October 2006/45 This document sets out the outcomes of phase two of Core funding/operations the review of the Quality Assurance Framework for learning and teaching in higher education. It includes Report on review and recommendations and plans to improve the Teaching next steps Quality Information and National Student Survey initiatives. These have been endorsed by HEFCE, Universities UK and GuildHE, the sponsoring bodies of Actions for institutions are given in the review. paragraphs 5 and 6 45 October 2006/ Review of the Quality Assurance Framework Phase two outcomes Free Alternative formats This publication can be downloaded from the HEFCE web-site (www.hefce.ac.uk) under Publications. For readers without access to the internet, we can also supply it on 3.5'' disk or in large print. Please call 0117 931 7035 for alternative format versions. © HEFCE 2006 The copyright for this publication is held by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). The material may be copied or reproduced provided that the source is NTALLY FR E IE NM ND RO L VI Y acknowledged and the material, wholly or in part, EN is not used for commercial gain. Use of the material TM for commercial gain requires the prior written permission of HEFCE. Review of the Quality Assurance Framework: phase two outcomes To Heads of HEFCE-funded higher education institutions Heads of HEFCE-funded further education colleges Heads of universities in Northern Ireland Of interest to those responsible for Learning and teaching; Quality assurance; Information management Reference 2006/45 Publication date October 2006 Enquiries to At HEFCE Emma Creasey tel 0117 931 7225 e-mail
[email protected] At GuildHE Helen Bowles tel 0207 387 7711 e-mail
[email protected] At Universities UK Fiona Hoban tel 0207 419 5484 e-mail
[email protected] Executive summary Purpose 1.