Curriculum Handbook Bachelor Minors and Electives Royal Conservatoire the Hague Codarts Rotterdam Leiden University 2019-2020

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Curriculum Handbook Bachelor Minors and Electives Royal Conservatoire the Hague Codarts Rotterdam Leiden University 2019-2020 Curriculum Handbook Bachelor Minors and Electives Royal Conservatoire The Hague Codarts Rotterdam Leiden University 2019-2020 The information contained in this Curriculum Handbook is, beyond errors and omissions, correct at the time of publication, but may be subject to change during the academic year. If you have any suggestions for improvement of this Curriculum Handbook, please send an email to [email protected]. For questions about courses, you can get in touch with the contact person mentioned in the course description. 2 TABLE OF CONTENT Table of Content ................................................................................................................ 3 KC Minors and Electives .................................................................................................... 6 Minors without entrance exam ........................................................................................................... 6 Minor Sonology ............................................................................................................................... 6 Minor Voice Basic ............................................................................................................................ 7 Minor in Education .......................................................................................................................... 8 KC Minors with entrance exam ........................................................................................................... 9 Minor ArtScience – NEW! ................................................................................................................ 9 Minor Chamber Music – NEW! ...................................................................................................... 11 Minor Choral Conducting .............................................................................................................. 12 Minor Composition........................................................................................................................ 16 Minor Music Theory ...................................................................................................................... 18 Minor Classical Music – NEW! ....................................................................................................... 19 Minor Early Music – NEW! ............................................................................................................ 21 Minor Early Music - Related Instrument – NEW! .......................................................................... 23 Minor Jazz – NEW! ......................................................................................................................... 26 Minor Jazz - Second Instrument – NEW! ....................................................................................... 28 Minor Voice ................................................................................................................................... 31 Minor Voice Classical Music .......................................................................................................... 32 Minor Voice Early Music ................................................................................................................ 33 Appendix Framework Minor Classical Music, Minor Early Music, Minor Jazz, Vocal ....................... 35 KC Electives ........................................................................................................................................ 36 Alexander Technique 1 .................................................................................................................. 36 Alexander Technique 2 .................................................................................................................. 37 Bodywork - Dance ......................................................................................................................... 38 CDO/Career Development Office, External Personal/Professional Projects ................................. 39 Concert Production ....................................................................................................................... 42 Effective Practice – Music Making, Practicing and the Brain ........................................................ 43 Music Education according to the Kodály Concept ....................................................................... 44 Quality Practice ............................................................................................................................. 46 Yoga for Musicians ........................................................................................................................ 47 KC Electives - from the Classical Department ................................................................................... 48 Music Around the Corner, Orkest Morgenstond .......................................................................... 48 KC Electives - from the Early Music Department .............................................................................. 50 Latin for Musicians ........................................................................................................................ 50 Applied Historical Improvisation ................................................................................................... 51 Baroque Dance .............................................................................................................................. 52 Basso Continuo in Performance .................................................................................................... 53 Early Music Seminars ..................................................................................................................... 54 Early Music Studies 1 ..................................................................................................................... 55 Gregorian Chant and Choir ............................................................................................................ 57 Literature Class - Fortepiano ......................................................................................................... 58 Ornamentation and Diminution 1 ................................................................................................. 59 Ornamentation and Diminution 2 ................................................................................................. 60 3 Practicum Polyphoniae .................................................................................................................. 61 Rhetoric ......................................................................................................................................... 62 KC Electives - from the Jazz Department........................................................................................... 63 Jazz Choir ....................................................................................................................................... 63 Music History Jazz ......................................................................................................................... 64 KC Electives - Selection from the Institute of Sonology .................................................................... 65 Aesthetics and Performance in Electronic Music .......................................................................... 65 Analysis/Re-synthesis .................................................................................................................... 66 Composing with Algorithms .......................................................................................................... 67 History of Contemporary Music Composition ............................................................................... 68 Live Electronic Music ..................................................................................................................... 69 Music and Time ............................................................................................................................. 70 Real-Time Processes with Max/MSP ............................................................................................. 71 Signals and Systems 1 .................................................................................................................... 72 Signals and Systems 2 .................................................................................................................... 73 Sound and Space ........................................................................................................................... 74 KC Electives - Selection from the Composition Department ............................................................. 75 Analysis Contemporary Music Basic .............................................................................................. 75 Music Multi Media ........................................................................................................................ 76 KC Electives - Selection from the Art of Sound Department ............................................................. 77 Electro Acoustics 2 ........................................................................................................................ 77 Mathematics and Physics 1 ........................................................................................................... 78 Mathematics and Physics 2 ..........................................................................................................
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