Legislative Assembly Hansard 1955
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Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 30 AUGUST 1955 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 146 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. TUESDAY, 30 AUGUST, 1955. '' 3. The question of responsibility for paymPnt is entirely a matter for legal opinion in the light of the particular circumstances of any such case.'' Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. .J. H. Manu, Brisbane) took the chair at 11 a.m. CoNCESSION FARES FOR COUN'l'RY WOMEN QUESTIONS. A~D CHILDREN. ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES ON FOOTPATHS, )fr. FORDE (Flinders) asked the .Minister for Transport- Tow~sVILLE. ' ' 1. '\Vhen were the concession fares for lUr. AIKENS (Mundingburra) asked women and children first issued in Queens the Secretary for Mines and Immigration- land, by what Government, and by what '' 1. Has the Townsville Regional Elec· Minister~ tricity Board any statutory or any other "2. '\Vhat number of (a) women, (b) authority to erect and/or maintain electric children, have taken advantage of this con light poles on footpaths~ cession from H nghenclen, Richmond, J nliu '' 2. If it has such authority, does he Creek, during the intervening periud ~ not consider that this practice is dangerous '' 3. What is the total value of fares and the authority should be revoked? paid, and what is the amount of reduction '' 3. \Nhere such poles have been erected on ordinary fares, under each heading~ on footpaths, and are found to be a danger and/or an unwananted obstruction to '' 4. \Vill he furnish similar information business premises, has the Townsville for the State of Queensland for towns Hegional Electricity Board any authority Emerald and west in Central Queensbnd, to compel the owner of such obstructed Dalby und west in South-western Qtreens property to pay for the removal of such lancl, and Charters Towers and ~west on the pole or poles to a more sensible and suit· Great Northern Railwuy, or in any other able site where they would bo neither a convenient form, which will show what the danger nor an obstruction~'' concession has been worth to the women and children of '\V estern Queensland~'' Hon. C. G. JicCATHIE (I-Iaughton) replied- Hon. J. E. nuGGAN (Toowoomba) '' 1. Yes-under conditions prescribed by replied- the Electric Light and Power Acts, 1896 '' 1. 29 1\Iarch, 1923. Labour Govern to 1946. ment. Honourable J. Larcombe. '' 2. Not if the poles are erected in com "2. and 3. For period 1 July, 1949, to pliaHce with the Acts and Regulations. 30 June, 1955- Amount of Reduction on Women. Children. fares paid. ordinary fares. £ s. d. £ s. d. Hughenden 747 340 1,628 14 8 2,494 7 6 Richmond 330 167 879 14 7 1,343 2 7 Julia Creek 216 102 762 8 9 1,239 8 8" "4. For the whole of the respective divisions-period' 1 .July, 1949, to 30 June, 1955- Division. Amount of Reduction on Women. Children. fares paid. ordinary fares. -- I £ s. d. £ s. d. South-Western .. .. .. 34,317 12,397 72.224 15 1 118,049 11 9 Central .. .. .. .. 8,379 3,925 17,861 3 10 28,001 19 1 Northern .. .. .. .. 4,909 2,520 16,877 13 7 28,518 0 1 Information is not available prior to July, '' 2. How many Local Authority Areas 194!1, and, in respC'ct to Question 4, can have been valued more than once?'' only be given as for ~whole divisions.'' Hon. P. J. R. HILTON (Carnarvon) VALUER-GENERAL'S VALUATIONS. replied- Th'lr. lUULLER (Fassifern), for l)[r. '' 1. City of Ipswich; Town of South PijUNII:ETT (Darlington). asked the Coast; Shires of Albert, Allora, Beau Secretary for Public Works and Housing- desert, Biggenden, Burrum, Douglas, Glen '' 1. In Y;hich Lo0al Authority Areas gallan, Kolan, N oosa, Peak Downs, and have the Valuer-General's valuations under Redland. the Valuation of Land Acts been completed during the past 12 months? '' 2. Twenty-two (22).'' Address in Reply. [30 AUGUST.] Address in Reply. 147 STOCK DISE."'"SES COMPENSA'l'ION FUND. Valley, the mover of the motion, and the hon. member for Mulgrave, the seconder, on Jir. l'IIULLER (Fassifern) asked the their excellent contributions to the debate. Secretary for Agriculture and Stock- I have read with great interest the Opening " What was the credit balance of the Speech by His Excellency and there is no Stock Diseases (T.B.) Compensation Fund doubt that it shows very clearly that the at 30 June, 1955~ policy and administration of this Government Hon. H. H. COLLI~S (Tablelands) have proved very satisfactory. And there replied- ho uo doubt, too, that the majorit;· of the people of Queensland appreciate the good '' £72,029 2s. 3c1.'' work and that at the next general election JUr. UL'LLER (Fassifern) asked the they will show their faith in the Govern Secretary for Agriculture and Stock- ment's ability to legislate for the continued " Yvhat are the following details of the progress of the State. Stock Diseases Compensation :B'unll for I \Yas vcr;· disnppointcd >vith, in fact amazed 1954-19G5, viz.-(a) assessments; (b) nt, the speech of the Leader o£ tiJC Opposi endowment; (c) total receipts; (d) com tion. The civic syllabus for primary schools pensation; (e) testing fees; a nu (f) total makes it desirable that children of the expenditure;"!'' seventh and eighth grades should visit Parlia ment to gain a :first-hand knowledge of Hon. H. H. COLLINS (Tablelands) Parliamentary proceedings. When the Leader repliell- of the Opposition was speaking there were " (a) £69,914 ls. 6d.; (b) £34,972 4s. 6c1.; over 100 girls and boys of a very impression (c) £104,88() 6s.; (d) £14,61D 2s. 6c1.; able at;e in the public gallery. ·what impres (c) £71,520 10s.; (f) £97,983 His. 6d." sion, I ask hon. members, did those young people gain from the remarks of the Leader HIDE AND LEATHER I='TDUSTRIES of the Opposition, a gentleman who aspires ACT REPEAL BILL. to become Premier of this State~ All that he spoke about while the children were in INITIATION. attendance concerned the domestic worries of the Labour Party. Surely those children Hon. A. JO:NES (Charters Towers expected to hear some constructive ideas or Secretary for Labour and Industry): I suggestions that would !eau them to hope move- for a desirable future at least comparable '' That the House will, at its next sit· with that of which they are assured if ting, resolve itself into a Committee of the this Government continue to govern. Whole to consider of the desirableness of There is the old saying that if you introducing a Bill to repeal the Hide and cannot :find fault with what a man does a Leather Industries Act of 1948.'' sure way to defame him is to throw mud at him personally. I can only conclude that Motion agrecu to. when the Leader of the Opposition could not conscientiously offer any destructive PETROLEUM ACTS AMEND~iE?\T BILL. criticism about what this Government have clone he decided to talk about the Party's INITIATION. domestic worries. I do not know what those worries have to do with him. Down through Hon. C. G. JicCATHIE (Haughton Secretary for Mines and Immigration): I the ages every political party that has con tinued to gro,,· and attract to its ranks men move- and women from an ever widening circle '' That the House will, at its next sit of the community has had its troubles. We ting, resolve itself into a Committee of the on this side of the House feel quite confident Whole to consider of the desirableness of that the great Australian Labour Party will introducing a Bill to amend the Petroleum be able to surmount its troubles and emerge Acts, 1923 to 1950, in certain particulars.'' better and stronger because of the experience. Motion agreed to. During my term in this House I have wondered why virtually every measure ADDRESS IN REPLY. brought forward by the Government has been bitterly opposed by members of the Opposi RESUMPTION OF DEBA'l'E-]'OURTII ALLOTTED tion. I know that at times that their DAY. criticism has not been sincere. The hon. Debate resumed from 25 August (see member for Toowong satisfied my wondering p. 145) on Mr. Brosnan 's motion for the in this direction when he said that the duty adoption of the Address in Reply. of the Opposition was to oppose, expose and depose the Government. No-one will deny 1Ur. DIPLOCK (Condamine) (11.10 that the Opposition has fulfilled the :first a.m.): I desire to take the opportunity of part of its self-decided duty for on every associating myself with the motion which occasion its attitude has been, like Paddy, reaffirms our loyalty to Her Majesty the whether good or bad, "I am agin the Govern Queen and the Throne of England and I ment.'' The value of such a policy is doubt congratulate the hon. member for Fortitude ful and the public haYe shown at the ballot 148 Address in Reply. [ASSEMBLY.] Address in Reply. box in years past that it is not appreciated. The following article, written by Harold The Opposition has certainly failed to Cox in his ''Canberra Comment'' in ''The practice its second and third self-decided Sunday Mail" of 16 July last, must have duties. been very difficult reading for members of the Opposition- There is no doubt that hon. members " Cost of living increases announced this opposite are making a determined effort to week are probably not so high as the more depose the Government. The statements of pessimistic feared when it was made clear those who are trying to gull the public that the margins granted to the metal through the Press, and by those who have trades workers would be shared by the com travelled away from their own electorates to munity generally.