INQUIRY INTO A TERRITORY COAT OF ARMS S TANDING C OMMITTEE ON E NVIRONMENT AND T RANSPORT AND C ITY S ERVICES A UGUST 2019 REPORT 9 I NQUIRY INTO A T ERRITORY C OAT OF A RMS THE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP CURRENT MEMBERS Ms Suzanne Orr MLA Chair Miss Candice Burch MLA Member (from 15 Feb 2018) and Deputy Chair (from 28 Feb 2018) Mr James Milligan MLA Member (from 20 September 2018) SECRETARIAT Danton Leary Committee Secretary (from June 2019) Annemieke Jongsma Committee Secretary (April 2019 to June 2019) Brianna McGill Committee Secretary (May 2018 to March 2019) Jayden Evett Committee Support Lydia Chung Administration Michelle Atkins Administration CONTACT INFORMATION Telephone 02 6205 0124 Facsimile 02 6205 0432 Post GPO Box 1020, CANBERRA ACT 2601 Email
[email protected] Website i S TANDING C OMMITTEE ON E NVIRONMENT AND T RANSPORT AND C ITY S ERVICES RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT The Legislative Assembly for the ACT (the Assembly) agreed by resolution on 13 December 2016 to establish legislative and general purpose standing committees to inquire into and report on matters referred to them by the Assembly or matters that are considered by the committees to be of concern to the community, including: A Standing Committee on Environment and Transport and City Services to examine matters related to city and transport services, public infrastructure, heritage, and sport and recreation and matters related to all aspects of climate change policy and programs, water and energy policy and programs, provision of water and energy services, conservation, environment and ecological sustainability.1 TERMS OF REFERENCE At its meeting on Thursday, 29 November 2018, the Assembly passed the following resolution: That the Standing Committee on Environment and Transport and City Services: (1) Further consider, and consult with the community on, a new Territory Coat of Arms; and (2) Report back to the Assembly by 6 June 2019.2 1 Legislative Assembly for the ACT, Minutes of Proceedings No.