A graduate project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Fine Arts in Screenwriting


Nichol Simmons

May 2017 Copyright by Nichol Simmons 2017

ii The graduate project of Nichol Simmons is approved:

______Professor Jared Rappaport Date

______Professor Jonathan Stahl Date

______Professor Scott Sturgeon, Chair Date

California State University, Northridge


To my amazing, supportive husband Charles, who puts up with so much and who I still can't believe hasn't smothered me in my sleep. Thanks, Steve.

And to my mother, Sandi, who has inspired me by example throughout my entire life.


Copyright Page ii

Signature Page iii

Dedication iv

Abstract vi

Baby Fat 1




Nichol Simmons

Master of Fine Arts in Screenwriting

As her unconventional family is falling apart, a bullied middle-schooler looking for love finds herself in the arms of her tormentor.



As the OPENING TITLES begin, we take a tour through the kind of small town that seems impossible in the age of internet celebrities and self-driving cars -- but here we are.

It’s MAGIC HOUR and the streets are mostly deserted as BEAVER VALLEY, OHIO greets another day. As we journey through town, we pass an assortment of local shops with names like “Yarn ‘n Things” and “The Book Nook.” Some storefronts are empty.

At “Kristi’s Koffee”, KRISTI gets the outdoor tables ready for the first customers of the day.

In the center of the TOWN SQUARE, the COURTHOUSE CLOCK BONGS out the time as vendors set up their tents and arrange their wares on the lawn for the day’s Farmer’s Market. Each BONG can be heard throughout town. BONG!

BONG! Two CITY WORKERS tend a NEIGHBORHOOD PARK. One mows the grass, the other tends the colorful flowers that surround a picture-perfect gazebo.

BONG! BEAVER VALLEY CHARTER MIDDLE SCHOOL stands quiet and empty. The only sign of activity is the digital marquee out front where a digital racquet hits a digital tennis ball and says “Go Lady Beavers!”

BONG! A NEWSPAPER DELIVERY WOMAN drives down a residential street full of tightly packed two-story shotgun-style houses that have seen better days. Random boarded- up houses and the crappy cars on the street belie the Mayberry-esque facade just a few streets away.

We follow as the Delivery Woman tosses papers into the weed patches that pass for lawns.

But as she passes by the CAHILL HOUSE (they’re not newspaper readers), we stop. Their house looks tired, and shows little sign that anyone lives there.




BOBBI CAHILL, 14, her rounded belly and shiny skin evidence that her awkward years aren’t going away any time soon, stands over a bathroom scale wearing only an oversized t- shirt and flowered underpants.

1 She moves her foot to get on the scale as though she’s about to step on a bear trap.

Nope, too scary. She backs off.

She lifts her t-shirt, contemplates her chubby midsection in the mirror, then sucks her stomach in with all her might.

Finally she gives up and shoves the scale under a posterboard hanging on the wall.

A weight loss chart is hand-lettered on the posterboard. It’s titled “Small Steps, Big Changes” and tracks “Mom’s” weight loss. Gold stars mark successful weight loss milestones.

Bobbi gives the chart on her way out the door.


Bobbi comes down the stairs wearing a Beaver Valley Charter School button-up shirt that strains against her chest, and shorts that are too tight across her belly.

Bobbi’s mom, CARLA, 33, her janitor’s uniform topped off with a carefully cultivated hairstyle that would be at home in an 80’s yearbook, sits at the dining room table drinking a diet shake and reading Cosmo magazine.

CARLA Did you weigh in?

Bobbi ignores her and lifts the lid off a plate containing a gelatinous scrambled egg and a peach half.

CARLA (CONT’D) I’m talking to you.

BOBBI Oh my god - yes!

CARLA Don’t get pissy with me. I’m just trying to help you. Things get out of control when you don’t pay attention.

Bobbi shoves some egg into her mouth and pulls the magazine toward her, ignoring her. Carla picks up her trash and goes into the kitchen.

2 The magazine cover screams “Beach Ready Abs in just minutes a day!” Bobbi makes a fart face and shoves the magazine away.

Carla comes out of the kitchen and hands Bobbi her lunch bag.

Bobbi gets up and grabs her backpack. Her blouse pops open across her boobs when she stands up.

BOBBI I need bigger clothes. Please.

Carla re-buttons Bobbi’s shirt.

CARLA It’s not that bad. Can’t waste money on new clothes when school’s almost over. You’re not careful, we’d just be buying more at the end of the summer.

She puts her hands on either side of Bobbi’s face and sighs.

CARLA (CONT'D) Someday you’ll be beautiful.

BOBBI You have lipstick in your teeth.

Carla covers her mouth and rushes to the mirror. Bobbi smiles and heads out the door.


The bell rings as Bobbi comes down the hall. She puts her lunch bag down on a cart outside her classroom where other lunch bags are already lined up.

She opens a couple of other kids’ lunches and when she finds some Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls, she slides them into her backpack.

She pulls a baggy sweatshirt over her head before she goes into the classroom.


Bobbi sits at her desk, hunched over an open folder in which she’s sketched a boy and a girl holding hands and gazing at each other. Hearts surround them like clouds.

3 A group of kids is clustered at the desk next to hers watching MARK BRINGHURST, the kind of guy who’s always the ringleader, furiously scrub an eraser back and forth across the top of his hand. It’s a game of chicken to see who can rub off the deepest patch of skin with the eraser - blood sport at its finest.

He checks to make sure that the tomboyish girl sitting across from him, TARA, is watching and then notices that his sidekick, RONNIE, a weaselly kid with buck teeth, is also staring at Tara.

MARK Ronnie - you’re supposed to watch out for Roselli.

RONNIE Sorry, man.

Mark stops erasing with a flourish. Tara rolls her eyes.

TARA That’s it? You’re not even bleeding. Shit, I did this just ‘cause I was bored.

She shows the scab that has formed on the back of her hand.

MARK Aw fuck you, Tara.

TARA When and where?

Bobbi stops drawing - will Mark rise to the challenge?

MARK How about here and now?

TARA You wish.

Mark chuckles and Tara heads to her seat. MISS ROSELLI, a tiny Italian woman with the accent to match, comes in and the other kids take their seats.

MISS ROSELLI Take out some papers for a quiz.

Much groaning. Mark leans over and punches Bobbi in the arm.

MARK Gimme some paper, Blobbi.

4 He makes a grab for her folder. Bobbi slaps her hand over her drawing, slides some paper out and snaps the folder shut.

MARK (CONT’D) Thanks, Chubs.

Miss Roselli stops writing on the board and turns around.

MISS ROSELLI Who is talking?!

Everyone looks up innocently. She focuses on Bobbi, who avoids her stare - as good as a confession.

MISS ROSELLI (CONT'D) Hey, Boy Crazy! You and the boys are talking again, no?

BOBBI No! It wasn’t me.

MISS ROSELLI No? Who was it then?

Mark scowls at her and shakes his head. Bobbi looks down at her desk.

BOBBI It was nobody.

MISS ROSELLI Nobody. Well tonight you and Mr. Nobody can write 1000 words on homeostasis.

She turns back to the board. Bobbi waits for some gratitude from Mark but he’s got nothing for her.

She opens her folder and fiercely scribbles over the drawing of the young lovers until they’re nothing but an inky stain.


Bobbi sits at a table by herself, her lunch spread out in front of her: celery and carrot sticks, a banana, a few saltines and a piece of cheese.

5 She looks around to make sure nobody is watching, then unwraps the Little Debbies. She crams half a Swiss Cake Roll in her mouth, then ducks her head and covers her mouth with her hand as she chews.

A small, pale, dark-haired boy comes up to the table and puts his lunch tray down. This is SEAN, (14) Bobbi’s only friend.

SEAN Ugh, look at this garbage. I don’t blame you for packing. Nobody should be forced to eat this.

Bobbi quickly swallows the glob of goo in her mouth.

BOBBI You can have mine.

She pushes her lunch in his direction. He takes the banana and starts peeling it.

SEAN You coming over today? Maybe play some Borderlands?

BOBBI Don’t know. Roselli gave me extra bullshit work.

SEAN That sucks.

He takes a bite of the banana and then a balled-up lunch bag hits him in the back of the head.

MARK (O.S.) Using that banana to practice your BJ’s, fag?

Sean gives him the finger. Mark and Ronnie just LAUGH.

Across the cafeteria, some SIXTH GRADERS start YELLING.

SIXTH GRADE GIRL Mrs. Wooten, Katy threw up! Katy threw up!

MRS. WOOTEN Go get Mrs. Cahill.

Bobbi gets up and tugs Sean’s shirt, desperate to leave.

6 BOBBI Shit. Let’s go.

She’s not fast enough - Carla hurries through the door pushing a mop and bucket on wheels.

RONNIE Good thing your mom’s on puke patrol, Chubs.

Bobbi ducks her and and tosses her trash in the bin. They walk past Carla, who mops up the puke. Carla waves, which Sean returns.

Bobbi pretends she doesn’t see her.


Bobbi and Sean walk home from school. Sean walks on top of a stone retaining wall, Bobbi below. Her head is down, shoulders slumped, lost in thought.

Sean jumps off the wall.

SEAN You okay?

BOBBI I’m just so sick of those assholes. I never did anything to them.

SEAN They start over like everybody else next year. Things will get better when we get to High School.

BOBBI I don’t even care if I’m popular. I just want them to be nice to me.

They arrive at their houses, which stand side by side about 12 feet apart.

SEAN Are we playing Borderlands or what? You could stay for dinner.

BOBBI Nah, I gotta do Roselli’s thing then we have to go to Gigi’s for family dinner.

She says “family dinner” like she’s holding back bile.

7 SEAN Oooh, that’s tough. Your dad gonna be there?

BOBBI () If my Aunt Rae makes him, I guess. He skipped Easter, so who knows?

Bobbi starts up her stairs.

SEAN You could try faking diarrhea, that always works for me.

BOBBI Gross! Don’t say things like that to girls, Sean.

SEAN Sorrr-ry. I didn’t know you were a girl all of a sudden.

BOBBI I’ve got your girl right here.

She grabs her crotch and goes inside. Sean shakes his head.


Bobbi sits at a small desk tucked in the corner, an open textbook beside her. She types on an ancient computer. We see the screen as she types

BOBBI (typing) Healthy systems fight to stay in a state of homeostasis, where nothing ever changes, but sometimes those systems break down and can cause the system to die. This is very, very, very, bad for the system.

She frowns at the screen then deletes the last sentence. She stretches, looks around, then gets up and goes into the


Bobbi opens the fridge. There’s not much working inside - a head of dead lettuce, some skim milk, a lot of generic diet soda and diet shakes - but she searches anyway.

On the freezer is a picture of a much heavier Carla with a piece of paper stuck to it that says “Eat like a pig and you’ll be this big.”

Bobbi closes the freezer and turns to cabinet that’s chained closed with an obnoxiously large PADLOCK.

She pulls a box of Shredded Wheat off another shelf, fishes out a key, and unlocks the cabinet.

Inside is a temple to all things junk food - if it’s edible and a color not made in nature, it’s in there. Just as she stuffs a whole marshmallow cookie in her mouth, she hears a KEY TURN in the front door.

CARLA (O.S.) Bobbi Sue?!

She quickly SNAPS the padlock back into place, turns to the sink, and starts rinsing the dishes as she frantically chews.

CARLA (CONT’D) Why didn’t you answer me?

Bobbi can’t get the cookie down - it’s a gooey mass.

CARLA (CONT'D) I’m talking to you.

Bobbi chews frantically until, finally, down it goes. It looks painful.

BOBBI I didn’t hear you.

She swipes her face with the back of her hand before she turns around. Carla gives her the once over.

CARLA You get your homework done?

BOBBI Almost.

Carla peels off her uniform shirt and heads for the stairs.

9 CARLA I gotta take a shower, the smell of that kid’s puke is stuck in my hair.

Bobbi flops down onto the couch, pouting.


Carla pokes her head back over the banister.

BOBBI (CONT'D) Some guys in my class are like, kinda bullying me.

CARLA That just means they like you.

Bobbi thinks about it, then shakes her head.

BOBBI I don’t think so.

CARLA You already have more boobs than any of those other girls, slim down the rest and you’ll be fightin’ ‘em off. Wouldn’t that be cool?

Bobbi scowls at her.


Carla continues upstairs. Bobbi gives the ceiling the finger.


Bobbi stands in front of the mirror scrutinizing her outfit. Carla comes hopping in, her tight jeans halfway up her thighs.

BOBBI What are you doing?

Carla gets the jeans up to her waist and lies down on the bed to get them buttoned. She labors to get off the bed, hobbles to the mirror and admires her butt.

10 CARLA I haven’t been able to get into these since I was first dating your daddy. Look at me now!

BOBBI They don’t look very comfortable...

CARLA But my ass looks bangin’! Doesn’t my ass look bangin’?

BOBBI I guess.

CARLA Your daddy loved the way I looked in these jeans. Drove him crazy.

Bobbi makes a throw-up face.

CARLA (CONT’D) Let’s go rock this thing, girl!

She reaches up for a high-five. Bobbi half-heartedly gives her one.


Just outside the open garage door, Bobbi’s dad, PETE, 30s, mullet-ish hair and redneck mustache, checks the turkey that’s cooking in a trash can retrofitted as a smoker. He’s shirtless and drinking a can of Milwaukee’s Best.

Pete’s CRAPPY TRANS AM is parked next to him.

Bobbi and Carla walk up the driveway. Bobbi carries a foil- covered pan.

Carla pats her hair into place and sucks in her stomach as they approach. She pushes Bobbi in front of her. Pete grins.

PETE What’s up, Bobbi-girl?

Pete puts down his beer and opens his arms to hug her. She steps into the hug, closes her eyes and breathes him in.

He lets out a low WHISTLE.

11 PETE (CONT’D) Lookin’ good, Carla!

Bobbi’s eyes snap open and she pushes away from him.

Carla laughs and playfully slaps his arm.

CARLA Don’t you go bullshittin’ a bullshitter, Pete.

PETE No ma’am I would not.

There are clearly some sparks between them. Bobbi toes at the ground, uncomfortable.

BOBBI Shouldn’t we go inside, Mama?

Just then, the front door opens and GIGI, Bobbi’s mountain of a grandmother, bursts onto the porch.

GIGI Pete, where’s my damn turkey?

She notices Bobbi.

GIGI (CONT’D) Bobbi Sue! Come on over here and give your Gigi some sugar!

Bobbi smiles broadly, runs up to Gigi and throws her arms around her. It’s the first time she’s seemed unguarded.

GIGI (CONT’D) Aww, thank you, Baby. Come help me finish up the table.

Bobbi goes into the house. Gigi narrows her eyes at what’s happening in the driveway.

Carla leans against Pete’s Camero and flirtatiously laughs at something he says.

GIGI (CONT’D) Carla Cahill, you get in this house and help me in the kitchen!

Pete and Carla separate quickly and Carla sheepishly comes up on the porch.

12 GIGI (CONT’D) You better not cause no trouble today, you hear me?

CARLA No law against talking to my own husband, is there?

Gigi looks to the heavens for strength.


Every surface in GiGi’s kitchen is covered with food and food prep items.

Bobbi’s AUNT RAE, Carla’s younger sister and a fake blonde who’s skinny but visibly pregnant, works on some pies at the counter.

Bobbi’s cousin/half sister TRISHA, 15, a less awkward version of Bobbi with honey blonde hair, lamely snaps green beans into a bowl at the kitchen table.

Bobbi hangs back in the doorway. Carla gets a beer out of the fridge.

RAE Thought maybe you wouldn’t come.

She turns around, her hand on her giant belly.

CARLA Man, you’re HUGE! You got a whole litter in there?

RAE At least I have an excuse. What’s yours, Fatass?

Gigi steps between them.


She takes the green beans from Trisha and hands them to Carla.

GIGI (CONT’D) You go do these in the living room and calm yourself down.

CARLA She’s the one who’s always startin’ something.

Rae smirks

13 RAE No, I just finish them.

CARLA The fuck you do!


Gigi literally pushes her out of the room. Rae gives her a bratty smile as Carla disappears.

GIGI (CONT’D) I told you not to bring him.

Rae at least looks a little cowed by that.

Gigi hands Bobbi a bag of potatoes and Trisha a couple of potato peelers.

GIGI (CONT’D) You girls go to the back porch and peel these so you don’t mess up my kitchen. Rae, you go out and get that jackass to speed up the turkey.

She takes a beer out of the fridge, opens it and sits down at the table.

GIGI (CONT’D) Now everyone get out of here and give me a goddamn minute of peace and quiet.

Everyone scatters to their tasks.


Bobbi and Trisha sit on the porch and ferociously peel potatoes, each trying to go faster than the other. Ultimately, Bobbi’s peeler slips, nicks her knee, and goes flying off the porch. Trisha laughs at her.

TRISHA Can’t you do anything right?

Bobbi inspects her wound, squeezing it to make it bleed.

BOBBI I’m bleeding, you jerk.

14 Trisha bends to look at it.

TRISHA Gross! You don’t shave your legs yet? That’s just nasty. It’s no wonder guys don’t like you.

She sits back down and starts doing a terrible job of peeling potatoes. Bobbi tries to hide her legs under her chair.

BOBBI What do you know?

TRISHA I know you look like a dude with your hairy legs. What are you, a dyke now?

BOBBI No. I have a boyfriend.

Bobbi makes a face at her - “so there.”

TRISHA Who? Your little dweeb neighbor? I hear he has sex with his sister.

BOBBI Shut up! You don’t know him. His name is Mark.

Trisha thinks.

TRISHA Wait, that Mark kid on the basketball team?! No way. He went out with Sarah Martin and she’s a Senior.

BOBBI You don’t know everything. We make out all the time. We even almost did it.

TRISHA Pffft. You can’t sneeze in this town without somebody down the street saying “Bless you,” you think I wouldn’t know about it?

She finishes peeling her potatoes and tosses the last one into the bowl.

15 BOBBI He doesn’t hang out with any of the guys you blow behind Krazy Kones, so no.

Trisha looks stung by that. Bobbi smiles smugly.

TRISHA That’s bullshit and you know it.

BOBBI Everybody knows what happens around here. You said so yourself.

Trisha composes herself.

TRISHA Yeah, well, if it was true, Daddy would’ve already shot some guys in the head. Y’know since he lives in my house and sees me every day.

Bobbi stumbles with her peeler again, this time cutting her finger. She puts it in her mouth and sucks the blood.

BOBBI You’re a bitch.

Knowing she won this one, Trisha smiles serenely and hands Bobbi the potato peeler she was using.

TRISHA Here. You can use it to peel some of that hair off your Sasquatch legs. Seriously, you should do something about that if you ever really want to have a boyfriend.

Bobbi doesn’t take the peeler from her.

BOBBI You don’t know anything.

Trisha just smirks at her.

TRISHA Think what you want. But, look at me...

She spreads her arms - “seriously, look at me.”

16 TRISHA (CONT’D) And look at you. Maybe if you faced the truth, you wouldn’t be such a bitch all the time.

Bobbi tugs down her shirt and her top button pops open. Trisha raises an eyebrow - “see?”

TRISHA (CONT’D) Just trying to be a good big sister.

BOBBI You’re not my sister!

Trisha just smiles and goes in the house.

Bobbi sticks out her leg and checks. Definitely hairy.


The family sits around the table dishing plates. Bobbi reaches for the mashed potatoes; Carla shakes her head.

Gigi sees it, puts the potatoes on Bobbi’s plate and winks.

Bobbi spitefully shoves a giant forkful of potatoes in her mouth, lording it over Carla.

Pete comes in with the platter of turkey.

PETE Here we go, turkey so fine your belly will yell “yee- haw”!

Rae and Carla both LAUGH like it’s way funnier than it is. Bobbi and Trisha both roll their eyes.

Carla scowls when Pete ignores the empty chair next to her and sits by Rae. Gigi takes a drink from her highball glass.

They eat in silence. Finally, Pete dives in.

PETE (CONT’D) So what’s new with you, Bobbi-girl? How’s school?

Bobbi plays with her food.

17 RAE Mama, did I tell you Trisha made--

CARLA He asked Bobbi.

Carla stares hatefully at Rae.

Gigi HITS the table to shut it down before it starts. Rae smiles weakly at Bobbi.

RAE Of course. How’s school, Bobbi?

BOBBI I got a B on my history test and it was really hard.

PETE You hear that, Rae? My girl’s a genius.

Bobbi preens at that. Trisha looks indifferent.

Pete puts his arm around Rae. Carla seethes.

RAE That’s real good, Bobbi. I bet you’ll get an A in no time if you study a little harder. You might make Honor Roll like Trisha.

CARLA She studies plenty hard. She doesn’t need advice from you. Mind your business.

GIGI How about we let the girls talk and we all listen?! Trisha, darlin’, what was your mama gonna tell us?

TRISHA I don’t know.

RAE Oh she’s just being modest. She got another belt in karate this week. She’ll be a black belt before you know it.

GIGI That’s great, Baby! Don’t you go hidin’ your light under a bushel.

18 As she talks, Carla fixates on Rae’s hand twisting her necklace nervously.

CARLA Mama, why is she wearing Nana’s necklace?

GIGI What? What are you talking about?

RAE She means this necklace you gave me, Mama.

GIGI Oh, that old thing. I told her she could have it.

Carla shakes her head.

CARLA Nana wanted me to have that. (to Rae) You knew I wanted it and you just waltzed in and took it like you do with everything.

RAE You didn’t even want it until you knew I had it.

Carla jumps to her feet.

CARLA Give it to me!

Rae tucks the necklace into her shirt.

RAE Finders keepers, losers weepers.

Bobbi raises her eyebrows at Trisha. Trisha just shrugs and forks more food into her mouth.

CARLA Give. Me. The. Necklace.

GIGI Stop acting like a baby and just give her the damn necklace, Rae. It’s cheap junk.

Pete looks at both of them, unsure of what to do.

19 Rae stands up and faces off with Carla. Behind her, Pete stays seated and looks at Gigi, unsure of what to do.

RAE Go ahead, try and take it.

Carla LUNGES at her across the table, knocking over food bowls and glasses. Rae kicks her chair back, ready to rumble. Pete jumps up.

PETE Whoa, whoa!

Lightning fast, Gigi grabs Carla’s ankle and pulls her backward - strong for someone her age and girth.

GIGI Carla Ann Cahill, get off my damn table!

Carla scrabbles toward Rae again.

GIGI (CONT’D) Pete, get her out of here, Idiot!

Pete pulls Rae toward the door.

RAE Fine! We’ll go to our house.

The door SLAMS CLOSED behind Rae and Pete. Carla struggles against Gigi’s grip.

CARLA Mama, let me go!

GIGI Not until you calm down.

CARLA I’m calm!

She takes a deep breath.

CARLA (CONT’D) I’m calm.

Trisha stands up.

TRISHA Well, I guess I better go too.

20 GIGI Sit your ass down. (to Carla) Take these plates and go get yourself a beer.

Carla hesitates, sees Gigi’s not fooling around, and does.

Gigi turns to Trisha and Bobbi.

GIGI (CONT’D) You see what happens when sisters let a man come between them?

TRISHA I don’t think that’ll be a problem for us, Gigi.

She smiles smugly at Bobbi. Bobbi glares back at her.

BOBBI Shut up, you whore!

GIGI Both of you, hush. No matter what idiot decisions your mamas make, you both gotta live with sharin’ a daddy. You didn’t pick it so you damn sure shouldn’t be at each other over it. At the end of the day, ain’t nobody gonna have your back like family. So you best get straight on who your family really is. Got it?

The girls . Outside, a car horn HONKS.

TRISHA I should go.

Carla comes back in and hands Gigi a fresh drink. Trisha heads to the door.

CARLA Tell Rae I’m getting that necklace!

TRISHA Bye, Aunt Carla.

She leaves.

GIGI Don’t be bringing the girls into this.

21 CARLA I didn’t!

GIGI But you do. You need to work this shit out between you.

BOBBI It’s his fault, not Mama’s. I wish he’d just disappear.

CARLA Bobbi, hush.

GIGI She’s right, Carla. He’s nothin’ but trouble. I can’t even have a proper family portrait for my mantle like every damn Grandma on the planet.

She to the mantle. Hanging over it is an extremely dated family portrait, including Bobbi’s GRANDFATHER, from when Carla and Rae were less than ten.

GIGI (CONT’D) Your daddy’s been dead for 25 years, don’t ‘cha think it’s time I got a new one?

Carla just Gigi’s cheek.

CARLA Things will be right again soon, Mama. Bobbi, get your stuff.

Bobbi gestures to the mess all over the table and floor.

BOBBI Shouldn’t we help clean up?

GIGI No, you and me aren’t takin’ care of your Mama’s mess. Go turn on the TV and I’ll be right there.

Bobbi goes into the living room.

GIGI (CONT’D) Get your shit straight, Carla. It ain’t fair to that child.

22 She goes into the living room. Carla opens her mouth to retort, thinks better of it, then starts clearing.


Bobbi sits at the edge of the tub, examining Carla’s lady shaver and then her own legs. To shave, or not to shave?

Carla BANGS on the door.

CARLA (O.S.) You okay in there? Did Aunt Rae’s beans make you sick?

Carla opens the door. Bobbi guiltily flings the razor away.

BOBBI I’m fine! Can’t I just have some privacy?!

Carla primps in the mirror.

CARLA I’m going down to Sully’s. You need anything, you call next door.

BOBBI I’m not a baby.

Carla stops primping and looks at Bobbi thoughtfully.

CARLA You know what happened was your Aunt Rae’s fault, right? I’d never do anything to hurt our family.

Bobbi nods. Carla kisses her cheek; Bobbi squirms away.

CARLA (CONT’D) Bed by 10.

She closes the door behind her.

Bobbi picks up the razor, puts her foot on the side of the tub, and begins dry-shaving her legs.


Bobbi does her morning rummage through the other kids’ lunches and slips a candy bar and fun-sized bag of chips into her backpack.

Her legs are covered in shaving nicks.


A small group of kids is hanging out at Tara’ desk, huddled around her cell phone. When Bobbi walks in they start laughing and whispering.

She walks by, pretending not to care.

Mark is already at his desk and she sits down next to him at hers.

MARK S’up 24?

BOBBI What’s that supposed to mean?

MARK Oh nothing.

He snickers.

The bell RINGS as Miss Roselli walks in. She spots the phone on Tara’ desk.

MISS ROSELLI Always with the phones! Put it away or I take it. Phones make young people mean and stupid. I don’t want it in my classroom!

BETH, a chubby girl who sits on the other side of Bobbi, slides her a phone under the desks.

BETH At least you’re not last.

Bobbi sneaks a look.

ON PHONE SCREEN: a page titled “Hot List” and a ranking below that of girls’ names. Bobbi is number 24 out of 25. Beth is last.


Bobbi throws her lunch bag on the table next to Sean.

BOBBI So who did it?

SEAN What? And hello to you, too.

BOBBI The Hot List. I know you saw it.

SEAN Oh, that stupid thing. Who cares?

BOBBI Just tell me who.

Sean sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.

SEAN Tara. I mean, she was number one, couldn’t you figure it out from there?

Across the cafeteria, Mark and Tara goof around together.

BOBBI Ugh. What does he even see in her? He used to call her Flatsy Patsy.

SEAN I heard she gave him a hand job at Holly’s birthday party.

BOBBI So she touches his junk and suddenly she’s awesome?

SEAN (duh) Uh, yeah.

Bobbi looks over at Mark’s table again. Tara gets up from her seat and Mark cups her butt as she stands. She pretends to be upset and smacks his hand. But they put their arms around each other as they walk out.


Bobbi lies on her back, still in her uniform, reading Cosmo magazine in the makeshift low- ceilinged room built under the basement stairs.

Sean plays Borderlands on a small TV.

Bobbi flips a page in her magazine and snorts.

SEAN If it pisses you off so much, don’t read it.

BOBBI “Eat like a thin person” - are you kidding me? You’re a thin person, don’t you eat with your mouth?

SEAN I don’t think that’s what they mean. (referencing the game) Shit! I could use a little help. You gonna play?

BOBBI No. Ewww! These girls are doing it with their professors. Gross!

Sean pauses the game and grabs the magazine.

SEAN “Older men know what they’re doing. I don’t have time for boys,” Pffft...some of us do know what we’re doing.

BOBBI Really?? You never even made out with anyone.

SEAN That you know of...

BOBBI I know every single thing you do and I know you never made out with anyone.

Sean goes back to his game.

SEAN Well neither have you.

26 BOBBI But I would.

SEAN Oh yeah, who?

BOBBI You don’t know him.

SEAN Uh huh.

Sean tackles a particularly tricky maneuver so is only half listening.

BOBBI But I was thinking...I don’t want to suck at it with somebody I really like. You know?

Bobbi crawls over to him and pulls the controller out of his hand.


BOBBI So...maybe we should practice. You know, on each other.

He grabs for the controller.

SEAN Practice what?

BOBBI Were you listening to me?!


Bobbi smacks his arm.

BOBBI I was thinking maybe we should (lowers her voice) Making out. And stuff. I mean, someday we’ll actually be hooking up with people, right? (MORE)

27 BOBBI (CONT'D) If we know what we’re doing, maybe it would happen sooner.

Sean freezes and stares at the now-paused game. It’s uncomfortably silent. Embarrassed, Bobbi sits up.

BOBBI (CONT'D) Forget it. It’s stupid.

He finally looks at her.

SEAN No! I was just thinking do we just, like, start making out? Should I put some music on or something?

BOBBI Jeez, stop being such a pussy.

She crawls over to him and puts her arms around his neck. He doesn’t know what to do with his hands so he puts them on his own thighs.

Bobbi leans in and they start making out rather awkwardly. Bobbi puts her hands in his hair. He keeps his hands on his thighs. It’s weird.

Bobbi breaks the abruptly.

BOBBI (CONT'D) You can touch me, you know.

He puts his hands on her waist and they try again. He starts getting worked up.

She breaks off again.

BOBBI (CONT'D) I don’t think your teeth are supposed to touch mine. And don’t shove your tongue down my throat.

Sean sits back on his heels, exasperated.

SEAN If you’re gonna be a bitch, just forget it.

BOBBI I’m just sayin’...

He relaxes and tries again. Still awkward, but much better.

28 Suddenly, the hideout door FLINGS open. It’s Sean’s sister KAT, an 18-year-old Punk Rocker type. They quickly separate.

KAT Hey Fartpants, Mom wants you to come up and eat dinner.

As Sean tries to hide the bulge in his pants, Kat realizes what they’ve been doing and starts laughing.

KAT (CONT’D) Aw, baby boner! Bobbi you vixen!

SEAN Get the fuck out, Kathy!

KAT Kat! It’s Kat, you Crapweasel.

Bobbi grabs her stuff and crawls out while they bicker.

SEAN You don’t have to go, Bobbi.

BOBBI It’s ok. I’m not even supposed to be out. Carla would lose it.

KAT Parental bullshit - believe me I get it.

Bobbi leaves.

KAT (CONT’D) Come on, Stud. Unless you need another minute. Maybe some lotion and a sock or something?

Sean pushes past her.


Bobbi BURSTS out of the basement past Sean’s mom, NANCY.

NANCY Whoa, where’s the fire? You want to stay for dinner, Bobbi-girl?

29 BOBBI Thanks but I can’t.

Sean and Kat emerge from the basement.

NANCY Ok, Dear. Did you get to play Sean’s new game?

Kat snorts and starts laughing.

NANCY (CONT'D) What’s funny now, Kathy?

KAT Kat! Damnit, what is wrong with you people?

NANCY Right. “Kat” who takes off for New York when she’s supposed to be in Columbus at school. (to Sean) Did you know she dropped out and went off gallivanting with some boy?

SEAN Cool!

KAT Oh my god Mother, I’m just taking a break. I needed to see some of life outside this fucking state.

NANCY Language!

Bobbi edges out the door.

BOBBI I’ll see y’all later.

NANCY Sean, go watch and make sure she gets home okay.


Bobbi walks down the stairs.

30 SEAN Wait. Um...

He tries to hug her. She pushes him away.

BOBBI What are you doing?!

SEAN I don’t know, nothing.

She goes to her door; Sean is still watching her.

BOBBI Just go inside. I’ll see you tomorrow. It’s just practice, right? Jeez.

He mashes his lips together, angry, then turns around and goes in without a backward glance. Bobbi shakes her head and goes in too.


Bobbi lies in bed sketching.

A DOOR SLAMS downstairs and she quickly shuts off the light.

She stares at the door, waiting for it to open. Instead, she hears Carla’s DOOR CLOSE, followed by SOBS.

Bobbi tries to block out the sound with her pillow to no avail. Finally, annoyed, she gets out of bed.


Bobbi eases out the front door and pulls it quietly shut behind her. She has a bag of M&Ms in her hand. She sits down on the porch rail and opens the bag.

KAT (O.S.) That stuff will kill your skin, y’know.

Startled, Bobbi drops the M&Ms. Kat sits on her porch swing across the yard, smoking.

KAT (CONT'D) Sorry, Bobs. Come over here. I never got a good look at you.

31 Bobbi tiptoes over in her bare feet and makes her way over.

KAT (CONT'D) Stop!

Bobbi stops where she is. Kat stands up and walks around her. Bobbi squirms under the scrutiny.

KAT (CONT'D) You growed up good, Bobbi-girl. You’re a stone cold fox!

She SMACKS Bobbi on the ass and goes back to the swing. Bobbi looks at her feet.

BOBBI Not even.

Kat pats the seat next to her on the swing.

KAT Are you kidding me?! I would kill to have your tits!

Bobbi looks down at her chest, skeptical. Kat offers Bobbi a cigarette. Bobbi takes one but doesn’t light it.

KAT (CONT’D) So why you up so late?

Bobbi tries to copy how Kat sits and holds her cigarette.

BOBBI Carla’s acting crazy. I needed some quiet.

KAT Sorry, Chica. Parents suck.


They sit in companionable silence.

BOBBI (CONT’D) Why’d you quit school?

KAT Because I’m an idiot and followed some jerk. It’s a long story that ends with me back here so...

32 She waves her hand - “what can you do?” She lights Bobbi’s cigarette and Bobbi immediately gets smoke in her eye.

KAT (CONT'D) What about you? Are you and my brother, like, a thing now?

Bobbi inexpertly tries to hit her cigarette, chokes a little, and rubs at her eye.

BOBBI No. I don’t like him like that.

Kat raises an eyebrow.

BOBBI (CONT’D) I don’t. I like somebody else.

KAT Yeah? Who?? Spill it!

BOBBI Just some guy in my class.

She ducks her head.

BOBBI (CONT’D) But he’s kind of mean to me.

No response from Kat so Bobbi plows through.

BOBBI (CONT’D) Carla says that means he likes me.

KAT Well that’s bullshit.

Bobbi sadly nods and tosses her smoke. Kat puts an arm around her.

KAT (CONT’D) I don’t mean it’s bullshit that he might like you, I mean it’s bullshit for Carla to tell you abuse equals affection. That’s not how we smash the Patriarchy.


Kat laughs and throws her cigarette butt into the bushes.

33 KAT Guys don’t get to call the shots. If you like this guy and he doesn’t like you back, move on. Don’t let him treat you like shit and wait around to see what it means. It means he’s an asshole.

BOBBI Really?

Kat stands up and stretches.

KAT They’re all morons.

Bobbi nods thoughtfully.

BOBBI I should get home.

Bobbi gets up and goes to the porch steps.

KAT Hey, Bobs? Be kind to Sean. He’s a pain in the ass, but he’s a sensitive little soul.

Kat opens the screen door.

KAT (CONT'D) And if you haven’t seen the PSA - no glove, no love.

She shoots a finger-gun at Bobbi. Bobbi raises an eyebrow, confused.


The FIRST BELL RINGS. Kids go into classrooms.

Bobbi stomps down the hall and tosses her lunch bag into the trash, just as Mark and Tara emerge from the stairwell.

MARK We’re gonna be late.

Mark scoops her up and tosses her over his shoulder. She SHRIEKS and starts laughing.

TARA Put me down! I’m too heavy.

34 Mark flips her around so he’s cradling her like a baby and hefts her like he’s doing curls with weights.

MARK You barely weigh anything.

Bobbi rolls her eyes.

Tara kicks her legs, but she’s clearly not really bothered.

TARA Stoooop.

They get to the classroom and Mark puts Tara down. Tara throws her lunch bag onto the cart and notices Bobbi.

TARA (CONT’D) Don’t steal my shit today, okay?

Bobbi looks mortified.

BOBBI I don’t do that!

Tara raises an eyebrow. The SECOND BELL RINGS. She and Mark go into the classroom, leaving Bobbi alone in the hallway.

Bobbi opens Tara’s lunch bag, takes out a baggie with a sandwich it, opens the sandwich, spits in it, then closes the lunch bag and neatly puts it back on the cart.


The class is lined up at one end of the gym in the middle of counting off. MRS. MEYERS, the gym teacher walks down the line, nodding along as they count.



Bobbi peers down the line from her spot toward the end, mentally calculating whose team she’ll be on. She’s wearing her oversized sweatshirt with her gym shorts.



Bobbi tries to casually look at Mark, who is goofing around with Tara, but accidentally makes eye contact with Ronnie, Mark’s sidekick.

Ronnie puffs out his cheeks and makes a “fat” at her. She looks away quickly. Beth, the girl who showed her the Hot List, is next to Bobbi in line and elbows her. Bobbi missed her turn at the count.

MRS. MEYERS Cahill! Focus up!

BETH (pointedly repeating) One.

BOBBI Oh, uh, two.

Kids SNICKER at her misstep but keep counting. Mrs. Meyers stops in front of Bobbi.

MRS. MEYERS Lose the sweatshirt, Cahill. Not gonna have you passing out.

BOBBI I’m fine. I have low iron so I get cold. I can go get my mom--

MRS. MEYERS Sure, go get your mom. Everyone else can run laps while we wait.

Everyone GROANS. Bobbi considers the looks of hate on the faces around her and finally pulls off her sweatshirt. The T-shirt underneath is tight enough to clearly show the outline of her sports bra.

Bobbi crosses her arms over her chest.

Coach Meyers shakes her head in disgust and BLOWS her WHISTLE.

MRS. MEYERS (CONT’D) Find your teams and get out there.

36 The kids walk to the middle of the gym where a volleyball net is stretched across center court. Beth and Bobbi end up walking together.

BETH It’s cool the way you stood up to her. I wouldn’t have the balls.

Bobbi stands a little taller.

BOBBI She’s being a bitch just ‘cause I don’t want those perverts staring at my goods.

Beth nods sympathetically.

BETH I get it.

Bobbi tugs at her shirt, trying to stretch it away from her stomach.

BETH (CONT’D) Y’know, my mom says you don’t look as fat if you suck your stomach in.

Bobbi turns bright red. Beth does too when she realizes.

BETH (CONT’D) I didn’t mean you, I just meant people. People don’t--

BOBBI Like you can talk.

Bobbi quickly walks away from her and gets into position, then realizes she is on the opposite side of the net from Mark and he’s staring at her chest. She crosses her arms over it again. He slowly grins and nods his head.

MARK Not bad, Cahill.

Bobbi opens and closes her mouth, not sure how to react. Was that a compliment? An insult? She keeps her arms crossed.

Mrs. Meyers BLOWS her WHISTLE. Kris serves for the other team. The ball drops in Bobbi’s general vicinity. A JOCK KID rushes in and returns the serve, knocking Bobbi out of the way.

37 BOBBI Hey!

He shrugs matter-of-factly.

JOCK KID Sorry, but you suck.

Bobbi frowns, but he’s not wrong.

The ball goes back and forth. Another shot heads straight for Bobbi. She gets under it.


She manages to juuuust bat it over the net and smiles smugly. However, Mark jumps up and SPIKES it back.

The ball SLAMS into Bobbi’s left boob. She grabs her chest and doubles over. Mrs. Meyers TWEETS her WHISTLE.

MRS. MEYERS Shake it off, Cahill!

Mark and Ronnie SNICKER. Bobbi glares at them.

BOBBI (whining - to Mrs. Meyers) It really hurts.

She heads off the court clutching her chest and for some reason, also limping. Mrs. Meyers rolls her eyes.

MRS. MEYERS Fine. Bringhurst, you think it’s so funny, take Cahill to the nurse.

MARK Aw, maaaaan.

Bobbi, still hunched over and limping toward the exit, smiles a little.


Bobbi sits on the table, holding an ice pack to her chest. Mark sits in a chair reading Highlights Magazine. Bobbi studies him - he moves his lips when he reads.

38 BOBBI You can go back to class if you want.

Mark puts the magazine down and stretches.

MARK Nah, I’m good. I hate volleyball.

Bobbi shifts the ice pack and winces.

MARK (CONT’D) I really didn’t mean to hit you, y’know.

BOBBI (sarcastically) Yeah, sure.

MARK Seriously. It’s like kicking a dude in the ‘nards. Pretty fucked up if they don’t deserve it. Sorry.

BOBBI S’okay.

She pulls the ice pack off and looks inside her shirt.

Mark gets up and goes over to her.

MARK Does it hurt bad?

He’s never been this close to her voluntarily, let alone been nice. Bobbi swallows hard.

BOBBI A little.

MARK Let me see.

She pulls the neck of her shirt aside. There’s a big red mark that disappears under her bra.


He tentatively reaches out and strokes the red mark. She shivers but doesn’t push his hand away.

Emboldened, he full-on cups her boob through her shirt.

39 She looks at the posters on the wall. He keeps his eyes on her chest and his hand on her boob.

BOBBI Did you pick a book for your book report yet? I’ve been thinking about--

Suddenly, the DOOR OPENS and the NURSE comes in signing something in a file folder.

Mark quickly drops his hand and Bobbi puts the ice pack back. She smirks as Mark jams his hands into his pants pockets to hide his boner.

NURSE Mark, go back to class.

She hands him a pass.

MARK (to Bobbi) See ya around.

He grins at her like they share a secret. She beams.

NURSE Bobbi, your mom is coming to take you home.

BOBBI I don’t need to go home.

NURSE You sure? You were pretty adamant--

BOBBI Yeah, I’m good now.

Bobbi hops off the table and tosses the ice pack.


On the TV, an abandoned game of Skyrim cycles over and over.

Bobbi and Sean make out. She pulls off his shirt, then takes off hers.

SEAN Wow. Really?

40 BOBBI Ssshhhh.

She covers his mouth with hers and puts his hand on her bra-clad boob. They dry hump while making out.

Sean struggles to try and unhook her bra from the back. Ultimately, he focuses more on getting her bra off than the making out. After more frenzied fiddling and twisting the strap, he stops kissing her and tries to see what he’s doing.

SEAN What the hell?!

Bobbi sits up and shows him that it unhooks in the front. She unhooks it, then hooks it again, showing him nothing.

BOBBI You gotta want it bad enough.

They make out some more. He tugs at the clasp. Finally, he gets it open and her breasts spill out.

He stops kissing her and just...looks.

SEAN Whoa.

She covers herself with her arms.

BOBBI What? Quit staring, you’re freaking me out.

He gently moves her arms.

SEAN They’re just...

She cringes at what he’s going to say.


BOBBI Really?

He slowly nods and gulps in awe.

She rolls on top of him so her chest is mashed against his.

41 BOBBI (CONT’D) They’re just sacks of fat, you know.

He puts his arms around her.

SEAN Don’t run yourself down, B. They’re awesome. You’re awesome.

That hits her in the feels. She looks into his eyes.

BOBBI You’re pretty awesome yourself. Sometimes I think I don’t deserve you.

SEAN Why would you think that?

BOBBI You don’t have a mean bone in your body. And sometimes mean stuff just comes out of my mouth before I even know I’m talking. I don’t mean it. Ever.

Sean kisses her bare shoulder.

SEAN I’ve known that since first grade when you told me my pants were the color of poop.

Bobbi looks mortified.

BOBBI And then Bringhurst called you “poop pants” for weeks. See? How are we even still friends?

SEAN Yeah, but then you told everyone that he saved his boogers under his desk to eat later and they forgot about it.

She smiles.

BOBBI That’s right, I forgot. Maybe we’re a good team after all.

42 SEAN You’re just figuring that out now? I’ve known that forever, B.

They lock eyes - something’s shifted between them, deepened. She kisses him tenderly. They start making out again, but now they seems to fit together like never before.


Bobbi comes out of the basement wearing a goofy, starry-eyed grin, and finds Kat lying on the couch watching TV.

KAT Bobbi-girl! Just the person I wanted to see. I have something for you.

Bobbi looks nervous.

BOBBI Uh, okay.


Bobbi stands in front of a full length mirror wearing a school uniform that actually fits her. Kat wraps a belt around Bobbi’s waist.

KAT Perfect. Shows off your cute bod.

Bobbi tugs at the belt and considers her reflection. It does give her more of an hourglass shape.

BOBBI I don’t have a cute--

KAT Shut up! You look great. And what the fuck do I need that thing for any more? Actually...

Kat disappears into her closet.

KAT (O.S.) (CONT’D) I’ve got some other stuff in here. Hang on.

43 Bobbi turns to the side and sucks her stomach in hard. She tilts her head, considering, then frowns and takes off the belt.

BOBBI I still look fat. Clothes don’t change that.

Kat comes out with a few outfits and stuffs them into a bag.

KAT Bullshit. I had a little baby fat too, remember? But as soon as I grew a little, it went away. You’re curvy. Curves are sexy. Embrace it.

Bobbi considers her reflection again.


KAT Definitely.

Kat goes back into the closet, leaving Bobbi at the mirror. Bobbi sticks her hand in the V of the shirt, and dreamily rubs her collarbone where the volleyball hit her.

She snaps to when she hears a CAR PULL UP outside.

BOBBI Crap, it’s Carla. I gotta go.

She picks up the bag of clothes.

BOBBI (CONT’D) Thanks for this.

KAT Any time, Bobs. I’ll be here...

Bobbi disappears. Kat sighs and looks around the room.

KAT (CONT’D) I’ll be right fucking here.


Bobbi bolts out the door and sees the NEIGHBOR close his trunk and go into the house. Whew, it wasn’t Carla.

She hugs the bag of clothes and smiles, then skips up the stairs to her house.


Bobbi eases the door open and slips in. Turning on a light reveals a bunch of candy and chip wrappers on the coffee table.

A note is propped against the mess: Found under your bed. You’re grounded. I won’t be late. DO NOT LEAVE THIS HOUSE!!

Bobbi crumples up the note and tosses it on the trash pile.


Bobbi lies on the couch in front of the TV. Carla comes in and turns it off.

CARLA Get your shoes.

BOBBI Why? He’s not gonna show up like always.

CARLA That’s why I’m taking you to him. I texted him, he’s on his way.

Bobbi turns the TV back on.

BOBBI If he wants to see us so bad, he can come here.

Carla turns the TV off again and holds onto the remote.

CARLA Your daddy’s trying to do something nice for you. Now quit being a brat and go put on your shoes or you’re grounded!

BOBBI I’m already grounded.

45 Carla sits down and lights a cigarette.

CARLA Fine. You don’t want to see him, your choice. Hell, I can just tell him you don’t want him to ever come home again. Is that what you want?

Bobbi scowls and considers her options.

BOBBI Fine, I’ll go.

She starts up the stairs.

CARLA Baby, he loves us. You know that, right? Sometimes he just gets distracted.

Bobbi hesitates, but then continues up the stairs.


Bobbi gets her shoes and looks in the mirror. She frowns, then pulls the bag of Kat’s clothes out from under the bed and digs through it.


Bobbi is wearing her baggie sweatshirt over her jeans.

CARLA You can have one thing of junk food, but that’s it. And don’t give your daddy any sass or he really will stay away.

Bobbi doesn’t answer, just looks out the window.


Carla and Bobbi stand next to the car in the parking lot. No sign of Pete.

BOBBI See, I told you.

Just then, Pete pulls up. Trisha is in the front seat.

46 BOBBI (CONT’D) You didn’t tell me she was coming!

CARLA I didn’t know. Come on, it’ll be fine. She’s the one intruding on your day.

Carla walks over to Pete and Trisha, who have gotten out of their car. Bobbi reluctantly follows Carla and sizes Trisha up. Trisha is over-dressed for Putt Putt.

Bobbi pulls off her sweatshirt, then runs her fingers through her hair. She looks far more grown-up in Kat’s outfit, which fits her perfectly.

Pete lets out a low WHISTLE.

PETE Lookin’ good, Bobbi-girl. You up for some fun today.?

Bobbi crosses her arms and has nothing to say.

CARLA We’ve been on a diet. Finally paying off, huh Baby?

Carla makes a show of hugging Bobbi. Trisha mimes gagging herself with her finger behind Carla’s back. Bobbi scowls at her.

CARLA (CONT’D) (to Pete) You’ll bring her home?

PETE No problem.

CARLA (flirting) Then I’ll see you there.

Pete grins. He’s sexy in a gross way.

PETE Yes, Ma’am.

Carla walks away, swaying her butt as she goes. Bobbi and Trisha share a look of disgust.


Bobbi, Pete, and Trisha stand at the first tee. Trisha puts her ball down.

BOBBI Why do you get to go first?

TRISHA I’m older.

BOBBI So what?

PETE Come on, girls. We’re just having fun here. I’m gonna go grab us some pop. Anybody want a snack?

TRISHA I can’t eat that garbage, Daddy. I don’t want to look like these people.

She gestures around. Sure enough, there are a disproportionate number of severely overweight people, most of whom are carrying a snack or gigantic cup of soda.

PETE Aw, you ain’t got nothin’ to worry about, Sugar. You got your mama’s skinny gene.

TRISHA I got lucky there, huh Bobbi?

Bobby makes a face.

PETE I’ll get nachos just in case. Be right back.

Pete takes off for the clubhouse, eyeing a barely legal BLONDE, who follows him in.

Bobbi hits Trisha’s ball off the tee and into the moat next to the course.


BOBBI Ooops. Guess I got my mama’s clumsy gene.

48 Trisha goes to retrieve her ball.



Bobbi’s ball lips the cup and lands inches away from it.

TRISHA Do you suck at everything?

She WHACKS her ball so that it knocks Bobbi’s further away from the cup.

BOBBI Why are you so mean to me?

TRISHA What do you care? You’re the one that tells everyone only cousins.

BOBBI We are cousins.

Bobbi lips the cup with her ball.

TRISHA Yeah, but we share a sperm donor, like it or not. Bad enough that everyone in town knows we’re freaks, I don’t need shit from you too.

BOBBI You’re the freak. Why did you even come today?

She WHACKS Trisha’s ball into the small fish pond.

TRISHA See? I’m trying to be real and you can’t even do that.

Trisha looks toward the clubhouse. Pete comes out with The Blonde. Trisha’s face gets pinchy.


49 Bobbi looks. Pete is definitely chummy with The Blonde.

BOBBI So? She’s just helping him carry the stuff.

Trisha shakes her head.

TRISHA Really? Because he’s not the kind of guy to cheat on a pregnant lady?

Bobbi raises an eyebrow - fair point.

Bobbi looks around and spots a group of guys at a hole down the hill from them. Crap, it’s Mark. And he’s with Ronnie and a couple of other GUYS.

BOBBI Maybe you should go see what’s up.

TRISHA We both should - remind him he already has enough mouths to feed.

Trisha starts walking toward them.

BOBBI You go ahead. I’ll get your ball.

Trisha speed walks away, waving her club.


Bobbi turns her attention back to the boys, considers, then rolls her ball down the hill. She scampers down after it and makes a show of picking it up.

Finally, the boys notice her.

MARK Cahill?

Bobbi acts surprised to see them.

RONNIE Did you trip and roll down the hill, Oompa Loompa?

50 The other guys LAUGH. Mark punches Ronnie in the arm.

MARK Shut up, Dude.

Ronnie looks at him like he’s crazy. Bobbi smothers a smile.

BOBBI What’re ya’ll up to?

RONNIE We’re bowling.

He cracks himself up. Bobbi blushes.

BOBBI No you’re not - your balls aren’t big enough.

MARK Aw, you got burned, son!

RONNIE (sarcastic) Oooohh, sick burn. I’m scared. Don’t sit on me, Blobbi!

MARK Chill, Ronnie. Damn.

RONNIE Fuck this.

He goes to the next tee and the other guys follow.

BOBBI Guess I should go. My cuz--sister--is probably looking for me.

MARK The hot one?

He looks around.

MARK (CONT’D) Thought she hung out behind the Krazy Kone.

51 BOBBI You’re an asshole.

She spins on her heel to leave.

MARK Aw fuck you, Cahill.

She stops short, then slowly turns around and smiles.

BOBBI Is that a threat or a promise?

MARK Take it any way you want.

BOBBI When and where?

MARK How about here and now?

He steps closer - put up or shut up. Bobbi doesn’t break eye contact.

BOBBI My house. Thursday night. My mom plays darts on Thursday.

Mark scrubs his hand across his jaw, thinking.

MARK You serious?

Bobbi tries to smile seductively. It looks a little like she has Bells Palsy.

BOBBI Guess you’ll find out on Thursday.

She turns and walks away, swaying her hips like Carla did to Pete. She looks back over her shoulder - he’s still watching. Her face lights up - she’s finally on top of the world.


Pete pulls up to a modest ranch house - a step up from the neighborhood Bobbi and Carla live in.

52 PETE You sure you don’t want to come?

TRISHA I’m good!

She hops out and pulls the front seat forward so Bobbi can get in front.

TRISHA (CONT’D) Watch him. That blonde is definitely trouble. I’ll kill him if he leaves my mom high and dry.

BOBBI What comes around, goes around.

Bobbi gets in and closes the door. Pete drives off.

PETE You ready for some dinner, Bobbi-girl? Nice to have it just you and me for once.

Bobbi watches the houses pass out the side window.

She keeps her eyes on the scenery, but smiles almost imperceptibly.

BOBBI I don’t care.


Bobbi sits on one side of a tattered vinyl booth, chewing on the drawstring of her baggie hoodie, staring intently toward the front of the restaurant.

Pete stands at the counter, talking to The Blonde, who apparently works there. The Blonde passes him a tray of food.

Bobbi notices that Pete caresses The Blonde’s hand as he takes the tray. The Blonde GIGGLES.

Bobbi spits out the string as Pete slides the tray loaded with fried food and burgers onto the table. He plops into the booth opposite her and doles out the food.

Bobbi eats a few fries and plays with her milkshake as they sit in uncomfortable silence.

53 PETE How’s school?

Bobbi carefully unwraps her burger to avoid looking at him.


PETE Yeah? You gettin’ good grades?

Bobbi shrugs.

PETE (CONT’D) I bet you are. You got your mama’s smarts.

Bobbi looks surprised.

BOBBI You think she’s smart?

Pete relaxes a little now that she’s engaging.

PETE Shoot, she ran circles around the rest of us. I never thought girls as pretty as her could be so smart. ‘Course you always think your first love walks on water. That’s why I married her.

BOBBI I heard it’s ‘cause you used to go out to your car together at lunch time.

Pete points a finger at her.

PETE Don’t you disrespect your Mama like that. She’s a good woman. I married her ‘cause I loved her.

BOBBI Then why--

PETE You want to talk about the past or have a nice time with your daddy? Because you gotta pick one.

54 Bobbi looks toward the counter, where The Blonde and her friends are whispering and looking toward their table.

BOBBI Why did you bring me here?

Pete looks confused.

PETE You and Trisha love the Krazy Kone.

BOBBI She does. I don’t.

PETE Aw, bull. They’ve got the best burgers in town.

He bites into his burger with relish. The Blonde starts wiping down the table across from them, sticking out her butt as she does. Bobbi catches Pete sneak a look. He blushes, then gestures to her food.

PETE (CONT’D) Eat up, it’s better hot.

Bobbi takes a bite of her burger, then immediately spits it into a napkin.

PETE (CONT’D) What? You bite into one of them hard pieces? That’s just fat, makes it even better.

Bobbi dramatically wipes her tongue with her napkin.

BOBBI I said no mustard.

PETE That’s what I got you.

Bobbi holds up the bun, it’s coated with mustard. She drops it onto the tray like it’s covered in monkeypox.

Pete picks it up, scrapes off the mustard with a napkin, then puts it back on her burger.

PETE (CONT’D) There. Good as new.

BOBBI It’s still there.

55 She picks it up with two fingers and tosses it on the tray.

PETE Well eat it without the bun then.

BOBBI No, it’s gross.

Pete’s eyes darken.

PETE I paid good money for that - eat it.

He and Bobbi stare each other down. Finally, she picks up the burger, takes a tiny bite, and immediately spits it out.

BOBBI I can still taste it! It’s disgusting.

Pete picks up the burger and puts it back in front of her.

PETE Damnit, it’s not disgusting. It’s just mustard. Stop acting like a big fat baby and eat it!

People turn to look at them. The Blonde turns around.

THE BLONDE Everything okay here?

BOBBI Mind your own damn business!

PETE Bobbi Sue!

Pete pastes on a smile.

PETE (CONT’D) (to The Blonde) Just fine. Thank you, Darlin’.

Pete turns back to the table. The Blonde walks back to the counter, looking over her shoulder. Bobbi’s eyes fill with tears, which she tries to blink back.

PETE (CONT’D) Oh don’t start with that. A burger ain’t nothin’ to cry about.

56 Pete THUMPS the table next to the burger with his finger - “eat it.”

Bobbi fixes her eyes on the burger as her chest begins to hitch - she’s right on the cusp of losing it.

Pete leans in and tilts her chin to force her to look at him.

PETE (CONT’D) You want somethin’ to cry about, I can arrange for it.

She pulls her face away.

BOBBI I hate it!

She pushes the tray toward him, causing food to topple into Pete’s lap. He leaps up.

PETE Jesus Christ!

Pete swipes at his pants with a napkin, but it’s a mess. Bobbi stares at him wide-eyed about what might come next.

He notices people are blatantly looking and silently judging. He clenches his fist and tries to control himself.

PETE (CONT’D) (through gritted teeth) Go get in the car.

Bobbi BOLTS to the door.


Bobbi looks out the side window. Pete runs his hand through his hair.

PETE You gonna give me the silent treatment the whole way home?

Bobbi continues looking out the window. He shakes his head.

PETE (CONT’D) Look, I’m sorry you got upset. Don’t be mad just ‘cause your daddy’s a hothead. You ought to know it don’t mean nothin’, you and me is peas in a pod.

57 Bobbi frowns.

BOBBI What’s that supposed to mean?

PETE Shoot, you’ve had a temper on you since you was just a little thing. Remember when you were like, three, and we told you to stop jumping off the steps? You got so mad you climbed all the way up to the top and tried to jump over the bushes. Broke your arm.

Bobbi smirks a little.

BOBBI And you carried me all the way down to the hospital ‘cause the car was broken down.

PETE That’s right. Damn near gave myself a heart attack runnin’ that fast and carryin’ you.


PETE (CONT’D) Lord help the man who ever tries to tell you what to do. They’ll gotta deal with us both.

BOBBI I don’t think that’ll ever be a problem.

He grins and lights a cigarette.

PETE Prolly not, seein’ as you’re not allowed to run with boys until you’re 30.

BOBBI Trisha does. I don’t see why it’s different for her.

Pete chuckles.

PETE Oh, Sweetheart, you ain’t Trisha.

Bobbi flinches like he slapped her.

58 They pull up to Bobbi’s house. He turns to her.

PETE (CONT’D) Just ‘cause I don’t live with you and your mama any more doesn’t mean I don’t get a say in what you do. I’m still your daddy.

BOBBI Could’ve fooled me.

She gets out of the car and SLAMS the door. He gets out and leans over the roof.

PETE Hey! Don’t you backsass me. Get back here and close that door right!

She runs up the stairs.

PETE (CONT’D) You hear me, Bobbi Sue?

She SLAMS the front door.


Carla sits on the couch reading a magazine. Bobbi BURSTS through the door, SLAMMING it behind her.


Bobbi immediately runs up the stairs and SLAMS another door. Carla looks out the window as Pete pulls away.


Bobbi lies on the bed facing the wall, clutching a pillow to her chest.

Carla TAPS on the door, comes in, and sits on the bed.

CARLA You okay, Baby?

Bobbi rolls over and buries her face in Carla’s lap, SOBBING. Carla strokes her hair.

59 BOBBI He’s an asshole! Just like his precious Trisha!

Carla tucks a piece of hair behind Bobbi’s ear.

CARLA Ssshhhhh. You don’t mean that.

Bobbi’s crying slows down to hitching, staccato sobs. Carla pats her back. Bobbi sits up and swipes her face with her forearm.

BOBBI You’re so fucking blind.

Carla smiles thinly, almost like she pities her. She cups Bobbi’s face, then decisively gets up and throws some laundry off the floor into a hamper.

CARLA I’ve been letting you slack lately, but we’re getting back on track - starting with this room. I want to see it cleaned when I get home. Nobody likes to come home to a dirty house.

BOBBI Are you kidding me?

Carla kisses her on the forehead.

CARLA I won’t be late. There’s cabbage soup in the fridge.

She leaves. Bobbi goes to the door and calls after her.

BOBBI He’s never coming back, you know. He hates us!

She SLAMS the door.


Bobbi and Sean play Borderlands.

SEAN That’s fucked up.

60 BOBBI Right?! Like Trisha’s not some whore who gives out blow jobs like candy.

SEAN He’s an idiot, B. You’re way cooler than she is.

Bobbi keeps playing, staving off tears.

BOBBI You’re just saying that because I let you touch my boobs.

Sean takes her controller.

SEAN Come on, you know that’s not true. I liked you before you even had boobs.

A fat tear rolls down Bobbi’s cheek. Sean reaches out and gently wipes it away.

SEAN (CONT’D) Don’t cry, B.

Suddenly, Bobbi dives toward him and frantically kisses him for all she’s worth. He responds in kind.

She pulls his shirt off and they lie back on the makeshift sleeping area, still kissing, with her on top. She takes off her shirt.

SEAN (CONT’D) Wait, Bobs, I need to...ooohhhh.

She kisses her way down his chest, then pops up and kisses his mouth again. He rolls her off of him so they’re side-by-side.

SEAN (CONT’D) Hold on--

BOBBI I think we should. I want us to.

She reaches for his belt. He firmly grabs her hand.

SEAN Stop. We need to talk first.

61 She kisses his neck.

BOBBI It’s okay. Didn’t Kat give you some condoms?

He sits up.

SEAN That’s not what I mean. If we’re gonna do this, I need to know what we’re doing.

BOBBI Um, if you don’t know then this isn’t going to go well.

He scoots away from her.

SEAN No. What are we doing? Is there even a “we”?

BOBBI What are you talking about?

She tries to kiss him. He pulls away and grabs his shirt.

SEAN I mean I’m not whore or something.

She smirks.

BOBBI I think you mean gigolo.

SEAN Stop it! I’m serious, B. Are we just friends or...

BOBBI What? You want to be like boyfriend-girlfriend? Put labels on it?

Sean puts on his shirt.

SEAN I don’t know. Maybe. But I don’t think we should do this any more until we figure it out. It’s kind of getting weird.

62 Bobbi grabs her shirt.

BOBBI Fine, I’ll go. You’ll never have to “do this” again since I gross you out so much.

She angrily slips on her shoes.

SEAN That’s not what I said!

BOBBI That’s exactly what you said!

She flings open the door and crawls out. Sean flops back onto the pallet.

SEAN Fuuuuuck!


Bobbi tosses and turns in bed. Finally, she gives up trying to sleep and turns on the light.

She looks under her bed - nothing under there. She thinks for a second, then goes to the closet. She digs in the way back behind some clothes and pulls out a tote bag.

Bingo - there’s a bag of cheese popcorn in it.

She climbs back into bed and opens the bag sloooowly, trying to not crinkle the wrapper, cringing when it makes noise.

Once it’s open, she settles back into bed with with a fitness magazine. She grabs a Sharpie from next to the bed and starts drawing mustaches, devil horns, and blackened teeth on the models.


Bobbi finishes showering, wraps a towel around herself, and opens the curtain. She YELPS in surprise.

Carla is standing in front of the mirror wearing only her bra and underpants, pinching at the flesh around her waist.

63 BOBBI What are you doing in here?!

CARLA I gained four pounds.


CARLA I knew I shouldn’t have had all that beer.

She grabs the tiny pooch on her stomach.

CARLA (CONT’D) I was doing so good. Dammit!!

BOBBI Can I have the bathroom now?


Carla doesn’t move but instead cups her boobs, pulling them up higher.

CARLA (CONT’D) You think I need a boob job?

Bobbi sighs and towel dries her hair.

CARLA (CONT’D) Before I had you, my boobs were amazing. You’re lucky you inherited that part. You just gotta get rid of this.

She grabs a double fistful of Bobbi’s belly skin and jiggles it up and down. Bobbi shoves her hands away.

BOBBI God! Get out!!

She pushes Carla until she leaves.

Bobbi eyes the scale, then looks down at her belly and grabs it like Carla did.

BOBBI (CONT’D) (whispers) I hate you.


Bobbi steps into the crowded cafeteria, tray in hand. She scans the room and finds Sean. They make eye contact, but he looks down at his tray.

Finally, she spots Beth sitting alone at a table and goes over.

BOBBI Can I sit here?

BETH The more the merrier, right?

Bobbi pushes aside a lot of crumpled napkins with her tray and sits. Beth’s tray is obsessively compartmentalized, none of her food touches other food.

Bobbi opens a bag of pretzels and tries not to look at Sean, but she clearly wants him to know she’s not looking at him.

BETH (CONT’D) Pretzels, huh? Did you know that “tying the knot” was inspired by pretzels?

Bobbi stares at her blankly, then looks anywhere else. At another table, Mark, Tara, and Ronnie goof around with some other kids. Tara hops onto Mark’s lap.

BETH (CONT’D) You know, like getting married? Tying the knot? It’s a fun fact.

Bobbi SNAPS a pretzel in half and rolls her eyes.

BOBBI That IS fun.

Beth ducks her head and forks some mac and cheese into her mouth. She closes her eyes, savoring it, then picks up a napkin, swipes it across her mouth and crumples it on top of the pile of used napkins.

BOBBI (CONT’D) Did you just spit that out into your napkin?

Beth tries to read Bobbi’s reaction and slowly nods her head.

BOBBI (CONT’D) Why would you do that?!

65 Beth perks up.

BETH My sister taught me. When you want to eat something you shouldn’t be eating, you can still get the flavor of it.

She scoops some into her mouth and holds it there for a second, then repeats her napkin trick.

BETH (CONT’D) But then you don’t get the calories. I think it’s pretty smart.

Bobbi stares at her like she grew a new head. Beth bites into an Oreo.

BETH (CONT’D) I lost eight pounds that way.

Bobbi’s eyes glimmer with interest.

BOBBI Seriously? Just doing that?

Beth spits out the Oreo and nods earnestly. She smiles at Bobbi, there’s cookie on her teeth. It’s gross.

BETH You should try it. I have extra napkins. Hang on.

She opens her bag and pulls out some old napkins that have dried-out food on them, then tries to hand Bobbi a couple clean ones.

BOBBI I should probably go...somewhere. I’ll see you in gym.

She gets up quickly and bumps her head on Mark’s tray as he walks by. The trash on the tray falls to the floor.

BOBBI (CONT’D) Sorry, sorry.

She bends down to pick up the mess.

66 MARK Don’t worry about it Chub--uh, don’t worry about it.

BOBBI You know who cleans this up if you don’t, right?

Mark looks over to where Carla wheels out a full trash bin, then bends down and helps pick up.

MARK I was coming over to talk to you.

Beth looks under the table.

BETH Need any help? I have some napkins.

BOBBI No! We don’t want your gross napkins!

Beth looks like Bobbi slapped her, sweeps up her stuff, and leaves.

Bobbi turns back to Mark.

BOBBI (CONT’D) What did you want?

MARK It’s...uh...Thursday. Your mom’s going out, right?

She realizes he’s looking down her shirt as she’s bent over, and blushes.

BOBBI Oh! Right. Yes.

MARK Should I...come over?

Bobbi looks over to Sean’s table. He’s watching them. She deliberately turns away and smiles at Mark.

BOBBI Yep. Around seven?

Mark smiles slyly.

MARK Sounds good.

67 They stand up.

MARK (CONT’D) But don’t, like, tell anyone. It’s nobody’s business.

Bobbi mimes locking her mouth. Mark smiles, nods, and walks away. Bobbi exhales like she’s been holding her breath and sinks into a chair.


Bobbi shoves a stack of magazines into a drawer, then fluffs the pillows on the couch.

She checks herself out in the reflection of the picture window, turns to the side, pulls up her baggie hoodie, and sucks her stomach in.

CARLA (O.S.) What are you doing?

Bobbi startles, then drops to the couch and turns on the TV.

BOBBI Nothing. You wanted me to clean up.

Carla looks around - it’s definitely more tidy. Carla looks at her suspiciously.

CARLA I don’t want any kids up in my house when I’m not here. Maybe I better stay home.

Bobbi shrugs and changes the channel, but she’s tense.

BOBBI If you want.

Carla cocks her head. Something’s going on.

BOBBI (CONT’D) Shouldn’t you get going?

A sudden KNOCK at the door startles them both. Bobbi jumps up but Carla puts up her hand - “stay put.”

Carla goes to the door, Bobbi nervously bounces her leg. Carla peeps out the door window and smiles.

68 CARLA (to Bobbi) Well why didn’t you just tell me?

She opens the door and Sean comes in. Bobbi’s face falls.

SEAN Hey, Mrs. Cahill. You look nice.

BOBBI (sotto) Kissass.

Carla preens.

CARLA Well aren’t you sweet?

She picks up her purse.

CARLA (CONT’D) Not too late, you two. It’s a school night.

Bobbi makes a face. Sean smiles sweetly.

SEAN Of course. Have a great night.

Sean closes the door behind her.

BOBBI What are you doing here?

SEAN I didn’t say things the right way before and I don’t want to be in a fight over it.

BOBBI We’re not in a fight, okay? But I’ve got homework and stuff to do so...

She edges to the door. Sean sits down.

SEAN So we’re not in a fight, we’re not going out--what are we doing?

69 BOBBI I can’t do this right now.

She looks at the clock. Mark should be there.

SEAN Then when?! What do you want from me, Bobbi? Because I like you. Like, like you. And I know you well enough to know it’s more than just groping in my basement to you, too. (tentative) Right?

He’s so transparently vulnerable, Bobbi just stares at him, trying to decide what to say. As she opens her mouth to speak, the DOORBELL RINGS.


SEAN You expecting someone?

BOBBI I didn’t know you were coming over.

SEAN Who is it?

A loud KNOCK on the door.

MARK (O.S.) Yo, Cahill!

Sean slowly nods and stands up.

SEAN Got it.

It’s clear he’s angry. Bobbi touches his arm.

BOBBI I’m sorry.

Sean wrenches his arm away.

70 SEAN For what? It was fun while it lasted, right?

The DOORBELL RINGS again as Sean opens the door and pushes past Mark on the porch.

BOBBI Sean, wait!

MARK I don’t do sloppy seconds, Cahill.

BOBBI Shut up, Mark. It’s not like that at all.

Mark grins.

MARK Then I guess I should come in, huh?

Bobbi opens the door wider so he can.


Bobbi sits next to Mark on the couch. They both stare at the TV. Mark finally puts his arm around her, his fingers resting on her boob. Bobbi glances down at his hand.

BOBBI Does Tara know about...this?

MARK Tara? Naw. We’re just friends.

But he removes his arm from around her.

BOBBI Looks like more than that to me.

MARK Like you and Dickface next door?

Bobbi considers.

BOBBI You want some water or something?

71 MARK You got any beer?

Bobbi shakes her head.

MARK (CONT’D) Whatever then.

Bobbi goes into the


She gets a glass and fills it while looking out the kitchen window at Sean’s house. A shadowy figure moves behind the curtains, but she can’t tell who it is.

BOBBI Fuck it.

She takes the glass and goes back into the


Mark is still on the couch, but he’s removed his shirt and sits with both arms across the back of the couch.

MARK We doin’ this or what?

BOBBI Oh. Um, sure. I just thought you might be thirsty.

She hands him the water. He downs it like it’s alcohol, then thumps it back onto the coffee table.

BOBBI (CONT’D) Do you want some more? Sorry we only have--

MARK C’mere.

He pulls her onto the couch and kisses her. What he lacks in finesse, he makes up for in forcefulness. Bobbi is taken off guard and kisses him back with her eyes open for a minute in disbelief.

He pulls off her hoodie and leans back to admire the cleavage spilling out of her low-cut tank top.

72 She finally shifts to a more comfortable position, twines her hands into his hair and starts the kissing again.

He MOANS a little. She breaks the kiss.

BOBBI Hold on. Relax your mouth some.

MARK Are we talking or doing this? Jeez.

He pushes her back on the couch and kisses her again, grabbing both her boobs at once like they’re saddle horns. He MOANS again and slowly dry humps her while kissing/slobbering down her neck.

He awkwardly pulls down her tank top to get to the goods and buries his face in her chest.

She shifts uncomfortably and closes her eyes, trying to lose herself in the moment, but flinches and pulls back a little.


MARK Sorry, sorry.

He dives back into her cleavage. She watches the top of his head, flinches again, then pulls his face up for more kissing. He reaches down and opens his pants.

The ZIPPER sounds unreasonably loud.


MARK Relax, I’m just gonna put it on your leg.

They make out some more while dry-humping. She runs her hands up his back and MOANS a little.

Suddenly, he GASPS and pulls his torso away from hers.

BOBBI What is it?

He rolls off her.

73 BOBBI (CONT’D) Mark--

She looks around, not sure what happened, then sees a shiny cum stain on the leg of her shorts. He leans his head on the back of the couch, catching his breath.

BOBBI (CONT’D) Are you okay?

MARK Yeah, it’s all good.

She pulls her tank top up to cover her boobs. He buttons and zips his pants.

MARK (CONT’D) I gotta bounce, though.

Bobbi pulls her hoodie back on. Mark stands up.

BOBBI Um, okay? Did I do something wrong?

MARK Naw, you’re cool. I just have to get home.

He stands up and shoves his hands into his pockets. There’s a also small stain on his crotch. She follows him to the door.

BOBBI Really? My mom won’t be home for hours. I could make snacks or something.

MARK Naw, I gotta go. Don’t tell anybody about this, okay?

Bobbi looks confused. Mark fumbles for what to say.

MARK (CONT’D) I mean, you don’t want people to think you’re a slut, right?

She pastes on a smile.

BOBBI Right...

He tries to open the door, but it’s locked. He turns a lock, tries again - still locked.

74 BOBBI (CONT’D) You have to...

She tries to reach out and help him, but he tries a different combo and frantically pulls on the door - nothing. She reaches past him, thumbs the lock, and pulls open the door.

MARK Thanks.

They stand there awkwardly before he finally kisses her cheek like he’s kissing his mustachioed Aunt, then bolts.

Bobbi follows him onto the porch and watches him practically sprint down the steps.

As she turns to go back in, she sees that Sean is outside putting trash in the bin.

They lock eyes. Sean shakes his head in disgust and SLAMS the garbage can closed. Embarrassed, Bobbi ducks her head and goes back inside.


Bobbi is in pj’s, scrubbing at the stain on her shorts, probably harder than she needs to.

CARLA (O.S.) What’re you doing?

Bobbi stumbles back from the mirror in surprise. She throws the shorts into the hamper.

BOBBI Nobody. I mean, nothing. I didn’t hear you come home.

Carla sits on the toilet and pees.

CARLA You feeling better?

Bobbi smiles and nods emphatically.

CARLA (CONT’D) I knew you would. Sean always cheers you up.

Bobbi looks away guiltily.

75 BOBBI Can I get a phone?

CARLA Sean’s right next door. Who else do you need to call?

BOBBI Nobody.

CARLA (teasing) Oh, you need a phone to call nobody? He sounds cute.

BOBBI Ha ha. I just--need it.

Carla finishes and FLUSHES. She goes to the sink and washes her hands and face.

CARLA Just ‘cause you like a boy doesn’t mean we have any more money.

Bobbi SIGHS and rolls her eyes.

BOBBI You have a phone, just add me to your plan. The phones are free.

CARLA Well, Miss Know-It-All, Gigi pays for that phone or I wouldn’t have one either.

BOBBI (whining) Please, it’s not that much.

CARLA So go tell Gigi that your mama isn’t as nice as my mama and ask her.

BOBBI I hate being poor!

Bobbi pouts. Carla chuckles.

76 CARLA Join the club.

Carla starts taking off her makeup.

CARLA (CONT’D) You need to get to bed. You got school tomorrow.

BOBBI I’m not a child, Mother.

Carla feigns stepping toward Bobbi. Bobbi skedaddles. Carla picks up her toothbrush, HUMMING to herself.


Bobbi hesitates, then KNOCKS on the door. She stares at her feet until Sean opens the door. Bobbi’s face falls.

BOBBI Oh, I was looking for Kat.

SEAN She’s not here.

They stand there awkwardly.

BOBBI Well...guess I should get to school. Don’t want to be late.

SEAN Are you like a thing with that asshole now?

Bobbi smothers a smile, but her eyes light up.

BOBBI No...I don’t know.

SEAN Did you...

He raises an eyebrow: “you know.”

BOBBI No! And I’m not talking about it with you.

77 SEAN How could you even let that asshole into your house?! I heard him tell Ronnie once that you’re probably slutty because you’re--

He catches himself. Bobbi narrows her eyes.

BOBBI Because I’m what?

Sean looks at his feet.

SEAN (mumbles) Bigger than some girls.

Bobbi shakes her head.

BOBBI If he said that, he was just bro-ing out with his friends.

Sean shrugs and opens the door.

SEAN Don’t believe me, then. But assholes like him only change their tune when they think they’re gonna get laid.

Bobbi flushes.

BOBBI Are you jealous or something?

Sean just shakes his head.

SEAN You’re unbelievable.

BOBBI I’ll take that as a compliment.

SEAN Don’t.

BOBBI Fine then. Be like that.

78 SEAN Fine. I will!

Sean closes the door on her.



Bobbi sits at her desk. Mark’s desk is empty. The other kids talk in small groups but disburse when the BELL rings.

Miss Roselli bustles in and pulls the door closed just as Mark slips in.

MISS ROSELLI You are late, Mr. Bringhurst.

MARK But the door wasn’t closed yet.

MISS ROSELLI You students need to be taking the responsibility for getting here on time. In the high school, they send you to the office just like that.

She SNAPS to illustrate. Mark slides into his seat and nods s’up to Bobbi. She smiles and nods back.

MISS ROSELLI (CONT’D) Now take out some papers for a quiz.

There’s the usual MOANING. Mark leans over to Bobbi.

MARK Forgot my notebook. I was kind of distracted last night, y’know?

He grins at her. She lights up and slides him some paper.

MARK (CONT’D) Thanks, Cahill.

BOBBI Your pleasure.

79 He looks at her strangely. She blushes.

BOBBI (CONT’D) I meant you’re welcome, but I was thinking “my pleasure” and--

MISS ROSELLI Still with the talking?! You, Boy Crazy, quiet.

Bobbi stares at her desk.

MARK Sorry, Mrs. R, it was me. I asked to borrow paper. My bad.

Miss Roselli shakes her head.

MISS ROSELLI (mutters) Always with the excuses...

Bobbi smiles gratefully at Mark, but he’s writing on his paper not looking at her.


Bobbi scans the room, spots an empty table and beelines for it. She drops her lunch bag on it and realizes Sean is sitting at the table next to her. They make eye contact but he looks away and keeps talking to another BOY.

Beth comes to Bobbi’s table carrying a lunch tray.

BETH Can I sit here? Everything else is taken.

Bobbi pulls in the chair next to Beth with her foot.

BOBBI Sorry, it’s kind of saved today. (louder, directed toward Sean) I already promised someone I’d sit with them.

Sean SNORTS derisively. Beth turns red.

BETH Wow. Okay, then.

80 BOBBI Sorry.

She shuffles off. Bobbi spots Mark come into the room and sits up straighter in anticipation.

He walks toward her. She pulls out a chair as he approaches.

BOBBI (CONT’D) I saved you a seat.

The words trail off as Mark walks past without noticing her and sets his tray down next to Tara.

Tara pulls him in for a kiss. He puts his arm around her and she leans into him as they chat with the other kids at the table.

Bobbi is gobsmacked. Her eyes fill with tears. She stands up too quickly. Her chair tips and BANGS to the floor. Kids start CLAPPING sarcastically.

Stricken, she runs out. Sean doesn’t stop her, but looks sad for her.


Bobbi mopes down the street, dragging her backpack in a daze. She drops onto a bench at a table outside the Krazy Kone and just stares.

A family walks by, the DAD carrying his DAUGHTER upside down by her ankles. The Daughter SCREECHES with delight. They go inside.

Bobbi gets up and looks in the window. The Dad sets the little girl down. Bobbi scans the interior. No other customers and no Blonde behind the counter.

She starts to leave, then doubles back and looks


Nothing but a PIMPLY BOY smoking a joint.

PIMPLY BOY What are you lookin’ at?

BOBBI I thought my sister might be here.

81 PIMPLY BOY Well she’s not.

Bobbi starts to leave, then pivots.

BOBBI Is that blonde girl working today?

PIMPLY BOY Sharri? Naw, she quit I guess. Just stopped showing up. Fucked the rest of us over. Bitches, man.

Bobbi nods and continues on her way.


It’s twilight as Bobbi finally drags herself toward home. Kat is sitting on the steps at Sean’s house, a small suitcase next to her.

Bobbi sits on the step below Kat.

BOBBI (RE: suitcase) What’s with that?

KAT I gotta jet, Bobs. Just waiting on my ride.

Bobbi nods, sadly.

BOBBI Where’re you going?

KAT A bunch of us got jobs at Cedar Point for the summer. Thought we’d see what’s up in Cleveland for a while before work starts.

BOBBI Sounds cool.

KAT Living in shitty dorms with a bunch of kids away from home for the first time? Doubtful. But it’s cheap. And better than living here.

82 BOBBI I don’t get what’s so bad about being here. Your mom’s cool.

Kat pulls an ecigarette out of her purse, hits it, and exhales a huge cloud of vapor.

KAT I’m a frog in a pot of water here, Bobs.

Bobbi cocks an eyebrow, she doesn’t get it.

KAT (CONT’D) You put a frog in a pot of water and it thinks “well, this isn’t so bad.” The water’s comfy, it’s what the frog has known its whole life, so it kicks back and gets used to its life.

She hits the vape again.

KAT (CONT’D) But the pot’s sitting on a stove, and the water’s heating up so slowly, it doesn’t even notice. Then one day, BAM, dead frog. And it never even saw it coming.

Bobbi wrinkles her nose.

BOBBI Why would anyone boil a frog? I mean, maybe a serial killer or something. But--

KAT The point is, I don’t want to wake up one day and suddenly realize I’m 30 and working at Yarn ‘n Things divorced from some guy I went to high school with and have nothing to look forward to. Y’know?

Bobbi looks toward her house. The light in the upstairs bedroom comes on.


A car comes down the street. Kat looks at it expectantly, but it passes by.

83 KAT Shit.

She takes out her phone and types like a maniac.

BOBBI (hopefully) Maybe they’re not coming.

Kat chews her lip - what if Bobbi’s right? She stares at her phone - no response.

KAT God damnit. (sighs) If I worked at Yarn ‘n Things at least I’d have my own car.

BOBBI I’ll miss you.

KAT You’ll barely notice I’m gone. You guys will start high school and everything will change. You get to decide who you want to be with a whole new group of jackasses.

Bobbi smirks.

BOBBI I never thought of it like that.

Kat hits her vape.

KAT So what’s up with you and Sean? He’s been moping around like someone took away his lotion and sock.

Bobbi shrugs.

BOBBI Dunno. I didn’t think it would ever get...weird between us. But, I fucked this up too.

KAT So un-fuck it. You’re in charge, Bobbi-girl.

84 BOBBI Not even. It’s like everyone else is playing chess and all I’ve got is an old Uno deck with half the cards missing.

Kat stands up and cups Bobbi’s chin.

KAT Bullshit. You’re a fucking warrior.

Bobbi shakes her head.

KAT (CONT’D) Come on, let me hear you say it.

BOBBI (mumbles) I’m a warrior.

Kat rolls her eyes.

KAT Booo! You’re goddamn Diana Prince and you can be Wonder Woman any time you want. Own it. I AM A WARRIOR!!!!! Now you.

BOBBI (with more conviction) I’m a warrior.

Kat raises her hands like she’s testifying in church.

KAT One more time!


KAT Yes! Woooooo!! (looks toward house) Shit. (lowers her voice) You ARE a fucking Warrior! Don’t let anybody ever tell you different.

85 Carla pokes her head out the front door.

CARLA Bobbi Sue Cahill, get in here and stop causing a ruckus!

She goes back in. Kat hugs Bobbi.

KAT Go on before she pops a vein.

She hands Bobbi the book she was reading - The Riot Grrrl Collection.

KAT (CONT’D) Something to remember me by.

Bobbi puts the book into her bag and walks across the lawn.

KAT (CONT’D) Don’t let the bastards grind you!

BOBBI Uh...okay.

Bobbi gets to her porch and takes a last look at Kat, who looks very small and alone, clutching her phone and looking anxiously up the street.

She glances up at Sean’s window and is startled to see he’s been watching them. She waves at him. He half-waves back and then drops the curtain. She goes inside.


Birds TWITTER outside the open window to greet the day. Bobbi is asleep with her mouth open, a puddle of drool on the pillow.

Suddenly MUSIC BLARES from downstairs and her eyes fly open.


Bobbi stomps down the stairs and TURNS DOWN the MUSIC.

CARLA (O.S.) You finally up, Sleepyhead?

Rubbing her eyes, Bobbi shuffles into the


Carla stands at the stove, cigarette dangling from her lip, supervising sizzling bacon and eggs on the stove. She’s wearing her janitor’s uniform.

BOBBI Why are you dressed for work? It’s the weekend.

Carla dances across the kitchen and stubs out her smoke.

CARLA I picked up a side job.

Bobbi narrows her eyes, suspicious.

BOBBI Where?

CARLA Don’t you worry about it.

Carla slides bacon and eggs onto a plate and presents it to Bobbi with a flourish.

Bobbi looks at the plate, incredulous.

BOBBI You never make this kind of food. It’

Carla takes Bobbi’s plate, carries it into the

DINING ROOM and plops it on the table. She pushes Bobbi into a seat.

CARLA We can afford a cheat day every now and then. We’ve been good.

Bobbi is suspicious of the food and the new attitude.

BOBBI So no more weigh-ins?

Carla shakes her head like Bobbi’s a fool.

87 CARLA That’s how we know how good or bad we are, Darlin’.

BOBBI (mumbles) The scale isn’t Santa.

Carla just smiles indulgently.

CARLA Oooh, I forgot. (singsong) I got you chocolate milk!

She turns the MUSIC back up and SINGS along as she goes into the kitchen. Bobbi SIGHS and digs into her food. Carla brings the milk back in.

CARLA (CONT’D) Tell your daddy to take you to get some shoes today. You can’t wear sneakers to graduation.

BOBBI Graduation is stupid. It’s middle school.

CARLA Don’t you want to celebrate with your friends?

BOBBI I don’t have any friends.

CARLA Well I know that’s not true. I’m not gonna force you, but get the shoes just in case.

BOBBI Whatever. He probably won’t show up anyway. He was a dick last time.

CARLA Language! And he didn’t say he wasn’t coming, so...

BOBBI Can I have some more chocolate milk?

Carla considers, then shakes her head.

88 CARLA That’s enough sugar. Don’t need you bouncin’ around like a maniac.

She grabs her bag, kisses Bobbi, and heads to the door.

CARLA (CONT’D) Have fun today!

BOBBI Doubt it.

Carla leaves. Bobbi looks at her empty glass then goes into the


She takes the chocolate milk carton out of the fridge and chugs it straight from the carton.


-Bobbi cranks MUSIC on the stereo and dances around like a maniac, including a stint of jumping on the couch. She jumps off the couch and looks out the window. No Pete.

-Later, Bobbi cleans up her room. She sweeps a pile of folded clothes into the laundry hamper, then carefully makes the bed.

-Bobbi tries on all the outfits Kat gave her, striking poses in front of the mirror. She looks out the window. Still no Pete.

-Bobbi unlocks the snack cabinet and grabs an armload of stuff. She doesn’t bother locking it again.

-Bobbi maniacally flips through channels on the TV, an open bag of chips next to her. She looks out the window again. It’s getting dark and Pete clearly isn’t coming.



Bobbi is passed out facedown on the couch, sweaty and drooling a little. The remnants of her snack binge litter the floor and coffee table.

Carla comes in, sees Bobbi asleep and eases the door closed.

CARLA (mutters) Damnit, Pete.

89 She turns off the TV and Bobbi stirs, but doesn’t wake up. Carla smoothes Bobbi’s sweaty hair back from her face and gently kisses her temple.

CARLA (CONT’D) I’m sorry, Baby.

Carla turns off the light and tiptoes upstairs.



Bobbi is still out cold on the couch. Suddenly, someone starts HAMMERING on the front door.

Bobbi bolts awake.


More HAMMERING on the door.

RAE (O.S.) Open the damn door!

The DOORBELL rings incessantly. Bobbi gets up just as Carla marches down the stairs and flings the door open.

CARLA Get in here before you wake the whole neighborhood. What is wrong with you?!

Rae pushes past her.

RAE Where is he?!

She goes to the stairs. Carla blocks her from going up.

RAE (CONT’D) Pete! Come on down now!

CARLA What are you talking about? He’s not here.

90 RAE He ain’t been home in three days. We all know what that means, you fucking home wrecker!

Bobbi tries to get between them.

BOBBI He’s not here, Aunt Rae. He never showed up today.

RAE This don’t concern you none, Bobbi. It’s between me and your mama. (to Carla) I saw you down at his job site. I know you been sneaking around.

CARLA Stop being paranoid. It’s not my fault he got bored with you.

Rae grabs Carla by the hair.

RAE Say it again, whore!

Carla puts her hand on Rae’s face and tries to push her away.

BOBBI Stop it!!

But now they’re tussling - well, as much as Rae can given her pregnant belly.

Bobbi watches, helpless.

BOBBI (CONT’D) He doesn’t care about any of us, you dumbasses!

She flings open the door and takes off. Rae and Carla barely notice.


Bobbi runs down the street and almost passes the park, but she’s winded. She bends over to catch her breath, then sits down in a swing.

91 There’s a teenaged party happening in the picnic shelter. A fire burns in one of the park’s grills. A girl WOOOO’s and there’s LAUGHTER from the group.

Bobbi puts the swing in motion, leaning back so she can see the stars. As she swings, she starts to LAUGH, but it’s more to keep from crying.

BOBBI I’m a fucking warrior!!

The sky tilts and whizzes by as Bobbi swings harder, leaning back so far she’s almost flat.

Finally, dizzy from swinging so hard, she sits up.

Trisha is standing in front of her.

TRISHA What are you doing?

Bobbi just stares at her in a daze, then leans over and THROWS UP. She starts to cry.



Bobbi and Trisha sit on a table at the far end of the picnic shelter. The party is still going behind them. Trisha hands Bobbi a bottle of Sprite. Bobbi sips at it.

TRISHA Not too much or you’ll puke again.

Bobbi shivers.

TRISHA (CONT’D) You cold?

BOBBI I don’t know.

Trisha turns around.

TRISHA Travis! Hey, Travis!

TRAVIS, an older guy in a patch-covered jean jacket comes over carrying a joint.

92 TRAVIS Who’s the kid?

TRISHA My sister. Gimme your jacket.

Travis takes off his jacket and Trisha drapes it over Bobbi’s shoulders. He offers Trisha the joint, but she waves it away.

TRISHA (CONT’D) Can you just get me another beer? And see if there’s any more Sprite.

TRAVIS I’m not your servant.

TRISHA Just do it! Please.

Cowed, he wanders off.

BOBBI How do you do that?


BOBBI Get guys to just do what you want?

Trisha shrugs.

TRISHA Not the way everybody thinks I do. Friends just help each other out, y’know?

Travis comes back with a beer and a Sprite and hands them to Trisha.

TRISHA (CONT’D) Thanks, man.

He tosses her a and goes back to the party. Trisha cracks open the Sprite and hands it to Bobbi.

BOBBI Why are you being so nice to me? We’re not friends.

Trisha pops her beer open.

93 TRISHA Who’s fault is that?

BOBBI You saying it’s mine?

TRISHA Just stop. We’re not our moms.

BOBBI Thank god.

TRISHA So why you out so late? You don’t hang out here.

BOBBI Your mom showed up at my house. It got pretty out of hand. I’m sick of it. Is daddy really gone?

Trisha swigs her beer.

TRISHA Yeah, I heard he took off with that skank from the Krazy Kone. I told my mom, but she’s got a vendetta against Carla so she hears what she wants. Maybe I can get her job.

BOBBI Whose? The skank?

Trisha nods.

TRISHA Somebody’s gotta help pay for that baby. He doesn’t pay your mom anything does he?

BOBBI No, he just buys me stuff if I need it.

TRISHA (snorts) Typical. At least your mom’s still married to him, she could take his ass to court for money.

BOBBI She won’t.

94 Trisha takes another drink and offers Bobbi the beer. Bobbi considers, then shakes her head.

TRISHA I should text our moms that you’re with me so they don’t get the cops out looking for you. Last thing we need here.

At the party, a REDHEADED GIRL throws alcohol on the fire, causing it to flare up. She WOOOO’s.

TRAVIS Damnit, Corey, be cool!

Trisha finishes texting, hits send, and pockets her phone.

BOBBI So you really don’t do the stuff behind the Krazy Kone like people say?

TRISHA Nah. People just can’t get over that I’m friends with guys and they need something to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives. Let ‘em talk. I know the truth.

BOBBI But what if you were? Like, doing stuff? Would you care then?

Trisha studies Bobbi’s face.

TRISHA Why? You been doing stuff?

BOBBI Kind of.

She starts to sniffle.

BOBBI (CONT’D) Nobody knows, but he’s got a girlfriend. And if she finds out, everyone’s gonna talk about me too.

Her chest starts to hitch. Tears are coming.

95 BOBBI (CONT’D) He said we wouldn’t tell, but he’s such a fuh-fuh- fucking liar. Damnit!

She presses her hands into her eyes to try and stop the tears.

TRISHA Aw, man. Don’t cry over some douchebag. We can fix this.

Bobbi looks at her, surprised.

BOBBI We? You’ll help me?

TRISHA Of course. You don’t fuck with the Cahill sisters. Just tell me what happened.

Bobbi takes the beer from Trisha’s hand and swigs it. She runs her fingers through her hair. Where to start?

BOBBI Well, y’know that guy, Mark?

Trisha nods. The party rages on as Bobbi continues.


Bobbi and Trisha walk down the sidewalk, Travis brings up the rear. Bobbi takes off Travis’ jacket and hands it to him.

BOBBI Thanks.

TRAVIS Any time.

Bobbi looks at the house. The lights are all on.

BOBBI Shit. She’s up.

96 TRISHA It’ll be all right. I’ll meet you at the basketball courts tomorrow, okay? We’ll take care of this.

BOBBI Thanks for being so nice to me.

TRISHA It’s what sisters do. And if Aunt Carla tries to ground you, start crying about daddy being gone. She’ll feel sorry for you and you’ll be off the hook.

BOBBI Got it.

She runs up the stairs, looks back as Trisha and Travis walk away, and smiles for the first time in a while.

She takes a deep breath and opens the door.


The living room is a total wreck - stuff is broken and furniture is upended. It’s clear things got much worse when Bobbi left.

Carla sits on the couch, calmly smoking a cigarette.

CARLA You can’t just leave up out of here in the middle of the night.

BOBBI Sorry, Mama. I was just upset about daddy and...

She quivers her lip - it looks totally fake.

CARLA Stop. I know fake tears. I’m not mad. I’d have run outta here too. And it gave Aunt Rae and me a chance to talk.

Bobbi surveys the room then sits on the edge of an overturned armchair.

BOBBI This doesn’t look like talking.

97 CARLA The baby started kicking and we realized we were acting like fools. Only took ten years.

BOBBI So I’m not in trouble?

CARLA No, Darlin’. But we have to make some changes.

Bobbi looks at her suspiciously.

BOBBI Like what?

Carla hits her cigarette.

CARLA I’m divorcing your daddy. You okay with that?

Bobbi emphatically nods.

BOBBI Do I still have to see him? I mean if he comes back?

CARLA That’s up to you, Darlin’. I won’t be mad either way.

BOBBI I have to think about it.

Carla nods, butts her smoke, then stands up and stretches.

CARLA We should get some beauty sleep. Lots to do tomorrow.

Bobbi turns to the stairs, thinks better of it, then goes over and hugs Carla tight.

CARLA (CONT’D) Well, what’s that for?

BOBBI I’m sorry he’s a jerk, Mama.

CARLA You’re not the one who picked him, Baby. I’m sorry too.

98 She hugs Bobbi tighter.


Pancakes sizzle on the stove. Bobbi checks, then flips them. Carla shuffles in looking exhausted.

BOBBI Mornin’, Mama. I made coffee.

Carla goes to the pot and pours herself some.

CARLA Since when do you know how to make coffee?

BOBBI I just figured it out. I put your shake on the table.

Carla peeks over Bobbi’s shoulders.

CARLA Those look good, I’ll have some too.

BOBBI Another cheat day?

CARLA It’s just a day.

She gets plates and syrup out.


Bobbi finishes her pancakes, then gets up to take her plate to the kitchen. Carla looks up from her magazine.

CARLA Why the hurry?

BOBBI I’m meeting Trisha. We’re working on something.

Carla looks out the window.

CARLA Was that a pig that just flew by?

99 BOBBI Ha ha.

CARLA I had plans for us today.

BOBBI Can it wait? I told Trisha I’d be there.

Carla puts down her magazine.

CARLA Well, I was gonna surprise you, but since you’re all fired to get out of here, I’ll tell you. I’ve been working nights at your daddy’s construction office so I could buy you a phone for graduation. Thought we could pick it up early.

Bobbi puts her plate down and throws her arms around Carla.

BOBBI Oh my god! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

CARLA You’re welcome, Baby.

Bobbi practically dances her plate into the


As she’s rinsing her plate, she looks into Sean’s house. Sean sits alone at the counter, eating cereal and reading the back of the box. Bobbi frowns.

BOBBI Mama, do you think I could use that money for something else?


A group of BOYS, including Mark and Ronnie, are playing a pickup game against some girls, including TARA.

A SMALL BOY goes for a layup and Tara SMASHES the ball out of his hands sending it flying.

100 TARA Sucks to be you, Dude!

Bobbi and Trisha walk up and hover by the water fountain. Trisha hands Bobbi her phone.

TRISHA It’s all ready to go.

BOBBI (RE: Tara) Shit. I didn’t know she’d be here.

TRISHA Screw her. I got you.

Mark dribbles the ball down the court, notices Trisha and Bobbi standing with their arms crossed staring at him and it throws off his game. An ATHLETIC GIRL steals the ball from him, takes it down court and scores.

RONNIE Damn, Bringhurst! What the hell?

MARK I gotta get a drink, man. Time.

He trots off the court toward the water fountain.

MARK (CONT’D) What are you doing here?

TRISHA Just came to have a little chat.

BOBBI (to Trisha) I got this.

Trisha slightly bows and backs up a bit. Mark gets a drink from the fountain.

MARK Are you crazy? Tara’s here.

BOBBI Thought she wasn’t your girlfriend.

Just then Tara comes up.

101 TARA The fuck you talking to my boyfriend for, Cahill?

TRISHA Hey! Back up!

Bobbi waves Trisha off.

Mark is visibly sweating. He almost imperceptibly shakes his head at Bobbi. Bobbi smiles sweetly at him.

BOBBI He borrowed my notes, I just want to know when I’m getting them back.

Tara elbows Mark.

TARA Tell her so she can fuck off.

BOBBI Can you just give us a second?

TARA You can’t talk in front of me?

Trisha steps up.

TRISHA Your daddy know you’re out here with guys and swearing like a sailor? He’s the pastor over at St. A’s, right?

Tara gives her a snide look, but heads back to the court. Trisha nudges Bobbi.

TRISHA (CONT’D) Proceed.

MARK Still haven’t told me why you’re here, Cahill.

TRISHA To get her apology, you fuckwit.

BOBBI Trisha!

102 Trisha mimes locking her mouth and holds up her hands in surrender.

MARK Why I gotta apologize?

BOBBI You lied to me. You used me. You just...treated me like total shit. You always have. But no more.

MARK You invited me over.


TARA (O.S.) Mark!

BOBBI Apologize. Right now, or I’ll tell her.

MARK Okay, jeez. I’m sorry you got your panties in a bunch over nothing.


Mark whips his head around to see where Tara is. She doesn’t appear to have heard.

BOBBI (CONT’D) Try again.

MARK Look...I’m sorry, okay?

BOBBI See, I still don’t believe you. And I don’t believe you’ll keep your mouth shut with your gross friends about what happened.

Mark looks at Trisha and sneers.

MARK Why, you afraid people will find out you’re just like her?

103 Trisha comes up.

TRISHA Okay, we’re done. Show him, Bobbi.

Bobbi holds up the phone.

BOBBI Since you and your girlfriend are such fans of Hot Lists, here’s a new one for you. You tell anyone and I send this out.

She shows him the phone. It’s a list similar to the previous Hot List, but is titled “Premature Ejaculators.” Mark’s name fills all 25 slots on the list.

MARK Pffft, nobody would believe you anyway, Cahill.

TRISHA Maybe not. But they’d believe me.

Mark gulps - he knows she’s right.

MARK I won’t say anything, okay? And I’m sorry.

BOBBI Louder.

MARK I’m sorry! Fuck! Can I go now?

He looks over. Tara is totally staring now. This will be a fight later. Trisha looks at Bobbi and raises an eyebrow. Bobbi nods.

TRISHA Don’t ever mess with my sister again or you’ll have me to deal with. Just me.

Mark shakes his head and walks away, muttering.

BOBBI And bring your own fucking paper from now on!

They watch Mark go back to the court where Tara immediately begins interrogating him.

104 TRISHA She’s gonna rip his balls off.

Bobbi hands Trisha back her phone.

BOBBI Then I guess he can’t come on her leg any more.

The girls share a warm smile.


Bobbi and Trisha walk down the main drag. The stores are open and families eat at the café and shop.

A car rolls up. It’s Travis.

TRAVIS You ladies need a ride?


She starts toward the car.

TRISHA (CONT’D) You coming?

BOBBI Nah, I’ve gotta do something.

Trisha nods and goes to the car.


Trisha looks.

BOBBI (CONT’D) Thanks.

Trisha gives her a salute. Bobbi tips one back. The car drives off.

Bobbi goes into one of the stores.


Sean plays Borderlands. There’s a KNOCK at the weird little door.

SEAN I don’t want any lunch, mom!

The door opens. Bobbi pokes her head inside.

BOBBI Can I come in?

Sean glances over and shrugs. She crawls in and sits down next to him.

BOBBI (CONT’D) I got you something. Since I can’t get you to read the books...

She shows him a copy of The Witcher 2. Sean pauses his game.

SEAN Sweet!

He tears into it, then looks at her suspiciously.

SEAN (CONT’D) Wait. Why are you giving me this?

BOBBI ‘Cause I’ve been an asshole to you.

He goes back to looking at the game insert.

SEAN True. But you’re always an asshole.

BOBBI I’m trying to be serious!

She takes the game from him.

BOBBI (CONT’D) You’re an amazing person and you deserve better than me, but you’re still always there when I need you. And I wasn’t there for you. If you tell me to fuck off, I totally get it. But, do you think you can you forgive me?

106 Sean studies her face. For once, she’s actually vulnerable.

SEAN You messed with my feelings pretty bad, B.

Bobbi nods and hangs her head. She hands him the game.

BOBBI I know. I’m sorry that I screwed things up with us. But if you ever decide you want to be friends again, I’ll always be there.

She starts to crawl out.

SEAN Wait. How am I gonna learn this game in single player? I need you. Especially since you read the stupid books.

BOBBI Really? So we’re cool?

SEAN I’m still pissed at you. But nobody knocks out combos like you, B.

He puts the game into the XBox and offers her a controller. She takes it and sits cross- legged next to him.

BOBBI And the team is back together!

SEAN It’s not that kind of game.

BOBBI Oh. What is it then?

SEAN We’ll figure it out together.

They start playing. Sean stares intently at the game. Bobbi sneaks a glance at him and smiles.

107 They play and TRASH TALK like friends do.



Empty plates litter the table. Carla pushes her chair back.

CARLA Man, I’m stuffed. You get enough to eat, Bobbi-girl?

Bobbi, sitting next to her, nods.

BOBBI That casserole was awesome, Aunt Rae.

Rae sits across from her, breast feeding the new baby.

RAE I’m glad you liked it, Darlin’.

TRISHA Should I get dessert, Gigi?

The baby finishes feeding and Rae packs her boob away.

GIGI I don’t want any, but you girls have at it. Give me my grandson, Rae. That child needs to burp or he’s gonna explode.

Trisha gets up.

TRISHA Gigi made peach pie, I’m not passing that up.

Bobbi stands up.

BOBBI I’ll help you.

The girls go in the kitchen.

Rae and Carla sit in silence for a minute, but it’s companionable.

RAE I almost forgot, I got something for you.

108 She takes a velvet pouch from her pocket and slides it over to Carla. Carla opens it. It’s the necklace they were fighting over earlier.

RAE (CONT’D) I shouldn’t have taken it. I knew you wanted it.

Carla admires it for a minute, then puts it back in the bag.

CARLA No, Mama’s right. It’s just cheap junk. I’ve got stuff to take to Salvy-Dony, I’ll give it to somebody who won’t know the difference.

They share a smile. The girls come back in with the pie and some plates.

TRISHA You sure you don’t want any, Gigi?

Just then, the baby starts to WAIL.

GIGI (O.S.) Aw, shit. Rae!

RAE Comin’, Mama.

She goes into the


She takes the baby and starts walking him around patting his back. He keeps CRYING.

Bobbi, Trisha, and Carla comes in eating their pie.

CARLA Try rubbing circles on his back. That always worked with Bobbi. She was a good burper.

TRISHA (to Bobbi) We’re gonna put that on your headstone.

Bobbi bumps Trisha with her hip.

BOBBI (playfully) Shut up!

109 GIGI You gotta bounce him more, Rae.

She gets up. Now she, Carla, and Rae and all patting, rubbing, and jostling the baby. There is much disagreement over who’s right.

Bobbi and Trisha just look at each other and .

BOBBI Let’s go outside.

TRISHA Can’t get away from them y’know. We’re stuck with ‘em.

BOBBI Yeah...

She smiles and follows Trisha outside.

As they leave, we see that hanging over the mantle is an UPDATED FAMILY PORTRAIT.

It’s as cheesy and unflattering as they tend to be, but all the women in the family are together, with the baby in the middle.
