528Industrial Health 2016, 54, 528–541 ReviewC HILDITCH Article et al.

Time to wake up: reactive countermeasures to inertia

Cassie J. HILDITCH1*, Jillian DORRIAN1 and Siobhan BANKS1

1Centre for Sleep Research, University of South Australia, Australia

Received November 21, 2015 and accepted May 11, 2016 Published online in J-STAGE May 18, 2016

Abstract: Sleep inertia is the period of impaired performance and grogginess experienced after waking. This period of impairment is of concern to workers who are on-call, or during work hours, and need to perform safety-critical tasks soon after waking. While several studies have inves- tigated the best sleep timing and length to minimise sleep inertia effects, few have focused on coun- termeasures -especially those that can be implemented after waking (i.e. reactive countermeasures). This structured review summarises current literature on reactive countermeasures to sleep iner- tia such as , light, and temperature and discusses evidence for the effectiveness and opera- tional viability of each approach. Current literature does not provide a convincing evidence-base for a reactive countermeasure. Caffeine is perhaps the best option, although it is most effective when administered prior to sleep and is therefore not strictly reactive. Investigations into light and temperature have found promising results for improving subjective alertness; further research is needed to determine whether these countermeasures can also attenuate performance impairment. Future research in this area would benefit from study design features highlighted in this review. In the meantime, it is recommended that proactive sleep inertia countermeasures are used, and that safety-critical tasks are avoided immediately after waking.

Key words: Body temperature, Caffeine, Countermeasures, Light, Napping, Self-awakening, , Sleep inertia

Impaired performance and alertness upon waking is had just woken from an in-flight nap10). In another exam- known as “sleep inertia”1, 2). Impairment is most severe ple, heavy contact between supply vessels occurred after immediately upon waking and then dissipates, generally the Chief Officer over-slept and consequently arrived on returning to baseline levels within 15–60 min3–6). Sleep the bridge within minutes of waking11). inertia is a concern for industries in which workers per- form safety-critical tasks soon after waking. Motorists Factors that Influence Sleep Inertia are also at risk when driving too soon after waking, for example when following government recommendations to Sleep inertia is typically measured in laboratory set- nap if tired during long drives7, 8). Sleep inertia has been tings using a combination of sleepiness scales and cogni- a contributing factor in several major accidents and inci- tive tests. However, the sensitivity of these cognitive tasks dents9–12). For example, an air crash involving 158 fatali- to sleep inertia varies13, 14). Consequently, the severity of ties resulted from poor decisions made by the Captain who sleep inertia observed can depend on the task used to mea- sure it. Test batteries are often administered immediately

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. after waking and repeated intermittently for up to one hour. E-mail: [email protected] Sleep inertia has been measured under a variety of con- ©2016 National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health ditions ranging from a full night’s sleep, to short at

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-CommercialIndustrial No Derivatives Health 2016,(by-nc-nd) 54 ,License. 528–541 SLEEP INERTIA COUNTERMEASURES 529 different times of day. Much of this research has focussed on establishing the best length and timing of sleep to mini- mise sleep inertia. Studies suggest that avoiding sleep periods ending during the circadian low5, 15), and keep- ing naps to less than 30 min4, 16–18) to avoid waking from deep sleep15) can minimise sleep inertia magnitude. Prior sleep loss can also exacerbate sleep inertia15, 19), which is particularly important in shiftwork where workers often experience extended wakefulness and/or sleep loss20, 21). Indeed, naps have been suggested as a potentially effec- tive countermeasure to sleepiness following sleep loss and during the circadian low22–26). Generally the long-term benefits provided by the nap outweigh the short-term detri- ments associated with sleep inertia4, 16, 25). The challenge is to maximise the benefits of a nap while minimising and/ or managing sleep inertia. In addition, there may also be individual factors that contribute to overall sleep inertia severity. For example, some sleep medications27) or sleep disorders may exacerbate sleep inertia symptoms, although there is currently very little research in this area.

Taking a Reactive Approach

Research investigating proactive strategies for optimal sleep length and timing to minimise sleep inertia and maxi- mise alertness is important for informing industry guide- Fig. 1. Flowchart illustrating the structured narrative review lines on rest breaks and shift scheduling. In operational selection process for articles populating Table 1. environments, however, it is not always feasible to plan the length and timing of a sleep period. For example, when workers are on-call (such as in the emergency services or line, caffeine, countermeasures, epinephrine, light, nap, the military), or for workers such as healthcare profession- noise, on-call, self-awakening, shift work, sound, and tem- als who take naps during extended-hours or night shifts. perature. This resulted in 256 articles. Two articles were For these workers, the need to process crucial and complex manually retrieved from reference lists. Seventeen articles information or to engage in safety critical activities almost remained after filtering for duplicates (n=150) and studies immediately after waking could occur at any time. Given not meeting the inclusion criteria outlined below (n=91). this, it is surprising that few studies have directly sought to Figure 1 illustrates the search and selection process. The reduce the effects of sleep inertia through reactive counter- large number of duplicate articles was a result of using measures. That is, strategies implemented upon wake-up, multiple search terms and multiple databases which each as opposed to proactive strategies such as planning sleep returned similar results. The selected articles are sum- timing and duration. This review examines the literature on marised in Table 1. Note that one study is included three potential reactive countermeasures to sleep inertia includ- times as it investigated three countermeasures28). ing caffeine, light, and temperature, and discusses possible Given the diversity of methods and the exploratory avenues for future research. nature of the many approaches to managing sleep inertia, a traditional systematic review style was not implemented. Search Methods Rather than limiting the scope of the studies included in the review, a structured narrative approach was chosen Three electronic databases (PubMed, Science Direct, to allow collation across a broad range of research in this and Scopus) were searched on July 8, 2015 for the fol- area29). Many of the studies included in this review have lowing search terms paired with “sleep inertia”: adrena- methodological limitations that may have rendered them 530 C HILDITCH et al.

Table 1. A summary of papers investigating countermeasures to sleep inertia Counter- Prior sleep/ Wake-up Inertia testing points Subjective alertness Objective perfor- Reac- Authors Sleep length measure wake protocol timing post-sleep improved?^ mance improved?^ tive? No obvious signs of Drive: 0–180 min; No obvious signs of Reyner & Horne, Sleep restric- inertia, but no nap- 15 min 14:40 30-min bins inertia, but no nap-only No 199730) tion (5 h TIB) only comparison KSS: every 200 s comparison group. group. 88 h extended Van Dongen et al., wakefulness Caffeine 2 h 04:45 & 16:45 5, 75 min Not reported Yes (5 min) No 200131) with 2-h naps every 12 h 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, Hayashi et al., 200328) Habitual sleep 20 min 13:00 Yes (15 min) Yes (15 min) No 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 min Newman et al., 201332) Habitual sleep 1 h & ~6 h 01:00 & 06:00 0, 6, 12, 18 min Not reported Yes (18 min) Yes 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, Hayashi et al., 200328) Habitual sleep 20 min 13:00 Yes (15 min) No improvement Yes 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 min Light 06:42–07:27, Sleep restric- (post-wake) depending Santhi et al., 201313) tion (6.5 h 6.5 h 3, 33, 63, 93 min No improvement No improvement Yes on habitual TIB) wake-up Van de Werken et al., 1, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 Habitual sleep ~8 h ~07:00 Yes (15 min) No improvement No 201035) min Yes (25 min reduction Giménez et al., Habitual sleep ~8 h ~07:00 N/A time needed to feel Not reported No 201033) Light fully awake) (pre-wake) Harrison et al., 201134) Habitual sleep 90 min 15:30 3 min No No No Habitual Yes (better on average Yes (better on Thompson et al., Habitual workday tim- 8 h 5, 35, 75 min over whole testing average over whole No 201436) workday sleep ing (mean not period) testing period) reported) 0, 40 min. Tassi et al., 199237) Habitual sleep 1 h 01:00 & 04:00 30-min test divided Not reported Yes (3 min) Yes into 3 min bins.

Sound No control group. High preference Hayashi et al., 200438) Habitual sleep 20 min 14:20 1, 6, 11, 16 min Yes (1 min) music better than Yes low preference (1 min) 8 h (noctur- Unknown, Correlation with nal sleep) & KSS at 0, 30, 60, 90, Krauchi et al., 200439) assume 07:00 & 18:00 distal-proximal skin Not reported Yes 2 h (after- 120 min habitual temperature gradient Tempera- noon nap) ture Multiple wake- KSS at 0, 30, 60, 90, Correlation with distal Krauchi et al., 200640) Habitual sleep 75 min ups across the Not reported Yes 120 min skin temperature circadian cycle No 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Kaida et al., 200341) Habitual sleep 15–20 min 14:20 Yes (5 min) Greater P300 ampli- No min tude (15 min) No 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Heart rate increased Kaida et al., 200342) Habitual sleep 15–20 min 14:20 Yes (10 min) No min (3 min before waking) Self- awakening Yes ( - better on average over whole Ikeda & Hayashi Habitual Habitual (mean Yes (in first 15 min Habitual sleep 1, 16, 31, 46 min testing period) No 20106) (mean 7.3 h) 08:06) test session) No (sleepiness not improved) Partial Habitual Immediately after Yes (only one test Ikeda et al., 201443) Habitual sleep restriction (range: No No waking (home study) point) (5 h) 05:30–08:30) Face- 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, Hayashi et al., 200328) Habitual sleep 20 min 13:00 Yes (1 min) No improvement Yes washing 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 min

Table notes: ^first recorded improvement; KSS: Karolinska sleepiness scale; N/A: not applicable; TIB: time in .

Industrial Health 2016, 54, 528–541 SLEEP INERTIA COUNTERMEASURES 531 ineligible for traditional systematic review. Neverthe- at random intervals as quickly as possible by pressing a less, these studies highlight important research ideas, and button) under placebo conditions deteriorated immediately point the way for future studies. In this way, this inclusive post-nap, but there was no change in performance pre- to review is intended as a “call to arms” for future research post-nap in the caffeine condition. Testing points over an initiatives. hour after the nap showed no differences between the two Studies in Table 1 met the following inclusion criteria: groups. From these results the authors concluded that caf- original article; published in peer-reviewed journal; writ- feine had eliminated the effect of sleep inertia on this task. ten in English; used healthy, human, adult participants; and There was evidence to suggest that caffeine affected the directly trialled a countermeasure to sleep inertia or pro- sleep architecture of the naps in this study. For example, it vided evidence for a potential countermeasure. The major- took longer for participants to fall asleep, and the amount ity of screened articles were excluded due to not investi- of time spent in deep sleep was significantly reduced in gating a countermeasure to sleep inertia or not reporting some of the nap opportunities. However, this effect was not original research (e.g. review papers) (Fig. 1). All studies consistent across all naps, yet the reduction of sleep inertia in the table were laboratory-based; 15 were experimen- was consistent following all naps. Therefore, the authors tal and two were observational. Sample size ranged from concluded that the action of caffeine on sleep inertia was n=8 to n=23 in 14 within-participant studies, and n=16 unlikely to be due to the alteration of prior sleep bout. to n=44 in three between-participants studies. Both male More recently, Newman et al.32) trialled a caffeinated and female participants were included in all but three chewing gum (100 mg) administered immediately upon studies, which only included male participants. Outcome waking and observed improved performance on a 5-min measures, testing points, timing of awakening, and prior PVT relative to placebo at 12–18 min post-nap. Caffeine sleep/wake history, and length of sleep periods varied, and administered via gum reaches peak plasma levels more as such, direct comparisons between studies were not pos- quickly than via a pill49). However, there were no differ- sible. Six countermeasure categories were identified: caf- ences observed between conditions until at least 12–18 feine28, 30–32); light13, 28, 33–36); sound37, 38); temperature39, 40); min post-nap, suggesting that the caffeine gum, as in the self-awakening6, 41–43); and face-washing28). pill form46), has a delayed effect, and is therefore unable to attenuate sleep inertia during the initial, most critical Caffeine period of wakefulness. The caffeine gum may, however, limit the duration of sleep inertia and therefore provide Caffeine is a readily available and cost effective stimu- faster recovery post-nap. It is worth noting that data from lant used strategically, socially and often habitually44, 45). the placebo condition did not consistently show clear sleep Caffeine promotes alertness by blocking recep- inertia effects (i.e. performance was not always worse tors. Adenosine, a by-product of cellular energy expendi- immediately after waking). Therefore, it is difficult to ture, is a neurotransmitter inhibitor which increases with determine whether caffeine had an effect on sleep inertia time awake and causes drowsiness46). Caffeine has been per se, or improved general performance under condi- shown to improve performance and alertness under condi- tions of mild sleep restriction and high circadian pres- tions of high sleep pressure such as and sure (awoken at 01:00 and 06:00 after a 1-h and 6-h sleep during the night47, 48). The search yielded four studies that opportunity, respectively). As an alternative mechanism, examined caffeine as a countermeasure to sleep inertia studies have shown that chewing non-caffeinated gum (Table 1). Van Dongen et al.31) found that sustained, low can improve alertness and cognitive performance50, 51). dose caffeine counteracted sleep inertia immediately fol- Therefore, chewing may have acted as a countermeasure in lowing 2-h naps across 88 h of sleep deprivation. Notably, Newman and colleagues’ study32), thus reducing sleep iner- caffeine was administered hourly for a plasma concentra- tia effects in both the placebo and caffeine groups. If so, tion approximately 3.7 mg/L, equivalent to one-quarter the caffeine effect would be acting on top of the chewing cup of coffee every hour for 66 h. That is, caffeine was effect, leading to delayed improvements on background not administered directly after the nap, rather, at regular performance. Overall, the use of caffeinated gum offers intervals before and after each nap. In this study, perfor- promising results for truncating sleep inertia duration. This mance on a 10-min psychomotor vigilance task (PVT; a study demonstrates the importance of using a placebo gum, measure of behavioural alertness and vigilance, in which and ideally another placebo or control condition, so that it the participant is required to respond to stimuli presented is possible to isolate the effects of chewing and caffeine 532 C HILDITCH et al. on sleep inertia. Further study is warranted to determine combination as a drowsy driving countermeasure55). Fur- whether different caffeine dosages may be more effective, ther, despite a lack of studies investigating sleep inertia or different performance tasks may be more sensitive to following short naps at night, other government websites detect changes in sleep inertia following reactive caffeine promote the use of short naps (≤30 min) with no mention gum administration. of potential sleep inertia7, 8). Current policies and recom- Other studies have administered caffeine by adding mendations to counteract sleepiness while driving require it to decaffeinated coffee which was consumed prior to a a stronger evidence base with regards to sleep inertia. The short daytime nap28, 30). Hayashi and colleagues28) admin- studies reviewed highlight the need for experimental and istered 200 mg of caffeine (equivalent to 2–3 cups of observational testing which allows for the direct assess- instant coffee52, 53)) prior to a 20-min nap. Despite pre-nap ment of the impact of caffeine in combination with a nap administration, significant improvements in alertness and on driving performance immediately after waking at differ- measured performance in the caffeine condition were not ent times of day. observed until 15 min after the nap. However, during this There are several considerations when applying these 15 min period, there were no differences in alertness or results in the workplace. In most studies28, 30, 31), caffeine performance between the nap-only and no-nap group. This was administered before the nap. Each of these studies indicated a lack of observable sleep inertia, which may yielded improvements post-nap in caffeine compared to have been due to the experimental design. Mean total sleep placebo groups. In unpredictable scenarios, however, such time during the 20-min nap opportunity ending at 13:00 as working on-call, there may not be sufficient warning or was 14.8 min, with no slow wave sleep (SWS, or “deep opportunity to use caffeine proactively. Proactive use may sleep”). These conditions are not particularly conducive only be effective prior to short naps. There is the potential to sleep inertia4, 16). This study demonstrates that, when for sleep to be disrupted if caffeine is taken beforehand, investigating sleep inertia countermeasures, it is important resulting in a trade-off between reduced sleep inertia and to use experimental circumstances that are most likely to reduced total sleep or sleep quality28, 31). However, when produce sleep inertia. For example, following: scheduled caffeine was administered post-nap, even in a rapid acting awakenings at night5, 15); extended wakefulness or prior chewing gum format, caffeine effects were not seen until sleep loss15, 19); or longer naps4, 16, 18). 12–18 min post-nap, which, while useful in some scenar- Reyner and Horne30), using 150 mg of caffeine in decaf- ios, may not be fast enough in time-critical situations32). feinated coffee (equivalent to approximately two cups of Therefore, when used proactively, caffeine has the poten- coffee52, 53)), found that the combination of caffeine and a tial to eliminate sleep inertia effects almost immediately 15-min nap was associated with better performance across after short naps. Further research into the use of caffein- a 2-h drive than following either countermeasure in iso- ated gum is needed to explore the potential benefits of this lation. The driving task commenced 5 min after the nap, reactive countermeasure beyond the demonstrated reduc- within the sleep inertia period. However, as investigation tion in sleep inertia duration. of sleep inertia was not a research aim of the study, the data Another consideration in the application of these results were reported in 30-min bins which do not allow investiga- to operational settings is habitual use and individual caf- tion of performance changes across this peak sleep inertia feine sensitivity. Van Dongen and colleagues31) employed period. The first 30-min bin, however, did not show any a two-week caffeine-free wash-out before the study to obvious signs of sleep inertia (i.e. worse performance) minimise the effects of individual differences in caffeine relative to subsequent bins. Interpretation of these results tolerance. This study still observed large between-subjects with regards to sleep inertia is further limited as perfor- variability in plasma caffeine concentrations. The other mance in the caffeine-plus-nap group was not directly studies in Table 1 did not report habitual caffeine use30), compared to a nap-only group, only to results from a group or allowed participants to drink up to four cups of coffee in a previous study54). In the previous study54), participants per day until the experimental period28, 32). This may have drove for 2 h before receiving caffeine and/or nap, whereas influenced the effects of the caffeine, with low-caffeine in the follow-up study30) they drove for 1 h. Therefore the users more sensitive to the effects of the experimental dos- post-treatment results of these conditions should be com- age compared to high-caffeine users46). Alternatively, high- pared with this in mind. caffeine users may have experienced withdrawals in the There is a government-led road safety campaign, based placebo condition56). Not controlling for habitual caffeine on the above study, to promote the use of a caffeine-nap use, however, is perhaps more ecologically valid, as par-

Industrial Health 2016, 54, 528–541 SLEEP INERTIA COUNTERMEASURES 533 ticipants had a range of habitual caffeine intakes, just as a hours and then every hour up to 4 hours after waking. The work force would. Studies of caffeine use in shift workers relatively infrequent testing points during the initial sleep report high levels of caffeine intake especially for: older inertia period may have limited observations in this pro- workers, those on night and morning shifts, and follow- tocol. Participants in this study were selected based on a ing reduced sleep45, 57). Although it is important to under- self-reported need for at least 60 min to feel fully alert after stand caffeine effects under controlled conditions, it is also waking. Indeed, subjective ratings of sleepiness showed a important to understand individual differences in caffeine clear sleep inertia pattern, with highest sleepiness ratings response under natural conditions. Translating results from immediately after waking which dissipated across subse- controlled studies into real-world scenarios is a critical quent testing points. However, the performance tasks var- step before recommending caffeine as a countermeasure ied in their sensitivity to sleep inertia. This demonstrates to sleep inertia. Further, the long-lasting effects of caffeine the important methodological consideration of choosing may disturb subsequent sleep opportunities58), so it may an appropriate task to measure sleep inertia. Regardless of not be suitable for use on some occasions, such as towards the outcome measured, however, there was no significant the end of a night shift. effect of light on performance or alertness within 4 h of waking. The improvement in working memory observed Light 4 h after waking was likely due to light affecting general performance rather than sleep inertia per se. These studies is a hormone which helps to regulate sleep- demonstrated that both brief and sustained light exposure wake cycles and is suppressed under conditions of bright after waking did not improve performance during the sleep light exposure59). Light also serves as a zeitgeber (time- inertia period. These results suggest that light exposure giver) to entrain our internal body (circadian) rhythms to may be of limited effectiveness during the sleep inertia a 24-h cycle60, 61). Light signals are sent from the eye to a period. However, it may be worth investigating different cluster of cells in the brain responsible for our circadian light intensities and qualities. rhythms, the suprachiasmatic nucleus. In this way, light As well as investigating light exposure after waking, can be used at key times to manipulate circadian timing, some studies have looked at light exposure before waking. leading to changes in sleep patterns62, 63). In addition to its This approach assumes a different action pathway of light. circadian entrainment effects, bright light exposure has Instead of direct alerting properties of bright light exposure also been shown to directly improve alertness and cogni- during wake, exposure to light before waking applies the tive performance during the day, night, and following sleep theory that light will act to lighten sleep before waking, restriction64–68). Investigation into optimising the intensity, therefore reducing sleep inertia35). However, Harrison and wavelength and duration of light exposure to manipulate colleagues34) found no difference in measured performance both sleep and performance are ongoing. There is potential or alertness following a 90-min afternoon nap during for bright light exposure to directly improve alertness and which participants were exposed to varying light intensi- performance during the sleep inertia period. ties (0, 1, 80, 6,400 lux). Similarly, Van de Werken et al.35), Few studies have investigated the effect of light immedi- despite observing improvements in subjective alertness, ately following waking on performance and alertness dur- found no differences in post-sleep performance on a simple ing this period. The first study of this type exposed partici- reaction time and addition task between a dawn simula- pants to bright light (2,000 lux) for 1 min after waking from tion condition and control. In the dawn simulation, light a 20-min nap28). This brief exposure to bright light did not was increased to 300 lux in the 30 min prior to wake-up; reduce sleep inertia within the first 15 min after waking. It there was no light before wake-up in the control condition. did, however, modestly improve subjective ratings for the There were no sleep stage differences between conditions following 45 min. More recently, Santhi and co-authors13) in either the 90-min nap34) or during the 30 min of artificial investigated the effect of four light conditions (dim, blue- dawn35). intermediate, blue-enhanced, and bright blue-enhanced) on In contrast, modest performance benefits were observed a range of cognitive tasks during the sleep inertia period. both on cognitive and physical (cycling) tasks following Participants were woken from a 6.5-h nocturnal sleep dawn simulation, with no differences in sleep quality as and were exposed to light for 4 h. There were no differ- measured by actigraphy36). Giménez et al.33) found that ences between the four conditions in subjective alertness participants reported needing less time to feel fully alert or performance measured every half-hour for the first two after stronger artificial dawn light levels (250 lux vs 0 lux 534 C HILDITCH et al. and 50 lux). Together these studies suggest that dawn light ple, a dawn simulation light box could be used in a work- may improve subjective alertness. Further studies of the place napping room. An additional caution to be added to effect of dawn light on objective performance during the the use of bright light as a countermeasure to sleep iner- immediate wake-up period are necessary to determine the tia is the potentially unwanted effect of entrainment. For overall efficacy of dawn lighting to reduce subjective and example, bright light exposure, particularly near the cir- objective sleep inertia. cadian nadir, could delay or advance circadian phase62, 63). Light may have an additional action pathway during the This could lead to changes in sleep timing that are coun- sleep inertia period via the cortisol awakening response terproductive to the work schedule and ultimately lead to (CAR). Cortisol is a hormone typically associated with sleep loss, sleepiness and poor performance. stress response and follows a diurnal pattern with higher levels during the day and lower levels at night69). The CAR Sound refers to the sharp increase in cortisol upon waking in the morning70). This response is greater in the presence of light Sound such as pink noise (random noise with more presented immediately after waking (800 lux for 1 h)71). low frequency components than white noise) can be used Less intense light presented before waking (dawn simula- as a sleeping aid by providing a constant, ambient audi- tion: light gradually increased to 250–300 lux over 30 min tory background thereby minimising the impact of ran- before waking) has had mixed effect35, 72). Furthermore, a dom noises on sleep initiation and maintenance82, 83). Con- greater CAR has been associated with increased levels of versely, noise has been used to promote alertness under self-reported arousal72, 73) and reduced sleepiness74). sleep deprivation conditions84) or as a positive stressor to The role of cortisol and the CAR in sleep inertia is improve performance85). This inconsistency in the litera- unknown. A clue to its role comes from the discovery ture may be due to variation in noise type (e.g. continuous that SWS is associated with lower cortisol75). Deep sleep versus intermittent). The effect of noise may also be task has also been associated with greater sleep inertia15, 76), dependent, with significant effects more likely observed on although this relationship has not been consistently dem- simple compared to complex tasks86–88). The search identi- onstrated18, 77). The relationship between deep sleep and fied two studies which used different sounds in an attempt sleep inertia may be mediated by cortisol, although this to reduce sleep inertia. has not been directly investigated. If the relationship Tassi and colleagues37) exposed participants to continu- between cortisol and sleep inertia can be better established, ous noise during a spatial memory test performed after manipulating cortisol through light interventions or exog- waking. In this study37), spatial memory after waking from enous administration may offer an alternative sleep iner- a 1-h nap at 01:00 during the no noise condition was worse tia countermeasure. The inclusion of measures of cortisol, for up to 15 min compared to the total sleep deprivation alertness, and performance across the sleep inertia period condition (no nap, no noise). Performance in the group would be beneficial to systematically track inter-relation- exposed to 75 dB of pink noise (random noise with more ships between these factors during this time. low frequency components than white noise) after waking, Using light after waking would be relatively straightfor- did not differ from total sleep deprivation. The authors sug- ward to implement in the workplace. For example, strate- gest that noise had an arousing effect which reduced sleep gic exposure to light boxes at work has successfully helped inertia. Noise delivered after a nap ending at 04:00, how- shift workers adjust their circadian rhythm to better match ever, was ineffective and may have exacerbated the effects their shifts78, 79). However, a trial of bright light in a chemi- of partial sleep deprivation under these conditions. Given cal plant uncovered several limitations including poor the conflicting results from this study and the literature compliance with the interventions and variations in light generally, more research is required to establish the effect exposure amongst workers due to different operational of pink noise exposure under different sleep conditions, tasks80). The effectiveness of such a countermeasure may and on different tasks. The background noise level of the vary by workplace. However, a light box, or light-emitting work place may also impact on the effectiveness of this glasses81) used immediately after waking, could feasibly countermeasure. For example, high levels of ambient noise be implemented as a reactive countermeasure. While using are typically associated with elevated stress and fatigue light before waking would be unsuitable for implementa- in noisy work environments such as factories89, 90). The tion in unpredictable sleep/wake environments, it may results of Tassi and colleagues’ study37) suggest, however, have an application for scheduled rest periods. For exam- that under certain conditions, exposure to pink noise after

Industrial Health 2016, 54, 528–541 SLEEP INERTIA COUNTERMEASURES 535 waking could minimise sleep inertia. to promote sleep onset97). The role of thermoregulation at Hayashi and colleagues38) took a different approach, sleep offset, however, has received less attention98). playing excitatory music at 60 dB during a 20-min testing A tantalising preliminary study in this area has demon- period after waking. Music, especially music that the par- strated a relationship between subjective measures of sleep ticipant preferred, reduced subjective sleepiness post-nap inertia and changes in the distal-proximal skin temperature compared to a no-music control. Similarly, performance on gradient (DPG)39). In this study, the reduction in subjec- a visual oddball task was improved with high preference tive sleepiness correlated with a decrease in the DPG. music compared to low preference music. Future research Furthermore, the relationship between distal skin tem- in this area would benefit from the inclusion of a no nap perature and subjective sleepiness remained in a multiple control group to confirm that the effects observed target nap protocol in which sleep and wake opportunities were sleep inertia relative to general performance. Reyner and rapidly alternated (75 min sleep / 150 min wake)40). The Horne91), under conditions of sleep restriction, found that authors suggest that actively manipulating the tempera- playing the radio only had a brief, positive effect on alert- ture of extremities through simple cooling strategies that ness and simulated driving performance, and was therefore evoke distal vasoconstriction and reduce heat loss from not suitable to long-distance driving. Playing music may, the periphery may result in faster sleep inertia dissipation. however, be effective in short-term sleep inertia scenarios. Van De Werken35) also found that dawn light accelerated From the limited literature it appears that sound (noise the DPG change after waking and that this was associated or music) has the potential to improve performance, at with a decrease in subjective sleepiness, but not objective least briefly, under certain conditions. Further research in performance. this area would help to determine the most effective sound From an operational perspective, if changing body tem- to target sleep inertia symptoms. From an operational per- perature only changed subjective feelings, it may lead to spective, implementation in a work setting should be rela- a false sense of improved objective alertness and perfor- tively easy. Indeed, background music has been used suc- mance after waking99–104). Studies further investigating cessfully in both industrial and office settings to improve the relationship between DPG and objective measures are vigilance and performance at work92). However, rather well-warranted, however, as an intervention would be rela- than background music, sound delivery would likely need tively easy to implement in most work places. For exam- to be via headphones, especially in shared sleeping envi- ple, workers could place their hands and feet in a receptacle ronments. For example, a personal music player with a col- filled with cold or iced water to rapidly lose heat from their lection of songs pre-selected by shift workers (high pref- extremities immediately after waking. Such a countermea- erence music38)) could be kept in a napping room for use sure would also have the advantage of not negatively influ- immediately after waking. encing future sleep opportunities (c.f. caffeine, light).

Temperature Self-awakening

Many studies have investigated the role of thermoreg- Some studies have observed that waking from deeper ulation in moderating and maintenance (for stages of sleep (i.e. SWS) is associated with greater sleep review, see Lack et al.93)). At sleep onset there is a drop in inertia15, 76). This has led to studies of self-awakening to core body temperature (CBT) and an associated increase minimise the chances of waking from deep sleep. Self- vasodilation and blood flow to the extremities in order to awakening refers to spontaneously waking after a set lose heat. This change in body temperature is thought to period of time, without the use of an external stimulus promote sleep onset and maintain sleep throughout the such as an alarm. Kaida and colleagues41, 42) compared nocturnal sleep period93). Furthermore, the association self-awakening to being woken by an experimenter after between the rate of distal skin temperature increase (mea- a 15-min afternoon nap. They reported that self-awaken- sured at the extremities) and sleep onset can be observed ing led to lighter sleep, as scored using hypnagogic scor- at different phases of circadian rhythm in CBT94). Manip- ing105), a method which looks at the first two lighter stages ulation of skin temperature and CBT have been found to of non- (Stage 1 and Stage 2)106) improve sleep quality95), performance, and maintenance in greater resolution41). There were no differences observed of wakefulness96). For example, strategies to warm the across stages according to Rechtschaffen and Kales106) cri- extremities (e.g. a hot water bottle at the feet) can help teria41, 42). This finding suggests that traditional sleep scor- 536 C HILDITCH et al. ing methods may not be sensitive enough to detect elec- unlikely that self-awakening would be a reliable strategy. troencephalographic changes induced by self-awakening Furthermore, this method is not a viable countermeasure techniques. Spectral analysis of these sleep episodes may for unscheduled wake-ups. For naps taken at home with- be another useful method for understanding the mecha- out time pressures, however, the self-awakening technique nisms underlying self-awakening. may offer relief from subjective feelings of sleep inertia. Kaida and colleagues41) measured physiological arousal levels by evaluating the amplitude of a specific brain Face Washing and Common Countermea- response to an audible tone presented immediately after sures waking and repeated every 5 min for 30 min. There was a greater response after self- compared to forced-awaken- Anecdotally, people have wake-up routines which ing at 15 min post-wake, but not at earlier or later testing reduce sleep inertia. However, while commonly used coun- points. The authors argue that this greater response follow- termeasures to driver fatigue such as cold air or playing ing self-awakening is indicative of greater physiological the radio have been investigated91), few studies have exam- arousal41). In a second study42), subjective sleepiness was ined their use for sleep inertia. Hayashi and colleagues’28) improved at 10 min post-wake, but improvements in per- trialled face-washing as a practical, and commonly used, formance on an auditory oddball task were not observed sleep inertia countermeasure following a 20-min afternoon until later. These results should be interpreted with cau- nap. The authors describe an immediate, but short-lived, tion as the experimental design (i.e. a short afternoon reduction in subjective sleepiness relative to nap-only, with nap) may not have generated sleep inertia. Indeed, there no differences in performance on a memory search task. was no difference in performance between the nap and no- These results suggest that face-washing may improve sub- nap group, and no immediate subjective ratings of sleep jective alertness after waking. Further research using dif- inertia. This study is another example highlighting the ferent performance measures would be useful to establish importance, when investigating sleep inertia countermea- whether the null findings for performance were specific to sures, of setting experimental conditions that are likely to the memory search task used. It is possible that other tasks produce sleep inertia. For example, Ikeda and colleagues may be more sensitive to inertia. investigated self-awakening following partial sleep restric- In a study examining the time course of sleep inertia, tion43, 107). In contrast to Kaida and colleagues’ studies41, 42), Jewett et al.3) found no differences in performance on an improvement was observed on cognitive tasks following addition task between a constant routine condition (lying self-awakening, but there were no significant differences in in semi-recumbent position) and an ambulatory condi- subjective sleepiness ratings. tion in which participants were able to get up, eat break- While there is some evidence to support the use of self- fast, and shower. Both groups were kept under the same awakening to reduce sleep inertia, a potential limitation in semi-recumbent, fasting conditions until at least 35 min applying this technique is the inconsistent success rate of after waking, therefore it is not clear whether these activi- self-awakening. In Kaida and colleagues’ studies41, 42), there ties would have made a difference if undertaken sooner was a 71–82% success rate for self-awakening within ± 5 after waking. Another study reported a positive effect min of the 15-min target, much higher than previous stud- of breakfast on morning mood and memory, but did not ies cited by the authors which range from 18–42%41). The report when participants woke, so it is unclear whether study, however, selected participants who were well-rested it was strictly a study of sleep inertia108). More studies and claimed they were able to self-awaken from nocturnal on common countermeasures such as showers, meals, or sleep. Therefore this approach may be most beneficial for physical exercise are worthy of investigation. For exam- those who find it easier to self-awaken. It would be inter- ple, a shower may act to change overall body temperature, esting to further this research under conditions better rep- and therefore might be more effective than face washing. resenting shift work scenarios, e.g. following chronic sleep Empirical research is needed to confirm effective common restriction or extended periods of wakefulness21). In Ikeda practices, and to de-bunk ineffective strategies. and Hayashi’s study6), for example, participants habitu- ally woke from an alarm, and subsequently only nine of Adrenaline and Operational Scenarios the 30 attempted self-awakenings in the study (30%) were within 30 min of target wake time. As workers are gen- Finally, when considering sleep inertia in real-world erally required to return to shift at a specific time, it is scenarios, adrenaline is often proposed as a natural coun-

Industrial Health 2016, 54, 528–541 SLEEP INERTIA COUNTERMEASURES 537 termeasure. Adrenaline is a stress hormone released from Conclusions the adrenal glands109). Adrenaline may play a role in miti- gating impairment during the sleep inertia period110). Lab- Examination of the current literature reveals a gap in the oratory studies of sleep inertia are typically conducted in evidence-base for the implementation of a reactive coun- low-stress environments. It is unknown whether a change termeasure to sleep inertia which is effective within 15 min in stress levels may affect sleep inertia, or the effectiveness of waking. Caffeine is perhaps the closest option, although of countermeasures. Further, there are no studies of adren- to target immediate performance and alertness, it needs to aline and its effect on performance and alertness during the be administered prior to a short sleep bout, and in this way, sleep inertia period. This is likely due to constraints associ- is not a reactive strategy. This countermeasure may be use- ated with collecting blood samples during the sleep inertia ful, therefore, in situations where napping can be planned. period and the short half-life of adrenaline111). Anecdotal Given that current investigations into light and temperature and experimental evidence suggest that adrenaline may not are in their infancy, further study is warranted to under- be a reliable countermeasure to sleep inertia. Emergency stand the physiological mechanisms underlying these service workers often report habituating to their high pres- interventions and whether performance can be improved sure roles, no longer feeling the “rush of adrenaline”. after waking, in line with some encouraging results from Reports are supported by a study that described changes subjective measures. to hormone levels following stressful field exercises and A challenge in identifying an effective sleep inertia military training112). Special Forces soldiers had a differ- countermeasure is that effectiveness may depend on sleep ent response than non-Special Forces soldiers, suggesting inertia severity. The majority of the studies reviewed a degree of adaptation to stress. However, this adaptation assessed sleep inertia following afternoon naps, or upon may not be common for shift workers in less stressful waking from habitual night time sleep. There were no clear occupations. Whether the hormonal response immediately differences in the efficacy of countermeasures between upon waking in high stress scenarios changes with expe- these two scenarios. However, strategies that work under rience, and/or varies between individuals, is unknown. these conditions may not be sufficient in other scenarios. In Nor do we know whether increases in hormones such as shift work conditions, for example, the magnitude of sleep adrenaline can restore cognitive function during the sleep inertia may be exacerbated due to factors such as prior inertia period, or whether they may in fact further com- sleep loss, time of day, and sleep length. The impact of promise clear thinking and decision-making12). Until there these factors on the effectiveness of countermeasures has are studies directly investigating the role of adrenaline on yet to be investigated. Studies investigating sleep inertia cognitive performance during sleep inertia, reliance on this countermeasures should consider directly comparing the endogenous countermeasure is not recommended. effect of these factors, or testing countermeasures in sce- This area would also benefit from study in the field, narios more common to shift work (e.g. a night shift nap). which to date, are few110). A survey of emergency medical Identifying a viable countermeasure also involves service pilots revealed that sleep inertia had occasionally assessing operational viability. Many of the countermea- compromised flight safety113) and some critical care nurses sures discussed could be implemented in a workplace. report avoiding napping on night shift due to concerns Developing a countermeasure that can attenuate the mag- about performance impairment upon waking114). Taken nitude and/or duration of sleep inertia in both scheduled together, these studies suggest that there is potential for and unpredictable shift work environments warrants fur- sleep inertia-related safety risks, or at least, that the per- ther investigation. In the meantime, it is recommended that ception of sleep inertia as a safety issue exists in the field. proactive sleep inertia countermeasures are used, and that Several incident investigation reports have cited sleep iner- safety-critical tasks are avoided immediately after waking. tia as a contributing factor9–12). Systematic studies of the effect of sleep inertia in real-world situations are essential Acknowledgements for progressing our understanding of sleep inertia, and the development of effective countermeasures for practical The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. implementation. References

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