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\ PAGE TWEU'B MONDAY, APRIL 17,1! I Nanrliriitrr £uming BmOt / AVCBAOE DAILY CUtCtXA'no.N THE WCATMEll tor the month of March, I9W ’ Mrs. Henry Bmtth of 27 Stone Mr. and Mrs. John Horan of Memorial L o d g e , . Knlglita of Temple Ohaptsr, Order of the A special coRummlcatloii of Man- Forecast of 0. S. Weather aereoa street itaa given a surprise party Martford hava moved Into their naw Pirtbtae win open their’ meeting Eastern Itar, win omit iU regular cheater Lodge at Maaona will be held ABOUT TOWN last night at. her home In honor of home at 129 8L John street, thle Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock In masting wrhlcb would ordinarily be tomorrow night at 7:80 o'clock at her^blilpday. Friend* were present town. Mre. Horan la the owner of Victory Qolaray street. The en­ 6 , 2 3 4 Showers tonight and poaalll^ held on Wedneaday evening, April the Masonic Tample when the Fel- Member of the Aodlt Ortiup 8 of Confer'church women. from WIndMr, Andover and this Harriett'a Beauty Salon, 129 Center tertainment committee bae arranged M, on account of tha aeasions of the W edaeado) momlag; aligtitly warm­ lowrcraft degree be exampUflod. Borcao of CIrealatloas Mr*. Ray Plll»bury. Imdcr will meet town, and preaented' her with a ■treeL , for a ehowlag of "Dr. Sjm” a motion Oraad chapter of Connecticut, Refreahmenta will be nerved a ^ r HALE'S SELF SERVE er tonight. tODifht at 8 o'clock with Mra. beautiful bouquet of carnations and picture teUbig a. tala of emuggling scheduled for the Mth and 27th at the meeting. The Original In N ew England! ’ Ray PlUibury, leader. wUI meet to- other acceptable gifts. A buffet Mlae Betty and Hlae Mary Moii- la Old England, and several other root Guard hall. Hartford. The next MANCHESTER A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM nljht at 8 o'clock wlth^Mri PhiUp?^ liinch Wa* nerved arty are co-^ebairmen of the food aale reels. The program la In charge of meatlpg of Temple Chapter wlU ——— .Netoon of 59 Delroont at ret. I which the Prlvete Duty'nuraee will Dr. Stowe of the Thompoonvlllc take place at the Maaonlc Temple AND HEALTH MARKET VOL. LVIli., NO. 169 (UaaaUtad Advertlalag oa Pago IS) >L\NCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY. APRIL 18. 19,39 (TWELVE PAGES) Mrs. Ralph Lowell and small sons hold tomorrow morning In Hale'a Knights of Pythlaa. Wedneaday evening. May 10. PRICK THREE CENItt Daughters of Liberty No. 125. i (Carle apd Neill of South Windham. ■tore. LJiO.A.. win hold ltd regular meet-1 Maine, iife guesla this week of Memhera and fiienda of Lady The execuUve board of the Man­ Ing In Orange hall tomorrow eve- ! Mra. Lowrll's sister. Mian Beatrice Rev. J. .S. Nelli of St Mary'i Epli Roberta Lodge, Daughtara of 8t. chester Mothers' club will have a HALE'S TUESDAY SPECIALS ning.. The officer* will hold a re-i Blackwood, 16 Trotter street. copal church will give hla Illustrated George, wUI enjoy a Bingo party at meeting tomorrow evening at 8 Dougr, Jr., and Fiancee o’clock. Mr#. WUlard Horton, Double GrMn Stamps Given With Cash Sales WIFFS DEATH hearaal at 7 o'clock and each one la lecture on Ulster tonight at the the home of Mra. Harry Maniden. urged to be present, eocial «H1 j ko Salvation Army citadel for the membership chairman, would like DEMOCRAT CHANGE Muu Dorlji M. SU of Portland. 109 Evergreen - avenue, Hartford. All Day Tuesday. follow In charge' of Mra. Georgina ■ Maine; 1* spending The week as the benefit of the Boy Scouta of Troop Mre. Maraden wtll be assisted by cards turned In before that time. CHAMBERLAIN AVERS ^TomUnaoii and her committee. The ' guest Of Mrs and Mra. Arrhie Kll- 40. T^e program wdll begin at 2 Mlaa Lucy Clarkacyi. Both are CAUSED DRUG loilge votctl to holii M nimmage aale palruk.'20 R»Kisevelt street. o'rlfxik, when awarda wlH be made membere of the lodge and formerly Thursday In the store at 70.5 .Main by Ittajor Trigg of the Hartford lived here. Mlaa Daisy Harrison of Holers Milk Breod 2 Loaves 9c IN CONSPIRACY ACT idrwt. The summer term of the piitdlC corps. this town la also on the committee. \ Fun , TAKING HABIT achools here got iinderway bxla.v Membera who hava cars are pro­ FILMS ■ Tb* Huatlcra group will meet to­ aftet a ten-day vacation and wiil Sunaet Rebekah Lodge membera viding transportation, and It la DEVELOPED AND PBINTED PLEA BY ROOSEVELT 3-Lb. Can morrow morning at 9 o'clock at the contmiie for forty-four days until will meet tonight aa uaiial In Odd planned, to begin playing promptly ANY SIZE 4% A STORRCE Spry 49c feltowa hall. Several are planning at 8 o'clcMik. PASSED BY SENATE South Methodist church to salt pea- the 1938-59 year closes on June 16. R O L L ...... ^ y c Mackenzie Testifies He Be­ nuta. The hoateaers adll he Mra The only holiday In this period will lo attend the Rebekah Aaaembly In Groton, which opena tomorrow at ARTHUR DRUG STORE Chaae a Sasboni Winiam Burges* and Mrs. .lohn be on Tuesday, .May 30, which la Mias Tbereea M. DeDa Fera was FIND UCEN8E NOT ALL Snhle. 1:30 o'clock for tvyo daya. Tomor­ the guest of honor at another misc­ Safe — Dependable came Addicted To Use Of Memorial Day. row night a banquet and reception Insargent Repnblicao Casts NECE8SAKV FOB WEDDING FOR PEACE WELCOME ellaneous gift shower,' the fourth. Economical Coffee 21c will be given In honor of Mra. Bert Baturday evening. The shower was O. Fowler of .Groton, state preal* ClMae a Saabom Teadet Leaf Mercer, Pa.. April 18.— (A P ) Narcotics When Spouse given by Mias Mary and Mlaa Lana Charge: 3% of Customer’a Ballot Against FeDows; —An Ohio couple ■ whi thought HnapiTAL. >ATAFF GIVES dent and her alaff and guests Tha 7-Oz, ROUND TRIP TO SWEDEN I ] aaaembly will contlniie Wednesday Della Ferm of 16 Cottage street, and FOOD SALE Valuation. they had been married 19 years ^ e s ' Stateneot Bcftre with election of officer* and ex­ #aa a t t e n d e d by relatives and Orange Pekoe Tea pkg. A y i ago just by obtaining the U- Died Daring C hildbi^. lU Z ff MODERN I emplification of the Rebekah de­ friends from . Hartford and »hi* TUBS., APRIL 18, 9 A. M. . Minimum Charge $2.50. Measure Sent To House Ilcenae discovered their error Omaha, Neb.. \piprtl 18- -lAP) , gree Wedneaday night.. ' town. The bostessea used a decora­ when the wife applied for cltj- —Three nurses 8 l *te r/ Cheering Honse Of Cooh HALE’S STORE Large Stia Olive Cullrnberg, {i tive scheme of orchid and green. For Final Action On IL zenahtp papers. Waterbury. April 18. — (AP) — FLEET STARTS Ixiyal Circle of King'a'Daiightera Gamas were played and a buffat Private Duty Nnrsra. laJM IIAM cen Immanuel, hoapltal luncheon enjoyed. __They took no chances of an­ j Harry E. Mackensle. once powerful pertntendent. "Do )-ou s' moos; Says B ritaii Cm > NOTICE! will hold lla spring nimmage saia 2-TATkg. l i e other mistake. They came here, I • Prunes ; state RepuMIcan leader, testified to­ to go to Sweden?" tomorrow in the vacant afore at 705 got another wedding permit and Main street In the Johnson block, No. 2rH 18, 1939 "liberalise" tha law while morning at his home. 119 Ridge­ spiracy charge, had taken two cures, Hungary closer to the Roroe-Berttn Potatoes Peck society ample protection. wood Road, West Hartford. neruvers In Bpaidsh waters, aa offl- ths BriUMi IntsTMt la ths T $9«95 27c one laat summer and another 10 axis while Ms newspaper asserted enee of The Nethsrlaada, Tha name of U. 8..Senator John Death was due to a heart attack. /Ctal spokeaman aanouaesd today. >\t 8 O’clock years ago. He then asked the wlt- Preaidant Roosevelt's peace appeal land and Denmark, but ata A A dletlntclve new Kenwood Blanket In a chenllle-llke weave, luxurious and rich In reeling and A. Danaber, Republican who de- Mr. Macdonald was stricken In bed nees .whether he resorted to the use Writer Of Inltnalkaal Uw ,[£ A {)£ [{ How aad whea the. uaibi left re­ Admission •A...... 23 crnln appear^ce. Very soft In texture and very warm. Women of selected wools for beauty and warmth .nounced tha Mil sponsored by hla, shortly after S o'clock. He is said already had been rejected by the G nat Britain had aatond J ■ N E N ^ Bevsn beautiful colors. . . , at narcotics the second Urn* also be­ mained a aavol sacrej. lU.was speclfle sngagasMste to HEALTH MARKET party's laglMatlT* leaders last week, Jo have had one or two other heart cause of hU wMe's death. dlacloaed, however, that units flam “llsUSD BStlOOSl OCNMOtelMI*^ Tou may also obtain beautiful Down Puffs on the Club Plan. , — waa injected latp the debata.-ln Its recently. MaraSteteawtAlHwr-! No formal reply had baea made of tbes* eouatrtaa. Lote Mackenzie answered "no**, but Kiel bad paosad through tho Kalaar Chamheilnin olostng minutes W the Democrats. Macdonald resigned April 29, said he underwent aiwUier d W PA today that be to a member of BINGO TONIGHT Small Lot Sullivan said be "aasumed" Gov­ already levied numerous minor eco­ the Communist party. Indoce Rmnania To Coa* At the Odd Fellows ernor Baldwin convinced Danaher to nomic aanctloiuT Hasn't he point­ In response to queatloiu, be said Toilet Articles “change hla mind” ahd asMited This Afternoon To Study ed out Germany and Italy as aggres­ Sausage Meat Lb. 1 9 c be did not believe in overthrow of mit Herself To.AD iuice. PREPARE TO LEilVE: ORANGE HALL Tuesday Only 4 9 ® that as a result "the junior aenatof sor nations and hasn't certain action the United States’ government by hod the effect of minor sanctions, Auiplm 5lanclietter 'Plpe Band forgot hla loyalty to labor and stood Objectionable Clanses. force. He added that be saw noth­ 'c e a . by hla first love—the Republican for InHuftos. _caneelUng the trade ing Inconslatent In what he believed 10 agreement with CaechoalovaklaT” AS FLOOD NEARS^ 20 GAMES*25c party." to be the philosophy of the Com­ Budapest April 18.—(A P )—Op­ WEDNESDAY NIGHT VahMa T* gOe. Republican , apeaker* remained 'Nlaly Two TbreatoaiBg War" munist party and the inaUtutloos posing forces tugged at Balkan Playing Mart. At 8:801 silent on Panaher’a entrance Into Waterbury, April 18— (A P )—Tha DRUG DEPT. *T wotdd’ bo Inclined to agree aad beliefs of a democratic form . of countries today os Great Britain and S FREE GAMES! WILI. START AT the dlacuaalon of the conspiracy MU, Waterbury American said today IMMIR PRIZE! -50c Phillipa’ Milk of Magnesia'...... Printed Cotton with you,” Lage replied,, "because government France tried to Induce Rumania to TEN MINCTES TO NINE . . . . 3 4 c end unttl Sullivan brought up the that wage Increases which will of the fact that (Jiia message was H o p p w M rt Oi O U t R in r ; SWEEPSTAKES! AU.MISSION ;5c. $1.25 Agarol ...... subject it had not been mentioned Jolm A. amount to nearly 10 cents an hour Benjamin denied, in reply to a commit herself to Britlsh-Russton INSTEAD OF ..$1.09 ’KERCHIEFS addressed solely and rather pointed­ question, that he had reported to the 25c Liaterine BruahlcM Shaving Cream. .2 fo r 26c 20 and 24-incK aquaies. Tues­ by the Democrats.' Stratton of the Highway Department for Waterbury truck drivers in a ly to only two natloiu, on the theory French cooperation and Italy ap­ EIGHT THIRTY day only! When the New Brtteln Democrat four-year period are included In the 'ITitrd International that formation disarmament and eoonomie eonfior- i/lFroit Lort POitetaMpL ’ 100 Halibut Oil Capsules...... 89c had cost the state huge losses. that they ore the only taro threaten­ of the Workers Alliance represented peared to be extending hSr influence once. had finished. Senator Joseph B. Appelatad la i n t e-ntract which is expected to he ing w*r." ' 75c Bayer’s Aspirin...... « . . . 59c Downea, the Democratic lliMr laai signed soon tiy representsUvea of 10 the succeaeful culmination of a four- tn Tugoslavla. \ The FaaoUt press had character­ Mr. Maedrakldiiad held the Job Alao tn the field of foreign affairs. yaar campaign by the Communist 40c Listcrine Tooth Paste...... ,. . . . . 33c ar, again referred to the Danahiler h>^ unions affected by the regional Dtacusslona preliminary to Y] ised Mr. Roosevrit's move aa part Into Tricbr FeiriigCrort Chairman Pittman (D., Nev.) of S la v Foreign Minister AUaander 50c Hind’s Honey Almond Cream ... .t . . . . .39c 19< statements, asserting: (Csatkiasd ea Fags BighL) agreement SP|UNGTIME IS the Banate Foreign Relations Com­ Ctteraiiees ARIanre Views Ctnca-Markovlch'a eonfersnoh with (UMiUBned on Pags Iw s.) 35c Laco Shampoo...... OQ,. " If there was a change of face, . Truck owneis have agraai to the mittee, dlacloaed that the "cosh and a • * The witness asserted that in his Italian .c Foreign Mlqlstor Count Cincinnati, April 18.— (A P ) — 500-Shect Kleenex ...... ’ Cotton Cre‘pe I alneerely hope It was-not for po- contract and nine of the'union locals aarty" provtstons of the neutrality Official capacity he confined his ut­ Irish Tea Party for 55* llUcal reasons," have ratified R. but a conference of Oaleasso Ciano In Vanles lata this Hume owners on tha-Ohio rtear teafft - BUILDING TIM E! 50c-$LOO Mennen’s Baby Oil act would be alloared to expire April terances to the view.of the Atlloiuw week wars Uking ptsoe in Belgrade. At 7 P.M. e a e e 0 e • I 43c-89c PAJAMAS Ha read a letter In which ho raid union bustneaa agenta itp i to bs held 30 despite the Ihiropean criala. loaded their poaaeaelona teto tnnaU*. In NUrserir prints. Self help ACCEPT MEDIATOR aad did not Indulge hIS private be^ la Bucharest it was eoncodsd that today as the river neared tha erast 35c-60c Mum ...... 29C-49C Danaher bad 'termlned the Demo­ In 'Bpringfleld this aftanoon to dls- Pittman had Indicated prevtoualy HefS. FRENCH DEFENSES J ^ A fi back, fuU circle seat,' ' button cuas certain clausss to which the there were constant sxduuigst of of another minor flood. Lecture: ’T R A V E I.S IN Glida Purse Coemetic Cases , . . . 10c cratic veralon of tha bill "far au- that the provlatons might be ex­ The Workers AHIance, of which opinion with Francs and Great Brit front. Peach, blue, pink, and Bpringfleld union objeeta. tended for about 60 days. . Realdontlal setilementf akmg the' I LSTER ”. AT 8 P. M. white. 8izea 2 to 8 years. Benjamin Is secretary and David pin. / V>ttomlsnda of Newport, Ky,, wtUsa (UeaHnned on Page EigM.i WMINElilSPUTE As the American reported the Lsge, befora his exchange with Losser president, la an organization terms of the agreement a 48-hour Corbett, had denounced proposals to Denlea Wavering Rsporta TO BE STRONGER the Licking enters the Ohl^ WBPS B.v Rev. J, S. NelU ' Continuing Our Sale Of of W PA workers. abandoned and refugees gtetn aid. week Is.prescribed by the contract "empowsr ana man to apply aano- Quedtioii^. by Representative But tha Bucharest Foreign Oflies with overtime for work la axiieas of vigorously denied perslstont reports A t Catiettoburg, Ky., oonfloMoa .Iff SALVATION ARMvl 70 the Big Bandy-and the Ohio, state 68 hours and ttme aad n half lo r i aa Faga Eight! that Ruinanla was wavering In her CITADEL S i Fedenl Labor Conciliator « (Orawaasd ra Page ragbL) relucUacs to promise Bovist Rus­ owners movedupstolra ss w al^teas, others At 69c. more thdn 51 hours at work a week Dakidler T«Ds Cabinet Seri­ and for^oll holidays. sian troops the right to cress Ru­ expected to pour over Front straju Benefit of Troop 40, B. S. A. manian territory if need be. (Great during the day. TIOGA YARNS Qnickecs . Enten NegoliatMMit For Wage rates set -for the Oonaectl- Tickets 25 centa. ^ AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! Given With Cash Soles In cut sad Bpringfleld areas for drivers Britain has given Rumania a unilat­ ous Situation Makes N ^ Fean of damage abated at Hunt­ U N IO N SUITS GAMES POSTPONED of trucks of five tons, or leas are 66 eral pledge of aid should Rumimian ington, W. Va., where U. 8. *n|^ New Vorh. April (A P )—,-AH Coal Industry Contract cents aa hoiur for this year, 67 cants £ x p e r t Declares Pursuit independence be endangered, almttar aeers reported the expected crest at bat three major leagae gamee wi to pfedgea given Poland and Greece.) essary Further Steps. 81 feet would, cover only low i Both These Stores Ail Day postpooed t o ^ by rate aad eaM next year, 70 cento la IM l and 72H 25% to 50% Reductions cents in 194E For drivers of larger It ramains n principle of potk^. It on the outskirts of the dty. 79c weather. The Oiaate Ships Refute Superiority was said In Bucharast, that Russian ______lOwUh T e n Unelmaga . Dodger* In Brookijm New Tork, April 18.—(AP)— trucks the scale Is 68 cento for this I ALL FIRST QUALITY YARNS year, 71 cento next year, 78 cento in troops must not be admitted on Paris, April 18— (A P )— PremUr A forecast of cooler weather i Fine Hale Iratea Mietd- vene oeaiUtifNis, the Cards Jamea F. Dewey, Federal labor con- Rinnnnina soU. only occasional showers over MAGNETOS A Few Exampka: der strap# to give whoa Oi* 'Tuesday Pirate* at Plttebargh aad ' 1941 and 75 cents In' 1048. Daladler told Ma cabinet today the dHator, announced today he had Buffalo. N. T „ April 18—(A P )—! now world speed ' record of 463 There wee no comment on reports continuing seiiouonem of tha Inter­ four-state area dlspeOed thraato"' child bends,,, lastex drw eeat. Sox played the Tigers at\Detroft. that an effort was being made to J: Truck, Tractor and 4-Omice Skeins Tioga Knitting Wonted. A P* been aecepted u mediator in the 15-HOUR CONFERENCE An avlatlea expert seas two wasp- nfiles an hour dufing a special short national situation made It neceoaary more serious dahUge! Tha waokH For boya and gtria, siaes 2 to t Oamea postpooed were: persuade Rumania to permit Soviet death ton of four waa unchanga reg. 59c skein. 36 colors. Full 4-ox. akeina.. f l O C yeara. pUa at i^toB aad' Ctedaaatl at deadlocked ncgouaUoiui to reach a Hartford, April 15— (A P )—Rep- speed tasL) for France to take further steps to Stationary Gninne Ilka, 400-mUe-saFbpur pursuit planes .A tiny ship, ayen for a pursuit, warplanes to fly over her terri­ A crest of 60 feet here waa Tioga Ombre Knitting Wonted. ______Baky Shop Chicago la the Nattooal Leagae; new contract for the bltuminqus resentatlvea of nliu union truck- tory. strengthen her dOfenscs. as flying refutstions at alleged su­ the XP-39 is s potent engine of - f


for several yeara whan aetnally the tsriaed the Europaaa Mtuatio* railroad should have done So, there CHAMBERLAIN AVERS "still dangerously acuta." CARTOONALmES TOWN w n i BUY being BO obligation on tba part of NAZIS’ MODERN HUES TO DRAW There was no IntentloB on tba pariiH Daughters ^ Of^Veterans BALDWIN BOOSTS Overnight News OIL TANKERS TIED B y p»uU cet.|cONTENDS n a t io n D. A. R. Del^ates Discuss the toam t? ' surface tha bridge , PLEA BY ROOSEYET of tba kovemmaot to alow down aacept to^ tb tr precedent. >faval and military praparatiooa IVbetbdr or not the railroad will during tba tan dsya uatlL JJitler*s O f Stat^ To Meet Here O f Connecticut $900 SAW Max FLEET STARTS reply before tba IMchatag. RED CROSS DRIVE UP IN LABOR ROW BUNGLES PAROLE Exclusion and Resignation agree th ariden the bridge and re- FOR PEACE WaCOME HUNGARY CLOSE \ builddt as deslrad eras stated today French fears over what might By ASSOCIATED PRESS to be open to conjecture. happen In the Mediterranean were ^ Mrs. Anna RayUnF of PhUadel-z: followed in tba afternoon at 1:30 (OnatiaaM Ttma Paga Om ) widely reflected In the press. Washington, April 18.— (A P ) —T*Ofi- si>H has'asked cabjnet wl'vas ta Not Diseoased OUT TO TRAIN TO m VIEWS phla. Pa,, trill be-tne guest of honor. greeting* from dialnnan David Sotna commentators said Itailaji; Derotes Shortened Radio Middletown, April 18.—(A P ) — Nearly 5,000 Crew Mem­ Rooterek Asi^rts True For- The two moat popular nibject*. ot cubstltute for her aa hosteaaes. Sdednei hstnict Hyde To The Selectmen. It was stated, Ballots were sent t* some 3.700 (OaatlaiMfi from Paga One) told ths House that the League of (OeaMnned frem Page Ope.) German and SpanUb troop, naVai at the DeparUtMnt Convention of 2?i®***I* the Board of Stiect- corridor convsrsatlbn at the 48th Some delegate* inquiring whatkoT did not dlaniT* the Ut. Nebo bleach­ of irninn Vetsrmiu AC tK. i repreecntsUvee from varl- alumni In the election of two alumni Nallnna, which haa a commissioner and technical dlspoMUons nWIniy Daugbten.cff Unlen Veterans of tba oua patriotic organlsatlona. A t 4 they should accept the White Hooa* er question, nor was any action Address To Appeal For trusteea of Wesleyan University to bers Aboard 136 Yessels poso To Protect Society congreoa of the Di A. R today ware InvlUtlon were told by M r* Vinton Dad For New Pork Street token whereby the pravloua vote to MadlUrranlaB fleet la eoncantrated tn'-that Nazl-domtnatad Baltic port, of en ettemptod "encirclement" of were preparations for a cqmbllMd Civil li^i- from tents an over Oon-j-o'clock a memorial servlcs wlU be would have to consider any change onslaught on Gibraltar aa-.tiie first succeed Stewart F. Hancock and Marian Ander*oa'* excltmloa fifbm Earl SUaon of CTblcago, librartao- build J.OOO aeata would ba recon­ In tbs eastsm Mediterranean. Italy and Germany—the Nazl-Fae- neettodt, which opens tomorrow a t : bald for members who have passed In the statue -of Danzig. ____ blow against British and-Froich at- Arthur T. Vanderbilt, whose terms Constitution Hall and the resigna­ general, that members would, of Bridge; Collect On Bills. sidered. Selectman Cbambers haa RMIer In Austria. clst description of the British and lO^clock aV the Masonic Temple.! on during tbs year. Organization. expire Oct. 1. Called Out On Strike. By Assisting Prisoners. Asked whether “ezhAlng Polish French • engineered antt • akgrea- i tempta to rally, a bloq/nf European tion of Mrs. Franklin D. Rboeevelt course, attend aa sivtays. . stated he favors the draadng of a Reirhsfuehrar Hitler, two days rights In Danzig were covered by a natlnos against any AggraaSibif Mrs. Beatrice part Manning, state; The to^ u et at 6:45 ia tha Ma- Bridgeport —The American Le­ "We want to continue our friend­ before his 50th birthday anniversary Bton" bloc. froip the- ooelety, presumably over special town maaUng petlUon and recent British guarahtaa” to I^>- To Be RetnrnqR To Maraeoa^ ' department preOl^efit, *btnted near Gibraltar be- doned a radio talk last night on a OH?eCfoR- -OtAP P/ONCCK. ' v v sons In prison toilay have had |o ne | national offlcr.rs before eonmentlng education to dispel fears tliat tba ckMa o t a portable sawmill outfit, taln. Equally uncertain at the mo­ cloaed. He waa scheduled to'spend | that tha question of whether Britain acceptance of the crown of newly highway-building policy and apoke tial .^'entence. four oil companies had tied up oil > tv £ L L H s r rebirth of a potent army In tha conquered AlbenlA in which this csiias they were about to be retum- GIa8tonbury-;rAuthoritlee sought looked up at lenaii oner before' for Tnrmslly. / to ba owaad by tha town and to ba ment la It whether or not the apa- tonight on hla special train, reaching . decides to fight for .Poland rastg an- KRAFT MISAPPUED only four minutes on the humani­ tankers all along the Atlantic and A N y N a y J United Statea might mean a militar­ Berlin tomorrow forenoon. jtlrely on Poland's wiUlngnaaa to go declaration occurred: ecv~foed-to MoiMorocoo before the victory C. Clinton fonnetL 70-year-old a violation of the law,'-' Mr. Roose- •f'briiary. i^naora seek- Mad in tba rlppini; of loga aalvafed dsl meeting will ba called, or the held la Madrid, N.Y. Stocks tarian organization. Gulf coasts. velt told delegate* to the flrat Na-j'"8 “ auditorium an Easter istic nation. bleachers' iver built. The matter Rumanian Foreign Minister Gri- | to war over Danzig. "The Rorae-Berlln axis divides the '■ The governor gave up hla Idea of miaaing newspaperman, to expedite from public landa a« a result of bur, r y Bonpet also waa reported to have settlement of the estate of hla wife, Nearly .5,000 crew members aboard It • tlonal Parole Confeefnee last pight. concert ' by Marian/'Anderson an- Such fears, he aald. can be fought will be dtactuiaed nest Monday night gore Gatoncu arrived early this I Danzig, under a post-war aatUa- continent with a dominating hk>c dlacuaalng the road aliuatlon when 136 tankers were called out and nourced they had t>een refused use rteane damaf*. - It haa been esU- ment that aeparated the free city :/L received aaaurances concerning TOTAL OF $570,000 Rachel. The family told police Ben­ "The tnie purpose'^f parole Is to by knowledge that "today It la tka that the rlf will cost t^K). at ths meeting of the Board, It was aftemo<)h and was I n v ^ to an eg- military forces against which \ President Rooaevelt's parole system union officials said 25 tankers were protect society- nil of us by su- of the D. A. R.'s-Constitution Hall strong, not the weak, who may * haiisllve conferanca wdth German from Germany, waa placed under no longer possible to repeat IMIlan tfoope massed at Almeria, a Adams E x p ...... nett formerly .was employW on a ABo Totad war4_-lnbtnjcMons to said. port In sotithern Spain, and Gcr- address ran longer than expected. lied up at New York at 6 a. m., and pervlslnK and assisting rejeased boCiiuse of racc/restrlcllons. speak with authority for peace." Foreign Minister Joachim Von Rlb- the Polish customs admlnUtraUon. fully the Old maneuver cling Atr Redue ...... Brookyln. N. V., paper and at one The. Wsshlngton school board also Town Counsel William 8.' Hyde to mana gathered at Leon in northern Instead, Governor Baldwin said: time ran papers In Mystic wid'tliD- others were being halted aa they prisoners until they have a chance dialrraan Pittman (D., Nev.)’ of tst^np befors Von Rlbbentrop en- Poland haa Indicated that any ooeUtloos." Alaska JuB ...... ducked here and elsewhere. Picket­ £ hanneifthe /incert from a white bmIn Immedtata collection of ep-^ tfilalned him at dinner tonight rhiinga In tha Danzig ztatuz muzt Spain. "I want to remind you of the an- ton. to get on their feet and show that the Senate Foreign Relation* Com- pradmatdy 17,000 **»■ Realgnattoe. talitarian nation! obould edoquar ''^at noon tomorrow.. under arms—the government has The companies Involved and the by tha R ^ e n Paper company and Rumors that Germany and Poland herself or Germany.) ment of the coantry'a vast refugee' Am <'‘an ...... Firm Spent More Thant Ho yoi'ir bit." PAfiKefk M “ Parole will never auceeed If It ts A cltl^ns' committee of 95 white Burop* and Asia, . they would ao- Chaney .Brotbere. Acronllng to a WAGE INCREASES In some diplomatic quartera It decreed en addiUpfiel allotment of horde In event of war. After speaking of the Red Cross number of tankers each operates; mendy a government function and and n<:gro oi^anlzatlon* protest^. cumulate enormous power, aad had agreed on return of Danzig frep Am Home Prod .... Standard Oil of New Jeraey, 78; eaurt dadaios on a prevtoua disposal city to Oarmanjr were termed ahao- waa auggestad that any BrlUah- 125,000,000 ennuaUy for the Army France haa at least 2.500,000 eeif- knowing no cr«e color, nationality, CAPONE MAY GAIN does not have the understanding and/Mrs. /Roosevelt disclosed that she probably would not be aatlidUd wKk for the next JfiT yaera Am Rad St 8 ...... race, friend or enemy, the governor Socony-Vacuura, 38. ndewater Oil. help of thS'* IndlvlduaL eltlaens In wa/reslgnlnga*/reslgnlng from the D. A. R. lea* than domination of the world Jndgmant. tba town may hold either (Oontlaoed from Pago (Me.) liits nonsense by aiithoritatlva Tufklsh anti-aggrasaton azraemant called foreigners and people without Half Of Amount In 1938. film or both for the bill, and aub- sourcea. The free city Ilea within would not be made public from fear It waa sxyeeted the Roosevelt a country who have fled frb'm Italy, Am Smelt ...... aald: 12 and the C. D. Mallory Company, every commimity and Marian Anderson finally sang at Oialrman Dies (D„ Tex.) of the ■aquant to the rendering of that the Polish customs administration If^mlght antagonize Germany, Tur­ proposal and the situation It had Spain. Germany, Austria, CttecM - Am Tel and Tel .... "We live today In a world sud­ HIS FREEDOM SOON 8. Urges Federal-—Slate CooperaHon. ,a/free outdfror concert here. House Committee on Un-AmertoMi operatori’ negotiating committee created In Europe would be one of W’lthihoMa Strike .\ctlon The I^resldent urged the delegatos I A White House recaption for tha Activities recomm*uded telling otk*r Jndfment, the town agreed arlth the technicalities regarding classlflra- but nominally la under League of key's beat customer. Slovakia and other countries. Most Am Tob B ...... New Haven. April 18.— (A P I— denly gone mad with fears and In­ -APHHL I t , It / I Rogcre company that It would not Nations protection. The Turkish ambassador called the eubjeets which Mussolini and of them are Itallana. Am Wat Wka ...... ternational Jealousies and hatreds. The union withheld strike action to make known the methods by D. A. R. delegates la scheduled for natloD* that "what you do d M not tlona not actually aet up In the com­ President James Hook of the i at the Foreign Office this morning Foreign Hlnlatsr Coimt Galear.zo Subject To "General Service ’ Anaconda against the Pennsylvania Shipping MCMGCR ^T' KACK jDhiespoK.r, M A tN e which the Federal government Friday a* iiaiial, but Mra.’ Rooaev*tt concern us, but if you ever croos Into atM tha paper firm erpsrately for promise. To Re nevoid of i'olllira Here In America, however we atlll Company which operates 16 tankers any claimed bill. Hence both firma C lu o would diecusa with Hungarian They would be subject to "g e n e ^ Armour III r , United niumlnsting Company re­ live together, all creeds, colors, and ■iCm -.$PKlNfifl£lD COLLCteX c r a o u a i c d p r o m - could cooperate best with the states will not be preaent. She la In Seat the western hemisphere you do so ol ■ There was no f^irther announce­ It wail i^a'ln'^-lh^t tha neit few ' the B u ^ a ^ •hom2” «nitoi; Federal Judge Con^ering and the Gulf Refining Company . In strengthening administration of tie for a birthday visit to a grand- your own peril.” will bn looked to for the amount, days would he entirely tatlon. the same as any rrenchman. Aviation Oirp,...... meeting today that an auditors' ex­ FIneat BxpreeMlon Of .\mrricMilaro Reports were current aa Parilv Caaky on their state visit to Rome, Aa a step in that direction, the Baldwin CT ...... panies agreed late last night to the. assistant ■ Joseph J. Canavan, chalrjilan of pmaehad by the towx as being the ez|>ected until after another session cu'n tnlkn with Von Rlbtwntmp. amination of the accounts of his. "The American red cross Is the Petition Contending Sen­ scour gxgcimvg (tn8 wavering In her original stand Recreation sought by the union to safeguard chalrma/ln charge of arrangements ning, April 18 from 7 to 9 p. m. to representatives of union members St St. Poelten and Krems, / limt no Itii.-^slnn tnmps would be The premier recalled that his Dll Pont -...... to United llUimlnatlng'B directors er Crops Besides Tobacco ih maintained by the rallroaVNow, Local Stocks Its own exiatence. IN STATE SHOW DROP In Worcester, Fall River, New Bed- | Resuming Did Tradllinn - / permitted on her soil even In an uncle, Cdtint Sandor Teleky had Eastman Kodak an estimated 8245.000 In real and for th^atlonal convention the Son* preWew the marvelous assortment of It eras said, use In passing la a right "To have given In further to the of th* American Revolution will ford, . Springfield. Provl- I Tile German fleet's spring riicr- cnicigcncy to defend her western fought for "liberty and unity" of Elec Auto Lite ..., personal property. Including "Kraft- operatora," he said, "would have M tha town, but/upkee'p la the dir dence, Hartford, Bridgeport and | Italy In the army of Garibaldi. He Furnished by Putnam and Co. Gen Elec ...... wood." his North Haven estate. Center Items Washington, April 18.—(AP) — hol/here May 28 to 31. said today specials available in America’s great­ M tba railroad. To rebuild the i lsea off the Atlantic• roast oLKpaln (ronllers against aggression. Walv- meant the dissolution of the union sudden orders transferring much Hartford. April 18—(A P )— The Tfew Havan, all of whom balloted were days. 76 reported a week ago. Daeaa, Columbia, Braaawtrk room aatd there was little poaalhlM- tional jmuBtlon. official circles quartera said. posed by Mr. Roosevelt was not Conn. General ...... 24 M Mont Ward .... ■ -X- Blaine Wagner, Dallas high school the FrimkUn room at 6 o'clock. , Gulf district of the National Marl Na.«h Kelv ...... time Union (CTO), on atrtke agslnot tobacco growers. Vocation ty that the strike would be 'put In zed that plana for the ex- It had been expected the agree- peace with Justice hut merely a Hartford F ir e ...... 69 sophomore, thinks life begins before The small gym will be open from Capone's Chicago laa-yer, Abraham force again. \ : ment with Turkey—bringing to six Nat BUc ___ _ oil companies aald between 600 qnd Quotas may be on any of had been In preparation for plan to continue existing "Injus­ Hartford Steam Boiler 52 fifteen. She haa medals fur tennts, 5 to 7 for handball. Teltelbaum, contends hla 11 - year tha flve crop* w h ^ the time. I the number of:4iationa hound In' the National F ire '...... 55 Nat Cash Reg .. swimming, toe dancing, tight nire The Junior hpys room will be from 700 m^n were, prepared to begin estimated R. S. Potterton tices.'* Nat Dairy ..... Sentence for liicome tax evasion be­ picketing filling stations • of the (upply reacbe* / prioe depressing TO RBa^lMC NBOOTIA'nONS ./•uermany was aald to have In- , bloc to halt expansion of the Rome- Phoenix ■...... 69 walking and rifla marksmanship.' 6 to 9 o'clock.' . gan In Chicago, Oct. 24, 1931, and A t Ifee Caater ON Mate St. Boston. April It.— (A P )—Saak' ! Ri-rlin Bxia-rwould be announced tb- Diplomatic circlea thought It Nat D U tlll____ affected companies In New Orleans. level and whemTarmcra. In a refer­ d^med’ Parle and London, In ac- Travelers -...... 42(1 The senior basketball league «1th allowances for good behavior, endum, ep p rive th* restriction by a ing an early aettlament of a w ^ cort^nce with international custom, , day. But some members of the likely Hungary might be a partner N Y Central ... The Cathedral of Ckilogne, the He aald the Standard Oil 0>m In the next move of the axis powers. games will be' as follows: he should have been released two-thirds rajortty of tboas vothig. and oontitut dispute Involving 2, of thS^ forthcoming Naval games. , British cahinet were aald to believe NY NH and H . capital of the Rhineland, took five pany'a tanker, the Elisha Welker, They pointed out that Hungary Conn. Lt. and Pow. 52 7:30—Onter Billiards vs. Pa- Match 12. A natlonaLtnarketing quota U fixed fuel truck d (Sixteen French warship were It would be better to wait until Rua- North Am ____ hundred yeara to complete. The ganl's Barbers. would be struck ak soon aa it gave Germany support while the Conn. Pow...... y< '.. <4>z Maurice Norcop, deputy United reached Baton Rouge, some time to r the crop and Indivl^al allot- and their employtrs, stats officials conrentraled at or near Gibraltar ala says speciflclally what she Is Packard ...... flniahing towers were built In 1880. ' 8:30—P.A.A.C vs. West Sides. Nazis recently were negotiating HarUord Elec. LtT ... 61 Param Piet ... .States attorney, aigued Capone'S menta assigned farmers A s the basis SAVE MONEY prepared today to resuin^ peacs while virtuatty the entire British willing to do. term did not begin until he was negotiations with rapruaqtaUvas of their new trade agreement with Illuminating She...... 53 Penn ...... e .Gulf district of the union ex- of the/ post production. PaaalUe* /i/cy -/ Medlterrancan\fleet was massed Great Britain and France already Hartford Gaa...... 32 An average ton of cottonseed WEST BIDE placed in the Atlanta Federal prison are /imposed for selling beyond both groups. / around Malta. Brdh Gibraltar and Rumania- Hungary maasing almost Phelps Dodga . da from EJorida to Texas. have agreed to defend the Independ­ hnlf s milllDn soldiers on the Ruma­ So. New E»lg. Tel. Co. 145 yields approximately 311 pounds of Today: May 4. 1932, and that he Is not en-. qur Elsmond Doherty, coimsal for tha Malta are British N|ival bases). ence of Poland, Greece and Ru­ Phil P e t e ...... crude oil, 906 pounds of cake or nian frontier. Weatei fMass...... 30 Pub Serv N J . 6:00 to 7:00—Junior basketball titled to freedom until Nov. 19. Penalties Imposed Knst Year drivers' imton ( A F I ^ aald at the Edilortals H c ^ fu l mania. meal, 520 pound* of hull* and 143 practice in the gym. WOLXD USB OLD DRESSES Owes Territory To Support IndustrUI Radip ...... 8Z0.000 or Fine IJnpsId ./Officials said several thousand i h i fu d n f conclusion of yestojiday's oonfaranca Meanwhile the front pages of the . Envoy Iim\-ea For Moscow pound* of llnters. 7:30 to 9:00—Junior ping pong liars In penalties were imposed on c Wire ...... 24 Rem Rand .).. . He. argued ^lao that Capone' la that tha fuel oil and gasoline emer­ newspapers continued to xe domi­ "The SoN-tet ambaasador, Ivan The Hungarian government was and pool. due 1,200 days off fo r’"good Ume" . Warsaw, April 18.— (A P ) tobaixo farmers last . y*ar. This REFRIGERATOR gency resultlng/from tha dispute said to concede that Hungary ow «i m. Hardware ...... - 20 > Republic Steel nated by scornful cdllorlalsN:eJccl- Maisky. left for Moscow by plane Rey Tob B ... 7:30 to 10:00—Badminton in the Instead of the 1,320 claimed by Tel­ housemaid has launched a cam;, money waa held in escrow pending had been ended and announced that Ing President Booaevelt'a appent-and today to report to the soviet com­ her Riithenlan (Carpstho-Ukralne Arrow H and H, Com. 30 for all Polish .brides to be marrii the Supreme court's declaloiL Billings and Spcnccr. 3< Safeway Stores gym for men. - telbaum, and pointed out that |20,- several mator concerns, not previ­ concerned with the Fuehrer s d«d- missar uf foreign affairs, Maxim and Slovak terirltortal gains In /h e 8:00 to 10:00—Two bowling alley* 000 of hla 150,000 fine remains un­ dresses they already have am Flue-cured tobacco grower* failed ously b o i^ by contracts, were op- dismemberment of Czechosl/fakla Bristol Brass...... 30 Sears Roebuck SHOPS AND SAVES! Mon to answer It before the llclch^ JJtvlnoff, oh his conversations with Shell Union ... reaerved for Swedish girls. paid. ■ nate the cost of new gowns to cast the necessary majority In a e > £ N S O N eratlngy"^ to the support of Germany and' Colt's Pat. Firearms. 79 national defense fund. Newspapers fUWNiTUKf 6 WADIO CO. "•"K- the foreign sferetary. Viscount Socony Vac ... 6:00 to 10:00—Two bowling alleys Should , Capone take a pauper's referendum last winter on whether WHEN ALL AMERICA ■ / ———. I . .... Italy. Eagle Lock ...... 9 have lent support. Rings, bracelets, they wanted quotas in effect thl* The Indiislrlnllst newspaper HalL(u. Fafnlr Bearing ...... 90 South P a O ___ open. oath, he could compensate for the 7 M/kipg '.IMM? Deutsche Allgemelne Zeltuiig de­ TutHlsh Ambassador Tewfik Moreover. Hunger}- Imi unsetUeM M*N«MB*Tltll___ unpaid protion of the fine by serv­ pins and other family Jmvelry al­ year. \ Oittun farmers, however, ap­ territorial claims on/Yugoslavla. Gray Jel Pay Station 8 South Rwy ... voted two front page columns to an Rushdir\ArBs conferred with For­ St Brands .... TODAY and wHtO. ing an additional 30 days. ready are coming in /howeri proved sales limitation for tbelr 1939 M F . WAUGH TO SPEAK II Popolo D 'lta ^ a article de­ Hart and OKiley .... 90 government coffers./ Tomorrow, crop, c St Oil C a l---- BAN ON PHOTOGRAPHS Island Federal prison near here from "We deny thn'Prealdent any right nate their receipts. month whether a marketing quota BEFORE G .0L WOMEN came of them" under the "dictated don, Nicolsa ^omtchlloff, left for New Brlti Mach., (Torn. 22 St on N J ___ W O M E N . . . Alcatraz prison Jan. 20. peace of- Versailles" Sofia for consiiltkt|ons with hU) gov­ to Intervene In European questions Tex Oorp ..... Judge Hollser la scheduled to rule because hla country ta not dilrectly do., pfd...... ’ 95 WITHOUT MEN! DURING CELEBRATION This parallel between Wilson and ernment. It was understood In In­ North and Judd...... 22 ■ Trana America oh the petition this week. We«k voluk* or# Montab«#ry Roosevelt waa typical of the press Interested and because ho personal­ strange Secreto f)pa« Local OrganlBttion To Gather formed quarters that\Turkey has PacH, Stow A Wilcox 5 Unl6n Carbide ...... TIW M a h i e u V comment. ly him not the slightest clalB) to as- Union Pac ...... 86H Door* Barred to the Berlin., AprU 18— (A P )—A bon on ... .‘’.^ X r l Com# to Wqrds wHy- been trying to get-'BuIkqftk Ifito > ■ilmlng the role of friendly and Im­ Ruaaell Mfg. C o .___ 19 Rest of the World! 18S Spruce S t m t At The Y. M. C. A. Tomor­ Hitler's newspaper, Voeikiacher solid Balkan bloc. Scovln Mfg, <3o...... 191 Unit Aircraft ... • ... photographs of troops or equipment row Evening. 'Baobschter, carried editorials under partial mediator.'-' Thus, almost all the lro_nlkutant Silex Co...... II Unit Qorp-...... during the Hitler birthday celebra­ y, M, C. A. Notes headlines like "The Rest Aim of the The newspaper aald the \ Presi­ Unit Gaa Imp ...... ,^ 1 1 * 4 tion TTiursday was taken'today to Flavor that Satisfies conversations about enlargingn g ^ t - dent's meaaaga Waa unworthy of Stanley Worka ...... 34 ^ P R I S O N Every Day ©U the Week Encirclement Stateglsto." and "They U S Itubber., , . . , 83% indioate that a surprise might In Today: * Professor Albert E. Waugb o f aln's grand alliance moved Ifitp serious consideration and wou\d get do., pfd...... 26 WITHOUT Money ^yitig Regular Would Lika to Disarm Germany Torrington ...... 22< U S S teel...... I/. 45%. store for the foreign military at­ 6:00—Volleyball period for the ConnepUcut Stats Uollega at Storrs Again Just as In VeraaiUea." eastern and southeastern Europe. tha response It deserves.' PHcea Vaeder Root 88 Vick Chem ...... 36% taches who will be ''guests at the Gra "Y"s, Uve “Y"r*, "Y” Juniors, will addreps tha masting of the ■ The Morgenpost said "Roosevelt Soviet Russia's participation waa 17% BARS' New T o ^ Banka Western Union .. military review, which Is part o t the and "Y ” Glrla- On Qufiiity Grocerien Manebestar Republican Women's wants to- create a second Ver­ aald in diplomatic quartera to have West El and Mfg 87% With SaUI I4e Solo Moo’s 9 (o association tomorrow evening ,zl 8 Bank of New York 400 430, program. 7:30-10:00--The Executive Coni- C— --- 1 1 sailles." been aecurad already to the extent Woolworth .... 41% Cortane Lochsire Longwoor ^«aNvonicQ o'clock, at the Y. M. C. A. Profaa- that the Sdviet had prbmiaed Brit­ FRENCH DEFENSES Bankers Truat ___ . 48 so During a review when Regent reittee of the Mothers’ Club will OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER! Much Space To Birthday [ Elec Bond and Sharq (Curb) 7% meet with Mrs. O'Malley, president, Raisin Cereal, sor Waugb IS an. outstanding mem­ ain and FrancF^at least material Central Hanover . . 88% 91% PLUS . . “BOY Admiral .Nicholas Horthy of Hun­ Fin* Sliaab Dm m SIiMi Apart from the . anU-Rooaevek Cltaae ,-t...... 39 31 gary visited here last August, the In the second floor spclal room. '■ » > 26clpkg...... ber of the Republican party. campaign tha papers gave much aid" In event they were drawn i f a TROUBLE” Fv8 FaM oesJ Sheeret 2 Y e TO BE STRONGER Chemleal ...... 44% 48% surprise was a group of 16-lnch 7:30—South Methodist Bowling Mrs. George F. Borat, vies presi­ ajpacee to prapzrztlonl for Hitler's war In thalr afforis to atop aggi^- SAuni dent win preside In tba absanca la City ...... 33% 84% STARTS THURSDAY. howitsers, the biggest ever seen In League wlU bowl their final games \ K ello g g ’* Doth.. birthday mi Thurzday. akm. at the “Y " tonight 7 4 ' 8 4 " Washington. D. C. of President Mtsa (OsMlmad froai OM.I Continental ...... 11% 18% TOMORROW CLAUDETTE OOLBEET Oermany. S a l e ! 5 5 c All-Bran, 2Kc pkg. I V C Hapa were published of a five- Rsasaored By Raporta Com BUehanga . . S e re l i % t Sturdy, *aoy flav* •atra nowl 89% wktieh- Laura House.'. Tbia is one of tha Meanwhile, Britons were reassur­ . 51% 88% T k t« BaiMay In “MniNIGHT* Private airplane* were forbidden mils flag-bedecked and pvlon-llned Flrat NaUqnai ... 1870 1730 CldUfornla produced 1,397,011 maalins ia th* 81x99/ Stoeft CntfoUl NewjpattonMb two evening roeetlnga planned dur­ ed by reports of the country's pre- supply of armb mutilUefu and other to fly over Berlin between 7 p.m. C M f f o n s ^ t c h Ham, ing the season ao that man may ba route where Berliners could gather Ouaranto Trust .. . 343 . 880 Wednesday and 8 p.m. Thursday and ounces pf gold In 1938, leading all 8*W » « oeoo*. 42xM I whltea: WUtproof coUarat I to sea the Reich's biggest military paredAeas. war material. / the atatSs of the union. Th« gold TEA machine slliced, m « « able to attend. Irving ‘Truat...... 0 11 warning was given that antl-alr- -' parade In history. Close to Italy's "tot," tb# British Supplamentary deciaaa ware eoil' waa worth 843,895,400. shr cemed with Inereaalng importa, Manufact. Truat .. . 35% 87% Craft guns would be on guard. Com­ "W erSW eek lb...... L ... 4 d tC All traffic except pedestrian fflU Mediterranean fleet waa osaemblad allOe PMm cal 30JEI particularly of mllitai^ suppUsa Manhattan ...... 18 17 »»A Y . WEDNESDAY mercial lineri* wlU be able to .ap­ O e lrl I ba barred In - an approximately at or near Malta and at other bases N. T.'Triiat ______. 99 103 Moieariiad Quaker Oats, large fam-i? thrae-aquare-mUa area . to permit In the eastern Mediterranean. such aa otl. ' " . proach Tcmplehof airport only from Cortobi BRIDGEPORT A i hiST Other decreea indicated the gov­ PubUc National , 36 38 T H E NEW the south. ' . Colloii AnkloM ily size 17' 45,000 soldiers and tanks, artillery, Sixteen French warahipa guarded Title Guarantee .. . , 4 5 First quality ringlasa; all silk. Motariab ernment was partlcalarly concerned Tbs f**t are lUIe reinforced armored cars and other war equip- the western Inlet to the eea at U. 8. Trust ...... 1870. 1630 pukagf .. I / C WOULD BAR BERWOIL mant to line up for the march past Gibraltari or patrolled the Gibraltar with tha coloidal situation. One au- V t * / tor *stra wear! New color* for Hitler and bis distinguished guests. ■trait. . thoriied an Jncraaae in the power of % CIRCLE . 8 * yonr now cloth**. Ssrvic* Jack Frost Sugar, Hiirried dafenae measures on the France's great “propaganda" radio A Thought weight, too). Fbllowing tha lead of Manches­ Field Marshal Hermann WllbMin SUPER GIANT SHOW! 3 po/r. te r tS e l Porky striped 6-lb. bag rr." ; Goarlng, who la en routs to Berlin "rock" iteelf had been taken by station at Tunis. •,'SaS:ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT 3Sc 1* an it tak** to maks « 2 5 e ter veterans' A»TanlzatlOiM which British soldiers following reports of At tha sama tima the governors of A Uttle wkUe, afld y « shon xat iociM, oth*r* plain «nth mora pair of curtain* I Popolar m 8« have already forwarded to the Con­ from hla vacation and visit to Pr«- PREPARE TO LEAVE atripea on the coffsl 7 to 10^. Native Fresh Eggs, mler Mussolini, published a blrth-^ Spanish troop movements near the important central African colonlas aee ow; aad mgmlm, 'm BMe w klK Urns; monycolorsl 39-43'width necticut congressional delegation oxd ye iriiall sea me, became I go To Get Your Tickets For The large size, 7 A . day. appeal to the Army in which he boundary. Were shifted about with the Repub­ and federal officials a patitlnn pro­ Britons also . were contorted by lican commlsstoner of Cameroon be­ ASFLOODNEARS to tka ra ther. Jeha 16:16. testing the admlaalon to-thia coun­ said, "The Fuehrer knows that we dozen ...... d f e l f C ata blindly devoted to him. ' The the government's announcement It ing named governor general of A IIO u r5 9 el R*B«lar39t try of draft dodger Grover C. Ber- Pattent waiting ia often Uia high- Drawing Of. The Fuehrer knows that the German .had a plan ready for the complete French Equatorial Africa. Cotton Ivory Flakes, doll. members of Bronsoa-Hawijty handling of wartime food auppilea. (OoaMaaad from Page One) sat way of doing Ood'a arlU.—Ool- Wordeiown Post, American Legion, of Bridge­ Ahny la ready,to march any time." Forbids FOrrign ErnMema ALSO! **Se« ef i SPEQkL FOR WARD WEEK! 26c p k g...... Food fbinmltlaea NamM Ektrlier in the day CJolonlal Minu­ Ber. Ffodu Yard Good* 21 port. last night unanimously passed Offlcera of 1,400 local food- com­ over their banks. Telephone lines c ter Oeorgda Mnndel Issued a decrea were damaged and the first floor of a resolution opposing the return of mittees have been appointed, R was BAITO FUNERAL HELD Maun YaeSwfe20%^ Bab-0, Bergdoll. OPPOSING FORGES forbidding importntlon. manufac­ tha city hospital at Weaton in cen­ announced, apd supplied with 19,- ture, sale, dUtribuUcM or avan ex­ 4 8 1 can . . . l O i Coplese of the';Uaachastar peti­ 000,000 appltcaUpn forma and 60,- tral West Virginia was avaeqatad Tokyo, April 18— (A P )—Funeral tion have been despatched to aUta hibition of any aMrchsndiaa unrkad aa ths woat fork of tha Nowl Yea can sav* mora than Idsol for wail to wall covop- TUG AT BALKANS 000,000 ration.cards. "with foreign poUUeal ambUma.** aervlcea were held at Hongajl Bud­ S l l v a J j d a s Baker’a Baking Chocolate, -officials of tha various vatarana' or- At a moment's notice, ft was said, beta river roae to the hlghaat asant Purchased From and Now On Display at V . OTwl Naw.printai Badtfaig ingi Boksd •namal eertSee ganlzatloaa la ConnaeU^t. and It Tha decree referred eapeciaUy to elnc* 1888. FamiHee started mev- dhist tamjUe today for Hlroohl fp r i^ *tyl(M. Tnblast 13-53. elaans aasUyl 6 and 9 ft. 'wido. the government could start acUr.-; the former (Serman omonlaa of Togo- TONIGHT Balto, former Jepeaeee ambaaaador H'Pound IC - la expected that other groups will (Onttanad from Page oee.) aa head-buyer, controlling prices to ing back into their homea after the And ToRiorrow N l(ht B r o a d c l o t h p a c k a g e ...... I S C oppose the return of Bergdoll, who land and Cameroon which Franca flash flood paaaed. to tha United States. United BUtea eliminate profiteers. Ambaaaador Joseph C. Grew, in on fled to Germany ratlMr than servo a holds under mandate. Portsmouth, O., where a flood Salat Ww dttSc Woilli SlSJO tary understanding- between the Tha British preaa carried displays The official communique after the ■odreaa, praiaed Salto's efforts in HSgelfty 70c Criaco or Spry, prison term aa a result of hla alaek- states. 6f ]^cturea as tha government preea- wallt protects the d ty to 68 fOet, Depot Square Garaqe ar conviction. cabinet meeting made no asentlOB oS was cut off from tranaportatloa fa- bdialf of Mendahlp between Japan Satin Strip# tteirreS m A H W o ^ ,9 x1t 1-lb. can ...... At ahy rata, Tugoslavla hoped to ed its recruiting drives for the t«r- * special aeriet of 20 Hnanctol da- and the United States. 8 ! dear up questions arising from tha ritOTala (corresponding to ths Itaft- eilltiaa with tha exoeptiaa of two Rayon Undio* BWHOF DfPItOVINO craaa about which Daliadlar gad roads. A creat of 06 fast was Tak* advaaiag* e f AaMrica’* H.-0. Qdick Oata, Italian occupation of Albania, her ad States National Guard), tha tegu­ Flnanoa MlnUtar Paul Raynaud And 9 Other yulauM o Prises l ^ neighbor, which placed her in the lar Army and for nurses. foraeast by weathermen' tber*. AEBBanCD FOE MUEDEB noatost aait to . sov* oafraf package U ...... Hartfdrd, April 18. — (A F ) position of being between Gennan ware understood to have baen con­ LandaUdea which wracked flve Tetrified Forest* 'Sturdy cottons in aolid colors Even pigeons were being praaaed 1 8 " * 5 “ Mahrica F. McAullffa. head and Italian territories and facing ferring during the last aevaral days. homaa and damaged seorea o f othara Madrid, AprU 1» — (A P ) — Jose In Connection With the Building Fond Campaign of or prints. Economical 36 in. of the Hartford dlaeass, probably Into the preparednesa camfialgn aa Inelutton of Russia waa expactad blocked the Otmdnt mn-raaiat. tricot knit, Chooae'fron tha wMast aiaorV an Adriatic: aea\ now dominated by authorltlea atmounced they wanted Graiireemlp-Vaneeburg, Cuenca, who ts aUeged by NaUonal- width. Ward Waak-oaly valnsi wlU to dlachargsd from BL ftancia'a Italy. ' by informed obaervers to bo an­ Ky.. audn high'»w*y. Ista to have boasted of signing the ■atiawtrip* britfs and pantl**. m*nt of pattorna and colors im hospital within two waeka. It waa 500,000 -birds for mSasenger work. nounced at least before the Reich­ Prtssntsd By Ths Community Playors Woman'*. Also novelty fabric*. town! Deep, all woo! pttol Planes continued to patrol .the The rate of tha 'Ohio'a riaa slowed death oentences of 880 rlgktlsU dur­ reported today. Bishop MeAulUfa :CK LONGER stag speech of Chaneeller Hitler appreciably from East Livanioel, O., ing the dvU arar, was arreatad today TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM satared tha hospital. April 7. Rla eaet coast nightly to give warning AprU 28 when ha answara tba panes to (BnelnnaU.' W hiton M em oriol ^Auditorium r :i. In avert of any surpriea attack, and U> the goremment’s roundup of BrawahUt Ska* Store Wortoe Ska* State condition today waa nported aa London. AprU 18 i— (A P I— Bx- propoaala of Prosidant Rooaavalt ICortaiR A t 8:S0 USE WARDS good and ateadUy improving. Royal Air Force bomber pilots were nunwroua persons wonted on Bwaock Brathef* Fradte*a Aflpanl Shofl . XBrttUh news Sltnnttan MOI AeMa charge* o t muider and robbery. OarroO Cot Ro«* reported to; be eleeping beetde their Daaptta tha "Rooaavalt tntsituda** Tha Rov. J. W. E. Alrey, chap- JaEa deastliy State SUbtes CM kkw O*. BUDGET PLAN ON etaated by latuiday's maaeaga by laia oC Natloaal lYosttozaasaa'a Oeatial Sanrie* Stattoa Mariaw** RIckeigd SlaM ExoeaolTe speed Is the chief caose ^ W ta d Mataa praMdant propea- M % MddAc# sftdla e t McM*r% SaMfc* Shop WajrMde rVieNera W E E K a Tickets On Sale A t Door\ o f hlfhway accidanta la Texaa, ata- Ostaff* INITIAL PURCHASES .M0\KJ0>ii:iiY w\n * fleger beeee fceaa the eoOao- FMblle Morirnt Wltri i i Dteae Ska* Of Major ,«ordM -W. Uns, 4 «e. tl*ttcs e f tha DapsrtaNat e f PubUe Seal Yetree s s ts tf Isdlest** O F I ie.00(m BIDRE 824-^8 M A IN ^ T E L . 5 1 8 1 * \

f ■ ^ • MANCHESTER EVENLVG HERALD.^ MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAT. APRIL 18.1939 r PAGE FIVE PAGE FOUIt MANCHEffTER EVEI«^G HERALD, BIANCHESTSR, OONH. TUESDAT, APRIL 18.198» O'Brien, former publisher, becomes' will be covered. In Wisconsin two- glera ttarouBh ^ tha requlrtnB of B gethar ahocklng to ] cooBarvativs SERIAL STORY 7 PHOTOGRAPHERS NEW CORPORATION WILL executive editor. New director!-In-■ ECLIPSEOFSUN flftbs. and In New Y'ork one-flfth. SUmiER RESORT FALLS ‘ rathar nomlBai Ucanaa faa, lU ac­ Anwrlcaaa. It wUl alao maka it juat elude O Brten. Johnson. 1/eonsrd ' Texas also will have a one-flfth Wheeler, Jr.. (.Jeorge N, Roberts about Impoaatbla for eartaln cla- eclipse. In the Carolinaa only about tivity waa luatlflabla and benellclaL DAILY RADIO PROGRAMS TAKE OVER TRANSCRIPT Francis B, l*othrop. Stafford John- j seven per cent of the sun's face will INTO JAPANESE HANDS But that waa a long time ago. menta to dlapoaa at fo r a l^ born la­ BORDER ADVENTURE GIVEN AP AWARDS son.and Thomas Allen. VISIBLE TOMORROW he covered. Itm rttis Xtrftlb Creditors will receive one-third of bor laadara Uka Harry Bridgaa hjr. Eclipse Hoars Near Noon n waa In tJie daya when It waa BY OREN ARNOLD 1*corvinaMT. laae. the stock In the new corporation j _ rpBUSBKD BI THK Invoking laws nevar Intended to ap-' NSA saavica. ino. 'VmitALD PRINTING COMrANT, INO raoognlaed that among; the people Plan Of Reorganization For and the paper will move to “ m(>dem i The eclipse hours for the central .9hanghal, April 18.— (A P ) — U BlaMlI iU M t of OonnccUcut there waa a certain ply to them. Botilon Newspaper .Approved premises:.’ m orf suited to ' eniclent i standard tim e Zone are 9:30 a. m. ling, famous missioDary sumnief r a MuabMtar. Cobb. publication," of the Dally Evening At No Point Will Mach More to 11:00 a. m. and for eastern stand­ ’ email proportion of peraoni who CAST o r CHABACTEBS Winners In First Annual Ex­ By Federal District Judge. sort In the mountains near Kht- m O M A S PERGUBON BETTY MANY JOBDAN—Prstty El Paso, but they orderea another Transcript. ard time l i :00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m .. 0«B«rBi had the Ashing mstlnct^wbo knew RATIONS meat. \ I kiong, feU into the hands of JapMK reaa<*4 O etsbo I. l i l t yiMing Border Patrol servtoe secto- WTIC Than Half Solar Body Be The center o f tbe eclipse wUl be­ Behind a glass o f Iced aguamiel WDRC hibit Sponsor^ In gin In the Aleutian talroda rod ' e#e today. 1 trout from a sucker and a baas Tha guna may not ba banging in tary, Boston. April 18.— (A P ) — A new VbMUIibB BT*n B**Bl«r— SHEBIDAN BTABB-^aadsotne —the strange sweet drink of Mexi­ Traveiera Broodcasttag Set'vwe. 236 Hartford, Cm ui. ISSO corporation, in which $2n0,0()0 of swing acroas Alaska at the latitude BiiB Roll4«)i> B nU rtl at (ha from a dace, and loved the woods co— Betty Mary looked at them In CZECHS TO COORDINATE The occupation. Japanese ssig^ Europe yet but the printing praasea BoiMcr Patrol oBIcer. Hartford, (Jooa. Eastern Mtaadard rime new capital will be invested, will be Covered By Moon. of Seward, crossing Dawson, the Offloa at ManehtfUr, Cana., aa end the Aelda, the roll of brown wa- exasperation, ilia U g boobe, trail­ Four New England States. was accompanied by little vtolanoa i« aaaa Hall Maetar ______are as btiay nrtth tha war aa-\any HOPE KILDARE—Starr's (sUow oejMw w . 1040 K. a -MJ H formed to take over tlio aaaeta of Klondike gold flelils, then out over aa 3,500 Chinese defenders escaped £ : tar over bouldara, tha odors and ing her like this! TheYd give her the Boston Transcript Company un­ the Arctic (x:ero. it will touch such battary la likely to ba'pretty aoon. olltoer, also a bachelor. away surely It they didn't stop IL Eoateni Staadard rime Tneeday, .April IS. INDEPENDENCE CROUPS through Japanese lines. •UBBCRIPTION RATBB _ „ LUIS BABBO—Mexloaa^ smng- der a plan qf reorganization ap­ Isolated areas aa Parry Island rod Taw hr MWI ...... u . . ‘l<** ' sounds of early spring—the kind u< Eighty million ration carda, print*, She wanted to throw something at P M I New York April IF^iAPl — A Reports concentlng-the colony of ftor. X Boston. April 18\— (A P ) — The proved by Judge Francis J. W. Ford Crocker Land, and end off the Arctic forel^ era were lacking In detalM Bar HoBtb br Hall ...... I ** people who / ought to go Ashing. them, or kick their shins. Tuesday, April 18 4:(X>— Highways to Health. ; paiitkl eiilp(*e of the sun will )>e vis­ ed'oa apedal paper to prevent names of seven New\England news­ in Federal District Court. Chicago, April 18.— (A P > Cre­ coast o f Rusats near the northern but It was bellaved all were safe. S f , T i: r ^ S . . ’ ¥ ; ; ; : : ” -...... -. . l» H —They ’tb had. „ a . m code. »« r They did not She pretended new concern with 4:15— A l Bernard's Merry 51 tn- Describing the plan as "fair and ation of a Ceechualnvaklan National ible In the northern United Statea Up of Nova Zembla. forgery, like swaepatakea - tlcketa, Yooterday: Once In gaarez, Bet­ her sketching pod, which she kept strel Men. paper photographers \wsre\were posted After the evacuation of 35 f(rr* gang up on one another. They did ty .Mary Ands exciteineat aplenty :0()—Backstage Wife equitable and feasible." Judge Ford . Council to coordinate movements : tomorrow forenoon. This central portion will be signers, 16 of them Americana, last MBMBBR OFTHB ASAOCIATBP have already been turned out and with her constantly now. Hastily the :1S— Stella Dallas. 4:45— Music Without Words. ‘ texlay aa winners In the ■Arst annual said It had been accepted by all for the restoration of Czechoslovak­ I Al no iHiInt will much more than annular, that ia. the edge of the sun PRESS r » t start tvooda Area. They did not whan she meeto and dances with drew lines of a dancing maiden, try­ 5:00 — Ad Liner — Dance December only a handful foreigners The Aaaoctaiae Press is •afilualralr are under lock and key all over :30— 'Vic rod Rade. Pt^-1 exhibition of pictures sp

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAI, AFRIL 18. 1939 P A G E f i v e : MANCHESTTEK CVBNIM ^KRALD. UANCHESTEB, OONM. TUESDAY. A F ^ 18,1939 \ P A G E F O U K O'Brien, former publisher, becomes win be covered. In Wisconsin exeeutl^ editor New director* in- glara Um>u||h tba requlrlnf of a gatbsr sbocklag to coosarvatlva NEW CORPORATION WILL ECLIPSE OF SUN Afths. and In New York one-AfUC SUMMER RESORT F A LU ‘ Tke Kioir Should Enjoy Meetingr the Dionne Quintui^ete SERIAL STORY' 7 PHOTOGRAPHERS ___ eliide/O'Brien. Johnson, I,eon*rd Texas also will hs\-e a one-Afth A u v l ^ i t t r rather nomlBal Ucanae fa*, ita ac­ Amaricans, it will also maks it'just eclipi*. In the Carnlinas only about tivity w ar juatlflabla and benefldaU about UnposMbla tor certain ele­ DAILY RADIO PROGRAMS TAKE OVER TRANSCRIPT : B. Ixjthrop. Stafford John- VISIBLE TOMORROW seven per <“ent of the sun's face w-OI 0 JAPANESE HANliS But that war a long Uine a|^. ments to dlspoaa'of foreign bom it- BORDER ADVENTURE GIVEN AP AWARDS n and Thomas Allen. be ctjvered. Brralb Creditors will receive one-third of EcUpae Hoars Near Noon It WBJ In the daya when It waa bor leaders Hke Harry Bridges by i .BD BT THE BY OREN ARNOLD Plan Of Reorganization P/r 1 ;‘rp\,l"r The eclipse hours for the central Shanghai, April 18.— (A P ) —Ha­ INO rcoognlaed that atnoog the people Invoking laws never Intended to ap­ r tn m A LD PI INO COUPA>!T. standard time zone are 9:30 a. m. II S tm t ply to them. Boston N ew sp a p er .Vpprpi'ed ■ premises" more suited to "elllrlent ling. farooiis miasioDary summer r*. II of OonnecUcut there waa a certain At No Point WiH Much More to 11:00 a. m. and for eastern otand- ^•t. Con*. Winners In First Annual Ex­ By Federal District Judge. , juibiicstion' of the Dally Evening sort in the mountains near fChi- TBOHn* t«RaUBOB amalt proportion of peraona who CAST or CHABACTEB8 E1 Paso, but they orderod another rranacrlpt. iard time 11:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. . BETTY MARY JORDAN—Pretty klang. fell into the hands of JapM* Oonarni Banncor had the Ashing instinct—who knew RATIONS 0Q6AI. Than Half Solar Body Be The center of the eclipse will be- ronn«*4 Oaiobor 1. tin yoong Border Patrol sarvica aecra- Behind a glass of Iced aguamiei WTIG> WDRC hibition Sponsored In Boston. April 18.— (A P ) — ,A new ' gin In - the Aleutian islands and eae today. • . ' s trout from a sucker and a base larr. Pakllakal Baara BatelafBotelnf esotpl The guns may'not he banging In — the strange sweet drink of Mexi­ Troveler* Brosdcaattng Servwe. -fU Hartford, Goon. ISM corporation. In which $20d.’000 of . swing setTSM Alaska at the latitude The (Mcupatlon. Japanese —ii|_ frpm a dace, and' loved the wooda SHERIDAN BTAEB— Handaome CZECHS TO COORDINATE of Seward, crossing Dawson, the ann Rolt^np*“ IMi Bntarol nl (ho Europe yet but th^ prlnllng preases co— Betty Mary looked at them in Hartford, Uooo. Eastern Standard Time new cnpltHl will be invested, will be Covered By Moon. was accompanied by l l t ^ vkilsoc* le* at MinehaiuK Conn., as Border Patrol oSloer. exasperation, ilie big boobs, trail­ Four New England States. Klondike gold Oelds. then out over and the Aelda, the roll of brown ant- are as busy iMtR tha war as any M,QM W. 1040 H. U H formed to take oyer the assets of aa 3,500 Chinese defender* -qaeapatf CUM Mall Haltar \ HOPE KIU>ARE—Starr's fellow ing her Uke thta! They'd glvd her the Boston Transcript Cortipany un­ the Arctic ocean. It will touch such through Japanese Itnea tar over boulders, the odors and Eaotern Standard Time INDEPENDENCE GROUPS ■UBBCRIPTIOM RATI battery la lUtoiy to be pretty soon. oSiecr, also a bachelor. away surely if they didn’t stop\lt. Tueaday, .April 18. der a plan of reorganization ap­ Isolated areiu aa Parry Island and Reports concerning the colon])! ' aeunds of early aprlng—the kind od New York. April I*.- -(APl / A Oaa Taai bp Mall ...... Eighty mlIjMin ration cards, print­ LCU BABBO—Mexleaa amiiK- She wanted to throw somathlng u P. M. Boston. April 18 —: (A P ) — TTie proved by Judge Francis J. W. Ford Crocker Land, and enit.off the Arctic foreigners were lacking In deUiL Par Monta bp Malt ..... 4:00—Highways to Health. Cliicago. April 18.— (A P I —Cre­ -partial eclipse of the sun will h^ vls- coast of Rtuuila' near the northern people who ought to go Ashing. ed on ^ 0 ^ papar to prevent f * « - them, or kick their shins. \ Tuesday, April 18 In Federal District Court. 1 but It was believed all were safe. t e a l* Ctfap ...... — ■ 4:15— A l Bernard's Merry Min­ names of seven New England news­ ation of a Czechoslovakian National ■ Ible In the northern Ignited State* I tip of Nova Zembla. OalWaraa On* Taar ...... They bad a code. They did oot She pretended ntw concern with P. M. Describing the plan as "fair and A fter the evoiniation of 35 for­ forgery, like sweepatakea tlckata, Yesterdoyi Once In Juarez, Bet­ her sketching pad. which ahe kept 4:00—Backstage Wife. strel Men. paper photographers were posted equitable and feasible," Judge Ford Council to coordinate movement!! , tomorrow (oreniwn. I This central portion w-in be [ran g up on one another. They did eigners, 16 o f them Americana, last MEMBER o r THE ASSOCIATED hava alraady been 'turhsd out and ty Mary Rads exetternent aplenty with her constantly now. Hastily she 4:18— Stella Dallas. 4:45^Music Wlfboul Words. today aa winner* In the Arst annual said it hsd been accepted by all for the restoration of Czechoslovak­ At no iKdnt will rniich more than )-(romilar. that Is. Ihd edge of the sun DMember only a handful forelgnore PRESS etart arooda A i^ . They did oot. whan she meeta and dances with 5:00 — Ad Liner — Dance Pro­ ia's Indepbnilence was planned today half the sun be covered by the niiwn. : will be seen all around the mbon. Tba Aaeoctatee Prasa ts Ascluslvalv . . __ __ a ^ underI lock and key all over drew lines of a dancing maldan. try­ 4:30— Vic and Sade. exhibition of pictures sp^sored by holders of secured claims which rrniained at the resort. SBtltlee to the CM el repoblieatlea , tak^ underadaed Aah. They were Lula Barro! ] ing to think .the afhUe. Hope and 4:45—Girl Alone. gram. member* of The Aasoclaj-M Pres* In hsve been allowed and "by holders by three natlon-wldr organizations, so that dark glnsses probably will ; The moon Is too far from Ihe earth The octnipotion of Kuling In no- ,<»rearest Britain, In preparation OHAP*I*EH X I 5:30 — Hartford Public School j The Slovak American Alliance. : he necessary'to see the eclipse. for tlie moon shadow- to completely ad all aawa diapatabss eradiiae te It the ■t de' gncrstlc aet of foil Sherry were eyeing her antiruy too 5:00—Dick Tracy. MaasachuaetU, New Hampshire. of 78 per cent of the amount of se­ wrise gave tb4 Invaders coromaad of or net etherwts* eraei(*e In tbi* ' • 7 against the food control regulations Youmi Messrs. S h e r l^ Starr u d u,, ,uues, they had 5:15— Your Family and Mine. Series. Rh(xle Island and Vermont at the cured claims Aled and allowed." Mhe Czech National Alliance and ' On the ra clfl( coast about half rover the sun. the Ltuhan mountains, where Ru­ paper and alee tba InesI nawa ppb. Imagli) ^le. ^ey raroa from Kildare, pals and fellow offt- to be put Into effect' ts soon aa the Hope plopped down just two tables away, .5:30—Jack Armstrong. 5:45—The Mighty Show. .ipring meeting yeaterday. RIcham N. Johnson, former direc­ i the Czech Catholic Alliance, repre- the sun will be covered by.the moon. ling la located, as large numbers of lUbae baraln. cers In the United State* Border During 1937 and 19.18 txmtsisna walk* n^lfe. (ley got along with dhe Just knew hom«thln|[ would •5:45— Little Orphan Annie. 6:00 — Esso Reporter — Newe. Robert .McLean, publisher of the tor of the Nslional Assorlstjon of , sentlng 1..100.000 Americans of II Is predict,-il riyiular .astronomy (Thlness troops remained entrenched All riabta et rspablleatloas et guns are heard. . - Patrol, theoretically were to have granted ten-year exemptions from aaaelai dleaaiebM h'erela are aUa ra­ Ut* ow neiV of weodloM and happen when Luis Barro came In. 6:00— News and Weather. Weather. Philadelphia Bulletin and prealdent Wool Manufacturers, becomes pres­ ' Czech snd Slovak de-went proposed iglves ihe lime as 6:4,1 a. m to 9:0(1 nearby. » Tha Instant that war starts, the gone to bed by 11 o'clock this nIghL 6:05—The World of Sports—Jack ident and business msnsger of lh(> Ijie selection of 10 members each ' s..m , raclili' time. luxes In new Industries hiilit at a' farms becai espcpt^ poat- 6:15— Baseball Scores, Racing Re­ of The AOsoclated Pres*, was guest I Kiuklang Is 135 mile* below Han­ plan la all food csippllaa for the gotten a good sleep and reported for Zalman. new corporation snd T.tncoln to serve on the council. In Idaho three:flffhs of the sun cost of $60,000,000. kow on the Yangtze river. Pall aarvtee ellaat af N. E A B«rr- Inga, left do' no bati^ tnadn no further official duty next morning. She alternately sipped her drink sults. and principal speaker at the meet­ Me laa kingdom, whether nstlv* or Import­ 6 30— Melodic Strings. Joyce All- 6:15— Howie Wing. ing. nulaance of thehtselvaStheii Actually they did nothing of Ibe and sketched. It helped cover her 6:30— Foundations of Democracy. Hanibtr Ameiicaa Nswananer Peb- ed, aill be purrbased by the govern­ Bort. feelings. She watched the Amerlc mand. contralto. Cash prize* from a fund esiab 6:48— Lowell fhomas. 7:00— Amos 'n' Andy. llahed by George F. Booth, publisher Ubbars Aaaoclatlon. Suddenly th^ atote's Aah and ment and tbs government alone. They trailed Betty Mary Instead eat chill and enchiladas. And 7:15—Jimmie Fidler. :00—Mr. District Attorney. of the Worcester Telegram-Gazette, Pablltaert RapraMnlallvM! Tbs game authority] det^oped Into a Wholesalers must get their supplies In their car until her taxi croseed walcbed the (red their atiff hats on her instantly and Smiled grandly. Grummlt. lot**' adeertlsements la tba Manrhaaier Goodman's orchestra. Spot newa pictures, tie between ^ C C "BenoriU!" )ie exclaimed. "1 .eras ieutM EeralA / of plndllng little trout Into t)ia workers who do --“strenuoua labor their heads, stalked back out to :30— Fibber McGee and Oimpsny 10:00— To be announced. George P. Cocaine, Worcester Tele­ their car, separated and went boms. afraid you might not- keep the ap­ :00— Variety ‘Program with Bob streams for “sportsmen" to -take shall have mofe to eat than darks 10:30—Cecelia (?lub. — Gordon gram-Gazette, with a Aood picture, TUESDAY, APRIL. 18 Normally they would have met pointment! I am so luckee! I do not Hope. out next day. It advertisedI Its and other rodenlnry workara. Noth- / . Stearns, conductor. and Stanley A. Bauman. Brockton at tbe office next morning at 8 deserve— " :S0—Uncle Ezra's Radio Station Enterprise, shot of a falling chim­ every move. It put the relatively All at once he stiffened, seemed to 10:45—American Viewpoints. so to ss we have seen, ts said o'clock. Next day, however, they E-Z-R-A. 11:00— E a s o Reporter — ney; feature pictures, William OUR WESTER.N W O ^to walked In before 1, not 10 minutes freeze there. He had seen the two worthless brown trout Into the bout how many crumpets a :45— Workers Ovhr Forty—Major Newa, weather. Melkle, Boston Traveler, a mother E apart. officers of the Border Patrol, recog­ Leonard J. Maloney. Now that President 'Roosevelt state's Isrger streams—to eat up 11:06— Red Norvo'a orcheatra. — and ten children; sports pictures, dav/dhae t ^ Duka of York may have, or "Coffee musts kept me awake," nizing them even though they were :00— News-and Weather. baa, by one dlplomatlr/ stroke ap- the spawm of the Incomparably bet­ 11:30— C^b CsUoWair'* orcheetra. Leslie Jones, Boston Herald, a base­ w mgny cups of tea will b* com­ Sheridan apologized, which both now out of tmlform. They had dress­ ;15— William A. Sheehan. 12:00— M att Malneck'a orcheatra. ball action picture. h c s t « * ] ptoarhlng genlua so arranged mat­ ter native Ash. It touted Ashing ing to Mr. chamberlain. men knew wasn't ao. ed In ordinary West Texas style, :20— Polish Orchestra. which included wide bats of tbe cow­ AM. Spot news. Bill Jeffrey, Salem ters that the ques^tlon of guilt of and Its merits till It captured ^Ke Perhapa before tha forthcoming "Me too,” agreed Hope. "Hardly ;S0— Ray Kinney’s Orchestra. boy type, common along the oorder. 12:30—Dick Barrie'a orcheatra. Evening Newa, Marblehead harbor the forthcomlng/krar cannot well Interest of thousands upon ^ o u - got a good cat nap." :00— Gene Kruppa'a Orchestra. ahlndy I* over the peopla of Britain They pretended all morning to be "Sit down, Don Luis!” Betty Mary :30— Ernie Holst’s Orchestra. at the height of the September hur­ I F l O t t * ^ pdague foUowlilg generations for a sands of men and boys w h X If left —and of a number of other Euro­ writing report*. Four time* they TomoiTew’e Prograin ricane; features, A. H. Moran, urged. "Certainly 1 kept the ap­ :55—Trans Radio Newrs. A.M. ■ / ' eaatury. wp haUeve the prepondar- to themai^lvea, would n ty ir In tha pean nations—will U k * It Into their asked the office seiu'etary If any pointment. How could I break a date :00 a. m.— Silent. ■ Haverhill Oasette, pals— Engllhli telephone calls had come for them. 7:00— Sboppara Spaetal. setter and red fox; sports, Melvin K j)wc* of oi^lon In ihla country la world have bothered afioiit angling wrlth yoliT And I have been quite Tomorrow's Prograio heads that certain very great per- "Wouldn't I have called you U 7:15— E I S O RapeReperte r — Jackson, Waltham News-Trlbum-. —who had no n a tii^ bent In that busy sketching, too. Look—I found that he should retire on hla laurels .oonages might not to have anything they bad?" she asked at last, sen­ News, weather. yquthful boxers. these two American ranchers— thej- 7:20— Shoppers Special. fBom all further aasoclatlon with direction. It njaUlplIed l|ie num­ at all to eat since It will have been sibly. "'I knew you were In the build­ so kindly agreed to pose for me. -Reveille with Jake and (^rl, guests. 7:55—E a s o Reporter — tba European oondict problem. ber of AahersXbd It did mighty their selAsh stupidity and dishon­ ing.” They are excellent facial types, and A t noon the two men'walked out­ 6:3lK-^raDcis J. Cronin, organist. Newa, weather. Bacauae, whatever happens in Uttls for n ^ r a l trout Ashing, only very cordial men. You should know 8:00— Sboppera Spedal. esty that has mad* all the bait- side and stared up at tha tall steel them. I wdll present them to you.” 8:55.\New'a. HEAVY EARTHSHOCK Buxopa, tha United BUtas has on substltuttiig therefor a a >nthetlc 8:30— E a s o Reporter — 3 tightening necessary. protection of tha canal even If it tower that rises, needle-Uke, I2U She left her chair and moved to 7:00—V oR d n g Watch, News, weather. this alda o f tha srater a )ob to do game of no worth. Impinged on Panama's sovereignty. feet above the bonk o f the Rio Hope and Sherry. 8:00—New*\and Weather. 8:35— Shoppers Special. that will raqutra all the effort of I)/1ioosle(l the cost of licenses *411 Under the proposed new treaty Grandq. Another border patrolman "Gentlemen." she resumed, quite 8:15— HI Bo: ROCKS TWO PROVINCES THE ItHE 9:00— Richard Maxwell. ANYBODY PAY HIM? Panama would act jointly with the In N e w Y o r k was up there In the tiny crow's neat, formally, "1 want you to meat my 8:80—Radio BSgaar. which this one nation o f oura la |i/la now more than tbra* Umas watching with strong ffeld glasses charming friend, Don LaiU Bairo. 8:45— Rhythm of. the Day 9:15— Home Folks Frolic. •apable. y what It originally waa. And It has When four men had to jump over­ U. 0: U the United BUtas pro­ 9:25— E a a o R e p o r t e r — Conaiderable Property Damase posed to Uke soma action all by to see anyone who might try to Don Luis, this is -Mr. Starr and Mr. 9:00—Bradley K l ^ d . W e are a strong nation and a ^ h produced these results: board from a burning pleasure boat By OBOBOE ROSS jbecauae many of them atsrted wade the river In daytime. He com- — mr.— I am .to srfrry, your name 9:1IL-Food Newrs. News, weather. In Chilean Area, But No lUsir which might "affect the terri­ 9:80—Girl Interne — Joyce'Jorlar «ne and numeroiui. But after all Nearly every decent trout stream off Dong Island on Sunday they tory” under Panama's jurisdiction, New York.—If Manhattan looked with that racy form of entertaln- anded a view for many miles, and has slipped me, air?" 9:80—Gretchen McMi Casualtiea In Early Reportn. hjid telephone down the tnforma- 9:45—'Hie Happy Ollmana. 9:45—Us on a Bus. the United States constitutes only In the state, has been leased and were saved by the skipper of a It ItR jst would be required under the Ilke the Houaa ot David for a while, ment. Max Gordon, for example, Hope and Sherry had been poised Uon If be saw aliens crossing. Radio like taut springs! Or like panthers 10:00—Central O ty. 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly tie trawler who hurried to their treaty to consult the Panama gov­ then It waa aU the doing of Orson used to be the press agent for one. .SanUago. Chile, AprU 18.— (A P ) • small paK of the wpn 1:30—Main Street, Hartford. ports of casualties reached Santi­ ritory. Our country occupies less Connecticut has been practically soon enough—and that would l « this country to hold on to lU pro­ him. won't be enough Czech exhibits to be. “ It Is so sweet to have all three 2:00—Varieties. ate supper together and still- faced 1:46— This Day is OurS; ago, tectorate over the republic, even But last week, "Five Kings" was fill the stnictiire. s. of you gentlemen together. Won’t 2:15— B(»k8— Sarah Wheeler, di­ than a twentieth part of the land ruined, save for the few who can the last he'd ever see of tha outAt. the problem of what next to do. 2:00— Doc Barclay’s Daughters. Telegraph lines between Santiago though everybody knows that there (»lled off for this season and the They hadn't spoken of It, even once, you let us move our, tables together rector. surface of the earth and our popu­ afford to Ash In preserved and The rig bad coat him fSOO; Three and—oh, waiter!—come, please, and 2:15— Life and Love o f Dr.. Susan. and COqiJimbo and other points in would not have been any republic ot boys sprinted to the barber shop. - U. S. May Get Lady Peel but the truth was that they were 2:30— News for Women Only. northern COlIe'- are not operated be­ lation Is not more than a twentieth guarded waters Perhaps It would hundred dollars la real money to help us make a little party' here. 2:30—American School of the Air. Panama If It had noi been for the "Twice over," was the (mmmand, That sleek young man who has miserable with concern for Betty 2:45— Meet Miss Julia. tween midnight and 8:30 a. m.. almost any Inshore trawler. Tbe Impatience of the U. 8. back In 1003 "right down to the skin!" been squiring Beatrice Lille about Now Mr. Kildare, 1 want to study 3:()0—The Story of Mary Marlin. 3:00—Women's National Radio of all men, women and children. have been ruined In any event by Mary, and each man knew it In hj* Committee program. On Jan. 24 a great area of south­ to gat a right of way without so town la her son. Robert Peel, who heart. They got In Hope's car after your proAle while you eat, but you 3:16— MS Perkins. Obviously, If we IVnegine that rb- the natural Increase In the number, men he saved had been In a tKyKK) Lula please just go right 3:S0— U. 8. Navy band. ern Chile was devastated by an much dilly-dallying with Colombia. 'Boundtahte Rambles came here on his seasonal vacation ed It westward wlthqut eo much aa a and Don 3:30—Pepper Young’s Family. aponclhlllty rests upon us tor the of anglers and stream pollution. pleasure boat We'd really' Ilka to on being sociablebie for it won't Intar- earthquake at a cost In lives esti­ Now that we hav* the canal, say . Fredric March has been noticing from school. He la scheduled to supper and Hope, at the wheel, turn- 3:46—The Guiding Light. fere at all! Not at all, there’s a dear. mated from 25,000 to 30,000. maintenance or creation o f decency But- It had leslated such InAuencea know whether anyone has thought some Army folk, It la foolish to let it, too — the sudden quiet that bss return to hla studies In Swltserland Nor was anythingJ t h w ‘ aiiirtsaid at all, there's a dear. hubm. You aU have clasalc fea- and humanity over all the area and pretty well for 200 years and ev^n about compensating Grosen for tne even good nelghtor treaties get In stilled Radio City. The new aliens late In April, but If the headlines about Betty when be rolled up on , , , makes the star of "The American W IU ASK APPROVAL among all the peoples of whom we a dozen years ago It was sWI pos­ loss of his nets, and, probably, a the way of Its protection. And since from Europe continue as menacing, theLh. bridgehriri.,. overo »«r the Rio Grande.r.randi. W ay" nervous as be paces,/ the his m oth ^ won't let him go. "Senores!” both men spoke, and vcloua Latin type, really you are! form so small a part, we confront anything that remotely ' smells of And see how Mr. Starr leans more TO SPEND LAST YEARS sible to And a good many wild na­ couple of days lost Ashing. wlnge, awaiting his cue. He.happily Just /before Mlse Lille came added a formal salute, when they danger to the canal—or danger to toward the Nordic, In the set of his OF CHARTER FROM A R ouraslves with a task so Impoaalble tive trout In Connecticut. But fir mleses the din and clatter which over from London to play In Noel slowed down to pass the Mexican the light to build a sister canal — eyes and nose? And such handsome RADIO ’’y accompimled the rasing of the CowSrd’s show, both she and her aa to be ridiculous. Fortunately, the take of ninety or a hundred mounU Into huge proportion these officers on guard at tbetr end of the AT GIRLHOOD HOME V- * Sixth Avenue ''L " and raised havoc Bpn had been fitted for gas masks. men! And all so hospitable! I beard ------— - Day Washington. April 18.—(A P ). - most of us are fully aware that thousand dollara In annual license daya. the treaty is being shunted bridge. It was a custom for officers a great deal about tbe southwesUrn aside for other matters. with a tense momenr.on'the stage. -And' she vowed then that If the of either country thus to pass back Eastern Steodard Homer Martin, president of an In­ such feaponalblllty resu on ua—and money the simrt has been touted The reason folk /oee the most European tension continued, she'd hospitality before I came, and now New York. ' April IS'"— (A P ) — Washington Lost- season It WuS reported out and forth, with mutual courtesy ex­ dependent United Auto Workers also that It we can bring security sophisticated of al)dwmen visit a settle down with her offspring I am enjoying It, dear, dear! Please Union, said today he would ask his A fter 40 years abroad, the Duchess aid advertlaed and boomed pracll- by the committee but the senate tended. The Mexican officials liked burlesque show j1ow> and t|>So is over here. go ahead and order our meal, Don New York, April 18.—The weekly executive board and membership de Talleyrand, .the former Ann(i and unity and abiding peace to the cally out of existence. Whereas It never acted on I t When the session to visit In America: the Americans Lula) I can stop and eat always, ha Daybook In Mexico. Both groups were known schedule for public television next week to approve his aciwptance Gould, a relgiilng soyiety beauty of Weatem Hemisphere we shall have Is very much to be suspected that If ended It went back to committee— hal” the "mauve decade," ha* decided to ‘ A y Prtttam Gra to one another anjrway. broadcasts Anally haa been outlined of an A F L charier. . dona a work without parallel In the the state had never put on this and there It lies and lies. She kept jabbering on gaily. Hope Martin received the charter from spend her declining yeara at Lynd- this helps, jbe one d*y period Is posure to sunshine would be of "Might atop up here on Clno de and Sherry swallowed hard, wearing at NBC. biStor>’ o f cfviUzatlon. show, and nevsr planted a hatchery not long enough for the greatest value. AFL President William Green yes­ bunt, her girlh(x>d home at Tarry- Waehtngtoh—8o much agitation Mayo street and get another cuppa expressions that suggested doom Besides two hours of studio pre­ town on the Hudson. But It U' pretty clear that we trout and never hollered to'“ every bene At tff be obtained -When'you (Fruit Jutcee and Horseradish) coffee," Sheridan suggested. "And terday subject to approval' o f his h^i ai|isen over Panama Ctonal pro­ was about to strike. But Don Lula sentations from 8 to 9 cm Wednes­ followers. The union lost the A F L The American heiress, daughter of really i^ h to try the fruit way to Question; Nora wants to luiow: l(X)]t around some." day and Friday nights, there wUl cannot carry. thU l^sa of l«>iatlon roan and boy and sports-inclined Barro. eyes narrowed, began to re­ charter when It joined the CIO in Jay Gould, tbe financier and rail­ ★ SAVgS TIME tection In these trying times that Health and Diet beauty, etick'with tbe fruit for Ave "Is there any reason why I should They still hadn't mentioned Betty be one or more pickups of outdoor to tbs axtram* of making it apply woman to hurry and get to - the lax In a delighted smile. Obviously 1036. Martin broke with the C^O road'titan, aroused widespread edi­ our "i)0od neighbor" trefity which days. Whan ustiM['ODly tha Juice not use fruit juices such as apple Mary. But ahe had been gone for he was thoroughly snjoylng the scenes on Wednesday, Thursday or p:-. only (to the United States and its several months ago and Anally or­ torial censure by marrying a poor itreams right behind the planting take one enema (Uilly. With the juice, orange Juice and grape juice ? almoat 34 hour* and that much time ■situation. V Friday aftenux>ns as weU as 23 surpendera some of our rights In the r 'whole fruit, enough bulk may be I am fond or all ot them hut my ganized his supporters into an Inde­ but titled foreigner. Count Bone de ^ SAVES rUEE people. We can have nb security trucka, the trout Ashing would still Republic of Panama may have to Advice can seem like a year. They ought (T o Be ConUnopd) hours of film transmissions a week. supplied s o . that the coIciH will folks tell me that drinking so much to have arranged for her to tele­ pendent UAW . » CasteUahe of Paris, in 1895 when she no guarantee of peace, no well-be­ he fairly decent In (>nnectlcut— remain in the pigeon hold o f the By D E FBAN H MeUOV The Alms will be sent Ave days, a cleanse ItseK without the enema. Juice will thin my blood. Also, is phone them or oomethlng every lit­ week In 10 minute periods at 15-' R. J, Thomas, president o f the waa 21. ing. limited to #Ur own territorial Senate Foreign Relatione Commit­ GlO-supported UAW , said In De­ for the relatlvely-few who wotild be INTERNAL CLEIANLINESS: it all right to use horseradish once' tle while, Hope was thinking. minute intervals. These periods In 1906 ahe obtained a divorce and ^ SAVES FOOD tee IndeAnitely. troit last night that the AFL "wlU borders. going trout Ashlifg not because it CABE OF THE COMPLEXION. This la very' Important tf tha skin In awhile?" They drove twice by the Mon­ NENZIES IS ASSURED will cover the hours~of 11 a. m. two years later married her former The treaty haa been In the hands Answer: The fruit juices are ben soon And plenty df reasons to re­ husband's cousin. Hell* de Talley- Wa cannot permit any political or W'as the thing-to do, but. because The real foundation o f a beauttfiil Is to retain Ita natural freabnesa tezuma Hotel am! taw no sign ot to 4 p. m. on Mondays, Tuesdays of the committee now for three skin Is health. , and yotithfulnesa. Ccmstlpatloo eActal and inasmuch as they provide her. They parked then and walked.. gret" Its acUon. He contended rand-Perigord, who 0(xm after be- undue economic intrusion on this they lovedJ i and It, came natural to and Thursdays and from 4 to 8 p. the AFL was 'trying to stir up years.: The State Department la The skin,. betiig''tonBtantly rebuilt may produce a muddy complexion, the blood with the minerals which up CIn.co de Mayo, thence over on­ OF SUCCEEDING LYONS m. on Wsdnesdays and Fridays. cam* the fifth Due de Talleyrand on side of either ocean, without lisklnK them. aiipiioi^ng it abd top hats of the from the inside, faithfully mirrors whereas proper'cleansing of the co­ It needs, they are, if anything to 16tli de Septlembre, looking ten­ troubls through a (Usimrded outcast the death of bie father. The opening broadcast, as has from our union. In an effort to un- the Europeanising or the AslatlClz- Anyhow the mob of license buy­ War .and Navy Departments have the Internal condition. When pa­ lon helps, the skin to stay clear. blood-builders. The horseradish tatively into every barroom, saloon, been announced, will be on' April spoken for it but some of the khaki may be used occasionally 'by tho.se dermlns the CIO." Ing of the Western Hemisphere— ers Is gelling mighty little for tU tients ask, me what to do to improve You must keep the colon clean for cafe, restaurant, hotel lobby, and Canberra, Australia, April 18. '30, starting at 13:30 p. m., mainly clgd warriors further down the line their (mmplexions I tell them the true akin beauty. Also stimulate In good health who enjoy the Aavor. curio store, two big American offi­ from the New Tdrk World's Fair. NEW ZEALAND PREMIER and continuing Into the far future, money. (A P )—The election of Robert Gor­ in the War Department hav* fought Qrst thing to do Is to Improve their the other channels ot elimination cers 'Well aware that many a man don Menzics as leader o f the United It wUI tncluds tha opening parade MaHchester women have found sbmethingr new under the su n ^ on another stage, the wretched ratthcatlon of the treaty -from the general health. In this manner; drink plenty of wa­ and woman who hated them were on Australia Party-, succeeding the late. and tha opening address ^ Preat- TROOPS ARE H U R R e j tragedy o f the Elastem world. hoglnnlng. ■ Whenever there Is an unattractive ter to stimulate the kidney elimina­ C im SERVICE EXAMS: the streets' at that hour. dant R ooM velt U ia Arst o f the APPEALS FOR DEFENSE s t r e c k e r Y. v s e Prime Minister Joseph A, Lyons, to­ M l something to rave over-^something that saves time and money— I f It must be by arms that wc Their spokesman in the foreign skin state. I usually And that the tio n ta k e deep breathing exercises Still searching, they turned Into day virtually assured his succeMion scheduled broadcasts thereafter will relations committee la Senator patient has been Indulging In faulty to stimulate lung ellmlnatloqL and The Palace o f the Sleeping Monk to the prime ministry. be on M ay 8.'.. ., i. TO PROTECT EUROPEANS preserve the freedom and security The United States Suptome Court TO n iL VACANT JOBS Wellington, N. Z„ AprU IS—TAP) I I I T I r I I I something to-make every meal a real pleasure to cook and a jo i Johnson of California. He U a i health habits. Correcting these bathe the entire J>ody each day to and all at once saw her! Sir Earle Page, deputy prim*, — Premier M. J. Savage appealed to o f tbik half Of the world, then we was not at all kind to the red-balt- fr-',- susiiietous that the present admin­ hidilts by putting better ones in aUmulate a bettor sUn ellmlaatlon. Sh* waa aitUng at a table alone minister, was sworn In to flu t-ff” " Tuning tonight; all meii up to the age of 50 today to to e a t -T H E N E W C P (Certifiejd Performance) GAS R A N G E . era when It ordered the diacharge lace of them will often produce, a Tbe two oSicara orlgbtenad instant­ ^ (d ia> W nnrsn>.amr- EAF-N BC —7:80__v- John T. 1 ^ Bombay. Indio, April 18— (A P )— I I I r 0 1 MAM C I must face that burden'—even If It istration Is trading awgy our essen­ When these four channels o f elim- H u: United state* civil Service office temporarily April. 7, the dag prepare to defend New Zealand In leaKhy skin—that Is, a skin which does mean an overwhelming naval fro'ni custody of Joseph G, Strecker, tial safety for a mees of good neigh:- inatiaa. at*- working- normally, the Commtaslon announces open com­ ly. -They stalked to another tabi* Lyona died ' ' comment; 8 Johnny Presents; 8:80 Tgoopa and police were hurried to-; event of war. ■ Is smooth, clear, Ane pored, satiny ■For Hen Only; 9:30 Holly RsturiM The aael «< CeilMIsil ysrioneaece ca e No wonder Manchestn* women are excited! The new CP GAS held under Labor Depwtment o*-. bor pottage'that he leaves no stone iv.sult Is inner cleanliness and this petitive examination tar Copper- nearby and aat'down, beckoning to Menzies is 44 years,bid, .tey to, the oil and mining town of “Then when the nation has Us force In both oceans a hundred am'.' possessed of a faintly rosy tint. ts reflected In a healthy skin. a waiter. They had eaten heartily In of Melbourne. to Fibber McGee; 10 Bob Hope. Dlgboii in Astam near the Burma Oss Maag* Maas I M H ■**!* *n 22 ders for deimrtalldn on the ground unturned If he, thinks there Is a amitb. 81.160, $1,056, f.996 an hour, tiack to the wall—perhapa Isolated' Ranges are newly designed from the ground up^ -The fore­ thousand planes, and a mlUtarU^ periwinkle under it which ought to O f ctnirse I can hot hope to pre- ADEQV»ATE (XEANSINO OF WABC-CBS—8 Edward O. Rob­ border, to protect European resi­ wbUeamieqiliaeealieetbyReAees- that he "had been a member of the icribe (or each reader who wiahre for fUling vacanclea In this poaltlon froro'the rest,of the world — wc nation before the wrar madness 61 be Investigated. ' ' THE SKIN: Keep the skin-surface inson; 8:30 Dick Powell party; 9 dents from any disorder £*. a steUis Icaa Oae NmorisBoa, ead wfcicb Asms- to Improve the skin, but I am able at the Navy Yard, Boston. Masaa- We l%e People; 0:30 Benny Good­ of native workers. would be able to feel that all are most range manufacturers pooled thei^ experience, knciwledge* the Eastern Hemisphere wears It- Communist party. eleani using plain warm water and to give you tome general rules a pure soap. ehuaetta. man Swing; 10:45 Southern Paper prepared to help." the premier said. Inee keaaewl»eieslJtheywaa4adla"lba Strecker came here from Aua- AeqalslUoa By Oondemoattoa Wives and ehUdrtn of the for­ ' aslf out, . which frequently prc^ce k more Appileanta must olww that tbay Festival. . "The day may coma a(x>ner Uum pesiaet saaga." C P O A S n a gasaM research departments and resouces to design and build a Range Under the treaty of 1903 ratlAed EXERCISE TO IMPROVE THE eigners ware eecorted Iqr police to But ll la-our unshaken conviction tiia In 1812 and about ten year* attrloctlve okbi. have completed a four-:year appren­ W JZ-NBC—7:15 Mr. Keen;-8:S0 nsorhy towns after authoriUes said we think when we may have, to go mada by lha isteaMil - t—^iiiwen 18 days after President Theodore CIRC ULATIO N : For a rosy skin. later was a Communist party mem­ Improve the general circulation by ticeship in the trade of Coppersmith.- Information lease; 9 Mary and Bob; they were threatened by strikers. to war.. It will be New Zealand's *a earieoe Rsjw and price* to your specifications. A 'minimum of 22 separate and distinct that whatever defense we have to Itoosevelt took Panama, as.he hlm- DIET: The diet ordinarily used have bad four years practical has a great deal to do with the vigorous exercise. • A good elriAilk- at ot 9:30 Doc Rockwell; 10 CW Tinney's Native oil workers walked out Job to Implement aa far as possible provide must be employed only for ber for qbolit three months. ' ■ fmlf put it. this country not only oh- experience In such trade, -the sub- the best means o f keptaig our snd skin. A d ift composed chledy of tion la the Arst law o f a 'baauttfui Iiderviews; 10:45 Rep. James E. April 3, demanding higher wages. L ib m tttl Time Saving—Fuel livin g—FV)od Saving features never before You can't, under the law, tlo a Ulhed rights to a 10-mlle atrtp da^enae—o f the Western Heml- heavy foods, or of rich Joods, wGi akin and the only way to hav* a atanUal equivalent o f completed ap­ Van Zondt on "Our Neutrality Pol­ Today native servants and store­ up," he said. across the Isthmus but kept also the prenticeship. Tntdmrin AUowuntm combined in one range. See the new CP Ranges today on dis- apiitre; that such detarmlnatlon thing like that, aaya the Supreme be likely to produce a drab, llfaless good circulation Is to work for I t OPEN icy." . keepers Bide^the movement re- tor roar OU Eangm Court in effecL You can abut out a rl^ht to use more Panama territory skin. The skin condition ts bene- Work means exerolse— prafarably mie closing dat* for receipt ot fuataig to work *nd by raiatog prices RELIEF FAT INCREASES .nnist ba n ^ e an inseparable part where needed. To i^et it, all that applications Is October 17. pFay at all Hartford Gas Company showrooms. Communist from admission to the Attod to a marked degree by the out of doors, or at least before an What to expect Wednesday; on nsceasltlas. o f our national policy and our whole waa neocosary «vas to condemn It l ^ n window. The United States Civil Service WJZ-NBC and UBS chain 3:80 Waohlngton, AprU 18— (AP) — country, or yon can deport him’. If regular use of cooked vegetables national pliU.oaophy. for public use. Just as the Federal salads, fruits an() fruit Juices. K Oommiasion has aithounced an open p. m. and CBS chain 3— Women's Ezpen(Utura o f $316,880,000 for pub- you can show that is an active Government might do in the United rau are In average good health, qiTBSnONS AND ANSWERS. competitive examination for tbe» Natkmal Radio dommittee kimual Uc assistance under F ^ e ra l works SUtes. That condition of "Infringe­ position ot alphabetic card-punch TONISHT program aerard*. UNIIED AIR q iA F T GETS programs during February eras re- advocate of prohibited poliUcai ac­ 'but are bothered by a lifeless oom- (lAw Blood Preaante) FALSE PRETENSE operator, 11,260 a year. Applica­ WEULF-NBC—1:30 Words ' and tion, but not, tf he can-abow that ment" on Panama's sovereignty plexlon, uss a diah o f cooked fruit Question; ravira X. states: "Tour portad today by the Social Security tions will be accepted not later than ; Uuale; 3:30 Pepper Toting; 6 Our Borne tens of thousands o f per- made the little republic almply a for - breakfast, a large raw salad advice to many has been so sound BoanL This waa $870,000 more than he is now of g(xxl character and In­ protectorate, especially when cou­ for luncheon, a medium sise sslad May..15 if received from State* eoat Amarlcsn Schools. WABC-CBS— CONTRACTS ntOM NAVY In January, and Included earnings •ons to whom the 8UU at Connec­ that I will appreoiats It If you will tentions, merely beckdse he once pled with our Independent right to for~^ dinner, and Include two cooked help me. Feeling completely ex­ o f Ooiorado, and not later than May 3:30 School at tbe Air; 6:30 New — ■ j • o f persons eifrolled in the W PA, the ticut sells angling Ucmiaea every upAf a. time held subveraive views. take whatever steps were necessary noo-starchy vegetablee with the hausted, I consult^ our family doc­ 18 If received from Ooiorado u d UNTIL 9 Time for So You Want To Be. Washington, AprS is.—(A P ) — OCC, the Farin Security Administra­ for protection and enlargement of evening mi«I. Statsa weatward, WABC- only—rS Baseball, Yankees tion ,the Youth'Al'dministratlon, and M ancliestep D iiigion year have a pretty good moral case, That la goln^ to make it pretty tor, who tells me 1 hav* v*ry low Hie Navy has awarded cqqtyacts for the canaL TO these add the- eggs, mast, blood preasur* and am badly run Appileanta must have at -least 3 vs. Bostao. W JZ-NBC—13:30 aircraft and aircraft engines total­ a few special projects. I f not a legal one, against the sUto difficult to deport any but very re­ That treaty remains In effect. It s tfw o l^ and fata or qiui, generally down. .He also said something months full-time paid cxparience In Farm and Homs Hour; 4 Club Mat-. ing $3,896,191. H artford 6ms Co* for obtaining money under false cently aiuve aUen reds—and just given the United Stotog, among included In tbe d ieta^. I f' you about nervous exhaustion. Ha aiT operating card • punejh maefalna*. Inse. The United Aircraft Comratlon, MURPHY TO SPEAK . pretenses. about imjioaslble to get out of the other things, the right to | use extra -with to use fruit Juices, I suggest vised that' I lie In the stm each day Ilia y must-have reached their 18th Some Wednesday short waves:. Chance Vought Aircraft Division, you do so Arst thing in the morning and rest. Would an extremely low but must not have passed their 5Srd OJD Bsrtin <1:16 Operetta ‘Tlypey received the contract for airplane* New York. April 18— (AP)—An Once upon a time, when the state country thooe who individually hold land outside the present sons where Baron"; 3RO Rome 7:80 American necessary for "auxiliary canals." or In the middle of the afteradoo. .blood pressure cause a person to birthday. and parts totaling $3,103,800. address by Attorney Oeoeral Frank , BiM went into tbe activity o f at- radl()al opinions but are not mem­ Hour; JZJ Tokyo 3:15 Japonase se- The new treaty waives some of or last thing at night. feel pla}^ out after the slightest Full utfonnatloD may be obtained WATKINS The United Aircraft ' from Thomas H, Horiarty, Secretary Pratt A Whitney A h rraft Division, “^ e Aseodated Preaii at luncheon in skin In a remarkably short time, Saelie songs. . BRd ponds within ita territory from While this may, conceivably, opan purposes the surrender o f U^ s. Another; Low blood pcesaure ts of the U. S. Clvb Service Board ot JROTHC RS obtained a contract fqr englnea and their annual meeting here April 24. regardless of whether fruit Juloe Is ofteq aaeoeigtad wtth chronic fa­ Examiner*, at the poat ofDc* in this spare*. totaUpi; $670,994. Tba Invttatlen Murphy eras ex iMtbtaaa ovarflahlng—Brat by oatah- tha gates nhw and then to eome un- rights Is more AguraUve than real. C a t c ^ la 1939 BtlU bad used, or the whole fruit Many tigue and marlMd weihnew. A * city, or from the Secretary of the A centract went te the Wright tended by Robertto MtCleen at the For ingtonca, under tha old treaty dbaad adaOona and than by dcelrable alien, and nllow to remnin women have bosh advised to use you are under tha direct car* of 48 am styls covered heMgao. 33 of Aeronautical Cosper qthm, Pqtoieon, - '.VA I'i:;' ■! * 'T '' the U. reserved the c§ht to take U. 8. CIvU Sendee Boon) o f Ex-- PbUadelpU* Bulletin, preeldent of GAS ' 4 '■' • W-. ,ti«ra fQpM whose Wens nte allq- a. I|Four oera physlciaa, the N i t j^lainUlmuagjr 8 ^ *r them in Randolph couaty. f l . for ewHnaa tota^lBg W M l . w ts ts v i. atsps weirs K M Miiiiiy l5 !d ^ * * w ^ t w to carry out Mi f ‘ ■ it ► I

MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAT, APRIL 18.1939 PAGE FIVE f , PAGE rouit /. HANCnESTER EVENTNG HERALD, StANCHESTEB, OONN. TUESDAT, APRIL 19,1939 X • 7 ^ O'Brien, former m*blt»her, becomes ^ will be i^pvered. to Wisconsin two- flera through tha requiring of a gethar ahocklng to conaarvatlve n corporation w il l execiitlveyi^ltor. New directors In- ! ecTi p s e o f s u n fifths. ahd to New York one-fifth. tliR King: Should Enjoy Meeting: the Dionne Quintufriets 7 PHOTOGRAPHERS [ ™ dude O’Brien. .Johnson. l,eonsrd’ Texas also will have a , one-fifth S H IE R RESORT FAILS ' Americana, It will alao make It }ust SERIAL STORY tmUiar nominal Ucanse faa, Ita ac­ Wheeler. Jr.. George N. Roberts eclipse. In the Carnlinas only shout tivity waj Justlflabla and benefletal. about Impoaatbla for certain ele- DAILY RADIO PROG TRANSCRIPT Francis B. Ixithrop. Stafford .John- j seven per cent of the sun’s face will INTO JAPANESE HANDS AP AWARDS son and Tbomas Allen. i VISIBLE TOMORROW But that ’waa a long time age. manta to dlapoaa o f foreign bom la­ /■ B O R D E R a d v e n t u r e he covered. Cofttitio 9fr«15 bor laadera Ilka Harry Brtdgea by ' Creditors will receive one-thlrd of Eclipse Hoors Near N'mn. . It araa In the daya when It was the stock In the new corporation ru B u a a cD b t t h e " invoking lawa never Intended to ap­ BVOREN ARNOLD .• ’STSSTU T* Plan Of Reorganization For The eeltpM hours for the central .•thanghat, April l^ j - ( A P ) — 'M R A L D PRINTINU CXIMPANT, fKO recognized that among the people and the paper will move to "modern ! II BI«Mll atn tt ply to them. Boston Newspaper- .Approved premises" more suited to "elflcient 1 ■ standard time zone are 9):30- a. m. ^ ling, faroous missioDBiy summer of OonnacUcut there waa 4 certain At No Point Will Mach More to a. m. and for ematern stand­ MaaaBMtat. CoDm. Winners In Fii^st Annual Ex By Federal District Judge. i pubUcatlon " of the Dally Evening 11:00 sort to the mountains near, Kht> TBOMA* rKROUBOB amall proportion of peraoni who CAST OF CHARACTERS El Paso, but they ordered another Tranacrlpt. ard time 11:00 a. m. to 1:00 p^m. OABirai UtBBC*' BETTY MARY JORDAN—Pretty The center of the eclipse will be- I kiang, fell Into the hands of iipaa;. had tha Htihlng. inatlnct^wbo knew RATIONS meal. — I ------Than Half Solar Body Be F*aaa*4 Oeteb«r 1. t ill young Border Patrol eervloe secfO- Behind a glose of Iced aguomiel WTIC bibition Spojisored In ' gin to the Aleutian lalonds and ese today. 0 trout from a lucker and a baaa lary, Boston. April I S — (A P ) — A n e w f p w p t j n w a rAADniklATC Pakllahtl C*«r7 B*m Ib( Ctopt Tba guns may not be banging in —the strange sweet drink of Mexi­ Trsvelera Broadcaattog SeiTK*. 436 lard, Uoas. I$S0 r* at r 'M p . . icorporatlon, in, which $ , <.,-of L l l LTId IU LUUlXl/llln C ; swing across Alaska at the latitude The occupation, Japanese sold, from a dace, and loved the wooda SH ERID AN 8TAB B — Handsome 1 200 00 1 1 BBB RolloBir* BBi*r*a at tha Europe yet but the printing preasea co— Betty Mary looked at them tn Hartford, (Joao. Easterns to r^ Stoadard rime r o n r New U lffla n d v N ia ie S >"*"■ rapual win be invested, wm be I Covered By Moon. of Seward, crossing Dawson, the was accompanied by ’little violence VaM Ofrica at UaBChasUr. Cobb., aa Border Patrol offleer- exasperation. 'I'be big booba, trail­ l u v i n e w Liugiauii\yiaic»., assets of; UunCDCNnCIUrC rDDIIDC I Klondike gold fields, then nut over and tha flelda, the roll of brown wa­ are as busy with ths war as an^- SejMM) W. 1040 H. U. 2IU M as 2,5(X) Chinese defenders escaped iaBBB« Claai Mall Mattar______HOPE KILDARB—Storr'a fCUow ing her like thU! They'd give her '■ the'Arctic oitean. It will touch such ter over bouldara, tha odora and Boatera Standard Hm e/ the Boston Transcript (Company tin-1 I l l U L r C l l U L n t L u n U U lG through Japaneae lines. ■UBBCRIPT10M RATEB ” battery la likely to be pretty aooa. offleer, oloo a bachelor. away surely tf- they didn't stop It. iotmdAj. ApHI \\ 18. der a plan of reorganization ap- ' isolatedareas as Parry. Island and aounda of aarly aprlng— tha kind <4 LUIS BARRO—Mexican mng- New York. April 18.— (AP) — A Reports concerning the colony o t Cm Taar ky Mall ...... • ••• I*** Eighty million ration cards, print­ She wanted to throw something at P. M. / I Boston. A ^ l 18 — (A P ) — ’’^ e proved by Judge Francla J; W. Ford CrockerCaruL and end off the Arctic forel^ers were lacking In detoUa V«r MBBtk kr Mali ...... • *< people who ought to go fiahing. gler, them, or kick their shins. Tuesday, April 4:00—highways, _ . to Health. to Federal District Court CTilcago. April 18 — (A P I ‘ ^e aim will he vla- coast of Russiahear the northern t a f ia OtfBT ...... I ** ed on spBClal paper to prevent I names of seven N ew England new but it was believed all were sate. They had a code. .They did not She pretended new concern with P. M. _4:15— A l Bernard's Merry Mtn- Describing the plan as “ fslr and atinn of a Czechoslovakian National ible In the northern United States i tip of Nova Zembla. A fter the evacuation of. 35 fo r -' OaliTaral Oaa Taar ...... I» ** forgery, like sweepstakca Ueketa, Yeoterdny: Once In Juarez, Bet­ j paper pbotographera wi posted' her sketching pad. which she kept 4:00—Backstage VV atrel Men. quitable and feasible." Judge Ford Council to coordinate movementil , tomorrow forenoon. j This central portion will be eigners, 16 of them Americano, last gang up on one another. They did ty Mary. Ande excitement aplenty MCMVER o r THB AUSOCIATED have already been turned nut and with her constantly now. Hastily she 4:15— Stella Dallj 4:4S— Music Without Words, ! today as winners In the first annual d it had been accepted by all for the restoration of Czechoslovak­ At no (Hilnt will much more than annular, that is. the edge of the sun December only a handful foreigners PRE S whan i Im meeta and donoea nitli 8 tffit atart arooda Area. They did not are under lock and key all over drew Unea of a dancing maiden, try- 4:30—'Vic and Sade. 5:00 — Ad Liner — Dance Pro- j exhibition of pictures Sponsored by hot)(ers of secured claims which ia’s lndep«'nilence was planne(f*too covered by the miHin. will be seen all around the moon. remained at the resort. Tba Aaaoclataa Praai ii aacluaoalit Lull Barrel gram. by three nation-wide organizations. so that d.ark glasses probably will The-moon Is I w fsr from the earth aatltM to tha aaa el rapublleali^ ’la k e .underalied flah. They ware Great Britain, tn preparation { mg to think the while. Hope and 4:45—Girl Alone. ! members of The Associated Press In hav^been allowed and "by holders The occupation o f KuUng in no­ 0l all aawa kiapatahaa cradiial te^li C H APTE R XI Sherry were eyeing her entlruy too 5:00—Dtck Tracy. ^:30 — Hartford Public School. I Massachusetts. New Hampshire. of 78 jwr cent of the amount'of se­ . The .Slovak American Alliance, he necessary to .see the eclipse. for the nioon shadow to completely wise gave the Invaders command of the moat democratic aet of folka against the food control regutatlona ! •r M t elharwiaa era4lla4 In/thia Young Messra. Sheridan Starr and much. And, the ellUea, they had- 5:15— Yoar Family and Mine. Series. ^ Rhode Island and Vermont at the cured claims filed and allowed.” the Czech National Alliance an1 On the Pacific coast shout half covei tjie aun. the Lusban mountains, wAiers Ku- MBar anl alaa tha laaal Baata nob* Imaginable. They cama from all Hope Kildare, pole and lellow offl- to be put Into effect aa soon aa tha ; plopped down juat two tables away. Armstrongi .5:45—The Mighty Show. ' spring meeting yesterday. Rlchartl N. .lohnson. former direc­ the Czech Catholic Alliance, repre. the sun will He rovered by the iiiiam. ling Is located, as large hiimben of naBaa barala cera In the United Statea Border ikil lichla et rapu>McalioBa at Walka of life. They got along with She juat knew something would ,1:45T-^LIttIe Orphan Annle^ 6:00 •— Esso Reporter — News. I Robert McLean, publisher of tho tor of the N’ aricnal Association of .■M*ntlng 1 .,V>(1.000 Americans of It Is preilli t-d I’opular Astronomy During 1937 and 1938 Ixuiisiana Chinese troops remained entrenclied- guns are heard. | Patrol, theoretically were to have M*alai aiapaiahaa hatalB ara alaa ra- tha ownera of the woodlota . and happen when Lula Barro came in. 6:00— News and Weather. Weather. ! Philadelphia Bulletin and president Wool Manuracturers, becomes pres­ Czech and Slovak descent pnqiosed j gives the lime as 6:4.1 a. m to 9 00 grnnteil ten-year exemptions from nearby. Tha Instant that srar itarta. the ' gone to bed by 1 1 o'clock thle night, Ill faroaa.______' 6:15— Baseball Sc/jres, Raclng\Re- 6:05— The World of Sports— Jack I of The Associated Presa, w a.s guest ident and bnstoess manager of the the erjertinn of 10 members each i a. . Paclllr time. taxes to new Industries built at a Kltiklang la 135 miles below Han­ farms becauae they raapacted poet- plan It, all food cuppllas for tha gotten a good sleep and reported for new corporahon. and Lincoln to serve on the rouncll. Fall aarrtaa pnaal af N. B. A kat^* BUltS. Zalman. I and principal speaker at the meet- In Idaho three-fifths of the sun cost 'o f $60,000,000. kow on the Yangtze river. Inga, left down no bara, made no further official duty next morning. She alternately sipped her drink 6:15— Howie Wing. kingdom, whether native or Import­ 6 .30—Melodic Strings. Joyce a L ' tog. nulaance of themaelvea. Actually toey did nothing of the and sketched. It helped cover her 6:30— Foundations of Democracy. ed, will be purrhAsed by the govern­ mood, contralto. Cash prizes from a fimd estab­ ABtarleaB Nawatiaptr Poh- sort. * , feeling's. She watched the America 7:(X)— Amos 'n' Andy. elatlen. v Suddenly the atata'a Ash and ment and the govsmmant alona. They trailed Betty Mary Instead eat chill and enchiladas. Aix) 6:45— Lowell rhomaS. lished by George F. Booth, publisher I 7:00— Mr. District Attorney. ’7iJ5—Jimmie Fldler. , . Bkllaban BapraaaptatlTao! Tha game authority developed Into ■ Wholesaler! roust gat their auppUes in their car until ter taxi croased watched the front door, trying 7:30— Helen Mencken In "Second of the Worcester Telegram-Gazette, Wllaa Maihawa apaclal Aaanejr—Naar the International bridge Into Mexi­ think of something to do, some re*^. 7:16— Vocal Varieties. were awarded those photographers sort of promotion enterprise. It be from the central M lnlitry of good. 7:30—The News Reporters. HuAbond." Terk. Chibafo. Oairali ana Boatea. co. Then they just rods around course. \ 8:00—'Ip lg Town” —E. O. Robinson. whose pictures were adjudged best gan to ballyhoo Itself and Ita works. Retail distribution will be under the There was no time, however, to 7:45— Studio Program. MEMBER AUDIT BDREAO OT glumly for a while, saying little. (Tlalre Trevor. by vote of the membenhip. The aUCITIJITIUNS^______It went In for expansion—in tha direction of 1.400 local rommltteae. A t midnight they pulled up at the form a plan. —She was Juat begin­ 6:00—Johnny Presents. winners were: 8:30— For Men Only. 8:30— Tuezday Night Party.— Dick iiniverani spirit of the bigger ^ and Shop keej>ers wtU have to rrgtater U A I Cafe, stalked In and ordered ning a new sketch when Barro him­ Powell. Winning PhotoKraphere tha Haraia Prinilng Canpany Ine.. 9:00— Battle of the Sexes—with huge slabs of apple-ralsln pie and self came In, walking with his cus­ 9:00— We the .People. In cities of more than 50.(X)0 aaOBinaa na flnanVIal raaponalbllliy better everything of the late twen-; with them. Julia Sanderson and Frank tut typoarapBIral. arrora appaarina IB plenty of black coffee. Having eaten, tomary grace and swagger. He saw 9:30— Camel Caravan. Benny population; l a i w ' ties. It began to dump truckloads her Instantly and smiled grandly. Cnimmlt. Mvanilaaniaamanla Ib tha Manrhaatar I'rovlelon le already made that the.v thumped their stiff hats on Goodman's orctestra. Spot news pictures, tie between "Senorita!" be exclaimed. was B v ^ a Haraia. of plndllng llttla trout Into Uis workers who do strenuous labor their beads, stalked back out to "1 9:30—Fibber McGee and Company 10:00— To be omoiUtoed. George P. Cocaine, Worcester Tele­ streams for "sportsmen" to take their car. separated and went home. afraid you might not keep , tba ap- 10:00—Variety Program with Bob gram-Gazette, with a flood picture, shall have more to aat than clerks polntnient! I am so luckeet'I do not 10:30—Cecelia (?lab. — Gordon TITESDAV. A P R IL IS Normally they would have met Hope. Steams, cooductor. \ and Stanley A. Bauman, Brockton out next da.y. It advertised Its and other sedentary workers. Noth­ deserve— ” at the office next morning at 8 10:80—Uncle Ezra’s Radio Station 10:45—American Viewpoints. Enterprise, shot of a falling chim­ every move. It put the relatively o'clock. Next day, however, they All at once he stiffeted, seemed to E-Z-R-A. ing, so far as we. have seen. Is said 11:00— E s ■ o R e p o \ t e r — ney; feature pictures, . William OUR WESTERN WORLD walked In before 1, not 10 minutes freeze there. He had seen the two 10:45—Workers Over Forty—Major worthless brown trout Into ths as yet about how many crunipeta a News, weather. Meikle, Boston Traveler, a mother af)art. ' officers of the Border Patrol, recog- Now that Preeldenl Roosevelt state's larger streams—to eat up Leonard J. Maloney. 11:05— Red Norvo's orcbestrk. day ths Duke of York may have, or "Coffee musts kept me awake," .nlilng them evgn though they were and ten children; sports pictures, 11:00—^News and Weather. 11:30— Cab Calloway's orchestTa. Itaa, by erne diplomatic stroke ap- the spawn of the Incomparably bet­ how many cups of tea will be com­ Sheridan apologized, which both now out of uniform. They haa dress­ Leslie Jones, Bostoo Herald, a base­ 11:15—William A. Sheehan. 12 :00—Matt Msloeck’s or^eotro, c s t^ X ball action jdeture. / proBchIng genlua so arranged mat­ ter native Ash. It touted Ashing ing to Mr. Chnmberlaln. men knew wasn't ao. ed In ordtoary West Texas style, 11:20— Polish Orchestra. A.M. Spot news, BUI Jeffrey, Salem ters that tha question of guilt of and its merits till It captured the "Me too,". agreed Hope. "Hardly which Incliided wide hats of the cow­ 11:50— Roy Kinney's Orchestra. I'erhapa before ths forthcoming / boy type, common along the oorder. 12:30— Dick Barrie's orchestra. Evfming News, Marblehead harbor i y i o t » c the forthcoming war cannot well Interest of thousands upon thou­ got a good cat nap." 13:00— Gene Kruppa's Orchestra. shindy Is over the people of Britain They pretended all morning to be "Sit down. Don Luis!" Betty Mary 12:30— Ernie Holst's Orchestra. 'St the height of the September hur- pdague following generations for a sands of men and boys who. If left —and of a number of other Euro­ writing reports. Four times they Tomorrow's Program features, A. H. Moran, urged. "Certainly I kept the ap­ 12:55—Trans Radio News. AM. eaatuiy, wa helluva the preponder- to themselves, would never In ths pean nations—will taka It Into their asked the office secretary If any pointment. How could I break a date 1:00 a. ra.—Silent. Haverhill Oazetto, pels—EngUsli 7:00— Shoppora SpoctoL setter and red fox; q>orte, Melvin R anoe of opinion In thla country la world have bothered about angling telephone calli had come for them. with you ? And I have been quite Tomorrow's Program heads that certain very great per­ "Wouldn't I have called you 11 7:15—E a s o Raportar — Jackson, Waltham News-Tribune, that he should retire on his laurels — who had no natural bent In that busy sketching, too. Look— I found sonages ought not' to have anything they bad?" she asked at last, sen­ AM. News, woathar. youthful boxers. these two American ranchers— they 7:20— Shoppers Spertal. (l»m all further association with direction. It mtiKIplled the num­ at all to eat since It will have been sibly. "'I knew you were In the build­ ao kindly agreed to pose for me. 6:00—Reveille with Jake and (terl. guests. 7:66— E a s o Reporter — tba European oonAlct problem. ber of Ashers— and It did mighty their aelAah stupidity and dishon­ ing." They are excellent facial types, and A t noon the t'wo men walked out­ 6:30— Francis J. Cronin, organist. News, weather. Becauae, whatever happena In Uttls for natural trout Ashing, only very cordial men. You should know 8:00— Sboppeni Special. esty that tiaa mads all the belt- side and stared up at tha toll steel them. I will present them to you." 6:55— News. HEAVY EARTHSHOCK Suropa, tba United Btataa baa on subatltuUng therefor a aynthetle 8:30— E a a o Reporter — tightening necessary. protection of tjia canal even If It tower that rlaea, neodlt-Uke, 12U She left her chair and moved to 7:00—Morning Watch. News, weather. tbla alda of the water a job to do game of no worth. Impinged on Panama's sovaralgnty. feet above the bonk of the Rio Hope and Sherry. 8:eduled to aupper and Hope, at the wheel, turn- 3:46—The Guiding Light. fere at all! Not at all, there's a dear. mated from 25,000 to 30,000. maintenance or creation of d^ency But It had I existed such InAuencea know whether an^ne has thought soma Army folk, It Is foolish to let It, too — the sudden quiet that haa return to. hla studies In Swltserland comment. Nor was anything aald Unh huhm. You all have classic fea­ and humanity over all the area and pretty well for years and even compensating Grosen for tne even' good neighbor treaties get In stilled Radio City. T t e new silence late In April, but If the headlines about Betty when he rolled up on 200 tures. Don Luis, you are a mar­ WILL ASK APPROVAL makes the star of "The American from Europe continue as menacing, the bridge over the Rio Grande. among all the peoples of whom we a dozen years ago It was still pos­ I hts nets, and, probably, a the way of Its protection. And since velous Latin type, really you are! anything that remotely amelia of W ay" nervous as he paces the his mother won't let him go. “ Senbres!" both men epoke, and TO m LAST YEARS li‘ form BO small a part; we confront sible to And a good many wild na­ of days lost Ashing,. wings, awaiting htii cue. He happily Juat before Miss Lille came And see how Mr. Starr leans more danger to the canal—or danger to added a formid salute, when they toward the Nordic, In the set o f hts OF CHARTER FROM AFL ouraelves with a task so impossible tive trout In Connecticut. But fir S mlasee the dli^ and clatter which over from London to. play In Noel slowed down to pass the Mexican the right to build a slater canal— eyes and nose? And such handsome RADIO as to be ridiculous. Fortimatcly, the sake of ninety or a hundred mounts Into huge proportion these accompanied . the razing of the Coward's show, both she and her officers on guard at their end of the AT GIRLHOOD HOME Sixth Avenue " L " and raised havoc son had been fitted for gas masks. men! And all so hospitable! I beard Day Washington. April 1$.—(AP) — moat o f ua are fully aware that n> thousand dollars In annual license days, tlie treaty Is being shunted bridge, it waa a custom for officers a great deal about the aouthweatern with a terlM moment on the stage. And she vowed then that If the of either country thus to pass back ■■atom WtoHawl lima Homer Hartin, preaident oif sin In­ sucb responsibility resu on us—and money the sport ha? been touted aside for other matters. hoepitallty before I came, and now l ' New York. April 18 — (AP) — W a ^ i n g t o n Last season It wuA reported out The teeneoh ^nlb a ^ the most European tension continued, she'd and forth, with mutual courtesy ex­ dependent United Auto Workers also that if we can bring security sophisticated of showmen visit a settle down with her offspring I am enjoying It, dear, dear! Please Union, said today he would ask Ws A fter 40 years abroad, the Duchess n m m and advertised and boomed practi­ by the committee but'' the senate tended. The Mexican officials liked burlesque show now and then la over here. go ahead and order our meal, Don New York. April 18.—The weekly lexecuUve board and membership de TallejJraird,' the former Anna and unity and abiding peace to the cally out of existence. Whereas It never acted on I t When the aetaion to visit In America; the Americans Lula; I con stop and -eat always, ha D a y M o k In hlexleo. Both groups ware known schedule for , public televiBlon next 'Week to approve hla acceptance Gould, a reigning society beauty of Waatam Hemisphere we shall have la very much to be suspected that If ended It went back to com m ittee- ha!” the "mauve decade," has decided'to ' I B f P r »$ t 9m w to ona'another anyway.' broadcasts finally has'been outlined of an A F L charter. dona a work without parallel in the the state had never put on this end there It lies and lies. She kept Jabbering on golly. Hope Martin received the charter from ■pend her declining years at Lynd- this helps, the one day period Is posure to sunshine would be of "Might atop up here on Clno de and Sherry swallowed hard, waoring S t NBC. history of dvlUzatlon. show, and never planted a hatchery .not long enough for the greatest value. AFL President William Green yes­ hurot, her girlhood home at 't'arry- Washington—^ much situation Mayo street and get another cuppa expressions that suggested doom Bealdea two hours of studio pre- town on the Hudooh.' But It la pretty clear that we trout and never hollered to every beneAt to te obtained. When you (Fruit Jidcea and Honeradlah) coffee," Sheridan suggested. "And terday subject to approval of hla has arisen over. Panama CanarTtro- was about to strike. But Don Lula sentatlona from 8 to 9 on Wednes­ followers. The tmlon lost the A F L The American heiress, daughter of really wish to try the fruit way to Question; Nora wants to know; look around some." day and Friday nights, there wUI cannot carry this idea o f isoUUon man and boy and aports-lncllned Barro, eyes narrowed, began to rS- charter when It Joined the CIQ In Jay Gould, the financier and rail­ SAVES TIME tecUon la t^eae trying times Health and piet beauty, stick with tbs fruit for Aye "Is there any reason why I should They still hadn't mentioned Betty be one or more pickups o f outdoor * to tba axticma of making MPLBI<10N. This la vary Important U tha akin In awhile?" They drove twice by the Mon­ MENZIES IS ASSURED will cover the hours o f 1 1 a. m. troit laat night that the A F L “wlU two years later married her former The treaty has been In the hands Answer: The fruit juices are ten- soon find plenty df reaaona to re­ husband’s cousin, Helle de Talley- Wa cannot permit any political or wus the thing to do, but because The real foundation of a beautiful Is to retain Its natural frsshneas tezuma Hotel and'Saw no sign of to 4 p. m. on Mondays, Tuesdays Of the committee now for Three akin la health. and youthfuln'ess. Constipation eAclal and inasmuch as they provide her. They parked then and walked gret" Its ocUon. He contended rond-Perigord, who soon after be- undue economic Intrusion on this they loved It and It came natural to ■nd Tliuradays and from 4 to 8 p. years. ' The State Department Is The skin, being constantly rebuilt may produce a muddy complexion, the blond with the minerals which up Rlnnlng. Whenever there is an unattractive ter to stimulate the kidney cllmlna* CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS the Btreets at. that hour. Prime Minister Joseph A. Lyons, to­ dont Roooevalt Tha flrot of the APPEAU FOR DEFENSE STRECKER C.\SE M S A I I f somethingr to rave over— someth tn^ that saves time and money— K It must be by arms that we Their spokesman In the foreign skin state, I usually And that the tion; take deep breathing exercises SUM aearching, they turned Into day virtually assured his succeaslon scheduled broadcasts thereafter will relations committee . la Senator patient has been Indulging In faulty to stimulate lung ellmlnstlog;. and The Palace of the - Sleeping Monk to the prime ministry. -• be on May 3. TO PROTECT EUROPEANS preaerve the freedom and 'secuffiy The United States Supreme Court TO O IL VACANT JOBS WelUngton, N. Z., AprL 18— (A P) somethinsr to make every meal a real pleasure to cook and a jop; Jphnnn of California. He la a> health habits. Correcting these bathe the entire body each day to and all at once saw her! Sir Earle Page, deputy prime-. — Premier M. J. Savage appealed to c 1 m T I r I MB o f this half of the world, then Wr was hot at all kind to the red-beUt- habits, by putting better ones In Tuning tonight; t suspicious that the. present admin- stimulate a better akin elimination. She was sitting at_a table alone. minister, waa sworn In to tin the oU men up to the age df 50 today .to •irs w^en It ordered the discharge place of them will often produea a W E A F -N lt<^7;30 John T. Lynn F B S OM MAM e B to eat^THE NEW CP (Certified Performance) GAS RANGE. must face that burden—even ’ If It Ll, in Aaoom near the Burma unturned If he thinks there la a Is reAected In a healthy akin. smith. $1;160, $1.0SA,.$.99d an hour, of Melbourne. Oes Mange taaoe 6ul M aoato oU 22 ‘thousand planes and a mliltarlxcd ders for deiHjrtnUun on the ground O f course I caii not hope to pre­ WABC-CBS—8 Edward G. Rob- border, to protect European real- bock to the wall—perhspe Isolated Ranges are newly designed from the ground up. The fore­ peclwlnklv under It whlcfi ought to ADEQUATE CLEANSING OF for fUling vacancies In this position from the rest,of the'world — we aalaimzanqairaMalsastbyflwAiase- nation before the wrar madness ol Uiat he had tx'en" a mem ber ot the be Inveatisated. scribe for each reader who wishes THE SKIN: Keep the skin surface Inron; 8:30 Dtck Powell party; 9 dents from any disorder £n a strike to Improve ths ajtln, but I am able at'th e Navy Yard, Boston, Maaaa- W e 1%e People; 9:30 Benny <3ood- o f native wroriiera. would be able to feel that all are ioaaaaaAsMoialloa,aadwhhAAaMt- most range manufacturers pooled their experience, knowledge, the Eastern Hemisphere wears It- •Communist party. clean, using plain warip water and to give you sdme general rulea a pure soap. chuaettA man Swing; 10:45 Southern Paper proj^ed to help." the preniler sold. ieoa hesoawlvaaaald llwy««aladla"dM Strecker came "here from Aus­ AcquItlUoa By Condeimiatlaa Wivee and chUdron o f the for­ aelf out. wiitch frequently produce a more Applicants must Show that they Featlvol. eigners ta r e OKiortod by police to “The day may coma sooner than poaiMd nags.* CPOASnagMore research departments and resouces to design and build a Range Under tho treaty of ^1903 ratlAed EXERCISE TO IMPROVE THE But It Is our unshaken conviction tria In 1912 and about ten years attractive okln. _ have completed a four-year appren- W JZ -N B O -7 :lS Mr. Keen; 8:80 nearby towns o fU r authortUes aald we think when we may have to go auda bp tba fanaiait ------‘irtmag 15 days after President Theotlore CIRCULATION: For a rosy akin. later-was a Communist party mem- Improve the general circulation by ticeahlp In the trade of Coppersmith, Information leoae; 9 Mary and Bob, they were threatened by strtkera. to war. It will be New Zealand’s tot your specifications. A 'minimum of 22 separate and distinct that whatever defense wer l^ave to Itiuwevelt took Panama, as he him­ DIET: The diet ordinarily used ta varieos Haas and ptioaa, vigoroua.exerclae. A good circula­ or have bad four yean ot practical 9:80 Doc Rockwell; 10 Col TInneys Native oU workcre wrolked out job to Implement as far as possible provide muat be employed only for .ber for about three mont^. self put It. this ebuntry not only 'Shi kaa-'A great deal to do with ths akin. A diet composed chteAy of tion la the Arst law o f a boauUful experleince In such trade, the aub- Interviews; 10:45 Rep. James BL April 3, domaadlng higher wages. the best means of keptng our end Time-Saving—Fuel Saving—Food Saving features never before You can’t, under the' law, do a talned rlghu* to a -mlle strip Libatal dMenae—of . the Western Heml* 10 heavy foods, or of rich foods, will ■kin and the only way to hav«' a atantlal equivalent of completed ap- Van ZMdt on “Our Neutrality Pol­ Today native aervanU end otoro- up," he sold. . • thing like that, says, the Supreme Bcrou the Isthmus but.kept also the prenticeabip. icy.” Tndm~In Alhwanea combined in one range. See the new CP Ranges today on dis- ipbere; that such determination be likely to produce a drab, lifeless .|oo^ circulation la to work for. It. OPEN koepers .aldad.tlia movoment by ro- ior your O U Ranga OoArt In effect You can abut out a right to use more Panama territory skin. The skin condition Is hene- means exercise— preferably The.»closing date for receipt of foaliig to work and by r t i t l ^ prices REUEP PAT INCSEASBS muat be made an Inseparable part where needed. To get (t. all [that appllratioaa is October 17. pTay at all Hartford Gas Company showrooms. Communist from admission to ths Atted to a marked degree by the out of doprs, or at least tefore oh Wbot to expect Wedneedsy: on noeoaottlea. o f our national policy and our whole was necessary was to condemn It open window. .The United States Civil Service W JZ-NBC and BfBS cluin 3:80 Waabington, April 18— (AP) — country, or you can deport him. If regular use of cooked,..vegetables national philoaophy. for pubUc use. just as the F*deral salads, fiml’te” 'and’ 'limit'jii'lces. I f Commission baa announced an open p. m. and CBS chain 3t- Women's Expenditure o t $310,880,000 for pub­ you can show that he is an acUve Government might do In.the United you ore. In average good health, QUESTIONS AND ANSWEBR. competitive examination for tlM Natiaoal Radio Committee annual lic aasistonce tinder Federal works Stales. That condition of "Infringe­ poalUon o t ah.habetle cord-punch TONieHT program 'awoida. UNITED A K CRAFT (X rS programa during February was re­ advocate of prohibited political ac­ but are bothered by a lifeless com­ (Low Blood Preotora) FALSE PRETENSE operator, $1,260 a year. Applloa- W E AF-N B C — 1:80 Words aad tion, but not If he can abow that ment" on Panama'^ sovereignty plexion, use a dish o f cooked fruit QueaUon: Elvira X. statek: "Tour ported today by tha Social Security tlons will be accepted not later than Music; 8:80 Pepper Toung: Our ^ Some tens of thousands o f per- made the Uttle republic simply a foifor breakfast, a large rawi salad advice to many has been so sound 8 Board.' This was $870,000 more thOa he Is now of good character and In­ prhteetormte, especlaUy when cou­ fbiir luncheon, a medium stae salad May 15 U received from Statea east American 'Bchoola. W A B C < 3 S — C0NT1UCIS FROM NAVY tat January, ond^lncluded eornlnga Bons to whom the State of Connec that I will appreelata It if you wUI tentions, merely because be once pled with our Independent right to' for dinner, and Include tWo cooked help roe. Feeling completely ex­ o f Colorado, aad not later than May 3:80 School o t the Air; 5:$0 New a t persons eifrolled in the W PA , the tteut sella angling Ucanaea avery upon a time held ^subversive views. take whatever steps were necqsaary noo-atarohy vegetables with - the hausted, I consulted our family doc* IS If received from Colorado and UNTIL'9 ' .Hme for So You Wont T o Be. Waoblngton, AprD 18.—(A P) — OCX;, the Form Security Administra­ StsUa westward. W ABC- only—8 BoaebaU, Yankees year have a pretty good moral case. That la going to make It pretty for protection an d. enlargement of evening meal. tor, who tells me I have vary low Tha N avy has awordsd contracts for tion ,tbe Youth Admlniatratlon, and the canaL To tbeae add ’the eggs, meat, blood pressure and ora badly run Applicants must Iiave at least 3 )« . Boaton. WJ31-NBC—13:80 aircraft piid aircraft englnea total­ a tew special projects. If not a legal one, eg4 lnat the state difficult to deport any but very re­ - That treaty remains In effect. It starches and fata./or qlla, generally down. He aOso IMld aomathtng moBthi fuU-tlma p0l3 cxpatience In Form and Horae Hour; 4 Club Mat­ ing $2,696,181. for obtaining money' under false inee. — cently active alien reds— and juat glvla the United States; among Included In the dietary; I f you about nervous exhaustion. Ha atf- opatotlng card • punch machlnaa. Tlie Unltad Aircraft Corporation, m u r p h y t o s p e a k ^ Hartford Gm» Co. Some Wedneoday abort waves: pretenses. about Impossible to g^t out of the other things, the right to use extra wish to use fruit juices, I suggest vlsed that I Me In the eun each day They must have reached their Igth Ctance Vougbt Alrfiroft Dlvlatoa, FHOMS you do ao Aral thing Ih the morning but must not have passed their 5 ^ DJD Berlin 6!18 Operetta "Gypey . Once upon B time, wbkn the MSfe country those who; indlviduaUy bold land outstde,tbe preseht zone where ■nd rest. Would on extremely low received the eontraet fo r olrplaiMa New York, April 15— (AP)—An or in the middle o t the afternoon, birthday. Bauroa"; 3RO Roma 7:80 Amerlcao and porU totoUag $3,103,800. went Into tlw activity of at- necessary for "auxiliary canals." ' blood pressure cause a peraoo to address by Attonay General Frank • V . radical oplnloos but are not mem­ or last thing at night. feel played out after the allgbtest Full Information may be obtained Hour; JZJ Ttdiyo 8:15 Jopoaeso ae- Tka Umtad AlreraR (torporatloa, Murphy will ba baort bjr members of The new treaty walvaa some of WATKINS lectieos: GSD OSC OSB London 10 taaptlng to protect the streams bers of any seditious organisation. The fast will often clear up tha exertion? from Thomas H. Morlarty, Secretary Pratt A Whitney AIrcrmft D M ^ , Tba Aaaodatod Presa at luncheon tn these rights, ialthougb for practical GaMIc aonga. ponds within Ita territory horn While tbla may, conceivably, open purposes the surrender of U. 8. skin In a remarkably short Urns, Another: Low blood pceeeure ta of the U. 8. Civil Sorvloa Board ot S R O T H C R S obtained a c o n t i ^ for engines knd their annual meeting here April 34. ragardlaaa o f whether fruit julM la often aaapciatad with chronic fa­ Examine ra, at the post office in thla ^orsa. totaUngg m 0A 94. oaerffaWng—flzBt by aatab- the ^ t c e now end then to eome >in- righU U more Agurative than real. North ChroUsa la 1989 atin bod Hie Invitstlen to Murphy waa ex- used,’ or the. whole fru it Many tigue ondf moidud waoknew. A t city, or from the Secretary o t the A centnet wont to the W rtftit toadod by Robert Meaaon et the cloBad aaaanna aod Umm by For Inatance, under tha pld treaty 48 old otyla covorad hrMgoa, > of deelntble alien, and Allow to remain women have been ad vised to nae you ore under tha direct, eare o t U. 8. Civil Sorvloa ' Board a t ' Ex- 8 Aozonoutleal Gor|Mntlan. Pah PhUtoelphU BtiUatln, prenident of ' 'K I.tJC. • -| ri( IN . .' Ai ,.,. '* i' A : I ■ • 1' ''' s iih it to U ia« la Randolph eoualy. GAS ^ 4 ' » fagtetntlM B (^ a«-|h^ l$mM alMa$ tdsM ate’ alt»-i%etom ^ **’** fruit aad nothing'aiae. o m day of row Mm ptoekdon, M hapt amtoereM e y ^ m Wjitat-alii^ N . J for " ongtaMo - totapkg ^ jO tr. the A P . the aacoth, but 1 £sd that nkSa ■ to eany «ok ito M nisIlM L ,, ...... ■ - 5 -/ MANCHESTER iivENTNO HERALD, BIANCHESTE*. CONN. TDE8DAT, APRIL IS, l«8 f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAT, APRIL 18,1989 r A G E S I X P A G E S E V E N :

"any change'* la the United States BREAKS LAST NI( Y'oung G. 0 P. Leader form of government. GAMBLER FACING DEMAND STRONGER House Bills Pending TAKING PRECAUTIONS ------^------'— Young Boy New Question '■ Pending In the House am bills for a brOad InvestigaUon of ths immi­ AS TRIO RAKES NEW INDICTMENTS LAWS ON ALIENS gration laws ,and for detention In Mark In Fight On Cancer From AGAINST FOREST FIRES apeetal carape of alien* ordered de­ ported but whOM native eoimtries refuse them passports. New York, April 18—(A P )—-T w oA Sooner or later thto rinrenxm Stata Normal College, warn week­ a card party to be bald at tha home Cthar- bull would deport "anarch- Yoong XlMTes, E s c ip e d InTesd- aod-s-balf jrear old Harold Holt,It, Jr.. I tissue begins to grow. In end vUitora here. The elder Mias of Mr. and Mga. Herbart Porter, BOLTON PASTOR RECALLED State Faces Possibility Of Federal Grand Jury Supreme Court Dedsion Re­ tote, Faarlata and romroimtote," STAFFORD l>>rd Is a teacher In the WUllmantlc Thuraday eveoliig. of Monongahela, Pa., to a new quea history there are leas than a dozax would require regtotratlon and casaa reported ■■ cured. X-raya ham 1^5 .Model school. An artealaa wan haa been drilled MRS. R. K. JONES From Bay State Reforma­ (Ingetprlntlng of alleni, and would tlun mark In medicine's fight on one FARM LOANS APP^ipVED An entertainment for April 28 la at Aaa W. Ellis' farm on Gilead 8908, Mancheetar Siating Income Tax Re- sults In Moves To Meet frequently radueed the growth. Blit Most Serious Blazes In cut exiating Immigration quota* 60 of the Inaerutoble forms of cancer. ■ SPRINGS street by Rachbaurer Brotheia of TO NO. METHODIST a almoat invariably It haa etraek' being planned by the Congr^aUonal O b per Cent. One measure would pro­ The question Is whether ha will be JOHN C. NETTO church people to mlae money for Duiliam. tory, Go Rampage tnms By CaroDo. Situation Created. vide for de^rtatlon, of so alien who an example of hope for conquering ■gain, aometlmea after appaarii^ to Mr. and Mrs. Oaorgs Shadd hava History As Result Of Hur­ wait five yearn. The cures were BY FEDERAL OFFICIALS 4TX Stafford young people who wish to attend ratumed to their home at tha club to "Inimicai to the public Interest." one ot cancer's incurabla forma, the Storrs Summer Conference. One house, after spending the winter tn known aa WUm'a tumor. made by surgery after X-mya hM The first attempt to organUo a of the features of the progrdm wrlU Here; Are Caoglit Later reduced the cancer to operahia Manchester. Re?. W. T. Walhce Inviled ricane Last September. Kansas City, April 18—(A P)- Washington. April 18.— (A P ) — Hardly more than a month ago — • nlnif at th* bona of Mn. AUan 1* volunteer fire department for ths be a talking picture on Africa, en­ Mrs. Marie Shaw has- rstumad' to he had this cancer In lunge, liver and limits. WILLINGTON (Thariea Carollo, Indicted Ay both The Supreme Court's decision block­ town of Union will be made at « titled "Safari on Wheels.” Tlckrte the home of Mrs. E. Selma Haley, In Norwalk, x 3 KILLED, 2 WOUNDED hto one remaining kidney. He was ' Ths NSW Rochslto hospital to hop­ K n tte r L o u Corimrabon S u t mS! MUSS JENNIE H. CHURCH To Continae Ifis Services ing deportation of Joseph G. spscUl town meeting Wednoaday wUI be 25 oenta for adults and 10 after vtaltlng her daughter In East Federal and county griuid Juries and dlieharged from a PttUburgh boa- ing that X-raya alone will eura. , u J Adam LeRoy Jones, director of the cents for children. Hartford. Hartfort, April 18—(A p i—Faced labelsd "the big man” of Kansas Strecker, One-time (Ntmmunlet. pltal with the probability of ITvlag Ito technique has som* good resultx . night at 8 In the town hall. Union Leon O. Wodworth, superintendent IN PROPERH QUARREL ADSOHOCCS Loans Wade North A U lle^ section for the Meases of dandsUon -gree&a are The 4-H Sewing club under the by the poeslbllUy of the moat eert- O t/ s t30,000,(>00-a-year gambling brought demands In Cengreis today two weeks The beet oim to another baby who fiiuivuiiwo WW a a UW who will hare for her aub- when the volere will be asked to balng enjoyed by local families. The At Annual Meeting. A minor crime wavs e»- major of tbs WlUlagton Hill cemetsrtas, Icederehlp o f Mre. Alice Lee, will racket, faced the threat of new tn- Apparently Yearn To Uvn was discharged In June three yean Ject, "Pro^am for the Small Ool lurchaae fire fighting equipment ' spring may be backward but the proportions hit Mancheater tost oue forest fires In history because- for strengthening the laws affecting started work on tha grounds this hold a card party at tha hall, Friday dietmente today. . . Sheriff* Afiarrta Double Murder Today there to no cancer to be ago, after the rays bad removed all la Rockville And Vicinity; lege CItib." 'he proposal to form a volunteer dandelions hava arrivsd. evening. P r o c e ^ will go toward night when one store, thfes garages; of the wreckage of last September** silent In thto country. tlalea Funeral fire depertment and to purchase week. He has bean the efficlant 8am C. Blair, aaaUtant U. 8. dla- In addiUon to the 60-odd meas­ found in any of hto organa, and ha algito ot WUma' tumor. Thto child The Hebron Lsdlaa' Aid Society ■ending a representative to the 4-H Rev.. William T. Wallace, pastor -hurricane which Uttered the wood­ trtot attoraey, said a mail fraud And Suicide Climax Of The funeral of Theodore E Bates, It because of the extreme forest firs caretaker for aevcral years. Ths and one parked ear wem entered ures already Introduced, several has been discharged from another ■till to apparently free from reour- will meet Wednesday afternoon at Conference at Connecticut 8UU of the North Methodist and the Ver­ lands with debris all the way from charge returned yeaterday by tbe Month-Old Argument. renc*. OAer Woolen City News. 77, a resident of Rockville for many harard which la far mora dangerous the home of Mrs. Carlton H. Jonas. sessoa Is six months, starttag ths College. and goods of varying value wem lagUIatom aald they would offer new hospital, apparently with yearn to > years who died at the Maaonic this spring throughout the entire non Methodist eViurehts, wss unsnl- the Connecticut shoreline to Can- Federal grand Jury wai "only a proposal* to meet the situation cre­ live. In two yean more the ease can Miss Dorothy Gray was boms mlddla of April. , Schools In town havs rs-OMned, stolen. In Norwalk, early today, > preUmlnary Indictment—them wlU ' Home In Wallingford on Friday was town of Union where the Tale and . Mra. Mary DaamjB haa returasd after a week’s vacation. ihipUs mously Invited to continue as lead­ ‘ ada, the QmnecUcut State Forestry L. Richard BHfiea ated by the court's ruling. Spoken*. Wash., April 18.— (A P ) But how many years to not known. be rated aa a "five-yoar-cure.” After from bar work at Middlesex hospital police stopped a car containing be othem" The Jurom are tavestl- that com* 10-year and 15-year cures RockvlUe, April 18.—(Speciali — held at the White Funeral Home In Qiilnebaug forests are located. Hiindsy. accompanied by a friend. boms after spending the winter with who attend Manehcetef High school er for tha coming year, at the an­ three boys all under sixteen yearn of The court held, 6 to 3, that the —Thrse person* were killed and two Whether the cancer wtU come bMk Other important questions to come Department 1* taking extraordinary gaUng Carollo'a Income tax returns and ao on. Harold Kbit haa hto lit­ "The Disaster Loan Corporation In this city on Monday afternoon fol­ Allan L. Carr waa homa for tha Mra. Florenca Raney In WUllmantlc hava reeunaed their studies. nual meeting of both churches held age who confessed to tbe local ram' fact that Strecker once belonged to wounded In a to,jiriat cabin shoptlng to not known. There are chances' it lowing services In the morning at before the voters at the meetlnga_. mcaauree to meet the danger. Federal Judge Albert L. Reeves may not recur, and then medicine tle feet on the lin t rung;' Washington. D. C., haa to date ap- wecktnd from bis wmrk at Middle- and Mr. and Mrs. Tbomaa Denman The card party scheduled for the last night. The meeting at Vernon page. The boys wem said to an organisation which SdvOoated which flberlff Ralph Buckley said the Masonic Home. Rev. Dr. George To see If the town will rescind the Orange Friday night wUI be held A comprehensive plan for coordt- identified Csrollo ■■ "the big roan' YOUNG REPUBUCANS overthrow of the government by hopes it will know better whet to proTsd loans to tobacco farmers an"'QUB the State Capitol, where applica­ Warner of Providence. R, I., who, nish the music. church basement, Wednesday at 3 on charges of keeping a gambling And County Party Work. Admitted Msmbsrshlp But a dlfferaaU technique w a a tions for loans may he Oled, has Rich., members of Fayette I/xtge toward the construction of a bridge p. m. The speaker will ba Flor­ time they were halted in Norwalk, early spring rains will be a time of conditions wiU be particularly bad point, Idaho, and then ihot himMir In the Bigelow section; the select­ with her children ha* been a guest Mias Jeanette Mtpcskowskl of for several yearn to come according device at the Fortune, which catered Strecker, an Auatrlan-born res­ last night. used. Tlila maana mainly a dUfar- South Sterling, Pa.. April ll. faoOT open for over six months, and AFAAM. ence H. Martin, R.' N., former madi- police to ^ y stated, the fleeing trio maximum danger. Hawee aald. From chiefly to women. L. Richard Belden, or WMt Hart­ taurant operator of Hot Springe. enca In the sharp-ehootUig with the Emblem Onb Serial men be authorized to confer With at the Poat home for thq past week. East Wllllngton aectlon took the to State Forester Hawes Mia* McElroy's m<)liher. Mr*. (A P )—A t 90, Mn. RabooM EdwiErfla It will be closed when It Is believed Mr.^Warner for the day ala«j Mra. third and fourth degres at the last £al mteslonary to India. Mrs. MIU- being stopped for a routine ques­ that point until the foliage is well Wlthdniws ApplloaUos fort. newly-elected president of the Ark., admitted he had belonged to rays They deatroy any ttosua, and that there will not be any further There will be a memberi aoclal on the ilate highway department and houae haa made arrangements for tioning In the Fairfield County city out afid the trees are proof against Next year when the debris and Marie Skretteberg, about 60. was itUI can do a nost bit of trout Curwood Harrall. alater of Mr. meeting of Ashford Grange. A bar Carollo, who was a lieutenant of Young Republican organization of the Communlat party for three the problem la to deatroy Cancer angling, but age to beginning to im- need for Its services. Farmers and Wednesday aflemooh by the Rock­ If possible place the construction the program. when their youth excited the curl- easy conflagration there wUI be a liter of the hurricane has dried out ■hot through the leg and Phil Lob- of the road from the B^lford town Warner, and her two aona, Herbert vest supper was served. Several Johnny Laala, slain "Uttle Italy' CCnilectlcut, was born in ClndnnaU. months In 1932-33. The Labor De­ my, 45, former Spokane fireman, without damaging to much healthy aair h*r teoh^ue. Appearing at others needing loans are urged to ville Emblem club at the Elks club. There will be a hearing before the oustty of an officer who wondered MrllOd ot anxiety and watchfulness it may be even mom dangerous than 0 „ 34 years ago. partment had asked bte deportation Mrs. Emma Connors'and .Mrs An line to Agerd'e comer upon a main­ and Carleton of Washington Park, members brought beautiful plants. this year. After some time the Demoeratle leader, applied for clU- suffered concusaion when a bullet tissue. The X-rays are alow buUato, the Wayna county oourtnouoe n r a file their asppllcatk^ Immediately Im Providence. The party returned Appropriation Committee at the what they were doing out so early for all of the state's -flre-flghtlng He moved with hto parents, Rsv. under a lOlO law. their effects are hot immediate and the tern- nie Hptirllng will be the hostesses In tenance schedule Instead of a con­ Automobiles driven by Adolph State Capitol Thursday afternoon clean-up work being done by the ■enablp tost fall but withdraw hto grased hit scalp. ’ now lloonsa, aha told tha dork she to secure theUie setwfcee of home together. in tbe morning. Promptl,, after their craws and the allied services. . snd Mm.-Louis I. Belden, to Unlon- Terming the deOtolon ‘‘"a blow to consequently medical experts are porary office. charge. struction schedule; to see If the Relscli of West Wllllngton and Ar at 1:30 In regard to buUdlng of the state and Fedtral governments plus appUcatlOD when Immigratlbn ofn- Sheriff Buckray said that before haflat mtooed a trout season In yean roonty Mse4lng Tonight town will vote to spend tha town Miss Nancy Kulynych, who has pickup, however, tbe frightened In addition to all of tbe men dais wheeled In a pushcart full of vtlls in 1909, and attended public law enforcement," Repreaentatlve Salinas Was' sentenced to MoNsll conetantly developing mor* skill tn but conipUlnefl. *T can’t uraflo the Stapfey Uoboex Night thiir I.jins of .RockvlUe aldewiped Bolton and Vernon dam, at Bolton nOrmaUy employed tn fire preven­ tbe natural rotUng of tbe fallen The monthly meeting of the Co'in aid road money which le available been. employed In East Hsmpton by lake. AU taXpayem are Invited to gang loosened up and admitted the records connecting him with crimes. aehoola In that dty. Hobbs (D., Ala.) said h* would pro­ Island penitentiary In' 1937 for a “ahdotliiE” than. ■tnams any m on." .•‘Stanley Dohoai N ig h f will be S..turday night In Rockville when tive work under tbe Park and For­ wood will eliminate some of the ex­ ty Committee of the Tollnnd County afUr July 1st. a cerUIn amount for Mrs. Avfry West, ha* secured em­ they tried to pass between two attend this hearing. The damage breaks here. Tbe stolen car which Carollo, however,, has never been Graduated from Hartford Pub­ pose expulsion of any alien who, at liquor tow violation '.he turned hto Wllmr tumor, named for a Ger­ ofaaeryed this evening by Stanley ployment In Aaron’s Dreea Factory, est Service In thto state, 400 addi­ tra hazard. But at present all for­ any time since hto arrival hem, bo- DobOcz Post No. 14. American Le- Yoiirig Men’s (lirtstlan Association maintenance of mads prcvlouely trucks. was done by the hurricane last fall, they- wem driving was taken in estry experts believe that we are convicted of a felony and so cannot lic High School In 1932, Mr. Belden preperty over to Miss McElroy and man who flmt described thto form af Oallforula testa ahow that < The Sons of Legion will be Will be held at the Rockville Mouse built with town aid funds, to use Colchester. after which the stata purchased the Maaaachusetta, but waa being driven tional men will be furnished by the be deported. entered Oonnectleut state College lunged to such an organization. that the two had been arguing cancer, haa Its origin in a growth precooled baforo and after atom Mlsa Aceynath' Jonei who la em­ Maj6r Karl Von Holtzhausen of facing tbe greatest danger of eerioue iresent as guests at the meeting, this evening at. 8:30 o'clock. Im- some of the money for construction Brownvllle, 'Texas, and Mlsa Jos property. under platen stolen In thto town Federal government and assigned forest conflagmttona In New Eag- Carollo was expected to surrender at Storrs, and waa graduated from "18’e bad believed tbe law. to be about It since he was releasrt a known ■■ teratoma, which to in tha may bo ablppofi from ooaat to < ibute will be paid to the memory portkiit matters, both In regard to of a bridge on the IHgelow road, ployed at the Hartford hospital Mrs. John Swanson Is slowly im­ from the car of David McKee of 18 to those areas where the hurricane on a capias warrant today. Judge the State College in 1937. that proof was necessary that an month ago. ^ '' body at birth. ' wlUi enty on* retolag. spent the week end as u«>ial at her ephine Braun of Thomagton were tond'e history. of the young man In whose memory Csmp Woodstock arid the local pro­ setting aside the sum of $1,000 for proving and la how able to ride in Griswold strseL did the grexteat damage and where Reeves aald ba would set bond at He to married and the father of alien waa a member of tbe Com­ piarenta' bom* hare. week-end guests of Leon O. Wood the post la named, who dicil In the gram will tie considered mslntensrice of the Bigelow road the car. Apparsntly hungry when they the wreckage of the storm fumtohea $10,000. two ehlldren, both boys munist party at any time,” HokP* and the balance of the money to he George F. KIbbe waa pleasantly worth at "Bonnie View.” sendee during the World War. Hope ( ’hapler Mlsa Vemetta oleman, who spent Mlsa L ^ la Young spent eeveral drove Into Manchester, the three tha moat dangeroua kind of fuel for The Carollo Indictment was the For the pest 12 years. Hr. Belden said. CMiteae Ctioeker l*arty Hope Chapter, Order of Eastern used for the construction of a. road surprised at hla home here Sunday days at the homa of her parents in waited untU store closi^ time and ■tartlng aerioua woodland blazes, haa been engaged In the Investment Studying Strecker Ruling from Agard’a Comer toward the when IS gueala from Springfield, the winter In New York and Penn third returned by tbe Federal jury. The Ladles Aid of the DobionvUle Star will hold a meeting, this eve ■ylvanla, will return this week to Fall River, Mass., during her vaca­ then went to Mahleu's store on All Have Fart In Plan MAYOR ORDERS 500 Tha flmt two aoeuaed T. J. Pender- business as a atatletldan and -sales­ Hobbs said ths court's dedsloa nlng In Masonic Hall. Following ths Eastford town line. Elach year the Mass., New Britain, Vernon, and He­ tion. church will hold a Chineas Checker her home, "The Studio" on Willing Spruce atreet, cracked a side win­ Dtotrict fire wardens deputy tst, Democratic leader, and R. E. man. Prior to hto election as state seemed to Justify Secretary Per­ party this evsnlng at eight o'clock meeting a membar’s card party will town of Union receives approximate­ bron appeared to congratulate him dow,'released a catch and antared. president, Mr. Beldst, waa presldant kins In sbs^ndlng dsportatlon pro­ ly $17,000 for atata aid . roads In on hi* 78th birthday. The company ton HUL 'warfieaa, fire-fighting crews, CXX: SI’Malley of Income tax evaalbn tn at the Church. There will be a door ba held with refreahroenU being Mr. and Mra. Floyd Phelp* were Here, Mahleu later reported to po- boyfi, Forest Serrice workem and of tbs Hartfort County Young- Re- ceedings against Maiyy Bridges, prtae and a silver eollactlon wrtll be served. Union. sat down to a table loaded with EMPLOYES FIRED connection with the 1985 Missouri good things prepared by Mr. gueate of hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uee, was taken a quantity ot ba­ W PA men aU have their part ill the fire Insurance mte compromtos. pubUesaa, and a member of the CIO west coast marititiie Isader, un­ taken aa thera will be no admission Funeral Wednesday WAPPING nanas, two cartons of cigarettes, til tha Btfoeker oas* was deelded. The funeral of Mrs, Florence B Klbbe's hoatase, Mra. Reuben Bosley. Benjamin Phelps of StaffordviUe eOordlnatad plan. Counting the Circuit ludge 'Allen C. Southern, beCuttve Committee. charge. ! He to former chairman of the Labor Departmest lawyam am InatallaUen of OBIeen Plummer. 60, wife of Walter H A big birthday cake wa* the center over the week-end MRS. W. W GRANT Rear. WilHani T. WaBsM tobacco and camly. regular crawa and tha men available who celled the county grand jury, Plummer who died on Monday morn of attraction, lighted with candles.. Tolland Grange, of which Louis 8809, Manchester Bangs Orlmrold Stmat on oaU In the event of a fire thera Action Of Kansas City Exec- estimated the annual gambling take UnlonvIUe Republican Town Com­ ■tudylag the Strecker ruling before Jeaaph OoImlUer will be Installed HEBRON deciding whether to proceed further Your Grandfather got engaged .aaJJtetator o f tha Rockville Lodge ing morning at her home 05..Pu>a' The guests "enjoyed a very pleasant Veaely of South Wllllngton la Maa which had been suspended for tan Next, apparently the bojra ersst WlU be 11,084 men acting under the hem at |30,OOO,JOO. mittee, and waa a delegate to the years. to the Ortowold atreet area and be­ last three Republican State Conven­ against Bridges, accused of betog of llooae this evening with Walter pact street, will he held on Wednes­ Quite a lot of 'exeU-emririt 'wraa social time. —r . • — ter, ,11^1 bold Neighbors' Night this Them wrem forty-five chUdren, dlraetioa of the fire service, or Smith aa Initalllng officer. Mr. Ool- day .afternoon at the Luther A caused last Saturday when a Junk Mrs. Helen Rush of New Britain evening (Tuesday) with mtmbersof Rev. Mr. Wallace commended the gan operatlona to restooh tkalr gma s'vailabto when needed. nbVe Prompted By Big tions. an alien Communist Manchester, Ellington and Ckilumbla who attended the combined Summer work of the organtostlont, the La­ Mr. Belden la a First Lisutenaat The House Judiciary Committee mitaer will succe^ Carl Oraf. The While Funeral Home at 2:30 o’clock truck raught fire In Amston In front Is spending the week aa the guest of Round Up and Well Child Confer­ tanks and their pockets. Tbs garage Preliminary work at a pmvenUve FRENCHMAN SPY D IR other officers to be Installed Include Rev. J. Arthur Edwards, pastor of of the Edward A. Raymond place. her sister, Mrs. Reuben Bosley. Granges attending. Each will give dles', Aid society, the B o o ^ r club, of David UcKeo waa antemd and nature haa already been done ao far In ths Offieem Rasarvs Corps; a recently dtomlaaed impeachment under that tree*’ part of tha program of entertain­ ence which was held Friday after­ which hava dons so much for the Deficit Disdosnre. charges agalnat Mlaa Perkins wMeh vlca-dlctator, Howard Metcalf, pre­ the Rockville Methodist church will The operator hastily aecured pallt of noon at the Community House. Dr. from hto ear waa taken tha marker u tlms and funda hava per­ member of the University Club, of late, Harry Plnney, Sr.; trustee, four officiate. Burial will be In Grove Hill ment. support of the church. The pastor plate on the rear, six gallons of mitted. Forest areas adjoining pub. BEFORE HRING SQUAD Hartfort, and a director of ths Get- wem baaed largely on her depart- water from the Raymonds together Clifford, who Is the director of Child especially praised the work of the years. William Mack; Inner guard, cemetery. The funeral home will be with some help from the family and Hygiene-of tha State, waa assisted gasoline, a pair of gloves, and two He highways have been cleaned of Together (3nb of Hartford. meat'a procedure In thc-Btreeker David K. Law; outer guard, Michael open this evening for the conven Sunday school under the superln- bank books left in tbe dashboard dabrto in a atrip 100 feet back from Kansas City, April 18.— (A P ) — and Bridges cases. by quick work the truck was aaved. GILEAD by Mrs. James, Mlaa Stager, and tendency of Walter B. Schober, the Nancy, France. April 18.— (A P ) Flynn. A flying squadron from Nor­ lence of friends. Tha Hebron Fire Department was Mlaa Cystnskt of the State Depart­ compartment, one on the Manches­ the read to mlniratoe poealble con- Mayor Bryce B. Smith ordered 500 Representative Dempsey (D-NM), walk will attend the meeting which Epworth League and other societies flagmtlone caused by carelcseness —A 26-year-oId Frenchman, Fran­ called out Sunday afternoon to take The Rev. Berl Lewis, minister at M anchester ment of Health. Local helpem were: ter (Seringa Bank and one on tha city employes discharged today In cois Helmuth Gruneberg, died aa a SEES ANNUAL WAGE m em W of the Dies ummlttea on will ba followed by a social hour who gays encouraging mporta. He In toaalag clgamttea from automo- Un-American ActlvIUas, said tha care of a brush and graas fire on the the Gilead Oongregational church Mrs. Frank Wilson Mrs. Mary Uuler, said the nnanees of ths church wem fiociety for fiaringa In Hartford. an eronomy move prompted by dto- spy before a firing squad. with rsfreabmanta. old McMahon place In the Greyvllle From them, tha gang went to the ' bUea or buUdlng roadside campflrea. Strecker dactolon shbuld expadite had for ths theme of hla asrmon, Mrs. Gmce McCann and Mm. Robert In a healthy condition and it to hoped cloium that Kaaaaa City's deficit He waa the aecond person to ba Dtstrlet liosM Meeting TOLLAND District. It was ioon brought under Sunday morning "China in the Date Book garage of Elwood UcAdama at 3$ PMsiMe Fire Uaea. put to death ■■ a spy la peacetime CUSHIONING HARDSHIPS Senate approval ef hto bill, already A Dtatrlct sone meeting of Lions Ordway. Children who plan- to en­ to close the Tampalgn for $1000 for the fiscal year ending April 80 MRS. JOHN H. STBELB control. This place la now occupied Shadow of - the Cwm." The choir ter school next FaU and wiere not launched in January to reduce the Griswold street. McAdam’s car was r But perhaps ths moat Important under Franee'a rigorous. anti- paaaed by the House, calling tor da- Itf clubs wtU bs held at the RockvlUe ToAlflit. uaa of these cleared areas along would total approximately 81.750,- by the Montgomery family. Aid sang Xn.'anthem “O How Lovely." able to attend this conference, may mortgage before many weeks. out, but another machine owned by espionage tow of June 17, 1938. The Schenectady, N. T „ April 18. potartlon e f an alien who advocates House this evening with members 1178-3, Rockville ’ from the State Forestry Department - ApHl *‘P«trUI«d Forest.' .hlghwaya would ba to establish flm 000. from Simsbury, Hartford, Bristol, The Connecticut State college glee be »am lned at the next meeting, The following ofllcera and com­ Albert Platt waa in tha garage, and flmt waa Naval Ensign Jean Aubert, (A P )—Gerard Swope, president of waa tJao aecured, looking out for by Community PlaySm '-at Whlton mittees wem elected to serve the thto waa ranaaeked. Thto dom. tha Unas tn the event of a aeriOua con­ Ordering dty department beads shot March 8 at Toulon. New Britain and Torrlngton attend- club of Storm will present a con­ will be held Friday, June 9. to cut off 500 employee "at once,*' (Seneral Electric, thlnke an aasurad ■Tha quarterly conference of the poealble danger after the towm fire cert at tha Oolumbla Ooogragattonal Memorial auditorium. church during the coming year: boys moved on to the garage ot flagration at which point pumps and Gruneberg was a foraater who minimum annual wage would help Methodist group of the Federated This Week. There were aeveral Wapptng peo­ tha ms}ror declared. engine went home. church next Sunday evening April ple wrho motored to Vernon Center Recording ateward. Mm. Cora P. Hector Provost at 14 OrlMrold flm flghtem m i^ t be concentrated worked In the area along the Magl- "cuahion the hardshlpe" of cyclical C H IL O M IN *"?)Utrtct Oovsmor Charles Stubbs church, will be held at tha church Charles Warner of Suffleld, bus- April 19-30—StaU O. U. V. C. 3^ to prevent the Area from Jumping "We are not-going to hava any not llefonee line facing Germany. of Bridgeport and Deputy Governor 28, under the autpicea of the *111- Congregational church, where they 'Clarice; connectlonal ataward, Cyrus street, tlain W. J. Stephens; district steward. vtaltora were present Pastoral Relations: Mark Holmes, became director of the chonia. A tem of triaagulatibn ((w o or mora Ing the winter spent Sunday In ToU son Robert ot UnlonvIUe, Miss Hslsn a trim, notched cellar. It gives you E A. L y d ^ Mm. Ruth Holmes. The crown prince and prinrass ora Mrs. W. J. Stephens: membership, Mr. Keen announced that there plenty of-leeway for action. program of varied beauty and atyto towam taking slmUltaneoua obser- to les'va New York May' 3 for a pur land. : Mathews and Mr. - Lavery of Hart­ Mrs. Arthur Seymour. C. O. Tyler, m . h. pkafaf ^ hi d id h f e iE afthalifiwiar doBa Mrs. M. L. Fielding. Mrs. DowUng, will he X Women's Auxiliary meet­ ford,- WylUa DeMam of West Hart­ The,;. eulotU skirt to cut with wlU ba presented by the O Clef la f vatlona on the point wbera smoke to tour that will take them tei tha west Mrs. Knott, Mrs. Roth. Mrs. Avig­ Mis* Hatty ‘Jawett of RockvUla ing at St. Alban'i church. Danielson, Mm. C. -I. Belch, W. E LydaU, Mra. its annual eoneart IncldantaUy. l i v i n g wraa a -Sunday guest of Tolland ford, Mr. and Mm. Fted Harris of plenty of width and feminine W. E Schober, Leonard Burt, * ..Acea arising) wiu ba able to give the coast and back. k fO L bcdolly April haa baaa rocog- a n spread thtoughOxt tho eoaxm aitf non; musIo,^Rev. Wallace, Mlea Mar­ next Friday, with morning and af­ Manchester and Thomas Bentisy of flare, to be good-looking aa wall WlU ba ana of tha first clubs In tbsj - exact locaUon of each btom before jorie Stephens, Alice, Stone, Mrs. friend* and attended tha concert. Nominating: The paator. Cbartoa Tm it ternoon se.ifllon*. ' All wromen of the Bolton. ' as comfortable. Buttoned all dowii country to present *TIod Hath “ any peraona hava reached the acefie, aiaad a N ar lagland Arhor Mimih. ia svefy vafli o f Ufo. Wo w s u ihoa Edna H. Johnston: religious educa- Key.'Valentine Saltaon waa called church ere Invited. Those attend­ Hale. Mm. Mabel Holmes, Mm. Fred Aacendad", arranged from a to Holyoke, Mbm., Saturday after­ Mr. and Mm. Morgan Stedman tbe front, it can be used for gen­ Hadden, Mm. Leon Holmes. SUUe flm patroto .wUl be employed Service? Uon, Ernest' Richards, Marjorie ing ere asked to bring box lunches. eral wear as well aa sporta. Them by OaUua (1850). This number DISCUSS ADVISABOJTY School caUaga, ths Wotaxa’s Oxba, visian a Ukt m and a come ageto. Stephens. Mary Charter, Mrs. WU- noon due to the aerlous lllnaaa of -and children of West Hartford spent Dramatic:; Mark .Holmaa, Mm. u soon as the waatbm' becomes Tea and- coffee will be lerved. - .If to such a gay, youth^, noncha­ a flvs-part motet and should ba fai- dangerously dry. Ilem -Smith, Mrs, D. W. ' Taft, hla uncle, John i .llion, who paaaed Mr. Keen Is not away from home he the week-end at their summer homa Hilda Stratton, Carl Tyler, Mra. taraatlag to aU muale lovam. omi aWc at^ a la riaai aroag co-4>|>as- finance, Emeit Richard, M. L. Field­ away at 10 o'cloc k Saturday eve­ here. lant charm about It.; Tou'U find WtUtom Shaw, Mrs. WaUaca, Marlon Dm «ar Vaitoa WItk Wantfeer will be glad to furnish transporta­ It amaalngly easy to'tailor, with Tha O Ctof Club has a atombar> OF MAPPING ANTARCnC What eao > a do a helpP Plant a tree lx ing, Mrs. W. J. Stephens. Wjlllam ning. tion for some of those who may Mr. and Mm. Albert Gilbert of Brovvnlng, EMgar Clarke, Mm. How- ■hip ‘of M voices, th o chorus wlU Forest flm danger varies greaUy ■tlagwMiriM Naipfcglsad Coxaeil w Smith, Mrs. l)owUng. The young peojle'a group of the Long Island spent the week-end at the step-by-step sew chart includ­ art Grant, Gerald ChappaU, May­ with the wsaUier, Hawes pointed yqar oeva yard- Take pen ia fob Atbor wish to sttend,^__ ed in 3i>ur pattern. prasant a ooncart in New Haven to­ pa iarex tU ha xriii af Now logfcad. j Benovelences. pastor, Mrs. W. J. Federated church omitted their the home'of Hart B. Buell. nard BriggA Corwin Grant. morrow night and a ooncart In Bran- out Days of low humkUty foUow- Washington, April 18— (A P ) — "CThtna'' tn the Shadow of the Camp MaeUng House: Mrs. W. Moirih eelebradooe io yoxr oomaMoityi Stephens. Mrs. Ernest Richard, Wil­ Sunday evening service and attend­ Croes” waa ths subject of the ser­ MIm Florence Jones spent the Make it of ^x)rta allka, glog- fort on May IL Aaalrtlng at next lag s long dry spell fire the womt State Department Offlelato dtoouaaed % liam Smith. Mrs. Frank Andrews; ed the young people’s rally held at week-end In Oolumbla at the home 'ham, linen or aharkakin. and en­ E Hllmart. Mra Waltor Shipman. waak’a annual event ___ Psrmtoaton to buUd Brea depends today the' advtoablUty ot trying to mon preached by the Rev. B. A. Mm. Peter McLagan, Mrs. Laura ant win IM pVaao Thk k port af tha erhela broad ploa Paint xpw dean np. Mx ap.^ You w ill bo social sendee ai-d minlstrtea of kind­ the UnIversiUlst church at Stafford Lewis Sunday md’mlng at the He­ of Mm. William Johnson. joy having the most outstanding Hoffman, soloist from tha Weatmln- tipbo tha Iveather cdkidlUoaa. Dur­ map lands In tha Antarctic dial mad ness, Mri. Stephens. Mrs. Knott, HoUow. ' casual style of this and tha com­ Paisley, Mra. Woodward. ing' tha danger season between by American ezploram during the bron Congregational church. It waa An Invitatthtt haa been extended Membemhlp: Mrs. Stratton, Mrs. ■tor Choir aehooL who to eertain to a paiaop* Ih apb aod daoa op, a naks mahiog yoex h o ae a better pUce a Mrs. Roth: flowers and decorating, announced that tha twice postponed to Gilead people to attend (ui enter­ ing summeF-aeaoos. add much to tha program. March 1 and Dec. 1, no perara may last 100 yearsL Mre. Ernest Richard, Mra J. H. Pattern No. 8364 to designed for M a ts ^ Mr. and lira. T ro i Hadden. S e c re t^ Kun'arranged a oonfer- aafhaira a twacria a poariMs for H a, and yen wOl ha helping a make concert by th^ Connecticut Stats tainment and Social on April 28 Mr. SM Mm. Chartea Ftold. Mr. and huUd a flra la the woods or fields Wilson, Mrs. Roth. Mrs. Roger Barr. College Glee emb will be presented sponsored by tha Hebron- (iongre- stoes 12. 14, 16, 18 and 20. Stoe whathsr upon hto own property or enoa with Lincoln Elunrorth, ex­ Mr*. Grace Smith: church records POLICE COURT 14 requires 4 1-8 yards of S9-lnch Mrs. Charles Edgerly, Mr. and Mm. plorer. He previously has ceaoulted aar ncTCXtfoaol riateon. roc tho aoriot New tnglend a mere proeperooe place next Sunday evening at the Colum­ gatlonal church for the benefit of Raymond Field, Mr. and Mrs. Thom­ Oh publle land without flmt getting i ^ T t v •nd auditlngl Ernest' Richards, Wil­ bia church without fall. There will nuitsrUU. nERUff FOUR NEW Resr Admiral Rlchart E. Byrd, ami In. Town Court last night Ntlan T. young-peoitole wtahlng to attend the as Moors. a panalt from ths flm 'srarten. a w a l y ^ liam Smith;'pastoral relations, W. be no local (Thrietlan Endeavor meet­ Storm Summer Conference. .The Tha DOW 8PRINO AND BUM­ one of thaaa two man may be asked J. Stephens, Ernest Richard. Mrs. Mc(Cryetai, 23, of Phoenix street, Mlntotrias of Klndnaaa: Mrs. m w as haa divided the weather ing. featura of the program will be talk­ MER PA^TTERN BOOK. S3 pageo hosarts Into flva groups. to toad tbe map-maldag axpadtUon, J. H. Wilson; nominating, putor. Vernon, and Joseph J. McNulty, 22. of attractive designs for every stoe Melvin Cox. Mm. Thomas Shaw, COAUnON CAHNET If It to seat. , It was also given out that the an­ ing pictures on Africa, entlUsd, Mrs. Howard Omnt ~ N a i weather meaaa least dan- ■ \ ' ■ M n. Grace Smith, Mrs. Ernest of 15 Ellsworth street. East Hart-, nual meeting of the (Connecticut and every bccaaton, to now rea^. Mapping of the half minkm aquArc- Richard, Mra. Stephens; board ot ford, charged with breach of the “ Safari on Wheels” and praaented Photographs show drsisia made Stewards: Mn. Cora Clarka, g«g and parmlto for flm ’win be' to- Council of Oongregattonal Womefi by tha Colonial Beacon OH Com- Mna W. E Hibbard, Mrs. Iffalter Brusadto. A g ^ ^ l l —(A P )—Son- ■uad and tBa bunkig o l brush sn- mUes w «u d ba a pnllmlnary s t ^ to. •tewards, Mr. and; Mra. W. J. peace, were each finad 85 and costa. will be held April 28 tn tha Ssmond from thaaa pattemd being worn; formal diplomatic claim to the land. Held for breach of the peace and in­ Mrs. T. D. Smith, Mrs. dtor Rubdrt sueesaded today oouragad. The NEW ENGUND COUNCIL Stephana, Marjorie Stephens, Mrs. Oongregational church, Watarhuiy. a featura you will anjojr. Let the la forming Offlctoto aald coogreaMonal appiovar _ A. Ward, Mra. ESlsatMth Avignon, toxication, Stanley S la ^ 28. of 38 • ^ .h m a Orange P. ot H. No. IXI. | ______Md, Mn. E A. LorddU. two-party eosUttan No. 3 wastbar low er alight T h e There will be morning and afternoon charmliig daalgns In thto. new would ba naeaaaaryior ooeh Sa ex- Mr. and Mra. Eraeat Richard, -Mrs. Union etriSet end ’niomea O'Neill, WtU bold Its regular meeting at the Mrd. T. J. Shaw. Mra. Patar Mc- govammsat after thd thriw-paitothrao-p hazard. Psnnita will be toaued and sessions. •> book hup you In your sawing. Lagan, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tytar, Cahladt ba formed yesterday S rt poditiea. John ^ ru p , Mr. and> Mrs. J. H. 26, of 160 Oak street, also received QUaad Community HaU this eve­ One pattern and tbe new Spring burning eaeonraged under artn ga $ta$kr Bidldm g B a ttm M m , Mr. and Mrs. William BucUay of Mn. Leon Holmes, Mrs. C. O. T^er, broken up wlUita a few houra. coodltlona. WiljuMi, Mr. aniTMra. William Smith. fines of $5 and costa each. Middletown were at their Hopevala ning. The lecturer Mlaa Florence and Summer Pattern Book—25 Mra. Annie Knott, Mr, and. Mria. Arraigned on a non-support count. Jones haa kvranged a very Interest­ Charles Hale, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ptorlot'a own Catholic party aaC No. 8.' weather presents medium 19,099 AT WORK ON FAOt plice for the week end. Mr. T. H. oenta. Pattern or book alone— 15 Grant, C. E Holknaa, Bamtea IcrdaU. tha Liberato wlU form tha ol Edgar _Wlla6n, ] Clyde Rlcbarda, Joseph EMgerton, 26, of 294 Grand­ Kellogg of Hartford also vtelUd hla ing program conaUtlng of a play the new CabiaCt m whioh Ptortol haxarda. Bundag wiU be aUowed Donald Richard, ,ry Charter. Mra view terrace, Hartford, was ordered and music tn observance of George Mr. and Mrs. W. E Schober, Mr. only- under safe oonditlana. • Nefir York, AprU Ig. — (A P ) — MANCHESTER place at Hopeval# Sunday. For a BATTBHN ot thto slttrmo- and Mrs. Elton Johnooa. Mra. M. Q. WlU ba foreign mltitoter as waU ,a* With the formal oMnlng of the New Harry Kenyom Frank Andrews, to contribute 85 weekly ot the eup- Mra. Daley Humphreys was home Washington Inauguration which tlva modal send I8e in COIN, your pramlar. No. 4 waathar, offering high haa- Mrs. linooln Mr. and Mra. port of his wife and child. Con. Mrd. W. R. Dimdtono. Mr. dnd ort maaaa ao permits for tires. York World’s Pafr only 13 flays from Hartford at her Hebron cot- t o ^ place 150 yearn ago on April NAME, ADDRESS. STYLE Nim- Mrd. L. E Burt, Mr. gad Mrt. W. away, a staff o t 19,000 workmen t o - , George Hewitt The drunken driving and reckless .tage for the week end. 30. 'Ihe program vrill be open to BBR to THE EVENING HBRAXD. During 193$*Sfi, the United Stotoi No. fi ematiiei' metni extreme dub driving case of Leroy W. Heald of E LydaU. Mr. and Mrs. Ortowold ^ WM toiay itwhlnff tha $186.000,-: Mias Irma Lord and bar i____ the publle commaoelng at fi:80 TODArS PATTERN BURB^. ChappeU. Ruth TVtor. Mr. and Mra. regained nearly one tuUf ot t)M liasart. 'N o penntts tor Dns wUl be 006 aatarprlaa toward ^ p t o t t o a .' T b «a wU ba maeUng of tha ForaatvlUe, waa continued to Friday totued, an outstanding permits esa- TRUST CO. Miaa Betty Lord of Balnbrtdge. N. o'clock. 106 SEVENTH AVENUE, HEW OoUage Chib ot this eva- nlgbt’a court saasloii. Alexis Tanner, Mr. and Mrs. Jona­ Latin America export trade It lOw Tbs payioU for those ai&ployafl on T., a student at tha WUUaantlo' Tha Woman’s Club are apnnaoring YORK, N. Y. than Low. Mra Jean Johnston. between 1939 and 19S3. oeOed. hunting, ttoUng. hiking, and the 1,316-aeta tract last weak was Maabar FadanI Dapaait l a a a r B B a a Coeg. asMUficsd under extrMM ) i rvortad ahoxo |900AOOl ' aaBeaoBBBiBii F A X it E IG H T MANCHE8TEB EVENING HERALD. llANCHESTEB. CXUfM-. TUESDAY, APRIL 18. is n MAMCHCSrrER EVENINU nEKALD. U M H M E S r S K , O U N N . T U I S D A T , A m i l . 18, 1OT9 f AQ B H U fS In its attempt to gain elimination of penalty eJauses. SAYS ROOSEYET PLEA LEADER IN WPA CIO President .Tohn I,. I.,ewla. :IF0RMER STATE Domestic Peace SHEA ENDORSES miners' representative on the eight- j member sub-committee, has threat.- POINTS TO AGGRESSORS ened to pull out . the anthracite BOY SCOUT DRIVl 'miners and 100.000 aoft coal miners HIGHWAY HEAD UNION ASSERTS (OMttmsd riwm Pago Onn.) KEEPS TITLE WITH 2:20 KAYO OF ROPER outside the Appalaehlan fields, un­ less th.e present stalemate In the bituminous Industry ends. tiona against any nation currently HE^COpiNIST DIES AT HOME in diafavor.” Asks Support Of Local Yout To give the president the power (OMttDMd trOlB PB|« OM.) (Ooatlaiied frooi Page pae.) to select the aggressor and dis­ criminate against such a nathm, he OrganizatioDs Start! nil of state highway commiaatoner since ICeUlUan (D.. 8. C ), Beolvnln Mid said, la a "recrudescence of League Baset^l Openers Hit By the Weather Champ Eas^Disposes WIFE’S DEATH hiS Hppulnlment to the post In 1933 b* had b*«n a member of the Com­ of Nations psyclioiogy—and a par­ munist party for about 18 years and fty Gov.‘ Oiarles A. Templeton. He Fond GaoipaigB. - succeeded t'harles J. Bennett and ticularly unfortunate one today had held official positions tnOhat when the League has so recently paaty. He denied he had ever repre- CAUSED DRUG was the third to hold the commla- been exposed ss futile." ■1 aented the party In conventions held Btonerahlp created tn 1897. He waa "The Boy Scouts of America PIRATES TOPPLE REDS \Moriariys Sign Saverick Of Veteran Challenger WouM Be Act Of War TWI LEAGUE TO ADOPT in Russia althouith he testlfled reappointed by Gov. John H. Trum­ one of the most praiseworthy organj earlier he had been In the Soviet -TAKING HABIT bull and Crosa. Senator Borah (R., Idaho) as­ Izationa In this country today Union prior to becoming an Alliance Mr. Macdonald went to the serted, meanwhile, that Impoaltion sutes Senator William J. Shea "Any movement to teach our young officer. (('ontlnneo from Iboge One.) Mlghwav' Department from the De­ of economic sanctions against vio­ IN ONLY GAME PLAYED SCHEDULE FOR SEASON ARCHIBALD, KODAK Upptreat, Ri^ Souk He Mid later he had been a dla- partment of Motor Vehiclea where lators of treaties with the United boys lessons In character building trict' organiser, for the Communist he had served as deputy commla- Ststes wrould constitute an act of should receive the undivided supportTI Mike Saverick. erstwhile Trsdeiday end eras present et the first bufy's legislative program would of every thinking man and woman. To Hetd Aid Anothor psutv In several districts, hut not have gone through without hl.e eld aioner. He had been appointed In war. School ethletic star', and also a vet- practice Sunday when a dosen men (or tbe use of the fields will be con­ ■ eran semi-pro baseballer,' has been reported for a three-hour drill. sidered. IN TITLE CONTEST since 1931. He siald he had no offi­ or the assistance of Oiarlejj K. Wil­ 1917 by the then commissioner, Rob­ The veteran mem)>er of the Sen­ Four-Run Rally In Ninth PAWSON FAVORITE Crenit Meets Tomorrow At cial or personal knowledge as to liamson, another of .Mscki-nr.le's for­ bins H .Sloeckel. Signed by Morlarty Brothers t o , ------Left Ends L o t A iifilo s ate Foreign Relations Committee handle third base. It was announced Morlarty Brothefs’ football team whether any other members of the mer a.'sociales. lU WHS born Sept. 16. 1890. In made this assertion In criticizing j Manchester Grren’e club will hsve Alliance's Ebieciillve Board belonged today by Manager Nick Angelo. The got a favorable reaponae to tba first its regular meeting tonight at the Williamson, one of the defendant.*, PulnaiD. son of State Senator and sharply the stand taken by a- wit­ Bri.g.7-5 Vicier,: AD IN MARATHON RACE 7 O’Gock; Riyairy Bebg to the Communist party. has testlfled that Mackenzie and he 5frs ArcJilbald Macdonald. rest of the tnfleld seems likely t o , spring grid practice ever held her# club houee. While It Is not certain Clash At ProTidence Tonight Boat In First Round; Loter ness for peace organizations at. the i shape up with Howard "Doc” \V"*’lley by semi-pros last Sunday, reports there is a rumor tbat ths team win Tells Alms of OomfimnlsU. were allied In lobbying activities be--, H* waa graduated from Putnam Senate Committee's hearing in sup­ fore the General As.*emblv tn behalf Teams In Action Today __ at first. Bob O’Malley at second and ! Manager Dickie Kerr, (toaeh Luddy Fanned To Feyer Heat As bloeaom forth this year In new uni Benjamin gave the committee a High school and from Valparaiso port of s proposal by Senator Vic Pagan!, recently acquired from For Feather Crown; Boat detailed description of what he said of Waterbury hills • I Hansen Intends to continue the forms. Regular routine business will -Tbrowt lliree hmdMs. University In Indiana In 1914 with Thomas (D., Utah). Thomas would the Blueflelda, at shortstop. |workouts for the next few Sundays also be transacted. he believed to be the alma of the Mackenzie's relterellon was an a civil engineering degree. A year revise the neutrality act to permit Unless Showers And Snow Pawtucket Entry Is Choice The Campaign Nears. apparent attempt to meet the de­ Saverick has had lots of experi- ‘ at 10 o’clock In the morning. Communist party but denied that It later, he married Miss Ethel .M. the president, with the approval of Seen Toss-Up. advocated overthrow of this gov­ fense contention that without the ence on the diamond. • Is a good Tbe following men are asked to be New uniforms seem to be toe LoaXAngalsA AprU 18—(A P )— Jfflffison of -New London. Congress, to designate a treaty vio­ delder and a hard bitter. He pes- ernment by force or violence help of the wltpeaa and Wljllamaon. Stop Scheduled Games, , To Repeat Victory h Bos- present along with any others who vo^e. this season. The P. A. teem Joe Louie began paeMng up Iris 1w He waa employed for a time by lator and cut off conunerclal rela- tlmed with the Green In the tri- would ilka to try out for tbe team; The TwIHght league moguls me«t will be re-decorated os will the Ger­ He said he did not regard the the legislative needs of Waterbury toaglngs totey to head east for his Unitad States gbvemment as "cap­ varlotia conatnictlon firtna. “the tlona with such. (tounty League last year; wras with Bteum, Bycholskl, Roblnsoo, Krebs, tomorrow evening at the PoUeh- man Amerltane and the north ends. Providence. R. I., April 1$.—(A P ) could not have )»een met. the ^lisb-Americans In the Twi­ Morlarty Brothers have already italistic" but as "democratic." Jury Efforts Revealed Wealern Union Telegraph Company Charles G. Fenwick, professor of ton’s 26-M le Ron. MaJewskl, Smith. Vittner, HAefs, American club on Clinton itreet at —Trained to a rasor's edge, Joey next odd Jqb of dsfsndlag the International law at Bryn Mawr, By SID FEDER light League and with- (toance Catron. Healy, Zwtek, Schuets, pacee the first League. Henry "Hank" Harfs; who rrande. Anderson, flkqog, Wolfram, ditional colors of blue and whits. guy and let’s get this 100th onnl- Boston, April 18 — (A P )— Since has been spending most of tbe with the world’s featherweight aasignment lost M b t la 3 mlnutsa ■strike" to avoid starvation, Ben­ liamson an d -Mackenzie received Mr'ntiter (M Many OrgonlzaUnne step toward war,” Borah declared, luliano, Henry, McIntosh, Butkia- fireworks otbsr than tba usual rou­ ebampinnthip at atake. jamin asdd the booklet did not now "in fact. It would be war Itself. vsrsary baseball season started to- marathonlng is a veterans' sport winter In Florida, returned Satur- wics and Ferguson. Among the many names mention- and 80 secooda by ^ eloe)L Isavlag shares In the -'split" of 8,58,400 that A 32nd degree Mason, Mr. Mac­ day. tine business there la, nevartheleos, It will be tha first roal 188-pound represent hla views. That Is one way of carrying on war. probably tbe most punishing on the only a spark needed to ereata quite •d this year Is Woody Wallet. One a gams but liattor^ Jack Ropsr Williamson has testified was re­ donald was also a member a t the More than 300,000 cash custom- of the beet catchers in this section title eersp elnce Henry Armstrong He said hs had changed bis mind ceived by the pair for Inbh.ring serv­ In modern times that la a large calendar, the same old (aces and the on uproar. The schedule committee defeated Petey Rarron In Madison knocked out in bis i and read another statement In Putnam lodge of Elks, the American part of the wrar system." art, and miliions who can’t get away Wallet has been named by three ices were revealed today at the mll- with that old "My-grandnui-is- same old favorites predominated to' will report at this meeting which Square Garden, New York, two which he Mid the relief workers Society of Engtneera, an honorary j :-' ■ will take up moat of the tlfiie. teams unofficially but seems to bs Twenty-llys thousand' Ilon-dollar fraud trial. memlier of the Connecticut. Cfvll I Asks Pence Oroupa Stand . sdek" excuse, will thank you for it day aa the pack of 304 plodders on the Morlarty Brothers roster for years ago. Rodak la rated the No. for s UiriU, got It In shorLN struggle did not Involve conflict The disclosure was made as Mur­ With tba advent of the north end 1 conlshder by ths National Boxing with the government "because our Engineers and was post preeldent While European war mlnistert strut in bellicose attitudes or mop fevered brows In Jittery conferences, Borah asked Fenwick why the b6 end. And 16 big league mana­ mode final preparations for tomor­ certain. The one question and play­ doees. Ropsr, fulfllllng a ) ray continued reading the grand of the North Atlantic States En­ peace organizations did not advo­ gers, who have been playing every- Rec League To Wind Up into the league, plans (or on elab­ er who seems to be mentioned on Aseoclatlon sad Archibald la the struggles In that direction have gone V* peacefully in the sun because—he U Secretary o f War of the UniteJ row's 43rd Boston A. A. race from recognised champion In New York trade p-bnehsa with U Jury transcript of testimony given gineer Association. He was also a W earing if pictured w i^ hia-wlje and children enjoying their Miami, Fla., vaca- cate the prohlbitioo of shipments of nig from nursa maid to Simon Le- orate opening ceremony north cf the aU ths teams Is Cbucky Smith. He through." by Msckenzle before that body. Hopkinton to the Back Bay. atate. Tonight’s victor will ba punching LouIa iaadad three < member of the American Asaocla-i ooo. lira. Wot^ring holds ion Cooper Coolidae Woodring. 2; intent on hii fishing U Marcus CooUdga arms and ammunition to all belllg- gree for rookies, veterafis and "guya track! ore underway. Tba Depot Is reported as being a free lanes books to ths bead with kla Budget 840,000 Yearly. The tranacript showed that the •Few In the bulky field lacked eX' Square Garage team is determined treated as ehamptan by both the tion of State Highway officlala. Woodring 4. center, while Meliata. 3, usea her dad'a leg for a back-reit. — erenta. named Joe” for nearly twro months, perience on the hlUy 36-mlle, S8S ball player before the season opens. lafL They weren’t enough. Benjamin and Lasser testlfled grand Jury went so far aa to offer WiUlam J. Shea will be much obliged. , to do things right and promises NRA and ths New York state com- earlier that the alliance's budget He had recently been empkryed aa “Why should we, as a great Chris­ yard course but only six were rated Cage Campaign Tonight The only team that haa not mention­ mieeion. Louis, jolted by ths firet to strike out of the recoril any name Ws all know you’re threatening plenty of excitement when the Orel ed the flashy second sarker In Its ran about 840,000 a year and aub- which Mackenzie might offer as a a aalee roan for the Glenn Falls tian nation, furnish arms and muni­ as poaaible winners and four of them game Is played over there. Right Unlll the dough from nearby Paw- stung by ths other two, moved ta^ tions of war to one nation to blow Not so many yeara ago I served on evaiytblng from showrers to snow preUmlnary publicity Is tbe Ger­ aaittad a financial statement for the 'lead." Portland Cement Company of Glenn the arch-criminal, the men in the hundred figure today, with riaUig the local Scout committee and also were victors In aa monj^eare. now there ore two separate move­ tusket began rolling in, Rodak was toAtoAklU. He got IL with a right another to pieces? Borah dejnanded. for this afteniooB’s opening day Such an expert os Clarence De mans Whereaway,' (^uckyT U D ^ths ending Aug. SI, 18S8, Mackansle. however, insisted that Falls, N. Y. DEMOCRAT CHANGE back room planning crimes. Thoae .-.•-rc-ims uiicrlng a new threat to life aa a Scout Leader, I had an oppor­ partlee tai eight big league dtlee, ments imderway to obtain a ault'- the favorite la the brisk betting smash to tba hsad. foUowed by a showing a 880.000 gross income. he did not know where the money He leaves hla wife, three sqns. are the men we want to reach.” and property. Fenwrlck said ths peace organlza. tunity to wratch Scouts develop Into Mar 80-year-old Keene, N. H. Triple Tk lA d j For Seceod ^ able playing field and It U expected at odds of 8 to 8, but oil rigns point- is a The- .Manrhrster Republican tlons would go a long wmy towrard but since you held off long enough The Board of Arbitration will Benjamin also said that among went. William Archibald, Duncan Tayloi Ucllel workers moved to clear the kind of citizen of which Man­ to let Cincinnati lift the Hd yester starter in 30 previous B. A. A. races Erie, Pa....wlU Erie papers please that something definite will be an­ rd to on aven money scrap when the Uppercut Storla II contributions totalling 81}.385 re­ Agreed To Prceiiiiipllon and John A. Macdonald, Jr., of. West IN CONSPIRACY ACT |H>lntr(l out It wSh impossible to away »>tod worry Ball ployors with any sort of ablUty fans in Manchsater, both wsU versed ers of America. Leary who received anme of the recalled, waa put behind bars after dii'iar mark. wanted to take sides. last year and, back in 1988, h« set .. .be holds a degree from a New ■hip fer 8vc years. In that time ■totghteaed the old warrior up with A t the start of the day's bearing, nam and Mrs. A. C. Meter of Wyon; the government reaorted to a “'plca- Manchester." Heed tbat even the pale sun peeking ore getting a careful grooming and In ths national pastisM aro euro to money," ing. N. J. ti nntiniiert from rage Oae.) Fatalities reported ovdfnight were "You are not talking abdut neu­ ' The Scout drive with Tom Kelley through tbe clouds yeiderday tbe course record of 3.30:01 8-8. ^ha has wou 58 of 81 hghlA But a left uppereuL It started )rim out tasasr and Benjamin accused the vune vlolatloD” of the Income tax Mrs. helix Clay. 64. Pipe Creek, any disgruntled player left over •ay yes, Charlis Rogers and Jac . Former City Comptroller Daniel The funeral win be helti Frldi. trality,” Borah asserted, “you are aa chairman begins April 31st. Other couldn’t change a thing for the The only others conceded a chance Farored h Gainet At Tbe - S ? ? {“£( S 'ri.u S .'’i.V; (rbm the 1988 season haa Ills choice, >' tonight’s bout will bs bu first shot The two flnlsben oompletod tho Jojh committee in a formal statement iior" ti> that sponsored by the law. Tex.; -W P. Coleman, 70, Haynea- talking about urmeutrallty." May. What a board and wa mean'I ■( the UUA '“of a feverish attempt to make a J, Leary is one of the men cufrent- at. I .TO p m., at hla home. Biirl members of the committee sre,.WU- Reds. They lost their seventh were Ellison (Tarzon) Brown tha really burned up Baron Poffenberg- provided, however, that hs Is able to board ttaoso two alono. wUI makA a dean kaoekouL '•mmitt,ca* Renews Partisan Charge vllle. La., filling station operator; "1 must say that I db not think opener in a row with 80,644 fans er was a picture In a Dstralt paper A IB-roimd vietory over YYeddie few newspaper headlines—to maifli- ly on trial will l>e In iSitnapt cemetery. Put Viola I.Jndsay, 50, and Vida Mae Ham C. Cheney, Treasurer, Christie Narragansett Indian from Aitoo, tell left field from first base. The Batund to tba wavaa Roper' According to the traparript, Mac­ nam, ' (auma In Rereaa Shea renewed his charge that the there la any such thing as neutral­ McCormick. Scout Chairman for on hand. They etarted off pretty R. I., who won to 1938, Walter Em I Side Rec. showing him wearing a monocle MiUar, former king ef toe featber- faetnrc a scandal." Gulley, 13, Wabbeseka, Ark;, Negro. various boards of strategy oro cars- waighte, and a recant sbi-Mund waa trying to ellmb up toe ropaq m e.. kenzie was asked If he ever received After a 46-mtnute recess In which Democrats were m otivate by "par- ity," Fenwick replied. Manchester, Alva Russell, Frank wrell, what with Buck McCormick Young, the Vordia, Qu a, poUeoman and capUoned: "Baron of gauar- fuUy cheelUng thither and yon, fore toe sad ef toe tea oeunL B m ’-f accusation drew an immediate tlaanahlp" on the measure, and aa- In Arkansas, hardest hit by the ' At one point in Fenwick’s testi­ khaeltout of BUly MUlar of Pitts­ rsptlmand from committee mem­ any money from Mayor Hayes and both parties caucused .to determine Zimmerman. Dr. John Tiel^ Hayden banging tha jmar’s first homer and who led the field in the tolloiring kraut (3oea to Flatbush."...Cbarlay mostly yon. GRID MENTOR ACCEPTS didn’t make It. and ^tobed over 8q serted the Democratic members of twisters, '11 highways were closed mony. Senator Barklay (D-Ky) said all, Init after the Pittsburgh Pirates burgh aecouatod for the aarty odds bers. the witness replied. "No, no sir, no." their final standings on the mesa- by high water after rainfall of near Grtswrold; E. J. McCabe, Charles year, Johnny KeUey of Arlington, The Rec Senior Leagiis winds up Gilbert, now center fielding for hla Baseball goosip consist mostly of bis face after it had bees e e m - i Mackenzie consistently denied )>e- lire, the conspiracy bill was taken the Judiciary. Committee had first he thought the President a h ^ d )>e Kimball, R. H. Smltb, and Herman got through clubbing Bucky Wal the 1986 victor, Pat Dengts of Balti­ p p at Noahvllle, has been picked in Rodah'e favor. However, Arch­ Astprtlng the committee had sold the committee bill waa "the clfiudbiirst proportions and six given wide discretionary powers In its regiiler basketball campaign to­ one thought In tbe Twilight league ibald a home town producL biw been ptetsd by Georgs V. BlakA "practically ignored" the subject It fore the grand Jury that he knew ABOUT TOWN up os tge order of the day promptly MonUe. ters and Peachea Davis for four more, runner-up last year and in by pig league scouts os the coming STATE DENTISTRY JOB Wrigley field, home of too Lew sounder and better bill." major streams were rising rapidly. the Yield of foreign affairs. Fenwick runs !n tha eighth—well, the Buca night and It's more than Ukely that clrclee. Without any apparent sem­ showing well In training. was directed .to Investigate—ad- how the money tn question waa di­ at Dooh. 1938, and Gerard (tote, another -Ver­ 880,000 ball playor of the south... Aagsleo-baseball club and oosm e f '/ "Let ua not cluinge our minds on Damage to roads-waa eatlmated at agreed but said he doubted that pub. took It. 7-8. Shortstop BlUy M y blance of a plot the one big idea The rin ^ d e will be atuddeA irilh mlntotratlon of the WPA—the offi­ vided. Mrs. Mary PIvZips Is chairman of The debate opened when Senator *350,000. dun star, who finished eighth last three teanu will be deadlocked for the P. O. A. U trying to steam up a seems to be "Ost ths Bluefields” this the fight was in aff* uproar. Old ' Mackenzie has picailed guilty. the grounds of political sxpedlency", He opinion would approva of such a o n of tbo Rads went to a hospital year. celabriU4A In addlUon t o ' the cials declared the committee called the committee from the Daughters William J. Hhea, Republican, moved second round honors when the twin golf hall of fame.., Provtdenca pa­ year. There ara five eontenders that Dr. John B. Suthtrland Re- governors ef Rhode Island and Oon- man Roper had mada the stand ^ the AUiance officials to be question­ Wlliliimson la one of the defendanta. he urged. "We eeek, not protection move. after a throw By Bill BrubaiNr pers devote oa much space to sports of Liberty, L. I. O, A., rondueting adoption of the bill sponaorod by for the arrh-rrimlnal, but protection knocked him cold, but he wasn't DeMar the fifth former winner bin at ths East Side Ree is com­ all seem inflicted with this disease tum« To Bin ‘T in t I-ovt;” neetlCut, Gena Tuanay, former had promiaed, sad Louie, aueeini ed ^iparently "on their political be­ The grand Jury record showed s nimmng'e ssle Tliiirsdsy from 9 "We think,” the witneas said, aa most of the HetrOpollUn oheeU the Republican-controlled Judiciary for the whole of society." "that In the present state of public WEDDINGS aeriously hurt. entered, does not expect to win his pleted. The opener et 7:80 o’clock and it is rapidly becoming violent. Quit Pool At Pittsburgh. world’s heavyweight ehampioa, wtllTfoUy defending his title for the sixth liefs, their past history, the Jobs that at one lime when asked about o'clock on ntylhe store, 70fi Main PLAN FOR REPLDING 20th start in this "grind.” He is ...their pages are chuck full of The champions are taking every pre­ the division of the 8,58,400, Macken­ Committee which ho aald met "de- democratic provision moti­ opinion that there la a great reluo- You know, of course, that Presi­ ■ends Onter Billiards against Pa- be there, aa will Edward C. Foster, times Biaee he won It from Jimmy • they have held, the clubi; they belong street. mnnda" for leglalatlon on the aiib- certain, however. Uxat he wlU be gani’s BarbenT with the Brajrmen news and expert comment, and are caution to protect themselves and, executive aeoretary of the National Braddock In 1937, was doing Just: to." zie replied to a‘ Jiiror, "I don't know vated by the Waterbury case Shea tance to trust the President in the dent Rooeevelt doesn’t think you’re smartly edited. any more about It lhah you do, Ject and gave s "proper definition termnd "unnecessary." matter of foreign affairs." Vostinak-Pieseik ■o hot after what you did In Wash­ among the first 30 across the line needing victory to figure in the play­ from the different reports ctreulst- Harflsburg, Pa.,' ApriT IsX -lA P ) ~ «lng. Aaaoeiatfon, and Joa Triner, what moat evsryona expeeted, "This committee has not estahllsh- A niemlieis' s