
Recognizing and treating new and emerging encountered in everyday practice


NFECTIOUS DISEASES, pre- MiikWirj:« Although infectious diseases were once considered a dicted earlier in this cen- diminishing threat, new pathogens are constantly challenging tury to be eliminated as a the health care system. This article reviews the clinical presen- public health problem, re- tation, diagnosis, and treatment of seven emerging infections I main the chief cause of death that primary care physicians are likely to encounter. worldwide and a significant cause of death and morbidity in i Parvovirus B19 attacks erythrocyte precursors; the United States.1 Challenging is usually benign and self-limiting but can cause the US public health system are aplastic crises in patients with chronic hemolytic disorders. several newly identified patho- Hemorrhagic due to 0157:H7 infection gens (eg, human immunodefi- can lead to the hemolytic-uremic syndrome, especially in chil- ciency virus [HIV], Escherichia dren; it also can cause thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura. coli 0157:H7, C) and a pneumoniae causes a mild that resem- resurgence of old diseases pre- bles mycoplasmal pneumonia. primar- sumed to be under control (eg, ily affects immunocompromised patients, especially those tuberculosis, ). Further, infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). At least multiple-drug resistance in two organisms can cause bacillary angiomatosis: hense- strains of pneumococci, gono- lae and . Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome cocci, enterococci, staphylo- is spread by exposure to the droppings of infected rodents. cocci, salmonella, and mycobac- Contrary to previous thought, HIV continues to replicate teria undermines efforts to throughout the course of the illness and does not have a latency control the diseases they cause.2 phase. is a tick-borne disease that resembles This paper gives an overview of Rocky Mountain spotted . some old and new emerging in- fectious diseases of significance


WHAT IS AN 'EMERGING' From the Department of Infectious Diseases, The Cleveland Clinic INFECTION? Foundation. Address reprint requests to S.M.G., Department of Infectious Diseases, Desk S-32, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Emerging infections either Cleveland, OH 44195. E-mail address: [email protected] have newly appeared or are rap-


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idly increasing in incidence or geographic range. Polyarthralgia syndrome Recent examples include outbreaks of in Arthritic symptoms, which are more common in Surat, India and of virus infection in Zaire. adults, may be the sole manifestation of parvovirus Most emerging infections are not caused by genu- B19 infection. Rubella and parvovirus B19 infection inely new pathogens. Complex ecological, environ- cause similar clinical syndromes in young women, mental, and demographic factors precipitate the but now that the incidence of rubella is decreasing emergence of disease by placing nonimmune people and rubella have been modified to elimi- in increased contact with a pathogen or its natural nate arthritis-causing strains, parvovirus host or by promoting dissemination. The current arthropathy may be more common. Adults seldom volume, speed, and reach of international travel have the typical slapped-cheek appearance, and make the emergence of infectious diseases truly a only 50% have a . Within several days after global problem. infection a symmetrical, self-limiting polyarthritis suddenly appears that most often affects the hands. PARVOVIRUS B 1 9 Like other viral arthritides, parvovirus arthritis is thought to be immune-mediated. Parvovirus B19, a single-stranded DNA virus, was discovered serendipitously in 1975 by electron Aplastic crisis in patients microscopy during a study of transfusion-associated with hemolytic disorders hepatitis. It is the smallest DNA virus known to Parvovirus B19 preferentially parasitizes infect mammalian cells, measuring approximately erythroid precursors in the bone marrow, transiently 25 nm (by comparison, Herpes virus measures 160 suppressing production of red blood cells. This sup- nm, HIV 225 nm). Parvovirus B19 replicates only in pression usually does not decrease the hematocrit in human erythroid progenitor cells, and has been healthy people, as the infection is self-limiting and propagated in the laboratory in bone marrow, pe- brief. However, in patients with chronic hemolytic ripheral blood, fetal liver cells, and a few he- disorders (eg, thalassemia, sickle cell anemia), who matopoietic cell lines with erythroid characteristics. depend on a high rate of production of erythrocytes, The virus is heat-stable and can be transmitted via or in patients with chronic immunosuppression (eg, blood products. in patients with HIV infection), parvovirus B19 in- 4 Parvovirus B19 is the only parvovirus known to fection may result in acute aplastic anemia. infect humans, and causes a wide spectrum of ill- nesses (see below).3 Parvovirus infection in pregnancy Parvovirus B19 can cross the placenta and infect Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) the fetus, leading to hydrops fetalis and, sometimes, This illness has been recognized since the late fetal loss. Because of the considerable (and under- 19th century, when communicable diseases that standable) public concern, it is important to counsel cause were classified using a numbering sys- pregnant patients that the risk to the fetus is rela- tem (1, measles; 2, ; 3, rubella; 4, tively low, as the illness is usually self-limiting in Duke's disease or epidemic pseudoscarlatina; 5, immunocompetent patients. There is currently no erythema infectiosum; and 6, roseola)—hence the recommendation to routinely screen pregnant name "fifth disease." Erythema infectiosum is usu- women for parvovirus B19 infection. Parvovirus in- ally a mild childhood illness characterized by a fection is not an indication for therapeutic termina- facial rash (called "slapped-face disease" because it tion of pregnancy. The American Association of features reddened cheeks) and a lace-like rash on Pediatricians does recommend that pregnant health the trunk and extremities. The rash may recur care workers avoid caring for patients at high risk for after exposure to nonspecific stimuli such as tem- active parvovirus B19 infections (patients admitted perature changes, sunlight, and emotional stress. to the hospital with aplastic anemia or known par- Usually, the patient is otherwise well when the vovirus B19 infections). rash appears but reports mild systemic symptoms that began 1 to 4 days previously. The symptoms Diagnosis are usually self-limiting but may persist for several Unlike most viruses, parvovirus B19 infects one months. highly differentiated cell type, the human erythro-


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progenitor. The P antigen, a cellular receptor on the E coli 0157:H7 is a verotoxigenic E coli (VTEC). erythrocyte, has recently been identified as the par- Verotoxins cause and are similar to the vovirus B19 virus receptor.5 Persons without the P produced by in classic . antigen are naturally resistant to parvovirus B19 Because the clinical signs of E coli 0157:H7 infec- infection.6 Of note, parvovirus B19 may also infect tion involve hemorrhagic colitis, the organism is endothelial cells. This ability may allow transfusion also referred to as an enterohemorrhagic E coli through the placenta and also may contribute to the (EHEC). Of note, according to an ongoing study facial rash of fifth disease. from the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- Parvovirus B19 infection can be diagnosed by iso- tion (CDC), E coli 0157:H7 causes more cases of lating the virus's DNA from peripheral white blood bloody diarrhea in the United States than Shigella cells (using polymerase chain reaction [PCR] tech- does, accounting for 8% of them.8 However, al- nology) or by serologic testing for specific IgG or IgM though more attention has been focused on E coli (using radioimmunoassay and enzyme immunoassay 0157:H7, is likely the most com- based on the antibody capture principle with solid- mon cause of the hemolytic-uremic syndrome in phase polystyrene beads). In a patient with anemia children worldwide. and a low reticulocyte count, the presence of a giant pronormoblast in a bone marrow aspirate is very Clinical presentation suggestive of parvovirus B19 infection. E coli 0157:H7 infection causes and watery diarrhea, followed within a few days by Treatment bloody diarrhea (hence the name "hemorrhagic co- Immunoglobulin has been used to treat aplastic litis"). The bloody diarrhea corresponds to the dys- anemia caused by parvovirus B19 infection in im- entery phase of , although E coli 0157:H7 munocompromised patients. does not cause true dysentery because it does not invade enterocytes. Sequelae include both the E COLI 01 5 7 : H 7 hemolytic-uremic syndrome and thrombotic throm- bocytopenia purpura. E coli 0157:H7 is a gram-negative bacterium first The organism is particularly pathogenic for chil- identified as a pathogen in 1982 during an outbreak dren, and about 5% of the children who contract of severe bloody diarrhea traced to contaminated diarrhea from this organism also experience the hamburgers.7 In January 1993 a large outbreak af- hemolytic-uremic syndrome as a . fected 700 persons who ate undercooked hamburg- Those who survive may suffer permanent renal dam- ers served in restaurants in the Puget Sound area in age and chronic renal insufficiency. Washington. Diagnosis Bacteriology of E coli 0157:H7 E coli 0157:H7 can be isolated only during the The letters and numbers 0157:H7 identify cer- acute phase of the illness and may not be detectable tain antigens found on the surface of E coli similar to 5 to 7 days after the onset. Screening requires cul- those found on salmonellae. Three types of anti- ture in sorbitol MacConkey (SMAC) medium, in gens—O, K, and H—are useful in classifying E coli. which E coli 0157:H7, which does not ferment sor- The O antigens are somatic, located on the bitol, forms white colonies. In 1993, the Council of lipopolysaccharide cell wall. The K antigens are lo- State and Territorial Epidemiologists recommended cated on the polysaccharide capsule and are heat- that clinical laboratories culture all bloody stools, stable. The H antigens are located on the flagella and optimally all diarrheal stools, for E coli and are heat-labile. Thus, E coli 0157:H7 has an O 0157:H7. The Cleveland Clinic's clinical microbi- antigen of serotype 157 and an H antigen of sero- ology laboratory performs this screening with all type 7. stool cultures. This strain differs from other strains of E coli by not fermenting sorbitol in less than 24 hours and by Prevention not producing a beta-glucuronidase. It does not grow Investigations of outbreaks have linked most well or at all at 44°C to 45 °C and does not have any cases with consumption of undercooked ground unusual heat resistance. beef, although other foods, including roast beef, raw


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milk, salami, water, and apple cider have been impli- monia. Rales are almost invariably present, but signs cated. Federal guidelines require commercially pre- of consolidation are less common. Chest radio- pared meat to be cooked to an internal temperature graphic films usually reveal a single pneumonic infil- of 140°F just before it is removed from the grill. trate of modest size. At present, microbiologic stud- ies are of little help in establishing the diagnosis. Treatment have no effect on the course of the Diagnosis bloody diarrhea or on the sequelae of E coli TWAR-specific antibody tests are the easiest way 0157:H7 infection. There is some evidence suggest- to confirm a diagnosis. Because the clinical syn- ing that patients with hemolytic-uremic syndrome drome of pneumonitis caused by TWAR is not dis- do worse when treated with antibiotics.8 tinctive, TWAR is included among an array of pathogens in the differential diagnosis of mild pneu- CHLAMYDIA PNEUMONIAE TWAR STRAIN monia in young adults. The most common pathogen producing a similar illness is pneumoniae. C pneumoniae has now been established as a third species of Chlamydia (along with Chlamydia Treatment trachomatis and Chlamydia psittaci) on the basis of No studies of therapy for TWAR infec- DNA, immunologic, and ultrastructural studies.1' tions have been performed, but limited clinical ex- Only one strain, Taiwan acute respiratory agent perience suggests that erythromycin may not be ade- (TWAR), has been identified, first isolated in 1965 quate. Based upon experience with other chlamydial from the eye of a Taiwanese child and in 1983 from infections, tetracycline at 2 g/day for 10 to 14 days is a college student with pharyngitis. suggested. Because C pneumoniae is difficult and perhaps even hazardous to isolate, a TWAR-specific mono- BACILLARY ANGIOMATOSIS AND OTHER BARTONELLA-ASSOCIATED DISEASES clonal antibody microimmunofluorescent test has played a key role in defining the epidemiology of C pneumoniae infection. The test can differentiate be- Bacillary angiomatosis is a newly recognized in- tween IgM and IgG antibodies; the former is usually fectious disease primarily affecting immunocom- lost 2 to 6 months after infection, but IgG antibody promised patients, especially those infected with persists. The seroprevalence rates are low in chil- HIV.10 dren and increase with age. Several studies have linked TWAR with acute Clinical presentation respiratory diseases, including pneumonia, bronchi- Bacillary angiomatosis derives its name from the tis, pharyngitis, and sinusitis. During a 5-year period vascular proliferation seen on histologic examina- at the University of Washington Student Health tion of affected tissues (including the skin, bone, Center, C pneumoniae infection was diagnosed in 22 liver, spleen, and brain) and from the presence of students and accounted for almost 10% of all diag- bacillary organisms on silver-stain or electron mi- nosed and 20% of radiographically- croscopy. The incidence of infection is unknown. proven pneumonias. Two studies of community-ac- This disease is probably a zoonosis associated with quired pneumonia in Canada and Pittsburgh exposure to cats (or to on the cats). The most demonstrated TWAR antibodies in 6% of 660 pa- commonly described cutaneous lesions are nodular tients, making TWAR the third or fourth most com- "raspberry-like" tender papules or subcutaneous mon recognized cause of pneumonia in these stud- nodules that occasionally resemble Kaposi's sar- ies. Pathologic studies of uncomplicated TWAR coma. pneumonia are limited because the illness is usually Recent molecular microbiologic investigations not fatal. have confirmed that at least two organisms can cause bacillary angiomatosis: Bartonella (formerly Clinical presentation Rochalimaea) henselae and Bartonella quintana (the TWAR causes a variety of relatively mild respira- louse-born agent of ). Other clinical tory infections that lack any distinctive clinical manifestations associated with these organisms in- presentation; most common to date has been pneu- clude or hepatitis, relapsing fever


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with bacteremia, infective endocarditis, and cat- lary angiomatosis appear to be different manifesta- scratch disease. tions of the same infection. The causative organism Researchers are gaining a greater understanding of in most cases appears to be Bartonella species. The the epidemiology and natural history of opportunis- serologic test is now commercially available.10 tic infections caused by Bartonella. Recent reports of B quintana bloodstream infections and infective en- HANTAVIRUS PULMONARY SYNDROME docarditis in HIV-negative, alcoholic, homeless men emphasize the need for heightened clinical aware- Hantavirus infection—"an old virus with a newly ness as well as for increased surveillance to detect recognized clinical illness"—has recently been rec- and characterize these fastidious pathogens.11-" ognized to occur in the United States.15 Classically, Hantavirus infection, in its most severe form, causes Diagnosis hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, which is The differential diagnosis of subcutaneous and associated with hypotension and shock. A milder cutaneous lesions in HIV-infected patients is broad form, without shock and hypotension, is called and includes a variety of disseminated opportunistic nephropathia epidemica. The severe form is endemic infections as well as neoplastic and dermatologic in Eurasia and Scandinavia, and outbreaks have been conditions. The differential diagnosis of cutaneous associated with increased exposure to rodents, the vascular lesions includes gangrenosum, suspected reservoir, which for prolonged periods ex- Kaposi's sarcoma, verruga peruana (a late manifesta- crete the virus in their saliva, urine, and . tion of infection with ), and bacillary angiomatosis. Clinical presentation The presence of bacillary organisms on Warthin- In the recent outbreak of Hantavirus pulmonary Starry staining suggests the diagnosis of bacillary syndrome in the four-corner area of the United angiomatosis, but a definitive diagnosis requires the States, (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and demonstration of the organisms in tissue or culture. Utah), at least 28 people died. Additional cases Bartonella is a small, curved, gram-negative rod that have now been confirmed in California, Texas, Lou- grows best in 5% carbon dioxide with high humidity isiana, and New York. Unlike the European and on solid tryptic soy agar containing rabbit blood. Isola- Asian manifestations of Hantavirus, the US cases are tor-lysis tubes and a prolonged incubation time (up to characterized by shock and pulmonary involvement. 6 weeks) are necessary to isolate it from blood." Most patients presented with adult respiratory dis- tress syndrome after a flu-like prodromal illness. Treatment The reservoir appears to be deer mice, and trans- Excellent clinical responses of bacillary angioma- mission is presumably via aerosolization of infected tosis to erythromycin, rifampin, doxycycline, quino- droppings, although ingestion of contaminated food lones, and gentamicin have been reported. Some or a direct bite or scratch are also possible means of strains have beta-lactamase activity. transmission.16 To date, there has been no evidence of person-to-person transmission. Cat-scratch disease and bacillary angiomatosis: a common connection Diagnosis Both Afipia felis and Bartonella species have been Hantaviruses are in the Bunyaviridae family and isolated in cases of cat-scratch disease. An indirect are about 100 nm in diameter. They have a lipid fluorescent antibody test for B henselae, developed at envelope, which makes them susceptible to alcohol the CDC, has advanced our understanding of the and other lipid solvents. epidemiology of this disease. In a recent study in The differential diagnosis of Hantavirus pulmo- Connecticut, 94% of 60 patients with cat-scratch nary syndrome is broad and includes all causes of the disease had positive serologic tests, compared with acute respiratory distress syndrome. The geographic 4% of age-matched, cat-owning control patients.14 location and the history of rodent exposure should In addition, B henselae has been isolated from the suggest the possibility of Hantavirus infection. A lymph nodes of patients with cat-scratch disease as diagnosis of Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome may be well as from blood and fleas from cats suspected of made from serologic studies, with an elevated IgM transmitting it. Thus, cat-scratch disease and bacil- titer or seroconversion; a positive immunohisto-


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chemical stain of formalin-fixed lung tissue; or PCR Diagnosis amplification of Hantavirus nucleotide sequences More than 80% of patients with symptomatic from frozen tissue. primary HIV infection have symptoms of mononu- cleosis; therefore, primary HIV infection is in the Prevention differential diagnosis of "monospot-negative mono- To prevent spread of the disease, efforts should be nucleosis" (along with cytomegalovirus, toxoplas- made to minimize exposure to rodents. For instance, mosis, Epstein-Barr virus, human herpes virus 6, and campers should avoid exposure by using tents that syphilis infections). A diagnosis of primary HIV in- are elevated and that can be closed with zippers. fection during the period of acute infection (ie, be- fore the development of HIV antibodies) is made by Treatment a test of serum HIV antigen p24- HIV cultures from Ribavirin has been used to treat Hantavirus infec- peripheral blood mononuclear cells may also be tion, but its efficacy is not proven." positive.

PRIMARY HIV INFECTION Treatment In view of recent reports of primary infection Primary HIV infection causes significant and with zidovudine (AZT)-resistant HIV strains, it is progressive immunologic and virologic changes in unclear at this time when to start antiretroviral the host. Recent studies that measured the viral therapy for primary HIV infection. burden of patients who had acute HIV infections (ie, who had recently become HIV-positive) have EHRLICHIOSIS enhanced our understanding of the natural history of HIV infection.18,19 Before antibodies to HIV anti- Ehrlichia species are tick-borne rickettsial or- gens (eg, p24) develop, high levels of infectious ganisms that infect the leukocytes of susceptible virus are briefly detectable in the cerebrospinal mammals. Ehrlichia canus causes an illness of dogs fluid, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and characterized by fever, weight loss, bleeding, and plasma. Thereafter, the levels of p24 core antigen pancytopenia. In 1987 the first case of human and HIV rapidly and spontaneously decline, antivi- ehrlichiosis in the western hemisphere was re- ral antibodies and the CD4 count increase, and ported: an Arkansas man presented with fever, symptoms resolve, all suggesting an "effective" in- disorientation, pancytopenia, and a history of a itial immune response. However, this apparent tick bite. -like organisms were observed clearance of virus and the restoration of the CD4 in inclusion bodies among circulating leukocytes, cell count becomes less effective over time. These and serologic study results were positive for E phenomena were believed to be accompanied by canus. Subsequently, investigators determined viral latency, with little or no viral replication until that , closely related but not late in the course of infection. However, we now identical to E canus, is the sole causative agent of know that viral replication persists throughout all human ehrlichiosis in the United States. About phases of HIV disease.20 250 cases of human ehrlichiosis have subsequently been reported in the United States, mostly in the Clinical presentation South Central and South Atlantic states, particu- 21 22 More than half of patients with primary HIV larly Oklahoma, Missouri, and Georgia. ' infection have an acute symptomatic illness. Com- Of note, a novel species of Ehrlichia that mon are fever, adenopathy, causes human disease (Ehrlichia phagocytophila) pharyngitis, and a rash. As many as 70% of patients has recently been described among 12 patients with primary HIV infection experience derma- in the upper Midwest. This disease has been tologic signs. There is commonly an erythematous, termed "human granulocytic ehrlichiosis," be- nonpruritic, macular-papular eruption on the face, cause unlike E chaffeensis, E phagocytophila has neck, or upper trunk. Aphthous-like ulcers with sur- morulae that appear in the cytoplasm of neutro- rounding erythema may be observed on mucous phils (granulocytes) but not in mononuclear membranes. white blood cells.23


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Clinical presentation Diagnosis The most characteristic features of ehrlichiosis A summertime flu-like illness following a tick bite are high fever and headache. Other common fea- should immediately raise one's clinical suspicion of tures include malaise, nausea, and vomiting. Ap- tick-borne infections with , Rickettsiae, vi- proximately 90% of patients have a history of a ruses, and protozoa.24 In areas in which ehrlichiosis is tick bite or exposure within the preceding 3 known to have occurred, thrombocytopenia, lym- weeks. After an incubation period of 7 days, ehr- phopenia, absence of a rash, negative serologic tests lichiosis presents as a nonspecific febrile illness for Rocky Mountain , and a clinical re- that resembles Rocky Mountain spotted fever. sponse to tetracycline suggest ehrlichiosis; a positive Both are diseases of the outdoors, with the highest serologic test for ehrlichiosis confirms the diagnosis. incidence in May, June, and July. However, there The CDC now uses an indirect fluorescent antibody are some epidemiologic differences between the against E chaffeensis for their assay. A single titer of two diseases. A rash develops in only approxi- 1:64 or a fourfold rise or fall is diagnostic. For human mately 20% of patients with ehrlichiosis, vs 80% granulocytic ehrlichiosis, an antibody titer of 1:80 or of patients with Rocky Mountain spotted fever; greater for E phagocytophila suggests infection. when observed in ehrlichiosis, the rash usually does not involve the soles and the palms. Throm- Treatment bocytopenia is common in both diseases, but neu- Most cases are self-limiting, although one fatal tropenia with an absolute lymphopenia is more case of seronegative ehrlichiosis in an Arkansas common in ehrlichiosis than in Rocky Mountain woman with AIDS was recently reported. spotted fever. The treatment of choice is tetracycline or chloramphenicol for 5 to 7 days.

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