Call for Expression of Interest ILO/YGN/16/09

04 May 2016

Consultancy for Provision of School Materials in Dagon (Myothit) Title: Seikkan, Labutta and Ye Townships

International Labour Organization (ILO) Organization: “ Program on the Elimination of Child Labour (MY‐PEC) Project”

1) Dagon (Myothit) Seikkan Township, Location: 2) Labutta Township, Ayeyarwady 3) Ye Township,

No. of Agencies: One or more

Contract Type/Level : Service Contract

Period: 01 June ‐ 31 August 2016

Closing Date: 18 May 2016

Applications Details: Applications to: Research & Survey Assistant (MyPEC) 01 2336538, 2336539 Ext: 280 ILO No. 1(A), Kanbae Road, Yangon – Myanmar. or via email to [email protected]

Only short listed agencies/organisations will be contacted for further consultation process.


 ILO’s Myanmar Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (My‐PEC) endeavors to establish a comprehensive, inclusive and efficient multi‐stakeholder response to reducing child labour by: (i) expanding the knowledge base on child labour in Myanmar, (ii) increasing awareness and knowledge about the issue, (iii) improving legislation and strengthened national and local capacity to address child labour in line with international standards, (iv) improving capacity of national and local stakeholders to network and advocate on the issues and (v) reducing child labour in target communities through direct interventions.

 While the government of Myanmar ratified ILO Convention 182 in 2013, it lacks a model of direct interventions for child labourers, their households and their communities. The last component of My‐PEC on direct services aims at developing, implementing and documenting replicable models of interventions in three selected communities of Myanmar.

 My‐PEC will provide direct services to a total of 3,600 children or 1,200 children each from Dagon (Myothit) Seikkan Township, ; Labutta Township, ; and Ye Township, Mon State. These services must be able to remove 1,440 from the worst forms of child labour and to successfully prevent 2,160 who are at high risk of becoming child labourers. All these will have to be accomplished within the timeframe of 1.5 years (mid‐2016 to 2017).

 The pilot direct services, to be implemented at village tract/ward level starting 2016, aim to increase the participation of child labourers and at risk children in quality education, increase access of children above minimum age for employment to safe work, and reduce vulnerability of target households to child labour.

 A community‐based baseline surveys has started on March‐ 2016 and will allow for the profiling and selection of direct beneficiaries for the interventions. The baseline will collect key information in terms of education, work, livelihoods and access to social services for households.

 A needs assessment of educational institutions in Yangon, Ayeyarwady and Mon States provided key information regarding the factors that either contribute to the low educational attainment, completion and enrolments levels in the Project’s selected geographic areas (access, infrastructure, materials, teacher capacity, etc.) or that present serious risk to the health or safety of the Project’s direct beneficiaries.

 On this basis, this assignment will assess the school materials (or related materials) needs of the profiled beneficiaries and organize the distribution in the following selected pilot areas:

Dagon (Myothit) Seikkan Township, Yangon: - Ward 87 - Ward 93 - Ward 98 or 168

Labutta Township, Ayeyarwady: - Poe Laung Village Tract - Sa Lu Seik Village Tract

Ye Township, Mon State: - Ain Din Village - Kan Ni Village

- Khaing Daw Village - Yit Chaung Village (Lower) - Yit Chaung Village (Upper) - Dama Parla Village


The objective of this assignment is to:

 To identify the needs of the children who attend the formal education and non‐formal education

 To contribute to the reduction of child labour and children at high risk of entering child labour and decrease in drop‐out rate of children in the targeted areas by providing school materials

Scope of Work

The implementing agency shall be responsible for the following tasks:

 Conduct the needs assessment or identification of the appropriate school materials for the child beneficiaries (child labourers and those at risk of becoming child labourers) who are in the formal and non‐formal education in the selected targeted areas;  Set up criteria for providing school materials and identify appropriate beneficiaries for such services based on the profiling data to be provided by My‐PEC;  Coordinate with formal and non‐formal education providers to facilitate entry of child beneficiaries to the education system as well as to facilitate the distribution of the school materials to the targeted children;  Submit the needs assessment report to MyPEC with the total amount of required school materials; (Note: actual procurement of school supplies will be purchased through My‐PEC)  Provide timely feedback or reports to ILO My‐PEC about issues/concerns in the implementation. This is to enable My‐PEC to respond on a timely manner as well.

Expected Outputs

The major outputs are as follows:

 Needs Assessment report of school materials for children (FE and NFE)  School materials purchased by My‐PEC are distributed to child beneficiaries enrolled in formal and non‐formal education  Monitoring report/monthly report for the implementation  Final report (technical and financial)


This contract covers the duration from 1 June 2016‐ 31 August 2016.


 The budget for this contract will cover professional fees, travel costs, mobilization expenses and management/admin fees of the implementing agency.

 A tentative schedule of payments shall be indicated in the Contract, but any single payment shall be limited to a maximum of 30 per cent of the total contract amount and be subject to the condition that the ILO quality standards are met satisfactorily. By ILO financial rules, the first (advance) payment cannot exceed 30 per cent, and a minimum of 20 per cent of the total contract amount shall be retained as the final payment which may be paid only after satisfactory completion of all activities and providing to the ILO all outputs/ reports as stated in the contract.

 It is important to note that should there be any problem in the delivery of outputs pertaining quality and schedule, the Contractor is expected to make the necessary corrective actions without affecting the overall project delivery deadline dates. This will be at no additional cost to ILO.


In the technical proposal, the contractor must provide:  Organizational profile with information about other projects related to the subject of this TOR,  At least two key references for these kinds of projects conducted in satisfactory manner,  Team’s structure to implement this TOR,  A motivation letter how the implementing agency understands the requirements in this TOR and how they fit with their organization’s technical capacity.

Minimum qualifications for Project Coordinator:  Must be a graduate of at least any university degree, or equivalent experience  Must have prior experience in the development work;  Skilled in MS Office especially MS Word and Excel;  Analytical and systematic;  Familiar with the local context  Previous experience conducting assessment, distribution of goods to beneficiaries and trainings  Excellent management and people skills  Has good supervision and can manage well to the project team  Good oral and written communication skills both English and Myanmar

A commercial proposal has to be submitted with detailed breakdown of the expenses.

Note: The Technical and Commercial proposals can be for one or more townships.