The Art and Science of Infusion Nursing

Antibody Formation in Transfusion Therapy

Michael Passwater , MT(ASCP)SBB, DLM, CSSGB(ASQ)

ABSTRACT The production of following blood transfusions is a complex process that involves many recipient and donor factors. Inflammation in the recipient is one important factor. As knowledge of the , of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitric oxide pathways, and of hemostasis grows, more specific therapies will allow precise manip- ulation of the immune system and safer transfusions. Communication of patients’ transfusion and immunotherapy histories with the laboratory, attention to detail in labeling pretransfusion specimens, checking patient and blood product identification before administration, and closely monitoring patients during transfusions remain critical to minimizing risks during transfusion therapy. Key words: alloimmunization , formation , blood administration , blood products , hemolysis , inflamma- tion , patient safety , red blood cells , transfusion , transfusion reactions

he same immune system that protects people body’s physical barriers are not able to keep an invader out, from invading microorganisms may also attempt networks of complement and lectin proteins are the next to protect them from invading transfused or trans- line of defense within the body. Complement proteins may planted cells intended for therapy. While it is attach to cells and lyse them, mark cells to be phagocytized Tnot known precisely who, how, and when antibodies will by immune cells, or activate immune cells to produce anti- form in the transfusion setting, knowledge of the immune bodies. Lectins are ubiquitous proteins in plants and ani- system is growing rapidly. As more details of the immune mals. They may bind to carbohydrates and glycoproteins on system’s complexity, flexibility, and interactions within the bacterial cell membranes and influence cell recognition and body are discovered, new approaches can be implemented adhesion. There is a growing appreciation for immune acti- to enhance desired immune responses to destroy unwant- vation caused by pattern recognition sensors within tissues. ed pathogens and diseased tissue, and to minimize unwant- These sensing mechanisms are termed inflammasomes and ed immune responses, thereby preserving healthy tissues respond to both pathogen-associated molecular patterns and transplants. and danger-associated molecular patterns. Both septic The body’s largest defense mechanism is our skin and pathogen invasions and endogenous tissue inflammation, mucous membranes. In 1735, Benjamin Franklin wrote which may be termed sterile sepsis or systemic inflam- that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.1 The matory response syndrome , may have similar impacts on importance of skin hygiene cannot be overstated. If the host tissues including the immune system. 2 , 3 The Danger Hypothesis is a term used to convey the current under- Author Affiliation: Vidant Medical Center, Greenville, North standing that the immune system responds to clues that Carolina (Mr Passwater). an infection has taken place before responding strongly to Michael Passwater, MT(ASCP)SBB, DLM, CSSGB(ASQ), is certi- 4 fied by the American Society of Clinical Pathology as a Medical . In other words, unless the immune system is first Technologist, Specialist in Blood Banking, and Diplomate in activated by inflammatory signals, foreign substances may Laboratory Management. He has worked in clinical laboratories be invisible to it. However, if the immune system is primed for 25 years, including serving as the manager of the Transfusion Service and Transplant Laboratories at Vidant Medical Center in for action by inflammatory signals associated with intrinsic Greenville, North Carolina, for the past 11 years. Vidant Medical danger (damaged tissue) or extrinsic danger (pathogenic Center is the flagship hospital of Vidant Health serving 29 counties infections), then its cells will seek to engage and destroy in Eastern North Carolina. He remains fascinated by the immune system and hemostasis. cells displaying freign antigens. The human body contains The author of this article has no conflicts of interest to disclose. roughly 60 000 miles of blood vessels. From major arteries to the smallest capillary beds, vascular endothelial cells line Corresponding Author: Michael Passwater, MT(ASCP)SBB, DLM, CSSGB(ASQ), Pathology Laboratory/Vidant Medical Center, 2100 the interior of these vessels and actively maintain them. Stantonsburg Road, Greenville, NC 27834 (mpasswat@ Recent evidence shows that damage to these endothelial cells may cause significant inflammation, activate and DOI: 10.1097/NAN.0000000000000264 dysregulate the immune system, and contribute to the

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Copyright © 2018 Infusion Nurses Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. pathology of many diseases including sepsis, cardiovascular more efficient at binding complement than IgG2, and IgG4 disease, diabetes, cancer, lupus, and especially sickle cell rarely binds complement. The IgG4 subclass is often asso- disease.5 Additionally, endothelial inflammation plays a role ciated with immune tolerance after long-term exposures in transfusion and transplant rejection by increasing the risk to an . The IgG2 subclass is the least efficient at of alloantibody formation.6 crossing the placenta, but the most efficient at responding to bacterial capsular polysaccharide antigens. IgG1 is the ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY most abundant IgG subclass in most people, and it is the most proinflammatory of the 4 IgG subclasses.7 Each antibody has a Y-shaped appearance. The 2 claws Adaptive, or humoral, immunity is the most advanced on the Y contain variable and hypervariable regions. immune response in mammals. It involves antibodies and This end of the antibody molecule binds to the antigen. the special cells and signaling proteins that influence them. Antibody binding is a very 3-dimensional process, simi- Adaptive immune responses are complex, flexible, and lar to fitting puzzle pieces together. The immune system interactive. The local environment and immune cells inter- attempts to select antibodies that are the best fit for the act to recognize the situation, select a response to clear the shape and electrostatic charge of the antigen(s) presented problem, and rebuild healthy tissue. in proximity to tissue danger signals. The other end, or The hallmark of adaptive immunity is the production of base of the Y-shaped antibody molecule, is the constant antibodies. There are 5 classes of antibodies: IgA, IgD, IgE, region. The constant region serves biologic functions such IgM, and IgG. IgA is typically found as a dimer in the mucous as complement attachment or activation of other immune membranes of the gut, genitourinary tract, and bronchi- cells (Figure 1).8 oles. IgD appears to mainly serve as a receptor on lym- Lymphocytes are a class of white blood cells (WBCs) that phocytes. These classes of antibodies are rarely involved in have key roles in adaptive immune responses. B cells are a transfusion-related alloimmunization. IgE is involved in ana- type of lymphocyte that mature into plasma cells, which phylaxis, which is a significant and sometimes fatal risk of then produce antibodies. Each B cell is programmed to pro- transfusion. Transfusion-related anaphylaxis is associated duce antibodies with a single specificity. The antibody class with proteins in donor blood that is infused into a recipient produced may change (typically from IgM to IgG), but all with a preexisting allergy, meaning the recipient lacks the antibodies produced by that cell and its offspring will have protein and has been immunized from a prior exposure to the same specificity. A healthy immune system has mecha- the protein. An effective method to screen for anaphylaxis nisms to self-destruct any of its B cells producing antibodies risk is not yet available. that cross-react with healthy host cells. Further discussion of IgA, IgD, and IgE is beyond the T cells are another type of lymphocyte. T cells can be scope of this article. IgM and IgG are the classes of antibod- further subdivided into CD4 T helper cells and CD8 T sup- ies of most concern with transplants and transfusions. IgM pressor cells. Cluster of differentiation (CD) receptor pro- antibodies are found within the intravascular space. They teins are often used to identify and characterize immune often hook together to form pentagons. The IgM pentagon cells. New subcategories of immune cells continue to be is a larger complex that more effectively binds multiple discovered. The influence of inherited differences in quan- antigens, attracts complement proteins, and may further tities and ratios of B and subpopulations, as well as influence immune cells. IgM is typically involved in the initial exposure to an antigen within the circulation. B cells with IgM antibodies that bind with the invading antigen will, with the proper environmental signals, rapidly divide and convert to production of IgG antibodies of the same specificity. Some of these B cells will become memory B cells, allowing a more rapid response to similar antigen exposures in the future. IgG is evenly distributed throughout tissues and within the bloodstream. It is typically involved in secondary chal- lenges (reexposure to an antigen). There are 4 subclasses of IgG antibodies. The subclass of IgG antibody and the amount and spatial proximity of antigen-antibody com- plexes that form influence whether or not complement proteins will attach to the IgG antibodies. In general, the more tightly packed the IgG antibodies are on a cell surface, the more likely complement proteins will attach to the anti- body-antigen complexes. In addition to the density of the IgG antibody-antigen complexes present, the subclass also Figure 1 Antibody structures. Image provided courtesy of Abcam. influences complement binding. IgG1 and IgG3 are much Image copyright © 2018, Abcam. Used with permission.8

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Copyright © 2018 Infusion Nurses Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. environmental factors impacting immune cell function, are production is triggered or silenced. The end result of a active areas of research to better understand and control humoral (antibody) response is antibody coating of invad- adaptive immune responses. ing or inflamed cells, which may attract complement pro- Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) are another category of teins to lyse the cells. Alternatively, the complement- or cells in an adaptive immune response. The APC must dis- antibody-tagged cells may attract phagocytic WBCs within play both a distress signal and a segment (antigen) of the the circulation, or coated cells may be removed from the invader to attract an activated T cell. The activated T cell blood circulation in the spleen. then attracts a B cell with an antibody specificity that fits The adaptive immune response is a powerful defense the invading antigen, and stimulates the B cell to divide and mechanism. However, the ability to mass produce antibod- mass produce its antibody.4 Figure 29,10 shows illustrations ies to invaders that the body may never have seen before of APC, T cell, and B cell interactions necessary for antibody comes with risk. Cross-reactivity is a term used to describe production. Dendritic cells have a major role in presenting antibodies selected for their specificity to 1 antigen (protein antigens to T cells.6 Monocytes and other T cells also serve on a microbe or damaged cell) that also binds to similarly as APCs. Even endothelial cells may serve as APCs in some shaped antigens on unintended targets (healthy cells). If B environments with excessive inflammation. cells that produce antibodies that cross-react with healthy In addition to these cells, adaptive immunity also relies tissue are not recognized and destroyed by regulator cells on dozens of special signaling proteins. These cytokines, within the same immune system, damage to self-tissue chemokines, neuroendocrine influences, and other cofac- (autoimmunity) may result. Interestingly, the brain, anteri- tors present in the local environment direct cell receptor or chamber of the eye, and testes lack adaptive immunity. expressions, immune cell activations, movements, and The risk of collateral damage from antibody production in responses.11-13 The same immune cells may initiate, pro- these sensitive organs outweighs the benefits. As a result, mote, prevent, suppress, or terminate an immune response tissue may be transplanted in these areas without the risk depending on the signals they receive. Thus, the milieu of of humoral rejection. biochemicals surrounding the cells may be as important as the cells themselves to determine whether antibody ANTIGEN FACTORS INFLUENCING ANTIBODY PRODUCTION

In addition to activation of the immune system through danger signals, an antigen must also be present and perceived to be different from the host tissues to gener- ate an adaptive immune response. It also must be large and spatially complex. Substances with molecular weights below 6000 daltons are not likely to stimulate an immune response unless they are attached to a much larger protein or cell. For size perspective: aspirin is 180 daltons, insulin is 6000 daltons, casein milk protein is 24 000 daltons, red blood cell (RBC) Kell antigen proteins are 93 000 to 115 000 daltons, and immunoglobulin G proteins are 150 000 dal- tons. Similarly, a simple straight-chain molecule such as a glucose polymer is unlikely to stimulate an immune response regardless of its size. The dose and route of entry also influence immune responses. Dose refers to both the time of exposure and the quantity of the foreign antigen present. The genetic background of the individual is also important. Genetics influences both the definition of self and the quantity and ratios of the numerous subcompo- nents of the immune system present.14 Adding together these factors, it can be anticipated that a large substance different from the host, inside an inflamed area of the body for a significant amount of time, may draw the attention of an adaptive immune response (ie, generate antibody production). RBC and platelet transfusions from community donors Figure 2 A) For antibody production to occur, a T cell must recognize both a foreign segment and a distress signal on the APC mem- have much in common with the criteria necessary for brane,9 and then B) find a B cell with an antibody to “fit” the foreign antibody production. As for foreignness, humans have 8 segment.10 major RBC types (O+, O−; A+, A−; B+, B−; AB+, AB−);

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Copyright © 2018 Infusion Nurses Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. tens of thousands of different lymphocyte antigens (eg, A, hemoplexin.18,19 Conditions such as sickle cell anemia, B, C, DR, DQ, DP alleles of the human leukocyte antigen autoimmune hemolytic anemia, systemic lupus, and chron- [HLA] system); hundreds of minor RBC antigens (eg, Rh, ic dialysis are associated with hemolysis, which leads to Kell, Kidd, Duffy, MNS, Lewis systems); and 2 dozen human chronic endothelial inflammation, which then increases platelet antigens (HPA system). As for size and complexity, the risk of alloimmunization when these patients receive RBCs, WBCs, and platelets are as large or larger than most RBC or platelet transfusions. However, even in sickle cell invading microbes. As for dose, a typical healthy adult has disease, fewer than half (18%-47%) of transfused patients a blood volume of 5 liters, or 10 pints of whole blood. appear to form RBC alloantibodies.20,21 There is still much This includes 20 to 30 trillion RBCs. Each pint, or unit, of to learn about antibody formation in transfusion therapy. donated blood is expected to contain 2 trillion RBCs and 1 billion WBCs. After leukoreduction, the unit may still have a million WBCs. A single-donor apheresis unit of platelets CURRENT ALLOIMMUNIZATION has 300 billion platelets per bag. Each RBC from a group A PREVENTION STRATEGIES donor expresses about 1 million A antigens. With 2 trillion RBCs per bag, that means each bag has 2 trillion million, or Avoiding transfusion is the one certain way to prevent a quintillion (1018), A antigens. Similarly, the main Rh sys- transfusion-related alloimmunization. Conserving patients’ tem antigen (D) is expressed approximately 20 000 times on blood; managing anticoagulation and antiplatelet medicines; each Rh+ RBC, and the main Kell system antigen (K or K1) is and using hematinics such as intravenous (IV) iron, vitamin 15,16 expressed approximately 5000 times per RBC. B12, folic acid (vitamin B9), and erythropoiesis-stimulating In addition to volume, time is also an important com- agents has been shown to reduce the need for blood ponent of an antigen’s dose. RBCs typically circulate for transfusions in many settings.22,23 approximately 120 days in the human body. Therefore, If RBC or platelet transfusion is necessary, using RBCs may circulate for weeks to months after transfusion prestorage leukoreduced products reduces the risk of allo- in a nonbleeding recipient. However, in a rapidly bleeding immunization by both removing many WBCs (reducing the surgical patient, the transfused cells may flow through the dose of WBC/HLA antigens) and reducing the quantity of patient in minutes to hours, not allowing time for a prima- inflammatory cytokines released from WBCs in the blood ry adaptive immune response. As for route of exposure, product bag during storage, thereby minimizing exposure venous infusions bypass most innate immune mechanisms. to unwanted inflammatory proteins infused along with With all those cells and antigens going directly into a per- the desired blood product. When patients are likely to son’s veins, it is critically important to make sure patient receive long-term RBC transfusion therapy, extended phe- and donor identification is complete and accurate for all notype or genotype matching may be helpful. Matching blood bank testing and blood administrations. It is also additional minor antigens as well as the major ABO and understandable why there is growing popularity for the Rh antigens minimizes the “foreignness” aspect of the concept of viewing blood—or more comprehensively, the infused donor cells. vasculature—as an organ, and replacing the term blood Blood centers have also developed strategies to mini- transfusion with blood transplant. RBCs, WBCs, platelets, mize harm from antibodies or other proteins present in the plasma, and vascular endothelial cells comprise the vascu- plasma of blood donors. The use of plasma products from lature and are critical to hemostasis and the regulation of male donors, or from female donors tested and found to the 3 gases of life: oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide, and nitric not have HLA antibodies, has been associated with a reduc- oxide (NO).17 Arguably, these blood vessels and the fluid tion in transfusion-associated acute lung injury (TRALI) they contain are as important as any solid organ. caused by passive immunity from donor HLA antibodies. Clearly, donor RBC and platelet units meet the criteria Platelet additive solution products are also available. These for becoming a target of an adaptive immune response. products contain two-thirds less donor plasma than tradi- As discussed previously, inflammation appears to also tional platelet products suspended in 100% donor plasma be a necessary ingredient for alloimmunization. There is and have been associated with fewer allergic reactions.24 great overlap between patients with inflammation and patients receiving transfusions. There are indications that endothelial cell inflammation is especially hazardous to LABORATORY TESTING overall well-being and is a potent activator of the adaptive immune response. Free hemoglobin is especially toxic to Complete and accurate patient identification on blood vascular endothelial cells. Once outside the protective bank specimens and blood administration documents, RBC cell membrane, hemoglobin rapidly oxidizes. The pro- careful testing within the laboratory, and a comprehensive teins haptoglobin and hemopexin circulate in plasma to history of treatments and previous blood bank workups are scavenge free hemoglobin before it damages endothelial important to avoiding complications from RBC-related anti- cells. However, it only takes a few milliliters of hemolyzed bodies. Basic blood bank testing for transfusion recipients RBCs to overwhelm available supplies of haptoglobin and includes the blood type, antibody screen, and crossmatch

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Copyright © 2018 Infusion Nurses Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. tests. Blood type testing determines whether the person’s the most frequently implicated antibodies were directed RBCs express the A, B, AB (both A and B), or O (neither A against antigens in the ABO system (34%), Kidd system nor B) antigens, and whether or not the main Rh antigen (13%), and Kell system (10%).29 D is expressed. If the D antigen is expressed, a person is considered Rh positive, and if it is not, she or he is con- sidered Rh negative. The antibody screen test looks for TRANSFUSION MONITORING, REACTION antibodies in the person’s plasma that react with RBC anti- RECOGNITION, AND RESPONSE gens other than the major A and B blood group antigens. If the patient’s plasma contains antibodies that react with Patient and blood product identification and patient mon- minor RBC antigens on the antibody screening cells, addi- itoring are critical aspects of transfusion safety. Whenever tional testing is required to determine the specificity of the possible, have a patient state his or her name and date antibodies, and donors lacking the antigens corresponding of birth as part of the identification process. Be sure to to the identified antibodies must be located to provide check the patient and blood product identification at the a safe RBC transfusion. Identifying the specificity of anti- bedside with another clinician, or with an electronic iden- bodies and finding compatible donors is typically the most tification verification system approved for use with blood time-consuming part of pretransfusion testing. Workups for administration. It is also essential to take and document patients with alloantibodies may take hours to days to com- the patient’s vital signs before, during, and after transfu- plete. The crossmatch is a final check testing the patient’s sion. Temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and respiration plasma against donor RBCs in the laboratory to verify that rate are the standard vital signs required to monitor with no lysis or agglutination occurs. Another test, the direct all transfusions; O2 saturation is also monitored in some antiglobulin test (also referred to as a DAT or direct Coombs settings. There is much overlap in the signs and symptoms test), may be performed to see whether IgG or complement of different types of transfusion reactions. Therefore, fur- proteins are attached to RBCs in the patient’s circulation. A ther investigation of all possible transfusion reactions is positive DAT may indicate that alloantibodies, autoantibod- required to evaluate causes. If new-onset adverse signs and ies, or drug-induced antibodies are present. Figure 3 shows symptoms such as fever (1°C increase and >38°C); rigors; illustrations of blood bank testing for minor (non-ABO) RBC respiratory distress; pain at the infusion site, flank, or else- antibodies. where; gastrointestinal purging; or tingling and numbness The goal of pretransfusion testing is to prevent transfu- occur during or shortly after (within 6 hours) transfusion, sion reactions resulting from immune hemolysis. However, be sure to report the event to the patient’s provider and there are other adverse effects of transfusion that do not the blood bank. involve immune-mediated destruction of RBCs, and for The initial steps for all suspected transfusion reactions which preventive testing does not exist. For instance, mild are the same30: urticarial allergic reactions occur in 1% to 3% of transfu- sions. More severe anaphylactoid or anaphylactic reactions • STOP the transfusion—many reactions are dose occur in 1 in 20 000 to 1 in 50 000 transfusions. Transfusion- dependent. associated circulatory overload (TACO) is estimated to • Maintain IV access—IV treatments may be neces- occur in 1% to 8% of transfusions, TRALI may occur in 1 in sary, so don’t lose access. 5000 transfusions, and septic reactions may occur in 1 in • Recheck all patient and blood product identifica- 75 000 platelet transfusions or 1 in 500 000 RBC transfu- tion—clerical errors remain the leading cause of sions.25(p667-671),26 Tingling, numbness, and arrhythmias may ABO-incompatible transfusions. occur as a result of electrolyte disturbances in the setting • Notify the patient’s provider and the blood bank. of large-volume transfusions due to citrate toxicity and/or • Support the patient’s vital signs. potassium buildup in stored RBC units. As with all IV med- • Collect blood specimen(s) and observe or collect ication infusions, it is important to evaluate patients for urine. No single test is diagnostic of TACO or TRA- fluid and electrolyte disturbances as well as other types of LI. However, a chest x-ray as well as a B-type natri- acute reactions.27 With regard to immune-mediated hemo- uretic peptide test to rule out cardiogenic pulmo- lytic transfusion reactions, in spite of sensitive testing for nary edema may be helpful in the evaluation of RBC antibodies, acute hemolytic reactions are estimated reactions involving respiratory distress.25(p667-671) to occur in 1 in 6000 to 1 in 40 000 RBC transfusions, and • Send blood product, IV administration set, and delayed hemolytic reactions may occur in 1 in 2500 to 1 in specimens to the laboratory. 11 000 RBC transfusions.25(p667-671)While there has been a Acute intravascular hemolytic reactions may occur min- downward trend in fatalities related to immune hemolysis utes to hours after the transfusion begins and involve reported to the US Food and Drug Administration since pain, fever, chills, hemoglobinuria (iced tea-, red wine-, or 2001, immune hemolysis continued to represent 21% of black-colored urine), and new or increased bleeding due to reported transfusion fatalities in the United States from disseminated intravascular coagulation. Within the blood 2010 to 2014. Of these immune-related fatality reports, vessels, free hemoglobin binds NO irreversibly, which may

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Copyright © 2018 Infusion Nurses Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Figure 3 A) Illustration of blood bank testing to identify the specificity of “minor” (non-ABO) RBC antibodies. B) Illustration of blood bank test reactions using recipient plasma and donor or reagent red blood cells. 0= Negative (no reaction),+ 4 = strongly reactive (large agglutination/ clumping). Image 3B provided courtesy of Ortho Clinical Diagnostics. Used with permission. lead to vasoconstriction and shock. These reactions may be Delayed extravascular hemolytic reactions typically caused by IgM or high-titer IgG antibodies. Haptoglobin is occur 3 days to 3 weeks after transfusion. These reac- typically undetectable. There is a risk of bystander hemoly- tions involve IgG antibodies and removal of incompatible sis, also referred to as hyperhemolysis syndrome, meaning antibody-coated donor RBCs by the spleen. The patient that the patient’s own RBCs may be destroyed along with typically presents with jaundice from increased indirect the incompatible donor RBCs, causing the posttransfusion bilirubin, and worsening anemia (decreased hemoglobin hematocrit to be lower than the pretransfusion level. The and hematocrit)—both a result of accelerated donor RBC combination of group A RBCs and group O plasma appears removal and breakdown in the reticuloendothelial system to be the most dangerous ABO incompatibility. This may be (special cells in the spleen, liver, and lymph nodes that due to the large number of A antigens expressed on group A metabolize and recycle iron, hemoglobin, and other RBC RBCs, and to the increased frequency of complement-bind- components). The patient may have a positive DAT and/or ing anti-A,B antibodies found in group O donors (Figure 4). a positive RBC antibody screen.

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Copyright © 2018 Infusion Nurses Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Figure 4 A) RBC agglutination and B) erythrophagocytosis. Simulated Group O recipient whole blood mixed with Group A RBC donor. Abbrevia- tion: RBC, red blood cell.

ADDITIONAL ALLOIMMUNIZATION reduce inflammation. As more details of the immune sys- CHALLENGES tem are discovered, more precise, selective therapies will be developed. The main concern with alloimmunization in the setting of blood transfusions is harm to the transfusion recipient from DRUG-INDUCED ANTIBODIES AND acute or delayed immune hemolytic reactions. However, AUTOIMMUNITY alloimmunization also causes testing delays and requires larger sample volumes for pretransfusion testing and more expensive workups. There is also an increased risk of future In addition to the formation of antibodies to transplanted RBCs, WBCs, and platelets, medications may also adhere to reactions due to unknown antibodies, or antibodies with 34 decreased titers that are no longer detectable. A complete cells and generate adaptive immune responses as well. history of blood bank workups from a comprehensive med- The drug makes the cell appear foreign, and the cell makes ical history is important to ensure safe transfusions. the drug appear large to the immune system. If the immune system is in an activated state, antibody formation may result. Antibody formation may be directed strictly to the PASSIVE IMMUNITY drug portion of the drug-cell complex, or it may be directed toward part of the cell membrane25(p425-445),35 (Figure 5). Rh immune globulin, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), Discontinuing the medication will eliminate the problem and some immunotherapies may contain antibodies that if the antibody is only directed against the drug portion react with RBCs. It is helpful to notify the blood bank when of the drug-cell complex, but cell destruction may persist patients are receiving these therapies to expedite work- even if the drug is discontinued if antibodies to the cell ups and fully assess causes of hemolysis and anemia. Rh membrane have formed. For example, heparin-induced immune globulin is a concentrated preparation of anti-D and may also contain other Rh antibodies. IVIG contains anti-A and anti-B and may contain other RBC and HLA antibodies.31 Daratumumab is a monoclonal anti-CD38 that may be given by IV infusion alone or with other medicines to treat multiple myeloma. The CD38 protein is heavily expressed on myeloma cells, but is also expressed to a lesser extent on many RBCs and other tissues.32 Timely communication with the laboratory can minimize delays and confusion resulting from testing interference caused by these passive antibodies. is an anti-CD20 immunosuppressive therapy that binds with the CD20 protein on B cells and inhibits antibody production. It has been used successfully in autoimmune, transplant, and acute transfusion reaction Proposed unifying theory of drug-induced antibody reactions 33 Figure 5 settings. Erlizumab is an anti-CD18 immunosuppressive based on a cartoon by Habibi as modified by Garratty.35 Illustration therapy that targets lymphocytes and LFA-1 to used with permission from AABB.

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