BEAST of REVELATION Other Books by Kenneth L
THE BEAST OF REVELATION Other books by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. The Christian Case Against Abortion, 1982, rev. 1989 i’?z.e ChanLrrnatic Gij of Prophq: A &formed Response to Wap Gru&m, 1986, rev. 1989 7% Christian and Al~oholic Beoerages: A Biblical Perspective, 1986, rev. 1989 Be@re Jmalem Fed: Dating the Book of Revelation, 1989 House Divided: I’7ze Break-up of Dispensatwnal 17wology (with Greg. L. Bahnsen), 1989 7Ze Greatness of the Great Commisswn: 7%z Chtitian Enkr@se in a Fallen World, 1993 He Shall Haw Do~inwn: A Postmillennial Eschutology, 1992 Lord oftb Saved: Getting to the Heart of the Lordship Debate, 1992 God3 Law in the Modern World: l%e Continuing Relevance ~ Old T~tament Law, 1993 Contributions tcx David L. Bender, cd., i’h Weljare State: Opposing Viewpoints, 1982. Gary North, cd., Tkeonomy: An Inzrzwd Response, 1992 THE BEAST OF REVELATION Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. Institute for Christian Economics Tyler, Texas Publisher’s Preface G 1989 by Gary North Copyright ‘1989 by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., Th.D. Second printing with corrections, 1994. All rights reserved, No part of this publication maybe reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior, written permission of the publisher. For itior- mation, address D minion Press, Publishers, Post OffIce Box 8204, Fort Worth, Texas 76124. Unless otherwise noted Scripture quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, ‘The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973.
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