Vol 33 Number 6 Nov/Dec 2009 PUBLISHED BY: COMMITTEE MEMBERS President: Len Colgan 1 Ailsa Avenue, Warradale, 5046. Ph: 82969426 Secretary: Derek Butcher. 25 Crace Road, Fulham, 5024. Ph: 83567728 Vice president: Adam Bodzioch Treasurer: Bill Treloar Margaret Butcher Maureen Hick Colin Waterman Lainie Stainer Bev Masters Email address: Meetings Venue: Secretary -
[email protected] Maltese Cultural Centre, Web site: http://www.bromeliad.org.au 6 Jeanes Street, Beverley Time: 2.00pm. Second Sunday of each month Exceptions –1st Sunday in May, & August & no meeting in December or unless advised otherwise VISITORS & NEW MEMBERS WELCOME T. aeranthos Pots, Labels & Hangers - Small quantities available all meetings. For special orders/ larger quantities call Ron Masters on 83514876 Dates for 2009 Meeting dates:- Nov 8 th. Special Events:- Nov 7th Sales day Dates for 2010 Meeting dates:-Jan 10th, Feb 14th - AGM, March 14 Special Events:- March Show 27th & 28th. Applications for membership always welcome. Subscriptions $10.00 per year Feb. to Feb. Several reference photos courtesy of “fcbs.org” September meeting from the Secretary’s desk It was a bit of a change to have Adam in the Chair while Len was trying to get home from Melbourne after a somewhat sorrowful visit. He was not in mourning from the Crows loss. Margaret and I were giving the main talk on a visit to northern NSW and these days when we do such visits we are often asked for advice on names, never on culture. I wonder why? As such the meeting was on a querying note, where members had to have their brains in gear.