NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Psychology Department Psychology & Meditation – PSYC 2366 Spring, 2014 Professor Cohen TA’s: Nawar Al Barak & Vansa Bali Office: 149 NI Phone: (617) 373-3049 Email:
[email protected] Required Text: Smalley, S.L. & Winston, D. (2010), Fully Present, DaCapo Press, Philadelphia, PA. All additional readings/handouts are posted under “readings” on Blackboard. Overview: This course examines the interface between meditation and psychological research. The focus will be on mindfulness meditation, the type of meditation practice that is of most research and theoretical interest. The course is divided into three sections that address three general questions: 1. What are contemplative practices and mindfulness meditation in particular? 2. What are the psychological and neuropsychological underpinnings of mindfulness meditation? 3. What are the practical benefits of mindfulness meditation in clinical settings, education, athletics and for personal wellbeing? During the semester, I or a guest speaker will present material in a lecture/demonstration/discussion format during the first part of each class. The second part will usually be student-led discussions of questions/case studies related to that lecture or a recent one. The questions/case studies will be prepared by class members and distributed before they are discussed. Class Participation: Your class participation grade has three parts: attendance, contribution to teacher-led and student-led discussions, and completion of homework and online assignments on time. If you do three, you will receive full “participation” credit. Full participation credit can have the effect of increasing your grade by one-half point (e.g., C+ to B-). Student Discussion Groups: The class roster will be divided into 19 groups of 3 students each.