<I>Ichthyosaura Alpestris</I>
Volume 26 (January 2016), 49–56 FULL PAPER Herpetological Journal Published by the British Provenance of Ichthyosaura alpestris (Caudata: Herpetological Society Salamandridae) introductions to France and New Zealand assessed by mitochondrial DNA analysis Jan W. Arntzen1, Tania M. King2, Mathieu Denoël3, Iñigo Martínez-Solano4,5 & Graham P. Wallis2 1Naturalis Biodiversity Center, PO Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands 2Department of Zoology, University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand 3Behavioural Biology Unit, Department of Biology, Ecology and Evolution, University of Liège, Quai van Beneden 22, 4020 Liège, Belgium 4CIBIO-InBIO, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Campus Agrário de Vairão, Universidade do Porto, Rua Padre Armando Quintas, s/n 4485-661 Vairão, Portugal 5(present address) Ecology, Evolution, and Development Group, Department of Wetland Ecology, Doñana Biological Station, CSIC, c/ Americo Vespucio, s/n, 41092, Seville, Spain The last century has seen an unparalleled movement of species around the planet as a direct result of human activity, which has been a major contributor to the biodiversity crisis. Amphibians represent a particularly vulnerable group, exacerbated by the devastating effects of chytrid fungi. We report the malicious translocation and establishment of the alpine newt (Ichthyosaura alpestris) to its virtual antipode in North Island of New Zealand. We use network analysis of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes to identify the original source population as I. a. apuana from Tuscany, Italy. Additionally, a population in southern France, presumed to be introduced, is identified as I. a. alpestris from western Europe. However, the presence of two differentiated haplotypes suggests a mixed origin.
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