1|12 The customer magazine of ABB Turbocharging charge! Switzerland

Performing to perfection Powered to perfection 4 Aboard an AIDA cruise Diesel-electric on the rails 14 ABB turbochargers for cleaner, more efficient locos Cogeneration aids regeneration 16 Brittany improves water quality and energy balance From the editor

Still cruisin’ AIDAmar Enabling smooth, clean propulsion A detailed look at a famous 04 and a luxury lifestyle. 11 operator’s latest club ship.

charge! 1|12

The ABB group is a global leader in power ABB Turbocharging’s part in these appli- and automation, with a strong role in the cations is clear: ever since their inven- transmission and distribution of electricity. tion, turbochargers have improved the In this issue of charge! we illustrate how fuel efficiency, power output and exhaust ABB Turbocharging complements these gas emissions of internal combustion activities with its vital role in the efficient engines. Using the energy in the engine’s production of electricity in power and exhaust gases to supply additional com- cogeneration plants. Indeed, the theme bustion air, a source of energy that would of this issue is the unusual and avant- otherwise be wasted increases engine garde power plants using diesel and gas power by a massive 300 %, reduces fuel engines with ABB turbochargers. consumption and carbon dioxide emis- sions by over 10 %, and keeps harmful It may be a surprise to learn that most emissions to a minimum. diesel locomotives represent a mobile power or even cogeneration plant; that Even after 100 years of development cruise ships have floating power stations there is still huge potential to take these for both their propulsion and all the needs improvements further. Our latest high Jonathan Walker of their passengers; or that sewage pressure, high efficiency single stage Editor works and waste disposal sites are often turbochargers and, above all, our Power2 ABB Turbo Systems Ltd also producers of heat for processes two stage turbocharging systems are or buildings and power for the grid. In enabling our customers to comply with fact, as you can read in this issue, ABB commitments on emissions, counter rising turbochargers are involved in pioneering fuel prices with improved fuel efficiency, the use of renewable fuels in high effi- and further raise productivity by improv- ciency power plants with virtually zero ing the ratio of engine power to engine carbon footprints. weight and size.

2 ABB charge! 1|12 Contents

Rail traction Géotexia ABB turbochargers target allround Sustainable heat and power from the most 14 improvements. 16 unusual source.

Unusual power generation News 4 Powered to perfection 19 People, products, records Aboard an AIDA cruise 11 AIDAmar Floating hotel and floating power station Tips for the operator 14 Diesel-electric on the rails 20 Original Parts and Original Service ABB turbochargers for cleaner, more efficient locos The best way to best performance 16 Cogeneration aids regeneration Brittany improves water quality and energy balance Recipe 22 AIDA appetizer Service in action Pasta and prawns from the cruising cookbook 9 Servicing the ultimate service industry ABB maintains carefree cruising

ABB charge! 1|12 3 Marine power

Powered to perfection

2200 passengers enjoy a Canary Islands dream cruise aboard the AIDAsol, unaware of the part four diesel generators play in the success of the voyage. Onboard comfort depends heavily on generator power, as this report shows.

Text: Tiziana Ossola Auf der Maur, Photography Sergio Villalba Morales, AIDA

he cruise voyage on the are already enjoying coffee and cakes the spa area, lifts, air-conditioning, the AIDAsol is fully booked. A as they take in the view of Santa Cruz; hospital – everything is fully functional. steady stream of passengers, others take advantage of the afternoon And so are the more mundane, but nec- T 2200 in all, arrive on a Satur- sun on the wind-shielded sundecks. essary facilities working behind the day afternoon in March in the port of Even before the ship sets sail, guests scenes, like the laundry, the water Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Check-in goes are able to make full use of this floating treatment plant and waste management smoothly and there are no queues. Holi- resort’s facilities: bars and restaurants, system. day excitement is palpable. AIDAsol is due to sail at 23:00 hours. On Deck 5 a long white carpet invites passengers to enter the fascinating world inside the imposing ship. Getting your bearings is an early priority: Which way is the bow, which way is the stern? Where Even before the ship sets sail, all the hotel facilities are the restaurants? Some passengers are fully functional. That requires power.

4 ABB charge! 1|12 Marine power

Rooms with a view – more than 450 cabins have balconies.

ABB charge! 1|12 5 Marine power

Chief Engineer Eduard Porringa explains: at present only one of the four diesel generator sets is running.

The technical heart of the ship Should one engine room fail completely, the second All of these need power. On the lowest decks, towards the back of the ship, are can provide the ship with all the power it needs. four diesel generators, each fitted with Not a single facility would lack power, notes Chief an ABB turbocharger (see interview on Engineer Poringa. page 9). This is where all the power for the guest facilities and the ship’s propul- sion is generated. Right now, with the ship still tied up in the port, just one unit is running, and only at about half power. Chief Engineer Eduard Porringa and Senior Engineer Björn Tams monitor the generator’s operation from their offices on Deck 3. Eight percent of the power is for the air-conditioning alone, they explain. The generator also provides the base-load power for the lights, motors and pumps on board that are not yet in operation.

Club versus luxury hotel industry in 1996. The aim was to get the fleet is continually growing. May 2012 Exciting “Club Resorts”, rather than those 25- to 40-year-olds onto cruise and May 2013 will see the ninth and the same old cruise voyages with mostly ships who had until then not considered tenth AIDA ship enter service. ABB Turbo- older guests expecting formal dress them as an attractive holiday option. The charging has partnered AIDA Cruises from events and traditional dining arrange- idea was a success. AIDA passengers the beginning. Every one of the diesel ments – this was the concept with which are today, across the whole fleet, on generators on the AIDA cruise ships is AIDA Cruises shook up the cruise tourist average 42 years old. To meet demand, supercharged with an ABB turbocharger.

6 ABB charge! 1|12 Marine power

The holiday heart of the ship When it comes to leisure activities, AIDAsol’s passengers are spoilt for choice: seven eating places, including an onboard German brewery and celebrated gourmet restaurant; 13 bars; 3D and 4D cinemas; a fitness studio, casino and disco; excur- sions; in fact, something for everyone. And then there is the entertainment program: professional shows bring glamor and thrills every evening to the Theatrium, where hundreds of spectators on three decks can watch trapeze artists fly through the air as they perform breath- taking acrobatic acts, all without a safety net. The Theatrium is in fact the heart of the ship for passengers. The stage equip- ment, especially the lighting, requires a Open deck 12 with its stage and pool. lot of electrical power, says Senior Engi- neer Tams. During the shows, when the galleys are also in operation, the power demand jumps by about 500 kilowatts to around 4.8 megawatts. The diesel- generator ramps up enough extra power to meet the increased demand. The base-load power supply on this floating mini-city is complex. All systems – like the heating, the ship’s propulsion, or the waste food dryer – are installed in confined spaces. The same is true of the power generation system. While the majority of this equipment goes unno- ticed by the passengers, it all has to be in perfect running order and totally dependable. The 24-hour illumination of all public spaces and corridors is a case in point. Senior Engineer Tams notes that hundreds of crew members work in areas where there is no daylight, adding Evening departures and morning arrivals ensure sustained excitement. “We have to guarantee enough light in these sectors. Anything you could possi- bly trip over has to be easy to see.”

During the shows, when the galleys are also in operation, power demand jumps by about 500 kilowatts to around 4.8 megawatts. Professional entertainers bring glamor and thrills to every evening.

ABB charge! 1|12 7 Marine power

AIDAsol in the harbor at Santa Cruz de Tenerife. In the background the iconic Auditorio de Tenerife by Santiago Calatrava.

With the ship still tied up in the harbor one generator Contrasted with the overall size of the is running, and only at about half power. ship, the diesel generators are like small batteries. “When all four units are run- Eight percent of it is for just the air-conditioning. ning at their rated output, the total power produced, 36 megawatts, is enough to keep a town with a population of 25,000 supplied with electricity,” says Tams, illustrating the enormous potential of the installed diesel generators. In reality, though, the total output is around 14.1 megawatts, one third for the hotel facili- ties and two thirds for the ship’s propul- sion. In a passenger announcement, the captain reveals that for the first night Let the fun start A ship designed to “help itself” out on the Atlantic waves between two It is nearly 23:00 hours, and on Deck The two other identical diesel genera- and three meters high are expected, 12 the party is already in full swing. Cap- tors do not normally come on stream. At something a ship the size of AIDAsol tain Volker Baumgart announces from least Senior Engineer Tams has never (252 meters long with a beam of 32.2 the bridge that AIDAsol is about to set known them to. “A possible scenario meters) handles with ease; passengers sail. Enya’s song, “Sail away”, is playing could be that a medical emergency on notice almost nothing thanks to the ves- as the ship gets under way. The first board would make it necessary for us sel’s stabilizers. The next morning, Tams diesel-generator increases its power out- to get the patient to the next port as fast explains how the engines performed put and the second unit comes on line. as possible, and we would have to through the night: the generators had to Their job now is to supply the ship’s elec- increase our speed. It’s more likely, work “just a bit more” than when the sea tric propulsion motors with all the power though, that in such a case the patient is flat and calm, he says. Another reason they need to pick up speed. Some twenty would be taken to hospital by helicop- for the extra output was the head wind, minutes after setting sail the AIDAsol is ter.” Having four identical engines, two which blew at an angle of 30 degrees on heading towards Madeira at fourteen each in two rooms, maximizes safety. In the starboard side of the ship. Unsurpris- knots (approx. 26 km/h). The two gener- an emergency, the ship is designed to ingly for the ship’s personnel, because of ators in operation are running at 80 % of ‘help itself’. Should one engine room fail the weather there was practically no-one rated power, which is where they are completely, the second can provide the to be seen on the public decks during most efficient. By designing them to run ship with all the power it needs. Not a the night. The passengers preferred the at a rating between 77 and 83 % of their single facility would lose power, notes comfort of their cabins instead. Besides maximum, fuel consumption is generally Chief Engineer Poringa. And the back-up the demands it makes on the generators, kept as low as possible (about 1300 is also useful whenever engine or gener- a rough sea obviously demands some liters of HFO per hour and generator). ator maintenance becomes necessary. consideration from the passengers, too.

8 ABB charge! 1|12 Marine power Servicing for the ultimate service industry

To ensure that the ABB turbochargers aboard AIDA clubships always give satisfaction and passengers enjoy a carefree existence, Frank Leskow, head of end user sales at ABB Turbocharging’s local business unit in Germany manages a team of highly trained service technicians. In various capacities, he has been working with AIDA for 14 years.

Text: Tiziana Ossola Auf der Maur, Photography Nicole Lerrahn, Tiziana Ossola Auf der Maur

Jens Kohlmann (left), Superintendent Machinery AIDA Cruises and Frank Leskow, Head of End User Sales Turbocharging Germany, ABB Automation GmbH.

ABB charge! 1|12 9 Marine power

Frank, can you first give us a few charger pressure ratio guarantees that The result is better combustion, and facts. For example, can you tell me the fuel is burned cleanly, meaning the with it lower emissions. The TPL-C there- the type and number of turbochargers amount of particulates in the exhaust fore represented a logical further devel- and diesel generators you have on gases will be minimized. What’s more, opment. Increasing turbocharger pres- board AIDAsol? a good supply of cooled charge air sure ratio and efficiency required a num- The ship has four medium-speed 4- keeps combustion temperatures lower, ber of technical innovations. Develop- stroke diesel engines. The engines were which is a precondition for favorable NOx ment work will continue to target higher built in Germany and each is equipped emissions pressure ratios. The introduction of IMO with an ABB turbocharger of type TPL76- Tier II regulations this year is driving the C34. From the fleet’s fourth vessel, the How would you describe the technical demands being made on the engine AIDAdiva, all AIDA ships have had the development of exhaust gas turbo - builders even higher. ABB already has a same basic engine configuration. charging in the time between the first suitable product, the A100 turbocharger and what will be the tenth AIDA cruise with pressure ratios up to 5.8. What in your view are the main turbo- ship – the AIDAstella – when it is ready The next step will, of course, be charger challenges involved in this in 2013? Power2 two stage turbocharging, which type of innovative project? The development we have seen in presently achieves pressure ratios of 8 They follow the cruise companies’ turbocharging during this period is enor- and above. After all, IMO Tier III is already desire for low total emissions. Besides mous. For instance, the AIDAvita (ship in the pipeline. It is scheduled for 2016 having to satisfy IMO stipulations regard- no. 2) had ABB TPL 69-A30 and TPL 73- and specifies the equivalent of an emis- ing NOx emissions and visible smoke, it A30 turbochargers on its engines. The sions quantum leap in certain vessel oper- goes without saying that cruise passen- maximum pressure ratio is 4.5. ating contexts, namely 80 % lower NOx gers do not want to walk around the From ship no. 4 onwards – the levels when ships enter coastal waters. decks in a cloud of smoke. Turbochargers AIDAdiva – the engines were fitted with ABB Turbocharging has a development have a direct influence in this area, so ABB TPL 76-C34 turbochargers which strategy in place that will ensure our com- a lot is expected of those fitted in achieve pressure ratios up to 5.2. That’s pany is able and equipped to meet all the AIDA ships. For instance, a high turbo- an improvement of around 15 %. demands being made by the market.

Turbocharger development has been enormous between the launch of the AIDAcara in 1996 and the AIDAmar in 2012.

To date, every AIDA ship has featured ABB turbochargers.

10 ABB charge! 1|12 Marine power

AIDAmar negotiates one of the narrow sluice gates on its way to the North Sea.

AIDAmar – the latest floating hotel with floating power station

Among the wide range of vessels powered by engines using ABB turbochargers, luxury cruise ships are among the most interesting – technically and socially!

Text: Jonathan Walker and Peter Pospiech, Photography Meyer Werft

ABB charge! 1|12 11 Marine power

t regular intervals, a town of through lock gates hardly wider than its With a gross register tonnage of 35,000 souls on the River beam. In the past 25 years, a total of 33 71,300, overall length of 252 meters, Ems in Northern Germany luxury cruise liners ordered by customers beam dimension (width) of 32.20 m and makes national and interna- from all over the world have undertaken a total of 15 decks, AIDAmar has 1097 A rd tional headlines. Although over 110 kilo- this voyage. The 33 was the AIDAmar, cabins for 2194 passengers. Of these 18 meters (70 miles) from the North Sea, on its way to its naming ceremony, in are luxury suites with areas from 24 to 87 picturesque Papenburg in the German May 2012 in Hamburg, Germany. square meters. In total, 453 of the cabins state of Lower Saxony is home to one of even have balconies. the most important builders of cruise Number 9 ships in the world. And when one of the AIDAmar is the ninth ship built in Variable loads floating hotels built at the Meyer Werft Papenburg for Rostock based AIDA Meeting the needs of almost 2200 shipyard is ready for its sea trials and Cruises, which specialises in the “club passengers intent on having a good time handover to the customer, newspaper ship” concept of activity cruising. All nine – as well as a crew of 607 – requires a and television journalists are there to AIDA ships feature engines with turbo - large but highly variable supply of electri- witness the ship sail through the North chargers from the ABB Turbocharging cal power. For example, in the evening German Plain – a spectacle as incongru- works in Baden, Switzerland. Specifically, demand peaks as meals are cooked and ous as it is dramatic to an uninitiated AIDAmar is the sixth in a series of almost eaten in brightly lit dining rooms, bars, observer. identical sister vessels built for Aida by ballrooms cinemas and theater and casi- From the shipyard to the open sea, Meyer Werft – like its immediate prede- nos come into use. While all this is hap- extremely precise maneuvering of the cessor AIDAsol, delivered in 2011, pening the ship can be sailing at speeds ocean giant is necessary both to get it AIDAmar is a slightly enlarged version of of over 25 knots to reach its next tour out of the shipyard and facing in the right the 2004 AIDAdiva, featuring an additional destination by morning. direction in the Ems, and then to thread it deck for especially luxurious spa-cabins.

Founded in 1795, the Meyer Werft in Papen- burg is a family business currently owned by the sixth generation. It has specialized in cruise ships and other special types since the 1980s and is constructed as a fully covered-in “ship factory”. Unmistakable – AIDA ships are the smiling face of the cruise industry.

12 ABB charge! 1|12 Marine power

The power station Diesel-electric For their part, the electric motors of To meet the needs for mechanical Aside from its use of conventional the propulsion system ensure especially power at the propellers and all the elec- electric motors and twin five blade pro- quiet and vibration-free propulsion – trical consumers associated with a heated pellers, as opposed to steerable “pods” a very important aspect for a floating or air conditioned luxury hotel, modern under the hull, with multiple generator hotel. For maneuvering, the rudders are cruise ships are built around a floating sets based on large medium-speed supplemented by lateral thrusters which power station driven by a number of diesel engines, the AIDAmar’s propulsion allow the ship to dock without the help medium speed diesel engines. and onboard power supply system is of tugs, even in confined spaces. It This description is absolutely appro- typical of the vast majority of modern is, likewise, the thrusters that make the priate – the AIDAmar’s power needs are cruise ships. passage of the tight locks between the equivalent to the consumption of a small The attractions of the diesel-electric Meyer shipyard and the North Sea a town. They are met by four generators setup are minimized fuel consumption formality. driven by four inline 9 cylinder medium- and emissions via flexible operation. The Further measures to reduce fuel con- speed diesel engines. Each engine is engines can be started and stopped sumption and hence both noxious and rated 9 MW and equipped with an array automatically according to demand for greenhouse gas emissions from AIDAmar of emissions reduction enablers – includ- propulsion power and the hotel load. The are special asymmetric rudders which ing a TPL 76-C34 turbocharger from automatic system’s sophisticated load reduce hydrodynamic resistance and a ABB. With engine heat used for fuel sharing program ensures that, at any special silicon coating on the hull, which preparation and fresh water production, time, only one of the engines is operating also reduces resistance by deterring the the power station is actually a floating in the less economical part load mode. growth of barnacles, the parasites that cogeneration plant. Likewise, with only the required number can vastly reduce the hydrodynamic effi- of engines operating, exhaust emissions ciency of a ship’s hull. are kept to a minimum.

The attractions of the diesel-electric setup are minimized fuel con- sumption and emissions via flexible operation.

The floating power station during installation of the diesel generators.

ABB charge! 1|12 13 Rail traction

A diesel locomotive with ABB turbocharger under the wires. Fuel autonomy means diesels reach parts of the system other locos can’t, like industrial tracks. Diesel-electric on the rails

Load cycles on locomotives are some of the most severe diesel engines have to cope with. ABB’s new turbochargers for rail traction target improved fuel consumption and reduced emissions.

Text: Jonathan Walker, Photography i4lcocl2/Shutterstock.com, Michael Reinhard

n this issue of charge! we are looking at their efficiency, power output and emis- Living in Switzerland, like many ABB unusual forms of power generation, sions. In detail, on diesel-electric locomo- employees do, it is easy to overlook the and this includes the majority of the tives the engine drives a generator and fact that 75 % of the world’s railways rely I diesel locomotives in use on the world’s the electricity produced powers electric on diesel rather than electric traction. In railways. It may not be obvious, but most motors which drive the locomotive wheels. fact, Switzerland is exceptional in being so diesel locomotives are, in fact, mobile Moreover, in some cases the locomotive perfectly equipped to reap the ecological power stations. And as with stationary is actually a cogeneration plant, since the and economic benefits of electric rail- power plants with diesel or gas engines, heat from the diesel engine can be used ways. Consider: the majority of Swiss many use ABB turbochargers to enhance to heat the carriages of passenger trains. electrical power is produced in either

14 ABB charge! 1|12 Rail traction

Consider again: coal fired power stations tem. VTG allows the air delivery of the have efficiencies at the point of genera- turbocharger to be rapidly and closely tion considerably lower than the 40 to 50 adapted to demand for power from percent achieved by diesel engines. And the engine, which is especially useful in further losses occur when the electricity rail applications. With high temperatures is transformed up to transmit it down the overhead wires to the locomotive and then back down to power its electric motors. In addition to the excellent energy conversion of the diesel engine, diesel locomotives are also extremely versatile, since they are able to go anywhere within a rail system, not just where there are overhead wires or conductor rails. Small wonder, then, that some of nuclear or hydro-electric plants, which the largest railway systems around the A VTG variable turbine geometry assembly. produce zero greenhouse gases and none world are working together with ABB of the pollutants associated with thermal Turbocharging to further improve the and altitudes, frequent load changes and power generation or combustion engines. power output, fuel consumption and exceptional load acceptance require- However, not everywhere is Switzer- emissions of their diesel locomotives. ments – e.g. shifting from coasting to land and if the power for electric railways Activity revolves around ABB Turbo - pulling the full load of a train of heavy is produced by other means, then the charging’s highly efficient, high pressure trucks several kilometers long at a much publicized ecological advantages ratio TPR single stage turbochargers and gradient – diesel traction includes some of electric traction are far from clear-cut. the VTG variable turbine geometry sys- of the most severe engine load profiles.

ABB charge! 1|12 15 Stationary power Cogeneration aids regeneration Imaginative energy production and waste disposal benefits Brittany’s ecology and economy. Gas engines with ABB turbochargers are central to carbon neutral power and water quality.

Text: Jonathan Walker, Photography MWM

Two 800 kW, containerized MWM gas engines are the heart of the Géotexia Mené plant.

16 ABB charge! 1|12 Stationary power

ith their high levels of total role by enabling the stronger Miller Cycles organic material has become more and energy utilization, cogen- which facilitate further rises in gas engine more diverse. A major role is now played eration plants based on efficiency, power density, load acceptance by “biomass” from both plants and ani- W spark ignited lean burn and insensitivity to ambient conditions. mals which is converted by fermentation gas engines have long been at the fore- in so called digesters into bio-fuels. These front of the efficient, low emissions con- Going bio include biogases, and in the most desir- version of fossil fuels into heat and elec- In recent times, another element has able cases, as well as producing heat trical power. The electrical power can be been added to the lean burn gas and electricity for domestic or industrial fed to the grid or an industrial process, engine’s already favorable fuel efficiency purposes, substances potentially harm- and where there is a use for the heat and emissions balance sheet – one that ful to the environment can be converted from the engine, over 90 % of the energy puts gas engine cogeneration plants into useful residues, including fertilizers released from the fuel can be put to good right at the forefront of energy produc- or solid fuels for industrial processes. use. tion with extremely low carbon foot- The foundations of this success are prints. By burning methane derived from Innovative and imaginative the very high efficiencies achievable by renewable biological sources, broad car- Many projects involved in producing this type of engine, the lean burn principle bon neutrality is achieved since roughly and exploiting biogases in cogeneration and the use of clean burning methane. the same amount of CO2 is returned to plants are distinctly inventive. An example The result is efficient power combined the atmosphere during combustion of featuring high efficiency spark ignited with extremely low emissions of both the bio-fuels as was taken out during the lean burn gas engines from German pollutant NOx (oxides of nitrogen) due to growth of the organisms supplying them. builder MWM is the Géotexia Mené plant relatively low combustion temperatures And there is a further greenhouse gas near Mené in Brittany, France. This plant and minimized emissions of the green- bonus, since the methane which would produces 700 m3 of biogas per hour from house gas CO2 (carbon dioxide) due to be released during the natural decompo- a combination of pig manure in the form simplicity of the methane molecule with sition of flora and fauna is eliminated, of both slurry and sludge (40,000 tons its four atoms of hydrogen to one of and methane can absorb around 20 times per year), animal fats (35,000 tons per carbon. more infra-red radiation than CO2, which year) and other food processing waste, ABB Turbocharging’s essential role in is the major factor in global warming delivered from farms, abattoirs and the this is providing high pressure, high effi- Hence, in Europe, the USA and else- food processing industry in the Mené ciency turbochargers – from the TPS where, cogeneration plants with engines area. This has an important additional range on many modern high-speed gas from many of ABB Turbocharging’s gas environmental benefit, since Brittany engines – to supply the right amount of engine customers have long become an produces over 50 % of France’s pork, air and ensure the effective combustion indispensable part of larger sewage works and without countermeasures, the slur- of the fuel. This implies that maximum or waste disposal sites, where they burn ries and sludges can easily compromise power has been extracted from the fuel the methane in the gases released during drinking water quality. and that a minimum of pollutants and the decay of the waste products to pro- The biogas produced in the plant’s greenhouse gases are left behind. Most duce heat and electrical power. large capacity digesters is burnt in recently, ABB’s Power2 two stage turbo- Over time, the sources of combustible a pair of containerized MWM type charging has extended this beneficial gases produced by the degradation of TCG 2016 V16 C gas engine generator

ABB charge! 1|12 17 Stationary power sets. Each produces 800 kW of electrical Passionate protagonist cogeneration plant, the energy targets power, which is sold to French national The plant was commissioned in the also increased the use of wood pellets in utility EDF. Typical of cogeneration appli- winter of 2010 and Dominique Rocaboy boilers for district heating around the cations, the engines deliver a roughly reports that it has met expectations in region – indeed pelletization is the ulti- equivalent output of thermal energy, full. As well as being a director of mate fate of the willow tree plantation which is used to maintain the fermenta- Géotexia Mené, he is a local farmer and adjacent to the Géotexia Mené cogener- tion of the manure and fats as well as for one of the prime movers in the project, ation plant. drying the residues. This leads to the having lobbied for over ten years for its Recreating the embankments and complete recycling of the residues as dry implementation. He points out that it is hedges of the bocage, removed by earlier and liquid fertilizers which retain chemi- part of a wider plan to achieve important, generations of farmers to maximize crop cals that enhance their value as plant interrelated ecological and economic yields, is primarily to reduce soil erosion, growth accelerators and make them a goals in the region. These include the but has gone hand in hand with the viable substitute for industrially produced improvement of drinking water quality, planting of trees on the basis of “short products. Finally, the waste water from increased self sufficiency in energy and rotation forestry”. The plantation at the the processes is cleaned by hydrolysis the restoration of the “bocage” landscape Géotexia Mené site is an example of this and inverse osmosis and then used for of winding lanes between low embank- process, where fast growing saplings, like the irrigation of a plantation of fast grow- ments topped by hedges, a trademark willows, are planted in fields like any other ing willow trees. Including the plantation, feature of Brittany and Normandy. crop and harvested after only about five the Géotexia Mené facility occupies a Hence, as well as the production of years by self propelled machines espe- total of 13 hectares. renewable, carbon neutral energy at the cially developed for the purpose.

Each MWM type TCG 2016 V16 C gas engine produces 800 kW of electrical power and roughly the same in thermal energy for maintaining fermentation and drying processes.

MWM type TCG 2016 V16 C gas engine generator.

18 ABB charge! 1|12 News

People A good year for new turbocharger sales

Joachim Bremer

Norway. Joachim Bremer is appointed LBU Manager Turbocharging Norway, effective 1st August, 2012. As well as having responsibility for service in Norway he will develop the LBU as the Lead Center for the Oil & Gas Offshore business. Joachim takes over from Hakan Holm, who man- aged the LBU ad interim in parallel to his role as LBU Manager Sweden. Joachim joined ABB Turbo Systems in 1996 and was most recently General Manager Business Develop- ment & Cooperations. New compressors with higher volume flow in the A100 range give engine builders the potential to turbocharge their products with fewer turbochargers or smaller frame sizes.

Baden. ABB Turbocharging had a very A170-L37 and A175-L37 models for low- Marta Sánchez good 2011 for new turbocharger sales. speed engines offer up to 17 % higher The 2010 upturn was led by the high- volume flow from the same dimensional Spain. Marta Sánchez was appointed and medium-speed engine segments, but envelope, allowing a given engine to be LBU Manager Turbocharging Spain, in 2011 turbochargers for the low-speed equipped with fewer or smaller turbo- effective 1st May, 2012. Marta 2-stroke segment joined sales for high- chargers. was most recently End User Sales speed engines in setting new records. For the same benefit, A100-H and Manager. She succeeds Claire Meanwhile, sales to the medium-speed A100-M models for high- and medium- Carmona, who has returned to segment was strong in power generation speed 4-strokes were equipped with Switzerland as Head of Service and offshore applications. A high-speed new compressors, while new radial tur- Generator Circuit Breakers at BU highlight was 30 Power2 two stage turbo- bines provided more engine mounting PPHV. We thank Claire for her dedi- charging systems for GE Jenbacher gas flexibility due to a new containment con- cation during her time in Spain. engines. cept. In detail, the A135-H/Mx7 and The year also saw the A100 range A140-H/Mx7 have compressors with being extended and further developed higher flow capacity and the A130-H/M, to achieve new customer benefits. The A135-H/M and A140-H/M new turbines. Hesham Mostafa

Egypt. Hesham Mostafa was appointed LBU Manager Turbo - charging, Egypt, effective 1st February, Max Kayka, half centurion! 2012, in addition to his role as End User Sales Manager for Egypt and its assigned sales areas. Hesham joined Germany. On 1st April, 1962 Max Kayka ABB Service Station Suez in 2007 began an apprenticeship with ABB’s and was most recently End User predecessor BBC in Dortmund, Germany, Sales Manager Turbocharging. He and on completing his training was succeeds Adel Helmy, who retired appointed turbocharger service engineer. at the end of January 2012 after Fast forward 50 years and Max was 27 years’ service. Adel ran the Turbo- still involved in maintaining BBC and charging business in Egypt for 19 ABB turbochargers in power stations, years from Cairo and opened the aboard ships, indeed anywhere our Service Stations at Suez and turbochargers are in use. We take this Alexandria. We extend our great opportunity to thank Max for a half appreciation to Adel. century of unstinting diligence and dedi- cation. At the time of writing Max is already enjoying his well earned retire- ment. Max Kayka at work.

ABB charge! 1|12 19 Tips for the operator Original Parts and Original Service Axel Martin explains why the best way to get the best out of your engine and ABB turbocharger is for ABB technicians to fit ABB parts.

t is ABB Turbocharging’s official policy use – some of which were developed clever effect which produces centering of to fit ABB Original Parts during Original inhouse. Likewise, they cannot know what the rotor shaft hydraulically – and auto- Service work, i.e. maintenance, repair methods and techniques we use in the matically. The effect damps axial and Ior overhauls to ABB turbochargers manufacture of our parts, like the heat radial oscillations in the rotor shaft to carried out by highly trained ABB service treatments we use to improve material ensure smooth running. This is central to engineers. properties and the equipment we use to the long effective life of all the rotating This concept is the result of countless machine them. Where their knowledge parts and hence to the long service inter- episodes where non original parts have runs out they tend to use guesswork. vals which ABB turbochargers achieve failed and caused damage to the turbo - when fitted with Original Parts. charger – and in the worst case irrepara- More than meets the eye In a recent case ABB technicians were ble damage. A case in point is turbocharger bear- called on to rectify the effects of poor ings. There is more to our bearings than dimensional tolerances in a non original Guesswork instead of science meets the eye and, without giving away journal bearing and the failure of the Logically, companies that copy ABB secrets, our bearings have special geo- copier to create the self centering effect parts cannot have access to ABB Turbo- metrical features which cause their lubri- described. The result of both was con- charging original works drawings, and cating oil to behave in a very useful way. tact between a compressor wheel and its they cannot readily know the precise By precisely controlling its flow over the casing. Aside from being a dangerous chemical composition of the materials we surface of the bearings, we can induce a condition – parts could break off the

Premature vane, shaft and bearing wear resulting from the failure of non original parts.

20 ABB charge! 1|12 Tips for the operator

bility for the failure unless absolutely cast tion branch found to have a 13 cm crack; iron proof is produced. The case could, the diffuser vanes were damaged and its for example, be blamed on failures in the flange bent; on the turbine side the pro- lubrication system, with every counter tection sleeve of the bladed shaft had claim requiring a time consuming investi- rubbed against the shaft and turbine gation by the end user. blades. By contrast, Original Parts fitted by ABB technicians during Original Service Turbochargers and fuel efficiency work carry ABB Turbocharging’s full war- It should also be pointed out here that ranty. the use of a non original compressor wheel, turbine wheel or adjacent casings Worst case can have a severe effect on turbocharger Possibly the worst occurrence that efficiency. This results from poor aerody- can affect a turbocharger is disintegra- namic efficiency due to inaccurate vane tion of its compressor wheel or turbine and blade geometry as well as potentially wheel/turbine blades. This means that excessive clearances between the wheels fragments traveling at very high speed and their casings. A leading engine builder will be flung under high centrifugal forces has stated that every 1% loss in turbo- against adjacent casings. If the turbo - charger efficiency equates to a reduction charger casings are ABB Original Parts of 0.35 g/kWh in terms of specific fuel the probability is extremely high that they consumption. Hence, a low-speed engine will withstand the impact and achieve rated 50 MW, as used in many container “containment” – i.e. no fragments will ships, with a turbocharger 1 % below its exit the casings into the area around the design efficiency would use 105 tons of turbocharger. During the development of extra fuel in a 6000 hour operating year. every turbocharger type an elaborate, This equates to 52,500 US Dollars at a expensive containment test, which even fuel price of 500 USD per ton. involves closing the roads around our test center, is carried out under con- Proving the point compressor wheel and damage the trolled conditions to verify in practice the The list goes on and grows, proving turbocharger beyond repair – it led to theory behind the casing designs. the point about how difficult it is to get rapid wear on both the wheel and the everything right when attempting to copy casing as well as premature wear to the Grim reading ABB Turbocharging Original Parts. In the rotor shaft, as shown in the accompany- The containment test involves using case of the compressor wheel, the failure ing photos. extreme rotor overspeed to induce the may well have resulted from the copier compressor wheel to burst. In a recent not being able to know the exact material Blame game case, a non original compressor wheel specifications and heat treatment pro- Furthermore, this wear occurred well disintegrated into three pieces during cesses ABB uses. before the turbocharger would have commercial operation on a ship’s engine. These occurrences and numerous been due for its next scheduled over- The inspection report by the ABB service similar cases prove conclusively that the haul. Hence the engine end user was engineer makes grim reading: almost no best tip we can give an operator of an faced with additional costs that far out- component of the turbocharger escaped ABB turbocharger is to invest in ABB weighed any savings achieved by buying damage and, as such, nothing could be Turbocharging Original Parts, fitted by non original parts. safely reused. For example: the air inlet ABB Turbocharging technicians during Typically, in such cases, the compo- casing had long cracks; the air outlet cas- ABB Turbocharging Original Service and nent supplier or non original service pro- ing was damaged, with its volute-half tip hence carrying a full ABB Turbocharging vider is not prepared to accept responsi- punched out and deformed and its suc- warranty.

Original Parts – ABB bearings are cleverly designed to create hydraulic shaft centering. No part of this turbocharger could be reused.

ABB charge! 1|12 21 Recipe

Spaghetti with prawns in garlic and tomato sauce International recipe No 4

Text AIDA Logbuch – Kochbuch, Photography Shutterstock

he AIDA line attaches great Preparation importance to the cuisine – Peel, slice and dice the onions. Peel aboard its clubships. As a fore- and crush the garlic cloves. T taste to the cruise you now – Dunk the tomatoes in hot water, undoubtedly intend to take, here is remove the seeds and dice the flesh. a recipe with a maritime touch from Alternatively cut the tinned tomatoes the AIDA cookbook. It always proves a into small pieces. favorite with passengers of all ages and – Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and fry can be served as a main course or a pasta the onions until translucent. Add the course. prawns and garlic and cook for a short time before quenching the pan with Ingredients (makes 4 servings) the white wine. Add salt and pepper to – 60 g onions taste. – 2 cloves garlic – Bring the contents of the frying pan – 400 g ripe tomatoes, alternatively back to a gentle simmer for 8 minutes. 1 tin drained peeled tomatoes – Boil the spaghetti in salted water until – 30 ml olive oil “al dente”, i.e. soft but still resistant to – 150 ml dry white wine your bite. – 150 g peeled prawns – Drain the spaghetti, place in a suitable – Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste bowl and pour over the prawn sauce. – 350 g spaghetti Garnish the sauce with the chopped – 2 tablespoons chopped parsley parsley and serve immediately. Enjoy!

22 ABB charge! 1|12 Acknowledgments

Published by ABB Turbo Systems Ltd

Address P.O. Box CH-5401 Baden/Switzerland Phone: +41 58 585 7777 Fax: +41 58 585 5144 www.abb.com/turbocharging e-mail: [email protected]

Editors Jonathan Walker Valentin Bregy

Contributing editors Tiziana Ossola Auf der Maur Peter Pospiech

Translation Jonathan Walker Malcolm Summers

Photos Sergio Villalba Morales AIDA Nicole Lerrahn Tiziana Ossola Auf der Maur Meyer Werft Shutterstock Michael Reinhard MWM ABB Turbo Systems Tarek Fahsi

Cover photo: Corbis

Printer Dietschi AG Druck & Medien, Olten/Switzerland

Layout, typography, electronic publishing Domino Style & Type AG, Gebenstorf /Switzerland

Reprints require the publisher’s written consent.

© 2012 ABB Turbo Systems Ltd, Baden/Switzerland All rights reserved

ABB charge! 1|12 23 My fastest route to fuel efficiency and safety. Original Parts and Original Service.

Original Parts installed during Original Service from ABB Turbocharging incorporate the experience, know-how and precision only available to a market and technology leading turbocharger OEM. The geometrical accuracy, high strength and surface quality of the high grade materials used in Original Parts translate immediately into optimized fuel consumption, reliability, availability and operational safety for your engine. www.abb.com/turbocharging