JOHN G. PETERSON, MD MICHAEL S. LAUER, MD Staff cardiologist, Spokane , Director of Clinical Research, Department Spokane, WA of Cardiology, Cleveland Clinic

Using and ACE inhibitors in combination: Why the hullabaloo?

■ ABSTRACT HOULD WE AVOID giving aspirin and S angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) Observational studies indicate that aspirin may counteract inhibitors concomitantly? Both are often used the beneficial effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme in combination in patients with coronary (ACE) inhibitors, but the data are not yet sufficient for disease, especially if it is complicated by making firm recommendations. We review the available failure. Yet investigators have raised con- data and offer tentative conclusions. cerns about a possible adverse interaction between aspirin and ACE inhibitors in patients with heart failure,1,2 and perhaps even ■ KEY POINTS in patients without heart failure. Given the utility of both these in Aspirin blocks production of prostaglandins, potentially treating heart disease, theories about a poten- counteracting or reducing the beneficial effects of ACE tial negative interaction have created quite a inhibitors. hullabaloo. This is especially true since some of the data pointing toward a negative interac- Evidence of an adverse interaction between aspirin and ACE tion are seemingly strong, but based on retro- inhibitors comes from retrospective analyses of studies that spective analyses of studies designed to exam- were not designed to examine this issue. ine other issues. In this review, we examine the basis for For patients with heart failure who take an ACE inhibitor this concern and discuss the implications of current data for clinical practice. and aspirin, it may be appropriate to limit the aspirin dosage in long-term therapy to less than 100 mg/day, since ■ ASPIRIN AND ACE INHIBITORS larger doses have not been proven more effective. ARE BENEFICIAL BY THEMSELVES

After an acute (MI), aspirin reduces short-term mortality by approximately 25%.3 Its continued use after the acute phase of an MI may reduce the inci- dence of a recurrence and of death from vascu- lar events.4 ACE inhibitors reduce the mortality rate both in the short term and in the long term after an MI in patients with clinical heart fail- ure or depressed left ventricular function.5,6 They also reduce the mortality rate by a small but statistically significant amount when they are started early after an MI and continued for several weeks in patients not selected by left

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If aspirin counteracts ACE inhibitors, what is the mechanism?

Angiotensin I Bradykinin Arachidonic acid

ACE inhibitors block Theoretic negative ACE inhibitors the breakdown of effect: Aspirin seems to Aspirin blocks decrease bradykinin, so that counteract the effect of COX-1, reducing angiotensin II more bradykinin ACE inhibitors synthesis of both production is available for on bradykinin, ie, to activator the synthesis of promote the synthesis A2 vasodilatory of vasodilatory and vasodilatory prostaglandins prostaglandins prostaglandins

Breakdown Cyclo-oxygenase 1 COX-1 of bradykinin (COX-1)

Angiotensin II Prostaglandins E2,I2 Prostaglandins G2,H2

Vasoconstriction Increased aldosterone Thromboxane A2

Hypertension Reduced pressure Platelet activation Left ventricular hypertrophy

FIGURE 1. Theoretical interaction between aspirin and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. ACE inhibitors decrease angiotensin II production and inhibit breakdown of bradykinin. Bradykinin stimulates vasodilator prostaglandins via a cyclo-oxygenase–dependent pathway. Aspirin inhibits cyclo-oxygenase-1 (COX-1), thereby reducing synthesis of vasodilatory prostaglandins.

7,8 ventricular function. A2. The vascular endothelium also produces In addition, the ACE inhibitor ramipril PGE2 and PGI2, and aspirin inhibits this pro- was recently shown to reduce death and vas- duction as well (FIGURE 1). cular events in patients who either had ACE inhibitors probably produce their known vascular disease or were at high risk favorable effects through several mecha- for vascular events.9 nisms. They reduce plasma levels of the vasoconstrictor angiotensin II by blocking ■ MECHANISMS its conversion from its precursor, angio- OF POTENTIAL INTERACTION tensin I. They also inhibit breakdown of the potent vasodilator bradykinin,11 which Aspirin is believed to reduce death and rein- stimulates prostaglandin synthesis. Re- farction in MI patients by reducing platelet search suggests that the increase in activation. produce the vasodilatory bradykinin is the predominant mechanism prostaglandins PGE2 and PGI2 and the responsible for the antihypertensive effect 12,13 platelet activator thromboxane A2, with the of ACE inhibitors. Any reduction in cyclo-oxygenase enzyme type-1 (COX-1) as a the ability to produce vasodilatory pro- common pathway.10 Aspirin irreversibly staglandins—as occurs with aspirin thera- inhibits COX-1, simultaneously decreasing py—may also reduce ACE inhibitor activi- production of PGE2, PGI2, and thromboxane ty (FIGURE 1).

570 CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE VOLUME 68 • NUMBER 6 JUNE 2001 Downloaded from on September 26, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission. Prostaglandins may be because the ACE inhibitor would already be a compensatory response to heart failure inhibiting platelet activation. Vasodilatory prostaglandins are important in heart failure.14 A landmark study15 found that ■ EVIDENCE FROM CLINICAL TRIALS patients with severe heart failure had plasma levels of the vasodilatory prostaglandins PGI2 Trials in heart failure and PGE2 that were 3 to 10 times higher than The SOLVD trial (Studies of Left in healthy subjects. These elevations were Ventricular Dysfunction)22,23 randomized thought to be a compensatory response to ele- patients with left ventricular dysfunction to vated levels of vasoconstrictors such as receive either the ACE inhibitor enalapril or angiotensin II, norepinephrine, and vaso- . The results: patients who received pressin. When given indomethacin (an enalapril had significantly lower rates of inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis), patients death, congestive heart failure, and MI. with the most severe heart failure had signifi- However, a retrospective analysis of the cant hemodynamic worsening (a lower car- SOLVD data2 showed something interesting: diac index and a higher pulmonary artery although antiplatelet agents (almost exclu- wedge pressure) as assessed by right heart sively aspirin) were independently associated catheterization. with reduced mortality, the addition of At the time of this study, none of the enalapril did not decrease the mortality rate in major trials of ACE inhibitors had been con- patients receiving antiplatelet agents, and ducted, and there were few data supporting conversely neither did the addition of aspirin the use of aspirin. However, the study obser- in patients receiving enalapril. vations gave rise to further investigation as This analysis supported the hypothesis of the neurohormonal hypothesis of heart failure a complex interaction between aspirin and was being developed. ACE inhibitors in heart failure patients, as Subsequent physiologic studies looked anticipated by the hemodynamic studies. directly at the concomitant use of aspirin and However: ACE inhibitors in patients with heart failure. The SAVE trial (Survival and Most evidence Hall et al16 observed the acute hemodynamic Ventricular Enlargement),6 in patients with so far is from effects of enalapril 10 mg in 18 patients with left ventricular dysfunction, did not reveal heart failure before and after giving them such an interaction. observational aspirin 350 mg. Enalapril without aspirin had The AIRE trial (Acute Infarction studies significant beneficial hemodynamic effects, Ramipril Efficacy)5 showed less benefit from decreasing systemic vascular resistance, left an ACE inhibitor in patients receiving aspirin ventricular filling pressure, and total pul- vs not receiving aspirin, but the trend was not monary resistance while increasing cardiac statistically significant. output. Aspirin abolished all of these changes. All in all, most of the hemodynamic However, similar studies yielded inconsistent data and some of the retrospective clinical results, perhaps because they used different data support the argument that a clinically aspirin doses or the duration of treatment with important interaction exists between aspirin ACE inhibitors was different.17–19 and ACE inhibitors in patients with heart Further complicating the issue, some stud- failure. ies suggested another mechanism of interac- tion.19,20 ACE inhibitors also inhibit platelet Studies in ischemic heart disease activation, mainly by reducing thromboxane Almost all studies of ACE inhibitors in A2. The reductions seen in ischemic events ischemic heart disease showed beneficial with the use of ACE inhibitors in multiple tri- effects. Some, however, suggested a clinically als would be consistent with this significant adverse interaction between process.6,9,21–23 If this mechanism really does aspirin and ACE inhibitors. mediate a reduction in ischemic events, then CONSENSUS II (the second one would expect that aspirin would be less Cooperative New Scandinavian Enalapril beneficial in patients taking ACE inhibitors Survival Study)24 was designed to examine the

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effect of ACE inhibitors given early after an A retrospective analysis of another trial, acute MI but was stopped early because of a lack however, did find aspirin to be effective in of benefit and of possible harm from this thera- patients with treated py, which included intravenous enalaprilat. with ACE inhibitors. In the Benzafibrate Nguyen et al25 examined the data retro- Infarction Prevention (BIP) trial, 1,247 spectively using logistic regression analysis patients were taking ACE inhibitors, and their and found evidence of an interaction between records were retrospectively examined with enalapril and aspirin. At the end of the study, respect to aspirin use.27 (As in the GUSTO-I among patients not receiving aspirin, the odds and EPILOG trials, neither aspirin nor ACE ratio for mortality was 0.86 (95% CI inhibitors were randomized.) At 5 years, the 0.63–1.16) in the enalapril group, meaning mortality rate was 19% in patients taking there was a trend toward enalapril being bet- aspirin plus an ACE inhibitor vs 27% in ter than placebo, although it was not statisti- patients taking an ACE inhibitor without cally significant. However, among patients aspirin (P < .001). The benefit extended to receiving aspirin, the odds ratio for mortality patients with heart failure: 24% vs 34%; P = in the enalapril group was 1.23 (95% CI .001. Since only patients taking ACE 0.99–1.53), meaning that there was a trend inhibitors were studied, it was unknown toward placebo being better than enalapril if whether the magnitude of effect of aspirin was the patients were taking aspirin. The P value similar for those who were and were not on for the interaction between enalapril and ACE inhibitors. aspirin was .047. GUSTO-1 (the Global Utilization of Limitations of clinical data and TPA for Occluded A limitation of all these studies is that the ) compared various thrombolytic regi- decisions to use aspirin or ACE inhibitors or mens in more than 40,000 patients with acute both were not randomized: ie, patients were MI. We retrospectively analyzed the GUSTO- not assigned to a combination of both drugs by 1 data on the effect of aspirin, ACE inhibitors, random chance. Because these drugs are pre- Use lower daily and their combination on the outcome of scribed for a variety of indications that often doses for long- patients alive at 30 days who did not have cannot be adequately captured on congestive heart failure.26 As expected, signif- case report forms, serious confounding factors term aspirin icant differences in baseline characteristics cannot be excluded. therapy were observed between patients who were and were not discharged on ACE inhibitor thera- ■ CAUTIOUS CONCLUSIONS, py. After adjusting for these differences by RECOMMENDATIONS regression analysis, we found aspirin to be independently associated with a lower 1-year Current data indicate that aspirin can and mortality rate, while ACE inhibitors did not probably does interfere with the production of have a statistically significant effect. vasodilatory prostaglandins in patients with However, patients receiving both aspirin heart failure. Since ACE inhibitors rely in part and an ACE inhibitor had a higher mortality on these prostaglandins to lower blood pres- rate, even after we excluded patients who were sure, aspirin likely attenuates the antihyper- at higher risk for left ventricular dysfunc- tensive potential of ACE inhibitors. tion.26 A weakness of this study was that left On the other hand, because current evi- ventricular functional status was unknown for dence of an adverse interaction between ACE most patients. inhibitors and aspirin is based entirely on EPILOG (the Evaluation of PTCA to observational analyses in which confounding Improve Long-term Outcome by c7E3 factors may not have been entirely accounted GPIIb/IIIa Receptor Blockade), on the other for, it is premature to make any definitive rec- hand, did measure left ventricular function. ommendations. Prospective randomized trials And when we analyzed the EPILOG data ret- need to be done to answer this very important rospectively, we got similar results even after question with far-reaching public health ram- adjusting for ventricular function.26 ifications.

572 CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE VOLUME 68 • NUMBER 6 JUNE 2001 Downloaded from on September 26, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission. With these caveats in mind, we offer the Given that the platelets do not express COX- following recommendations. 2, and given that COX-2 is usually not detectable before acute inflammation, it is in Recommendations theory possible that COX-2 antagonists would for patients with heart failure not interact with ACE inhibitors to a similar Limit the dosage of long-term aspirin degree as traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflam- therapy. Although ACE inhibitors and matory drugs.28 aspirin remain first-line therapy for patients Nonetheless, no one knows whether an with ischemic cardiomyopathy, we suggest adverse interaction between COX-2 antago- limiting the dosage of long-term aspirin ther- nists and ACE inhibitors exists in patients apy to 100 mg/day or less. Lower aspirin doses with heart failure or coronary disease. may mitigate the adverse interaction.17 In any Therefore, prudence would dictate that, until case, we have no clear evidence that larger more is known, these two types of agents doses are more effective for secondary preven- should probably not be used together. tion.4 The lower dose is certainly reasonable, especially if patients have poorly controlled Recommendations hypertension or severe heart failure. for patients with ischemic heart disease Do not prescribe aspirin long-term to Whether to use aspirin and ACE inhibitors patients without coronary disease who have together in all patients with ischemic heart heart failure and are taking an ACE disease is much less clear. We have some evi- inhibitor, because there is no evidence of ben- dence that the benefits of aspirin may not be efit. as great in patients treated with ACE Consider alternative antiplatelet agents inhibitors, but the net effect from the combi- such as if a lower dose of aspirin nation is not clear. While retrospective stud- was not effective (ie, if a patient had an ies suggest that the net effect may be negative, ischemic event while on aspirin therapy). more recent studies suggest the opposite. Avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Therefore, a recommendation to change cur- drugs, which may have some of the same rent practice— ie, using both ACE inhibitors effects as aspirin, in patients with ischemic and aspirin together without worrying about a and nonischemic cardiomyopathy, especially possible interaction—would be premature. if they are taking ACE inhibitors. Further However, as data from comparisons between investigation into this potential interaction ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II-receptor for patients with ischemic heart disease with- blockers in different populations become out heart failure should be undertaken. available, the issue of this interaction may COX-2 inhibitors may be a reasonable become less vital, since effective alternatives alternative to traditional nonsteroidal anti- to both aspirin and ACE inhibitors may be inflammatory drugs for heart failure patients. available.


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ADDRESS: Michael S. Lauer, MD, Department of Cardiology, F25, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195, e- mail [email protected].

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