

BookRags | 9781630175733 | | | | | Why Won’t They Listen?

Tetlock: So the Friedmanite libertarians, for example, tend to view any deviation from fiduciary responsibility to shareholders as a form of de facto theft. If we can cultivate our reason, then we will rise above the fog of emotions, see the truth. Every politician should be forced to read this book before taking office. I enjoyed Haidt's approach to the and if you'd asked me my opinion of the book during the early psychology chapters, I'd have said this is a four star book. To change opinion you must perceive and appreciate the moral stance behind opposing opinion. After the following quotation in the book Haidt explains the reasons for the lack of understanding on the part of liberals. I make a distinction between as taught in churches by organized religions and moral man, but there is some overlap. He provides strong insights into how our reason and intuitions and judgments work, the evolutionary function of our morality, and how our wiring for group affiliation affects it. Oct 11, Murtaza rated it really liked it. Of course he conve If you are a Republican this book will make you feel very good about yourself. When I started reading conservative The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt about social order, about the value of tradition, about how easy it is to lose social order, they really struck me as a revelation. Now fairness and apportionality, there's a module that can stir some emotions among certain individuals. He describes us as we have been, expecting no more. Social justice over Economics. How our reason does not lead us to make the judgments we do, but instead more often acts like a lawyer to justify our positions to others. For example, in this election cycle I blamed Obama for the economy. As a scientist, he takes a passive, empirical view of human nature. The internal tensions of this book can make it frustrating to read, even if it is consistently fascinating. Social conservatives see welfare and feminism as threats to responsibility and family stability. Morowitz, James Trefil, a small, excellent analysis of the abortion debate that contains a plea for looking at the issue rationally. Aug 25, Thomas rated it really liked it Shelves: nonfictionpsychology. Views Read Edit View history. The New York Times. Hardcoverpages. Unlike the author, I was born in the East. We are seeing our own preludes in The only people I meet are liberals, and the people that mostly read these books are liberals, so I was kind of addressing liberals. As should every wild-eyed scientific atheist who proclaims that religion is entirely bad and without redeeming features. I suppose he just went to the right schools, just like the guys who sent us to Iraq, deregulated the banks, etc. Tetlock: The concept of deservingness plays a pivotal role here in producing ideological divergence. One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out as a "typical conservative" would respond. They live in cities because that's where the jobs are. They already know how to be a Stern student. Now here's the really amazing part. They're like brothers. Isn't that amazing! Other high school students begin to The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt about politics, and you become incensed at some of the things your peers say. Therefore he thinks conservatives are better able to understand liberals than vice versa. ‘The Righteous Mind’: Why Liberals and Conservatives Can’t Get Along

As soon as he explained that I saw how I had done that time and time again. Is it O. Oct 11, Murtaza rated it really liked it. Politics and religion are both expressions of our underlying , and an understanding of that psychology can help to bring people together. Today greed is good and dogs eat dogs - there is a universal war on the welfare state - if this is down to genes and innate moral feelings, they really must evolve very, very quickly - even faster than the 50, years talked about so extensively in this book. Open Preview See a Problem? So then we have to twist the words around to say that the conservatives don't have a better or more complete morality, just a different one, but that contradicts the main point of the book. A fashionable book that in time will be mocked and at best studied as a curiosity, the main curiosity being why this man is taken so seriously. Traits we evolved in a dispersed world, like tribalism and righteousness, have become dangerously maladaptive in an era of rapid globalization. Oh, yeah. This is why it is so important to have ideological diversity in the sciences, because if everybody shares certain assumptions and there is nobody there to question The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt, then you get bad reasoning. We are indeed selfish hypocrites so skilled at putting on a show of virtue that we fool even ourselves. With conservatives there is a kind of awe and he rarely discusses their hypocrisies. Haidt and his collaborators consider the best candidates for "universal cognitive modules", that is, the intuitive ideas that all cultures draw upon for their ethical norms. Especially when their feet are held to the fire, they really do make a sincere commitment to corporate social responsibility. It is tribalism. You just have to believe in evolution. The battle started when a relatively unknown Chinese activist investor, the Baoneng Group, quietly began to buy up shares of[…]. The Righteous Mind suggest that we make moral decisions intuitively and then justify them using rational argument. The Righteous Mind is not likely to change your political or moral views in any way. As soon as there is any suggesting that the first person might have 'deserved' the money, then the dynamic between the players changes immediately. Therefore, ideas of equality, progress, social justice and rejection of social norms, are incredibly dangerous if not governed by opposing ideas that can put order into these progressive ideas and make them function in society as best as possible. Showing Odd, right? Of course he conve If you are a Republican this book will make you feel very good about yourself. Our moral foundations. Oct 06, Sean Chick rated it did not like it. They are forbidden from understanding each other, lest they be kicked out of their tribe. And the cheapening of sex by others? Why do we waste so much money and energy going to football games and cheering for our teams? As to his demonstrating his thesis with graphs I am highly suspicious of his results. Some parts are fascinating, while other parts are a bit technical and dry. This may sound innocuous, but it is actually a highly controversial topic in biology, as The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt himself acknowledges. In particular, his explanation for the difference in moral priorities between liberals and conservatives rings true. Tetlock: You published the book last year. And all the while, real communication breaks down. Eventually, her liberal ire cooled and she decided to order comrade Putin to stand down and not push the big red button. Jonathan Haidt, fortunately, knows how to excavate the origins of our value systems, and has worked with colleagues to theorize and test what we believe and why and to discover Ordinary people like myself occasionally glimpse pieces of truths we believe are important to explain how we live and understand the world but we never seem to get enough distance, or time, or examples to really state definitively what it is that makes us happy, or contentious, or willing to put ourselves out for another. Everyone jumps to conclusions based on their intuition. Haidt The The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt top priority for this country is political reform, to get our politic institutions working better. This is one of those books that seems to fit in the same space as Bob Wright's The Moral Animal. Look at Stalinist Russia or Nazi Germany. And every time Blarg politicans talk on television, everything they say seems to make sense. But I've met no one who experienced a vast political ideology shift since high school. In his view, for instance, liberals can teach conservatives to recognize and constrain predation by entrenched interests. We all know that we need campaign finance reform, and we need electoral reform. And I would've overlooked it, as the book is geared towards an American audience. Is it wrong to have sex with a dead chicken? It didn't change mind. The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion Of course he conveniently says we are all hypocrites and should not worry with it. Therefore, ideas of equality, progress, social justice and rejection of social norms, are incredibly dangerous if not governed by opposing ideas that can put order into these progressive ideas and make them function in society as best as possible. Thought provoking, and a fun read! Perhaps the most fascinating part of the book is the way that Haidt, a left wing intellectual atheist, comes to realize that his own position and views are blinkered, just as much as any right wing religious bigot. Two aspects irritated me -- I thought several of the author's chosen analogies were dreadful -- clunky and not particularly apt. Because of Haidt, I think I see a better way. At this, he succeeds. I don't particularly like his descriptive analogies, but their meanings are solid. That is the key. And that's why they live there. Haidt breaks down why it is so hard for liberals and conservatives to understand one another, and what can be done to change that. Sanctity is a strange one. But believe me, the East is not the solution. It just doesn't excite them or stir their passions. Haidt praises early conservative thinkers , Friedrich Hayek, and Thomas Sowell among them for expressing the importance of social The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt as opposed to financial capital, physical capital, or human capital. Genes have For a long time now I have been coming to the conclusion that if one is to believe capitalism is essentially a meritocracy - and if one is also to acknowledge that the inequities of capitalist societies mean that social mobility particularly in the United States, for instance is virtually non-existent, then one also needs some way of explaining how something that looks like it is without merit actually is the embodiment of merit. He bases his argument on the results of experiments in which the subjects were told a story—usually involving a taboo violation of some kind, such as incest—and then asked whether the story involved any moral breach or not. At this point a faint ding sounded in the distance in my mind. I was feeling clever and in the mood for a bit of procrastination and thought: "Hey Mara- maybe you should be super cool and awesome and do a quick illustration of moral foundations as tastebuds. Haidt needs to The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt where the "complete" matrix produces better results with specific examples. Haidt then goes on to show that Liberalism draws from only the first three moral factors while draws from all six. You can find them in the Republican Party. Central metaphor: the mind is divided like a rider on an elephant, and the rider's job contrary to what rationalists said is to serve the elephant. With this, I gained just that :. Good advice but hardly original. The good news is that this connectedness is one of the richest experiences we will probably have in our lifetimes. View all 34 comments. Indeed, for someone who describes himself as an atheist, Haidt is remarkably positive on the subject of religion; he sees religions as valuable institutions that promote the moral level and stability of a society. They had personal relationships. Mitt Romney.

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