Date: February 22, 2021 Time: 2:00 p.m. Location: Tintic School District Offices Eureka,

The meeting of the Tintic Board of Education was called to order by President Boswell at 2:00 p.m. President Boswell instructed the Business Administrator to call the roll which indicated the following Board members were in attendance:

Members Present: Janice Boswell President Ryan Despain Member Jordan Grimstead Member Heather Young Member Jeana Rowley Member Greg Thornock Superintendent Jeremy Snell Business Administrator

Work Session

2021 Board Meeting Calendar Changes President Boswell started discussion regarding the 2021 Board Meeting Calendar changes and stated the board would come back to the Consent Agenda Discussion. Superintendent Thornock stated the April 19, 2021 Board Meeting would need to be changed if the board wanted him to be in attendance due to the Utah School Superintendents Association Meeting and legislative update, as he would be in attendance at this meeting. Member Grimstead stated he would like to have Superintendent Thornock present at the April Board Meeting. Board members discussed different dates for the April board meeting. Board members agreed to move the board meeting to April 26, 2021 as well as change the regular board meeting start time to 6:00 p.m. and approve the amendments to the calendar in the regular meeting. Board members decided to leave the work session two hours prior to the regular meeting and have other work sessions scheduled as needed. Member Despain asked Superintendent Thornock to let the board know if a teacher or coach needed to present to the board at a different time so that notice could be posted of a time change if needed.

2021-2022 School Year Calendar Board members discussed different calendar options presented by the Tintic Education Association of starting the school year a day early or end a day later to be able to add a day to winter break. Board members discussed which calendar option would best benefit the teachers and the students. Member Rowley asked if there was a legal reason for the Board to approve the calendar in this meeting. Mr. Snell stated there was not, but it is on the agenda now for approval to be able to start

creating other calendars from it. Board members decided to approve calendar suggestion one in the regular meeting.

Consent Agenda Review Member Rowley asked regarding the minutes if there was a decision made regarding when previously discussed committees would begin. President Boswell stated they had not been set up yet. Member Young asked regarding the minutes of the discussion of having the Superintendent come and discuss his school fee schedule. Superintendent Thornock stated that the Daggett superintendent would be willing to come speak with the board or have a virtual meeting. President Boswell asked Superintendent Thornock if he would feel comfortable reporting what he had learned from the Daggett School District Superintendent instead of having a meeting. Superintendent Thornock stated that he would, that Daggett School District does have and charge school fees, but that they have different names such as Spirit Pack or Food. Superintendent Thornock stated that some of the school fees are to cover UHSAA dues. President Boswell asked if money for games missed was reimbursed. Superintendent Thornock stated that yes, unused meal money is returned to the student. Superintendent Thornock stated he has been in contact with the School Fees Team with the State Board of Education, asked them analyze Tintic School District’s spend plans, who found no issues with them. Superintendent Thornock stated there can be an issue when ten meals were paid for in the school fee, but then the team attended more than ten games. President Boswell asked who pays for the extra games. Superintendent Thornock reported that the team fund covers the cost, the District pays for all travel costs and officials, and that each team raises funds for items not covered in the spend plan. Superintendent Thornock stated that he is developing a process to refund money and be in compliance with the law, and that the State Board of Education is also working on this, as they did not have answers for some situations. Superintendent Thornock stated that school fees create equality among teams and that he is trying to be as transparent as possible with the fee schedule. Superintendent Thornock stated there is a misconception that fundraiser and bake sale money goes into a general fund. Superintendent Thornock stated this is not true, that all fundraiser money goes to that team’s account and that the records of this are kept in the high school and audited yearly. Superintendent Thornock stated that there will be two public hearings in March regarding school fees and the fee schedule is due to the state on April 1, 2021. Member Young asked if the board will have the current year spend plans and actual expenditures to study before the school fee meetings. Superintendent Thornock stated they would, and that some won’t be complete due to seasons not being over or even started yet to know the total expenditures. Member Young asked if the board could have information on the percentage of how many students qualify for a fee waiver. Superintendent Thornock stated he could get a percentage but that it might not be accurate due to some students who qualify still pay the fees. Board members discussed how many extracurricular activities could be signed up for before they are free. Mr. Snell stated that the policy says after the first three extracurricular activities, there is no charge and understands it to mean the first three activities as they come in their season. Board members discussed items that are kept by the students and returned at the end of the season.

President Boswell allowed public comment from Mrs. Adele Pagnani. Mrs. Pagnani suggested to the board to address the issue if a student can buy their own, more expensive clothing or gear for sports, then it does not keep equality in the programs, if extra money in the team account from not attending games could be used for a team party or awards, and if the account needed to be zeroed

out at the end of each season. Mrs. Pagnani advised the Board to ask these questions of the State Board of Education. Mrs. Pagnani stated that she understands there is a lot of gray area which makes planning difficult, but that asking families with multiple students participating in sports to pay $7000 is a lot of money. Mrs. Pagnani expressed concern for the way the school fees are worded and asked the Board to better advertise the public hearings for school fees. President Boswell stated that the public hearing notices were posted as they should have been for last year’s school fee meetings and that the coaches are working very hard to keep fees low. Mrs. Pagnani stated that starting to charge school fees for the first and only time last year and saying that all participation for every sport has to come exclusively from these fees, is bologna. Mrs. Pagnani stated that other parents are asking what the District is adding to it and what their taxes are paying for. Mrs. Pagnani stated the District has not had a problem paying before and that , though much larger, are only charging $165 for the year and do not charge fees for drill team, cheer, and dance, and that it is hard to justify the $3500 charge when the District had enough money to pay it all two years ago. Mrs. Pagnani stated the District needs to go above and beyond to get the input of the community by advertising the meeting in all the businesses and the post office. President Boswell asked if Juab School District is only charging $165 for everything. Member Grimstead pulled up Juab School District’s fee schedule on their website and stated that their fees are more than $165.00 and the maximum individual total is $7500, using the baseball fee schedule as an example. Mrs. Pagnani stated she understands that Juab School District does not collect all of the fees listed on their schedule and she would check her source of information. Mrs. Pagnani asked if there was a reduced fee possibility. Superintendent Thornock stated there is not, and Member Young stated she misspoke earlier when she mentioned the free and reduced lunch schedule, but that it does not apply to school fees. President Boswell stated the board is trying to be transparent with school fee information and asked Mr. Snell where the notices were posted last year. Mr. Snell stated they were posted in most Eureka businesses and the post office. Mrs. Pagnani suggested that the public hearing notice not be an official looking document and needs to catch attention. There was more discussion regarding uniforms and other clothing. Mr. Snell stated that if a coach requires an article of clothing, it has to be on the fee schedule, and that if a student wants to purchase something not required, the coach or District cannot stop them. Mr. Snell stated that many school districts had not been following the state injunction of school fees from 1994 and that for last school year the state has mandated that all schools follow it, but still have issues that need to be resolved. Mrs. Pagnani suggested that the school fees for next school year explain what they cover and what the District pays, and add wording for what is kept by the student and returned. Superintendent Thornock stated he would like to add information for managers, Driver’s Ed, and the CTE fee. Superintendent Thornock stated that the Board will be as transparent as possible and acquire more information from the State, who is still evolving with mandating school fees. Superintendent stated he hopes that people will see that the majority of fees for sports go to meals and that having a schedule actually saves money. Superintendent Thornock stated he does not want to take meal opportunities away from the teams in order to reduce school fees. Member Grimstead asked regarding holding public hearings for school fees and when they will occur. Superintendent Thornock stated the first public hearing will be at the end of the regular March 15, 2021 and the second one will be March 29, 2021, which will be a public hearing only, where the fees will be approved. Mr. Snell stated that the meeting on March 29, 2021 will be where the board will take formal action and have all the work done and changes made between March 15th and 29th in order to have the fees approved and submitted to the state by April 1, 2021. Mrs. Pagnani asked the board if they would consider having the second public

hearing on a Friday to accommodate those who work at Dugway so they could attend the meeting on their day off. Board members decided to keep the dates of March 15 and 29, 2021 for the school fees public hearing. Member Rowley asked if after a sport started, what the deadline was for a refund of the fee. Mr. Snell stated that a student can be refunded their fee up to two weeks into the season, but that with the new rule that meal money that is not spent needing to be refunded, this needs to be re-evaluated, even though the state has already signed off on it. Superintendent Thornock stated he hopes to make these things more clear on the new fee schedule.

Member Rowley asked regarding the minutes and the inheritance money received where Superintendent Thornock and Mr. Snell stated they would travel to the West Desert schools to see what needs existed that the money could possibly be used for. Superintendent Thornock reported that he and Mr. Snell did go to the West Desert schools and spoke to all the staff and looked at all the buildings to get ideas. Member Rowley asked that when there are trustland plan amendments that the original goal be included with the amendment. Member Rowley stated she approves of the changes made to Policy FGF and asked that more policies be presented for review at future work sessions. Member Rowley asked regarding the Safe Route Utah maps and why there is no map for West Desert. Mr. Snell stated the Safe Route Maps are required by UDOT for all schools with bus routes, which the West Desert schools do not have. Superintendent Thornock stated he would pass on the information request for trustland plans to the principals.

Member Despain thanked the board members that have been on the board and their example of which questions to ask and knowing what to do to best serve students.

President Boswell stated there has been a change in the format of the minutes as per the request of Mrs. Pagnani. There were no more questions on the minutes.

Mr. Jeremy Snell, Business Administrator, discussed various warrants from the January check register. President Boswell asked the status of the plumbing issue in the Special Education classroom. Superintendent Thornock stated it is currently being worked on and that the District Office building issue will be taken care of next. Member Young asked regarding the warrants and what the payments to Ryan Despain and Jordan Grimstead were for because her constituents had asked about it. Mr. Snell replied that those payments were their coaching stipends for the wrestling season up to the date they took their oath of office as a board member on January 25, 2021, and that one payment was larger than the other because one coach drove more than the other.

Superintendent Report Superintendent Thornock stated that he had been in contact with legal counsel regarding payment of Member Despain and Member Grimstead and their wrestling coach stipend, who approved the payment. Superintendent Thornock stated that they did not receive payment for coaching after taking office.

Superintendent Thornock discussed the At Risk EARS Application, reporting that this is a grant for at risk students and that the State is being audited because this is Federal funding. Superintendent Thornock explained that the State is asking the District to develop a definition of at risk students for our District and that it needs to be as broad as possible to try to secure the largest grant possible. Superintendent Thornock stated he has been working with other

superintendents and that this will take some legal work and when it is finished he will submit it to the Board for approval and then submit it to the State. Superintendent Thornock stated there is no deadline.

Superintendent Thornock asked board members regarding administrator reports during the board meeting and presented different options. Member Rowley asked if there was a student board member. Superintendent Thornock stated that there is not one this year. Member Grimstead stated he did not want administrators to only be present at the meeting just in case there were questions, that this would be a waste of their time, but that he would like to have reports when the administrators have them. President Boswell stated the reports are very informative to keep apprised of what is going on in the schools and wants to hear what the administrators think is important for the board to know. Member Rowley stated she would like reports from school groups. Superintendent Thornock suggested to the board that they ask reports to be short. President Boswell stated she would like to keep teacher or class reports on the agenda and have one from each school. Superintendent Thornock recommended that the Maintenance Director report should be scheduled every other month because he himself can update the board on current projects. Member Rowley suggested the schools be rotated each month, having one report from the high school one month and one from the elementary school the next month. Member Grimstead stated the students like to come and perform for the board. Member Rowley and Member Young reported the teachers do not like to present to the board. Member Despain stated that as a coach he has presented the wrestling team at a board meeting and it was good to show the students they have the support of the board members. Member Grimstead stated there are plenty of groups at the high school to schedule to do a presentation, but the elementary school would have a harder time. Member Young stated that having students or teachers come for special occasions mean more than requiring attendance each month and suggested rotating schools each month. Member Rowley stated that the reports need to not focus on sports so much and include academic groups as well.

Regular Meeting

Call to Order and Recognition of Guests

President Boswell called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

1. Pledge of Allegiance

Member Despain led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Reports Mrs. Bariann Haynes, Eureka Elementary School Teacher, presented a slide show from September 2020 that had been postponed due to Covid-19 restrictions. In the slide show, students explained and demonstrated models of a solar eclipse. The board thanked Mrs. Haynes for her presentation.

Tintic High School FFA members stated their appreciation to the board for the opportunity to have Ag classes in the school and the FFA program. FFA members wore their official dress and reported on their success at competitions and the classes and activities they participate in including:

Floriculture, Ag Science, Animal Science, Companion Animals, visits from state officers, leadership development, and public speaking. Students recited part of the FFA Creed. Member Rowley asked what grades can participate in the FFA program. Mrs. Traci Warnick, Teacher and FFA Advisor, stated students can begin to participate in the seventh grade through their Sophomore year of college. FFA members presented trophies and other awards, as well as their class pet to the board. President Boswell congratulated the students and thanked them for their presentation.

Mrs. Karen Kramer, High Schools Principal, was asked to address the board. Mrs. Kramer reported plans for upcoming events including: T day, prom, a band festival, spring concert, Drama region and state competitions and is hoping that all of the activities can happen in person and not virtually. Mrs. Kramer reported the girls and boys basketball games would be playing their play- in games for the state competition on February 27, 2021 and stated that if the teams lose these games they will not go on and if they win they will play for a spot at state. Mrs. Kramer reported that Golf and Track and Field will begin soon, and the Drama students are preparing for region and state competitions, as well as the school play, which will be “The Wizard of Oz”. Mrs. Kramer stated it is unknown at this time what the allowed audience size and ticket sales will be. Member Rowley asked how to find a live stream link. Mrs. Kramer stated live stream links are located on the District Facebook page. Superintendent Thornock stated the link in Facebook ends up going to YouTube. Member Grimstead stated the sports are live streamed on Tinticminers.com and are posted by the Athletic Director. Mrs. Kramer stated that the high schools are planning on a normal graduation ceremony, that there are three seniors at West Desert High School and thirteen at Tintic High School, and that board members will be invited with no ticket requirement for them. Member Rowley asked when the Community Council meetings are held. Mrs. Kramer stated the dates had to be rescheduled and she would report the new dates to the board members. Mrs. Kramer stated that the homecoming game had to be reorganized due to the team coming to play having to cancel due to Covid-19, and that the girls and boys will play scrimmage games with no charge to attend, but that tickets are limited. Mrs. Kramer stated the game will be live streamed. Member Despain asked who the royalty is. Mrs. Kramer stated she did not know yet. President Boswell thanked Mrs. Kramer for her report.

Mr. Brian Ward, Elementary Schools Principal, reported that the West Desert Elementary will be participating in the Read Across America program on March 2, 2021 and that Governor Cox has been invited to participate and read to the students, probably virtually. Mr. Ward stated that Superintendent Thornock and himself will be participating in reading to the students as well. Mr. Ward reported the students will be dressing up each day that week as characters from Dr. Seuss books. Mr. Ward stated there will be three new students enrolling and he is excited to meet them. Mr. Ward stated the Eureka Elementary Book Club activity will be on April 22, 2021 and the Spring Sing is scheduled for May 13, 2021. President Boswell thanked Mr. Ward for his report.

3. Citizen Comments Mrs. Adele Pagnani reported that the Elks Association had received a grant and used it to purchase and donate winter gloves and hats to the elementary school students and stated her appreciation for the thank you notes received.

4. Communications from Board Members Member Young stated she attended training with President Boswell, Superintendent Thornock, and Member Rowley where they learned that whatever the leadership knows, the entire board should know, the board should make disagreements about an issue and not a person, and that unity is a priority. Member Young asked President Boswell how she would be implementing these things. President Boswell asked the board members for their ideas, stated the work sessions are good and that unity is important.

Member Grimstead stated he is happy to see the new FFA chapter and more opportunities for students, and thanked the Elks Association for the donation of hats and gloves as a board member and a parent of students who received them.

Member Rowley stated her ideas to create unity would be to work together on goals or Master Board training, or read a training book and discuss it together. Member Rowley stated she also is participating in reading to West Desert Elementary students for their Read Across America activity.

President Boswell asked board members to read the first chapter in “How to be a Good Board Member” for discussion at the next work session meeting. Board members discussed studying Master Boards training together but determined they were all on different levels and decided to work on Open Meeting Law together.

Member Young stated that she spoke with Mrs. Haynes regarding giving presentations at board meetings and reported that Mrs. Haynes stated most teachers would prefer to have board members visit their class rooms instead. Board members discussed rotating schools for presentations along with visiting classrooms. Mr. Ward stated it is a good opportunity for students to perform during a board meeting, but that some students do not live here and it is more difficult for them to attend, as well as it is good to have board members visit the schools. Member Grimstead stated he would like to see each class present in a board meeting one time per year and also visit the classrooms. Member Young stated some things are better presented in the classroom. Board members decided to further the discussion in the next work session.

Member Rowley asked if the 7 Mindsets program is still being used and how often. Superintendent Thornock explained that students participate one time per week and Mr. Ward stated that the elementary students in 1-3 grades use and Emotional ABC program that is easier for them to understand.

5. Superintendent Report Superintendent Thornock discussed the Enrollment Report, stating there was a loss of a few students, but that the West Desert Schools will show a gain on next month’s report.

Superintendent Thornock reported he attends the Joint Legislative Committee meetings with other school superintendents where the Utah School Board Association discusses legislative bills and decides their position on them. Superintendent Thornock distributed the current legislation and the USBAs stance on them.

Superintendent Thornock stated that staff vaccinations are complete for all who wanted them and thanked Nurse Drussel for her efforts in scheduling this. Superintendent Thornock stated Nurse Drussel is in the process of acquiring Epi Pens and inhalers to have in each building and that she is also scheduling CPR training for staff and coaches. Superintendent Thornock stated Nurse Drussel has been to the West Desert Schools, sporting events, and is working on a mental health component that is required by the state.

Superintendent Thornock stated he meets weekly with the office staff, Maintenance Director, Technology Director, Programs Director, and the school nurse to discuss issues and plan for future needs. Superintendent Thornock stated he is grateful for his district office staff.

Superintendent Thornock thanked the FFA chapter for their presentation and stated he is excited to have FFA and Mrs. Warnick at the high school as she has a History and CTE endorsement.

Superintendent Thornock asked board members to move the Board Communications portion of the board meeting to the work session. Board members agreed.

Superintendent Thornock reported the new skid steer has been used for snow removal and was a worthwhile purchase, as well as the Special Education restroom repairs are underway and when finished, the District office plumbing issue will be addressed.

Superintendent Thornock stated the district is still waiting on the new bus garage to be constructed and does not want to go with another contractor due to the great price offered by the current contractor.

Superintendent Thornock stated the Special Education van will be picked up during the next week from Beaver School District and thanks them for their generosity.

6. Action Items

Consent Agenda

Minutes: January 25, 2021 Meeting Minutes Warrants: January #00007418 to #00007452

Member Grimstead offered a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Member Young seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting unanimously.

2021 Board Meeting Calendar Amendment Member Rowley offered a motion to approve the 2021 Board Meeting Calendar Amendment pending the April meeting date change as presented. Member Young seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting unanimously.

Policy FGF – Curricular and Non-curricular Student Groups

Member Grimstead offered a motion to suspend the three-reading rule and approve Policy FGF – Curricular and Non-curricular Student Groups as presented. Member Despain seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting unanimously.

2021-2022 School Year Calendar Member Rowley offered a motion to approve the Suggestion One 2021-2022 School Year Calendar as presented. Member Grimstead seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting unanimously.

West Desert Elementary School Trustland Plan Amendment Member Rowley offered a motion to approve the West Desert Elementary School Trustland Plan Amendment as presented. Member Young seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting unanimously.

Eureka Elementary School Trustland Plan Amendment Member Young offered a motion to approve the Eureka Elementary School Trustland Plan Amendment as presented. Member Despain seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting unanimously.

At Risk Definition for EARS Application Member Grimstead offered a motion to table the At Risk Definition for EARS Application. Member Despain seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting unanimously.

Safe Route Utah Maps Member Young offered a motion to approve the Safe Route Utah Maps for Eureka Elementary and Tintic High School as presented. Member Rowley seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting unanimously.

7. Executive Session

Motion to adjourn to Closed Executive Session to review and discuss the character and professional competence of individuals, as provided for in Utah Code § 52-4-205(1)(a) was offered by Member Grimstead, seconded by Member Rowley, with the voting as follows:

Member Rowley Aye Member Boswell Aye Member Despain Aye Member Young Aye Member Grimstead Aye

Motion to return the meeting to a Regular Session was offered by Member Despain, seconded by Member Young, with the voting as follows:

Member Rowley Aye Member Boswell Aye

Member Despain Aye Member Young Aye Member Grimstead Aye

Member Despain asked board members if there were any questions regarding the capital committee meeting. Member Young asked if there was anything the board needed to know. Member Despain stated there is a lot of good feedback from the group and that those community members he has spoken with are exited at the prospect of a new track facility and that there has not been mention of using the inheritance money for teacher bonuses or things of that nature. Member Young asked who is on the capital committee. Member Despain stated Ms. Swalberg, Athletic Director, Superintendent Thornock, some teachers, Principal Kramer, Brian Underwood, Jeremy Snell, Janice Boswell, Helen Wall, and Deric Everitt were in attendance. Member Despain stated the committee is trying to make sure that this project would provide things to help other areas such as the golf and baseball teams with items like restrooms, lights, and a sound system.

8. Adjournment

Member Despain offered a motion to adjourn. Member Young seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Tintic School District Board of Education will be held on March 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Tintic School District Office, 545 E. Main Street, Eureka, Utah 84628.

Minutes submitted by: Jeremy Snell Business Administrator