Space Races: Settling the Universe Fast
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Space races: settling the universe fast Anders Sandberg Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford January 24, 2018 Abstract This report examines the issue of the resource demands and constraints for very fast large-scale settlement by technologically mature civilizations. I derive various bounds due to the energy and matter requirements for relativistic probes, and compare with bounds due to the need to avoid collisions with interstellar dust. When two groups of the same species race for the universe, the group with the biggest resources completely preempts the other group under conditions of transparency. Expanding nearby at a lower speed in order to gain resources to expand far at a high speed is effective. If alien competitors are expected this sets a distance scale affecting the desired probe distribution. This report examines the issue of the resource demands and constraints for very fast large-scale settlement. If a technologically mature species wishes to settle as much of the universe as possible as fast as possible, what should they do? If they seek to preempt other species in colonizing the universe, what is the optimal strategy? What if the competitor is another fraction of their own civilization? 1 Motivation and earlier work In an earlier paper [2] we outlined how a civilization could use a small fraction of a solar system to send replicating probes to all reachable galaxies, and then re- peat the process to colonize all stars inside them. The model was not optimized for speed but rather intended as an existence proof that it is physically feasible to colonize on vast scales, even beyond the discussions of galactic colonization found in the SETI literature. A key question is whether it is rational to use up much of the available resources for this expansion, or if even very aggressively expanding species would leave significant resources behind for consumption. Hanson has argued that a species expanding outwards would have economic/evolutionary pressures to use more and more of resources for settlement, "burning the cosmic commons" [1]. In this model the settlement distances are small, so there are numerous generations and hence evolutionary pressures could exert much influence. In contrast, our model of long-range colonization [2] uses limited resources and has 1 few generations but is not optimized for speed: internal competitive pressures might hence lead to different strategies. The related model in [5] describes civilizations converting matter under its control to waste heat, examining the cosmological effects of this. Here the energy costs of the probe expansion is not explicitely modelled: the conversion is just assumed to be due to consumption. 1.1 Assumptions We will assume civilizations at technological maturity can perform and auto- mate all activities we observe in nature. In particular, they are able to freely convert mass into energy1 in order to launch relativistic objects able to self- replicate given local resources at target systems. The report also assumes a lightspeed limit on velocities: were FTL possible the very concept of "as early as possible" becomes ill-defined because of the time-travel effects. This is similar to assumptions in [2, 5]. The discussion of dust and radiation (3.1) issues assumes some physical limits due to the fragility of molecular matter; if more resilient structures are possible those constraints disappear. The universe is assumed to be dark-matter and dark-energy dominated as the ΛCDM model, implying accelerating expansion and eventual causal separation of gravitationally bound clusters in 1011 years or so. The civilization has enough astronomical data and prediction power to reli- ably aim for distant targets with only minor need for dynamical course correc- tions. We will assume claimed resources are inviolable. One reason is that species able to convert matter to energy can perform a credible scorched earth tactic: rather than let an invader have the resources they can be dissipated, leaving the invader with a net loss due to the resources expended to claim them. Unless the invader has goals other than resources this makes it irrational to attempt to invade. 2 Energy constraints Assume the species has available resource mass R and can launch probes of mass m. If they use a fraction f of R to make probes and the rest to power them (through perfect energy conversion) they will get N = fR=m probes. The energy it takes to accelerate a probe to a given γ-factor is Eprobe = (γ − 1)mc2. The energy to accelerate all probes is E = (γ − 1)mc2fR=m = (γ − 1)Rfc2. The available energy to launch is E = Rc2(1 − f), so equaling the two energies produces 1 − f 1 γ = 1 + = : (1) f f The speed as a function of gamma is v(γ) = cp1 − 1/γ2. The speed as a function of f is hence: p v(f) = cp1 − 1=(1 + (1 − f)=f)2 = c 1 − f 2: (2) 1Whether dark matter or only baryonic matter is usable as mass-energy to the civilization does not play a role in the argument, but may be important for post-settlement activity. 2 Neatly, the speed (as a fraction of c and function of f) is a quarter circle. 2.1 Simple constraints There is a minimum probe mass, required in order to slow down the payload2 at the destination. Using the relativistic rocket equation we get the requirement tanh−1(v=c) m ≥ mpayloade : (3) The multiplicative factor is 3.7 for γ = 2, 5.8 for γ = 3 and 19.9 for γ = 10. Note that this assumes a perfect mass-energy photon rocket (Isp=c = 1). For less effective rockets such as fusion rockets (Isp=c = 0:119) or fission rockets −1 (c=Isp) tanh (v=c) (Isp=c = 0:04) the mass requirements are far higher, m ≥ mpayloade : There is a trivial bound N ≤ R=mpayload, corresponding to the smallest, slowest and most numerous possible probes (which would require external slow- ing, for example through a magsail or Hubble expansion). Another trivial constraint is that f is bounded by N = 1, that is, f ≥ m=R. Hence the highest possible speed is p 2 vN=1 = c 1 − (m=R) ; (4) when all resources are spent on accelerating a single probe. 2.2 Expanding across the universe Given an energy budget, how should probes be allocated to distance to reach everything as fast as possible? Here "as fast as possible" means minimizing the maximum arrival time. Most points in a sphere are closer to the surface than the center: the average distance is a = (3=4)r. In co-moving coordinates the amount of matter within distance L grows as L3. Hence most resources are remote. This is limited by access: only material within dh ≈ 5 Gpc can eventually be reached due to the expansion of the universe, and only gravitationally bound matter such as some superclusters (typically smaller than 20 Mpc [4]) will remain cohesive in future expansion. Given the above, reaching the surface of the sphere needs to be as fast as possible. If interior points are reached faster, that energy could be reallocated to launching for the more distant points, so hence the optimal (in this sense) expansion reaches every destination at the same time. In the simple non-expanding universe case the necessary velocity of an in- dividual probe aimed at distance r is v(r) = βcr=dh, where β is the maxi- mal fraction ofp lightspeed possible due to other constraints. This corresponds 2 2 to γ(r) = 1= 1 − k r where k = β=dh. The total kinetic energy for send- R dh 2 2 ing probes to the entire sphere is Etotal = 0 4πr ρd(γ(r) − 1)mc dr where 3 ρd = 3fR=4πmdh denotes the destination density of the N probes (assumed to be constant throughout the sphere). Expanding, Z dh 2 2 1 Etotal = 4πρdmc r p − 1 dr 2 2 0 1 − k r 2 −7 Potential mpayload mentioned have been 500 tons, 30 grams, or 8 · 10 grams [2]. 3 Figure 1: Plot of f as a function of β under the requirement that Etotal = E. Points under the curve represents feasible choices. " # fRc2 3(β3 − β) = 3 sin−1(β) + − 2β3 (5) 2β3 p1 − β2 The bracket represents the geometric part of the distribution. The dh's cancel, since the expression only distributes the N probes; a settlement program trying 3 to reach the entire volume would aim for N = fR=m / dh. The highest value of β compatible with having E = R(1 − f)c2 Joules of energy to accelerate can be found by equating the Etotal with E and expressing it as a function of f. The result is an arc descending from β = 0; f = 1 to β = 1; f = 2=(3π − 2) ≈ 0:2694, independent of m (figure 1). Assuming f = 0:2694 gives γ = 1=f = 3:7. Building more or heavier probes (higher f) than this curve leaves less energy to power them than is needed for the intended β. If remote destinations are more important to reach early than nearby ones (or Hubble expansion is a major factor), then a nonlinear velocity distribution α v(r) = βc(r=dh) with α > 1 would ensure faster arrival at the frontier. The overall effect is to reduce the overall energy demand (roughly as 1/α), since the average velocity is lower. The extra energy can of course be allocated to increase β to 1, but beyond that it is likely rational to add γ to the interior probes. 2.3 Expansion of the universe In an expanding universe an initial high velocity will be counteracted by the expansion: in co-moving coordinates the initial velocity v0 declines as v0=a(t) where a(t) is the cosmological scale factor.