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journal of food and drug analysis xxx (2015) 1e17

Available online at www.sciencedirect.com 65 66 1 ScienceDirect 67 2 68 3 69 4 70 5 journal homepage: www.jfda-online.com 71 6 72 7 73 8 74 9 Review Article 75 10 76 11 Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass 77 12 78 13 spectrometry chemical analysis of 79 14 80 15 81 16 a,b,1 a,c,1 d,1 82 17 Q41 Mohamed El-Shazly , Chi-Jung Tai , Tung-Ying Wu , 83 e e a,f,g,h,* 18 Dezso} Csupor , Judit Hohmann , Fang-Rong Chang , 84 19 * Yang-Chang Wu a,d,i,j, 85 20 86 21 a Graduate Institute of Natural Products, Collage of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 87 22 b Department of Pharmacognosy and Natural Products Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain-Shams University, 88 23 89 Cairo, Egypt 24 90 c Department of Family Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, 25 91 Kaohsiung, Taiwan 26 92 d 27 Chinese Medicine Research and Development Center, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan 93 e 28 Department of Pharmacognosy, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary 94 f 29 Research Center for Natural Product and New Drug Development, Kaohsiung Medical University, 95 30 Kaohsiung, Taiwan 96 31 g Cancer Center, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 97 32 h Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 98 33 i School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan 99 34 j Center of Molecular Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan 100 35 101 36 102 37 article info abstract 103 38 104 39 105 Article history: Aconitum and its products have been used in Asia for centuries to treat various ailments, 40 106 41 Received 28 December 2014 including arthritis, gout, cancer, and inflammation. In general, their preparations and 107 42 Received in revised form dispensing have been restricted to qualified folk medicine healers due to their low safety index 108 43 17 August 2015 and reported toxicity. In the past few decades, official guidelines have been introduced in Asian 109 44 Accepted 13 September 2015 pharmacopeias to control Aconitum herbal products. However, these guidelines were based on 110 45 Available online xxx primitive analytical techniques for the determination of the whole Aconitum alkaloids and were 111 46 unable to distinguish between toxic and nontoxic components. Recent advances in analytical 112 47 Q2 techniques, especially high-performance liquid chromatography and electrophoresis coupled 113 48 Keywords: Aconitum with highly sensitive detectors, allowed rapid and accurate determination of Aconitum sec- 114 49 115 arthritis ondary metabolites. Reports focusing on liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis 50 116 Asia of Aconitum and its herbal products are discussed in the current review. This review can be used 51 117 Aconitum 52 diterpene alkaloids by the health regulatory authorities for updating pharmacopeial guidelines of and its 118 53 liquid chromatography/mass herbal products. 119 54 spectrometry Copyright © 2015, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan 120 55 LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:// 121 56 creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). 122 57 123 58 124 59 * Corresponding authors. Graduate Institute of Natural Products, Collage of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, 125 60 Taiwan. Q1 126 61 E-mail addresses: [email protected] (F.-R. Chang), [email protected] (Y.-C. Wu). 127 62 1 These authors contributed equally to this work. 128 63 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 129 64 1021-9498/Copyright © 2015, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Please cite this article in press as: El-Shazly M, et al., Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chemical analysis of Aconitum, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 JFDA263_proof ■ 16 October 2015 ■ 2/17

2 journal of food and drug analysis xxx (2015) 1e17

1 66 2 67 3 1. Introduction 2. Historical glimpse 68 4 69 5 Aconitum (or monkshood) is a herb native to China and The name Aconitum comes from the Greek word akonitos, 70 6 71 certain parts of Europe [1,2]. It has been used for centuries to meaning “without struggle” or “without dust,” or from the 7 72 treat pain due to arthritis, gout, cancer, inflammation, Greek city Acona, where a naturalist in the 3rd century once 8 73 migraine, and sciatica. Despite such important therapeutic identified the [22]. Other historical sources suggest that 9 74 10 activities, it is highly toxic and ingestion of the raw material the name came from the hill of Aconitus. It is a hill in Greek 75 11 can lead to arrhythmia, heart failure, and even death. Even mythology where Hercules fought with Cerberus, the three- 76 12 topical applications can be dangerous because its toxic al- headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades. Saliva from 77 13 kaloids can be absorbed through the skin [3]. Toxicity of this creature dripped onto the plant, rendering them 78 14 aconite is related to the C19-norditerpenoid ester alkaloids extremely poisonous. It is also claimed that the cup-shaped 79 15 Q3 such as (AC), deoxyaconitine (DA), mesaconitine flower made the poisonous cup that Medea prepared for 80 16 (MA), hypaconitine (HA), and yunaconitine (YA) [4]. These Theseus. The plant played an important role in Roman his- 81 17 alkaloids significantly activate sodium channels and cause tory, as it is assumed that Nero ascended to the throne after 82 18 83 widespread membrane excitation in cardiac, neural, and poisoning Claudius by tickling his throat with a feather dipped 19 84 muscular tissues [5e8]. Additionally, muscarinic activation in monkshood. The emperor Trajan (98e117 AD) banned 20 85 21 may cause hypotension and bradyarrhythmia. Symptoms of growing of this plant in all Roman domestic gardens [23]. One 86 22 Aconitum sp. poisoning include numbness followed by pa- of the most remarkable pieces describing the role played by 87 23 ralysis of the upper and lower extremities. Patients with this plant in ancient Roman society was described by the 88 24 aconite poisoning, due to the consumption of herbal broth writer Ovid. He referred to aconite as the “step-mother's poi- 89 25 containing a large amount of Fuzi, usually suffer from car- son.” In his work Metamorphoses, he described a certain 90 26 diovascular symptoms including chest pain, palpitation, period of Roman history by the following lines: 91 27 bradycardia, sinus tachycardia, ventricular ectopics, ventric- 92 28 ular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation [9,10]. The main “Guest was not safe from host, nor father-in-law from son-in- 93 29 94 causes of death from aconite include ventricular arrhythmias law; even among brothers it was rare to find affection. The 30 95 and asystole [11]. There is no specific antidote for aconite husband longed for the death of his wife, she of her husband; and 31 96 poising but only supportive treatment to restore normal murderous step-mothers brewed deadly poisons, and sons 32 97 ' ” 33 heart functions. inquired into their fathers years before the time. 98 34 The supportive treatment of aconite poisoning includes 99 35 the use of and flecainide as antiarrhythmic Shakespeare highlighted the potency of this herb in his 100 36 agents. Intragastric lavage or oral administration of charcoal novel Romeo and Juliet, in which he stated that Romeo 101 37 can decrease alkaloid absorption. A fatal dose can be as little committed suicide using this poison [22]. In addition, in 102 38 as 5 mL of aconite tincture, 2 mg of pure aconite, or 1 g of the Macbeth, the witches' brew calling for “tooth of wolf” refers to 103 39 root [12,13]. For decreasing the toxicity, aconite must be pro- monkshood. Certain are also known as wolfsbane 104 40 cessed prior to use. To date, more than 70 traditional and because arrows dipped in the poison kill wolves. Until 1930, it 105 41 106 modern methods have been applied to decrease the toxicity of was used in the USA and Canada as a painkiller, diuretic, and 42 107 aconite roots [14]. According to the Chinese Pharmacopeia, diaphoretic. It was used externally in the form of ointments to 43 108 44 only two assays are accepted for the quantitative analysis of treat rheumatism, neuralgia, and lumbago and as a tincture to 109 45 alkaloids in Aconitum sp. Based on these two assays, the lower pulse rate, relieve fever, and treat cardiac failure. Re- 110 46 maximum allowance of alkaloid content, calculated taking AC ported cases of toxicity led to the ban of its use in conventional 111 47 into consideration, is 0.15% and 0.20%, respectively. Any medication. 112 48 herbal product with a lower concentration of the toxic alka- 113 49 loids can be used in China, but such regulation is not accept- 114 50 115 able elsewhere. Microscopic examination of the processed 3. Liquid chromatography/mass 51 aconite roots (P-ARs) reveals the presence of gelatinized Aconitum 116 52 spectrometry techniques for analyzing - 117 starch masses, which do not appear in the unprocessed 53 containing samples 118 aconite root (unP-AR) samples [15]. 54 119 The plant is rich in diterpene and norditerpene alkaloids as 55 Modern analytical techniques have been employed in the last 120 56 the major active constituents. These compounds exhibit 2 decades to evaluate herbal medicines sold in Asian markets 121 57 interesting activity toward voltage-gated Na channel either as aiming to improve their safety and reduce adulteration 122 58 agonists (e.g. AC and MA) or as antagonists (e.g., lappaconitine [24e26]. Aconitum and its products are strictly monitored due 123 e 59 and 6-benzoylheteratisine) [16 18]. Activities toward certain to their extreme toxic components, especially diester- 124 60 neuronal receptors were also noted such as norditerpene al- diterpenoid alkaloids (DDAsdAC, MA, and HA). Initially, 125 61 126 kaloids (e.g., methyllycaconitine). These alkaloids exhibited alkaloidal titration methods were used to monitor these al- 62 127 selective antagonistic activity on the neuronal nicotinic kaloids. However, compared with the high-performance 63 acetylcholine receptor in a nanomolar range of concentration, 128 64 liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, alkaloidal titration 129 rendering it as a potential drug lead in Alzheimer diseases method estimates not only toxic DDAs, but also monoester- 65 e 130 [19 21]. diterpenoid alkaloids (MDAs), unesterified, and lipo-alkaloids Q4

Please cite this article in press as: El-Shazly M, et al., Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chemical analysis of Aconitum, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 JFDA263_proof ■ 16 October 2015 ■ 3/17

journal of food and drug analysis xxx (2015) 1e17 3

1 (LPAs) [27], which are less toxic than DDAs and may have method provides excellent limit of quantification (LOQ) 66 2 potential effect, especially for inflammatory disorders such as (7e50 pg/mL) as well as limit of detection (LOD) (2.3e17 pg/mL) 67 3 68 arthritis [28]. Therefore, HPLC became the popular method to [49], which are much more sensitive than LC/MS. 4 69 detect DDAs and MDAs [MDAs such as benzoylaconine (BAC), There are many Aconitum sp. in the world (> 75 species); 5 70 benzoylmesaconine (BMA), and benzoylhypaconine (BHA)] in some of them are used in folk medicine, especially in Asia. The 6 71 7 recent days. processing methods differ from country to country and from 72 8 The degradation of DDAs into MDAs were noted in meth- use to use. Determination of fingerprints for raw herbs and 73 9 anol and ethanol [29,30], especially for AC. Thus, using medicinal formulas is essential for the establishment of 74 10 ethanol or methanol as the extraction solvent or mobile phase appropriate quality control procedures. Certain studies 75 11 in HPLC may lead to inaccurate results. Hydrolysis of DDAs introduced similarity evaluation, hierarchical cluster analysis, 76 12 into MDAs is observed especially with a long decoction time (> or principal component analysis (PCA) to evaluate the simi- 77 13 120 minutes) [28]. This degradation phenomenon was detec- larity and variation of aconite samples [37,50]. Partial least 78 14 ted upon using water as the decoction solvent, as well as cow squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and orthogonal pro- 79 15 80 urine and cow milk (Tables 1 and 2) [31]. Furthermore, the jection to latent structure analysis were extremely useful in 16 81 stability of DDAs was found to be highly pH dependent and the classification of metabolic phenotypes and in the identi- 17 82 e 18 they were stable only in the range of 2.0 7.0. The relative fication of different metabolites [51]. 83 19 concentrations of DDAs, especially AC and MA, decreases This review covers recent attempts to establish analytical 84 20 significantly at pH >10 [29]. The evidence showed that storing protocols developed to analyze products containing alkaloids 85 21 DDAs in an ambient temperature or at 4 C may cause degra- of raw herb or P-ARs using HPLC/MS-related techniques. Sig- 86 22 dation, and samples are suggested to be kept at 20Cto nificant accomplishments were reported, showing in detail 87 23 decrease the degradation rate [32]. the optimum procedures to evaluate alkaloidal contents of 88 24 To reduce decomposition of DDAs, chloroform and aconite samples. Most of the important findings were reported 89 25 dichloromethane were found to be the most appropriate in the past 15 years starting from the year 2000, and this re- 90 26 91 extraction solvents [29,33]. Although 1% hydrochloride as the view summarizes important studies using different HPLC/MS- 27 92 extraction solvent could improve the extraction yield, degra- related laboratory equipment in a chronological order. 28 93 dation of DDAs occurred [34]. To shorten the extraction time, Xie et al [39] developed an efficient protocol using HPLC for 29 94 30 an ultrasonic bath [35] or a microwave-assisted extraction the separation of six aconite alkaloids, including AC, MA, HA, 95 31 procedure [36] was applied. The choice of the mobile phase BAC, BMA, and BHA, in aconite roots and related 12 pro- 96 32 plays an important role in the resolution of alkaloidal peaks prietary Chinese medicines (Tables 1 and 2). They found that 97 33 on HPLC. Acetonitrileeaqueous 0.1% formic acid [37], aceto- ethyl acetate was the optimum solvent for extracting alka- 98 34 nitrileeacetic acid solution [38], or acetonitrileeammonium loids from the basified solution. They also evaluated the effect 99 35 bicarbonate buffer at pH 10 ± 0.5 [39,40] resulted in excellent of pH on the separation of alkaloids, and found that all peaks 100 36 peak resolution in several studies. were separated at pH above 9.95 and the optimum pH value 101 37 Recent studies introduced new protocols, which did not for separation was 10.0 ± 0.2. The effect of using different 102 38 103 require sample preparation, and the herbal products were concentrations (5mM, 10mM, or 20mM) of ammonium car- 39 104 analyzed in their crude forms. DART-MS (direct analysis in bonate, the mobile phase buffer, was studied. It was found 40 105 Q5 41 real time mass spectrometry) plus multivariate data analysis that the optimum concentration was 10mM for excellent peak 106 42 method was utilized as a solvent-free method to analyze separation and background noise reduction. Alkaloidal peaks 107 43 samples directly in their native condition, without the need of were identified by comparing their retention time and UV 108 44 tedious sample manipulation and preparation [41]. Moreover, spectra with the reported data. This method was applied for 109 45 minimum amounts of samples were analyzed with high ac- the identification of 12 aconite-root-containing Chinese 110 46 curacy with the introduction of new methods such as ultra- medicines, and two P-AR and two unP-AR samples. As ex- 111 47 Q6 HPLC LTQ-Orbitrap tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-LTQ- pected, P-ARs showed lower levels of the toxic alkaloid AC. 112 48 Orbitrap-MSn) [42]. However, concentrations of the other toxic alkaloids, HA and 113 49 114 Aconite is usually combined with other Chinese herbs by MA, were significantly higher than that of AC in the P-AR 50 115 practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In order samples, suggesting that the use of AC concentration as the 51 116 to detect the recovery of toxic alkaloids in these formulas, only marker for toxicity reduction after processing is not 52 117 53 many liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS)- enough for general safety guidelines. 118 54 related techniques were used, such as ultraperformance Quantitation of AC, MA, and HA in different P-AR and unP- 119 55 liquid chromatographyeelectrospray ionization/mass spec- AR samples was achieved using LC (Tables 1 and 2) [52]. The 120 56 Q7 trometry (UPLCeESI/MS) [43], UPLC-PDA [44], UPLC/MS [45], effect of the extraction solvent was studied through the use of 121 57 UPLCequadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (Q- different concentrations of ethanol (50%, 75%, or 90%). Based 122 58 TOFeMS) [46], ultrafast liquid chromatographyeion trap/ on the results, 75% ethanol showed the highest level of HA 123 59 time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UFLC/MS-IT-TOF) [47], and recovery. In addition, the effects of extraction duration (30 124 60 UPLCeESIeQ-TOFeMS [48]. In recent years, various aconite- minutes or 60 minutes) and extraction cycles (3 times or 5 125 61 126 related medications were introduced into the Chinese mar- times) were studied, which showed no advantages on the 62 127 ket. In order to speed up the quality control process, rapid alkaloid recovery yields with longer extraction time or more 63 128 64 resolution liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass extraction cycles. In the optimization steps of the HPLC pro- 129 e 65 spectrometry (RRLC MS/MS) was applied to analyze the toxic tocol, the effect of pH was evaluated, showing that all peaks 130 alkaloids in these products such as Shen-Fu formula. This were efficiently separated at pH above 9.5. The LOD for all

Please cite this article in press as: El-Shazly M, et al., Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chemical analysis of Aconitum, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 laect hsatcei rs s lSal ,e l,Ue itr,adlqi hoaorpyms pcrmtyceia nlssof analysis chemical spectrometry chromatography/mass liquid and history, Use, al., et M, El-Shazly as: press Aconitum in article this cite Please ora fFo n rgAayi 21) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 (2015), Analysis Drug and Food of Journal ,

e Table 1 Representative sample preparation procedures for aconite roots and their products in recent publications. Q38 Analytes Samples Extraction procedures Analysis Refs Monoester-diterpene alkaloids BMA P-AR & its proprietary products containing processed aconite Extract P-AR with 50% EtOH (3, 60 min each time) via HPLC-PDA [30] roots sonication & alkaloids from unP-AR via general method.a Diester-diterpene alkaloids AC, MA, & HA P-AR & unP-AR Extract P-AR & unP-AR with 75% EtOH (3, 30 min each time) via HPLC-PDA [52] sonication. ora ffo n rgaayi x 21)1 (2015) xxx analysis drug and food of journal AC, MA, & HA Aconite roots & decoction pieces containing processed aconite Extract with methanolewater (1:1, v/v) via sonication for HPLC-PDA & HPLCeESIeMS [35] roots 60 min. AC, MA, & HA Aconite roots Extract using the general extraction procedures.a HPLC-PDA [40] AC, MA, & HA Shen-Fu decoction (Radix ginseng & Fuzi at a ratio of 3:2) Extract with water under reflux (1:10 v/v, 3, 60 min each time), RRLCeESIeMS/MS [65] containing processed aconite roots & dissolve the corresponding residue in water. AC, MA, & HA Unprocessed aconite roots Extract P-AR & unP-AR with chloroform (1:10 v/v, for 30 min) via UPLCeQ-TOFeMS [31] sonication & dissolve the obtained residue in methanol. Simultaneous analysis for both monoester & diester diterpene alkaloids MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA P-AR, unP-AR & proprietary Chinese medicines (pills, tablets, & Extract by alkaloidal extraction procedures.a HPLC-PDA [39] DDAs: AC, MA, & HA capsules) containing processed aconite roots MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA Raw material & P-AR Extract by alkaloidal extraction procedures.a HPLC-PDA & HPLCeESIeMS/MS [38] Dissolve the corresponding residue was dissolved in ACNeTEA (75:25, v/v). DDAs: AC, MA, & HA

MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA P-AR & its proprietary products (Xiaohuoluo pills) Add ammonia TS (40% NH3$H2O) to each sample & extract with UPLCeESIeMS [37] diethyl ether in an ultrasonic bath for 30 min, & dissolve the corresponding residue with methanol. To each sample of pills,

add ammonia TS (40% NH3$H2O) & extract with isopropanol eethyl acetate (1:1, v/v) in an ultrasonic bath for 30 min, & dissolve the corresponding residue in acetonitrile.

MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA P-AR, unP-AR, & its patent Chinese medicine products (pills) Extract with 50% methanol (containing 2.5% formic acid) by UPLCeESIeMS/MS [36] JFDA263_proof

DDAs: AC, MA, HA, & YA containing processed aconite roots microwave for 1 min at a power level of 420 W. e 17 MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA Decoction & maceration of Fuzi Xiexin Tang containing P-AR Extract with water under reflux (1:10 & 1:8 v/v, 2, for 1 h or UPLCeESIeMS [43] DDAs: AC, MA, & HA 1.5 h) & dissolve the corresponding residue in water. Maceration of FXT: reflux the weighted sample of Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata with water (1:10 & 1:8 v/v, 2, for 1 h or 1.5 h) & ■

combine the corresponding decoction with another prepared 2015 October 16 maceration of Sanhuang Xiexin Tang to obtain MFXT. Simultaneous analysis for the nonester, monoester, & diester diterpene alkaloids Nonester type: higenamine Fuzi decoction (Heishunpian & Baifupian) Extract with water under reflux (1:10, v/v, 3, for 60 min each RRLCeESIeMS/MS [49] MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA time) & dissolve the corresponding residue in water. DDAs: AC, MA, & HA ■ 4/17 100 120 123 122 129 128 126 125 104 106 124 105 109 108 130 127 103 102 107 121 101 112 110 116 115 114 113 119 118 117 111 66 68 69 75 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 99 98 96 95 94 93 92 67 70 77 73 72 97 71 91 76 74 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 laect hsatcei rs s lSal ,e l,Ue itr,adlqi hoaorpyms pcrmtyceia nlssof analysis chemical spectrometry chromatography/mass liquid and history, Use, al., et M, El-Shazly as: press Aconitum in article this cite Please Nonester type 21 batches of Fuzi from different regions; all the samples were Extract by alkaloidal extraction proceduresa & solid-phase HPLCeESIeMS/MS [66] (aminoalcohol- processed from the lateral roots of A. carmichaelii extraction, & dissolve the corresponding residue in methanol diterpenoid alkaloids): e0.1% formic acid (80:20, v/v). ora fFo n rgAayi 21) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 (2015), Analysis Drug and Food of Journal , beiwutinine; mesaconine; karakoline; isotalatizidine; aconine; 8-methoxymesaconine; hypaconine; fuziline; 3- deoxyaconine; neoline; 8- methoxyhypaconine; talatizamine; & chasmanine Nonester type: songorine; Shen-Fu injection prepared from red ginseng & processed Prepare each sample in acetonitrileewater (1:1, v/v). UPLCeQ-TOFeMS [46] fuziline; neoline; aconite root 1 (2015) xxx analysis drug and food of journal talatisamine; guanfubase H MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA DDAs: AC, MA, & HA

AC ¼ aconitine; BAC ¼ benzoylaconine; BHA ¼ benzoylhypaconine; BMA ¼ benzoylmesaconine; DDA ¼ diester-diterpenoid alkaloid; ESI ¼ electrospray ionization; HA ¼ hypaconitine; HPLC ¼ high- performance liquid chromatography; MA ¼ mesaconitine; MDA ¼ monoester-diterpenoid alkaloid; MFXT ¼ maceration of Fuzi Xiexin Tang; MS ¼ mass spectrometry; MS/MS ¼ tandem mass spectrometry; MSXT ¼ maceration of Fuzi Xiexin Tang; P-AR ¼ processed aconite root; Q-TOF ¼ quadrupole time of flight; RRLC ¼ rapid resolution liquid chromatography; TOF ¼ time of flight; unP- AR ¼ unprocessed aconite root; UPLC ¼ ultra-performance liquid chromatography; YA ¼ yunaconitine. a Alkaloid extraction procedure: each sample was dissolved/extracted in HCl/ammonia solution by sonication, and further extracted with ethyl acetate/ethyl ether to remove nonalkaloid compo- nents. The acidic/basic aqueous solution was basified/acidified with ammonia/HCl solution to adjust the pH value, and extracted with chloroform/ethyl ether to obtain the alkaloid components. JFDA263_proof e 17 ■ 6Otbr2015 October 16 ■ 5/17 5 100 120 123 122 129 128 126 125 104 106 124 105 109 108 130 127 103 102 107 121 101 112 110 116 115 114 113 119 118 117 111 66 68 69 75 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 99 98 96 95 94 93 92 67 70 77 73 72 97 71 91 76 74 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 laect hsatcei rs s lSal ,e l,Ue itr,adlqi hoaorpyms pcrmtyceia nlssof analysis chemical spectrometry chromatography/mass liquid and history, Use, al., et M, El-Shazly as: press Aconitum in article this cite Please e Table 2 Analytical methods of aconite roots and their proprietary products. Q40 Method Analytes Samples Details Refs ora fFo n rgAayi 21) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 (2015), Analysis Drug and Food of Journal , Analysis methods for monoester diterpene alkaloids HPLC-PDA BMA P-AR; proprietary products Alltima RP-C18 (250 4.6 mm2,5mm) was used with the Alltima RP-C18 guard column (7.5 4.6 mm2)at [30] Q39 containing processed room temperature. Elution of the alkaloids was carried out using a gradient system of acetonitrile & aconite roots buffer solution at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, detected at 240 nm, validated with linearity, LOD, precision, repeatability, & recovery. Analysis methods for diester diterpene alkaloids HPLC-PDA AC, MA, & HA P-AR & unP-AR Waters Xterra RP18 column (250 4.6 mm2,5mm) was used with the Xterra RP18 guard column [52] (20 3.9 mm2) at room temperature. Elution of the alkaloids was carried out using a gradient system of acetonitrile & 10mM ammonium bicarbonate buffer solution at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, detected at 240 nm, validated with linearity, LOD, precision, repeatability, & recovery. ora ffo n rgaayi x 21)1 (2015) xxx analysis drug and food of journal HPLC-PDA & HPLCeESI/MS AC, MA, & HA Aconite roots & decoction Waters Xterra RP18 column (250 4.6 mm2,5mm) was used & column temperature maintained at 25C. [35] pieces containing processed Mobile phase was carried out using a gradient system of 2.5mM ammonium bicarbonate in water at pH aconite roots 10 & acetonitrile at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, detected at 240 nm & positive ion mode for ESI/MS, validated with linearity, LOD, LOQ, precision, repeatability, & recovery. HPLC-PDA AC, MA, & HA Aconite roots Phenomenex Luna C18 column (250 4.6 mm2,5mm) was used & column temperature maintained at [40] room temperature. Mobile phase was carried out using a gradient system of acetonitrile & ammonium bicarbonate buffer solution at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, detected at 231 nm, validated with linearity, LOD, LOQ, precision, repeatability, & recovery. RRLCeESI/MS/MS AC, MA, & HA Shen-Fu decoction (Radix Agilent ZORBAXC18 SB column (100 mm 2.1 mm, 1.8 mm) was used & column temperature maintained [65] Ginseng & Fuzi at a ratio of at 40C. The gradient mobile phases consisted of water containing 0.05% formic acid & acetonitrile at a 3:2) containing processed flow rate of 0.35 mL/min. The positive ion mode for ESI/MS/MS (totally 10 major components identified, 3 aconite roots DDAs from Fuzi) was validated & quantitatively analyzed. UPLCeQ-TOFeMS AC, MA, & HA unP-AR Separation of components in the samples was performed at 20C, using a Waters UPLC C18 analytical [31] column (100 mm 2.1 mm, 1.7 mm) attached with a C18 precolumn (2.1 mm 5 mm, 1.7 mm). The gradient mobile phase consisted of a mixture of water & acetonitrile, both containing 0.1% formic acid at a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min. The three analytes of unprocessed aconite roots & the corresponding detoxification process samples were validated & qualified using the UHPLCeQ-TOFeMS in positive ion mode. Simultaneous analysis methods for both monoester & diester diterpene alkaloids HPLC-PDA MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA P-AR, unP-AR, & proprietary Alltima RP-C18 (250 4.6 mm2,5mm) was used as the stationary phase accompanied by Alltima RP-C18 [39] & 2

DDAs: AC, MA, HA Chinese medicines (pills, guard column (7.5 4.6 mm ) at room temperature. Elution of the six alkaloids was carried out using a JFDA263_proof & & tablets, capsules) gradient system of acetonitrile buffer solution at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, detected at 240 nm, e containing processed validated with linearity, LOD, precision, repeatability, & recovery. 17 aconite roots HPLC-PDA & HPLCeESI/MS/ MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA Raw material & P-AR Microsorb C18 column (250 4.6 mm2,5mm) was used with an Econosphere C18 guard column, & [38] MS DDAs: AC, MA, & HA column temperature maintained at 45C. Mobile phase was carried out using a gradient system of ACN, TEA buffer & THF at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, detected at 238 nm, validated with linearity, LOD, LOQ, ■ 6Otbr2015 October 16 precision, repeatability, & recovery, & detected & quantified with ESI/MS/MS spectra in positive ion mode. UPLCeESIeMS MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA P-AR & its proprietary Agilent ZORBAXC18 SB column (100 mm 2.1 mm, 1.8 mm) was used & column temperature maintained [37] DDAs: AC, MA, & HA products (Xiaohuoluo pills) at 35C. Mobile phase was carried out using a gradient system of 0.1% aqueous formic acid & acetonitrile (65:35, v/v) at a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min. Quantification analysis was achieved on ESI/MS in positive ion & & mode SIR mode, validated, quantitatively analyzed. ■ 6/17 100 120 123 122 129 128 126 125 104 106 124 105 109 108 130 127 103 102 107 121 101 112 110 116 115 114 113 119 118 117 111 66 68 69 75 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 99 98 96 95 94 93 92 67 70 77 73 72 97 71 91 76 74 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 laect hsatcei rs s lSal ,e l,Ue itr,adlqi hoaorpyms pcrmtyceia nlssof analysis chemical spectrometry chromatography/mass liquid and history, Use, al., et M, El-Shazly as: press Aconitum in article this cite Please UPLCeESIeMS/MS MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA P-AR, unP-AR & its patent Waters Acquity UPLC BEHC18 column (100 mm 2.1 mm, 1.7 mm) was used for chromatographic [36] DDAs: AC, MA, HA, & YA Chinese medicine products separation & column temperature maintained at 40C. The gradient mobile phase consisted of a mixture (pills) containing processed of 0.1% formic acid aqueous solution & methanol-1,4-dioxane (80:20, containing 0.1% formic acid) at a ora fFo n rgAayi 21) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 (2015), Analysis Drug and Food of Journal , aconite roots flow rate of 0.6 mL/min. Quantification analysis was achieved using ESI/MS/MS in positive ion mode & MRM mode, validated, & quantitatively analyzed. UPLCeESIeMS MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA Decoction & maceration of Waters Acquity UPLC BEHC18 column (50 mm 2.1 mm, 1.7 mm) was used for the chromatographic [43] DDAs: AC, MA, & HA Fuzi Xiexin Tang containing separation & column temperature maintained at 45C. The gradient mobile phase consisted of 0.1% processed aconite roots formic acid aqueous solution & acetonitrile at a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min. Quantification analysis was achieved on ESI/MS in positive ion mode & SIR mode, validated, & quantitatively analyzed. Simultaneous analysis for nonester, monoester, & diester diterpene alkaloids RRLCeESIeMS/MS Nonester type: higenamine Fuzi decoction The separation was carried out on an Agilent ZORBAXC18 SB column (100 2.1 mm2, 1.8 mm) & column [49] MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA (Heishunpian & Baifupian) temperature maintained at 40C. The gradient mobile phase consisted of 0.1% formic acid aqueous DDAs: AC, MA, & HA solution & acetonitrile at a flow rate of 0.35 mL/min. Quantification analysis was achieved using ESI/MS/ e MS in positive ion mode & MRM mode, validated, & quantitatively analyzed. 1 (2015) xxx analysis drug and food of journal HPLCeESIeMS/MS Nonester type 21 batches of Fuzi from Chromatographic separations the thirteen alkaloids were performed on a Hypersil ODS2 column [66] (aminoalcohol-diterpenoid different regions; all the (4.6 mm 150 mm, 5 mm), which was conjuncted with a SecurityGuard cartridge (Phenomenex) at alkaloids): beiwutinine; samples were processed ambient temperature. The isocratic mobile phase was composed of methanol-0.1% formic acid (80:20, v/ mesaconine; karakoline; from the lateral roots of A. v) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. Quantification analysis was achieved using ESI/MS/MS in positive ion isotalatizidine; aconine; 8- carmichaelii mode & MRM mode, validated & quantitatively analyzed. methoxymesaconine; hypaconine; fuziline; 3- deoxyaconine; neoline; 8- methoxyhypaconine; talatizamine; & chasmanine UPLCeQ-TOFeMS & HPLC Nonester type: songorine; Shen-Fu injection prepared Chromatographic separation for 11 alkaloids was performed on an Agilent Zorbax SB-C18 column [46] eESI/MS fuziline; neoline; from red ginseng & P-AR (4.6 mm 250 mm, 5 mm) at 30C. The gradient mobile phase consisted of 10mM ammonium formate talatisamine; guanfubase H ewater & 0.1% formic acid acetonitrile at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. Quantification analysis was achieved MDAs: BAC, BMA, & BHA on ESI/MS in positive ion mode & selected ion monitoring mode, validated, & quantitatively analyzed. DDAs: AC, MA, & HA e

AC ¼ aconitine; BAC ¼ benzoylaconine; BHA ¼ benzoylhypaconine; BMA ¼ benzoylmesaconine; DDA ¼ diester-diterpenoid alkaloid; ESI ¼ electrospray ionization; HA ¼ hypaconitine; HPLC ¼ high- performance liquid chromatography; LOD ¼ limit of detection; LOQ ¼ limit of quantification; MA ¼ mesaconitine; MDA ¼ monoester-diterpenoid alkaloid; MRM ¼ multiple reaction monitoring; MS ¼ mass spectrometry; MS/MS ¼ tandem mass spectrometry; P-AR ¼ processed aconite root; Q-TOF ¼ quadrupole time of flight; RRLC ¼ rapid resolution liquid chromatography; SIR ¼ selected ion

recording; TOF ¼ time of flight; UHPLC ¼ ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography; unP-AR ¼ unprocessed aconite root; UPLC ¼ ultra-performance liquid chromatography; YA ¼ yunaconitine. JFDA263_proof e 17 ■ 6Otbr2015 October 16 ■ 7/17 7 100 120 123 122 129 128 126 125 104 106 124 105 109 108 130 127 103 102 107 121 101 112 110 116 115 114 113 119 118 117 111 66 68 69 75 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 99 98 96 95 94 93 92 67 70 77 73 72 97 71 91 76 74 JFDA263_proof ■ 16 October 2015 ■ 8/17

8 journal of food and drug analysis xxx (2015) 1e17

1 alkaloids was 15 ng. Marked differences in alkaloidal contents substituents at the nitrogen atom of DDAs led to different 66 2 of the P-AR samples showed lower levels of the three alkaloids rates of decomposition. Moreover, the effect of pH was eval- 67 3 68 compared to those of the unP-AR samples. However, a varia- uated, which showed that the three alkaloids AC, MA, and HA 4 69 tion among the P-AR samples was also observed, which might were stable in the pH range of 2.0e7.0. If the pH values of the 5 70 be attributed to the uses of different aconite species, buffer solutions were in the range of 7e10, the relative con- 6 71 7 geographical sources, or processing methods. It is noteworthy centrations of AC and MA were significantly decreased. If the 72 8 to mention that despite the fact that AC concentration was pH was above 10, the three alkaloids decomposed. The effect 73 9 lower than the limit established by the Chinese pharmaco- of storage on AC concentration was studied, which showed 74 10 peia, concentrations of other alkaloids were higher than that that storing aconite at pH 8 and 25 C for 6 months resulted in 75 11 of AC in some samples, suggesting that the detection of 50% reduction of AC concentration. 76 12 multiple alkaloidal markers is needed to clarify the toxicity An HPLC method was developed for estimating the 77 13 level of aconite preparations. quantity of BMA as the main constituent of aconite alkaloids 78 14 The variation in alkaloidal contents among four different in Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata (Fuzi, aconite roots; 79 15 80 species of Aconitum (Aconitum carmichaelii, Aconitum pendulum, Tables 1 and 2) [30]. BMA was reported to possess potent 16 81 Aconitum hemsleyanum, and Aconitum transsectum) was studied pharmacological activities, such as analgesic and anti- 17 82 18 using HPLC [53]. Different solvents were tested as the mobile inflammatory activities. Several extracting solvents were 83 19 phase to separate BMA, MA, AC, HA, and DA from the samples evaluated for their efficiency in extracting BMA, revealing 84 20 of the four Aconitum sp. Meth- that the optimum solvent was 50% ethanol. In the optimi- 85 21 anolewaterechloroformetriethylamine/0.1% trifluoroacetic zation process for the development of the HPLC analytic 86 22 acidetetrahydrofuran and methanolewatereacetonitrile/ methods, it was found that the use of acetonitrile and 87 23 acetonitrile and ammonium hydrogen carbonate buffer were phosphoric acid (0.1%) with triethylamine as the mobile 88 24 evaluated, and the use of the latter solvent system resulted in phase improved peak symmetry. Lowering the pH below 2.6 89 25 the best separation. Separation was optimized at 35C using a or raising the pH above 4.9 resulted in a longer elution time, 90 26 91 gradient elution. The LOD for the developed method was so the elution was carried out at pH 3.0. The LOD for BMA was 27 92 30 ng/mL, with a recovery percentage of > 94.65% for all five found to be 8 ng with an injection volume of 20 mL. The study 28 93 alkaloids. The results revealed a significant variation in the also concluded that significant variations in BMA concen- 29 94 30 alkaloidal contents of the four species, highlighting the trations were observed among different batches of the P-ARs 95 31 importance of using the correct species with known alkaloidal and among different proprietary products, indicating the 96 32 contents in the herbal preparations intended for consumer importance of strict quality control for any herbal product 97 33 use. containing aconite. 98 34 Tang et al [54] developed a protocol for the determination The use of oxidative-damaged endothelial (ECV304) cells 99 35 of AC, HA, and MA in a variety of matrixes, including raw along with LCeMS was applied for the detection of bioactive 100 36 materials, single-ingredient powder extracts, multi- alkaloids of Aconitum szechenyianum [55]. The developed sys- 101 37 ingredient powder extracts, pills, and capsules, using HPLC tem depends on the interaction of the alkaloidal extract with 102 38 103 coupled with UV detection, and the results were confirmed endothelial cells. The extract was subjected to oxidative stress 39 104 using tandem mass spectrometry. The authors used liquid- using H O , followed by the aggregation of cell membrane 40 2 2 105 e 41 liquid extraction followed by solid-phase extraction to proteins through changing the pH to 4.0, to release the special 106 42 remove interferences prior to LC separation. The extraction binding components from cell receptors. Separation and 107 43 solvent had a significant effect on the alkaloidal yields, with analysis of the alkaloidal content were achieved using HPLC, 108 44 diethyl ether solubilizing more neutral alkaloids compared to and characterization of these components was performed by 109 45 the dichloromethane. The use of a mixture of diethyl ether LCeMS. In the obtained fingerprint of A. szechenyianum, five 110 46 and dichloromethane resulted in a cleaner background but a peaks were detected, and by studying the fragmentation 111 47 lower yield. It was also found that the longer the extraction pattern of these compounds, two compounds were identi- 112 48 time under alkaline conditions, the more the alkaloids fieddMA and AC. 113 49 114 become susceptible to hydrolysis. The effect of the mobile A matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spec- 50 115 phase additives on the efficiency of separation of alkaloids trometry (MALDI-MS) method was developed for the qualita- 51 116 was studied, which showed that the optimum separation was tive profiling of the P-ARs of the Chinese herbal medicine A. 52 117 53 Q8 achieved using 20mM TEA and 5% methanol. The results of carmichaelii, Fuzi [32]. The use of the developed protocol 118 e 54 LC UV and LC/MS/MS were in close agreement. eliminated the need for sample preparation, and the method 119 n 55 The stability of DDAs was studied using HPLC/ESI/MS [29]. was applied directly to powdered roots. Results of the MALDI- 120 56 The information on stability is crucial for the estimation of the MS experiments were compared with those of LCeMS, and 121 57 herbal products' biological activity as well as their toxicity. both results were in agreement with each other. The authors 122 58 The stability of DDAs in different solvents was investigated, used LCeMS for characterization of Fuzi components result- 123 59 the results showing that these alkaloids are stable in ing in the detection of 60 peaks, which were divided into three 124 60 dichloromethane but not in methanol. It was found that when groups. One group with retention times below 8 minutes and 125 61 126 ether was used as the extracting solvent, AC concentration molecular weight (MW) of 400e500, the second group with 62 127 declined to 51.8%, but concentrations of the other alkaloids retention times between 8 minutes and 12 minutes and MW of 63 128 e 64 MA and HA did not change more than 10%. This finding sug- 500 800, and the third group with retention times of more 129 65 gested that the extraction process should be carried out as than 12 minutes and MW above 800 were detected. The effect 130 soon as possible, to avoid decomposition of AC. Different of storing the samples at different temperatures was

Please cite this article in press as: El-Shazly M, et al., Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chemical analysis of Aconitum, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 JFDA263_proof ■ 16 October 2015 ■ 9/17

journal of food and drug analysis xxx (2015) 1e17 9

1 evaluated by measuring the degradation rate in a standard An HPLC-DAD method assisted by similarity hierarchical 66 2 solution of aconite upon storing at 20C, 4C, and room clustering analysis was applied for the identification of four 67 3 68 temperature. At 20 C, the standard solution showed the species of Aconitum roots [58]. The root fingerprints were 4 69 lowest degree of degradation, suggesting the importance of established and compared. The method was validated, 5 70 storing the aconite samples at a low temperature. This study showing its potential in differentiating the roots of Aconitum 6 71 7 concluded that the tested batches of Fuzi showed significant kusnezoffii (AKR) from other species. The effect of the extrac- 72 8 variation in the concentrations of DDAs, as demonstrated by tion methods on the yields of MA, AC, and HA was evaluated. 73 9 MALDI-MS and LCeMS. The samples were extracted using an ultrasonic bath with 74 10 Q9 An HPLC coupled with a diode array detector (HPLC-DAD different volumes of diethyl ether at different extraction 75 11 protocol was developed for the identification and quantifica- times. It was found that the optimum results were obtained 76 12 tion of the three major aconite alkaloids, including AC, MA, using 10 mL of ether for 30 minutes. These results were 77 13 and HA, in the roots of A. carmichaelii [56]. Contents of LPAs in compared with the results of the normal extraction pro- 78 14 n 79 Q10 the roots of A. carmichaelii were evaluated using LC-APCI-MS , cedures using a percolator. Soaking the roots for 24 hours 15 80 indicating the presence of 26 LPAs. These compounds are yielded results similar to the ultrasonic extraction for 30 mi- 16 81 interesting from different perspectives, because they possess nutes, and thus the ultrasonic extraction was selected as the 17 82 18 several pharmacological activities and many AC-type alka- optimum extraction method. An isocratic mobile phase 83 e 19 loids are converted to LPAs in the intestine. The authors composed of acetonitrile 0.25% glacial acetic acid (60:40, v/v), 84 20 showed that LPAs can be detected in the P-AR and unP-AR with pH ¼ 10.5 adjusted using ammonia, was selected for 85 21 samples. By contrast, the three major AC-type alkaloids, AC, elution. Ten samples of AKR grown at different cultivation or 86 22 MA, and HA, could not be detected in the P-AR samples. The wildness regions, in various cultivating environments, or in 87 23 major alkaloid in the unP-AR sample was MA. In this study, different harvesting years were analyzed and their finger- 88 24 the anti-inflammatory activity of the P-AR and unP-AR sam- prints were compared. Ten peaks were selected as common 89 25 ples was evaluated using a COX-inhibitory assay. Both sam- peaks in all samples. Careful analysis of these peaks revealed 90 26 91 ples showed moderate COX-2 inhibitory activity, with the P- that the relative peak areas varied dramatically, but the rela- 27 92 AR samples showing a slightly more potent effect. tive retention times were consistent for all the 10 samples. 28 93 A detailed study on the fragmentation pattern of aconite When the chromatographic profile of Aconitum karacolicum 29 94 30 alkaloids was conducted by Yue et al [57]. They identified 111 was compared with the AKR profile, five common peaks were 95 31 compounds out of 117 from A. carmichaelii using HPLC/ detected. When the chromatographic profiles of morphologi- 96 n 32 ESIeMS/MS and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance/ cally similar species, Aconitum austroyunnanense and Aconitum 97 33 Q11 ESIeMS in the positive ion mode. Among the identified alka- contortum, were compared with the chromatographic profile of 98 34 loids, 11 MDAs, 10 DDAs, and 81 LPAs, as well as novel alka- AKR, significant differences were observed, as illustrated by 99 35 loids, including one MDA, two DDAs, and 48 LPAs, were the absence of certain characteristic peaks in the profile of A. 100 36 detected in A. carmichaelii. Moreover, one DDA, seven LPAs, austroyunnanense and A. contortum. These findings were 101 37 and two alkaloids with small MWs that possess C19- confirmed using hierarchical clustering analysis, which 102 38 103 norditerpenoid skeleton were reported in A. carmichaelii for showed that the samples could be divided into three clusters. 39 104 the first time. One cluster included all AKR samples, another cluster con- 40 105 41 HPLC was also applied for the analysis of an Ayurvedic tained all A. karacolicum samples, and the last cluster con- 106 42 herbal product, Mahamrutyunjaya Rasa, which is composed tained A. austroyunnanense and A. contortum samples, 107 43 of Aconitum ferox, Solanum indicum, Piper nigrum, and Piper suggesting the reliability of this method in differentiating AKR 108 44 longum in a ratio of 1:1:1:1 [33]. The marker compounds for samples from other closely related aconite species. 109 45 these components are AC, solanine, and piperine. The effect Lu et al [35] investigated the effect of different processing 110 46 of the extracting solvent on alkaloidal recovery was studied methods on the content of toxic alkaloids in A. carmichaelii 111 47 through comparing the alkaloidal yields with the use of (Fuzi; Tables 1 and 2). They processed the samples according 112 48 chloroform, ethyl acetate, or diethyl ether. The optimum to the methods reported by the Chinese herbal medicine 113 49 114 solvent for extraction was chloroform. In the optimization practitioners. The content of AC, MA, and HA in the tested 50 115 process for developing the HPLC method, pH showed a sig- samples (84 samples in total) was evaluated by HPLCeDAD 51 116 nificant effect on the separation of the three marker com- and LCeMS. The efficiency of different solvents [methanol, 52 117 e 53 pounds as well as their separation from other interfering methanol water (1:1, v/v), and water] in extracting the 118 e 54 chemicals. The optimum separation was achieved at pH target alkaloids was evaluated, and methanol water (1:1, v/v) 119 55 7.5e8.0. The composition of the mobile phase was studied by was found to be the optimum solvent. Effects of the extraction 120 56 evaluating the separation of marker compounds using time, volume, and repetitions of the alkaloidal yields were 121

57 acetonitrile, KH2PO4 buffer, and methanol at different con- evaluated. To extract 0.5 g of the powder, ultrasonication for 122 58 centrations, including 65:15:15, 60:25:15, and 55:35:15 (v/v), 60 minutes using 5 mL of methanolewater (1:1, v/v) was 123 59 showing the best separation at 60:25:15. The LOD and LOQ for required to achieve 98% recovery of the three alkaloids. The 124 60 125 Q12 AC were 0.210 mg/mL and 0.693 mg/mL, respectively. The re- optimum mobile phase was composed of acetonitrile and 61 126 sults indicated that the concentration of AC varied across the ammonium bicarbonateeammonium hydroxide, with pH 62 127 Q13 tested samples and the %RSD values were > 10%. These adjusted at 10. Different wavelengths, 220 nm, 232 nm, and 63 128 64 findings highlighted the importance of strict regulation dur- 240 nm, were evaluated for the detection of the three peaks, 129 65 ing the preparation of Ayurvedic herbal products containing and 240 nm was found to be the optimum wavelength. The 130 aconite. detection limits for AC, MA, and HA were found to be 0.9 mg/

Please cite this article in press as: El-Shazly M, et al., Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chemical analysis of Aconitum, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 JFDA263_proof ■ 16 October 2015 ■ 10/17

10 journal of food and drug analysis xxx (2015) 1e17

1 kg, 0.6 mg/kg, and 1.3 mg/kg, respectively. The quantitation enrichment column, which were sent to the LCeMS system 66 2 limit was estimated to be 3.5 mg/kg for AC, 2.2 mg/kg for MA, (the 2nd dimension) for separation and preliminary identifi- 67 3 68 and 4.8 mg/kg for HA. The results were in agreement with cation. The results indicated that the active compounds of A. 4 69 previous reports, suggesting that processing of aconite roots carmichaelii were MA, AC, and HA. 5 70 significantly reduces their toxicity as the sum of the toxic al- The efficiency of alkaloidal titration, the method utilized 6 71 e 7 kaloids was 3.91 34.80% of the original value in raw Fuzi. for the quality control of herbal products containing aconite 72 e n 8 An HPLC/ESI MS method was developed for the quanti- recommended by the Chinese Pharmacopeia, was compared 73 9 fication of LPAs in Radix Aconiti, Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii, to an HPLC method developed for the identification of MA, 74 10 and Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata [59]. Different solvents AC, and HA in commercial samples of P-ARs [27]. The results 75 11 were evaluated, and methanol was found to be the optimum showed that no toxic alkaloids were detected in any of the 76 12 mobile phase for the highest resolution of the LPA peaks. The commercial samples, indicating that the processing method 77 13 developed method was applied for the analysis of the three was efficient in removing the toxic alkaloids from the sam- 78 14 herbs, resulting in the identification of 32 alkaloids based on ples. The validity of the method was demonstrated through 79 15 80 their fragmentation pathway. The average recovery percent- subjecting the samples to in vivo tests showing no signs of 16 81 ages of the alkaloids were 91.1e105.9%. toxicity. When the results of the HPLC method were 17 82 18 The concentrations of AC, MA, and HA in A. carmichaelii, A. compared to the alkaloidal titration method, a significant 83 19 pendulum, AKR, Aconitum taipeicum, and A. szechenyianum were discrepancy in the results was observed. The alkaloidal 84 20 determined using an efficient HPLC method (Tables 1 and 2) titration method indicated that the samples still contained 85 21 [40]. The extraction process was optimized by L16 (45) 0.2% alkaloids. The main drawback of the alkaloidal titration 86 22 orthogonal test and univariant methods. These methods method is the lack of specificity to the toxic alkaloids, 87 23 indicated that the optimum extraction procedures of the al- because it estimates not only the toxic DDAs, but also the 88 24 kaloids can be achieved by refluxing the sample three times in MDAs, unesterified, and LPAs. These results suggested the 89 25 six volumes of acidic alcoholic solution for 1 hour. The importance of using different methodologies for estimating 90 26 91 average recovery rates for MA, AC, and HA ranged from 99.49% the toxicity of herbal products containing Aconitum-type 27 92 to 101.9%, from 101.2% to 103.1%, and from 96.62% to 98.43%, alkaloids. 28 93 respectively. The mobile phase was optimized after testing An HPLC method was developed for the analysis of AC, MA, 29 94 e 30 the effect of using acetonitrile 0.2% acetic acid (adjusted to and HA in the Chinese herbs Caowu (CW) and Chuanwu 95 e 31 pH 6.25 with triethylamine), acetonitrile phosphate buffer (CHW) (Tables 1 and 2) [38]. Separation of these alkaloids was 96 32 (pH ¼ 8.67), acetonitrileeammonium bicarbonate buffer highly affected by the concentration of triethylamine phos- 97 33 (pH ¼ 8.50e9.00), or methanoleammonium bicarbonate buffer phate in buffer solution, and the best separation was achieved 98 34 (pH ¼ 8.00e10.00) on peak resolution. The best separation was using 25mM triethylamine phosphate. The average recovery 99 35 obtained using acetonitrileeammonium bicarbonate buffer at rates of AC, MA, and HA were found to be 91%, 89%, and 87%, 100 36 pH 9.5. respectively. Concentrations of the three alkaloids were less 101 37 Aconitum-type alkaloids were analyzed in one famous in the processed CHW compared to those in other processed 102 38 103 Chinese herbal formula, Yin Chen Si Ni Tang, which is used for samples. The effects of boiling raw herbs in water for different 39 104 the treatment of liver disorders and jaundice [48]. This for- periods of times were also studied, which showed that AC and 40 105 41 mula contains Artemisiae scopariae (Yinchenhao), Radix Aco- MA disappeared after boiling in water for 150 minutes. How- 106 42 niti Lateralis Preparata (prepared Fuzi), Rhizoma Zingiberis ever, HA was found to survive the heating process, suggesting 107 43 (Ganjiang), and Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae Preparata Cum its importance as a marker for herbal products containing 108 44 Melle (prepared Gancao). Several components in this formula, aconite. The validity of the HPLC method was confirmed by 109 45 including flavonoids and coumarins, hindered the analysis of comparing its results with the results of an automated 110 46 Aconitum-type alkaloids. The developed UPLCeESIeQ- analytical system (HPLC) and ESI/MS/MS. The results were 111 47 TOFeMS method along with the postacquisition data pro- comparable, suggesting the future potential application of the 112 48 cessing software, Metabolynx XS, succeeded in the identifi- developed method in investigating the quality of herbal 113 49 114 cation of Aconitum-type alkaloids in Yin Chen Si Ni Tang. products containing aconite. 50 115 Using the developed method, 62 ions were assigned to Aconi- An HPLCeQ-TOFeMS method was developed for the 51 116 tum-type alkaloids and identified tentatively by comparing the analysis of alkaloids in the unprocessed Radix Aconiti and 52 117 53 information on their accurate mass and fragments with that Radix Aconiti Preparata [61]. Effects of the extraction method 118 54 of the authentic standards or by MS analysis and retrieving (soaking or ultrasonic bath), extracting solvent (50% ethyl 119 55 the reference literatures. acetateeisopropanol, 80% ethyl acetateeisopropanol, ethanol, 120 56 Functionalized analysis was applied for the detection of methanol, and acetone), solvent volume (50 mL, 100 mL, and 121 57 Aconitum-type alkaloids from A. carmichaelii using vascular 200 mL), extraction period (30 minutes, 60 minutes, or 120 122 58 endothelial growth factor receptor cell membrane chroma- minutes), and the number of times extraction was carried out 123 59 tography with LCeMS [60]. This method depends on the (once, twice, or thrice) were evaluated. The optimum result Q14 124 60 detection of the inhibitory effect of the target compounds on was obtained using the following conditions: 5.0 g of the 125 61 126 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor and thus pre- ground powder was soaked for 10 minutes in ammonia water 62 127 dicting their potential as future cytotoxic compounds. Using (5.0 mL) at pH 10, and then the mixture was extracted with a 63 128 e 64 this protocol, factions separated by the vascular endothelial 100 mL mixture of ethyl acetate isopropanol (1:1) by ultra- 129 65 growth factor receptor cell membrane chromatography col- sonication (30 minutes). The optimal mobile phase was 130 umn (the 1st dimension) were transferred and adsorbed on an acetonitrile and 0.1% v/v glacial acetic acid. The developed

Please cite this article in press as: El-Shazly M, et al., Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chemical analysis of Aconitum, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 JFDA263_proof ■ 16 October 2015 ■ 11/17

journal of food and drug analysis xxx (2015) 1e17 11

1 method was applied for the analysis of the P-AR and unP-AR was applied for the analysis of different samples. The results 66 2 samples, and the obtained peaks were identified as AC alka- indicated that in the Xiaohuoluo pill, concentrations of the 67 3 68 loids. The detected peaks were divided into three groups: (1) DDAs (MA, AC, and HA) were obviously less than those of the 4 69 alkaloids with MW 400e500, which were named as nonester MDAs (BMA, BAC, and BHA), indicating the potent effect of 5 70 alkaloids; (2) alkaloids with MW 500e800, which were herbal processing in changing the alkaloidal concentrations. 6 71 > 7 assigned as DDAs and MDAs; and (3) alkaloids with MW 800, The quantitative determination of alkaloids in the Xiaohuoluo 72 8 which were identified as LPAs. pill indicated that MA, AC, and HA concentrations were below 73 9 A rapid method was developed for the analysis of YA in the the required level, as suggested by the Chinese Pharmacopeia. 74 10 P-AR and unP-AR samples as well as in TCM preparations These results suggested that the studied Xiaohuoluo pill is 75 11 containing aconite herbs (Tables 1 and 2) [36]. YA is often safe for use, if the indicated dosage and regimen are followed. 76 n 12 ignored in the quality control measures of herbal preparations A UPLCeQ-TOF-HDMS method was developed for the Q17 77 13 containing aconite despite its reported toxicity. To detect this analysis of the crude lateral roots of A. carmichaelii and three P- 78 14 79 alkaloid, a UHPLCeMS/MS method was developed, which was AR products, Yanfuzi, Heishunpian (HSP), and Baifupian (BFP), Q18 15 80 able to detect YA as well as AC, MA, HA, BAC, BMA, and BHA. which are used by TCM practitioners [62]. The method utilized 16 81 Microwave-assisted extraction was utilized to extract the PCA for establishing the differences between the metabolic 17 82 18 target alkaloids. The solvent for microwave-assisted extrac- profiles of P-AR and unP-AR samples. The authors were able to 83 19 tion was 50% methanol (containing 2.5% formic acid) and the select 19 metabolites as biomarkers, and they detected the 84 20 irradiation power was 420 W for 1 minute. Thirty-one samples changes in their concentrations as a result of processing. The 85 21 were analyzed, and the contents of the seven alkaloids were results indicated that processing was effective in decreasing 86 22 determined. Alarmingly, the content of YA varied significantly the concentrations of DDAs. Concentrations of AC, MA, HA, 87 23 in some of the evaluated samples, from 0.015 mg/g to DA, 10-OH-mesaconitine, in Heishunpian and BFP, were 88 24 10.41 mg/g. A concentration of 10.41 mg/g is toxic and should significantly decreased, while those of these alkaloids 89 25 be controlled, suggesting the importance of detecting the increased in Yanfuzi. This finding suggested that despite the 90 26 91 concentration of YA in aconite-containing herbal products. widely accepted assumption that processing is highly effec- 27 92 A UHPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap-MSn method was developed for the tive in decreasing the toxicity of herbal products containing 28 93 analysis of DDAs in A. carmichaelii [42]. Using the developed aconite, P-AR products should be carefully analyzed. 29 94 e e n 30 method, the authors were able to detect or characterize 42 An HPLC ESI MS method was developed for the identi- 95 31 DDAs. The fragmentation patterns of the major diagnostic fication of alkaloids in the crude and processed A. carmichaelii 96 32 alkaloids, including AC, MA, and HA, were investigated. Using [34]. The alkaloids were extracted from the herb using 1% (v/v) 97 33 the developed method, 23 new compounds were suggested, hydrochloric acid, which extracted most of the alkaloids. It 98 34 including 16 esterified DDAs with short fatty acid esters along was found that the addition of ammonia to the mobile phase 99 35 Q15 with four N-dealkyl-type DDAs. The authors showed the ad- depressed tailing of the peaks. BAC and BMA could not be 100 36 vantages of using UHPLC with its small-particle-size station- separated if the ammonia concentration was less than 1%. 101 37 ary phase (1.7 mm) in comparison with the conventional HPLC Application of the developed method to the analysis of A. 102 38 103 (5.0 mm), resulting in improved resolution and shorter anal- carmichaelii led to the identification of 48 AC-type alkaloids by 39 104 ysis time. studying their MSn spectral data. The crude and processed 40 105 41 The safety of Xiaohuoluo pill, a TCM, which is used in chromatograms were compared, which indicated that the 106 42 mainland China to treat wind cold damp impediment, limb contents of MDAs increased after processing, while the con- 107 43 pains, and numbness, has been the subject of recent in- centrations of DDAs decreased. 108 44 vestigations (Tables 1 and 2) [37]. This TCM is composed of An LCeMS method was developed for the analysis of al- 109 45 Radix Aconiti Preparata and Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii Pre- kaloids in the processed Fuzi decoctions, Baifupian and 110 46 parata as the main herbs, accounting for 42% of the entire Heishunpian (Tables 1 and 2) [49]. During the process of 111 47 prescription. It is sold in herbal drug markets and produced by method development, the effects of the mobile phase on the 112 48 several suppliers without extensive quality control measures. separation of the marker alkaloids were investigated, which 113 49 114 An efficient UPLCeESIeMS method was developed for the showed that the best peak shape and resolution can be ach- 50 115 rapid analysis of the Xiaohuoluo pill, and the results of ieved using a mixture of acetonitrile and an aqueous 0.1% 51 116 analyzing different samples were evaluated using chemo- formic acid solution. Seven alkaloids were detected, including 52 117 53 metric analysis of PCA and orthogonal projection to latent higenamine, BHA, BMA, BAC, AC, HA, and MA. The LOQs were 118 54 structural discriminant analysis. In the process of developing 7.80 pg/mL for higenamine, 25.00 pg/mL for BHA and BAC, 119 55 the analytical methods, it was found that the positive ion 10.00 pg/mL for AC and MA, and 50.00 pg/mL for BMA and HA. 120 56 response was much higher than the response in the negative The LODs ranged from 2.30 pg/mL to 17.00 pg/mL for the tar- 121 57 ion mode for MA, AC, HA, BMA, BHA, and BAC, which might be geting alkaloids. Application of the method for differentiating 122 58 attributed to the ionization of the nitrogen atom in the alka- between Baifupian and Heishunpian decoctions revealed sig- 123 59 Q16 loids. The optimum mobile phase was found to be acetoni- nificant variation in the alkaloidal contents among these de- 124 60 trileewater containing 0.1% formic acid (35:65, v/v) for the best coctions. As demonstrated in many other studies, 125 61 126 resolution and peak shapes. Using the developed method, the concentrations of certain toxic DDAs decreased significantly 62 127 lower LOQs for MA, AC, HA, BMA, BAC, and BHA were found to with processing; however, this trend was not universal for all 63 128 64 be 1.41 ng/mL, 1.20 ng/mL, 1.92 ng/mL, 4.28 ng/mL, 1.99 ng/mL, DDAs. Contents of AC and MA were much lower than those of 129 65 and 2.02 ng/mL, respectively. Recovery percentages of these BAC and BMA in Heishunpian and Baifupian decoctions. By 130 alkaloids ranged from 99.7% to 101.7%. The developed method contrast, the concentration of HA in Heishunpian and

Please cite this article in press as: El-Shazly M, et al., Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chemical analysis of Aconitum, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 JFDA263_proof ■ 16 October 2015 ■ 12/17

12 journal of food and drug analysis xxx (2015) 1e17

1 Baifupian decoctions was higher than that in BHA. The anal- A UPLCeQ-TOF-HDMS method was developed for the 66 2 ysis also indicated that the concentrations of BHA, HA, and analysis of alkaloidal contents in the roots of AKR (CW), the 67 3 68 BAC in Heishunpian decoction were higher than those in mother root of A. carmichaelii (CHW), and the daughter or 4 69 Baifupian decoction. However, contents of MA and BMA in lateral roots of A. carmichaelii [“Shengfuzi” in Chinese] [51]. The 5 70 Heishunpian decoction were lower compared with those of results indicated that the optimum mobile phase was 0.1% 6 71 7 Baifupian decoction. These findings supported the notion that formic acid in water and 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile. After 72 8 the variation in the processing protocols can lead to a signif- analyzing the samples using the developed method, certain 73 9 icant variation in alkaloidal concentrations. statistical tools were applied, including PCA, PLS-DA, and 74 10 A detailed investigation on the effect of different process- orthogonal projection to latent structure analysis. These tools 75 11 ing techniques on the alkaloidal content of Radix Aconiti was helped in the classification of the metabolic phenotypes and 76 12 achieved using UPLCeESI/MSn [50]. After establishing the identification of the differentiating metabolites. The PCA re- 77 13 fingerprints of the P-AR and unP-AR samples, similarity sults are shown as score plots indicating the scatter of the 78 14 evaluation, hierarchical cluster analysis, and PCA were per- samples. If the score plots are clustered together, this in- 79 15 80 formed to evaluate the similarity and variation of the samples. dicates similar metabolomic compositions, whereas they are 16 81 The authors P-AR samples according to the Chinese Pharma- considered compositionally different if the score plots are 17 82 18 Q19 copeia, and they labeled the P-AR samples as the qualified dispersed. PLS-DA predicts a list of metabolites through 83 19 Radix Aconiti and the unP-AR samples as the unqualified measuring the distance from different groups. The S-plot is 84 20 Radix Aconiti. The total ion chromatograms of the P-AR and utilized to identify metabolites according to the orders of their 85 21 unP-AR samples showed significant variations, especially in contributions to the separation of clustering. Using these 86 22 the region of the DDAs. It was revealed that the content of statistical tools, 22 metabolites between Shengfuzi and CHW 87 23 MDAs was higher in the P-AR samples than that in the unP-AR and 13 metabolites between CHW and CW were identified as 88 24 samples. The results also indicated that BMA was the abun- biomarkers. Interestingly, concentrations of MA and AC were 89 25 dant compound in the P-AR samples. Due to the concentration higher in CW. This phenomenon was attributed to the fact 90 26 91 variations between DDAs and MDAs along with sensitivity that CW is grown in cold weather, which may induce the 27 92 limitation of the spectroscopic techniques, the authors sug- production of toxic alkaloids. Moreover, it was found that 28 93 gested that quantitative determination of MDAs can be ach- songorine, carmichaeline, and isotalatizidine were absent in 29 94 e 30 ieved using UPLC UV, and DDAs can be detected using CW, despite their presence in Shengfuzi and CHW. 95 e 31 UPLC ESI/MS. Contents of LPAs decreased significantly after The effect of adding Cinnamomum cassia to the alkaloidal 96 32 the first hours of processing and then remained constant. The content of Sini Tang, which is formed of Zingiber officinale, 97 33 decline in the concentration was attributed to the hydrolysis Glycyrrhiza uralensis, and A. carmichaelii, was studied using 98 34 of LPAs under the processing conditions and the afterward HPLC-DAD [64]. Certain complexes were formed, which were 99 1 35 stability to the reaction of MDAs, DDAs, and fatty acids analyzed using proton nuclear magnetic resonance ( H-NMR) Q21 100 36 forming LPAs. PCA was used for the analysis of the main and UV/Vis spectroscopy. To clearly study the effect of 101 37 alkaloidal markers affecting the quality of samples. Finger- complexation on toxic alkaloids of A. carmichaelii, eight 102 38 103 prints of the nine analyzed samples were obtained and the batches of the P-AR and one batch of the unP-AR A. carmichaelii 39 104 characteristic peaks, 39 common peaks from total ion chro- roots, as well as one batch of G. uralensis roots, Z. officinale 40 105 e n 41 matograms of UPLC ESI/MS and 34 common peaks from rhizome, and C. cassia bark were tested. A. carmichaelii roots 106 e 42 UPLC UV chromatograms, were identified. were processed by repeatedly soaking them in salt water and 107 43 A microcalorimetric assay along with a UPLC method were boiling until the sliced roots turned black before drying in an 108 44 applied for the analysis of five different species of aconite, oven. The processed samples of A. carmichaelii were analyzed 109 45 including Radix Aconiti, Radix Aconiti Singularis, Radix Aco- using HPLC. Based on the obtained chromatograms, AC and 110 46 niti Kusnezoffii, Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata, and Radix MA contents were below the LOD in all batches. Only HA was 111 47 Aconiti Brachypodi [63]. Using the developed UPLC method, detected and thus was selected as the marker compound. Ef- 112 48 fingerprints of the five Aconitum were established. Bio- fect of the extracting solvent was studied, which showed that 113 49 114 logical effect of the alkaloids in the tested Aconitum sp. on HA could be detected only if MeOH was used as the extracting 50 115 Escherichia coli metabolism was studied using a microcalori- solvent; however, other organic solvents were unable to 51 116 metric assay. The metabolic process of E. coli was studied, and extract HA. HPLC analysis of the unprocessed batch of A. 52 117 53 it was found that the process can be divided into different carmichaelii extracted with MeOH indicated the presence of HA 118 e e þ m m 54 phases: the first exponential phase (A B), the lag phase (B C), (269.34 0.58 g/g). The use of 1% HCl yielded 251.12 g/g HA, 119 e m 55 the second exponential phase (C D), and the decline phase MeOH:H2O (1:1) furnished 199.48 g/g HA, and 71.32 mg/g HA 120 e 56 (D E). The effect of using different concentrations of Aconitum was obtained using H2O. However, analysis of the prepared A. 121 57 sp. was studied, which showed significant changes in the carmichaelii decoction did not show any traces of HA. The ef- 122 58 metabolic curve with various consternations of plant samples. fect of combining other herbs with A. carmichaelii, such as G. 123 59 A comparison of the fingerprints of the aconite samples led to uralensis, Z. officinale, and C. cassia, on HA content was studied. 124 60 the identification of 15 common peaks. Among these peaks, No HA was detected in the presence of G. uralensis, but it was 125 61 126 Q20 those corresponding to AC, HA, and MA were identified. The detected when Z. officinale or C. cassia or both were combined 62 127 correlation between these peaks and the changes in E. coli with A. carmichaelii; HA concentration was below 40% of the 63 128 64 metabolism was established, which showed that MA and HA original concentration in A. carmichaelii. The effect of 129 65 had a negative effect on metabolism, while AC was found to combining singular components of G. uralensis, Z. officinale, 130 promote bacterial metabolism. and C. cassia on HA concentration was also studied, which

Please cite this article in press as: El-Shazly M, et al., Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chemical analysis of Aconitum, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 JFDA263_proof ■ 16 October 2015 ■ 13/17

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1 showed that liquiritin and isoliquiritin were able to reduce the mobile phase on the separation of alkaloids was evaluated, 66 2 concentration of HA. Other components did not affect HA and the results showed that the best peak shape and resolu- 67 3 68 concentration. When isoliquiritin was mixed with A. carmi- tion were obtained using a mixture of acetonitrile and an 4 69 chaelii, the shape of the UV spectra changed. Formation of a aqueous 0.05% formic acid solution. The LOD ranged from 5 70 supramolecular structure was suggested, which was found to 0.01 ng/mL to 1.25 ng/mL, and the recovery percentage ranged 6 71 7 possess a defined stoichiometry, binding constant, and mo- from 91.13% to 111.97% for all components including AC, MA, 72 8 lecular structure. Binding constants of HA with liquiritin in and HA. The results indicated that AC was the least abundant 73 9 different D2O/MeOD mixtures were determined for the first component among all the analytes. 74 10 time using 1H-NMR titration experiment. A UPLCeESI/MS method was developed for the identifica- 75 11 A detailed study of the effect of decoction time on reducing tion of the constituents of complex herbal preparations used 76 12 AC alkaloids toxicity was conducted using HPLC. A. carmi- in TCM including Sanhuang Xiexin Tang (SXT) and Fuzi Xiexin 77 13 chaelii roots were processed according to the Chinese Phar- Tang (FXT). SXT is composed of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma (Pol- 78 14 macopeia [28]. First, the roots were washed with water and ygonaceae family, rhizomes of Rheum officinale), Scutellariae 79 15 80 soaked in edible mother liquor of mineral salts for several Radix (Labiatae family, roots of Scutellaria baicalensis), and 16 81 days. Second, the mixture was boiled and rinsed with water. Coptidis Rhizoma ( family, rhizomes of Coptis 17 82 18 Third, the roots were peeled, sliced, and soaked and rinsed in chinensis)(Tables 1 and 2) [43]. FXT possesses similar compo- 83 19 water. After steaming and drying, P-ARs were obtained and sition in addition to Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata 84 20 named as processed Fuzi or Bai-fu-pian (Bfp). The P-ARs were (Ranunculaceae family, roots of A. carmichaelii). SXT and FXT 85 21 decocted over different time intervals (30 minutes, 60 mi- are prepared either through maceration or through decoction. 86 22 nutes, or 120 minutes) forming three different decoctions The developed method was applied for the analysis of Aconiti 87 23 (dBfp-30, dBfp-60, and dBfp-120, respectively). Each decoction Lateralis Radix Preparata decoction, SXT, FXT, macerated SXT, 88 24 was analyzed using HPLC, and the obtained chromatograms macerated FXT, SXT decoction, and FXT decoction. The re- Q22 89 25 were compared to those of the raw root and Bfp. The raw root sults indicated a significant variation in the compositions of 90 26 91 was found to possess the highest concentrations of AC, MA, the evaluated samples. Specifically, DDAs (AC, HA, and MA) 27 92 and HA. In Bfp, concentrations of these three alkaloids were were not detected in FXT decoction and macerated FXT. 28 93 lower than those in raw Fuzi but higher than those in dBfp. However, HA was detected in Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata 29 94 30 The results showed a stepwise decrease in the concentration decoction, but without AC and MA. In general, more constit- 95 31 of each alkaloid with increasing decoction time. In dBfp-120, uents were found in the decoction products compared to the 96 32 AC was undetectable and the concentrations of the other maceration products, which suggested more potent pharma- 97 33 two alkaloids reached the lowest values. Interestingly, the cological activity of the decoction. The results also revealed 98 34 content was almost similar to the total alkaloidal content in possible drugedrug interaction due to the complexity of the 99 35 the three prepared decoctions, suggesting that the toxic al- herbal preparation and differences in their preparation 100 36 kaloids were successfully converted to nontoxic alkaloids. The procedures. 101 37 toxic effect of the prepared decoction was evaluated using A UHPLCeQ-TOF/MS method was developed to compare 102 38 103 male and female Kunming mice. The median lethal dose the efficiency of detoxification mechanisms, as described in 39 104 (LD ), maximal tolerance dose (MTD), minimal lethal dose Ayurveda and TCM, of the roots of Aconitum heterophyllum, A. 40 50 105 41 (MLD), and no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) were carmichaelii, and AKR [31]. In Ayurveda, the detoxification 106 42 determined for each decoction. The results indicated that mechanism or Shodhana is accomplished by treating the 107 43 with an increase in the decoction time, acute toxicity of the herbal products with cow urine or cow milk. In TCM, the most 108 44 detoxified Fuzi decreased in the following order: dBfp-30 (LD50 general protocol for the detoxification of herbal products 109 45 145.1 g/kg, MTD 70 g/kg, MLD 100 g/kg, NOAEL 70 g/kg) > dBfp- containing Aconitum sp. is the use of water decoction. The 110

46 60 (very large LD50, MTD 160 g/kg, MLD 190 g/kg, NOAEL 100 g/ developed method was validated, and the LODs of AC, MA, 111 47 > 112 kg) dBfp-120 (no LD50, unlimited MTD, unlimited MLD, and HA were found to be 0.383 ng/mL, 0.438 ng/mL, and 48 NOAEL 130 g/kg). Additionally, adjuvant arthritis rats were 0.088 ng/mL, respectively. The LOQs for AC, MA, and HA were 113 49 114 used to assess the pharmacological effect of detoxified Fuzi 1.15 ng/mL, 1.31 ng/mL, and 0.264 ng/mL, respectively. Sam- 50 115 roots. Adjuvant arthritis rats are special experimental models ples treated with cow milk, cow urine, or water were analyzed 51 116 that develop rheumatoid arthritis symptoms including using the developed method. The results demonstrated that 52 117 53 anorexia and body weight loss. Restoration of body weight can the three detoxification mechanisms were effective in 118 54 only be achieved using detoxified Fuzi roots. The results reducing the concentrations of DDAs in all samples. However, 119 55 indicated no significant difference in the pharmacological ef- treating samples with cow urine was found to be less effective 120 56 fects of the three different decoctions. Based on these find- than the other two protocols. 121 57 ings, the authors recommended the use of dBfP-120 compared An efficient analytical method was developed for the 122 58 to other aconite forms because it exhibited the same phar- determination of aminoalcohol-diterpenoid alkaloids in the 123 59 macological effect without any acute toxicity. lateral roots of A. carmichaelii (Fuzi) using solid-phase extrac- 124 60 An RRLCeMS/MS method was developed for analyzing the tion followed by chromatographyetandem mass spectrom- 125 61 126 components of an ancient TCM, Shen-Fu (Tables 1 and 2) [65]. etry [66]. For the solid-phase extraction experiment, a good 62 127 The herbal formula is composed of Radix ginseng and Fuzi recovery of aminoalcohol-terpenoid alkaloids was achieved 63 128 64 (Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata) at a ratio of 3:2, and it is using 8% ammonia in methanol as the elution solvent. The 129 e 65 prescribed for the treatment of diseases associated with the optimum mobile phase was found to be methanol 0.1% for- 130 signs of Yangqi decline and Yang exhaustion. The effect of the mic acid in the ratio of 80:20 (v/v). This mobile phase yielded a

Please cite this article in press as: El-Shazly M, et al., Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chemical analysis of Aconitum, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 JFDA263_proof ■ 16 October 2015 ■ 14/17

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1 good peak shape, acceptable separation, and a small tailing unique poweretime curves. From these curves, the effect of 66 2 factor. Specificity of the developed protocol was evaluated by certain compounds can be evaluated, suggesting the poten- 67 3 68 analyzing the blank solvent, mixed standard solution, refer- tial action of these compounds. Using UPLC, the fingerprints 4 69 ence solutions of the determined alkaloids, internal standard, of Fuzi and its three P-AR products were developed and 5 70 and sample solution. No interference was detected among the compared. The effect of these samples on the metabolism of 6 71 7 solvent, alkaloids, or any other tested samples, suggesting the rat mitochondria was investigated using the developed 72 8 specificity of the method. The developed method was suc- microcalorimetric method. Finally, the results of the UPLC 73 9 cessfully applied for the determination of 13 aminoalcohol- and calorimetric method were correlated using a canonical 74 10 diterpenoid alkaloids in Fuzi samples obtained from correlation analysis model. A study of the metabolism of 75 11 different sources and subjected to different processing mitochondrial rats suggested that the metabolic cycle can be 76 12 conditions. divided into four stages: Stage I, Stage II, Stage III, and Stage 77 13 A UFLC/MS-IT-TOF method was developed for the analysis IV. Certain thermokinetic parameters were also calculated, 78 14 e 79 of alkaloidal constituents of Fuzi and Fuzi Gancaoherb pair including k, Q, Pmax, tmax, tlag, and Pav. Among these param- 15 80 (FG), which consists of A. carmichaelii (Fuzi) and Roast Radix eters, the most important one was “k”, the exponential 16 81 Glycyrrhizae (Glycyrrhiza glabra, Gancao in Chinese) [47]. growth rate of Stage II. It was found that metabolism reached 17 82 18 Diazepam was used as the internal standard in the developed its peak when a sample concentration of 4.0 mg/mL was 83 19 protocol. The optimum mobile phase for the separation of used, and any increase in the concentration led to a decrease 84 20 alkaloids was found to be ammonium acetate and acetoni- in metabolism. The use of 4.0 mg/mL of the samples did not 85 21 trile. Application of the developed protocol for the analysis of produce any significant difference in the “k” values among 86 22 Fuzi and FG resulted in the detection of 60 common peaks in Heisunpian and Paofupianor Yanfuzi, which suggested lower 87 23 both samples. Among these peaks, those corresponding to 51 efficiency compared to the unprocessed Fuzi but higher 88 24 alkaloids were identified by accurate mass measurements safety. By comparing the chromatograms of the analyzed 89 25 and fragmentation pathways. A semiquantitative analysis of samples, 26 common peaks were detected in the four sam- 90 26 91 the samples, which was achieved through comparing the ples. The effect of these alkaloids on metabolism could be Q23 27 92 obtained alkaloidal peak areas with the IS peak areas, pro- studied by the use of the canonical correlation analysis 28 93 vided a clearer picture on the differences of alkaloidal con- model. It was found that benzoylhypaconitine, MA, and HA 29 94 30 tents between FG and Fuzi. It was found that the had a positive effect on the promotion of mitochondrial 95 31 concentrations of DDAs and aminoalcohol-diterpenoid alka- metabolism. On the other hand, benzoylaconitine had a 96 32 loids were higher in FG decoction, while the concentrations negative effect on metabolism. 97 33 of MDAs were lower. An HPLCeQ-TOFeMS method was developed for the 98 34 A quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis of Shenfu injection, which is a widely used Chinese Q24 99 35 (UPLCeQ-TOFeMS) method was developed for the analysis herbal formulation for cardiac diseases (Tables 1 and 2) [46].It 100 36 of a traditional herbal medicine, Wu-tou decoction, which is is composed of red ginseng and P-ARs. The developed method 101 37 used to treat rheumatic arthritis [67]. It is composed of was highly sensitive and did not require sample pretreatment. 102 38 103 Aconiti Radix Cocta, Ephedrae Herba, Paeoniae Radix Alba, The LOQs ranged from 0.4 ng/mL to 18 ng/mL for DDAs. The 39 104 Astragali Radix, and Glycyrrhiza Radix Preparata, indicating method was applied to nine batches of Shenfu injection, and it 40 105 41 the complexity of structures and difficulties in the deter- showed high batch-to-batch reproducibility. Application of 106 42 mination of mixture components. The optimum mobile the developed method led to the identification of 44 com- 107 43 phase for the developed method was found to be acetoni- pounds and quantification of 24 major alkaloids and 108 44 trileewater with 0.1% formic acid. Application of the ginsenosides. 109 45 developed method led to the identification of 74 compo- A functionalized analytical method was developed for the 110 46 nents, including alkaloids, monoterpene glycosides, tri- analysis of Fuzilizhong pills. These pills are a modified form of 111 47 terpene saponins, flavones, and flavone glycosides. The a famous TCM Lizhong Wan described in Treatise on Febrile 112 48 components were confirmed by comparing the obtained Diseases. It consists of Panax ginseng (Ren Shen), A. carmichaelii 113 49 114 chromatogram with the chromatograms of individual herbs Debx. (Fu Zi, Zhi), G. uralensis, Glycyrrhiza inflata or G. glabra 50 115 and standard available components. Among the detected (Gan Cao), Atractylodes macrocephala (Bai Zhu), and Z. officinale 51 116 compounds, 43 alkaloids, including Ephedra alkaloids as (Gan Jiang) [45]. This medication is prescribed for dyspnea and 52 117 53 well as aconite alkaloids, were detected in the positive ion pulmonary edema. For the analysis of Fuzilizhong pills, a 118 e 54 mode. Fragmentation pattern of the identified alkaloids was UPLC MS method and a luciferase reporter assay system to 119 55 studied and compared with that of the previous literature, simultaneously screen nuclear factor kappa beta (NF-kB) in- Q25 120 56 which aided in their identification. The developed method hibitors and b2AR agonists were applied. Inhibition of NF-kBisQ26 121 57 can be added to the quality control tools that might be used related to lower inflammatory reaction. Stimulation of b2AR is 122 58 for the analysis of Wu-tou decoction. related to the activation of adenylyl cyclase, cAMP, and pro- Q27 123 59 A microcalorimetric method along with UPLC was devel- tein kinase A, and phosphorylation of numerous effector 124 60 oped for the analysis of Fuzi and three different P-AR prod- proteins, which lead to the relaxation of tracheal smooth 125 61 126 ucts including Yanfuzi, Heishunpian, and Paofupian [68].A muscles. The use of 250 mg/mL or 1000 mg/mL of Fuzilizhong 62 127 microcalorimetric method can provide valuable information pills led to the inhibition of tumor necrosis factor alpha- Q28 63 128 k b 64 on the growth and metabolic status of cells under the effect induced NF- B production and activation of 2AR signal. The 129 65 of the tested compounds. Under certain growth conditions, results indicated that MA, flaconitine, BMA, AC, and HA are 130 cellular heat production and growth progress of cells produce potent NF-kB inhibitors.

Please cite this article in press as: El-Shazly M, et al., Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chemical analysis of Aconitum, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 JFDA263_proof ■ 16 October 2015 ■ 15/17

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1 [5] Lin CC, Chan TYK, Deng JF. Clinical features and 66 2 4. Conclusion management of herb-induced aconitine poisoning. Ann 67 3 Emerg Med 2004;43:574e9. 68 4 Aconitum and its products have played an important role in [6] Moritz F, Compagnon P, Kaliszczak IG, Kaliszczak Y, 69 5 human history. It was one of the most feared plants in all Caliskan V, Girault C. Severe acute poisoning with 70 Aconitum napellus 6 ancient civilizations. Despite its extreme toxicity, it was homemade capsules: toxicokinetic and 71 7 clinical data. Clin Toxicol 2005;43:873e6. 72 sought for its healing and mysterious power. Indian and 8 [7] Smith SW, Shah RR, Herzog CA. Bidirectional ventricular 73 Chinese civilizations studied this plant extensively and 9 tachycardia resulting from herbal aconite poisoning. Ann 74 e 10 introduced detailed treatises on how to prepare nontoxic Emerg Med 2005;45:100 1. 75 11 decoctions and extracts from this plant. More than 70 [8] Chan TYK. Aconitum alkaloid poisoning related to the 76 e 12 different preparation methods were reported in ancient culinary uses of aconite roots. Toxins 2014;6:2605 11. 77 13 scriptures, and most of these methods are still used today. [9] Zhao D, Wang J, Cui Y, Wu X. Pharmacological effects of 78 Chinese herb aconite (Fuzi) on cardiovascular system. J Trad 14 The Chinese Pharmacopeia established certain criteria for 79 Chin Med 2012;32:308e13. 15 80 the total contents of toxic alkaloids, which should be refer- [10] Yim KM, Tse ML, Lau FL. Reversible intraventricular 16 81 enced by any producer preparing herbal products containing conduction defect in aconitine poisoning. Singapore Med J 17 82 Aconitum. Despite these measurements, a wide variation in 2009;50:e302e5. 18 83 concentrations of toxic alkaloids has been recorded in the [11] Chan TYK. Aconitum alkaloid content and the high toxicity of 19 84 marketed preparations, exposing the public to unnecessary aconite tincture. Forensic Sci Int 2012;222:1e3. 20 85 risks. The recent advances in analytical techniques, espe- [12] Chan TY, Chan JC, Tomlinson B, Critchley JA. Chinese herbal 21 medicines revisited: a Hong Kong perspective. Lancet 86 cially HLPC, MS, and CE, allowed accurate determination of 22 1993;342:1532e4. 87 23 each alkaloid in herbal mixtures, thus establishing sharper [13] Singhuber J, Zhu M, Prinz S, Kopp B. Aconitum in traditional 88 24 Q29 criteria for toxic alkaloids in aconite preparations. Theses Chinese medicineda valuable drug or an unpredictable risk? 89 25 analytical techniques are available in quality control labora- J Ethnopharmacol 2009;126:18e30. 90 26 tories and can easily be applied for assessing the quality of [14] Heinrich M, Barnes J, Gibbons S, Williamson EM. 91 27 aconite products. Based on the summary presented in this Fundamentals of pharmacognosy and phytotherapy. UK: 92 Elsevier Health Sciences; 2012. 28 review, it is highly recommended to change the original 93 [15] Upton R, Graff A, Jolliffe G, Langer€ R, Williamson E. American 29 measures set in pharmacopeias that focused only on the 94 30 Herbal Pharmacopoeia: Botanical 95 determination of AC and replace the tests with advanced d 31 pharmacognosy microscopic characterization of botanical 96 analytical methods establishing the accurate concentrations & 32 medicines. Taylor Francis; 2011. 97 33 of every aconite alkaloids. [16] Ameri A. The effects of Aconitum alkaloids on the central 98 nervous system. Prog Neurobiol 1998;56:211e35. 34 99 [17] Friese J, Gleitz J, Gutser UT, Heubach JF, Matthiesen T, 35 100 Wilffert B, Selve N. Aconitum sp. alkaloids: the modulation 36 101 Conflicts of interest of voltage-dependent Naþ channels, toxicity and 37 102 antinociceptive properties. Eur J Pharmacol 38 The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest. 1997;337:165e74. 103 39 [18] Fu M, Wu M, Qiao Y, Wang Z. Toxicological mechanisms of 104 40 Aconitum alkaloids. Pharmazie 2006;61:735e41. 105 41 [19] Bello-Ramirez AM, Buendia-Orozco J, Nava-Ocampo AA. A 106

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Please cite this article in press as: El-Shazly M, et al., Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chemical analysis of Aconitum, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001 JFDA263_proof ■ 16 October 2015 ■ 16/17

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Please cite this article in press as: El-Shazly M, et al., Use, history, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chemical analysis of Aconitum, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.09.001