Arkansas State Police Response to Request for Proposal Arkansas State Police Advertising and Marketing Services
Arkansas State Police Response to Request for Proposal Arkansas State Police Advertising and Marketing Services SP-19-0041 Proposal Opening Date: February 15, 2019 2:00 p.m. Central Time CJRW CJRW NW 300 Main Street 326 SW A Street, Suite 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 Bentonville, AR 72712 1 501.975.6251 479.461.7696 Technical Proposal Required Documents Click It or Ticket E.1 Qualifications and Experience Buckle Up In Your Truck E.1. A Describe your firm’s experience and capabilities in traffic safety advertising development, multi-channel marketing, creative concepting, advertising, and public relations in the past five (5) years. 1. Include experience with traffic safety best practices and High Visibility Enforcement mobilizations. 2. Include which services and roles are covered in-house and which are covered by subcontractors. Describe your firm’s experience and capabilities in traffic safety advertising development, multi-channel marketing, creative concepting, advertising, and E.1 A public relations in the past five (5) years. As the agency of record for the Arkansas State Police Highway Safety Office (ASP-HSO) for 14 years, CJRW has an unmatched and proven record of success in traffic safety advertising. During this time, CJRW has developed numerous traffic safety campaigns including these specific campaigns produced within the past five years: Occupant Protection (Click It or Ticket), Impaired Driving (Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over), Distracted Driving, Toward Zero Deaths, Work Zone Safety, and Motorcycle Safety Awareness. All of these campaigns included advertising development, multi-channel marketing, creative concepting, advertising, and public relations components. Over the past 14 years, CJRW has also worked on a number of additional campaigns, most notably: • Click It or Ticket Enforcement Campaign (Memorial Day and Thanksgiving) • Drunk Driving, Over the Limit, Under Arrest Enforcement Campaign (4th of July, Labor Day and December Holiday/New Year’s) • Teen Underage Drinking (Prom) Enforcement Campaign – Zero Tolerance.
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