Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal District of Bray held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bray on Tuesday 1st October 2019 at 7 p.m.

Present: Councillor Joe Behan Councillor Rory O’Connor Councillor Grace McManus Councillor Dermot O’Brien Councillor Anne Ferris Councillor Steven Matthews Councillor Aoife Flynn Kennedy Councillor Melanie Corrigan

Also present: Mr. Thomas Murphy, Director of Services Mr. David Forde, District Administrator Mr. Liam Bourke, District Engineer Ms. Triona Irving, Administrative Officer

Cllr. Grace McManus asked for the Members to remember the late Allison Connolly. The Members held a minutes silence in her memory.

1. Confirmation of Minutes of Ordinary Meeting dated 3rd September 2019

Councillor Anne Ferris proposed the confirmation of the minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd September 2019, Councillor Aoife Flynn Kennedy seconded the proposal.

2. To receive a presentation from RESPOND Approved Housing Body and their Architects in respect of their pre Part 8 Proposals for 2 sites in Bray at Kilbride Lodge and Sutton Villas

Michael Hammond from Respond Approved Housing Body and Damien Foley from MRL Architects addressed the meeting to present the proposed pre Part 8 Proposals for 2 sites in Bray at Kilbride Lodge and Sutton Villas. The Members were informed that the proposal included 18 apartments for Kilbride Lodge and 3 apartments for Sutton Villas. Mr Foley informed the Members that there was a history of issues at the Kilbride Lodge site which included anti social behaviour, dumping and vermin infestation. There was a mixed reaction from the Members to the proposed developments, some welcomed the developments and the fact that they provide much needed social housing units in Bray. They also welcomed the involvement of Respond Approved Housing Body in the project as they felt that they have an impressive track record in similar projects.

The Members raised the following points: The proposed number of units was too excessive for the sites involved.

1 The developments would completely dwarf everything around it. Concern was also raised as to who would maintain the green areas of the development once the project was completed.

The architects confirmed that there would be no CPO of the gardens in Glenthorn to facilitate the proposed development. After listening to the views of the Members Mr Foley from MRL architects said that he is willing to work with the Members to try and resolve the issues and reservations they raised. The Members asked for a hard copy of the presentation to be circulated to them by email.

3. To consider the Housing Report

Kilbride Lane Construction of the 42 No. social housing units at Kilbride Lane in Bray is progressing well. The carpenters have installed the roof to 5 units in the front of the site facing Kilbride Lane and 2 units at Cloverhill. Blocklayers are currently working on bringing the remaining units up to roof level. The two bungalow house types at the end of Cloverhill estate have the first fix of M & E installed and plastering is to start after the windows are installed. The first delivery of windows and doors occurred mid August. The contractor is concentrating their efforts to finish the bungalow units to Cloverhill and the front units first and then work their way back up through the site. The project delay has been reduced down to 4.5 weeks behind the programme. The contractor is currently reducing the programme delay by 1 week per month. They plan to mitigate the delay further by adding additional crews of blocklayers and expect to be back on programme by December. At present, the project is still due to finish at the agreed completion date. Groundworkers are installing manholes and the main storm drain down through the site at present. Through the ER, County Council has been pursuing the contractor to ensure safe egress from the site onto Kilbride Lane along with daily inspection of road conditions to ensure the road remains clear of mud and debris.

Ard na Greine Wicklow County Council submitted a Part 8 Planning Application in respect of a 31 unit housing development at lands north of Ard na Greine for consideration by the Councillors at the July Bray Municipal District meeting. The scheme was approved by the elected members The proposed housing scheme will comprise of 21 no. 2 bed houses (2 storey) and 10 no. 3 bed houses (2 storey).

Kilmantain Place Following the termination of the previous construction contract for the 4 unit housing development, the project has successfully been retendered. It is likely that works will commence on site September/October 2019.

2 Jameson Heights, Kilmacanoge Construction of 20 social houses. The contractor started work on site on 27/05/19. The site has been cleared, harris fencing has been erected around the perimeter of the site and site hoarding is currently being built by a crew of carpenters. The site compound has still to be fully established but welfare facilities are on site. Ground workers have reduced levels for all houses and are currently installing the main line foul and surface water drainage through the site. Roads, attenuation tank and piling will be starting in the coming weeks. Works are currently behind schedule. Updated programme has been requested from Contractor.

The Members raised the following housing related questions with the Housing Director of Services, Mr. Joe Lane.

 Does Wicklow County Council ever offer "partial housing support"? If so how does this policy work? When Wicklow County Council is allocating emergency accommodation it is for the applicants and their children to temporarily solve their accommodation needs pending sourcing of alternative accommodation.

Wicklow County Council does not operate a policy of ‘part time’ accommodation provision. However, sometimes demand exceeds availability and the Council has to manage its resources and facilitate as many homeless families as possible. This is based on demand for provision at the time and on compliance with the terms and conditions of the emergency provision. It has also been the case where applicants are happy to stay with family members part time and avail of emergency accommodation during the week to facilitate schools, appointments etc. Like ‘respite’ where the family is in overcrowded situations and partime provision eases the stresses on the extended family. As such during these periods, each case is assessed on its individual merits.

 Why don't Wicklow partake in the Buy and Renew and Repair and Lease Schemes currently? Are there plans to move to utilize these schemes?

We have advertised the repair and lease scheme widely since it started, and have sent out details following enquiries. We have received 9 applications for the scheme to date, but none of them have progressed. In most cases the work needed exceeded the limit of €40,000. In other cases the properties were not suitable or were not in suitable locations. We are always open to the buy and renew scheme, and have considered a number of properties. Most of these did not qualify in that the cost of the property plus the value of works exceeded the market value.

 Has Wicklow County Council expressed interest in moving toward Choice Based Letting? If so, where along the process are we? Is there an estimated date for a changeover to the scheme?  Provision for Choice based letting is included in Wicklow County Councils scheme of priorities.

3 To date the allocation process has had sufficient demand from the points system and preference for areas as indicated by applicants. Traditionally choice based letting has been viewed where areas were difficult to allocate (though not exclusively).

 Are there current plans to use Council land for social and affordable housing?

This questions needs to be split into social and affordable.

Social In 2015/2016/2017 Housing staff undertook a significant “trawl” of lands in the ownership of the local authority that may be considered suitable for social housing and housing developments.

Lands were included that  Were in the ownership of the local authority  Zoned residential  Were identified in previous schemes  Were identified by municipal staff

At the time (2015) there was an emphasis on infill sites (by the Department) which meant that smaller brownfield sites were being actively considered for social housing by the authority.

Progression of schemes, including viability of potential locations, were discussed at municipal level, where local knowledge formed the priority afforded to schemes 2018-2021. The next phase of housing (Post 2021) will continue to evaluate these lands.

Affordable Housing Nine land holdings were assessed in 2018 under Circular Aph2 This Circular /required local authority to undertake a financial/economic assessment of sites that may be considered suitable for affordable housing sites. This assessment assessed whether the provision of affordable homes is economically viable on the site in question, and that there is a broader housing affordability issue within a LA area. 9 properties were assessed. Affordability is dependent on a number of issues including the provision of infrastructure not being charged to the scheme, and low land costs. Wicklow County Council received a provisional grant of €601,640 under the Serviced Sites Fund. This was based on a grant application of €676,000 (with €74,360 local authority co-funding) at its site in Rathnew. The Serviced Sites Fund is a mechanism to supplement infrastructure expenditure that may otherwise act as a disincentive towards affordable housing. In addition two sites are being considered as part of a mixed tenure site (in the Municipal area).

4  What needs to be put in place to re-establish a County Council Homeless outreach service in Bray ?There are other services providing limited drop in options but it is critical that our staff are at the core of this vital support Wicklow County Council is committed to providing Homeless outreach clinic on a fortnightly basis in Bray MD, the matter is being reviewed currently, A number of criteria include office design/layout, Health and Safety issues, security, privacy etc

 Is there scope or do you see a value in reviewing the Differential Rent Scheme in Bray considering the disparity within the MD in terms of Kilmac and Enniskerry being part of the Wicklow scheme but in the Bray MD? A review would include the insight and analysis of staff as well as Councillors which could be a healthy practice in its own right

Wicklow County Council has two parts to its rent scheme, Part B is the former Bray Town Council and Part A is the rest of the county. After amalgamation this practice was not unique. For a number of years Local authorities have been awaiting a national Differential scheme. The differential rent scheme review will be included for the new Housing SPC. However it should be noted that as there is differences in the schemes (and treatment of incomes) there will be winners and losers if/when the schemes are unified.

 What are the plans to overcome the challenge of not having emergency accommodation available in Bray or even North Wicklow? The impact on families in terms of the trauma of being homeless is often compounded by the fact that they are re-located to areas which represent and extra burden because of the distance from family supports, schools, addiction services, youth services, sports clubs etc. These supports and structures are often vital anchors for people in vulnerable situations as they try to resolve the challenges they are facing

Emergency accommodation is increasingly difficult to source for Homelessness in North Wicklow, due to competing Seasonal demands on the service. Wicklow County Council has some retained bed space in North Wicklow with private service providers. Emergency accommodation is, by its nature, of a temporary nature with an Exit Strategy essential to ensure transitioning from EA.

The Homeless Outreach Officer and the Homeless HAP Placefinder focus on intervention and prevention. The Placefinder works with those who have had to enter EA to ensure this intervention is for as short a period as possible. To date, 131 households (100 families & 31 singles) have been assisted under the Homeless HAP Scheme in Wicklow County Council from the inception on 1st October 2018 to 31st August 2019. 74 of these were Homeless cases and 57 were prevention cases.

For others with more complex needs, presenting as homeless in North Wicklow, standard B&B accommodation cannot be offered in these cases. Supported accommodation is acknowledged as best practice in these cases. Wicklow County Council has continued to develop relationships with the homeless service

5 providers in the region and this collaboration has been critical in dealing with these many and complex issues that have arisen. Wicklow County Council has entered into Service Level Agreements with these Approved Housing Bodies to provide a collaborative approach to supported accommodation (emergency and long term). This successful approach is both structured and practical in transitioning from a shelter-led to a sustainable housing-led response to homelessness.

Approved Category Support Level No. of Housing Body Beds

Dublin Simon Homeless/At risk of Medium Support, long 11 Community Homelessness term

Dublin Simon Homeless/At risk of Low visiting support, 8 Community Homelessness medium term

Dublin Simon Homeless/At risk of Tenancies 5 Community Homelessness

Tiglin Homeless (after Low visiting support, 4 exiting addiction) medium term

Tiglin* Homeless (after Medium support, long 30+ exiting addiction) term

 What are the concrete plans in terms of the Cold Weather Initiative in Bray this year? The location? The opening date? The staff and services allocated to this intervention? There has been a lot of learning from previous years so it would be comforting to know that measures are already being put in place for this year

The 2019/2020 Cold Weather Initiative will comprise a similar service as previous with a 12 bed Night service operating in Bray and a partnership arrangement between Wicklow County Council, Dublin Simon Community and the Five Loaves Homelessness day centre. Simon Community will be the primary service operators providing the CWI service on behalf of Wicklow County Council. The Council is currently in discussions regarding the implementation of the CWI. It is noted that the roll out of the Housing First implementation programme commencing in October in Wicklow, Kildare and Meath, will also target this specific cohort of individuals who access CWI and transition them into permanent supported accommodation.

4. To receive a Report on Roads and Transport

Roads Programme R117 Enniskerry Village: Tender documents for the road reconstruction in this area have been issued following recent completion of upgrade and repairs to storm culverts and Irish Water waste water infrastructure near the monument.

6 L-1011 Glencree Road: Works were completed at the end of May for reconstruction of 1.7km of road west of Cone Wood. L-19597 Glenlucan Court: A new bitumen macadam surface was completed in June. L-19592 Churchlands: A new bitumen macadam surface was competed in June. L-5029 Quill Road: A new bitumen macadam surface was competed in June. R117 Bray Road Enniskerry: Works have commenced on the reprofiling of a 400m section of road. Works will include new drainage, new footpath construction, alterations to the vertical alignment, road surface overlay and a replacement of the safety barrier. Footpath construction and road safety funding will be utilised to supplement the expected costs of these works. Estimated duration of works is 5 weeks. R761 Vevay Road: Surfacing of road between Charnwood and Putland Road is delayed until awaiting Irish Water to complete their works. Subject to 50% funding from Irish water it is expected to carry out works during the School mid term break. R115, Military Road; L1011 Glencree Road; L1013 Waterfall Road: Surface Dressing has been completed. All areas have been swept L-1965 Herbert Road-Ardmore: Reconstruction patchwork and road surfacing between Killarney Lane and Killarney Heights has been completed. Micro Surfacing: Following completion of works on the Glencree Road, surplus funding was used to carry out over 9000 sqm of regulation and micro surfacing, which was completed in July at L-5029 Quill Road, Kilmurray South, R-760 Ballybawn & Killough Lower L-1010 Kilmolin-Parnasillogue

Footpaths / Drainage There is a total allocation of €200,000 for footpath repair and renewal. A programme of footpath works commenced in May and the current status is set out as follows: Broken sections and trip hazards exceeding 12mm. Father Colahan Tce Assessment following Irish Water works. Vevay Cresent complete Sans Souci complete Loretto Grange 80% complete next assessment following Irish Water works. Seacrest 80% complete next assessment following Irish Water works. Putland Road complete Newcourt Road complete Newcourt Avenue complete Raheen Park / Lawn complete Edward Road complete Road complete Cula Road complete

7 Cula Grove complete Sidmonton Road complete Westfield Park complete Convent Avenue planned Loretto Avenue planned Sidmonton Square planned Novara Avenue planned Novara Park planned Novara Tce planned Florence Road To be assessed after tree planting Eglinton Road To be assessed after tree planting Wyndham Park For survey Galtrim Road For survey Gerard Avenue For survey Sidmonton Avenue For survey Meath Road For survey Victoria Avenue For survey Strand Road For survey Brickfield For survey Sidmonton Court For survey Aravon Court For survey Albert Avenue For survey Seapoint Road For survey Seapoint Court. For survey Duncairn Avenue For survey Galtrim Park For survey Seymour Road For survey

Footpath Grinding All above following above works will have footpath grinding carried out on remainder of joints and cracks between 3 and 12mm. Cleaning of all road gullies in south Bray between the Vevay Road and Killarney Road has been completed. Some blocked connections have been identified, which have to be revisited. This was part of a new programme that was started last year in East Bray. Extensive work has also been carried out dealing with defective drainage on the Greystones Road. These drainage works, which are unbudgeted, have amounted to about €90,000 to date. This will necessitate a severe curtailment of road maintenance expenditure for the remainder of the year.

Road Safety Improvements Road Safety Improvement funding, amounting to €55,000 has been allocated for safety works at the Greystones Road Roundabout, Adelaide Road/Florence Road junction and Herbert Road-Glenwwod bend. As the proposed improvements at Adelaide Road/Florence Road are included in the Bray Transport Interchange Scheme, funding was reassigned to supplement safety improvement works at R755 Rocky Valley Road and R117, Bray Road, Enniskerry. Works planned from this funding includes antiskid surfacing at the downhill approach to the Greystones Road roundabout and at Rocky Valley Road-Rocky

8 Valley Drive, which have been completed, speed reaction sign at Herbert Road and a new safety barrier at the R117.

Road Drainage The grant for road drainage works has been increased to €60,000. In addition to installing a drain at Loreto Avenue to service Kingsmill Lane, drainage work on the Waterfall Road at Bahana is also now planned. Works to replace defective culverts in Enniskerry Village centre to facilitate new development is substantially complete. Reinstatement and reconstruction of the road damaged by poor drainage is expected to commence soon.

Roads Capital Works Discussions have commenced with the NTA with the view of funding an Intelligent Traffic System (ITS) for Bray. This will build on the existing SCATTS system, which provides coordination of the traffic signals and which is managed by DCC. Essentially it is a CCTV system which will allow DCC to monitor traffic and make adjustments to the signal operation remotely as required. The NTA are also proposing to review alternative traffic management proposals for Bray by the use of computer modelling. Among the objectives are to improve bus transit times and discourage through traffic in the town.

A Revised Options Assessment for the Putland Road Cycle Scheme has been submitted by the consultants. This deals with the treatment of the contraflow cycle scheme at the Meath Road junction. A preferred option has been chosen and public consultation was carried out in accordance with Section 38 of the Roads Traffic acts.

Consultants appointed to carry out the detailed designed and preparation of the construction tender documents for the new public transport bridge beside Bray Pumping Station have completed the Options Report on the preferred design. It is proposed to commence a Part 8 consultation on the updated bridge design as the planning permission for the golf club lands development, which included the bridge, is due to lapse next year before substantial work on the bridge will have taken place. The council will shortly prepare the documents for the appointment of consultants for designing and preparing CPO and Planning submission for completion of the transport link to the Dart Station.

An amended Bray Transport Interchange Scheme at the Dart Station received approval in March. The scheme will be 100% funded by the NTA. A strategy for progressing the scheme has yet to be determined with CIE but detailed design and preparation of construction tender documents is progressing.

Following the Part 8 approval for The Seafront Pavilion Scheme, a meeting took place with the consultants at which they were briefed on the required amendments. The detailed design and construction tender documents are complete. Issue of tender for appointment of contractor has yet to proceed. Advanced work for the relocation of the electric vehicle charging points is being organised.

9 The R755 road realignment tie-ins to the existing roadway at Calary Upper and Glasnamullen were completed in early May and traffic are now using the new road section. There will still be some drainage, fencing and landscape works to be completed by this Autumn.

A draft options report has been produced by the consultants for the Bray Bridge Improvement Scheme. The main objective of the scheme is to extend the Castle street bus lane to the Main Street by removing existing footpaths and provided new pedestrian bridges on each side of the Fran O’Toole Bridge.

The Members raised the following queries with District Engineer Mr. Liam Bourke

 Flooding issue at Kilgarron Park  Flooding issue at the entrance to Belmont estate on the Southern Cross Road  Enquired about progress on provision of cycle tracks on Killarney road and Southern Cross road  Expressed concerns at the proposed construction of a third lane on the N11, this is not in accordance with what was agreed by Councillor when proposal came before them previously.  Enquired about upgrade works on footpaths outside Sunbeam service buildings  Enquired if there are plans to upgrade the ITS system in Bray. Mr Bourke advised that there is currently one camera at the traffic lights at the Old Connaught junction which monitors traffic flow, discussions are ongoing to provide further cameras in Bray.

5. To receive an update on the Florentine Centre

District Manager Tom Murphy apologised that a progress report had not been forwarded to the Members prior to the meeting.

Mr. Murphy advised that Savills estate agents have been given responsibility for securing anchor tenants, he advised that one anchor tenant has been secured to date. He also advised that they are actively looking for tenants for the other available units, there has been a very positive response regarding this matter.

6. To discuss Policing Plan Committee

Members heard details of future policing plan committees which will be held from December in Bray. Policing Plan Committees will operate on a municipal district area basis in Bray, Arklow, Wicklow, Baltinglass and Greystones. The membership of these committees will consist of the Districts Elected Members, TD’s, members of PPN, Municipal District Administrator and Engineer and the superintendant or his or her nominee. The chair of the District will be the chair of the PPC. The committee will meet quarterly prior to the monthly District meetings. The PPC meetings are working committees and will not be open for the public to attend.

10 A Member expressed concerns that if the public could not attend the meetings it would be detrimental to the communication between District Members and the public and therefore the PPC process might not work to its full potential. A Member said that while he encouraged full transparency, it would be important that Councillors and Gardai could discuss issues confidentially that they may be aware of in the community.

7. Notices of Motions

Notice of Motion in the Name of Councillor Joe Behan (03/09/2019) That this Council erects clear signage at the small roundabout beside St. Mochonóg’s Church clearly indicating the direction to Kilmacanogue N.S. And St. Mochonóg’s Church and that this Council erects clear signage indicating the direction to Enniskerry RC Church at the crossroads on Kilgarron Hill

Response: It is a matter for school bodies and churches to provide their own direction signs by licence. The district has no specific budget for signs and the road maintenance budgets are already over committed for the remainder of the year.

Notice of Motion in the Name of Councillor Joe Behan (03/09/2019) That this Council takes immediate action to improve road safety on the main road to Rocky Valley at Glencormac in the vicinity of Fragrances of .

Response: The width and alignment of the local road L1019 at Glencormick is deficient and carries significant traffic volumes. Nevertheless, it has no recorded accidents between the N11 and Kilcroney since the beginning of the current records in 2008.

Notice of Motion in the Name of Councillor Joe Behan (03/09/2019) That this Council immediately improves the public lighting and pedestrian footpath provision on Kilgarron Hill, Enniskerry.

Response: Public lighting is managed by the Transport and Roads Department and the footpath budget in the Municipal District of Bray is principally limited to repairs and is inadequate for major upgrades. However, contributions have been sought from proposed developments at Kilgarron Hill for upgrades of public lighting and footpaths on the route from the town centre.

Notice of Motion in the Name of Councillor Joe Behan (03/09/2019) That this Council condemns the current refusal by Irish Insurance Companies to provide insurance cover to leisure activity providers in and beyond.

Response: This is a matter for the members to decide. It was agreed to write letters to the Minister for Finance and Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation in regards to the current refusal by Irish insurance companies to provide insurance cover to leisure activity providers in County Wicklow and beyond.


Notice of Motion in the Name of Councillor Joe Behan (03/09/2019) That this Council liaises with Wicklow County Council and Airtricity to repair or replace the defective public light in the laneway to Bray Head from Raheen Park

Response: The Municipal District of Bray are liaising with the Transport and Roads Section in an effort to find a resolution to the issue of maintaining this particular light.

8. Reports and Recommendations.

Town Centre Health Check For the past couple of months Future Analytics have been progressing the Town Centre Health Check for Bray. A final report will be produced in October and we would be hopeful that a presentation be made to the Members at the November meeting. As part of this process there were 2 public meetings held in September. At the wider public consultation meeting over 100 people attended. There has also been an online survey available to the public to complete. In excess of 560 have completed this and commented on items such as

 Main Positive things in Bray  Main issues in Bray  Opportunities in Bray  Experienced safety in Bray  The greatest need for Bray in the next 5 years

Cllr. Dermot O’Brien offered to consult with young people in order for them to contribute to the town centre health check. The Cathaoirleach said that there may have been contributions from young people at the public event and online but thanked Cllr. O’Brien and asked him to bring any information/suggestions from the process to the next meeting in order for it to be submitted in the Town team report.

9. Any Other Business

The Members asked for an update on the sports audit. District Administrator David Forde advised that a draft report is almost complete.

It was pointed out by a Member that Bray Municipal District Members are sitting on various committees and working groups, it was suggested that it would be very beneficial to the other Bray Municipal Members if they were regularly updated to the workings of these committees.

The Members asked for training/workshops on the Local Authority budgetary process so that they could get a better understanding of the process. They were advised by the District Manager that the Wicklow County Council, Head of Finance would be in contact with them in the near future regarding this matter

12 The Members raised the issue of bonfires and how dangerous they can be. They asked that business owners do not hand over pallets and materials for the bonfires. Also they asked that households do not use the bonfires as a way of getting rid of unwanted household waste and furniture.

Cllr O’Connor asked for an update on a notice of motion he raised at the September meeting. The notice of motion being. That this council proposes a feasibility study of turning Natural Heritage Area Site No 724 into a community asset. District Engineer Liam Bourke advised he would deal with this matter and revert back to Cllr. O’Connor with a response.

The Members asked what preparations were in place to deal with expected severe storm that was forecast (storm Lorenzo). The Members were advised that Wicklow County Council were working in conjunction with the National Emergency group to put procedures in place to deal with the storm.

The Members enquired about the provision of a shelter at the seafront for the Sea Swimmers. They felt that it would need to be designed in a way that it would contribute to the seafront and not encourage anti social behaviour.

This concluded the meeting.

Signed: ______



Dated: ______