Conserving in the wild - A WWF framework and strategy for action 2002-2010. Norbu, U. 2002. Report: 1-32. Gland, Switzerland, Species Programme, WWF International.

Keywords: anti-poaching/CCT/cct_cs/conservation/conservation strategy/distribution/landscape conservation/monitoring/Panthera tigris/poaching/protected area/status/threat//trade/WWF

Abstract: Drawing upon four decades of work with partners around the globe, WWF has developed this far-reaching strategy. It is based on a landscape-based approach to tiger conservation and the identification of focal tiger landscapes. The importance of strong international cooperation is emphasised. The document formulates a vision, a long-term goal and targets in support of the goal. An overview of tiger status, key threats and a categorization of focal tiger landscapes are presented. Actions needed to fulfill goal targets and actors responsible for programme implementation, coordination, funding and monitoring are identified.

A WWF Framework and Strategy for Action 2002 – 2010

Species Programme WWF International February 2002

Credits for photographs on the cover: Amur (Siberian) tiger on iced lake: WWF/ Klein & Hubert Sumatran tiger cubs: WWF-Canon/ Alain Compost tiger: WWF-Canon/ Martin Harvey

Layout and design: Ugen Norbu

Document produced by: Species Programme, WWF International, Avenue du Mont Blanc, Gland, Switzerland


Acknowledgements i

Executive Summary ii

Introduction: A New Approach to Tiger Conservation 1

Tigers: A Short Background 2 r Current status and distribution of tigers in the wild 2 r Conservation significance of the tiger 3 r WWF and tiger conservation 3

The Challenge — Key Threats 4 r Poaching driven by illegal wildlife trade 4 r Habitat loss and fragmentation 4 r Reconciling tiger conservation and human needs 5 r Insufficient capacity for conservation 5 r Inadequate international cooperation 5 r Funding constraints 5

The Response — WWF Action 6 r Scaling-up to save tigers 7 r Vision of the future — goals for today 8 r Focal tiger landscapes — scaling-up… focusing down 9 r Trade in tiger parts and products — a ``global´´ landscape 10 r Planning at the landscape level 10

Programme Implementation and Coordination 11 r Focal landscape coordinators 11 r Tiger Programme Coordinator 11 r Tiger Working Group 11

Monitoring and Evaluation 11

Funding 12 r Future needs 12 r Tiger Emergency Fund 12

Partnership 13


This strategy is largely the result of a Hemley, Ben Hodgdon, Mohd. Anwarul Is- workshop held in September 2000 in lam, Peter Jackson, Jikkie Jonkman, Ullas Anyer, Java, hosted by WWF- Karanth, Elizabeth Kemf, Sue Lieberman, and organized by WWF International and Anil Manandhar, Judy Mills, Manoj Mishra, WWF-United States, with support from John Newby, Sally Nicholson, Steve WWF-Netherlands. At the workshop, Osofsky, Marieke Postma, John WWF benefited from the counsel of some Seidensticker, Dionysius Sharma, Ranjit of the world’s most respected tiger ex- Talwar, Seng Teak, Lic Vuthy, and Eric perts and other specialists, including: John Wikramanayake. Seidensticker, chairman of the Save the Tiger Fund and curator of mammals at the The publication of this strategy would not Smithsonian National Zoological Park, have been possible without the tireless ef- Margaret Kinnard and Tim O’Brien of the forts of Ugen Norbu, Species Programme Wildlife Conservation Society, Susan Officer at WWF International. Its quality Lumpkin of the Friends of the National Zoo derives not only from the inputs of the (Washington, DC), and Sarah Christie of many people mentioned above but also the Zoological Society of London. from the diligence of Ugen in the research, coordination and drafting required to bring Numerous people contributed information, it all together. comments and advice during the drafting and review of the plan. Their names are: Thank you one and all. Tariq Aziz, Mike Baltzer, Stuart Chapman, Sarah Christie, Yuri Darman, Roland Eve, Species Programme Nazir Foead, Miriam van Gool, Ginette WWF International

Participants of the WWF Global Tiger Conservation Strategy Workshop at Anyer, Indonesia.


Drawing upon four decades of tiger con- WWF’s Programme Goal (to the year servation work with partners around the 2010): globe, WWF has developed this new and To improve the protection and manage- far-reaching strategy. Its cornerstone is ment of key tiger populations and their based on a landscape-based approach to habitats in top priority conservation land- tiger conservation and the identification of scapes, through measures that can be focal tiger landscapes. In developing its sustained and supported over the long new programme, WWF is not only looking term by governments, local communities for greater effectiveness on the ground but and other stakeholders. also greater coherence, both within its own network, and also with its partners. Programme Targets (by the year 2010): The task at hand — ensuring the long- In support of WWF’s Programme Goal, term survival of the tiger — is far greater two programme-wide targets have been than any one organization's capacity to developed. The first focuses on the con- achieve. Focus, prioritization, strength of servation of tigers, their prey and their criti- purpose, long-term support, cooperation cal habitats in a small number of high pri- and partnership are all essential. WWF ority, focal landscapes selected from has chosen seven focal tiger landscapes, across the tiger’s range. The main indica- where the chances of long-term tiger con- tor of success (conservation impact) will servation are best and its involvement will be the presence, in each landscape, of at be most valuable. These are: least 100 contiguously distributed breeding female tigers. 1. Russian Far East (Russia) 2. Terai Arc (, ) Target 1: To establish well-managed net- 3. Satpuda-Maikal Range (India) works of core protected areas and con- 4. (, India) necting tiger-friendly buffer zones and cor- 5. Lower Mekong (, ridors in the focal tiger conservation land- Lao PDR, ) scapes selected from across the tiger’s 6. -Belum-Halabala range. (, ) 7. Kerinci Seblat/ Bukit Barisan Selatan The second target focuses on the highly (Indonesia) significant and global threat posed to ti- gers by the ongoing international and do- To complement the geographic focus of mestic trade in tiger parts and products. WWF’s Tiger Conservation Programme, Indicators of success will be developed on and in recognition of its tremendous m-i the basis of baselines established from pact on tigers, the international trade in ti- existing and ongoing research in coopera- ger parts and products has been selected tion with the TRAFFIC network and its for special attention. partners.

This strategy is aligned behind and based Target 2: To reduce (with a view to its on the following vision and goals: elimination) the trade in tiger parts and products to a level which no longer threat- Vision: A world in which tigers thrive in ens the survival of tigers in the wild. natural habitats across their range and benefit humanity as a result. Prime responsibility for implementing the programme will lie with the relevant WWF Long-term Goal: To conserve viable popu- and TRAFFIC offices, Regional (Asia/ lations of tigers and their prey, across their Pacific, Europe/Middle East) and Ecore- entire range, in large, well managed net- gional Programmes, and coordinators for works of protected areas, buffer zones the focal tiger landscapes. Overall guid- and connecting tiger-friendly landscapes. ance, coordination and support will be pro- vided by the Species Programme, to-


The tiger, Panthera tigris, largest of all the habitat or by land-use that is tiger-friendly cats, is one of the most charismatic and in its status and management. Land- potent flagship species on the Earth; it is scape-based approaches not only recog- also one of the most threatened. Only nize the full spatial and ecological require- 6,000 or so remain in the wild, most in iso- ments of large predators like the tiger, but lated pockets spread across increasingly also the need for integrated land-use plan- fragmented forests stretching from India to ning and management that reconciles the south eastern and from the Russian needs, on an appropriate scale, of all Far East to Sumatra. Across its range, stakeholders. this magnificent animal is being poisoned, electrocuted, blown up by land mines, In developing its new programme, WWF trapped, snared, shot, and captured as is not only looking for greater effectiveness cubs — the majority to meet the demands on the ground but also greater coherence, of the continuing illegal wildlife trade. Hunt- both within its own network, and also with ers and traders, and impoverished people its partners. The task at hand — ensuring whose main means of subsistence the long-term survival of the tiger — is far comes from the , are wiping out the greater than any one organization's ca- tiger and the natural prey upon which it de- pacity to achieve. Focus, prioritzation, pends. strength of purpose, long-term support, cooperation and partnership are all essen- While poaching for trade continues to tial. menace the tiger’s survival, the greatest long-term threats are the loss of habitat Whilst outlining an ambitious agenda for and the depletion of the tiger’s natural WWF for the coming years, this strategy prey. In response, WWF has carried out a is also a poignant rallying cry to all people wide range of field-based projects and ac- interested in conserving the tiger, its prey tivities. While these initiatives have cer- and their critical habitats. As the top tainly helped the tiger, they can and must predator over some of the world's most di- be improved. With this in mind, WWF and verse remaining forests, successful tiger its partners have undertaken extensive conservation will not only benefit the ani- analyses to determine where tigers have mal itself but also the many thousands of the best chance of survival in the wild and other species that live with it, including hu- what factors must be addressed to achieve this.

Drawing upon four decades of tiger con- servation work with partners around the globe, WWF has developed this new and far-reaching strategy. Its cornerstone is based on a landscape-based approach to tiger conservation and the identification of The task at hand — ensuring the long- focal tiger landscapes. A tiger conserva- term survival of the tiger — is far tion landscape, as defined by WWF, is an area of land, regional in scale, that can greater than any one organization's support and maintain, over the long-term, capacity to achieve. Focus, a viable meta-population of tigers, linked prioritzation, strength of purpose, by safe and suitable habitat, together with long-term support, cooperation and an adequate natural prey base. On the partnership are all essential. ground, a tiger conservation landscape will often equate to a series of well managed core protected areas (national parks, wild- life sanctuaries, etc.), together with any buffer zones, linked together by dedicated


In the past century, the world has lost Convention on International Trade in En- three of the eight tiger subspecies. The dangered Species of Wild Fauna and Bali, Caspian and Javan tigers have all be- Flora (CITES) took unprecedented action, come extinct, and the South China tiger is and agreed unanimously to strengthen in- facing the same fate. Historically, the tiger ternational efforts to halt the illegal trade in ranged from Turkey eastward to the tiger parts. They also urged tiger range coasts of Russia and China, and from as and consumer countries to voluntarily pro- far north as Eastern Siberia to the Indone- hibit internal trade of tiger products and, to sian island of Bali. This historical range restrict trade with countries that continued has shrunk dramatically over the years to traffic in tiger parts where possible. and today the remaining tigers, numbering Some CITES parties, including China and perhaps no more than 6,000, occur patch- South Korea, banned internal trade in tiger ily across the Indian subcontinent, South- bone and products, and other nations east Asia, and the Russian Far East, with such as increased the penal- a small number still surviving in China and ties for violations. Taiwan greatly strength- possibly North Korea. ened its trade controls, and Japan has re- cently introduced new legislation on its do- Until the 1930s, sport hunting was the mestic trade. However, enforcement main cause of declines in tiger popula- weaknesses and trade control gaps re- tions. Although trophy hunting persisted as main – a recent investigation in Japan a major threat to tigers up to the early concludes that tiger products are being 1970s, the greatest threat between the marketed on the internet. 1940s and the late 1980s was loss of habitat due to encroachment by a bur- Together with some CITES member na- geoning human population, logging, and tions, WWF has begun to work with tradi- conversion of forests to commercial plan- tional medicine communities to develop tations such as oil palm and pulpwood. In strategies for suspending or eliminating China, several thousand tigers were exter- the use of tiger parts and derivatives. In minated in the name of progress and de- addition, TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade moni- velopment during the Cultural Revolution. toring programme of WWF and IUCN -- In the 1990s, hundreds of tigers were The World Conservation Union, continues killed to meet the demand for their bones to work with governments to identify key and other parts, which are used for tradi- trade routes and traders, and to collabo- tional medicines especially in China, Tai- rate with informant networks to help stop wan, and South Korea, but also in Japan the illegal trade. TRAFFIC and WWF co- and Southeast Asia. Tiger parts are also operate with CITES member nations to exported illegally to ethnic Asian communi- help build capacity among customs and ties all over the world, including those in Australasia, Europe, the USA, and Can- ada. Current status and distribution of ti- gers in the wild

Compounding the threat to tigers is a The IUCN 2000 Red List of Threatened growing conflict between the tiger and the Species has classified the tiger species interests of neighbouring communities. as endangered, with the Amur, South Revenge killing of tigers, often by poison- China, and Sumatran tigers as critically ing or electrocution, to protect livestock is endangered. The tiger is proscribed from on the rise. Over-hunting of the tigers’ international trade by its listing on Appen- natural prey is also emerging as a major dix I of CITES. factor causing declines in tiger populations across their range, and a factor that also Although India has the largest number of contributes directly to cattle lifting. tigers, individual populations are dispersed and generally small. The largest unbro- In November 1994, member nations of the

2 populations of tigers are Current Population Estimates of Tigers in the Wild probably those of the Rus- sian Far East and the Subspecies Mini- Maxi- Range Countries Sundarbans. China is Amur (Siberian) tiger 360 406 China, North Korea, Russia known to have populations of four of the five surviving Bengal (Indian) tiger 3,176 4,556 Bangladesh, , China, subspecies of tiger but P.t. tigris India, (western), these may not be viable; Indo-Chinese tiger 1,227 1,785 Cambodia, China, , the South China tiger is on P.t. corbetti Malaysia, Myanmar (eastern), the very brink of extinction. Only Bhutan, India, Nepal, South China (Amoy) tiger 20 30 China and Russia have carried out complete range-wide Sumatran tiger 400 500 Indonesia tiger status surveys. In Totals (rounded) 5,000 7,200 other countries, compre- hensive tiger status sur- Source: Adapted from 1999 WWF Species Status Report Wanted Alive! Tigers in veys are lacking. the Wild WWF and tiger conservation

Since its founding in 1961, WWF has ral- Conservation significance of the tiger lied significant support for tiger conserva- Tigers occur in a broad variety of forest tion. WWF’s 1999 Species Status Report types ranging from the dry forests of India Wanted Alive! Tigers in the Wild provides and Indochina to the tropical rainforests of an overview of WWF's tiger conservation Sumatra and Malaysia, and from the man- work over the past four decades. Follow- groves of the Sundarbans in Bangladesh ing IUCN’s call for international efforts to and India to the taiga forests of China and save the tiger, WWF launched its suc- the Russian Far East. These areas in- cessful global campaign "Operation Tiger" clude 15 . in 1972. Through its Tiger Conservation Programme in India, WWF continues to Tigers are a keystone species, crucial for provide critical support to more than 20 the integrity of the ecosystems in which protected areas where tigers live. In Ma- they live. As top predators, they keep laysia, Indonesia, Indochina, and Russia, populations of prey species in check, WWF works with partners such as the which in turn maintains the balance be- Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to tween herbivores and the vegetation upon strengthen tiger protected areas and sup- which they feed. In short, when tigers port anti-poaching efforts. In Nepal and thrive, the whole ecosystem thrives. The Bhutan, WWF and the Save the Tiger tiger is a universal flagship and an ambas- Fund collaboratively support tiger tracking sador for other species living with it. Ti- and monitoring work, and activities to en- gers are part of our planet's natural heri- list public support for tiger conservation. In tage as well as symbols for the variety of Bangladesh, WWF collaborates with cultures that live across their range. Even IUCN-Bangladesh to support local scien- in places where tigers have become ex- tists and wildlife staff to carry out tiger tinct or never existed in the wild, they live management research. WWF is currently in myth and legend. People of faiths, such involved in tiger conservation efforts in all as Hinduism and Buddhism, revere tigers range countries, except Myanmar and as icons. In certain national parks and na- North Korea. ture reserves, particularly in Nepal and In- dia, tigers are a major tourist attraction, drawing much-needed revenue. In Nepal, earnings aid local communities. Were it Even in places where tigers have not for the tiger, many protected areas become extinct or never existed in the would not exist today. wild, they live in myth and legend.


Poaching driven by illegal wildlife Moreover, official seizure records reflect trade only the tip of the iceberg; many more tiger deaths certainly go unreported. Efforts by WWF and others to reduce de- mand for tiger-based medicines by engag- In Cambodia, a macabre method of ing traditional medicine communities have poaching tigers is widespread: landmines met with some success. However, de- are used to kill the animals. Camera traps spite the ban on international trade in tiger used during surveys have yielded parts imposed by CITES and the exis- encouraging photographs of wild tigers tence of laws against domestic trade in and other mammals; they have also taken most range and consuming countries, ille- photos of people in pursuit of wildlife gal trade continues. Bhutan, Laos and carrying automatic weapons and heavy North Korea have yet to accede to CITES. duty trapping equipment. “Hunting is the Trade in tiger parts and products is overt single greatest threat to most key species in some places, and to an extent rampant of large mammals,” according to a survey in several countries, including Cambodia, report carried out by the WCS and IUCN, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and two of our close conservation partners. Vietnam. In North Korea, which is both Another investigation carried out in theoretically a range and consuming coun- Indonesia by WWF and WCS, estimated try, trade in tiger parts and derivatives is that at least 66 Sumatran tigers -- believed still legal. There continues to be a lucrative to be about one-seventh of the surviving market for tiger-bone medicines in East population -- were illegally killed in 1998 Asia, North America, and in parts of West- and 1999.

Habitat loss and fragmentation

The current range of the tiger encom- passes some of the densest human popu- lations on Earth. Since the Indian govern- ment launched in 1973, set- ting up tiger reserves throughout the coun- try, its human population has increased by more than 300 million to over 1 billion to- day. In the same period, livestock num- ``Tiger´´ medicines on sale in mid-late 1990s in bers in India have grown by more than 100 million. Similarly, Vietnam's human popu- lation has doubled in the past 30 years. ern Europe and Southeast Asia. Bangladesh, which together with neigh-

bouring in India is home to In the first few months of 2001, there was the world's only mangrove-dwelling tigers, an upsurge of poaching in India, the coun- has the densest agriculture-based human try where the majority of the world’s tigers population in the world. Human pressure survive. The Wildlife Protection Society of on habitats continues to grow and impact India stated that its records of wildlife sei- negatively on tigers throughout their range, zures were the highest it had ever docu- leading to fragmentation and decline in mented. The Ministry of Environment and populations of tigers and their prey. Most Forest’s database on seizures revealed tiger populations today consist of fewer that 123 tiger skins and bodies were con- than 100 individuals and only about 40 per fiscated from poachers or illegal traders cent of them make up viable breeding between January 1998 and July 2001. populations. Hundreds of tiger body parts, including bones, prized by practitioners and users

4 Tiger habitat is severely impacted by a Insufficient capacity for conservation wide array of development initiatives, rang- ing from dam building, road construction Tiger conservation is constrained by a and mining to commercial logging, and the dearth of trained personnel, equipment, clearance of forests to make way for oil cash and data. In India, for example, Proj- palm and paper pulp plantations. In Indo- ect Tiger’s 2001 Status Report reveals nesia, oil palm plantations have grown that 30 to 40 percent of the posts in its 27 from 100,000 to 2.4 million ha between tiger reserves remain vacant. There is 1967 and 1997. Concessions of 5.5 million also a lack of young and trained staff. Al- ha have already been granted, much of though TRAFFIC, WWF, and the CITES this in Sumatran tiger habitat. Secretariat are cooperating to train cus- toms officials and authorities, much more In the last stronghold of the Amur or Sibe- needs to be done to combat illegal trade rian tiger, the most pressing problem for and hunting and to monitor tigers and pa- tiger habitat is large-scale cutting of oak trol inside and outside of protected areas. and Korean pine forest. These forests are The requirements for tiger conservation the main autumn and winter strongholds are evolving and growing, necessitating for wild boar, the tiger’s main prey. Since renewal and enhancement of professional about half the world’s tigers live outside knowledge and skills. Reliable information protected areas, this leaves them ex- on poaching, habitat change, and prey tremely vulnerable to intrusive develop- status is critical for tiger conservation ment. Even where tiger habitats are within planning and monitoring but this is rarely protected areas, many of these areas do available. In many countries, basic data, not yet have appropriate management such as tiger population numbers and dis- plans, infrastructure and resources. tribution, are not known.

Inadequate international cooperation Reconciling tiger conservation and hu- man needs Most of the world's prime tiger habitats straddle international borders. Millions of people live in, and subsist on Furthermore, illegal trade in tiger parts and land that is or was until recently tiger habi- products is international in nature and tat. Land shortage, food scarcity, over- effective implementation of CITES population, unemployment, and other depends on communication and hardships of the rural poor constantly networking among tiger range, transit, and threaten tigers. Tiger conservation is of lit- consumer countries. International tle significance to local people unless they cooperation is also crucial for effective can see and derive benefits from it. In gen- exchange of technology and experience in eral, conventional policies directed to- tiger conservation between countries. The wards tiger conservation have not recog- current level of international cooperation nized and addressed the needs of local is, however, far from adequate and, communities. While in some situations, exclusionary approaches to tiger conser- vation have proved effective, in many oth- Funding constraints ers alienation of local communities has re- sulted in degradation of habitat and exac- Most governments of the tiger range erbated human-tiger conflict. Broad-based countries, limited by financial resources approaches reconciling tiger conservation and beset with a plethora of pressing objectives and the needs of local people in social and economic issues, have been a mutually beneficial manner need to be unable to direct adequate funds to tiger identified, strengthened and adequately conservation. According to WWF’s funded. Russia office, insufficient funding is one of the gravest problems in implementing the legislative requirements for tiger protection. India’s

5 latest Project Tiger Status Report INTERNATIONAL FUNDING FOR (2001) states that inadequate funds TIGER CONSERVATION and the delay in these funds in reach- ing tiger reserves is seriously hamper- According to the Global Tiger Projects Database, put to- ing work. Consequently, low budgets, gether by the Zoological Society of London, a total of nearly compounded by the ongoing world eco- US$ 15 million was channelled into tiger conservation world- nomic decline, have resulted in a dete- wide between 1998 and 2000 by some 69 agencies. The two rioration of conservation measures for largest funding agencies -- WWF and Save the Tiger Fund -- most protected areas across the tiger’s accounted for more than 60 per cent of the total funding. Close to US$ 11.4 million, i.e. more than 76 per cent of the range. With very few notable excep- total funding, went to projects directly supporting tiger con- tions in Nepal, Bhutan, Russia, and In- servation in the field. The distribution of "on the ground" dia, tiger conservation is still ad hoc tiger conservation funding by bioregion is given below: and ineffective. Sustainable financing mechanisms are needed for more ef- South China 0.18% fective and long-term tiger conserva- South East Asia 11.12% tion. Indochina 21.37% North Temperate & Taiga 29.15% Although the international community Indian Subcontinent 38.18% provides substantial financial and tech- nical support for tiger conservation, The remainder was spent on "international" projects (e.g. much more is needed (see adjacent meetings, publications, and international wildlife trade inves- box).


Although the tiger faces incredible odds, r reconcile the needs of tigers with there is hope for this adaptable, vigorous those of humans in a mutually- and naturally fecund species. In the Rus- beneficial manner; sian Far East, thanks to strenuous con- r reduce global threats to tigers, particu- servation measures, including a success- larly international trade in tiger parts ful anti-poaching campaign in the early and products; 1990s, the tiger population has recovered r build the capacity of governments and from fewer than 40 in the 1940s to over local institutions for tiger conservation, 350 today. Similarly, tiger numbers in Ne- particularly in terms of trained person- pal's protected areas have gone up in re- nel, improved information and technol- cent years due to collaborative ap- ogy, and sustainable financing; proaches to wildlife and protected area r promote effective international coop- management. In Bhutan, a network of bio- eration and cross-border alliances for logical corridors linking all key tiger-holding tiger conservation. protected areas provides vast, contiguous forest habitat for the tigers and their prey. WWF believes that it will be able to ad- dress the aforesaid needs more effectively In developing a meaningful strategy and by: conservation programme for tigers, WWF recognizes the need to: r enlarging the geographic scale of tiger conservation from a site-specific to a r employ broad-based approaches that landscape level; not only focus on core tiger popula- r prioritizing and focusing on selected tions but also on the protection, resto- landscapes, where the chances of ration and sustainable use of the eco- long-term tiger conservation are best, systems in which the tigers live and and where WWF's involvement will be need to use to disperse and remain vi- most valuable; able; r strengthening existing partnerships and developing new alliances with other 6 conservation and related organizations as “a block or a cluster of blocks of at all levels; existing habitats that contain, or have the r developing synergy and linkages with potential to contain, interacting populations other conservation and development of tigers.” For the definition of the various efforts in the same geographic or the- levels of TCU, see the box on the next matic field of work. page.

Through this strategy, WWF is taking the Scaling-up to save tigers TCU model a step further. A tiger conser- vation landscape, as defined by WWF, is Today, wild tigers occur mostly in small an area of land, regional in scale, that can populations. Such populations are predis- support and maintain, over the long-term, posed to inbreeding and are increasingly a viable meta-population of tigers, linked vulnerable to the pressures of encroach- by safe and suitable habitat, together with ment and poaching. Keeping tiger an adequate natural prey base. On the “islands” intact amid some of the most ground, a tiger conservation landscape will densely human-populated countries on the often equate to a series of well managed Earth is possible, but offers little hope for core protected areas (national parks, wild- the tiger’s genetic vigour and long-term vi- life sanctuaries, etc.), together with any ability. WWF recognizes the need to take buffer zones, linked together by dedicated tiger conservation beyond the borders of corridors of suitable habitat or by land-use national parks and nature reserves into that is tiger-friendly in its status and man- entire landscapes by employing conserva- agement. Landscape-based approaches tion approaches that integrate protection, not only recognize the full spatial and eco- restoration, management and sustainable logical requirements of large predators like use of the ecosystems in which the tigers the tiger, but also the need for integrated live. The essence is to conserve the ecol- land-use planning and management that ogy and behaviour of wild tigers, not just reconciles the needs, on an appropriate discrete genetic populations. Far from im- scale, of all stakeholders. plying that conservation work in increas- ingly isolated tiger reserves is unimpor- tant, it underlines the unique role that these core areas have in seeding the pro- cess of establishing vibrant and viable ti- ger conservation landscapes.

The concept of tiger landscapes builds on the concepts of Conservation and the "tiger conservation unit" (TCU) developed by WWF and WCS with support from Save the Tiger Fund. The concept is elaborated in the 1997 publication entitled A Framework for On the ground, a tiger conservation Identifying High Priority Areas and Actions landscape will often equate to a series for the Conservation of Tigers in the Wild. of well managed core protected areas The framework calls for focusing limited tiger conservation resources on these (national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, units. This approach recognizes that long- etc.), together with any buffer zones, term viability of wild tiger populations is linked together by dedicated corridors dependent not just on population size, of suitable habitat or by land-use that reproductive success, and demographic is tiger-friendly in its status and structure, but also on trends in habitat fragmentation, levels of disturbance, management. size of prey base, and human impacts. A tiger conservation unit is defined


Level I TCU: A TCU offering the highest probability of persistence of tiger populations over the long term. Main at- tributes are: large blocks of habitat suitable for tigers and prey with adequate core areas; low to moderate poaching pres- sure on tigers and prey species either as a result of remoteness or vigilant protection.

Level II TCU: A TCU offering medium probability of persistence of tiger populations over the long term. Main attrib- utes are: moderate to large-sized blocks of suitable tiger habitat with adequate core areas; moderate to high poaching pressure on tigers and prey species but with potential for implementing effective anti-poaching measures in the near future.

Level III TCU: A TCU offering low probability of persistence of tiger populations over the long term due to its small size, isolation from other habitat blocks containing tigers, and fragmentation within its respective Major Habitat Type. With intensive management, Level III TCUs can harbor small populations of tigers. Main attributes are: small blocks of habitat suitable for tigers with small or no core area; high poaching pressure on tigers and prey species that endangers conservation efforts.

TCUs requiring immediate surveys: Any TCU that potentially contains extensive blocks of appropriate tiger habi- tat, with or without protected core areas, but for which we lack data on habitat quality, poaching pressure, or popula- tion status.

Vision of the future — goals for today

WWF’s strategy is aligned behind and based on the following vision and goals.

A world in which the tigers thrive in natural habitats across their Vision range and benefit humanity as a result.

To conserve viable populations of tigers and their prey, across Long-term Goal their entire range, in large, well managed networks of protected areas, buffer zones and connecting tiger-friendly landscapes.

To improve the protection and management of key tiger popula- tions and their habitats in top priority conservation landscapes, WWF’s Programme through measures that can be sustained and supported over Goal the long term by governments, local communities and other (to the year 2010) stakeholders.

Programme Targets (by the year 2010)

In support of WWF’s Programme Goal, two programme-wide targets have been devel- oped. The first focuses on the conservation of tigers, their prey and their critical habitats in a small number of high priority, focal landscapes selected from across the tiger’s range. The main indicator of success (conservation impact) will be the presence, in each landscape, of at least 100 contiguously distributed breeding female tigers.

To establish well-managed networks of core protected areas and connecting tiger-friendly buffer zones and corridors in the Target 1 focal tiger conservation landscapes selected from across the

8 The second target focuses on the highly significant and global threat posed to tigers by the ongoing international and domestic trade in tiger parts and products. Indicators of success will be developed on the basis of baselines established from existing and ongo- ing research in cooperation with the TRAFFIC network and its partners.

To reduce (with a view to its elimination) the trade in tiger parts Target 2 and products to a level which no longer threatens the survival of tigers in the wild.

Focal tiger landscapes — scaling-up… and focusing down

If the long-term conservation of viable At the Anyer workshop, staff from WWF populations of tigers requires both an in- and TRAFFIC, and international tiger ex- crease in effort and a scaling up of ap- perts from the Smithsonian Institution, proach, WWF's current strategy also ac- Zoological Society of London, and WCS, knowledges the fact that resources for ti- developed criteria for prioritization and ex- ger conservation are nonetheless finite. amined potential tiger landscapes against Those we do raise must be invested in the these. On the basis of both geographic most effective way, and it is essential that representation and occurrence of viable they be focused on those places and is- tiger populations, it was agreed to select sues that will contribute most to the long seven focal landscapes from across the term survival of tigers in the wild. All tigers tiger’s range. Key criteria used in the pro- are important yet priorities must be set. cess included: number of Level I TCUs;

Map showing the focal landscapes

9 for connecting at least 50 reproductive fe- The global landscape is a dynamic one, in male tigers; potential for good prey base; that priority areas for work may shift geo- existence of committed conservation lead- graphically as improved trade controls in ership; ecological value of the area; ur- one country drive illegal trade to another gency for tiger conservation; and potential less-regulated one. This 'landscape' cov- for partnerships and catalytic action. In ers range, transit and consuming coun- recognition of their importance, as well as tries — wherever there is trade in tiger to provide fallback options should they be parts and products, including those pur- needed, a further four tier-two landscapes porting to contain tiger parts. were also identified. Details of the proc- ess and the outcome of the workshop are In general, the needs in this landscape in- elaborated in the WWF Global Tiger Con- clude: instituting or enforcing trade bans; servation Strategy Workshop Report increasing law enforcement capacity to (September 2000). detect and halt tiger trade; increasing awareness of the judiciary of the impacts of illegal tiger trade; monitoring wildlife The seven focal landscapes chosen are: markets; enlisting traditional Asian medi- cine users and practitioners in tiger con- 1. Russian Far East (Russia) servation efforts and promoting alterna- 2. Terai Arc (India, Nepal) tives to tiger-based medicines; developing 3. Satpuda-Maikal Range (India) forensic methods for identifying tiger de- 4. Sundarbans (Bangladesh, India) rivatives; measuring attitudes of key con- 5. Lower Mekong Forests (Cambodia, sumer groups toward the use of tiger de- Lao PDR, Vietnam) rivatives; and assisting non-CITES states 6. Taman Negara-Belum-Halabala in acceding to the Convention. (Malaysia, Thailand) 7. Kerinci Seblat/ Bukit Barisan Selatan (Indonesia) Planning at the landscape level

For each of the focal landscapes, priori- Succinct descriptions of these are pro- tized and annually-reviewed programmes vided in Appendix 1. of work will be developed. The indicative table of landscape-level targets and mile- The four tier-two landscapes are: stones in Appendix 2 reflects the current state of programme development and dis- 1. Manas-Bhutan-Namdapha Complex cussions with the key stakeholders, and (Bhutan, India) relates to the following broad objectives: 2. Eastern Indian Highlands (India) 3. Western Forest Complex (Thailand) r establishing and managing effective 4 (India) tiger conservation landscapes; r reducing the poaching of tigers and their prey; Trade in tiger parts and products — r eliminating the trade in tiger parts and a "global" landscape products;

To complement the geographic focus of r creating incentives that will encourage WWF’s Tiger Conservation Programme, local communities and others to sup- and in recognition of its tremendous m-i port tiger conservation; pact on tigers, the cross-cutting issue of r improving trans-boundary and interna- trade in tiger parts and products has been tional cooperation for tiger conserva- selected for special attention. tion; r building capacity for tiger conservation Current issues related to trade in tigers at all levels, including training and edu- parts and products are described in the cation, communications and informa- TRAFFIC publication Far From A Cure: tion, public awareness, technical as- The tiger trade revisited, released in sistance, partnership and research. March 2000.

10 On the basis of ongoing consultation, pro- programme. Communications and mar- gress in implementation, periodic monitor- keting support will also be the amongst the ing and evaluation, as well as unforeseen coordinator's responsibilities. The person opportunities and threats, fine-tuning and will consistently develop and maintain link- shifts in focus and prioritization may oc- ages across the programme, ensure alignment between field activities and the broader programme needs, be responsi- PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTA- ble for timely reporting and up-to-date communications, and assist in monitoring TION and evaluation of individual projects as Prime responsibility for implementing the well as the programme as a whole. Tiger Conservation Programme will lie with the relevant WWF and TRAFFIC of- Tiger Working Group fices, Regional (Asia/Pacific, Europe/ A Tiger Working Group (TWG) will be set Middle East) and Ecoregional Pro- up to guide, monitor, and review the over- grammes, and coordinators for the se- all progress and achievements, and to lected priority tiger landscapes. Overall maintain a strong interface with the coordination and support will be provided broader WWF network. For the regular by the Species Programme, together with functioning of the Working Group, a com- a WWF Tiger Working Group, composed pact core group will be set up. This group of field, donor and supporting staff. will be made up of representatives from WWF donor national organizations, staff Focal landscape coordinators members from the Species Programme and the Asia/Pacific Programme of WWF For each focal landscape, a focal person International, a representative from TRAF- or coordinator has been nominated FIC, and the Coordinator. A much wider (Appendix 3). For the work on trade in ti- group of peers and experts, both within ger parts and products, a focal person and outside WWF, will be maintained for from the TRAFFIC network has also been broader networking, professional counsel, assigned. The landscape focal persons coordination and information sharing. and their teams in the field have the vital role of translating WWF’s vision and strat- egy into action on the ground. They are assigned the task in light of their knowl- edge and experience in tiger conservation. MONITORING AND They coordinate work at the landscape EVALUATION level: planning,implementing, monitoring and reporting on projects, providing su- Each landscape programme will have a pervision, oversight and technical back- monitoring and evaluation plan, based on stopping. They are expected to closely targets, milestones and indicators against monitor developments and potential which progress can be assessed. Techni- threats to the ecosystem (roads, dams, cal and financial progress reports will be de- industrial development, agro-forestry, livered regularly, in line with donor require- plantations, etc.) so that these can be ad- ments. On a yearly basis, an overview and dressed, when appropriate, by the WWF analysis of progress, based on the reports network and its Species Programme received from the field, will be produced and through enhanced communications and circulated to donors, landscape focal per- campaigning activities. sons, partners, and other key people within and outside the WWF network. Workshops Tiger Programme Coordinator will be conducted at appropriate intervals to evaluate and review progress towards tar- A full-time Tiger Programme coordinator gets and milestones, highlight major issues will be recruited to provide overall and constraints, and provide recommenda- guidance and coordination in the tions for improvements. development and implementation of the

11 FUNDING other conservation organizations, and liai- son with Government Aid Agencies and in- ternational funding agencies. WWF currently spends some USD3.7 to

4.9 million each year on projects which Although costs will go up in the future to are directly or indirectly related to tiger save this magnificent species, if we can- conservation. The spending on projects, not mobilize these funds today the future which are primarily directed towards tiger cost will be even higher -- and the risk to conservation, is in the order of USD1.2 to tigers even greater. It is hoped that this 1.5 million annually. strategy will mobilise and inspire govern-

ments, institutions, people, funding agen- Future needs cies, and members of the business com- The full-fledged implementation of this munity all over the world to make a finan- strategy will cost much more than what cial commitment to saving one of our WWF currently spends directly on tiger planet’s most endangered natural treas- conservation. For all purposes, the pro- ures. gramme will need almost USD 11 million in the first three years. See the table of in- Tiger Emergency Fund dicative programme budget below for the Since its creation in 1998 as part of breakdown. WWF’s Year for the Tiger campaign, the

Tiger Emergency Fund (TEF), co- Apart from synergy of conservation pur- managed by WWF and IUCN, has pro- pose, alignment with WWF’s programme vided more than USD260,000 in emer- for Asian rhinos and elephants, and link- gency aid and small grants to projects in ages with Ecoregion Action Programmes all parts of the tiger’s range. While work in and other relevant Target Driven Pro- the focal tiger landscapes and on interna- grammes, such as Forests for Life, will be tional trade in tiger parts and products will crucial to complement core tiger funding. be WWF's core programme for tiger con- Also of importance will be concerted fund- servation for the years to come, the ability raising efforts and donor coordination to respond to emergencies and critical in- within the WWF network, partnership with terventions elsewhere will be maintained

Indicative Programme Budget FY02 – FY04 in USD Cost Particular FY 02 FY 03 FY 04 Total

Landscape Project Field Costs 2,610,000 3,150,000 3,150,000 8,910,000

Tiger Action Plan Coordinator 57,100 51,500 58,500 167,100

Communications and Fundraising 15,500 19,500 14,500 49,500

Technical Assistance 95,000 122,000 10,000 227,000

Monitoring and Evaluation 30,600 30,600 75,600 136,800

Management Costs 365,000 438,500 430,100 1,233,600

Total 3,173,200 3,812,100 3,738,700 10,724,000


Solid partnership and cooperation, be- management, law enforcement, conserva- tween all stakeholders, is essential if the tion education, research and surveys, and tiger is to survive. No one organization, cross-border cooperation. agency or community has the authority, resources, knowledge or outreach to suc- In the past, WWF has been fortunate to ceed alone. Implementation of tiger con- cooperate with a large number of partners servation on the scale proposed in this at international, regional, national and local strategy, will call, as never before, on the levels. In the implementation of this strat- ability of people and organizations to work egy, WWF aspires to strengthen existing together. The approach will require long- partnerships and to forge new ones at all term commitments, and synergy of knowl- levels. edge, skills and resources to implement the diverse and complementary range of Appendix 4 list some existing and potential activities required: community-based partners. natural resource

13 Appendices

Credit: WWF/ Kevin Schafer

14 Appendix 1


RUSSIAN FAR EAST national parks has been endorsed at the regional levels but final approval by the The Russian Far East is the last strong- Russian Government is awaited. These hold of the Amur tiger, with a population of national parks are Udegeiskaya Legenda 330 to 370 adult tigers in the wild (IUCN (1,020 km 2), Zov Tigra (852 km 2), and Cat Specialist Group, 1999). It is esti- Anuiskii (4,296 km 2). In addition, tigers oc- mated that China may have 30 to 35 Amur cur in significant number in the forests tigers, and North Korea possibly fewer outside the protected areas. Efforts are than 10. In the 1940s, the Amur tiger was underway to designate additional national on the brink of extinction with less than 40 parks and reserves, connected by ecologi- animals remaining in the wild. Thanks to cal corridors, to increase protected tiger vigorous anti-poaching and other conser- habitat in the region. vation efforts by the Russians with support from international conservation organiza- Key Threats and Issues tions, including WWF, the Amur tiger population in the Russian Far East recov- Poaching of tigers and their prey for cash ered from the precarious state and has re- and food mained stable throughout the past dec- Despite vigorous anti-poaching activities, ade. The landscape is a single Level I Ti- poaching of tigers persists due to the lu- ger Conservation Unit (TCU), with some crative international market for tiger parts cross-border areas in China. It overlaps and products. Tigers are also killed by lo- with the Russian Far East Broadleaf and cal hunters who perceive them as com- Conifer Forests Global 200 Ecoregion. petitors for game species on which their livelihoods depend. Of dire consequence Status of Tiger Population and Habitat is the large-scale hunting of red deer and wild boar, which are tiger's principal natu- With 330 to 370 adult tigers, the Russian ral prey species in the Russian Far East. Far East tiger population is possibly the single largest population of tigers in the Inadequate protection and management of world. The tigers are distributed in the Sik- habitats and prey base hote-Alin mountains in Primorski and Large areas of tiger habitat remain outside Khabarovski Territories. About 90 per cent the protected areas system. These areas of the tiger population live in continuous are increasingly vulnerable to indiscrimi- habitat throughout most of Primorski Terri- nate logging and other imprudent uses. tory and adjacent areas of Khabarovski Poaching, over-hunting and other biotic Territory. Sikhote-Alin (3,985 km 2), Lazov- disturbances in unprotected habitats have ski (1,210 km 2) and Ussuriiski (404 km 2) reduced red deer and wild boar popula- Zapovedniks provide some of the best tions to significantly low numbers. conditions remaining for Amur tigers be- cause of their extent and the protection af- Increased logging and construction of forded to them. There is also a small iso- roads lated population in the south-western part The forests outside the protected areas of Primorski Territory -- in and around the are being exploited unsustainably for tim- Barsovy (1,069 km 2) and Borisovskoe ber and other forest products. Large-scale Plato (634 km 2) wildlife refuges. Since cutting of oak and pine forests -- prime 1998, the Verkhnebikinskii landscape ref- autumn-winter habitat for wild boars -- is a uge (7,405 km 2) has been created overlap- very serious concern. Also being heavily ping the border of Primorski and logged are the floodplain forests, which Khabarovski Territories, and a new 507 serve as the tiger's main hunting ground km 2 Mopau wildlife reserve has been es- during summers. Logging roads are being tablished in the northernmost part of the laid in vulnerable areas, such as small range of the Amur tiger. Creation of river

15 and creek beds. Not only are these roads Reserves. On the Indian side, there are environmentally intrusive, they also pro- four tiger reserves: Corbett (1,318 km 2, vide easy access to poachers and hunt- made up of Corbett National Park and So- ers. nanadi Wildlife Sanctuary) with 138 tigers; Dudhwa (883 km 2, made up of Dudhwa Forest fires National Park and Kishanpur Wildlife Of late, forest fires have destroyed vast Sanctuary) with 104 tigers; Valmiki Na- areas of forests in the Russian Far East. tional Park (840 km 2) with 53 tigers, and Serious forest fire outbreaks occurred in Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary (400 km 2). 1998 and 1999. Besides these tiger reserves, tigers also occur in three other protected areas in the Inadequate law enforcement Indian part. They are While anti-poaching efforts are vigorous (820 km 2), and Suhelwa (452 km 2) and So- and apprehensions significant, the convic- hagi Barwa (428 km 2) Wildlife Sanctuaries. tion rate of the offenders is reportedly very low. This is perhaps due to lack of any se- Key Threats and Issues rious understanding of the implications of poaching and illegal wildlife trade within Encroachment and habitat fragmentation the judiciary. The human population in the landscape is reported to have grown by more than TERAI ARC three-fold -- from 83 persons per km 2 to 275 persons per km 2 -- in the past four One of the most spectacular assem- decades. Consequently, large tracts of blages of large mammals in Asia occurs forests have been cleared to make way for along the base of the Central -- human settlement and agriculture. The re- in the Terai Arc. Here, in the world's tallest maining forests and the still very rich biodi- where elephant grasses reach versity therein continue to experience se- 7 meters by the end of the , lives vere biotic pressure, especially the tiger one of the densest populations of tigers on habitats outside the protected areas are Earth. This high-profile landscape is made being overly used for grazing and non- up of three Level I TCUs: Chitwan-Parsa- timber forest products. Securing corridors Valmiki, Bardia-Banke, and Corbett-Rajaji. linking the protected areas in this land- It also overlaps the Terai-Duar scape will need major attention. and Grasslands Global 200 Ecoregion. This area has two priority landscapes — Poaching of tigers and other wildlife Western Terai and Central Terai — for Despite strong anti-poaching measures, greater one-horned rhinoceros conserva- illegal wildlife hunting and trade continue, tion as part of WWF's Asian Rhino and exacerbated by a porous international bor- Elephant Action Strategy. WWF in both der and the poverty of the local people. Nepal and India has a long history of con- Transborder consultations between Nepal- servation work in protected areas in this ese and Indian authorities have been held landscape. In July 2000, WWF Nepal and efforts are ongoing to translate these started a landscape project, the Western policy-level dialogues into tangible on-the- Terai-Churia Conservation Programme, ground bilateral cooperation. Of late, there with the conservation of tigers, rhinocer- have been sporadic upsurges in poaching, oses and elephants as a major objective. particularly of elephants, in Corbett Na- tional Park. Status of Tiger Population and Habitat Human-wildlife conflict The tiger population on the Nepalese side Depleting prey base, growing cattle popu- is reported to have grown from 81-86 lation, and expanding human occupancy breeding tigers to 121-126 in the past five and use of tiger habitats have together led years in four protected areas, namely to a rise in human-wildlife conflict. Royal Chitwan and Royal Bardia National Cattle Parks, and Royal Sukla Phanta and

16 depredation by tigers is high and cattle Encroachment and degradation of habi- owners very often resort to poisoning of ti- tats, as a result of increasing human and gers in retaliation. livestock populations, are among the most serious threats. Around 100,000 people Lack of capacity along with 80,000 cattle, live in and around Against the backdrop of persistent poach- Kanha Tiger Reserve alone. ing, the dearth of staff to carry out law en- forcement and other conservation duties Poaching is felt pronouncedly. Even key areas such Subsistence poaching of prey species and as Corbett and Dudhwa Tiger Reserves indiscriminate harvesting of forest prod- were reported to be severely understaffed. ucts are prevalent due to low conservation Those staff in post are generally ill- awareness and poverty among local com- equipped to combat poachers. The crea- munities. tion of Uttaranchal as a separate state from has also constricted Lack of capacity government resources. There is a severe dearth of staff to carry out law enforcement and other conserva- SATPUDA-MAIKAL RANGE tion duties. As of July 1998, 50 per cent of the forest guard posts in Pench Tiger Re- serve (Madhya Pradesh) were vacant. Fondly dubbed "Kipling Country", being the Pench Tiger Reserve in the Maharashtra setting of Nobel laureate Rudyard Kipling's side too had 30 per cent of the forest jungle tales, this landscape straddles the guard posts lying unfilled. Indian states of Madhya Pradesh, Ma- harashtra, and the newly created Chhattis- garh. It overlaps the Eastern Deccan Pla- SUNDARBANS teau Moist Forests Global 200 Ecoregion. The Sundarbans, meaning "beautiful for- Status of Tiger Population and Habitat ests" in Bangla and Bengali, is a unique landscape in that it is the only one in the Stretching over 25,000 km 2, this landscape world where tigers dwell in a mangrove has more than 500 tigers. Some of the forest ecosystem. Bangladesh and India best-known tiger reserves in India — share this landscape which is also the Pench (Maharashtra), Pench (Madhya Sundarbans Mangroves Global 200 Ecore- Pradesh), Bori-Satpura, Melghat and gion, with World Heritage Sites in both Kanha -- are located here. Within the tiger countries. There are some biodiversity reserves, there are 8 tigers in Pench and sustainable development projects be- (Maharashtra) (257km 2), 29 in Pench ing planned in the Sundarbans by the (Madhya Pradesh) (758 km 2), 36 in Bori- Asian Development Bank and the United Satpura (1,486 km 2), 73 in Melghat (1,677 Nations Foundation. However, it is difficult km 2), and 114 in Kanha (1,945 km 2). In ad- to say at this time to what extent these dition to the tiger reserves, there are five projects will benefit tiger conservation. national parks and seven wildlife sanctuar- ies in the landscape. Corridors holding the Status of Tiger Population and Habitat landscape together have become tenuous due to heavy biotic pressure. Tiger population estimates are variable. Official estimates indicate between 300- Key Threats and Issues 450 tigers on the Bangladeshi side, and about 270 in India. Many tiger experts, Encroachment and habitat degradation however, suggest actual numbers may be The landscape is heavily populated, and a much less. In the Bangladesh Sundar- very large number of people live in and bans, there are three wildlife sanctuaries around the tiger habitats. Among them are all together covering an area of 1,397 km 2 several forest-dwelling tribes such as the (Sundarbans East- 312 km 2, Sundarbans Gondas, Baigas, Korkus, Bheels and South- 370 km 2, and Kols.

17 Sundarbans West- 715 km 2). On the n-I LOWER MEKONG FORESTS dian side, the Sundarbans Tiger Reserve is 2,585 km 2. This landscape, which encompasses the tri-border area of Cambodia, Laos, and Key Threats and Issues Vietnam, is also a priority landscape for Asian elephants. It is made up of 17 Intense human use TCUs, the largest of which is the Vira- Although, there is no permanent human chey-Xe Piane-Yok Don — a Level I TCU. settlement in the Sundarbans, the use of There are two Level II TCUs and the rest the estuary by peripheral human popula- are all Level III TCUs. There is a possibility tions is very intense. From an estimate in to extend it to Cat Tien National Park in 1993, it is known that about 350,000 peo- Vietnam, which besides being a Level III ple use the Sundarbans during the main TCU, is known to be the last refuge for harvest season. However, unofficial Javan rhinoceroses outside Java and is a sources suggest that the number of peo- priority landscape under WWF's Asian ple entering and using the forest in a given Rhino and Elephant Action Strategy. The year can be as high as one million! People landscape overlaps three Global 200 exploit the landscape for fisheries, fuel- Ecoregions: Annamite Range Moist For- wood, , timber, nipa palm, and nu- ests, Indochina Dry Forests, and Mekong merous other products on a regular basis. River.

Human-tiger conflict Status of Tiger Population and Habitat Given the intensity of human use, it is little wonder that human-tiger conflict is the Current tiger population estimates are most severe in the Sundarbans. Between vague and mostly derived from anecdotal 1975 and 1999, tiger attacks have caused information. Surveys are being carried out 544 human deaths (i.e. about 23 per year) by the local wildlife and park authorities in the Bangladesh Sundarbans alone. And with support from Conservation Interna- the death toll is increasing if recent reports tional, Fauna and Flora International, Wild- are to be believed. life Conservation Society and WWF. There are 17 protected areas in this land- Poaching and illegal trade scape (five in Cambodia, seven in Lao Even though the inhospitable mangroves PDR, and five in Vietnam). Mondulkiri is a major deterrent for poachers, poach- Province and Virachey National Park in ing of tigers and their prey and illegal wild- Cambodia, Xe Pian protected area in Lao life trade persist due to a combination of PDR, and Chu Mom Ray and Yok Don Na- factors: high human casualty from tigers; tional Parks in Vietnam are some of the the lure of quick money; weak law en- key areas for tigers. forcement; and local poverty. Trans- boundary cooperation between Indian and Key Threats and Issues Bangladeshi authorities needs to be strengthened to curb poaching and illegal Habitat fragmentation trade, and to coordinate survey and moni- The landscape is heavily populated, and toring activities. this has caused encroachment and over- exploitation of tiger habitats. Intrusive development The proposed national waterways in the Poaching of tigers and their prey and ille- Indian Sundarbans and the seismic sur- gal trade veys for oil exploration by Shell Company Hunting of tigers and their prey is rife, and in the Bangladesh Sundarbans albeit out- cross-border trade in tiger parts and prod- side the Reserve loom as potential ucts is rampant due to weak enforcement threats. of wildlife legislation and strong traditional beliefs in the medicinal properties of tiger derivatives. Low conservation awareness and

18 poverty among the general public are ex- name of Belum State Park is being pro- acerbating poaching and illegal wildlife posed by the Perak State Government. trade. This proposed park is contiguous to Te- menggor Forest Reserve in the south and Lack of capacity to Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary in the north Trained personnel are lacking, and institu- across the border in Thailand. tional capacity for tiger conservation is lim- ited. Conservation staff need to be trained Key Threats and Issues in tiger survey and monitoring, data colla- tion and analysis, and participatory ap- Logging and roads proaches to conservation. More people The key threat to tigers in this landscape need to be recruited to combat poaching is the opening up of new forested areas and illegal wildlife trade. Lack of informa- for logging in the Temenggor Forest Re- tion on tiger populations, their prey and serve. Additionally, the construction of new habitat conditions is a major constraint in trunk roads and highways that are ongoing tiger conservation planning and manage- or in the pipeline, for example to link three ment. of Peninsular Malaysia’s popular hill sta- tions (Cameron Highlands, Genting High- Paper parks lands and Fraser’s Hill), will certainly result Of the 17 protected areas in the land- in the fragmentation of existing tiger habi- scape, only three are reported to have tat. conservation management plans. With no conservation management plan, protected Habitat conversion area management and conservation ac- Development of land for agriculture along tivities can be rudimentary, provisional, the boundaries of the landscape, particu- and ineffective for the long term. larly for oil palm plantations is a serious threat too. Conversion of forests into agri- TAMAN NEGARA-BELUM-HALA BALA culture has led to more frequent encoun- ters between tigers and livestock, aggra- This is a transboundary landscape that vating human-tiger conflict. straddles much of Peninsular Malaysia and a small portion of southern Thailand. It Human-wildlife conflict overlaps the Peninsular Malaysian Low- Depredation of livestock by tigers is signifi- land and Montane Forests Global 200 cant. As per records maintained by the Ecoregion. Much of the landscape is a Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Level I TCU, and in Peninsular Malaysia 1531 cattle, 54 buffaloes, 89 goats, and this includes the hills and mountains of the 175 sheep were killed by tigers between Main Range. It is also a priority landscape 1977 and 1997 in Pahang, Perak, Tereng- for Asian elephants and Sumatran rhinoc- ganu and Kelantan. In financial terms, the eroses. loss translates to approximately RM (Malaysian Ringgit) 1.8 million, a signifi- Status of Tiger Population and Habitat cant amount to rural communities. The situation is becoming worse. In 1998-99,

tigers have killed 433 head of cattle in 30 About 80 tigers are estimated to be found oil palm estates in Terengganu alone. in Taman Negara National Park alone. Al- though population estimates for the rest of the landscape are little known, as a whole it may contain the largest remaining popu- lation of the Indochinese tiger in the wild. With an area of 4,343 km 2, Taman Negara National Park is the largest protected area in this landscape as well as in the whole of Peninsular Malaysia. There is Temenggor Forest Reserve north to Taman Negara National Park. Another protected area by

19 KERINCI-SEBLAT/BUKIT BARISAN estimated that at least 66 Sumatran tigers SELATAN were killed in 1998 and 1999 alone. Low conservation awareness, local poverty, Located on the Indonesian island of Su- weak law enforcement and strong market matra, this landscape is composed of two forces are causing poaching and illegal Level I TCUs — Kerinci Seblat-Seberida wildlife trade. and Bukit Barisan Selatan-Bukit Hitam. In addition, there are three Level II and three Logging and habitat conversion Level III TCUs. It encompasses Riau, a Logging is indiscriminate and encroach- priority landscape for Asian elephants, and ment of habitat for agriculture, particularly Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, a pri- oil palm plantation, is widespread. Another ority landscape for Sumatran rhinocer- cause of worry with regards to habitat de- oses under WWF's Asian Rhino and Ele- struction is the expanding paper pulp in- phant Action Strategy. The landscape falls dustry. In Indonesia, pulp mills have so far in Sumatran Islands Lowland and Montane relied heavily on unsustainable and, in Forests Global 200 Ecoregion. many cases, illegal sources of fibre, much of which is obtained through clear-cutting Status of Tiger Population and Habitat of natural forests. Between 1988 and 1999, the demand for pulpwood is esti- Although much of the landscape is very mated to have caused 800,000 ha of de- good tiger habitat and a good part of the forestation. Considerably increased pulp 400 or so Sumatran tigers estimated to be production capacity in Indonesia will put remaining in the wild are expected to oc- further pressure on the country's remain- cur here, population estimates are patchy. ing forests. Sumatran Island is the site of According to camera trap estimates by nearly half of Indonesia's existing and pro- WCS, there are about 45 tigers in Bukit posed pulp mills (as of 1997). Clearly, the Barisan Selatan National Park. Apart from pulp mills will be in extreme conflict with Bukit Barisan Selatan, there are three the purpose of tiger conservation. more protected areas: Bukit Tigapuluh Na- tional Park, Kerinci Seblat National Park, Forest fires and Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Wildlife Forest fires are recurrent and largely Reserve. WWF is lobbying for designation caused for rampant and rapid conversion of Tesso Nilo as a National Park. of forests into oil palm plantation and other agriculture use. Of the 176 companies ac- Key Threats and Issues cused of causing the forest fires that raged in Indonesia in late 1997 destroying Poaching and illegal wildlife trade 5 million ha including 1 million ha of forest, Poaching is rife; investigations by WWF 133 (i.e. more than 75 per cent) were re- and the Wildlife Conservation Society portedly oil palm plantation companies.

20 Appendix 2: Indicative Targets and Milestones for Focal Tiger Landscapes which make up pages 21 to 29 of this document is attached as a separate file. It is in MS

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Appendix 3



Yuri Darman Lic Vuthy Far Eastern Branch WWF Cambodia Conservation Pro- WWF Russia Programme gramme Pologaya Str. 68, Office 411 #28 Street 9, Tonle Bassac 690091 Vladivostok Phnom Penh Russian Federation Cambodia

Tel: +7.4232.406651 Tel: +855.23.218.034 Fax: +7.4232.406652 Fax: +855.23.211.909 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

TAMAN NEGARA–BELUM-HALABALA SATPUDA-MAIKAL RANGE Dionysius Sharma Tariq Aziz WWF-Malaysia WWF-India Secretariat 49 Jalan SS23/ 15, 47301 Petaling Jaya 172-B Lodhi Road Malaysia New Delhi 110 003 India Tel: +60.3.703.3772 Fax: +60.3.703.5157 Tel: +91.11.469.1760/ 461.6532 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +91.11.462.6837 E-mail: [email protected] KERINCI SEBLAT/ BUKIT BARISAN SELATAN

TERAI ARC Nazir Foead WWF-Indonesia Anil Manandhar (Nepal) Kantor Taman A9, Unit A-1 WWF Nepal Programme JL. Mega Kuningan Lot 8.9/A9 Baluwatar Kawasan Mega Kuningan Post Box 7660 PO Box 5020 JKTM 12700, Jakarta 12950 2 Indonesia Nepal Tel: +62.21.576.1070 Tel: +977.1.410.942/ 430.736 Fax: +62.21.576.1080 Fax: +977.1.438.458 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] TRADE IN TIGER PARTS AND PRO- Tariq Aziz (India) DUCTS Contact details as above Rob Parry-Jones TRAFFIC East Asia SUNDARBANS Room 2001, Double Building 22 Stanley Street, Central Tariq Aziz (India) Hong Kong Contact details as above Tel: +852.2.530.0587 Fax: +852.2.530.0864 E-mail: [email protected]

30 Appendix 4


Care for the Wild: works to provide im- Global Tiger Forum: is an inter- mediate aid to wildlife in distress. It is cur- governmental and international body for rently supporting conservation work in conservation of the tiger in the wild, with eight countries, including India, Lao PDR its Secretariat presently located in Delhi. and Thailand among tiger range countries. The GTF's membership is currently made up of six tiger range countries, two non- CITES Secretariat: With 157 countries tiger range countries, and two international as members as of 8 January 2002, CITES NGOs including WWF. is an international agreement to ensure that international trade in specimens of Government Aid Agencies: GAAs are wild plants and animals do not threaten becoming increasingly involved in conser- their survival. The Secretariat, located in vation issues, particularly in their relation- Geneva, has the coordinating, advisory ship to poverty alleviation and rural devel- and servicing role in the functioning of the opment. Convention. Global Tiger Patrol: GTP projects are Conservation International: With its concentrated in India, and these include headquarters in Washington, DC, the CI support to Satpuda National Park in the works to preserve threatened ecosystems Satpuda-Maikal Range, Corbett Tiger Re- in over 30 countries, including Cambodia serve and Rajaji National Parks in the and Indonesia among tiger range coun- Terai Arc, and Sundarbans Tiger Reserve. tries. International Fund for Animal Welfare: Corbett Foundation: is a Trust set up to IFAW is dedicated to supporting and cata- support public awareness, research and lyzing actions to protect wildlife, particu- other activities as necessary for preserva- larly those endangered by commercial ex- tion of the unique ecosystem of Corbett ploitation. country, and to promote harmony between local communities and surrounding na- King Mahendra Trust for Nature Con- ture. servation: Established in 1982, KMTNC is a non-governmental organization dedi- David Shepherd Conservation Foun- cated to promoting, managing and con- dation: DSCF supports wildlife conserva- serving nature in all its diversity in Nepal. tion in Africa and Asia. Their current proj- Its projects include the Nepal Conserva- ects include support to anti-poaching ac- tion Research and Training Center in tivities in the Russian Far East, conserva- Royal and the Bar- tion of in Thailand, dia Conservation Programme in Royal and tiger conservation in a number of In- Bardia National Park, both national parks dia's protected areas. being located in the Terai Arc.

Fauna & Flora International: is presently Phoenix Fund: Phoenix is a Russian carrying out protected area and tiger con- non-governmental wildlife conservation or- servation work in two of the seven tier one ganization based in Vladivostok. In col- landscapes, namely Lower Mekong For- laboration with local communities, govern- ests and Kerinci-Seblat/ Bukit Barisan Se- ment agencies and other NGOs, it seeks latan. to enhance wildlife protection through pub- lic education and support to wildlife rang- Global Environment Facility: was estab- ers. lished to forge international cooperation and finance actions to address four critical threats to the global environment: biodiver-

31 Project Tiger: Lauded as one of the larg- WildAid: provides direct protection to wild- est conservation initiatives ever under- life in danger through wildlife law enforce- taken in the world, Government of India's ment, habitat protection, education and Project Tiger -- launched in 1973 -- today community outreach. Their tiger-related covers 27 Tiger Reserves collectively en- activities are located in Cambodia, Myan- compassing an area of 37,761 km 2. Nine mar, the Russian Far East, and Thailand. of these Tiger Reserves are located in the three Indian tiger landscapes: three in the Wildlife Conservation Society: Starting Terai Arc; five in the Satpuda-Maikal in 1895 as the New York Zoological Soci- Range; and one in the Sundarbans. ety, WCS adopted its present name in 1994 to better reflect its mission -- saving Save the Tiger Fund: A special project wildlife through out the world. The Society of the National Fish and Wildlife Founda- is active in several tiger landscapes -- tion in partnership with ExxonMobil Corpo- Lower Mekong Forests, Kerinci-Seblat/ ration, STF was set up in 1995. Since Bukit Barisan Selatan, Taman Negara- then, it has supported some 158 projects. Belum-Halabala, and the Russian Far East. Tigris: is a Dutch Foundation dedicated to supporting conservation of Amur tiger and Wildlife Institute of India: WII is India's Amur in the Russian Far East. premium institute for education and train- ing in wildlife management. Its highly quali- TRAFFIC: is the joint wildlife trade moni- fied faculty includes expertise ranging toring programme of WWF and IUCN. The from ecodevelopment and landscape TRAFFIC network works in cooperation management to radio-telemetry tech- with the CITES Secretariat and a wide niques and GIS application in wildlife con- range of other partners. servation.

UN Agencies: Several UN agencies are The World Conservation Union: Better involved in environmental conservation, in- known by its acronym IUCN, this interna- cluding in areas where tigers occur. To tional body's Species Survival Commis- name some, they are FAO, UNEP, sion (SSC) works to mobilize action by the UNESCO, and UN Foundation. world conservation community for conser- vation of threatened species. The SSC US Fish and Wildlife Service: has es- amongst other things prepares and up- tablished a special grants programme dates the Red List of Threatened Species. through the Rhino and Tiger Conservation Fund to support field projects and address Zoological Society of London: In part- major threats to wild tigers. USFWS also nership with Global Tiger Patrol, ZSL oper- plays a key role in CITES efforts to stop ates the 21st Century Tiger initiative to the illegal trade in tiger parts. raise funds and support projects for con- servation of tigers in the wild.