are thi, change. C'luh ). ::! . V o rt elt. Bru ce l:tr!!cl~ innpcrienced. I \\ 11\:hcll (Voyagers Y acht UPCOMHll EVEm - Newport ( luh): ' C hristopher Robin. I larhnr Yacht Club will host the Rnacc ll;.1n,cn CVYC). second racing weekend of its l'lllU -8 . I. Impulse. Dan Winter Serie'\ with the 'imall "Classified ads and buyers go hand In ( hcrhh CBCYC): 2. Fastbreak. hoal' 'ailinl.? inside the ha rbor hand. And the results are amazing! lim to.. clh ( BYC): J. 34 Carat. on l>cc 1.i ~n d the larger One­ See for yqurself. lean-I ram:oi'I All->ert (VYC). t>c,1~n cl.1'~' racing. al~o inside MAY Pit R .. . (' I Pu<1syca t. John the harbor. on Dec. 15 . Why not let us help you word your ad to appeal to Interested classified WE readers in the market to buy? Whatever you'd like to sell. we'd like Holiday Sale DELP to help! " SAVE 10% &MORE

CALPHALON SPECIALS J.A. HENCKELS - 20% Kitchen 11linp C•dery 30% ---._j~--i...~ .,,,,.,,, t'/('t rn1 t .. fooJ 11,Mf MJl frtt'/ GIFT ITEMS FOR ALL OCCASIONS kttdym tftings 3'29 E. Cout Hwy., c..,... del Mar 673-3U4 - -- - -


...... t .~ ·~ ""'--llllllNa ...cW n.ere it•*" thl"I u a er "P a pertn _... miMlc.-cGi•or, inftaotion or "-oold ~•must ~ as a ... ila do.ar·looki•• jud•• In this h~f. COW\--...... all ...... Otf\~r lit.rat l•adeea .ind cto. nd the jury rtt•na it ~Pf"."t i.m-s. a.ct • - '' crdict. the Courtho-.ae •h~h:alf~-.-..--­ Resaaur.ant in Santa na is pif.. \.~... ,µ1. ·~ of tittle cac:ept outstandlna f ntrccs aa talc l..illnlJ - food and qam>'9ftdi"IS. tlioufttifut .... dilaiWL I ... A formidablo·lookln1 ·~ hoe ad ~ . - • buildiftJ. the pate pint catoriof of ~une at S&.?S.. M, -Z , the Co.rt~se is rar more R~ric.. ...,, I I ~ ii ,.. appc:ah• tha• the municipal ~'"''\.'f'I~ ~ ._ I a .... courtroom pre rou.t in moll it a n~ . It.._..-_. 7 1.'0mmunities. The restaurant fresh ste::imed •• t t ... iL~. is divided into several din­ ~or Jrilted ,, ...... in, sections.. all pleasant Ind in­ The shrimp were larp .... vlliftl. tender and dctic:ate • ... -. Most ~blc is the cua1 thoup very sc*y. _, _... diniftJ area ca.tied the Deli. The poweriftf. Odi fc:at•ra • bar aad W'Mhrich Additiout liMw specials ... ,,m aad the atmosphere it 1.-I'*: "I ol chictc. Sl•IM widl fc:.uive. Fare includes: ullds. wild a1'd broWft rice ...... ve,ctariiut dishes. appetizen h;ard cider sa.acc: bru.st of sKh as fried artichoke bcuts chdca with ,...... _ tOl'Mloea with T ca Ma succ. broiJed 11nd capers: ca;..~ .. ~ chicke111. So•oma Altdo-.ille cd wloue steak wi~ .,.._,Md s..ausa,:c gritlcld with peppers and tarr.ap sauc:c and ~ her Christmas Cuisine To Be onions.. chili ind an assortment with smoted bec:oll ... &in. of fresh fash. oniOftS. Served At Allredo's Additionally. therc·s the or­ Desserts are samSM.aoa Md difreatlt to resist. Otljectioas to dinary pmut o( ddi food m: Alfredo's It.._ •~ • n. c ll1din1: barbecued beef suet. swc:a stvffs wiP be owerrW­ Westia So.tll o...t ...... _ ,_ ••• 6 '"' ..... ~ ~ •···· ed inthcC~as_...... ___ sandw~ aticed turtey bftut.. Cost• M--. will .-ir

....o.a-..ow ...... Dlllllll9 - r n • - •...._ .o...... __~ ­ ~..._. • •I UGlNDIK.. - ~-.. - ...... ~,..c...e-- ­ Elegant· Waterfront Dining ...... CM;:z ... Unique And Diverse Foods From Around The World ------tOeo NID R:::-_-~---_.~ .--"""C::a--..


"My Fair Ledy" la Faring Well At. Dinner Theatre

.,, ...... One real drawback is Michael Anyo ne who a ttempts a Fry m 's per formance as rroduction of the long time hit, Professor Higgins. For some " My Fair Lady" is taking on a stra nge reason. Frym loses formidable task. How can one almost a ll of t he s tuffy ever erase the memory of Rex arrogance and pomposity of the llarri,on and Julie Andrews in role. He injects it with a kind of th1' da.;,ic:'! Or even Audrey nonchalance that robs the part I lqlhurn in the film version of of it '> dimensions and its basic TAJ the mu<;1cal ba<1ed on Shaw's charactcri -. tics. He seems to pale .. P} gm,t lion'!" in ;1 ro le that should be a joy for ARE YOU READY Well. t-1 11abeth Howard's an) actor. He docs, however, Curt.1in Call Dinner Theatre has have a few moments when he has FOR US? taken on the job and has done more than a nodding acquain­ n.111r111..., ...... ,'* rather well hy it. tance with the part. ~ .. -...... _ .... ,.• Highlights of the show include ...... Clrllll Cll - ,....., ~' ·-,.,.., '" ,,_/ I, ., Clll 1111 $ M Ill: ...... notahlc rerformanccs by Tracey The theater is located at 690 flJll Williams us Elita Doolittle and El Camino Real in Tustin. For ""'·..., ..... : ..... ,.... Jeannette Miller as Mrs. ."~,..... additional information and _. r...., If iggins. There is also a zestful reservations. call 838-1540. 01 I • BID 111• . rendition of "Get Me To The Church On Time" and a rather touchin Jt version of 0 1've ( iruwn Accustomed To Her Baby Back Ribs Face ·· Al so notable is the \ ~ & Claickea Dinner altcmrt to play the great show for I with 1h wonderful lyrics and $9.95 mu"c intact rather than fil ling it full of cxcc'\S baggage. So lo the uni nitiated, or even lo t ho,c whu had a love a ffai r "-tlh the mu.,1cal. there is some commendable c harm and 1111 a....,.....0r., ,u1...,cA.. <114)111 ma hunyancy lo the Elizabeth ,,,,.,,,~ 6 can t _,.,, WATCH ,,.,,. SPACE llOltf/ I Inward , how 0{'4"1t O un1/u, - \ou1rd4J1 "r"' '°" '""'''" ~,r,,,

CHAMPAGNE BRUNOI CRUISE CRUISE SCENIC NEWPORT HARBOR BRUllCI WITH A VEW IOAM Sunday Buffet Brunch. Entertainment, Prizes Cll••Jll•• 111111 Adults-SI 8 Children 10 cl Under-SIO 1:11le2:11 RESERVATIONS 673-3014 BALBOA PAVILION CAPRICCIO CAFE 400 Main St. Balboa CA 9266 I 900 Newport Center Or. Newport Beach

------~~~!~------.... FANTASTIC WAFFLE9 GIGANTIC OMELETTES _ 1_rls_t_o_1_a.r_&._Gr_11_1e_ rfRJ\ 8UPEJUI SANDWICHES ....., c ...... •runch ..... ~ Aa...... SOUPS...... ,..SALADS... 11 ....._·I,..._ C1·•1M.. t Dlaw .. H•PPJ Hou"' -H~l111 Piece In Town" 8 .,.. ,ec..._ Deir • :00·7:00 Al Wei DrtMa 11.21 ..... c ...... p.me " , .. 111•ewo •I JOIN uar _...... ,.., .Yl1iJ/ol'. '(>;01 .Yk..W ..... c...... _ W" •• 167-SIN ._.. Aaa, CA 1111 ...... c.... Meee • (714) .., .... ------.


"Ro mancing the Stone" seems I ~inccrely hope the next time too often forced and contrived. we meet Jack and Joan, they are In tryi nt? to give us more, more, kef"t in the foreground where more. the screenwriters and they 'i ho uld be. Such rich director have given us less, less, characters should never be used les"I. The focus has somehow a' liccnery. especially by a direc­ 'ilippcd from Douglas, Turner, tor a,; tulented as Teague ("Cu· and De Vito (who represented jo." "Lady In Red" ). Still. how the real core of the first film) to can \lnC complain in any way Far too much " Indiana Jones ahout a film that features a song and the Temple of Doom"-like called (f kid you not) " Party - 'itunt' and action. No Sheep Is Safe Tonight.. ?

TheG1'8nd lnnerTheetr GRAND -~ OPENING tttll~ilMOO MicUel Dlllla. llft. Klllun 1.. • ...., Mii '*' 111111am 11 .. __.If11111111." T.,...... c. tlry F11'1 .... tt "••11111 .. .._... fl CHORUS Lll1E

• Longest Running Show on 8'0.0Wey "Jewel Of The Nile" • New Yoo D -.ay. Omar isn't all .u1u he 1' much more than Kirk's .ind Lawrence Konner and direc­ he', cracked up to be and Jack "1n ll e'11 an Oscar-wi nning to r .lcwi' Teague. After a ll , they and .loan ha ve their hands full pr11duccr ( ..One Flew Over the have to put Jack and Joan at dc;il ing with (among other ( 111:!..oo'<; Nest") with a social ndds again if there's going to be thing') whirling dervishes. desert .ind p11 litical conscience ("The ;1ny good, old-fashioned connict. 'torm ~. und (almost) ctttain Getawave China Syndrome" ) as well as Connict also comes in the death. The Moroccan scenery is '<1und. commercial instincts form of " Omar" (Spiros Focas). hcautiful. the special effects are truly "pecial (particularly in one &omit all. I'' lfomanci ng the Stone"). the ruler of a rich North African li e i'I •tl so. like Gene kingdom who is about to be -.c4ucncc in which Jack almost crowned it" holy king. He makes 'linglchandedly destroys Omar's 11.u:kman and Michael Caine. For busincM or pleasure, thctt's no pla« quite like the Balboa .l oan an offer she can't refuse. ci ty with a very earthbound F- 16 llOC 11f those unheralded actors lnn. Ftnt. it's the only hotel on the bach ln Nc'wpOn. And, with whmc very presence can keep a the c han c e t o wr ite hi s jct l. and the cast im mense Just 34' rooms, you'll rccctw the Catt and attention only a small Inn (e'ipcciall y in the cli mactic scene 111111 hnnest. no mailer how con- au tohiography. To make a with a big commitment to service can provide. ra ther long story short. Joan detailing O m:1r 'd· 11.J u tnl ur o utla ndi,h the atcd with big cha.In hotels. ll\5lead you'll enjoy personalized service prcm1o;c ("Com a .·· "Star nico; off to Omar's count ry. all h1' faithful thousands). In t hi: fina l analvsis. however. whctt you'tt rcc<>tp'littd by name. quiet sunscu on the water and ( h.11110cr" ' ). That -.pccial 4uality C\f)Cn'c' raid. of course. while charming Mcdilcrrancan styled intcrion.. many with flrq>laccs. .I :ic l.. i' ,onn forced to follow "'111cthin!!'' mi.,-;ing in "The OriJinally built in 1930 and just recently re-opened aAt'r a '' 1 en 1111H:h apparent. and need­ lc11el 11f the \lilc" and it's called n t 1n l>nullla,· t\\O late'\t film" "hl·n 'umeonc hl1m' up hi' complete renovation. the Balboa Inn combines th<' lustre of the 'h11.h h,l\c arri1et.l 1n time for helm cd ,,1ilh11at 1- nlltm 1ng him d1,1rlll f h1' JCl\ C I undoubtedly pa.~ with the luxurlc<1 of the p~nt . I ' I ' fl I 11 t • ' II ,I 11 I\ • h." 111 11r1.· .10.:t1on .ind o;rectaclc You can choo~ fro m ocean or hay vkw room5 and count on 1hc h11lnl.1\'. One i" .i not-'iO· h Cd ' h d "K.tlph" (l>.1110~ De \'1t1l), \\h11 th 111 the r1r'I. hut the 1.?l\C-and­ 'iUt:h daily n•mphmentary ~rviccs a.' 1h<' morning paptt. shoe -·• u•d film th.it ,hould h,1\'e been ~ i nc . and a full lOOtincntal breakfast And coach room 1s furnished '' u 1n11n~· cd th.It I.id• .ind h1,1n l,1h hct \\Cl'll 1ad .1~d loan. ~ re.it (" \ Choru l inc"). while \\ h1 1. h \\ ,, the hl!!hli!!ht or with gue,1 bathnlhe. and a fresh flower bouquet. 1h 1.· 11thcr '" grc.tt fun ("The \\Ill rrn111k the tr,111 lll tht: IC\\cl 1llc.- daily menu a1 our rC"SCaurant features California and con1 1 lc"l·I 11f the "''le") nental l Ul~i ne . a' well a.'itht' frcsb catch of the day fro m Newport'\ f'amed Oor )'man Fkt·t Pat10 seating and table-side food prepantion "lc"cl 11f the 'Jile" 1, .1 real .are al!>( >pan of the extraordinary culirury expcrieocc ..! l'lll 1f \ou'rc ,hnppintz for light. RomantK. memorable.' and higt\ly c,1..1pht entertainment with a Cross Country Ski Colorado. .. rt:l'Ommendahk The Balboa Inn. !!COUlncl) romantic navor It is a it'll the pcrfccl get·away when you 'c4uel to 1984's " Romancing w-ant distanl·c: between you and tht' the S tone" which -; tarred Experience perfection. .. there's only ordinary. Michael Douglas a'I "Jack For complete infomutlon or rcscr· one cross-country ski resort like it. vatlons contact your tra~I agent or Colt on." the adven turer who call us di~t . helped a shy. dowdy ro mance Located 18 miles north of Steamboat Springs. writer (Kathleen Turner) not The Home Ranch has a lodge. 7 log only find her sister lost in the cabins and accommodations wild'i of South America. but her tor 20 o wn backbo ne a nd adven­ turesome spirit as well. The last time we saw Jack and " Joan Wilder," they were sailing off into the sunset (down New York's West End Avenue). As " Jewel" opens. it's six months ll later and our fun-l oving couple ha'I emerged as the yuppie Bi c kersons of the French Ri viera. Jack is into waterskiing, drinking. and other variations on En!OY 26 kilometers 01 groomed tra ils day trips lessons 1n the theme of fun , fun, fun. But beginning and Telemark sk11nq p1111ale guides hot tubs Joan. suffering from a severe sleigh rides. fam11y-style meals. and a ~ case of writer's block. thinks all heated pool Call or wnte for a brochure fun and all play make Jack an exceedingly dull boy. At this point, you might very ~~ well ask - isn't fun what the On~sand·•~ French Riviera is all about? Any k ...~ II ...,.._,IMS Main,lelboe92661 orcal.1( 7 14 )67~· '412 why, in such beautiful surroun· ding. is Joan trying to writo? 1'HE 'W01J f;o ~quire fi~ JeweBry.

1•" c..w ..... o....-' .... 1• ...-•.oao ,...... 1 •.,0 1•" c..w o.-1 S&t o.--' .... 1•" c..w s.-" c.a .... ,.... \0 ...... 1 \ .l'JO,...... 1.100 10 o.--•,_.i • .100... ,...... 1 ..,0 "" c...w o.--'..... ~ tffdi'-- 1tlt c...w,...... o.--1 I ...... 11 .100,...... 1.r#J \\ ,.... tuu>I 11.r#J ~ 6.r#J 11 "",...... i c..w • .oao o..-" ,_....1 .....~ " " c.ol 1 l ...... 1 • 'J(lO ...... l ~ , ., ... 1 ...iW•""'1- l,.qoPr'°JO•~ ~ 1.84JO .' ,;..;

759-7766 ., now forming a }'Olltll Old:: tn." From...... a mere quartet at its Butts said. first mcdi.. in Mardi to ib Costa Mesa adopted lite current manbcnlaip .of 2S. the So•th Coast Sympltoey lmt Cre:sa:edos bas become a raJl.. vear. and perfonns all or;u .. Ralged support group for the coed SCllSCMI C08CUtl in <>r-. 5-m Coast Sywaphoay. 0.. OJlcgc•s RalJcrt B. MODl'C -We ~ WWWiqu:I by OU Theatre. ' rapid growth. Wkn WC lint met The Crescmdoa were m:ital there were jlllt four of us. Jean about their first major faa­ Hall: Virginia 8uctJca; Larry d ra iser. .. A Rhapsody ia granga. the symphoays direc­ Jewels.·· which toot pl•ce tor and conductor and me. To­ recently at the Westin ScMtll day we have 25 members and Coast Plaza Hotd. who in tum. p them to their have had our rtrst big fuadraitcr. The evening feablnld a pk wives. · Rhapsody in Jewels'." Irene dinner and jewdry auct101t. f>ebutanaa. tWt parents and Butts. charter member. said. There were more than I SO escorts wen: ltilMerly Akin. The C rescendo's volunteer at origi.:31 items. handmade· hy Jack Carr, ltidasd Dreyfus: the symphony's offK:C as wd1 as designer Carlo Antinucci of Lindsay Ahfrona. Jolla Alstrom. host recqJtions after c:ac::lt con­ Liberty Diamond Cutters. Prica _ Brian Dobbin-Pollock; Janet cert . ..We fed the symphony is varied from S50 to SJ0.000 oe Bielen. Robert liclea. Matthew such a wonderful addition to our p ieces including w'atches. Paskcrian: Jill Bell. Edward community. And Larry is so necklaces and rings. Bell. Donald Vcrlear. Susa n good with young people, he is ··we feel this was a very Bradbury. Donald Bradbury. succcssful fundraiscr for tile Ja~ McMalaan. Jr:; Kathryn symphony. We grossed a 6ttlc Brown, Richard BTown . Get It Off Your Cbcst­ more than Sj(),000 which is gn:at Christopher Loraz; Cameron Newport Ensign for our first evcat." Butts said. Ooder. Mileftko Doder. Alex­ Letters to the Editor For membership information ander Lynn and T~ Evans, about the C rcsocndos. calJ 662- Melvin Evans. Tyler Stringer. 722.0 or 722-8404. Joanne Fcnta.. Richard f erda. Robert Ban~ Joanne Goody Allen 6 oody. Michael Allen: Pauline Hanaoa. Victor Hanson. Do ug las Anderson; Julia H ochadel. Jack Hochadel . Nadim Bikhazi: Dana Jackson. Do nald Jackson. R o la nd Preciado: Ana Jeppe, Arthur Jeppe. Randall long: Kelly Kopp. Anthony Kopp, Charles Rish and Kristim Lowder. Steven Wawr~ Kevin Thomp­ son. ~.. -~ ~":'! ...... ,...... • • • u.n... The Dcumbcr holiday seuon - ...... 10, was officially opened when Las • c.rpets dry In one hour 24• Rei nas Aux.iliary o f the • No -....m.. or shampoo • Fulty ~ ...... ft_ Assistance t..eepe of Newport • No residue IO rw>ll • No hJdden ct.gee Beach spoMOnd ••ne Joy of .. (714) 417-3309 G iving." ~. bdd at the Chem-Dry of lrVllM 772-a11 Meridien Hotel recently.

I _ Your :Id .-,,,,a" 1n ~ ,..cwpon Eiuip. CO!lla Maa Newrs.. l"'-e Today Mid S....., b- I ... ·------·------I ~ "I!" I I ~ No. Expiration Date I Place your Classified Ad by mail I No Expilation Date I I N.me I or call 631-8120 I Address I Fill out and return to: I City np Code I I rt.one Publiation Date I The Newport Ensign I S Endosed 0 •me. I 883 Production Place I Number of liiues I I I Newport Beach, CA 92663 I I I I I I I ~ I I 4 I PAY FOR 3 - GET ONE FREE I I s I I I I 6 I I 1 I : : i ~' I 10 I I 11 I I I I 12 I COPY Dt:ADLl~E : .l PM MOI'iDA \ " I 13 I I 14 I RATES: I 1s I I week 2weeks J weeks 4woets I 16 I J tines SI.SI SI 1.64 Sl4.34 Sl6.44 I I 4 lincs SI0.44 $14.Jl Sll.12 I i 1 I $20.92 S lines Sl'2.l0 Sl7.40 '21.90 $25.40 I .ie I 6 lincs Sl4. 16 Sl0.28 S25.61 S29.18 I 19 I 7 lincs $16.02 Sll.16 $29... $34.36 I ~ I I - I ·------.. ------~------·-----· ...... ¥Cnue Sas Fifth A recently prc:Knted its delightful and ex­ citing designer fuhiom ror the 1986 holiday and cruiJe ICUOD. Ctuitc 1986 fasllioe it a CI09- Holiday glitter once apin tinuatioa of the body ~ abounds with a littany or • drea· ~lea: jumpAiu wida a quins. beads. luxe fabrics or pan­ harem paet effect, r•m.i ne velvet. llame, chifTons, pcasut dreua and a. Of .... accessories witla dazzli.. bold isa1 sltorts coordinated wio and colorful acmsto•a or blasen and •fari ;.mm lold strands upon ltnUlds ol pearls. noral and stripe ...... it sweaters work OYer plated Styles cent.er aroeRd the ao..,. white skirts. -sleeved jum.,.Ut. st,..,._ loag dresses. the CMIO-.....-below­ Bri,tat. hot shades o1 Pink, -tho-calf length*-..._ nam­ chartw. ora111ge and chrome ed or bowed; Iota of beaded )lel1ow dominat. c:nu.e colon novelty sweater top and dirndl usi"I such fabrics as linen, cot­ taffeta skirts and ankle length ton and the ner-popular ailk. pants. The -loot is ~tone. layered. or The predominant colon are a rather eclectic combination of white, red and black. Briabt St{ipes. checks and florals. jewel tones of emerald gra:n, purple and red are regal when for men. the cruile look. is combined with black. profllsion of two and three but· ton. double breasted suits and Saks advocates weariQg jackets with a wide lapel or die Rcvillion furs of blackgama over 30s linens. cottons, silk ~ these holiday fashions. Also and lightwei1bt wools. The recommended is the O\'el'lmd pleated trouser is cuft'ed or un­ and full-length fox or white cuffcd. The tic is ..toned in .. wi .. mink-trimmed with fox coats. the jacket' or shirt in pastels QI For cruiscwear. Revillion is peach. pink and powder blue. ·

• . . COLOR I. SPECIAUST PHOTO STUDI0-- 714/675-0823

Tuea. Thru S8L 9 Mt· I pm. 2333 EMt COMt ttlgltsey, 8uMle A ""------Corone del u.r, CA 92825

New Costume Jewelry

789 W. 19th St. • Ca1ta Meu. CA 92627 Corner of l9da ...... ,_ 11 •1- IZ. 1~ THE NEWPORT ~A MESA NEW8IW TODAY Playful Sportswear " ....111 ...• The best workout garment is Feelinl! ,ood about the way one which easily fits into other ~ ou look i'i easy with the uciting are-Js of daily life. Clothes that ,elect ion o f e xe rcise wear m~ ~ IK look i!ood and feel good ,t\ailahle today. From fun , easy are what today's active wear '"cat 'uits to the most chic high dt:signers are constantly striving fa-; hion leotards. gearing up for to perfect. a workout has become a pcr­ look for easy-to-care-for, 'onal -;talemcnt. functional. vibrant materials \ new line of sportswear liv­ when purchasing workout in!! ur to today's healthier way clothing. Nylons artd cotton nf life i' called art-in-motion b lends are ideal fabrics that breathe. giving an athlete an i:rl·atcd hY ~ ast Reactors. This l.'Cf l!C. i: 11 1l cc11~ln s upports and hi!!h li!!hh today's active popula­ Shorter days and fa ll ing t inn "h.il:h 'pends more than just temperatures shouldn't mean ...... ~ ...... ~ · o ur act ivity level has to dip with ...... ,.., . '"''or thrt:c hours a week at the gym. Many Americans have the mercury. Aerobic dance, 111 :1dc fi111c" a wav of life, and rac4uct hall and basketball arc 1hi' ,., ,,h111n ... 1a tcmen1 speaks fo r ju.;t a few of the perfect all­ I h..:111 weather workouts, and now and then can even be more c:JthiJarat­ Eunill .. _, II I C1111 I Orr !.!111.d l!C111nc1ric art designs ing. Vivid tones of red, shimmery jMllJI Ill ...... 111 hrrl!ht. \ rhrant color\ com­ \\ hitc. rnval blue and black h111cd ~\1th rnmfort. -.erarate art- cncrgi1c the origi nal look in 111-1111111011 'f10rl'iwear from the currenl active wear and add a u~ual 'olid pastels we arc ac­ nc\\ dimcn'\ion to any workout ... to buy or to sell, 0.ed ·Your Li.t i:u,ll>mcd to 'ecrng. year-round. 0 Bedrtc TOMt that is the question ... w...... The N cw port Ensign 0 8Mh T.. a.o..., OBathTub Nows classificd- OBMhTubT,. that is the answer! 0 Bath , .. Orpniun o~...._. 0 .,., Heidt OShcNs~ Mimn They'll Lo•e O TOWlls - ... I Hm on Chrtatmal Mom! a.ch Wraps o~r..... 111,q Mlrron OVriyM.. up r--.•o.n 0 Doc.tors OTo.e btds"*' ov• ~ 0 And Mud\ Mot-.f Submaatlcl &rYi.a911 I Goodl~now ~deft~ 1HE .w..w CMttm•• MART ·

Moura: Man.·Frt. 10-e 811.10 ·1 Holiday Portraits 2711-8 E. Cout Hwy. on Location or Studio· Corona d9I Mar, Gift Certificates C..92125 ...... ,.. lfwd Oft~C...... _ (714) 675-4830 ~~~Of'iQE:m(V 7141.... 1MG ...... ,.c......


Wish someone '3a1hion &c,ou a glowing !Bou~au

holiday. ACT I: ....., a..1 W-·• c:..e1mfw•1 C'JIO' I ACT D: Jesa1 ...... _,.,,,._.ts._.... , i Acc11u.._ NC:f m: v., ,.,...11......

Send the FTO- Ca,. Glowe Bouquet. Sl7.50 'Jcuhion E~~fllln"''*• 1111111 Call or vt,tt us today. &cou MllMOft Y~2)~1fm y~ We accept consignment 3337 E. Coast Hwy. (By appointment onf y) Corona Del Mar 714/173-1270 714/722-1321 ._,o.6f1isad ;#t~0.-1 ,...... ,. ,~ 18M-A Harbor Blvd., Coeta MW­ • ,._.,,.tc. a"' iNJf a&J . .

llit lnlzl ...... ''The N utcrKbr"' Oii Dec. 1' II 8 p.m. Tickets arc SU for ..... and S8 for children. Parkims ii free. Call 261-0231 ...... 111 ...... : . Chamber Sinacn (Dec. 14 • I p.m.). The N~ ... a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Sunday, (Dec. 19-21 at 8 p.m. and Die. a.m. to 6 p.m. 21-22 at 3 p.m.). ne c:oO-. 11 7 i I • ...... at Disne,land located at 28000 MaJ'llll arile NM at and 9 p.m. w...... 2 Parkway in Mission Viejo. c.I mid S, 1986. park is JM. The for located at 1313 Harbor Blvd., 831--4656 more informatioL Anaheim. For put boml ad ...... will be featered • further info. call 999-4%5. part of an cvenin1 o( entertain­ ment presented by the Perfor­ ming Arts Section of lmnc•1 ?Pl a \r•z• ... ii Community Services. Social ~ ,.rora _ill \The Aveaue. hour. buffet dinner, and dancma. Bar at the Anaheim Hilton ud Admission S22 per person. The C•fftf PYllJI, ttre world­ Towers M0tt.-Sat., 4:30-8:30 rcnowned piuiat who has per­ event will start at 6:30 at the p.m. AllaheirD Hikon is formed in New York' and in ne Turtle Rock Community Park. I localed at n1 Convention Wy. Sunnyhill Drive, Irvine. Cafl • London for the Queen of Call 740-4268. England is performing Tuesday . 660-3881. through Saturday evenings at - • ..... Cllll 11111111: Steve .. Lii .. .., n.. Ill," a fut­ the Newport Mandarin Elster, pitar (Dec. 13), Christ- moving music program featuring restaurant in Newport Beach mas Oratorio (Dec. 14), Nut­ saxophonist, pianist and singer rrom 5:30 to 9;30 p.m., 3950 cracker Ballet (Dec. 13). The Lee Ferrell, will be performed Campus Dr. Call 852-0900. Messiah. Pacific Symphony at the Newportcr Resort lounge. • (Dec. 21) . The college is located Ferrell is accompanied by llr'1lr ..... meet Tuesdays. 1 - at 2701 Fairview Rd., Costa keyboardist Hal Ratliff and 9:30 p.m. at the Presbyterian Mesa. Call 432-5880. singer Laura Vida and performs Church o(t'M Covenant on Fair­ ...... win be performed Dec. pop rock. country. and ..oldies" view Road in Costa Mesa. tunes. The show is presented 29 at 6 p.m. by the Crystal Anyone who enjoys aiftling is Tuesday through Tbunday Ca thedra l C h o r a le and wdcome to join. Call 494-8119 evenings from 8:30p.m. to 12=30 Orchestra. Soloisu for the even­ or 897~87 (or details. a.m. Friday and Saturday nights ing will be Karen Stephenson, from 9-1 a.m. The Newporter , ...... open to the soprano: Jennifer Smith. alto; Paul Harms. tenor and Richard Resort is located at 1107 Jam­ pGbrec are featured at the Via Mree Rd. in Newport e..dL Hw:kinc.. bml. The C11• 1trll is I .... "' Cypraa. On ~~ For info call 644-1700...... 10 . ..., • lip4Y* localed at 12141 Lewis 9t. a1 contest with a SIOO prize ia Chapman A Wll'lue i1t Garden Grove. Call 971...000. (eatured; on Tbundays at 10, C1111tnr ...... _ Steve Elster. will o ffCT a special holiday concert p.m ., ..The Gong Show" ia held lllllal EM• Q J I Clllil: An Friday evening. Dec. 13, at open to any act, including Evening of Jazz (Dec. 13 at g, magicians, comedians, dancers p.m.). Call 997-6812 for details. Orange Coast Cortege. The con­ cert begins af 8 p.m. in OCC's and ainps. Via Maria ii located The college is located at 333 N. Glas.~ 11 in Orange. Fine Arts Recital Hall. Advance at 9969 Walker St., Cypreu• • tickets. priced at SS. arc on saJe For information. caJJ 821-9300. ...11111111 1111·...... will be in OCC's Community Service presented Dec. ts at 2:30 by the Lt• II •s;zt ... win be ""llf '* t..,- indefinitc:Jy at Office. celebrating the Scuon of Hun­ Elizabeth - Howard•a Curtain 11111rt1•1 ..... •s I Ill comes Pacific Sypmpllony in the Santa ting this month with lpCica1 Call Dinner Theatre. 690 EJ to Promises every Tuesday from Ana High School Gym. Call Urry ~ directs Fullerton 973-1.300 for details. dishes or venison, putridp, Cami110 Real, Tustin. Doon 9 p.m. to midnight. The KNAC Coll• Community Band in a quail. pheasant, dove and duck open Tues. - Thurs. at 6:30 p.m., disc jockey spins rcgac music.at fest i ve s eason concert, Ill* • Cit .. flllrtll: Concet "Celebration:· at 8 p.m. Dec. 18 675-4904. Fri. • Sat. at 1 p.m. and Sun. at the nightclub, located at 3333 Ba nd ( Dec. 12). University at Fullerton CoUege Campus 11 :30 a.m. and S:JO p.m. Prices W. Pacific Cout Hwy. in New­ Orchestra and University Theatre. T ickets: S4 general ad­ ,...... ,.. /1 .... start at S 14.9S with full waiter pon Beach. No cover charge. Singers (Dec. 14) Jazz Ensemble mission; SJ students and senior from S6.9S to $8.SO are beina service. Call 838-1540 for reser­ For more information, phpne (Dec. 15). For seau and more in­ citizens. For information. call Towcn' le Cafe teltaunat. For vat.iou. 642-0506. formation. call 773-3347. more Information call 863- 871 -8000. 3111 . ·-n. lltry If a.,,_.. ia scheduled at Saddleback College's Studio Tbeetre., Dec. -Claiborne-- CoOoctionwill abow Dec the. 13 i..iz at 12. 13. 14, at 8 p.m. Teckcu are 12:30 p .m . in South Coast SS general edmission, S4 for Plaza's Jewel Court. seniors and students. The collqe is located at 28000 Marguerite Parkway. Miaion Viejo. Call Fin ..... latest line or linaerie 582--4656. will be shown in the lin,erie '11111111 aft I ...... EW' depmmmt of the Robint0n's will be performed on Oolden NeWpol1 Center Fashion Island West College's Mainstage store. Dec. 21 , from I p.m. to 4 Theater Dec. 12. 13, l4. and IS. p.m. Tickets arc $4-SS. Thd ... is located at the corner o f Goldenwcst and Edinger in Hun­ DRAMA tington Beach. Call 895-8378. ·-n. •*'Ill-... UC Irvine's "Clnllnr is currently being per­ re-creation of a 16th Century formed at the Harlequin Dinner banquet with costumed singers Playhouse. JSOJ South Harbor and a traditional Yuletide feast Blvd .. Santa Ana. Shows run will take place Dec. 13- 17. Tues.Sat evenings at 8 p.m. with Tickets are S24 and S26.SO. Con­ special Saturday and Sunday tact the School of Fine Arts at matinees. Call 979-55 11 . 856-6611 for addjtional info. . ~ ...... E11ll11llll E...... runs MISC !iftrough DiC. 21 lflfiO G™ Theatre in Garden Grove. The CI ...... Cllut I Y••Cln•a.tli theatre ia located at 128'2 Main flfllll • Cllllilr. ... I S 11 M• St. Call 636-7213 (or racr· ~om and ahowtimea. .... 1 11.•lllE--Mllllllr.tlTABA lUDAY > It'·.• .•• ~~ 11~1~ltJ!~l~i ~ 1~11·~it1!l1lt1ii1~!1 li!l!!~lii!lil1J;1:~!iJi~

~~i!J!il!J!~; l!~';;r1:;a~ii!iill ~i ;ii !lt!•I! ;1 11111· i;1;11!!ll!!!lil! !!;~tlilll~!ilil!!!!!!!Ji:Ji!i~!:I i!iiil!l;f ;;~f

- i''lil~l I ~ pr1u .1 f U!(!JJ'l:J;>llHl>~I; ~g111~ r a' =ll 1t!J Jn11~ !•IJ''tl$l1~ 4 r1rg . . . if~i1:~ H~~h!i~h1UH!h~ •!t:~Hai!ih1: I !1l!ril:Uh1!UU;dfl !bii.JhiLtUa!ti:~u~:u1na11u11;(U!!H~~H!l!ll

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I nHn;;r 1r-1 l I i HUii iitUm IP!! nM HHtil i!::un ;;~!I • i HI ! !Ui".i!Fiaiitil! ·n iii. ;j!~•1:1•11111ud'P•ij ! ~~:1:••ihilliJll1 • 1 b a5~•1:•11p•pnf PP'•i i5i•1:1•fhPJHi•i·•1 n:!llj•liH:lfl!!IJHIHU•U11·t1 1 111,.. '1·! ii !d jl!1t!1,H~·l!J.,·,111 5i;d •1:1n~,i!,i .11111 u!d11 1'l!f ,iJ:,~,!,ill1i .~i fd r,· 1 ·,~,1 •'',J .111' 1:.U1·I :1i~!·1·11 · 1~·~·,}li .·1· .1·1 ri• t · l I i) ~ 11 s • If! !) ·~ rr• 1 If I ,.. =J 1~ •r• '" ·· '" :~1 '' t JI ' t•f·t· . 11 ·•ltf · I ~-1 ' ' l•I 11. 1 ;: ti I.' ii~ • 1. §• ~.1 ~r ' 11 ,.~ .. ,. ; ~.r ! . ' fJ f~I. I ~ ... J • . .l .,,,. ··=·'·•ii' ··~ Nm II WA111L 1• THE NEW'P(MT ENSl6NICOSTA MESA NEWSllRVlllE TODAY Legals

~_,_ bllow .,. .... ol ~""" - ., ...... , IOU) AT PUklO SA.La." VOU HUD M IXP\MAT'ION NOnC8 Of TRUe1'D"I IAU OcMr\. Of THI NATUM OF THt PAOCHDNaa MlNH8T YOU, ..._, ~ ...... _ The atrMC addfW and °"* oenwnon dr ...... It YOU SH0UU> CONTACT A LAWYIJ\ nctmoua •11 011 On J*'uert 2. t-. It tO:OO a.m. ~ L.nd Tllll eny, of IN '9111 ~ dMcrlbad abo"9 II purport9d to All rlgtltl, tide and.,,..,_ oor1u1,.cf lo Md now r.ics by ....-- IYAW It Compeny, M duty llPPOll...CS T~ under end put9Uel"ll be: 2218 CMrvtel Ao9d • 8lllboe. ce. It under Mid Deed of fruit In tn. ~ ...._... In Mid n.- to Deed of Trute aecutllCI by Doneld Ooldmen Md 8er9tl THE UNDERSION£0 TfllUSTR OISCl.AfMS ANY County and Sta"9 cM9ctlbed • are clOlnOfolle•"• bvel,.... '*"°"' u: Ann Goldman, ~ end wh • TtWeortorf'9 ...... L IABILITY F OR INCO .... ICT IN"O.. MATIO .. Lot 1. 8loctl P of Traat No. ltl. • f* m11P l1900l'd· c.-.c,..,,...... _ and aecurtty of Commerce 8Mlc .. Bellelldwy, dMlld F'UIRNSHED. ed In 8ooll t1. Pt091 »a fll lll llllNOU. Ltct .. e cal1t•111& llMMad No'lember • • tte2. end '9COl'ded .. I"*""-"' No. 12· Til9I ... Nie le ~ wlthollc ~ OI .,-rW'lty Maipe, In the office of the~,....., ol Miid Pat11W9111p; I* Pieolleir 304435 °" ~- to. tt12. of oftldlll Aeoordl 1n ._ ~ ltlle, po11111fcin or ~IWMCea. Of• to ln­ county. EJaPt tMr9fl'om ._ _...,., 1.4 ..... Avenue, ltllee •2. Coetli omoe of 1n. County Aecotcw of 0r...- County...... o1 turabllty of ... mwurecl II ritflt .,,,... IO .. -~ llM ol Mlee, CA .... Cellfotnla. . TNt totlll amount af .. unpeld bellftoe of Mid Mid lot. IO tt. w..ty 1.4 .... ~ lltlghe J..._,. loull•, 1105 WILL SELL AT PUBllC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST oblgMlorte tooettlW wM\ ~ and...... -.... ooll9 .,,...'° ... ~ ...... Lot,., .. ~ ...... , BIDDER FOR CA~ . ~IEA'S CHEa< OR CS.TFIB> end.,,.... 1a •u•uu.eo. W_..,.,21.80 ... oftM~lt.JO .... offle M. C...... C.--. CHECK (si-yebte mt ltme of_.. lrl lewM moMJ flA a. Thall ~of bfWft ol lllld ~MID h Md.....,_ ~4Mteetal-~S.N ..... DOIWll " ...... United ate•). at: In the rw ~ ol Oonttlu• ... Mid,... property ... ,_died • ...... ,,,,... No.. ,,_.,.. .. f11hl .,,,._ IO ._. ~ llM ol Land Title Company, 10t5 North ttlOO,...... ''°· MM! S...... AM. 31078t on Aug. 20, ttl5. of OMcNil ,._.In ttle OMoe Mid lot Aleo. eiecept IMl•om erir potion~ 1N1ne. CA tcr7tl. C1161totma. °' ..Coul\Cy Aecordef of Orenge County, a... of c:.19or­ below IM llne of ordlnery tligtl .. al ttle ftecMc: "ob•rt A. '-"'IMtdl. YOU ARE IN DEFAUl.T Uf«>EA A DEED Of TRUST OR nla. OcNft. 1-~ ,50. MOATOAGE DATED ~ I , 1812. UNlEl8 YOU TNMIM or s>W1Y conducting ....: COHTINENT Al LANO The ...... ,..._ and OlfW CIOlftl'nOft J11lp 1ll11J11, II .,..,CAlt7tL TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROfl&Ch, rT MAY TrTLE COMPANY. North ...... Ana, ... t015 S...... S.... llJI/, of ... ,...~~..,.,. .. ~ lo "°"4lld J , cau,.r. 146 BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN Caibma 82701, (7t4) 13$-SS75; Man: FOMCl.OSURE be; 2218 CMfwlel "°9d, ..._, CA ,...,._/We.., "*a.co.ea EXPLANATION Of THE NATI.JAE Of THE PMC:&l-.Ge DEPARTMENT. THE UNOERSIOHEO TMIST!E ~ ANY ..... c.-. AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYBl WESTIEAH PAClflC BAHCON», T"*M UA8IUTY FOii IHCOAAECT INfOMIATION """8• llO. TMe~•-­ All rlgl'IU. and ft09 tlh rnw... conv9)'9d to end Mid by BY: Contloenml land T1tte Compeny, Agent TNll ...... ,. made wfltlcM oo ...... , ~ dUOf•d br a llllllted It under Mid Deed of fruit In the propw1y llla.-d In Mid Donne J . Tllorn., Fd. Menegar '90Wdlno 1111ie, p :11 s Ion °' ~ Of •IO ~ part"•''"''· Sl9fted· County and S!Me deecrtbed M: t2/5 t2/t2 12/11 4408 _...,at ...... J. Gu,., Generw PARCEL t : Lot 'n of T'8CI No. "'7. In lhe Qy ol P.,... TAClllH Thall totel amount ol the unpaid MllllCe ol Mid Newpott BMctl, County "' C>ninee...... of obtlgMlot,. toae'f* _..,., edYMcaa, and _., 1111 009lll Tiiie ..... ~ ..... c.llfomla, - per ....., r9COt'ded In looll 30t, NCmC• fW nu8TU'9 aAU L.e9a ... _,._,,.. ...UllOWT and ~ la $ t ,092,2"2.IO. .... ~ '*" °' P8Qe9 40 to 41 lnduet¥9 of M~ ...... In That Notice of and to Orano• County on T.I. ... K~ .,_,. COM K brwfl of lllld o~ tllllClllclfl the ~ °' the County Recolder of Mid County. Mii Mid reef pre>peny..,.. recordM • lrWUfMM T.O. 8eMC£ COMftAHY M c1U1r ....,.... T.,.._ No.• 0.0.,,...., ~'r' EXCEPT ell ol, ol r1ghta. ~ min.el ,...._, 31071on A14 20. t985, of<>fftdel ...... lnlfleOMoeol Fle No. ,Ja under IN tolowlng deea1bed deed ti net WIU 98..l AT natural gee r1ghtl and o9lef hydroc:etbone by the County A9cor def ol Orange Coul\Cy. ,.. of c.-or­ 12/12 tVtt tvte PV8llC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST~ FOR CMK wn1ll09Y« rwwne known th8t may be wtlt*' Of un­ nle. 112 ...... of ANO/OR THE CA1H1ERS OR estTIAED CHECKS der ••Id land, tog«hef wfttl ''W perl)9luel right Tru-.. or P4l"Y conductlog Sale:~ LMd Title SPECIA£0 IN CIVll CODE SECTION 2U4tl (~ at lllCnnGUe ...... drlntng, mining. uplorlng and operetlng therefor Compeny. t0t5 North a.t.ln 9treet, Ser"8 Ana, Celllornla removing aeme Mid lM lime of .... In lewNI moneiy of IM lJnAed Sliatel) all llAm 8TAJWllT and atorlng In .,,d the from 8270t. 1714) 135-5575, Allen: f0,.ECL08URE right. tltle and lntwaet ~ to and now N6d by It un­ tend or olheir land. lnctudlng the right to whlpllOdl DEPARTMENT, WESTERN PACIFJC BANCORP, TNM9 The penona der uld DMd of Treuat In Iha Pf°'*1Y are doing'°"° ..kal11•"" .. H : or dlrectlonalty dr111 and mine from lendl oct. he!..,..,_ BY: Continental Land Title Coml*!Y. Agent, Donna J. deec:ribed: Columbl• Pa'k Ho,,..., than thoM h«elnaboW deeertbed, GM OI' 91111 Wlla. Thoniu. Fcl. Manager TAUSTOR: GEORGE B. DE BEAUMONT, LYLE E. 300t ~~ tunnel• and INftl Into, ttlfough Of ecroea h IUb­ Dat.d: NoYember 21 , HHI& Aed .. DE BEAUMONT. surlaoe of W'9 lend n..lnabovie deec:rtt>ed end to SPS 18189 c...... Celf. t2at. BENEFICIARY: BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TittJST Tt.. W~ Corn· bottom 1ucn ~eel Of dlrectioMly dt1led 12/5 12/12 t2/ t ll NE4408 - II•. tun,,. and atlaftl undef" and ~ or AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION. ,,.,,..., A CellbNa Qenerw ....,,..,....., 3001 Aed .... 1>4tyond the eXW1or llmfq "*9of. end to '9drtl, Aecof'ded Auguat ti, 1117 M "'"'·No. 2t0n In 8ooll ""9LM: MCmCa retunnel. equip, maintain, ~Ir . deepefl end 12331 page 131 of Offictal Recordl In .. offtce °'the T._ Alie. f4-200. C...... ~·••any llUCh welll or mlnee ~ tiowewr, Rec;order of Orenge County; Mid deed of Trual deec::rlbel NOTIC& fW T19USTB'8 aAU eaiw. tal2t. the right to drill, mine, etore, _,.,,. and ~ lfl9 followlng propetty T.&. ... PC t-C ,.,.. eon...ucMon eom.­ lhrOYgh the IUrlllce Of Iha upper 500 ,_ ol the P1tc:.4 t: Lot t5 of T'8CI No. 1117, • lftown on 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO Ffi0#04tV OWNER: peny. A c.- Ne GerierW subaurlace of Mid land, .. ,._,,., In tha Deed m119 recorded In 9ooti 305. Pao- 45. 4', 47. 41. YOU ARE 1H OEl'AULT UNDER A DUD 0# TRUST, P~ t032 N. TUlllM reoorded Mey 30, Ul73 In 8ooll 10720. P-ee 129, 49 and 50 of Mlacalelieoue Mapa. records of DATED SEP. t . 1t7', UHl£88 YOU TAICE ACTIOH TO A¥enUe. Afteflefm, Cafff. Offtdel Reoorda. Orenge County. Calltomla. PROTECT YOUR~ . rT MAY• IOU> AT A '2I07. PARCEL 2-An ~ ~ 1111menttor EJioept ttlelelrom .. ""'-• ol. 0- and'** PU8UC SAU. IF YOU N&D AN !>CJ'\NIAflOH 0# THE '"" t>uell19M .. - pier mooNT .,. .., thl l thll deec:rlption .. mor9 accutale In ~ NATUflE Of THE PAOCE£DtNO AGAINST YOU. YOU ...... ieo.i ENTRANCE TO nfE COUNTY~ 100 CMC ..... Tbe •1119 .,.,_ lllylog Mid land. and ~ be UMd wtlef'I typftg SHOUl.D CONTACT A LAW'YEA. CENTER ONVE WDT. MHTA ANA. CALJflCllfNA .. roo• document8tlon. 2945 pefty deactlbed abcWe le purPof19d to le etlowfl abc>Ye. no _,.,,.., la .,._. .. to "9 oom­ County and .... flll1bed • be 818 Harbor IMnd Dr.- Newpott 8-dl, CA. pl.. eneM Of CO!TednW): The ben*laly urlder Mid LOT ao M TM.cl NO. 1'M7, IN THE CfTY Of -. ~ MACH, A.I NJt MAit MCON>ED lfit ,_._. ....,...,, Deed of T ruec. by ,....,,, of a br-..dl Of daflault lft h ..... THE UNDERSIGNED TRUSTEE DISCLAIMS ANY 417, PAGEi TO H OF 228 U..0- ...... ,.,. LIABILITY FOA INCORRECT IHf'ORMATION FURHl8HED. otltlgettooa MCU'9d tNrMy. he!__,• ...cu•ed and BOOIC 10 ~MAPS, ltTitEOfftea MTHE Beectl.CA..._ That Mid .... II made ~ Of WWTWlty delNered the 111 ...... led • ~ Oedanlelon of Sondra.._ __ ..... COWi_,. '° COUNTY MCON>a M &AID COUNTY. ragardlng tttle. ~ """°" or enoumtinnc., Of .. to tn.. o.rautt and Defnend kw a.. end ~ noaoa of~ aur•blllty of UU. The ...... --°"* ...... ,.,...... nier. 221~··--­ and °' -.ctior'I '° ca&-. .. .,..,...... '° .... Mid port ...... CA-. Thal '°'al amount of the unpeld t*ance of Mid propeny to aatlefy M6d aUgrtklo" end..,...,... er. un- any. of - ,... ~ ...... --.. purported to be: 144 JaamlN a-.. ~. Neiwpoft 9-dl. CA 112121 Thia bueMeM .. OOll­ obhgatlona IOgethet with adVW!cea, and ~ ooec. def'llgned caueed Mid noelce and .-:tlOfl at ..,.. °' '° (ORANGE COUNTY). duc:ted Illy ftwMllct .,,.. and le 123.'nl.27. be recorded AuguM 20, tW • I,_. No. ~ttMO of ••l*'MI The~ Tf'*M 191eclllma fur Ml/ .... Sloned; .....,, ..... That Notlol of bfMCh of a.Id~· and etec:1lon to Otfldal Aecorde In the olftce of the Aaool der of <>r.,,.. ertr...... , Fownlet. NII Mid rM I pre>petty ... recorded• ln*vment No. 84- County: ln00f 19Ctu~ at tn. ..,... addrw end oetw common deelgllllk>n. II any. lhCMn '*9ln. 21 t &45 on Juty 30, t 914, of Ofndel Aecorde In tn. Office of Sa6d s... w4" be made, bu1 wtlhout ~or wan.,._ Tiiie •tilt• ••It - ... 8.td ...... M ,....._ 00' .__.. °' ..,.,_ the County Recoloat of Orenge County, ..._ ot c;.-or. ty, axprw Of~ . ~log .... PCI fen, « en­ 1M1t..,... """ .. ~ Clef\ " ty, l""*9c1, W.. II I I II I. Of en.­ Orenge County on Mow. n. nta c:umbranc:iea., IO pmy ._ ,.,,,..,.'I pMdpal IUfft OI tt. ...,,._or ,...,.'I euti'lbl•ICM. ~ I $ W ti "'9 tMI. T rv .... Ot j)4lr1y oonductlng S..: COi ltll_,... Land TltM noN(a) ..:wed by Mid -.ct ol Trull, ...., .,_. • In lndudlftt ..... _,_ Fiie No. F2tl30SI Mid note prcMded. .,_..., • erir. under .. ...,,.. True9e and ol ..~or.-- i.r Mid Deed .. Tniet. to Company, 10 t5 NOf1'I Main S1r..C. S.. AM, Cellfom6a °' 1V12 1V1t tV• eald Deed of TNll...... end ..,.._ fll .. P9Y ... ,..,,..,... ,...... w"' ...... , 9270t . (7 t 4 ) 835-5575, Atten: FORECLOSURE cMrve9 by Mid Deed of TNlt to wit .,,._...... Wl9I .....,_ 112 ....., DEPARTMENT TrutlMe and of IN ~ cn9ld i.r ... Deed ol Tna. BY Contlnental Lend T1tle Company. Truetee Seid Nie wW be rMld on: frtdeJ, 0...,.. 27, 1• et "**"' ""' A""- 1. 1.... "'""' ptW - • rtennoue • t a 1 1: 30 p.m. In the 1ot1t1y to ._ locMed • IOt loulfl prO\ltded 1n ~ noe.(•> p1ua mm and erir ...... _ of By Donna J . Thom• . Fcl Man-o- bulldlftt 12.118.IS ... ,,....., llAm 8TAI IT Dated Deoember 5, 1915 L_.. Street. Orenge. Celb* ..... TM ~ undllr eSl6cl Deed~ TNTlt Ml r•a•a,. .. The ...,,.... """°" .. Al the tlfM of ._ lrlftlal ~ OI .. noloa, ttle 12/ 12 1211 9 t2/ 21 44311 ecuted and dillto•ed ID tt. ..,,..,...,,.... • --.n dolno "'*,,... • ftallt total _ , of IN Ul\peld ...,._ of ._ CP11•1•0" Ft9di1dl't ~ 41~ .,,._ O.C..•••,,, o.e... and~ for a.. and a ...... aec:ured by the IOo"'9 deecrtbed .... °' "'* and - ~C-..._CA NOTICI M ntUlnrl IAU tlmllted coecs. axpenw, and acNeri09a II laOl.227. t4, NotlCie at Dtld and ~ ID W. The Uridirllllglled caue9d eeld Notloe of and 1282'7. T,...._ ...... , .. It I• l)OMll>'e tllat .. the dine of .... the bMt may o.r.. e.c.or.. 10 W to M OC*llnO recorded .,, ttie oounty .._. ttl9 ,... ll'°'*'Y II tocmed. ,....~~ On Decemti.r 21, t985. et tO:OO A.M. Waetem Pactnc be Ina than IM lotlll lrldetMdlw ctue. o.te: No...... wa. 412 ~ Hamlltol\, Coeta Bane0fP. u duty eppolrltad T~ undW and ~ J erry ParllPI. 21 Tu.ein A¥91\Ue. 8ui. 209, dolno .,_,... • w SOl.D AT PUBLIC SAU. IF YOO HEED AN EXPlAHATION to Deed of Tru« eMCuted by NcMH A. Montour. ~ ~e CIMll. WW.. CA S ant• An a, Cellfornla Of THE NATURE M THE A0AJH8T YOO. ~Co .• ~ (MN PAOC&EDINGS knowr1 M Ole* 0... • Trweor fur tN benefit end ....,,.., ~'115. tV'05. Aw., ._ , .. NewpOf1 YOU 8"0Ul.D CONTACT A LAWYER. Of Ota"iJ9 COM1 Tflrlft and Loen AMOCMltion • o..~. 1Gem Robert F. De WMM...... _CAIMIO. ,.,, rtaf*, ... end ...... ~ to end l'OW N6d by Bel~ . deted ~ 2'2. 1114, and "'911'v­ recorded• Conelltutkln Dr .• Huntington IOI t eountry VW Dr111e. ~LO.., ...O . .. It Uflder Mid Deed flA TNIC In lhe property ~In Mid "*" No. 14-Wt+4 on a111u 1itw 4. tM4, of ol'llolllll a.dl. CAl2MI. Yortla UNM, CA -. 1 '" ,,., or... 0 •• El County end ..... 1111 -- - Recorde In .. <>Moe of .. ~ ...,,. of °'*'18 Thi. buelri..a la con­ TMa buellMM .. ~ TOID.CA--. Lot t...... ,, ""°'No. '"·- per -. rwcotd- CouNy. .... of Celflotnla. d u o tad by a t•neral dwoted by .,. ~•o• Tf"'9 .... 111 .. COft- ...... 17...... of ...... __ WIU SE.LL AT l"UMJC AUCTIOH TO T'HE H9GtUT ...... In .. ""'-... aounty "9oofdef of Mid ~- ~~ S11n ec1 . "•••it "· dUOllM "' ...... M>OEA FOA CAIM, CAlttfUfl CHECtC OR C;eft'UAB> Plrtln, ca.."-'· Dew...... L.0--. ~. CHECK (~ et time al .... In ...._,. ,...,., al ._ Thie ...... ,.,,. ... ,... TNI 11111 &olpt ~ t ...... ,,._,,., •It - .... ,,. '* ...... ,_.,.OHi .. UNeed .....,, It: In h ,.., ~ "' Con9Nflllll ..... County a.ti of ... .. ~ Qlftll" ..... c.._ Qlrl" .. ,...... • ...... ,, llne flA Md Lot, ID Land T-. ~ - t011 N, ....., ...... AN. Oraflt• Co""'Y on Oraflt• Ce•flty Oft Ora•~ C•u"lf Oft tt...~tl ...... , ...... ,.t.IO .... of c-.mla. Drc17"'* t. tM...... ,, 01•-~-- ...... ,...... , ...... YOU AM IN Dll'AULT "'"°"' A ~ M T1llUST CM ...... , ... ,_ .... ,_...... ,..,...... ~ ... d ,..-~· tlfU • .,,. ,.,. UOffTGAOI D4TIO-., tJ. 1.... UM.DI YOU TMI 11111 ttltl... ti/ti 11/tl tl/19 ti/ti Mid ..... Mio, --...... ~ ACTION TO ""°TICT' YOtM "'°'MT"f. IT MAY • 112 .... lit 4GI '" ...... _.._.._

...... N ...= .. ...I wmr.. To ...... ,..----· u a, • ••• ,., 11•• ••• .-..... ,__...... 2 ...... ,..,.a..--;-.w . a~ ,.,...... __...... :g_UML~--­ MMl91AW ..... AL'& a ·. ...- -... ~ ­ .....,ca.t .. ORAJ•~ 88112UM L Mimt...... lllA:ll.... a IK IA& a...... ,,,._. - .., 2 9 ., • •,...... •• 1 f I • .. Tiie ...... I '11 ... _ ...... flJI •• ...... A ...... -·

...... ""' ,. MhfSNUI PC"tl I Ull i::::· ...... ne re11 ....._.v... •c,..... n...... ,.. NCJPW...... ,.CT 5 ' --·· 7 -==r- tor--· 8rowt" ..._ n. ,...... ,.... ••••••I ...... ,...,._~•c• .. __.tn•IMl ..... A ,,. ~ ~...... 89: ...... ON Collfornlo ,.~·::~ DI~ PrOJI,._ • ...... ,.,0... =-~~,._..,. Troct : 04a3, a ~ St,, ...... ~ ...... 3700 ...... lood\CA- Bou...... W*r ~ c.,... :!'at~:: pon -..Ct\, CaHto.-"I• .... oi. ~ ..... CA ...... s. 1301 DD.a It...... - ~A. a...... 1111"'11c9o .....,....._CA__, 22nd Ser-..t, Mow1>ort CCIII; _,..... ,. lood\ CA ..,_, , ~~...-..CA ~ ,,..... v. .... oi. •ertroM L , "r•n. 1 ...... c. ~ S100 ,..,...... ,., 0...... ~eo.\--- -...rt ...... 308. St,, ..... llO. ~ part .... CA-. Newport 8eod\. CA _,_ TNa .....,... .. 0... 9lerft. CA l2llO. ~ V, Dom, n. TMo llluoinool II con­ duceed br • ll1111t ed '100 NINport BMt.. aw. ducted ttr • ll•ll•d partnera"l p , Signed: -. ~ 9-;t\, CA partnoretllp. a19nod. AodMr F, Emery. ...,. T'*'-V...... TlW 1 I liiMC W ll1od .,_ ~ will\ .. CCMfty of ...... TlW I I 1cA - Ned a.. Illy • 9onara1 Oron!~ County on •••••4' ... .. COIMly a.ta °' Docoo•.. s. ,.. ~-...... Jotwl <>r.,..~on Now. Z7, ,,.. MD. F2Ma5 c...... 1116. 12112 1211t 12/a T1lll ..... -· - ll1od ,.. No. F'81131 ..... 0--. Clef1t al 112 4443 1215 . 12/ U , 11/tt Or-.. eou..., Oft ...... 12/29 Nl4t10 M:""°"9.... • .. 1-. W STATE I Y ...... _. Hem.-"..,..Id I JM TM "*°"II pereono U/5, U / U / U11t. 11111 NEM11 --8'Ai I If ...... TM ...... profttna, 901 f ,.,...... NCmlOUe M SlllHI d°"'f ...... - o-- AYO.. Wo1t111ln•tor, CA ..... aTA'I Fl!J 1olld•tod "••ltr. 21 alD. .,....,...... _,...... ,...... ,... LMo. Nllw;MM1 A.-- C~. 9011 dolott lll1telnoo• ••: ...-.CA-...... , •• uu Princeton AYO.. Woet­ ,,,, . 11980-0~ COHDU•d ...... ,...... _ .,....,, CA llllS. Mc..4llO .....,...... llMftt .,...... , Inc,, H fl...... ,....._CA-. ~UM.~ °"Dan..._ --.litWA.M.Cer•:u ..,...... , ...... J. Hllodl .. - Tll9C0..•••11 isa.T~_.._.,.._.._ 0-.- -.. Ceola ..... Mao '••at t11 lfto. lood\ CA-CC.. u•• ~ ",,.,.. ••••• ., ,_ Dllilml. .. • ... CA.c7, (ColUorOllo). 41t0 OGI ... J. .... ~ ...... , ... .. TNa 9Mt1lnw .. W­ ..... ,.., ...... _._,_nitettuto~ ...... -...... -•cted Illy • 101toro1 ..-..CA-...... Diil .... , ...... Mo TNo' J'- ...... C1 JZ I 2 M&t!£2A ...... --= _...... ,...... tM,; ..-: ...... -...... Olllefl .. c..RrA 11•t1 .... ~ ..... _.. ~~. .... fie•• T1lll .. & • ...... N,; WU. -'- AT f\&JC MICTDI TO 1"' ...... c...,?••--• a.ta .. "' ...... t•at ...... TMI _ ...... '°" CA9l CAii... ,. CtCll °" ...... o...... C.••tJ ...... -,.,ti' l a...... - fl ..... 111111111' ...... 0 I lt I. 1t& ,...,.,_ ..... ~a..- 11112 ,.,. 11111 -- ...._..,...... ,~.,Gt _ ls'11 ...... 0.-..0...-..-.... 11. 11112 tll'91atil 1n 4411 ...., Tiie Ct•_.. - ttt1 """'.._ ...... -w ...... 1111 ,.,,. ,.,,, AM.C 8 ..... YOU AM II D9MULT WIDMA Dlm01'-.TCM 11111 ....,. ...~--

N:IUll• I I Ill ,.. - a.. lAgWla .-lfAI I C*lia l IP l II ... HUia. CA HHS; OPI dHted./ -f 8 U•rted ...... :;,·~:-~ - ...... v...... Ltd.. 2m2,.. ~ ...... C.... L80UM Hiia. CA Cout ...... C~ "~1litn1 __ .., .... CA-lacl!W ...... --~.. ' .., 221111-...... , a ...... "" •.. ,, ,.,.. TNI buetfceel .. con· Taro.CA ...... c.._ a.tr .. ,...... ,. 4e111!•0 2 I • : s .., .... Root ns.mp. Crt:oa...... _ -tlla. ..CA wa~ MQJUCIH, ducted by • llmlted <>r-.. c...r. *"· 11, --Df'l~U... _,_,__...._c- .,.,....,. -.,.ct s..- aon. Jr.. 2H12 Wood 1.. StlMolr, El TOfO, CAIQDO. ~ ...... CA 11121; 0. ~,., ..... ~ ...... n... bu1tneee la ...._ ,...... bA_ ...... Corp.. 11121 1 tlH tUS TNI w llecl duc:tld ., M ....,,,, ...... cowiey'*" Clllfll of 12111 ..an TNt ' •• - .. OOft. -.-...... 0.... S9ie'* S.R TlMmJ 4 i . fllcte4 ~J a Halted --..CA._..; Berry Or•111• County on TNa .... _ ...... , ...... -...... JON p ...... ,, Na .... 1s.1• G...... ,_ Pf I CA ..... ~a.ti al 11'9CTITICN9 ~~~ OMt ... _ ...... C...... -....., Ore119e Coulily on .... .u--w ' 11/21 11/21 1215 rllMs ..... Ow ..... , ... The ••••• ~ .. .. c...._ Qortl .. TNa l••seas II con· 12112 ~78 11'9C11110Ue Id II IL I U / 5 ,... No. FtMS14 .,. dolftt ...... '* Dr-.. Cowillr - ..... 1a. d•cted by • 9e11aral ..._ llW8TAtl I 4372 1V11 1V1t 121a ~,...... ,..., , -,...... SigMd: Berry Thi ...... MUS!dH• 17 HI 112 4441 .. ~-.a c ...... -.,...... la doing buelitea• aa:: Pwtner••·. 11'9C1iTIOw ll llf[IM geMf9I ...... 1800 11/21 11/11 11/5 -••• n TNa I c•• - lllad U..8TAI I llR.+MOALMtACIAC n...... ,..,., ...... ~..,.., tV11 NE4111 ..... ~a.ti al ACnnDUe • 1111118 ...... T"9 _... •• ,.,.... GAOU... 1Nl1 YCNOK#· ...... •TIA ~ ..... CA-...... _ Ora"I• County on 1N11...... mt2 s.w. ..._""' n Na .,.. 11. 1flll ere ..... bloiefflele u: Sta ,._ '"'- CA Thl---...... la A. ear., ...... flCftlWWW I I ,.. .. '291142 NEWPORT PACIFIC 12715; Corpoi .... ,...... Me Quel ...... 1-.... Inc., Cetlfcwftle.. 11911 doif'I .....,_ - ~ -8TAT I PRINCIPALS, Ht Se11 ...... CA ...... ,_.._,._CA-.. 11111 1215 12112 ...... Inc. merllt Neuhope, Lid., • .,.... ,.,.... 1V1t NEa97 ...... Drhia...... ~ ... 10I. ... Cellfornl• llmlted .... L...... _1_ ...... ,._CAW715 - dolftt , ...... -= Naospor1 ~ CA '"80: CC:W -.. 11112 s.w. Quel ...... 8-- 500. ~ partnerehlp: 1500 Quell Newport.,_.., CA GllO. Hatteen/ Co11.ret•an/ __ ,...... NEWPORT PACIFIC TtMa l>uetclase ti ~ ...... Ana S...... S-.500. ~ ""- In .,..... 1W ducted ~ • corpou ...... CAllN7. Thie blol•nw Je con­ ...... 1 ...... P"INCIPALS. 311 San Beedl.CA1121m...... ~ •• IJ Cotpoililloil ,...... 1"c. ducted by a general A--ao -... Sull:I la...... 0:1we. sue. ... • • •a a erw..m. 1nc. l•ndmerll Founleln ,..._...... _CA .... Signed: W.l . lrMdau, ...... C. lwnrnwa. pwtnereNp. ~ : A. - .... ,... In .... ~. leac:fl. CA llMIO Velley Pertner1tltp. • .-. ..._., ttCMPw­ Thia ....._. .. con- p, .....~ si.1 IJJ I ~ey Hen.en. 0-al celllornl e generel due. Arll11gton. T•••a ...... TIMI_,.,,.,... ,..,.. w ... nit .....,. - ..., ,..,.... >• ...... ducted by e generel partn~tllp . 1500 ~ell 19012. ,_ ,.._ OMlld ,.,...... ~a.tr"' ... .. cau.w a.- of Tilll •t111111-..Fe1eflt:t - .., Or-oe County on OdlMt' s--. &* 500. ~ ...... County c.rtr al Bert Henein. Z2a:2 &. ~ '° ...... ,.,.. F~·· •Ir brother· 5'gned:. Gener Qartle el er..,.~ °" Hoit 14, 9-dl.CA~ B Toro. CA 21 , 1115 Or-oe County on Nov. 14, c.r..ta Court. Alddaft. ,..,... -. Thie ~ le con­ ll293Q. Al fto. Fl9M4 ...... ~4 11115...... , ...... Thia I I Fi911C - 11eC1 ducted by • llmlted w.11 L eon:i..m.n. T1't ...... 9 , ..... 11121 111• 1V5 Ullt H/H 12/ 5 Ale .... .-i .. County Clarti ot pertnerahlp lendmull ~117.: cira., Orenge. 12112 HE4Sl1 12/ 5 12/ U 12111 w.l9y CA ...... flOllll*cl ..... Orange County on ti/ti 4399 Founteln Valley 112918. 12121 , NE4411 ...... court .. ~ Nau•s• 13, 1115 ....,. &.-­ Partnership, a ~ TNa ~ .. con-­ "*" No. , .. 1UO CMc ,...... F21210S .... .-nca generei per;.seuHp...... , ll-a1ln ducted by • generel c... ,,,...... a... 11 / 21 12/ 5 12/ 12 ....:eeooeca p ertner , By: A. Corey 11'9CmlOUI M 11 1118 ACllllOU8 • LR•ll flO"lll H • r Ill P8l'tl••• sv-t a.rt An•. Callfornla, on 12/lt NE4401 U..8TAW 11 ~ . Gerser1ll Pw1rser. .._n•n 1 ...... Oe:.-..U ...... ~15 T1- fl siereont The tol;:ah• ,..,..... It t4 TN:a • ,..,,,. - .., The..,..,...,...... Thia , I ••II - ._, o'doc* a... 9iOd ._. encs ll.a1111 are dol1i9 bUaflOMe M: .,..-·-~ dc*lo....__~ ..... ~a.tal ....:ll011Ca ...... wllh the COunty a.ti "' ...... -. • 91"1 Mtnettl Wlftery, Inc., BO Dally XVII Aeaa I 'J 1, Uf.. DAllV JMJ' 111 CC n a. Ltd .. Orenge County on No¥ 14, Dr-. Countw °" Nov. 22. ..., ....., f!IC11110Ue .. I I .. 1115. C..-r .._,,,.. ,,...,..,,, ...... _8TA~ 4120 Blrc:fl Streat. ..._ 4t• ...... lereet, Futt. 1.as. for dWlgl d ,... lftould Beedl, CA 92913.. 104, H9uport 8Mdl. CA ...... CA Fie No. f'292118 Fie No. Fa3007 not be ...... Thetolouul"8oorpor&l6ot1 t29IO; John Konwtaer. tt01 ...... tco.Melar. 1907 12/ 5 12/ 1 2 12/ lt PM c.Hen, lrw:.. 290 1215 12112 12111 It .. u.. ordered ... la doing t>uelne11 aa: 12128 NE :-:=·~lwh. per90n CIUlllloft, ...... In .... The tolouent II ckdld by • oorpolllloil. The ...... ,...... Thia l>ualneae le .,._ ftfo ...... _II con, ~ ...... a ... Nw9 ...... ~~..:The PU Ollll-. llilc.; ..... F. dc*lo ...... - EYETEX. CA-t dvot•d by a lllSOlted dtt•t•d by • ll1111ted Fllbric Co.. 15333 Cuhw partn•ratllp . Sl911ed: ,., ... .. on...... ,,...... pftorto... fl ...... TNa IMlltrw re oo. "*914•• •"•~ · Sfped: 0rtwe.. nMe. CA WT14...... Thia CI IMll_._. 700, ...... CA aw.- J . DIMiond c.aeao ...... FMirtc Co.. Inc., 129)• ...... "' • OOl$0flilloii, ... .. c...., a.ti ol ...... _. EMwsw1... lllO- ,... Na. f"2t1m Qlrla 1111$ •Jl - .... 1~ CUlwoW Or-. .,..., Nattoftal Teetiftf Cor· °'*"* ...., .. a. 1flll ...... , a. ol 0...,.. County Oft Nov. , .. HawyT...... lr. ..,.._ Ctwllllo c...... 11111 "'" fl/I CA 92'714 ~ cor­ 11e5 poratton, 0... Newport 12112 tllCllD Ou-.. C-.., on New. 4, o..1 " I' I OClflllkln). AllND.Fm571 PlllEl9 - S...1'0I. ~ .._..ol ...... ,.. Thia 114b4*i!MI.. __ .. oon- 11121 12/ 5 12112 TNa ...... , Mnno. I ' I I I 12/ 5 112112 1t/ 1t 9eedl, CA t2llO IC... a.ti ol ,.....,,.,on ~ ~. OOlpoilillcwl.. ... 12/11 ~ .... c-..r llWeTAi I 1 t tlH 111& 12129 NIE4414 OOlpui ...~ Ora"t• Cou11ty on t/U vlae Fabric Co. . Inc.; TNal ...... 11_ ll-117'M Thi ...... 11/tl ...,..,...... 14.1.. dcMrlg ...... lllgnect Cclfw9d ..... ~ ...... _.. ~ a oorpor.,,1...... :llOTWCa ,... No. F2l22l3 d9ftt. All. 151IO ...... 1111. ACnncMile .. I I I ...... , T.... Corpora. 11'9CTTnOW I Y N 11/21 12/ 5 1211 2 Thia 1111 118flC W lll9Ct ..._8TAI I W..1•..-. CA-. ..&':':':9 .. ttoft; S6ped: ...... llMm 8TAI I 12/11 HE43ll ..... 1 wlltl .. County a.ti Oii The lalloslu4 .....,.. ~Pu ., ll TM lalowe:'8 oa ...... , L.arooe Do41fta• ,.'°"'· 0r.,.. County on Now. 15, ...... _.Fttw a.tnl 111M> Broolltlurat ltH, n.--..oa-,oe ..... TNI t I '*" - -.S l a dolnt bualneu ••: ...... _.SEA 191S. .... t: .. _, .. Cow .... ~a.ti ol LAGUNA SHOAES MM.TY ...... Cll011Ca Wate1:•'*'. CAllllS.. Thia ...... COfto...... fNI Monrowll Ale No. F2t240I Lene, Costa t:he&. CA 0...,.. County Oft Now. 22. co_ •11 .._ P.- Coast 11'9CftT... M111•18 12/5 1 2/ 12 121 1• 121111.. ducted "' .....,,,, •• 1W. ~. u.-- ...... n•n •1 ~ lllllsl.--- CA... mm7; c.a.. Duncal Com 12/28 HE4' 15 ...... G. .... JD11S. ,...... "2113131 CA -1; Wal TliNIN:::e. n...... ,...... LMce ...... lt-a1tm Cow LMe. 0...... CA 1215 12112 12/ 11 lftC.. 1711 Oceu Parti doh11 •ualtteea ••: Tilll I I Ult - ... 11218. HAU.-...... ~a.ti al --· 0.. -· c.Mor- ACTITIOUe M 111 IU 1V211 NE44ZS "oullacl..a...... _ ..-::ttAB. T. THE ...... - - CA...... rt.port llWeTAT I i Jane Rice, 147 E. ....,. CA._ HAU PARTNERI , t1 O Onlnta ~ Oft "°"· 14. n...... cons 0--. Court. .,_ CA Thia ...... COfC. ~C...Drtilo. .. 1115. 12921...... : 1m50...... 9-dl. CA ,... fto. Fan7t The "*'-" --- " ..... ~ ~a OOfpoillloii, ...... ,.... -...• 1 ..,.111on• Co.. Inc.. . "ChiW I I LEI doingTradl 119...... Company - ,IMMd 117 W.....SmMl.• ..... Watt Tltuteehare, 111c...... T. Hll.,110 11/21 11 / 21 11/5 eon Dr.• Old ...... NY ._8TAI i Newport Ce11ter Drive 12112 ..,,, ...... : T.,._ YNrra ProducMon Ptece. ~ T"9 ••••• ,.... ~ Judttfo M ...... lh"""-- Beedl . ~ ... a.c:.-.y ltat~ ...... CA "'°'Gene· Kuti!, 12411 _..._...__THE 8TAT ... '* _.., ~ ... Hblon, ,,,_ 117 TNa •••,.... , ...... - ... "JR PA.. TNE9'•"tP , e LI I• .. .. eu..., Ollllt of Production ,..... ,,...,..,,, c t11et1 .... Tre11. laroo. .... c..._ Qatr al TNa l>Y...... - •au• Flortdl 33511. Cetlfornla 1•11erat U.•twlW Ill Orey C•••tJ o n 8-cf\. CAll2lllO. Ora119e Cown~ on ~ "'"' ...... d .... IUll llW Buddy Httt.-•1nV11-. 5414 ~ 891M:~T-- . Hlltl ,.­ TM9 ~ la oon­ Ncuau-~ . 1- ...... S....P.O...... Thi ...... ,._ ,.... Bloctl. San Dleto. CA ...... ducted by en lndMdu.I. CA 11111 • ... -.,_ Thia 11111 ... - ...., .__ ...... _fl 11/lt 1tlll 1115 Stgned: Robert ... .._, a122. port....._ ..11/H 1211 12112 ..... ~a.ti ol ttle FiottttMa •111• 111 1lt11 ...,., J r Thia~ .. con­ ADtsr M, Mloft...... 11111 ..,..., Orange County on dudM .., joint ...... ,,...... P.O. ftouilfi.. 13. 1W ..... C8Wll •121•1. Mhl Ill I di Ill Thia 11&1 nent - tied .....c ..... ,...... F2'2CM1 wllh ltse County a.ti ot ~ ....__. G. Rice...... ooeTA ..aA, - ..... -·AO I CA HHl.... 9: R9" flCfti I• UI I ...... Dr. c.--. Otll. Orenge County on New 28. Thia ' I Wit_ ... .__.Al I 11121 1215 11112 -. T1- II I C ,.,.,. II 11185 ...... ~ c.rtr ol ...... ,...,. 12111 NECSlf llA .._ mrdl It.. P.O. .. .,...... _...... , TheAK •••._,_ .... tt•m - F'ilaHo.F~ Or-. County Oft *"· 21. ,...... Cl l If t.laO 11e5. -.~ ...... CA •• dofftf ...... a. ••: ~ ...... _ 1215 1 2 1 12 1 2/t t ..... ,. IHM-M40; ...... c. 11'9C1ih0W • ...... Or.,...... 111811 12128 NE4408 ,...... F2ll2llO "°9IN80WS. FAa"'ON ca.u.y °" .....,._.CA_,_ ...... P.O. .... u. ttil. 12/ 5 , 12112. 121 11, tllAND, NEWPORT --n•m " ,...... ~..anca IAcuaw M. Cns1114 ...... 12128 NE4413 ...... ,.._,._ CENTE... NEWPORT n...... ,.,...... ,...... Apt. ACTJTIOU9 •11111•• .....CA 111111DeO IEACH, CA 11110; _,... IMllllW ea: THE , ...... Dr~ c­ ...... CA llW8TAR IT lt.a1lW The,...... _ ...... ~~TED DRY G000e cowvra ..... Cllf.-. "*JC -. Thi tollowlno par'IOn .. ..nc:a d•cted bJ • 1•11era1 OCJNllOMTION. • ~ ~. 211LaJola 'hll b I' I .. oon- ACTITIOUI Ml Ill Dr. • ~ ...... CA ...... ,,.,,... Dr~ c.n-. dc*lo ~ - .JIFP'a 1• oa...,... , .. """'· .., , ..., ...... ~ ..._8TAT c....-...... II.Allio ~ SeMoe. 487 St. TNa \Id llAW la oon­ eMl3;...... , ... - ...... lt.A...... Jt• II Andrewa Rd . Newport Thi...... ,.,.... TNI J ••-... ---~a oa...,...... 111 la ... Dr...... ,,.. ...II J•Wtled 8-:ft, CA 92IU; Joeepi doi ng t>ualne•• ••: a.ti al .... I ,...... _..CA_ v.. en.Lll...... ~ .... c...., •DrJ .... 0.- AoMld Perrlno. 497 St. ~ AMERIC A , A Orant• Cou11ty on ~ T.... bl•"- '9 CiOft...... -- Cloftl Oii ...... Cell. -\. 0-. ~ - OCll 30. cir.- Rd . H9uport 8-:t\. RESTAURANT, 4250 Mar­ ,...... __ ,_ 1a.11111 A...... vtoa ~ ... llllthlfuel. '°' Tilll--- - ... CA l:l9l3 tlngele Wey, Newport , d .... ~~ll~ ducted br an -~­ TMe ~le con­ 8-dl.CA~a..... 1 t/10 1111 U/U ~ta , 111; .._ "* - ...... - tlad TNI 11 =•-Mad ~~~. 1215 ducted by en lndMctual. RMao. 103 8eyatde Or-. 11111 ~ ..... 0.., a.tr al .... ~ Cllf1l ol tttU-- • un H9uport Beed\. CA _, ...... Signed: Joeepi R Pen1no Or•111e C•u11tJ on Ora111• Co•11ty on lawnllo9 M. CM It• Thie~ ta con­ ....., Thia ...... - med ...... flsuao*' 11.. 1• ,...Nori•:••,.. __ ,_ ""' Pih ,.... - ... ducted by M lndtvtfuel. Mftlllll I dll I I RaNo. ,.,.., ..... c...._ Qin fl .. .. County a.ti °' .... 8'AI I Or•nt• County on s.,.aw...... , 11/H 1215 12112 11/H 1111 12112 0ninea~ ...... , ...... BJ 11• _ .... p Ncue::itMt22.1.. Thia ...... - .... TM tall I..,... 11 1V1t NM31it 11119 ....1 1W. ,... No. F2113GS 1 """ the County a.ti al doMt hlln--.:: THE 11 121 11 121 11/I °"'9 P I •c l*'90"' 11121 1215 U /12 Orenge C o1111ty on CAR CA~ COMPANY...... ,...... :llOnCa 12112 an ,...... ••: No~4 . 1115 1747 AftoMIM ...... 0.... tJe ...... 'U JI I Lod.. 12111 NE4403 NIH I ltl I I ...... , ...... _CA_.,; .-... ttoat tic•. it•rtnar9hlp 11'9CTnlJOU9 Hm 11 File No. F2t1211 ...... lufte ~ tt/28 12/ 5 121 12 GoNIMI MenllMft, '*IOI ,,. ..,~ --8TCTTIF I ,...... ".' ...... " ...... - ...... 9'lld\ CA o..-.~ .... JAMa .. MNMllN, ... 12119 NE4* ...... , Tllo tolu•• ,...... ,....,. kc . 1to7 "'""IOUllumeTAfl ··::1 =~ I CA~ ...... 0.... i mI f lrl 0 """'9; Ou. M...... 9etd\...... n:o I lb fl o T--. Corona The .... .,.~ K..-.JM TNa bYllllW ...... CA. llllS; IT.WM c. ltoetwa. 1-.0 ..... lltu 1111,. AYe., C ...... GA 41s1Mlr, CA- ., ACl'mOUe •MUllUE•lall81 dldlld ., - ...... AIM•> °''*'"''' JOit .. Dtsa ..... MUCCI LO. W C.., llllll I Jk I k OOfl· ...... 8 19ned: JOflllMle ~ L.Mt ...... IMeut - ¥11,_.Xvt,) MAMI 8TAW 11 41W•fff ., e ltMlted ...._. "'' 11 0 ,.. JOnt: d) CA...... Ofllllilt..... The ~ peFIOne oe.·11r ,.,_. a.,.. Gt'l9 ...... _. - ~­ ...._ ... tlloll. kC... -.."-,CA ~ANXXW; ... dc*lo .,.,._ - •> TNI •t••••Mll - ... XXtYi •) Ohrer•ffl-4 •--- Pt .... JafW1 ~Ofll ...... _ ...... c.n ...... CA_,, iM1 -ll10t. I OtwerAed ---... Fund fl ..... C.., Fl:tNo.,._ --. ACCRllORlH, delftl ... c:..p.,..aeuM• Oha.... ~F\N 11121 11111 1111 ~tmt.OA­ ,,.._ T. "1liiii.: - ...... C:::...... _CA IX: .. OherAecS .,.,.,..,,. 11111 ...... m A ...... _....._ ._. "., ,.....,. ... °"*'·.... Me.~ 11111 .,,.. 1111 ~ C.O ...... CA --. -tlrfl ..... N SU ...... ) . A ...... l •• li'.WIT'°"I& I• 10111M0t•-•,...__,__an PF•-TOIMtLOf ..ar11 • .,. - ~ t1 l0 M. .., .."" GMnY._aarIll C&L IJ&1t•.,..;•TM1. ...._ ...... n...__GPTMI. 1 OATIDYOU - ,.,..,_• 19i'lw,T .... ._ WMI ATMa - AOtDI• -a.t 10 PNnmDT WMM n 1111\Y • ec..lt ltf A ..-CW:•WIU"'°'=' ••LWWGrTMa· MW CIP - l'IM:IC II na•• ¥OU, ¥0U --U--~A...,._ , ...... o.rt...... _CA_ "tl•-----•-1 t I_,,..._., .. - ...... - ---:• til!ll!!fl ...... ,....,.,._,..,_.,.JS k - ••, ..., ...... __ ._' ...... IHI 21 • W9' ...,, II I e I t llF _. .,...,..._:fllsi4 tt ...... •*tit•• .., ...... ·-•r _._, ...... *'., .,.~~·.:-: __ -Ia: ....a ; ...1•,t;-:. .... u. ... ,...... , ...... _..._...... _Of . .,..,... .P ... -····-~.. f/11~ CU&ef, - ...... _.... ~...... ,W:: ... II '[ ...... ,...... ,..,.,..,...,eu:•a 111, tD,.. .. .-m .. r,..,If,...... _...... , ...... _., , .,,, .. I 41 .... lllllllrrtli..,_Of aldO....OfTNll...... I., .. -~ T,,...... ftu1•11· ,...,.,., .. -.• 1:i0p.M. "' ...... , ......

~,...... OfwWI, Of ...... c .. ---I ...... '°"'~Of ,., ...... __ ...... ,, ...... llt ...... ••lllt ...... ,,. ,_f/I • ...... I I·--- ...... ••rt u., .. or .. ,.,.....,._ ...... ~~.,, ...... ,...... ,.,.0...: o.c ..... ••., V1••...... , I. ,...... •lllld,...... 'AQfte IOV-311"1 By T.O. -- QCSF't'Y, .... ByUMlfiW. 'illf IC ka•f to1 Or-... CA­ P~----a,- 12/l2 ""' ""' ...... , ti/ti ,_Ollllllr ... , •.:•1•1•...... Ill ..... 'IOU AlfE. SN •Mi.T~' -.... A - Ol11'IUIT DATB> 04/1"81...... , U.. ~ 10 &.­ MOTS:T YOUR ..... Mi f , IT IMY • IOU> AT A .-JC..nctl ..C'l'fftl lM II I 11 P\&JC MU.. 'IOU--~ 0/1 'ntR nca• ~TUM Oii THI ,..,.,...... MM_,. YOU. 'IOU The...... ,...... ,..,...... I' ... 8HOULD CONTACT A LA""" ara dOf"I S.UtlRlll M: ,'-- ...... -room• On 11-21... at 1:00 P·"'· ._..., U!WICE tildfl4)'re _, ...cu.., ..... -~-·- COMl'Ntf • ... ••IP*" 1--....,.. . Flnaftetal ...tua, 110 ltAaFIC ICNB E llN • • •JJ '*' T,._ _., ..... IDDwtOfn.IR Ii ...... ,..._ ~0-...... _ ...... fl.,_ WILL l&.L AT ..... no. ..,_, flOIR Pat CAIM, ...... , ... "' -.M .. - 0eM ti TNll .... ,....,_. lw• A ...... ' · II Ll$1' ...... , .... ~..-...-""~"'°"" ,...... ENTRANCE TO THE OPAMel COUNTY OLD ...,_,CA_,. ·-·tNMTat· CML J. TM\IOIO ... COURTHOU8& 111 W. IANTA AM 80ULIVAN>, 1'9'11 LUllR91 le ~ ...... CtAR'Y! MMllllM M'ltMCll AND LOAN AllOCIATIC* . IA#TA //MA. CA ti ...... _. N 1$1' tD d11o t ed ~- a 1enaral swwwMa.a.•tlN• ...... ln.._ end "°"""' 'r It uMtr ~el T.- Ila .. ~ ._,. __ a...... , In .... ca...r. C• :~ 8 M4 ... ._...... ,_.....,... -...... tNNln: TNI I ,..,._.., Pr •t10f9llllt~_...... LOT - Oii TMCT NO - · .. 1Ma-GTY OP ..... c...., Cltftl of I NEwqftT COUNTY Oii ..... A =r.\.. OGltr Om> CW: llACtt, CMMai. Or..- COUl'IW Oil Now . • STATE OI CAI PDlllU. M ltlCMMOll A MMt "AN:& t: , MCON8 SN .aoec·.. ,___ • ~ .. ..,_ UNIT ti THAT cmtfMt OONDO' _ ...... °" INCt.uelYI W.' lllee&LA..ou9 IMN, ~ ..... ,_&WP 7 OM THI 1111. 11111. 11111. 11/11 ...,. 00.D'-.. llLM~FllDNIM.I. tl7I MCOftDI °' mw• ~•• .. 90Gec ttlPIMM 1-.0MCllM.~ llfl/The, ofe.Ntt...... - --..... _,f --...... - ..,=·= ..,... =...... 0...,. NG • THI:-:: ..... °" OOVWWlfTI. be: 121 VIA \'IU.A. NEWl'O'n 9UCM. W ..,.... CONDITION AMO PlaTIHCTtONI 'OR °' ...... The NIWPOflT ~ ~ _,..II t "'*'llll"" ,,_. r a...,...._..,..., ....t•• ,...... --Of ...... ,._ ...... , - 11. 1WI • ..._ 1W MM - QllfllCW. t1111 lllllan. I llfl/, ..,...... _I ...... ,._...... ALDllll... I ·­ -=~•-ar1 .,_.~" ...... ' If Ill otl...... 111.8'8 2 1 ' I .._. ...,.,,.,.,.a .. ,..smot.MYt...... ,...... il09J ...... - the ...... tD . --,. .,_,.. ,_..OP OMCllM.WCIW To-....1•0McCARTUl, -" 111e THI.,... ·wnJ11111 ... MtATIClt OP "'*'..em.... •..., ta n : rr...,. ""_.""' O••· .,...,. ..All~ fl,., ...... C0¥1MA•TI, CONDtTtONI AND ....,ca. """ll.N """'· HNUtCIMtt: .oABICAN IA~ AND LOo\N Cflt\1191. -... RAM AlllOCIAnoN...... Ml2I: .... -.CA-. ""'· !W& , ...... ~war••~=":.: '-W. 9W'/, 3 t I 'Ulf ...(IAIO ''"'HCLAMTIOM ,.. -., AMI Ufl1WIM. MO T.,_• (20lt ~. ..._, , a I 119 _, Clfo. lrOI Vldlle ...... P'W, ..MICml, nr et Ul'Ulf •uP,LIMINTAAY OICLAAATIOft 8* ...... CMda, but ..... JI I ...... ,,...,_ ..... ••lllfoe .. ... 00t.l.!_4lTIY& Y Ill•JJf' •Aln.f... f/11 ..... CIMllM•-.tY. ... ,,, • ...... , ...... 1 2 ,...... o.,.. • ...... ,o...1 ... ..- =====~ · A . P\M PClff .. 2 ...... °" .._ .. ,MC&. ,.,,.,.....,..."' • 1!1114 ... 21 ·---- /JM ~ '""" •tWWWl .. Ne TO .... Dwtef T,_ ...... •• - ·:,~..:...: THI C0MUCMe MM - c-=P I I~ M ofltseT..-..tnd•'9r•••...... WOf =,-:=... IN n«*(I) ...... 'r .... ~ Of 1Nll. .. Wit ...,._,CA. '°"10W9: 12112 ... LOT I OP 1'MICT -. .. 1MI oowrrY Oii at41.M4.0I ...... , ...... Ol''bl-. M'A110/1 c:111 •DllJIJ1o M NR MNt per 8nfMft - ..,...... "' ...... -... peftMI. ....:cm. ... _, ...... ,...... "' ...,__ MCCMl9 ..... - ,___ 11 10 .. ...,,,.~--- ...... IQ• IFWI 0/11111-.UWW 1MN. .. THI -~- ..... 111• lld'f8i:ote. ... Wdlargll...... il 101191et....,t11•to ... OMCe Ofl 1MI OOUNlY ~ Oii .,., COUNTY. be ta1.140• • . ALCDllOUC.._• ••t•• ... ~ 11..-ieit UNn"I 1 '""°"9t •. The ...... , ...... Deed Of Tn.e tM•• .... ua•1• eaMd ...... ll•ON "'*" ...... THI~- P\'./IM Ne THI_...... -~ M'AtlDN. Dec*wlillOI• °' OllMll ...... To M'8ftll It Mey OOftcem __, ML OIL. W - .... Dll!JPMON Notice of o.e..lt _, ...... eo Ill. TM ...... IUO(MAN)8 WTMDll Ne Onml t•aVo. W8. caueed ...... ,...... ~INC . 19...... ,. MTMOUFMG ....1"'WTO .... 'fMI reconllld "' ...... ,.,~It..._... to ttl• De91art.,.ettt ot ...... LMD-TOAl­ DATE! 11.-.. Ncl...... OoMd fJll• ..... 'ftlllLIWl-ft&ll ,M 9'MC9T ~ OOM'NfY. tor •· o " ON aALE F ll?Rt:m .. THI---I• ..,_,,, ...... G8flPAl P\JktC IATM By. !CATHY KING ltl.ACI to ...... IP. - • IOOIC ... Him • OfW&. Mllll ... MOllttMllfl ... .,...... llt 4280 ...,, ...... o..... t1n1•te W•~ , New,..rt tu•••n I M• 1'POil... AOOUIftC* A...... ==•SM AND C-.417-1111 ...... - OWIR 1M1 Wiid:M MWW 1111 11112 11111 11111 ~ BwsillessI Services

~ · ~ 'I~ , . 1. ~· IiJ SERVING THE NEWPORT HARBOR AREA BUll.DEllS r.ATEllll DllAIBIEI ••-zza.1& --- 9 u 727 ...... "OFnNNG: 111.1 ...... AddllSone ...... "°°"' .... , JP9rlll ... • Aemodellig ClllT• • Klel:Nne I ...... _ •T • P.-o Cowra I Dec*8 'A1111J111•11~ ...... ,,..~ 'iLPmr • ...-... • 10,GOO Y.. In llDOk • Door I WlndoW II 11 err~ I I IR'I ,_ ...... ,... too., 0.••1 ,.,...... Cl.Ct I F la' ~...... Wot1I & Low ,.,...... Pr-...... L~17 ~-' , ~,,..,a . n ,..,._ 147-lllO lllallll .., .... ~ ... 250-GllO MINI BLINDS PAim NG PAlml8 PATIGS I [•>£ 111 a.All Nini m'INllllDlllll •1n1.,.1 •rndfy 'ft,,..,~,..,,,.,... SPECIALIZE IN BAY Diel ,. ....1 ...... SUN ROOMS (714) 131-QIO • eomm.ra.t Pllllo CcMr9 (213) a2-2200 ,.... "°°"' Enao.ur. w~io.. ls:Ji Monrovia Awnue, Suna 8 LICENSED ~ Beecfl, Callfofnla 82te3 121-1211 E.ctt DtAL ONE Company ii Ucfll5155 7I0-7201 OwnedMll ...... °'_ ...... WANT RESULTS? ROOFS SHUTIElll RUN AN AD IN OlJR ,,. - mBTillll HOME SERVICE GUIDE • High Q\lllly •Low COllt •• fE • f,_ f:llltT II 11

L~ Coet .._..,_ (Yaar llllilll) auer...... PMIWPS SHUTTERS

Uc'd aa 1111 sow sow IUIWilD.

CUSTOM INSTALLATION '5°"tucredfta.Wlllbte - · ~ ...... '71 H._Tech • 24 "'..,,,..,..,.., C... CI _, CALL KIM 631-8120 Uc'd 5311111 Uct471422 117'""27 Directory of Business Services •Burglar Guards •Electra ...... DA St. a.lf1I ...._.... IS YOUR CAR SAFE ? Our BAYSHORE W M H ANDERSON CHNSTMAS NEW Gin IDEA­ RN .. LV .N ., AIDa. MASONRY Aepelr•. r ..leceMena . htgh tecll tecurlty 1y11ern1 ELECTRIC DECOf'A TING SUAPAISI Your ,.,,,,iy. HOMEMAK9' AVM.. "°" ,...... •• ,.., Celt. Uc. BLOCK I BRIC K 8EAVICI IN2 HOME NUA8..o ... C.An pro1ee1 your c.ar and Comp•• etectrtc.t se03 438771 -- . ~ for JMlca ~ ftoOr. palkla. re-groullng afMf r..,atra. BRICK WORK, am~ll or DWIW.AU I IUINNDE> large IOO. Aef9. 879-3175, Ir.. eetlmetff. Lie No 4481)7• : 582-Tfl. Unique P11Ant I fll1lalnt. Co. caw - N11~ S e rYlce 10 meet .a l t 75t-31to Co!Nft/ ,._ ... organtn uonet ned• lnc:I beet any bid you ... Of' CARPE T UPHOLSTERY • Flt11x• Mtttng up ~ IOf CL EAN I N G SPR ING ~... ~let •ttn. IO mell9 ,... an ., BUY THE BEST I SAVEii °""'· SPEC IAL Hydro•IHm . House Ledl•• Oey1 or -·-...... RESERVE IT TOOAY d et•ll• - tmmec. wlltpap1,... ,.,,..._. oeodOrV9' oeflM any 2 rma EYen1nga Hom" . Offices Split Sauonecr'E~ ho.1MCre.1et1a wHI '*­ 113 50. 5-131 .50 , Sol1 or CondOe I ll, run errenda I plent Pf" rol Utt "• .... ~ 772-70 111 1240/c:ord 815-14-47 - llOO 127.50. Su'*10r dNnlng cate. " lnl In pet f«1lon cell guar. Carpel uphotllery Pem 112.00 per "'. 531- MINI BLINDS CLEANED ~- No hidden cnwge. •nt. CARPET MASTERS ~0- FOR THE HOUOAYS ' •'f"'! , We Come To Your .... GMT.. WT 0# MUSIC DAAINa CLIAftlO aH me. TY"'811"¥a '' 67~ Profeulonal Cteenlftf allltf1ttb1Hu9~ - -MO.,_...·-· .115 I Pfv~~ ,,. Bil.L'S CAAPET SUMCE S etYlce lhorou9h, ...... ,.,...... ftiltwue 1V I '* ,....,... ,,. 0.'*'4eb6e, ofttoe I ,...-,_, M ,...... II ]'] rtf "" & ,..,..,.. No job CM ....7410 ~ .,...... ,....., ...... ~1Qldo ...... ,.,, ...... CAL '8 D"Aftl"118 .,...... MATa ALL MICll .. 10.· ~ releclng - CU91om ... _. ••1fra:a Celllr*I a Counw T0.- CLAlll,.~a 000,...... oU" .,. • ,. ,._ "' 1 - 'r;,::---e 1~ 0uetlll"lllMd. Deelon: A890LUTIU T TIWrT, AIC>,_, ...... 2.ao-n:n ..~ - - ... ·-­ ...... ______... ~ ...... ?a-- , ...... ,.

• U' a ...... 094 ...... - ...... ______--=· .... .5 ~ Pae?...... I. PS -p ... "-a.ms ., ._. ..._.,...., .__ ...... --~&.------...... _...... llH\t ' Cl9--­ 4-~ ..._...... ,...... ,. ...---' 2-. SS Du.... ll -...... -.u ...... uw.ae ...... V'llte- ,,,.$??.... " ...... "'"• ..., c ...... lh-8IU ti1 11t11JI I ..._ ... Daa1 .-elat lerue a ...... ,_, ftL2R I I , ~--,,...... u...... Te ...... ··---"=' ...... · as a • ...... 411-t0f1 ... OK . .. .l•t• Cun_...,....._ ...... lill. ... w I 41. - ...... m1 a s • • ~ ttff'A•T CAila/ CiXii'"" I IUiiiW ...... - LA•ueaA N .... r ••••.__...... ,, ,...... ,.. , ...... \ .,,....,.~ •-•co..-= =--..·..:..... IMJ • NIUf--- u...... J ....,..?-•aD1cm...-...... as ...... I ,,,,.-...... WATUtFltOltT LO•e ...... ,._.,~--1 ... LA._...... m p ...... ,.,.. f_.elltle llASUJtA ,_..,._.....,...... l1i.-k. ~, .... _ ...... ~ ...... ,.. - ...... IJMftM ILMRD01 7 I 631-1120 In •• 12ttk ...... aa11•1d...... ,. ..- ...... WM.,Ll•WOll•(t) •EDROOlf .-ALlf ...... s.-R111ea ltacreett.. - ,..------Clllft ...... _..,...... -.n 6 CllllllC ...... I WlLl CLEA• YOU1' ....,., ....,Cima)...... -.. ea=a= I • H Iii; '" Alf c;.s... P a .. r a' , ...... , 1'WINI.. . 3 ...... • ,, - Legals ..,...::z...COllP-~ ____ ...... ; ,__·;r··-- ., ,... --...... ••• ...... 91 •a.21 •tu ... 0.191.. ,.... - M)Gll wmt Mn...... /Jtllfft Z"" ...., 1 ACflllOW I I 111 Nwt. .... Loe c-t...... FJMtm -II ...... ______,... MW?TU I ~CA~ 11/11 1 1/21 1211 .... TNa I :•:C -111111 .... - Cetttlaeft M, ....._..., 12111 .... The ...... - ...... eo.nr Ctlft ot .,... ,,,...., 11 dol"t IHtefR... ••: Or1n:• Cou"IJ 01t 11471 ...... C..."-­ WAYNE ANAllCML., 1t?3 .... ~CA_.. HClll 1U11 i::::=• 1 ...... 14.1IUI. •EWER Ocea• YI•• - 111..,. nite ...... ~ ne so z ..,_ 11 v~ Fii - '82210 ducted lllJ • --···0 i at••ttect ....." . I YIM, CA m711t Clii .... 11121 t 1121 U / 5 t•A•r•I ..... I e:D 1 - IMllt• .__ ...... llpl* ...... ,,_,,.._I tiof't F~lillc.., Csr .... 12112 ...... l •. .-. H. 91 n•L ...... 18e31 v ...... a.a.e ...... ~11. - ••• t m. lnltRa.CA~ ...... c ... -...... -..cmnca FUMl... ED • .-RtVATI TIM...... ~ ..n. .. OaMllEll'··--­ can "' 421:-. .,...,. a au •• •UROOM/ ..RIVATE fllCOm IUI S::~~ Orlfllil C...., OR .... 14, C!TJ I f . lsl•pw f ~~ ·-...... na'i1 1 1IUI. FA9&LOU9,.._ ...... une tt--...... _, rz ...... ,. 8 &0111 .... .,... ,.. """""' •• ,_..... Enc.. TM ,_.. 14 ,.,..._ .,., T.V. N° I .... SlgltM: W.L. 9t8"•eu Al No. F29227S ~,...._ .,...... ,. . .,. .... R'tl lbnee9 -= t 11'1 11/H 1111 ...... Jicmr aal I - 19 ..-• • IS75 ..._.., Olllr • • LI I • Lo&. 1* I,_._._ 12112 411'8 c••--Ttllll kl .... C•••••l'•"• ••••ll ,...... ,...... ~ . WllliJawpaP """ .. c..._ an "' toe.~...._ CA HCJll--~~!!19 . Or.._. c:...r .. om.er .... nar 1 4 · SEDROOll 1-••t' ~ a....a oa.. lA9lll9-· ...... ,... 21. ,.. "... . TM 1871 Ira' ,.,_ 1 , ,_ ...... •• , •• , ..... c.w ...Ttllll _ ...... CA- _..,..,tr -= ...... ,.. 11/21 1111• 1111 ONI 8'11lnw le_. n&R • s I a .-. .... Ctmllt Gttlll ., - bll flt - ·· • . 12112 ...... ,, E. c...... 0..­ o,.... C..•ty •• ..._ ~ ,....e.,duct•• lllJ ...... • llMU•• .,...... CA-. -. -...... ,new • ._.._ ~Ill ~ ...... A ' S ..,.._, ...... Kac ... ,... ,...,.,_, ,. 2 ., ,,,.,...... ,.,, -• g' ...... - + ...... ,.,, ,,,.. 2 a.••·-~ -...-.1--.c:. t t l lt 11121 1111 llllll?a.CA ..... Wta - ...... 11112 ...., ...... tcalt Dr.. 0.-...... I!'- Si: 3,rn MftMR ?d Ill CA-.--. L --­ - L...... I ...... 1 ' c•1~·· sat.lier• • . 2 Ttle Is? .. ~ A ··---=ftts0 ____$ ... ,,,Ptll?lr p ----..:s 2 .... ~ 0 ...... ~ ...... 1,...... 4Ur.... __...... ~CA-...... o,.... c ...., ...... '.=·:-.= •' Classified

•l!...... - ...... ,_ ...... , .... Femele Room- Mat e ..-.-...... o1a.. 5"£CTACULAA WWI 3 b~U ....._ w,., ORIAT CHRISTMAI NEIMAN OlY MPICS: 1'7t W.mect. Must be IM9C & 9*lore - Oft 5 ... , AKC LHAIA Al'IO BE~St aATH GWTUI RAYA.IC> HMO MOHTMA&. & 1tl0 t.NCE r e•po nal b l e . Sll• r • 1• ...... ,.., ..... ~ bdm\, 2 - cerwNc .. Lafuna NlgU411 beevtlfut mt*9't llily WO¥tM ,.,_ a 011W in­ ~ful El TOfO ho,,,_ aoo aw aeoo PlACIO. $NO, NO. MuNllm ...... tllrovghout. AMUC*t • a.-eioue -... 8'ltlM a Bo, aac11 m . .._ ..._ ...... aas 1nauo. uttwe.. Wiie/,..... ,AMO. .... °"9r. e4&-2135 S12t,OOO. 114--857- ISM A I ry. I( ltcti.1 la truly a Mt1 48'MC 837..aee7 ...... 81 ..... oaelght. Urge ....,.oom (2) SCHWINN 10 SPEED PNCa MOYING· MUIT IEl.ll with flreptace. 8"utlf11I SUPER FumtUe. HIS & HERS BICYCLES I.Ill• ABOVE BEAUTIFU L ... 1 TV, Ceatl ...... '*'9 WHller/ 4tryer UH. Sparkllno 0c.. n View. ~ ~,.,... newt • 100 ~. "SonY' .... B.u.11•1h L A G UNA ( VIC T O RIA Untl ...... __ 2246 Sl35,0llO *'- 111J 21C1111 """· ...... ,,.,..'°'. •JM Sof• lndl Vldeo-aoope()dor T.V. BEACH) CONDO 180 Al.OMA, l.Algi#le ...... , IUllllN TV-· ...... _ .... ,,...... 12.200. ...,,..., " IM!r19 lq. fl. 1 -- CIGlldo. DEGREES OCEMMEW - "-'Y OM*. 213-542...... dllon. 2 am 41 lJJI ..... ~ ' Lltle~....._2 ... ~ "..... · 1o..u.. with ptateeeionel ~ f1IO_. .. , ...... croom. 2 b9lh, 2 •• , • ...... C abinet UH. Rowing guit.rilf (wort!• .... igal ...-. ..,. oall9, .... CllM'9t.I• '"acllln• " AVIT"'" 1140. "50 .. ~ - prl¥ate beth - ....,.""""'•..-.om•.,,....,,.,,. .., IMng '°°"'· .... llM. &- ...... 2 ...... , ...... "'-.... '~192 lftaf 4 ~~ ...... s ...... p.m. 494-4711 4 8BJN)(JM 2MlH•w ...... aoo. ,_,... W ...... T.Y. SY8TBll lngclllc*a,2cs....., ,..,._.._ 171. leftJo garage. Open 9'ou1e ~ ...... 11 W *· Onllle .... ~ lan't ther e anyone wtlo ..... 11a..oea. ~ ,...... , 1100. lllla1rto ,...... ,, ...,..., Sat!hn 10.,.._.pwi. By 9-d\.., ..,.., ...dock ...... 111P 11 ,....._ at the beech? owner. tllt,000. '"' Gre91 lnco.e 8vyt S­ ..... --•nd neecta'° ... • roomn111te. ~s.ia.--. a...... '* 1S7'1. - ~ Prcf 1 ~ *algtlt ._,...... _n11 -.11 .. .,.. 08llr - aoo. ANnouE ""'9llHT ~ wan11 Mme to ell•r• 2 ...... TMAIUM *-AND AM - Made In London - hary bedroom. I .,,... (flt) Martlet --lxtraw.. ..,,,. MCr1floa - ~ 8Al..E: ., - San •ft••· "'°'*" ... CGUr*y-. - '°" 1 ~ I I II Ctlelr-f\. , •••, lout9' COH\ 757-1234 tw ...... CUllOm pod/ ...... , a...... ,...... •111 <>"- ~ - Nell'9r ueed, COit .... ,...,. louttl ~.. 412-10la maaaage. Mperate lftCOfWe ...rt ­ hdf-...... 1175 ... 12115. 4A-Cll01 ...., ... OCll .... 10afft. ment. s.. "'-'er,, 1 w CGMe. a.. - ...,... Ju.t rleM tor r"OU"9 °' LOW"IY LOW•D 110 ·411.-...... - ~ ~--­ ~~ F~.... .,...... _,Low ~ couple. 1130,000.. Anlfque white t · plece ...... ,., """ touchadl fl'11ro9'a1ed iW1ldA &NC> I larM 1 6-'1 - 0WC - .-y~ .r.nos. ~WOOlRUGS ...... E• I ii OOftCI. I,_, ""' ...._ ...... ft11•, 11,740.. horlflce fUtlJi a.. "°'-- ·~ MOo.oo Ing. ....000. - CCMONA DEl. MAR 31111a­ Mltt54 pW - - 2 • .. "*'-· 11&­ 4el-I010 ...... ,,., ,,,..., ~ 11~- lcMG. _,. E.- PCH • 4 ....,_ ..... 4M ...... "'"°...... """· Loosing b a~..,._ w/potenUat do16ble , ... LARG E STUART ROTH GJt. ~ hOft;e io/ OAK AOt.L-TOP DESI(, • 1971 CHEVY llN/ SNI. AEHT· 3 bedrooma. 3 '°' lfacailiol•tf/I Loolt to btMtl. deHlfled. -- "' bldg. Zftd llary. ....__,~ cob T.V., ...-.0, _,,., & 0....--.---...... c:hliWdr-·~·~, mint COllCltlol1 t1.aoo .,..., EJICllllent OOl.-0.1. dryer & dl1rtwaaher. COlfte 141 ,000. Allrlng _.._,. 14111 .,.,...... Mio S450.000.-Malre Otter. &43-IM8 l2,200, tt11 24- ,oot " Sporle ~ut#VI game roomJ PGOI, 4 8EDAOOM 3 BATH fl. ladaa ...ed'I ~ 100 yr"I ..... 1575 ...... ,. - S250 TOAO HOM£ Wind Aow9 OwMrl Ag.ttt 111--543- old. U1e ,_ f76.Mf:I '~- ,.,..., 0M. ORGAN, "Lowt:A'r fUll Y ...... •92-29471 912. ~IO Ired. ""· 2 -.y. 2 ,..,.. eovtPP£0. ~ Cl)f\­ "$£AYO-MATIC" SOLAR -~andlZtr'°"' ...... 8 7'9. ,_. Upgiedad ~ E X OTIC JEWELRY l ~. 12,800 I on.. M­ HOT-WATE:ft SYSTEM No Or... oondllor1. l,UOOI <>-- INll1C111g .....~ C OLLEC TIONI f'AOM Pueno Vallarta Vacation 114-tlltl ...... llque orvan "°"' ... 1eocra 11eo.ooo (pump ~> I ~ ...... PRIVATE ESTATE Diamond $200 Undtt Home 2 bedroom, 2 beth. 9151 -1141 M.000 ... ll.JIO Solllare 3 -C ARATS U °""· ... Cer!Mt~ twae ~ acre --bed Ii~~ ..,.,..,.,.,,, ,. pool. maid. $86 day. POltffS. FlAWlfSSI Ex­ ... ~..._F.0 1.C. I dr--. '300...... ala IO-alrZ 11' " OlASSPAA" '9fr75e0 cellent ftnletl. Valll'9d FOR SAU: LUXURY lqt+hMon .... 1121.!al coat laoft) cer­ 80WAIDIR 110 •• "'"'*'"' tified appr al111 112.0IO VIEW TOWHHOME, Cffo f uaco aeen• . Del $300. Upflgl'lt "---.. DC'f'CU)PEOIA, MW 1186 hor1epower outboard REN T PA L M DESERT LAGUNA NIGUEL MorW Aaally ll»«M N5' greet 1 100 A,_. 5:30 p.m. ••c r lflc• S3 . 500. No CONDO 2 bedroom. Sleep9 1275. ··M19lne11y·· M50. :....~ . (lac • •t t~ dOWn, or 11•1 apklft. EJlt. 7'17-0#. 492--..0 ...... , ... CNlcHrWt d•atera. 8y appointment 6 FrM goll. tennis, pool, Thr" b.ctrooma, lamlty only ...... spa Available Chrlstmaa & ,. 118. .... 131..aeG. • · TW1 llWelcic ... room. vtiew. 2,000 9q. fl. """ U Terry Ta.ue T,...; at ANTIQU E MOHAGANY f71•> 14t·W4 New Years weell9 S750 n.. l>eeclt In Cantamar. FUAHITURf. SOOl42 COMP\.Eff S\'9T"!M ~ ptua OWl'ler .. •'""' 10"ll1•' ...... ,... TABLE & 8 c:n.n, ~ ftud, Ql'tyf -t1,lllWW'11ce ...... Se - Vlelde, CASTLE REALTY. 175cc dirt l*e, TV.,..,. annolre. Clwr)woocl 831-CT73. on «T ,,_ 9"" bo.-r °"'c"-t of dr--.,. 11~> : ....5572 Of XIROX COfl'llllt wltll ~-ICMS. u.s. fWUlll'*"I. Al ...... •te-A25& .,,,.,..,, ~ ••••, 0.. upa. co. ••• ..., ...... meaMge ,.~, s .... 8uMdlng o 111....., ~ 2 Bedl- MOUNTAIN MCI I Uflhliol ...... ""'* TumK9Y~JlllOO. ~. ....149 ., ""'""~~ ­ Cabin In .... IQrelt. Wllh Alpine Pro. 11 ...... 1 yr. propefW gas. For ..... 115 .... "°'* ...... $3!500 ar-swtnc~ ...... old OrtglnllJ 8800. Jor s.'81 ' Enginwlrio "'~ 1200 Oek ~kc••• end w port. Stww _. ~ m llea l rom El T o ro ...... ,""" mo. •1..a112; Ja-4111 'M'fl'\iJl e ~ So~ areas taaen. Cell Rec rallo nal. Slreama. CiedwW f1M-. «*o 5'1· 12911-IO 001, 2 Ckl•"· ...... p.11'1 . 9015 (303) 759-3200. Ext. 2401 tlahtng. s 11.850. tlK ROLEX Prff. wrr.t ~ . Zto-A otn tllW WedgCor Acc eptance 244-3222 ...... ,, ... 11Kt bend wfltl ~IM. ,.,..., I ModaM• FOR ON ~p . , l800 E. ~.· SA&.E: TRAD£ hidden ctelp. Sec.. "400. .... ECllllPt 71...U-3111. DIAMON D BAA HORSE ,, o.n-. co eon.. FOR SALE: REDUCED Aobert ~ 111. . PAOf't:Kf'f. 5 111•001Vi. .. •. G.T . ~ Cumm MADA10 MS8K>H ,.,.._. 9Yli1IM ~ i--...... , ... Antique Gsnwn 3 -1gnt POOl TABLE V'*'t coin F~ REN'T - Of ..... com­ and T.ll. - I ...... 12 "1EJO 4 Bedr-. o.i p r opertlea, or •••lier Vleflne AJlgullMcr & Frwnch ..,.._. 3% Foot a 7 Foot. merdal ~ M-1 - or 5 Bedlooma. 2 ...... , 2' IOOT "CeMury" Pow.­ Ing o r Laguna Beacll. ~O...IS1-4195. • ~ Cloe* circa 1'50...... lop. ....-.. . ·- Cllll*lllY. Al ...... ,_, 0MC ouldrM. MO '""- · ~ti.a...... "'-. p.m.131- 140I...... ,...... ~·~, ,~ ~ prioe. alory...... ,,.._, .... Cell'°' ~·li•..-.t. ~ ~ ...... l.owhour&. &.­ c.. 1• .... 1MO gNI ... 1141 7043. er-..n ...... ,,..1(, ---~ .. 111,,!00/ DI'-' bur .. 1111,.IOD.. llrtrie, ,...... --AM/f"M ..,._ .... Aoant. . .i.m. -... ,,, .. -.... a.. .. lWG Mitt paftou;;•wa Antlq11e1 A f11rnl ture: 517-Crnl ' ' f'iW!dl ~ . ~ COMfl'UTIE9': ADAM MONEY ..,. Europawi Mnt room I PAHOAAMK; vtlEW ...... ,,. '-"' .,.._ ...... ~ tC..OO) _...... ,, S A L E. O WNER 3 --N.B. Mt; bad: cfWllr...... e1 I •••11. -···· ltilnt. TO LOAN dea91. ~· · BEDROOM 3 BATH ...._ SEAV1fW - TenNa. Pool. 120-0192 NI0.00. 4 ...... ns,...... ollW . ,.._I ~1 - · liOf'I Viejo Condo lldJ9clm I', MCUrlty tyNfn ~ 1 ..__.UM* m.-. WNTP15,...~. flaherl'Mft." """" 151 Mu., .... $143,600. FOR S AL E! L A G UNA NO CfE>rT HECE88MY JM dlc*'I ,...... & 10 WNt1. GorgllOI.& s 1200 New •«*laftt lluy. • .... ~engine...... IO 831 -5107 BEA C H 2 MASTER NO INCOME AEaMTa c9*,.. Toe-tMr wttt\ S ~ 1120....,."' ... dllr~lfttlU....,, Ewnlnoe BEDROOM S . 2 BATH woott...... , 2 mmw-Mr* ... IM. Of.- 4IOfl Moi 1. t1 UOCll HOME ! Aro ll Beac h (714) 999-1 144 ...... , Ollill'. °"1-1 COPIER - N1CON 40ll. FOA SAL.E: Hetghta. View! 2 cw Qll'1llll9. 2nd&WHIDIML,.,.. LIU NlW, 3.000 ~. °""· TAAHSFERREDtt $ 159 ,500 499-068 I ~11111··~ Milo.RE>, .... tipper, BEAUTIFUL ,,,.... calff. Catitis inc. DouesrTE F1N1E ART 10-bln aorter, oablnet. "1' Cl M CflNT - DANA .-owr~ ...... PHEASANT CREEi< IU. Bb.,..,. .... tm AHTIOUES C0U.ECTI0H MOOO. .,,., • Moft.-Frt. _...... _ CO N DO. El Toro, L A GU NA BEAC H 3 - ACOUMEO ~ LOHOON ~ ~ll'lable 12% 30 YMI' lb­ BEDROO M . 3 BATH . OV£A Model HOMe lum.. )\ ato-o.ee 15 YEARS .._.l:GOp,m. .ct. 2 &.droom. 2 Bath, CUSTOM HOME, POOL, Widow hel mone, lor Truae NOTMHO UK£ fT prioa. Mng. dlrMrlg. bdrm ~"°" taclll... 189.- J A C UZZ I , DECKS , o..ta - 11a.aao. Upl No IH NEWPORT BEACH! .... Mule a.a. ....,.. 500, 7~ . CANYON & OCEAN V1EW. c,__, ai No pelWly. c.11 1m~22 Now llqulOac.d by PRIV AC Y, 8 10 YARD, Dann6eon Aeaa • tJ l'n- belno RACQUfT CLUB OF RIVINE Co11plM :::., =n.c~"•.ole_. SALE - 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath U N!OUE $425,000. No 7311 colector/ ..,.. - ~ tent Mamberahlp S~ . 800 Ulguna Hll.. con­ btOllers. motivated ...., asoo.oo. 110,IOD. I u••ue oon­ ,..,.. c. ,.,.Wooton a.. 714 MO N45. dltoft do Double garage, POOi. C1 11 Joy(;e 4 78-ALMATIOH PUPS . 4M--01'1. bv•ldable lot. Smahr houM. ~T 8-:fl 11....-,s.111• KfY90AltO to0 dlll* drl"'9 ~ E RFE C T 'OR rotnmerCMtt P'C>P9f1)'. lrUSf ~1 7 CHNS'tMAI ...... _ Blecll / CIMO. auto. etc 1050. ~·~ LEASE OPTION' HOO/ game.. f700 IM-ltt2 White. Al .... '*" '*- ... Ir J' ...... u...... HIWl ...... Jkl~ Tomf - lliW.1• .... MMJuppM-.9rCMNr. ,..._ 04>Mtt•t_...... Aelllfti AIMlit 11.IW .... ,_. ~ ...... , ...... 11-.IOD.. ,,.., .... .,. ..,...... Dr. ,...... ,., _ ...... ,,..., ...... ,.eJll ..... c.....t--•-.•-·- ... .,...... Dr. a... ZlllM...... ,.,, ...... c.-. "71 CAOel.UO MCWC DI WJ.I ,.,.., .....,. 4 .. 11N MUITA•e 2tl ...... COlllVl"'t•LE Of... _, •nn ...... ~ ..... 1171 °CAOIU.AC .... - c.. ' SAILBOAT ltmi1 &ti .. 14 L.ow ...... _ ...... Foot Sall No. 11'1 Witt\ ...... ,...., treller. 11GOlofllr. Good 1115 MUITAMO . PRIVATE 1"VINE CORP. ... ~. 11 ...... HATCHIACIC New tit.. , condltlOn. ~TINO EXECVTIYE, IQNIO I GOOd condltloft, CIHft, ttRUTIGE VEHICLH...... 1.900 71 lllli1 F W Ulle ~clWt-top --•n•1 i. M..-.. 36'8 .. IMP COMblMUOft ..... ,_., • • • OOlldlllft - - · ~ fillll"9/ CNlalnl --,_, AnMcillt ...._ OAC. 1979 C HRYS LER L E, ...... ""'· ,.... .,.... - "fOIWOfA C&IDA • equlpt. EllC B It wtJMIG I. ao...... ,.,rllnty renwn­ BARON WAGON l oeded. RID 'ULLY LOADID triller. 113,llOOI °"9r. lng. Shown by IPP· onfy: Brown wllt'I wood pwiellng If 27 IMOLUDIM8 otMt<#• 855- t:MM lwww ... 1112 Rolla Royce. $3300. ~ condition! ..... ,...... , CORlt.... ("9cll I 8ledt • 840-1115 1tl0 HONDA CMC W'80" ttTt OLDIMOllLI lltec•,: 1111 Merced•• - I ...-ed. alt, M'llflft •Ill t979 20' aeecttcomNr CUTlA9e CrvlW. 290 ft_,.,, CIT..... NOSL; 1N2 Merced.. 1 tl30...V~LRMON --~,...... °"' ...... MAAK CROii , ...... St.llCI. EllOlleflt...... f .... __ ,._ TOYOTA ~ 1111 Mercectel 500 111t CIUCA geliey. .... ' · ltl,,Olt. - l•k• 1!9W. Ml.: cal Oe"4d l:AM-5:PM CONVIRT18ll. loedect. .-.s7l6 ' ...... 18. IU,.RA F•ll ...., . 159-5138 I 1•~101~,,_... 25,000 ...... Ohr...... , .,., .. . ~tM-7171 1tl6 HONDA CRX - L.ow . 1tll OLDIMOaJLt ...... u.. ,. .. ,, ...... 111-7015 mtteaee. deluH AM/FM LI D0· 14 IAtLaOAT/ • CUTLAll OllRA .. ,...... ,..... treller/ hlH ._....,.L 2 ~ TAAOAS 8altl c...-...... M200I ...... _. A 1...... ofter. p,..,... ,.,.,. ._,_..,~,. Good COllJ.. io. 11.JOO. light'*-~ 1.... - ... - llll. .. Dey (714) ...... 1 • .._. 4.000 ,,.._ lt7,500 I belt Q; - tl1.,...... 111. I ... Ing (714) ...... ,. °""'·1111 - M.000 ,,..., W .500 I b.- otter. 9oltl VANS: 1.... Ctievy 1 ton 1tl0 HONDA CIVIC I · 1983 MINMGn' perfect ~ "'· -*'"'811c• .,.. epeed, AM/FM caeeettil, rr ~ ..,.._ ....11n *"" .. 111 wtleel. emnm. power*· t>Oafd/ ~---... & br811-. crulle or1llNI --· -.mg ~lmmlG'°"'*· '"" ...... 111. MO CMDff/ NO CMDIT1 control. tinted 11111 n G-4311 ...... 0.,712~ You .... M. ~ 18MO. 1tl1 OMC - ton m, 4314, t Lnt. - I ._m. '""- , YI, eu1omatlc, Powet POOT TMWL 2 3~· Gtaetroil Certeeft ...... ,,,. n- ... -.mg a lln*-. M\/fm 1 tlO " HONDA" CIVIC Swn.W1...... , ...... ,...... ~ Hlll.-. 1114 -..w ata a~ NOOO· 4te­ .... T-Top-1 W., ,....,. .... STATIONWAOON Sun· 492· 70IS. ~ ...... nos. 1111 C..-lllp ...... 260 HP 110-. oeo. na. •mo ...... ,,,,., ...... ~ ...... MoWle ...... ,, Vlitrtap.4-door...... 3119-3231. ••d ' ...... , •••411... . 1 12.115 laceflont co"clltlOllJ. 1tl7 V.W. OOtffiRI...... , .... •1111 ...... 41T-M41.;.::._ __ ...... ,...... ,,,. __. •• I I ...... CL ASSIC aOAT .... 1W41 .:rn : ,._ "f alrtlner'" 21 ...... ,, 11Goe4 8MW laOl lor ..... 1114 COfWETTE. IMrpl 1.. HONDA CRX ,._. 1.5 ••l- ...... Cnevy mOllOr'L et t.tto. m 1111 Mlllt. Low ""*le· ... "•dltan. Delc o-•oH 1-.. IC, 1a mlil '°' 111-Tnlll Iredell 484-4020 (MmO ,,,,_ °""'. Ml ''"' 1112 OLDIMO•tLI 11S-131-S402 ett.r 1:00 M10G. JolWI d9YI Ut-1120 CvtlHI ,.,,.;.... ., . 1•1 w1.,,.,. I .... LX 8248. p.m. ·--111.• · . 5 yeer ..,,.my. c.w..... o...... 112-6131 ,.. HOftOA ACOON> LX­ ...... " Sidney Sabot" 11• nt 1114 8MW 1 1• UM newt ...... IA. l OADEDI 1.000 ,,._, C• ­ Cenllaf-boud, ...... ~1 l.oedecS. Mlak I Mlak In­ ,. tended~, PGWW ....., ...... newl Jual pal,.... Ml9e - ... 2 doar...... ~ 1NO COAYETTE. DARK ' ~•10,100. tAI OtA OUtlAH Mtllll ewlgrlp. New ...... , .. rootT•---** BlUE MINT CONDmOH. -....S1 ~ Nw mut Ind .... -...... t171 ~ Dlllll. rnonWr I 1111 Stl.ZIO. t.oadld. Low ...... 110.· IMISIJZ I A A .._IMlpl vw boat Ind mat cowara. ... IOO. MS-21tl .._. .... P ...... __ ...... Mt..Ot4T ...... Eli'Minel ...... -..•. QT. .. 1...... fwlty SaHboel Ctlertlra Willlll 0.. ... 1oMM. lpoftl ,Ill ... MMlllTallofMlia .. ... 11•••1111.-et DATSUN...... - ...... 1.-. 2.t BAYL INE ... GRUT ...... Aff ru&Wble 1111 MAZDA IN...... CHRISTMAS OWT. U.. ---...... ad. of room. Ellcmle,. .,...... 1 .o"4 ...... ~ ...... "* hon All --. ,,.,._ ...... ca.- OOflCI. .. ,~ 1tl1 IUtQ( MGM. LTO ...... llor\. 25' CATAUHA, ...... full power. v-•. a ir . W1th .,....,, YH8. 4 ...... SIHOlotter. no.HM S12.500. m.-. I 117- ...... ,.,..._ truek. AMHM 4210 ...... "" OOftdl. 1111~ ...... · 1171 •UtCK LA SM"I 1111 MllttON MAXIMA tioft, alltlMNtlo. caMP9' ...... ,_.....,..llNTID4* ..,, ll 11R&fltl ._..... '791 ...... ''"''•' ...... ,...... 1.,...... ,~ "°'191 .....! ..... t• M** RMIRA Ill­ 1ITI Dlelllll tm..""' .._. ••1FL--· ~ !, ~ • • """"'· 1174 f'OMCttE It ~· ~ ...... OfttMI OWMf. I00,000 ~ 1111 en ...... Good oori •a 1. Cll tor ...... 121 1113 YI ..C') DMC tnt.•m•-•• ..... °"9 (714) ...... ,...... _11.M_... __ __ 1111 VOllltlWAelN 'W •• - ~. ,. full ...... ,.,.. ,,, , '11._..LA.._ ...... °"" ., ll0-4Ut 0,. mocMad (--)~ ...... ('11't IM-l1IO 1tl1 MAZDA 131 - ,,_ flJIRfJA1 W ~ ,.- VOLVO Dl 4.ooor. ..,,,._, LMl!alrwu Elltra ,..,,, ...... IUfMOOf, IOdl9 Md ... ll.IOOWCMMOMLY. ON ...... L .,...... , 0 ..... ••• i. 14.111. -~ ...... R-.ar.a 1· ...T"• C&IS~ . .... clewu. AM"M etereo •11• 111.- ...... ~---. .,. · ...... 1 "'· ...4IOI ...... 1110,. ~RICHE 114 .. •Wl'Q ATI 1117 81** oellerlt COi icll9oi ...... ~ OWi* ..,..., TU"•O. Oor.-ve eott· ...... All. pOWll' 1tl0~ •1 1 ...... cl" k>fll Fvtty i.NM. 1- AMI alecti .,._...,. 5- ...-cf, clotlm"° 1ray. 1 -- 19'7 c:i...... :'I ...... Take -o"9r leaH S241 Mllff, .... ea .. . ..,.._...... N ,000- OWftOI'. S4.000 ,.,.... (PINll ...... montll l)I . Ooreeoua 1W7"'1. Mt/PMC I Power ...... JIO.Mu&I._ LOADED 1MI ...etue ...... ,,.. *· IUIM'OOI, red, ...... -.11n Mada RX7-Gll. 5-epeed. OOllidllDft ...... lllOO...... """' ttll rord tr uoll with S5400 OIO. 111 - II 11 131-1223 1tl1 Pur.-. ... ~ oempot. '16 ton. 41,000 tloftal Cw New.,,.. & ~ ·- ...... OOftdl. GM.AT OM an.Y•ft ,... MAZDA RX71 Fully t • I t MG8· Co"tonl"•· 1m..-.-01 • (".- T,....O., ltllOI 1111 Al ,,.,... _... ,_., ... *"'- UtOO. 1115 Fotd l rOft CO II. l0ed9d. 9t*1I ~ 11 11111 1. _, ..... $231 I fftClfllh. 211--'**•· ...... na... - ~ COndMCM•I ...OIO tt1tT..... ~Mf/" ...... -Cblue.4 ...... 111.mJ ...... 1tJIOI 1tl1 YANAOON CMI Bl gentf91 ...... la 1$ I " Our 1011 )I OUf galnl 111-n4I°"" ...... -.Mall,.. .. "500/otter. • 1811 ... 1 C!M*f UIW ~ '*· C&. 49\Mm h1ctudM ottlor ~ 3116 1171 JAGUNl - .... - ..... tl,IOO I «*". '72- 117'1.. Mll'ICa>ll .... RAWL.Uet a.ooo ...... _ ...... ••"4111•"· 1tD MNAULT. ~ ,. ,...... ~ ..... Ml/PM, lllf...... WW I .....-. Ifft I fWft, .-.1•1 1971 VOLKSWAelM " 1m IMACK RMEMi NA Lota~9'- 1a•or-eo, oe11eUe. lift • CAI 81 ~TOP.._ (p r ll ...... , 1111 JAQUA" XJtl A' bhJI ff 1 11'11 .... I oftlr...... c • ..-. I ,_, DacDa C.., 7 ,_,.. ltoHtlful Met1ou.. 111ly CMIL 1V.-)11·--1f9'aol1- . ... -.11t1 Now lt19lno. AM I ,,. .... cier. SllGO. IS1-a4T WI... ' ...... , ~--.-111 "" 4 ...... ctrM ..,..,...... ,..,...... 111-1- na tional lcout, VI • ...... 2 care: 1111 VW •vt autolfteltc, '""' ..., ...... D&r . .Corl.... ' ...... (12.000Kt 11100 or..._ ,_,_ _ ...... ,. 1111 L.OTU8 ""'°"A ,._. plul ueti for 1114-11 ·.1111. 1171 TOYOTA CILICA. , ... .._.. NA.-; 111:.r. g'9llt Irr.. J , .., ""QeM. 1114 a OOMOO ~e1n ,._. ,,...... _1 ... T...,.. Ford. VI. eutom•tlc, ...... ,...... & Covpe. lt•UllJM411etel AH tlrl ...llfU .._ ...... C)neOWMr, ...... IUIM'OOf, ... 111'1 ~VIII V- ~ Rnr• . -.ooo ,0.., 11 ..,_ 1UOO c:IWI. pk*up. ... - 1 ...... NM'M _... rotlftal MIMI . ...._..., .,...... C.-l.•• ...... ,...... OCMMllUOfl. 11.000 ~"'*' · 1111 MUITANG CoM.-M ...... ,..., ...... 111.· ...... V•I , - ­ .. - tu00 I «*" """*'·'-'.,...... CONYE"Ttlla ...... 1'111111 --- . , ...... 1.,...... •111 ....,,.... 500. - ...... ,.... .peeci I0.000 ...... -­ ,..... cm.-. .... ---·= 1114 AUDI tQx ..._.,, Olllrlt oon• "'·beJe dllr. · 1H1 FIAT S PIDI " =1114 CAOU.AC IEY1U.E MIMd.~. 9119 ...... 0...... 1• v.w. .,...... l ..:. OOOd J ...... at ,._ ..... (ootor). Fully -·- CONV8"19LE. 5-apoed. •t . 417.U01...... ,,, ..... ,...... loedldl ...... Low .,....,.,,..,.... . 1t11 I fm lllpe., good OOfl­ Ill\. Allldlle ,...... , °""~-.·.. ,..,...... ""' ...... ,. condlllOI•· 111.· 1173 T -81rd aoocl all dMlonl 13.411 I oft9' 411- lo...... Cf/I • .... .,...... ewee 500 l ofter etO&lfld town ...... ,,, (,,... 111t 4IOIL M9'Coffl. ~• .,....,.,, ol ll"lflP. 1114 TOYOTA SMlllB 5'11 Al,_, AM I , .. Ttltl•...._...... ,. tl10 GIMC NO 4 ..... " ...... True ...... ,...... _ C ASSETTE . POWI " 112~1:.n aecller 1toreo. 811r9ler ltidMO I WKD 11.· - ... "*' ..... ,...... , De 1111~ --...... ,m, Nt. ~ 124.000! 500 ~ 112.?GO "'"'· ti I 411&.,... Oft9'. H1·1111 Ot U1· eo.no1 cll9* ..,.,. __1-~--M'_""",,_ ...... ,_,.., 1400...... ,, ,_. 11

~ ...... The first in our series of feature homes is located on P op­ py in Corona dcl Mar - a tree lined street that initiates the Home The Week natural setting so evident once Of the home is entered. "The home is on the single family residence side of the street - facing a canyon. The patio and back side of the home opens onto the canyon and you can watch the animals scamper t room faces the patio and the canyon. Solid oak cabinets begin in the kitchen and continue throughout the home. The bac'kyard h as three _ terraces which consists of a com­ bination of brick and grassy areas. " There is plenty of room for a pool. The landscaping will carry on the natural theme that is created by the canyon and sur­ rounding wooded areas." said Hopper There is a feeling o f spaciousnes'i in the home that is created by raised ceilings in every room. The home has solid <>ta bility: it has been built to en­ dure. The walls are 'ii~ and eight inches thick . The home has four bedrooms; o ne large master suite is located downsta irs. A solid oak stairwell leads to the home's very large se­ cond story . The upstair's master suite is secluded from the rest of the home. It ha~ a fireplace, a sun­ ning deck. ht~ and her closets. and a bat hroom that h as l

- -~---- ···------lu,h carpeting and ceramic tile 1hroughout the home inch~ing t he;: rowdcrroom. a security ,, ,rem. a built-in telephone ... ~,1t:m with an inter-com inach r~wm. rrivutc patios on the ca­ "' on side of the home and a ,[lrinkler system. 111111 M H"EEll ..... II .. kMll IM HIS I 11111-IFI II ..... ·· The home is bnmd new and it "'II he completely landscaped in .1h11u1 a week." said Hopper.

The home with its ap­ f'rtl\ 1matc .1100 square feet is ,,lUated on a 40 by 200 1quare foot R I canyon lot; it is telling f11r $650.000. ·A variety of terms arc avai lable. bccausethe proper­ ty j, clear. So, Hopper says, .. Suhmit all offers - we'll be ahlc 10 work something out!' The home. located at 616 Poppy 1n Ct>rona del Mar. ii lilted with Chri.; Hopper, Corona del Mar "' . ProJ'crties and Crown Realty 1 :ind I nvcstments.

Corona del Mar Properties " Q IF 'flt:l'1.ili1es in Corona def Mar, PFlli .. II ...... llirl IF 11 I \\hen 11nly Corona dd Mar will ...... ssal Si illlll zm ...... d11. l'.111 Corona del Mar Proper- 11c' .11 671-8494 - your villqc rcah11r for the put 25 ! rs or dror h~ thei r ofTtee at 34o1 East ( """ I I1 g_h._way. Crown Realty .ind Investments specializes in hu,1nc" opportunities.

I ~o.r od appears iii The Newport Eftsip. COila Maa N-s. Irvine Todey aod Saturdiiy En- I ·------·I ...,... I z No bpirab O.te I ,Place your Claauaed Ad by mail I No- fxphtioft o.te I : Na.- I or call 631-8120 : Aclilw I Fill out and return to: I Cly Zip Code I : fttaRt Publkation Date I The Newport Ensign I $ &tdoled 0 •me. I 883 Production Place I Number°' 11mes I Newport Beach, CA 92663 I I I I I i I I ; I I • I PAY FOR 3 - GET ONE FREE! I I I 5 I I 6 I ruM four consecutive weeks... I 1 I Ad fourth week free • I : 1···. ·.. .' I 10 I I 11 I I I . I 12 I C'OP\ DEADLINE: J PM MO~DA \ I 13 I RATES: I 14 I I 1s I I week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks I 16 I 3 lines S8.S8 s 11.64 $14.34 $16.44 I I 41ines $10.44 $14.52 $18.12 $20.92 I i1 I 5 lines $12.30 $1 7.40 $21.90 $25.40 I ,ts I 6 lines $14.16 $20.28 S2S.68 $29.88 I 19 I 7 lines $16.02 $23. 16 $29.46 $34.36 I ., I 1------~----~------~------·~~-~---~ ••••

Chr...,.._ bJ Ille fire. Overaized uMd brick flrepl9ce. Warm hardwood floors, 2 bedroom, den, 2 bath, ape. oceen view terrace. covered patio, all very well built One block to Ocean Blvd.I 134$.000 Reducedl

Walk to Albert9ofte end Mi Cof1•I One tong bk>ck away from the neatest provincial duplex In the vtta.get 2 large bedrooma, den and 2 baths In your home, • full studio for gu.ta, auper sized one bedroom for Income, 40' lot tool Sehr-Realtor finan­ cing. Special price of $395,000 (Principals)

- ...,.,,,, •• bt ··- CPI •at Clll Mlch11I a.tone at ('1.14)955-:2105 am--- WES I EM COUNTIES MORTGAGE T_...... ,...... (TJ4)141·1111 • ·

• note from ll•urr

. A cozy ~With atone tnptw, beam celllnaa. •nny pdo, met comer locatlon. Income - nice 2 bedroom apaibiMMl cozv • -- ARTIST'S HOME Built by an wchn.ct & lmprcw9d by M ...._ Prov:di1 a home tor enjoymbl111vtng. cathedr91 Cllllnga a lkVlltltlt flrepllCI, Mrdwood tloora. 2 patloe. prNate b11ch. ~btile ao.n. See ltl . ATONLYtll....

.. ·... BAYCRB8T ...PORT TIWLQ - PNCU ML.OW llAMmT - Ju.a2 bdrm on .of 2 ocwtftontbe be9dt co·beech, 11 .no Md ...... two ==-=_,·A unllll. '*9 n.. t and clean wtlh new_,, .. & rod. A..,.... opJMW• tunlty priced for fllM _.. 81JUlt1175-000. 111.·,400 OLD WON.I> CHARM ON aAUOA ..U• - A bright and aunny 2 bdrm cottage. Sold oompl.. ltj fur­ nished, rent or use for vacation property, tlrrlftc klca­ IN CCMNMIA Dll. llM - ~ w ttlll =- & - .... hon. $275.000. 873-8900 __..-...3 ~ fop ..... 1oor a...~ a-.,,...... P9'••*. ._.. 2 bdrtn2be& ...... , ...... FIXER IN BEAUTIFUL NllWPORT MUGH80RHOOD Mlpl9 per"'"9 8nd lft .._ rtWI" ...~ . Dr••oll) - This Lender repo priced weft under competition r9duced to 1111.000. •1-1400 needs a paint brush and plenty of TLC. Large 4 bdrm, 3 ba, with family room, library & cuatom pool In weft •AUOA ••I.MID u•u•UAU.Y 8PACIOU8 - planned yard. $279,900. 873-8900 Neld9fa on twoM Iola:,,...... ~_., to two etof'y 4bdrm a fMilr fWL A.,.._....,_ EXCITEMENT ON PENINSULA '°'NT - with new with ..., ...... oe.m, ~ ..... ,...._, Quiet restaurants. new shope & of course Ruby's on the pier. ,...... , ...... , ...... l'erry Md IMpe.· 2 bdrm. den and 2 bath reedy to move Into and enjoy. seee.ooo. u1-1400,. ~ Sold complete with fabuk>us furnishings & decor and terrific view. Security bldg. $289,000. 631-1400 8C»tltSncATD CUITOll OCllANnotrT - A ~Ing 3 lltoty OCM...,,..wy In qullll ._ ol PENINSULA POINT WITH LOT• Of POTUITIAL - ....por" .. AJmoet llOO eq.. ft., lftdudlne 4 ...... great location dose to bay and ocean beachel. Two and den, fduloue tllldlen, 2 ~ o1• •·Myllglll & story 4 bdrm with be.med ceilings, patio and private 3rd floor ~ ..... wtth unforgettllble .... ~ sun deck on large lot with peek-a-boo ocean view from 000. 831-1400 kitchen window. $339,000. 631-1400 AN ADDM• wmt llM8Tl8m - Newport Hllfbot 11 CLIFFHAVEN - Superb views of Newport Center aprMd et your fMt from ,.. .--.. bllloony ol 11111 skyline. Large bonus room compliments this 2 7th floor lu:xurtow 2 bdrm condo. _._decol 1a1d bedroom home. 2-story 2 fireplaces & a large lot In a wtth betber carpeting & tmpecable ...... Poot, .... quiet location. $395.000. 631 -1400 24 hr. MCurity-- doormM. 1835,000. 831-1400

NEWPOATS WEST aAY AVENUE - an lntrlguelng property with many posalbllitles. Presently used u a duplex. the owners unit with two story ltvlng room, for­ .... ON UOO - A one 11ory home on an -­ mal dining & some bay view. Can be 4 bdrm home CK 3 street k> ..,... IOl Open & "'"'..... floor plM .-1· bdrm home with Income unit. Close to elementary bdrm & den IUfJ'OUndtng a charming aouth pllllo ... school. 10th St. bay beach & ooean. Call to see this one. gu BBQ. ~ dining room & tun.porch. Coay fp1 Well prrced at $395,000. 631 -1 400 beamed cellnga edd chllrm and dw9dlf. 1435,000. 631-1400 BALBOA ISLAND, CHEERFUL A CHARMING - A 4 bdrm family home (can be 3 & bach unit) with cozy pine panelled living room. bit In bo<*ahetves & woodburning F P .. High balafK:e uaumabfe loan, wefl priced at $397.500. 673-6900

MODEL PERFECT IN IRVINE TERRACE - A beautrfully decorated, charming home. 3 bdrms & den with 3 fps. small views from living & formal dining rooms Handsome landscaping enhances both the swimming pool and play area. Priced at $435,oocf. 6:f1- 1400

NEWPORT BAYfRONT - A very well built one story, 4 bdrm, 3V1 bath, home with family room and laiand kitchen, plus spacious secluded patio leedlng to your own dock for 40' boat. In exclusive OoYer Shores. Now prrces at (LH) $495,000. 631- 1400

BAYFRONT NNTHOUM - spectacular v'8w9 of Newport Harbor from this apack>us. newty carpeted, 2 bdrm & den with wet bar, laundry room and large bak:onles. Dock possible for 50' boat. $525,000. 831- Nl••tr...A "*'f OC8AlllPllOllT - A I bdnn.,.... 1400 ~ property lft • ....., oorw laD91on • ...... , .. llolnL ...,.. ..,..,.,., OCEANFRONT DUPLEX - CORNER In quiet area of ....gtortoua ~_.la ...... '1.-000. •t-1 Newp«t. Immaculate 3 & 2 bedroom unlta, both wtth ··=----- .... fireplaces. Upper has xtra large master suite with prrvate balcony and back stairs. Both have aenaatJonal white water & sunl8t ~ews . Great for an owner occu­ pant. $595,000. 673-6900

BEST OF BALBOA ON POINT - Fabulous Bay VIEW home with unique floor plan. Dramatic living room and dining areas + lovely kitchen. Superb master suite with private deck includes sauna. Three totaJ bedrooms and , . spacious mterrors offer comfortable living and euy entertaining $595,000 631-1400

fftVINE .TERRACE - SENSATIONAL Vll!Wa - A most attractive large famlly home with a beautlfuf cuatom pool in the courtyard entry. Spacious and open with 4 bdrms. 4 Y1 baths. family and formal dining rooma & upgraded kitchen. Cloee up vlst.. of all ~ Harbor ectJon. Owner needs fut sale. $595,000. 831-1400 . • WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REALTORS· Sain. Rmtalt, Property Mana11rN1ll -