Ktal k by Sai

19t h Sep 2013 Welcome to K Talk Agenda

• Meaning of • Yoga & its classifications • Levels of Yoga • Deep Dive into few Asanas and its benefits • Getting ready for Yoga • Yoga do’s and don’ts • Q & A Meaning of Yoga

• Yoga is derived from the word 'Yuj' which essentially means to join or unite. The union referred to is that of the individual self uniting with Cosmic Consciousness or the Universal Spirit. Yoga is a means to achieving this goal Yoga Asanas & Classification

• Classification based on application: • : Padmasana (Lotus pose), (Perfect pose), Swastikasana ( Auspicious pose) Vajrasan (thunderbolt pose), samasana (balance pose) • Health: Matsyendrasana (spinal twist pose), (shoulder stand pose) • Relaxation: (corpse pose) and (crocodile pose) Yoga Asanas & Classification • Classification based on ’s pre-position: • Supine: Sarvangasana (shoulder stand), (plough pose), (wheel pose) etc. • Prone: (cobra pose), Shalabhasana (locust pose), Noukasana (boat pose), (Bow pose) • : Padmasana (lotus pose) Matsyendrasana (spinal twist pose), Paschimottasana (forward bend pose), (thunderbolt pose) • Standing: (triangle pose), Veerasana (warrior pose), Vrikshasana (tree pose)

Note: There can be many other ways to classify asanas. There are in all 8.4 millions asanas as per Gherand Sanhita (a text of ), but the book describes 32 asanas, describes 15 asanas, Hatha Ratnavali mentions 34 asanas, Goraksha Sanhita talks about 84 asanas etc. Levels of Yoga

If one practices Asana with this 4 levels in progression then one is said to have mastered the Asana, which results in perfection on physical and mental aspects. Ideally if one can maintain an Asana for 3 hours without discomfort, it is mastery on physical level, if one can reach higher stages of meditation then it is mastering on mental level Yoga Asanas : Padmasana Steps to follow:

1. Sit on the ground by spreading the legs forward.

2. Place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh.

3. Place the hands on the knee joints.

4. Keep the body, back and head erect.

5. Eyes should be closed.

6. One can do in this asana. Benefits:

1. Improves concentration.

2. Preserves vital fluids in the body

3. Prevents abdominal diseases and female disorders connected with the reproductive organs Yoga Asanas : Baddhapadmasana Steps to follow:

1. Sit the way as you do in Padmasana, by touching the abdomen with both the heels.

2. Place your hands behind your back and hold the toe of the right leg with the left hand and the left toe with the right hand.

3. Close your eyes and watch your breath calmly


1. Enhances intelligence and provides peace, purity and stability

2. Good for the spine, chest and for general health Yoga Asanas : Vajrasana Steps to follow:

1. With knees, ankles and big toes touching the ground, take a kneeling position.

2. One should sit on the heels and place palms on the knees.

3. The Spine should be erect and breath should be deep.

4. Draw the abdominal region inside and expand the chest.


1. Helps to overcome from gastritis.

2. Prevents any knee related problems.

3. Improves digestion Yoga Asanas : Halasana Steps to follow:

1. Lie flat on your back.

2. Raise the legs slowly and touch the ground with the toes above the ground.

3. Keep the palms flat on the ground.

4. Do this asana for 1to 2 minutes. Benefits:

1. Cures obesity, constipation, dyspepsia,

liver and spleen disorders.

2. Strengthens the abdominal muscles and nourishes the spinal nerves

3. Cures myalgia, lumbago, sprain in the neck and neuralgia Yoga Asanas : Chakrasana


1.Helps to stretch the nerves of the back

2.Helps to overcome lethargy and sluggishness from the mind and the body

3.Helps alleviate constipation, dyspepsia, sluggishness of the liver, diabetes and excess fat Yoga Asanas : Dhanurasana Steps to follow:

1. One should lie on the ground facing downwards.

2. Catch the ankles with the hands by bending the legs backwards.

3. The body will resemble a bow when you bend the body by resting on the Abdomen with the spine arched.

4. This pose must be maintained for a few a seconds, and then come back to the starting position. Benefits:

1. Good for ladies

2. Cures constipation and removes excess fat.

3. Improves digestion and appetite

4. Cure for dyspepsia, rheumatism and gastro intestinal disorders Yoga Asanas : Navukasana Steps to follow:

1. Lie on your abdomen.

2. Stretch both the arms forward, keep them on the floor with palms closed together. At the same time place the forehead on the floor.

3.Exhale and inhale, left the arms and head in the front and legs in the back upwards as much as possible without bending them.

4.Continue to breathe normally and maintain this posture till you feel a pull on the legs.

5.In this asana, both the arms should be raised keeping the palms joined together. Legs should be kept together head should be at the level of arms. Benefits:

1. Relaxes the muscle and makes the joints flexible

2. Helps to overcome nervousness and tension.

3. Good posture to reduce tummy, helps to reduce weight

Yoga Asanas : Trikonasana


1.Tones up the spinal nerves

2.Loosens up the muscles, hence revitalizes the whole body

3.Encourages blood circulation to the whole body, so long time sitting profession peoples it’s very useful

4. Reduces fat from the hip region Getting ready for Yoga

• Towel • Comfortable and breathable clothing • Water bottle • Peace of mind Yoga Do’s and Don’ts

• Know the limitations of each asana before doing it • Always spread a blanket or a mat. Never perform asanas on bare ground. • If possible, take a full bath or half bath before you perform asanas. • Keep complete control on breathing. Always breathe through the nose. • Always perform asanas in a clean, well lit and well ventilated place or room. Yoga Do’s and Don’ts • No smoke should be allowed to enter the room. • Wear light clothes that do not interfere with the movement of limbs during the performance of asanas. • If the body appears to be laboured, perform Shavasana • Perform light physical exercises initially, then progress to your regular routine of asanas. Meditate in the end. This order is the most beneficial. • Conclude the exercises by massaging your arms, legs and the entire body

“Being grateful changes the flow of energy, of living the life you don’t want , to living the life you do want”

References http://www.yogapoint.com/info/article10.htm http://www.medindia.net/Yoga-Lifestyle/asana-padmasana.htm http://harishyogi.blogspot.in/p/asana-posture.html http://www.yogacards.com/yoga-postures.html http://healthmeup.com/news-healthy-living/beauty-top-5-yoga-poses-for-beauty/22445 Feedback Link
