Holtz: Belief Brings Success Vanier to Receive ND by ANALISE TAYLOR News Writer Humanitarian Award
------~--------.. Friday, AprilS, 1994 • Vol. XXVI No.ll9 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Holtz: belief brings success Vanier to receive ND By ANALISE TAYLOR News Writer humanitarian award Believing in yourself is a ma Special to The ObseiVer 1950. He studied philosophy jor key for success, according and theology in France for the to football coach Lou Holtz. Jean Vanier, founder of the next ten years, obtained a doc "You can't let anything in this international l'Arche communi toral degree in philosophy from world get you down," Holtz told ties for the mentally handi the Institut Catholique in Paris, an audience of faculty, stu capped, will 'receive the third ·and joined the faculty of St. dents, and parents. "You can't annual Notre Dame Award for Michael's University in Toronto. wallow in self-pity." international humanitarian ser In August 1964 he invited two Holtz emphasized seven vice in a ceremony at 7 p.m. mentally handicapped men to things that people can do to April 18 in Stepan Center. live with him in a small house help them attain goals. The award ceremony, to he had purchased in Trosly "Decide what you want to do, which the public Is welcome, Brueil, about 15 miles n_orth of put a time limit on it, determine will include an ecumenical Paris. Their home became the the people you're going to work prayer service featuring the first l'Arche community. with, determine the odds you're music of Notre Dame's Folk "Obviously Raphael and going to have to overcome, Choir; the presentation of the Phillipe (his housemates) need identify the skills and informa award by University President ed me," Vanier said later, "and tion needed to accomplish the Edward Malloy; and a lecture very quickly I saw that I needed goals, have a plan, and then by Vanier.
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