Fox News Host to Broadcast from Campus

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Fox News Host to Broadcast from Campus A OM A few good Zen Take a l ok into yoga, enlightenment and Riccio leads No. 4 Hens to 24-6 other aspects of Zen Buddhi m and its victory against West Chester popularity with tudents and residents. Sports/ B6 Mosaic I Bl Tuesdays The news source of & Friday the Blue Hens FREE 250 Perkins Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Volume I J I, Issue 6 11 '11 '11 ' re1 ·ie11 ut!e/. ed/1 Tuesday September 21 , 2004 Fox News host to broadcast from campus BY BROOK PATIER 0 University of Delaware." "The 24/7 news stations arc accustomed to all the issues surrounding Afanagwg News Edaor There are the usual "hardy perennial" issues this election," Snow satd . "Regular Ameticans don't usually focus on elec­ Pressing issues surrounding the upcoming presidential election w ill that pop up every election year that voters should tions until September or October. The debates wi ll be the ftrst time some come to campus Wednesday when Fox News radio host Tony Snow be especially concemed wi th, he said. people will focus on the election." broadcasts hi s nationally syndicated "The Tony Snow Show" from "Of course everyone should be concemed No one group can be singled out as the most irnpo1tant decision mak­ Mitchell Ha ll. with national securi ty and the economy," Snow ers·in the election. he said, the voting blocks are more di verse th an Snow sa id he anticipates showin g audi ence members the "gri zzly said, "but the rea l 'gau:z;er' issue is the spirit of in the past. rea li ty of talk radio," whi le di cussing hot news topi cs, taking calls from America. However, Snow said, there is a national consensus on many iss (t cs, . li steners, answering questions from audien e members and hosting special " apitol Hill has become a place that is fu ll but no group wi ll completely dominate t.h e political scene . ca ll-in gliC t · from the Washington political scene. ofbitter and snarky p ople. I' d like to ee the peo­ "Politicall y acti ve groups do have an impact, but not as much in this The visit to the liniversity comes in th e midst of a nation-wide cam­ p le on Capitol Hill conn ect more wi th the election as wid1 others," he said. pu s tour Snow said he hopes wi ll encourage politica l di scourse across col­ American people." The vi ~ it to campus, Snow ·said, should be engaging and interesting lege campuses. Although President George W. Bush is lead­ for students, faculty and community members. " I' m an old po liti cal veteran," he said. "J hope to shoot some politi­ ing in many of the po ll s, Snow said it .is still hard " I hope li steners willleam a thing or two, teach me a thing or two and cal views, and have some sh t at me fi·om the students, all while having to predict w hat the outcome of the election wil l Tony Snow have a great time doin g it," he said . fun in the process." · be. Asid e from Snow's radio show, he is featured on "Weekend Live wi th o ll ege-aged students will impact th e upcoming electi on, he said, but The upcoming presidential debates afe Tony Snow," on the Fox News network and was also a former newspaper not as much as the election will a fTect students. impo1tant and will be indicative of which direction the election will go, he writer and a White House spcechwriting director. " It's hard to say what kind of impact t11 ey w ill have," Snow said, "but said. lfyou go: Wed. Sept. 22. 9 a. m.-noon in Mitchell flail. Doors open at 1 gllarantce the outcome of the election will have a hu ge impa£t on the "John Keny has had problems nailing down iss.ues," he said . 8:30; Of~ qfirst come first seated basis. I DECISION* 2004 I Candidates·debate use of non-profit campaign advertising BY MONICA SlMMONS on the A merican Public," he said. " A ll Copy Edil or th ese groups a re overwhe lmingly palti­ A U.S. di stri c t court rejected san, and thus, it i hard to determ ine President George W. Bush's request wheth er they are simply a loophole .or Sept. 16 [o r a crackdown on ind epend­ not. " ent advocacy groups, Federal Electi on A ll groups must ti le a report to the Commi sion offi cials said. Intern al Revenue Service once a month, T hi 'is President Bush 's 'econd Weiss sa id. Thi s monitors their funding request sin ce May for the FE to tight­ and its origi ns to prevent coordina ti on en it restricti ons on 52'7 groups. inde­ bctwcen' the campaigns and a specifi c pendentl y opera ted political groups 527 group. named fo r the section of the ta,'l. code While Bush ba ' spent most of this that governs them. election year fi ghting again t 527 As a resul t of the Bipartisan group , pro-Kerry groups have been Campa ign Reform Act of _ 02, com­ working hard to ra ise funds, We iss said. monly call ed th e Me ain-Fein gold Act, The top two 527 groups, Media fund THE REV tEW/Jenn a M3ple which banned candidates from using and America Coming Together, have Jane Tamassia gets her face painted during the 33rd annual Newark Community Day Sunday, which was soft or nonfederal money toward their raised a combined $55 milli on. held in conjunction with Freshman Parents Weekend. campaign, 527 groups have pla y~ d a "T here has been a certain amount greater role i'n th e presid enti al electi on. of pani among Republicans in th e last teven Wei s, communications see SOFf page A2 director for the Center for Respon ·ivc Politics, said 527 groups are poli1ical City celebrates Community Day action committees that operate separate Biggest 'soft' contributers from candidates and poli ti cal parties and can collect an unlimited amount of university and surrounding high schools contest, he said. T he grand prize winner BY SARA HASYN donations, or soft money. Pro-Bush Staff Reporter participated in the even t, he said. received $ 100. " The McCain-Feingold Act forever League ofConservati\e Voter: The 33rd annual Newark "We are ve1y thankful for the This is the second year the al li ance $2,g04,000 ommunity Day, an event that bri ngs the amount of volunteers that make this pos- has participated in Community Day, changed the way American campaigns can be run," he said. ''All those donors Progress for America city and the university together, wa held sible," Spadafi no said. Smitb said, because previously, the $2,266,8 10 who us ed to be able to pour soft m ney Sunday. Jeff ·Smitb, a ·volunteer with the group held its own separate festival. College Republicans National Blue and yell ow ba ll oons lined Newark A rts Alli ance, said the organiza­ " We are dbing everything w e into campaigns are now donating to 52 7 Committee Main Street and hundreds of booths were tion participated in the festivities with a always did and more at previous A1t s group in hope of influencing the elec­ $3,647,093 set up across the Green as vendor. old parade titled, "A Proc_c sion of Fins and Alliance Festiva ls but now joining with tion." Club for Growth baked goods, bomeniatle items and art­ Feathers." the co1'11munity day," he said. As of Sept.. 12, 527 groups had $5,538,847 work to the Newark community. The people involved with the Spadafino said the event was held raised a combined $240 million dollars, Children were entertained by activi­ parade have attended many costume on the same weekend as Fre bman Weiss said . l.'Lo=.Kml' ties such as miniature golf and a moon making workshops to design their ani­ Parents Weekend. While the courts have not deter­ Media Fund bounce as li ve music played throughout mal costume , he said. "Three years ago it was a coinci­ mined whether 527 groups arc violating $2!!, 127 ,48!! the day. Smid1 said the All iance sponsored a dence that the same weekend wa campa ign finance laws, he said most of America Coming Together Joe padaJino, recreation uperin­ noise-making contest on the Green, Freshman Parents Weekend and the $26,905, 450 tendent for the City of Newark Parks and where people were given a chance to respon e was overwhelming," )l e said. the donations stem from r)li lli onaires w ho have donated to pro-Kerry 527 Recreation Department, said this year make or bring their own noi semakers. " It g ives parents that are not from $9,086,102 there were more than 300 vendors, com­ The all!lual chalk festival was also Newark a chance to see what the city has groups. New Democrat Network "T he political leanings of tho¥ munity information groups afld three organized by the All i a ti ce ~ where people to offer. " $7,172,070 stages for live music. purchased sidewalk ~pace on Main Freshman Alli son Provenzale financially upporting 527 groups hea~ - Centerfor Responsive Politics More than 100 volunteers from the Street and entered the chalk-drawing ily inGuence the impact of each group ee NEWARK page A4 Faculty Senate ponders implementing grade quotas BY RENEE GORMA ident to gu ide the di cu'ssion and to induce the Faculty Senate floor by February or March of Something should be done about grade infla­ Staff R•porter change, although he is not ncce sarily campaigning 2005 .
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