TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 JAMADA ALAWWAL 10, 1435 AH Mexico confirms Islamists free Black Twitter Bulls beat killing of ‘dead’ 13 nuns in rare growing into Heat in OT; drug kingpin7 prisoner13 swap online27 force Mavs20 roll Games of chance: Illicit Max 28º Min 20º lotto popular in Kuwait High Tide 09:18 & 18:52 Low Tide Underground betting, gambling flourishing 02:37 & 13:27 40 PAGES NO: 16101 150 FILS

By Ben Garcia the lotto agents. Players often use birth- conspiracy theories days, anniversaries and other important KUWAIT: The 1st and the 16th of every dates in the calendar as their numbers of month are exciting days for Jennifer and choice. Others pick numbers randomly, Enlighten us Jayanti. They look forward to them all from street signs or bus numbers or TV month long, hoping and praying that commercials. one day their number will hit. Like many “I collect numbers from anything expats within the South Asian and under the sun. I remember I was riding in Filipino communities in Kuwait, the two the bus one time, I saw some numbers expats play Thai lotto regularly though written on the wall of the bus. I used gambling is illegal in Kuwait. Kuwait them on my betting pad, then the fol- By Badrya Darwish Times spoke with a few bettors to learn lowing day it landed in the lottery bet more about how it works and why they because it was the 15th of the month, play. the last day of betting. I gave that num- In Thai lottery, players are allowed to ber to my lottery agent and the next day, bet starting with 250 fils and can place I won. Imagine I won KD 400 for a KD 1 [email protected] higher bets. Staff in companies large and ticket,” Jennifer said. small will place bets, communicating For some gamblers, it’s a way to raise through a network of number runners. a bit of extra cash or entertainment, Bettors can also visit areas in Kuwait City something to look forward to. “The fol- t the time when the prime minister him- where large numbers of Asian expats lowing years and months, I won several self has announced a few months ago gather on weekend to buy lotto tickets times but smaller amounts like KD 80 or Athat Kuwait will face deficits in the budget and place their bets. Thai lotto has been KD 40, and there were times I won only and our life styles and expenditures have to active in Kuwait for more than a decade, KD 20,” Jennifer added. “I am alone rais- gradually be reduced, I read a story that the though because of its illegal status, the ing two children and if not because of Ministry of Electricity is going to put a tender to game is totally underground and those the lottery, I probably would give in to revamp the lights on the Gulf Road. The lighting who play can only come to learn of it other illegal activities - maybe prostitu- project is supposed to cover from Sharia’ Al through word of mouth. tion - because the salary I get from my Ta’awon street in Ras Salmiya to Seif Palace, Bettors will buy three combination work is really not enough, I need extra opposite Sharq area -which is around 29 kilome- A sample of a lottery tip in Thailand from the website. numbers like 315, 675, 712 and 967 from Continued on Page 13 ters, according to the report. The report mentioned that the ministry has budgeted KD5 million for the project which will take an estimated five years to accomplish. Kuwait’s budget Wow! KD5 million to light the Gulf Road at the time when we are supposed to tighten our belts and cut budgets everywhere and Kuwaitis are spending up 8% threatened with deficits by 2020 - and on top of that five years to finish it? Why? Is this a mega project of bridges and flyovers or maybe a new IMF warns on subsidies modern airport or a bridge to connect Kuwait City to Failaika Island? Or is this a small part of a DUBAI: Kuwait’s government spending oil for around 94 percent of its income, new housing project? What’s going on in the rose 8 percent in the first 10 months of provides a generous cradle-to-grave wel- ministry? What kind of lights are they going to this fiscal year compared with the same fare system for its citizens. Senior govern- bring? Can they enlighten us? What kind of period the previous year but is still far ment officials have talked more frequent- street lights costs KD5 million? below its initial plan, preliminary finance ly about the risk to Kuwait’s budget sur- I understand, if they are lights and chande- ministry figures showed. The major oil plus. But it is unclear whether the cabi- liers for palaces brought from Paris or Vienna or exporter’s public expenditure reached net will be able to push through unpop- PUTRAJAYA: Members of a youth group hold roses as they pray for the missing somewhere else or - with gold plated, pure crys- KD10.58 billion ($37.6 billion) in the ular economic reforms such as reducing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 plane at a hotel in Putrajaya yesterday. — AFP tal, diamond encrusted with a sign name on it. I April-January period, up from KD9.78 bil- subsidies or halting wage growth. could understand and appreciate that. It might lion a year ago but little over half of its State revenue was KD26.63 billion in spending plan of KD21 billion for the fis- the April-January period, slightly below Malaysian plane even cost more. But this is only street lights for cal year ending in March. 27.00 billion in the same period last year 20 km. Street lights are supposed to meet cer- The OPEC member has been under- but well above a conservative full-year tain international standards of design and quali- shooting its budget plans as political plan of KD18.10 billion. Oil income stood mystery deepens ty. wrangling delays budget approvals in at KD24.76 billion. That put the fiscal sur- By the way guys, I checked and found out parliament and investment spending. plus for the 10 months at KD16.05 billion, that it costs around 1.5 million sterling pounds That together with high oil prices has or 31.3 percent of the country’s 2012 to revamp the lights and decorations of the helped the Kuwait to build large fiscal gross domestic product, according to a Possibility of hijacking? famous Oxford Street in the heart of London for buffers. But economists say it needs to Reuters calculation based on the latest KUALA LUMPUR: The disappearance brought down the Boeing 777-200ER the Christmas festivities. So I wonder, is the min- control public wage growth and other official data. of a Malaysian jetliner is an “unprece- airliner flying from Kuala Lumpur to istry going to decorate the Gulf Road similarly, non-investment spending in order to Kuwait penciled in a deficit of KD2.91 dented mystery”, the country’s civil avi- Beijing. perhaps for Ramadan?!!!! And is it only Gulf Road keep posting budget surpluses into the billion in its 2013/14 plan. A Reuters poll ation chief said yesterday, as a massive A senior police official said that peo- that interests them? Why not, if we have enough next decade. The International Monetary in January showed analysts forecast a fis- air and sea search now in its third day ple armed with explosives and carrying money let’s decorate and light up the whole of Fund warned in December that it will be cal surplus of 23.5 percent of GDP for failed to find any trace of the plane or false identity papers had tried to fly out Kuwait in an expensive way. It looks like the important for Kuwait to restrain the ris- 2013/14 and 20.7 percent for the next fis- 239 people on board. Dozens of ships of Kuala Lumpur in the past, and that Ministry of Electricity has a handsome surplus in ing public sector wage bill and subsidies cal year. Kuwait pledged $4 billion in aid and aircraft from 10 countries scoured current investigations were focused on because any sustained period of low oil to Egypt after the overthrow of Islamist the seas around Malaysia and south of two passengers who were on the miss- its budgets. If so, I suggest that we revamp our prices could reduce its budget surpluses. Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi in electricity power stations instead and prepare Vietnam, and questions mounted over ing plane with stolen passports. “We In October, the prime minister July, and quickly began disbursing that possible security lapses and whether a have stopped men with false or stolen for the hot season which is fast approaching to described the country’s welfare system aid. It was not clear whether the latest bomb or hijacking attempt could have Continued on Page 13 avoid electricity cuts and rationing. as unsustainable. Kuwait, which relies on data reflected that cost.— Reuters Saudi blasts Iraqi leader Kingdom accused of supporting terrorism RIYADH: Saudi Arabia slammed as “aggressive and irre- and support of the sectarian and exclusionary policies of sponsible” yesterday accusations by Iraqi Prime Minister his government,” the official charged.”It is clear that Nuri Al-Maliki that the kingdom was supporting global those statements are aimed at turning the facts on their terrorism. “The kingdom condemns the aggressive and head, and blaming others for the domestic failures of the irresponsible statements made by the Iraqi prime minis- Iraqi prime minister.” In an apparent allusion to Sunni- ter,” an unidentified official told the state SPA news dominated Saudi Arabia’s Shiite rival Iran, the official said agency. In an interview aired on Saturday, Maliki charged that Maliki’s failings had “subordinated Iraq to regional that Saudi Arabia and neighboring Qatar were supporting parties who have contributed to sectarian violence militant groups in Iraq and across the Middle East as well unprecedented in Iraq’s history.” as terrorism worldwide. Iraq has been hit by a year-long surge in violence that “Nuri Al-Maliki knows very well, more than anyone has reached levels not seen since 2008, driven principal- else, the clear and categoric position of the kingdom ly by discontent among its Sunni Arab minority and by against terrorism... and is aware of the kingdom’s efforts the civil war in neighboring Syria. The United Nations to combat this phenomenon locally and globally,” the and Western governments have urged the Shiite-led official said. “Instead of making haphazard accusations, authorities to reach out to disaffected Sunnis. But with the Iraqi prime minister should take measures to end the elections due next month, political leaders have not chaos and violence that swamp Iraq.” The Saudi official wanted to be seen to compromise and have instead pur- accused Maliki’s Shiite-led government of sectarian poli- sued a hard line against Sunni militants. In January, cies towards sections of the Iraqi population, an appar- Maliki blamed “diabolical” and “treacherous” Arab gov- ent reference to the disgruntled Sunni Arab minority. ernments for the upsurge in violence but before Violence was taking place “against components of the Saturday he had refrained from pointing directly at par- KUWAIT: Kuwait policewomen mark during their graduation ceremony at the Saad Al-Abdullah Academy for Security brotherly Iraqi brotherly people with the clear blessing ticular states. — AFP Sciences yesterday. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat (See Page 2) TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 LOCAL

KUWAIT: His Highness the Deputy Amir and Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and other dignitaries at the graduation ceremony of the 40th batch of cadets, 25th batch of officers and the 6th batch of female officers at the Saad Al-Abdullah Academy for Security Sciences yesterday. Deputy Amir attends officers graduation

KUWAIT: Under the patronage of His Highness the Affairs Maj Gen Sheikh Ahmed Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al- and Interior Minister. He also spoke about the gradu- Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the Jaber Al-Sabah, assistant undersecretaries at the ates coming from the GCC states who have shared Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and in the Ministry of Interior, Director General of Saad Al- their experiences with their Kuwaiti colleagues, who presence of His Highness the Deputy Amir and Crown Abdullah Academy for Security Sciences Maj Gen are eager to safeguard their countries and preserve Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the Mohammed Saif Al-Saif and senior Interior Ministry safety of citizens. Al-Saif urged the graduates to graduation ceremony of the 40th batch of cadets, officers. Following the national anthem and a recita- adhere to loyalty and devotion to God and the home- 25th batch of officers and the 6th batch of female offi- tion of the holy Quran, Director General of Saad Al- land, as well as to ethical conduct, honesty, calling on cers was held yesterday at the Saad Al-Abdullah Abdullah Academy for Security Sciences Saif Al-Saif them to disdain from everything that harms the pres- Academy for Security Sciences. The motorcade of His welcomed the patronage of His Highness the Amir tige of the security man. He prayed Allah Almighty to Highness the Deputy Amir and Crown Prince was and the attendance of Deputy Amir. bestow His Highness the Amir with the best of health warmly welcomed by Deputy Prime Minister and Al-Saif said that the Saad Al-Abdullah Academy has and return home safe and sound. Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khalid Al- honed the graduates’ talents and got them accus- His Highness the Deputy Amir then handed the Hamad Al-Sabah, Interior Undersecretary Lt Gen tomed to the latest systems of training, thanks to the graduates their certificates. Sulaiman Fahad Al-Fahad, Assistant Undersecretary of tremendous care extended by His Highness the Prime His Highness was also given a memorial shield of the Ministry of Interior for Education and Training Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah the academy on this occasion. — KUNA

Ministry to appeal child free treatment ruling KUWAIT: The Ministry of Health plans glimmer of hope for expatriates in on the condition of anonymity denied to appeal a court ruling which orders need for expensive treatment that is rumors on social media which specu- it to provide medications for an expa- only available for Kuwaiti nationals, lated that the court of first instance triate child diagnosed with a rare dis- the Ministry of Heath looks to win an also ordered the ministry to provide ease free of charge. A Syrian man appeals court ruling that frees them full treatment to expatriate and recently won a court of first instance from the obligation of providing treat- bedoon (stateless) children in Kuwait. order that stipulates that public med- ment for the sick toddler. The ministry insists that bedoons ical facilities must provide Cerezyme “The ministry will appeal the rul- are entitled to equal medical services 400 medicine free of charge for his 3- ing,” a legal source in the ministry con- with Kuwaiti patients at public hospi- year-old daughter, who was diag- firmed to Al-Rai daily, without provid- tals and polyclinics, including free nosed with Gaucher’s disease since ing a specific date. The court had treatment. Expatriates, on the other birth. based its ruling on an article in the hand, are covered by a medical insur- The man had told the court that he Kuwaiti constitutions which makes it ance program that entitles them to pursued legal action after the ministry mandatory for the state to provide full treatment at public medical facilities refused to provide him with this pre- care for the young, in addition to the for minimal fees, but certain medica- scription, which costs nearly KD UNICEF Convention on the Rights of tions and medical procedures have 66,000 annually, ‘without justification’. the Child. been made exclusive to Kuwaiti While the ruling was seen as a Meanwhile, the source who spoke patients in recent years.

KAC capital evaluation by end of the month

KUWAIT: Well-informed sources said that Kuwait Airways Corporation (KAC)’s board was still waiting for Ernest & Boeing’s report on evaluating its assets, which is due by the Arab meteorology end of the month. The sources added that issuing the com- pany’s license depends on this report which will include meeting kicks off assessing KAC’s cash and assets. KUWAIT: President of the Directorate General of Civil “The report was due over two months ago but a new Aviation (DGCA) Fawaz Abdulaziz Al-Farah said here evaluation was needed in view of changing the number of yesterday that the Arab region suffered during the leased planes and other arrangements pending issuing its past four months “unprecedented” harsh weather phe- license,” explained the sources, noting that KAC administra- nomena and unusual climate, stressing the impor- tion would meet with the ministry of commerce and indus- tance of dealing seriously with these changes. try to resume issuing the license as soon as the report was Al-Farah said in a speech during the opening of the finished. 30th session of the Permanent Arab Committee for Further, the sources highlighted that upgrading KAC’s Meteorology of the League of Arab States yesterday fleet would help develop the company, its operations and that the challenges facing the world today and the profitability. “KAC has been experiencing considerable effects of climate variability are characterized by steady losses because of its old fleet and the high cost of atmosphere and oceans warming, in addition to the maintaining it,” added the sources, noting that occasional dwindling amounts of snow and ice, rising sea level delays or flight cancellations have often led to referring and increasing concentrations of greenhouse global passengers to other carriers for double prices. warming. “KAC’s losses in the last fiscal year reached KD 68 mil- He added that the climatic changes experienced by lion, which is a waste of public funds unless the fleet is the Arab region during the past four months were updated”, concluded the sources. “unprecedented and unusual” weather phenomena, thus, “prompting us to deal with all these matters very seriously.” KD 5 million for new He explained that this matter necessitates the need for the participation of Arab Meteorological experts in Gulf Road lights all meetings of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its committees KUWAIT: The ministry of electricity and water (MEW) and work teams to provide scientific advice to the recently referred the tender for renovating the Gulf Road Arab delegations participating in these meetings. illumination grid over a distance of 29 km extending from He said a new protocol that would replace the Taawon Street’s junction with the Sixth Ring Road and the (Kyoto protocol) would see the light by 2015 in order Seif Palace to the fatwa and legislation for final approval. to mitigate emissions and adapt to climate change, Informed sources said that the tender’s total cost was especially extreme ones, saying that this protocol KD 5 million and that the project will be concluded in five would go into effect by 2020. years including two years for construction and operation Al-Farah pointed out that the Arab national meteor- and three years for maintenance. ological agencies must advance their services and According to the tender, new lampposts with colored products, saying that they they would not be able to modern lights would be installed. The sources said that the achieve this goal without carrying out capacity build- project was still being prepared pending getting the need- ing through continuous and scheduled training for ed approvals from the fatwa and legislation department meteorological personnel to enable these facilities to and the Audit Bureau before offering the tender for public raise the efficiency of the national staff.—KUNA bidding through the Central tenders Committee (CTC). LOCAL TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 Expat woman ‘kidnapped’

By Hanan Al-Saadoun

KUWAIT: In a strange incident, a Jahra hospital nurse was reported kidnapped, said security sources yester- day. Case papers indicate that an Arab expatriate report- ed that his 23-year-old wife, a nurse at Jahra hospital, had been kidnapped from the hospital. The husband added that, at 2 pm, he received a call made through the hospital’s operator number by an unidentified man telling him that the woman is in his custody and that he would kill her if he informed the police. The husband also said that during the call, he heard his wife screaming for help in the background. A case was filed but, further investigations showed that the kidnapped woman had left for Iran through Kuwait KUWAIT: His Highness the Deputy Amir and Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah held a luncheon yesterday in honor of Brunei’s Crown Prince, Airport at 9 am the same day. Further investigations are Senior Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Al-Muhtadee Billah, and his accompanying delegation at the main hall of Bayan Palace. still in progress. Hotel cancels booking for opposition conference Legal panel rejects cap for bedoon naturalization By B Izzak Interior Ministry for the ban. terday rejected a draft law calling on the gov- But the ministry immediately denied any ernment to naturalize at least 4,000 Bedoons in KUWAIT: A Five Star hotel Kuwait Regency yes- link to the cancellation, insisting that it was the current year for “violating the constitution”. Two Kuwait Malayalis win terday cancelled a booking for the opposition made by the hotel’s management and the Member of the panel MP Riyad Al-Sane said Popular Action Movement to hold its founda- Interior Ministry made no pressure in the hotel. the rejection was based on the fact that put- Kerala theatre awards tion conference on March 15 and the Interior The ministry charged that the unfounded accu- ting a lower limit for the number to be natural- Ministry denied it had any hand in the cancel- sations aimed at creating chaos and called on ized violates the constitution. The draft law was By Sajeev K Peter lation. The opposition group had booked the activists to verify facts before making their approved by the Interior and defense commit- hotel’s hall to hold a conference to announce accusations. tee last month despite opposition by the gov- KUWAIT: Two Malayali expats from the official launch of the Popular Action In a related development, the Public ernment which wants to keep the number for Kuwait bagged theatre awards insti- Movement as a fully-fledged political group Prosecution yesterday released four stateless itself. tuted for the first time by Kerala after it had been operating as a bloc under the (Bedoon) activists on a KD100 bail after detain- The National Assembly health committee Sangeetha Nataka Akademi following name Popular Action Bloc. ing them for a few days for taking part in meanwhile approved a proposal calling on the a drama competition held across the The group is headed by veteran opposition protests in Jahra. But the prosecution renewed health ministry to establish two new hospitals Gulf region. K K Shemejkumar won leaders Ahmad Al-Saadoun and Mussallam Al- the detention of three other Bedoon activists in Al-Ahmadi and Mubarak Al-Kabeer gover- the best director award for his play Barrak, who are former MPs, and includes a for taking part in “illegal” protests, instigating norates. The proposal was submitted by MPs ‘Ushnamekhalayile Penkutty’ for number of former opposition MPs and opposi- Bedoons to demonstrate and insulting the Talal Al-Jallal, Mohammad Al-Huwailah and Future Eye Theatre, Kuwait while Sunil tion activists. The organization had decided to Amir. The prosecution also released Bedoon Saadoun Hammad who said that the proposal K Cherian was chosen as the best upgrade itself from a simple parliamentary photographer for electronic newspaper Sabr, was also accepted by the health ministry. scriptwriter for his play ‘Pashu’ for bloc into a full political group. Political parties Khaled Al-Enezi after interrogating him for two Hammad said that the ministry undersecretary Nirbhaya Theatre, Kuwait. are banned under Kuwait’s law. The hotel yes- days for allegedly instigating people to informed the committee that the ministry Five plays were staged during a terday informed the group that it had decided demonstrate. Enezi was freed on a personal plans to increase the capacity of the existing two-day theatre festival called ‘Keli Sunil K Cherian to cancel their booking and ban their meeting. bail. In another development, the National public hospitals from 4,254 beds to as many as 2014’ in Kuwait on Feb 25 and 26 Twitter activists immediately blamed the Assembly Legal and Legislative Committee yes- 10,078 beds in the coming few years. under the aegis of the Kuwait chapter of the Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Akademi. According to a press release issued by the KSNA in Kerala, Bahrain’s Ministry spent KD33 million on Vadakara Souhruda Vedi bagged the best play award for its drama ‘Mannonnu, Manushyanonnu.’ advisors hotel reservations Shemejkumar shared the best direc- tor award with Sunil Guruvayoor from By A. Saleh The panel also discussed with ministry repre- “What have we got from the strong Kuwaiti - Muscat for his play ‘Mamsaganitham’. sentatives exempting a foreign company from American friendship if the Kuwaiti Foreign The best actor award was also shared KUWAIT: The Finance Ministry spent over KD33 importing and designing revenues estimated Ministry remains unable to return our detainees by two, John C Kuruvilla for the play million on hotel reservations for judges and over KD15 million, according to Dr Al-Huwailah like other countries did?” MP Dr Abl-Kareem Al- ‘Vibrant Soft’ by Bahrain’s Musris and advisors as well as renting offices and accommo- who is the panel’s repporteur. Kandari argued in a statement yesterday. Riju Ram for the play ‘Appunni and the dations for employees for several years, a law- The MP further requested updates from the Tiger’ by Muscat’s Natakavedi. Gopika maker said yesterday. Gitmo prisoners foreign ministry “about the latest developments Ganga Nair bagged the best actress Shemej Kumar K.K MP Dr Mohammad Al-Huwailah made that A lawmaker questioned the strength of regarding efforts to release Fawzi Al-Awdha and award for her performance in statement following yesterday’s meeting of the Kuwait’s ties with the United States as efforts to Fayez Al-Kandari.” “This 13-year-old humanitarian ‘Mamsaganitham’ by Muscat’s Edam. Meenambalam Santhosh (KSNA mem- parliament’s public funds protection committee, release two Kuwaiti nationals detained at the case deserves to have all of the foreign ministry’s Dr Rajagopal, who scripted the drama ber) were the judges of the amateur which discussed the Finance Ministry’s final Guantanamo Bay prison have so far failed to efforts to be focused on it in order to end it,” Al- ‘Jeevante Avashishtam’, won a special drama competitions who toured the account for the fiscal year 2012/2013. secure their return. Kandari said. jury award. Gulf for almost a month to evaluate Altogether 17 dramas were staged the plays staged by the Gulf Malayali in Oman, Bahrain and Kuwait during a Diaspora. month-long theatre festival, a new ini- The jury members commented that Tightened security could force tiative by KSNA Chairman Soorya the plays presented by various Gulf Krishnamoorthy. A three-member Malayali theatre troupes during the panel comprising jury chairman T M festival maintained high standards ‘two days off’ for Arab Summit Abraham (KSNA Vice Chairman), Dr P V and quality on par with the amateur Krishnan Nair (KSNA Secretary) and dramas being performed in Kerala. KUWAIT: Kuwait prepares to take ‘exceptional Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) Brotherhood represents ‘an ideology’ rather security procedures’ during the Arab Summit planned to send members to Kuwait through than an organization. “Ideas can never be later this month, which could include giving the Iraqi borders in order to commit sabotage banned, especially at the time of information Number of dead sea two days off for schools and some state acts ahead of the Arab Summit. and communications that we live in,” he said. departments, a local daily reported yesterday Several MPs commented on the recent The former lawmaker further indicated that quoting sources familiar with the prepara- news, demanding high security alert coupled Muslim Brotherhood’s has affected Islamic mammals reaches 9 tions. with steps to cut resources that allow groups political movements in the Gulf region “who Recent reports suggested that tightened with questionable activity to expand in were affected by the ideologies of Islamists KUWAIT: A finless porpoise was found Authority for Agricultural Affairs and Fish security will be enforced when Kuwait hosts Kuwait. “The issue of terrorist organization is and reformists around the world.” dead at the Kuwaiti waters on Sunday, Resources to carry out toxicity tests the summit on March 25 and 26, amid securi- complicated,” MP Saleh Ashour was quoted by raising the number of dead sea mammals immediately on samples taken from the ty concerns based on information that Al- Al-Rai yesterday. “Eliminating organizations Ambassadors crisis found recently in Kuwait to nine. carcasses of dead dolphins found on Qaeda and Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant like the ISIL, Al-Nusra Front or the Muslim The Saudi decision is one of many topics In the meantime, an environmental Kuwaiti shores. prepared to send members into the Gulf state Brotherhood require an atmosphere of expected to be discussed during the Arab source quoted by Al-Qabas yesterday “The tests are necessary to determine in time for the event. democracy and freedoms. Otherwise, dicta- Summit; aside with the kingdom’s step noted that fishermen who found the whether pollution is involved especially The sources who spoke to Al-Qabas on the torship, injustice and corruption provide a announced simultaneously with the United recent mammal discovered feed bags in after oil spots were found near a dead condition of anonymity confirmed that the suitable environment for terrorist organiza- Arab Emirates and Bahrain to withdraw their the waters nearby. “The finless porpoises porpoise at Anjefa beach,” said Wujdan procedures would render Kuwait ‘almost com- tions to prosper.” ambassadors from Qatar. could probably have fed on that feed, Al-Uqab, the General Secretary of KEPS. pletely closed’ in light of the “critical situations The issue was not discuss during a meet- which caused it to be poisoned and die,” She also confirmed that some of the dol- under which the summit is held”. Muslim Brotherhood ing for Arab foreign ministers in Cairo said the source who spoke on the condi- phins died as a result of marine accidents “Citizens and residents are asked to coop- On the possibility of Kuwait following on Sunday, and there is also speculation that it tion of anonymity. “which left visible marks on their bodies” erate considering the critical conditions based Saudi Arabia’s footsteps in listing the Muslim might not even be addressed during the Meanwhile, the source questioned the while others became stuck in fishing nets. on the information about the terrorist plot,” Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, summit amid ongoing efforts to resolve it ability of local environmental organiza- the sources said, adding that giving a day off Islamic Constitutional Movement member internally within the Gulf Cooperation tions to come up with clear results that Failaka whale on the 25th and 26th remains a likely option Osama Al-Shaheen argued that “facing the Council sometime before the summit. confirm the cause of the marine species’ Regarding the cause of death of the that the government can possibly make. legitimate concerns from Iran’s expansion “The process to solve the problem must deaths, bringing attention to previous blue whale species found in Failaka over a ambitions should not go through destruc- start at the Gulf level,” said ‘diplomatic environmental incidents “which died out week ago, Al-Uqab said that preliminary MPs on threat tion of traditional forces of the society such sources’ quoted by Al-Watan yesterday. They due to lack of follow up from concerned tests indicate that the whale likely Land border security and state security as Islamists and tribal activists.” added that discussing the issue during the authorities.” starved to death due to the lack of crus- were put on high alert in anticipation of terror Al-Shaheen also reiterated denial of any Arab Summit could lead to a ‘deep rift’ in taceans it feeds on in the Kuwaiti waters. threats based on information that reached connections between Islamist organizations the Arab League, which is another reason Toxicity tests “The tests showed that the percentage officers at the Abdali border checkpoint in the Gulf region and the pan-Arab group. why it is unlikely to be discussed during the Meanwhile, the Kuwait Environment of fat in the whale’s carcass was weak, (north), which indicates that Al-Qaeda and Yet, Al-Shaheen argued that the Muslim summit. Protection Society urged the Public which indicates starvation,” she said.

KUWAIT: A fire broke out yesterday in Ardhiya industrial area, said security sources noting that Ardhiya firefighters rushed toe th scene and reached the place in seven minutes followed by colleagues from Farwaniya, Shohada, Hilali and Mubarak Al-Kabeer. The fire was in an under construction 1,700 square meters building. Two firefighters suffered from smoke inhalation and were treated on site. — By Hanan Al-Saadoun TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 LOCAL

kuwait digest In my view Reversal of Protection of Erdogan environment

By Bassel Al-Jaser efore and during the so-called ‘Arab Spring’, which is in fact an ‘Arab Hell’, Recep Tayyep BErdogan was the prime advocate of democracy By Labeed Abdal and freedom of expression. His ‘uncorrupted’ govern- ment was the strongest fighter of corruption and the corrupt. Yet all of a sudden, he turned into a dictator who came to power through democracy and the bal- lots. Cabinet Assembly Before and during the ‘Arab Hell’, the Muslim [email protected] Brotherhood media promoted Erdogan as a model of a successful and rational Brotherhood rule that took he Kuwait Environment Protection Society and Public Turkey from poverty and debts to become a prosper- Al-Anbaa Authority for Youth and Sport organized beach ous country. In order to promote such an idea to Tcleaning activities following the national holidays, Arabs, the Brotherhood media broadcast many stories featuring Kuwaiti children and young men and women. about Erdogan’s success. I recall when a European The campaign is considered a significant step to make journalist asked him how he managed to pay off young people understand the responsibility of keeping Turkey’s debts. “I stopped the corrupt from stealing Kuwait clean. public funds,” he answered. But I hope that such efforts are given more attention in The moment Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria the future than a forgettable news feature. Environmental got struck by the Arab Hell, Erdogan became the first activities must become a main priority for families and to advocate democracy, human rights and freedom of schools who are required to encourage youth on the expression. He even threatened and warned whoever importance of working on keeping our environment clean. violates such rights. A clean environment is a top priority to protect the safe- It’s strange how things change quickly. We now ty and health of everyone in Kuwait. As a result, keeping our environment clean is the responsibility of everyone liv- find Erdogan change one hundred and eighty kuwait digest degrees. When the Turkish judiciary arrested corrupt members of his party, the majority issued a law allow- ing him to interfere in the judiciary’s work and punish Women still oppressed A clean environment is a top some judges. He released some of the corrupt and priority to protect the safety and punished the judges responsible for their arrest in By Arwa Al-Wagayan what looked like a ‘coup’ or reversal against democra- health of everyone in Kuwait. As cy’s principles of separation between executive and orld anniversaries and days are experiencing a great their duties while getting the least of their rights. Women of a result, keeping our environ- judiciary powers. deal of forgetfulness and constant loss of rights with all social backgrounds are still oppressed according to their When the people revolted against his decisions Wsome seminars held to show off or sometimes to social or vocational positions. No matter how developed, peo- ment clean is the responsibility earlier, he ordered suppressing them cruelly and bru- attract press coverage. This usually happens every year. We do ple still view women as marginalized creatures who some- tally. He deprived his people the right to demonstrate. not care how the UN decided setting a certain date as a world times do not deserve even the right to express themselves of everyone living in Kuwait When social media networks broadcast some record- day nor do we care how an international organization decided freely! regardless of nationality. ings about his corruption, the most important of to mark such anniversaries as a reminder of the underprivi- Men and women are partners in this life. Their march can which is a conversation with his own son, this became leged. What is more important is to try making these days only be accomplished by their coexistence. Yet, things are dif- a hard evidence of his own corruption. become more than just a reminder; more than just another ferent in real life. They are only considered as ‘vessels’ to bear ing in Kuwait regardless of nationality. Despite having envi- Instead of referring the matter to the judiciary to international day with worthless activities of no benefit to the and give birth to babies and good mothers or employees ronment protection laws and the Environment Public investigate whether the recording was genuine, he commemorated groups. doing jobs men usually refrain from doing. This is the general Authority as the government’s body to handle environ- made a dictator’s decision that it was mere lies and The International Women’s Day (IWD) goes by year after situation. Even if they are promoted to higher positions, this mental issues, the need remains in Kuwait for more efforts fabrication. He also decided blocking social media. In year without actually achieving women’s aspirations. This day only happens because they either have no families or they are to put those laws and the authority’s role into effect. usually goes by loaded with endless disappointment because tough fighters who care less about the society, namely the other words, he wants to oppress his people and The government is either unable or unwilling to stop women are still the highest-selling merchandise worldwide — Arab one that usually looks down upon women as if they are deprive them the freedom of speech even while in environmental violations such as running over wild plants their bodies are being traded from one person to another. potential shame. All the above has greatly contributed to their homes. in the desert during the camping season and other actions They are still subject to men’s physical and verbal abuse. spreading vice because many women feel oppressed and destructive to the environment and committed by compa- This makes it clear that all he had said before, dur- Societies still force women to bear with men. They are still accordingly, develop a wish to fight the society which leads to nies and individuals alike. Kuwait needs an environment ing and after the ‘Arab Hell,’ was nothing but an act being treated as secondary beings in this manly world. They total liberation from family and social constraints resulting police to play that role and stop violations that include and a pretext to support the Muslim Brotherhood and are still striving to win their simplest rights. They are even still from suppression and unequal familial treatment between unsafe waste disposal by factories that dump harmful help them take over in the stricken countries. In addi- being forced to get married against their will in many parts of men and women from childhood to death. Finally, women chemical waste in the sea or bury it unsafely in the desert. tion, all what the Brotherhood media said about the world. Female children are still being wedded by force and are still deprived of high positions in Kuwait as they assume Kuwait also needs courts specialized in environmental Erdogan’s piety and democracy turned out to be mere given as sacrifical sheep with the blessing of their families. only 7 percent of these positions, which is very shameful in a cases that can order compensations for those affected by lies because it was later on proved with real hard evi- Starting 2014, we, however, expect that women’s situa- country that had shown faith in women at early stages and pollution, including the state. The power of the law can dence that the Brothers are themselves incompetent tions to improve and that women achieve better statuses. Yet, then stumbled later on. We wish women are done some jus- serve as the best deterrent for every irresponsible action liars who are unfit to rule anywhere because of their what women have so far achieved is but a simple part of their tice because they are still being vocationally and terribly sub- committed against our environment. corruption and greed for fortunes! —Al-Anbaa right to live. Women are still the only creatures who fulfill all jected to injustice! —Al-Jarida

kuwait digest Geopolitical challenge

By Osama Al-Sharif he crisis between the West and over recent being criticized at home for his failure to act on Syria, reach- events in has become the central issue in inter- ing a shadowy deal with Iran, and now on Ukraine. Unlike Tnational politics, replacing Syria and overshadowing Syria, the international community will not be able to take others such as Iran’s nuclear talks and the Mideast peace the Ukraine case to the UN Security Council. This problem process. will require high-level engagement between Obama and The swift military intervention by Russia in the , an Putin. Even the Europeans will carry little weight on this autonomous republic that is territorially part of Ukraine, has issue. heightened tensions between Washington and its European Ironically, it is Obama who now finds himself under pres- allies, on the one hand, and , on the other. US sure. As the leader of the free world, whose country, along Secretary of State John Kerry has likened Russia’s “incredible with the Europeans, has backed mass anti-government aggression” in Ukraine to 19th century invasion. The US has demonstrations in Kiev’s Independence Square for weeks, he threatened Russia with economic sanctions and international is now forced to act tough. The new leadership in Ukraine isolation. has pinned its hopes on the West. Its economy is in tatters Already international markets are jittery while big losses and it is in urgent need of help. It is possible that under to the Russian ruble have forced Moscow’s central bank to Obama, whose foreign policy has often been criticized for intervene. A trade war would hurt all sides. Moscow was tak- lacking courage and determination, the people of Ukraine en aback last week when its ally, President Victor Yanukovitch, will be disappointed. was forced to flee the country a day after he signed an agree- We have seen this poor style of leadership demonstrated ment, sponsored by the EU, with the opposition that called on a number of occasions: On peace talks between Israel for early presidential elections, among others. He was and the Palestinians during Obama’s first term, on replaced by an interim president and is now wanted for com- Afghanistan where lack of trust between President Hamed mitting murder against protesters in Kiev. The new govern- Karzai and the US president has postponed the signing of a ment, supported by the West, has strategic treaty, on Iraq where mobilized troops in reaction to the US allowed authoritarian what it described as Russia’s “dec- It is Obama who now finds Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki to laration of war.” himself under pressure. As wage sectarian war while coop- The crisis has resurrected the erating closely with Iran, and specter of Cold War confronta- the leader of the free world, finally on Syria where Obama’s tions and underlined President red lines have been crossed so ’s ambitions to whose country, along with many times by the Syrian regime demonstrate Russia’s resurgence the Europeans, has backed while the White House appeared as a superpower. Russia says it is indecisive on how to support acting to protect its nationals in mass anti-government the opposition. the Crimea, which is host to demonstrations in Kiev’s On the other hand, Putin has Moscow’s Black Sea fleet. It is not stood his ground on Syria, allow- clear if a repetition of the Georgia Independence Square for ing a ruthless regime to bomb conflict of 2008 is about to take civilians and commit atrocities place. The eastern provinces of weeks, he is now forced to for more than three years. Ukraine have a majority of act tough. Moscow has brushed aside criti- Russian speaking nationals who cisms of its human rights record are sympathetic to Moscow. If the while tightening its grip over Kremlin decides to intervene there, its forces are expected to rebellious republics within its strategic sphere of influence. It overrun the region in a matter of days. is clear that the West has miscalculated in Ukraine, which has This is undoubtedly the biggest geopolitical challenge great geopolitical importance to Moscow. The Russians have that Barack Obama faces as president. There is little that always been suspicious of western moves to bolster influ- Washington can do militarily to stop Russian tanks from tak- ence along its eastern borders in Europe. ing over large chunks of Ukraine. The US has threatened eco- The link between Syria and Ukraine is unmistakable, but nomic war and diplomatic isolation, but Putin is unlikely to it is not clear how one crisis can affect the other. It is possible change his stand as a result, at least on Crimea, for now. that Moscow could “soften” its position on Syria in return for Moscow has agreed to leave the door open to dialogue. having its way in Crimea while allowing diplomacy to work The Europeans have suggested mediation to resolve the things out with the interim leadership in Kiev. But it is also Ukraine issue. But Russian Prime Minister possible that Moscow would “harden” its stance on Syria in has condemned the seizure of power in Ukraine and predict- retaliation for Western meddling in its own backyard. ed that the rule of the new leaders would end with “a new Obama, who is said to be reviewing his options on Syria, revolution [and] new bloodshed.” He maintained that may adopt a military solution that aims at weakening Yanukovitch, who is now in Russia, remains the legitimate Russia’s Syrian ally, including launching missile attacks and president of Ukraine. arming the rebels with qualitative weapons. A western But resolving the current crisis will not be easy. onslaught on Syria may drive Putin to negotiate a deal on Diplomatic efforts will have to focus on convincing the both issues. Either way the White House is facing a unique Russians not to escalate the situation further. So far Putin has crisis in Ukraine, one that it has helped to create. It could bolstered his image as Russia’s strongman while Obama is prove to be Obama’s biggest foreign policy test yet. TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 LOCAL Govt, NA share identical vision on housing issue ‘An issue of the nation’

KUWAIT: Minister of State for Cabinet carefully. The Parliament Speaker point- Affairs Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah Al- ed out that the conference is phase one Mubarak Al-Sabah said here yesterday for ending this problem: a phase of that the government shares with the negotiations, exchange of opinions and National Assembly the importance of brainstorming; what follows is the most resolving the housing issue, referring to important i.e. implementation. the government’s commitment to the Al-Ghanem explained that the gov- implementation of projects and speed ernment’s plan and philosophy of the up the planning process for future proj- housing issue is the same regardless of ects. who the minister is. The minister’s role is This came in a speech by Sheikh an executive one, to see through the Mohammed at the first session of the implementation of the plan. second day of the Kuwait Housing Solving this crisis is considered one of Conference, currently being held under the greatest challenges, Al-Ghanim the patronage of His Highness the Amir. stressed, once it is resolved, the public’s Sheikh Mohammad added that the trust and faith in the government will be issue of housing does not only concern regained. Al-Ghanem expressed his the government but is an issue of the appreciation to His Highness the Amir’s nation, reiterating the government’s patronage of the conference and keenness on encouraging the private thanked His Highness the Deputy Amir sector to participate through the imple- and the Crown Prince’s presence at the mentation of housing projects in various opening ceremony of the conference. cities and the establishment of joint stock companies related to housing. Patients’ rights KUWAIT: Spread the Passion, a non-profit organization with the aim of spreading awareness of the value of volunteering, hosted tsi fourth Commenting on the idea of establish- Meanwhile, Kuwait is to suggest the annual celebration to honor volunteers recently at the National Library of Kuwait. The event took place under the patronage of Sheikh Salman ing a higher council for Housing, the establishment of a center for the protec- Sabah Al-Hmoud Al-Sabah, the Minister of State for Youth Affairs. — Photos by Joseph Shagra minister said, “we may agree that there is tion of patients’ rights in the Arab world no need for a supreme housing council, during the 41st session of the Arab but we emphasize the government’s Health Ministers’ council due to be held keenness to come up with a fundamen- in Cairo from March 11 to 13, Health tal solution based on sound scientific Minister Dr Ali Al-Obaidi announced grounds. Monday. The two-day meeting will dis- For his part, General Manager of cuss some essential topics such as health Kuwait Credit Bank Salah Al-Mudhaf situation for the Syrian refugees and the called for concerted efforts to resolve the displaced, strategy to fight the HIV/AIDS housing issue, saying the bank provides disease, mothers’ health and wellbeing interest-free loans to citizens for the pur- and polio affecting Syrian children, Al- chase of homes or for restoration. Obaidi told the press. He added that the Public Authority for He added that the council will also Housing Welfare will distribute during tackle pharmaceutical integration the next four years some 55,000 residen- among Arab countries, the establish- tial lots, including 12,000 this year. ment of a center for the protection of patients’ rights, the management of haz- Document of solutions ardous pharmaceutical waste and coun- Meanwhile, a document of solutions tering chronic non-communicable dis- for the ever-going housing crisis in the eases. Following-up on agreements country is to be written up at the end of made during the “ASPA” summit, held in Kuwait Housing Conference, National Peru 2012, as well as the “Lime House Spearker Marzouq Al-Ghanem Declaration” that focused on holding stressed. Al-Ghanem made this remark in joint cooperation between the Arab an open discussion, run by Editor-in- Health Ministers Council and South chief of Al-Qabas newspaper Walid Al- American countries will be sheld light on Nisef, as the conference concludes its in the meeting. sessions. A report on Arabizing health sciences He added the document, a diligence will be reviewed and recommendations of local and international experts, pres- on blood transfusion regulations will be ents many and parallel solutions to the covered. The meeting will also discuss impending problem of housing in the preparations for the Arab Economic and country. It will be submitted to the gov- Social Development due to be held in ernment to be studied and researched Tunisia in 2015. —KUNA Interior stresses deep ties among GCC countries

KUWAIT: Deputy Prime Minister and held on Monday at Saad Al-Abdullah their career. Minister of Interior Sheikh Mohammad Academy for Security Sciences, the He urged new graduates to make Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah underlined minister stressed uniform Gulf visions use of their theoretical studies and here yesterday the depth of relations and mutual goals for a single security practical training to serve their home- among the GCC member states. strategy purposed to fight risks and lands. Speaking at a meeting with Gulf challenges. For their parts, participating Gulf and Arab delegations partaking in the The minister congratulated Gulf delegations appreciated warm wel- graduation ceremony of the 40th delegations on the graduation of Gulf come and hospitality from the Kuwaiti batch of cadets, 25th batch of officers students from the Kuwaiti academy, government and people for Gulf secu- and the 6th batch of female officers wishing new graduates best of luck in rity students. —KUNA US committed to preserving security in Gulf region

ABU DHABI: The US is committed to preserv- ing security in the oil-rich Gulf region despite its growing independence, US Kuwait, Indonesia trade Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker said. “The United States and the UAE share a volume reaches $130m commitment to preserve security and stability throughout the Gulf,” Pritzker told a business KUWAIT: The Trade volume between Kuwait and Indonesia forum in Abu Dhabi. amounted to $130 million, excluding petroleum products, member “That commitment will not change even as of the Board of Directors at Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and the US becomes more energy independent,” Industry Khalid Al-Khalid announced yesterday. she said. During a meeting with a visiting Indonesian delegation at the Washington was interested in “making sure Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Al-Khalid pointed out that that oil markets throughout the world remain there is a joint collaboration between the private sectors of the two stable and well supplied,” she added. countries to increase the volume of trade and enhance economic Pritzker is leading a trade mission on a Gulf relations. The meeting discussed profitable investment opportuni- tour that will also take her to Saudi Arabia and ties for Kuwaiti businessmen in Indonesia, especially in the Qatar. Indonesian tourism and infrastructure. In October last year, oil production in the The visiting Indonesian delegation included representatives US surpassed crude imports for the first time from the private sector, showcased, at the meeting, some highly in nearly two decades, helped mainly by pro- commercial products such as fabrics, footwear, women apparel, duction from newly tapped shale-based jewelry and other various investments. The trade volume between reserves. Kuwait and Indonesia jumped by a whopping 52 percent, $2.5 bil- Domestic output hit 7.7 million barrels per lion, in 2013 in comparison to the trade volume between Indonesia day (mbpd) in October, a 24-year high, the and the rest of the GCC countries that recorded a 7 percent, $20 Energy Information Agency said in November. million, during the same period. — KUNA Oil imports, long seen as a strategic and economic vulnerability for the US, sank well below that figure to a 17-year low, it said. The onset of hydraulic fracturing, or frack- Priority to improving ing, has allowed drillers to unlock reserves in hard-to-exploit shale strata and brought on a children’s character rise in the production of oil and natural gas. KUWAIT: Minister of Information and Minister of State for Youth Affairs The shift has taken US reliance on import- Sheikh Salman Al-Sabah affirmed yesterday that providing all necessary ed oil to less than 40 percent of domestic con- supplies to improve children’s characters is a top priority of the country and sumption, compared with more than 60 per- its institutions. “Children are the future generation of Kuwait ... therefore, the cent at the peak of import dependence in country has placed their care as its top priority,” Sheikh Salman said during 2005. his inauguration of “Future Generations 25” festival, organized by the The EIA forecasts imports will make up only National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL) and held at Abdulaziz 28 percent of consumption in 2014, the low- Hussain Cultural Center. est level since 1985. He also called for consolidation of all efforts of Kuwait’s institutions, civil Despite long-running projects aimed at society, and private sector in order to establish the proper upbringing for diversification, Gulf states remain heavily children and youth through shaping-up their personalities to be responsible dependent on oil and natural gas, which make coupled with following the values of patriotism to become effective ele- up about 90 percent of total public revenues. ments in development of Kuwait. The six Gulf Cooperation Council states, Aware of the importance of their development, ministry of information, four of which are members of OPEC, together ministry of youth, and NCCAL are so keen to organize several programs, pump about 17.5 million barrels of oil per day, forums, and workshops for children and youth, Sheikh Salman indicated. a fifth of global production and around 55 These programs, he added, were planned new cultural facilities for the percent of OPEC’s output. —Arab News interest and benefit of Kuwait’s future generations. —KUNA TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 LOCAL Police officer on shooting rampage inside diwaniya Car thieves nabbed in Bayan

KUWAIT: Seven people escaped unharmed after four brothers running there for shelter. that five armed men were trying to steal a camp a police officer went on a shooting rampage adjacent to his own. The man further indicated inside a diwaniya in Saad Al-Abdullah on Car theft that one of the suspects pointed a weapon at him Sunday. The police major was taken for mental Two men were arrested four hours after they when he went to confront them. Four of the sus- health assessment after he said during question- stole a car from the parking lot of Bayan co-op pects managed to escape in three cars while ing that he was trying to free his wife and society. Investigations went underway after a police arrested one of them who had the daughter who he falsely claimed had been kid- Kuwaiti man told local police that the suspects machinegun. The bedoon man was taken for napped by their neighbor. Police rushed to the forced his driver and two daughters out of the car questioning during which he confessed to the scene early morning in response to an emer- and drove away with it. Detectives were able to theft attempt. Investigations are ongoing to gency call, and placed the man under control as identify the suspects and then arrested them arrest his accomplices. he showed signs of being intoxicated. He was after obtaining a warrant to raid their house in the referred to the authorities after his pistol was area. The two were in an inebriated state at the Pedophile at large confiscated. time of arrest according to the police report. Salmiya police are looking to identify and Criminal investigators recovered several bul- Police found the stolen car at the location that the arrest a man who attempted to sexually assault a lets from the diwaniya’s ceiling, as well as the suspects provided during questioning. They also teenager in the area. According to a case filed by exterior of a car that two of the diwaniya’s atten- confessed of stealing four other vehicles previ- the 13-year-old’s mother at the area’s police sta- dees had taken shelter in. Four brothers were ously in the same fashion. They were taken to the tion, the boy went out of his house when he was reportedly studying inside the diwaniya when authorities to face charges. approached by a man who identified himself as a the suspect stormed it and demanded that his police detective. The suspect took him to a near- family be freed. The man started firing gunshots Camp thieves by building and said that he wanted to subject when he did not receive the answer he was A man was arrested while four others man- him to a ‘strip search’. The man ran away when the looking for, sending the four men fleeing. He aged to escape after police foiled an armed rob- boy screamed for help the moment he put his then fired shots at a car where three other bery at a camp in Sulaibiya. Jahra police had hands on him. Investigations are ongoing based neighbors were hiding after seeing two of the headed to a scene after a Kuwaiti man reported on descriptions that the teenager provided. ABK presents services at KNPC

KUWAIT: Al-Ahli Bank of Kuwait offers a multitude of bank- ing services with exclusive privileges for its customers. The Bank will be present at KNPC until March 13 to introduce its products and services to employees, and to showcase essential benefits that can be availed upon salary transfer or when using an ABK Emirates credit card. The bank also offers an attractive package of gifts and services upon salary transfer. To begin with, there are cash prize of KD 100, the ABK Emirates Visa Gold credit card free KUWAIT: Kuwait Conference of Chemistry exhibition. of charge for the first year, free travel insurance, free check- book for the first time, and amazing discounts through the ABK Advantage program at various retail outlets. Chemistry conference Additionally, anyone can avail of ABK cards, even with- out transferring their salary to ABK. ABK’s Credit Cards and focuses on oil industries Prepaid Cards are fast becoming the preferred mode of payment, mainly due to the earning of Skywards Miles on KUWAIT: Participants in Kuwait Conference Ali Al-Nasser said environmental laws every dinar spent using the cards, on Emirates Airlines. of Chemistry (KCC) discussed the chemistry played a major role in the protection of of oil industries through a number of work environment specially in oil countries like papers submitted by experts and special- Kuwait. ists. Laws are important in protecting marine Kuwait pins big hopes on Expo Milano Prof Saad Okasha, of the Arab Fund for environment from oil slicks, said Al-Nasser, Social and Economic Development, said who emphasized that environment laws in MILAN: Undersecretary of Kuwait’s Information Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Prime Minister took place during the past two days to guarantee prosperity and development of Kuwait was Kuwait needed periodic improvement to Ministry Salah Al-Mubaraki stressed yesterday the Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah to high- Kuwait’s success at this international event and provide because of production and manufacturing cope with climate changes. importance to continue coordinating and cooperating light Kuwait’s image, accomplishments, and contribu- whatever beneficial to humanity. Furthermore, Al- of oil. Chemistry Professor at Kuwait University with Consulate General of Kuwait in Milan in order to tions to dealing with major global challenges, Al- Mubaraki, following conclusion of the visit by the He said oil revenues made Kuwait a Mohammad Al-Najdi organic chemistry guarantee success of Expo Milano 2015. Mubaraki, who is also Kuwait’s high commissioner to Kuwaiti higher committee’s delegation to the pavilion modern country and contributed to scien- industry was one of the key industries in Kuwait’s participation at this international event the event, said. site, also expressed appreciation to the efforts exerted tific advacement. the modern era. But it started causing pol- has received a great attention by His Highness the Al-Mubaraki said it would take some three months by the higher committee and the Consulate General of Director of Environment Consultations lution which then forced the discovery of Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, His to build the Kuwaiti pavilion. Kuwait in Milan in providing all facilities for success of at the Environment Public Authority (EPA) the Green Chemistry. —KUNA Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad He expressed his satisfaction with preparations that Kuwaiti delegation’s mission. —KUNA S Korean firms ‘credible partners’ for Kuwait

KUWAIT: Kuwaiti Ambassador to entrusted with two major projects the traffic problem in Kuwait. Korea Jasem Al-Budaiwi spoke highly which will change the shape of His remarks were intended to imply of Korean companies operating in Kuwait,” the Kuwaiti ambassador said. that Korean businesses have played a Kuwait for their work ethics, amid the key part to help Kuwait move forward Middle East construction boom. Grave challenge in its ambition to rise as a regional “We are honored to have South Al-Budaiwi was referring to the $1.2 trans-shipment hub in the future. Korean companies in our country and billion Mubarak Al-Kabir Port project Albudaiwi hinted that the strong proud of what they have done for us and the $2.6 billion causeway project, reputation of Korean companies has over the past decades,” the envoy said named after the late Amir, His not come overnight as the Kuwaiti in an interview with The Korea Times Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al- government and people have seen the at his office in Seoul, Tuesday-excerpts Sabah, to connect Kuwait City and the way Korean firms work for the past of which were monitored online. northern area of Subbiya. four decades since the 1970s. “Since the 1970s, you have brought The Kuwaiti ambassador stressed The Kuwaiti ambassador made the us great buildings, honest work, pre- that the Mubarak harbor will be the remarks amid sweeping optimism in cise timing to complete construction biggest port in the Gulf region. the private sector about the so-called on deadline and great outcomes. When completed, the port will second Middle East construction South Korean companies in Kuwait have an initial annual cargo-handling boom. have proven themselves as credible capacity of 1.8 million containers. In recent years, several Korean com- actors,” he added. In the beginning, the port project panies have won billions of dollars in The Kuwaiti ambassador raised met a grave challenge as neighboring bids to construct buildings, infrastruc- Korean companies’ strong reputation country Iraq raised concerns about it. ture and roads in the Middle East. on his own during the interview, call- But months later, Iraqi Foreign Minister Samsung has built a 300-story sky- ing them “wonderful partners.” Hoshyar Zebari said that an experts’ scraper in Dubai, and Hyundai, SK, Albudaiwi noted that the trust review found the Mubarak port “won’t Daelim and Doosan are constructing a Korean businesses have built over the affect our navigation” and that it had port, roads and other facilities in past four decades in Kuwait, since the “removed the fears of the port.” Kuwait. first Middle East construction boom in The first phase of the Mubarak port Industry experts say that the sec- the 1970s, is the key driving force for project is expected to be completed in ond construction boom in the Middle their success in winning bids to con- the second quarter of this year. East has been fueled by oil price hikes struct bridges, buildings and a port Meanwhile, Ambassador Albudaiwi in recent years. The boom, conse- there. said the Jaber causeway project will quently, has benefitted Korean firms, “Korean companies are now significantly help in efforts to resolve they said. —-KUNA Kuwaiti MPs, Japan FM agree to cement relations

TOKYO: The visiting Kuwait-Japan Parliamentary the Kuwaiti lawmakers are invited to attend, the minister Friendship League members led by MP Dr Khalil conveyed Japan’s appreciation for Kuwait for the fullest Abdullah and Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida support in solidarity with Japan after the earthquake- yesterday affirmed their keenness on further expanding tsunami catastrophe. “Support from Kuwait has been bilateral interactions and relations between the two clearly carved into the hearts of the Japanese people,” countries. said Kishida. At the outset of the meeting, while showing satisfac- tion with the tangible progress of Kuwait-Japan cooper- Offset program ative ties for more than 50 years, Kishida shed light on Following the twin disasters, Kuwait donated 5 mil- recent reciprocal visits of the Kuwaiti and Japanese lion barrels of crude oil to Japan, equivalent to some leaders. $500 million, to support its reconstruction work. In addi- His Highness the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al- tion, Kuwait contributed $3 million to the heavily-dam- Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah paid a visit to Japan in 2012 as aged marine science museum called Aquamarine a state guest, which was followed by Japanese Prime Fukushima and $ 2 million to Japan Red Cross Society for Minister Shinzo Abe’s trip to Kuwait last year. the reconstruction projects such as the procurement of “I am delighted to see active exchange of visits not new railway coaches, the inauguration of a children’s only at a government level but also at a parliamentary care center in the affected areas. level, and your visit is very meaningful as it will further MP Adnan Abdulsamad said the two sides discussed expand Kuwait-Japan ties,” said Kishida. “The two coun- ways how the two parliaments can contribute to the tries have agreed to strengthen comprehensive bilateral development of the bilateral cooperative partnership. partnership, and I expect the parliamentary exchanges In this regard, Kishida affirmed the importance of the will continue to help reinforce our relationship.” early entry into force of the bilateral investment promo- Noting that the Japanese government will hold a tion and protection agreement, which was signed in memorial service to commemorate the third anniversary March 2012, adding that Japan’s parliament has already of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake today, which endorsed the pact. —KUNA TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014

Kim enjoys 100% win Israel kills Jordan judge at border crossing in ‘elections’ Page 8 Page 11

APATZINGAN, Mexico: Mexican marines and soldiers guard the surroundings of the morgue where the alleged corpse of Nazario Moreno aka ‘El Chayo’, the leader of ‘Los Caballeros Templarios’ drug cartel remains on Sunday. — AFP Mexico confirms killing of ‘dead’ capo Drug kingpin mistakenly reported dead 3 years ago

MEXICO CITY: A Mexican drug lord mistakenly reported the authorities said. To be extra sure, they are also carrying 27 percent of national output, according to the economy Moreno had survived the 2010 shootout, and citizen vigi- dead more than three years ago was killed Sunday in a clash out genetic testing on the body. ministry. lante militias that formed last year pressed the government with armed forces in western Mexico, officials said. The The Knights Templar gang snatched the underground to arrest him. Moreno justified his violence as “divine justice” killing of Nazario Moreno, nicknamed “El Mas Loco” or “the Back From the Dead riches to diversify its business, which includes the produc- to protect Michoacan from other criminal groups. A US secu- Craziest One”, is another coup in Mexico City’s battle against La Familia burst onto the scene in 2006 when gang mem- tion of crystal meth and extortion rackets against fruit grow- rity official several weeks ago had told AFP privately: “El organized crime, following the arrest last month of the bers rolled five severed heads onto a nightclub dance floor. ers, tortilla makers and municipal officials. The drug cartel Chayo is alive, hiding in the mountains and leading the world’s most wanted and single most powerful drug lord. Their message was: “The only ones to die are those who has illegally extracted iron ore, using the Pacific port of Knights Templar.” “He sees himself as Che Guevara, dresses Soldiers discovered Moreno early Sunday near a town in should die.” The previous Mexican administration of Lazaro Cardenas to export the mineral to China, officials say. up in Knights Templar outfit with the Maltese cross and even western Michoacan state and tried to arrest him, said Monte President Felipe Calderon announced in December 2010 At the same time, the gang imports chemical precursors a sword,” the official added. Asked why Moreno had kept Alejandro Rubido, the executive secretary of Mexico’s that Moreno was killed in a gun battle. But his body was nev- from Asia to make crystal meth in makeshift mountain labs. himself out of the limelight, the official said: “If he showed National Public Security System. er located and reported sightings fueled speculation he was Moreno was considered the cartel’s spiritual leader, having his face, it would be so humiliating for the government that “But he attacked the federal forces, who were forced to alive. La Familia crumbled after Moreno’s disappearance, penned the “Gospel of La Familia” - a sort of gang bible with it would have to go after him.” repel the aggression, thus killing the presumed criminal,” leading to the creation of the Knights Templar. rules barring its members from consuming drugs or alcohol. Moreno’s slaying is another coup for President Enrique Rubido said at a press conference, giving no further details The government deployed more than 9,000 troops and The Knights’ current leader is Servando “La Tuta” Gomez. Pena Nieto in the war against Mexico’s drug gangs. It follows of the incident. Authorities spent most of the day seeking to federal police in Michoacan’s Tierra Caliente (“hot land”) the February arrest of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, head of confirm that the dead man was indeed Moreno, the founder region in January after new gunfights erupted between the A Holy Criminal the Sinaloa Confederation and the world’s most wanted and of the La Familia drug gang and a leader in its spinoff group, cartel and vigilantes. Michoacan is known as Mexico’s lime- After Moreno’s reported death in 2010, he was turned single most powerful drug lord. In July 2013, authorities the Knights Templar. The criminal’s identity was confirmed and-avocado heartland, but it is also the country’s top pro- into a saintly figure in Michoacan, with shrines built in his arrested Miguel Angel Trevino, also known as “Z-40” and by comparing his fingerprints with those they had on file, ducer of iron ore, extracting four million tonnes in 2012, or honor. Yet people in Michoacan were always convinced that head of the paramilitary Zetas criminal gang. — AFP TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Israel kills judge at border crossing Palestinian-Jordanian allegedly snatched weapon

JERICHO: Israeli troops at the Family ‘in Shock’ Over Shooting stances of Zeiter’s death. “The was told that he did not go to work border with Jordan yesterday Jordan’s foreign minister sum- Palestinian government vigorously today,” said 70-year-old Alaa Zeiter, shot dead a Palestinian-Jordanian moned the Israeli charge d’affaires condemns the shooting at close himself a former judge. “My son is judge who allegedly tried to to protest and demand an immedi- range of Judge Raed Zeiter... while peaceful and professional. I am snatch a soldier’s weapon, ate probe. “Foreign Minister Nasser he was coming in from Jordan,” it shocked,” he told AFP by phone, prompting Amman and Ramallah Judeh summoned the Israeli charge said. Palestinian security officials before breaking down in tears. Catherine Ashton to demand an investigation. The d’affaires in Amman and strongly said Zeiter was originally from the Zeiter and his wife left later yes- shooting took place on Monday condemned the shooting of northern West Bank city of Nablus, terday to travel to Nablus for his morning at the Allenby Bridge Iran raps Ashton for crossing between the West Bank and Jordan, with the Israeli mili- tary saying troops had opened meeting activists fire after a man tried to snatch a weapon from one of its soldiers. TEHRAN: Iran yesterday criticised strong critic of the Iranian regime’s treat- The Palestinian Authority sharply European Union foreign policy chief ment of dissidents before it was shut condemned the incident and Catherine Ashton over an “unsanctioned” down. Charged with “acting against Amman summoned the Israeli meeting she held with rights activists, national security and propaganda against charge d’affaires to protest, although newspapers hailed her weekend the establishment”, Mohammadi has demanding an “immediate inves- visit to Tehran. “Contact with (civil) society served lengthy jail terms. She was last tigation”. is recognised in diplomatic protocol so freed in 2012. An Israeli army statement said long as it does not constitute interference A hardline figure in Iran’s armed forces “a Palestinian attempted to seize in internal affairs and respects customs,” also condemned the meeting with rights the weapon of a soldier at the foreign ministry spokeswoman Marzieh activists. “Ashton’s meeting with some Allenby Bridge crossing from Afkhan said. She said that “such incidents notorious people is proof of a violation of Jordan”. “In response the forces do not help relations”. diplomatic rules and a harbinger of future The foreign ministry has issued an “offi- interference” in Iran’s internal affairs, said at the scene opened fire towards cial caution” to the Austrian embassy, General Masoud Jazayeri, quoted by Fars the suspect. A hit was identified.” which is believed to have organised the news agency. Palestinian security officials “unsanctioned” encounter, she said in a identified the victim as 38-year- statement carried by ISNA news agency. Press Hails ‘Cooperation Era’ old Raed Zeiter and Amman con- Ashton, visiting Iran for the first time since The EU foreign policy chief, however, firmed he also held Jordanian taking up her post in 2009, is tasked with won praise from the Iranian press for the nationality. coordinating a diplomatic push by six official side of her visit. “Iran and Europe A Jordanian security official world powers in talks with Iran on its con- enter an era of cooperation,” ran the head- confirmed to AFP that Zeiter troversial nuclear drive. line in government-run daily Iran along- worked as a judge in Amman On Sunday, she held talks with top side a picture of Rouhani receiving Ashton. and had left for the West Bank Iranian officials, including President Hassan Reformist daily Arman said her mission sig- early on Monday. Jordan’s justice Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad nalled “an extensive revision of the ministry said he worked at a Javad Zarif. Ashton on Saturday met with a European Union’s approach towards Iran,” magistrates court in the capital. number of rights activists, including recalling a string of visits by top EU diplo- Nazmi Muhanna, the Palestinian Narges Mohammadi and the mother of mats in recent months. Another reformist official in charge of border cross- Sattar Beheshti, a blogger who died in paper, Shargh, argued the visit was a for- An Israeli soldier stands at the entrance to the Allenby border crossing, the main border crossing ings, told AFP they were ques- for Palestinians from the West Bank traveling to neighboring Jordan and beyond, yesterday. —AP detention under unclear circumstances in eign policy success for Rouhani, who came tioning around 50 people who 2012. “Not surprisingly there was a big to power in August vowing to mend had been with Zeiter on the bus Jordanian judge Raed Zeiter,” a state- but had left the territories in 2011 son’s funeral. The shooting was a focus on human rights. I met with women strained ties with the outside world. carrying travellers from the ment said. “The Jordanian govern- and not returned. rare incident of violence at the activists on International Women’s Day and A traditional economic partner for Iran, talked to them about the situation that Europe has been forced out of its markets, Jordanian side to the Israeli side ment is expecting a comprehensive Zeiter, who leaves behind a wife crossing, which is located in the women find themselves in,” she said. including the energy sector, after a dead- of the crossing. “We are investi- report on the incident from the and two young children - one of Jordan Valley, just east of the Iran often draws international condem- lock over Tehran’s nuclear ambitions led to gating with all the witnesses Israeli government. Jordan wants an whom is in a coma in hospital - was Palestinian oasis town of Jericho. nation over its human rights record, which the imposition of sanctions. Negotiations who were on the same bus. We immediate investigation without to be buried in Nablus today morn- The crossing, which lies 50 km west it rejects as a case of double standards by on a final accord to allay Western suspi- will verify everything,” he said. any delay,” it quoted Judeh as saying. ing, his family said. His father said of Amman, is also known as the the West to put pressure on the Islamic cions that Iran’s programme masks a mili- “There are no surveillance cam- The Palestinian Authority also he was in shock over the shooting. King Hussein Bridge. The terminal republic. Mohammadi, 41, has worked with tary nuclear drive, despite repeated eras there so we cannot get to strongly condemned the incident “We did not know that Raed was in was closed after the incident but Iran’s Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi at denials in Tehran, are to resume next week the truth without the witnesses and demanded an “international the West Bank. I went to the court reopened later, an Israeli official the Defenders of Human Rights Centre, a in Vienna. —AFP who were on that bus.” investigation” into the circum- to check if he was working and I said. —AFP Bilateral ties on agenda as Rouhani visits Oman

MUSCAT: Iranian President Hassan to visit Oman since the 1979 Islamic invest a further $2 billion in two oth- Rouhani is expected in Muscat for a Revolution. His hardline predecessor er ports - Sohar and Salalah, accord- two-day visit starting tomorrow Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited the ing to the diplomat. during which he will discuss with sultanate in 2007. On the economic Meanwhile, Oman will invest in Oman’s leader bilateral cooperation front, Oman and Iran are seeking to petrochemical, education, and oil and regional tensions, Tehran’s expand trade, which reached $1 bil- exploitation projects in Iran worth envoy announced. Tehran enjoys lion last year, as well as bilateral $4 billion. In 2009, Oman and Iran good relations with Muscat but is investments which they expect will signed an agreement for the con- locked in a decades-long rivalry top $10 billion by the end of this struction of a 200-km undersea gas with Saudi Arabia while other Gulf year, according to the ambassador. pipeline linking the two countries. states are wary of the ambitions of Iran is planning to invest $4 bil- The project will be finalised within their neighbour across the water. In lion in Oman’s Duqm port on the two years, the ambassador said. his first visit to a Gulf Arab state Arabian Sea, in projects that include Oman and Iran are also discussing since his election last year, Rouhani the establishment of 100 large oil building a causeway link over the will discuss “means of strengthen- and gas tanks and an iron-smelting Strait of Hormuz, Sibeveih said, with- ing bilateral relations” as well as plant, among other projects. It will out giving details. —AFP “security and stability” in the region, Tehran’s ambassador in Muscat, Ali Akbar Sibeveih, said yesterday. He will also discuss the Canada journalist “Syrian crisis and ways of peacefully resolving it,” he added. killed in Aleppo Rouhani’s visit comes against a backdrop of mounting internal ten- BEIRUT: A barrel bomb killed a packed with explosives and scrap sion among members of the Gulf Canadian photojournalist in metal in a months-long campaign Cooperation Council, which Syria’s Aleppo as he tried to docu- that has killed scores, mainly in includes Oman. Saudi Arabia, ment the death and destruction residential areas of Aleppo. Bahrain, and the United Arab the controversial weapons caused Canada’s foreign ministry said it Emirates last week withdrew their in the city, reports said yesterday. was aware of reports that one of envoys from Doha, accusing the An official in the opposition-held its nationals had been killed in gas-rich emirate of meddling in part of the northern city said Ali Syria. Mustafa’s sister, Justina Rosa their internal affairs and backing Mustafa, a freelancer who sold Botelho, confirmed his death on Islamists. Sibeveih declined to com- pictures to the SIPA and EPA agen- her Facebook page, mourning her ment on the row, telling reporters cies, was killed on Sunday. The younger sibling. “Hope the world in Muscat that “these are internal opposition Aleppo Media Centre will understand what an angel my GCC affairs”. “We hope people and also reported the death. “Four brother was. He cared more for countries in the region can live members of the (opposition) civil others than himself,” she wrote. together in peace, security, and defence in Aleppo and 10 other Mustafa had worked in Syria consensus,” he said. Oman has so far civilians were killed, and dozens periodically since early 2013, as not reacted to the latest develop- of others wounded, in a barrel well as in Israel and the Palestinian ments in the Gulf. bomb attack launched by helicop- territories, Egypt and Brazil. In an Sultan Qaboos, who maintains ters against the Haydariyeh interview last year about his deci- historically good relations with roundabout in the east of Aleppo sion to cover Syria, the world’s Tehran, visited Iran in August for a city on Sunday morning,” the cen- most dangerous conflict for jour- visit focused on economic and tre said. “A Canadian journalist, Ali nalists, he said he “could not diplomatic issues. Qaboos has act- Mustafa, was also killed... as he ignore this ongoing human ed as an intermediary between tried to document the massacre.” tragedy”. “Syrian people feel aban- Western countries and the Islamic A media watchdog said doned by the world. They are ask- republic. The sultanate is reported Mustafa, 30, was killed when a ing for our solidarity,” he said. to have hosted secret talks between barrel bomb went off as he tried Reporters Without Borders Iran and the United States ahead of to take photos of the destruction said Mustafa was the ninth for- the signing in Geneva last caused by the earlier bomb. eign journalist to have been November of an accord between “Reporters Without Borders is dis- killed while covering the Syrian world powers and Iran on its mayed to learn that Canadian conflict. Twenty-eight Syrian nuclear program. freelance photographer Ali journalists and more than 100 Mustafa was killed by a barrel citizen journalists have been Trade bomb... while photographing the killed in connection with their World powers along with Arab death and destruction caused by reporting during the past three states in the Gulf and Israel suspect an earlier bomb,” it said. The Paris- years, it added. Dozens more Tehran’s nuclear ambitions include based organisation said seven journalists have been kidnapped acquiring a nuclear weapon, a other people were killed. or jailed. The conflict has killed charge it vehemently denies. The Syrian government has more than 140,000 people since Rouhani is the second Iranian leader been accused of dropping barrels March 2011. —AFP TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Colombians give lukewarm support for peace process BOGOTA: Colombian voters showed luke- the FARC’s top leadership. He opposed all warm support for peace talks with guerrillas negotiations with guerillas, and left office Sunday by giving the country’s president a with high approval ratings. While Uribe’s majority in Congress, but also electing his Democratic Center party does not have conservative rival, ex-president Alvaro enough clout by itself to thwart legislation, Uribe, to the senate. President Juan Manuel he has become the de facto opposition Santos, who took office in 2010 after serv- leader and now has a bully pulpit to oppose ing as the popular Uribe’s defense minister, the talks. He could also prove a major obsta- is engaged in talks with Revolutionary cle if Santos reaches a deal with the FARC Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels that has to be approved by Congress. “The aimed at ending their half-century insur- vote for Uribe is a punishment vote for gency. Uribe, who vehemently opposed the Santos. It questions his negotiations with talks when they opened in late 2002 in the FARC,” said Vicente Torrijos, an analyst Cuba, was elected senator Sunday with with the Rosario University. The results “are strong support. not good for Santos,” opined Mauricio Nevertheless Santos’s center-right coali- Vargas, a top political columnist for the dai- tion won 47 of the 102 senate seats, accord- ly El Tiempo. He wrote that Uribe’s group ing to official returns with nearly all of the has the largest presence in Congress as a votes counted. In the lower chamber, single party, “while all of the parties belong- Santos supporters won 91 of the 163 seats, ing to Santos’s coalition lose seats.” Campaigning on the slogan “No to impunity,” Uribe became Colombia’s first ex-president to seek a Senate seat. Uribe, 61, accuses Santos of treason, saying he had turned the FARC into “political players” by giving them a high-profile stage in Havana, where the talks are being held. “Today we voted against the Castro- Chavismo that some want to bring, that the SAN SALVADOR: Presidential candidate Salvador Sanchez Ceren of the ruling Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) celebrates government is supporting,” Uribe said after partial results were announced by election authorities in San Salvador on Sunday. — AP Sunday, a reference to leftist regimes in Cuba and Venezuela. He said that his party supports “a country that has no hesitation to oppose terrorism.” Salvadoran presidential The Harvard-educated son of a large estate owner killed by FARC rebels in 1983, Uribe is known for his prodigious energy and work ethic. Voting is not compulsory in election remains close Colombia, and the abstention rate was nearly 60 percent, according to official esti- MEDELLIN, Colombia: Former mates. Left, right both claim win in runoff Colombian president Alvaro Uribe, Half-Century of Fighting leader of the Democratic Centre party, SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador: out to the dictatorship,” and said Eugenio Chicas, said the race was a guerrilla. Quijano, 67, ran for the gestures after winning his senate candi- Hundreds of thousands of people have died in Colombia’s internal conflict, which Authorities declared El Salvador’s that “the armed forces are ready “extremely tight” and said neither once long-ruling Nationalist date in Antioquia department on presidential runoff election too to make democracy.” The coun- candidate could claim victory. Republican Alliance, known as Sunday. — AFP involves two guerrilla groups, paramilitary fighters and criminal gangs. All sides have close to call late Sunday, with just try’s military leaders made no “This tribunal orders neither party ARENA, which lost the presidency official returns show. The vote “is an impor- also been involved, directly or indirectly, in a 0.2-percent margin separating a comment on the elections. to declare itself the winner, in to Funes in 2009. Sanchez Ceren tant sign for the country and the whole the drug trade. Leftist parties, which are one-time Marxist guerrilla and Sanchez Ceren also claimed to light of results that are so close campaigned on a promise to world that the immense majority of us want traditionally weak in Colombia, have failed the conservative former mayor of deepen the outgoing govern- peace,” Santos, who is up for re-election on to benefit from the peace talks. Although El Salvador’s capital. Preliminary ment’s popular social programs May 25, said late Sunday. Santos then the parties are legal and democratic, fairly returns with more than 99.7 per- and govern as a moderate. He extended an olive branch to the ex-presi- or not they are associated with the armed cent of polling stations reporting said he envisioned ruling like dent. “I also want to congratulate senator struggle, analysts say. An added complica- showed Salvador Sanchez Ceren, Uruguayan President Jose Mujica, Uribe,” he said. “I hope that we can leave tion is the lack of a ceasefire between the the leftist candidate of the ruling also a former guerrilla who aside the hatred and resentments, and can government and the guerrillas during the Farabundo Marti National formed an inclusive government. work for the country.” peace process. Jorge Armando Otalora, the Liberation Front, the FMLN, less Quijano accused the former People’s Ombudsman or national mediator, than 7,000 votes ahead of his guerrilla of appearing to want to Uribe’s Return has said that illegal groups including the conservative adversary, former lead the country like Venezuela’s Uribe’s 2002-2010 tenure in office was FARC have exercised “pressure and intimi- characterized by a military crackdown - dation” on voters to keep them from voting San Salvador Mayor Norman Chavez, and he warned of a return ironically, led by Santos - that decimated in at least one-fifth of the country. — AFP Quijano, out of about 3 million of communism. He also promised ballots cast. to crack down on rising gang vio- Both declared themselves vic- lence. Sanchez Ceren was a top tors despite official calls to hold rebel commander who helped Powerful quake off on such claims because the negotiate the 1992 peace accords race was too tight. It was a sur- that ended El Salvador’s civil war, prising result, considering that in which the United States sup- shakes California opinion polls in the weeks lead- ported the government against ing up to the election had put the FMLN to prevent communism EUREKA, California: A very strong earthquake rattled the Northern California coast Quijano 10 to 18 percentage from spreading in Latin America. and was widely felt across the region, but authorities said early yesterday that there points behind Sanchez Ceren. El Salvador is dealing with one of were no reports of any injuries or damages. The magnitude-6.9 quake struck at 10:18 Quijano alleged fraud, and called Salvadorian presidential candidate for the National Republican the highest murder rates in the pm PDT Sunday and was centered 50 miles west of Eureka and about four miles on the army to play a role, a state- Alliance party Norman Quijano gestures to his supporters after world. A 2012 gang truce seemed receiving the voting results during the presidential election run-off in beneath the Pacific seabed, according to the US Geological Survey. It was followed by ment that carries ominous to cut the country’s daily average San Salvador on Sunday. about a half-dozen aftershocks, including one of magnitude 4.6. echoes in a country where 76,000 of 14 dead by half, but the drop The quake was felt widely across the region but both fire and sheriff’s officials in people died in a 1980-92 civil war have won. “The men and women that only the final count can appears to have been short-lived. Humboldt County, which includes most of the populated areas near the epicenter, that pitted the army against the of El Salvador are the ones who decide,” Chicas said, adding that Homicides, mostly of gang said early yesterday more than four hours after the quake hit that they had no reports leftist rebels. decide, and if you don’t accept “the margin is so close that we members, have risen again this of any damage or injuries. The National Tsunami Warning Center said there was no “We are not going to allow the result, you are violating the ask for prudence.” He said the year; police statistics show 501 tsunami danger for the region. But more than 3,000 people reported on the USGS Venezuelan-style fraud, in the will of the people,” Sanchez Ceren final vote count would begin yes- murders the first two months of website that they felt the quake. Some reported a long, rolling shake that woke chil- style of Chavez and Maduro,” said. “I say to my adversary, to his terday. this year - a more than 25 percent dren or knocked items off shelves. Some of those respondents live across the border Quijano said, referring to the late party, that my administration will Sanchez Ceren, 69, had been increase over the same period of in Oregon. Venezuelan President Hugo welcome them with open arms, seen as the favorite to become 2013. More unsettling is the fact “This lasted longer than any earthquake I’ve ever felt,” Raquel Maytorena, 52, who Chavez and his hand-picked suc- so that together we can build a the first true guerrilla to lead this that many dead have turned up in lives about a mile from the coast in Ferndale near Eureka, told The Los Angeles Times. cessor as president, Nicolas new country.” Central American nation. mass graves, leading some to “It just kept going and going, very slowly and softly. It was not violent. It almost felt Maduro. “We have our own Outgoing President Mauricio believe the gang truce could have like you were in a boat that was rocking.” Maytorena said she felt a little rattling in her recount, which shows we won.” ‘Extremely tight’ Funes was a journalist who was been either an illusion or an nearly 100-year-old home, but power remained on without any interruptions. The Quijano bashed the country’s top The president of El Salvador’s sympathetic to the FMLN rebels agreement to cover up the vio- quake felt like it lasted about 20 seconds, she said. “The animals, they felt it,” she said. electoral tribunal, calling it “sold Supreme Electoral Tribunal, during the civil war but was never lence. — AP “My two horses were running around out by the barn, and my dogs, six dogs, were ready to get out of the house.” Jana Pursley, a geophysicist with the National Earthquake Information Center, said that based on the area’s tectonics and past temblors, damages or casual- ties were unlikely. Earthquakes are very common in Eureka, a city of about 27,000 people about 270 miles northwest of San Francisco and 100 miles south of the Oregon state line. Nearby Arcata is home to about 17,000 people and Humboldt State University. The area had a magnitude-5.6 earthquake in February, 2012 that did not cause serious damages or injuries. An offshore magnitude-6.5 quake struck offshore in 2010 and caused bumps and cuts among residents and broke glass in some buildings, but it was about 25 miles closer to land than Sunday night’s quake. — AP TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 INTERNATIONAL

Sidney Lewis: British child soldier of the Great War

POOLE, United Kingdom: The “Boys would have been filled said that recruiting standards enough he re-enlisted in the youngest Briton to fight in World with the patriotism which was slipped as the war progressed. army and served in Austria fol- War I was just 12 years old - but amazingly strong at the begin- Many parents allowed their lowing the armistice in Nov Sidney Lewis’ identity remained ning of WWI,” said Anthony underage sons to join the army 1918. He later became a police- a secret for almost a century Richards, head of documents because they thought it might man, got married and, after until the chance discovery of and sound at the Imperial War do them some good, while poor retiring, ran a pub. Colin Lewis faded documents revealed his Museum in London. “There families saw it as one less mouth discovered his father’s astonish- extraordinary story. The cente- would have been a lot of pres- to feed at home. They were ing history less than a decade nary of the start of the war in sure from their families and often reassured by a rule stating ago, after the death of an uncle 1914 has brought official recog- friends, and from society gener- that soldiers could not be sent who had carefully preserved the nition of Sidney’s remarkable ally, to do your bit for the war.” overseas until they were 19. In letters detailing Sidney’s service. journey from an English school- Sidney’s case, however, his dis- “My father did mention he had boy to a fighter on the bloody Lied About Age traught mother had no idea seen some action but I thought fields of the Somme. On holiday from school, the where her son - one of eight it was a little bit of exaggeration The recognition is a source of fearless young Sidney decided children - had gone. She found because he was too young at pride for Sidney’s son Colin to take his chances and signed out a year later when a soldier the time,” Lewis recalled. “I was Lewis, who only discovered the up for the army in Kingston, home on leave mentioned that about 11 or 12, and he never truth about his father’s past a London. He lied to the recruit- Sidney was fighting in the mentioned it again, we never few years ago, long after Sidney ment officer about his age, pre- Somme with the 106th Machine discussed it. It was like a family died in 1969 aged 66. “The great tending he was several years Gun Company. Horrified, she secret almost. I think perhaps disappointment is that I can’t older. He was not alone - about wrote to the War Office to that he felt he was a bit the congratulate him and tell him ‘I 250,000 underage soldiers demand Sidney be sent home, black sheep of the family.” am very proud of you’,” Lewis, fought for Britain in WWI, attaching his birth certificate The Imperial War Museum now 80, told AFP from his home according to historian Richard showing he was only 13. The has authenticated the docu- in Poole on the southern English van Emden, author of “Boy response was swift. In a letter ments and recognised Sidney as coast. “You did a fantastic job, Soldiers of the Great War”. But dated Aug 24, 1916, an obvious- Britain’s youngest soldier from you are a very brave boy actual- Lewis was a special case. “How a ly embarrassed army official World War I. Colin Lewis now ly. Well done, Dad.” 12-year-old got into the British replied: “I have to inform you plans a trip to the Somme with The story began in August army is really beyond belief,” van that action has been taken. “The his children and grandchildren 1915, when Britain had been at Emden told AFP. lad will be discharged with all to remember where Sidney A handout reproduction of a historic edition of the Daily Mirror war for a year. The army was des- In a photo from the time possible speed.” fought for six weeks - and unlike newspaper shows an article about WW1 British soldier Sidney perate for more men, although it Sidney “looked older than his Unscathed, Sidney returned so many others, made it back Lewis who joined the army in 1915 to serve in the war at the age was still reliant on volunteers. age”, the historian noted. He also home, but when he was old alive. —AFP of 12. — AFP Ukraine seeks US help as Putin talks tough Yanukovych to brief media from Russia

KIEV: Ukraine sought urgent Western backing yesterday after Russian President Vladimir Putin insisted that Crimea had the right to join his country even while hinting at a readiness for dia- logue. The pro-European team in Kiev that rode the wave of three months of deadly protests to topple a Kremlin-backed regime is running against the clock to preserve the territorial integrity of the culturally splintered nation of 46 million. The self-declared leadership on the pre- dominantly ethnic Russian peninsula of Crimea has proclaimed independence from Kiev and set a March 16 referendum on switching over to Kremlin rule. The decision has been condemned by MOSCOW: A pro-Kremlin activist holds a scarf reading ‘Forward, Sevastopol!’ during Western powers who are also furious at a rally in support of ethnic Russians in Ukraine in central Moscow yesterday.— AFP Moscow’s seizure of Crimea in a lightning but bloodless operation that began days after the Sevastopol, scene of Russian February 22 fall and subsequent escape to Russia of president Viktor Yanukovych. German Chancellor Angela Merkel - whose cautious glories, eager to ‘go home’ approach to imposing sanctions on Russia has SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine: The Ukrainian flag dered shawl and traditional headdress. clashed with the more hawkish positions of has never really been embraced in Sevastopol Eastern European nations and the United States and its famed port, home to Russia’s Black Sea ‘Like a Rejected Transplant’ - bluntly told Putin on Sunday that the Crimean referendum was “illegal”. “The United States is fleet since the time of the tsars.And as Among the crowd was 47-year-old Pavel DONETSK, Uktaine: A pro-Russian protester waves a Russian flag next to a statue of Vladimir not prepared to recognise any result of the so- Moscow cements its control over Crimea, resi- Filipov, wearing a red anorak marked “Russian Lenin during a rally in the centre of this eastern Ukrainian city yesterday. — AFP dents here say they are looking forward to National Team” in English. “I have been wait- called referendum,” US ambassador Geoffrey the day when the Russian flag, already ing for this moment for decades,” he said. “We Pyatt told reporters in Kiev yesterday. nomic relief for its wheezing economy. “This is a to impose travel bans and asset freeze on Russia omnipresent, will fly as the official standard. are going home, the vote here will be 100 The most explosive East-West crisis since the very important visit,” Ukraine’s interim Foreign officials held responsible for endangering the In this city of 350,000 - where the squares and percent for Russia.” His wife Olga, 46, recalls Cold War was stoked further when the Kremlin Minister Andriy Deshchytsya told Kiev’s 1+1 tele- territorial integrity of Ukraine. US officials have streets carry the names of heroes of the the Soviet era when the city and its surround- said Putin told both Merkel and British Prime vision late on Sunday. “We hope that during stressed that Putin himself is not on that list but Crimean War or the - Ukraine’s ings were secret military areas closed to for- Minister David Cameron that he fully recognised these negotiations, we will find joint approaches also warn that Washington could pull out of a G8 independence in 1991 was traumatic. eigners. “We had peace and security, we left the actions of Crimea’s leaders - in power since to solving the situation around Crimea.” summit the Russian leader is hosting in in So when the pro-Kremlin regime of Viktor our keys under the mat, children played out- an end of February seizure of the local parlia- The White House said Obama will also discuss June. The European Union for its part has halted Yanukovych was overthrown last month, tens side. It was good,” she said. ment and government by pro-Kremlin gunmen. an economic support package that so far has visa talks and threatened to impose tough eco- of thousands rushed to the streets, rallying in Touring the city, there can be little doubt But Merkel’s office also said Putin had promised seen Washington pledge a quick infusion of nomic sanctions unless Putin quickly opens talks the central square and proclaiming a pro- of the pivotal role Sevastopol has played in to discuss with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei more than $1 billion and the European Union with the Kiev team. Moscow businessman, Alexei Chaly, as the Russian history. A “Hero City” of the Soviet Lavrov on Monday the creation of an “interna- promise to issue Ä11 billion ($15 billion) over The Kremlin blames the new Ukrainian rulers city’s new mayor. “The citizens of Sevastopol Union, Sevastopol saw 250,000 Red Army sol- tional contact group” on Ukraine that he had two years. Ukraine says it needs about Ä25 bil- for having fomented an atmosphere of intimida- decided to cut all ties with the thugs, crimi- diers killed when German forces took control resisted before. lion ($35 billion) in assistance through 2015 to tion against ethnic Russians in the eastern and nals and Nazis who seized power in Kiev,” Ivan in 1942 after a devastating siege. It was Germany is pushing the group’s creation as a keep the country running after Russia froze a southern swathes of Europe’s largest country Komelov, an advisor to Chaly, told AFP. “No rebuilt by Stalin after the war, its majestic way of avoiding a full-fledged war breaking out $15 billion package it promised Yanukovych as that prompted Putin to threaten to use force on one doubts the result” of the March 16 refer- buildings and statues to heroes lined up on the eastern edge of Europe that would see his reward for rejecting an historic EU trade deal March 1. The Crimean referendum will ask peo- endum in Crimea on becoming part of Russia, along a ledge overlooking the port. Along the Ukraine call for Western help against its nuclear- in November. ple to choose between joining Russia and he said. waterfront, shops sell striped sailor shirts to armed neighbour. The embryonic sign of diplo- Yanukovych’s shock decision sparked the Kiev declaring greater autonomy from Kiev while “During 23 years of independence, tourists, magnets in the shape of submarines matic progress came as Ukrainian Prime Minister protests in which 100 died - most of them in remaining a part of Ukraine - an option advocat- Ukraine has done nothing for us. Kiev took and Red Army souvenirs. The yellow-and-blue Arseniy Yatsenyuk prepared to fly to Washington days of carnage preceding the pro-Moscow ed strongly by both Washington and the new our money and that’s it. When the people of of the Ukrainian flag is nowhere to be seen. for his first meeting with US President Barack regime’s fall. Deshchytsya said on Sunday that interim team. Sevastopol have had their say we hope that Sitting on a park bench, Anna and Larissa, Obama - himself pushing a peace plan that Kiev hoped to sign parts of the rejected Deshchytsya said yesterday that if Crimea’s Mother Russia will answer our call and take us two women in their 60s with gold teeth, shel- includes support for snap presidential elections Association Agreement at either a meeting of EU leaders “want more rights and authority, then we into her bosom.” Chaly, who made his fortune ter from the drizzle under their umbrellas. on May 25. foreign ministers on March 17 or a summit of the are ready to do this.” Yanukovych for his part was in the electronics industry, is known in They will “happily” vote for Crimea to join Tomorrow’s meeting will both boost the cred- bloc’s 28 leaders on March 20-21. expected yesterday to brief the media in the Sevastopol for having financed the recon- Russia on March 16, said Anna, who would ibility of Yatsenyuk’s untested government - not southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don after struction of monuments to the memory of not give her last name. “This city has always recognised by Russia - and provide Ukraine with Autonomy Over Annexation affirming in the same city on Feb 28 that he was Russian heros. been Russian, and despite what was said, we a chance to iron out the details of crucial eco- The escalating standoff has seen Obama vow still the legitimate leader of Ukraine. — AFP Among them is Vladimir Kornilov, the were never part of Ukraine. It was like a trans- famed Russian admiral who led the defence of plant that was rejected - we were Ukrainians Sevastopol against a Franco-British-Ottoman in name only. Now we are going home,” Anna The man who won over the world in 5 minutes force during the 349-day siege of the city in said. “Ukraine is a very poor country. 1854-55. Kornilov’s famous last words during Everything will be much better for us when PARIS: Five minutes. That’s all it took to Maria Angelica Largo, a 50-year-old On Twitter too, the 77-year-old And the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics the siege - “Defend Sevastopol!” - were embla- our currency is the ruble,” said Komelov of city make papal history. Never has a leader from Colombia, said she “immediately pontiff has built up a following of mil- are grappling with sensitive and often zoned on a stage this weekend as city resi- hall. “Russia is a rich and powerful country, of the Roman Catholic Church become felt he was closer to the people, more lions of people and his messages are divisive issues, such as homosexuality dents gathered for a pro-Russia meeting. which Ukraine will never be. Of course the as popular in as short a time as Pope simple and more human.” “We have re-tweeted more than those of tech- and abortion. In comments that made Chanting “Russia! Russia!” the crowd watched Ukrainians who don’t agree with us will be Francis did when he humbly asked the never seen a pope become so popular savvy US President Barack Obama. waves around the world, Francis last as performer Nadezhda Babkina sang and allowed to stay. Like foreigners living in crowd gathered in St Peter’s Square on in just a couple of minutes,” said Odon Francis became the first non-European July famously asked: “If someone is gay danced in a multi-coloured dress, embroi- Russia.” — AFP March 13 last year to pray for him. A Vallet, a French historian and an expert pope in nearly 1,300 years when he and seeks the Lord with good will, who year on, Francis, known for his gentle on religion. The Argentine-born pope’s was elected by the College of am I to judge?”. Gay rights groups cau- smile and infectious energy, has won humble and homespun style - he likes Cardinals a year ago Thursday to suc- tiously welcomed the words as a Piecing together Ukraine’s over hearts worldwide. Admirers from to mingle with the crowds - also ceed Benedict XVI, who chose to retire change in tone, but warned they did Manila to Mexico fondly remember his bowled over Roger Kouassi, a teacher and is now pope emeritus. Over the not reflect a shift in Catholic Church shredded ‘corruption library’ first appearance on the balcony in the in the west African country of Ivory past year, Francis has won accolades policy - and certainly not a move Vatican when he began with the sim- Coast for whom the main thing is that and plaudits for powerful gestures towards accepting same-sex marriage. KIEV: With a pile of shredded documents in is ours,” said Lena Svitovets, a former real ple greeting, “Good evening.” “Francis is closer to the people.” such as washing the feet of young “If homosexuals want to marry, they a corner, dozens of volunteers in a Kiev estate agent who lost her job because of Muslim inmates, embracing the handi- can do so in a civil ceremony but we office are hard at work on the frontlines of Ukraine’s economic crisis, holding back capped and asking that gay people cannot change the Church of Christ to journalism - piecing together an ousted tears as she rifled through shredded not be judged. suit one’s tastes,” said Aurora Gomez, a president’s web of corruption. Like school- receipts. Sergiy Sushytskiy, a brand manag- Catholic in Mexico. children making collages, students, office er, said: “It’s important to understand what Being Catholic is ‘in’ On the other side of the Pacific in workers and retirees patiently glue the our president and the criminals around him In France, where only three percent the world’s fourth largest Catholic scraps onto coloured sheets of paper which did. They did so much harm to the state.” of Catholics are identified as practising country, Filipino Nona Andaya-Castillo are then carefully numbered, scanned and their religion, priests say there has said she would back moves to ease filed away. From lavish spending of public ‘Clean-Up Operation’ been an increase in church attendance Church policies on homosexuality. But funds by former leader Viktor Yanukovych Svitovets and Sushytskiy were among 60 since Pope Francis’s election. “Before it living in one of the few countries for his villas to hints of sinister secrets, the volunteers methodically making their way was ‘uncool’ to be Catholic, now it’s ‘in’,” where abortion is still illegal, the 52- hoard of papers left behind in the chaotic through 30 bin bags seized by activists said Vallet. Still the man who was born year-old added she opposed any final hours of his rule is already painting a from the offices of mystery oligarch Sergiy disturbing picture. Kurchenko, a member of Yanukovych’s Jorge Mario Bergoglio has to walk a moves to soften the Church’s stance The hope is that with the help of sophis- inner circle - known as “the family”. The 28- tight rope in his papacy. Among his on that issue. Although no one has ticated software like “Unshredder” that can year-old owner of Forbes Ukraine magazine challenges are the thorny issues of expected Francis to make radical piece together scraps of files, there will be and the Metalist Kharkiv football team, marriage for priests and overhauling changes in doctrine, the pope has much more in the months and years to Kurchenko’s name is on an EU sanctions list the Vatican’s coffers after a string of shown a willingness to encourage come that could aid prosecutions and the and has been placed under investigation scandals, including allegations of greater understanding and pastoral repatriation of stolen assets. “It makes me for embezzlement in the energy sector by ARICCIA, Italy: Pope Francis arrives by bus on Sunday for a retreat waste, corruption and even money- care of Christians who are divorced, mad! We could have been rich. This money the new authorities in Kiev.—AFP near Rome.—AFP laundering. single mothers, or homosexuals.—AFP TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Kim enjoys 100% ‘poll’ win

SEOUL: North Korea’s state media those based overseas - took part. Kim dynasty’s third generation. confirmed yesterday what was Elections to the Supreme People’s Kim Yo-Jong, believed to be 26, never in doubt - a 100 percent, no- Assembly (SPA) are held every five accompanied her elder brother to abstention poll victory for leader years, and this was the first under a polling station on Sunday. It was Kim Jong-Un in the country’s Kim’s leadership. He took over the not her first appearance. She was stage-managed parliamentary reins of power on the death of his shown on state television in 2011, election. Every single vote cast on father, Kim Jong-Il, in Dec 2011. tearfully standing next to Kim Sunday in Kim’s constituency was Kim stood as an uncontested Jong-Un as they attended the for the man who can now add MP candidate in constituency number funeral of their father and former to his many titles that include 111, Mount Paektu. Koreans have ruler Kim Jong-Il. Since then she Supreme Commander of the traditionally attributed divine sta- has occasionally been seen armed forces and chairman of the tus to Mount Paektu and, accord- accompanying her brother on his powerful National Defence ing to the North’s official propa- “field guidance trips”. Commission. “All the voters of the ganda, Kim Jong-Il was born on its Sunday’s outing was different constituency took part in voting slopes. The KCNA report hailed as she was, for the first time, offi- and 100 percent of them voted for Kim as the worthy successor to his cially listed by her name and as a Kim Jong-Un,” the North’s official father and his grandfather - North “senior official” attending the vot- KCNA news agency said. “This is an Korea’s founder leader - Kim Il- ing function along with several expression of ... people’s absolute Sung, saying he had “remarkably top party and army luminaries. support and profound trust in increased the defence power” of State TV footage showed Kim in a supreme leader Kim Jong-Un as the nation. The SPA only meets black skirt suit, walking closely they single-mindedly remain loyal once or twice a year, mostly for a behind her brother and casting her vote into a ballot box. Her precise position was not detailed, but she is believed to be the events director in Kim Jong-Un’s Secretariat Office. In 2012, Kim Yo-Jong was seen MAZAR-I-SHARIF: An Afghan child plays with a toy at his father’s coal shop on Sunday. — AFP on state TV riding a white horse - a common propaganda symbol associated with the Kim family - Taleban pledge to with her aunt, Kim Kyong-Hui. As Kim Jong-Il’s sister, Kim Kyong-Hui was an enormously powerful and influential figure who was given disrupt election the rank of a four-star general. Together with her husband, Jang Song-Thaek, she was seen as the power behind Kim Jong-Un’s Militants slam ‘sham’ poll ‘manipulated by US’ throne, until the young leader had KABUL: The Taleban yesterday is guised in the garb of elections.” trymen to keep away from electoral Jang purged and executed last vowed to target Afghanistan’s pres- Billions of dollars have been spent offices, voting booths, rallies and year. idential election, urging their fight- on military operations and devel- campaigns so that may Allah for- Ahn Chan-Il, head of Seoul- ers to attack polling staff, voters opment in Afghanistan, but the bid, their lives are not put into dan- based World Institute for North and security forces before the April country remains wracked by pover- ger,” the Taleban said. “If anyone Korea Studies, said Kim Yo-Jong 5 vote to choose a successor to ty and violence with weak govern- still persists in participating then was being groomed to play the Hamid Karzai. Previous Afghan ment structures and a fragile econ- they are solely responsible for any same supporting role as her aunt. elections have been badly marred omy dependent on aid money. The loss in the future.” “Kim Jong-Un and Kim Yo-Jong by violence, with at least 31 civil- next president will face a testing The statement added that “the will work in a similar way as their ians and 26 soldiers and police new era as the Afghan army and actual election has already taken PYONGYANG: Kim Yo-Jong (left), the younger sister of North Korean leader father and Kim Kyong-Hui did in killed on polling day alone in 2009 police fight the Taleban without place in the offices of the CIA and Kim Jong-Un (right), arrives to cast ballots for the election of a deputy to securing the future of the Kim as the Islamist militants displayed NATO assistance and as interna- Pentagon and their favourite candi- the Supreme People’s Assembly at sub-constituency No. 43 of dynasty,” Ahn said. “And Kim their opposition to the US-backed tional funding declines. date has already won”, without Constituency No. 105 at the Kim Il Sung University of Politics. —AFP Kyong-Hui will eventually leave polls. mentioning any candidate by official life as part of the power Another blood-stained election Taleban Peace Talks? name. The Afghan government did to him, holding him in high day-long session, to rubber-stamp shift within the family,” he said. would damage claims by interna- Efforts to open peace talks with not immediately respond to the esteem,” it said. budgets or other decisions made Kim Kyong-Hui, 67, has barely tional donors that the expensive the Taleban have so far failed, but Taleban threat, but officials have Sunday’s ballot was an election by the powerful ruling Workers’ been seen in recent years, with military and civilian intervention in negotiations are likely to be given said that almost all polling centres in name only. Each of the nearly Party. reports that she was seriously ill Afghanistan since 2001 has made another push by the incoming gov- will be safe enough to open and 700 constituencies had only one and had sought hospital treat- progress in establishing a function- ernment as it tries to bring stability that the security forces are on alert state-sanctioned candidate, ensur- Little Sister Makes Debut ment overseas. The Kim family has ing state system. NATO combat to areas in the south and east to ensure a peaceful election. ing a foregone conclusion in every Meanwhile, the younger sister ruled the country for more than troops are withdrawing from the where the militants hold sway. The All remaining 55,000 NATO com- case. Voting was mandatory and of Kim Jong-Un has made an offi- six decades with an iron first country after 13 years of fighting a Taleban have targeted every elec- bat troops will leave Afghanistan state media said all registered vot- cial debut of sorts, consolidating wrapped in a pervasive personali- fierce Islamist insurgency that tion since the 2004 poll, but the by December, but a small US force ers across the country -except for the grip on power of the ruling ty cult. — AFP erupted when the Taleban were statement yesterday was the first may be deployed from 2015 on ousted from power after the 9/11 explicit threat from the militants counter-terrorism and training attacks on the United States. against this year’s vote. Among the operations if the next president “We have given orders to all our frontrunners are Abdullah signs a security deal with mujahideen to use all force at their Abdullah, who came second in Washington. Karzai negotiated the disposal to disrupt these upcoming 2009, former foreign minister deal but then refused to sign it in a sham elections - to target all work- Zalmai Rassoul and former World move that plunged Afghan-US rela- ers, activists, callers, security appa- Bank economist Ashraf Ghani. tions to a new low. Election cam- ratus and offices,” the Taleban said The campaign has been relative- paigning slowed yesterday as in an emailed statement. “It is the ly peaceful so far, though gunmen Afghanistan started three days of religious obligation of every shot dead two of Abdullah’s aides official mourning for Vice President Afghan to fulfil their duty by foiling in the western city of Herat. “We Marshal Mohammad Qasim Fahim, the latest plot of the invaders that once again call on all of our coun- who died on Sunday. —AFP Court sets deadline for politicians’ cases

NEW DELHI: India’s top court hold public office once they are delays. instructed lower courts yesterday convicted of serious offenses such After the July ruling, several to reach verdicts within one year in as corruption, rape or murder. politicians were disqualified from cases in which lawmakers are India’s notoriously slow legal sys- running in elections. Among them accused of grave crimes, in an tem has allowed many politicians was Laloo Prasad Yadav, a former attempt to reduce the number who accused of serious graft to be re- chief minister of Bihar state, who win re-election during drawn-out elected. The Supreme Court ruled was convicted of embezzling state trials. The Supreme Court order is that lower courts should expedite funds. Nationwide elections begin part of its attempt to clean up trials so politicians are quickly early next month. India’s Congress India’s electoral system by making acquitted or disqualified. Justice R party-led government faces anger it more difficult for politicians with M Lodha said court proceedings over a slew of corruption scandals criminal cases to contest elections. against lawmakers should be con- that auditors say lost the country Last July, the Supreme Court ducted without breaks or inordi- billions of dollars. Several politi- barred lawmakers from running in nate delays. The court said lawmak- cians accused of serious corruption elections if they were found guilty ers often continue to hold public are currently free on bail. It wasn’t of offenses carrying a jail term of at office despite being accused of immediately clear whether they least two years. grave offenses because trials would be allowed to contest the Lawmakers can contest elec- stretch out for years. The court said upcoming elections, which start tions while being tried, but cannot judges would have to explain any April 7. — AP

SRINAGAR: Kashmiri protesters from the Association of Parents of Dissapeared People (APDP) sit in front of a ban- ner displaying portraits of Kashmiris alleged to have gone missing during a protest yesterday. — AP TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Children of Fukushima battle an invisible enemy

KORIYAMA, Japan: Some of the smallest and make mud pies. We have to tell them no, tion.” Any such revival looks a long way off. said Hiraguri. This works out to be lower than ier, while the weight difference grew to 1 kg children in Koriyama, a short drive from the I’m sorry. Play in the sandbox inside instead.” Japan’s safety level of 1,000 microsieverts a for six-year-old boys. Boys of 11 were nearly 3 crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, barely Following the March 11, 2011, quake and ‘Avoid Touching the Outside Air’ year, but levels can vary widely and at ran- kg heavier. Hiraguri said that stress was show- know what it’s like to play outside - fear of tsunami, a series of explosions and melt- Koriyama recommended shortly after the dom, keeping many parents nervous about ing up in an increase of scuffles, arguments radiation has kept them indoors for much of downs caused the world’s worst nuclear acci- disaster that children up to two years old not any outdoor play. “I try to keep from going and even sudden nosebleeds among the chil- their short lives. Though the strict safety limits dent for 25 years, spewing radiation over a spend more than 15 minutes outside each out and from opening the window,” said 34- dren, as well as more subtle effects. “There’s a for outdoor activity set after multiple melt- swathe of Fukushima, an agricultural area day. Those aged 3 to 5 should limit their out- year-old Ayumi Kaneta, who has three sons. “I lot more children who aren’t all that alert in downs at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear long known for its rice, beef and peaches. A door time to 30 minutes or less. These limits buy food from areas away from Fukushima. their response to things. They aren’t motivat- plant in 2011 have now been eased, parental 30-km radius around the plant was declared a were lifted last October, but many kinder- This is our normal life now.” ed to do anything,” he said. worries and ingrained habit mean many chil- no-go zone, forcing 160,000 people from gartens and nursery schools continue to Koriyama has removed decontaminated dren still stay inside. And the impact, three homes where some had lived for generations. adhere to the limits, in line with the wishes of Child Stress on Rise earth in public places, sometimes more than years on, is now starting to show, with chil- Other areas, where the radiation was not so worried parents. One mother at an indoor But this lack of outdoor play is having a once, and work to replace all playground dren experiencing falling strength, lack of critically high, took steps such as replacing Koriyama playground was overheard telling detrimental effect on Koriyama’s children, equipment in public parks should finish soon. coordination - some cannot even ride a bicy- the earth in parks and school playgrounds, her child: “Try to avoid touching the outside both physical and mentally. “Compared to Yabe, at Koriyama city hall, said parental atti- cle - and emotional issues like shorter tem- decontaminating public spaces like side- air”. Even three-year-olds know the word before the disaster, you can certainly see a fall tudes towards the risk of radiation may be pers, officials and educators say. “There are walks, and limiting children’s outdoor play “radiation”. in the results of physical strength and ability slowly shifting. “These days, instead of hear- children who are very fearful. They ask before time. Though thyroid cancer in children was tests - things like grip strength, running and ing from parents that they’re worried about they eat anything, ‘does this have radiation in “There are children in the disaster-stricken linked to the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear acci- throwing balls,” said Toshiaki Yabe, an official radiation, we’re hearing that they’re more it?’ and we have to tell them it’s okay to eat,” areas who are going to turn three tomorrow,” dent, the United Nations said last May that with the Koriyama city government. An annu- worried because their kids don’t get outside,” said Mitsuhiro Hiraguri, director of the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Monday. cancer rates were not expected to rise after al survey by the Fukushima prefecture Board he said. But Hiraguri said things are still hard. Emporium Kindergarten in Koriyama, some He told a nationally televised news confer- Fukushima. Radiation levels around the of Education found that children in “I do sometimes wonder if it’s really all right to 55 km west of the Fukushima nuclear plant. ence he wanted to invite as many of them as Emporium Kindergarten in Koriyama were Fukushima weighed more than the national keep children in Fukushima. But there are “But some really, really want to play outside. possible to the 2020 Olympics, when they will now down around 0.12-0.14 microsieverts average in virtually every age group. those who can’t leave, and I feel strongly that They say they want to play in the sandbox be fourth-graders, as a “symbol of reconstruc- per hour, from 3.1 to 3.7 right after the quake, Five-year-olds were roughly 500 gm heav- I must do all I can for them.” —Reuters Thailand exposed as crime hub over stolen passports Police can be paid off easily

BANGKOK: Thailand’s role as a hub for to raise funds or to plan attacks,” said mediaries and clients, he said. Police Turn Blind Eye criminal networks using false docu- Rommel Banlaoi, an analyst on terror- Thai police have announced an Geographically well-placed and ments is in the spotlight after two ism in South-East Asia. In 2010, two investigation into a possible passport with a major international airport, unknown passengers on vanished Pakistanis and a Thai woman were racket on the resort island of Phuket - Thailand is best known for being a flight MH370 used passports stolen in arrested in Thailand on suspicion of Maraldi’s passport was stolen there in hub for drug and wildlife trafficking, the kingdom, sparking fears of a terror making false passports for Al-Qaeda 2013 and Kozel’s on a flight from including elephant ivory from Africa. attack. Two European names were on linked groups, as part of an internation- Phuket to Bangkok, according to But it also supplies documents to ille- the passenger list for the missing al operation linked to the 2008 attacks authorities in Vienna. Flight informa- gal immigrants moving within or Malaysia Airlines flight, which disap- in Mumbai and the Madrid train tion seen by AFP shows that two tick- passing through the region. The route peared in the early hours of Saturday bombings in 2004. ets in Kozel and Maraldi’s names were of the two unknown MH370 passen- gers - from Kuala Lumpur via Beijing NAMIE, Japan: Police officers comb the area for any signs of missing people then on to Europe - was “a typical three years after the disaster near the striken TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi path”, for illegal immigrants one nuclear plant in Fukushima prefecture yesterday, one day before the third diplomatic source told AFP, adding anniversary of a massive earthquake and tsunami. —AFP that a large proportion of passports stolen from tourists in Thailand were then used for illegal immigration. Patience running out “They (the passports) are genuine, so they find someone who looks like the owner, or they falsify the first page,” among Japan refugees the source said. The ease with which police offi- ISHINOMAKI, Japan: The Takeyamas have tried They hope to move to newly built communi- cials can be paid off also helped the to move on and forget the enormous waves ty housing, but that could still be several years industry to thrive. “The police can that swept away relatives, their home and the away. Japan has so far built only 3.5 percent of turn a blind eye if you have the mon- lives they once had. But the couple, both in the new housing promised to refugees in heavily ey,” he added. Under Thai law, anyone their seventies, still spend countless nights star- affected Iwate and Miyagi prefectures. The local caught selling or “owning in order to ing at the ceiling of their tiny makeshift house, government of Fukushima prefecture, where a sell” an illegal passport can be sent to built after Japan’s quake-tsunami disaster three tsunami-crippled nuclear plant is located, does prison for up to 20 years. But entering years ago, thinking about better times. Before a not even have a number for how many new Western countries with a stolen towering wall of water turned the northeast houses it needs to house evacuees forced to flee Western passport “is not easy”, said coast into a wasteland of shattered communi- the worst atomic crisis in a generation. As a result Ahmed Salah Hashim, Associate ties, Iwako Takeyama and her husband Toichi of the tsunami and Fukushima crisis, among Professor at Singapore’s S Rajaratnam lived in a sturdy home in Ogatsu town, with a almost 270,000 evacuees as of last month, School of International Studies. daughter and other family nearby. 100,000 are in temporary housing. It remains He gives credence to the theory “People say it’s good to live close to a unclear how many more years it will take to build that terrorists may have targeted daughter and her family so they can bring you a all the needed post-disaster housing. MH370, particularly since the two cup of soup without getting it cold,” said 73- stolen passports were under Interpol year-old Iwako. “But the tsunami flushed away Struggling to Make Ends Meet surveillance. Thailand does not both of our houses, ours and hers.” Like thou- In the town of Onagawa, many refugees check passports against Interpol’s sands of other survivors, the elderly couple lost have tried to keep busy by making Japanese- Stolen and Lost Travel Documents relatives - one sister, two brothers and a style sandals with donated T-shirts, selling them PATTAYA: A Thai policeman shows a copy of Italian Luigi Maraldi’s stolen passport as he visits (SLTD) database - which has more nephew - after a huge undersea earthquake for 1,500 yen ($15) to make ends meet - and try- the Six Stars Travel office for questioning in Chonburi province yesterday. —AP than 40 million entries - a senior Thai shook Japan at 2:46 pm on Friday, March 11, ing to forget their grim reality. “I wonder if I will immigration police officer told AFP. 2011. Its 9.0 magnitude force unleashed a tow- be still alive when we move out of this tempo- en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. But Banlaoi stressed that the false issued in Pattaya, a beach resort south The international police organisation ering tsunami that travelled at the speed of a jet rary house,” said Kazuko Kimura, 86. “I want to But neither Christian Kozel, an Austrian, passports used on the Malaysia flight of Bangkok, on March 6, 2014, and has urged countries to screen all plane to the coast. Within minutes, communi- die in a new house with no worries about the nor Luigi Maraldi from Italy, ever board- “could also be linked to other criminal were paid for in Thai baht. So far little passports “for the sake of innocent ties were turned to matchwood, and whole future.” Sawako Kishi, 76, spends many sleepless ed the plane - instead two mystery pas- activities, like illegal immigration”. has emerged about the passengers passengers”. “I sincerely hope that families had drowned. nights haunted by the uncertainty. sengers used their passports, which “Thailand is a destination for interna- who used the stolen passports to governments and airlines worldwide Officially, more than 15,800 people are The devout Buddhist has an altar in the had been stolen from the men in sepa- tional crime organisations who use it to board the vanished flight - Malaysia will learn from the tragedy of miss- known to have died in the disaster. Another small bedroom of her family’s tiny makeshift rate incidents in Thailand. secure travel documents, financial doc- said Monday it had identified one of ing flight MH 370 and begin to 2,636 are listed as missing. The body of Toichi’s home, with their belongings and futon taking The revelation has triggered a terror uments,” a Thai intelligence source told the men using airport video surveil- screen all passengers’ passports prior sister was recovered about 30 kilometres (19 up most of the living space. They hold out hope probe by Malaysian authorities, who AFP. “It’s not just linked to terrorism but lance, but would only reveal that he to allowing them to board flights,” miles) offshore. “We spent days looking for the for a permanent home, but progress has been are working with other intelligence to other crimes. It’s a complex network, was not a Malaysian national. Malaysia’s said Interpol Secretary General bodies after the tsunami,” Iwako said as her eyes slow in the rugged mountain town. “They first agencies including the FBI. “Thailand connected to other networks.” The intri- interior minister had earlier said the Ronald Noble. “Doing so will indeed filled with tears. “We are finally feeling OK now.” have to cut into the mountainside and build a has been used by some international cate web includes Thais and foreigners, suspect passengers had “Asian facial take us a step closer to ensuring new road tunnel. Building our house will come terrorist groups as a zone of operation, passport thieves, counterfeiters, inter- features”, according to a report. safer travel.” —AFP Hard Lives, Fading Hope after that,” she said. Among the myriad chal- But while the nightmare fades for many in lenges, many lots on higher ground are the other parts of Japan, tens of thousands of property of hundreds of small landowners who refugees are still struggling to cope as the coun- are loathe to give up their real estate. Malaysia airport security spotlighted try gets set to mark the third anniversary of the “This is the biggest challenge and we should disaster today. The government has pledged bil- look at changing the law” to make it easier to lions of dollars in reconstruction funds but the build public housing on those plots, said KUALA LUMPUR: Revelations that at least any connection between these stolen pass- also raised questions, and immigration has Takeyamas and many others are still struggling Kosuke Motani, chief economist at Japan two people used stolen passports to board a ports and the missing plane, it is clearly of launched an internal probe on the officers to make do in cramped temporary housing. The Research Institute. With the focus on rebuilding, missing passenger jet raise serious “red great concern that any passenger was able who did not detect the false passports. “I am stress of living in a 30-sq-m space has taken a the government has barely scratched the sur- flags” about security at Malaysia’s main inter- to board an international flight using a still puzzled how come (immigration offi- heavy toll on their mental and physical health, face in dealing with refugees’ mental health, national airport, analysts and Interpol have stolen passport listed in Interpol’s databas- cers) cannot think: an Italian and Austrian they said. Toichi has been hospitalised twice said Tsuyoshi Akiyama, a neuropsychiatry doc- warned. However, they cautioned against a es,” its secretary general Ronald Noble said. but with Asian facial features,” Home since the disaster. “You can tell exactly what your tor and clinical professor at Tokyo University. rush to judgement, citing ongoing investi- He said that despite Interpol pushing for Minister Zahid Hamidi said, according to neighbour is doing next door, taking a bath or “Whatever choices disaster victims make, they gations and widespread disregard of inter- years for immigration staff to check the national news agency Bernama. Immigration using the toilet,” Toichi said. “We cannot even face some sort of mental stress in one way or national databases on stolen passports. database, “only a handful of countries world- officials when contacted declined to com- have a quarrel in private.” another,” he said. —AFP Flight MH370 disappeared over the waters wide are taking care to make sure that per- ment. between Malaysia and southern Vietnam sons possessing stolen passports are not Prime Minister Najib Razak has said early Saturday en route from Kuala Lumpur boarding international flights”. “This is a situ- authorities would review “all security proto- 12 slain in communist to Beijing. No traces of the plane have been ation we had hoped never to see,” he said, cols” and enhance them “if needed”. “The confirmed found. adding that last year passengers boarded security in KLIA is already compliant with attack in Philippines Malaysia has said it is looking at a possi- planes more than a billion times without international standards,” Department of Civil ble terror motive in the plane’s disappear- having their passports screened against the Aviation chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman DAVAO, Philippines: Ten members of the securi- vehicle triggered a roadside bomb as they pur- ance after at least two people used stolen database. The database was created in 2002 told reporters yesterday. Kumar ty forces and two communist insurgents were sued the retreating rebels, the military passports to pass security at Kuala Lumpur following the Sept 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Ramakrishna, a security expert at Singapore’s killed in a string of guerrilla attacks targeting spokesman said. International Airport (KLIA). “It’s rather sur- S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Philippine police and military yesterday, officials The AFP photographer saw a disabled camou- said. At least 50 New People’s Army (NPA) rebels flage-hued military truck sitting in the middle of prising but it obviously raises a red flag,” said Security Issues said it should be easy for authorities to overwhelmed a small group of policemen at the the road amid civilian vehicle traffic in the after- Chris de Lavigne, an aviation and defense Kuala Lumpur International Airport has quickly access Interpol’s database. “It may police station in Matanao on the southern island noon, hours after the bomb attack. The truck’s analyst for consultancy Frost and Sullivan. had some minor security issues before. not be fair to finger the whole system in of Mindanao at dawn, said local military windshield and hood were riddled with bullet “We can’t look into this too much until fur- Malaysia Airlines was fined in 2012 for allow- place there (at Kuala Lumpur International spokesman Captain William Rodriguez. “They fell holes. Rodriguez said the rebels stole 10 firearms ther information is available, but it’s defi- ing a Malaysian to board a flight from Kuala Airport),” he said. “The key thing is that coun- on the town riding trucks and a small bus, about from the police armoury in Matanao, a hilly farm- nitely a red flag,” he told AFP. Lumpur to Auckland despite a directive from tries should make it a point to be electroni- 50 of them... thirty minutes later (other) rebels ing town of about 52,000 people located about Malaysia has not been the target of any New Zealand officials not to check the pas- cally linked to the Interpol database - as an also attacked a (local military) detachment but 1,000 km south of the Philippine capital Manila. notable terror attacks in recent years, but it senger in. The airline’s check-in attendant added and important layer in the range of they were not successful there,” he told reporters. In total, about 100 guerrillas were estimated is home to several suspected key figures in circumvented the system by changing the border controls to detect false travel docu- An AFP photographer saw bloodstains on the to have taken part in the coordinated attacks, militant Islamic groups such as the Al-Qaeda passenger’s passport number, leading to the mentation used by drug mules or terrorists.” floor in front of the police station, while ripped said Senior Superintendent Ronaldo Llanera, the linked Jemaah Islamiyah. KLIA is about one NZ$5,500 ($4,650) fine by a court in New Shukor Yusof, aviation analyst with pieces of paper lay scattered on the hallway. Two police chief of Davao del Sur province. Nine sus- hour’s drive south of the capital Kuala Zealand. Standard & Poor’s, has said the sheer volume policemen were killed and three others wounded pected NPA guerrillas were later arrested as the Lumpur and has long been considered one In 2007, a Palestinian stowaway hid in the of travellers moving through airports likely in the raid on the police station itself, while the security forces in Davao del Sur put up check- of Southeast Asia’s top airports. But Interpol, nose wheel well of a plane, leaving means not all forgeries can be caught, and two of the raiders, who were wearing military points to try and catch the raiders, Rodriguez which maintains a database of stolen pass- Malaysian authorities puzzled how he stolen passports do not necessarily equate to uniforms, also died, Rodriguez said. One of the said. The government estimates that the armed ports, said in a strongly worded statement breached airport ground security to reach terrorism. “To blame Malaysian authorities three wounded policemen later died in hospital, insurgency has claimed about 30,000 lives since that no one checked the database ahead of neighbouring Singapore without being for this is probably unfair - they have to get it a military statement later said in an updated offi- it began in 1969 in a guerrilla campaign to over- the Malaysian flight’s take-off. spotted. Malaysian authorities, left red-faced right all the time and potential hijackers just cial toll. Seven soldiers died and another seven throw the government and establish a Maoist “Whilst it is too soon to speculate about by the recent apparent security breach, have have to get through once,” he said. —AFP were wounded about five hours later when their regime. —AFP NEWS TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014

Islamists free 13 nuns Qatar rebuffs GCC pressure

DOHA: Qatar yesterday again dismissed in rare prisoner swap demands by three fellow Gulf Arab states for changes to its foreign policy, calling its independence “non-nego- Syria using starvation as ‘weapon’ tiable” in a further sign that it will contin- JDEIDET YABUS: A group of nuns ue to aid Islamists such as Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. In an unprecedent- kidnapped in a Syrian village were ed move within the Gulf Cooperation freed yesterday, part of a rare prison- Council of allied hereditary monarchies, er swap in a three-year war whose Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates brutality is highlighted in a new and Bahrain recalled their ambassadors Amnesty report. Jihadists seized the from Qatar on March 5, accusing Doha 13 nuns and three maids on of failing to abide by an accord not to December 3 from the famed interfere in each others’ internal affairs. Christian village of Maalula-where The three GCC states are especially residents still speak the ancient angry at Qatar’s support for the Aramaic of Jesus Christ-and took Brotherhood, an Islamist movement them to the nearby town of Yabrud. whose ideology challenges the principle The women, who arrived after of conservative dynastic rule long domi- midnight at the regime-held town of nant in the Gulf. “Qatar is to take deci- RABAT: Qatar’s Prime Minister, Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser bin Khalifa Jdeidet Yabus near the border with sions, and follow a path, of its own,” the Al-Thani (right), visits the Mohammed V mausoleum in Rabat yester- Lebanon, were exhausted but official Qatar news agency quoted day during an official visit to Morocco. — AFP praised those who negotiated their Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Attiyah as saying in a speech in Paris. “The inde- and Syria, than about matters affecting dom in the Arab world. Islamists have release. “We want to thank God, who fellow Gulf states. However, Saudi figured prominently in the Arab Spring made it possible for us to be here pendence of Qatar’s foreign policy is simply non-negotiable. Therefore I Arabia and the UAE do see Qatar as at uprisings since 2011. Qatar’s cabinet now,” one nun told reporters. She odds with them on Gulf issues. They voiced “regret and surprise” last week at thanked Syria’s President Bashar Al- strongly believe that the recent state- ments made by Saudi Arabia, the United resent the way Doha has sheltered the withdrawal of the Saudi, UAE and Assad and Qatari Emir Tamim Bin Arab Emirates and Bahrain have no rela- prominent Brotherhood preacher Bahraini ambassadors but said Doha Hamad Al-Thani as well as Lebanon’s tionship whatsoever with the internal Youssef Al-Qaradawi, a critic of Saudi would not respond in kind and that it General Security agency director security of the GCC countries, but they and UAE authorities, and given him reg- remained committed to GCC security. Abbas Ibrahim, who mediated the are related to clear differences in views ular air time on its pan-Arab satellite The US-aligned GCC, formed in 1981 exchange. JDEIDAT YABOUS: A group of nuns who were freed after being held by on international issues.” channel Al Jazeera, and on Qatari state and also including Kuwait and Oman, He told Lebanon’s New TV that no rebels, greet church officials at the Syrian border town of Jdeidat A source close to Qatar’s govern- television. has managed to present a united front ransom was paid, and the deal Yabous yesterday. — AP ment said last week the dispute had Attiyah said one of Qatar’s basic for- at times of threat ranging from Iranian involved the release of “more than Syria’s jails were on board four buses tion as a “weapon of war” in its siege more to do with issues in the wider eign policy principles was its support for revolution on the other side of the Gulf 150 female prisoners”. The nun, seat- at the Lebanese-Syrian border, after of a Palestinian refugee camp in Middle East such as the crises in Egypt popular aspirations to justice and free- to Iraqi invasion.— Reuters ed and dressed in her black religious being freed in exchange for the nuns. southern Damascus. The watchdog habit, said all 16 hostages were treat- “A woman and her four children who said nearly 200 people had died since ed “well” in captivity. The kidnappers, had been in jail were freed first and the army siege of the Yarmuk camp Malaysian plane mystery deepens Islamist fighters from the Al-Qaeda- reached Yabrud,” said Rami Abdel was tightened in July 2013 and affiliated Al-Nusra Front, “were giving Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for access to food and medicine cut. “Life Continued from Page 1 into its flight from Kuala Lumpur, after climbing to a us everything we asked for”, she said. Human Rights. But a security official in Yarmuk has grown increasingly cruising altitude of 35,000 ft (10,670 meters). said he could not confirm whether unbearable for desperate civilians passports and carrying explosives, who have tried to Underlining the lack of hard information about the ‘No one bothered us’ the remaining prisoners had yet been who find themselves starving and get past KLIA (airport) security and get on to a plane,” he plane’s fate, a US Navy P-3 aircraft capable of covering “No one bothered us,” she added, freed. trapped in a downward cycle of suf- said. 1,500 sq miles every hour was sweeping the northern denying rumors their kidnappers had Tens of thousands of people, fering with no means of escape,” said “There have been two or three incidents, but I will part of the Strait of Malacca, on the other side of the forced the group of Syrian and including hundreds of children, are Amnesty’s Philip Luther. Amnesty not divulge the details.” Interpol confirmed on Sunday Malaysian peninsula from where the last contact with Lebanese nuns to remove their cross- being held in Syria’s jails, where tor- said the Yarmuk siege was “the dead- at least two passengers used stolen passports and said MH370 was made. No distress signal was sent from the es. The nuns will be officially wel- ture and ill-treatment are systematic, liest of a series of armed blockades of it was checking whether others aboard had used false lost plane, which experts said suggested a sudden cata- comed home at the Greek Orthodox rights groups say. Sema Nassar, an other civilian areas, imposed by identity documents. The head of Malaysia’s Civil strophic failure or explosion, but Malaysia’s air force Patriarchate in Damascus. They activist who works on the issue of Syrian armed forces or armed opposi- Aviation Authority, Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, said a chief said radar tracking showed it may have turned arrived at Jdeidet Yabus after an ardu- detainees, said she feared some of tion groups on a quarter of a million hijacking attempt could not be ruled out as investiga- back from its scheduled route before it disappeared. ous nine-hour journey that took the released prisoners may face re- people across the country.” tors explore all theories for the loss of Malaysia Airlines The Boeing 777 has one of the best safety records of them from Yabrud into Lebanon, arrest in future should they return to Syrian troops have besieged the flight MH370. any commercial aircraft in service. Its only previous fatal then back into Syria via the official Syria. “In previous operations of this camp as near-daily battles rage “Unfortunately we have not found anything that crash came on July 6 last year when Asiana Airlines crossing. Video posted online by kind, women who have been between rebels and pro-regime appears to be objects from the aircraft, let alone the air- flight 214 struck a seawall on landing in San Francisco, activists showed the women being released have only been detained fighters. Most of area’s 170,000 resi- craft,” he told a news conference. “As far as we are con- killing three people. transported to a transfer point by again a couple of weeks later,” she dents have fled, but some 20,000 are cerned, we have to find the aircraft. We have to find a opposition fighters. said. The prisoner exchange comes as still trapped inside the camp, facing piece of the aircraft if possible.” A senior source involved Massive search One nun was carried to a van by a Syria’s army, backed by Lebanon’s hardship and hunger, according to in preliminary investigations in Malaysia said the failure About two-thirds of the 227 passengers and 12 crew fighter whose face is wrapped in a Shiite Hezbollah movement and local the UN refugee agency UNRWA. to find any debris indicated the plane may have broken now presumed to have died aboard the plane were black scarf, and their convoy then pro-regime militias, fights to seize More than 140,000 people have been up mid-flight, which could disperse wreckage over a Chinese. The airline said other nationalities included 38 moves along a road, flying the black Yabrud, the last opposition strong- killed in the Syrian conflict, which very wide area. “The fact that we are unable to find any Malaysians, seven Indonesians, six Australians, five flag used by jihadists. At the transfer hold in the strategic Qalamun area. began in March 2011 with peaceful debris so far appears to indicate that the aircraft is likely Indians, four French and three Americans. The passen- point, the nuns move forward as gov- anti-government protests. Another to have disintegrated at around 35,000 feet,” said the ger manifest issued by the airline included the names of ernment security forces hand over a ‘Weapon of war’ 2.5 million Syrians have fled across source. two Europeans - Austrian Christian Kozel and Italian woman prisoner and her children. A Rights group Amnesty International the borders and a further 6.5 million Asked about the possibility of an explosion, such as a Luigi Maraldi - who were not on the plane. Their pass- Britain-based monitoring group said meanwhile issued a report yesterday are displaced inside the devastated bomb, the source said there was no evidence yet of foul ports had been stolen in Thailand during the past two 150 women who had been held in accusing Syria’s army of using starva- country.— AFP play and that the aircraft could have broken up due to years. An Interpol spokeswoman said a check of all doc- mechanical causes. Still, the source said the closest par- uments used to board the plane had revealed more allels were the bomb explosions on board an Air India “suspect passports”, which were being investigated. jetliner in 1985 when it was over the Atlantic Ocean and “Whilst it is too soon to speculate about any connection Games of chance: Illicit lotto popular... a Pan Am aircraft over the Scottish town of Lockerbie in between these stolen passports and the missing plane, Continued from Page 1 for a KD 2 bet in the last few years. With the amount, I 1988. Both planes were cruising at around 31,000 feet at it is clearly of great concern that any passenger was able was able to repair my house and it was a good help. I the time. The United States extensively reviewed to board an international flight using a stolen passport money and I get it from playing the lottery,” she said. have already mastered the art of number games and imagery taken by American spy satellites for evidence listed in Interpol’s databases,” Interpol Secretary General But as in any society, gambling can have negative combinations and I am addicted to it,” Jayanti admitted. of a mid-air explosion, but saw none, a US government Ronald Noble said. consequences. Jayanti is addicted to Thai lottery. “My If bettors win on a straight number - for example 315 source said. The source described US satellite coverage A European diplomat in Kuala Lumpur cautioned husband calls me a lottery addict, but I told him not to as the winning number - and you get the three-number of the region as thorough. that the Malaysian capital was an Asian hub for illegal mind my business and addiction to lottery. When I sit to combinations, you’ll hit the jackpot. For KD 1, straight migrants, many of whom used false documents and watch some television series, I cannot stay long without bettors will get KD 400, for a 500 fils bet, the prize will Moss-covered cable reel complex routes including via Beijing or West Africa to a paper and a pen in my hand. The paper is a lottery chit be KD 200. If you get the winning numbers but not in Hopes for a breakthrough rose briefly when Vietnam reach a final destination in Europe. “You shouldn’t auto- provided by my husband which he gets from our agent order (eg 153), your KD 1 bet will only get KD 80 and scrambled helicopters to investigate a floating yellow matically think that the fact there were two people on in Kuwait City. I play with the numbers provided by the your half-dinar bet will only get KD 40. Because of its object it was thought could have been a life raft. But the the plane with false passports had anything to do with lottery company. I add, I multiply, I subtract and I divide; underground nature, it’s unclear how many people in country’s Civil Aviation Authority said on its website the disappearance of the plane,” the diplomat said. “The and most of the time I almost hit the jackpot, only if I lis- Kuwait take part in the betting and how much money is that the object turned out to be a “moss-covered cap of more you know about the role of Kuala Lumpur in this ten to my heart to bet a bigger amount. The bigger involved, though its likely to be in millions of dinars on a cable reel”. Flight MH370 disappeared from radar chain, the more doubtful you are of the chances of a amount you bet, the bigger the jackpot. I won KD 800 an annual basis. screens in the early hours of Saturday, about an hour linkage.” — Reuters TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 ANALYSIS


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Issues EU 4 top jobs up for grabs

By Bryan McManus

t is all change at the top this year for the European Union, kicking off with May elections for the European Parliament Ifollowed by the naming in July of a new speaker. In November, EU leaders will appoint a new president of the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, when its five- year mandate ends, as well as a new chair of the bloc’s politi- cal wing, the European Council. In addition, the 28 member states must replace Catherine Ashton at the European External Action Service, which was set up in 2009 to coordi- nate EU foreign policy and has become one of the bloc’s most high profile roles. Here is what is at stake as well as the favorites to win the posts. Parliament president What is Crimea and why does it matter? The speaker, officially known as president of the Parliament, is elected in each new assembly as MEPs work out their group- kraine’s Crimean peninsula is at the World War Two for alleged collaboration Russia has since upgraded its own Black Sea Economy ings and alliances in what can be a protracted period of bar- centre of the worst East-West stand- with the Nazis. Crimea became part of port of Novorossisysk to take naval vessels. Crimea’s temperate climate makes it a gaining. There are no candidates or favorites at this stage as Uoff since the Cold War. Russia within the Soviet Union until 1954, popular tourist destination for Ukrainians the outcome will depend on the results of the EU-wide May when it was handed to Ukraine, also a Geography and Russians, especially Yalta, where the 22-25 election for 751 seats. But one name often cited is for- History Soviet Republic, by Stalin’s successor Nikita The mountainous peninsula is attached to Soviet, US and British victors of World mer Belgium premier Guy Verhofstadt, the outspoken head of Crimea, which juts out into the Black Sea Khrushchev, a Ukrainian. Since the collapse the rest of Ukraine by a narrow strip of land in War Two met in 1945 to discuss the future the centrist Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe off southern Ukraine, was absorbed into of the Soviet Union in 1991, there have the north. To the east, it is separated from shape of Europe. It accounts for three (ALDE) but who is also cited as a possible runner for European the Russian empire along with most of eth- been periodic political tussles between Russia by the narrow Kerch Strait. Russia percent of Ukraine’s gross domestic prod- Commission chief. Seats will be contested by more than a nic Ukrainian territory by Catherine the over its status between Moscow and Kiev. plans to build a bridge across the strait. With uct, with 60 percent of its own output dozen political groups, led by the centre-right European Great in the 18th century. Russia’s Black Sea an area of 27,000 sq km (10,000 sq miles), it is made up by services. The land is intense- People’s Party (EPP), the largest in the outgoing assembly. They naval base at Sevastopol was founded soon Military significance slightly smaller than Belgium. It is Ukraine’s ly farmed, with wheat, corn and sunflow- are closely followed by the centre-left Socialists and Democrats afterwards. More than half a million people Russia’s Black Sea base in Sevastopol only formally autonomous region, with ers the main crops. Extra water supplies (S&D), centrist group ALDE and the Greens, the environmental- were killed in the Crimean War of 1853-56 gives Moscow access to the Mediterranean. Simferopol as its capital. Sevastopol has a are brought by canal from Ukraine’s ist voice in Parliament. This is the first Parliament election since between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, Ukraine’s fleet, carved out of the same separate status within Ukraine. Dnieper River. There are chemical pro- the 2009 Lisbon Treaty came into force sharply increasing the which was backed by Britain and France. Soviet fleet as Russia’s, is also based there. cessing plants and iron ore is mined in assembly’s powers, especially with the provision that EU mem- The conflict reshaped Europe and paved Russia leases its base in Sevastopol from Population Kerch. Ukraine has two grain terminals in ber state leaders must now take into account the results of the the way for World War One. In 1921, the Ukraine and a new agreement designed to Around 2 million. Ukraine’s 2001 census Crimea - in Kerch and in Sevastopol. May vote when choosing the next head of the European peninsula, then populated mainly by last until 2042 was agreed in 2010, in showed around 58 percent were ethnic According to UkrAgroConsult, these have Commission. Parliament-the EU’s only directly-elected institu- Muslim Tatars, became part of the Soviet exchange for discounts on Russian gas sup- Russian, 24 percent ethnic Ukrainian and exported 1.6 million tons of grain so far tion-must also approve their nomination. Union. The Tatars were deported en masse plies. The Ukrainian government placed 12 percent Tatars, who support the new this season or 6.6 pct of Ukraine’s total by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin at the end of restrictions within the agreement and pro-Western government in Kiev. exports. —Reuters President of commission The Parliament elections will have a direct bearing on who succeeds Jose Manuel Barroso in November, with the main groups already deciding their candidates even if it is still not Japan, US differ on China in talks on ‘grey zone’ absolutely clear that their choice will get past EU leaders. Current favorite is former Luxembourg premier Jean-Claude By Nobuhiro Kubo, security adviser to the government credibility of the alliance and about grey-zone incidents since But American voters are weary Juncker, backed by the EPP at their convention in Dublin, but Linda Sieg and Phil Stewart of Junichiro Koizumi from 2004- might end up encouraging China Sino-Japanese tensions over the of foreign wars after Iraq and he faces a tough challenger in Martin Schulz, currently the S&D 2006. A US defense official rejected to be bolder,” said Michishita, a tiny uninhabited islands increased Afghanistan and wary of being speaker of Parliament. s Japan and the United the idea that Washington worries professor at the National Graduate in 2012. Japanese and Chinese entangled in any new conflicts, The European Commission is the executive arm of the EU, States start talks on how to about antagonizing China but Institute for Policy Studies in vessels and aircraft regularly play experts say. “US public opinion is acting as its civil service to draw up the legislative proposals Arespond to armed incidents stressed that the guideline review Tokyo. cat-and-mouse in the disputed more negative toward involve- needed to put European Council decisions into effect. It also ini- that fall short of a full-scale attack is a broad exercise, including the “US policy makers will have to areas, with Tokyo often scrambling ment in foreign wars than even tiates policy proposals. As such, it has huge influence, although on Japan, officials in Tokyo worry Korean peninsula and global con- walk a thin line and try to strike a fighter jets against what it says are during the Vietnam War,” said for- this has been eroded to some extent in recent years with the that their ally is reluctant to send tingencies. “There is a tendency to balance between maintaining incursions of its air and sea territo- mer senior Japanese diplomat setting up of the European Council and by Parliament’s new- China a strong message of deter- distil all this back to the Senkaku credibility and deterrence, and ry. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yoshiji Nogami, now president of found oversight powers since 2009. The Commission, housed in rence. Military officials meet this islands,” the official said. “It’s not preventing excessive involvement Yi said on Saturday there was “no the Japan Institute of International the huge Berlaymont building in the Schuman district of central week in Hawaii to review bilateral about any particular contingency. in the situation.” High on the agen- room for compromise” with Japan Affairs. “If the alliance is firm, then Brussels, is very much the public face of the EU and the one defense guidelines for the first It’s about making the US-Japan da in Hawaii will be “grey zone” on questions of history and disput- the chance of (America) being which comes into most public criticism. The Commission presi- time in 17 years. Tokyo hopes to alliance more flexible and respon- incidents. Japanese government ed territory, “each inch” of which it drawn in will be less, but this point dent leads a team of 28 Commissioners-one from each country- zero in on specific perceived sive to a security environment officials offer such hypothetical would defend from its Asian is not fully understood by ordinary who will also be new faces. threats, notably China’s claims to that’s not as black and white as we examples as a landing of Chinese neighbor. Americans.” Japanese-held islands in the East Japan has its own headaches Chair of European Council China Sea, while Washington is over grey-zone incidents. The Council is the political arm of the EU, bringing together emphasizing broader discussions, Government officials and many member state leaders and their top officials to make the bloc’s officials on both sides say. security experts say the authori- policy decisions. Current head of the post as go-between Washington takes no position ties must close loopholes among the often divided states is Belgian Hermann Van on the sovereignty of the islands, between situations where only Rompuy, a former premier known for his quiet steady leader- called the Senkaku by Japan and Japan’s Coast Guard and police ship and ability to build common ground. With 28 leaders the Diaoyu by China, but recog- can act and those where the mili- determined to ensure their national interests are respected at nizes that Japan administers them tary can be mobilized. Examples, all times, this is an essential skill. Juncker was one name men- and says they fall under the US- Abe recently told parliament, tioned as a possible successor alongside Irish Premier Enda Japan Security Treaty, which obli- could include a foreign submarine Kenny, Werner Feymann of Austria and Lithuanian President gates America to come to Japan’s lurking in Japanese waters despite Dalia Grybauskaite. defense. But even as Asia-Pacific repeated warnings to surface and security tensions mount, US offi- identify itself or leave, and aggres- EU foreign policy chief cials have made clear they do not sion against remote islands to This post is currently held by Britain’s Ashton who has want to get pulled into a conflict which police or the Coast Guard played a high-profile role in many of the top international between the world’s second- and could not promptly respond. “A issues, from Iran’s contested nuclear program to Middle East third-biggest economies. Prime legal gap like that at a time when peace and the crisis in Ukraine. She heads a service that has Minister Shinzo Abe’s government the security environment sur- grown from nothing to around 3,000 staff in less than three is alarmed at China’s rapid military rounding our country is getting years, with offices worldwide. Backed by former British prime buildup. Beijing in turn accuses tougher would render deterrence minister Tony Blair for the job in 2009, competition will be just Tokyo of being a regional threat, ... dysfunctional and put the peo- as intense and hugely political as EU leaders battle it out to get citing Abe’s more nationalist ple in grave danger,” Abe said. A their candidate named to one of the EU’s most sought-after stance, his reversal of years of panel of Japanese security experts jobs. Among possible successors are Polish Foreign Minister falling military spending and his is expected to recommend revis- Radoslaw Sikorski or Slovak counterpart Miroslav Lajcak, giving visit to a shrine that Asian coun- ing laws to close that gap. the newer Eastern Europe EU members a strong voice. Also in tries see as glorifying Japan’s Washington wants to know wartime past. Japan’s military “can the running are the foreign ministers of Austria or Sweden, IN FLIGHT: A Chinese H-6 bomber flies in the air between Okinawa island and Miyako island Frans Timmermans and Carl Bildt. EU leaders however will be “Japan wants to prioritize dis- expand its roles, missions and cussions on China and clarify the over Japan’s southern Okinawa island chain. Japan scrambled military jets to counter three capability,” said another Japanese aware that naming a man would put them under pressure to Chinese military planes that flew near Japanese airspace, defense officials said. —AFP consider a woman for another of the top posts. —AFP respective US and Japanese roles official. US involvement in grey- in the event of a ‘grey zone’ inci- zone incidents could include dent,” said a Japanese government were thinking about in 1997.” special forces disguised as fisher- Dysfunctional deterrence intelligence, surveillance and official, referring to less than full- Singling out China, the official said, men on the disputed islands. The guidelines to update the reconnaissance, the US official scale, systematic military attacks is “too simplistic a narrative”. When the guidelines were last US-Japanese defense alliance, said. The guideline review will All articles appearing on these backed by a state but still repre- updated in 1997, North Korea’s agreed to in October, coincides likely focus in part on strengthen- pages are the personal opinion of senting a threat to Japan’s security. Grey zone missile and nuclear programs were with Abe’s push to bolster Japan’s ing cooperation in those areas, as Tokyo wants Washington to join in Underlying Tokyo’s concerns seen as the biggest threat. Japan military and ease the constraints well as “maritime domain aware- the writers. Kuwait Times takes no drafting scenarios for how the two are worries that Washington might was less nervous then about of the post-war, pacifist constitu- ness ... early on, possibly in a grey- responsibility for views expressed allies would respond in specific one day be unable or unwilling to China’s military expansion, and tion on the country’s armed zone kind of situation,” he said. therein. Kuwait Times invites read- cases, he said. But Washington is defend Japan, despite President issues such as cyber-warfare barely forces. That includes his plan to That would be a more likely out- worried about provoking China by Barack Obama’s strategic “pivot” existed. lift a self-imposed ban on giving come than more direct military ers to voice their opinions. Please being too specific, say Japanese toward the Asia-Pacific region. This The old guidelines “are too military aid to an ally under action by US forces, said ex-diplo- send submissions via email to: opin- officials and experts. fear is adding momentum to Abe’s binary,” said the US official. “We’re attack. The update, which the two mat Nogami. Where grey-zone [email protected] or via snail “The United States is certainly drive to beef up Japan’s forces either in peacetime or we’re on full sides aim to wrap up by the end tensions are rising, joint intelli- ambivalent about this because while loosening constitutional lim- contingency.” This is “far too inflexi- of the year, also follows years of gence, surveillance and recon- mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. they think it would drag them into its on military actions overseas. If ble and rigid a framework” for Washington urging Japan to take naissance are vital, he said. “The The editor reserves the right to edit a confrontation and possibly a Washington does not get involved today’s threats, the official said. on a bigger role in the alliance, reason that is needed is to pre- any submission as necessary. conflict with China,” said Narushige in specifically addressing the China Tokyo’s strategic planners have the core of Tokyo’s post-war secu- vent the grey zone from becom- Michishita, who was a national threat, “it would undermine the become increasingly concerned rity policy. ing black.” —Reuters TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 SPORTS

Strootman out of World Cup Groves-Froch re-match Ogier wins Mexico Rally NETHERLANDS: Dutch midfielder Kevin Strootman will miss the World Cup LONDON: George Groves is demanding non-British officials for his MEXICO: World rally champion Sebastien Ogier took the lead in the overall stand- in Brazil in June after tearing cartilage in his left knee. world title re-match with Carl Froch at London’s Wembley Stadium on ings on Sunday after winning the Rally of Mexico ahead of Volkswagen team mate “I can just imagine how disappointed he must be,” coach Louis van Gaal May 31. Jari-Matti Latvala. told Dutch media after Strootman was injured in AS Roma’s 1-0 defeat at The two Britons collide for Froch’s World Boxing Association (WBA) The victory, by a comfortable one minute 12.6 seconds, was the Frenchman’s Napoli in Serie A on Sunday. “Kevin was in good form. “For the national side and International Boxing Federation (IBF) super-middleweight titles second of the season and the team’s first one-two of 2014. after their first encounter in November ended controversially. Groves, it is a huge blow. Kevin made a huge contribution to our qualification for Belgian Thierry Neuville was a distant third for 25, felt referee Howard Foster stopped the fight prematurely in the the World Cup, he never let us down and now his Hyundai’s first podium finish. Neuville had to stop ninth round after he had floored Froch, 36, in the opening round. That dreams have died.” twice on the final road section to the formal fin- Strootman will be sidelined for at least six led Groves to appeal to the IBF to sanction a re-match, which it did, and now the Londoner does not want the domestic British Boxing ish in Leon to top up a leaking radiator with months, according to Dutch media. He tried to Board of Control to appoint the referee. cans of the race sponsor’s beer provided by play on after sustaining the injury but was even- “The British Boxing Board of Control failed me in the first fight,” bystanders. Britain’s Elfyn Evans finished a tually carried off on a stretcher. Groves told a Wembley news conference held jointly with Froch yes- career best fourth in a Ford while Polish team The midfielder was also taken off before half- terday. “Froch was gifted the decision by Howard Foster. We wanted mate Robert Kubica, the former Formula One time in Wednesday’s 2-0 friendly international neutral officials. He awarded it in Carl Froch’s favor and it cost me the driver, retired after rolling his car twice in two defeat by France in Paris after hurting his right fight.” Promoter Eddie Hearn agreed with Groves that a non-British ref- days. Ogier, who has now won 18 world cham- knee. eree should be the man in the middle. “I feel that officials for this fight, pionship rallies, leads Latvala by just three Last year Van Gaal said Strootman, captain Robin of this magnitude, should be neutral and outside of British jurisdic- points after three rounds of the championship. van Persie and winger Arjen Robben were three tion,” Hearn said. “This is too big to leave any controversy.” But Froch, a “It was the perfect week, a victory in the rally and players guaranteed a place in his World Cup three-time world champion at super-middleweight from Nottingham, the Power Stage,” said Ogier. “I came here very angry squad. The Dutch have been drawn in Group central England, said Groves’ comments betrayed a lack of respect for after a small mistake in Sweden and that’s the best way B with champions Spain, Australia and both Foster and British Boxing Board of Control. “Howard Foster is a to restart my winning ways in the championship.” The Chile at the finals. — Reuters credit to the Board and I’m not happy about it,” Froch said. —AFP next round is in Portugal on April 3-6. — Reuters Pistorius vomits in court at Steenkamp autopsy details

PRETORIA: Track star Oscar Pistorius, on was hit in the head, arm and hip by trial for the murder of his girlfriend three shots fired through the locked Reeva Steenkamp, wept and vomited door of a toilet cubicle. A fourth round into a bucket in a South African court- fired by Pistorius missed. room yesterday after hearing graphic Saayman also disclosed Pistorius was details from her autopsy. using ‘hollow-point’ rounds, ammuni- Pathologist Gert Saayman was inter- tion designed to disintegrate on impact rupted several times by the 27-year-old with tissue to cause maximum damage. Paralympic and Olympic athlete’s sob- Her right upper arm was shattered, bing and retching but the defence team the hip wound could well have been argued against an adjournment, saying fatal, while that to her head would have a break would not improve his state of incapacitated her immediately, he mind. added. No blood was found in her air- Earlier, Judge Thokozile Masipa ways, suggesting she breathed only a imposed a broadcast blackout on few times before dying. Saayman’s testimony out of respect for In between bouts of sobbing and Steenkamp’s family and to prevent chil- retching, Pistorius sat with his head dren from accidentally hearing its con- bowed, covering his ears with his hands tents. and a white handkerchief in an attempt “Broadcast would compromise the to block out Saayman’s testimony. privacy of the deceased, hurt the inter- Saayman is the first expert to testify ests of the Steenkamps and be against at the trial, which has so far heard sever- the morals of society,” Saayam said al witnesses who reported hearing a when he took the stand to ask for a tem- woman screaming before a volley of porary broadcast blackout of a trial that shots in the early hours of Feb. 14 - has so far been shown in its entirety on Valentine’s Day — at Pistorius’ home. live television. The killing stunned South Africa and EDMONTON: Justin Schultz No. 19 of the Edmonton Oilers fights for the puck against Marian Gaborik No. 12 of the Los Angeles Kings during an Masipa, who has been presiding over the millions of Pistorius supporters NHL game. — AFP the week-long trial, extended the ban to around the world who admired the ath- live reporting on Twitter. Pistorius, nick- lete as a symbol of triumph over physi- named “Blade Runner” for the special cal adversity. Rangers clip Red Wings prosthetics he wears in competition, He had his disabled lower legs ampu- admits he shot 29-year-old Steenkamp, tated as a baby but - running on carbon a model and law graduate, but argues fibre prosthetic “blades” - made it to the NEW YORK: Henrik Lundqvist earned his 300th By improving to 3-3 since the end of the BLUES 3, WILD 2 that it was a tragic case of mistaken semi-final of the 400 metres at the NHL victory and 49th career shutout in the New Olympic break, Chicago (38-13-14) avoided its TJ Oshie and Alexander Steen scored identity and that he thought she was an London 2012 Olympics competing York Rangers’ 3-0 victory over the Detroit Red longest road losing streak since a six-game shootout goals and the St. Louis Blues took intruder who had broken in to his luxury against able-bodied sprinters. If found Wings on Sunday. drought from Feb. 2-14, 2012. Drew Stafford over the top spot in the NHL standings with a Pretoria home. In his testimony, guilty of murder, he faces at least 25 Lundqvist made 30 saves in shutting out the scored for the league-worst Sabres (19-37-8), win over the Minnesota Wild. Saayman confirmed that Steenkamp years behind bars. — Reuters Red Wings for the second time this season, as who had a three-game home winning streak In his first shootout since his memorable New York completed a three-game season-series snapped. Olympic performance against Russia, Oshie sweep of its Original Six rival. The Swedish goalie beat Ilya Bryzgalov through the five-hole in is one win shy of tying Mike Richter’s franchise KINGS 4, OILERS 2 the first round. Jeff Carter had two goals and an assist as the record of 301. He caught Rangers great Ed Steen sealed the win in the following Giacomin for the club mark in shutouts. Los Angeles Kings won their seventh straight round after the Blues’ Brian Elliott turned Lundqvist was serenaded by the crowd with with a victory over the Edmonton Oilers. away Zach Parise and Mikko Koivu. chants of “Hen-rik, Hen-rik” in the game’s final Alec Martinez and Trevor Lewis also scored for minute. Brian Boyle scored in the first period and the Kings, who have their longest winning streak The Wild fell behind 2-0 early, but tied it Chris Kreider had two third-period goals for the since taking nine in a row from Jan. 21-Feb. 6, with second-period goals from Jason Rangers, who won their second straight after an 2010.Taylor Hall and Sam Gagner responded for Pominville and Matt Moulson. Oshie and Carlo 0-2-1 skid and moved into second place in the the Oilers, who had a two-game winning streak Colaiacovo scored on the second and third Metropolitan Division - one point ahead of snapped and were outshot 50-27. shots of the game for St. Louis. — AP Philadelphia.

BRUINS 5, PANTHERS 2 NHL results/standings Torey Krug scored the go-ahead goal in the third period and the Boston Bruins won their season-high fifth straight with a victory over the NY Rangers 3, Detroit 0; Boston 5, Florida 2; Chicago 2, Buffalo 1; St. Louis 3, Minnesota 2 (SO); Los Florida Panthers. Angeles 4, Edmonton 2. Chad Johnson made 20 saves, and Chris Kelly, Western Conference Eastern Conference Jarome Iginla, Patrice Bergeron and Andrej Pacific Division Atlantic Division Meszaros also scored for Boston. The Bruins are W L OTL GF GA PTS Boston 42 17 5 204 143 89 7-0-3 during a 10-game stretch on the road, their Montreal 35 24 7 166 166 77 Anaheim 43 14 7 207 157 93 Toronto 34 23 8 193 198 76 longest such point streak since 2010-11. San Jose 41 17 7 199 157 89 Tampa Bay 34 24 6 183 167 74 The Bruins have taken 14 of 16 from the Los Angeles 37 22 6 159 137 80 Detroit 29 22 13 171 179 71 Panthers, including eight straight by a combined Phoenix 29 24 11 177 185 69 Ottawa 28 25 11 182 209 67 33-10 score. Jimmy Hayes scored both goals for Florida 24 33 7 156 206 55 Florida, and Roberto Luongo stopped 37 shots. Vancouver 29 27 10 153 174 68 Buffalo 19 37 8 128 188 46 Calgary 25 32 7 150 191 57 Metropolitan Division BLACKHAWKS 2, SABRES 1 Edmonton 22 35 8 162 212 52 Pittsburgh 42 17 4 201 157 88 Jonathan Toews scored the go-ahead goal Central Division NY Rangers 35 26 4 171 162 74 Philadelphia 33 24 7 183 188 73 1:34 into the third period, and the Chicago St. Louis 44 14 6 211 145 94 Columbus 33 26 5 186 178 71 Blackhawks snapped a two-game road skid with Chicago 38 13 14 223 172 90 Washington 30 25 10 191 197 70 a win over the Buffalo Sabres. Colorado 41 18 5 196 170 87 New Jersey 28 24 13 161 167 69 Patrick Kane celebrated his trip home to Minnesota 34 22 8 158 157 76 Carolina 27 28 9 160 184 63 Buffalo by also scoring in helping the NY Islanders 24 33 9 181 224 57 Dallas 31 23 10 185 179 72 PRETORIA: Olympic and Paralympic track star Oscar Pistorius (left) cries as he chats Blackhawks beat the Sabres for a fifth consecu- Note: Overtime losses (OTL) are worth one point to his lawyer, Barry Roux during a hearing on the sixth day of his trial for the 2013 tive time. Cory Crawford made 20 saves in mak- Winnipeg 30 28 7 180 189 67 in the standings and are not included in the loss murder of his girlfriend. — AFP ing his 12 straight start. Nashville 26 28 10 152 191 62 column (L). Nome prepares for Iditarod mushers

NOME: As Jeff King attempts to hold off other mushers drug test the dogs. “I enjoy the people. It’s like family to Nome, 171 miles west of Koyuk. She is seeking to of Brandon, Miss. She attended the start of the race last in the last stages of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, the now.” Scott Hughes was helping hammer in the final become only the third woman to win the race, and the year in Anchorage, fell in love with the event and decid- town famous for the finish line is getting ready for the nails at the finish line Sunday afternoon. The University first woman to win since the late Susan Butcher in 1990. ed she needed to see the finish in person, too. teams to come in. of Pittsburgh student made his first trip to the Iditarod Other front-runners Sunday were four-time champi- She said she remembers as a child reading about the The finish line banner was set to be hung late yester- and the nation’s northernmost state as part of a church on Martin Buser, who arrived in Koyuk in third place at 1925 serum rum by sled dog teams to deliver diphtheria day on Front Street in Nome with help from the local group doing mission work. 4:20 p.m. Sunday, followed 13 minutes later by 2012 serum to Nome after an outbreak. electric utility. On Sunday, city crews moved the actual “It’s amazing,” Hughes said of his visit to Nome. King, Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey. Veteran musher “Nome was this mystical destination, and it never finish line, the burled arch, into place, and public works a four-time champion, was leading Aliy Zirkle by 20 Sonny Lindner arrived in fifth place at 4:47 p.m., fol- occurred to me that I would get there some day. So, for employees trucked in snow to give the mushers a path minutes as the two arrived at the Elim checkpoint short- lowed by defending champion Mitch Seavey, father of me to be here is a real event in my life,” she said. And once they leave the Bering Sea ice. ly before midnight Sunday. Dallas Seavey, at 5:23 p.m. she loves the dogs. “Yeah, I know, it’s funny to see people dumping snow Zirkle, a 44-year-old musher from Two Rivers, Alaska, Veteran Aaron Burmeister had been sixth out of “Any dogs that can laugh when they run, with their on a street instead of taking it off the street,” said Greg led hours before when she arrived at the Norton Bay vil- Shaktoolik but arrived in Koyuk at 5:58 p.m., after Mitch tongues hanging out, they got my heart right now,” said Bill, the Iditarod’s development director. “To really dress lage of Koyuk one minute ahead of King on Sunday Seavey. The racers, who have two more checkpoints Cross, who just learned about the volunteer programs it up and make it safe for the dog teams, we have to afternoon. after Elim and before Nome, are expected to begin and already is making plans to be back in Nome next spread a layer of snow down for them to run on.” King rested his 12-dog team at the checkpoint for arriving in Nome today. year. The race began March 2 in Willow with 69 teams. About 200 volunteers also have descended on Nome three hours and 42 minutes, while Zirkle and her 11 Temperatures in Nome hovered slightly above zero As of late Sunday morning, 16 mushers had scratched, to make other last-minute preparations, including get- dogs took a break for three hours and 44 minutes. King Sunday, which brought clear skies and brilliant sun- leaving 53 teams on the trail, which was marked by long ting the dog lot ready to receive teams, constructing departed Koyuk at 5:50 p.m. and arrived in Elim at 11:27 shine. Snowfall has been light this winter in the frontier stretches of bare and rocky ground that made for an icy, the finish chute and prepping the souvenir stand. Bill p.m., while Zirkle got back on the trail at 5:51 p.m. and town of nearly 3,700, so the city has been stockpiling treacherous trail in the early part of the race. McCormick of Greensboro, N.C., volunteered for his first made it into Elim at 11:47 p.m., race officials said. snow, which was being trucked to Front Street for the The first to reach Nome receives $50,000 and a new Iditarod in 1998 and has been back every year since. King last won in 2006 and is trying to be only the sec- final stretch to the finish line. truck. The 29 teams after that win cash prizes decreas- “I like being part of putting something on,” said the ond musher to win five races. Zirkle has come in second What little snow was on the ground, along with the ing on a sliding scale. All other teams finishing the race retired engineer whose job as a volunteer in Nome is to place in the last two years in the nearly 1,000-mile race cooler temperatures, were welcomed by fan Nina Cross receive $1,049. — AP TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 SPORTS Reed drives away Photo of the day with Cadillac title

DORAL: American Patrick Reed close within one shot of Reed. But “It’s basically started on six, the became the youngest winner of a when Donaldson bogeyed the last second shot out of the bunker, my World Golf Championship event when after finding a greenside bunker with foot was out of the bunker. “That’s he held on for a one shot victory at his approach shot, Reed was able to what set it off and then it was done the Cadillac Championship on Sunday lay up and seal victory with a bogey. after that, just see if I could actually after an ailing Tiger Woods failed to Donaldson (68) and Watson (70) manage through the round keep the mount a challenge. finished tied for second at three- spasms at bay.” Reed shot a final round of even-par under but no-one else finished the Reed, wearing a red shirt and black 72 to finish the $9 million tournament tournament under par. slacks as Woods does in his final at four-under 284, one shot clear of Woods had moved into contention rounds, displayed the same steely Bubba Watson and Jamie Donaldson. on Saturday with a third round 66 to nerve as the world number one as he It was Reed’s third PGA Tour title in start the final day three shots behind worked his way around the eight months. but returned a six-over 78 to finish redesigned Blue Monster course and “I was hitting the ball so good this tied for 25th. The world number one then showed he did not lack for confi- dence after he had won the tourna- ment. “I’ve worked so hard, won a lot in junior career, did great things in amateur career and now I have three wins on the PGA Tour,” said Reed, who has already secured an invitation to play his first major at Augusta National next month. “I just don’t see a lot of guys that have done that besides from Tiger Woods of course and all the legends of the game. “I believe in myself, especially with how hard I’ve worked, I’m one of the Alex Sorgente performs at the Vans Bondi Bowl-A-Rama at Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia on February 22, top five players in the world. “To come 2014. — out in a field like this and hold on wire to wire, I feel like I’ve proven myself.” Reed, who replaced Woods as the youngest WGC winner, got off to fast Djokovic advances, start with a birdie at the first hole before giving the stroke right back with a bogey at the second. DORAL: Patrick Reed celebrates with his wife Justine on the 18th green However, Reed responded with Tsonga crashes out after his one-stroke victory during the final round of the World Golf back-to-back birdies at the third and Championships-Cadillac Championship. — AFP fourth holes then reeled off nine suc- cessive pars before suffering a wobble INDIAN WELLS: Novak Djokovic remained on course for active player to do so. week and my putting was just out- did not make a birdie and walked gin- at the 14th when he missed a five-foot his first title of the season with a second round victory over “It’s the first match and it takes a little bit of time to get standing,” said Reed. “Whenever you gerly off the course on Sunday with par putt. With the pressure mounting Victor Hanescu 7-6 6-2 at the BNP Paribas Open on Sunday. used to the center court. I haven’t played on it this year.” come to an event and feel very confi- his health once again a concern ahead and his lead slashed to a single stroke, Djokovic, the second ranked player in the world, is off to Djokovic will next face Alejandro Gonzalez who made the dent with your putting, a lot of pres- of next month’s Masters. Reed held his nerve over the closing a slow 2014 and has only defeats at the Australian Open third round by defeating Ivan Dodig 6-4 2-6 7-6. sure on your full swing comes off your Woods arrived at Doral with his fit- holes. He made pars at the 15th, 16th and the Dubai Duty Free Championship to show for thus Elsewhere in the draw, a couple of high seeds were sent shoulders. “Around a golf course like ness in question after he pulled out of and 17th holes to head to the 18th far. He failed to reach the final in either event, but does home packing early. Fourth seed Tomas Berdych was upset this you have to be confident and I the final round of the Honda Classic a with a comfortable two-shot lead that bring positive vibes to Indian Wells, California where he is a by Spain’s Roberto Bautista Agut 4-6 6-2 6-4. feel like I’ve done that really well.” The week earlier with back spasms and allowed him to play safely and win two-time champion. Berdych had been in strong form, winning 11 matches 23-year-old began the final day with a was grimacing in pain as he complet- with a bogey. Facing the Romanian Hanescu, Djokovic fended off five in a row in February, but slipped up in the early loss. Sixth two-stroke lead and quickly built up a ed the championship. “It is back As Reed celebrated he was quickly break points during the competitive opening set before seed Juan Martin del Potro withdrew because of a left commanding four-shot cushion spasms, so we’ve done all the proto- joined on the 18th green by his preg- dominating the tiebreaker and taking complete control of wrist injury that had also forced him out of the Dubai before fighting off a late challenge cols and it’s just a matter of keeping nant wife Justine, who will return as the match from there. tourney last week. Ninth seed Jo-Willfried Tsonga, of from Donaldson. everything aligned so I don’t go into his caddy following the birth of their “I didn’t make any returns in the first set. (In the) Second France, also bowed out in a 6-4 6-4 loss to fellow country- The Briton birdied the 17th hole to that,” said Woods. first child. — Reuters set I also struggled with the return, which is one of my bet- man Julien Benneteau. Eighth seed Richard Gasquet and ter sides in the game generally speaking,” Djokovic told 12th seed John Isner advanced after surviving a volatile reporters after registering his 550th career win, the sixth day. — Reuters Michalak extends Toulon contract

PARIS: France international Frederic Michalak extended his u-turn and opted not to join Toulon after all and remain contract with European champions Toulon for another sea- with the French champions. son, which will tie him to them till June 2015, the club ìWe held discussions over a long period of time to sort announced yesterday. The unpredictable 31-year-old 68- out some differences,î Toulon president Mourad Boudjellal times capped halfback had been linked with several other told AFP. teams including Top 14 rivals Grenoble as he has found ìIt was a complicated dossier but we got there in the himself battling for a regular first team place this season. end. ìI donít think either party hesitated over the signing, His play time had been affected by his late return to fit- even if was a drawn out affair. nessóhe became available for selection in late ìI donít think Fred ever envisaged leaving Toulon and Octoberóafter he dislocated his shoulder on last Juneís from our side there was never any question of letting him tour of New Zealand. go. ìWe believe he will regain his best form.î Michalak, who has started in just five of the 11 matches Michalakís best form for the club saw him be a pivotal in which he has featured in both the Top 14 and European member of the side that won last seasonís European Cup Cup this season and has lost his place in the national and reach the Top 14 final, where they were surprisingly squad, had been in negotiations with Toulon, whom he beaten by Castres. Michalak, though, has rarely reproduced joined in 2012 from Natal Sharks, for the past few weeks. the form that saw him win three European Cups and two His extensionówith the option of adding another French titles with his first club Toulouse and be Franceís yearóis well-timed as it comes a few weeks after Castresí undisputed first choice fly-half at the 2003 World Cup at South African kicking scrum-half Rory Kockott performed a the age of just 20. —AFP Lee wins All England crown

BIRMINGHAM: Malaysia’s Lee Chong Wei was at his Wang showed patience and ruthless efficiency. sublime best as he claimed the All England Open title “There are still a lot of big tournaments waiting for me BARBADOS: West Indies team wicketkeeper Denesh Ramdin (left) celebrates dismissing England’s batsman for a third time with a 21-13 21-18 win over Chen Long to win so hopefully I can keep going,” said Wang. Ben Stokes (center) during the first T20 match. — AFP on Sunday. Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli showed they had come a After avenging his final loss to Chen last year, the 31- long way since being expelled from the 2012 London year-old world number one hinted that Sunday could Olympics for throwing matches as they saved a match Samuels leads West Indies be his last appearance at the tournament. point before beating Ma Jin and Tang Yuanting 21-17 “I think maybe this is my last All England,” Lee told 18-21 23-21 in the all-Chinese women’s doubles final to reporters.”I’m very happy and I tried my best because retain their crown. to T20 win over England Chen Long is a very tough match for me. “I’ve lost to There was success for Indonesian pair Mohammad him (Chen) many times so I think for this reason I made Ahsan and Hendra Setiawan who defeated Japan’s BRIDGETOWN: West Indies returned to three and although all-rounders World T20 title in Bangladesh later in the sure I tried very hard. Hiroyuki Endo and Kenichi Hayakawa 21-19 21-19 in the winning ways in the shortest variety, (47 ) and month would have been tempered by I’ve finished for this year and I don’t know if I will be men’s doubles final. defeating England by 27 runs in the first (42) made useful contributions, England concerns over the fitness of ace spinners back next year.” While Chen went home empty-handed, Tontowi Ahmad and Liliyana Natsir then fended off T20 International of a three-match series were always struggling to keep up with Sunil Narine and Badree. there was joy for his girlfriend Wang Shixian after she Chinese top seeds Zhang Nan and Zhao Yunlei 21-13 at Kensington Oval in Bridgetown on the required rate and were restricted to Narine only bowled two overs and left beat top seed and Olympic champion Li Xuerui 21-19 21-17 in the mixed doubles final to secure an Sunday. Marlon Samuels, the star when 143 for nine. “We didn’t get going today the field after jarring his right knee trying 21-18 to capture the women’s title. Indonesian double. — Reuters the Caribbean side defeated Sri Lanka in but that’s something that can happen in to make a save on the boundary while the final of the last World T20 in Colombo Twenty20 cricket, especially when you’re Badree, who claimed three for 17 months ago, led the home team’s chasing a decent score,” said England 17 off his allotted four overs, injured effort with an unbeaten 69 as the West captain . “It’s certainly not the fingers of his hand attempt- Indies totalled a competitive 170 for something to panic about.” Broad did ing to take a return catch just before three. Samuels finished off a good after- suggest however that he is likely to miss completing his spell. “He’ll be going for a noon’s work in front of a celebratory full the remaining two matches of the series scan this evening so hopefully he’ll be house with two wickets to seal the man today and Thursday because of ten- okay,” said West Indies captain Darren of the match award. donitis in his knee. For the West Indies, Sammy in commenting on Narine’s Wrist-spinner Samuel Badree put the the celebrations over a victory that sends injury. “We’re already without Kieron tourists on the back foot early on with a message to all challengers for their Pollard so we can’t afford to lose another key player so close to the World Cup.” Injury has also limited Chris Gayle’s SCOREBOARD appearances for the West Indies over the past two months, but he returned on BRIDGETOWN, Barbados: Scoreboard in the first Sunday, contributing a typically robust between West Indies and England at Kensington Oval in Barbados Sunday: 43. However, it was his opening partner West Indies E. Morgan c (sub) Charles b Samuels 19 Dwayne Smith who stole the show at the D. Smith b Bopara 27 J. Buttler c (sub) Charles b Narine 0 very start, hoisting the first of C. Gayle lbw b Tredwell 43 R. Bopara c and b Dwayne Bravo 42 the match off Broad out of the ground M. Samuels not out 69 B. Stokes st Ramdin b Samuels 4 and taking 19 runs off that opening over. L. Simmons c Lumb b Bopara 3 T. Bresnan not out 47 Smith eventually was first to go for 27, A. Russell not out 24 S. Broad run out 5 one of two wickets for Bopara who, Extras (lb3, nb1) 4 J. Tredwell run out 1 together with the spinner James Total (3 wickets, 20 overs) 170 J. Dernbach not out 1 Tredwell, were England’s best bowlers. Fall of wickets: 1-57 (Smith), 2-87 (Gayle), Extras (b1, lb2) 3 Samuels’ 46-ball innings (10 fours, 1 six) 3-112 (Simmons). Total (9 wickets, 20 overs) 143 was not without moments of good for- Did not bat: Dwayne Bravo, D. Sammy, D. Fall of wickets: 1-13 (Hales), 2-13 tune. Missed on 37 by a leaping Eoin Ramdin, S. Narine, R. Rampaul, S. Badree. (Morgan), 3-36 (Lumb), 4-40 (Buttler), 5- Morgan at backward-point off Broad, he Bowling: Broad 2-0-26-0 (1nb), Dernbach 55 (Morgan), 6-73 (Stokes), 7-101 had even greater luck when Tredwell 4-0-36-0, Bresnan 4-0-36-0, Stokes 2-0- (Bopara), 8-123 (Broad), 9-133 (Tredwell). dropped a straightforward chance at 30-0, Bopara 4-0-23-2, Tredwell 4-0-16-1. Bowling: Badree 4-0-17-3, Rampaul 3-0- extra-cover off Jade Dernbach at the England 31-0, Narine 2-0-8-1, Dwayne Bravo 4-0- start of the 18th over. As if to rub salt in M. Lumb c Rampaul b Badree 18 30-1, Samuels 4-0-21-2, Sammy 1-0-12-0, England wounds, the Jamaican right- A. Hales st Ramdin b Badree 3 Russell 2-0-21-0. L. Wright st Ramdin b Badree 0 Result: West Indies won by 27 runs. hander smashed the next five deliveries BIRMINGHAM: Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia poses with his trophy after beating Chen Long of China in their All for boundaries. — AFP England Open Badminton Championships men’s singles final match. — AFP TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 SPORTS Tottenham living to regret sale of Gareth Bale

LONDON: Tottenham’s gamble of selling Gareth Bale $132 million) to sign Bale in August. tainly appeared to be heading that way. Over at Old Trafford, Manchester United refused to to Real Madrid and using the proceeds of the world- But there must have been many times over the It could have been achieved, though - just look at even contemplate Wayne Rooney’s departure amid record fee to bolster its squad with a slew of new, last few months when he wondered: What if? What if Liverpool’s dealings with Luis Suarez. Suarez pushed interest from Chelsea. Not for sale at any price, was expensive players has backfired. Badly. he had played hard ball with Bale, ignored the eye- for a move from Anfield, even giving newspaper their consistent message. The evidence? Less a glance at the Premier League popping offer Madrid put on the table and kept the interviews saying the club had reneged on an agree- OK, United has had a wretched season but Rooney standings, more a scroll down Spurs’ team sheet for brilliant forward at White Hart Lane to the terms of his ment that it would let him go if it didn’t qualify for the is the happiest he has been for some time, and even Saturday’s Premier League match against Chelsea. contract, which still had three years to run? Champions League. signed a new contract last month that is likely to see For one of their biggest games of the season Some say Bale wouldn’t have accepted that, and Liverpool’s American owners didn’t flinch. Suarez him finish his career at the club. If Levy had denied against a rival they hadn’t beaten away in 24 years, may have gone on strike. By giving Spurs the silent stayed and is now spearheading the second-place Bale his move, after initial disgruntlement the winger none of the seven players they splurged a total of treatment while a deal was being negotiated, he cer- team’s unlikely charge for the Premier League title. would likely have knuckled down and helped Spurs about 110 million pounds ($180 million) on last year challenge for the top four. was selected in the starting XI. Given the transition going on at United following No Brazil international Paulinho, who cost a then- Alex Ferguson’s departure and the managerial club record 17 million pounds. No Spain striker changes at City and Chelsea, this was always going to Roberto Soldado, who eclipsed that fee when he be the season where the established “Big Four” of arrived for 26 million pounds. The less said about Erik City, United, Arsenal and Chelsea could be broken up. Lamela, on whom Spurs splashed out 30 million Liverpool has managed to do it. It could have been a pounds but who has been a major flop this season Bale-led Tottenham. and is currently out injured, the better. Instead, Spurs appear directionless. Attempts to Instead, Tottenham played three center backs in a gel the new players have failed and Sherwood, hired four-man defense, had a right back playing in mid- on an 18-month contract in December, doesn’t know field and a winger roving across the frontline. Chelsea if he’ll last beyond this summer. won 4-0, without even playing well. After the Chelsea match, frustration got the better The result just about summed up Tottenham’s of him. He spoke about Tottenham having a “lack of chaotic season that has featured one-sided defeats of characters,” with too many players being “too nice to 6-0 and 5-1 to Manchester City, 5-0 at home to each other.” Liverpool and a change of manager when Andre “You need to show a bit more guts and not want Villas-Boas was replaced by a rookie, Tim Sherwood. to be someone’s mate all the time,” he said, before Indeed, it’s a wonder how they are still fifth in the adding: “The club talks about fourth - wake up.” standings, albeit with fading hopes of qualifying for It seems all the progress made in the Harry next season’s Champions League. Redknapp years from 2008-12 has been reversed. Meanwhile, Bale is beginning to hit his stride after Redknapp was fired in June 2012 despite Tottenham a tough start to life in Madrid, scoring six goals in his having just finished fourth, and only missing out on last eight games for club and country and being Champions League qualification because Chelsea branded “super-human” by an international colleague won the tournament against all the odds. last week. Since then, Spurs have been in a state of flux. Bale Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy backed up his had been their shining light but with him gone and reputation as the ultimate hard-nosed negotiator by given the uncertain future of those brought in to forcing Madrid to part with 100 million euros (then Wales’ Gareth Bale during a training session. replace him, who knows where they go next. — AP Pele says Neymar can handle WCup pressure

PARIS: Pele is counting on Neymar to lead Brazil to World Cup victory and erase the painful memory of the last time the football- mad country hosted the tournament. Considered by many to be world’s best player, Pele was only 9 years old when Brazil lost to Uruguay in the final match of the 1950 World Cup. Pele then led Brazil to the title eight years later, when he was 17, and again in 1962 and 1970. With Brazil hosting the tour- nament this year, the pressure is on the 22- year-old Neymar, who scored a hat trick last week in a friendly against South Africa. “Neymar is a great player. I know him very well, because he played for Santos and my Juan Roman Riquelme son was goalkeeper there, and then coached in the youth teams,” the 73-year-old Pele said a news conference at Paris City Hall, where the Boca Juniors ease World Cup trophy has been on display since Sunday. “I think the pressure you speak of exists. What’s important is that he plays for ‘cabaret’ crisis Barcelona and the fact he left Brazil means that he gained in experience.” FRANCE: Brazilian football legend Pele gestures at the end of press conference as part of BUENOS AIRES: Boca Juniors went some championship, first of two in the season, After a difficult start to his career in Spain, France’s stage of the French stage of the World Cup trophy world tour. The FIFA World Cup tro- way towards easing a dressing room crisis when they beat arch-rivals River Plate 1-0 Neymar has shown glimpses of his potential, phy arrived with its ambassador Pele in Paris on March 9. — AFP that included two of their players coming at the Monumental, also the last time they scoring a hat trick in the Champions League to blows with a 2-1 win at Racing Club in had won away. against Celtic and a further seven goals in 20 Brazilians still remember that,” said Pele, who the Argentine championship on Sunday. Argentine football’s two biggest rivals league games. Pele thinks leaving the comfort scored 77 goals in 92 games for Brazil. “It will Matches Agustin Orion and midfielder Pablo are three matches away from the next zone of Santos will prove to serve Neymar, be our chance for revenge. I really hope the on TV Ledesma fought on Friday over the goal- “Superclasico”, which will be played at and Brazil. “In Europe it’s more difficult and it’s final is against France and I really want to beat keeper’s alleged revelations to a reporter of Boca’s La Bombonera on March 30. been a great experience for him to leave France. It would be great because France has internal squad squabbles, referred to in the Title holders San Lorenzo conceded an Brazil. The six months have been a great beaten Brazil the last three times they’ve UEFA Champions League media as “the Boca cabaret”, in a dressing added time equaliser and were held 1-1 at opportunity for him,” Pele said through a played in the World Cup.” room with deep divisions, according to Godoy Cruz, missing the chance to over- translator. Pele’s mesmerizing performance in 1958 Bayern v Arsenal ...... 22:45 reports. take surprise leaders Colon at the top of “So he will go to Brazil having gained in thrust him into the spotlight and, in a career beIN SPORTS 1 “We needed to win, we’re still hopeful of the Final championship standings. experience. But the pressure won’t just be on where he scored more than 1,000 goals - most beIN SPORTS 3 fighting for the championship to the end, it Colon, unbeaten in six matches after Neymar, it will be on the whole of the Brazil of them for Santos - he went on to become beIN SPORTS 1 HD had been a long time since we last won being held 0-0 by Gimnasia in Santa Fe on team.” But much of the weight of a nation’s the game’s first genuine superstar. Still, that 2- beIN SPORTS 3 HD away,” captain Juan Roman Riquelme said. Saturday, have taken 14 points out of a expectation will rest on the slender shoulders 1 loss to Uruguay in 1950 in front of 200,000 “There’s nothing going on, it’s happen- possible 21 with San Lorenzo and Velez of Neymar, who has scored 30 goals in 47 disillusioned fans at the Maracana Stadium in Atletico v AC Milan ...... 22:45 ing in our dressing room,” he added myste- Sarsfield on 13. Velez recovered from a 4-1 matches for his country. “It’s going to be very Rio de Janeiro haunts him. “The first World beIN SPORTS 2 riously without elaborating after Sunday’s loss at Newell’s Old Boys in midweek with a hard. Brazil has a real football history. Cup memory I have is not the best, I remem- beIN SPORTS 4 win at Racing’s Cilindro ground. 3-1 home win over Belgrano. Former Lazio The only World Cup held in Brazil was ber hearing my father crying,” Pele said. “The beIN SPORTS 2 HD Boca have struggled for form since the striker Mauro Zarate hit their opening goal when we lost against Uruguay, so the idea is to wipe away that memory.” — AP beIN SPORTS 4 HD return of record title-winning coach Carlos and leads the scorers’ chart with six. Winger Bianchi, who steered them to a string of Maxi Rodriguez, back from Argentina’s 0-0 domestic and international trophies draw with Romania in midweek World Cup between 1998 and 2003, last season. warm-up in Bucharest, missed a penalty Sporting held by Setubal Winger Juan Sanchez Mino gave Boca a and Newell’s were upset 1-0 at modest first-half lead, goalkeeper Sebastian Saja Olimpo in Bahia Blanca. Racing, who had equalised for Racing with a penalty in the been tipped to do well in the Final which PORTUGAL: Sporting coach Leonardo Jardim 68th minute and midfielder Cristian Erbes they started with a 3-0 win over Colon a claimed his team were “world champions of hit the winner in the 76th against the run month ago, are bottom of the standings disallowed goals” after his team were held 2-2 of play. Boca had last strung two wins with four points having taken only one at Vitoria de Setubal in a game littered with together in October during the Inicial more in six matches. — Reuters controversial refereeing decisions on Sunday. Titleholders Porto gave interim coach Luis Fulham eye miracle survival, Castro a winning start by beating Arouca 4-1 and leaders Benfica overcame Estoril 2-0 with plan extra defending session two early goals, their fifth successive win. Sporting went ahead with a controversial LONDON: Fulham need a miracle to survive Caulker on the stroke of halftime after the vis- goal in the 33rd minute when Islan Slimani’s relegation from the English Premier League itors failed to clear a long ball into the box header appeared to be saved by Pawel but defender Johnny Heitinga still believes then left the defender to slot home a cross Kieszek but the referee ruled the ball had they can avoid the drop as manager Felix from close range. crossed the line. Magath plans extra sessions to plug the Another January signing, Lewis Holtby, Sporting had been denied an opener three team’s leaky backline. put Fulham level 15 minutes into the second A 3-1 defeat at fellow strugglers Cardiff period but Caulker headed the home side minutes earlier when Adrien Silva was judged City on Saturday left Fulham rooted to the back in front seven minutes later before to have been offside when he turned the ball bottom of the table on 21 points, four away another cross resulted in a Cardiff goal with into the net after Kieszek had initially denied from safety, and without a win in nine games. Sascha Riether diverting into his own net. Slimani. Brazilian Rafael Martins pulled Vitoria “It was not good enough. We have to take “I am shocked that we concede goals from level six minutes after the re-start before a a look in the mirror now because there are corners because that is the easiest situation. stormy ending that saw both teams awarded only nine games left,” Heitinga, signed in You have time to stand and organise so I controversial penalties. January from Everton until the end of the sea- don’t know why,” Magath told reporters. Silva put Sporting back in front with four son, was quoted as saying by British media on “We have to talk and in the next week we minutes left after Pedro Queiros was harshly Monday. will have training sessions on defending. ruled to have fouled Diego Capel. “It’s not difficult to see what went wrong, Especially now on corner kicks because that is Three minutes later, Vitoria were awarded a we conceded too many goals. At the the first time I have seen we are so bad from penalty after the slightest of touches by moment, this is a team that plays without corners.” Marqinhos on Zequinha and teenager Ricardo confidence and concedes goals too easily. Fulham have now conceded a league Horta fired the equaliser. SETUBAL: Sporting’s midfielder Adrien Silva (right) vies with Setubal’s forward Pedro Tiba dur- “I still believe in the miracle. There are still worst 65 goals this season with Magath so far “I don’t like to talk about referees but I ing the Portuguese League football match. — AFP 27 points to fight for, and we play some of the unable to stem the tide that begun under the think we can beat the world record for disal- pulled one back. nine months at the helm. Luisao and Rodrigo teams around us, but to stay in the Premier guidance of Martin Jol and then his replace- lowed goals,” said Jardim. “It’s incredible how League now would be like winning the ment Rene Meulensteen. Magath was Quaresma missed another penalty when scored in the first 20 minutes to give Benfica a this happens. The referees know that I believe he skied his shot before halftime but made straightforward win over Estoril, who two Champions League for us. appointed last month having steered a num- in their work but it’s the facts that count.” “It does not matter how we survive, but ber of German clubs away from relegation amends with another goal in the 83rd minute weeks ago handed Porto a first home defeat Porto, champions for the last three sea- we have to find a solution to stay up and it but admitted saving Fulham and ensuring a before Colombian Jackson Martinez complet- for five-and-a-half years. Benfica have 55 needs to be quick, because it is already five 14th consecutive season in England’s top sons, raced to a 2-0 lead in less than half an ed the scoring. points from 22 games, seven ahead of past midnight now.” flight for the southwest London club would hour with goals by Quaresma, from a penalty, Castro was brought in to replace Paulo Sporting with Porto a further two behind in Cardiff went ahead through Steven be his greatest achievement. —Reuters and Carlos Eduardo before Rui Sampaio Fonseca, who was fired on Wednesday after third. — Reuters TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 SPORTS

KUWAIT: The Arab Shooting Confederation (ASC) met yesterday with President, Duaij Al-Otaibi, ASC secretary, Obaid Al-Ossaimi, his assistant, Mohammed Misfer, the Asian Shooting Federation manager and undersecretary of Yemen’s Ministry of Youth, Abdul Salam Humoud and Dr. Hassan Abd Rabbo. (Right) Eng Duaij Al-Otaibi & Abd Al-Aziz Mesfewoi Morocco Fedaration secretary. — Photos by Sherif Ismail Kuwaitis excel at shooting tourney Indian shooter Pooja Ghatkar wins 10 meter air rifle gold medal

By: Abdellatif Sharaa In the women’s skeet Qatar’s Deena Al-Tebaishi won the to HH the Amir and HH the Crown Prince and the Kuwait Deena Al-Tibaishi was thrilled with her gold medal in the gold medal, while Sutiya Jiewchaloemmit from Thailand, people. He said this GP witnessed the participation of world skeet event, and said she wants to repeat this feat in the KUWAIT: Kuwait Shooters were in top form in His Highness second and Slovakia’s Danka Bartikova, third. champions and despite that Kuwait shooters were able to coming years. She said the win is the result of joint efforts the Amir International Shooting Grand Prix, as they won the Meanwhile in the 7th Asian Air Pistol and Rifle competi- win the first three places following a fiery but friendly com- by her team members. first three places in the double trap event. Olympic medalist tions China won three out of four gold medals during a day petition. He said he cannot describe his feeling while the Meanwhile President of the Arab and Kuwait Shooting Fuhaid Al-Daihani won the gold medal followed by Hamad when to world records were registered. China’s Pang Wei national anthem is played in any championship and it is an Federations thanked, on behalf of the ASF board members, Al-Afasi, silver and Saad Lafi, bronze. The three were recorded a new world record in the 10 meter air pistol with unmatched honor to be there. the State of Kuwait for hosting HH the Amir Grand Prix and involved in a fierce competition with Italy’s Ferdinando the score of 202.3 points overcoming the previous record Meanwhile Saudi Arabia’s Aqeel Badrani who won the the 7th Asian Airgun as well as the Sporting championships. Rossi who placed fourth, Ahmad Al-Afasi fifth and which is 202.2, his compatriot Wang Zhiwei won silver and team bronze medal in the 10M pistol said the team’s Al-Otaibi chaired the meeting of ASF at the KSSC in the Australia’s Russell Mark who won the Atlanta 1996 Olympics Mai Jiajie took the bronze medal. achievement is considered great because of the strong presence of the vice presidents Hazim Hosni from Egypt gold and Sydney 2000 silver, ended in sixth place. Meanwhile, the promising Indian shooter Pooja Ghatkar challenges the championship is witnessing, and promised and Dr. Abdelazeem Al-Hafi from Morocco, besides ASF Chairman of the Higher Organizing Committee, won the 10 meter air rifle gold medal defeating China’s Du Saudi shooting fans to achieve better results at all levels. Secretary General Obaid Al-Osaimi in addition to members President of Kuwait and Arab Shooting Federations distrib- Bei who won silver and Wi Siling clinched bronze. Aqeel said it is obvious that the higher organizing com- Brig,. Riyadh Al-Rasheed from Saudi Arabia, Brig. Ghassan uted the medals to the winners and lauded the achieve- Meanwhile the Chinese team won the gold medal in the mittee did not leave anything to chance adding that Sheikh Shaaban from Jordan, Dr. Saif Aldeen from Sudan, Zahid ment adding that Kuwait shooters have international stan- same event, while Mongolia was second and India third. Sabah Al-Ahmad Olympic Shooting Complex has all what it Nouri from Iraq, Brig. Abdallah Al-Hamadi from Qatar and dards and are able to compete with the best and win. Kuwait Shooter Fuhaid Al-Daihani dedicated his medal takes to make it one of the best around the world.Qatar’s Major General Ahmad Al-Reesi from UAE.

Obaid Al-Ossaimi Plans for Arab Shooting Championship in Qatar

KUWAIT: The Arab Shooting Confederation (ASC) sec- retary, Obaid Al-Ossaimi said that ASC board meeting discussed and evaluated the confederation’s agenda for the past year, the championships and Referee Courses that were held successfully. Kuwait Shooter Fuhaid Al-Daihani He added that the meeting also discussed local championships held in Kuwait, Egypt, Sudan, UAE and the referee courses held in Kuwait, Egypt and Qatar in collaboration with ASC. Ossaimi said ASC future plans were also on the agenda and agreed to hold a comprehensive Arab Shooting Championship in Qatar next November. He added that ASC’s secretariat general had been advised to study suggestions on holding the championships over the next two years 2015-2016 without disturbing each respective member’s international commitments. Al-Ossaimi added that ASC technical committee was formed under the chairmanship of Qatar Shooting Federation’s member and international referee, Abdullah Al-Hammadi that also comprises of mem- bers from Kuwait, Egypt, Qatar, UAE and Iraq with the aim of developing the technical programs and rules. TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 SPORTS

Eng Duaij Al-Otaibi receiving Sushil Chowdhuri of Kazakhstan Shotgun Federation.

Triq Dimyati, Rohi Saber & Adnan al Kaaki Triq Dimyati, Rohi Saber & Adnan Al Kaaki

Shahad Al-Hawal and Asmaa Al-Qatami

Sameh Gurais Manager of Sheikh Salman Al Sabah Office

Abdul Aziz Al Mehetab Rafeeq Ashoor

Nasser Al-Miqlid, Kuwait Shooter

Esam Al Jamhi Islam Hassan

Alla PR team Yahia Afifi horse riding Pistorius vomits Reed drives in court at away with Steenkamp Cadillac title autopsy details

TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 15 16

Tottenham living to regret sale of Gareth Bale Page 17

OAKLAND: Phoenix Suns’ Goran Dragic (right) drives past Golden State Warriors’ Stephen Curry (second from right) during the first half of an NBA basketball game. — AP Bulls beat Heat in OT, Mavs roll

CHICAGO: Joakim Noah had 20 points and 12 double-digit deficit after halftime, but had the led Portland with 28 points and 12 rebounds, and Golden State held off Phoenix for its fourth losing Pierce to a right shoulder injury early in rebounds, DJ Augustin scored 22 and the same offensive troubles late that plagued them but managed just two points in OT. Dwight straight win. the first quarter. Chicago Bulls beat the Miami Heat 95-88 in early in the game. Howard had 17 points with 12 rebounds, and David Lee had 26 points and nine rebounds, Sacramento trailed 49-40 at halftime but overtime Sunday after Jimmy Butler stripped Paul George had 27 points and 11 rebounds Chandler Parsons scored 16 for Houston. and Klay Thompson scored 22 points for the opened the third quarter with a 17-8 run to tie the ball from LeBron James at the end of regu- to lead the Pacers, who stayed 11/2 games up Warriors, who built an 18-point lead early in the the score at 57 with 7:38 left in the period. lation. on Miami for the Eastern Conference lead. LAKERS 114, THUNDER 110 fourth quarter before the Suns surged back. Brooklyn outscored Sacramento 47-32 the rest Dwyane Wade scored 25 for Miami, but with Dirk Nowitzki scored 14 points on a tough Jodie Meeks scored 24 of his career-high 42 Gerald Green had 25 points and six of the way. James struggling again, the Heat dropped their shooting night as the Mavericks swept the two- points in the second half, helping the Lakers rebounds, and Goran Dragic added 24 points third straight to match their longest losing game season series from the Pacers, who were overcome a triple-double by Thunder star Kevin and six assists for the Suns, who dropped into a PELICANS 111, NUGGETS 107 streak of the season. coming off their most lopsided loss in a 26- Durant. tie with Memphis for eighth place in the Anthony Davis tied his career high with 32 James scored 17 points on 8-of-23 shooting point defeat at Houston. Pau Gasol added 20 points and 11 rebounds Western Conference standings. points, grabbed 17 rebounds and blocked six and couldn’t come through after Miami blew a Ellis, who also had eight rebounds, put the for the injury-ravaged Lakers, who had lost 29 Golden State is 9-2 since the All-Star break shots, and New Orleans erased a 16-point 12-point lead down the stretch. With a chance game away in the final 2 minutes with a pair of of their previous 37 games. Meeks was 11 of 18 and a season-high 16 games over .500. The deficit to capture its third straight victory by to win it at the end of regulation, he was jumpers. Dallas’ reserves outscored Indiana’s 41- from the field and 14 for 14 at the foul line Warriors are two games ahead of Dallas for downing Denver. stopped by Butler on a layup attempt. 4. while becoming the third player to reach the sixth in the West. Tyreke Evans had 20 points and Anthony In overtime, it was all Bulls. Chicago 30-point mark this season for Los Angeles. Morrow added 14, including a 15-foot pullup in outscored Miami 9-2, starting with Augustin’s 3 ROCKETS 118, TRAIL BLAZERS 113 Durant had 27 points, 10 rebounds and 12 NETS 104, KINGS 89 the lane that tied the game at 94 with 1 second just under a minute in. Noah also had seven James Harden scored 41 points, Jeremy Lin assists for his third triple-double this season. Marcus Thornton scored 15 of his 27 points left in regulation. assists and five blocks with his dad - tennis had 26 and Houston rallied to beat Portland in Serge Ibaka had 21 points and 15 boards for in the fourth quarter against his old team, and Davis’ free throws gave New Orleans the great Yannick Noah - looking on. Butler added overtime for its fifth straight victory. Oklahoma City. Joe Johnson added 18 points to help Brooklyn lead for good at 106-104, and his block of Ty 16 points and 11 rebounds. The Trail Blazers led by three in overtime The Lakers trailed the Thunder by as many as overcome an injury to Paul Pierce in a victory Lawson’s driving layup prevented Denver from after two free throws by Wesley Matthews. The 18 in the second quarter before taking their over Sacramento. tying it with 1:14 left in overtime. MAVERICKS 105, PACERS 94 Rockets took over from there, using an 8-2 run first lead on a pair of free throws by Meeks that Alan Anderson had 11 points and Shaun Davis became the first player in franchise Monta Ellis and Devin Harris scored 20 with a 3-pointer from Harden and four points made it 71-70 with 4:35 left in the third. Livingston and Deron Williams each scored 10 history - going back to the club’s founding as points apiece and Dallas extended Indiana’s from Lin to make it 116-113 with 35.4 seconds as the Nets won for the fifth time in six games. the Charlotte Hornets in 1988 - to have as many season-worst losing streak to four games. left. Lin added two free throws after that. WARRIORS 113, SUNS 107 DeMarcus Cousins had 20 points and 28 points, rebounds and blocks in one game. The Pacers rallied from 17 points down in Harden hit a 3 with seconds left in regula- Stephen Curry overcame a strained right rebounds to lead the Kings. Rudy Gay added 20 Kenneth Faried had 22 points and 10 rebounds the first half and almost wiped out another tion to send it to overtime. LaMarcus Aldridge quad to finish with 18 points and nine assists, points. Brooklyn led by 16 in the first half after for Denver. —AP Bayern wary of Arsenal Predator Villa waiting in GERMANY: Pep Guardiola is well known to be a per- twice.They have even won games such as Saturday’s the wings for Atletico fectionist and even Saturday’s 6-1 win at VfL where they were forced to defend for long periods. Wolfsburg has failed to fully satisfy the demanding “We don’t need many chances to score,” said winger MADRID: David Villa has been unable to goal in Milan’s 4-0 last 16, second leg defeat at Bayern Munich manager. Thomas Muller. “When we are given space, we use it rediscover his consistency since he broke his Barcelona last season, when the Catalan side Guardiola complained that his team allowed ruthlessly.” leg in late 2011 but Spain’s record scorer overturned a 2-0 first-leg deficit, and also Wolfsburg too much possession in the first hour and But there are some grounds for Arsenal manager could still be crucial to Atletico Madrid’s found the net in a 2-2 group-stage draw in the has told them they cannot afford to make the same Arsene Wenger to be hopeful as they attempt to hopes of Champions League success this sea- 2011-12 season. mistake in today’s Champions League last 16 tie avoid a fourth successive round of 16 exit. son. “He thrives on goals, he is a specialist,” The 32-year-old Asturian, who has played Simeone told a news conference after the win against Arsenal. second fiddle to Atletico’s Brazil-born forward in Vigo. “He has a precision and conviction that “We scored four or five goals in a 20 minute spell ENGLISH DEFEATS Diego Costa for most of the season, showed have marked out his career,” added the former but they were all on the counter-attack,” said Bayern’s last three matches against English sides at with a La Liga double at Celta Vigo on Argentina midfielder, who was playing for Guardiola, whose side host Arsenal in today’s second their Allianz Arena have ended in defeat. They were Saturday he still has the positional sense and Atletico the last time they reached the leg with a 2-0 lead from the first match. beaten on penalties by Chelsea in the 2012 predatory instinct that helped him score 56 Champions League quarter-finals 17 years ago. “We did not dominate the match in the way we Champions League final after a 1-1 draw, although goals in 95 appearances for the world and “He is an extremely important player for us, have dominated previous games,” he said after Bayern the stadium was officially classed as a neutral venue European champions. Villa was filling in for whom we need for his goals and his experi- scored five times in the last half hour, having fallen for that game. the suspended Costa at Celta and represents ence. “He is one of the few players we have behind in the first half. Bayern lost 2-0 at home to Arsenal at the same a potentially lethal backup weapon in coach who is used to battling for the big prizes week “I know Arsenal very well. They are good enough stage of the Champions League last season, after they Diego Simeone’s armoury as Atletico seek a in week out.” to keep possession for a long time,” added the had won the first leg 3-1. place in the last eight of Europe’s elite club Spaniard. “We must dominate them with the ball. “If Then, Manchester City came from two goals MUNICH: Bayern’s Xherdan Shaqiri of competition for the first time since 1997 at CLEAR IDEAS we have the ball, we will get to the quarter-final. If behind to win 3-2 at the Allianz Arena in this season’s Switzerland (left) and Bastian Schweinsteiger home to AC Milan today. While Atletico are riding high in La Liga and Arsenal have the ball, they will get to the quarter- group stage. The standard of Bayern’s Bundesliga The Spanish capital’s second club lead 1-0 mounting a genuine challenge in Europe, final.” On paper, Arsenal appear to have an almost opposition has also been questioned after heavy challenge for the ball during a training ses- sion, ahead of their round of 16 second leg from last month’s first leg at the San Siro, when Milan come into the match having suffered hopeless task against Bayern, who are threatening to home defeats for both Schalke 04 and Bayer Costa headed the only goal seven minutes their first consecutive defeats in Serie A this better last season’s treble-winning performance Leverkusen in the first leg of the round of 16 against Champions League soccer match against Arsenal. — AP from time, and are firm favourites to advance season. when they won the Bundesliga, German Cup and Real Madrid and Paris St Germain respectively. to the quarter-finals given that they have won Clarence Seedorf was brought in to replace Champions League. The Bavarians have won their last Arsenal’s 4-1 win over Everton in the FA Cup on Dortmund in the group stage. 15 of their last 16 European home games. the sacked Massimiliano Allegri in January but 16 Bundesliga matches and scored 26 goals in their Saturday, and a goal from German midfielder Mesut “We can be inspired by our focus on the day, by With Costa available again, Villa may not the former Milan, Real Madrid and Netherlands last six. Ozil, has given Wenger renewed optimism. our desire and go to Bayern with the same spirit. “The feature at the Calderon but he has experience midfielder has yet to revive the club’s fortunes They have played 39 matches this season, includ- “It was important for us to win, to put us in a good statistics go against us when we go to Bayern, but of scoring against the seven-times European and they are mired in mid-table and in serious ing the German Supercup, European Supercup and mind on the psychological front,” said Wenger, whose let’s make sure that the performance goes for us. champions and any coach would be delighted danger of missing out on a European qualifica- Club World Cup, and won 34 of them, losing only side lost at home and won away against Borussia Then we have a chance.” — Reuters to have him in reserve. Villa netted the third tion berth. — Reuters Chiquita, Ireland’s Fyffes merge

Page 23 Business Ford celebrates Women’s Day TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 Page 26 NBK Capital recognized ‘Kuwait Asset Manager Four nations urge US to boost natural gas exports to Europe of Year’ for 2014 Page 25 Page 22

TOKYO: A boat passes before a container ship at a port in Tokyo yesterday. Japan’s economic growth in the last quarter of 2013 was weaker than previously thought, revised data showed yesterday, underscoring concerns about the pace of recovery driven by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s economic growth blitz. — AFP Japan’s growth slows as ST hike looms Concerns grow over pace of recovery under Abe’s blitz

TOKYO: Japan’s economy grew at a slower pace than initial- through the economy. The economy grew 1.4 percent in In separate data yesterday, the deficit in the January cur- half of last year. Abe has called on firms to hike wages as ly thought in the last quarter of 2013, revised data showed 2012 and contracted 0.5 percent in 2011 owing to the rent account-Japan’s broadest measure of trade with the consumers face higher prices for ordinary goods, while yesterday, underscoring concerns about the pace of recov- March 11 quake-tsunami disaster and subsequent nuclear rest of the world-more than quadrupled to another record many complain they have yet to reap the benefits of the ery under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s policy blitz. The fresh crisis. figure of 1.589 trillion yen ($15.4 billion). The growing growth campaign. Tokyo also launched a special $50 billion figures will turn the focus on to Bank of Japan policymakers imbalance was driven by the soaring costs of imported stimulus package to counter any downturn from the as they start a two-day meeting, with speculation they could Ballooning trade imbalance energy-made pricier by a weak yen-and lacklustre growth in nation’s first sales tax hike since the late Nineties, which unveil further monetary easing measures to counter a possi- “The recovery... lost pace in the second half of the year,” shipments of Japanese goods abroad. shortly preceded years of tepid growth. ble slowdown from a sales tax rise next month. said London-based Capital Economics. “Nonetheless, it Critics fear that the controversial tax rise to 8.0 percent While Tokyo has also made some headway on its bid to There are fears the rate hike-seen as crucial to bringing would be premature to conclude that Abenomics has failed from 5.0 percent will curtail the budding recovery in an stoke lasting inflation, consumer and corporate spending in down Japan’s massive national debt-will hit consumer based on these figures alone. “After all, private consump- economy beset by years of falling prices, which curbed the latter half of the year failed to take off, underscoring a spending and in turn dent the country’s nascent recovery. tion and business investment were stalling before PM Abe’s spending and business investment. Still, Abe’s efforts to still-cautious mood among households and in the country’s The world’s number-three economy expanded 0.2 percent election, but have picked up speed since then. The problem stoke the economy have been bearing fruit. boardrooms. The tax rise is perhaps the biggest threat to in the quarter to December and 1.5 percent through 2013, instead lies on the external side.” Since the conservative swept national elections in late Abe’s efforts and has led to speculation the BoJ will be the latest data showed. That compared with earlier results A key reason for the downward revision was weak 2012, the has yen lost about a quarter of its value against forced to expand its already unprecedented stimulus pro- showing gross domestic product grew 0.3 percent for the exports, as Japan’s trade imbalance balloons on the back of the dollar-giving a boost to Japanese exporters. The dollar gram. The multi-billion-dollar scheme launched by the cen- October-December period and 1.6 percent in 2013. surging energy bills, aggravated by the shutdown of its bought 103.05 yen in midday Tokyo trading yesterday. tral bank is a cornerstone of Abe’s policy. However, the new figures still mark Japan’s best annual nuclear reactors in 2011 in response to the Fukushima crisis. The weaker currency helped the Nikkei shares index soar It also calls for deeper reforms, most yet-to-be-seen, performance in three years, as Abe’s growth blitz of big Atomic power once supplied about a third of the resource- 57 percent in 2013, its best performance in more than four including free-trade deals, more flexible labor markets and spending and monetary easing-dubbed Abenomics-rippled poor nation’s energy. decades, while Japan’s growth led G7 nations in the first bringing more women into the workforce. — AFP Egypt gains, Gulf mixed Europe reaches crunch point on banking union

MIDEAST STOCK MARKETS BRUSSELS: European governments and probably more. It could also mean now on loan to governments. DUBAI: Egypt’s shares rose slightly yesterday after a deal within a range of 200 points for four weeks. “What you’re and lawmakers will try to reach a deal it is scrutinized by a new group of law- The biggest political reform since between the country’s army and a Dubai builder for an seeing now is short-term uncertainty - Q4 earnings are this week on how to wind down failing makers with a higher count of the launch of the euro currency, bank- affordable housing project worth 280 billion Egyptian out and Q1 is a few weeks away so it’s a natural lull at this banks, clearing the way for a landmark euroskeptics, as such parties are ing union also touches on sensitive pounds ($40.2 billion). time,” said Sanyalaksna Manibhandu, senior analyst at reform as time runs out to win expected to do well in the May poll. issues for investors, including the impo- European Parliament approval before The banking union, and the clean- sition of losses on bondholders of fail- Cairo’s benchmark index advanced 0.5 percent, recov- NBAD Securities. “We’ve had geopolitical concerns on May elections. Negotiations are set to up of banks’ books that will accompany ing banks. Policymakers agreed last ering early-session losses and boosting 2014 gains to Ukraine and Qatar but I think there is more upside to span days and may be the final step in a it, is intended to restore banks’ confi- year that the European Central Bank 17.6 percent. Under a deal with Cairo’s army-backed gov- prices this year.” European banking union that would dence in one another and boost lend- will be the supervisor for euro-zone ernment, Dubai’s Arabtec will build one million homes in He cited catalysts such as an MSCI upgrade to the mean one supervisor for euro-zone ing across the currency bloc, helping banks, a role it takes on in November. In a project that will cover 160 million square meters across emerging market status that will take effect at the end of banks, one set of rules to close or foster growth in the 18 economies that return for giving its blessing to the 13 sites in Egypt for lower income individuals. May, along with possible earnings momentum for the restructure those in trouble and one use the euro. wider scheme, Germany wants to see “People are a bit skeptical on the project,” said first quarter. Some of the optimism over the upgrade has pot of money to pay for it. “There will “This is a large scale political project losses imposed from that point Mohamed Radwan, director of international sales at already been priced in, but there could be a further not be an outcome today or tomorrow, which will allow countries to borrow at onwards on bondholders and others Pharos Securities. Some analysts said executing the boost as index funds flow in upon implementation. because the real negotiations will take the same rate whether you are Spanish, who have backed troubled banks. colossal project could be a challenge. Analysts estimate UAE and Qatar could both draw hun- place tomorrow and days after that if Italian, German or French,” French “The scale of the project is... well beyond anything dreds of millions of dollars in fresh investment thanks to necessary,” Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who is Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici told Tug of war Arabtec has previously managed,” brokerage Arqaam the upgrade. chairing yesterday’s meeting of euro reporters. New lending has been throt- Officials caution that a deal may not Capital said in a note. Politically and economically, the Qatar’s measure gained 0.6 percent, up for a third ses- ministers, told reporters, referring to tled by banks’ efforts to raise capital be possible this week and could be talks with the European Parliament’s and cut their risks in recession. postponed until the end of the month. project is one of the biggest initiatives since the ouster of sion after last week’s brief tumble because of a diplomat- lawmakers. The banking union is also supposed To further complicate matters, President Mohammad Morsi last July. ic row in which Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates As he entered for the first day of to break the vicious circle of indebted European governments disagree not “It adds more value to Arabtec itself although there’s and Bahrain withdrew their ambassadors, apparently talks with European counterparts, states and the banks that buy their only amongst themselves, but also with only a shallow performance in terms of magnitude.” because of Qatari support for Islamists. Saudi developer Spain’s Economy Minister Luis de debt, treated in law as ‘risk-free’ despite the European Parliament, which must Shares in Arabtec rose 1.7 percent. Other UAE shares Dar Al Arkan fell 4 percent after the firm’s board pro- Guindos said he was optimistic agree- Greece’s default in all but name. Euro- give its blessing to the project before it were choppy as investors looked for fresh catalysts after posed not to pay out 2013 dividends. ment could be clinched. Talks on a new zone banks now hold about 1.75 trillion can become law. an early-year surge. Dubai’s measure climbed 0.2 per- It said the decision would support future business European agency to shut down failing euros of government debt, equivalent At the heart of the dispute is the cent, taking 2014 gains to 23.1 percent but has been growth, but it has yet to be approved by shareholders at banks, and on a fund to pay for such to 5.7 percent of their assets and the complex process of closing a bank. trading sideways for three weeks. the annual general meeting. Saudi Arabia’s measure was closures, need to be agreed before the highest relative exposure since 2006, Countries are reluctant to cede authori- Abu Dhabi’s index fell 1.0 percent to its lowest since little changed at a 68-month high but turnover exceed- last sitting of the European Parliament according to the European Central ty to Brussels and want a laborious sys- Feb. 9. The measure has also been range-bound, trading ed 10 billion riyals ($2.67 billion). — Reuters in mid-April. Failure to do so would Bank. In Italy and Spain, roughly one in tem of checks before any decision to delay the law by at least seven months, every 10 euros in the banking system is shut a bank can be taken. — Reuters TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 BUSINESS Indonesia CB seeks dealer to build IILM sukuk market JAKARTA/SYDNEY: Indonesia’s central bank hopes told Reuters. Since August last year, the IILM has several conventional banks have Islamic windows, the wider market, said Kurniati. to attract a local bank to sign up as primary dealer issued three-month sukuk from a $1.35 billion pro- which held combined assets of 229.5 trillion rupiah “As a new instrument, the promotion of IILM for short-term sukuk, or Islamic bonds, issued by gram but secondary trading for the paper has yet to ($18.9 billion) as of October, central bank data sukuk will be increased by the management. the International Islamic Liquidity Management fully develop, even though there are now nine pri- showed. The central bank estimates growth of Currently, IILM is still trying to increase the number Corp (IILM), a body it helped establish in 2010 to mary dealers globally to make a secondary market. Islamic banking assets will slow this year due to ris- of primary dealers and improve the secondary mar- address a lack of highly-liquid sharia compliant “IILM sukuk just got issued recently, with limited ing pressure from trade deficits and a depreciation ket as well as repo (repurchase agreements).” Last money market instruments. outstanding, its illiquid and does not have second- in the rupiah. Authorities in Indonesia are keen to month, the IILM established a working group to Bank Indonesia is one of 10 shareholders in the ary market. Hence, IILM sukuk is not yet well known develop Islamic banking, which accounts for 4.8 help drive such efforts, said Kurniati, adding that Malaysia-based institution, but it still lacks a local by Indonesia-based primary dealers,” Kurniati said. percent share of total banking assets. This compares the body was also considering issuing sukuk with dealer bank for IILM sukuk, bonds designed to help A domestic primary dealer could help address to over 20 percent in more mature Islamic banking different tenors. Islamic banks manage their short-term liquidity - a this problem, even though other dealer banks have markets such as Malaysia and some Gulf Arab coun- The IILM program, rated A-1 by Standard and longstanding industry challenge. Indonesia is an indirect presence in the country, such as CIMB tries. Indonesia’s regulators are rolling out an array Poor’s, can issue sukuk with maturities under one Southeast Asia’s largest economy and the world’s Islamic, Maybank Islamic and Standard Chartered of policies to boost the sector, including the intro- year although until now it has only sold three- most populous Muslim nation, but that potential Bank. Increased uptake of ILM sukuk could help the duction of Islamic repurchase agreements to allow month paper. has yet to translate into the country’s Islamic bank- central bank justify its $5 million shareholding in overnight transactions, which the IILM sukuk can Current shareholders of the IILM are the central ing sector which remains underdeveloped. the IILM, the minimum under the body’s rules, as help facilitate. The IILM has also launched an aware- banks of Indonesia, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia, “There are no Islamic banks in Indonesia that well as boost the prospects of the country’s Islamic ness program across the markets it serves, with a Mauritius, Nigeria, Qatar, Turkey and the United have used or bought IILM paper,” Yati Kurniati, direc- financial sector. session scheduled in Jakarta on March 21 to intro- Arab Emirates, as well as the Jeddah-based Islamic tor of macroprudential policy at Bank Indonesia Indonesia has 11 full-fledged Islamic banks and duce its sukuk to prospective primary dealers and Development Bank. — Reuters NBK Capital recognized ‘Kuwait Asset Manager of Year’ for 2014 Kuwait Asset Manager award second year in a row

KUWAIT: NBK Capital is pleased to announce that it has received for the second year in a row the Kuwait Asset Manager of the Year award for 2014 from the MENA Fund Manager magazine (MENA FM), a leading monthly financial publication with a focus on fund managers, investors and financial service providers throughout the region. NBK Capital received the award based on a series of Fund Management criteria judged by MENA FM editorial panel and a selection of industry experts. Dr Husayn Shahrur, Executive Director of MENA Equities at NBK Capital, received the award on behalf of NBK Capital at the annual MENA FM award ceremony held in Dubai ear- lier this year. “Winning this award is a testament to our strategy to create value for our investors and the effective- ness of the team at NBK Capital,” commented Dr Shahrur. Innovative products, creative thinking and excellence have seen NBK Capital receive several similar recognitions HYDERABAD: An Indian laborer works on a display stand at Begumpet Airport in over the years. NBK Capital’s MENA Equities Division is Hyderabad yesterday, ahead of The India Aviation 2014 show. The fourth edition of pleased to add this award to a variety of accolades it has India Aviation, a five-day event scheduled to run from March 12-16, more than 250 recently received. exhibitors will showcase the latest global aerospace technology offering business The MENA Equities Division at NBK Capital manages opportunities in India. — AFP three local and regional equity funds, which include the NBK Gulf Equity Fund, NBK Qatar Equity Fund, and the NBK Kuwait Equity Fund. The division also manages portfolios Bahrain’s GFH to start on behalf of high-net-worth individuals and leading insti- tutional investors. NBK Capital was established in July 2005 as a wholly $3bn Tunisia project owned subsidiary of the National Bank of Kuwait (“NBK”),region’s oldest bank and one of the highest rated TUNIS: Bahrain’s Gulf Finance House (GFH) according to Bahraini officials. GFH, created banks. NBK Capital focuses on four principal lines of busi- will start building a $3 billion financial park in 1999, has invested billions of dollars in ness: Alternative Investments, Asset Management, and real estate development north of infrastructure development projects in the Brokerage & Research and Investment Banking. With Tunisia’s capital, a project that had been Middle East and North Africa. offices in Kuwait, Dubai, Istanbul and Cairo, NBK Capital’s suspended for five years, the Islamic invest- The project, known as Tunis Financial team of more than 190 professionals offer superior prod- ment bank said yesterday. Harbour and billed as the first financial park ucts and services to clients and investors. The project will be one of the largest pri- in North Africa, would cover 450 hectares in vate foreign investments in the North the Raoued suburb of Tunis. Tunisia has African state, which has struggled to revive promoted its lower labour costs to entice its economy since the revolution that top- manufacturing and services businesses Saudi’s Alhokair eyes US, pled former President Zine El-Abidine Ben from nearby Europe, but economists say it Ali three years ago. A caretaker govern- needs to improve an outdated banking ment has taken over to run Tunisia until sector to make the most of new invest- elections later this year, ending months of ment. UK buys, plans debut sukuk crisis. But despite political progress, high A political transition following the revo- living costs and a lack of economic oppor- lution is almost complete, Tunisia hopes to DUBAI: Fawaz Abdulaziz Alhokair Co, the Saudi be drawn on further details, except to say the deals Blanco stores outside of Spain across Alhokair’s tunities remain the major concerns for attract more foreign investment to drive retailer which franchises brands such as Zara and could complete in the next financial year, which geographical footprint. many Tunisians. economic growth and create jobs in a Marks and Spencer in the kingdom, is studying 3-5 begins on April 1. Saudi Arabia’s retail market is highly regarded by GFH’s project was scheduled to begin in country where the unemployment is at acquisition targets in the United States and United Alhokair, which currently has 1885 stores across investors and companies, given its favourable 2009, but financial difficulties at the Islamic 15.1 percent. Lacking any major natural Kingdom, a company executive said yesterday. 20 markets predominantly in the Middle East and demographics - about 60 percent of the population bank and Tunisia’s 2011 uprising froze sev- energy resources like neighboring Algeria The firm, the largest listed retailer on the Saudi the CIS countries, is forecast to record sales of is under 30 - and its growing per capita income. eral large-scale projects. “The $3 billion and Libya, Tunisia’s economy is heavily stock market, also aims to sell its debut Islamic between 5.5 and 5.7 billion riyals ($1.47-1.52 billion) project will start on March 15, today we will reliant on agriculture, tourism and foreign bond in the next 12 months. Alhokair, which com- for the current financial year, with net profit in the Sukuk sign an agreement with the Tunisian con- remittances. pleted the purchase of Spanish clothing brand range of 760-810 million riyals, Cass said. Alhokair is planning to sell its maiden sukuk in tracting companies to start practical imple- Prime Minister Mehdi Jomaa said this Blanco last month for 11 million euros, was talking This would indicate a fourth-quarter profit of the next financial year and has mandated banks to mentation of the project in a few days,” month he would seek more financing help to respective parties but would only close deals if around 180-230 million riyals, based on the firm’s arrange the transaction, Cass said, declining to Lotfi Zar, the executive director of the proj- and attract investors from Gulf countries, they were a right fit, Rob Cass, chief strategy officer, nine-month results, up from 136 million riyals in the name which lenders had been picked. Saudi firms ect, told Reuters. Europe and the United States to help offset told reporters on the sidelines of a finance confer- prior-year period. At the current rate, the business are increasingly turning to the Islamic bond market The site will contain a corporate centre, larger borrowing needs because of the ence in Dubai. “We are looking at other opportuni- was opening a new store every 18 hours, Cass said, for their financing needs as they look to diversify an investment banking and advisory centre country’s budget deficit. He said Tunisia’s ties, similar type brands that we believe have got with the firm planning to open 404 stores globally their funding sources away from traditional bank and an insurance area. It will also include external borrowing needs this year would the capabilities to grow,” Cass said, referring to in the next financial year. Of these, around half will finance and tap highly-liquid local investors. homes, offices, a golf course, a business be nearly double previous budget esti- Blanco. The firm was talking to ‘top-tier internation- be in Saudi Arabia, with 42 in the United States and “There is going to be large interest for this and school and trade centres. mates at around $8 billion, mainly because al banks’ for potential advisory roles on the transac- 24 in Egypt. The company also aims to open 45 it’s going to be well subscribed, because it’s a great It is expected to create 17,000 jobs, of rising public sector pay. — Reuters tions but hadn’t appointed anyone yet. He wouldn’t stores for its new INC value brand, with around 30 group and a great story,” Cass said. — Reuters


Malaysian Ringgit 87.320 Singapore Dollar 0.218741 0.224741 Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. UAE Exchange Centre WLL Chinese Yuan Renminbi 46.515 Thai Bhat 9.725 South African Rand 0.020115 0.028615 Turkish Lira 129.320 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001865 0.002444 ASIAN COUNTRIES COUNTRY SELL DRAFT SELL CASH Taiwan 0.009188 0.009368 Australian Dollar 259.90 256.90 Japanese Yen 2.732 Thai Baht 0.008363 0.008913 Indian Rupees 4.632 Canadian Dollar 258.05 259.05 Swiss Franc 326.35 324.35 Bahrain Exchange Company Pakistani Rupees 2.729 Arab Srilankan Rupees 2.158 Euro 394.75 395.75 Bahraini Dinar 0.741555 0.749555 Nepali Rupees 2.896 US Dollar 281.50 284.50 COUNTRY SELL CASH SELLDRAFT Sterling Pound 475.13 478.13 Egyptian Pound 0.036751 0.039851 Singapore Dollar 223.180 Europe Hongkong Dollar 36.351 Japanese Yen 2.79 2.81 Iranian Riyal 0.000078 0.000079 Bangladesh Taka 3.623 3.893 Belgian Franc 0.007328 0.008328 Iraqi Dinar 0.000181 0.000241 Bangladesh Taka 3.623 British Pound 0.464784 0.473784 Philippine Peso 6.355 Indian Rupee 4.623 4.923 Jordanian Dinar 0.393518 0.401018 Czech Korune 0.006287 0.018287 Thai Baht 8.754 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.158 2.593 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.0000000 1.0000000 Irani Riyal transfer 0.271 Nepali Rupee 2.888 3.423 Danish Krone 0.048347 0.053347 Lebanese Pound 0.000138 0.000238 Irani Riyal cash 0.273 Pakistani Rupee 2.735 2.790 Euro 0.385698 0.393698 Moroccan Dirhams 0.024297 0.048297 UAE Dirhams 76.71 77.17 Norwegian Krone 0.0430651 0.048265 Nigerian Naira 0.001191 0.001826 GCC COUNTRIES Bahraini Dinar 749.24 751.31 Romanian Leu 0.081369 0.81369 Egyptian Pound 40.43 41.03 Omani Riyal 0.726434 0.732114 Saudi Riyal 75.257 Slovakia 0.008059 0.018059 Qatar Riyal 0.076748 0.077961 Qatari Riyal 77.543 Jordanian Dinar 400.64 406.29 Swedish Krona 0.040126 0.045126 Saudi Riyal 0.074563 0.075263 Omani Riyal 733.110 Omani Riyal 732.08 739.38 Swiss Franc 0.314753 0.324953 Qatari Riyal 77.74 78.29 Syrian Pound 0.002160 0.002380 Bahraini Dinar 749.570 Turkish Lira 0.125364 0.132364 UAE Dirham 76.856 Saudi Riyal 75.20 75.60 Tunisian Dinar 0.175610 0.183610 Turkish Lira 0.125364 0.132364 Australasia ARAB COUNTRIES UAE Dirhams 0.075796 0.076945 Australian Dollar 0.246267 0.257767 Egyptian Pound - Cash 39.250 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Yemeni Riyal 0.001281 0.001361 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 40.089 New Zealand Dollar 0.232036 0.241536 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.318 Rate for Transfer Selling Rate Tunisian Dinar 180.370 America Al Mulla Exchange US Dollar 281.850 Jordanian Dinar 398.530 Canadian Dollar 0.247968 0.256468 Canadian Dollar 257.240 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 1.893 US Dollars 0.277900 0.282250 Sterling Pound 472.545 CurrencyTransfer Rate (Per 1000) Syrian Lira 2.011 US Dollars Mint 0.278400 0.2822250 Euro 392.440 Morocco Dirham 35.709 Swiss Frank 321.555 US Dollar 281.40 Bahrain Dinar 744.215 Asia Euro 392.600 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES UAE Dirhams 76.715 Bangladesh Taka 0.003291 0.003891 Pound Sterling 470.300 US Dollar Transfer 282.100 Qatari Riyals 78.265 Chinese Yuan 0.044766 0.048266 Canadian Dollar 255.150 Euro 394.940 Saudi Riyals 76.030 Hong Kong Dollar 0.034246 0.036996 Indian Rupee 4.619 Sterling Pound 475.200 Jordanian Dinar 397.210 Indian Rupee 0.004356 0.004757 Egyptian Pound 40.070 Canadian dollar 256.450 Egyptian Pound 40.437 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.154 Turkish lira 127.970 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000019 0.000025 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.157 Bangladesh Taka 3.625 Swiss Franc 714.180 Japanese Yen 0.002649 0.002829 Indian Rupees 4.617 Philippines Peso 6.330 Australian Dollar 258.250 Kenyan Shilling 0.003254 0.003254 Pakistani Rupees 2.738 Pakistan Rupee 2.780 US Dollar Buying 280.900 Korean Won 0.000254 0.000269 Bangladesh Taka 3.621 Malaysian Ringgit 0.082288 0.088288 Bahraini Dinar 749.450 Philippines Pesso 6.340 UAE Dirham 76.650 GOLD Cyprus pound 692.280 Nepalese Rupee 0.002840 0.003010 Saudi Riyal 75.200 20 Gram 240.000 Japanese Yen 3.725 Pakistan Rupee 0.002492 0.002772 10 Gram 121.000 Syrian Pound 2.955 Philippine Peso 0.006354 0.006634 5 Gram 62.500 *Rates are subject to change Nepalese Rupees 3.880 Sierra Leone 0.000069 0.000075 TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 BUSINESS Chiquita, Ireland’s Fyffes merge Deal to form world’s top banana supplier

NEW YORK: US-based Chiquita Brands statement read. aged salads, melons and pineapples. least $40 million by the end of 2016,” said company would be at a more manage- and Ireland’s Fyffes Plc said yesterday The agreement “creates a global Chiquita, Dole Food and Fresh Del the statement, adding that the transac- able level. that they are merging, a deal that would banana and other fresh produce compa- Monte Produce-controlled about two- tion is expected to be complete this year. Chiquita posted a loss of $16 million create the world’s biggest banana suppli- ny with approximately $4.6 billion in thirds of the global banana market, Lonergan will serve as chairman, while for 2013, a sharp improvement after los- er with annual revenue of $4.6 billion. annual revenues.” Chiquita is one of the according to 2007 UN figures. Fyffes and Fyffes executive chairman David McCann ing $405 million in 2012. In the stock-for-stock transaction top global marketer and distributors of Ecuador’s Exportadora Bananera Noboa will become the combined company’s Fyffes however announced prelimi- Chiquita shareholders will own approxi- fresh food products, including bananas rounded off the list of top five banana chief executive officer. McCann described nary results for 2013 showing a profit of mately 50.7 percent of the new company, and packaged salads. Fyffes, though not companies, according to the figures. the deal as “transformative”. “We believe 26.1 million euros ($34.87 million), up 9.8 named ChiquitaFyffes Plc, and Fyffes quite as big, is also a major global player. The merged ChiquitaFyffes will have we will be able to use our joint expertise, percent, while sales rose 6.3 percent to shareholders owning the remainder, the “This is a natural strategic partnership an operating presence in more than 70 complementary assets and geographic 1.08 billion euros. According to figures companies announced in a joint state- that combines two complementary com- countries and a workforce of some coverage to develop a business that can from the UN’s Food and Agriculture ment. The combined company will be panies of long history,” said Chiquita chief 32,000 people. “Chiquita and Fyffes antic- run smoothly and efficiently to better Organization (FAO), as of 80 percent of all listed on the New York Stock Exchange executive Ed Lonergan. As well as ipate that the transaction will potentially partner with our customers and suppli- bananas come from Latin America, with and based in Ireland. The Chiquita and bananas, the new company will have a provide annualized recurring before tax ers,” he said. Patrick Higgins, an analyst at Ecuador Costa Rica and Colombia as the Fyffes brands will also continue, the “significant presence” in the sale of pack- overhead and operational synergies of at Goodbody said the debt of the merged main exporters. —AFP

Egyptian urban UK economy set to conquer annual inflation pre-recession peak soon slows to 9.8% CAIRO: Egypt’s annual urban inflation rate slowed to 9.8 percent in February from 11.4 percent in January, the Risks include CA gap, rate rise talk official statistics agency CAPMAS said yesterday. Annual inflation reached its highest rate in nearly four years in LONDON: Britain’s economy should exceed its pre-reces- recovery has been led by consumers and the housing mar- could face serious risks to our long-term economic health.” November but has been falling since then, easing for sion growth peak in the next few months, according to the ket, and the Bank of England has said business investment He also said businesses will only increase their capital if the third straight month in February. British Chambers of Commerce, which yesterday upgraded and exports need to pick up for the recovery to be sus- low inflation and low interest rates persist. The BoE has its forecasts for this year and next. The business group fore- tained. stressed it is in no rush to raise interest rates. It has sug- Egypt’s economy has been buffeted by investment cast full-year gross domestic product (GDP) growth will hit The BCC said it expects growth in business investment gested spring of 2015 as a possibility for the first hike in outflows and a drop in tourism due to political turmoil 2.8 percent in 2014 and 2.5 percent in 2015, a slight this year of 6.6 percent, followed by 5.7 percent in 2015. interest rates which have been at a record low 0.5 percent since autocrat President Hosni Mubarak was toppled in upgrade from its December forecasts. But it warned it will remain below pre-crisis levels for some for five years. Two BoE policymakers have said a rate hike an uprising in 2011. Unlike almost all of its major developed world econom- time. could come sooner if inflation pressures pick up. Despite inflows of billions of dollars in aid from Gulf ic peers, Britain’s economy at the end of last year was still “(The) economy is on the right track, but we mustn’t be “Some MPC members seem to be signalling early Arab states after the army’s ouster last July of Islamist 1.4 percent smaller than its pre-recession peak in early fooled into thinking that it is back up to full strength just interest rate rises,” said Kern. “This kind of unhelpful President Mohamed Morsi, economic recovery has been 2008. The BCC said the economy will finally exceed that yet,” said David Kern, chief economist at the BCC. speculation will only prevent business from investing level in the second quarter of this year, a quarter earlier “The UK’s current account deficit remains excessive, and and put pressure on an already strong pound, which limited. than it forecast in December. So far, Britain’s economic without a stronger rebalancing towards net exports, we could put the recovery at risk.” —Reuters Morsi’s fall cleared the way for Egypt to obtain bil- lions of dollars in aid from the military-backed govern- ment’s allies in the Gulf - Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait - although billions have also had to India car sales be returned to Qatar, which backed Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood. post first rise The army-backed government introduced a 30 bil- lion Egyptian pound ($4.3 billion) stimulus package in since Sept 2013 2013 and followed up with a second 33.9 billion Egyptian pounds package last month. —Reuters NEW DELHI: Indian car sales rose in February-the first time in five months-according to figures released yes- terday, but a top industry body said it was too early to say the market has finally turned around. The Society News of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) said in brief domestic car sales increased 1.39 percent to 160,718 units in February from 158,512 units in the same month a year earlier. Egyptian pound The rise was helped by introduction of new vehicle remains unchanged models. “It will take some more time to see if the nega- CAIRO: The Egyptian pound remained steady against tive trends have reversed,” SIAM Director General the dollar at a central bank sale of foreign currency yes- Vishnu Mathur told reporters. terday and was flat on the black market. The central bank SIAM said the industry may get a lift from a gov- sold $38.4 million to banks at the auction, with a cut-off ernment decision last month to cut car excise price of 6.9504 pounds to the dollar, the same price as at duties. But the rise in car sales, even if carried the last auction on Thursday. On the black market, the through to March, would not be enough to put the dollar was offered at 7.36 pounds yesterday, a trader industry on a positive footing for the year, SIAM said. The pound has been under pressure during three said. During the April-February period of the cur- years of political turmoil. Egypt’s foreign currency rent financial year, car sales fell 4.6 percent from the reserves stood at about $17.3 billion pounds in February, same period a year earlier. down from $36 billion before the uprising that led to “The current fiscal year is going to end on a neg- President Hosni Mubarak’s overthrow in 2011. The cen- ative (note) for passenger and commercial vehicles,” tral bank introduced dollar currency sales over a year Mathur said. “Even if sales are much better in March, BRUSSELS: German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble (left) talks with Greek Finance Minister Yannis ago. In January, it held a $1.5 billion exceptional auction, it won’t be able to erase the effect of the rest of the Stournaras, during the eurogroup ministerial meeting at the European Council building in Brussels yes- its largest ever, to restock the market with dollars and fiscal year, which has been largely negative, he said. terday. —AP curb unofficial currency trading. Sales of commercial vehicles were down 29.84 percent to 47,982 units in February, the 10th Egypt to permit cement straight monthly decline, reflecting a sharp slow- Soft touch FX regulation companies to use coal down in the economy. CAIRO: Egypt, which has been cutting back on natural The vehicle sector is hoping the election of a gas supplies to cement factories, said yesterday it would new government could put the economy on a falls under harsh glare permit cement companies to use coal for energy. The stronger growth track and boost consumer buyer government hopes to forestall an energy crisis this sum- sentiment. The Congress-led government called LONDON: In July 2006, during lunch at an upmarket restaurant - does not have a centralised location for trading. Participants mer and the likelihood of sustained gas shortages in the elections last week and results are due in mid-May. overlooking the sprawling Smithfield meat market in the City of deal directly with one another either over the phone or elec- coming years. “We will let cement companies use coal ... Opinion polls suggest the opposition Hindu nation- London, Bank of England officials and senior bank dealers dis- tronically. Various financial centres have developed voluntary but in parallel they must abide by strict environmental alist Bharatiya Janata Party, perceived as more busi- cussed evidence of potential manipulation of the foreign codes of conduct for FX trading but they are not legally bind- regulations,” Industry and Investment Minister Mounir ness friendly than Congress, will win the vote. exchange market. People at the lunch said the attempts to move ing. In FX, unlike on the stock market, short-selling or betting Fakhry Abdel Nour told a news conference. He said the Car sales have been hit by consumer uncertainty the market meant the process of establishing official prices - on a fall in the price of an asset is virtually unrestricted. first factory to begin running on coal will do so in fuelled by just under five percent economic growth, known as “fixing” - was becoming “increasingly fraught”. This arrangement has worked on many levels. Despite the September. The move had been debated for months the slowest in a decade, and high interest rates to It was two years before the issue was discussed again, accord- market’s size, foreign exchange trading is really a cash trans- by the military-backed government installed after the combat stubborn inflation. ing to minutes from the meetings, released after a Reuters free- action between two counterparties that does not create the army ousted President Mohamed Morsi last July. The car industry slump is in sharp contrast to dom of information request, and seven years before the Financial sort of systemic risks seen in other markets, such as credit Allowing energy-intensive factories to run on coal was the previous decade when sales grew by a break- Conduct Authority (FCA), Britain’s financial regulator, kicked off a derivatives, which blew up in 2008. opposed by the environment and tourism ministries, neck annual 20 to 30 percent-prompting foreign global investigation and banks started to suspend or layoff traders. The ease of buying and selling foreign exchange has Abdel Nour had told journalists in January. automakers from Ford to Volkswagen to make a The FCA probe focuses on whether traders used advance boosted global growth, helping to smooth the path of inter- beeline for India as they sought to boost sales knowledge of customer orders to try and manipulate benchmark national trade. Daily foreign exchange volumes have trebled globally. —AFP foreign exchange rates for their own gain, and is a blow to the since 1998, according to data from the Bank for International “hands off” approach to regulating the world’s largest financial Settlements. “The FX market is the world’s biggest fruit and market. vegetable store,” said Jim O’Neill, a former chief currency UK currency firm The fact that Bank of England officials knew about possible economist at Goldman Sachs and currently visiting Research manipulation and seemingly did not act, raises questions for one Fellow at Bruegel, a Brussels-based think tank. “It is the most of the world’s most powerful central banks. A central bank employ- transparent and liquid market on the planet.” Travelex ponders ee has been suspended and an internal probe launched into alle- gations its staff condoned or were aware of market rigging. The ‘For safekeeping’ market listing Bank said that an internal review had so far found no evidence that Some 40 percent of all FX trades take place in London. The LONDON: Travelex, the retail foreign exchange provider its staff colluded in any manipulation or shared confidential client British capital’s heritage as the centre of a vast, trading majority-owned by private equity firm Apax Partners, information. empire, along with its English language and time zone reported a 21 percent increase in profits on yesterday and British lawmakers will next week question Bank of England between Asia and America make it a natural venue for FX said it was considering a stock market flotation. boss Mark Carney, and other officials about their oversight of cur- dealing. The Bank of England does not have formal regulato- Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amorti- rency trading in London, the global hub for foreign exchange (FX). ry oversight of the FX market. The FCA is in charge of moni- zation (EBITDA) increased last year to 80.1 million pounds Regulators have compared the alleged manipulation to the rig- toring markets for misconduct such as insider trading and ($134 million) on income up by 12 percent at 695 million ging of benchmark interest rates, or Libor, two years ago. Back collusion. But the BoE does maintain close relations with then, Barclays released an email written by its then chief executive, senior foreign exchange dealers to ensure it knows what is pounds. “With this positive backdrop and our strong Panicos Demetriades financial performance, we are currently evaluating our Bob Diamond, that appeared to suggest Paul Tucker, the former going on in the market and to fulfill its remit to uphold finan- deputy governor of the Bank of England, had known that Barclays cial stability. strategic options which may include an IPO,” said Chief Cyprus central bank Executive Peter Jackson. was submitting artificially low rates to the Libor-setting process The Bank has chaired an industry committee made up of during the financial crisis. Tucker later told a parliamentary com- dealers, brokers and corporate treasurers since 1973. On the chief resigns Travelex, founded in 1976, co-ordinates over 37 million NICOSIA: Cyprus’ central bank governor has resigned retail transactions each year through a network of over mittee that he did not know or approve of the “low-balling” of initiative of Bank of England chief dealer Martin Mallett, it Libor submissions. Of course, much has changed in the six years created a smaller group in 2005 made up of senior dealers. just as the bailed-out country struggles to emerge from 1,500 stores and over 1,250 automated teller machines a deep recession. According to a government statement (ATMs) in 27 countries. Analysts expect the business will between that London lunch and now. Back then, “financial centres This sub-group, chaired by Mallett, held its inaugural meeting were inclined to avoid excessive over-burdening of financial insti- at Imperial City, a Chinese restaurant close to the Bank of yesterday, President Nicos Anastasiades thanked Panicos command a valuation in excess of 1 billion pounds. Demetriades for helping to prevent the country’s bank- Jackson declined to comment on the valuation or tutions in order to keep their centres competitive,” said Lorenzo England, according to the minutes released this week. Bini Smaghi, a former member of the executive board and govern- It continued to meet in a series of eateries, including an ruptcy and stabilizing the troubled banking sector. No timeframe for a flotation or whether the business had reason for the decision was given but the two have often received any takeover approaches. “We’ve said we’re eval- ing council at the European Central Bank. Now “the pendulum has Argentinian steak house, until late 2007 when banks’ offices changed from light touch to much more intrusive regulation.” were used instead. After 2006, concerns over manipulation been at loggerheads. Last year, Anastasiades launched a uating our strategic options and they include an IPO. stinging attack against the central bank chief over his Travelex is a brand that’s very well know around the But the latest scandal underscores that even in the new world around the fixing were only raised again in meetings in 2008 of regulation and supervision that followed the 2007-08 financial and April 2012. The meeting in April 2012 is now critical to handling of the rescue deal with international creditors. world,” he said. Anastasiades also said he would begin proceedings Jackson said the group was also looking at expand- crisis, the market for foreign exchange, with daily volumes of $5.3 the whole saga. It was held at the offices of French bank BNP trillion, remains one of the least regulated anywhere. Paribas as the UK media exposed electronic messages show- against Demetriades - an appointee of the country’s pre- ing into more new markets having launched operations vious, communist-rooted president - to have him ousted in Panama in 2013 and Guam in early 2014. “There are ing how traders colluded with each other to rig the Libor Transparent and fluid market. Traders told Mallett that currency dealers were using for not doing his job properly. Demetriades’ will leave his some markets we’re not as well represented in. Turkey post April 10. is a market which I’ve been looking at for a while,” he Operating 24 hours a day, across all time zones, the for- chat rooms to pool information before benchmark FX rates said. —Reuters eign exchange market - unlike that for shares or commodities were fixed. —Reuters BUSINESS TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 World stocks tumble on weak China, Japan data

MANILA: Asian stock markets sank yesterday, bat- and exports so far this year have shrunk by 4.8 per- Street. Dow Jones futures and S&P 500 futures tered by weak Chinese trade and a reduced esti- cent. Meanwhile, Japan reported yesterday a record were both little changed. Shares of Malaysian mate for Japan’s economic growth. European mar- current account deficit for January, and lowered its Airlines System Bhd, the holding company of kets were mostly higher. Shares in Malaysia Airlines economic growth estimate for the October- Malaysia Airlines, were down 4 percent on the tumbled on news of the weekend disappearance of December quarter to 0.7 percent from 1 percent. Kuala Lumpur stock market, tempering a 10 per- one its jets en route to Beijing. Andrew Sullivan of Kim Eng Securities in Hong cent fall in early trading. Japan’s Nikkei 225 closed down 1 percent at Kong said sentiment was affected by the weak data One of its Boeing 777 jets went missing early 15,120.14 and China’s Shanghai Composite plunged from China and from Japan. However, “there are Saturday morning on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to 2.9 percent to 1,999.06. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng technical factors behind the China data which Beijing with 239 people on board. Search and res- dropped 1.8 percent to 22,264.93. Markets were means it is not as bad as the first look suggests,” he cue efforts in the South China Sea have not yet also down in Australia, Taiwan, South Korea and said in a market commentary. identified any debris. Shares of other Asian airlines Southeast Asia. Data released on the weekend Some analysts say exports in February last year also fell. Cathay Pacific shed 0.4 percent and Qantas showed China’s exports fell by an unexpectedly might have been overstated by exporters inflating Airways lost 1.8 percent. large 18 percent in February, possibly denting sales figures to evade currency controls and bring In the oil market, benchmark US crude for April hopes trade will help drive the slowing economy extra money into China. delivery was down $1.21 at $101.37 a barrel in elec- while communist leaders push ambitious reforms. In early European trading, Britain’s FTSE 100 tronic trading on the New York Mercantile China’s official 2014 economic growth target of rose 0.4 percent to 6,738.95. France’s CAC-40 Exchange. The contract rose $1.02 on Friday to set- 7.5 percent, announced last week by Premier Li gained 1.1 percent to 4,415.79 and Germany’s DAX tle at $102.58. In currencies, the euro rose to Keqiang, assumes trade also will grow by 7.5 per- added 0.2 percent to 9,373.67. $1.3894 from its previous close of $1.3875. The dol- cent. But customs data show combined imports Futures augured subdued trading on Wall lar rose to 103.34 yen from 103.16 yen. — AP

TOKYO: A man walks past a world stock price chart on a street in Tokyo yesterday. Asian stock markets sank yesterday battered by weak Chinese trade and a reduced estimate for Japan’s economic growth. -— AP Oil falls to $108 on China data, supply concerns limit fall

LONDON: Oil slipped towards $108 a planned Moscow-backed referendum on barrel yesterday as an unexpected fall in whether Crimea should join Russia was China’s exports stoked fears of a slow- illegal and violated Ukraine’s constitu- down in the world’s No 2 economy, tion. though geopolitical tensions in Ukraine Gazprom warned on Friday that it and Libya limited the decline. The drop in could stop shipping gas to Ukraine over exports increased concerns over growth unpaid bills, increasing pressure on the in oil demand as it followed a series of new government in Kiev and its support- disappointing factory surveys since the ers in Europe. start of 2014. Price gains in recent weeks “We will continue to see some back on tensions in Ukraine mean oil is seeing and forth between Russia and the West a steeper correction. over Ukraine,” said Victor Shum, vice- Most risk assets, including Asian president of energy consultancy IHS shares and base metals, also fell due to Energy Insight. “The ongoing situation in the weak numbers. After two straight Ukraine will put a high floor on oil prices days of gains, Brent crude was trading 92 and lead to more volatility.” cents down at $108.08 by 1127 GMT, Oil is also being supported by a crisis having fallen $1.25 earlier in the session. in Libya. Libya threatened to bomb a US oil fell $1.34 to $101.24 a barrel after North Korean-flagged tanker if it tried to touching a high of $102.82. ship oil from a rebel-controlled port, in a “We’ve seen some disappointing data major standoff over the country’s petro- from China ... But I think people get a bit leum wealth. Combined Chinese exports over-pessimistic about these numbers in January and February fell 1.6 percent when the overall picture is still quite from the same period a year earlier. That good. The falls will be limited,” said raised concerns that the data was not Christopher Bellew, trader at Jefferies weak due to distortions caused by the Bache. Lunar New Year holiday, which began on “There has been no sign of deteriora- Jan 31 and covered early February. tion in Ukraine. At the end of last week Prices were under pressure even there was a rally that priced in an unex- though China’s crude oil imports in the pected event at the weekend and that first two months of the year rose 11.5 hasn’t happened.” percent from a year earlier, as investors saw the rise partly as a result of a build- Market outlook up in commercial crude inventories. Russian President Vladimir Putin “Supporting imports was the start-up of defended breakaway moves by pro- two new refineries in January, with a Russian leaders in Crimea, where Russian combined capacity of 440,000 barrels per forces tightened their grip on the day,” Sijin Cheng, an analyst at Barclays, Ukrainian Black Sea peninsula by seizing said in a note. “But refiners also built another border post and a military air- stocks, commercial crude inventories field. German leader Angela Merkel deliv- were up 3.6 percent month-on-month by ered a rebuke to Putin, telling him that a the end of January.” — Reuters Gold drops as US growth weighs

SINGAPORE: Gold extended losses to a no fresh buying interest on the physical second session yesterday after strong side,” said Peter Fung, head of dealing US jobs data eased worries of an eco- at Hong Kong’s Wing Fung Precious nomic slowdown and dimmed the Metals. metal’s safe-haven appeal. Fears China is the top consumer of gold. among Chinese investors over a slow- But with the crisis in Ukraine still unre- down in the world’s second biggest solved and tensions between the West economy also hurt prices, with and Russia remaining high, gold will investors in Shanghai futures and spot not drop below $1,320, Fung said. contracts dumping bullion. Chinese prices were trading at a dis- The drop in prices after five straight count of $5-$6 an ounce to spot prices weekly gains comes despite weaker on Monday, traders said, in a sign of Asian equities and a geopolitical crisis weak demand. Prices were at a premi- in Ukraine, which would typically sup- um of over $20 in the beginning of the port gold. “Gold is being pushed lower year. on the nonfarm numbers and higher Investor sentiment towards gold has 10-year US Treasury yields,” said one been positive this year after a 28 per- precious metals trader in Hong Kong. cent drop in prices in 2013. SPDR Gold “There is some pressure from China as Trust, the world’s largest gold-backed well because of the weak exports data.” exchange-traded fund, said its hold- Spot gold, which fell as much as 0.8 ings rose 1.50 tons to 805.20 tons on percent yesterday, was down 0.6 per- Friday. cent at $1,331.50 an ounce by 0710 Hedge funds and money managers GMT. It dropped nearly 1 percent on raised their bullish bets in gold futures Friday. and options for a fourth consecutive US job growth accelerated sharply in week as geopolitical tensions boosted February despite the icy weather that speculative interest to the highest in gripped much of the nation, keeping more than a year, according to Friday the Federal Reserve on track to contin- data from the Commodity Futures ue reducing its monetary stimulus - Trading Commission. which had boosted gold prices. China’s Other precious metals were all exports unexpectedly tumbled in lower tracking gold but palladium February, swinging the trade balance was still trading near its highest in a into deficit and adding to fears of a year, boosted by fears of supply con- slowdown despite the Lunar New Year straints from geopolitical tensions in holidays being blamed for the slide. top producer Russia and mine strikes “We can see liquidation from the in second-biggest producer South Shanghai futures exchange and there is Africa. — Reuters TUES DAY, MARCH 11, 2014 BUSINESS Is the US economy losing momentum? NBK MONEY MARKETS REPORT

KUWAIT: Markets were treated to a busy around the 1,350$ level. In addition, the resilience. Indeed, Spain’s bond yields energy prices and a strong euro. The ECB looked six to twelve months ago, but nor week that included rate decisions by the revision of the lower employment num- dropped to an eight-year low. Italian and also reiterated its easing bias to leave is it accelerating to the extent a literal Bank of England and the European ber in the US increased investor’s percep- Greek government securities rallied as rates at this level or lower for an extend- reading of the latest data might suggest. Central Bank, political stalemate in tion that the US economy is stalling and the Euro data has been coming on ed period. Indeed, the outlook for inflation is still Eastern Europe, downward revision of US raised the attractiveness of the metal. expectations. Spanish and Italian 10-year consistent with the medium-term target employment data, disappointing US borrowing costs have both dropped Greek banks’ attempt of the RBA Factory Orders and Comments by Fed ADP disappointment fueling fears below 4 percent this year for the first Following a five-year interruption members. After a weak ADP numbers on time since 2010 with investors encour- from capital markets, Greece biggest China reforms After a long build up, both the BoE Wednesday, the second employment aged by the ECB President remarks over lender, Piraeus Bank is preparing to issue Chinese finance Minister Lou Jiwei and ECB left rates unchanged on report of the week came in better than their respective situation. a Ä500m senior unsecured bond and a indicated this week that China’s growth Thursday, which added emphasis on expected as Initial claims posted 323K Despite very weak inflation pressure separate Ä1.8bn share offering to test target is no longer a rigid one as sug- Draghi’s press conference. Most market when economists expected 336K. ADP’s and money supply growth, and despite whether international investors are gested by the NDRC. He said, “if GDP participants were anticipating that the January employment change were grows by 7.2 percent or 7.3 percent, we ECB would announce adjustments to the revised lower to 127K when last month can also say the growth target of ‘about bond sterilization and when Draghi did were at 175K. 7.5 percent’ is met”. Instead he noted not mention a change in his initial According to analysts, ADP’s numbers that employment was of far greater remarks, the Euro rallied substantially. have missed the mark in tracking the importance saying “Whether the eventu- The president of the ECB again disap- government’s jobs figures over the past al GDP is above or below 7.5 percent isn’t pointed those looking for policy loosen- couple of months. In addition, harsh win- particularly important, but employment ing language, which set off a rash of ter weather conditions, which kept retail matters more”. While China aims to cre- short Euro covering into the end of the away from stores and car dealerships, week. help explain why companies were hesi- ate 11 million new jobs this year, Lou In the US, Fed member Dudley press tant to accelerate hiring at a more robust said more could be achieved. conference emphasized that it was “Time pace. On the shadow banking matter, it to take out the 6.5 percent unemploy- seems that China is more determined in ment threshold” and that he believed Fed members cool markets engineering an “orderly default” process that “Market expectations for the path of Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta with limited systemic impact in a broad- short term rates seem appropriate cur- President Dennis Lockhart said this er range of credit intermediation chan- rently” and that “This is closely aligned week: “I think if we get a number below nels. The believe that by allowing for with the Fed’s expectations”. 100,000 on Friday, that would be then default events, China will achieve the Overall, there were a few themes on three months of weak numbers and cer- goal of gradually correcting the mispric- the week. Economic surprises in the US tainly that would be a concern. He ing of credit risk in different segment of continue to slide and disappoint and the added “I’m not personally thinking I the fact that key economies such as Italy ready to lend again to Greek companies. the domestic financial market, and this US Dollar continues to struggle and five would overreact to that, but I am not and France are barely out of recession, Although the Central Bank stress tests will improve the efficiency of financial currencies in the G8 (Aud, Nzd, Sek, Nok speaking for the Committee. Persistent flows and sentiment have maintained showed Greek biggest banks needed resource allocation. and Euro) all made new highs against low net job creation is certainly going to the Euro in the upper end of the recent new Euros 6.4B in fresh money to with- the USD for 2014. Even in Emerging be a concern.” However, he also noted range versus the dollar. stand future credit losses, spreads on Gold alive Markets, the US Dollar weakened despite that there is a high bar to reverse the Greek bonds have fallen to the lowest Gold regained its attractiveness as a Russian tensions, and we saw heavy tapering process and added that he ECB not moving policy levels since May 2010. safe-haven investment as Ukrainian ten- demand for Emerging Market currencies expects asset purchases to be wound As the market expected a reduction The opening remarks of the sions surfaced during the past two as investor perceived with the US econo- down by year-end. in the refi rate, the ECB disappointed Governor’s parliamentary testimony weeks. Media sources reported that my stalling. On the other hand, Philadelphia Fed investors by keeping a status quo fol- were very much in line with the tone of politicians in Crimea, Ukraine, brought In summary, on the foreign exchange President Charles Plosser stated: “I think lowed by a not-so-dovish Mario Draghi. the post-meeting statement released forward a referendum, to potentially join side, Markets closed the week with a it is going to be a couple more months Contrary to expectations, the press con- this week. Indeed, the Governor Russia or become independent, to 16 stronger Sterling Pound and a flying before all the noise of the weather gets ference revealed optimistic and an appeared to have reinforced the ‘low-for- March, two weeks earlier than had been Euro. After reaching a low of 1.6644 on filtered out. He added, “Let’s be patient upward revision to growth projections. long’ message in the Bank’s current poli- planned. Tuesday, the Pound ended the week at and take a longer-term horizon view” In terms of inflation expectations, It pre- cy assessment, by elaborating on the 1.6730. Euro on the other side behaved sented a rather benign profile, which potentially positive effects for household While the focus may be on the in a more bullish manner. After dropping Return of confidence in euro projects inflation at 1.7 percent at the and business plans stemming from a upcoming US jobs report, the Gold mar- to a low of 1.3708 going into the ECB The return of confidence in the euro- end of 2016. As before, the risks to the period of stability in the cash rate. It ket is likely to remain sensitive to Eastern meeting, the currency closed the week zone has favored the strong perform- growth outlook were seen to lie on the seems clear from this that the hurdle for Europe developments. at the high of 1.3880 ance of European assets in recent weeks. downside, while the risks to the inflation the Bank to move away from its current In the commodity complex, Gold con- Inflows into EMU’s sovereign debt and outlook were viewed as broadly bal- neutral bias is relatively high. Kuwait tinues to be supported by the political equities have reached multi-year highs, anced and limited. Much of the current According to analysts, Australia’s infla- Kuwaiti dinar at 0.28125. The USDKWD turmoil in Eastern Europe, hovering and have been another source of EUR drop in inflation was explained by falling tion is not quite as low as it might have opened at 0.28125 yesterday morning. Four nations urge US to boost natural gas exports to Europe

WASHINGTON: Four Central European nations company Gazprom has increased the pressure friends in Europe and around the globe.” are urging the United States to boost natural on Ukraine’s new government, which now “I hope President Obama will heed this call gas exports to Europe as a hedge against the owes $1.89 billion for Russian natural gas, by from our allies to use his ‘pen and phone’ to possibility that Russia could cut off its supply warning that if Ukraine doesn’t pay off its debt, direct the Secretary of Energy to immediately of gas to Ukraine. Ambassadors from Hungary, there could be a repeat of 2009, when Russia approve pending natural gas export requests Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic made cut off supplies to Europe because of a pricing and do everything possible to use American their appeal Friday in a letter to House Speaker dispute with Ukraine. energy to reduce the dependency on Russia John Boehner, R-Ohio. A similar letter was Recent advancements have made it possi- for our friends in Europe and around the expected to be sent to Senate Majority Leader ble for gas that normally flows through globe.” Harry Reid, D-Nevada. Ukraine to the EU to instead flow the other The White House has argued that Russia’s The letter from the four nations, known as direction, so that nations like Poland and dependence on gas revenues makes it unlikely the Visegrad Group, asks for Congress to sup- Hungary can supply gas to Ukraine if Russia that the country will cut off supplies to Europe port speedier approval of natural gas exports, were to cut off its supply. But with gas supplies despite the ongoing crisis in the Ukrainian noting that the “presence of US natural gas limited, the region is still vulnerable unless the region of Crimea, where the Russian military would be much welcome in Central and US makes it easier to import American natural has intervened in what the US regards as a vio- BANGUI: Civil servants queue in front of a bank in order to get paid after a month of Eastern Europe.” The ambassadors warn that gas, the ambassadors argued. lation of international law. wage arrears yesterday in Bangui. — AFP the unrest in Ukraine has brought back Cold Boehner and Republicans have been urging White House spokesman Josh Earnest said War memories and that energy security threat- the Obama administration to clear the way for Friday that because Europe has had a relatively ens the region’s residents on a daily basis. more exports amid a natural gas boom in the mild winter, gas supplies are at or above nor- “Gas-to-gas competition in our region is a US. The Energy Department has only approved mal levels. He said even if the US did approve China bank lending halves vital aspect of national security and a key US six export licenses in recent years out of about more export licenses, it would take until the interest in the region,” the ambassadors wrote two dozen pending. end of 2015 for gas to be delivered. in February from January in a letter obtained by The AP. Ukraine is heavi- In a statement Saturday, Boehner called on “Proposals to try to respond to the situation ly dependent on Russian natural gas, and pre- Obama to “heed this call from our allies” and in Ukraine that are related to our policy on SHANGHAI: China’s bank lending halved in ing the highly-publicized near default in February from January, the government the sector at the end of January,” Capital vious disputes between Ukraine and Russia “do everything possible to use American ener- exporting natural gas would not have an said yesterday, amid worries over a near- Economics said in a report yesterday. Early have led to gas supply cuts. Russian state gas gy to reduce the dependency on Russia for our immediate effect,” Earnest said. —AP default on a financial product structured by this year, a $500 million investment prod- the risky trust sector. uct structured by China Credit Trust and Domestic banks extended 644.5 billion sold by the nation’s largest bank ICBC Ranbaxy shares yuan ($105.0 billion) in new loans last avoided default after an unknown party month, up 24.5 billion yuan from the same made good on principal payments to hun- sink after cholesterol month last year, the central bank said in a dreds of investors, though they did not statement. The February lending figure fell receive pledged interest. drug recall short of a median forecast of 740 billion Authorities have pledged to strengthen yuan, according to a poll of economists by regulation of risky trust products as part of NEW DELHI: Shares in Indian drug giant Ranbaxy fell as much as four Dow Jones Newswires. their efforts to crack down on “shadow percent yesterday following news of a second recall of its cholesterol- New loans had reached a huge 1.3 tril- banking”, a vast network of lending outside busting generic drug. It was the latest blow for the New Delhi-based lion yuan in January, previous People’s formal channels. drugmaker, majority-owned by Japan’s Daiichi Sankyo, that is already Bank of China figures showed, with analysts But analysts said the credit slowdown reeling from a string of US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) import attributing the spike to banks front-loading did not signal a policy change. The govern- bans involving manufacturing safety worries. lending at the beginning of the year. The ment has said it would maintain a “pru- “The actual (second) recall happened in January this year,” a Ranbaxy central bank also said total social financing, dent” monetary policy for this year. Laboratories spokesman, who did not wish to be named, said. The com- a broader measure of credit, was 938.7 bil- “February new yuan loan figures, though pany’s stock fell as much as four percent to 356.00 rupees before retrac- lion yuan in February, down 131.8 billion lower than market expectations, still rose ing to trade down 2.59 percent at 360.50 rupees. yuan from the same month last year. from the same month last year, so there’s The latest recall involves nearly 65,000 bottles of Indian-made 10- “Much of the slowdown in broad credit no big surprise,” Nomura International milligram atorvastatin calcium tablets that expire in May. The Ranbaxy was in trust loans, perhaps signalling that economist Wendy Chen said. “There’s little drug is the generic version of global pharmaceutical company Pfizer’s investors are becoming more wary follow- change on lending policies,” she said.—AFP blockbuster cholesterol drug Lipitor. Ranbaxy ordered the recall after a US pharamacist reported finding a 20 milligram tablet in a bottle of 10-milligram tablets. Ranbaxy said in a statement emailed to AFP that it had received no other dosage com- S Africa’s rattletrap taxis move plaints and the recall was made “proactively” out of “an abundance of caution”. Millions, and an economy “Because of a remote possibility of the presence of a 20-milligram atorvastatin calcium tablet in a 10 milligram bottle, this is the basis of SOWETO: Zakes Hadebe’s minibus taxi has Africa’s largest economy. the voluntary recall,” it said. Ranbaxy recalled some of its generic ator- nearly half a million kilometres on the clock, With an annual revenue estimated at $3.7 vastatin cholesterol drug in November 2012 over suspected contamina- a broken speedometer and a fuel gauge he billion, the industry is also drawing attention tion with sand-sized glass particles. The FDA has already banned struggles to keep just above empty. Yet by 8 from local finance firms and global Ranbaxy from sending drugs and ingredients to the United States, its am on a recent Friday, Hadebe and his rat- automakers. Nissan this month started sell- biggest market, from four of its plants for failing to meet “good manu- tling Toyota had already overcome rain, traf- ing taxis in South Africa after an 18-year hia- facturing practices”. fic and an ever-rising petrol price to ferry tus, looking to challenge Toyota’s domi- The FDA labelled Ranbaxy’s latest action, conducted at the US retail nearly 40 commuters from South Africa’s nance. “If the taxi industry were to stop com- level, a Class II recall, which means the product could result in “tempo- black township of Soweto to nearby pletely, there’s no cleaner at your house, rary” health problems. “Although the latest issue looks like a packaging Johannesburg. there’s no coffee at work, there’s no workers mix-up, it hurts sentiment. Ranbaxy seems still unable to get its act South Africa’s minibus taxi industry, on the work floor,” said Nkululeko Buthelezi, together,” a Mumbai analyst, who asked not to be identified, told AFP. scorned by other motorists for reckless driv- chief executive of the South African National Daiichi bought Ranbaxy in 2008, believing its dominance in generic BETHUNE: The Bridgestone plant in Bethune, northern France. The ing and dogged by a reputation for violence, Taxi Council industry body. The industry medicines and developing markets would help the Japanese firm boost French CGT and Sud-Solidaires unions at Bridgestone, the largest tyre moves 15 million people every day, most of sprang up during white-minority rule, when sales. and rubber manufacturer, wrote an open letter on March 7 to the French them lower income blacks. More like buses blacks had to live in townships miles away But Ranbaxy has been a weight on Daiichi’s books due to its regula- Minister for Industrial Renewal, stating their concern for the future of than the taxis of New York or London, the from the cities where they worked and tory woes and the Indian firm’s shares are trading at less than half the their plant which employs 1,136 people and which was labeled “not prof- rumbling 16-seaters are the wheels of where bus service was spotty.—Reuters 737 rupees the Japanese company paid. — AFP itable enough” by its management.—AFP BUSINESS TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 Chevrolet Alghanim launches new spring offer

KUWAIT: Yusuf Ahmed Alghanim & Sons equipped with a monstrous 5.3-liter V8 engine Automotive the sole distributor of Chevrolet and a 6-speed automatic transmission that gen- vehicles in Kuwait is proud to present its new erates 320 HP. The Tahoe is a car for all needs, spring offer that brings unique and valuable loaded with safety and security features which gifts. Customers of newly purchased Chevrolet include eight airbags, ABS, StabiliTrak, cruise con- vehicles now have the opportunity to choose trol and remote engine starter. between a wonderful range of gifts including: KD With a new exterior design and impressive 500 KromOzone voucher, or a service contract for engineering developments, the Chevrolet three years or 60,000 km with third party insur- Traverse’s lean, sculpted lines and dramatic ance, free vehicle registration and 1,000 liters of accents reveal a more artistic and smooth exteri- fuel, or a KD 350 X-cite voucher. The offer is valid or and a richer, more aesthetically pleasing interi- for a limited period only, so hurry up and take or that provides a wide range of technological advantage of the strongest spring offer from and entertainment tools for the sole reason of Chevrolet Alghanim. pleasing the driver and passengers. Staying true For those seeking a chic and modern sedan to its dynamic and comprehensive appeal, the vehicle, the glamorous 2014 Chevrolet Cruze is Traverse’s powerful performance is complement- the answer as it brings alluring options that ed with standard-setting safety features, a factor include style, power and performance with a that makes the Traverse the ideal choice for any refined coupe-style exterior and a spacious individual, family and home. world-class interior. The Chevrolet Cruze is pow- ered with a 1.8-liter, 4-cylinder engine that gen- Chevrolet Care: New levels erates 140 HP and boasts a 6-speed transmission of aftersales service that is exclusive in its class. The Chevrolet Cruze All customers who purchase a new Chevrolet is equipped with MyLink technology and will receive the benefits of the Chevrolet Care CD/MP3 player. The Cruze is also available with program. cruise control and 16-inch aluminum wheels. As Chevrolet Care is a high level customer service for safety, the Cruze comes with standard dual experience based on four pillars: To provide cus- airbags and anti-lock breaks (ABS), rear parking tomers with the best in service pricing and cost assist and blind side zone alert. transparency; booking service with same day There is no need to remind anyone of Kuwait’s delivery; quality service by certified technicians most reliable and toughest SUV, the Chevrolet as well as a regional 3 year/100,000 km warranty Tahoe which exemplifies raw power. The Tahoe is and 24x7 regional roadside assistance. Ford celebrates Women’s Day, focuses on women behind all-new Mustang

DUBAI: When people think Mustang, what often comes to mind are qualities like sportiness and “masculine cool,” right? So it may be a surprise to learn some key players in bringing Mustang to life over the past 50 years have been women. Ford is marking International Women’s Day, March 8, 2014, and National Women’s History Month this March with a look at some of the women who have played an important role in creating the all-new Ford Mustang, as well as women who have influenced the pony car over the past 50 years. Honda Alghanim wants Throughout the course of this American icon’s life, women have made contributions to the Mustang story in many ways; in fact, the first to put you in a Honda person to buy a Mustang was a woman. In 1964, a Chicago schoolteacher, Gail Brown, made his- Exceptional promotion with 3 amazing benefits tory when she became the first Mustang owner in America. She still owns the car, and what makes her story all the more special is that KUWAIT: Although the grand February cele- tion system, rearview camera, Smart Entry Brown bought her Mustang on April 15 - two brations have come to an end, Honda and Smart Start, ODMD touch screen, leather days before the car was set to go on sale. Today, Alghanim continues to provide its customers seats and much more. women hold key positions at Ford Motor with exceptional value by launching a special This offer continues throughout the Company in the development of the all-new promotion during the month of March that month of March so as to give customers and Mustang, in roles ranging from engineering the includes free comprehensive golden insur- Honda fans the opportunity to cash in on this customer drive experience, to picking the car’s ance, maintenance contract for two years or limited-time deal. Customers are encouraged colors and materials, to continuing the Mustang Michele LubinHenney, “designed to be designed by you,” Mustang has 30,000 km - whichever occurs first - as well as to visit the Honda showroom in Safat legacy of being a household name. vehicle integration supervisor always offered customers an incredibly diverse car registration and third party insurance. The Alghanim from 8:30 AM until 10:00 PM from When customers get behind the wheel of the array of colors, packages and special editions to 2014 models included in this offer are the Saturday to Thursday, and from 9:30 AM until Marcy Fisher, vehicle line director all-new Mustang, they will get a world-class driv- make each vehicle a personal creation. For the Honda Accord Sedan and Coupe, and 10:00 PM on Fridays. As vehicle line director for the program, ing experience thanks in part to the tireless past decade, Ford chief color and materials Odyssey. Alghanim Motors, the sole distributor of Marcy Fisher oversees every detail of the all-new efforts of vehicle integration supervisor Michele designer Susan Lampinen has guided the Honda Alghanim wants to give everyone Honda automobiles, power products, marine Ford Mustang as it comes together - from the LubinHenney. A lifelong motorsports enthusiast, process of selecting those often iconic exterior the opportunity to purchase a new Honda and motorcycles in Kuwait, is committed to planning process to when the car hits dealer Henney’s passion was sparked in her grandfa- paint colors, along with colors and materials for with valuable benefits to further enhance providing customers with flexible payment showrooms. ther’s auto body shop, and during weekends the Mustang cabin. their ownership experience and peace of solutions, as well as offering comfortable Fisher is excited to have this once-in-a-life- spent at the track watching her father race “Mustang paint colors need to denote per- mind. The spacious, family-friendly Odyssey amenities in its new service center located in time opportunity to help develop and launch motocross. Today, she has her own collection of formance, sportiness and power,” says Lampinen. headlines this promotion with luxury for Shuwaikh. the all-new pony car in its 50th year. In addition motorcycles, and loves to hit the road with her “I’m looking at authentic, expressive materials everyone on board including power sliding The Alghanim Motors Service Center pro- to her Mustang responsibilities, Fisher serves as husband. that need to be more premium, with a relentless doors, LaneWatch system, ODMD touch vides efficient and cost-effective services at vehicle line director for Ford Explorer, Taurus, While many engineers are responsible for attention to detail. With Mustang, I’m not afraid screen system and a DVD/HDMI Rear all times. The waiting lounge offers customers Police Interceptor, Flex and Escape develop- specific systems and components of a car, to take a risk.” Entertainment System with an ultra-wide a wide array of amenities such as an electron- ment. Henney is responsible for the integration of vehi- 16.2” LCD screen for rear passengers. The oth- ic gaming area, digital satellite channels, free She has 28 years’ engineering expertise in cle attributes - how the car sounds, how it feels Melanie Banker, US marketing manager er car included in the offer is Honda’s best- wireless Internet access as well as relaxing manufacturing and product development, hav- when it drives, fuel economy, and driver and As Mustang marketing manager for the selling Accord in both Sedan and Coupe form. massage chairs. Honda Alghanim’s customers ing joined Ford in 1986 as an engineer. Since passenger comfort, to name just a few. Her goal United States, Melanie Banker plays a critical role The Sedan combines practicality and ele- will also enjoy excellent customer service, then, Fisher has held a number of positions with is to provide the best holistic experience for the - first in bringing the car to customers in the gance with comfort and exceptional perform- quality maintenance options and competitive the company, including several engineering jobs customer. marketplace, then in monitoring its perform- ance while the Coupe offers just that in a prices on genuine spare parts, all of which are at assembly plants where the vehicles come ance. A member of the Mustang team for several sleeker, sportier package. Both cars feature provided by a team of professional and highly together on the line; she has also served as Susan Lampinen, chief years, Banker works in both research and devel- standard LED daytime running lights, LED tail- skilled technicians. For more information, director of design engineering in product devel- color and materials designer opment of the new car, as well as in the con- lights and a host of options such as a naviga- please call 1822777. opment. As a car that first prided itself as the car sumer marketing process. A washing machine factory tests Italy’s industrial future

PORCIA, Italy: The boxy white and grey factory of prices have risen higher than their products can economic rise and decline. It was built in the 1950s, this rainy northern town makes fewer than half the justify. But euro zone countries can no longer just as the economic miracle that lifted Italy from washing machines it did when Italy joined the depreciate their currencies to make their products the rubble of World War Two got started. Lino euro. It is one of the many symbols of Southern cheaper in foreign markets. That leaves so-called Zanussi, whose blacksmith father Antonio had Europe’s industrial decline. Today, however, the “internal devaluation” - pushing down wages and started out making stoves and ovens in a work- Porcia plant is also a testing ground for the region’s prices - as the best way to stay competitive. shop in Pordenone in 1916, used the plant to help industrial future. Spain, Greece and Portugal have pushed transform Zanussi into a top European home appli- Home appliance maker Electrolux, which owns through deep wage cuts and made it easier to hire ance maker. Along with Germany, Italy became the the factory, wants to cut the salaries of some 5,000 and fire, allowing firms to trim the price of their world’s leading exporter of home appliances. workers at the plant and three other factories goods. This has helped Spain’s economy grow for Porcia was a vibrant artery of Italy’s industrial Renault Kuwait after-sales across Italy by up to 15 percent over the next three the first time since 2011. Italy, where labor costs are heartland. Locals in the Pordenone province called years. The Swedish company says lowering labor still high, is flatlining. the area the “Manchester of Italy” for its huge out- costs is the only way its washing machines, fridges But there are risks. A squeeze on pay could put. By the 1980s, though, Zanussi had run into team wins achievement and other home appliances can compete against choke off already feeble consumer spending financial troubles and in 1984 the family sold to rival products made in eastern Europe and Asia. because workers have less money to spend. And as Electrolux. The Swedish firm kept a big presence in awards for year 2013 The Italian government, unions and workers say producers lower prices, it risks triggering what Italy until the mid-2000s when competition any wage cut would impoverish thousands of fami- economists call a “deflationary spiral” in which con- prompted it to move a chunk of its production to KUWAIT: Abdulmohsen Abdulaziz Al- tomer service, commit to the highest stan- lies who rely on the plant and its suppliers. “It’s a sumers no longer buy goods, in the expectation low-wage eastern Europe. Over the past 14 years, Babtain Co WLL, the sole distributor of dards in quality, and win the trust and con- matter of survival,” says Annarita Licci, a 38-year-old that prices will continue to fall - a belief that cre- Electrolux has shed 71 percent of its workers in Renault cars in Kuwait serves many satis- fidence of their customers. This is based on mother of two, who moved to Porcia in 2000, the ates an ever deeper recession. western Europe and 60 percent in the United fied customers. Over a period of time the telephone interviews conducted inde- year after Europe introduced its single currency. The most dramatic recent example is the two- States. At the same time, the company’s staff in company has gained the trust and confi- pendently by Renault Middle East office. Then, Italy was the leading world exporter of home decade great deflation from which Japan is only eastern Europe has risen by one-third to 8,480. dence of its valued customers through its Mohamed Shalaby, Chief Operating exceptional customer service and care for Officer of Al-Babtain group, was happy to appliances. Now it is ranked third, far behind China, just emerging. In Spain, there is growing concern Luigi Bidoia, economist and co-founder of research their needs. note that their efforts and commitment which has grabbed more than one-third of the 100 that the effects of wage cuts on the country’s fee- firm StudiaBo, says that after the mid-2000s it Recently at an Annual convention held was getting recognized by the customers. billion euro ($140 billion) global market. Like many ble internal consumption could cripple long-term made little sense to keep producing in Italy. “Other by Renault Middle East office in Dubai, He added “The team is thrilled to receive others, the Porcia plant has progressively down- recovery. Inflation helps countries lower their debt countries now offer the same skills and pay at a Abdulmohsen AbdulAziz Al Babtain Co the Renault CS Award, Warranty award & sized. Last year Licci’s partner took a company buy- by increasing the money at their disposal to pay it half, a quarter, a tenth in wages,” said Bidoia. WLL received three awards for its aftersales Parts award. out. If Electrolux cuts her 1,000-euro salary by 130 off. Deflation, on the other hand, makes reducing operations. “Renault Customer Satisfaction Congratulations to the team, who have euros - in line with the ballpark reduction estimat- debt harder because money is more expensive. It High end or nothing? Award” for the exceptional customer satis- deservedly won the Renault CS Award for ed by the company - Licci says she will no longer also puts companies off borrowing and investing. Cutting wages is not the only way for Italy to faction performance; “Renault Warranty the 2nd time, it is a fitting reward for their be able to afford monthly expenses, which include That’s a problem in Italy, which has 2 trillion euros compete. The southern economies would all bene- Process Award” for better benefits to cus- 100% dedication and hard work. We will a 600-euro mortgage. in debt - the second-highest in the euro zone after fit if Germany, the euro zone’s strongest economy, tomers through streamlined warranty continue with our efforts to surpass the “The company wants to lower its labor costs Greece, as a share of Gross Domestic Product. boosted its internal consumption and encouraged process. Also a “Renault Parts Award” was standards in customer’s satisfaction in the and starve us,” she says. “What about investing in “Pushing down wages is dangerous: The most more imports from its neighbors. The European presented for achieving business objec- future also” Renault Kuwait, Abdulmohsen developing better products for this factory worrisome consequence would be depressing con- Central Bank could also do more to try to stimulate tives & excellent parts availability at most Abdulaziz Al-Babtain Co WLL has consis- instead?” The battle over Electrolux wages is at the sumption where there is already a demand crisis,” southern European economies, allowing inflation competitive price amongst other brands. tently grown the presence of “Renault heart of one of the most pressing dilemmas facing said Carlo Devillanova, economics professor at to rise from its current 0.8 percent. These award are declared every year by the cars” in Kuwait and leaves no stone the battered economies of Italy and other southern Milan’s Bocconi University. So far, though, there are no signs of either hap- manufacturer to recognize the dealers, in unturned to ensure that customer is satis- European countries: The competing needs to both pening. ECB President Mario Draghi has welcomed its GCC network, who provide the best cus- fied and happy. cut costs, and spark growth. Companies across Steady decline “relative price adjustment” - wage cuts - in Spain, Europe’s southern rim struggle because wages and In many ways the factory in Porcia mirrors Italy’s Portugal and Greece. — Reuters TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 technology

Cybercriminals entrenched in ‘Dark Web’: Researchers WASHINGTON: Cybercriminals are settling into a these attacks,” the security firm said. Weafer added that the attacks “represent a com- “Thieves can pay for the stolen credit cards comfortable place in the “Dark Web” where they The report pointed out that the attackers who ing of age for both Cybercrime-as-a-Service and using one of the many anonymous virtual currency test, refine and distribute malware for online thiev- stole the data have also found a market-offering the ‘Dark Web’ overall.” The “Dark Web” actors mechanisms, such as Bitcoin,” McAfee said. “We ery. That’s the conclusion of researchers at McAfee, some of the 40 million credit card numbers report- appear to be operating with ease, like other kinds believe these breaches will have long-lasting reper- the US Internet security specialist, who noted that ed stolen in batches of between one million and of online businesses, McAfee said. cussions. We expect to see changes to security a huge data breach that affected as many as 110 four million at a time. “We must recognize that this class of attack is far approaches and compliance mandates and, of million customers of the US retailer Target may be “The fourth quarter of 2013 will be remembered from ‘advanced,’” it added. “The BlackPOS malware course, lawsuits. just the tip of the iceberg. as the period when cybercrime became ‘real’ for family is an ‘off-the-shelf’ exploit kit for sale that “But the big lesson is that we face a healthy and In its quarterly threat assessment released yes- more people than ever before,” said Vincent Weafer, can easily be modified and redistributed with little growing cybercrime industry which played a key terday, McAfee Labs noted the relative ease with senior vice president for McAfee Labs. programming skill or knowledge of malware func- role in enabling and monetizing the results of which this type of malware is bought and sold in “These cyber thefts occurred at a time when tionality.” these attacks.” “Dark Web” marketplaces. McAfee researchers con- most people were focused on their holiday shop- The thieves who employ the malware can easily McAfee’s report also noted a surge in mobile cluded that the malware for the Target attacks used ping and when the industry wanted people to feel turn to a popular credit card black market like malware as more people use smartphones. It “relatively unsophisticated technologies likely pur- secure and confident in their purchases. The Lampeduza Republic, which McAfee said had a collected 2.47 million new mobile malware sam- chased ‘off the shelf’ from the Cybercrime-as-a- impact of these attacks will be felt both at the “well-organized hierarchy” which allows for a “disci- ples in 2013, with 744,000 in the fourth quarter Service community, and customized specifically for kitchen table as well as the boardroom table.” plined and functional marketplace.” alone. —AF Black Twitter growing into online power

Set its sights on BuzzFeed

WASHINGTON: The hashtag gave it away. When a tion’s first front page in 1827, it declared: “We wish proposed celebrity boxing match supposedly Florida jury convicted Michael Dunn of attempted to plead our own cause. Too long have others spo- between Zimmerman and rapper DMX. The pro- murder, but not actual murder, in the shooting ken for us.” moter quickly canceled after a flood of Twitter death of black teenager Jordan Davis, the hashtag “If you are from a particularly marginalized complaints. #dangerousblackchildren popped up on Twitter. community or one where others have spoken for Such death-by-Twitter activism could very well Users posted photos of black babies and toddlers, you, but you have not had the agency to really be the harbinger of a new civil rights strategy, Ellis spoofing the fear that Dunn testified he felt before speak for yourself or make your truth known, then said. She noted that a short amount of time opening fire on a carful of teens at a convenience it is absolutely necessary that in any instance you elapsed between the moment Black Twitter HONG KONG: This photo provided by The Guardian Newspaper in London shows store. can take on that agency that you do so,” said Clark, noticed the juror’s book deal and the moment it Edward Snowden, who worked as a contract employee at the National Security That hashtag was the calling card of Black who tweets from @meredithclark. “And so that is was called off. The same was true of the Agency, June 9, 2013, in Hong Kong. — AP Twitter, a small corner of the social media giant what you see happening in Black Twitter.” Zimmerman boxing match. where an unabashedly black spin on life gets Mainstream US media first took serious notice “Ask the NAACP how long it would have taken served up in 140-character installments. of Black Twitter last year, when it abruptly rose up had that been one of their initiatives,” Ellis said. US network to scan Black Twitter holds court on pretty much every- to scuttle a book deal for a juror in the trial of The NAACP employed the hashtag thing from President Barack Obama to the latest Zimmerman, who was acquitted of murder in the #TooMuchDoubt for its unsuccessful attempt to TV reality show antics. But Black Twitter can also halt the execution of Georgia death row inmate workers with turn activist quickly. When it does, things happen - Troy Davis, and the hashtag #OscarGrant on tweets like the cancellation of a book deal for a juror in the about its activism over the police killing of black George Zimmerman trial, or the demise of teenager Oscar Grant, whose life was later docu- secret clearances Zimmerman’s subsequent attempt to star at mented in the movie “Fruitvale Station.” celebrity boxing. “We realized more than anyone that we had to WASHINGTON: US intelligence officials are tor Northrop Grumman, has passed several Catchy hashtags are a hallmark and give clues go in that direction and we’ve done it,” NAACP planning a sweeping system of electronic pilot tests but is not yet in full operation. that the tweeting in question is a Black Twitter interim President Lorraine Miller said of the monitoring that would tap into government, The ACES project and clearance-related thing. NAACP’s social media use during a recent appear- financial and other databases to scan the Defense Department research cost more than “It’s kind of like the black table in the lunch- ance on C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” program. behavior of many of the 5 million federal $84 million over the past decade, documents room, sort of, where people with like interests and Black Twitter also helped to fuel objections last employees with secret clearances, current and show. experiences, and ways of talking and communica- year over Reebok’s relationship with rapper Rick former officials told The Associated Press. Gene Barlow Jr., a spokesman for the Office tion, lump together and talk among themselves,” Ross, whose lyrics were being criticized as pro- The system is intended to identify rogue of the National Counterintelligence Executive, said Tracy Clayton, a blogger and editor at rape. Ross had appeared in an ad for the Reebok agents, corrupt officials and leakers, and draws the DNI agency coordinating the system’s Buzzfeed known on Twitter as @brokeymcpoverty. Classic sneakers. He tweeted an apology before on a Defense Department model under devel- development, said ACES would be part of the Black Twitter is not a special website or a smart- issuing a formal statement again apologizing. opment for more than a decade, according to DNI’s “continuous evaluation solution.” The phone app. The hashtag #blacktwitter itself won’t Once protesters showed up outside a Reebok store officials and documents reviewed by the AP. DNI’s system would extend across the execu- necessarily lead you to it. It doesn’t exactly stick in New York, Reebok nixed the deal. Intelligence officials have long wanted a tive branch, he said. out among the trending topics on Twitter, even Also last year, Black Twitter set its sights on computerized system that could continuously though it’s been known to cause a topic or two to BuzzFeed, a news site that uses technological feed- monitor employees, in part to prevent cases Security clearances trend. It is not exclusively black - there are blacks back to tailor content. No sooner than BuzzFeed similar to former National Security Agency ana- Clapper and other senior administration who don’t participate in it, and people of other posted an article about Black Twitter following lyst Edward Snowden. His disclosures bared officials cited the ACES program in a February races who do. Zimmerman’s trial, tweeters began dreaming up secretive US surveillance operations. 2010 report laying out the government’s plan BuzzFeed-type lists with a black twist to them. The An administration review of the govern- for improving security clearances. Former ‘Freedom’s Journal’ hashtag #BlackBuzzFeed trended worldwide. ment’s security clearance process due this Adm. Mike McConnell, who headed the DNI “Black Twitter brings the fullness of black “Black Twitter made this the No. 2 hashtag month is expected to support continuous during the Bush administration, was an early humanity into the social network and that is why it worldwide. Our wig has thoroughly been monitoring as part of a package of comprehen- proponent of electronic monitoring research. has become so fascinating,” said Kimberly C. Ellis, PITTSBURG: This photo taken Aug. 11, 2014 snatched. (asterisk)Bows down(asterisk)” BuzzFeed sive changes. “If one guy has a Jaguar on a (government) who has a doctorate in American and Africana shows Kimberly C. Ellis tweeting at Freedom acknowledged. Privacy advocates and government employ- GS-12 salary, that’s a red flag,” McConnell said. Studies, tweets as @drgoddess and is studying Corner in the Hill District of Pittsburgh. Black Black Twitter arguably had its biggest field day ee union officials expressed concerns that con- According to project documents, ACES links to Black Twitter for her upcoming book, “The Twitter is a small but growing corner of the last year with embattled celebrity cook Paula tinuous electronic monitoring could intrude up to 40 databases. While many are govern- Bombastic Brilliance of Black Twitter.” social media giant where an unabashedly Deen, whose admission that she used racial slurs in into individuals’ private lives, prompt flawed ment and public data streams already avail- According a Pew Research Center report, while black spin on life gets served up 140 charac- the past inspired the #paulasbestdishes hashtag, investigations and put sensitive personal data able, ACES also taps into the three major credit similar numbers of blacks and whites use the ters at a time. — AP featuring recipe titles such as “Massa-Roni and at greater risk. Supporters say the system agencies - Experian, Equifax and Trans Union. Internet - 80 percent and 87 percent, respectively - Cheese” and “We Shall Over-Crumb Cake.” would have safeguards. One former official familiar with ACES said 22 percent of those blacks who were online used death of Trayvon Martin. That was the first time Washington said Black Twitter’s playful take on Workers with secret clearances are already researchers considered adding records from Twitter in 2013, compared with 16 percent of that blacks used Twitter “in a very powerful and the Deen controversy may have been a dry run to required to undergo background checks of medical and mental health files but due to pri- online whites. political way,” said Houston black social media con- the Zimmerman juror takedown. their finances and private lives before they are vacy concerns left that decision unresolved for Meredith Clark, a doctoral candidate at the sultant Crystal Washington. “I’m not sure that Twitter users, especially hired and again during periodic re-investiga- policy makers. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who is African-Americans, would have zeroed in on the tions. The government’s inability to review infor- writing her dissertation on Black Twitter, likened it New civil rights strategy juror’s book deal had it not been for the aftermath “What we need is a system of continuous mation from local police reports, his employer, to “Freedom’s Journal,” the first African-American Most recently, Black Twitter reared its head of #paulasbestdishes just weeks before,” evaluation where when someone is in the sys- family and personal health records was cited newspaper in the United States. On that publica- through hashtags like #stopthefight, to protest a Washington said. — AP tem and they’re cleared initially, then we have a as a glaring weakness in background checks way of monitoring their behavior, both their on computer specialist Aaron Alexis, who fatal- electronic behavior on the job as well as off the ly shot 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard job,” Director of National Intelligence James last September before killing himself. Clapper told Congress last month.Clapper pro- The Alexis case and the Snowden disclo- UK, Germany to collaborate on vided lawmakers with few details but said the sures raised concerns about the flawed or proposed system would extend “across the inadequate work of outside contractors in government,” drawing on “six or seven data background checks. A federal official acknowl- 5G mobile network: Cameron streams.” Monitoring of employees at some edged that outside contractors would likely be agencies could begin as early as September used to support electronic monitoring. It was HANOVER: Britain and Germany will team up and be fully operational across the government not clear whether Northrop Grumman, the to work on developing the next super-fast by September 2016. The price tag, Clapper con- company that helped develop ACES, would mobile network, 5G, Prime Minister David ceded, “is going to be costly.” have a role in its government-wide deploy- Cameron told the opening of the world’s In separate comments last week, retiring ment. biggest high-tech fair. NSA Director Keith Alexander said intelligence, Critics worry about the potential misuse of Cameron said the initiative was one of three Defense and Cyber Command officials are col- personal information. Private contractors sup- areas he wanted Britain and Germany to collab- laborating on “insider threat” planning. porting the monitoring system would have orate on to “pool ideas, share data, innovate Recently declassified federal documents show access to sensitive data. Credit agencies and and to lead on the next big ideas” in what he that the NSA is already conducting electronic other outside data sources would know the dubbed “a world on fast forward”. monitoring of agency staffers involved in sur- identities of government employees under The future fifth-generation, or 5G, network veillance operations. scrutiny. will enable a full-length film to be downloaded “The problem is you’re spreading all this on the Internet in one second, Cameron said at Unusual behavior patterns private data around to more and more people, the official CeBIT inauguration in the northern Budget documents released this week show both inside and outside,” said David Borer, gen- city of Hanover, attended also by Chancellor the Pentagon requesting nearly $9 million next eral counsel for the American Federation of Angela Merkel. year for its insider threat-related research. Government Employees. “This is a prize that researchers all over the Current and former officials familiar with the The union represents federal workers with world are going for,” he said, unveiling the new DNI’s planning said the monitoring system will top secret clearances but recently joined in a collaboration between Germany’s Dresden collect records from multiple sources of infor- lawsuit against the government to prevent University and Britain’s King’s College mation about employees. They will use private lower-level employees from being reclassified University in London and the University of credit agencies, law enforcement databases into jobs requiring clearances. Surrey. and threat lists, military and other government Britain is the CeBIT’s partner country this records, licenses, data services and public Computerized reviews year at the five-day event, focused on the record repositories. During random spot “As a result of the Snowden disclosures I theme of “datability”: the ability to use vast checks, the system’s software will sift through think we’re seeing what an open book workers’ amounts of data quickly and responsibly. Amid global debate about data security fol- HANNOVER: Claudia Breidbach, right, demonstrates a bionic hand that is steerable by a the data to spot unusual behavior patterns. lives are becoming,” Borer said. Lee Tien, a sen- mobile phone to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister David Cameron, The system could also link to outside data- ior staff attorney with the Electronic Freedom lowing revelations of mass US and British online snooping, a key CeBIT theme this year is center, during the opening day of the computer fair CeBIT in Hannover, Germany, yesterday. bases to flag questionable behavior, said the Foundation, a civil liberties group, said work- Great Britain is the partner country at this year’s CeBIT which runs through March 14. — AP officials, who spoke anonymously because they ers’ free speech, political allegiances and out- how to keep data secure. were not authorized to publicly discuss the side activities could be chilled under the threat Berlin and London have both been caught Internet of Things, or getting everyday objects Germany and Britain could today talk about plans. Investigators will analyze the informa- of constant monitoring. Some workers might up in the surveillance scandal revealed by to talk to each other over the Internet. closer collaboration on the basis of democracy tion along with data separately collected from face scrutiny because of inaccurate reporting, rogue US intelligence analyst Edward Snowden. “This has enormous potential to change our and freedom. social media and, when necessary, polygraph Tien said. Cameron made no mention of the data pry- lives,” he said, outlining examples such as This, she continued, was also true for how tests, officials said. Officials familiar with the DNI’s system said ing. However Merkel stressed the importance health monitors that keep an eye on the heart the two EU countries together “support those, I The proposed system would mimic moni- internal guidelines, audits, encryption and oth- of making progress on Europe’s common rules rate or blood pressure. mention Ukraine as an example, who today toring systems already in use by the airline and er precautions built into the proposal were for data protection, but said this must also be “We are on the brink of a new industrial rev- must still fight for their freedom”. Cameron and the subject of intensive talks with the United banking industries, but it most closely draws designed to minimize abuses of private infor- olution and I want us, the UK and Germany, to Merkel each talked to Russian President States. from a 10-year-old Pentagon research project mation. A 2007 Homeland Security review of lead it,” he said, announcing 73 million pounds Vladimir Putin earlier Sunday about Ukraine known as the Automated Continuous the ACES project concluded that “the system (88 million euros, $122 million) in funding to and the crisis was expected to be one of the ‘New industrial revolution’ Evaluation System, officials said. The ACES pro- contains security and procedural controls to boost research on the Internet of Things. focal points of their talks at a dinner later. Cameron said he was eying closer German- gram, designed by researchers from the ensure that data is made available to only Merkel, who will again join Cameron Merkel told Putin that she considered the refer- British collaboration on improving Europe’s Monterey, Calif.,-based Defense Personnel and those with a legitimate need as defined by the Monday for a tour of the sprawling CeBIT halls, endum being held in Crimea this month on telecommunications single market and the Security Research Center and defense contrac- underlying legal authorities.” — AP described it as a “miracle” that former foes joining Russia was “illegal”. — AFP TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 HEALTH & SCIENCE Philippines seeks to end rabies deaths in two years

MANILA: The Philippines plans to vacci- rabies virus, the department hopes to trol programme, told AFP. This makes the Philippines among the costs only about 20 pesos (45 US cents) if nate seven million dogs within two years remove the disease as a cause of human The disease is transmitted largely by top 10 countries in the world in terms of the medicine is purchased in bulk. to end its status as one of the world’s death by 2016, four years earlier than animal bites, and has claimed well over rabies prevalence, according to the WHO. By contrast, treatment for an infected most rabies-prone nations, the health originally targeted, health officials said. 200 lives annually in the Philippines in The WHO says rabies remains a “high person could cost 5,000 pesos, he added. department said yesterday. “The focus will be on vaccinating as recent years, according to World Health risk” to humans across most of Asia and Herbosa said that it was impossible to By making at least 70 percent of the many dogs as possible,” Raffy Daray, Organization and Philippine health Africa. Health undersecretary Teodoro eradicate rabies completely, since it still country’s 10 million dogs resistant to the manager of the department’s rabies con- department data. Herbosa told AFP immunising a dog occurs among wild animals. — AFP E-cigarettes: Fresh air or smoke and mirrors?

NEW YORK: On the edge of the SoHo neigh- not yet stepped in to regulate e-cigs - and their borhood downtown, The Henley Vaporium is amped-up marketing - but that’s likely to hap- an intimate hipster hangout with overstuffed pen as some cities and states have already chairs, exposed brick, friendly counter help - moved to ban public use the way they do but no booze. tobacco. Instead, the proprietors are peddling e-cig- Critics believe e-cigs may serve as a tobac- arettes, along with bottles of liquid nicotine co gateway for uninitiated young people. “It ready to be plucked from behind a wooden may be smoking e-cigarettes, but it’s still bar and turned into flavorful vapor for a lung smoking,” said US Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a hit with a kick that is intended to simulate tra- Connecticut Democrat who was one of four ditional smoking. A hint of banana nut bread senators to fire off a scathing letter to NBC and e-juice lingered in the air one recent afternoon the Hollywood Foreign Press Association after as patrons gathered around a low table to chat a spoof on e-cigs aired during the Golden and vape, or sidled up to the inviting bar for Globes in January. help from a knowledgeable “vapologist.” Places like The Henley are a rarity, even in ‘Wall of doom’ New York. But “vaping,” itself, has had astonish- Proponents argue that vaping isn’t only ing growth - in just eight years or so, the num- safe but is helping people quit smoking. The ber of enthusiasts around the world has grown Henley has a white “wall of doom,” where it lists from a few thousand to millions. Believed by in big black letters the numerous tars and some to be the invention of a Chinese pharma- chemicals found in tobacco cigarettes, but cist, vaping now has its own YouTube gurus, absent in e-cig use if one is careful about the trade associations, lobbyists, online forums liquids purchased. and vapefests for meet-ups centered on what “What’s so beautiful about this product is enthusiasts consider a safer alternative to the we can take people from a high level of nico- “analog,” their name for tobacco cigarettes. tine down to zero, down to nothing, so they’re Vaping may be safer - there are differing just vaping basically water and flavoring,” said opinions - but it isn’t necessarily cheap. Will Henley co-owner Talia Eisenberg. Hopkins, a 21-year-old dog walker in black She scoffs at the notion that child-friendly leather jacket and skull ring, visits Henley four flavors of e-liquids - Watermelon Wave and SEOUL: South Korean trainee doctors gather during a one-day strike by doctors in Seoul yesterday. Thousands of doctors staged a one-day or five times a week. He smoked a pack of full- Frozen Lime Drop, for instance - were created strike yesterday in protest of the government’s plan to introduce a new medical system, partly causing inconveniences to patients across the strength Marlboros a day for eight years, until to lure teens. And she rejects the idea that e- country. — AFP he took up vaping. The same goes for his bud- cig companies should be banned from adver- dy, 20-year-old photographer Will Gallagher, tising on TV, as tobacco companies were more who has been vaping for two years and is fond than 40 years ago. of his brass mod, a cylindrical device that’s While e-liquids and vaping supplies lack larger than a cigarette and decorated with a oversight and long-term research, they are Uninsured rate drops, tiger and Chinese lettering. readily available to all ages online, and at gas “I think both of us have poured in probably stations, bodegas and many drug stores. But a little over a thousand” dollars, Gallagher said Henley doesn’t serve those under 18. Would it health law cited: Survey of their equipment. “I like the exclusivity of make more sense to help people give up nico- vaping. I like to keep changing up my stuff.” tine - an addictive substance - altogether? The Wills are into rebuilding tanks and rewiring “Sure, but how’s that workin’ for the coun- WASHINGTON: With just three weeks left to Spanish and English to convey information, Gallup said the drop coincides with the start coils, scouting new e-liquid flavors and adjust- try so far? How are they doin’ with that? We’re sign up under President Barack Obama health which can make insurance details even more of coverage under the health care law on Jan. 1. ing their devices, which can cost up to $300 at talking in terms of serious harm reduction,” care law, a major survey tracking the rollout confusing. The major elements of the Affordable Care Act Henley, to allow for more vapor, more flavor. said Eisenberg’s business partner, Peter finds that the uninsured rate keeps going down. All indications point to lackluster Latino num- are now in effect. Virtually all Americans are now But the co-owners of Henley count older Denholtz. His mother died of lung cancer two The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, bers, prompting the administration to make a required to get covered or risk fines. Insurers can smokers among their clientele as well. years ago; he himself smoked cigarettes for 36 released yesterday, found that 15.9 percent of special pitch as the end of open enrollment sea- no longer turn away people with health prob- years, but has been vaping for four years. US adults are uninsured thus far in 2014, down son approaches on March 31. The president was lems. New state-based markets are offering tax- Shapes and sizes Some vapers, like Hopkins and Gallagher, from 17.1 percent for the last three months - or on Spanish-language television networks last payer-subsidized private insurance to middle- E-cigarettes are usually made of metal parts find fun in tinkering with the paraphernalia. calendar quarter- of 2013. week to raise awareness. class households. combined with plastic or glass and come in a Denholtz likens them to older DIY enthusiasts That translates roughly to 3 million to 4 mil- Medicaid rolls are also growing, with about variety of shapes and sizes. They heat the liq- who once whiled away their time on Heathkits, lion people getting coverage. Gallup said the Early indicator half the states agreeing to the program expan- uid nicotine solution, creating vapor that those all-inclusive boxes of parts that could be share of Americans who lack coverage is on track Gallup found the biggest drop in the unin- sion in the law. Low-income people who qualify quickly dissipates when exhaled. The vapor turned into TV receivers, amateur radios or to drop to the lowest quarterly level it measured sured rate was among households making less for Medicaid are able to sign up year-round, so looks like tobacco smoke and can feel like stereo speakers. since 2008, before Obama took office. than $36,000 a year - a decline of 2.8 percentage the uninsured rate may keep going down even tobacco smoke when taken into the lungs at “There’s a whole subculture coming up. The survey found that almost every major points. after the end of open enrollment for private cov- varying strengths, from no nicotine up to 24 They’re very into all of the different devices. demographic group made progress getting Among blacks, the uninsured rate was down erage. milligrams or more. They rewire and rebuild and use different health insurance, although Hispanics lagged. by 2.6 percentage points. It declined by 1 per- The administration is citing numbers that are In 2006, sellers of all things vape worked materials for drawing up the juice. It’s unbe- With the highest uninsured rate of any racial centage point among whites. But Latinos saw a far higher: about 4 million people signing up for primarily online or via kiosks in shopping lievable what they’ve turned it into,” he said. or ethnic group, Latinos were expected to be drop of just eight-tenths of a percentage point. private coverage, and 9 million for Medicaid. malls. Now there are more than 250 brands major beneficiaries of the new health care law. The Gallup poll is considered authoritative But those statistics also include people who and devices that can cost mere dollars for a Vaping is less harmful They are a relatively young population and because it combines the scope and depth found already had health insurance and switched to case of “cigalikes,” which resemble the real Denholtz and others said vaping, to many, many are on the lower rungs of the middle class, in government surveys with the timeliness of coverage offered under the law. The govern- thing, to a gold-and-diamond unit the size of a is merely a less harmful activity than tobacco holding down jobs that don’t come with health media sampling. Pollsters interview 500 people ment numbers also include children, while fountain pen that was reportedly made for a smoking that duplicates the most pleasurable insurance. a day, 350 days a year. The latest health care Gallup focuses on adults. Russian oil tycoon and cost about $900,000. aspects and offers a communal feel like But the outreach effort to Hispanics got off to results were based on more than 28,000 inter- The survey was based on telephone inter- Whether vaping is cheaper than a cigarette hookah use and cigar bars. a stumbling start. The Spanish-language enroll- views, or about 28 times as many as in a stan- views from Jan. 2-Feb. 28 with a random sample habit is up to how much is spent on equip- Xavier Armand, 25, has been vaping for a ment website,, was dard national poll. of 28,396 adults aged 18 and older in all 50 ment and liquids and how often one vapes. A little more than three years and owns an delayed due to technical problems. Its name The survey can be an early indicator of broad states and the District of Columbia. For results 15-milliliter bottle of liquid at Henley can go advertising and marketing firm that is helping sounds like a clunky translation from English: shifts in society. Gallup saw a modest decline in based on the total national sample, the margin for $12 and may be roughly the equivalent of Henley put together a “liquid of the month “Care of Health.” A spot check of the Spanish site the uninsured rate in January, and now two full of error is plus or minus 1 percentage point, larg- four packs of cigarettes, depending on the club,” along the lines of mail-order fruit of the on Sunday showed parts of it still use a mix of months of data indicate a trend is taking shape. er for subgroups.— AP strength of both liquid and leaf cigarette, month. among other factors like how many puffs a “I always kind of knew smoking was bad for smoker takes in. Rechargeable devices require me. My mom was a smoker, but I was never batteries - another expense - and a starter kit going to look into the patch or the gum or for reuse that comes with a device can run anything,” Armand said. “At the end of the day, Another Cambodian boy dies of bird flu around $66. the best part about smoking is the smoke part. By comparison, the cost of a 20-cigarette And that oral fixation is kind of a big thing as PHNOM PENH: An 11-year-old Cambodian boy Commission said in monthly figures for infec- es so far this year, thought to be linked to cold pack of regular cigarettes can range from well. I consider my agency the 2014 version of has died of bird flu, a hospital official said yester- tious disease, bringing the total cases this year weather. “It’s largely a seasonal weather change about $5 to about $15, depending on state tax ‘Mad Men.’ We all sit around there and instead day, the impoverished kingdom’s third con- to 226. thing and nothing else,” the WHO representative and the type of location where they’re pur- of smoking cigarettes everyone is smoking e- firmed fatality-all children-from the illness this The Asian country recorded 46 deaths and in China, Bernhard Schwartlander, told reporters chased. The Food and Drug Administration has cigs.”—AP year. 144 cases for 2013 in an outbreak which started late last month. The boy, who was from northern Kampong early in the year and returned in the autumn. “The virus just likes to be in the cold-it sur- Chhnang province, died on Friday morning six Chinese officials and the World Health vives more easily. Also in the wintertime the hours after he was admitted to hospital, accord- Organization (WHO) say there is no evidence of (human) respiratory system is a little bit more ing to Denis Laurent, deputy director of Kantha sustained human-to-human transmission but fragile,” he said. Bopha Hospital in the capital. there have been “family clusters”-involving rela- China has responded to the current outbreak “We tried to do our best... but it was too late tives in close contact apparently infecting each by clamping down on live poultry markets and and we could not do anything to save him,” he other-since the new strain appeared in people stepping up monitoring of people with symp- told AFP. Another doctor said the boy had eaten last year. The virus ignited fears that it could pos- toms associated with the virus. Last week Hong infected poultry. In an unrelated case, a second sibly mutate to become easily transmissible Kong confirmed its sixth case of H7N9 bird flu, boy-aged eight-years-old-is in a stable condition between people, which might threaten to trig- and the special administrative region of China in hospital in Phnom Penh after testing positive ger a global pandemic. has banned live poultry imports from the main- for the H5N1 deadly flu. Experts have pointed to a seasonal rise in cas- land in an effort to control the disease. —AFP The disease typically spreads from birds to humans through direct contact. But experts fear it could mutate into a form easily transmissible between humans, with the potential to trigger a pandemic. Authorities have struggled to control bird flu outbreaks in Cambodia, which recorded 14 deaths from the illness last year, the deadliest outbreak of the virus in the country since 2003. Cambodian children are at particular risk as they often live in close proximity to poultry. At the start of the month, a three-year-old boy from the outskirts of Phnom Penh died of H5N1. His death came weeks after that of anoth- er eight-year-old boy, from eastern Kratie province. His two-year-old sister died the same day but authorities said tests could not be car- ried out to confirm she had the virus. H5N1 has killed hundreds of people world- wide since a major outbreak in 2003, according to the WHO. Vietnam has also recorded two deaths in 2014.

China bird flu deaths A total of 72 people died from the H7N9 bird flu strain in China in the first two months of this NEW YORK: In this Feb. 20, 2014 photo, e-cigarettes and liquid nicotine solutions are year, government figures showed, far more than displayed at the Henley Vaporium in the Soho neighborhood of New York. E-ciga- in the whole of 2013. rettes are usually made of metal parts combined with plastic or glass and come in a China reported 41 deaths and 99 cases of KARACHI: A Pakistani health worker administers polio vaccine drops to a child during a polio variety of shapes and sizes. They heat the liquid nicotine solution, creating vapor H7N9 avian influenza in February alone, the vaccination campaign in Karachi. Pakistan is one of only three countries in the world where that quickly dissipates when exhaled. — AP National Health and Family Planning the crippling virus is still endemic, along with Afghanistan and Nigeria. — AFP TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 HEALTH & SCIENCE Child death toll in Pakistan desert community rises to 62

ISLAMABAD: At least 62 children outbreak of pneumonia and poor have died in a district of southern medical facilities during last three Pakistan where thousands are suffer- months in Thar.” Hubble captures ing from malnutrition, officials said But the province’s advocate gener- shattering yesterday, as the country’s top judge al Fateh Malik said the situation was called the situation a national shame. not as bad as had been portrayed by asteroid The disaster has sparked public the media, claiming disasters were the CAPE CANAVERAL: The Hubble outcry and diverted media attention norm in the impoverished area. Space Telescope has captured the away from the regular glut of militant He said 120,000 bags of food have first pictures of a disintegrating attacks, with both Prime Minister been distributed so far and a compen- asteroid. Asteroid P/2013 R3 was Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto’s heir sation of rupees 200,000 ($2,000 dol- detected in September in the Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari visiting the lars) to the families of the dead. asteroid belt between the orbits of afflicted region. The court directed the officials to Mars and Jupiter. It appeared as a Local authorities last week ordered file a detailed statement about the sit- fuzzy object. Further observations a probe into the deaths, which uation with a plan of action next by ground telescopes revealed occurred in a stretch of the Thar Monday. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif three bodies. Hubble uncovered desert, which begins around 300 kilo- also arrived yesterday in Mithi, the 10 objects, each with dusty tails. metres (200 miles) from Karachi and capital of the Tharparkar district, to The four largest fragments are up runs up to the border with India. personally look into the situation, Chief Justice Tassaduq Hussain accompanied by Bhutto-Zardari, to 656 feet across. Jillani summoned top officials to the whose Pakistan People’s Party rules Scientists say the asteroid Supreme Court in Islamabad yester- the province. “The provincial govern- began coming apart early last day and said the country should ment should take steps to prevent any year. They theorize sunlight is “should hang down our heads with such incident in the future,” Sharif slowing pulling the asteroid apart shame” over the conditions that led said, adding the federal government by increasing its rotation. A plane- up to the deaths and the failure of was ready to assist. Poor health and tary scientist at the University of government to prevent them. communication infrastructure keeps California, Los Angeles, David Mumtaz Ali Shah, the home secre- the district disconnected from main- Jewitt, led the investigation. He tary for Sindh province where the stream population. In 2000, the desert NEW YORK: Ducks swim along an open ferry channel on Lake Champlain on Wednesday, in Essex, N.Y. Lake says seeing the rock “fall apart desert lies earlier told the court: “At suffered a famine that killed 90 per- Champlain is frozen solid, except for two stretches of open water where two ferries carry passengers between before our eyes is pretty amazing.” least 62 children died, mostly because cent of the livestock, the economic Vermont and New York. The only open water within miles is attracting thousands of ducks and bald eagles The pictures were released of unusual cold weather leading to mainstay of the area. —AFP looking to eat the ducks. — AP Thursday. — AP WHAT’S ON TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014

ABCK holds 29th anniversary he American Business Council Kuwait (ABCK) organized their 29th anniversary recently at Radisson Blu Hotel in Salwa. US Ambassador to Kuwait Matt Tueller was their guest of honor. Tueller successfully ended his tenure as their envoy to Kuwait and he will be succeeded by Ambassador-designate Douglas Alan Silliman. Tueller encourages ABCK to continue offer their expertise and creativity to work Tthrough problems. He thanked ABCK Chairman Gregg Stevens, the Board of Governors, and Lorie Beverly for organizing successful event.

GUST celebrates 10th ’versary Korea scholarship announcement of Book and Information Fair he National Institute for International Education (NIIED) under the Ministry of Education of the TRepublic of Korea offers “2014 Global Korea Scholarship: Korean Government Scholarship Program for he Gulf University for Science and Technology International Students for Graduate Courses (2014 (GUST)opened its 10th annual Book and Graduate GKS) to be conducted in Korea. TInformation Fair in the foyer outside the GUST This scholarship is for Master’s degree or PhD degree. As grand auditorium. The event was open from 10 am part of the 2014 Graduate GKS, the participants are provid- until 4 pm and the attendees included GUST ed with round-trip airfare, monthly stipend, tuition, med- Community members, students,and members of the ical insurance, settlement and repatriation allowances, etc. general public. Applicants have until March 28, 2014 to submit their application. Please feel free to contact Chung (Consul of Dr Ghassan Aouad, VP for Academic Affairs, Eugen the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the State of Wollfarth, German Ambassador to Kuwait, and Mrs Kuwait) at 2537-8621/2/3/4/5 or send an email to Shobhita Kohli, Library Director officially opened the [email protected] for more information about the schol- fair. The opening ceremony was followed by the arships. release of the Arabic book titled, ‘Mutun Al-Saher’. The book by Dr Ayman Bakr, Assistant Professor at GUST consists of a collection of Arabic poems. Also CRYcket 2014 present at the eventwerethe wife of the German Ambassador Madam Anna Maria, Dr Donald Bates, tournament President at GUST, Dr Salah Al-Sharhan, VP for riends of CRY Club (FOCC) will hold 17th CRY (Child Planning and Development, and other members of Rights & You) cricket tournament for children at the GUST Community including faculty and staff. FGC grounds at Fahaheel Sports Club on Friday, 27th The Fair included several leading publishing com- Mar 2014 from 6:30 am to 6 pm. panies including: Cambridge, Cengage Learning HE, The one day “CRYcket” tournament participated by children under 14 (born on or after 01.01.2000), is a very Cengage Learning ELT, Pearson Education, Pearson popular annual family event. The children are grouped ELT, McGraw-Hill Education; as well as online into teams in two age categories and play softball cricket resource providers: Arabian Advanced Systems while spectators, parents and well-wishers enjoy a carni- (agent for EBSCO, ProQuest, ebrary, Safari, Literature val atmosphere. 12 teams each are set to participate in Online databases), EduTech, TechKnowledge, Virtus the Under-12 and Under-14 divisions initially in four National, Alexander Street Press. The local partici- groups in round robin fashion leading to 4 winners who pants included the US Embassy, GUST Campus will clash in the semifinals. The 7-over matches will be Bookstore - That Al Salasil, Growmore General played simultaneously on two playgrounds. Apart from the winners’ trophies, medals and certifi- Trading Co., Center for Research and Studies on cates from CRY-India will be given to each player. Kuwait, and Center for Child Evaluation and Experienced umpires will control the games assisted by Teaching. official scorers. The teams will play in recognition of a The Book and Information Fair an annual event much felt need among less fortunate children in the organized by the A. M. Al-Refai Library marked its Indian subcontinent and will carry the message of com- 10th anniversary this current year. The event in gen- passion towards them. They will spread awareness of the eral offers leading publishers a platform to display work done by CRY, an international organization, that believes that every child is entitled to basic rights of sur- the latest editions of books, and online catalogs; it vival, protection, development, education and participa- also provides online service providers the opportuni- tion. ty to introduce the latest products and innovations For details & game rules, visit the FOCC website available in the world of technology. The sponsors or contact: Kuwait City for the event were: a) That Al Salasil (GUST campus 22437684 Abu Halifa: 66204295 Hawalli: 99300257 bookstore) and b) Arabian Advanced Systems (an Fahaheel: 99364073 Ahmadi: 23985216 / 99578073 online resource provider). Jleeb Shuyoukh - 97226589 Salmiya: 66810338. WHAT’S ON TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014

KNES visit to Kuwait Zoo he Early Years children recently visited the Kuwait Zoo. The trip builds the children’s understanding of our Earth Home and the part it plays in providing a variety of habitats for animals. Even though the trip is an educational one it provided a Tfun day for our children and many new topics of conversation. Our Thanks to the Staff of the Zoo for providing our children with this opportunity. Embassy of Cuba Tourist Visa to Cuba

he visa to the Republic of Cuba is only for purpos- es of tourism (Tourist visa) issued for Kuwaiti citi- Tzens and foreign residents in Kuwait. It is valid for one single entrance into national territory for a 30-days trip and can be extend it for an additional 30 days at the office in the hotel where you have accommodations or at the immigration authority. Children must have their own Tourist Visa even if they are travelling under their parents’ passport(s). To obtain this visa in person at the Consulate, these documents are needed: Valid passport, return air ticket, accommodation in Cuba, payment required, trav- el insurance, one photo. Fill application form. The Embassy is located in Rawda, Block 3, Abu Hayan Al-Tawhedy St., House No. 74, opening hours from 8:30 am to 2 pm from Sunday till Thursday.

Embassy of India

t has come to our notice that a fake website ( was in circulation for applying Ithe Indian Visa for online visa seekers. Following points may be noted down: 1. It is compulsory to fill the visa application online. The Bhavanites surpass in Acer 2013 proper website address is Once the online appli- cation is filled, the printout is taken for submitting to the outsource visa centre at BLS International Sharq and Fahaheel. In case of Special and diplomatic he proud Bhavanites have once again across the Middle East participated in this in English, 60 students in Mathematics and made the school feel glorious in their scientifically designed skill based assess- 50 students in Science also were awarded passports, the application has to be submitted to Embassy of India, Kuwait. Tperformance in the ACER Bench Mark ment. It consists of pencil and paper test for high distinction, the prestigious place in the 2. There is no provision of online payment of visa fee. So any website asking for Test 2013, the result of which has announced students in grade 3 to 10 in Mathematics, examination. Premkumar, the principal while visa fee by credit/debit card is fake website. The visa fee is actually deposited recently. English and Science. thanking all the kids who have brought lau- as cash in the outsourcing centre at BLS International Sharq and Fahaheel with In pursuit of excellence in all the fields The proud Bhavanites Arjun Sundeep rels to the school and to Mrs Ann Bindya the copy of online filled application. 193 Bhavanites, encouraged by their parents Trika of grade 3 and Karthik Sudheer Konoth Peter for coordinating the examination, 3. Any such instances of fake website should be brought to the immediate notice and teachers, took part in the ACER Bench of grade 5 have secured IBT2013 Certificate expressed his happiness and contentment in of the Embassy of India by email ([email protected]) or mobile to A.K. Mark Test conducted by the Australian of Honor, trophy and a cash prize of 40 KD having achieved the prestigious titles which Council for Educational Research in each in English and Mathematics respective- added another feather on the success cap of Srivastava (mob number 97229914). November 2013. More than 50,000 students ly. Besides these great accolades, 34 students Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Kuwait. TV PROGRAMS TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014

06:00 Sons Of Guns 09:30 Shake It Up 07:00 You Have Been Warned 09:55 Austin & Ally 07:50 Flying Wild Alaska 10:15 A.N.T. Farm 08:40 Fast N’ Loud 10:40 Dog With A Blog Ryan Reynolds’ Sundance 00:20 Doctors 09:30 Border Security 11:05 Suite Life On Deck 00:50 New Tricks 09:55 Auction Kings 11:25 Jessie thriller ‘The Voices’ 01:40 My Family 10:20 Container Wars 11:50 That’s So Raven 02:10 Walk On The Wild Side 10:45 How Do They Do It? 12:15 Hannah Montana 02:40 Being Erica 11:10 How It’s Made 13:00 Good Luck Charlie acquired by Lionsgate 03:25 Spooks 11:35 Gold Rush 13:25 Austin & Ally 04:15 The Weakest Link 12:25 Alaska Gold Diggers 13:45 A.N.T. Farm n a competitive situation, Lionsgate has acquired US distri- 05:00 Mr Bloom’s Nursery 13:15 Gold Divers: Under The Ice 14:10 Jessie bution rights Marjane Satrapi’s psychological thriller “The 05:20 Balamory 14:05 Border Security 14:35 Dog With A Blog Voices,” which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and 14:30 Auction Kings I 05:40 Nina And The Neurons 15:00 Good Luck Charlie stars Ryan Reynolds, Gemma Arterton, Anna Kendrick and 14:55 Container Wars 05:50 Me Too! 15:25 Gravity Falls Jacki Weaver. Satrapi, the acclaimed Iranian filmmaker behind 06:10 Mr Bloom’s Nursery 15:20 North America 15:50 Austin & Ally 16:10 Fast N’ Loud “Persepolis,” directed from a script by Michael R Perry 06:30 Balamory 16:10 Violetta (“Paranormal Activity 2). “The Voices” marks her first English- 06:50 Nina And The Neurons 17:00 Ultimate Survival 17:00 Dog With A Blog 17:50 Wheeler Dealers language film. 07:05 Me Too! 17:20 Austin & Ally Adi Shankar and Spencer Silna produced the movie 07:25 The Weakest Link 18:40 You Have Been Warned 17:40 Gravity Falls through their 1984 08:10 My Family 19:30 Sons Of Guns 18:10 Jessie 08:40 Little Britain 20:20 How Do They Do It? Private Defense 18:30 Good Luck Charlie Contractors banner 09:10 Eastenders 20:45 How It’s Made 18:55 A.N.T. Farm along with Matthew 09:40 Doctors 21:10 Auction Kings 19:20 Violetta Rhodes of Mandalay 10:10 Call The Midwife 20:05 Jessie 11:00 New Tricks 20:30 Good Luck Charlie Vision and Roy Lee of 11:55 The Weakest Link 20:50 Dog With A Blog Vertigo Entertainment. 12:40 My Family 21:15 Gravity Falls Mandalay’s Cathy 13:10 Little Britain 21:40 Shake It Up Schulman was among 13:40 Eastenders 00:40 Ten Ways 22:00 Austin & Ally the film’s executive pro- 14:10 Doctors 01:30 Bang Goes The Theory 22:25 A.N.T. Farm ducers. “The Voices” is a 14:40 Call The Midwife 02:00 Food Factory 22:50 Good Luck Charlie genre-bending film that 15:30 New Tricks 02:25 How Tech Works 23:10 Wizards Of Waverly Place follows Jerry (Reynolds), 16:25 The Weakest Link 02:50 Man-Made Marvels China a lovable but disturbed 17:10 Eastenders 03:45 Nyc: Inside Out factory worker who 17:40 Doctors 04:35 Thunder Races yearns for the attention 18:10 Being Erica 05:25 Through The Wormhole With of a woman in accounting. When their relationship takes a 19:00 Last Of The Summer Wine Morgan Freeman 00:00 Chelsea Lately sudden turn, we follow Jerry’s perspective as his talking pets - 19:30 The Vicar Of Dibley 06:15 Food Factory 00:30 The Spin Crowd a sinister cat and benevolent dog - lead him down a fantasti- 20:00 Call The Midwife 06:40 How Tech Works 01:25 Style Star cal, murderous path. 20:50 Mistresses 07:05 Engineered 01:50 Style Star Presented by Lionsgate and 1984 Private Defense 21:40 The Omid Djalili Show 08:00 Building The Future 02:20 E!ES Contractors, “The Voices” is a Mandalay Vision, Studio 22:10 Stella 08:50 Eco-Tech 03:15 Extreme Close-Up Babelsberg and Vertigo Entertainment production. “I am very 22:55 The Weakest Link 09:40 Food Factory 04:10 E!ES excited and happy that Lionsgate is distributing my film. I 23:40 Eastenders 10:05 How Tech Works 05:05 The E! True Hollywood Story know my baby is in great hands,” said Satrapi. “We are really 10:30 Test Case 06:00 THS pleased to have made what’s been called the ultimate WTF 10:55 Bigger, Better, Faster, 07:50 Style Star horror comedy at Sundance. With their impressive ability to Stronger 08:20 E! News champion such bold, genre bending pictures, we know 11:25 Engineered 09:15 Opening Act 12:20 Thunder Races Lionsgate is the perfect home for this film,” added producers 00:00 The Planners 10:15 Married To Jonas 13:10 Through The Wormhole With Rhodes and Shankar. The deal was negotiated by Lionsgate’s 00:50 Extreme Makeover: Home 10:40 Chasing The Saturdays Morgan Freeman president of acquisitions and co-productions Jason Edition 11:10 The Wanted Life 14:00 Nyc: Inside Out Constantine, SVP of acquisitions Eda Kowan and EVP of busi- 01:35 Come Dine With Me 11:35 The Wanted Life 14:50 Bang Goes The Theory ness and legal affairs Wendy Jaffe along with CAA and UTA 02:25 MasterChef 12:05 E! News 15:20 Food Factory Independent Film Group, as well as Loeb and Loeb, on behalf 03:20 Cash In The Attic 13:05 Extreme Close-Up 15:45 How Tech Works of the filmmakers and producers. Panorama Media’s Kim Fox 04:05 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 13:35 E!ES 16:10 Man-Made Marvels China handled international sales for the film. — Reuters 04:50 Extreme Makeover: Home 14:30 Style Star 17:00 Through The Wormhole With Edition 15:00 Keeping Up With The Morgan Freeman 05:35 Bargain Hunt Kardashians ZERO DARK THIRTY ON OSN MOVIES HD 17:55 Thunder Races 06:25 Come Dine With Me 17:00 Eric And Jessie: Game On 18:45 Engineered 07:15 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 17:30 Eric And Jessie: Game On 22:20 Coronation Street 14:00 Dating Coach-PG15 19:35 Test Case Comic film ‘Neighbors’ pits 08:00 Extreme Makeover: Home 18:00 The Drama Queen 22:50 Emmerdale 16:00 Zambezia-PG 20:00 Bigger, Better, Faster, Edition 19:00 E!ES 23:45 May The Best House Win 18:00 Gambit-PG15 Stronger party-over against party-on 08:45 The Planners 20:00 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 20:00 Looper-18 20:30 Junkyard Wars 00:00 Sightseers-18 09:35 Bargain Hunt 20:30 Giuliana & Bill 22:00 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire 21:20 Killer Robots: Robogames 02:00 The Big Year-PG t’s OK to grow up. Even Seth Rogen says so. As a married 10:20 Antiques Roadshow 21:30 Giuliana & Bill Hunter-18 2011 04:00 Delirious-PG15 former party guy transitioning into suburban parent- 11:15 Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen 22:30 Fashion Police 22:10 Food Factory 06:00 Today’s Special-PG15 hood, Rogen wages war with the frat house next door in Notebook: London 23:30 Chelsea Lately 00:00 The Goodwin Games 08:00 Dudley Do Right-PG I 11:40 Come Dine With Me 22:35 How Tech Works the raucous new Nicholas Stoller movie, “Neighbors,” that 23:00 Stuck With Hackett 00:30 The Daily Show Global 10:00 Summer School-PG15 12:30 Gok’s Fashion Fix Edition 12:00 Delirious-PG15 screened this weekend as a work in progress at the SXSW 13:20 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 23:25 Stuck With Hackett 01:00 Futbol Mundial Film Festival. Packed with crowd-pleasing Rogen-style 23:50 Killer Robots: Robogames 01:00 The Colbert Report Global 14:00 A Christmas Story 2-PG 01:30 World Golf Championship 14:05 Antiques Roadshow Edition 16:00 Summer School-PG15 jokes - including a cringe-worthy bumble with a breast 15:00 Extreme Makeover: Home Highlights 01:30 Girls 18:00 The Beautician And The Beast 02:30 PGA Tour Highlights pump - the war spirals into depravity between new parents Edition 00:35 House Gift 02:00 Getting On 20:00 Revenge Of The Nerds-18 Mac and Kelly Radner and the Delta Psi Beta frat next door, 15:40 Extreme Makeover: Home 03:30 Premier League Darts 01:30 Emmerdale 02:30 Ja’mie: Private School Girl 22:00 Sightseers-18 07:00 LV Cup led by its slightly damaged president, Teddy, portrayed by Edition 02:25 Coronation Street 04:00 Seinfeld 16:25 Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen 09:00 World Golf Championship Zac Efron. 02:55 Holiday: Heaven On Earth 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring Highlights But as Mac and Kelly, played by Rogen and Rose Byrne, Notebook: London 00:00 The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody 03:25 Please Marry My Boy Jimmy Fallon 16:50 Bargain Hunt 00:20 The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody 10:00 PGA Tour Highlights find themselves trying to shut down raging parties they 04:20 Paul Ogrady: For The Love Of 05:30 Seinfeld 11:00 Golfing World 17:35 Cash In The Attic 00:45 Sonny With A Chance would have loved to attend when they were 10 years Dogs 06:00 The War At Home 12:00 Super Rugby 18:25 Antiques Roadshow 01:05 Sonny With A Chance 04:45 White Van Man 06:30 Arrested Development 14:00 Super Rugby younger, the film’s biggest battle turns out to be internal. It 19:15 Homes Under The Hammer 01:30 Suite Life On Deck 01:00 Matching Jack-PG15 05:15 Ade In Britain 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 16:00 Premier League Darts is the one fought by anyone afraid to grow up, or who can- 20:10 Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen 01:50 Suite Life On Deck 06:10 House Gift 08:00 Seinfeld 02:45 The Next Three Days-PG15 19:30 ICC Cricket 360 not figure out how to make a comfortable transition to 02:15 Wizards Of Waverly Place Notebook: London 07:05 Holiday: Heaven On Earth 08:30 Seinfeld 05:00 The Chateau Meroux-PG15 20:00 NRL Premiership “get-off-my-lawn” adulthood out of an irresponsible youth 20:35 Bill’s Kitchen: Notting Hill 02:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place 07:30 Please Marry My Boy 09:30 2 Broke Girls 06:45 Here-PG15 they are sorry to see 21:00 Food & Drink 03:00 The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody 08:25 Paul Ogrady: For The Love Of 10:00 Trophy Wife 09:00 Matching Jack-PG15 21:30 Come Dine With Me 03:20 The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody 10:45 The Next Three Days-PG15 disappear. Dogs 10:30 Arrested Development “When you have a 03:45 Sonny With A Chance 08:50 White Van Man 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 13:00 Beneath Hill 60-PG15 04:05 Sonny With A Chance 09:20 Ade In Britain Jimmy Fallon 15:00 Seeking Justice-PG15 00:00 Bellator MMA 2014 kid, that’s great, and 04:30 Suite Life On Deck 10:15 May The Best House Win 12:00 Two And A Half Men 17:00 Shadow Dancer-PG15 02:00 Trans World Sport obviously amazing, 04:50 Suite Life On Deck 11:10 Emmerdale 12:30 Seinfeld 19:00 The Twilight Saga: Breaking 03:00 Live NHL but as special as it is, it 05:15 Wizards Of Waverly Place 12:00 Coronation Street 13:00 Seinfeld Dawn Pt. 2-PG15 06:00 WWE Bottom Line does destroy a part of 05:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place 12:30 House Gift 13:30 Arrested Development 21:00 The Whistleblower-18 07:00 Trans World Sport your previous life,” 00:30 Gold Rush 08:00 Premier League Darts 06:00 Austin & Ally 13:25 Ade In Britain 14:30 2 Broke Girls 23:00 Best Laid Plans-18 01:20 Alaska Gold Diggers 11:00 Futbol Mundial Rogen, 31, a co-pro- 06:25 Dog With A Blog 14:20 May The Best House Win 15:00 Trophy Wife 02:10 Gold Divers: Under The Ice 11:30 Dubai World Cup Carnival ducer of the movie, 06:45 Suite Life On Deck 15:10 Holiday: Heaven On Earth 15:30 The Daily Show Global 03:00 You Have Been Warned 15:00 World Golf Championships told Reuters on 07:10 A.N.T. Farm 15:35 The Hungry Sailors Edition 03:50 Border Security Highlights Sunday in an interview 07:35 Wolfblood 16:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple 16:00 The Colbert Report Global 04:15 Auction Kings 07:55 Gravity Falls 16:00 PGA Tour Highlights after the movie’s first 04:40 Container Wars 18:20 May The Best House Win Edition 17:00 Golfing World 08:20 That’s So Raven 19:10 Coronation Street 16:30 Two And A Half Men public screening. 05:05 How Do They Do It? 01:00 The Daughter-18 18:30 NHL 08:45 Jessie 19:35 The Hungry Sailors 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers “That’s probably good 05:30 How It’s Made 03:00 The End Of The Affair-18 20:30 Super Rugby 09:05 Good Luck Charlie 20:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:00 The Simpsons in some ways, but it’s 05:00 Regarding Henry-PG15 18:30 Raising Hope also a bummer in 07:00 Last Dance-PG15 19:00 The Crazy Ones 09:00 Like Crazy-PG15 some ways.” Early 19:30 Trophy Wife 11:15 The Woman In The Fifth reviews have been 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 13:30 Hold Fast-PG15 largely positive, with Jimmy Fallon 00:30 Big Bash League Highlights 15:30 Alfie Boe: Bring Him Home critics appreciating the 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon 03:30 icc cricket 360 Tour-PG15 Stewart 04:00 India v West Indies Test movie’s nonstop jokes 17:00 The Woman In The Fifth Seth Rogen 21:30 The Colbert Report Highlights in a film Variety senior 19:00 Intolerable Cruelty-PG15 06:00 New Zealand v West Indies 22:00 The Big C features writer Andrew 21:00 The Last King Of Scotland-18 ODI Highlights 22:30 South Park Barker describes as “lewder, weirder, louder, leaner, meaner 23:30 Puncture-18 07:00 Big Bash League Highlights 23:00 Out There 10:00 ICC Cricket 360 and more winningly stupid” than previous Stoller or Rogen 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 10:30 Australia v England ODI efforts. The film opens in North American theaters on May Highlights 9. The audience in Austin laughed and cheered through 15:30 ICC Cricket 360 most of the antics, including the moment the baby sticks 01:00 Outlaw Country-PG15 16:00 ICC Under 19 World Cup the used condom into her mouth after the frat boys fling it 03:00 Chimpanzee-PG 2014 Highlights onto the lawn. Mac and Kelly’s frantic debate over how to 00:00 Warehouse 13 05:00 Playdate-PG15 17:00 ICC Under 19 World Cup say “keep it down” in a cool way was a crowd favorite, high- 01:00 Strike Back 07:00 Muhammad Ali’s Greatest 2014 Highlights lighting a question asked by many in the fight against 18:00 ICC Under 19 World Cup 02:00 The Blacklist Fight-PG15 growing older: when did we stop being cool? 03:00 World Without End 09:00 Salmon Fishing In The 2014 Highlights 19:00 New Zealand v India ODI 04:00 Revenge Yemen-PG15 Highlights ‘I know these guys’ 05:00 Betrayal 11:00 Arthur Christmas-PG 20:00 New Zealand v India ODI The inspiration for the focus on growing pains was 06:00 Warehouse 13 13:00 Now Is Good-PG15 Highlights 07:00 Drop Dead Diva 15:00 Girl In Progress-PG15 largely autobiographical, Rogen said. He and writers 21:00 ICC Cricket 360 08:00 Switched At Birth Andrew J Cohen and Brendan O’Brien are of similar age 17:00 Salmon Fishing In The 21:30 Pakistan v Sri Lanka T20I 09:00 Revenge and going through the same life changes as Mac and Kelly Yemen-PG15 Highlights 10:00 Drop Dead Diva 19:00 Olympus Has Fallen-PG15 22:30 Pakistan v Sri Lanka T20I are - not to mention their own fans. “All of a sudden it just 11:00 The Blacklist 21:00 Zero Dark Thirty-18 Highlights started to seem like we were more likely to be the ones 12:00 Emmerdale calling the cops on the kids partying than to be the kids 12:30 Coronation Street partying,” Rogen said with a laugh. “That to us was really 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show fertile and original and something we all really related to, 14:00 Switched At Birth and once we started having those conversations, that’s 15:00 Warehouse 13 00:00 Pawn Stars UK 16:00 Emmerdale 01:00 Eleanor’s Secret when the movie, I think, took a great shape.” 01:00 Haunted History Byrne’s likable portrayal of Kelly as an enthusiastic part- 16:30 Coronation Street 02:45 Fred 2: Night Of The Living 02:00 Storage Wars 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show Fred 02:30 Storage Wars ner in revenge earned critical accolades for the 18:00 Switched At Birth 04:30 D’Fenders 03:00 Pawn Stars “Bridesmaids” actress. Kelly Radner is not your typical stick- 19:00 The Fosters 06:00 Ploddy Police Car 03:30 Pawn Stars in-the-mud movie wife trying to get her immature hus- 20:00 Grey’s Anatomy 08:00 A Cat In Paris 04:00 Pawn Stars UK band to quit messing with the frat boys. She helps defeat 21:00 Mistresses 09:45 Olentzero Christmas Tale 05:00 Haunted History them, even calling on her old hot-girl skills to get Teddy’s 22:00 The Killing 11:15 Eleanor’s Secret 06:00 Pawn Stars girlfriend to betray him. 23:00 World Without End 12:45 The Polar Express 06:30 Storage Wars Efron, characterized by Variety’s Barker as giving “one of 14:30 Free Birds 07:00 Storage Wars Texas 16:00 The Missing Lynx 07:30 Counting Cars his most credible and intriguing performances” as the 18:00 Mrs. Doubtfire 08:00 Pawn Stars charismatic Teddy, said he found him to be a surprisingly 20:15 The Legend Of Sarila 08:30 Pawn Stars complex character. Where Mac the new dad may find the 22:00 Free Birds 09:00 Ancient Aliens prospect of adulthood to be gratifying if confusing, for 00:00 Hostel-R 10:00 Storage Wars Texas Teddy, president of the frat that claims to have invented 02:00 Sudden Death-PG15 10:30 Counting Cars beer pong, the thought of growing up is flat-out terrifying - 04:00 Meteor Storm-PG15 11:00 Pawn Stars and that gives him depth, Efron said. 06:00 XXX: The Next Level-PG15 11:30 Pawn Stars He credited collaboration with Rogen and others in 08:00 Shadow Conspiracy-PG15 00:00 The Double-PG15 12:00 Storage Wars 10:00 The Fog-PG15 02:00 Fun Size-PG15 12:30 Storage Wars helping him adequately deliver Teddy’s multi-faceted char- 12:00 Virtuosity-PG15 04:00 Clear History-PG15 13:00 Pawn Stars acter. “We were able to kind of find the heart in it,” Efron, 14:00 Shadow Conspiracy-PG15 06:00 Charlie And The Chocolate 13:30 Pawn Stars 26, said. 16:00 The Marine-PG15 Factory-PG 14:00 Ancient Aliens “I have a couple of friends like this, and Teddy is sort of a 18:00 Virtuosity-PG15 08:00 Zambezia-PG 15:00 Pawn Stars UK mixture of their best and worst qualities. I know these 10:00 Snowflake , The White 20:00 5 Days Of War-PG15 16:00 Pawn Stars guys. I’ve felt those feelings.” It is OK, and it can even be Gorilla-PG 16:30 Pawn Stars SHADOW DANCER ON OSN MOVIES DRAMA 22:00 The Marine 3: Homefron 12:00 The Guilt Trip-PG15 cool, to grow up. — Reuters Classifieds


by change my name to Kuwait CHANGE OF NAME Yousef Vijaykumar KNCC PROGRAMME FROM THURSDAY TO WEDNESDAY Painginkar. (C 4657) I, Safia Begum, D/O 6-3-2014 (06/03/2014 TO 12/03/2014) Murugesan holder of Indian Passport No. L0038265, SHARQIA-1 NO SUN+TUE+WED 7:15 PM date of birth 5-10-1969. FOR SALE 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 2:00 PM THU Residing at no. 57 Tha POMPEII (DIG) 4:15 PM MARINA-1 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 9:30 PM Krishnappa Vdiyar Street, 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 6:30 PM REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 1:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 11:45 PM Black long leather coat, REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 8:45 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 3:45 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED Vandavasi Post. T.S Dist. size M-L with removable REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 10:45 PM REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) :00 PM Tamil Nadu, 604408, shall lining, made in Turkey, price POMPEII (DIG) 12:45 AM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 8:00 PM 360º- 2 henceforth be known as KD 55. Also new white arti- REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 10:15 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 2:15 PM Murugesan Uma SHARQIA-2 REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 12:30 AM ficial fur coat knee length, 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 4:45 PM Mageswari. (C 4660) 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 12:30 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 7:15 PM price KD 50 (both KD 90). MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 2:30 PM 11-3-2014 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 9:45 PM Tel: 66293005. MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 4:30 PM MARINA-2 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 6:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 12:30 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 12:15 AM 10-3-2014 NO SUN+TUE+WED I, Aju Kurackuva Koshy 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 8:30 PM PATRICK (DIG) 2:30 PM Mathew Indian Passport No 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 10:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 4:30 PM Cooker Indesit gas 4 ring 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 12:30 AM POMPEII (DIG) 6:30 PM 360º- 3 H2014478 have changed with oven, Linen box, iron- 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 8:45 PM WER (DIG) 2:30 PM my name to Aju Mathew. WER (DIG) 4:45 PM ing board, cloths hang rail SHARQIA-3 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 10:45 PM (C 4659) with shelf, dining table and NON-STOP (DIG) 1:15 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 12:45 AM WER (DIG) 7:00 PM 10-3-2014 WER (DIG) 3:30 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED WER (DIG) 9:15 PM 4 chairs, sofa 3 seats, office NON-STOP (DIG) 5:30 PM WER (DIG) 11:30 PM desk, office chair, bookcase. NON-STOP (DIG) 7:45 PM MARINA-3 Saravanan Subramaniyan Personal trainer CPS with WER (DIG) 10:00 PM MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 1:30 PM AL-KOUT.1 S/O Subramaniyan, holder heart monitor, dock station NON-STOP (DIG) 12:05 AM FRI 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 2:00 PM of Indian Passport No. for iPod, printer HP photos- 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 4:30 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 1:00 PM G9950267 born on 2nd mart, safe. Tel: 94400865. MUHALAB-1 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 3:30 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 6:30 PM March 1976 (native district 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 1:30 PM (C 4656) MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 5:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 8:45 PM Thiruvarur), residing at no. 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 3:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 10:45 PM 6-3-2014 NON-STOP (DIG) 7:30 PM 112/219, Mariamman Kovil 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 5:30 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 9:45 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 12:45 AM claiming any interest in it 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 7:45 PM street, Maruthanga - vali, NON-STOP (DIG) 12:05 AM NO SUN+TUE+WED should communicate with THE PUBLIC 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 9:45 PM Muthupet 614704. NO SUN+TUE+WED State Life Office Kuwait Tel: AUTHORITY FOR AL-KOUT.2 Thiruvarur District, has LOST MUHALAB-2 22452208. (C 4655) AVENUES-1 POMPEII (DIG) 1:30 PM embraced Islam shall CIVIL INFORMATION MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG) 2:00 PM Original document Policy 4-3-2014 POMPEII (DIG) 2:00 PM REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 3:45 PM henceforth be known as Automated enquiry MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG) 4:00 PM 633001470/633001464/633 WER (DIG) 6:00 PM POMPEII (DIG) 4:15 PM POMPEII (DIG) 5:45 PM Sameer Mohamed. PATRICK (DIG) 6:30 PM REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 8:00 PM 002341/633000763/633000 aboutthe Civil ID card is REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 8:00 PM (C 4658) POMPEII (DIG) 8:45 PM REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 10:00 PM 828 of Muhammad Afzal REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 10:00 PM 9-3-2014 MUHALAB-3 Seats-419 12:30 PM POMPEII (DIG) 11:00 PM REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 12:05 AM Mughal by the State Life 1889988 NO SUN+TUE+WED POMPEII (DIG-3D) 2:45 PM POMPEII (DIG) 1:15 AM Insurance Corporation of NON-STOP (DIG) 5:00 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED I, Vijaykumar B. Painginkar Pakistan, Gulf Zone is NON-STOP (DIG) 7:15 PM AL-KOUT.3 R/O Goa, India, holder of reported to have been lost. NON-STOP (DIG) 9:30 PM AVENUES-2 NON-STOP (DIG) 12:30 PM Passport No. F5608432 112 NON-STOP (DIG) 2:45 PM Anyone finding the same or 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 1:15 PM reverted to Islam, do here- FANAR-1 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 3:45 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 5:00 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 1:45 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 6:15 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 7:15 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 4:00 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 8:45 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 9:30 PM PATRICK (DIG) 6:15 PM Prayer timings 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 11:15 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 11:45 PM No: 16101 NON-STOP (DIG) 8:15 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED NO SUN+TUE+WED NON-STOP (DIG) 10:30 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 12:45 AM AVENUES-3 BAIRAQ-1 REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 2:30 PM MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 12:30 PM FANAR-2 REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 4:45 PM MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 2:30 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 1:30 PM MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG-3D) 4:30 PM KHOUTAT GIMI (DIG) 3:45 PM REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 7:00 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 6:30 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 5:45 PM REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 9:15 PM KHOUTAT GIMI (DIG) 8:15 PM REASONABLE DOUBT (DIG) 11:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 8:30 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 10:15 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 10:30 PM 3 DAYS TO KILL (DIG) 12:30 AM AVENUES-4 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 12:30 AM NO SUN+TUE+WED NON-STOP (DIG) 1:45 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED NON-STOP (DIG) 4:00 PM FANAR-3 NON-STOP (DIG) 6:15 PM BAIRAQ-2 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG) 1:00 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 8:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 1:30 PM MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG) 3:00 PM NO THU 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 3:30 PM MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG) 5:00 PM Special Show “300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG)” 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 5:30 PM MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG) 7:00 PM 8:30 PM MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG) 7:30 PM WER (DIG) 9:00 PM THU 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 9:30 PM WER (DIG) 11:00 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 10:45 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 11:30 PM WER (DIG) 1:00 AM NON-STOP (DIG) 1:00 AM Fajr: 04:44 NO SUN+TUE+WED NO SUN+TUE+WED BAIRAQ-3 NON-STOP (DIG) 1:15 PM Shorook 06:03 FANAR-4 360º- 1 NON-STOP (DIG) 3:30 PM Duhr: 11:58 NON-STOP (DIG) 1:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 12:30 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 5:45 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 4:00 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 2:45 PM KHOUTAT GIMI (DIG) 8:00 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 6:00 PM Asr: 15:21 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 5:00 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 10:00 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 8:00 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 12:15 AM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 10:00 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 7:15 PM Maghrib: 17:54 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D) 12:05 AM NO THU NO SUN+TUE+WED Special Show “300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE DIG-3D)” Isha: 19:10

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page (

Arrival Flights on Tuesday 11/3/2014 KAC 514 Tehran 13:45 Departure Flights on Tuesday 11/3/2014 JZR 176 Dubai 13:45 Airlines Flt Route Time FDB 057 Dubai 13:50 Airlines Flt Route Time MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 BBC 043 Dhaka/Doha 00:05 QTR 1078 Doha 13:55 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 JAI 574 Mumbai 00:10 KAC 672 Dubai 14:00 PIA 206 Lahore 00:10 FDB 058 Dubai 14:30 KLM 411 Amsterdam/Dammam 00:30 KAC 546 Alexandria 14:05 AXB 490 Mangalore/Kochi 00:15 QTR 1079 Doha 14:55 JZR 539 Cairo 00:40 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 JAI 573 Mumbai 01:10 KAC 673 Dubai 15:05 THY 772 Istanbul 00:45 KNE 472 Jeddah 14:35 BBC 044 Chittagong/Dhaka 01:45 KAC 741 Dammam 15:20 QTR 1084 Doha 00:55 JZR 325 Al Najaf 16:05 KLM 411 Amsterdam 01:45 KNE 473 Jeddah 15:30 PIA 239 Sialkot 01:05 UAE 857 Dubai 16:40 DLH 637 Frankfurt 02:10 KAC 617 Doha 15:30 DLH 637 Dammam 01:10 QTR 1072 Doha 16:40 PIA 240 Sialkot 02:20 SVA 501 Jeddah 15:45 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:30 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:50 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:45 KAC 773 Riyadh 16:05 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:45 KAC 562 Amman 16:50 THY 773 Istanbul 02:55 JZR 238 Amman 16:55 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:10 RJA 640 Amman 16:55 PGT 859 Istanbul 03:20 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 17:35 THY 764 Istanbul 02:15 UAL 982 IAD 17:05 TAR 328 Tunis 03:45 QTR 1073 Doha 17:40 JZR 267 Beirut 02:30 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 UAE 854 Dubai 03:50 UAE 858 Dubai 17:50 UAE 854 Dubai 02:35 ABY 127 Sharjah 17:25 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:00 JZR 538 Cairo 17:50 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 02:45 KAC 1782 Jeddah 17:30 OMA 644 Muscat 04:05 RJA 641 Amman 17:55 JAI 576 Kochi/Abu Dhabi 02:50 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 MSR 613 Cairo 04:10 ABY 128 Sharjah 18:05 TAR 328 Tunis/Dubai 02:55 KAC 542 Cairo 18:05 QTR 1085 Doha 04:15 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 OMA 643 Muscat 03:05 JZR 177 Dubai 18:20 FDB 068 Dubai 05:00 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:20 MSR 612 Cairo 03:10 KAC 742 Dammam 18:20 QTR 1077 Doha 05:15 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 RJA 642 Amman 03:15 QTR 1080 Doha 18:40 JZR 560 Sohag 06:20 JZR 184 Dubai 18:40 QTR 1076 Doha 03:45 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:45 FDB 070 Dubai 06:30 JZR 266 Beirut 18:50 FDB 067 Dubai 04:20 FDB 063 Dubai 18:45 JAI 575 Abu Dhabi/Kochi 06:45 JZR 134 Bahrain 19:10 THY 770 Istanbul 05:35 KAC 678 Muscat/Abu Dhabi 18:55 JZR 164 Dubai 06:55 FDB 064 Dubai 19:25 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:40 KAC 618 Doha 19:00 THY 765 Istanbul 07:05 QTR 1081 Doha 19:40 JZR 503 Luxor 05:50 KAC 166 Paris/Rome 19:10 RJA 643 Amman 07:05 AXB 3942 Kozhikode 20:15 FDB 069 Dubai 05:50 AXB 393 Kozhikode 19:15 GFA 212 Bahrain 07:15 GFA 218 Bahrain 20:15 KAC 416 Jakarta/Kuala Lumpur 06:25 KAC 674 Dubai 19:25 KAC 545 Alexandria 07:15 KAC 283 Dhaka 20:30 BAW 157 London 06:40 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:30 THY 771 Istanbul 07:30 FDB 062 Dubai 20:45 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:45 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 OMA 648 Muscat 20:55 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:30 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:40 BAW 156 London 08:45 ABY 120 Sharjah 21:00 KAC 104 London 19:35 QTR 1086 Doha 07:50 QTR 1087 Doha 08:50 KAC 361 Colombo 21:00 OMA 647 Muscat 19:55 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 SVA 513 Riyadh 09:15 MSR 607 Luxor 21:05 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:05 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:55 KAC 514 Tehran 09:25 JAI 571 Mumbai 21:10 FDB 061 Dubai 20:05 KAC 352 Kochi 08:10 KAC 671 Dubai 09:30 KAC 351 Kochi 21:10 JAI 572 Mumbai 20:10 SVA 512 Riyadh 08:15 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:40 IRA 604 Esfahan 21:20 ABY 129 Sharjah 20:20 KAC 332 Trivandrum 08:15 KAC 101 London/New York 09:50 KAC 343 Chennai 21:30 IRA 605 Esfahan 20:25 UAE 855 Dubai 08:40 UAE 856 Dubai 09:55 DLH 636 Dammam 21:35 KAC 362 Colombo 08:45 DLH 636 Frankfurt 20:55 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:05 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 KAC 284 Dhaka 08:50 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 FDB 056 Dubai 10:20 ALK 230 Colombo 22:10 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:00 MEA 402 Beirut 21:20 QTR 1071 Doha 10:55 MEA 403 Beirut 22:20 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:20 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:35 IRA 618 Lar 10:55 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:20 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 UAE 859 Dubai 21:40 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:25 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:30 QTR 1070 Doha 09:55 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 KAC 561 Amman 11:25 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:35 IRA 619 Lar 10:05 FDB 059 Dubai 22:00 KAC 541 Cairo 11:30 FDB 060 Dubai 22:40 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 QTR 1074 Doha 22:00 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:50 UAE 860 Dubai 22:50 JZR 165 Dubai 11:30 KLM 415 Amsterdam 22:05 KAC 1781 Jeddah 12:00 KAC 380 Delhi 22:50 MEA 404 Beirut 11:55 JZR 135 Bahrain 22:05 KAC 677 Muscat/Abu Dhabi 12:20 KAC 205 Islamabad 22:55 TMA 213 Beirut 12:10 UAL 981 Bahrain 22:10 JZR 324 Al Najaf 12:40 KLM 415 Dammam/Amsterdam 23:05 UAE 871 Dubai 12:50 JZR 239 Amman 22:20 MEA 405 Beirut 12:55 QTR 1075 Doha 23:10 JZR 561 Sohag 12:55 AIC 981 Chennai/Hyderabad/Ahmedabad 22:30 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 JZR 528 Asyut 23:25 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 JZR 185 Dubai 23:20 TMA 223 Dubai/Beirut 13:45 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:55 DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION stars34 TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

Your inner talents and resources are strong. Your artistic side is showing! Goals and security needs are focuses in your life. This is the time to act, par- Frustrations all around will cause you to pull out your own personal ideas in ticularly with regard to a financial situation. This is also a better time to sell which you will find great results from your efforts. Problem-solving techniques have never than to buy, a period when pruning the excess and the obsolete is the right thing to do. been so good. When you seek to use your time in a useful manner you cannot help but This applies to material things, but extends to social and romantic relationships-there is a succeed. Others follow your example today. Exercise to keep fit and energized. You may need to improve channels of understanding. You are inventive, original, high tech. Do not not have much enthusiasm for family projects this afternoon because your list of goals for worry too much about what others think of your abilities-this is a great time to get much today makes for a full day. Pamper yourself and those around you with a good nutritional accomplished. You may decide that after such a busy day, tonight is a good night to stop meal this evening. You may teach a bit of science to a young person that needs to be and purchase food and have an evening of relaxation. If you have people living with you or a family, they will probably have requests. informed. You could even get the telescope out tonight for viewing the planets.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Ambition is a quality you hold in special regard-focus is very important and You like being organized and when someone requests your suggestions, you will want to take notes. There is a yearning for the stimulation of new ideas. Others you are passionate about teaching. People who work in real estate would may see the world as it is and ask why, and some, like you, imagine the world as it could be hire you quickly for a job called staging. This is where you make a home look its best in and ask why not. New friends and an involvement in idealistic groups take on greater order to sell. You could accomplish much. This is a good day to start new projects or push forward with what is already in motion. You may enjoy a sense of creating your own importance for you at this time; the old is suspect and the new seems to hold all the opportunities. Someone older may be a motivating force for change in your life: change answers. This could mean anything from a new piece of software for your computer, a new for less stress. Your health is excellent, but the strain of stress can tell a different story by safety item or a new way of thinking to even a new relationship. Romance, the arts and the end of the month. Put your feelings into words or music. Write poetry, songs, stories, others of life’s pleasures seem to take center stage this evening. This could mean a con- etc., to give your problems or unspent energies some release. cert, a special date or just an evening out with your loved one.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Procrastination may be a problem today and you may need to look at the You seem empowered with much energy this day. Try to engage yourself with projects that need to be finished before starting a new one. This is a possibilities that you have overextended your energies in the recent past. good time for clear deliberation and problem solving. You are in a serious frame of mind ACROSS from a basinet to protect the head and This may not always be the case, but it is possible at this time. You will want to look at and will find yourself dealing with matters of much responsibility. This afternoon the ways to bring a better balance into your life and appreciate the quiet times for what they 1. A transuranic element. neck. atmosphere is less stressful. Reevaluate your fitness program and consider returning to an are: quiet times. Quiet time is for relaxation or to refurbish your energies. You do not have exercise activity you enjoyed in the past. This evening you enjoy a social time with several 4. Clothes moths. 82. Tag the base runner to get him out. to be doing something all the time. Now, get busy and complete at least one thing on friends, loved ones and perhaps a few of your co-workers. This could mean a dance, a 12. A unit of electrical resistance equal to 83. Any of numerous hairy-bodied insects your to-do list and enjoy some quiet time this afternoon. Perhaps a visit to the park, an art reunion or a community gathering; certainly there are lots of happy conversations. This is a the resistance between two points on a including social and solitary species. gallery or the library is in order. Take a family member or friend with you and enjoy the great time to exchange ideas. Hear and keep no secrets. conversations that come when viewing different and unusual things. conductor when a potential difference of 84. In a terrible manner. one volt between them produces a current 85. A loose sleeveless outer garment made of one ampere. from aba cloth. 15. A zodiacal constellation in northern Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) hemisphere between Cancer and Virgo. DOWN A stalled project needs your attention. Your expertise at trouble-shooting 16. The state capital of South Australia. 1. Type genus of the family Ulvaceae. This is another one of your better days. You will find your concentration and interests mostly focused on the business world and your progress. Success will bring success. Respect, status and achievement are close at hand. You 17. An adherent of any branch of Taoism. 2. Large semi-evergreen tree of East India. is easy to come by in the workplace. A family member offers financial advice and perhaps may be gritting your teeth and diving into a new project this afternoon. You could be feel- 18. A member of a Finnish people of Russia. 3. A specific instance of feeling hopeful. a bit of assistance, if it is warranted. Any tax or inheritance problems should be placed in ing that if you choose a different direction-your job would change in some way-and you might be right. Idealism, rationality and critical thinking become more and more a part of 20. A mute for a violin. 4. Long-tailed arboreal mustelid of Central the hands of a competent lawyer or accountant. If you feel you can afford one, you will be and South America. happier if you acquire an accountant. Personal interests take over this afternoon-you find your mental patterns and the way you communicate. Walk instead of driving if at all possi- 22. An independent ruler or chieftain (espe- ble today. At least park a good distance from where you work so that you will exercise a 5. An agency of the United Nations affiliat- ways to enjoy some time with a hobby or recently begun book. This evening you think cially in Africa or Arabia). about your physical appearance and find new ways to feel more attractive. This may only bit and have an opportunity to clear away some foggy thinking. Do something romantic ed with the World Bank. mean a splash of color here and there for accent. for the one you love. Flowers at the dinner table are charming. 23. Military action involving the use of elec- 6. A Uralic language spoken by a Samoyed tromagnetic energy to determine or exploit people of northern Siberia. or reduce or prevent hostile use of the elec- 7. Angular distance above the horizon Aquarius (January 20- February 18) tromagnetic spectrum. (especially of a celestial object). Leo (July 23-August 22) 25. An enzyme of pancreatic origin. 8. A state in midwestern United States. Now is your time to speak out and speak up-others are listening. You are Pace yourself today and if possible, take more time with projects than usual. called on to help make practical decisions concerning group issues this 26. A bin that holds rubbish until it is col- 9. Extract by distillation, make by distilla- Hurrying through this day, or project, may force you to have to stop and tion. morning. You usually have a natural sense of what the public wants. Clear decisions affect- lected. clean up some mistakes. In a group discussion, you demonstrate understanding and sen- ing others could be made. You could be most persuasive with others and eloquent in com- 28. American novelist (1909-1955). 10. Provided with something intended to sitivity. You are in a good position to communicate concerning society in general. municating what you mean. The situation is a natural for self-expression and lends itself to Whether you are male or female, you may find yourself having fun this evening through 31. A river that rises in central Germany and increase its beauty or distinction. your particular ideas. An emotional and perhaps manipulative person in the workplace 11. Suggestive of the supernatural. entertaining or cooking for a spur-of-the-moment gathering. Group get-togethers are sat- may learn about acceptable behavior from your guidance today. You have much optimism flows north to join the Elbe River. isfying to your needs and provide some great opportunities to network and create new 12. United States inventor who manufac- and faith as well as a tendency to take chances at the deepest emotional levels. You will 32. A tiny or scarcely detectable amount. business. Anything that encourages you to express your creativity can bring a great deal have the opportunity to play with a young person this evening. tured the first elevator with a safety device of satisfaction. Relax to music this evening. 36. Capital and largest city of Iraq. (1811-1861). 39. A gonadotropic hormone that is secret- 13. A Loloish language. ed by the anterior pituitary. 14. The natural satellite of the Earth. Virgo (August 23-September 22) 40. English chemist and physicist who for- 19. Fastened with stitches. Pisces (February 19-March 20) mulated atomic theory and the law of par- 21. A British doctorate. If you own a company, today may be the day you come up with some good 24. (Brit) An area of open or forested coun- Ambitious schemes and the pursuit of success and status take on a high tial pressures. priority. You have plenty of enthusiasm, as well as plenty of ideas. Jumping in too quickly, ideas about transportation for your employees. A small shuttle bus to meet 42. Gear (including necessary machinery) try. however, may cause you to feel burned out before the day has ended. Ambition is a pow- at the train or city transportation station, or both, will get everyone into work on time and for a particular enterprise. 27. The dialect of Malay used as the nation- erful motivation and can lead you into conflict if you let it get out of control. You are good with less expense for gas and mileage on their vehicle. If you supply a shelf in the office for al language of the Republic of Indonesia or at solving emotional upheavals. You embody the saying, “make peace, not war.” romance trading books-on-tape or music, you may have people coming to work with a more 43. A soft silvery metallic element of the is favored this evening and if you have no partner, you could find yourself meeting that relaxed attitude instead of already being tense before the workday begins because of that alkali earth group. of Malaysia. drive into work. It would be good to actually follow through on any one of your ideas, one 29. A person who gains weight. special person through the end of this month. If you are hoping to enhance your relation- 44. An informal term for a father. ship or add to the family, now is the time. Romance is part of a strong cycle you have just idea at a time. If you do not own a company this suggestion will go a long way to encour- 30. Moth having nonfunctional mouthparts begun. There are opportunities to heal or to begin again. age better business relations! Happy birthday! 46. A slight amount or degree of difference. as adults. 47. Type genus of the Anatidae. 33. The fur of an otter. 49. A small pellet fired from an air rifle or BB 34. Slices of bread that have been toasted. gun. 35. A mountain range in South America Challenging Mazes Yesterday’s Solution 50. Of or relating to or characteristic of the running 5000 miles along the Pacific coast. African Republic of the Sudan or its people. 37. The blood group whose red cells carry 53. The deep vascular inner layer of the both the A and B antigens. skin. 38. A light touch or stroke. 56. Studies intended to provide general 41. Title for a civil or military leader (espe- knowledge and intellectual skills (rather cially in Turkey). 45. A bodily passage or tube conveying a than occupational or professional skills). secretion or other substance. 57. A trivalent metallic element of the rare 48. A blow from a flat object (as an open earth group. hand). 58. American prizefighter who won the 51. The longer of the two telegraphic sig- world heavyweight championship three nals used in Morse code. times (born in 1942). 52. Sole genus of the family Naiadaceae. 60. Of or relating to or characteristic of 54. Any of various Spanish fortresses or Thailand of its people. palaces built by the Moors. 64. The Mongol people living the the cen- 55. The award given to the champion. tral and eastern parts of Outer Mongolia. 59. (Greek mythology) A maiden seduced 68. A coffee cake flavored with orange rind by Zeus. 61. A state in northwestern North America. and raisins and almonds. 62. Lower in esteem. 70. A light informal meal. 63. Rich cake usually covered with cream 73. A branch of the Tai languages. and fruit or nuts. 74. A flat wing-shaped process or winglike 65. A genus of Lamnidae. part of an organism. 66. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked 75. Outstanding United States athlete on a skewer usually with vegetables. (1914-1956). 67. Jordan's port. 79. A master's degree in business. 69. On or toward the lee. 80. A widely distributed system consisting 71. A city of central China. of all the cells able to ingest bacteria or col- 72. Precipitation of ice pellets when there loidal particles etc, except for certain white are strong rising air currents. 76. 100 avos equal 1 pataca. blood cells. 77. Made warm or hot. 81. A medieval hood of mail suspended 78. Marked by skill in deception.

Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 information

For labor-related inquiries and complaints: Call MSAL hotline 128 Al-Madeena 22418714 Al-Shuhada 22545171 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Al-Shuwaikh 24810598 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Al-Nuzha 22545171 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Sabhan 24742838 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Al-Helaly 22434853 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Al-Faiha 22545051 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967

Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Al-Farwaniya 24711433 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Al-Sulaibikhat 24316983 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Al-Fahaheel 23927002 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh 24316983 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Ahmadi 23980088 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Al-Mangaf 23711183 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Al-Shuaiba 23262845 Rawda 22517733

Adaliya 22517144 Al-Jahra 25610011 Khaldiya 24848075 Al-Salmiya 25616368 Kaifan 24849807 Shamiya 24848913 INTERNATIONAL Shuwaikh 24814507 CALLS Abdullah Salem 22549134

Nuzha 22526804 Afghanistan 0093 Iran 0098 Albania 00355 Iraq 00964 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Algeria 00213 Ireland 00353 Qadsiya 22515088 Andorra 00376 Italy 0039 Angola 00244 Ivory Coast 00225 Dasmah 22532265 Anguilla 001264 Jamaica 001876 Antiga 001268 Japan 0081 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 Argentina 0054 Jordan 00962 Shaab 22518752 Armenia 00374 Kazakhstan 007 Australia 0061 Kenya 00254 Qibla 22459381 Austria 0043 Kiribati 00686 Bahamas 001242 Kuwait 00965 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Bahrain 00973 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Mirqab 22456536 Bangladesh 00880 Laos 00856 Barbados 001246 Latvia 00371 Sharq 22465401 Belarus 00375 Lebanon 00961 Belgium 0032 Liberia 00231 Salmiya 25746401 Belize 00501 Libya 00218 Jabriya 25316254 Benin 00229 Lithuania 00370 Bermuda 001441 Luxembourg 00352 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Bhutan 00975 Macau 00853 Bolivia 00591 Macedonia 00389 Bayan 25388462 Bosnia 00387 Madagascar 00261 Mishref 25381200 Botswana 00267 Majorca 0034 Brazil 0055 Malawi 00265 W Hawally 22630786 Brunei 00673 Malaysia 0060 Bulgaria 00359 Maldives 00960 Sabah 24810221 Burkina 00226 Mali 00223 Jahra 24770319 Burundi 00257 Malta 00356 Cambodia 00855 Marshall Islands 00692 New Jahra 24575755 Cameroon 00237 Martinique 00596 Canada 001 Mauritania 00222 West Jahra 24772608 Cape Verde 00238 Mauritius 00230 South Jahra 24775066 Cayman Islands 001345 Mayotte 00269 Central African 00236 Mexico 0052 North Jahra 24775992 Chad 00235 Micronesia 00691 Chile 0056 Moldova 00373 North Jleeb 24311795 China 0086 Monaco 00377 Ardhiya 24884079 Colombia 0057 Mongolia 00976 Comoros 00269 Montserrat 001664 Firdous 24892674 Congo 00242 Morocco 00212 Cook Islands 00682 Mozambique 00258 Omariya 24719048 Costa Rica 00506 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 N Khaitan 24710044 Croatia 00385 Namibia 00264 Cuba 0053 Nepal 00977 Fintas 23900322 Cyprus 00357 Netherlands (Holland) Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 0031 Czech Republic 00420 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Denmark 0045 New Caledonia 00687 Diego Garcia 00246 New Zealand 0064 PRIVATE CLINICS Djibouti 00253 Nicaragua 00505 Dominica 001767 Nigar 00227 Dominican Republic 001809 Nigeria 00234 Ecuador 00593 Niue 00683 Egypt 0020 Norfolk Island 00672 El Salvador 00503 Northern Ireland (UK) Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Ophthalmologists Endocrinologist England (UK) 0044 0044 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Equatorial Guinea 00240 North Korea 00850 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Eritrea 00291 Norway 0047 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 00372 Oman 00968 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Ethiopia 00251 Pakistan 0092 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Falkland Islands 00500 Palau 00680 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Faroe Islands 00298 Panama 00507 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Fiji 00679 Papua New Guinea 00675 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Finland 00358 Paraguay 00595 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 (1) Ear, Nose and Throat (2) Plastic Surgeon Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 France 0033 Peru 0051 French Guiana 00594 Philippines 0063 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Abdul Mohsin Jafar, Rheumatologists: French Polynesia 00689 Poland 0048 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 FRCS (Canada) 25655535 Gabon 00241 Portugal 00351 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dentists Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Gambia 00220 Puerto Rico 001787 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Georgia 00995 Qatar 00974 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Germany 0049 Romania 0040 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ghana 00233 Russian Federation 007 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Gibraltar 00350 Rwanda 00250 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Greece 0030 Saint Helena 00290 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Greenland 00299 Saint Kitts 001869 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Grenada 001473 Saint Lucia 001758 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Guadeloupe 00590 Saint Pierre 00508 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Guam 001671 Saint Vincent 001784 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital Guatemala 00502 Samoa US 00684 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Guinea 00224 Samoa West 00685 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Consultant Cardiologist Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Guyana 00592 San Marino 00378 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Haiti 00509 Sao Tone 00239 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Saudi Arabia 00966 Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Honduras 00504 Scotland (UK) 0044 Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Hong Kong 00852 Senegal 00221 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Hungary 0036 Seychelles 00284 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Sierra Leone 00232 Soor Center Iceland 00354 Singapore 0065 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 India 0091 Slovakia 00421 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 Indian Ocean 00873 Slovenia 00386 Indonesia 0062 Solomon Islands 00677 LIFESTYLE36 TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 Gossip Elisabeth Moss: Acting is very strange

lisabeth Moss thinks acting is like stripping. The ‘Mad Men’ star believes her profession is “very strange” and thinks Ebeing paid to “pretend” to be someone else is very unlike most other professions. She said: “Acting is not stu- pid, but it’s a very strange profession, honestly. My job is to get up, and get dressed in someone else’s clothes, and go and pretend that I’m someone else. Who does that? Nobody does that. Strippers and actors do that.” The 31- year-old actress - who is best known for playing Peggy Olsen in the advertising drama - admitted she never hangs on to her character and finds it easy to leave her work behind at the end of the day. She admitted in an interview with New York magazine: “I’m the worst. I barely hang on to it while we’re filming. I am totally that person that they yell ‘Cut’ and I’m making jokes and doing stupid stuff. It’s fake to me to be any other way.” Elisabeth married ‘Saturday Night Live’ star Fred Armisen in October 2009 and they split just eight months later, and though she admits their relationship and subsequent divorce was “awful and horrible”, she is pleased she went through the ordeal when she did. She said: “Looking back, I feel like I was really young, and at the time I didn’t think that I was that young. “It was extremely traumatic and awful and hor- rible. At the same time, it turned out for Lindsay Lohan wants ‘integrity’ the best. I’m glad that I’m not there. “I’m glad that it didn’t happen when I indsay Lohan wants to live “with integrity”. The troubled actress - who has endured a string of legal problems in was 50. I’m glad I didn’t have kids. And recent years and been to rehab six times - is determined to make a fresh start and wants to put her problems behind I got that out of the way. Hopefully. Lher. Speaking on her new docu-series ‘Lindsay’, which debuted in the US last night, she said: “Living with integrity Like, that’s probably not going to hap- and in control of my own self - that’s the life I want now... “I’m excited to start this new chapter, so it’s going to be good.” pen again.” The ‘Mean Girls’ star was also seen telling program director Amy Rice that she now has “inner peace”. She said: “I’m in this really good place where I have this inner peace right now. All the distractions and chaos that go on outside just in daily life in general don’t really affect me anymore.” The program also saw Lindsay search for an apartment in New York and left devastated when she found one she liked - but was told it required a $10 million insurance policy. She exclaimed: “I can’t do that. I’m not Oprah!” The 27-year-old actress stayed in a hotel while apartment hunting, and after a month in the luxury residence, she admitted she was finding the experience upsetting because she associated it with a “crazy phase” in her life. She said: “It’s the first time I’m really getting a place in New York and it’s really chaotic. “I’m trying to figure out how to be sane and live, how to live out of a hotel, which I did when I was in a crazy phase in my life and that brings up a lot of mem- ories and I hate it. ... And now I’m figuring out everything for myself with things being left up in the air constantly.” However, she insisted her housing struggle wouldn’t send her out of control again. She added: “I’m here. I’m showing up. I’m sober. And I’m dealing with it.” Richie Sambora: Heather Locklear is ‘hot’

ichie Sambora thinks his ex-wife Heather Locklear is “hot”. The Bon Jovi guitarist split from the 52-year-old actress - with who he has R16-year-old daughter Ava - in 2007, but insists they are closer than ever. He said: “She’s doing her thing on Franklin & Bash and she looks better than ever. She’s still hot! “We’re better friends now than ever.” Richie believes it was essential for the sake of their daughter for the for- mer couple to keep relations cordial. He told People: “If you don’t get along you are messing the kid up. That’s what happens. “So you have to put that before whatever thing is going on. Communication has got to come first. There’s a cooling off period obviously, as you know - it takes time. It was almost 10 years ago though. So we’re fine. “Thanksgiving or Christmas, we all spend it together.” The 54-year-old musician is very proud of his daughter and thinks she is the person she is today because Ecclestone perfect of her upbringing. He said: “She’s a really good kid. You have to give them the tools to take care of themselves and almost force them when they are small to make decisions on their own so they then get in that in pink baby shower groove. “I never talked down to her, even when she was a kid. [Now] I rarely have to reprimand her. She’s fantastic.” amara Ecclestone had a “totally perfect” baby shower. The Formula 1 heiress was thrown a lavish pink-themed party by her younger sister Petra Ecclestone Ton March 1 to celebrate the impending arrival of her first child with her hus- band Jay Rutland. She told the new issue of HELLO! magazine: “It was all pink and totally perfect. There were pink and white sofas, a barman mixing special pink cock- tails, a four-tier cake and photos of me as a baby. Petra had thought of absolutely everything - my favorite chocolate crepes, amazing pastries, sweets with the words ‘Bun in the oven’ written on them, and personalized love hearts saying ‘Baby girl’. “She’d also compiled amazing goodie bags containing a pink nail polish she’d made up for me, called ‘Tamara’s knocked up’. I loved it all.” Tamara - who is expecting a girl - was joined by her sisters Petra and Slavica, as well as 20 of her closest friends, for the Patton ‘open’ to giving plush party at exclusive venue The Orangery at Kensington Palace, London, which was decked out with roses, cushions, cakes and candles for the occasion and she was thrilled by the effort her sibling made. The 29-year-old socialite added: “Petra has Thicke another chance impeccable taste and is a perfect party planner. She went to so much effort to make sure it would a wonderful occasion and she got everything spot on. Even the baby aula Patton is “open” to giving Robin Thicke another chance. The shower invitations - a gold rattle inside a pink box - that she sent out to my closest ‘Baggage Claim’ actress split from the ‘Blurred Lines’ singer last family and friends were just right. “But I had no idea of the details of the day except Pmonth, and though she was reported to have insisted to him she what time I had to be ready, where I was going and that I had to wear an outfit with a wanted a divorce, insiders say she is now reconsidering her stance. hint of pink. I was so excited the night before, I could hardly sleep.” Guests also took Sources told gossip website TMZ that the estranged couple - who have part in a special game of Pin The Tail on The Donkey, which involved blindfolded pals been married for eight years and have a three-year-old son, Julian, attempting to stick a mock-up image of Tamara’s unborn baby on a giant photo of together - have been talking “constantly” and are now discussing what her proudly showing off her bump. Robin needs to do to convince Paula they can make their marriage work. The 38-year-old actress is said to be particularly impressed with how much of a good dad Robin, 36, has continued to be since they separated, keeping in touch while on the road and seeing their little boy whenever he can. According to the source, Paula hasn’t yet hired a divorce lawyer and has no plans to do so. However, though their conversations have been “smooth and cordial”, one thing the ‘Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol’ star is unhappy with is Robin’s public declarations of love for her. In New York last week, he told his audience at Madison Square Garden: “When there’s someone you love, you gotta fight for them no matter what.” And days earlier, he said during a concert in Atlantic City: “Never stop believing and you never stop loving. And even if it is over, make sure you treat each other right. Treat your family right. Take care of your mom, take care of your kids and good things will come to you. Just keep believ- ing that God is good. “That’s what gets me by. Sometimes when I get a lit- tle scared or worried about the future, I just try to stay positive and do my part to spread love and spread joy.” Though the couple insisted their split was mutual when they announced their separation, it has subsequently been reported that Paula told her spouse she wanted a divorce and Robin did everything he could to get her to change her mind.

Cumberbatch to play a ‘dumb’ character Rob Kardashian’s enedict Cumberbatch wants to play a “dumb” character. The ‘Sherlock’ actor, who has just completed ‘The life-threatening weight BImitation Game’, a biopic of British cryptographer, Alan Turing, insists he’s ready for a less intellectual role. The 37-year- ob Kardashian’s doctor warned he risked death if he didn’t change his old star told T magazine: “I always seem to be cast as slightly lifestyle. The ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ star - who has been bat- wan, ethereal, troubled intellectuals or physically ambivalent Rtling with fluctuating weight - sought medical help on the urging of his bad lovers... “I am so ready to play a really dumb character.” mother and manager, Kris Jenner, and the family were horrified by the results Benedict, who has also won awards for his role as Victor of his medical testing. In scenes which aired on ‘Keeping Up with the Frankenstein and his monster in the West End production, Kardashians’ in the US last night, the doctor advised Rob was at risk of devel- became a huge star after taking on the part of the titular detec- oping diabetes and eventual organ failure, prompting Kris to give her 26-year- tive in BBC1’s ‘Sherlock’ but admits he’s not the nicest character old son a stark warning. She told him “Your liver is shutting down. “This is life- to play. He said: “I always make it clear that people who threatening at this point. You can only sustain this level of being unhealthy for become obsessed with him or the idea of him - he’d destroy so long.” Rob - whose father Robert Kardashian died aged just 59 from you... “He is an absolute jerk.” The actor is uncomfortable in the oesophageal cancer in 2003 - agreed he needed to make changes and was lat- spotlight but has quickly realized the best way to stay unde- er praised by his personal trainer for his hard work in the gym. The shocking tected is not to draw attention to himself. He explained: “There news came weeks after the sock designer admitted to his older sister Khloe is a way of just shadowing through. The higher the walls, the Kardashian that his weight gain has made him depressed. He recently said: more dark the windows, the bigger the sunglasses - the more “I’ve never felt so down depressed in my life. I’m trying to be in the fashion people are going to look. “The greatest disguise is learning industry and I’m not going to be taken seriously when I’m fifty pounds over- how to be invisible in plain sight.” weight. It’s embarrassing to the family.” LIFESTYLE37 TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 Gossip

Webb recalls offer to first helm Spider-Man

arc Webb thought it was “crazy” when he was first offered the chance to direct ‘The Amazing Spider- Man’. The 39-year-old filmmaker - who was recently confirmed to helm Andrew Garfield in the third Minstallment of the superhero franchise - was initially surprised when he was approached by Sony boss, Amy Pascal, to make a remake of Sam Raimi’s 2002 film ‘Spider-Man’. Talking at the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival, in Austin, Texas, he told the audience: “I thought it was crazy.” Pascal responded to his hesita- tions by saying: “Honey, you can’t turn down Spider-Man.” Webb wants the film franchise to be “fantastic” and “big”, in keeping with how children feel when they read about the Marvel superhero, who was first created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Steve Ditko. He added: “I’m going to embrace the spectacle. There was a moment deep in the [first film’s] post-production process where a giant lizard smashed through a wall chas- ing a boy-man in a unitard and I said, ‘This is not grounded. I’m not going to be beholden to smallness. I want it to be fantastic, to be big, to command and express that feeling when you’re a kid and reading the comics.’ I didn’t want to hide or shy away from that.”

Lily Allen to release Sheezus in May

Smith to produce Harlem Hellfighters ill Smith has signed on to produce a film adaptation of the graphic novel ‘Harlem WHellfighters’. The 45-year-old actor will team up with Sony Pictures to bring Max Brooks’ upcom- ing novel - which is inspired by the true story of the all African-American 369th Infantry Regiment which fought in the US Army During World War I and II - to the big screen. The ‘After Earth’ star has signed a deal with Sony - who own the rights to the graphic novel - to produce a live-action film, according to Shadow and Act, although there has so far been no indica- tion as to whether he will also appear in the movie. ‘Harlem Hellfighters’ writer Max is best known for writing the book ‘World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War’ which was later adapted into successful zombie horror ‘World War Z’, which starred Brad Pitt. His new work - which will show how the men in the famed infantry regiment returned to the United States as heroes but faced racism from their fellow soldiers, citizens and the government - is expected ily Allen is to release her new ‘Sheezus’ - which is inspired by the Christopher Sweeney and documents to be released next month and meanwhile Smith is album ‘Sheezus’ on May 5. The title of Kanye West’s last album a fictional drunken night out for Lily. already attached to a number of other projects L28-year-old singer’s hotly antici- ‘Yeezus’ - includes a title track of the The track-listing for Sheezus is; including ‘Brilliance’, ‘Focus’. ‘Hancock 2’ and ‘Bad Boys pated third studio LP will contain the same name, second single ‘Air Balloon’ ‘Sheezus’ 3’. hit ‘Hard Out Here’ and is available to and ‘L8CMMR’, which is about her hus- ‘L8CMMR’ pre-order from today with a down- band Sam Cooper’s bedroom ‘Air Balloon’ load of her next single ‘Our Time’ from prowess. All the tracks on Lily’s new ‘Our Time’ iTunes. Lily is clearly excited that fans album were produced by Greg ‘Insincerely Yours’ are going to be able to get their hands Kurstin, except for the title track ‘Take My Place’ on her album as she posted this mes- which was produced by DJ Dahi and ‘As Long As I Got You’ sage her Twitter account this morning, ‘Air Balloon’ which was produced by ‘URL Badman’ “ZOMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily Allen - Sheezus Shellback. ‘Our Time’ will receive a full ‘Silver Spoon’ (sic),” along with a pre-order link to release on April 27 and the video for ‘The Life For Me’ Pharrell Williams: I’ll never the LP on iTunes. The tracklisting for the track has been directed by ‘Hard Out Here’ be as big as Jay Z harrell Williams thinks he’ll never be as successful as Jay Z. The Alba doesn’t care ‘Happy’ hitmaker thought he could compete with the ‘Holy PGrail’ rapper when he started releasing solo material but admits he was wrong and was trying to be someone he wasn’t when he recorded his debut ‘In My Mind’ in 2006. He told the about Fantastic Guardian Weekend magazine: “It was in my mind, but not in my heart. It was this caricature that I’d built in my mind, that fitted in with what Snoop and Jay were doing. “Some of the things I said on that record, all the brag- Four role ging, it’s not necessary. It doesn’t say anything about you, apart from how shallow you are.” He went on : “[I essica Alba claims she doesn’t mind who plays her character Sue thought I was] this competitive guy in the music Storm in the next ‘Fantastic Four’ movie. The 32-year-old actress por- industry, who admired my peers and felt he needed to Jtrayed the invisible woman in the last two film adaptations of the compete with the races that they designed. But in life comic book tales, but she will not be involved in the upcoming reboot as you’re meant to race against yourself.” Pharrell, whose Kate Mara has been cast in the role. When asked how she feels about second solo record ‘G I R L’ has hit the number one Mara playing Sue, Alba replied: “I don’t have any sort of real attachment spot on the UK Album Chart, admits “Jay was never to anything like that. I’m like, the more the better, I don’t really have any going to race with any of us.” He explained: “That was idea. It’s not like I created the comic book. I think Stan Lee [the co-creator just my delusion. Because his career runs laps around of ‘Fantastic Four’] should have a say in who plays Sue.” The blonde beau- people. And he runs laps around people, lyrically. He’s a ty also claimed she wasn’t even aware of who had been cast as her philosopher and a poet.” The 40-year-old star feels more replacement because she doesn’t follow news. She is quoted by the comfortable with who he is these days and insists he isn’t Belfast Telegraph newspaper as saying: “I don’t read entertainment news interested in living a party lifestyle. When asked if he has so I’m not aware of it, but I love that comic book and it’s such a great sto- ever taken drugs, he replied: “Very rarely - I’ve had my share ry about family and staying together. “Morally, it’s nice to have that series of pot brownies - but it’s not my thing. I spend most of my time out in the world for young people to n watch that. It’s so positive. There’s working. Yes [I am a workaholic], lucidity is important to me.” a lot of negativity out there and I really love the core of what that comic book is about. The more that’s out there the better, I think it’s great.” ‘Fantastic Four’ is scheduled for release on June 19, 2015. Hudson inspired by Styles a ‘virtual stranger’ personal tragedies

to One Direction ennifer Hudson’s new album is inspired by her personal tragedies. arry Styles has become a “virtual stranger” to his One Direction The 32-year-old singer, whose mother Darnell, brother Jason, and bandmates. The 20-year-old heartthrob has reportedly been Jnephew Julian were gunned down by her former brother-in-law, Hspending a lot of time in the United States with ‘Keeping Up William Balfour, in October 2008, insists she has forgiven their killer to try With The Kardashians’ star Kendall Jenner and in turn has been and find peace and has used her late mother’s phrases in her new mate- neglecting his fellow ‘Story of My Life’ singers - who he will soon rial. Talking about the upcoming record, the ‘I Can’t Describe’ singer said: reunite with for rehearsals for their upcoming tour. An insider “It’s my story - it’s me, it’s my voice, it’s my perspective. There’s a song claimed Harry had become a “virtual stranger” to the rest of the called ‘Moan’ that I wrote, which came from something my mother group, saying: “It’s as if Harry isn’t part of the group. “It’s going to always used to say, ‘If you moan, it makes you better if something hurts. come to a head now because for the first time in months they are “It will definitely be difficult to perform. Oh my God, it was difficult to going to be spending every day together as they rehearse for this record. Because it’s so personal, it was really emotional.” Balfour, who was summer’s tour.” Harry’s bandmates - Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Louis married to Jennifer’s sister Julia, was handed three life sentences for the Tomlinson and Liam Payne - are said to be worried that he isn’t tak- murders in 2012 without the possibility of parole, along with 120 years ing One Direction seriously and is instead more interested in pursu- for other convictions. Jennifer, who is headlining today’s global empower- ing his own career. The insider told the Daily Star newspaper: “The ment ‘We Day’ event at London’s Wembley Arena, has been working with boys want reassurances from Harry that he’s in the group for the long the likes of ‘Happy’ hitmaker Pharrell Williams and producer Timbaland and haul. They won’t let him just use them for his own career ambitions. will soon release more details about her third studio album, the follow-up to They want to know what’s really going on. “It’s like he has two separate 2011’s ‘I Remember Me’. She added to The Daily Mirror newspaper: “I want lives now. One in America and his work with the band. Now he’s going to everybody to be Jenniferised! I want to reflect my energy, how I am when you come back in and act like they are all best mates again? It’s unlikely!” meet me, in my music.” lifestyle TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 TRAVEL

A Bedouin Jordanian guard stands in front of Al-Khazneh, Arabic for the Treasury, the most dramatic of many facades carved into the mountains, in the ancient city of Petra, Jordan. Jordan leads the Middle East’s new focus on eco-tourism Tourists stand in front of the rock-hewn Al Khazneh, Arabic for the Treasury, in the ancient city of Petra, Jordan.

Photo shows German tourist, Gina Stahlberg, right, sits with other Bedouin keepers of an eco-resort gather near a fire, in the ancient Bedouin singer Mohammed Seedien, 52, plays a Rababh, an tourists in an eco-resort’s tent, behind the rocky mountains of the city of Petra, Jordan. ancient Bedouin one string musical instrument at an eco-resort in ancient city of Petra, Jordan. the ancient city of Petra, Jordan.

trek uphill from Jordan’s scorching Dead and olive oil produced by the local communi- Sea shore through the towering sand- ties through its Wild Jordan division. Officials at Astone walls of the Mujib gorge leaves Dana also took into account the area’s broader you with a pulse-racing way to get back down - environmental problems, including by setting strap into a harness and rappel down a water- up a sustainable grazing program for Bedouin fall into a sparkling river. goat herders. Jordan, home of the ancient red-rock city of “We’re ahead of the entire Mideast region. Petra, is reaching beyond its considerable his- We’ve introduced integrating biodiversity con- torical and Biblical tourist attractions to try to servation with sustainable community and capture a stake in the growing outdoor adven- socio-economic development,” conservation ture and eco-tourism market. Besides the Mujib society director Khaled said. The conservation gorge - which has the distinction of being the society, which is looking to establish nine more lowest elevation nature reserve in the world - reserves, hopes eco-tourism will serve as the Jordan is marketing places like the wooded main source of income for the work. highlands and rocky slopes of the Dana Reserve in the country’s south. Visitors there take in Nothing less than ‘10-star’ views of massive domelike clusters of red-beige Dana is the country’s largest reserve, cover- rock and - with luck - might catch a glimpse of ing some 190 square miles. It is a place of star- the shy mountain ibex before settling in for the tling variety. Lush mountains as high as 4,900 night at a camp site, rustic guesthouse or the feet descend to open woodlands of juniper and reserve’s candlelit eco-lodge. oak. And farther down sits scrubland and sandy The desert kingdom’s effort to lure eco- desert below sea level. “Your walk may start in tourists - 66,000 came last year among a total of snow and after four hours you’ll only need a T- 3.4 million tourists - seeks to reap the benefits shirt. You’re still in Dana, but it feels like a differ- of four decades of pioneering wildlife and ent country,” said local guide Tayseer Al- nature conservation. Environmentalists sup- ported by then-ruler King Hussein founded The Photo shows a horse carriage carries Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature in tourists through what is known as the ‘siq,’ 1966 at a time when war with Israel, not ecolog- the main narrow passage that leads to the ical conservation, dominated most Arab agen- rock-hewn monuments of the ancient city of das. Petra, Jordan. — AP photos “The area was in turmoil,” said the society’s director, Yehya Khaled. “The following year we had a war between the Arabs and Israel.” Since down waterfalls, paraglide off sandstone crags, then, the non-governmental organization has navigate Red Sea reefs, then cook supper deep led environmental education programs, set a in the desert sands of Wadi Rum,” she told an national environmental strategy and estab- audience of hundreds of travel industry leaders. lished and maintained eight nature reserves so Such exhilaration can be had along one of the far. trails through the Mujib gorge. From the edge of the Dead Sea, it winds up through hills and Following Jordan’s lead descends to the Mujib river via a rope rappel Other countries in the Middle East are fol- down a 65-foot waterfall. Along the way, you lowing Jordan’s lead. In the United Arab can stop and cool off in natural pools. Emirates, for example, Dubai’s dune-rippled Bedouin Othman Hweetat, 22, who works Desert Conservation Reserve was recognized in in camel and horse tours in the ancient city Protecting nature November as a protected area by the of Petra, Jordan, poses for a portrait. The country’s reserves are also great places International Union for Conservation of Nature, to spot wildlife. Jordan’s conservation efforts thanks in part to its sustainable tourism pro- Qtashat. The reserve has 11 walks ranging from included the 1978 reintroduction of the once gram and its re-introduction of Arabian oryx a gentle one-hour jaunt to a more invigorating nearly extinct Arabian oryx, an elegant white and gazelles. 10-hour trek that demands some climbing and antelope native to the Arabian Peninsula. The Among the region’s more far-flung places, swimming. Dana and three other natural sites Dana Reserve is home to the Syrian wolf and Yemen’s island of Socotra is also drawing deter- in Jordan - the Azraq Wetlands, Mujib and Wadi other endangered animals, as well as 700 plant mined eco-tourists and has been compared to Rum - are soon to be added to UNESCO’s World species, including Jordan’s rare national flower, the Galapagos because of its hundreds of Heritage List, which already includes other the black iris, and 215 kinds of birds. You might species of plants and animals that are found Jordanian favorites such as Petra, Qasayr Amra even cross paths with a horned ibex. nowhere else on earth. Jordan, for its part, has and Umm Rasas. In establishing the reserve in the 1990s, even dispatched its cause-crusading Queen American tourist Daniel Dyer, from New Jordan also resurrected the fortunes of a dying Rania, known for her activism on issues like Jersey, has visited several of Jordan’s nature Bedouin village there, providing residents with poverty and education, to boost eco-tourism reserves and said he plans to keep coming back, jobs helping run the reserve. With Dana and the numbers. She promoted the country’s natural especially to Dana. “There is drama here. Such other reserves, The Royal Society for the heritage recently at a Conde Nast travel forum natural beauty is exceptional,” Dyer said. “I’d Conservation of Nature also helps market and A Bedouin keeper of an eco-resort sits on an old tree at the entrance of the resort, in the in New York. have to agree with Queen Noor who called the sell hand-crafted silver jewelry, organic jams ancient city of Petra, Jordan. “If you want adventure, you can abseil (rope) views here nothing less than ‘10-star.’” — AP

A Bedouin walks towards an eco-resort behind the rocky mountains of the A horse carriage carries tourists for a tour at the Treasury in the Tourists walk by one of the smaller facades carved into the face of rocks, in the ancient city of Petra, Jordan. ancient city of Petra, Jordan. ancient city of Petra, Jordan. lifestyle TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 FASHION Moda Lisboa Fashion Week

Jovovich’s tropical Marella collection illa Jovovich says her tropical-inspired capsule collection for Marella is perfect for summer. The Mmodel-turned-actress has teamed up with the brand for her fourth Marella Milla collaboration of hand- bags and clothing, and believes the bright hues offer a sense of exotic escapism for city girls. She told French Grazia magazine: “The materials, the drawings, the quality of the details, everything is purer. That corresponds to my current vision of fashion. For this Spring/Summer, colours are the quintessence of style. “They’re shiny, tropical, like blue and yellow. The collection is sophisticated, stylish and fun. A touch of holidays, tropics and at the same time very urban and cool. “We chose colours [for the bags] representing the sea, the sun and hibiscus. It reminds me of Hawaii. It’s a way of Models present an escaping from our grey cities.” The ‘Fifth Element’ star is autumn/ especially proud of the new Milla bag, which she thinks is winter 2014-2015 the perfect accessory because it is simple yet stylish. Milla collection creation by added: “It’s magnificent, very simple, white in a python- Portuguese printed leather with metallic details and a special catch we designer Filipe Faisca designed together. “You can wear it with everything during the 42nd edition because it’s monochrome. So you can go bold with the of Moda Lisboa Fashion shoes or the dress.” — Bang Showbiz Week at the Patio da Gale on Terreiro do Paco Square in Stella McCartney says Lisbon. —AFP photos fashion is ‘psychology’ he 42-year-old designer investigates her “holistic sense of self” when working on new pieces and Jimmy Choo Twants her clothing to be relevant in today’s socie- ty. She explained to The Observer newspaper’s The ‘cannot stop’ Fashion magazine: “Fashion is psychology, so there’s a whole holistic sense of self that I’m thinking about designing shoes when I’m designing. And of course, I want clothes to be modern and cool and relevant.” Although she’s keen to stay “modern” Stella recog- nizes the importance of designing pieces which are timeless and can be passed on through generations. She added: “At the same time, they have got to be perfectly constructed in the most beautiful fabric, because I want them to last not just your lifetime but your daughter’s lifetime and her daughter’s lifetime. “And that’s just scratching the sur- face, because inside of that I am trying to source those beautiful fabrics in a respon- sible way. I’m trying to show that it is possible to have a business in luxury fashion that is led by a woman.” The British style icon doesn’t want her customers to consider the complex process behind designing, but wants them to enjoy how the items look and feel. immy Choo will never stop designing shoes. The She said: “I don’t want anyone to feel any of that. I 61-year-old designer - who sold his 50 percent want the woman who comes into my store to feel at Jstake in his eponymous brand in 2001 - says ease, to see a dress and try it on and love how it designing shoes is still the main focus of his life and he makes her feel. At that moment, what I want to do is doesn’t plan to stop any time soon. He said: “I’m still uplift that woman.” — Bang Showbiz designing shoes and sketching. I can’t be without designing shoes. I’m still training young people and working with them closely. “But I still design shoes. I cannot stop. When I design a beautiful shoe I am satis- fying myself. For many years I’ve been doing this and I Lagerfeld to design love it. I cannot stop designing. Nobody can tie my hands and stop me.” Chinese hotel The man behind one of the most luxurious footwear brands in the world also spoke out to say that modern technology is stifling creativity, as he often spent his spare time learning new skills when growing up in Malaysia. He told VOGUE magazine: “In the old days, there was no iPhone, no television, no computer. So when I finished school and homework my mother and father would always say to me, ‘Son do you want to learn something?’ “I always watched my father, my mother and my uncle make shoes. In the old days you were encouraged to watch, because when Dino Alves you watch you learn.” ICONIC spring summer 2014 collection brings you a palette of fresh colors pring 2014 season has shuffled off the sensual snake prints, wide leg pants, soft tai- runways, giving us plenty of new things lored jackets, cigarette pants and tunic tops Sto look forward to. It’s not only fun to be all using glamorous soft tailoring for the first, but the surest way to invest wisely in key added effect. Romance is in the air with fashion pieces of the season so ICONIC pres- spring being all about having fun with fash- ents its spring’14 collection. This season ion. With feminine looks ruling the runways, arl Lagerfeld is going to design a hotel. The women wear at ICONIC will showcase trends the Popular Romance collection comes in soft Chanel mogul is adding to his extensive list of like Sports Luxe. A dominant trend on the pastel colours and vibrant hues, all of which Ktalents - which already include drawing and hel- international runways and in the pages of icopter design - by turning his hand to architecture every magazine, Sport Luxe is all about mini- and creating a 270-room hotel in Macau, China. The mal silhouettes and simple patterns. The fashion designer claims his new project came from his trend takes its cues from the clothes associat- desire to create a new space, but he realized he ed solely with athletes but translated in a way already had too many houses. Lagerfeld told WWD: “I that is androgynous at times and futuristic have more houses than I need and I don’t want to do and minimal at other moments. Following a any anymore. So I can - how could I say? - get rid of my monochrome palette of black and white frustration by doing hotels. Ugh, same. I hate it when I along with thunderstorm grey and metallic, focuses on two key trends for the season that With smart and clever tailoring becoming realize I have more houses than necessary.” the collection features oversized textured are ‘Tropical Prep’ & ‘Retro Luxe’. With high- a staple in the men’s wardrobe, ICONIC trans- The French fashion house’s creative director hint- jackets and dresses, tailored and structured street getting a taste of floral prints for this lates this trend with a trip down memory ed the hotel would be every inch as sophisticated pieces like boxy jackets and cocoon dresses spring, ICONIC lets you escape to a fantastical lane. The collection is a revival of the 70’s aes- and luxurious as the goods Chanel is renowned for. along with conventional sporty items like flu- world of romantic floral where you can find thetics with a nautical look. A colour palette The designer added: “You know, Gabrielle Chanel id jogger pants, oversized tees and dress. your own personal paradise. Exploring of red and navy with a hint of sand and always said, ‘I only make dresses I would wear.’ And I Adding a bit of 70s will infuse a bit of are some variation of the floral theme. shades of muted navy blues and beiges, olive antique white the collection features polo t- make only rooms where I would like to sleep. It’s as underlying confidence to your spring Following an evolution of the 50s retro teamed with a color palette of whites, ivory, shirts, button down shirts, relaxed blazers simple as that.” Lagerfeld previously experimented wardrobe. The Demure 70’s trend is all about fuelled looks the trick is to look grounded light blue to pop colors to add freshness, the and tailored shorts. Nautical stripes, vintage with hotel design on a smaller scale by putting his carrying the more demure looks with an air of rather than overtly girlie and flirty. White, Dark Florals collection is best worn semi casu- retro graphics and neo geos a trend fast ris- twist on suites at Paris’ exclusive Hotel de Crillon. The sexuality and a sort of defiant independence. cobalt blue, zest, saffron yellow and krishna al for a preppy Resort look. With relaxed ing up the fashion charts where neon is style maven is also launching a flagship Karl Inspired by some of our favorite style icons orange are the key colours while ruffles and shapes like polo tees, floral shirts and shorts, mixed with geometric are the key elements Lagerfeld store in London next week and has created think Jerry Hall, Bianca Jagger and Lauren pretty detailing are part of the new mood for blazers and belts left hanging the entire vibe to focus on when shopping for Retro Luxe. a British-themed capsule collection to coincide with Hutton this trend uses a color palette of ivory, feminine romance. The collection includes symbolizes ready to go on holiday. Dark para- Head over to ICONIC and shop our latest the opening. — Bang Showbiz dusty nude and earthy tones of beige and ruffled tops, carrot pants and fit & flare dress. dise prints and animal and bird motifs are key spring summer collection available at The brown. The line includes fluid maxi dresses in The ICONIC spring collection for men to this collection. Avenues, The Mall, level 1. Jordan leads the Middle East’s new focus on eco-tourism

TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 38

Indian chefs carve pumpkins, watermelons and papayas during a fruit and vegetable carving competition at “Culinary Art India 2014 ”at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi yesterday. “Culinary Art India 2014” is organized by “Indian Culinary Forum” in association with ITPO and Hospitality First. This event brings 250 chefs under one roof and exhibiting their culinary skills to the masses. The first day of “Culinary Art India 2014” witnessed over 23 chefs participat- ed in various categories that included fruit and vegetable carving, authentic Indian regional cuisine and live cooking sessions.—AFP photos

Favreau goes from ‘Iron Man’ to In Mona Lisa’s smile, US stainless steel food truck in new film ctor, director and screenwriter Jon Favreau trad- ed the high-flying super hero antics of his “Iron historian sees a feminist Man” movies for a quieter new film about a cele- A t’s taken him 12 years, but an amateur art histo- Laure Fagnart told AFP. “In my mind, there’s noth- brated chef who quits his job at a top-flight restaurant and takes to the road in a food truck. “Chef,” a small- rian from Texas reckons he’s solved the mystery ing that’s really hidden from us,” added Fagnart, a of the Mona Lisa’s enigmatic smile, five cen- specialist in Renaissance art at the University of budget, independent comedy with a big-name cast, I including Iron Man veterans Robert Downey Jr and turies after it was immortalized by Leonardo da Liege in Belgium who has not read Varvel’s book. Scarlett Johansson, made its premiere at the South by Vinci. In a just-published book, “The Lady Speaks: “This is the portrait of a bourgeois woman like Southwest film festival in Austin this weekend. It will Uncovering the Secrets of the Mona Lisa,” William dozens of others from that time, albeit perhaps open nationwide in the United States on May 9. For Varvel argues that La Gioconda was a 16th-century more difficult to read than other works,” she said. Favreau, “Chef” helped cleanse his palate after direct- feminist who favored a greater role for women in “Da Vinci was an artist who put thought into his ing the first two of the three Iron Man films, which have the Catholic church. “La Gioconda was trying to get painting, he did nothing in an innocent fashion.” a combined world box office of more than $1 billion. people to see that the New Jerusalem would be For all the years he’s committed to studying the The movie also comes ahead of what will likely be his here as soon as you recognize women’s theological Mona Lisa, Varvel has never actually seen it up next expensive project, an adaption of “The Jungle rights,” Varvel, 53, a former mathematics professor, close. “I’m not going to fight the crowd to see La told AFP in a telephone interview. Gioconda,” he said. “If I go to Paris, the Louvre is Book.” Jon Favreau “If you spending in excess of $100 million on some- “La Gioconda may be a grand statement for going to give me a private showing-and if they thing, you better make sure that you make that money Favreau enlisted the help of Roy Choi, who rose to women’s rights,” he added. His theory joins many don’t, I won’t go.”—AFP back,” Favreau told Reuters. “When you are doing fame by starting up a food truck that served Korean others-some serious, others fanciful-surrounding something for a fraction of that, the smaller you make influenced tacos. “Maybe the food truck does not have what is perhaps the world’s most famous painting, the movie, the smaller the risk, and the more specific as much money as being a big chef, but you never which draws legions of tourists every day to the the audience can be.” His new movie is more of a per- have to compromise your visions,” Choi said. Louvre museum in Paris. History remembers the sonal story about a chef named Carl Casper pushed Choi helped Favreau learn the tricks of the trade Mona Lisa as Lisa del Giocondo, a mother of five out of his kitchen due social media gaffes that spiral and said by the end of the film, the star was cooking all born into an aristocratic Florentine family whose out of control and conflicts with the restaurant owner, the food for the scenes in the movie. Favreau said put- husband, a cloth and silk merchant, commissioned played by Dustin Hoffman. ting the script together for this movie brought back the portrait. At the heart of the film is the troubled relationship memories of “Swingers,” the 1996 comedy he wrote Da Vinci, who had already painted The Last between Casper and his son, who has been living with about unemployed actors and a swing dance revival Supper for a Dominican convent, toiled on the oil- his mother after a divorce. “This movie deals with that helped propel him and co-star Vince Vaughn to on-poplar painting from 1503 to 1506 and perhaps issues that coincide with the stage in life where I am, prominence. “I have a lot of really, really good eight- several years after. In his 180-page book that’s not specifically fatherhood and the prioritization of family page scripts and then you forget what you are doing,” always an easy read, Varvel explains that, in the over career,” Favreau said. he said. On both films, Favreau kept going - plugging course of his career, Da Vinci had painted “each and away for about two weeks each and coming away with every verse” of the final chapter of the Old Bringing back memories an entire story. “The big movies have to appeal to Testament’s book of Zechariah, which anticipates To keep costs down, the A-list actors were paid the everybody, young or old, male or female, every market the rise of an ideal society within a New Jerusalem. bare minimum and the special effects of his previous around the world to get their money back,” Favreau He did so, Varvel contends, “in order to state that films have been traded for close-ups of the knife work said. “But little ones like this you can make for you and women’s rights to the priesthood should be recog- used in preparing food for the kitchen. Gratuitous an audience that can connect with it more personally,” nized.” What’s more, the author said, “Leonardo shots of mouth-watering dishes take the place of mas- he said.—Reuters constructed and placed a total of 40 separate sym- sive explosions. To get the feel of the movie right, bols taken from chapter 14 into the background, middle ground and foreground of the composition of the Mona Lisa.”

Religious clues? Thus, Calvary rises from behind the Mona Lisa’s France to return Nazi-looted art right shoulder, while the Mount of Olives is on the rance will today return three paintings seized by France and whose possessions were confiscated by the other side. And folds on the arms of her robe sug- the Nazis to their rightful owners, just the tip of an Nazis in December 1943. The painting had been housed gest a yoke-a reference to Biblical texts and Ficeberg in a country where nearly 2,000 such art- in a museum in the eastern city of Dijon. The “Portrait of women’s oppression. For Da Vinci, the idea of a works remain unclaimed. All works of art identified as a woman” canvas was kept in one of the wings of the New Jerusalem “was based upon a universal recog- having been stolen by the Nazis are kept in French famed Louvre museum in Paris, and could be the copy nition of both men and women of the laity to have museums that are required to report them and put of a portrait of an 18th century actress by French artist recognized rights of the priesthood of Jesus Christ,” them on display in the hope that the previous owners, Louis Tocque. The artwork belonged to art dealers from Varvel said. He added: “The perception of the New their heirs or assignees will spot and claim them. Berlin, and was auctioned off in January 1935 as part of Jerusalem is the secret that her smile reflects.” Culture Minister Aurelie Filippetti will return the three the public sale of Jewish goods. The last painting was Fascination with the Mona Lisa endures: over paintings-”Mountain Landscape” by Flemish artist Joos seized in June 1944 in the southern French city of the years, some viewers claim to have sensed mys- de Momper (1564-1635), a “Portrait of a woman” oil can- Cannes by the Nazis, and is claimed by the great-grand- terious signs in her eyes, her voice has been recon- vas dating from the 18th century and a “Madonna and daughter of a banker who owned the artwork. So far, structed by Japanese enthusiasts, and a doctor child” painting-in an official ceremony. France has only managed to return 70 pieces of art that once diagnosed her as having an excess of choles- “Mountain Landscape” belonged to Baron Cassel van were seized by the Nazis to their owners.—AFP terol. “It’s even been said that she’s a man, even the Doorn, a non-Jewish Belgian banker who had homes in portrait of Leonardo da Vinci himself,” art historian