Beteckning:________________ Akademin för teknik och miljö Popularity of Indie Games Robin Keijser juni 2012 Examensarbete, 15 högskolepoäng, C Datavetenskap Creative Computer Graphics Examinator: Peter Jenke Handledare: Goran Milutinovic Popularity of Indie Games av Robin Keijser Akademin för teknik och miljö Högskolan i Gävle 801 76 Gävle, Sverige Email:
[email protected] Abstract The rising popularity of indie games is researched to answer the research aim: why have indie games gained their popularity? A study of relevant literature is performed to determine if there is a definition for good game design and to find out what technological developments have helped indie games rise in fame. Relevant articles to the research aim are also discussed. To explore what developers think of indie games interviews are attempted and a survey is distributed on various online forums to find out what people like about indie games. A conclusion is reached that show people like the creative nature of indie games and that they tend to have a emphasis on gameplay over high technological graphics. Keywords: indie games, game design, gameplay Table of Contents 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................1 1.1 Background........................................................................................................................1 1.2 Research Focus and Overall Research Objectives.............................................................2 1.2.1 Research Focus........................................................................................................2